Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 29 2019

El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 2004: Julieta es violada y Carmelo dispara a Eustaquio

Mientras Álvaro cuenta a Elsa su triste historia de amor; don Berengario y Carmelo se encuentras con los Molero y descubren que han violado a Julieta.

El alcalde, decide tomar una drástica decisión con Eustaquio. El miércoles, en "El secreto de Puente Viejo".

Este miércoles 30 de enero, Antena 3 estrena un nuevo capítulo de "El secreto de Puente Viejo",

la serie de emisión nacional más longeva de la televisión española.

Mientras en la entrega del martes, Julieta se encuentra en manos de los Molero,

el miércoles, Saúl viene preguntando por Julieta, pero Consuelo hace rato que no la ve.

Saúl llega y da la voz de alarma: Julieta ha desaparecido, ha encontrado su cesta tirada y teme que se le hayan llevado por la fuerza.

Saúl busca a Julieta en La Casona, pero Prudencio no ha tenido nada que ver. Todos ofrecen su ayuda para buscarla.

Entretanto, la situación es incómoda en el encontronazo entre las dos "parejas",

todos procuran que se prolongue lo menos posible, luego Isaac se muestra terriblemente celoso.

Y es que los chicos siguen intimando: Álvaro cuenta a Elsa su triste historia de amor.

Todo el pueblo parece enterado de la heroicidad de Álvaro cuando en el pasado sanó a los niños de Portugal; lo saben por boca de Elsa.

Así, Álvaro cree que es justo que la gente sepa que fue Elsa quien le dio el dinero, pero ella se niega.

A la par, Irene responde que no puede trabajar para Anacleto: tiene que cuidar de Adela. Amable, él les ofrece su ayuda.

Finalmente, don Berengario y Carmelo se encuentran con Los Molero jactándose de todo el ejercicio que han hecho:

Julieta está en un chozo en un estado deplorable, la han ultrajado.

La joven le pide que no diga nada, Saúl no soportaría el dolor… Carmelo,

roto de ira, no puede con los comentarios de Eustaquio que se ríe de lo que acaba de hacer y decide tomar una drástica decisión.

For more infomation >> El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 2004: Julieta es violada y Carmelo dispara a Eustaquio - Duration: 3:32.


Acacias 38 avance 939: Telmo lleno de furia agrede a Espineira - Duration: 1:52.

Acacias 38 avance 939: Telmo lleno de furia agrede a Espineira

Los Palacios vuelven a casa con Milagros. Celia está pendiente en todo momento de los cuidados del bebé y de su amiga.

Trini sufre una crisis y Ramón pone al tanto a Celia y a Fabiana.

Telmo tiene un duro enfrentamiento con Espineira a quien le acusa de haber asesinado al mendigo.

El prior le provoca arremetiendo contra Lucía, y Telmo lleno de furia le agrede.

Íñigo asimila que Tito ya no será su socio. En un intento desesperado intenta que Salvador Borrás se apiade de Tito, pero este se muestra insensible.

Samuel concierta una cita con Felipe en casa de los Hidalgo, para hablar con Lucía y reclamar que cumpla con su compromiso, pero Felipe decide no apoyarle.

Samuel se marcha de manera brusca ante la mirada de agradecimiento de Lucía.

Telmo intenta sonsacar a Agustina lo que sabe, sin advertir que el Filo los vigila. El matón amenaza a la criada.

For more infomation >> Acacias 38 avance 939: Telmo lleno de furia agrede a Espineira - Duration: 1:52.


Una diputada socialista rebasa las barreras de la vileza para defender a Sánchez - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Una diputada socialista rebasa las barreras de la vileza para defender a Sánchez - Duration: 3:22.


日軍妄想攻入國軍腹地,哪知橋下早就堆滿了炸藥,國軍等的就是這一刻! - Duration: 10:01.


The division commander is coming, we can't retreat.

Comrades, don't retreat



Persevere, there is hope

Retreat will only die

We can't retreat anymore.

Report commander

Hu Yisheng, you have come in time.

Why did the blocking troops have not broken the bridge yet?

The explosive has been installed

But the fuse is broken

commander, let me see

Qian Fugui, do you want to die? You will be treated as the first target by the Japanese

There is a daunting task that requires you to complete

Guaranteed completion of the task

We have to launch another attack on the Japanese army across the bridge.

You need to take the opportunity

Ignite fuse fuze, blow up the bridge

Let the Japanese army no longer be able to cross the bridge

Rest assured, sir


Sir, let me do it, I can definitely do it better.

Qian Fugui, this is a very dangerous task

I am not afraid of anything now.

Rest assured, I can definitely complete the task.

Ok, I will give it to you.

Thank you

I went to see

Wait, no hurry

Hurry up and connect the fuse

it's broken

The other side fell below the bridge.

Take a new fuse

I will help him.

Be careful

Take it for me

Wait a moment, hold this rope and run back, don't look back, understand?

Qian Fugui, take this to the back

The soldier is very brave

so amazing

The Fifth Division of the Jiang Defense Army

508 people sacrificed

Under the support of the 553rd Regiment of the 168th Division of the 66th Army

Finally blocked the Japanese army's footsteps at Taishi Bridge.

Smashed the conspiracy of the Japanese army to attack Shipai County through Taishi Bridge

Jiang Wazi, where are you?


Jiang Wazi





come back

As long as you can come back

I promise that I will never be greedy again.

I don't want this golden pig anymore.

come back!

I do not want it!

come back!


I'm here

Wazi, you are still alive!

I am lucky, I will not die.

You wait for me for a while.

You are coming to me now, what are you going to do?

Let me see my little golden pig.

damn it.

You are still looking for your little golden pig.


come back

For more infomation >> 日軍妄想攻入國軍腹地,哪知橋下早就堆滿了炸藥,國軍等的就是這一刻! - Duration: 10:01.


Emmanuel Macron rangé dans le mutisme, sa décision radicale face à la menace - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Emmanuel Macron rangé dans le mutisme, sa décision radicale face à la menace - Duration: 2:15.


España: Las ocurrencias del 'okupa' Pedro Sánchez ya frenan la creación de empleo!!! - Duration: 3:44.

La buena marcha que ha experimentado el mercado laboral en los últimos años contrasta con los crecientes signos de debilidad que se atisban desde el pasado verano, y lo peor de todo es que esta tendencia se mantendrá a lo largo de 2019.

La errónea senda económica que ha puesto en marcha el Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez, sumada a la compleja coyuntura que atraviesa la economía mundial,

amenazan con minar el logro más importante que ha traído consigo la recuperación, la reducción del paro.

España cerró 2018 con 2,8 millones de afiliados más y 1,8 millones de parados menos que en el peor momento de la crisis,

recuperando así buena parte del empleo destruido durante la larga y dura recesión. La fuerte creación de empleo iniciada hace cinco años empieza a dar muestras de agotamiento.

Sin embargo, la tasa de paro, que todavía supera el 14 por ciento, está muy lejos del 8 que llegó a registrar justo antes del estallido de la burbuja inmobiliaria, de modo que aún queda mucho camino por recorrer.

La mayor flexibilidad que propició la reforma laboral de 2012, combinada con la batería de ajustes y reformas estructurales que aprobó el anterior Ejecutivo del PP,

no solo lograron cortar la sangría laboral que padecía entonces el conjunto del país,

sino que posibilitaron una rápida e intensa generación de puestos de trabajo en cuanto el PIB comenzó a repuntar, evidenciando con ello el acierto de tales medidas.

Tal y como reconoce el propio Gobierno, la ocupación aumentará este año un 1,8 por ciento frente al avance del 2,2 del PIB,

una diferencia de cuatro décimas, la mayor brecha que arrojan ambas variables desde 2014,

en los inicios de la recuperación. Pero la llegada del PSOE al poder marcará un negativo punto de inflexión laboral. Esto significa que España creará unos 120.000 empleos menos que el pasado año.

Hasta ahora, todo el crecimiento se traducía en nuevos puestos de trabajo, ya que el PIB y la afiliación a la Seguridad Social evolucionaban de forma similar, pero a partir de ahora el empleo avanzará a un ritmo inferior debido a las nuevas trabas y costes que ha impuesto el Gobierno.

La histórica subida del salario mínimo, tras aplicar un aumento del 22 por ciento sin tan siquiera consultarlo con las empresas,

el incremento de las cotizaciones sociales y el nuevo abanico de alzas fiscales que incluye el proyecto de Presupuestos encarecerán la contratación,

al tiempo que reducirán el margen de maniobra de las compañías tanto para invertir en nuevos proyectos como para ampliar plantillas.

Y todo ello sin contar que la ralentización de la zona euro, la guerra comercial entre Estados Unidos y China o la incertidumbre derivada del Brexit podrían lastrar aún más el crecimiento de España, con el consiguiente agravamiento del frenazo laboral.

Los desatinos de Sánchez pasarán factura.

For more infomation >> España: Las ocurrencias del 'okupa' Pedro Sánchez ya frenan la creación de empleo!!! - Duration: 3:44.


Gaël Monfils fou de Elina Svitolina, drôle de façon d'officialiser - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Gaël Monfils fou de Elina Svitolina, drôle de façon d'officialiser - Duration: 1:19.


Estelle Lefébure, son avocat oublié, elle s'affiche avec un acteur mythique - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Estelle Lefébure, son avocat oublié, elle s'affiche avec un acteur mythique - Duration: 1:19.


I AM CREATIVE | Lindsey Lang con la Nikon D5300 - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> I AM CREATIVE | Lindsey Lang con la Nikon D5300 - Duration: 1:50.


TESTIMONIAL | Francisco Miravete | CANNABIS + Hemophilia A - Duration: 2:05.

<i>My birth disease is Severe Hemophilia-A</i>

<i>which is a coagulation disease.</i>

<i>We inherit XX chromosome from our mothers,</i>

<i>and we men suffer from it,</i>

<i>being a deficiency in the coagulation chain.</i>

<i>Any blow, any cut</i>

<i>cause severe internal bleeding.</i>

<i>I was unlucky of being the first hemophiliac in Castellón (Spain),</i>

<i>they didn´t know the pathology</i>

<i>and I had a lot of medication</i>

<i>that wasn´t adequate,</i>

<i>many wrong diagnoses,</i>

<i>that aggravated the disease.</i>

<i>I have my joints broken,</i>

<i>apart from all the meds that they gave us for coagulation</i>

<i>we were infected with Hepatitis A, B, C, </i>

<i>mad cow disease,</i>


<i>I combine cannabis with prescribed meds</i>

<i>but help me reducing anxyolitics,</i>


<i>and antiinflamatory drugs.</i>

<i>Almost all prescribed medication</i>

<i>that produced side effects</i>

<i>with cannabis is reduced</i>

<i>and even in long seasons I don´t take anything at all.</i>

<i>Leaving huge amounts of morphine</i>

<i>and replace it with cannabis</i>

<i>the difference is huge.</i>

<i>You can be a human being, </i>

<i>improve quality of life, </i>

<i>interact and engage socially.</i>

<i>When you are high on opiates,</i>

<i>this just doesn´t happen.</i>

<i>First thing is search for specialized people , </i>


<i>or doctors that are collaborating</i>

<i>and giving good information.</i>

<i>Even are companies websites</i>

<i>fully dedicated</i>

<i>to cannabidiol (CBD) distribution and sales</i>

<i>where you can find accurate and truthful information</i>

<i>and lose that fear.</i>

<i>Medical cannabis</i>

<i>is not the same as recreational use,</i>

<i>there aren´t high percentages of THC</i>

<i>and therefore, won´t get you high.</i>

For more infomation >> TESTIMONIAL | Francisco Miravete | CANNABIS + Hemophilia A - Duration: 2:05.


Chantal Lauby face à une désagréable addiction, sa méthode brutale pour arrêter - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Chantal Lauby face à une désagréable addiction, sa méthode brutale pour arrêter - Duration: 1:25.


Laeticia Hallyday « l'équilibre » sans Johnny, son secret pour trouver la paix - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday « l'équilibre » sans Johnny, son secret pour trouver la paix - Duration: 1:28.


Meghan Royals Es - El desesperado intento de la Corona británica para frenar el acoso contra Kate M - Duration: 3:25.

El acoso de los usuarios a las duquesas de Sussex y Cambridge, esposas de los príncipe William y Harry de Inglaterra, ha llegado a tal punto que desde el Palacio de Kensington han pedido ayuda a las grandes compañías de redes sociales para poder solucionar el problema

"El personal del palacio pasa varias horas a la semana lidiando con comentarios sexistas y racistas, publicados en las redes sociales", comentó una fuente anónima al Daily Mail

  Durante la gira de los duques de Sussex en Nueva Zelanda el año pasado, un usuario escribió junto a un video de la pareja: "Pronto seré yo quien esté al lado de Harry, y Meghan se habrá ido", junto a al icono de un cuchillo de cocina

Otras publicaciones acusaban a la ex actriz de blanquear su piel y la calificaban de "vulgar"

Una fuente que trabaja en el palacio real informó de que el abuso hacia las dos duquesas había alcanzado su punto más álgido cuando comenzaron los rumores de una posible rivalidad entre ellas

"Tenemos estándares básicos sobre los comentarios analizando el lenguaje violento, racista, amenazador y el abuso

No eliminamos los comentarios que son solo críticos con un miembro de la familia real, porque las personas tienen derecho a opinar", explió el infomante

 Sin embargo, eliminan todos aquellos comentarios duramente ofensivos:   Varios medio de Reino Unidos han apoyado una campaña para promover la bondad y la educación en redes sociales

Bajo el hashtag #HelloToKindness, pretenden calmar las aguas. Ninguno de los matrimonios tienen perfiles en redes sociales

La única que tuvo fue la duquesa de Sussex, quien cerró sus cuentas personales hace poco más de un año, cuando se comprometió con el príncipe Harry

Todas las noticias sobre los miembros de la corona británica se da a conocer a través de la cuentas oficiales de Twitter e Instagram de Kesington Palace

  MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: La inusual ocupación de Timotheé Chalamet en plena ceremonia de los SAG Awards

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - El desesperado intento de la Corona británica para frenar el acoso contra Kate M - Duration: 3:25.


Алена играет в игры для детей в детском развлекательном центре - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> Алена играет в игры для детей в детском развлекательном центре - Duration: 10:16.


Jacques, le fils de Charlène de Monaco en plein désarroi, il fait peine à voir - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Jacques, le fils de Charlène de Monaco en plein désarroi, il fait peine à voir - Duration: 1:21.


Reflections on the Laboratory: Kevin Morgan | Lurralde Garapenerako Laborategia - Duration: 2:22.

Reflection on the Territorial Development Laboratory.

Kevin Morgan. Professor of Governance and Development. Cardiff University.

I was very struck by what the official said about the strategy for Gipuzkoa.

I thought it was a very impressive strategy, but it was very ambitious.

And, on the other hand, I didn't think the capacity and the resources

were there to be equal to the challenge so that I thought there was a big

disconnect between a great ambition, on the one hand, and secondly the modesty of the

resources or financial and personnel. So that was a big challenge. And I thought

in terms of the project, Gipuzkoa could learn some of many of the lessons

from small firm economies around the world. Two of the big lessons, I think,

from those small firm economies, are: number one, that firms learn best from

other firms and secondly, that the problem isn't being small;

the real problem is being lonely, where firms are not connected to a network or

an ecosystem. I think that Gipuzkoa experience and especially its strategy

is very relevant to the debates in Europe about multi-level governance

because it the experience in Gipuzkoa shows that the officials recognize the

importance of collaboration; that Gipuzkoa is too small to do all this on its

own. Therefore, it needs to collaborate with its business partners in Gipuzkoa

and it needs to collaborate with other levels of

government, particularly, the basque government for example, but also

collaborating within Europe, in terms of the european level. So all those

different levels of governance, there needs to be vertical collaboration as

well as horizontal collaboration, and I think Gipuzkoa can become a testbed

or a living laboratory for how a small firm region deals with these challenges.

For more infomation >> Reflections on the Laboratory: Kevin Morgan | Lurralde Garapenerako Laborategia - Duration: 2:22.


韓国大統領の家族が国外脱出!韓国は住みにくい? - Duration: 6:10.

The Korean president's family escapes from the country! Is Korea hard to live in? (Translated by google.com)

In Korea, President Moon Jae-in's daughter's couple and their children moved to Southeast Asia,

Opposition parties are strengthening pursuit.

Opposition lawmakers will show Mun Jayne's grandson's scholarly change related documents,

He said he sold his apartment last July and moved to overseas.

It was transferred to a so-called international school abroad,

I pointed out several problems.

First of all, when selling an apartment,

After her husband once gave President Moon Jae-in's wife, the sale procedure was taken.

Also, the president's family will be guarded, but if you migrate abroad, the cost will increase.

We are requesting that this additional budget be clarified.

I wonder why I migrated abroad.

If children's education is the reason, it is severely pursuing that there is a problem in Korean education system.

This was revealed at the end of last year, but overseas relocation is taking place in June,

It is supposed that no one knew for half a year.

The company where the son-in-law worked was receiving 20 billion won (about 18 million dollars) from the government,

Alleged suspicion that some of these were unjust enforcement or were embezzled.

As far as relatives were concerned, it was relatively clean,

It is attracting attention whether this problem will develop into a serious allegation.

Article Source: http://bit.ly/2CSP0xI http://bit.ly/2CTA2rx http://bit.ly/2CRGsYd

Korean reaction

Conservative mobs will grasp all the verbal ends of boredom.

What on earth is the identity of the regime this time?

I am tired. Everywhere, anti-emesis comes out.

Parliamentarians often hold their overseas nationality for their children and let them study abroad,

I am watching for the first time that the incumbent presidential family is an overseas immigrant.

Whether it is for children's education or because of fine dust, explain why.

Infringement of personal information is not mischievous. Is it OK even if the president's family?

It is a universal abroad migration family behavior as it is.

My daughter couple moved to a place in Southeast Asia with my child.

These things do not smoke without fire.

It seems that thorough investigation is necessary.

The Republic of Korea who abandoned the president's daughter.

Can you peek at personal documents as you like?

Did you guilt something?

Do not you want your daughter family to live under the rule of the North?

A person who has insane idea of ​​immigrating because there is dissatisfaction with the country.

I also live with chinese and living in China,

I am not dissatisfied with the country but for work.

What are reporters doing?

Whether the foreign tuition fee is possible with that family's income,

Do not you know where the actual source is?

International schools in major cities such as Singapore have nearly $ 30,000 per year for elementary and junior high school tuition.

Try to reveal the opposition party a bit more.

A democratic nation but a problem directly linked to national security.

If your family is abducted or murdered by escaping security in this way, can you comment anything?

Moon Jayne is expected to come out quickly and it is necessary to thoroughly clarify this problem.

Now the anger of the people stabbed the heaven.

If there is doubt, you should investigate.

Even a President's Child or Everyone

There are freedom to settle and live in anywhere in the world depending on my will and life view.

Although it seems that it is not a question of controversy over the pros and cons of this ... · · ·.

Comment Source: http://bit.ly/2COmIog

The idea of ​​Japanese editors

It may be pursued pursuant to the fact that Korea has many injustices related to presidential relatives.

Although some interest in the content of the pursuit is aroused, it can not deny the feeling that it goes a little bit.

The logic is complete.

Whether there is a problem with the increase in security expenses and domestic education system.

It can be said that it is not bad as a way of pursuit.

For reasonable procedures of selling real estate as well, reasons may be required.

There is no choice but to properly explain it in order to clear up suspicion.

In fact, I think that it is not a problem that my daughter is frustrated with the Korean educational system.

If pursuing pursuing is pursued there will be an end if it is forced to move abroad for the sake of her husband's work.

I think there is some intention to sell the condominium.

It will not be wrong, however. If it is easy to get caught, it's just stupid.

It seems that there is no way it is normal for us to understand personal information and so on.

I would have known otherwise unless I was a relative of the president.

It seems to be difficult to shake the administration.

It would be different if interesting allegations came out, but it seems not to look like that.

It is a problem that the opposition party came out because he saw it critically,

When I replace it with Japan,

It is OK to relocate abroad if the relatives of the prime minister go abroad.

Critics will see critically, but ....

The apartment seems to have been sold at a relatively high price.

I think this also has nothing to do with government policy.

Let's expect something just for a moment.

It is not bad as a pursuit, but it seems to be over with a punch that nothing comes out.

Thank you for your viewing.

If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.

Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.

If you do not mind registering to the channel would be greatly appreciated.

For more infomation >> 韓国大統領の家族が国外脱出!韓国は住みにくい? - Duration: 6:10.


EFSANE OYUN ! - Pepsiman Türkçe Oynanış - Gameplay - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> EFSANE OYUN ! - Pepsiman Türkçe Oynanış - Gameplay - Duration: 6:46.


Meghan Markle offensée, cette odieuse rumeur qui vise leur bébé - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle offensée, cette odieuse rumeur qui vise leur bébé - Duration: 1:19.


KARNATAKA SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION BOARD Mathas Kannada Model Question Papers 2018-19 - Duration: 30:19.

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More important video links at the end of the video

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For more infomation >> KARNATAKA SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION BOARD Mathas Kannada Model Question Papers 2018-19 - Duration: 30:19.


설 쇠러 온 박항서 "성인과 U23 중 한 팀만 맡는 방안 논의 중" - Duration: 8:44.

For more infomation >> 설 쇠러 온 박항서 "성인과 U23 중 한 팀만 맡는 방안 논의 중" - Duration: 8:44.


Những món ăn đem lại may mắn ngày Tết của các nước láng giềng - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Những món ăn đem lại may mắn ngày Tết của các nước láng giềng - Duration: 3:07.


I AM CREATIVE | Lindsey Lang con la Nikon D5300 - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> I AM CREATIVE | Lindsey Lang con la Nikon D5300 - Duration: 1:50.


【ULTRA LUXURY】 EATING A $50 CANNED TUNA!!!! [CC Available]|Yuka Kinoshita - Duration: 5:15.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


jaaan !

do you know what is this ?

this looks like a chocolate

or some luxurious and famous brand

isn't that !?

i'll give a time to think

hay, the time is done

let's see what inside

can you see what's written here !?

let's open the box

the package is so elegant

the box is so solid

let's open it


this here is a small chopsticks

this is what inside the box

there is a number written here

i think it's the release number

this is so unique

jaan! this called BLACK LABEL MAGURO-TORO

it's a canned tuna

and it cost 50 dollars

this is amazing

what we can eat by 50 dollars !?

there are plenty of things that we can

i can't even think about that

it's 50 dollars

"luxurious canned tuna"

" a special tune, that's why it needs a special can from BLACK LABEL"

it's so expensive

mon marche released this canned tuna in the day of tuna 11-27-2018 ( two 2 + nana 7 = tuna )

this is really amazing

BLACK LABEL MAGURO-TORO, this is so luxurious

Ultimate Tuna Can without any compromise

this makes me so curious, let's open it

i'm nervous now

any mistake and 50 dollars is gone

what a nice sound

aaaaah !

this is a really good smell

as expected from 50 dollars

it contains Laurier too

hay! a have a plate here

the smell is so good

this looks so tasty

how the taste of this tuna going to be ?


evey slice cost about 5 dollars



this is so delicious

the taste of tuna is so rich

this is so different that the normal tuna

and the aroma of the olive oil is so good


the taste exploads in your mouth


because the taste of the tuna and the olive oil are thick, this is really yummy


amazing! this is not heavy

it's going to be so cool if we made some tuna-mayo rice using this tuna

let's try this right now

this is really so unique

it's so soft

i used this time "golden ibuki" rice

jaan! i'll add what left from oil in this can


this olive oil looks so tasty, that i want to eat it - drink it - alone

let's add some soy sauce too

waaa! looks so yummy !

it'll be so cool if we do that with ultra slow motion camera

itadakimasu, look at this, it looks so tasty!!

mmmm! this goes so well with it


eating it with rice makes is much more tastier

mixing the tuna and its oil with the rice is so delicious


and this goes so well with olive oil and Laurier

it's really amazing how can this expensive tuna goes so well with something not that expensive like rice

it's one of the best tuna that i ate ever

its texture is so good

we did it !


this was so tasty

really tasty and rich with flavors

they used a really high quality olive oil that mon marche produce

without any compromise

that's right, the after-taste of this tuna can stay for 1 year

i bought it from amazon

so, if you like it, you can try it too

but it's so expensive, 50 dollars

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

and i wish for everyone a happy and tasty day

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【ULTRA LUXURY】 EATING A $50 CANNED TUNA!!!! [CC Available]|Yuka Kinoshita - Duration: 5:15.


Chelsea preparing to launch transfer bid for £58m Ivan Rakitic as the club eyes Fabregas replacement - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Chelsea preparing to launch transfer bid for £58m Ivan Rakitic as the club eyes Fabregas replacement - Duration: 3:42.





[성수커플] 사진 촬영하는 순이를 위한 1일 경호원 브이로그! ㅋㅋ - Duration: 4:52.

[S.S couple] Oh! oh~

No wait, stop right there!

oh, give me the carrier. Give me the carrier.

You are the blowfly man. Right?

[hahahahaha] No I am not the blowfly man.

Guide me~

Where is the red carpet...

You didn't wash your hand. Right?

Close the door.

If you close it too hard, Soo-eun gets startled.

You have to close it very gently, got it?


[(harsh words, bitter words)]

[haha hahahaha hahaha]

-No... -I will close it.

[bang] Okay

[????] It's the same.

[(seal clap)] Hey it's the same as how I closed it.

It's the same.


What is this concept?

Soo-eun is a 'singer' and I am a one-day 'bodyguards and 'manager'.

[ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK PART 02 Mysterious Nurse Suffering Liar- Lee Soo-eun (S.S couple)] To be honest you were in the OST album?

So today is the day Soo-eun singer is going to take the profile picture. Right?

So I am going to be the one-day bodyguard and manager!

[(Frozen time)]

[(hair)] Soo-eun's first schedule today! Go to the hair salon!

Second schedule, take pretty pictures.

[(most important)] Third schedule, 'give a kiss to Sung-hyun'.

Ah, go quickly~!

We are late~!

Time in not safe, hohohoho~



Ah why are you wearing sunglasses.

This is too much. It's embarrassing.

Come out.

The style of a bodyguard! Don't you know the sunglasses?

I will escort you.

Hey.. Don't lose your head.

[hahahahah] Why are you pushing me...

[(serious)] Someone can get in the elevator.

[(talking talking talking talking)] I have to protect you.

Why are you pushing me and squishing me~

Buy me an eyebrow razor and eyelash curler.

My only job is to protect you?

[(But.. still goes to the convenience store...) Are you here~?

How much it is?

It's 3,500 won.

-Thank you. Bye -Thank you. Bye.

Urgh! How embarrassing!

'It is now floor 3'

[(Waiting for Soo-eun)]

[(What is the bodyguard looking at on the phone?)]

[(He's looking at Tteok-bokki! No wonder that he gains 15kg of weight!]

[I arrived!!] [I saw you...please take off your sunglasses hahaha..] [(Her earnest request for me to take off the sunglasses)]

So cute~

Ready to drive!

[so baffling hahahahahahaha)]

Ah~ drive well. I think you are going to be in an accident.

[Going to the studio] I will take you to the studio safely!

[But got lost] Where is 60-13?

Thank You.

Ah~ it's a basement floor?

Yes, it is a basement.


[(????)] The wind is not blowing. Let's go.

[(Why does that matter hahahaha)]

[(Over reacting today)]

[sniff sniff]

It smells of building.


Hey, can you take off the sunglasses?

It's so so embarrassing.

[neglect)] Hello, do you know where the bathroom is?

[Bodyguard who needs to go to the bathroom first] Yes, if you come this way..

Ah, yes. Thank You.

[(Checking if there is poison before drinking)]

There is no poison.

[(Kind Soo-eun who accepts that)]

[(Both of them got hit by reality hahahaha)]

It's time to put your make-up on.

I didn't bring my pouch so, there check if there is something black...

[(stern)] Bodyguard don't to things like that.

I only guard people.

[????????????????] Wait, what.. what are you doing?

Hey you, are you also the tiger?

[(TMI)] I was also born in year 98, the year of tiger.

Go quickly~

I brought you the clothes.

[(glasses)] Can't you take those off?

[(flustered)] Oh so you wear sunglasses because you look like that.

Ah yes. I hear from a lot of people that my eyes are too strong.

They keep asking me where I got my double-eyelid surgery done.

[(natural eyes)] I.. I got it done inside my mom's stomach?

[(takes a lot of attention hahahahaha)]

Ah it stings!

Are you... are you okay?

[(strong fan remedy)]

Ah be quiet, seriously!

okay okay]


Have you loved someone?

Let's do it, with me~


Don't do it. Stop it.

Above all, my first job is to protect your safety.

[hahahaha] Because I have to protect Soo-eun's safely

Whether you are here or anywhere else I have to protect your safety...

Yes, today I am just a one-day manager.

[writer :] -Ah~ a one-day manager? -Yes.

She is a celebrity.

[You made me fee humiliated..)] [hahahahahahahahahahahaha]

[(clench teeth)] I feel good~

[(clench teeth)] [hahahahahaha] It's amazing.

You have your manager on the back to do it comfortable.

[(sight of hate)[

Ah~ it hurts.

[-You have to smile. Smile]

[-haha ha.. haha]

[-Smile widely!]

[-Look at my face!]

[-(choosing the picture)]

Singer! Do you want to take a picture with the manager?

[(pretend ignorance hahaha)]

Ah~ come, quickly~

[hahahahaha] Thank you.

You had so much work!

-You had so much work! -Yes~

Thank you~

[-So today Sung-hyun....]

[succeeded being Soo-eun's one day manager!]

For more infomation >> [성수커플] 사진 촬영하는 순이를 위한 1일 경호원 브이로그! ㅋㅋ - Duration: 4:52.


Pencil case Commercial | School project - Duration: 1:00.

[sensual music that makes me uncomfortable plays]

[the sound of hundreds of pencils I had to clean up falling down with a crack]

[cheery music plays as an apology for the loud noise]

For more infomation >> Pencil case Commercial | School project - Duration: 1:00.


Planer For Fremtiden // NRM #058 - Duration: 9:02.

For more infomation >> Planer For Fremtiden // NRM #058 - Duration: 9:02.


Chelsea transfer news: Serie A side ready to pay The Blues demands to seal permanent deal - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: Serie A side ready to pay The Blues demands to seal permanent deal - Duration: 3:21.


日軍妄想攻入國軍腹地,哪知橋下早就堆滿了炸藥,國軍等的就是這一刻! - Duration: 10:01.


The division commander is coming, we can't retreat.

Comrades, don't retreat



Persevere, there is hope

Retreat will only die

We can't retreat anymore.

Report commander

Hu Yisheng, you have come in time.

Why did the blocking troops have not broken the bridge yet?

The explosive has been installed

But the fuse is broken

commander, let me see

Qian Fugui, do you want to die? You will be treated as the first target by the Japanese

There is a daunting task that requires you to complete

Guaranteed completion of the task

We have to launch another attack on the Japanese army across the bridge.

You need to take the opportunity

Ignite fuse fuze, blow up the bridge

Let the Japanese army no longer be able to cross the bridge

Rest assured, sir


Sir, let me do it, I can definitely do it better.

Qian Fugui, this is a very dangerous task

I am not afraid of anything now.

Rest assured, I can definitely complete the task.

Ok, I will give it to you.

Thank you

I went to see

Wait, no hurry

Hurry up and connect the fuse

it's broken

The other side fell below the bridge.

Take a new fuse

I will help him.

Be careful

Take it for me

Wait a moment, hold this rope and run back, don't look back, understand?

Qian Fugui, take this to the back

The soldier is very brave

so amazing

The Fifth Division of the Jiang Defense Army

508 people sacrificed

Under the support of the 553rd Regiment of the 168th Division of the 66th Army

Finally blocked the Japanese army's footsteps at Taishi Bridge.

Smashed the conspiracy of the Japanese army to attack Shipai County through Taishi Bridge

Jiang Wazi, where are you?


Jiang Wazi





come back

As long as you can come back

I promise that I will never be greedy again.

I don't want this golden pig anymore.

come back!

I do not want it!

come back!


I'm here

Wazi, you are still alive!

I am lucky, I will not die.

You wait for me for a while.

You are coming to me now, what are you going to do?

Let me see my little golden pig.

damn it.

You are still looking for your little golden pig.


come back

For more infomation >> 日軍妄想攻入國軍腹地,哪知橋下早就堆滿了炸藥,國軍等的就是這一刻! - Duration: 10:01.


偶遇賈靜雯一家日本旅行,賈靜雯和老公帶著咘咘波妞,畫面好溫馨! - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> 偶遇賈靜雯一家日本旅行,賈靜雯和老公帶著咘咘波妞,畫面好溫馨! - Duration: 5:22.


KRÓL – Z Tobą / DO DOMU - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> KRÓL – Z Tobą / DO DOMU - Duration: 3:45.


DIY Film Room Makeover! American Dream House Room Decor Transformation - Duration: 10:22.

hey tiffsters it's me Tiffany Taylor

and welcome to my new filming room

how cute is it, I just love it, I love the decorations

so pretty

just look at it, look at it

American Dream House was so kind enough to send me

some of their decor to give my filming room a makeover

be sure to check out their youtube channel and their instagram

also shop their online store

for some super cool accessories for your room

so let me know in the comments below

what do you think of my new background

can't wait for you to see the process

so let's just get started

so the first thing we need to do is take everything down

so it took off the screws

and we patched up the holes now you have to wait for this to dry while we wait

let me show you some DIY

okay so for my canvas painting I want use these colors right here

so let's get started

one cold thing you can do is use tape to make a shape and paint over it

once dry, peel it and tada!

another easy DIY you can try is to give your pots a new look by painting them

I like painting them white first to really cover the clay color

once dry paint them any color you want

this color is desert turquoise

this color is carousel pink

now that our wall is dry

we're going to start painting it to cover up the white spots

let's start painting

my wall is dry, I'm going to go get dressed

so we can start decorating

I'm so excited

so let's go

so here is my plan

I have a whole wall dedicated to making a cute filming background

and I wanted something cool and colorful with lots of fairy lights

this background was inspired by LaurDIY because she uses a lot of fairy lights in her

background and I love it

also for more cool room ideas click the card right here

to visit American dream house YouTube channe

they have amazing room ideas

that I know you will love

let's start by hanging up the lights

I used push pins to hang everything up

be sure to get your parents permission because these leave little holes on the wall

all I did was pin the string of lights in a zig zag

to get this look I used two sets of the American Dream House blue fairy lights

these are the snaps banners

and they're super cute

I love them

to see some ideas on how to hang up these polaroid picture snaps go check out American Dream House

YouTube channel the link is in my description box below

For more infomation >> DIY Film Room Makeover! American Dream House Room Decor Transformation - Duration: 10:22.



Welcome to our channel.

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You are watching the video "DIY TINKERBELL NEW RAINBOW PLAY DOH DRESS WITH CREAM 💕 Videos For Kids"

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For more infomation >> DIY TINKERBELL NEW RAINBOW PLAY DOH DRESS WITH CREAM 💕 Videos For Kids - Duration: 8:55.


看了57歲黃秋燕,再看57歲利智,李連傑當年當真是鬼迷心竅了! - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 看了57歲黃秋燕,再看57歲利智,李連傑當年當真是鬼迷心竅了! - Duration: 3:28.


Andreea Marin a răspuns, după ce a fost făcută "vită" de Mihaela Rădulescu! "Probabil a avut o zi gr - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Andreea Marin a răspuns, după ce a fost făcută "vită" de Mihaela Rădulescu! "Probabil a avut o zi gr - Duration: 5:09.


Foreigner reacts to Korean RAW crab 간장게장! Does it really taste like the ocean? - Duration: 5:44.

alright - so after a day of exploring i've come to a nearby restaurant for lunch.

this place is well-known for having a few different seafood dishes.

the one that i'm absolutely excited to try is a raw soy sauce marinated crab. it comes

with a lot of different side dishes.

i've ordered that up, and just waiting for that to arrive.

so i've got a few different dishes here.

in the center is all kinds of different side dishes.

i've got some boiled eggs, and some kimchi, and some spinach and some dried seaweed and

some kimchi jeon. it's like a kimchi pancake.

like a savory pancake.

it's normally really good.

i'm going to try that out first and see how that is.

mmm... the outside is kinda crisp.

inside has a kimchi favor.

it's kinda tangy.

there's a little bit of spic. it's really good.

one of the specialties of this particular restaurant is this.

so this is called ganjang gejang. it's a raw crab that has been marinated in soy sauce.

this place is supposed to be really good for it.

one of the traditional ways to eat this is to just take a piece of the crab, and as you

can see inside is all of that meat.

that raw crab meat. and you're supposed to just take a big bite of it.

so let's see how that tastes.

it's a little bit bitter.

it's got kind of a unique texture.

it's coating my mouth.

this isn't my favorite seafood i've ever had.

i definitely prefer my crabs to be cooked.

however, it's an interesting flavor because you have that soy sauce flavor.

you can eat it a little bit differently.

you can mix all the innards of the raw crab with rice and you take a piece of this dried

seaweed and eat it with that together.

so let's see how that tastes.

it's got kind of a fishy smell.

as well as a soy sauce smell.

so there is raw pieces of crab in here.

let's see how this tastes.

hmmm.... the flavor is kinda strong.

it's a very oceany flavor.

it's got that seaweed and that raw crab coming together.

it tastes like a big swig of ocean water or something.

it's a very strong flavor. this - i wouldn't say is my favorite.

i love raw seafood and things like that.

however, this raw crab, isn't particularly my favorite.

this is a dish in korea that a lot of people love to enjoy.

you can also get a spicy version of it.

it's also something that a lot of foreigners are interested in.

so try it out.

this place, like i said, is really famous for it.

it's good, it's a unique flavor, one that i won't forget.

but mixed together with the seaweed, it's just a big, oceany type of flavor.

the main thing of this meal is this.

this is called 'galchi'.

so it's a hair tail fish.

it's been braised in this spicy pepper sauce.

so i have a nice piece of meat here.

this is kind of a famous fish in Korea.

it's served on the bone.

it's so flaky.

it's coming right off the bone.

let's try it out here.

oh yeah.

mmmm.... so i really like this type of fish.

I've had it a few different ways.

also, in Seoul, there's a place called namdaemun market, which is really famous for this fish.

mmm... i want to try some of this sauce by itself.

so it's been swimming and bathing in this sauce.

there's pieces of green onion and peppers and kimchi in it.

it's got a nice red color.

mmm... wow. it tastes like kimchi stew - or kimchi jjiggae.

so you can actually see there's a big piece of kimchi in here.

there's a few other pieces of it here as well.

so let's try some of that kimchi out by itself.

so i can wrap some of that fish in there.

a little bit of rice maybe.

i'll try to get a nice bite of kimchi and fish mixed up.

it's kinda messy, but i think it's going to be good.

this fish tastes super fresh.

it's really good.

i really like this kimchi.

it has so much flavor. this fish is definitely worth trying out.

For more infomation >> Foreigner reacts to Korean RAW crab 간장게장! Does it really taste like the ocean? - Duration: 5:44.


(new) Mickey and the Roadster Racers The Impossible Race Part 1 - SAM DAY - Duration: 3:59.

PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!

For more infomation >> (new) Mickey and the Roadster Racers The Impossible Race Part 1 - SAM DAY - Duration: 3:59.


Top Tips for Starting your own Business - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> Top Tips for Starting your own Business - Duration: 10:05.


Minecraft 只有高手才知道【這是假的】!! 99.9%菜鳥不知道 の【冷知識】25種 !! | 全字幕 - Duration: 31:17.

For more infomation >> Minecraft 只有高手才知道【這是假的】!! 99.9%菜鳥不知道 の【冷知識】25種 !! | 全字幕 - Duration: 31:17.


Plants vs zombies 27 Day complete TB - Duration: 3:10.

Plants VS Zombies How won Zonbies ya Plants TB

Plants VS Zombies Online Match Win TB

Plants vs zombies For Event play TB

Plants vs zombies 2 pirate seas Day 4 TB

For more infomation >> Plants vs zombies 27 Day complete TB - Duration: 3:10.


Hana é EXPULSA do BBB 19? Ela foi Funcionária da Globo Sat e Emissora se Pronuncia - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Hana é EXPULSA do BBB 19? Ela foi Funcionária da Globo Sat e Emissora se Pronuncia - Duration: 1:48.


여진구 탕수육 'O먹'한다는 말에 충격받은 이세영 - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> 여진구 탕수육 'O먹'한다는 말에 충격받은 이세영 - Duration: 3:46.


8º dia da Novena a Dom Bosco com Ana Lúcia - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> 8º dia da Novena a Dom Bosco com Ana Lúcia - Duration: 5:45.


059. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> 059. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 8:53.


【ULTRA LUXURY】 EATING A $50 CANNED TUNA!!!! [CC Available]|Yuka Kinoshita - Duration: 5:15.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


jaaan !

do you know what is this ?

this looks like a chocolate

or some luxurious and famous brand

isn't that !?

i'll give a time to think

hay, the time is done

let's see what inside

can you see what's written here !?

let's open the box

the package is so elegant

the box is so solid

let's open it


this here is a small chopsticks

this is what inside the box

there is a number written here

i think it's the release number

this is so unique

jaan! this called BLACK LABEL MAGURO-TORO

it's a canned tuna

and it cost 50 dollars

this is amazing

what we can eat by 50 dollars !?

there are plenty of things that we can

i can't even think about that

it's 50 dollars

"luxurious canned tuna"

" a special tune, that's why it needs a special can from BLACK LABEL"

it's so expensive

mon marche released this canned tuna in the day of tuna 11-27-2018 ( two 2 + nana 7 = tuna )

this is really amazing

BLACK LABEL MAGURO-TORO, this is so luxurious

Ultimate Tuna Can without any compromise

this makes me so curious, let's open it

i'm nervous now

any mistake and 50 dollars is gone

what a nice sound

aaaaah !

this is a really good smell

as expected from 50 dollars

it contains Laurier too

hay! a have a plate here

the smell is so good

this looks so tasty

how the taste of this tuna going to be ?


evey slice cost about 5 dollars



this is so delicious

the taste of tuna is so rich

this is so different that the normal tuna

and the aroma of the olive oil is so good


the taste exploads in your mouth


because the taste of the tuna and the olive oil are thick, this is really yummy


amazing! this is not heavy

it's going to be so cool if we made some tuna-mayo rice using this tuna

let's try this right now

this is really so unique

it's so soft

i used this time "golden ibuki" rice

jaan! i'll add what left from oil in this can


this olive oil looks so tasty, that i want to eat it - drink it - alone

let's add some soy sauce too

waaa! looks so yummy !

it'll be so cool if we do that with ultra slow motion camera

itadakimasu, look at this, it looks so tasty!!

mmmm! this goes so well with it


eating it with rice makes is much more tastier

mixing the tuna and its oil with the rice is so delicious


and this goes so well with olive oil and Laurier

it's really amazing how can this expensive tuna goes so well with something not that expensive like rice

it's one of the best tuna that i ate ever

its texture is so good

we did it !


this was so tasty

really tasty and rich with flavors

they used a really high quality olive oil that mon marche produce

without any compromise

that's right, the after-taste of this tuna can stay for 1 year

i bought it from amazon

so, if you like it, you can try it too

but it's so expensive, 50 dollars

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

and i wish for everyone a happy and tasty day

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【ULTRA LUXURY】 EATING A $50 CANNED TUNA!!!! [CC Available]|Yuka Kinoshita - Duration: 5:15.


POR QUE SENTIMOS ATRAÇÃO PELO QUE É PROIBIDO? (Pecado) - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> POR QUE SENTIMOS ATRAÇÃO PELO QUE É PROIBIDO? (Pecado) - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:35.


Mensagem - Caminhos - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Mensagem - Caminhos - Duration: 2:31.


日軍妄想攻入國軍腹地,哪知橋下早就堆滿了炸藥,國軍等的就是這一刻! - Duration: 10:01.


The division commander is coming, we can't retreat.

Comrades, don't retreat



Persevere, there is hope

Retreat will only die

We can't retreat anymore.

Report commander

Hu Yisheng, you have come in time.

Why did the blocking troops have not broken the bridge yet?

The explosive has been installed

But the fuse is broken

commander, let me see

Qian Fugui, do you want to die? You will be treated as the first target by the Japanese

There is a daunting task that requires you to complete

Guaranteed completion of the task

We have to launch another attack on the Japanese army across the bridge.

You need to take the opportunity

Ignite fuse fuze, blow up the bridge

Let the Japanese army no longer be able to cross the bridge

Rest assured, sir


Sir, let me do it, I can definitely do it better.

Qian Fugui, this is a very dangerous task

I am not afraid of anything now.

Rest assured, I can definitely complete the task.

Ok, I will give it to you.

Thank you

I went to see

Wait, no hurry

Hurry up and connect the fuse

it's broken

The other side fell below the bridge.

Take a new fuse

I will help him.

Be careful

Take it for me

Wait a moment, hold this rope and run back, don't look back, understand?

Qian Fugui, take this to the back

The soldier is very brave

so amazing

The Fifth Division of the Jiang Defense Army

508 people sacrificed

Under the support of the 553rd Regiment of the 168th Division of the 66th Army

Finally blocked the Japanese army's footsteps at Taishi Bridge.

Smashed the conspiracy of the Japanese army to attack Shipai County through Taishi Bridge

Jiang Wazi, where are you?


Jiang Wazi





come back

As long as you can come back

I promise that I will never be greedy again.

I don't want this golden pig anymore.

come back!

I do not want it!

come back!


I'm here

Wazi, you are still alive!

I am lucky, I will not die.

You wait for me for a while.

You are coming to me now, what are you going to do?

Let me see my little golden pig.

damn it.

You are still looking for your little golden pig.


come back

For more infomation >> 日軍妄想攻入國軍腹地,哪知橋下早就堆滿了炸藥,國軍等的就是這一刻! - Duration: 10:01.


Andreea Marin a răspuns, după ce a fost făcută "vită" de Mihaela Rădulescu! "Probabil a avut o zi gr - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Andreea Marin a răspuns, după ce a fost făcută "vită" de Mihaela Rădulescu! "Probabil a avut o zi gr - Duration: 5:09.


Ujawniono fragment taśm Kaczyńskiego. „Jeśli nie wygramy wyborów, to…" | Nowości24h - Duration: 4:36.

 Jarosław Kaczyński będzie głównym bohaterem wprowadzonej do sprzedaży 29 stycznia „Gazety Wyborczej"

Do mediów właśnie wyciekły informacje, które mają na zawsze zmienić wizerunek zarówno prezesa PiS, jak i całej partii

Ujawniamy fragmenty z nagrań. Jarosław Kaczyński biznesmenem? Nagrania, które miała ujawnić „Gazeta Wyborcza" rano, 29 stycznia 2019 roku już fragmentarycznie pojawiły się w mediach

Okazuje się, że prezes PiS wizerunek człowieka skromnego i pokornego, szybko zmieniał w osobliwą postać dyktującego warunki przedsiębiorcy

Polityk zagroził w rozmowie, że w przypadku niewygranych wyborów w stolicy, nie zdecyduje się zrealizować swoich postanowień

Tym samym naraził się zagranicznemu biznesmenowi.Osoby z otoczenia odegrały się na prezesie

Co Jarosław Kaczyński powiedział o inwestycji spółki Srebrna? Spółka Srebrna miała współpracować z Kaczyńskim przy negocjacji budowy wieżowca

Ten, miał chwalić imię prezesa i jego brata. Zakulisowe rozmowy zostały jednak nagrane, a udostępnione dziennikarzom wywołały prawdziwą burzę

Materiał, który rano pojawi się w „Gazecie Wyborczej" już teraz częściowo jest znany

 – Jeśli nie wygramy wyborów, nie zbudujemy wieżowca w Warszawie – mówił na nagraniu Jarosław Kaczyński

 Sprawa jest o tyle zawiła, że w inwestycję prywatnej spółki miał być zaangażowany prezes PiS

Fundacja im. Lecha Kaczyńskiego miała mieć siedzibę w budynku, który miał zostać wybudowany przez firmę Geralda Birgfellnera – Austriaka, który chciał na cześć politycznych bliźniaków, postawić w stolicy budynek o dwóch wieżach

   Jak podaje „Gazeta Wyborcza" w sprawę miał zostać także uwikłany Bank Pekao, który miał udzielić kredytu na wsparcie budowy

Co więc poszło nie tak? Kaczyński zapowiedział, że jedynie wygrane wybory zapewnią powodzenie interesom

Okazuje się, że później polityk wycofał się ze swoich założeń i nie chciał pokryć nawet najbardziej podstawowych kosztów, jakie musiał ponieść Austriak, aby spotykać się z prezesem w Warszawie

 Cały artykuł przedstawia Jarosława Kaczyńskiego jako bezwzględnego biznesmena, który twardo negocjuje warunki

Przedstawiony w tekście „Wyborczej" polityk może zdecydowanie bać się o swój wizerunek


For more infomation >> Ujawniono fragment taśm Kaczyńskiego. „Jeśli nie wygramy wyborów, to…" | Nowości24h - Duration: 4:36.


Parete del Sassalto, Caslano ( CH ). 26-01-2019. - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> Parete del Sassalto, Caslano ( CH ). 26-01-2019. - Duration: 7:44.


最新ニュース | 都立高生徒の教諭挑発問題でヒロミの「シメてやりたい」発言に賛否両論! - Duration: 3:02.

   コメントは至 まともなのだが、過 を知る視聴者からす ばツッコまずにはい れなかったようだ。  ヒロミが1月22 放送の情報番組「バ キング」(フジテレ 系)に出演

同回では東京・町田 の都立高校で50代 性教諭が生徒の顔を るなどの体罰を加え 問題について特集し それについて言及し 。  まず、ヒロミ SNSで拡散された 行動画を見て「率直 気分の悪いV(動画 だと思いますよ」と メント

ただ、生徒が教諭を 発したことが事の発 であることから、挑 した生徒や、動画を 影した生徒たちにつ て「本当にこのガキ も、連れてきてくれ ら1回シメてあげた な

全員まとめて。本当 大人をなめてんなと うか、こいつらは生 としての資格はない ね」と、怒りを露わ している。  この ロミのコメントに対 て、視聴者からは「 もっともです」「こ 生徒の方がよっぽど いと思う」「是非、 ロミにシメて欲しい など、ヒロミに賛同 るコメントが多数見 れている

  しかし、一部の 々からは「あなたも はなかなか素行悪か たと思うけどな」「 やいや、昔尖ってた なたが言っても説得 ないよ」「特大ブー ランだと気付いてる 」といったツッコミ 寄せられている

 「現在は再ブレイ したものの、後輩タ ントやスタッフたち 無自覚でパワハラを ていたことから約1 年間テレビから姿を していたヒロミ。干 れる前には腹パンチ する癖があったそう 、あの木村拓哉です 今でもヒロミに会っ 時には万が一に備え 腹筋に力を入れてい ということですから よっぽど尖っていた でしょう

先輩に対しても基本 め口でビートたけし "おじさん"呼ばわ していたわけですか 、その過去を知る人 とっては今回の発言 違和感を覚えてしま たようですね」(エ タメ誌ライター)  とはいえ、現在のヒ ミは若かりし頃の自 の過ちを反省してお 、大分丸くなったこ も事実

いま頃、自戒を込め 、先の発言を反芻し いるのかもしれない  (本多ヒロシ)

For more infomation >> 最新ニュース | 都立高生徒の教諭挑発問題でヒロミの「シメてやりたい」発言に賛否両論! - Duration: 3:02.


KRÓL – Z Tobą / DO DOMU - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> KRÓL – Z Tobą / DO DOMU - Duration: 3:45.


확률과통계 확통 잘하는법 토론수업 ebs 수학 G1 디베이트 고2수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> 확률과통계 확통 잘하는법 토론수업 ebs 수학 G1 디베이트 고2수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:51.


토론수학 공부 잘하는법 공부법 코디 토론수업 창의력 사고력 초등수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> 토론수학 공부 잘하는법 공부법 코디 토론수업 창의력 사고력 초등수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:42.


韓国大統領の家族が国外脱出!韓国は住みにくい? - Duration: 6:10.

The Korean president's family escapes from the country! Is Korea hard to live in? (Translated by google.com)

In Korea, President Moon Jae-in's daughter's couple and their children moved to Southeast Asia,

Opposition parties are strengthening pursuit.

Opposition lawmakers will show Mun Jayne's grandson's scholarly change related documents,

He said he sold his apartment last July and moved to overseas.

It was transferred to a so-called international school abroad,

I pointed out several problems.

First of all, when selling an apartment,

After her husband once gave President Moon Jae-in's wife, the sale procedure was taken.

Also, the president's family will be guarded, but if you migrate abroad, the cost will increase.

We are requesting that this additional budget be clarified.

I wonder why I migrated abroad.

If children's education is the reason, it is severely pursuing that there is a problem in Korean education system.

This was revealed at the end of last year, but overseas relocation is taking place in June,

It is supposed that no one knew for half a year.

The company where the son-in-law worked was receiving 20 billion won (about 18 million dollars) from the government,

Alleged suspicion that some of these were unjust enforcement or were embezzled.

As far as relatives were concerned, it was relatively clean,

It is attracting attention whether this problem will develop into a serious allegation.

Article Source: http://bit.ly/2CSP0xI http://bit.ly/2CTA2rx http://bit.ly/2CRGsYd

Korean reaction

Conservative mobs will grasp all the verbal ends of boredom.

What on earth is the identity of the regime this time?

I am tired. Everywhere, anti-emesis comes out.

Parliamentarians often hold their overseas nationality for their children and let them study abroad,

I am watching for the first time that the incumbent presidential family is an overseas immigrant.

Whether it is for children's education or because of fine dust, explain why.

Infringement of personal information is not mischievous. Is it OK even if the president's family?

It is a universal abroad migration family behavior as it is.

My daughter couple moved to a place in Southeast Asia with my child.

These things do not smoke without fire.

It seems that thorough investigation is necessary.

The Republic of Korea who abandoned the president's daughter.

Can you peek at personal documents as you like?

Did you guilt something?

Do not you want your daughter family to live under the rule of the North?

A person who has insane idea of ​​immigrating because there is dissatisfaction with the country.

I also live with chinese and living in China,

I am not dissatisfied with the country but for work.

What are reporters doing?

Whether the foreign tuition fee is possible with that family's income,

Do not you know where the actual source is?

International schools in major cities such as Singapore have nearly $ 30,000 per year for elementary and junior high school tuition.

Try to reveal the opposition party a bit more.

A democratic nation but a problem directly linked to national security.

If your family is abducted or murdered by escaping security in this way, can you comment anything?

Moon Jayne is expected to come out quickly and it is necessary to thoroughly clarify this problem.

Now the anger of the people stabbed the heaven.

If there is doubt, you should investigate.

Even a President's Child or Everyone

There are freedom to settle and live in anywhere in the world depending on my will and life view.

Although it seems that it is not a question of controversy over the pros and cons of this ... · · ·.

Comment Source: http://bit.ly/2COmIog

The idea of ​​Japanese editors

It may be pursued pursuant to the fact that Korea has many injustices related to presidential relatives.

Although some interest in the content of the pursuit is aroused, it can not deny the feeling that it goes a little bit.

The logic is complete.

Whether there is a problem with the increase in security expenses and domestic education system.

It can be said that it is not bad as a way of pursuit.

For reasonable procedures of selling real estate as well, reasons may be required.

There is no choice but to properly explain it in order to clear up suspicion.

In fact, I think that it is not a problem that my daughter is frustrated with the Korean educational system.

If pursuing pursuing is pursued there will be an end if it is forced to move abroad for the sake of her husband's work.

I think there is some intention to sell the condominium.

It will not be wrong, however. If it is easy to get caught, it's just stupid.

It seems that there is no way it is normal for us to understand personal information and so on.

I would have known otherwise unless I was a relative of the president.

It seems to be difficult to shake the administration.

It would be different if interesting allegations came out, but it seems not to look like that.

It is a problem that the opposition party came out because he saw it critically,

When I replace it with Japan,

It is OK to relocate abroad if the relatives of the prime minister go abroad.

Critics will see critically, but ....

The apartment seems to have been sold at a relatively high price.

I think this also has nothing to do with government policy.

Let's expect something just for a moment.

It is not bad as a pursuit, but it seems to be over with a punch that nothing comes out.

Thank you for your viewing.

If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.

Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.

If you do not mind registering to the channel would be greatly appreciated.

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