Thursday, May 31, 2018

Youtube daily report w Jun 1 2018

Hi everyone welcome to the Friday Wrap where once again we show you the best wrapped

cars in Australia.

Well we have the beautiful mercedes-benz GT R in the matte

green in again here from @GreenHellDownUnder check out their Instagram page to

check that car out in full! We added some more scales on the rear and the sides to

complement what we've already done on the bonnet there so awesome little car

there, we love it and I know the owners very happy with it as well so check out

their Instagram page to see it in full.

we've been working on two Jeep Wranglers this week for City Jeep. We've done one

in a hot pink in a matte hot pink really out there colour you can't miss that one.

So the complete opposite for the 4-door one we had the hot pink for the two-door

and we've done really masculine out there black and white camouflage wrap

for the 4-door one. Really tricky car to work on funnily enough, lots of

little bits and pieces on the old Jeeps but they've pulled it all apart wrapped

it all properly. So pretty cool out there Jeep be sure to go and check that out at

City Jeep.

Well I'm standing in front of the BMW

m4 competition pack beautiful car in the factory satin or matte black and what

we've done there to protect that matte paint which is quite difficult to

maintain we've actually wrapped the whole front area there in a matte

XPEL paint protection film. So the XPEL paint protection films

also available in matte great way to protect matte cars and other matte areas

on cars. Makes it super easy to maintain, no problems with paint chips and swirls

and other abrasions and things like that so really great peace of mind there for

the owner now it's fully covered in matte stealth XPEL paint protection

film. We've also been working through the techno group fleet which has a great

little fleet of Mazdas we've wrapped all of those in bright green and blue vinyl

graphics with their branding great way to reflect your brand

our design team worked with that their team their designing the graphics there

on the car and they've got this great uniform fleet now driving around really

great way to #ReflectYourBrand.

Thanks for tuning into Friday Wrap I'm Damian

let us know how we're going in the comments tell us what your favorite car

is in the comments there and don't forget to tune in next week where we

once again show you the best wrapped cars in Australia.

For more infomation >> The Friday Wrap! BMW M4 + AMG GT R + Jeep Wranglers! - Duration: 2:37.


Warface: Как Стрелять через Всю Карту. SCAR‐L PDW - Duration: 15:47.

For more infomation >> Warface: Как Стрелять через Всю Карту. SCAR‐L PDW - Duration: 15:47.


How to Start Straight Razor Shaving, Straight Razor Shave Required Equipment - Duration: 4:36.

Welcome to your Straight Razor Edge Friday Special! Hey Eric here with

Adventures In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see My One Word is

#Heart and I put my heart into everything I did

we're helping 10,000 straight razor shavers so if you're interested in

learning how to straight razor shave go ahead and hit that Subscribe button then

click on the Bell next to it to be notified when I upload videos so that

way you won't miss a thing I do Shave Of The Day videos every Wednesday and

Sunday so stop on by and check them out in tonight's Straight Razor Edge Friday

Special: Straight Razor Shave Required Equipment this is gonna be all the

Things You Need to start straight razor shaving all right let's do this

number one you need a Septic pencil just in case you get a cut number two

you need a towel to clean off your razor while you're shaving number three you

need a brush this is out of the Van der Hagen Shave Set

you also could get in Omega 10098 you could get the Semogue Owners Club both of

these are boar brushes and the other thing you could do is get a synthetic

brush number four you need a good shave so this is from the Van der Hagen Premium

Shave Set and it is a good performer you could also go with Proraso they make it

in several flavors this happens to be Eucalyptus and Menthol number five

you may need a shave bowl to put your shave soap in number six you can pick up

an inexpensive three inch strop and the reason you want the three inch drop is

that's how big your razor is in that way you don't have to monkey around with

X-Strokes and things like that you could also pick up this Royal Shave

strop made by 30° and it's an long one got paddle handles in on the

backside you've also got fabric number seven you'll need a straight razor this

is a Gold Dollar 66 and it is full hollow this is a ZY 430

it is shoulderless and it is also full hollow this is a Finedge Ostiso and

this is a vintage razor that you could pick up and it is extra hollow this is a

Parker vintage razor and it is quarter hollow with all these razors I just

showed you you will need to find somebody to hone them to Shave Ready

number eight you'll need Alum which is astringent and antiseptic number nine I

would use Witch Hazel as part of the aftershave routine number ten pick up

your favorite Aftershave and/or Cologne number eleven and Aftershave Balm will help

repair the skin number twelve I used Razor Wax because I live in a

high humidity environment or you could use Mineral Oil and I have a friend that

uses Silicone bonus you could use some kind of Pre-Shave Cream or use the bloom

water from your soap and as a Pre-Shave I do

Straight Razor Edge Friday Specials on the first and third Friday of every

month so stop on by and check them out you click on this card to see my How To

Start Straight Razor Shaving Playlist and I get my ideas for these Straight

Razor Edge Friday Specials from you so go ahead and in the comments put a

question put a comment give me a suggestion or even an idea for a

Straight Razor Edge Friday Special and we'll do it click right over here to see

my latest video click down here on the video especially picked out

for you click over here on me Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share this video with

friends have a Great Shave and a Good Day and I will see you next time on

Adventures In Wet Shaving!

For more infomation >> How to Start Straight Razor Shaving, Straight Razor Shave Required Equipment - Duration: 4:36.


宮心計2:太平公主註定鬥不過王蓁,從這兩件事就可以看出來 - Duration: 2:29.

《宮心計2:深宮計》正在火熱更新中,劇中深宮中的女人各自為了 存,費盡了心思。特別是太平公主與王蓁的對手戲更是精彩,讓廣大 友們看的直呼過癮。最新劇情中,太平公主與王蓁的關係已進入白熱 ,兩人針鋒相對,互不認輸,出的招招招致命

太平公主老謀深算、野心昭昭,做什麼事都不擇手段,但她在與王蓁 招時,卻幾乎每次都是以失敗告終。為什麼呢?因為王蓁表面上看似 柔善良,實則暗藏鋒芒,她城府極深,而且心思縝密,是一個超級會 陰招的人

所以太平公主跟王蓁斗,早已註定鬥不過她,從這兩件事就可以看出 。 第一件,王蓁救元鑰。王蓁想救元鑰,但她又不能強出頭,更 想與太平公主正面交鋒。於是,她便生出一計,她故意和甘若芊說她 無能為力,只能煮點好吃的讓甘若芊帶去讓元鑰吃好,之後的事就只 看元鑰自己的造化了

沒想到她在食物裡面加了漆樹粉,用意就是給元鑰吃了好全身長紅癍 以假亂真,讓太平公主誤以為元鑰傳染惡疾,把她趕走。 這樣, 不僅不用欠太平公主的人情,更是讓太平公主還以為自己占了上風

聰明如王蓁,太平公主果然中計,她洋洋得意的把元鑰交給了王蓁, 中居然還挑釁的跟王蓁說,怕她不敢收。就這樣,她輕輕鬆鬆的就讓 鑰脫離了太平公主這個虎口。當然,這中間也少不了元鑰本身的智慧 她與王蓁真是旗鼓相當啊

第二件,讓太平公主掌摑她的臉。王蓁與太平公主在後宮花園相 ,王蓁以為之前她回鄉下老家時遇刺一事是太平公主所為,她一直懷 在心,卻不敢明說。所以與太平公主相遇時兩人惡語相向

正說到高潮時,王蓁看到不遠處成內侍帶著一群人往這邊走來,王蓁 故意挑釁太平公主,說她光明正大殘害至親,更揚言公主這一生都註 孤獨終老。太平公主聽到這些話,氣憤難當,她揚起手就掌摑了王蓁 巴掌

小編一看到這,難免為太平公主憂心,她還是又中計了。王蓁的陰謀 外乎就是讓太平公主在眾目睽睽之下摑她,好讓成內侍看到,說太平 主欺負她,把這件事再傳到皇帝耳中。這樣使得大家都反感太平公主 囂張氣焰,從而排斥並憎恨她

從這兩件事可以就可以看出王蓁的城府有多深,是一個多麼有心 的女人,而太平公主其實只是表面上看起來陰險毒辣,所以她註定鬥 過王蓁。

For more infomation >> 宮心計2:太平公主註定鬥不過王蓁,從這兩件事就可以看出來 - Duration: 2:29.


BREAKING News Out Of Virginia! THEY FINALLY BUSTED HIM!!! LOOK WHAT HE DID! - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of Virginia! THEY FINALLY BUSTED HIM!!! LOOK WHAT HE DID! - Duration: 6:07.


Falando em Rafale e Mirage F1… - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Falando em Rafale e Mirage F1… - Duration: 2:13.


Ramzan Mubarak Status | Ramzan Dua WhatsApp Status Video - Duration: 0:33.

Islamic Whatsapp Status

For more infomation >> Ramzan Mubarak Status | Ramzan Dua WhatsApp Status Video - Duration: 0:33.


Huracán María dejó 4.645 víctimas en Puerto Rico | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Huracán María dejó 4.645 víctimas en Puerto Rico | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:16.


Come trattare l'artrite reumatoide - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> Come trattare l'artrite reumatoide - Duration: 9:13.


Merge / group contact cards on iPhone or iPad (English subtitles) - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Merge / group contact cards on iPhone or iPad (English subtitles) - Duration: 1:06.


Inundación relámpago destrozó a Ellicott en Maryland | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Inundación relámpago destrozó a Ellicott en Maryland | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:28.


Dejó a su hija tras estrellar su auto contra una escuela | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Dejó a su hija tras estrellar su auto contra una escuela | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:42.


Equilibrista ruso cruzó un río sobre un puente elevadizo | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Equilibrista ruso cruzó un río sobre un puente elevadizo | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:50.


Rescate de dos hombres de un auto sumergido en un canal | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Rescate de dos hombres de un auto sumergido en un canal | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.



Speak people here is the Nutella Speaking

I'm here at the beginning of the video to speak

To warn that the video will be with a background music

Because I did not want to talk at the time so I would not get confused.

and because the guy is from GTOP then sums up that he is good

I ... yeah, you have to concentrate to make a cool video.

and taking advantage of what I said about GTOP

The guy is Mac, an AWP Member of GTOP

♪ Music ♪

For more infomation >> X1 COM MEMBRO GTOP - FORWARD ASSAULT - Duration: 2:16.


Gatos exóticos: algunas razas curiosas - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Gatos exóticos: algunas razas curiosas - Duration: 5:24.


Teresa Rodríguez acusa a Echenique de fabricar un documento "falso" para atacarla a ella y a Kichi - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Teresa Rodríguez acusa a Echenique de fabricar un documento "falso" para atacarla a ella y a Kichi - Duration: 5:36.


Iglesias pide a Sánchez "no ser el menos malo" y hacer un gobierno "fuerte" con Podemos - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> Iglesias pide a Sánchez "no ser el menos malo" y hacer un gobierno "fuerte" con Podemos - Duration: 9:06.


Michelle Wolf Back With An - Duration: 14:14.

Michelle Wolf Back With An Even Nastier Attack On Sanders Than Before

And that wannabe comedian is at it again.

On her new show, "The Break with Michelle Wolf" on Netflix which is a cheap knock-off

of "The Daily Show," Michelle Wolf once again took another swipe at the White House

Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

As previously reported, During this year's White House Correspondents Dinner Wolf came

under heavy fire for taking a jab at Sanders looks that many believed as less a joke and

more a shot at the press secretary's looks.

But on last night's premiere episode, despite previously telling Entertainment Weekly that

her new show wouldn't rehash the events of the big event, she couldn't contain herself

but address Sanders' during a monologue about the recent appointment of CIA director

Gina Haspel.

Wolf said, "After Gina was nominated, my best friend Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted,

'Any Democrat who claims to support women's empowerment and our national security but

opposes her nomination is a total hypocrite,'" Wolf said.

"Well if anyone's an expert of hypocrites, it's Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

And for the record, that was not a looks-based joke.

That was about her ugly personality.

She has the Mario Batali of personalities."

Wolf was apparently replying to this tweet from Sanders: For those of you who aren't

aware of the Batali saga.

He built a restaurant empire and was forced to resign as CEO after he was accused of sexual

misconduct allegations by multiple women.

The restaurant empire is now said to be crumbling.

Here is more on Batali via ABC News:

Mario Batali's three restaurants on the Las Vegas Strip will shut down amid investigations

into sexual assault allegations against the celebrity chef, his company announced Friday.

B&B Ristorante, Otto Enotea e Pizzeria and Carnevino Italian Steakhouse, all located

on a luxury complex that includes swanky casino resorts on the Las Vegas Strip, will permanently

close July 27.

Batali & Bastianich (B&B) Hospitality Group, which Batali helped found, announced the closures

in a letter to employees Friday morning.

"These restaurants have continued to succeed, and they are a tribute to every one of you

who works in them and brings great dining experiences to our guests," B&B Hospitality

Group partner Joe Bastianich said in the letter, obtained by ABC affiliate KTNV.

"Unfortunately, our partner in these restaurants, Las Vegas Sands Corp., has decided to end

our relationship."

Bastianich said he will visit the three restaurants to speak with employees.

"You are all dedicated professionals who deliver night in and night out for our guests,

you are part of our family, and we will all feel your loss," he said in the letter.

"It is because of the amazing dining experiences you bring our guests that I am committed to

continuing our presence in Las Vegas.

I am beginning to explore options, but it will take some time to execute them.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to do that in the next 60 days."

Las Vegas Sands Corp., which owns two casino resorts, The Venetian and The Palazzo, on

the complex, but does not run the restaurants, said "there are no other plans for the space."

"We would like to thank the team members of B&B Restaurant Group for their dedication

and many contributions to The Venetian and The Palazzo.

We appreciate the hard work and energy of director of operations Zach Allen, Chef/Culinary

Director Nicole Brisson and the rest of this team.

At this time, there are no other plans for the space," the casino and resort company

said in a statement obtained by KTNV.

Batali is under criminal investigation by the New York City Police Department for two

separate instances of sexual assault allegations, one of which was reported on "60 Minutes"

last weekend.

The unidentified woman featured in a "60 Minutes" segment last Sunday claims the

57-year-old chef and former TV star drugged and assaulted her after drinking wine together

at a popular Manhattan restaurant in 2005.

B&B Hospitality Group told "60 Minutes" that it finds the allegations "deeply disturbing"

and that "our partnership with Mr. Batali is ending.

We have been actively negotiating with Mr. Batali to buy his interests in the restaurants."

Chef Mario Batali attends an awards event in New York, April 19, 2017.

The other allegation was brought to the New York City Police Department late last year,

police sources told ABC News.

A woman alleges she lost consciousness at a New York City restaurant in 2004 and found

Batali on top of her when she awoke.

Batali responded to the allegations in a statement to ABC News on May 21: "I vehemently deny

any allegations of sexual assault.

My past behavior has been deeply inappropriate and I am sincerely remorseful for my actions.

I am not attempting a professional comeback.

My only focus is finding a personal path forward where I can continue in my charitable endeavors

– helping the underprivileged and those in need."

Not really sure what an alleged sexual predator has to do with Sarah Huckabee Sanders, but


It must make sense up there in the twisted little brain Wolf possesses.

Of course, our Press Secretary is way too classy to even reply or acknowledge this unfunny

wannabe who will never win any beauty titles herself.

But what's even more important here is what is going on with Netflix lately?

I am not for calling for boycotts of anything, but for some reason, it's just starting

to seem like Netflix is begging for it at this point in time.

First, they give this woman her own show and then they sign the Obama's to produce content

for them?

What do a failed Community Organizer/President and a second-rate first lady know about producing


Let's be honest, it's just one more way to further the agenda and Netflix has chosen

to be their vessel.

For more infomation >> Michelle Wolf Back With An - Duration: 14:14.


La mujer de Bárcenas ya está fuera de prisión después de que su hijo reuniera los 200.000 euros - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> La mujer de Bárcenas ya está fuera de prisión después de que su hijo reuniera los 200.000 euros - Duration: 4:42.


Pingüinos de dos metros ¿es posible? - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> Pingüinos de dos metros ¿es posible? - Duration: 6:30.


Walter's Mails: Metzger und Reinberg unter einem Dach - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Walter's Mails: Metzger und Reinberg unter einem Dach - Duration: 1:25.


Delizioso frullato a base di banana e curcuma per depurare il fegato - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> Delizioso frullato a base di banana e curcuma per depurare il fegato - Duration: 7:23.


Carros e equipamentos de som são apreendidos e motoristas pagam altas multas - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Carros e equipamentos de som são apreendidos e motoristas pagam altas multas - Duration: 3:49.


Demba Ba, Çin'e dönüyor. Golcü oyuncu Demba Ba, Fenerbahçe'nin eski teknik direktörü Vitor Pereira'n - Duration: 1:41.

Demba Ba, Shanghai SIPG ile 3 yıllık anlaşma sağladı! AVRUPADAN FUTBOL HABERLERİ  | 31

05.2018 18:04 | 9 saat önce Demba Ba, Çin'e dönüyor. Golcü oyuncu Demba Ba, Fenerbahçe'nin eski teknik direktörü Vitor Pereira'nın çalıştırdığı Shanghai SIPG takımıyla 3 yıllık sözleşme imzalayacak

Geçen sezonun ikinci yarısında Göztepe forması giyen Demba Ba, Çin'e dönüyor. 33 yaşındaki futbolcu, Çin Süper Ligi takımlarından Shanghai SIPG ile 3 yıllığına anlaşmaya vardı

Ba yapacağı sözleşme karşılığında yıllık 8 milyon Euro ücret alacak. Yeni sezon öncesi Beşiktaş'ın da gündemine gelen Demba Ba, siyah beyazlı kulüple anlaşma sağlayamadı

Çin ekibini Fenerbahçe'nin eski teknik direktörlerinden Vitor Pereira yapıyor. (NTV) PARTNERSahibinin karnı büyüdükçe evin köpeğine bir şeyler oldu sonra da

Hagi: Sivasspor'la anlaşmadım! Xavi El Sadd ile sözleşmesini 2 yıl daha uzattı

For more infomation >> Demba Ba, Çin'e dönüyor. Golcü oyuncu Demba Ba, Fenerbahçe'nin eski teknik direktörü Vitor Pereira'n - Duration: 1:41.


More blog posts from Joy Reid unearthed - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> More blog posts from Joy Reid unearthed - Duration: 1:10.


The Friday Wrap! BMW M4 + AMG GT R + Jeep Wranglers! - Duration: 2:37.

Hi everyone welcome to the Friday Wrap where once again we show you the best wrapped

cars in Australia.

Well we have the beautiful mercedes-benz GT R in the matte

green in again here from @GreenHellDownUnder check out their Instagram page to

check that car out in full! We added some more scales on the rear and the sides to

complement what we've already done on the bonnet there so awesome little car

there, we love it and I know the owners very happy with it as well so check out

their Instagram page to see it in full.

we've been working on two Jeep Wranglers this week for City Jeep. We've done one

in a hot pink in a matte hot pink really out there colour you can't miss that one.

So the complete opposite for the 4-door one we had the hot pink for the two-door

and we've done really masculine out there black and white camouflage wrap

for the 4-door one. Really tricky car to work on funnily enough, lots of

little bits and pieces on the old Jeeps but they've pulled it all apart wrapped

it all properly. So pretty cool out there Jeep be sure to go and check that out at

City Jeep.

Well I'm standing in front of the BMW

m4 competition pack beautiful car in the factory satin or matte black and what

we've done there to protect that matte paint which is quite difficult to

maintain we've actually wrapped the whole front area there in a matte

XPEL paint protection film. So the XPEL paint protection films

also available in matte great way to protect matte cars and other matte areas

on cars. Makes it super easy to maintain, no problems with paint chips and swirls

and other abrasions and things like that so really great peace of mind there for

the owner now it's fully covered in matte stealth XPEL paint protection

film. We've also been working through the techno group fleet which has a great

little fleet of Mazdas we've wrapped all of those in bright green and blue vinyl

graphics with their branding great way to reflect your brand

our design team worked with that their team their designing the graphics there

on the car and they've got this great uniform fleet now driving around really

great way to #ReflectYourBrand.

Thanks for tuning into Friday Wrap I'm Damian

let us know how we're going in the comments tell us what your favorite car

is in the comments there and don't forget to tune in next week where we

once again show you the best wrapped cars in Australia.

For more infomation >> The Friday Wrap! BMW M4 + AMG GT R + Jeep Wranglers! - Duration: 2:37.


How to Start Straight Razor Shaving, Straight Razor Shave Required Equipment - Duration: 4:36.

Welcome to your Straight Razor Edge Friday Special! Hey Eric here with

Adventures In Wet Shaving and welcome back it's good to see My One Word is

#Heart and I put my heart into everything I did

we're helping 10,000 straight razor shavers so if you're interested in

learning how to straight razor shave go ahead and hit that Subscribe button then

click on the Bell next to it to be notified when I upload videos so that

way you won't miss a thing I do Shave Of The Day videos every Wednesday and

Sunday so stop on by and check them out in tonight's Straight Razor Edge Friday

Special: Straight Razor Shave Required Equipment this is gonna be all the

Things You Need to start straight razor shaving all right let's do this

number one you need a Septic pencil just in case you get a cut number two

you need a towel to clean off your razor while you're shaving number three you

need a brush this is out of the Van der Hagen Shave Set

you also could get in Omega 10098 you could get the Semogue Owners Club both of

these are boar brushes and the other thing you could do is get a synthetic

brush number four you need a good shave so this is from the Van der Hagen Premium

Shave Set and it is a good performer you could also go with Proraso they make it

in several flavors this happens to be Eucalyptus and Menthol number five

you may need a shave bowl to put your shave soap in number six you can pick up

an inexpensive three inch strop and the reason you want the three inch drop is

that's how big your razor is in that way you don't have to monkey around with

X-Strokes and things like that you could also pick up this Royal Shave

strop made by 30° and it's an long one got paddle handles in on the

backside you've also got fabric number seven you'll need a straight razor this

is a Gold Dollar 66 and it is full hollow this is a ZY 430

it is shoulderless and it is also full hollow this is a Finedge Ostiso and

this is a vintage razor that you could pick up and it is extra hollow this is a

Parker vintage razor and it is quarter hollow with all these razors I just

showed you you will need to find somebody to hone them to Shave Ready

number eight you'll need Alum which is astringent and antiseptic number nine I

would use Witch Hazel as part of the aftershave routine number ten pick up

your favorite Aftershave and/or Cologne number eleven and Aftershave Balm will help

repair the skin number twelve I used Razor Wax because I live in a

high humidity environment or you could use Mineral Oil and I have a friend that

uses Silicone bonus you could use some kind of Pre-Shave Cream or use the bloom

water from your soap and as a Pre-Shave I do

Straight Razor Edge Friday Specials on the first and third Friday of every

month so stop on by and check them out you click on this card to see my How To

Start Straight Razor Shaving Playlist and I get my ideas for these Straight

Razor Edge Friday Specials from you so go ahead and in the comments put a

question put a comment give me a suggestion or even an idea for a

Straight Razor Edge Friday Special and we'll do it click right over here to see

my latest video click down here on the video especially picked out

for you click over here on me Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share this video with

friends have a Great Shave and a Good Day and I will see you next time on

Adventures In Wet Shaving!

For more infomation >> How to Start Straight Razor Shaving, Straight Razor Shave Required Equipment - Duration: 4:36.


BREAKING News Out Of Virginia! THEY FINALLY BUSTED HIM!!! LOOK WHAT HE DID! - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of Virginia! THEY FINALLY BUSTED HIM!!! LOOK WHAT HE DID! - Duration: 6:07.


宮心計2:太平公主註定鬥不過王蓁,從這兩件事就可以看出來 - Duration: 2:29.

《宮心計2:深宮計》正在火熱更新中,劇中深宮中的女人各自為了 存,費盡了心思。特別是太平公主與王蓁的對手戲更是精彩,讓廣大 友們看的直呼過癮。最新劇情中,太平公主與王蓁的關係已進入白熱 ,兩人針鋒相對,互不認輸,出的招招招致命

太平公主老謀深算、野心昭昭,做什麼事都不擇手段,但她在與王蓁 招時,卻幾乎每次都是以失敗告終。為什麼呢?因為王蓁表面上看似 柔善良,實則暗藏鋒芒,她城府極深,而且心思縝密,是一個超級會 陰招的人

所以太平公主跟王蓁斗,早已註定鬥不過她,從這兩件事就可以看出 。 第一件,王蓁救元鑰。王蓁想救元鑰,但她又不能強出頭,更 想與太平公主正面交鋒。於是,她便生出一計,她故意和甘若芊說她 無能為力,只能煮點好吃的讓甘若芊帶去讓元鑰吃好,之後的事就只 看元鑰自己的造化了

沒想到她在食物裡面加了漆樹粉,用意就是給元鑰吃了好全身長紅癍 以假亂真,讓太平公主誤以為元鑰傳染惡疾,把她趕走。 這樣, 不僅不用欠太平公主的人情,更是讓太平公主還以為自己占了上風

聰明如王蓁,太平公主果然中計,她洋洋得意的把元鑰交給了王蓁, 中居然還挑釁的跟王蓁說,怕她不敢收。就這樣,她輕輕鬆鬆的就讓 鑰脫離了太平公主這個虎口。當然,這中間也少不了元鑰本身的智慧 她與王蓁真是旗鼓相當啊

第二件,讓太平公主掌摑她的臉。王蓁與太平公主在後宮花園相 ,王蓁以為之前她回鄉下老家時遇刺一事是太平公主所為,她一直懷 在心,卻不敢明說。所以與太平公主相遇時兩人惡語相向

正說到高潮時,王蓁看到不遠處成內侍帶著一群人往這邊走來,王蓁 故意挑釁太平公主,說她光明正大殘害至親,更揚言公主這一生都註 孤獨終老。太平公主聽到這些話,氣憤難當,她揚起手就掌摑了王蓁 巴掌

小編一看到這,難免為太平公主憂心,她還是又中計了。王蓁的陰謀 外乎就是讓太平公主在眾目睽睽之下摑她,好讓成內侍看到,說太平 主欺負她,把這件事再傳到皇帝耳中。這樣使得大家都反感太平公主 囂張氣焰,從而排斥並憎恨她

從這兩件事可以就可以看出王蓁的城府有多深,是一個多麼有心 的女人,而太平公主其實只是表面上看起來陰險毒辣,所以她註定鬥 過王蓁。

For more infomation >> 宮心計2:太平公主註定鬥不過王蓁,從這兩件事就可以看出來 - Duration: 2:29.


Warface: Как Стрелять через Всю Карту. SCAR‐L PDW - Duration: 15:47.

For more infomation >> Warface: Как Стрелять через Всю Карту. SCAR‐L PDW - Duration: 15:47.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Inside Carbonaro: Don't Freeze Me - Duration: 24:04.

For more infomation >> Inside Carbonaro: Don't Freeze Me - Duration: 24:04.


Kevin Hart is Killing It - Duration: 4:52.


Hello, hello, hello.


Oh, stop.






It's amazing, man.

It's amazing.

Let's go.


That's good, man.

Yeah, I know-- it's pretty good.

Please. - Thank you.


Thank you, guys.


So dope.

It's nice, but you're scaring Kevin, OK?

Oh my god, there are people getting woozy in the front row.

No, that's amazing, man.

Honestly, there literally is no me without the support

that I get from you guys.

So that means the world to me.

That's right.

So much-- thank you, man.

How are you?

I'm doing well.

And I want to thank you for coming because I know

you're in the middle of not just a tour but a world tour

right now. - Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

I'm so interested in how many countries

besides the United States are you visiting on this tour?

- Every one. - Every one?

Name one-- yes.

Name one.

You're in every sport on the globe.

If people can laugh, I'm going.

That's my rule.

Dude, I'm just so focused on reaching

new levels of personal success.

I think laughter is the one thing that we all share.

I've been saying it for so long.

Regardless of where you are, who you are-- we all laugh.

What if you don't speak English?

What if the people don't speak English?

How do you handle that?

What I found out what happens is

I go to these other countries.

And the people that do speak English come,

but the people that don't speak English know what's going on.

And they know me, and they look at the other people.

And while they laugh, they just laugh and look at me.

And I'm like, it must be good.

It must be good.

That's when you know you're funny--

when the people don't even know what you're saying

and they're laughing.

But it's weird because you can get the eye contact.

I've literally made eye contact with a man that had no idea

what I was talking about.

I was a Singapore, and I'm telling a joke.

And he was like--


I was like, yo, he going to throw me off

because when I say the punch line,

I gave like the hardest delivery of the punch line.

The crowd was like, ha.

And he looked at the other person.

He's like--


I was like, all right.

All right, buddy.

If you like it, I love it.

If you like it, I love it.

Yeah, because musicians will come through,

and oftentimes they're amazed that people

in countries like Singapore know the lyrics to their song.

But to be a comedian and have that--

It's unheard of.

It really is unheard of.

I'm going to tell you what shocked me.

And this is literally what blows me away.

When you look at these entertainers that tour, OK?

You look at Beyonce, who sits at the top.

You look at Bruno Mars.

You look at Taylor Swift, Timberlake, the Rolling Stones.

And then it's weird in that list you see "Kevin Hart,"

and the tours are like the biggest tours--

like the top five biggest tours ever.

Right now, I'm at a million--


Thank you.

I am currently at 1 million tickets sold,

and I still have five months of touring left to do.

JIMMY KIMMEL: A million?

Yes, a million tickets.

It's insane.

It's insane.

But that's why I-- - You should have nicer clothes.

Wait, what? This is--


He's a guy that sold a million tickets,

and there's holes all over his jacket.

Moths are in your closet.

Well, now that you say it, I should have thought about it.

Listen, the real reality behind it

though is people wonder why I work so hard.

People wonder why I go so hard-- - I wonder-- yeah.

--with the production and everything

that goes into my shows.

Well, when you start to look at these numbers,

I say you know what?

People are coming out in high volume.

It's my job to provide laughter at the highest level.

So my production is the production

of a rock and roll concert.

That's where the term "comedic rockstar" came from.

You're putting the money back into the show

is what your saying.

If I told you the money I spent a week on production,

you would go what?

I have nine production trucks.

I have a staff of 77.

That seems like too many.

Because ultimately, it's you with a microphone being funny.

That is true.

How many guys are carrying that microphone, Kevin?

Well, the microphone that I'm carrying is made out of ivory.

I see.

With gypsum.

Vibranium or something, right?

It's a special microphone that you can't find nowhere else.

We went to anaconda to get it actually.

It's a very, very special microphone.

Hi, I'm Jimmy Kimmel.

An evil wizard has trapped me inside this YouTube video.

Click Subscribe to help me escape.

For more infomation >> Kevin Hart is Killing It - Duration: 4:52.


Father John Misty - "God's Favorite Customer" [Full Album] - Duration: 38:38.

♪ Sun is rising ♪

♪ Black is turning blue ♪

♪ Look out buddy, Noah's calling ♪

♪ "Jesus, man, what did you do?" ♪

♪ Psychic terrorists ♪

♪ In the upper room ♪

♪ Left foot, right foot ♪

♪ That's the ticket ♪

♪ You'll be back on top real soon ♪

♪ Who's bright idea was it ♪

♪ To sharpen the knives? ♪

♪ Just 20 minutes before the boat capsized ♪

♪ If you want an answer it's anybody's guess ♪

♪ I'm treading water as I bleed to death ♪

♪ What's your politics, what's your religion? ♪

♪ What's your intake, your reason for living? ♪

♪ In your compositions ♪

♪ At the start of every song ♪

♪ Find you waking in the morning ♪

♪ Always there to greet the dawn ♪

♪ Trouble sleeping ♪

♪ My alarm goes off ♪

♪ So you want to hangout at the gallows? ♪

♪ Those guys get an early start ♪

♪ Whose bright idea was it to sharpen the knives? ♪

♪ Just 20 minutes before the boat capsized ♪

♪ If you want an answer ♪

♪ It's anybody's guess ♪

♪ I'm treading water as I bleed to death ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Ohhh ♪

♪ What's your politics? ♪

♪ What's your religion? ♪

♪ What's your intake, ♪

♪ Your reason for living? ♪

♪ What's your politics? ♪

♪ What's your religion? ♪

♪ What's your intake, ♪

♪ Your reason for living? ♪

♪ Mr. Tillman good to see you again ♪

♪ There's a few outstanding charges ♪

♪ Just before we check you in let's see here, ♪

♪ You left your passport in the mini fridge ♪

♪ And a message with the desk says ♪

♪ Here the picture isn't his ♪

♪ And oh, just a reminder about our policy ♪

♪ Don't leave your mattress in the rain ♪

♪ If you sleep on the balcony ♪

♪ Okay, did you and your guests ♪

♪ Have a pleasant stay? ♪

♪ What a beautiful tattoo ♪

♪ That young man had on his face ♪

♪ And oh, will you need a driver out to Philly? ♪

♪ Jason Isbell's here as well ♪

♪ And he seemed a little worried about you ♪

♪ I'm feeling good, damn I'm feeling so fine ♪

♪ I'm living on a cloud ♪

♪ Above an island in my mind ♪

♪ Oh baby, don't be alarmed, this is just my vibe ♪

♪ No need to walk around ♪

♪ No it's not too bad a climb ♪

♪ Mr. Tillman, for the seventh time ♪

♪ We have no knowledge of a film ♪

♪ That is being shot outside ♪

♪ Those aren't extras in a movie, they're our clientele ♪

♪ No they aren't running lines ♪

♪ And they aren't exactly thrilled ♪

♪ Would you like a regalo on the patio? ♪

♪ Is there someone we can call? ♪

♪ Perhaps you shouldn't drink alone? ♪

♪ I'm feeling good, damn I'm feeling so fine ♪

♪ I'm living on a cloud ♪

♪ Above an island in my mind ♪

♪ Oh baby, don't be alarmed this is just my vibe ♪

♪ No need to walk around ♪

♪ No it's not too bad a climb ♪

♪ I know a few ten cent words ♪

♪ I can break out to keep up with her ♪

♪ But you can take what I know about love ♪

♪ And drown it in the sink ♪

♪ I know my way 'round a tune ♪

♪ Won't be a single dry eye in the room ♪

♪ You can take what I know about you ♪

♪ And maybe fill a small balloon ♪

♪ But I'm just dumb enough to try ♪

♪ To keep you in my life ♪

♪ For a little while longer ♪

♪ And I'm insane enough to think ♪

♪ I'm gonna get out with my skin ♪

♪ And start my life again ♪

♪ I'm no stranger to the female form ♪

♪ Oh, I've been here a few times before ♪

♪ Oh, you can have me any time. ♪

♪ Everything's cool, I'm great, it's fine ♪

♪ Oh but I'm just dumb enough to try ♪

♪ To keep you in my life ♪

♪ For a little while longer ♪

♪ And I'm insane enough to think ♪

♪ I'm gonna get out with my skin ♪

♪ And start my life again ♪

♪ Nothing surprises me much ♪

♪ And my hobbies include ♪

♪ Laughing in the dark ♪

♪ Do you wanna go to the farm? ♪

♪ Do you wanna go to the park? ♪

♪ I'll get you ice cream if you give me your card ♪

♪ Nothing impresses me much ♪

♪ I've got a great attitude ♪

♪ And a map to stars ♪

♪ I got your number from that sign in the lawn ♪

♪ I also want to vanquish evil but my mojo is gone ♪

♪ (I want you) ♪

♪ Come on, I bet you know most of my friends ♪

♪ They're some real exclusive dudes ♪

♪ From just around the bend ♪

♪ They're playing demos ♪

♪ Oh, they're wearing Dries ♪

♪ I can escort you down the runway ♪

♪ I just joined the police ♪

♪ Just right now ♪

♪ So you wanna be a grifter like me? ♪

♪ Are you hearing impaired ♪

♪ With your own URL? ♪

♪ I'm the second coming, ♪

♪ Oh, I'm the last to know, ♪

♪ I didn't get invited but I know where to go ♪

♪ One more wasted morning ♪

♪ When I could be holding you ♪

♪ To my side ♪

♪ Somebody stop this joyless joyride ♪

♪ I'm feeling older than my 35 years ♪

♪ One more cryptic message ♪

♪ Thinking that I might end it ♪

♪ Oh God, you must have woken up ♪

♪ To me saying that it's all too much ♪

♪ I'll take it easy with the morbid stuff ♪

♪ Oh, honey I'm worried about you ♪

♪ You're too much to lose ♪

♪ You're all that I have ♪

♪ And honey I'm worried about you ♪

♪ Put yourself in my shoes ♪

♪ You're all that I have, ♪

♪ So please don't die ♪

♪ Wherever you are tonight ♪

♪ All these pointless benders ♪

♪ With reptilian strangers ♪

♪ Oh my God, you're so naive ♪

♪ You'll leave this world in a drunken heap ♪

♪ Who'll make the arrangements baby, them or me? ♪

♪ Oh, honey I'm worried about you ♪

♪ You're too much to lose ♪

♪ You're all that I have ♪

♪ And honey I'm worried about you ♪

♪ Put yourself in my shoes ♪

♪ You're all that I have ♪

♪ You're all that I have ♪

♪ You're all that I have ♪

♪ So please don't die ♪

♪ Wherever you are tonight ♪

♪ It's only been three weeks ♪

♪ The bag of speed ♪

♪ From Jamie the PhD ♪

♪ She comes by the front desk ♪

♪ To leave my ♪

♪ Transcript with her edits ♪

♪ 'Cause I don't want to leave ♪

♪ The palace ♪

♪ At least that's ♪

♪ What my true love calls it ♪

♪ Last night I wrote a poem ♪

♪ Man, I must have been in the poem zone ♪

♪ I'm in over my head ♪

♪ I'm in over my head ♪

♪ Maybe I'll get a pet ♪

♪ Learn how to take care of somebody else ♪

♪ Maybe I'll name him Jeff ♪

♪ But I think it might defeat ♪

♪ The purpose ♪

♪ Living on ♪

♪ Housekeeping and room service ♪

♪ But I don't want to leave ♪

♪ The palace ♪

♪ Oh, let's pay someone ♪

♪ To move in here and fix this ♪

♪ Last night I texted your iPhone ♪

♪ And said "I think I'm ready to come home" ♪

♪ I'm in over my head ♪

♪ I'm in over my head ♪

♪ I'm way in over my head ♪

♪ Like a pervert on a crowded bus ♪

♪ Glare of love bears down on us ♪

♪ Like a carcass left out in the heat ♪

♪ This love is bursting out of me ♪

♪ Disappointing diamonds are the rarest of them all ♪

♪ And a love that lasts forever ♪

♪ Really can't be that special ♪

♪ Sure we know our roles ♪

♪ And how it's supposed to go ♪

♪ Does everybody have to be ♪

♪ The greatest story ever told? ♪

♪ Like an oil tanker tipped at sea ♪

♪ This love's contaminated me ♪

♪ Like a constant twitching in my eye ♪

♪ This love of ours will never die ♪

♪ Disappointing diamonds are the rarest of them all ♪

♪ And the love that lasts forever ♪

♪ Really can't be that special ♪

♪ Sure we know our roles ♪

♪ How's it's supposed to go ♪

♪ Does everybody have to be ♪

♪ The greatest story every told? ♪

♪ Another night on the streets ♪

♪ All bug-eyed and babbling ♪

♪ Out on the corner of 7th and A ♪

♪ "I'm in the business of living" ♪

♪ Yeah that's something I'd say ♪

♪ All I need is a new friend ♪

♪ I'm only five blocks away ♪

♪ Speak to me ♪

♪ Won't you speak, sweet angel? ♪

♪ Don't you remember me? ♪

♪ I was God's favorite customer ♪

♪ Beware the man who has everything ♪

♪ Everything that he wants ♪

♪ You can spot him from a mile away ♪

♪ And his gold chain is only one pair of socks ♪

♪ I'm out here testing the maxim ♪

♪ That all good things have to stop ♪

♪ The bar closes at five ♪

♪ But the big man is just opening shop ♪

♪ Speak to me ♪

♪ Won't you speak to me ♪

♪ Won't you speak, sweet angel? ♪

♪ Don't you remember me ♪

♪ Don't you remember me ♪

♪ I was God's favorite customer ♪

♪ But now I'm in trouble ♪

♪ Speak to me ♪

♪ Oh, speak to me ♪

♪ Won't you speak, sweet angel? ♪

♪ I need some company ♪

♪ I need some company ♪

♪ I swear just one more night longer ♪

♪ What would it sound like ♪

♪ If you were the songwriter ♪

♪ And you made ♪

♪ Your living off of me? ♪

♪ Would you detail your near constant consternation ♪

♪ With the way my very presence ♪

♪ Makes your muses up and flee? ♪

♪ Goodbye little songbird ♪

♪ I can leave ♪

♪ Goodbye my love ♪

♪ Is there anything else you need? ♪

♪ What would it sound like if you were the songwriter ♪

♪ And you did your living around me? ♪

♪ Would you undress me ♪

♪ Repeatedly in public ♪

♪ To show how very noble and naked you can be? ♪

♪ Goodbye little songbird ♪

♪ Now you're free ♪

♪ Don't forget I'm the only fan of yours ♪

♪ Who has the sense to ever leave you be ♪

♪ How could you do this to me? ♪

♪ What would it sound like ♪

♪ If your were the songwriter ♪

♪ And loving me ♪

♪ Was your unsung masterpiece? ♪

♪ People ♪

♪ We're only people ♪

♪ And there's not much ♪

♪ Anyone can do ♪

♪ Really do about that ♪

♪ But it hasn't stopped us yet ♪

♪ People ♪

♪ We know so little about ourselves ♪

♪ Just enough ♪

♪ To wanna be ♪

♪ Nearly anybody else ♪

♪ Now how does that add up? ♪

♪ Friends, all my friends ♪

♪ Oh I hope you're somewhere smiling ♪

♪ Just know I think about you ♪

♪ More kindly than you and I have ever been ♪

♪ And I'll see you the next time 'round the bend ♪

♪ People ♪

♪ What's the deal ♪

♪ You've been hurt ♪

♪ And I've been hurt ♪

♪ But what do we do now ♪

♪ People ♪

♪ We're only people ♪

♪ Ain't a thing one person ♪

♪ Can ever change about that ♪

♪ Friends, all my friends ♪

♪ Oh I hope you're somewhere smiling ♪

♪ Just know I think about you ♪

♪ More kindly than you and I have ever been ♪

♪ And I'll see you the next time 'round the bend ♪

♪ I think the end ♪

♪ Of it all ♪

♪ May look a lot like the beginning ♪

♪ We're passed around ♪

♪ From hand to hand ♪

♪ Screaming for no particular reason ♪

♪ The company ♪

♪ Gets pretty thin ♪

♪ So we start to shed all our distinctions ♪

♪ So why not me ♪

♪ Why not you ♪

♪ Why not now ♪

For more infomation >> Father John Misty - "God's Favorite Customer" [Full Album] - Duration: 38:38.


The Receiving Formula for Your Miracle - Duration: 20:25.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: The Word of God outlines a "receiving formula"

for your miracle. Join Kenneth Copeland today on the Believer's

Voice of Victory for a study in Proverbs, Chapter 4. Become

equipped with the Word and overcome anything by faith!

KENNETH: Look in the Bible with me to two places, one in the

book of Proverbs, please. And I strongly suggest, if you're not

doing this, to begin doing it. There's 31 chapters in the book

of Proverbs. It ought to be your daily devotional. And, I also

strongly suggest that you use a couple of other translations and

compare these things instead of just using the King James all

the time. "So which one, Brother Copeland?" I'm not telling

you--(Laughter)--that. Amen. Personally, I enjoy the Classic

Amplified. I haven't just really fallen in love with them. And,

you know, it was good. There wasn't any use in fixing it in

my opinion. But anyway, that's just my opinion. It's none of my

business, really. I use the Amplified and have for years. I

also like the New Living. And--but take the time to do

this devotional first, every--every--every month. Now,

4th chapter of Proverbs, so simple. Verse 20, This is the

receiving formula not only for healing, but for other things.

"My son, attend to my words." All right. Put the Word first.

Put what God said in His Word first. AUDIENCE: First, yes.

KENNETH: If you don't know what He said, stop right there and

find out what He has already said about your situation--

AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: --in which you are planning to

receive. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: Don't be so quick to just start

praying this all over the place about something. Now, if you've

got an emergency, pray immediately. And those

scriptures that come out your mouth, pray them. But in

emergencies, just switch over into tongues. (Audience Agrees)

AUDIENCE: Amen! Amen! KENNETH: Just let the Holy Ghost take

charge here. AUDIENCE: Yes. Amen. KENNETH: Don't even try to

go to your mind at all. Just cut your mind out of the thing.

AUDIENCE: Right. KENNETH: Amen. (Audience "Amens") Now, wisdom

is the principal thing. And if you will take the time and

inquire of the Lord, "How do I pray about this? What do I say

about this?" Well, you see, if He tells you something to say,

then you can say, "Thus saith the Lord." But you have to have

scripture behind it. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: If He leads you

to a verse of Scripture, yes, then now--now you can say, "Thus

saith the Lord," when you pray. Not "thus saith me," but "thus

saith the Lord." Are you-- AUDIENCE: Yes--you following me

here? AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: The Word comes first. AUDIENCE:

Yes. KENNETH: Now, "Attend to my words;" then, "Incline your ear

unto my sayings." Incline--you know what an incline is.

"Incline" means to lean towards that. I lean toward what He

said, not what somebody else said. I lean toward what they

said, not the doctor. I lean toward what God said, not my

folks or somebody. I lean towards the Bible. I lean

towards what He said in this. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: We got

ready to leave Columbia, South Carolina, one Saturday morning,

finished the service, on the way to the airport. And they said,

"Well, we've got trouble. We can't open the airplane door."

And so I talked to Duane, our chief pilot, and I said, "What's

the matter with that door?" He said--he said, "I have no idea

what's the matter with this thing." He said, "You--you open

it." He said, "It sounds good," but he said, "You can't--you

can't even get your fingernails up under there. It just--it just

doesn't work." I said, "Well, have you--have you called

Cessna?" "Yeah," he said. "They can't do anything about it

today, but Monday they could come out, and they want to drill

a hole in the emergency--" No, no, no, no. They're not drilling

a hole in my airplane. I'm going home today, not Monday or

Tuesday. (Audience Agrees) I said, "All right, I'll call you

back." He said--I said, "I'm on my way out there." "Okay." So

we're riding along, and I said, "Lord, I'm inquiring of You--"

And I had just preached that morning on "Jesus only said what

He heard His Father say." See, I need to talk to that door. Right

at this point, I don't know-- I don't know what to say to the

door. How do you talk to a door that won't open? (Laughter)

Well, you--I can make up a lot of stuff. I could go out there

and quote Mark 11:23 and just holler at it and quote it and

walk around the airplane and kick the tires and all that.

That's a waste of time. I want to attend to the Word. AUDIENCE:

Amen. KENNETH: I don't want to get in this thing mentally. So I

just laid my head back there. And I don't mean I heard--I have

never heard the audible voice of God. It's been so close a time

or two, hoo. It was just sure like it was. But if you'd have

been there, you wouldn't have heard it. But you know when you

hear it. It's--it's not up here. And you need to practice this.

You need to practice His presence. And you need to be

talking to Him all the time and ask Him to teach you, to

show--teach you how to hear the voice of your own spirit because

that's where He speaks, is in your spirit. And when you're

talking to Him like that, you tend to listen. You haven't

prayed until you listen. I mean, you know, what--what kind of

idea is that, somebody that knows nothing doing all the

talking to somebody that knows everything. (Laughter) And don't

let Him say anything. So just put your hand right here because

this is where it's going to come. And think here. I'm

leaning back in that seat there. I said--I said, "Lord, what do

I--what do I say? What do I do?" Ha-ha. He said, "You remember in

My Word where it said, "And all things work together for the

good of those that love God, called according to his

purpose?" Well, my first thought was, "What does that have to do

with this?" (Laughter) But, more--the more I got that--I no

more thought that until I actually heard those words,

"All--" AUDIENCE: Things. KENNETH: "--things." AUDIENCE:

All things. KENNETH: It didn't say, "All spiritual things."

AUDIENCE: Yeah. KENNETH: It said, "All things." (Audience

Agrees) He-He-He. Ha-ha! Well, I know pretty well what the inside

of that door looks like. I mean, I'd been training on that

airplane. And--and I--all of a sudden, I can just kind of see

the inside of that door, you know? And--and He said, "Now,

say this." And I followed Him. I heard Him, and I said it out

loud. I heard Him, then I said it out loud. I heard Him, I said

it out loud. He said, "Say this: All things--" I said, "All

things--" "--work together--" I said, "--work together--" "--for

those that love God." I said, "--those that love God." Then He

said, "And that would be me." And I said, "And that would be

me." "Called according to his purpose." And I said, "Called

according to his purpose." And He said, "And that also would be

me." And I said, "That also would be me." "Say to the door,

'Door, open now, saith the Lord.'" So I said, "Door, open

now, saith the Lord." Now, don't go adding a bunch of stuff to

it. (Audience Agrees) Those are all idle words. (Audience

Agrees) Just stay with those words. I just shifted over and

began to thank Him in the Spirit. (Praying in the Spirit)

Thank You, Lord. Glory to God, we're going home today. So I got

out there--no, excuse me. I no more than got that prayed, we're

still probably 10, 15 minutes, maybe, from the airport. And

Mike's driving, and I'm talking on his phone. I handed him his

phone back to him, and he took his phone back, and, "bling," it

went again. He said, "Here. Duane wants to talk to you." He

said, "Boss," he said, "I got in the car to go up there to speak

to the--to the FBO to pick you up." He said, "I thought, 'I'm

going to try that door one more time.'" He said, "She opened

just perfect. Come on, we're going home." AUDIENCE:

Hallelujah! (Applause) Amen. KENNETH: Now, listen to me. We

are responsible. Amen. We got home. I said, "I want you to go

into that door. I want you to check that door from one end to

the other. You look at it, you do whatever--you find what's

going on inside that door." They got in there, and they checked

it over, and they even lubricated the whole thing, and

they found a couple of three little things in there, didn't

seem like nothing too much. And it just worked perfectly. And

the next trip we were on--ha-ha--I walked over there

to it to open it, and it hung. I said, "No, you don't, in the

name of Jesus." And it just came right on down (Laughter) That is

the last problem we ever had with that door. (Audience

"Amens") Now I'm going to tell you something else. That won't

take the place of doing maintenance on the airplane.

(Audience Agrees) That's negligence, and it'll get you

killed. (Audience Agrees) Hallelujah! (Audience

"Hallelujahs") I got anybody in here that's interested in what

we're talking about today? (Cheers) Hallelujah! Do you see

the importance of "attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my

sayings"? Because if He can--you get to praying--and you

see--see, I could--what does that have to do with that

scripture in Romans, you know? But, hey, He wrote the book. I

didn't. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: Hallelujah. AUDIENCE:

Hallelujah. KENNETH: So, "Incline thine ear unto my

sayings. Let them not depart from your eyes." You're going to

have to keep your eyes on this Book. You're going to have to

stay in it, stay in it, stay in it, stay in it. "Well, I listen

to CDs all the time." That's wonderful. You ought to listen

to at least a CD a day. But, hey, you're going to keep--put

your eyes on this thing. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: You put

your eyes on it. If it says, "Keep it before your eyes," it

means keep it before your eyes. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: God

already knew about CDs when He wrote this Book. (Laughter)

Amen. (Audience "Amens") Did you know there is a--oh, dear Lord.

A number of years ago, they went through college campuses asking

student and some faculty, "Do you think God understands

radar?" (Laughter) You'd be shocked at how many of them

said, "No, of course not." The little bat had radar a long time

before World War II. And he don't miss. And he can't see.

(Laughs) Oh, yeah. "Does God understand radar?" Come on. Now,

why keep it before your eyes? You need to keep looking at this

and keep looking at this until you find yourself in here.

AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: You keep looking at it and keep

looking at it until you're at home with Jesus. You keep

looking at it and you keep looking at it until you're the

woman with the issue of blood. And then you keep looking at it

and keep looking at it until you're no longer the woman with

the issue of blood, you're right there behind Jesus ministering

with Him. (Audience Agrees) AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Keep it

before your eyes. Don't get so busy--don't replace this with

some goofball TV broadcast. AUDIENCE: Right. KENNETH: No,

no, no. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Amen. I've been reprimanded for

that, and I'm--you know, that's the name of the game. God gets

on me, I get on you. (Laughter) That's just the way this--that's

just the way this game works, brother. Ha-ha-ha. Now, "Let

them not depart from your eyes; keep them--" Keep them! Keep

them! Guard them! Watch over them! Think about them! Meditate

on it. Think about it! "--in the midst of your heart. For they

are life--" Say, "They're life." AUDIENCE: They're life. KENNETH:

Jesus said, "My words are spirit, and they are life."

AUDIENCE: Yes. Hallelujah. KENNETH: Life! The law of the

Spirit of life is in the Word! AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH:

Hallelujah. AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. (Cheers & Applause)

KENNETH: Whoa! Hallelujah! Glory to God! Hallelujah! Whoo!

Blessed be the name of the Savior. Blessed be His name

that's healing this crowd this morning! He's healing you right

now! You're being--your lungs are being healed! Your eyes are

being healed! Your ears are being healed! Your breasts are

being healed from lumps and cancer! Hey, I don't care what

it is. If it's dead, it's gone! (Cheers & Applause) Hallelujah!

(Audience "Hallelujahs") They're life to those that find them.

That would be me! (Audience Agrees) And health! That's

Hebrew word for "medicine." This is God's medicine. (Audience

Agrees) And this is the way you receive from Him. (Audience

Agrees) Then one more verse of Scripture. Go to the 11th

chapter of the book of Mark. Oh, my, my. Some of you knew I'd

wind up there some way or another. They saw Jesus curse

that fig tree. And sometime within a 24-hour period, the

first time they came back by there, there's no change in that

tree. I guarantee you, every one of them looked at the tree on

the way home. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: Amen? (Audience

"Amens") And if anything would have happened to it, Peter would

have said something. (Audience Agrees) Amen. (Audience "Amens")

What they didn't know, they just saw the Master use the faith of

God. And faith functions by spiritual law. AUDIENCE: Amen.

KENNETH: "By the law of works? No, by the law of faith," the

Bible says. Amen. (Audience "Amens") They said, "Look at

that tree." And Jesus said, "Have faith in God." Oh, dear

Lord. Just rings in my ears. "Oh, but Brother Copeland, what

about my children?" Have faith in God. "What about my

finances?" Have faith in God. "Oh, what about this thing

that's in my stomach?" TOGETHER: Have faith in God. KENNETH: "Oh,

what about the government?" TOGETHER: Have faith in God.

KENNETH: "What about the president?" TOGETHER: Have faith

in God. AUDIENCE: Amen, amen. KENNETH: There is nothing in

this world order, there is nothing, no calamity, no

problem, no situation, life or death, that faith in God won't

overcome. (Agreement & Applause) And you in this church are

especially blessed because you have been taught over and over

and over how to have faith in God. AUDIENCE: Yes. Yes.

Hallelujah. KENNETH: I bless this church. It's blessed me.

AUDIENCE: Amen, amen. KENNETH: For verily I say unto you,

whosoever--" Ho, that means me. "--shall say unto this

mountain--" whosoever shall say unto this cancer, whosoever

shall say unto this debt, whosoever shall say unto this

sickness, whosoever shall say to their sick daughter, "Be thou

removed," sickness, disease, weakness, and pain, "and be thou

cast into the sea--" AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: "--and shall not

doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things--" Let

me read it like this: "But shall believe that those words which

he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith."

(Audience Agrees) Now, that is a spiritual law.

All spiritual law have a reverse curse. That works

in healing. It works in sickness.

ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth

Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.

For more infomation >> The Receiving Formula for Your Miracle - Duration: 20:25.


Father John Misty - "The Palace" [Official Audio] - Duration: 4:10.

♪ It's only been three weeks ♪

♪ And a bag of speed ♪

♪ From Jamie the PhD ♪

♪ She comes by the front desk ♪

♪ To leave my ♪

♪ Transcript with her edits ♪

♪ 'Cause I don't wanna leave the palace ♪

♪ At least that's what my true love calls it ♪

♪ Last night I wrote a poem ♪

♪ Man, I must have been in the poem zone ♪

♪ I'm in over my head ♪

♪ Maybe I'll get a pet ♪

♪ Learn how to take care of somebody else ♪

♪ Maybe I'll name him Jeff ♪

♪ But I think it might defeat the purpose ♪

♪ Living on house keeping and room service ♪

♪ But I don't wanna leave the palace ♪

♪ Oh, let's pay someone to move in here and fix this ♪

♪ Last night I texted your iPhone ♪

♪ And said I think I'm ready to come home ♪

♪ I'm in over my head ♪

♪ I'm in over my head ♪

♪ I'm way in over my head ♪

For more infomation >> Father John Misty - "The Palace" [Official Audio] - Duration: 4:10.


Father John Misty - "We're Only People (And There's Not Much Anyone Can Do About That)" [Audio] - Duration: 5:03.

♪ People ♪

♪ We're only people ♪

♪ There's not much anyone can do ♪

♪ Really do about that ♪

♪ But it hasn't stopped us yet ♪

♪ People, we know so little about ourselves ♪

♪ But just enough to wanna be nearly anybody else ♪

♪ How does that add up ♪

♪ Oh, friends, all my friends ♪

♪ Oh, I hope you're somewhere smiling ♪

♪ Just know I think about you ♪

♪ More kindly than you and I have ever been ♪

♪ And I'll see you the next time around the bend ♪

♪ People ♪

♪ What's the deal ♪

♪ You've been hurt ♪

♪ And I've been hurt ♪

♪ But what do we do now ♪

♪ People ♪

♪ We're only people ♪

♪ There ain't a thing one person can ever change about that ♪

♪ Oh, friends, all my friends ♪

♪ Oh, I hope you're somewhere smiling ♪

♪ Just know I think about you ♪

♪ More kindly than you and I have ever been ♪

♪ And I'll see you the next time around the bend ♪

♪ I think the end of it all ♪

♪ May look a lot like the beginning ♪

♪ But passed around from hand to hand ♪

♪ Screaming for no particular reason ♪

♪ The company gets pretty thin ♪

♪ So we start to shed all our distinctions ♪

♪ So why not me ♪

♪ Why not you ♪

♪ Why not now ♪

For more infomation >> Father John Misty - "We're Only People (And There's Not Much Anyone Can Do About That)" [Audio] - Duration: 5:03.


Father John Misty - "God's Favorite Customer" [Official Audio] - Duration: 5:22.

♪ Another night on the straits ♪

♪ All bug-eyed and babbling ♪

♪ Out on the corner ♪

♪ Of 7th and 8th ♪

♪ I'm in the business of living ♪

♪ Yeah, that's something I'd say ♪

♪ All I need is a new friend ♪

♪ I'm only five blocks away ♪

♪ Speak to me ♪

♪ Won't you speak, sweet angel ♪

♪ Don't you remember me ♪

♪ I was God's favorite customer ♪

♪ Beware the man who has everything ♪

♪ Everything that he wants ♪

♪ You can spot him from a mile away ♪

♪ In his gold chain and only one pair of socks ♪

♪ I'm out here testing the maxim ♪

♪ That all good things have to stop ♪

♪ The bar closes at five ♪

♪ But the big man is just opening shop ♪

♪ And speak to me ♪

♪ Won't you speak to me ♪

♪ Won't you speak, sweet angel ♪

♪ Don't you remember me, don't you remember me ♪

♪ I was God's favorite customer ♪

♪ But now I'm in trouble ♪

♪ Speak to me ♪

♪ Won't you speak to me ♪

♪ Won't you speak, sweet angel ♪

♪ I need some company ♪

♪ I need some company, ♪

♪ I swear, just one more night longer ♪

For more infomation >> Father John Misty - "God's Favorite Customer" [Official Audio] - Duration: 5:22.


Phaneroo 190 in Preview - Duration: 8:54.

Previously in Phaneroo the Bible says who is the wise man who

is the wise man and who knows the interpretation of a thing never says a

man's wisdom the Bible says maketh of his face to shine and the boldness of his

face shall be changed that means that if you walk in the wisdom of God you'll put

a certain brightness on your face spiritually you put a certain brightness

on this star the cloak of brightness continues to increase and increase on

your life because you carry wisdom it means the less the wisdom of God

operates on your life the more you affect negatively your story and the

star that you are before God the Bible says He is the

light that lights every man that comes in this world, This world is full of gross

darkness there's already darkness around us that you are only light people see

somebody shout hallelujah when people look at you they see light now you might

think that darkness is the absence of physical light no you can be in a

place where there's no physical life but you are lighting in the spirit and you

can be in a place of too much like yet there's evil and darkness so it's not

just a physical light no it is that light that God said let there be in

Genesis and it was and that's what separates the day and the night and

you're the child of the day somebody shout hallelujah you're children of the

day you're children of the day the more wise you are the more something on you

shines. He says and them be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament

it's the strength of your spirit He says wisdom and knowledge shall be

the stability of your times and the strength of your salvation it is what

draws your stability it is what gives strength to your salvation it's what

makes you a strong Christian so you are strong as you are wise you're as bright

as you are wise

The bible says that the son of man came eating and drinking and they say behold a man

gluttonous and a wine-bibber and a friend of publicans and sinners but the

Bible says wisdom is justified of her children it does not matter what people

call you it doesn't matter what people think you are it doesn't matter what

people conclude you to be there's one thing in this life regardless of how

many accusations are on your life there's one thing that can vindicate you

in this life it's called the wisdom of God it is the Vindicator of the

righteous they can speak everything they'll speak but wisdom is our

justifier because see God and wisdom are one and the same

let them say anything about you but let them never question the wisdom of God

upon your life because it is your ultimate vindication that means Jesus

which is our wisdom our Redemption and sanctification and of Him are ye in Christ

Jesus who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and

redemption that is Jesus He is our wisdom as long as the Church of Jesus Christ

sustains a certain level of wisdom the church will stand somebody shout

hallelujah at the end of the day it doesn't matter what men called Him what He did

has brought many sons to glory that's wisdom that's why the Bible says the

days that are wise win souls it's wisdom to win men Paul says in Ephesians

chapter 3 verses eight he says unto me Who am least of All Saints

he says he's given the grace that I should preach among the Gentiles the

unsearchable riches of Christ and he says and to make all men see what is the

Fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world has been hidden

God who created all things by Jesus and the Bible says - to the intent to all the

principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the

manifold wisdom of God

that means the wisdom of God is the highest power of demonstration by the

touch of Jesus Christ against the principalities the powers the rulers and

dominions and wicked spirits in high places that's why the Bible calls him

Christ both the power and the wisdom of God that means when you heal a sick

person principalities see the wisdom of God when you raise a dead man

principalities see the wisdom of God when you build ministry principalities

see the wisdom of God they don't have it for had they known these things this

wisdom the Bible says they would not have crucified the Lord of glory that is why

men turn themselves against the course of truth because if they had

known truth they would not have crucified him He says rather we're setting

forth a wisdom of God once hidden from the human understanding and now revealed

to us by God that wisdom the Bible says which God devised and decreed before the

ages for our glorification to lift us into glory the glory of his presence he

kept a certain wisdom away for you and says none of the rulers of this age

all this world perceived and recognized and understood this for if they had they

would never have crucified the Lord of glory but rather they would have

followed him that means the fact that you are here

you have seen Christ the wisdom and the power of God the reason why the devil

turns course against God is because there's a wisdom he did not have but

thank God you're wise that is why you receive Jesus Christ demons are not

tormented by your prayer demons are tormented by the wisdom in your prayer

the Bible says the reason is pure that means it does not carry any canality

and it's peaceable and gentle and easy to be intreated full of mercy good

fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy any form of carnality is a derivation off the

course of the wisdom of God there is one more thing David taught his son Solomon

the Bible says he taught him also and said unto him let your heart retain my

words keep my Commandments and live and the Bible says get wisdom can't understand

you forget it not neither decline from the words of my mouth

He didn't get it that day but he got the instruction of a father get wisdom now

first forward mister first Kings chapter 3 Solomon

gives a sacrifice to God and when he gives a sacrifice to God the Bible says

he goes into a deep sleep and when he was in sleep the Lord appeared to

Solomon in a dream by night and God said ask what I shall give you so he says give

your servant an understanding heart that I may know how to rule your people well

and the speech pleased the Lord and that Solomon had asked this thing and the

Bible says and God said unto him because thou has asked this thing and has not

asked for thyself long life neither has asked reaches for thyself nor has asked

the life of thine enemies now I want you to see those three things those were the

three things Solomon would have asked for if he was awake that means that the

instruction David gave him would work in his spirit later to communicate to God

what was necessary to be asked for because what you tell your child goes in

their soul it goes in their spirit and later it defines the deepest

conversations with their God that's why we preach to you when I'm

speaking to you right now I'm defining how you're gonna pray that is why some

of you you respond to things without even thinking but you respond the right

way why because you are taught the right one that is why sometimes all you have

to do is just sit and listen things might not make sense but don't stop

listening hallelujah he says but we are present continuous constantly being

transfigured into his very own image in ever-increasing splendor from one degree

of glory to another for this comes from the Lord who is the spirit that means

that as you continue listening to this word physically something might not be

changing on you but inside you there are things there transactions in your spirit

that are they are constantly changing you prize wisdom highly and exalt her how

do you praise wisdom and exhort her by investing in her if somebody say someone

you feel they've given you wisdom wherever you are bless them

and say thank you for the wisdom that you've added upon my spirit I honor

wisdom that much that I honor everything that gives it to me after introducing

wisdom to this boy he tells him the path of the just is as a shining light and he

says that shineth is more and more and more and more and to a perfect day

invest in wisdom

For more infomation >> Phaneroo 190 in Preview - Duration: 8:54.


Magnus/Alec | What Do You Risk? - Duration: 4:55.

Even if I did feel something for you

You want me to give up my life for you?

I have to do what's right for me.

My family lost their birthright.

I could lose my family, my career, everything!

Hold on, please.

You just don't get it.


You have a choice to make.

Will not ask again.




You going home?

What is it?

You ok?

You're an all powerful warlock

You can summon demons

You've lived through centuries of war

She's right.

You watch the people you care about age and die.

And you're immortal.

Look I don't even want to think about you being gone.

But one day I will be!

And you'll just - move on.

What scares you?

You really don't get it, do you?

I'm immortal!

It's not as if I have a choice.

You didn't risk anything for me

You did it for you.

Get out.

I can't change what I am and neither can you!

Needed a change.

Well what do you want from me?!

At the moment



Just -

Take what you need.

I didn't mean to take it out on you.

I''m sorry.


Talk to me.

You ok?

And I know something's wrong.

I'm fine.

No you're not.

Whatever it is I'm here for you.

I'm not okay

Because you're not okay.

You can't put this all on yourself.

There's nothing to be ashamed of, Alec.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Magnus, tell me how to fix this.

You don't have any clue what I feel.

Tell me what I can do!

Just tell me what to do, please.

We can figure this out.

I will fix it.

You've been to hell and back

And you haven't stopped for a second.

So back off.

This is all just a game to you

I trust you.

You looked me straight in the eye and lied.

Isn't it?

This is my family!

Where's Magnus?

Guess it runs in the family.

You flirt, you laugh.

I don't know why

But I do.

You once asked me what I was afraid of.

But at the end of the day

What do you risk?

You're gonna make it back

Do you hear me?

The key to having no fear is

Having nothing to lose.

Why wouldn't I?

Look what I have waiting for me.

Stay with me.

You ok?


Please come back.

I will use the last drop of my power if it's the death of me.

For more infomation >> Magnus/Alec | What Do You Risk? - Duration: 4:55.


City considers designated smoking spot for downtown Youngstown workers - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> City considers designated smoking spot for downtown Youngstown workers - Duration: 2:16.


Father John Misty - "The Songwriter" [Official Audio] - Duration: 3:46.

♪ What would it sound like ♪

♪ If you were the songwriter ♪

♪ And you made your living off of me ♪

♪ Would you detail your near-constant consternation ♪

♪ Or the way my very presence makes your muses up and flee ♪

♪ Goodbye, little songbird, I can leave ♪

♪ Goodbye, my love, is there anything else you need? ♪

♪ What would it sound like ♪

♪ If you were the songwriter ♪

♪ And you did your living around me? ♪

♪ Would you undress me repeatedly in public ♪

♪ To show how very noble and naked you can be? ♪

♪ Goodbye, little songbird, now you're free ♪

♪ Don't forget I'm the only fan of yours ♪

♪ Who has the sense to ever leave you be ♪

♪ How could you do this to me? ♪

♪ What would it sound like ♪

♪ If you were the songwriter ♪

♪ And loving me was your unsung masterpiece? ♪

For more infomation >> Father John Misty - "The Songwriter" [Official Audio] - Duration: 3:46.


Father John Misty - "Date Night" [Official Audio] - Duration: 2:31.

♪ Nothing surprises me much ♪

♪ And my hobbies include ♪

♪ Laughing in the dark ♪

♪ Do you wanna go to the farm? ♪

♪ Do you wanna go to the park? ♪

♪ I'll get you ice cream if you give me your card ♪

♪ Nothing impresses me much ♪

♪ I've got a great attitude ♪

♪ And a map to the stars ♪

♪ I got your number from that sign in the lawn ♪

♪ I also want to vanquish evil but my mojo's gone ♪

♪ I want you ♪

♪ C'mon, I bet you know most of my friends ♪

♪ They're some real exclusive dudes ♪

♪ From just around the bend ♪

♪ They're playing demos ♪

♪ Oh, they're wearing Dries ♪

♪ I can escort you down the runway I just joined the police ♪

♪ Just right now ♪

♪ So you wanna be a grifter like me ♪

♪ Are you hearing impaired ♪

♪ With your own URL ♪

♪ I'm the second coming ♪

♪ Oh I'm the last to know ♪

♪ I didn't get invited but I know where to go ♪

For more infomation >> Father John Misty - "Date Night" [Official Audio] - Duration: 2:31.


Kate Has Your Thursday Night Forecast - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Kate Has Your Thursday Night Forecast - Duration: 2:46.


Michelle Wolf Back With An - Duration: 14:14.

Michelle Wolf Back With An Even Nastier Attack On Sanders Than Before

And that wannabe comedian is at it again.

On her new show, "The Break with Michelle Wolf" on Netflix which is a cheap knock-off

of "The Daily Show," Michelle Wolf once again took another swipe at the White House

Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

As previously reported, During this year's White House Correspondents Dinner Wolf came

under heavy fire for taking a jab at Sanders looks that many believed as less a joke and

more a shot at the press secretary's looks.

But on last night's premiere episode, despite previously telling Entertainment Weekly that

her new show wouldn't rehash the events of the big event, she couldn't contain herself

but address Sanders' during a monologue about the recent appointment of CIA director

Gina Haspel.

Wolf said, "After Gina was nominated, my best friend Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted,

'Any Democrat who claims to support women's empowerment and our national security but

opposes her nomination is a total hypocrite,'" Wolf said.

"Well if anyone's an expert of hypocrites, it's Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

And for the record, that was not a looks-based joke.

That was about her ugly personality.

She has the Mario Batali of personalities."

Wolf was apparently replying to this tweet from Sanders: For those of you who aren't

aware of the Batali saga.

He built a restaurant empire and was forced to resign as CEO after he was accused of sexual

misconduct allegations by multiple women.

The restaurant empire is now said to be crumbling.

Here is more on Batali via ABC News:

Mario Batali's three restaurants on the Las Vegas Strip will shut down amid investigations

into sexual assault allegations against the celebrity chef, his company announced Friday.

B&B Ristorante, Otto Enotea e Pizzeria and Carnevino Italian Steakhouse, all located

on a luxury complex that includes swanky casino resorts on the Las Vegas Strip, will permanently

close July 27.

Batali & Bastianich (B&B) Hospitality Group, which Batali helped found, announced the closures

in a letter to employees Friday morning.

"These restaurants have continued to succeed, and they are a tribute to every one of you

who works in them and brings great dining experiences to our guests," B&B Hospitality

Group partner Joe Bastianich said in the letter, obtained by ABC affiliate KTNV.

"Unfortunately, our partner in these restaurants, Las Vegas Sands Corp., has decided to end

our relationship."

Bastianich said he will visit the three restaurants to speak with employees.

"You are all dedicated professionals who deliver night in and night out for our guests,

you are part of our family, and we will all feel your loss," he said in the letter.

"It is because of the amazing dining experiences you bring our guests that I am committed to

continuing our presence in Las Vegas.

I am beginning to explore options, but it will take some time to execute them.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to do that in the next 60 days."

Las Vegas Sands Corp., which owns two casino resorts, The Venetian and The Palazzo, on

the complex, but does not run the restaurants, said "there are no other plans for the space."

"We would like to thank the team members of B&B Restaurant Group for their dedication

and many contributions to The Venetian and The Palazzo.

We appreciate the hard work and energy of director of operations Zach Allen, Chef/Culinary

Director Nicole Brisson and the rest of this team.

At this time, there are no other plans for the space," the casino and resort company

said in a statement obtained by KTNV.

Batali is under criminal investigation by the New York City Police Department for two

separate instances of sexual assault allegations, one of which was reported on "60 Minutes"

last weekend.

The unidentified woman featured in a "60 Minutes" segment last Sunday claims the

57-year-old chef and former TV star drugged and assaulted her after drinking wine together

at a popular Manhattan restaurant in 2005.

B&B Hospitality Group told "60 Minutes" that it finds the allegations "deeply disturbing"

and that "our partnership with Mr. Batali is ending.

We have been actively negotiating with Mr. Batali to buy his interests in the restaurants."

Chef Mario Batali attends an awards event in New York, April 19, 2017.

The other allegation was brought to the New York City Police Department late last year,

police sources told ABC News.

A woman alleges she lost consciousness at a New York City restaurant in 2004 and found

Batali on top of her when she awoke.

Batali responded to the allegations in a statement to ABC News on May 21: "I vehemently deny

any allegations of sexual assault.

My past behavior has been deeply inappropriate and I am sincerely remorseful for my actions.

I am not attempting a professional comeback.

My only focus is finding a personal path forward where I can continue in my charitable endeavors

– helping the underprivileged and those in need."

Not really sure what an alleged sexual predator has to do with Sarah Huckabee Sanders, but


It must make sense up there in the twisted little brain Wolf possesses.

Of course, our Press Secretary is way too classy to even reply or acknowledge this unfunny

wannabe who will never win any beauty titles herself.

But what's even more important here is what is going on with Netflix lately?

I am not for calling for boycotts of anything, but for some reason, it's just starting

to seem like Netflix is begging for it at this point in time.

First, they give this woman her own show and then they sign the Obama's to produce content

for them?

What do a failed Community Organizer/President and a second-rate first lady know about producing


Let's be honest, it's just one more way to further the agenda and Netflix has chosen

to be their vessel.

For more infomation >> Michelle Wolf Back With An - Duration: 14:14.


Southwest: Crew didn't know of man's sex act - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Southwest: Crew didn't know of man's sex act - Duration: 0:41.


U.S. slaps EU, Canada and Mexico with steel tariffs - Duration: 2:48.

The world may be teetering in the brink of a full-blown trade war.

This,... after the Trump administration announced it's imposing steel and aluminum tariffs on

three of America's closest allies -- the EU, Canada and Mexico.

The U.S. tariffs will come into effect in around one hour from now.

Lee Seung-jae reports.

A full-scale trade war could be on the horizon.

The U.S. is imposing tariffs on aluminum and steel imports from the EU, Canada and Mexico,....

a decision that's overshadowing a gathering of G7 finance ministers and central bankers.

The decision ends months of uncertainty about possible exemptions and is sending a chill

through financial markets around the world.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says the 25-pecent tariff on steel imports and ten

percent tariff on aluminum imports will be imposed on the EU, Canada and Mexico starting

at midnight Eastern Standard Time.

Responding to the move,... the EU said it will retaliate by targeting three-point-three

billion dollars' worth of American imports,... like Harley-Davidson motorcycles, Levi's Jeans

and bourbon.... and will also start a case against the U.S. at the World Trade Organization.

Canada said it will impose tariffs on as much as twelve-point-eight billion dollars of U.S.

steel, aluminum and other products starting July 1st.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau described the U.S. measures as "punitive" and "unacceptable",...

adding that the tariffs "will harm industry and workers on both sides of the Canada-U.S.

border,... disrupting linked supply chains that have made North American steel and aluminum

more competitive around the world".

The Mexican government also said the U.S. action was not justified.

It has vowed retaliation,... threatening to impose duties on everything from U.S. flat

steel to cheese.

Despite the retaliatory warnings,... the U.S. commerce secretary says Washington is not


" Well even if the EU does retaliate and even if some others do, it still will remain unlikely

to be as much as one percent on our economy.

Remember just because they put tariffs on some of our products, it doesn't mean those

sales will go to zero.

And in the case of agriculture, they may very well find other markets that are just as good."

While the world may be closer to a full-scale trade war than at any time since the 1930s,...

observers say the Trump administration is using tariffs to squeeze better trade terms

out of China and the EU,... while putting pressure on Canada and Mexico to reform the

North American Free Trade Agreement.

Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. slaps EU, Canada and Mexico with steel tariffs - Duration: 2:48.


9 Signs You're Not Getting Enough B12 - Duration: 5:03.

9 Signs You're Not Getting Enough B12

As you age, your body's ability to absorb vitamin B12 from food slows—4 out of every

100 women ages 40 to 59 are B12 deficient, and many more are borderline.

But celebrating another birthday isn't the only cause: Avoiding meat, taking certain

drugs—like Metformin (commonly prescribed to people with type 2 diabetes or polycystic

ovary syndrome) or some common heartburn medications—and even having weight loss surgery all up your


(Here are 7 essential vitamins you need as you age.)

The result of coming up short on vitamin B12 can be anything from intense fatigue to wonky


If the symptoms below sound familiar, ask your doctor to run a blood test to check your


If they're low, a supplement or injections will have you back to your old self in a couple

of weeks.

We like Nature Made Vitamin B12 because the supplement meets the standards of the Usp

You can barely stay awake in the afternoon—even if you slept 8 hours.

"Fatigue is one of the first signs of B12 deficiency," says Lisa Cimperman, RD, a spokesperson

for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

That's because your body relies on the vitamin to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen

to your organs.

And without enough oxygen in your cells, you'll feel tired no matter how long you sleep.

Fatigue can mean a number of things, though, so you can't assume you're B12 deficient if

feeling sleepy is your only complaint—doctors usually are tipped off if you've got fatigue

plus other symptoms.

That grocery bag feels like a million pounds.

If they're not getting enough oxygen from red blood cells, your muscles will feel like


"My job is very demanding, so I kept thinking that maybe my body is just tired; maybe I'm

not eating right," says Chantal Mossess, 31.

"But 6 months ago I learned that my weakness and sluggishness was caused by not having

enough B12."

You experience strange sensations.

"It felt like electricity was running from my head to my feet," says Melanie Karmazin,

44, who was eventually diagnosed with a B12 deficiency.

Other sufferers report numbness and a "pins and needles" sensation.

(Here are the top 10 most painful conditions.)

These weird pains are all a result of nerve damage, which is triggered by low oxygen levels

in cells.

You put your keys in the fridge.

Or have to think hard to remember your niece's name.

You may be worried that it's early dementia, but sometimes low B12 is to blame.

"At one point I couldn't remember how to write a check," says Pauline Smith,* 56, who was

diagnosed with low levels.

"I've seen this deficiency mistaken for Alzheimer's in elderly patients," notes Cimperman.

(Cut your Alzheimer's risk by eating these nutrient-rich foods.)

"But once they have a blood test and it reveals a B12 deficiency, they start taking a supplement

and their symptoms start to fade."

You feel wobbly or dizzy.

Being off-kilter is another common symptom.

"I would get dizzy just walking up the stairs," says Mossess.

One Turkish study compared the vitamin B12 levels of patients who sought treatment in

the ER for dizziness with those of 100 healthy volunteers.

The result: Those dizzy patients had 40% less B12 than the volunteers.

Your skin looks pale.

If your rosy complexion now has a yellow cast, low B12 may be the culprit.

With a deficiency, the red blood cells that you do have are very fragile and easily broken,

causing a release of bilirubin pigment that gives skin a yellow hue.

(Eat these 25 best foods for your skin.)

Your tongue is smooth and red.

About half of people with a severe B12 deficiency lose the papillae—those little bumps—on

their tongues, especially around the edges.

Patients also complain of burning and soreness, particularly on the back of the tongue.

And since most of those papillae contain taste buds, if you lose a lot of them even your

favorite foods are going to taste blah.

In fact, "women with a B12 deficiency may actually lose weight because food doesn't

taste as good to them anymore," says Angela Grassi, RD, a dietitian at the PCOS Nutrition

Center in Bryn Mawr, PA.

Every little thing makes you cry or worried.

Do you feel more down or anxious than ever?

"A lack of B12 wreaks havoc on your mood, possibly leading to depression or anxiety,"

says Grassi.

Doctors aren't sure exactly why it increases your risk for depression, but it may have

something to do with the fact that B12 is involved in the synthesis of brain chemicals,

such as serotonin and dopamine, that help regulate mood.

Something's up with your eyes.

In extreme cases, lack of B12 can damage the optic nerve or plug up the blood vessels in

the retina, causing blurry vision, double vision, sensitivity to light, and even vision


Says Smith: "The first symptom of retinal damage I noticed was a shadow in my right

eye that affected my field of vision.

I saw even more shadows until I got my B12 levels up."

(Here are 6 reasons why your vision is changing that aren't just due to aging.)

For more infomation >> 9 Signs You're Not Getting Enough B12 - Duration: 5:03.


Medhi Benatia tempted by move, Gunners draw up 'important contract' ● News Now transfer ● #AFC - Duration: 2:22.

Arsenal could reportedly bolster their defence with the signing of Juventus ace Medhi Benatia

this summer.

Arsenal have got Sven Mislintat and Raul Sanllehi in charge of transfer business in their new

continental model.

And recruiting defensive reinforcements for Unai Emery's squad has emerged as one of

the duo's top priorities.

Freiburg's Caglar Soyuncu and Borussia Dortmund's Sokratis Papastathopoulos have been linked

with Arsenal.

While departing Juventus star Stephan Lichtsteiner is expected to rock up at the Emirates this

summer as well.

The latest reports in Italy indicate one of Lichsteiner's team-mates could also swap

Turin for London.

According to Tuttosport, Juventus are set to make a decision over Benatia's future,

with the Moroccan having two years left on his contract.

And they claim the Serie A champions are more likely to sell the 31-year-old than hand him

a new deal.

Arsenal are said to be a tempting proposition for Benatia, who will play at the World Cup

this summer.

And Gunners chiefs are apparently willing to offer him an "important contract" that

seems to have already been drawn up.

Tuttosport indicate Marseille, where Benatia, began his senior career, are tracking him


And he recently poured fuel on the speculation fire regarding a potential return to France

by saying: "The Marseille of [Rudi] Garcia?

I like it, we'll see."

Arsenal and Marseille may have to wait for a decision from Benatia as Morocco's World

Cup campaign will run until June 9 at the earliest.

Juventus, meanwhile, are considering their options in case Benatia does move on this


And Ajax's Matthijs de Ligt is the frontrunner to take his position in Massimiliano Allegri's


For more infomation >> Medhi Benatia tempted by move, Gunners draw up 'important contract' ● News Now transfer ● #AFC - Duration: 2:22.


This instant barn can pop up almost anywhere - KING 5 Evening - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> This instant barn can pop up almost anywhere - KING 5 Evening - Duration: 1:49.


Best Songs Of 2018 ll Top Meilleures Chansons Préférées De 2018 - Duration: 1:57:03.

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