Saturday, January 26, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 26 2019

#306 More road and more curves

There is a lot of light and many changes of lights,

and you do not see the road or the curves many times,

despite wearing the sun visor lowered.

But we will enjoy the same of the road, of the curves,

and of the TRK 502 which is a joy!

There are many leaves, pineapples and remains on the sides,

so you have to be careful.

Mmmm ... These curves have been good,

I'm going to turn around and do them again.

I have not sneezed eh, it has been a pothole ...

And here's the chapter today ... and you know,

If you want to see more, you'll see it in the next chapter !! Vsss

For more infomation >> Benelli TRK 502 #306 Más carretera y más curvas [English Subtitles] - Duration: 10:40.


Como descargar de EmuParadise tras el cierre Roms Juegos Games Retro - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> Como descargar de EmuParadise tras el cierre Roms Juegos Games Retro - Duration: 7:49.


El fantasma de Rosa Díez se aparece en la sede de Podemos y provoca una despavorida desbandada!!! - Duration: 5:48.

Decía el gran José María García en una frase que hoy provocaría el clamor de los comisarios del lenguaje que "mariquita el último".

La sentencia mordaz del periodista deportivo vale perfectamente para ilustrar lo que está sucediendo en Podemos, con una desbandada tremenda y con conjuras a espaldas de Pablo Iglesias, tal y como se comenta este 26 de enero de 2019 en las tribunas de la prensa de papel.

El diario ABC habla de un hundimiento definitivo de Podemos: La descomposición orgánica de Podemos es un hecho. Es un hundimiento estructural en toda regla.

La renuncia de Ramón Espinar, secretario general en Madrid, a todos sus cargos y a su escaño, unida a la cita que ayer mantuvieron diez líderes regionales en Toledo para cuestionar la estrategia de Pablo Iglesias e impulsar un acercamiento a Íñigo Errejón,

y las crecientes críticas internas en IU por este desmembramiento de la izquierda, apuntan a una seria merma del poder del líder del partido.

Por eso, abrumado por la caída de cascotes en el edificio en ruinas, Iglesias ha convocado el 2 de febrero una reunión urgente del Consejo Ciudadano Estatal, la ejecutiva de su partido, para debatir cómo reaccionan a este tsunami interno.

Luis Ventoso pronostica que Podemos acabará siendo el club privado de Pablo Iglesias e Irene Montero: Podemos, que iba de Titanic de la indignación cuando nació hace cinco años, se ha estampado contra un iceberg llamado realidad.

El Lenin castizo que pretendía derribar la monarquía contempla desde su dacha de Galapagar cómo arde su nave. Hoy está yéndose a pique (para ganancia de España, su estabilidad y prosperidad).

El partido de la Gente va camino de quedarse en el club privado de él y su pareja, que lo dirigen con mano de hierro y éxito menguante.

En un puntazo editorial, La Razón considera que la crisis de Podemos ya no responde a otro motivo que no sea el cesarismo de su líder, Pablo Iglesias: Sin duda,

detrás de la dimisión de Ramón Espinar como secretario general de Podemos en Madrid opera el cálculo electoral de quienes consideran que Manuela Carmena es un valor más seguro que cualquier otra opción.

y estarían dispuestos a adoptar un papel secundario dentro de la plataforma de la actual alcaldesa madrileña.

Pero, en el fondo, el problema viene de atrás, de una concepción excesivamente personalista de la dirección del partido morado, incapaz de mantener la cohesión de sus principales dirigentes.

Antonio Martín Beaumont recurre al fantasma de UPYD para aterrorizar a los podemitas: Muchos escudriñan si la alianza madrileña firmada en el ya conocido como pacto de las empanadillas entre Carmena y Errejón puede tener más recorrido que el de las urnas en la Comunidad de Madrid.

Otros tantos dirigentes de Podemos, mientras, rebuscan en las hemerotecas las crónicas que en su día dieron fe de la desaparición del partido pionero de la llamada nueva política: la Unión, Progreso y Democracia de Rosa Díez. Algunos en la sede madrileña de la calle Princesa vaticinan que sí.

Y recuerdan ahora que UPyD murió víctima de una mezcla fatal de hiperliderazgo personalista y crisis de crecimiento.

Como Podemos, Díez conquistó las instituciones, coqueteó con el poder, pero acabó desmoronada entre traiciones y desconfianzas.

Ese mismo fantasma se le ha aparecido esta última semana a Iglesias en su casoplón del Guadarrama, ese que enterró su traje de bestia negra de la casta.

Lo resume bien gráficamente uno de sus antiguos colaboradores: Pablo nos creó y Pablo nos destruye.

El Mundo no ahorra en palos para la fuerza morada y el personalismo monolítico de su líder: Ni en sus peores pesadillas hubiera imaginado Pablo Iglesias, en los albores de Podemos, que su propósito de asaltar los cielos iba a estrellarse con la realidad tan rápido y de forma tan cruda.

Podemos, alumbrado al calor del hartazgo social que fermentó en el 15-M, se encuentra hoy al borde de la descomposición.

Lastrado por un proyecto ideológico trasnochado y una estructura orgánica profundamente deteriorada, el tercer grupo parlamentario con más representación en el Congreso parece haber caído en barrena tras decidir Errejón ir a las elecciones de la mano de la plataforma de Carmena.

Las siglas de Podemos están hoy chamuscadas por una mezcla de factores que revela la inoperancia de quien hace cinco años se presentaba como adalid de la regeneración.

El personalismo excluyente y la soberbia de Pablo Iglesias, sumado a las purgas ejecutadas a los disidentes, la laminación de Izquierda Unida .

y la incapacidad para estabilizar su relación con las distintas confluencias, ha terminado por fagocitar a una formación radical y populista que en el lapso de un lustro ha pasado de abanderar un discurso antisistema a sostener al PSOE en La Moncloa.

For more infomation >> El fantasma de Rosa Díez se aparece en la sede de Podemos y provoca una despavorida desbandada!!! - Duration: 5:48.



Hi everybody

today I'm going to show you some shootings for which I put myself in the shoes of a policeman

but we will rake a little wider because we will see me infiltrate the national police, the gendarmerie, the GIGN, the GIPN, the RAID

the BIS, the BAC, the scientific police

and many others

So I will reveal some anecdotes and at the end of the video I will give you some information and some tips to give realism a role of policeman

do not forget to put a thumbs up in this video is very important

if you have seen my last video you know why. And do not hesitate to leave comments to give your impressions on this video

is also if you want to have some advice do not hesitate to ask me questions

And at the same time tell me if you like movies and crime series or if you do not care

action is gone

so what is interesting about playing a role police, gendarmes or others?

Well, for the most part, these roles require a small dose of action

and as you know the action it's my passion because stephanaction

you will cut ...

Indeed thanks to this kind of characters drawn from real life we ​​can put into action

scenes of infiltration, tactical scenes, a little bit like counter strike and especially we are sometimes brought to shoot and that's pretty cool

The first role I had as a policeman was for a channel + series called "the commune"

I had a small role as a cop at BAC. So for those who do not know the BAC it means anti-crime brigade

basically it's a little bit plainclothes cops dress up a bit like that and sometimes they have the orange armband

the scene was pretty simple, I smashed the door of an apartment and I returned with my team to make a search

Well it was not very logical because it does not happen like that in real life

the police do not come like that to make a search by smashing a door by entering forcibly

No no there is a whole procedure before that

but that's how it is, there are often things that are not logical in the series whose films

and especially when it comes to gendarmerie police and intervention scenes

and France is a little less so that the United States on this one. A bit like everything

and yes, most of the time the directors prefer the action to the logic so that it is a little more spectacular

because before all the cinema and TV these visuals

but for those who know when we see this kind of mistakes it makes us laugh and there are even some that annoys them

but at the end of this video I'll talk a little bit about this issue of logic in movies

and I'll give you some tips to make your scenes more realistic

I also did my first classes in the police in the series julie lescaut and the series alice nevers

wow the child's head

alas it is for julie lescaut or alice nevers I did not find the episodes because there are hundreds

and I did not know in which episode I was

so if you get to see me in an episode of these two series in other movies in other series come tell me in the comments

but as a bonus I will show you a little scene that I did in julie lescaut

so it was not as a cop or anything else it was as a cascade lining for an actor

so I had to jump from one barge to another and you will see that

As you've seen I'm the waterfall lining of the character who is being chased but the editor is a bit crap because at

at a given moment we see my face here so that normally the waterfall lining we must not see his face

it happens a few years later I had a small role of policeman in the series braquo channel plus and you will see that

sometimes I do not hesitate to hit a woman when the situation requires

We could also see me again cop cop in the film paulette and you will see I have a little anecdote to

tell you about this shoot and especially a big fail

So the big story about these two days of filming is that the director asked us to run after the traffickers and

asked us to run as quickly as possible so I was with a colleague is

apparently I ran a little too fast so he was trying to be

at the same speed as me he did not succeed he started to tangle his feet he staggered

over 5 m

it's funny to have

sorry and so after five meters running staggering he totally fell to the ground he cleared his face he

finished in scorpion feet above the head good it's not very nice for him because it's really hurt but

frankly the scene it was really funny to have forgiveness

Also him in a series on France 3 a script and reality you know it's this kind of mini series where people play


Philippe will be arrested by the police

he was reportedly robbed of a house in the area

so what happened

philippe would he have a double life

where would this man be the victim of a terrible machination

Concerned ok

I made various appearances in TV series and lately I shot in

central police station so I did not see the snowy episode do not even know if it came out so if you see it if you have it

seen said me in the comments I even made a member of the scientific police in the profiling series

- m - to the naked plate and it looks like it's on my head that I do not like many times I could also embody

members of intervention units

like the gign the g ipl to berry and their help for example for anti gang movie with jean reno have

incarnated members of the br I but also for the series leo mattei

let's go

Other actions

A month ago that I also shot in a Japanese movie as a member of the gign

and the tooth believe me there were good big shots on the police and in addition the scenes

intervention was really weird she had no logic

Yeah they are really perched in Japan and no later than four days ago I played a raid member in a

TV movie that will be released I do not know what


The little video you will see now it was not a series it's not a movie what is for a viral internet video

this awareness video

for AIDS they date a little

the intervention techniques in are not at the top but it was a little bit the goal it was fun enough to turn so I'll go

show it right now and tell me in the comments or you see in the video attention there is a trap

Another victory for him and it's a virus has been apprehended

to you the studios

I shot as a cop on other movies on other shows there are so many that I can not do everything you

show but as I said in the intro I rake a little wider to tell you that I turned as a soldier in

as a gendarme and I also made a prison guy in the series your gloves and I also made a police officer

american in milwaukee for the series the patriots the american class

and I also have the chance to make a policeman of the future in the screaming metal series

so from the beginning I'm talking about various brigades

intervention like the gign the gipn

labeyrie and the raid and many people do not necessarily know the distinction between these various units and well know that their distinction

is done according to their field of intervention

their specialty and if they belong to the national police or the gendarmerie

let's first start with their help if you saw it thi doan schepp had made a video with red means search assistance intervention deterrence

their duties and fight against organized crime and terrorism

and they are attached to the general direction of the national police and they intervene mainly in urban areas

the gip and that means intervention group of the national police

also belongs to the general direction of the national police and they now act only in areas

Overseas it has almost the same function as their help to something close but the dream is above the gign which means group

intervention of the national gendarmerie is the military equivalent of the raid its field of action is

mainly in rural areas and he has already worked hand in hand with their help

on the other hand the gign is older than the raid the br I which means brigade of research and intervention

is also called anti-gang squad and also just anti gang

la berri is a police unit

the glassware is distinguished from the others

intervention groups by the fact that she can carry out investigations so do spinning mills raised evidence all beside her activity

of intervention his terrain here is very selectively what are the differences between these various groups

intervention and if you want more information on this topic do not hesitate to ask me questions in the comments or try to

do your research by yourself on the internet before the end of this video as promised we finish with a little advice

often in series or in movies of the gendarmerie police services

or cops in American movies American series hold their arms in this way when it goes forward ie they have their fingers

on the tail of relaxation and well it's a big mistake all police forces police gendarmerie and bone must hold

their fingers his side like this

why because the police have a duty to

security he must be careful not to shoot at any time everything has to be really calculated for their safety for the safety of

people in front

and so if they have their fingers like that on the tail of relaxation and that for example they are afraid of something that

are surprised that they can press without paying attention at least if one has the finger on one side so that one will not shoot

right now but if we see shooting quickly we will do


so you see it's just as fast but we have security at the beginning the police must know how to keep their cool in all

these situations and therefore better position your finger in the right place

so I repeat if in a movie in a sawmill or other you see law enforcement before it's like that

with the finger on the tail of relaxation

it's a mistake I had to shoot you outside but when I'm talking to you

it's snowing so it would have been

complicated so I do it indoors

again I'm bothering you do not forget the thumbs up it's so important that youtube can reference us

that that's also important for SEO to fly you share the video is on this I'll see you soon friends

For more infomation >> J'INFILTRE LA POLICE ET PLUSIEURES BRIGADES - Duration: 11:04.


Animals Farm Toys Baby Find Mom Duck Frog Turtle Learn Animals Names and Sounds Educational Toys - Duration: 6:20.











For more infomation >> Animals Farm Toys Baby Find Mom Duck Frog Turtle Learn Animals Names and Sounds Educational Toys - Duration: 6:20.


Jenifer et son fiancé condamnés, il a étendu l'homme d'un coup de poing - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Jenifer et son fiancé condamnés, il a étendu l'homme d'un coup de poing - Duration: 1:15.


Tras 13 días de angustia, hallan muerto a Julen, el niño atrapado en el pozo de Totalán!! - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Tras 13 días de angustia, hallan muerto a Julen, el niño atrapado en el pozo de Totalán!! - Duration: 2:30.


Kate Middleton « obsédée » par William, cette étonnante révélation sur son passé - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton « obsédée » par William, cette étonnante révélation sur son passé - Duration: 1:29.


Charlène de Monaco, de nouvelle bien amères pour ses jumeaux, une décision qui fait jaser - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Charlène de Monaco, de nouvelle bien amères pour ses jumeaux, une décision qui fait jaser - Duration: 1:25.


Brees admires QB Luck's return from shoulder injury - Duration: 4:07.

 New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees predicted in early August that Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck would be among two candidates to win the NFL's Comeback Player of the Year award

 With the 2018 regular season in the books, Brees' confidence level on Luck taking home the recognition hasn't wavered

 "I feel really good about that statement," Brees told reporters Wednesday, via the Saints' official website

"How do you guys feel about that statement?" LATEST ANALYSIS   ▶ Rosenthal: Top five landing spots for Foles?   ▶ MJD: The most important back in SB LIII is

  ▶ Brooks: Five keys to a Pats Super Bowl win   ▶ Shook: One unsung hero for each NFL team   ▶ Brandt: Mayfield leads 2018 All-Rookie Team  Brees' other choice for the award was former teammate and current Philadelphia Eagles running back Darren Sproles, whose season hit a snag as he battled a nagging hamstring injury before returning for the stretch run

 But it would be hard to argue against Brees' prediction on the Colts' signal-caller

 Luck's return from an injury to his throwing shoulder, which cost him the 2017 season, has been remarkable and his presence on the field is directly linked to the Colts' success and postseason berth

 Brees, who suffered a similar injury to his throwing shoulder in December 2005 while a member of the San Diego Chargers, has a full appreciation of what Luck has accomplished

 "Understanding what he's overcome, I do not think anybody understands the significance of a throwing shoulder injury for an NFL quarterback," Brees said

"And not just coming back from that, but then continuing to strengthen it and gain confidence in it

And it is not like you are just sitting back there in seven-on-seven. You are getting hit

"  After starting the season at 1-5, Luck led the Colts on a 9-1 march to finish the season at 10-6 and the No

6 seed in the playoffs, where Indianapolis will play the Houston Texans on Saturday

 Luck finished the season completing 430 of 639 passes for 4,593 yards and 39 touchdowns with 15 touchdowns, establishing career-high marks in completions, pass attempts and completion percentage (67

3). The Colts also took care of their franchise quarterback by upgrading the players around him, notably the offensive line, and Luck was sacked just 18 times, which represents the lowest amount on Luck's career in a full season

 Luck will have competition for the end-of-season award, most likely from Texans defensive end J

J. Watt, who returned from a broken leg in 2017 to notch 16 sacks in 2018.  But if Brees had a vote in the process, it's pretty clear his choice remains Luck

 "I have always admired his toughness and his ability to overcome odds in tough circumstances and tough situations, and play through a lot," Brees said

"I think they have continued to build the pieces around him.  "They're playing really good football right now

They're playing with a ton of confidence. You can see it -- you can feel it when you watch the games

Obviously he's the leader. He's the guy that that everybody kind of rallies around on offense and they're doing some good things

They're fun to watch."

For more infomation >> Brees admires QB Luck's return from shoulder injury - Duration: 4:07.


Meghan Royals Es - Esta es la enorme fortuna que ha ganado Marie Kondo gracias a su imperio del ord - Duration: 3:28.

 Desde que en 2014 Marie Kondo inició su carrera en el mundo del orden, las cosas para ella han ido mejor y mejor

Su más reciente programa de Netflix, Tidying Up, ha hecho que esté en boca de todos, hablando de su método y preguntándonos cuánto dinero ha generado gracias a esto

Y por fin tenemos la respuesta.  No importa que hayas adoptado su método o no, seguramente sabes quién es Marie Kondo y cómo es que gracias al orden y la limpieza, se ha convertido en una de las personas más influyentes del mundo

 El año pasado lanzó una colección cápsula de cajas de piel con la marca Cuyana

También puso a la venta en su página de internet sets de almacenamiento a $89 dólares, que desde ese entonces se vendieron y continúan agotadas

   Y sus ingresos no terminan ahí, desde que tomó popularidad gracias a su libro, tuvo y sigue teniendo una gran lista de espera de personas que están interesadas en contratarla, lo que la llevó a crear un trabajo adicional, el cual sirve para que todos los clientes que no han tenido respuesta, sean redirigidos y  asesorados por las KonMari Consultants

   Kondo es quien se encarga de enseñarle a estas consultoras su método, que por persona cuesta $2,200 dólares

Y eso no es todo, una vez que se certifican, tienen que pagar por su membresía $500 dólares al año, así que se ahorra trabajo y a la vez sigue generando ingresos

 Aunque no sabemos cuánto dinero recibió por parte de Netflix para hacer el show, no nos sorprende que decidan cerrar otro trato para hacer la segunda temporada

De acuerdo con Celebrity Net Worth, Marie Kondo vale ahora mismo $8 millones de dólares

Aunque se espera que su imperio siga creciendo, al punto de que en 2021 valga aproximadamente $11

8 millones de dólares.   ¡Vaya forma de hacer dinero!

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Esta es la enorme fortuna que ha ganado Marie Kondo gracias a su imperio del ord - Duration: 3:28.


Véronique Sanson « sans voix », cette terrible angoisse qui lui pèse au quotidien - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Véronique Sanson « sans voix », cette terrible angoisse qui lui pèse au quotidien - Duration: 1:21.


Laura Smet, «un bébé », cette contrainte qui l'incitent à négocier avec Laeticia - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet, «un bébé », cette contrainte qui l'incitent à négocier avec Laeticia - Duration: 1:21.


Shiloh Jolie-Pitt « brise » le coeur d'Angelina Jolie, son coup bas inattendu - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Shiloh Jolie-Pitt « brise » le coeur d'Angelina Jolie, son coup bas inattendu - Duration: 1:33.



The world claims that science cannot explain There are many events that are still hidden.

Which one is right, which one is unknown.

Let's have a look at these mysteries.

What is the secret of these spheres?

Who are the giant stone spheres in Central America? why his unknown.

United Nations World Culture Prepared to grant status status

mysterious taş Costa Rica stone spheres ", pale continues to be the subject of speculation.

In both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean in Central America coast

perfectly carved in places, the largest one is 2.7 meters in diameter, 16 tons

it has a large number of stones. What stone

Spheres are subject to the first scientific reports Excitement traffickers since 1930

running their powers. These stones Arlı the lost Atlantis Civilization "

There are also those who put forward the 1960s fashion Extraterrestrial visitors in accordance with

left by in.

Some ı experts "in the UK "Stonehenge dev with a giant stone monument, some

Easter Island in the South Pacific associates with head sculptures.

The Cocaine Trail in Mumyada

Analysis of the samples taken from the mummies of nicotine and cocaine traces astonishing scientists.

Because of the need for nicotine, cocaine, America tobacco and coca plants

obtained substances. These plants of America to another part of the world

is not known.

Egyptian mummies at least 2 thousand year-old

Scholars in the structure of these substances mummies trying to bring an answer.

UFO in the Baltic Sea

The mysterious body in the Baltic Sea base surprises the researchers. Baltic Sea scuba diving team, 1000

unidentifiable at the bottom of the sea 60 meters of the object

diameter and length of the tail 400 meters found it to be.

Another 200 meters from this object a round object was identified.

Photo of Diver's team Peter Lindberg directed by the object, directed by George

Lucas Star Wars He confirmed that it resembles a spaceship in his movie.

World's first power supply

Pottery found in 1936 during archaeological excavations near Baghdad city of Iraq, still keeps the mystery.

Scientists are used as "batteries" the ages of these pots

is terrifying.

It is estimated that it was built in the 200s pottery, literally, we know today

large-scale cases of batteries. Can produce as little power as alkaline batteries

these batteries did not harm people but people of the period by the "sorcerers"

used to influence and so that the secrets are not revealed to the masses;

these are the rulers and magicians of the batteries could be hidden by

He thought. These claims are true concept, discovered before Christ and

it was even used.

Crystal Skulls

How to make the crystal skulls of the yeast cannot be explained by today's technology.

Anna Mitchell Hedges, January 1, 1924 Pyramid in the Lubaantun city

crystal under the altar of the temple found a skull.

Real human skull with dimensions this skull was made of a completely transparent quartz crystal.

Results of scientists the skull of the crystal

but it can be done using an advanced technology appeared.

China's Immortal Army; Terracotta Soldiers

The statues found at the grave of the first Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang made in 1974 in the People's Republic of China

Photo of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province found by a farmer.

Defeating all the principalities in China and the period of the Warring States Qin Shi Huang, the Qin Dynasty

by establishing himself declared emperor. According to Si Maqian, Qin Shi

In 246 BC when Huang was still alive Construction of the grave started

700 thousand people were employed in the construction.

Are People with Dinosaurs Also Experienced?

Dinosaurs are more than we thought they lived on earth for a long time.

This theory seems possible. However, the following Triceratpos, Stegosaurus or any other

a kind of dinosaur species with people fossil

not found. Dinosaur and human in some places footprints have been found in the same places

however, this discussion has not yet reached a conclusion.

Unable to Solve the Secret for 100 Years

The oldest hand in the world 100 years ago Enthusiasts for Voynich

they continue to work in some way.

234 pages; In plant, astrology and found in organic pictures, carbon tests

to the 15th century 23 to 40 different letters of unknown author

and 38 thousand words this manuscript is written by many cryptologists

for over a hundred years not solvable.

For more infomation >> BİLİMİN HALA CEVAP BULAMADIĞI 8 GİZEMLİ ŞEY - Duration: 6:35.


Meghan Royals Es - Denunciaron más de 100 asesinatos a miembros de la comunidad LGBTI en la ciudad - Duration: 2:49.

Representantes de la comunidad LGBTI de la ciudad colombiana de Cali (suroeste), en el departamento del Valle del Cauca, marcharon este viernes para denunciar la falta de justicia en más de 100 asesinatos de miembros de ese colectivo que se han registrado desde 2005

"Estamos haciendo visible una problemática que tiene que ver con los transfeminicidios

Denunciamos el asesinato en menos de un mes de seis mujeres y desde el 2005 tenemos más de 100 casos, de los cuales solo en ocho se ha hecho justicia", dijo Anais Montaner, del Comité Municipal LGBTI

A las víctimas, explicó la vocera, "las mataron por el hecho de asumir su identidad de género como mujer y por el ataque que reciben de la sociedad"

La movilización partió de la Gobernación del departamento del Valle, del que Cali es la capital, hacia la sede local de la Fiscalía

A lo largo del recorrido se hicieron estaciones en las que se mencionaron cada uno de los seis casos de transfeminicidio de este año

En la actividad se hizo presente la personera delegada de derechos Humanos, María Fernanda Gómez, quien aseguró que "el acompañamiento ha sido permanente para el restablecimiento de los derechos de las mujeres transgénero"

Como Ministerio Público "hacemos un llamado a las autoridades para que entregue resultados sobre estos homicidios, que se dan por homofobia", agregó la funcionaria

Con información de EFE MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Reinado trans de Chaparral: el evento de resistencia gay que atravesó la guerra en Colombia Histórico fallo condena por primera vez el feminicidio de una mujer trans en Colombia

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Denunciaron más de 100 asesinatos a miembros de la comunidad LGBTI en la ciudad - Duration: 2:49.


The Legend of Korra | Rozdział drugi - Duration: 18:32.

For more infomation >> The Legend of Korra | Rozdział drugi - Duration: 18:32.


Il y a beaucoup de vidéos oû Diffusion en Diffusion en Direct de Fortnite sur YouTube ! - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Il y a beaucoup de vidéos oû Diffusion en Diffusion en Direct de Fortnite sur YouTube ! - Duration: 2:50.


Twinbee Story: The Original Cute 'Em Up - Gaijillionaire's Club - GTV - Duration: 30:00.

What genre of video games has the most loyal following?

The most dedicated fans?

Out of all of the games that are out there, one type has more fans who love their games

more than anyone else.

Sorry RPG fans, I'm talking about shooters!

Oh God no!

Not that!!

Get that garbage out of here!

I'm talking REAL shooters!

You know, a tiny spaceship going the distance against a million enemies and giant bosses!

The kind of battle that could never be won in real life, but somewhere out there deep

in a far off corner of another galaxy, on a tiny bedroom TV somewhere at 2 a.m., it


And does!

And in that genre of the hundreds of great games that have come and gone, one series

in particular has had a large, loving fan base, and this video is just for them!!

Stay Here!

This is the Twinbee Story!

The origins of Twinbee begin in the shadows of the Japanese takeover of the gaming industry.

Original creations that were designed in Japan such as Galaga, and Xevious were massive international

hits in their day.

They owe that success to the original innovative game that set shooting games and Japanese

games in motion, Space Invaders.

Following the massive success of Space invaders in 1978, each game that came afterwards, paid

homage to the basic formula: shoot the bad guys while you try to survive.

Each new game inspired by Space Invaders would add their own individual unique attributes.

Games that followed those did the same as well, which allowed the genre to expand and

evolve into all kinds of different creations which were both unique but distinctly familiar

at once.

By 1984 there were scores of shooting games for the arcade and at home.

In any other genre, you might say there were too many games, a glut, if you will.

But shooter fans couldn't get enough of them, and today, shoot em ups or shmups as

they are also known, still remain a favorite for those of us who came of age in the 1980s

Konami had released a few shooters in those days, namely Time Pilot and Scramble.

In 1984 Konami set out to create a shooting game that would outdo the current big hit,


Elements from Scramble were incorporated to allow for a game to be created more quickly

and for a while was called "Scramble 2" This game would turn into the first of an

amazing, long running, best selling series called Gradius.

Gradius was designed to be a superior game to Xevious, but they had few things in common.

While Gradius was in development Konami was working on a separate game, concurrently,

that had a similar feel to Xevious, but would look quite different.

It would be a game that scrolled vertically and allowed the player to shoot enemies that

were airborne, or bomb them on the ground, almost identical to Xevious.

However the dark, serious and mature nature of Xevious, Gradius and every other shooter

heretofore released was thrown out for a style that was bright and colorful.

That game would become Twinbee, and with that a new sub-genre called the "Cute-em up"

would be born.

It was an interesting strategy for Konami to release 2 games of the same genre at the

same time that would be so different from each other.

However if one failed and the other succeeded it would still provide the company with a


However both games became hits in their own right and would expand into full, proper series,

which would occasionally cross over and be forever tied together.

But what is the appeal of Twinbee over Gradius?

What keeps this strange little game series so popular and if it is indeed so beloved,

why isn't it more well known?

Let's take a look at the full Twinbee series and lots more……

After this quick time out


With Gradius, Konami was planning to create the ultimate Shoot-em-up, for the time, but

also developed Twinbee alongside it.

The development of both games affected each other and set some pretty solid ground rules

in place for how the games should work.

Gradius would be a horizontally scrolling game, While Twinbee would a vertically scrolling


Gradius would be set in space, Twinbee would be set on Earth.

Gradius would be dark and mysterious.

Twinbee would be cute and friendly.

Gradius would be one player.

Twinbee offers 2 player simultaneous play.

Both games utilize a weapon power-up system, but how you select those power-ups is different.

With Gradius letting you choose to equip or charge it up, while in Twinbee, you have to

shoot it a certain number times to change its effects.

These rules helped keep Gradius and Twinbee distinct in both visual and gameplay styles.

The Twinbee storyline, and characters in the game would follow the idea of keeping things

cute and fun.

Many elements of the story line would develop over time, but the original game takes on

Donburi Island, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

In the year 2081, The Evil King Spice, invades and conquers the island, taking 5 sacred items

from the people of Donburi Island as well.

Dr. Cinnamon intends to liberate the people of Donburi Island and built two flying robots

that resemble bumblebees called Twinbee and Winbee.

Over the course of the game, Twinbee and Winbee rediscover these sacred items and rid King

Spice from Donburi Island.

Twinbee first appeared as an arcade game in Japan in March 1985, later coming home to

the Family Computer and MSX in Japan in 1986.

As an interesting side note, both the arcade and home versions were released before Gradius

on their respective machines.

The MSX version was also released in Europe sometime in 1986.

This was followed by versions on the Sharp X68000 and Family Computer Disk System in


There was no version released on the NES in Europe or America, while Gradius was released

there and was well received.

The Konami Code also helped to make Gradius an NES staple back then and a classic now.

Reasons for the game being Left Behind point to the stark difference between Twinbee and

Gradius, Western Fans possibly not connecting with the game, Twinbee was slightly a older

game and the fact that Konami was constrained to releasing only 5 NES games per year.

Remember that in the NES Era, Konami also had Castlevania, Contra, and Double Dribble

out around this time.

But those of us in the West were fully unaware of the impact the Twinbee was having in Japan,

where it was a hit right from the start.

Twinbee was so popular that SEGA jumped on its popularity and released a Cute-em-up of

their own, Fantasy Zone, in 1986.

These two games laid the foundation of the Cute-em-up subgenera which in later years

led to great games like Cotton, Harmful Park, Air Zonk and Gradius itself got a Cute-em-up

makeover with the spin off series, Parodius.

After the first games of Twinbee and Gradius were established hits, Konami got to work

on a follow up for each.

The sequel to Twinbee would see release in November 1986, along side the sequel to Gradius,

Salamander, known in the U.S. as Life Force.

And yes I know that there's also a proper Gradius II and Life Force isn't actually

Gradius II but we are already all over the map and I'll be saving all that for another

video, someday later.

The sequel to Twinbee, released for the Family Computer Disk System was titled "Moero Twinbee:

Cinnamon Hakase wo Sukue" In English Burn Twinbee: Save Dr. Cinnamon.

Introduced in the game is a third ship called Gwinbee.

The story takes places 100 years after the first game when Dr. Cinnamon is kidnapped

by Gattlantis, grandson of King Spice.

This game would come to the US as Stinger in 1987.

Despite the first Twinbee being available in Europe, though on the MSX, no version of

Stinger was released there.

The plot is slightly different in Stinger too, as Dr. Cinnamon is abducted by aliens

who want to use a special sugar invented by Dr. Cinnamon to turn the Earth into a Cotton

Candy Ball and eat it.

If you remember back just a bit when I discussed the ground rules for both the Gradius and

Twinbee series, for the sequels, Moero Twinbee and Salamander, those rules were bent slightly.

As both games featured a mix of horizontal and vertical stages, and Salamander allowed

for multi player action.

However after this for all successive games, the style for both reverted back to their

original format.

Also, its worth mentioning that in the Japanese version allows 3 people to play simultaneously,

using the 2 hardwired Family Computer controllers and plugging a third controller into the front

expansion port.

This feature was removed from Stinger, as were cut scenes that filled in the game's


Moero Twinbee was also reissued on a Family Computer cartridge in 1993 with an easier

difficulty mode added.

There would be one more Twinbee game released for the Family Computer in Japan.

Twinbee 3: Poko Poko Daimao.

The game returns to the original Twinbee formula, still allows for simultaneous 2 players, but

not 3, and is slightly easier with a user selectable difficulty and the implementation

of the Soul Revival system which lets the player catch the ghost of a lost life to regain

all previous power ups.

The reason for the lack of a 3rd player though is tied in to the plot of the game, as the

demon king Poko Poko kidnaps Gwinbee and its up to Twinbee and Winbee to save him.

Twinbee 3 was released in Japan in September, 1989 and has never been released outside of

Japan in any form.

Following this, Twinbee would appear on the GameBoy with Twinbee Da!

In English, literally, It's Twinbee!

Twinbee and Winbee are up to the challenge again, this time from the evil Dr. Nikki.

Who is revealed as Dr. Cinnamon's longtime rival and the brains behind the main antagonists

of the first three Twinbee games.

Twinbee Da!!

Saw release in Japan in October 1990 and would be released in Europe in 1994, but adopted

the name Pop N Twinbee, instead.

However before that game went to Europe, there was a second, separate, Pop N Twinbee game

released in Europe and in Japan for the Super Famicom and Super NES!!

Pop N Twinbee came out in 1993, but to keep things in Japanese chronological order, that

will have to wait because the next game would be the second arcade release, Detana!

Twinbee, in English, Here comes Twinbee!

Released in 1991, Twinbee and Winbee pick up an SOS signal from the Princess Melora

of Mel and travel there to save her.

The game would receive a port for the Sharp X68000 and PC Engine in 1992.

The game would also come to Europe but was called Bells and Whistles, which is a clever

name, despite that multiple Twinbee games had already been released there.

Then comes Pop N Twinbee, the 16 bit version, which looks and feels closest to the arcade


Twinbee, but is an original game.

In Pop N Twinbee, a once good scientist, Dr. Mardock, turns mad after getting a nasty bump

on the head and plans to conquer Earth with an army of acorns!

As I said before, this game came out in Japan and Europe in 1993, with no American release.

The last traditional Twinbee outing came as an arcade game in 1995

TwinBee Yahho!: Fushigi no Kuni de Ōabare!!

In English: Uproar in Wonderland.

In this game Twinbee and WInbee travel to the far off Wonderland to rescue the imprisoned

Princess Melody.

The game featured voiced animated cutscenes and was later released for the Sony Playstation

and Sega Saturn alongside Detana Twinbee as a 2 in 1 compilation.

Since then, Twinbee the Shoot em up has gone mostly dark, however, the series lived on.

When we come back all the Twinbee games of other genres!


Twinbee is loved in Japan and has a few devoted fans in the west, however frustrating it might

be, and Konami has paid back those fans with heaps of Twinbee Spinoffs and cameos, at least

in Japan!!

In 1994, not long after the release of PopN Twinbee, Konami turned Twinbee into a side

scrolling action game with (PopN Twinbee) Rainbow Bell Adventures.

Rather than flying, Twinbee, Winbee and Gwinbee must run, jump and punch their way across

Donburi Island.

This game was released in 1994 for the Super Famicom in Japan and Super NES in Europe,

with America being left out yet again.

Much like previous Twinbee games, there are differences between regions.

With The Japanese version having multiple exits and stage paths, while the European

version is linear.

The Japanese version also includes character voices and a battery backup.

Twinbee Taisen Puzzle Dama was released for the Sony Playstation in 1994.

It was one of many games in Konami's Taisen Puzzle Dama series.

In this version, the game takes on the world and characters of Twinbee.

Twinbee RPG was released for the Sony Playstation in 1998.

The game is set in the Twinbee world on Donburi Island and uses characters from multiple games

to tell the story.

In Twinbee RPG Light, the pilot of Twinbee has gone missing and its up to you, the player,

to find him.

The game is a standard turn based RPG but has unique experience and monetary systems.

Every enemy has a fixed number of experience points and then that number is increased or

decreased depending on the character's level at that time.

Each character levels up after every 5000 points.

Money is dropped by enemies, but not much, and instead often drop fruits which are exchanged

for money at certain shops in the game.

This is another game that was left behind in Japan.

But it wasn't for the fear of not being well received abroad.

Twinbee RPG was not a success in Japan, and was actually a financial loss for Konami.

Meaning that to localize the game elsewhere would cost even more money and could never

break even.

Twinbee Paradise in Donburishima was an interactive CD-ROM that was released in 1998 for Windows

95 compatible computers.

It isn't a game, but more of an interactive encyclopedia.

Players can visit different places on Donburi Island to research different databases about

Twinbee games and characters.

There are also quiz games and a few interactive movies.

A second disc included, called Twinbee Doki Doki Wonderland, offers Twinbee themed desktop

wall papers, screen savers and icons.

Twinbee JG Pachislo was a slot machine game that was distributed to Pachinko and Slot

Machine parlors in Japan and has been available since 2007.

You can't win money, as gambling is illegal in Japan.

But the medal coins you would win, could be traded for prizes or maybe if theres a T.U.C.

nearby, they'll buy them back from you.

In 2013, the Twinbee series finally returned to its roots with Line GOGO!!


Playable through the Line iPhone app in Japan.

It's nice to see the game finally get a somewhat modern version.

But if you're looking to play Twinbee on more modern gaming hardware, the best bet

is Twinbee Portable for the Sony PSP which features all the original shoot-em-up Twinbee

games and gives Twinbee Da!! a full color makeover.

Oh, did I say ALL the games, well I was wrong, there is no Moero Twinbee AKA Stinger.

It wouldn't be a proper Twinbee without leaving something out for no reason!

Now those are all the side games that are set in the Twinbee universe.

But there are dozens of games where Twinbee makes a cameo and let's start with the biggest,

best and most well known: Parodius!

The game series that turns Gradius into a Cute-Em-Up!

There were several Parodius games released in arcades and at home between 1988 and 1996

and Twinbee is one of the playable characters alongside Vic Viper from Gradius as well characters

from Goemon, Antarctic Adventure and a slew of other Konami heroes.

Parodius had its own spinoff series Otomedius, and Twinbee characters appear in that series

as well!

Konami Wai Wai World is a platform game released for the Family Computer in 1988 that is similar

to Parodius in that the game features almost every Konami character in one crazy crossover.

Twinbee along with Vic Viper are playable in the game's shooter stages.

Players also visit Dr. Cinnamon's laboratory where you can heal up and be brought back

to life.

Dr. Cinnamon also created Konami Man and Konami Lady who are in this game.

As an aside you can also find Konami Man hiding in a few Castlevania games.

Also found in Wai Wai World are Goemon, Simon Belmont, Pentarou, King Kong and Mikey from

the Goonies game.

In 1991 Konami released Wai Wai World 2 and in the game the main playable character is

a robot named Rickle, built by Dr. Cinnamon and brings back many of the cast from the

first game.

There wasn't a Wai Wai World 3 but Konami did jump on the Mario Kart Klone Bandwagon

with Konami Krazy Racers for the Gameboy Advance, released worldwide in 2001.

Pastel is a playable character as well as more recent Konami Characters.

For American gamers it would be the first Twinbee related release since Stinger.

In Tokimeki Memorial, for the PC Engine, there is a Twinbee mini game you can play.

New Love Plus for the Nintendo DS has one as well.

Battle Tryst was an arcade fighter released in 1998, Pastel is an unlock-able character.

Another fighting game, Dream Mix TV World Fighters for the Gamecube and Playstion 2,

has Twinbee as a playable character as well.

This game was a crossover between Konami and Hudson Soft, but since then, Konami has bought

Hudson, Which made it easy to include Light and Pastel in later Bomberman games.

Airforce Delta for the Dreamcast also has a mode that lets you fly as Twinbee.

It's pretty cool to see Twinbee appear in something so realistic and all of these appearances

are pretty remarkable considering the proper series ended in 1995.

Now those are the mainstream games where characters from Twinbee are playable, either through

the whole game or in part.

There are still countless MORE games where Twinbee Characters make non playable cameos.

Such as a power up in The Goonies for Family Computer, Gradius for MSX, and a few Castlevania


If you know where to look, Twinbee is all around.

In Ganbare Goemon 3 you can meet Pastel in one of the shops.

I think its funny that somehow a pilot from the future is just hanging out in an ancient

Japanese village for no real reason.

And in the Sony Playstation and Sega Saturn versions of Snatcher, Light Pastel and other

Konami characters are seen at the Outer Heaven.

Its these little winks and nods to the fans that has helped Twinbee endure for such a

long time.

You can also change the backgrounds to TwinBee and other konami themed games by entering

the konami command at the title screen.

It still doesn't end there because in some of Konami's music and rhythm games, like

Dance Dance Revolution, Pop n Music and Beatmania, stage music from various Twinbee games can

be heard.

But how could this fandom grow out of such simplistic 8-bit games?

Well, it had a lot of help from other media to grow the fanbase and mold the Twinbee Universe.

When we come back, the books, TV shows and albums of Twinbee!


There's some difficulty in having to explain the Twinbee series and timeline of events

as well as all the varied releases, while keeping things in chronological order.

Up until now, this video has only focused on the games, but while all of these games

were being made for arcades, and home machines in 8, 16 and 32-bit eras, a side industry

was creating all sorts Twinbee media to compliment the games.

There were manga series, and animated TV shows, all set in the Twinbee Universe.

In the earliest days, when games were not so advanced, they helped fill in the backstory

and introduced characters, names and places not mentioned in game.

As games became more advanced, stories, character designs and voices from these media were used

in game.

Since the games and these stories were released side by side, they tie everything together

and for die-hard fans, one cant really exist without the other.

For over 10 years there were Twinbee manga in print in Japan.

Beginning in 1985, Twinbee appeared in Famicom Rocky, Famicom Ryu and Nekketsu!

Famicom Shounendan.

These covered the first two Twinbee games and ran in various issues until 1987.

Twinbee 3 and Twinbee Da!! also had their own mangas around the time of their releases.

In 1993 Comic Gamest began to print Twinbee Manga issues that ran throughout the 1990s.

These stories covered the events of later games and created additional background elements

to go along with the game's story.

In the 1990s, a few anime videos about Twinbee were produced.

Winbee's 1/8 Panic was produced as promotional item for the release of Rainbow Bell Adventure.

In the story, Pastel ate magic cookies and shrunk to a tiny size.

To return to normal she needs a power up bell, easily found in the clouds.

However a mysterious force was stealing all of the clouds over Donburi Island and the

Twinbee team needs to figure out why.

This VHS cassette was sold as a promotional item alongside Rainbow Bell Adventures.

In 1999 a new Original Video Animation series was produced with three more episodes.

A collection of all Twinbee anime was released on a 2 Disc DVD set in 2007.

But none of this can compete with the Twinbee Radio Drama! yeah, there was a Twinbee show

on the RADIO!

It was actually quite popular and ran for 3 years, and had nearly 100 episodes!!!!!

Twinbee paradise ran from 1993 to 1997.

The radio program is actually the most important product from the Twinbee Universe besides

the games.

These programs canonized many of the character names, including Light and Pastel and expanded

many plot points that couldn't be done in the game.

The voice actors from this program also lent their voices to the later games and the anime.

The Twinbee RPG game was made specifically for fans of the radio program more than for

fans of the game and was envisioned as a way to interact in the world that was created

through the radio program.

Twinbee Paradise was later released on CD, here is a quick listen.

The Twinbee soundtracks also saw separate releases in different compilations over the


They are pretty rare and expensive nowadays!

The Twinbee Paradise Radio Drama had its own soundtrack which featured the episodes open

and end themes.

The album was titled Twinbee Vocal Paradise featuring Mariko Kouda and went all the way

to NUMBER 20 on the Japanese Oricon music chart in 1996!!!!!!!

After going over the games, spinoffs, cameos and other productions, at great length, I

might add, you'd think there be nothing left to say.

But there is just one more thing.

There is a Twinbee aircraft that exists in REAL LIFE!!!!!!

This Twin Bee was designed by Mr. Joseph Gigante in the 1960s as an upgrade to the existing

Seabee amphibious aircraft.

These type of planes were meant for use over island chains and atolls for quick take offs

and landings in water.

The design of the Twin Bee by Mr. Gigante somewhat matches that of the Twinbee in the

game, with a wide nose and large windows.

While these real life Twin Bee planes never saw widespread use but the coincidence is

too uncanny and just so crazy that it just has to be more than a coincidence.

Mr. Gigante passed away in 2012 at age 96 but his planes are still in use today.

While he isn't Dr. Cinnamon, here is a little bit of hope that there may be a Twinbee still

flying in the air over the Pacific Ocean in the year 2081…

Thank you for watching.

If you liked this video give a thumbs up and tell me why.

Then subscribe and hit the bell, no pun intended to be updated on the latest videos, then take

a look at one of these videos from the GTV archives.

We'll see you there!!

For more infomation >> Twinbee Story: The Original Cute 'Em Up - Gaijillionaire's Club - GTV - Duration: 30:00.


地元市で「藤井聡太七段を応援する会」 瀬戸焼きそば100食分贈呈に「すぐに食べきるのは難しい…」 - Duration: 4:35.

拡大写真 地 名物・瀬戸焼きそ 100食分の目録 受け取る藤井聡太 段(右)   将棋の最年少棋士 藤井聡太七段(1 )の活躍を祝う「 井聡太七段を応援 る会」が26日、 元の愛知県瀬戸市 「パルティせと」 約300人を集め 盛大に開催された

  昨年8月に発 した「瀬戸将棋文 振興協会」が主催 た初のイベント。 会は日本将棋連盟 支部会としては最 の445人が会員 録しており、埼玉 大分など他県民の 員も30人いると う

  昨年、朝日杯 新人王戦で優勝し 藤井は「こうして 果が出せたのも、 さんの応援のおか

2019年はもう 歩成長して、さら 楽しんでいただけ 将棋を指せるよう 張りたい」と地元 ァンらに感謝

会場には、藤井が 歳の頃から通って た地元の将棋教室 ふみもと子供将棋 室」の文本力雄さ (64)も駆けつ 「感無量です」と 激していた

  師匠の杉本昌 七段(50)も出 した。藤井ファン 会員に向け「女性 比率が高く、お子 んもたくさんいら しゃって、うれし 思います

地元の方々の温か を感じます。勝負 孤独。応援してい だいている方々の 在が心強く、それ 今の勝率につなが ているのでは」と ピーチ

今年度の藤井は現 、勝率8割5分7 。1967年度に 原誠十六世名人( 1)が達成した歴 最高勝率8割5分 厘の更新を視野に れている

For more infomation >> 地元市で「藤井聡太七段を応援する会」 瀬戸焼きそば100食分贈呈に「すぐに食べきるのは難しい…」 - Duration: 4:35.


Máy Đánh Bài Binh Đánh Bài Cào Bịp Chơi Cờ Bạc Bịp Mới Nhất - Duration: 14:05.

For more infomation >> Máy Đánh Bài Binh Đánh Bài Cào Bịp Chơi Cờ Bạc Bịp Mới Nhất - Duration: 14:05.


Škoda Superb 1.6 TDI 120pk Greentech Ambition Business | Trekhaak | Navigatie - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Škoda Superb 1.6 TDI 120pk Greentech Ambition Business | Trekhaak | Navigatie - Duration: 1:15.


Arsenal could be in trouble as fan throws missile at Man Utd players after pitchside fight - Duration: 2:46.

An Arsenal fan threw an object towards Man Utd players during the FA Cup clash on Friday night (Image: BBC) Two minutes after Anthony Martial bagged the Red Devils' third and deciding goal, a scuffle unfolded on the touchline

 Battling fiercely for the ball, Marcus Rashford and Sead Kolasinac faced off, leaning their heads into each other

 Lingard, notoriously good friends with Rashford, aggressively stormed over to break up the pair, igniting a melee

 Describing the forward's actions, Andy Townsend told BBC Radio 5 live: "Lingard is a lucky boy there, as he has got involved to try and look after his mate and got embroiled in a scenario

    "He had a conversation with Arsenal fans and lost his head a little bit." Several players huddled to break up the ruckus, and things eventually diffused while Lingard turned to a section of the home crowd, who were privy to the scuffle

 The BBC's live coverage showed Lingard being restrained by a steward as he shouted towards someone in the stands

 After temperatures cooled, BBC revisited the situation and picked out an object which was thrown towards the United players

Ashley Young shows referee Craig Pawson the object thrown by an Arsenal fan (Image: Getty) Young retrieved the object, seemingly a coin, off the floor while speaking confrontationally towards a member of the crowd, who was off-screen

 Before feigning to toss it in their direction, Young turned to give it to the linesman

 Play-by-play commentator Guy Mowbray described the events, saying: "In the midst of all that followed, you can see something just flew on the field towards Lingard

 "And I think that's what made him shout towards somebody in the Arsenal crowd.Numerous players got invovled in the ruckus which occurred pitchside (Image: BBC) Trending Jesse Lingard was in the midst of the melee which unfolded pitchside (Image: Getty) "Ashley Young picked up whatever it was - I think it's a coin

 "There was actually something in the Arsenal matchday programme tonight reminding supporters of their responsibilities after what happened against Spurs here recently

" One Spurs fan received a lifetime ban from the club for throwing a banana skin onto the Emirates turf in December during the north London derby - a game in which another pitchside scuffle occurred

For more infomation >> Arsenal could be in trouble as fan throws missile at Man Utd players after pitchside fight - Duration: 2:46.


What Tony Cascarino has said about one Arsenal star after Man Utd loss will SHOCK you - Duration: 2:26.

Aubameyang has scored 17 goals this season for Arsenal (Image: GETTY ) And his haul of 17 in all competitions is seven more than any of his Arsenal team-mates

 But that hasn't stopped Sky Sports pundit Tony Cascarino of accusing Arsenal of 'carrying' him in their side

 That's despite Aubameyang netting Arsenal's only goal in the 3-1 FA Cup defeat to Manchester United on Friday night

 "If Unai Emery is trying to reinvent Arsenal he will not be able to do so while carrying any players, but that is exactly what is happening with Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang at times," Cascarino told The Times

 "The Gabon forward is lightning quick and has been prolific since joining the club last January, but he needs to be able to give his team more than that

 "Aubameyang can be anonymous for long periods. Last night he scored Arsenal's first goal just before halftime but had contributed absolutely nothing in the first 40 minutes

 "Alexandre Lacazette is similar. Both players will end up with very good scoring records for Arsenal but are too often on the fringes of games

" While Cascarino also singled out Petr Cech for 'being nowhere near the brilliant goalkeeper that he used to be'

Aubameyang has been brilliant for Arsenal this season (Image: GETTY )Aubameyang joined from Borussia Dortmund last January (Image: GETTY ) The former Chelsea stopper announced earlier this month that he will retire at the end of the season

 "I have to say that I'm very glad that Petr Cech is retiring at the end of this season," he added

 "When Jesse Lingard scored Manchester United's second goal last night he passed the ball casually into the net without much pace, and you would have expected the goalkeeper to get much closer to the ball, if not actually save the shot

 "Agility is the most important attribute for a goalkeeper but Cech is lacking in that respect

 "Furthermore the modern trend for playing the ball out from the back does not suit him at all

At least he has recognised his limitations and will bow out soon."

For more infomation >> What Tony Cascarino has said about one Arsenal star after Man Utd loss will SHOCK you - Duration: 2:26.



Hi everybody

today I'm going to show you some shootings for which I put myself in the shoes of a policeman

but we will rake a little wider because we will see me infiltrate the national police, the gendarmerie, the GIGN, the GIPN, the RAID

the BIS, the BAC, the scientific police

and many others

So I will reveal some anecdotes and at the end of the video I will give you some information and some tips to give realism a role of policeman

do not forget to put a thumbs up in this video is very important

if you have seen my last video you know why. And do not hesitate to leave comments to give your impressions on this video

is also if you want to have some advice do not hesitate to ask me questions

And at the same time tell me if you like movies and crime series or if you do not care

action is gone

so what is interesting about playing a role police, gendarmes or others?

Well, for the most part, these roles require a small dose of action

and as you know the action it's my passion because stephanaction

you will cut ...

Indeed thanks to this kind of characters drawn from real life we ​​can put into action

scenes of infiltration, tactical scenes, a little bit like counter strike and especially we are sometimes brought to shoot and that's pretty cool

The first role I had as a policeman was for a channel + series called "the commune"

I had a small role as a cop at BAC. So for those who do not know the BAC it means anti-crime brigade

basically it's a little bit plainclothes cops dress up a bit like that and sometimes they have the orange armband

the scene was pretty simple, I smashed the door of an apartment and I returned with my team to make a search

Well it was not very logical because it does not happen like that in real life

the police do not come like that to make a search by smashing a door by entering forcibly

No no there is a whole procedure before that

but that's how it is, there are often things that are not logical in the series whose films

and especially when it comes to gendarmerie police and intervention scenes

and France is a little less so that the United States on this one. A bit like everything

and yes, most of the time the directors prefer the action to the logic so that it is a little more spectacular

because before all the cinema and TV these visuals

but for those who know when we see this kind of mistakes it makes us laugh and there are even some that annoys them

but at the end of this video I'll talk a little bit about this issue of logic in movies

and I'll give you some tips to make your scenes more realistic

I also did my first classes in the police in the series julie lescaut and the series alice nevers

wow the child's head

alas it is for julie lescaut or alice nevers I did not find the episodes because there are hundreds

and I did not know in which episode I was

so if you get to see me in an episode of these two series in other movies in other series come tell me in the comments

but as a bonus I will show you a little scene that I did in julie lescaut

so it was not as a cop or anything else it was as a cascade lining for an actor

so I had to jump from one barge to another and you will see that

As you've seen I'm the waterfall lining of the character who is being chased but the editor is a bit crap because at

at a given moment we see my face here so that normally the waterfall lining we must not see his face

it happens a few years later I had a small role of policeman in the series braquo channel plus and you will see that

sometimes I do not hesitate to hit a woman when the situation requires

We could also see me again cop cop in the film paulette and you will see I have a little anecdote to

tell you about this shoot and especially a big fail

So the big story about these two days of filming is that the director asked us to run after the traffickers and

asked us to run as quickly as possible so I was with a colleague is

apparently I ran a little too fast so he was trying to be

at the same speed as me he did not succeed he started to tangle his feet he staggered

over 5 m

it's funny to have

sorry and so after five meters running staggering he totally fell to the ground he cleared his face he

finished in scorpion feet above the head good it's not very nice for him because it's really hurt but

frankly the scene it was really funny to have forgiveness

Also him in a series on France 3 a script and reality you know it's this kind of mini series where people play


Philippe will be arrested by the police

he was reportedly robbed of a house in the area

so what happened

philippe would he have a double life

where would this man be the victim of a terrible machination

Concerned ok

I made various appearances in TV series and lately I shot in

central police station so I did not see the snowy episode do not even know if it came out so if you see it if you have it

seen said me in the comments I even made a member of the scientific police in the profiling series

- m - to the naked plate and it looks like it's on my head that I do not like many times I could also embody

members of intervention units

like the gign the g ipl to berry and their help for example for anti gang movie with jean reno have

incarnated members of the br I but also for the series leo mattei

let's go

Other actions

A month ago that I also shot in a Japanese movie as a member of the gign

and the tooth believe me there were good big shots on the police and in addition the scenes

intervention was really weird she had no logic

Yeah they are really perched in Japan and no later than four days ago I played a raid member in a

TV movie that will be released I do not know what


The little video you will see now it was not a series it's not a movie what is for a viral internet video

this awareness video

for AIDS they date a little

the intervention techniques in are not at the top but it was a little bit the goal it was fun enough to turn so I'll go

show it right now and tell me in the comments or you see in the video attention there is a trap

Another victory for him and it's a virus has been apprehended

to you the studios

I shot as a cop on other movies on other shows there are so many that I can not do everything you

show but as I said in the intro I rake a little wider to tell you that I turned as a soldier in

as a gendarme and I also made a prison guy in the series your gloves and I also made a police officer

american in milwaukee for the series the patriots the american class

and I also have the chance to make a policeman of the future in the screaming metal series

so from the beginning I'm talking about various brigades

intervention like the gign the gipn

labeyrie and the raid and many people do not necessarily know the distinction between these various units and well know that their distinction

is done according to their field of intervention

their specialty and if they belong to the national police or the gendarmerie

let's first start with their help if you saw it thi doan schepp had made a video with red means search assistance intervention deterrence

their duties and fight against organized crime and terrorism

and they are attached to the general direction of the national police and they intervene mainly in urban areas

the gip and that means intervention group of the national police

also belongs to the general direction of the national police and they now act only in areas

Overseas it has almost the same function as their help to something close but the dream is above the gign which means group

intervention of the national gendarmerie is the military equivalent of the raid its field of action is

mainly in rural areas and he has already worked hand in hand with their help

on the other hand the gign is older than the raid the br I which means brigade of research and intervention

is also called anti-gang squad and also just anti gang

la berri is a police unit

the glassware is distinguished from the others

intervention groups by the fact that she can carry out investigations so do spinning mills raised evidence all beside her activity

of intervention his terrain here is very selectively what are the differences between these various groups

intervention and if you want more information on this topic do not hesitate to ask me questions in the comments or try to

do your research by yourself on the internet before the end of this video as promised we finish with a little advice

often in series or in movies of the gendarmerie police services

or cops in American movies American series hold their arms in this way when it goes forward ie they have their fingers

on the tail of relaxation and well it's a big mistake all police forces police gendarmerie and bone must hold

their fingers his side like this

why because the police have a duty to

security he must be careful not to shoot at any time everything has to be really calculated for their safety for the safety of

people in front

and so if they have their fingers like that on the tail of relaxation and that for example they are afraid of something that

are surprised that they can press without paying attention at least if one has the finger on one side so that one will not shoot

right now but if we see shooting quickly we will do


so you see it's just as fast but we have security at the beginning the police must know how to keep their cool in all

these situations and therefore better position your finger in the right place

so I repeat if in a movie in a sawmill or other you see law enforcement before it's like that

with the finger on the tail of relaxation

it's a mistake I had to shoot you outside but when I'm talking to you

it's snowing so it would have been

complicated so I do it indoors

again I'm bothering you do not forget the thumbs up it's so important that youtube can reference us

that that's also important for SEO to fly you share the video is on this I'll see you soon friends

For more infomation >> J'INFILTRE LA POLICE ET PLUSIEURES BRIGADES - Duration: 11:04.



After a great snowscoot session at the end of the season

It is possible that you get

a lot of scratches and holes made my rocks and stones under your skies

so today I'll show you how to fix this !

Yes yes ! haha See you in the office !

Welcome to my office

I know it's more a living room than an office

but I don't have any office so here I am in my living room

You might be wondering why I still have my goggles on

Jumping goggles

I got many requests from you guys asking what brand that was

It's from DirtyDog, check the link in the description

They have many super stylish goggles

it's this year's model and the glass is magnetic

it's super easy to change the glass

a lot of people told me that the glass could go away if you crash

but in 6 years I use them, it never happened to me

So here it is, Dirty Dog, for everyone who asked me

Now it's time to fix the skies

Once again you have been many to ask how I am fixing my snowscoot skies

So I though it would be a usefull video if you guys are planning on getting a snowscoot or if you already have one

Here's what you need for this

I got this package from Skatepro because I didn't have my own stuff

everytime I was fixing skies it was always at some friends place

and Skatepro was super nice to send everything I needed for this video

Mhhh I think I need something sharp


Magic when you're not used to it...'s mind blowing

Leave me alone...

5 tools is all you need to fix some damaged skies

5 tools and a sticker

The brush : Used to clean the skies before and after

A real iron but not for clothes

it's only meant to be used with the fart

The fart I just mentioned

The pytex, which is the kind of plastic that we'll use to fill the scratches

We got the scrapper

or the "scratch scratch" as french people say

which we'll use to even everything after using the pytex

because the pytex will create little bumps

Only 5 tools, that's all you need

you can buy packages that are between 60$ and 100$

it's not so expensive and you can use it many times

but enough theory not it's time to fix the skies, follow me

come on...

I'll do a voice over to explain everything

you see this very bad scratch there

I 'm going to fill them

there are a lot of holes as well. These skies are already old have been used a lot

so fixing everything and make it look just like new is not going to be possible

I'm going to focus on the bigger ones

Brush to clean the skies, strong and always in the sliding directiong

otherwise you'll add bad scratches

You can also use the scrapper to make the skies as soft as possible

Then, light the pytex on fire

Once it is on, drops are going to fall

and you can start filling everything. Wouaaah beautiful

Quite satisfying to watch I have to say

Once again, focus on the biggest ones, small ones don't really matter

Once it's dry, scrap all the pytex bumps away

then use the brush to clean everything and recreate the good tiny scratches that will help the water slide under your skies

as long as you have white dust, keep brushing

only then you can apply the fart

Use the iron to melt the fart over the skies

once you think you got enough on

just iron everything like you would iron a beautiful shirt (and don't ask your mum to do it, you can do it yourself)

On a serious note, I am not a pro at this, it's very amateur but for me it's enough

wait at least 10 minutes before scrapping the fart away

always in one direction until it's very soft

Take good care of your skies

once you're done scrapping

use the brush one last time until all the white dust is gone and your skies are super soft

The good scratches you do with the brush are really important

If you buy new skies, you would realize that it has thin scratches under it. This allow the water/snow to slide faster under your skies

And now you got brand new skies ! You're ready to hit the slopes and ride super fast

and I'll see you next week for a new video

let me know in the comments if you need any other advice regarding the snowscoot

I'm always super happy to show this sport to people and help them practise it

Since my last snowscoot video, a lot of people asked me where they could find one

There's a link in the description where you can find them

Little surprise as promised, the instacontest to win a snowscoot is officialy online

it's on my instagram but be careful and read the instructions, it doesn't just happen on instagram but on youtube aswell

To win this snowscoot, follow my instagram account and my youtube channel

like the picture of the contest and tag 3 friends and you might be the winner of this snowscoot !

I leave you here with a few snowscoot clips I filmed last week 87 00:05:56,040 --> 00:00:00,000 Good luck for the giveaway and take care everyone !

For more infomation >> JE RÉPARE UN SNOWSCOOT ET VOUS OFFRE UN SNOWSCOOT NEUF - Duration: 6:48.





After Securing Victory In Court, Zamfara Gov Says 'I Have Forgiven APC' - Duration: 3:27.

After Securing Victory In Court, Zamfara Gov Says 'I Have Forgiven APC'

Abdulaziz Yari, Governor of Zamfara State, says he has forgiven the All Progressives Congress (APC) for the unfair treatment received regarding the primary election held in 2018.

He stated this after a private meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari in Abuja. He was accompanied by Mukhtar Idris, the Zamfara APC governorship candidate. According to NAN, Yari said the court had vindicated him.

On Friday, the Zamfara State High Court 3 sitting in Gusau, the state capital, upheld the primary election conducted by the APC state chapter.

On October 11, 2018, the state chapter of APC filed a case before the court praying it to compel the APC national headquarters and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to accept the primary election it conducted on October 7, 2018.

The national headquarters of APC had earlier declared that there was no primary election of the party in the state.

Speaking after the meeting in Abuja, he said: "Some other people are saying that the reign of Yerima and Abdulaziz for 20 years is over in Zamfara State, but I believe Almighty God to give power to whomsoever he desires to give and he promised to sustain the power as long you uphold justice.

"I use this opportunity to call on the party; the crisis didn't die at the party level. I can say the party has not done justice to us, but we have forgiven it; in a democracy, there is a process.

"Section 87, 1 to 14 of the Electoral Act is very clear on what should be done; so, in our case, we were denied many things, but as I said earlier, we have forgiven and we are going to continue.

"You remember, from October, 2018, we have been struggling on whether there is primary or no primary in Zamfara State by INEC and we believe we have undergone all the processes.

"Today, God did it once again for us by giving us victory — the court accepted that Zamfara State APC has conducted its primaries based on the evidence presented before that court.

Speaking on the role of INEC in the matter, the governor continued: "The state REC went around and supervised as allowed by the law.

Unfortunately, the INEC headquarters did not wait to receive the report by the REC there and it went ahead with a pronouncement.

"Anyway, we secured the certified true copy and presented before the court and I think it is the document that supported the court in its process to pass the judgment in our favour.

For more infomation >> After Securing Victory In Court, Zamfara Gov Says 'I Have Forgiven APC' - Duration: 3:27.


Buhari Seems Too Desperate For Power; I'm Not Surprised He Failed, Says Junaid Mohammed - Duration: 2:49.

Buhari Seems Too Desperate For Power; I'm Not Surprised He Failed, Says Junaid Mohammed

Junaid Mohammed, a lawmaker during Nigeria's Second Republic, says President Muhammadu Buhari seems too desperate for power and is not likely to concede defeat in the forthcoming elections if he loses.

He stated this in an interview with The Punch newspaper, published on Saturday.

According to the former lawmaker, who also resigned as the vice-presidential candidate of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), the notion that he is secretly supporting Atiku Abubakar, presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) is "arrant nonsense".

On if Buhari would concede defeat, he said: "With the information I have with me, I don't think he is ready. The President seems too desperate for power.

For a man that has gone through so many phases of leadership in government, I see no reason why he should still want to hold onto power at all cost. I'm not surprised he failed.".

On the reports that he was secretly supporting PDP, he added: "That is arrant nonsense! If I didn't support the PDP when it was the PDP during the years it was led by Obasanjo, what will attract me to the PDP now?.

Do I look like somebody who can be in the PDP? Do I look like someone who wants to be in a party that wants to wrestle power to make money?.

"I think that is rather unfair to me. I am involved in Northern Elders Forum led by Professor Ango Abdullahi.

Ango is not a member of the PDP. Why will I be a member of the SDP and only after resignation from top position say I want to support the candidate of the PDP?.

"Yes, I don't support Buhari, but I don't see Atiku as the alternative and I said so publicly. Although I believe Buhari has failed but the solution is not to bring back the PDP or Atiku.

Whether I'm aggrieved or not, I have been known for being consistent since I joined politics over 40 years ago.

When these parties were formed, I never showed any indication, even with 95 per cent of the people I grew with trooping in." .

For more infomation >> Buhari Seems Too Desperate For Power; I'm Not Surprised He Failed, Says Junaid Mohammed - Duration: 2:49.


IN BIG TROUBLE!!! Teleportion part 2 - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> IN BIG TROUBLE!!! Teleportion part 2 - Duration: 7:22.


(EN/日) SoRi 'I'm Ready' MV Making EP4 [소리] - Duration: 5:34.

Sori's YouTube Channel

(We moved up to the rooftop for the next shoot.)

It's so pretty up here!

It' breath-taking!

Ah, it stated raining.

All of this, for you!

Even though the rain was something I wasn't prepared for...

Isn''t this awesome?

(and it started pouring harder T_T)

(SoRi on Standby!)

(Would the dancers) be okay?

(The dancers gave their best on a cold rainy weather.)

(Sori also charges through the rain!)

Everyone's braving the cold wind and rain.

I actually wondered about this before...

Whether we'd be actually dancing in the rain...

I thought on top of my head, "Probably not..." but that actually is happening now.

I'm afraid i'd catch a cold...

I-I dunno how to react to this...

I feel so sorry to the dancers that I cannot turn around...

(Once again, everyone's back to standby)

We're gonna start shooting again!


I feel pretty cold.

Actually, compared to South Korea, it's not that bad...

This is like warm breeze compared to Korean winter we're having this year.

The same goes to the rain...

I actually feel thankful for the rain. all this stuff I can brush off.

Compared to Korean weather, It's warm and I get to shoot my music video here.

One regrettable thing I guess is that I didn't get to see the sun at all today.

I wanted shoot this with sunset on the background...

That was a bit of a bummer.

(Even though there's no sunset, you still look awesome, Sori!)

(With this, Dancers' portions the shoot is completely finished!)

(Thank you for your hard work!!!)

(Alright, let's hurry home and relax!!)

Thank you so much, everyone!

(Sori still has a few more scenes to go, back to work!!!)

For more infomation >> (EN/日) SoRi 'I'm Ready' MV Making EP4 [소리] - Duration: 5:34.


[MIX Lyrics(MIX 가사집)] Onestar(임한별) _ A tearful farewell(사랑 이딴 거) X The Way To Say Goodbye(이별하러 가는 길) - Duration: 2:05.

(A tearful farewell X The Way To Say Goodbye)

On my way to say goodbye to you

It is a fine day

On my way to remove you

Without any notice

The sudden breakup

May give you a very hard time

I'm sorry

We were good

All our moments

It was not special

But a happy and simple memory

When you chose what to eat

Your eyes were concentrating

Such a little behavior of you

Is still vivid in my eyes

I won't do love again

I lie

And you are crying

I leave you behind coldly

Now, let's say good bye

Good bye

If I caught you to the last

If I didn't lose you

Did I return

To the beginning?

Why am I so serious about love?

All day long

I'm whining to myself

I endured well today, too

I let you go that way

For more infomation >> [MIX Lyrics(MIX 가사집)] Onestar(임한별) _ A tearful farewell(사랑 이딴 거) X The Way To Say Goodbye(이별하러 가는 길) - Duration: 2:05.


WRC 2019 Rallye Monte Carlo. DAY 1-2! STAGE SS 1-8.! Highlights! - Duration: 10:17.

27 Octane

WRC 2019

Rallye Monte Carlo

Day 1-2 Highlights

Stages: SS1-8

For more infomation >> WRC 2019 Rallye Monte Carlo. DAY 1-2! STAGE SS 1-8.! Highlights! - Duration: 10:17.


[ENG]애슐리 딸기축제 오픈했어요!! 제일 빨리 다녀와봅니다...^^ 나름이 먹방 MUKBANG - Duration: 13:57.

(Is that a fried pork risotto ...?)

My favorite pizza has run out of food..

All the grill food looks like the same

I'll put only pizza on this plate.

(The food coming alarm is supposed to make me feel happy....)

No.1 snack for Nareum

[So much food here]


[Marshmallow & Strawberry Fountain]

Pizza was left out for too long [So sad]


It's been a while since the last time, I came here at Ashely Buffet today (Ashely is Korean & American style Buffet)

I didn't come for a while..but today

I came for enjoy the Strawberry season

I served food by myself like this

I'll enjoy it !

I seasoned with a dash of pepper on the soup

it's corn soup

actually, I want to eat both of corn soup and mushroom soup

The soup taste is similar though

I did well, right ?

It's so fresh and chewy

(You eat so well.. lol)

(wipe mouth)

This is mushroom sweet and sour pork(?) was something like that

I just want to eat Plain sweet and sour pork.. (it's not delicious)


This is Udon broth

[So good]

I like this type of broth.

This is my favorite one (Fried potatos)

(This is amazing)

This one is also fried photatos

I'm gonna dip this into the cheese sauce this one into the ketchup

Fried photatos is good with tomato ketchup


Can you see this ?

'll try the seaweed soup…

(What flavor is this ?)

soup was not seasoned to suit my taste..

(be serious)

it's not delicious

This is onion ring ~ it was made by raw onion

This is so delicious I want to eat more

Ashely made really good for Fried food

No matter where you visit ashley, the fried food is always delicious

it has a crispy taste


it's really good

Fried seaweed roll

I finished this plate ~

and refilled fried rice

(What is this ?)

This is maple croquettes.

I guess after fried the dumpling and then spread maple syrup on the dumpling

the dough is very chewy likes dumplings

dip into the cheese sauce

It's a rock…

I should've bring the pizza for last…

I'm such an idiot..

the cinnamon flavor come at once but it's not that strong.

I don't like cinnamon but .. not bad

[Yum yum]

Wow ~

it would be taste with Kimchi

but I don't wanna move ….

haha.. (you lazy girl !! lol)

when I feel thirsty, eat udon

(You should drink a water when you thirsty lol)

(Cute alert) moving eyebrows ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

it's mapa tofu and egg fried rice

I guess I must eat them together, it would be nice.

Doesn't it look really appetizing ?


This is my favorite one so far..

it's really soft

egg fried rice not seasoned yet so, I can feel the mapa tofu taste more.

it's fried fish, not a chicken

it's fried fish, not a chicken

I dipped this into the ketchup by mistake

I like photato and sweet photato so, I really like sweet photato snacks

That was the only one dessert thing I can cook

(acting like a CEO)

it's delicious

Let's eat dessert ~!

I'm looking forward to this one ~

Strawberry fondue

No way .. it's glued to the dish..

I thought it was made with syrup but it wasn't. It was made with 100% chocolate

it taste like a

..taste fattening

If you eat too much you will become fat but it's delicious

This is a strawberry churros

[Head to the side]

I don't get why it is a strawberry churros..

It's really cute

Rabbit's ears was made with marshmallow


am I look scary ...?

Rabbit : Please help me … !

the bottom is the covered with strawberry chiffon

[Full of cream inside]

The texture is really good becuase bread is super soft

it's really delicious

This is like a Strawberry Banana (voice cracked ?)

Oops !

This is a Strawberry Banana Cake


it taste like a dalgona (sugar candy)

it looks like the strawberry banana cake but taste like a lotux

I guess... it called strawberry lotxs biscoff

Did you see that ? That part is a lotus I guess

lotus is the snack name.

it's Strawberry Pandoro

it put the seasoned powder on the corn bread with strawberry

Look at this ~ it's looks luxurious

it looks made like at luxury dessert shops

This is the pieces of cake

you should pick the cake very carefully because there's no strawberry on the cake in everything.

So..carefully choosing is important. (Don't fall down….)

I think… people who like a strawberry they would be like this

actually, I don't like a strawberry a lot

(Editor : Strawberry is my favorite fruit !)

Today, I've been at Ashely faster than anyone

The Strawberry Food Festival hasn't started in every restaurants.

I came here to eat where the festival has started and filmed it and posted the video on YouTube !

Cos I wanted to show you guys very quickly

Bye ~~

The end !?

In summary,

I wanted to post the video on YouTube for you guys

If you plan to going Asheley, you have to search which stores has started strawberry season festival

Clear ~?

(okay, it's enough !'Just go now' ~ Lol)

Okay See you soon guys ~ Have a good weekend !

For more infomation >> [ENG]애슐리 딸기축제 오픈했어요!! 제일 빨리 다녀와봅니다...^^ 나름이 먹방 MUKBANG - Duration: 13:57.


芬兰华侨与白人老公的十余年生活:一夜情成就夫夫恋的经历(cc字幕) - Duration: 24:25.

For more infomation >> 芬兰华侨与白人老公的十余年生活:一夜情成就夫夫恋的经历(cc字幕) - Duration: 24:25.


Is the Moon shrinking? - Duration: 4:08.

We are used to tectonic activity on Earth, it being a daily occurrence somewhere on the


But what about on our closest neighbour, the Moon?

During the Apollo missions, seismometers were left on the moon to detect the presence of


From these instruments, we now know that the moon does have quakes, and relatively frequently


But unlike Earth, most can be attributed to meteors striking the moons surface, although

there is also evidence to suggest that a small percentage of these quakes could be due to

the moon shrinking and contracting.

Early in the solar system's life, most of its celestial objects were hot, a result of

the process of how they were formed and followed up by a period of heavy bombardment.

Since then, impacts have become much less frequent, and these objects - including the

moon - have cooled down.

As something cools, it contracts.

Photos taken by the Apollo missions imaging the moon's surface, and photos from the

current lunar mission, LRO, show that the moon is covered with these kilometres-long

ridges, or lobate scarps, which can rise up to 100 meters high.

Scientists believe they are connected to the moon cooling.

They predict that these scarps are caused by thrust faults, faults caused by the lunar

crust being pushed together until it gives, causing a distinctive scarp on the surface

which is steep on one side and shallow on the other.

It could be that some of these moonquakes detected by the old Apollo missions are caused

by these thrust faults even today!

The images that we have of lobate scarps on the moon show that they must be pretty young,

certainly formed within the last 100 million years.

We know this because they can cut right through older craters, craters which are big enough

that they would have likely formed billions of years ago, not recently.

Tidal forces from the Earth could also influence the location of these scarps as the Earth's

gravity pulls on the Moon's crust.

Here you can see the location of the scarps across the moon, and the arrows represent

the direction of pull caused by the Earth's gravity.

Even with all these influences, however, it is thought that the Moon has only shrunk a

total of 250m since it was formed.

Mercury, on the other hand, has had a much more tumultuous past.

It is thought that early in its life, it was actually a molten world which has since cooled

and solidified.

Mercury also is special in that it has a massive neighbour exerting an incredible amount of

tidal forces on it, the Sun.

This means its contractions were much bigger than our moon's.

Here, you can see one such lobate scarp which is about 2km high and hundreds of kilometres


In comparison to the moon shrinking 250m, Mercury is thought to has shrunk by up to


So yes, the moon is shrinking, but we don't need to worry about it disappearing anytime


Well thanks for watching!

Celestial objects are massively interesting and there's still so much to learn about

them, so if you have some time, why not have a look through this playlist?

Don't forget to subscribe, like and share, and if you want to help support the channel,

I have Patreon found here!

All the best, and see you next time.

For more infomation >> Is the Moon shrinking? - Duration: 4:08.


Chelsea latest news: Chelsea legend Nevin picks out one player who should NEVER captain the club - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Chelsea latest news: Chelsea legend Nevin picks out one player who should NEVER captain the club - Duration: 3:42.


電車 通過 音 子供向け踏切動画 japan train railroad crossing - Duration: 20:44.

Japanese train and railroad crossing

For more infomation >> 電車 通過 音 子供向け踏切動画 japan train railroad crossing - Duration: 20:44.


FREE PocketBike GiveAway! - Mini Bikes Store Competition !! - Duration: 2:29.

Hi Guys and welcome back to Mini Bikes Store Video Blog

today it's gonne be special video

we are just reaching 41k subscribers

on our youtube channel and thank you guys for that

and thank you guys for watching our videos

we hope you find our videos usefull

because of we are reaching 41k subscribers

we want to run a Competition

so we decided that we will giveaway for FREE

one of our most popular pocket bikes

which is the PS50 Rocket Sport in Orange color

totaly for free so we will actually cover the shipping price

and you will receive your pocket bike

free of charge at your door

so how to join our competition?

1. you have to be subsriber of our youtube channel

if you are already that's great, thank you very much

if you are not yet, you can just click the subscribe button in the corner just here

2. next you should go to our online shop and register an account

so once you register account on our website you have to send us

an email with your full name

your nick from youtube

and you will join the competition

so there are 3 simple rules

you have to be subscriber of our youtube channel

you have to register an account on our website

and send us the email with your details

the draw of our competition

will take place after our youtube channel hits 50k subscribers

so you can send this video to all your friends

ask your friends to join the competition

the sooner we get 50k subscribers

the sooner the draw of the competition will take place

and one very important information

this competition is only for European Subscribers

we can not send bikes outside Europe

we do deliver bikes to 32 European Countries

so you can check on our website if you are from one of the countries

we actually deliver

and the winner of the competition must be from one of this countries

so we hope guys that you all will join our competition

as I said before the winning prize

is worth over €300

it's a brand new PS50 Rocket Sport Pocket Bike

in orange color and it's free for the winner

of the competition including delivery to your door

so for more information about our competition

you can visit our website or you can check description of this video

so thanks guys for watching, don't forget to share this video

with all your friends and see you soon

For more infomation >> FREE PocketBike GiveAway! - Mini Bikes Store Competition !! - Duration: 2:29.


Adorable Bronx Scream Cry angry mum request milk,Why Mum sitting on Poor baby monkey like this? - Duration: 10:40.

For more infomation >> Adorable Bronx Scream Cry angry mum request milk,Why Mum sitting on Poor baby monkey like this? - Duration: 10:40.


#47, sub)그림 그리는 날. 캔버스에 아크릴화 / 노트북으로 멤버쉽 아이콘 만들기 - Duration: 8:31.

Today I'm gonna paint an Acrylic painting.

I took out brushes after a long time.

This sound makes me feel good.

Squeeze the paint that you want to use and mix the color that will be the background.

This is the background color for today.

At first, brush to the whole canvas

Before the paint dries, coat it with dark color.

You can repaint the color you don't like.

When the background is complete, add clouds.

Shade it after the shape is done.

Cloud is difficult

finally, paint the ocean.

Bebe fell asleep watching me paint.

by the time the painting is finished..


Bebe stepped on the painting.

a blue sole

"Let me see"

Anyway, it's done.

I hung the painting beside the bed.

The afternoon

This time, I draw another thong.

I opened 'Membership' to my channel,

this is Emoji for members.

cute bebe

It's hard than I expected.

Bebe was looking around and sat on my lap.

I ate Samgyeopsal watching Netflix

And I did the dishes that I put off all day.

Air out the house, and I turned on the candle.

During that, I wrote a essay.

Good night bebe

For more infomation >> #47, sub)그림 그리는 날. 캔버스에 아크릴화 / 노트북으로 멤버쉽 아이콘 만들기 - Duration: 8:31.


'음악중심' 청하, '벌써 12시' 대체불가한 매력 '폭발' - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> '음악중심' 청하, '벌써 12시' 대체불가한 매력 '폭발' - Duration: 1:52.


Brees admires QB Luck's return from shoulder injury - Duration: 4:07.

 New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees predicted in early August that Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck would be among two candidates to win the NFL's Comeback Player of the Year award

 With the 2018 regular season in the books, Brees' confidence level on Luck taking home the recognition hasn't wavered

 "I feel really good about that statement," Brees told reporters Wednesday, via the Saints' official website

"How do you guys feel about that statement?" LATEST ANALYSIS   ▶ Rosenthal: Top five landing spots for Foles?   ▶ MJD: The most important back in SB LIII is

  ▶ Brooks: Five keys to a Pats Super Bowl win   ▶ Shook: One unsung hero for each NFL team   ▶ Brandt: Mayfield leads 2018 All-Rookie Team  Brees' other choice for the award was former teammate and current Philadelphia Eagles running back Darren Sproles, whose season hit a snag as he battled a nagging hamstring injury before returning for the stretch run

 But it would be hard to argue against Brees' prediction on the Colts' signal-caller

 Luck's return from an injury to his throwing shoulder, which cost him the 2017 season, has been remarkable and his presence on the field is directly linked to the Colts' success and postseason berth

 Brees, who suffered a similar injury to his throwing shoulder in December 2005 while a member of the San Diego Chargers, has a full appreciation of what Luck has accomplished

 "Understanding what he's overcome, I do not think anybody understands the significance of a throwing shoulder injury for an NFL quarterback," Brees said

"And not just coming back from that, but then continuing to strengthen it and gain confidence in it

And it is not like you are just sitting back there in seven-on-seven. You are getting hit

"  After starting the season at 1-5, Luck led the Colts on a 9-1 march to finish the season at 10-6 and the No

6 seed in the playoffs, where Indianapolis will play the Houston Texans on Saturday

 Luck finished the season completing 430 of 639 passes for 4,593 yards and 39 touchdowns with 15 touchdowns, establishing career-high marks in completions, pass attempts and completion percentage (67

3). The Colts also took care of their franchise quarterback by upgrading the players around him, notably the offensive line, and Luck was sacked just 18 times, which represents the lowest amount on Luck's career in a full season

 Luck will have competition for the end-of-season award, most likely from Texans defensive end J

J. Watt, who returned from a broken leg in 2017 to notch 16 sacks in 2018.  But if Brees had a vote in the process, it's pretty clear his choice remains Luck

 "I have always admired his toughness and his ability to overcome odds in tough circumstances and tough situations, and play through a lot," Brees said

"I think they have continued to build the pieces around him.  "They're playing really good football right now

They're playing with a ton of confidence. You can see it -- you can feel it when you watch the games

Obviously he's the leader. He's the guy that that everybody kind of rallies around on offense and they're doing some good things

They're fun to watch."

For more infomation >> Brees admires QB Luck's return from shoulder injury - Duration: 4:07.


High quality graphics for free! | Sun Temple - Unity Package + Speed Level Design & Project Download - Duration: 4:54.

Hey guys, just letting you all know about this free environments package I found on the Unity asset store

It's called "Sun Temple" and it's by Sandro T

This package comes with a bunch of models in the aspects of props


and also a module building system, which is really nice

The models of this package are also of a high quality and well optimized with implemented LODs system

custom shaders are also available for things such as a dynamically moving skybox, wind etc

I would highly recommend downloading this package as the publisher seems to be a bit random

with prices as only a few months earlier this package was $50,

so get in now while it is free. I will have a link in the description.

Sandro T also has another package called flooded grounds which is similar to the quality of Sun Temple

and yet again it is also free.

Now I've gone ahead and created a quick village square scene using only the assets from this package

if you follow me on Instagram you would have seen this scene already

so if you would like to see sneak peaks at my work and even see scenes that never make to this channel

make sure to take a gander at my profile

👀 @Sketch343 👌

I will have project up for download as well since I have created my own custom buildings

so if you would like to download them check the link in the description

Alright, enough said lets do a time-lapse! 😃

Thanks for watching guys, if you enjoyed this video make sure to… well you know…

subscribe to PewDiePie 👊

For more infomation >> High quality graphics for free! | Sun Temple - Unity Package + Speed Level Design & Project Download - Duration: 4:54.





【High Calorie】 [MiniStop] New Chewy BigDog & Tokashi Hashed Potato & Chicken Curry Buns [5000kcal] - Duration: 4:58.

hello it's kinoshita yuka



i bought from MiniStop the new Chewy BigDog, that is available in japan for the first time

this bigdog is so famous in the korean branch of Ministop, and this is its first release in japan

and here, the new release of Tokashi Hashed Potato

and here, Butter Chicken Curry Buns

it looks so tasty !!

and i made for today consomme soup as well

let's start with this BigDog

waa, you can see the sausage from the sides

let's add ketchup and mustard

let's do that in all of it

looks so delicious

did i say "itadakimasu"?


mmmm! yummy

it's much more soft than the american hot dog

i think they used some mochi to make it ( rice cake )

and the sausage inside is juicy and tasty


the outside is so soft and chewy

and the crispy texture of the sausage is so delicious

this goes so well with the soup

consomme soup is so tasty after all


and it's easy to eat it

this is really a new texture


next, Tokashi Hashed Potato

let's use the ketchup


the outside is crispy and the inside is soft and this is so yummy

mmm, it's so much fun to eat it in one bite

and its crispy and light texture is so good

next, Chicken Curry Buns


the aroma of the curry is so nice !


The curry seasoning with tomato is truly balanced and delicious

there is some chicken chunks too

jaan!! let's use honey now


mmmm! this sweet and salty tasty is so yummy

the taste of the honey is so good

mmmmmm !

there are really many things in convenience stores

you can find anything there


honey goes so well with the hashed potato too

honey goes so well with anything after all

the last one


the last bite, itadakimasu



the bigdog was so tasty

its soft texture from the outside and the crispy and juicy from the inside was amazingly delicious

it's was heavy and good

and both Chicken Curry Buns and Tokashi Hashed Potato was so good as well

miniStop food is truly delicious

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

and i wish for everyone a happy and tasty day

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【High Calorie】 [MiniStop] New Chewy BigDog & Tokashi Hashed Potato & Chicken Curry Buns [5000kcal] - Duration: 4:58.


Matt LeBlanc din serialul Friends, de nerecunoscut, ieri, într-o apariţie TV! - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Matt LeBlanc din serialul Friends, de nerecunoscut, ieri, într-o apariţie TV! - Duration: 2:42.


Gustavo detona Hana: "Ela é a cobra" - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Gustavo detona Hana: "Ela é a cobra" - Duration: 5:36.


056. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 8:33.

For more infomation >> 056. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 8:33.


Hana chora em DR com Paula e Hariany - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Hana chora em DR com Paula e Hariany - Duration: 6:14.


Stunt Bike Build Series | Episode 6 | Bearings & Dust Seals - Duration: 4:36.

Hey guys!

We are here at PitStop

Here in Gaia

this is a garage from a friend of mine

Let's take care of the wheels, I've to put the bearings and the dust seals

and put the tires back on so we can work on the CBR

Let's go!

I will leave the link to this garage in the description, please leave a Like in the facebook page

Hope you like.

This will be a quick video because there isn't a lot of science to change the bearings

I already took them out before painting the wheels

I will put grease on the wheels so I can put the bearings using a precission press

for last I will use a specific glue to secure the dust seals

The bearings are already instaled

Now I will install the dust seals, some I got from Honda

and some I got in a store of a friend of mine.

bearing and dust seals store

I will leave the link in the description

They can get almost every bearing and dust seals

1 hour later!....

Let's move on and put the tire back in the wheels again

These are the old tires and soon I will put a new ones but I need to place the wheels back in the bike

so I can continue with the instalation of the new parts that I have

as I told this will be a quick video

Here we are just finishing the installation of the tires

Like the facebook page of pitstop

The wheels are ready!

More news soon!

Don't forget to follow my Instagram where I will put the pics of the new parts that are arriving

and pics of the bike with the wheels

See you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Stunt Bike Build Series | Episode 6 | Bearings & Dust Seals - Duration: 4:36.


FREE PocketBike GiveAway! - Mini Bikes Store Competition !! - Duration: 2:29.

Hi Guys and welcome back to Mini Bikes Store Video Blog

today it's gonne be special video

we are just reaching 41k subscribers

on our youtube channel and thank you guys for that

and thank you guys for watching our videos

we hope you find our videos usefull

because of we are reaching 41k subscribers

we want to run a Competition

so we decided that we will giveaway for FREE

one of our most popular pocket bikes

which is the PS50 Rocket Sport in Orange color

totaly for free so we will actually cover the shipping price

and you will receive your pocket bike

free of charge at your door

so how to join our competition?

1. you have to be subsriber of our youtube channel

if you are already that's great, thank you very much

if you are not yet, you can just click the subscribe button in the corner just here

2. next you should go to our online shop and register an account

so once you register account on our website you have to send us

an email with your full name

your nick from youtube

and you will join the competition

so there are 3 simple rules

you have to be subscriber of our youtube channel

you have to register an account on our website

and send us the email with your details

the draw of our competition

will take place after our youtube channel hits 50k subscribers

so you can send this video to all your friends

ask your friends to join the competition

the sooner we get 50k subscribers

the sooner the draw of the competition will take place

and one very important information

this competition is only for European Subscribers

we can not send bikes outside Europe

we do deliver bikes to 32 European Countries

so you can check on our website if you are from one of the countries

we actually deliver

and the winner of the competition must be from one of this countries

so we hope guys that you all will join our competition

as I said before the winning prize

is worth over €300

it's a brand new PS50 Rocket Sport Pocket Bike

in orange color and it's free for the winner

of the competition including delivery to your door

so for more information about our competition

you can visit our website or you can check description of this video

so thanks guys for watching, don't forget to share this video

with all your friends and see you soon

For more infomation >> FREE PocketBike GiveAway! - Mini Bikes Store Competition !! - Duration: 2:29.


Excluída, Elana é a jogadora mais forte até agora, diz Gabi Prado - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Excluída, Elana é a jogadora mais forte até agora, diz Gabi Prado - Duration: 5:40.


"A Hana vai ser sempre voto meu", revela Gustavo para Maycon - Duration: 7:52.

For more infomation >> "A Hana vai ser sempre voto meu", revela Gustavo para Maycon - Duration: 7:52.


Como Eliminar a Retenção de Líquidos Para Perder Peso! - Duration: 9:44.

For more infomation >> Como Eliminar a Retenção de Líquidos Para Perder Peso! - Duration: 9:44.


INNA. - Ruleta (Feat Erik) | Official video - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> INNA. - Ruleta (Feat Erik) | Official video - Duration: 3:19.


ふわふわなプチガトーショコラの作り方~手軽な贈り物に♪ - Duration: 4:26.

divide eggs into egg yolks and egg whites.

Melt chocolate and butter in hot water

When it is adjusted, remove it from the boiling water

Until the corner stands tightly

160 ℃ 10 min to 25 min

For more infomation >> ふわふわなプチガトーショコラの作り方~手軽な贈り物に♪ - Duration: 4:26.


공부법 코디 토론수업 방정식 함수 피타고라스의 정리 G1 디베이트 중2수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> 공부법 코디 토론수업 방정식 함수 피타고라스의 정리 G1 디베이트 중2수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:36.


Com direito a música do Morat, Ana Guerra lança seu primeiro disco: Reflexión - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Com direito a música do Morat, Ana Guerra lança seu primeiro disco: Reflexión - Duration: 1:38.


Como descargar de EmuParadise tras el cierre Roms Juegos Games Retro - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> Como descargar de EmuParadise tras el cierre Roms Juegos Games Retro - Duration: 7:49.


Il metodo Steve Jobs 8 punti per manipolare le persone | SPLAH - Duration: 4:58.

He looked like a simple little person, frangile and kind

Instead it was quite another thing.

He was not a computer engineer, either the classic nerd devoted to programming.

His genius was all about knowing how to handle with people and distort the reality to arrive

where he wanted

In this video we're going to discover the 8 points that characterized the Steve Jobs method

1 How to deal with problematic people

Jobs was a person who did not see the nuances.

The world was either black or white, just like the people

A person could be a hero or a perfect one idiot

Apple had to hire only the top employees and regularly fire the 'normal' ones

or those who doubted about the strategies business.

Famous is the story of the engineer who doubted that the mouse could move in all

monitor directions, but only horizontally and vertical.

He was fired

The first words spoken by his substitute were: "I can build that mouse."

2 Communicate with passion Jobs was convinced that people make themselves

influence from strong emotions Before launching iTunes, Jobs met dozens

of musicians hoping to involve them in the project.

Some of these artists said that Jobs he was as possessed by his vision, and they were

so fascinated by his passion, that they could not have said no.

3 When you have influence, use it.

When Jobs was called back to Apple to relaunching it, he used his renewed influence

to his advantage First, he asked to revise

its shareholding.

Once the topic was approved, the day after he claims that all members of the council

resigned, threatening that if they had not, he would have left

The councilors resigned and he chose his own advisers so he could better control

the new Apple projects.

4 Pretend perfection For Jobs, everything was based on the quality of the

product and detested anyone who was ready to compromise to bring out a product in

time and costs.

His claim was to create the product more great as possible

He was demanding and perfectionist.

Larry Ellison, co founder of Oracle, said that "In the technology industry, Jobs has

created the only brand similar to a style of life ".

5 Make the best ideas come out

be yours For jobs it was not a problem change opinion

concerning important issues, though the project he was working on was undergoing

completion Jobs was not always right, but he was a teacher

in convincing people to have them.

His strategy was to hold with force a position.

If the position of others was better than the he would have adopted it as it had been

his, which was highly destabilizing.

6 Work hard, and others will respect you.

Respect is the first important step for get what you want.

Steve Jobs had an incredible ethics of work.

He worked 7 days a week from 7 am until 9 pm.

Being very present, it pushed people to create the best possible product, and

he was respected for this.

7 Disarm people with seduction and flattery.

You know what is one of the most important things for a worker, in addition to receiving the salary

loan at the end of the month?

It is to continuously receive approval for what they do, responding in a way

Jobs knew that to distribute false flattery would help him reach

its purpose.

Jobs could fascinate the people he hated, in the same way as insulting people

that he liked.

8 If you want to be followed, be brutally honest.

Perhaps not everyone knows that Jobs was turned away from the company he had founded and then be

called a few more years' to revive the company itself.

The first thing he did was to call Apple executives in the auditorium and, from above

at the stage he asked everyone: "What's wrong here?

After a few murmurs Jobs cut short and shouted: "The products are disgusting!"

They are not as beautiful as before! ".

People got along with ideas of Jobs because he was always honest in everything

what he said.

If something was wrong, Jobs would say it in his face in a very direct way, sometimes with non tones

totally friendly The same transparency demanded it from his own


Brutal honesty was one of his points of strength

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