Saturday, January 26, 2019

Youtube daily report w Jan 27 2019

 ROMA - Incontri, mostre, commemorazioni. La Giornata della memoria, ricorrenza internazionale che celebra il 27 gennaio di ogni anno le vittime della Shoah, sarà celebrata con numerose iniziative in tutta Italia

Filo conduttore, come è stato ricordato anche oggi dal presidente dell'Associazione Nazionale Magistrati, Francesco Minisci, che proprio in questi giorni ha accompagnato un gruppo di studenti nella loro visita ad Auschwitz, la necessità di "rimanere vigili e attenti di fronte all'odio e alle discriminazioni di ogni natura, da rigettare in ogni loro forma"

Numerosissime le iniziative in ogni città. Eccone alcune. A Roma più di 170 gli appuntamenti

Tra questi, alle 14, alla Casina dei Vallati si inaugura la mostra 'La diplomazia italiana di fronte alla persecuzione degli ebrei 1938-1943'

Al Palazzo delle Esposizioni ci sarà la prima mostra "esperienziale" nata dalle impressioni e dalle idee degli studenti romani che hanno partecipato ai Viaggi della Memoria

S'intitola 'Testimoni dei Testimoni. Ricordare e raccontare Auschwitz' ed è appunto stata ideata da un gruppo di ragazzi di Roma che ha partecipato ai viaggi organizzati dal Campidoglio per portare gli studenti in visita ai campi di sterminio

A Milano, sulla facciata del Pirellone, sede del Consiglio regionale della Lombardia, appare la scritta 'Binario 21'

Alle 20, al Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi si terrà una Serata culturale in memoria di Primo Levi con letture di poesie e concerto di musiche di Leonard Bernstein eseguito dai musicisti e solisti del Conservatorio diretti da Cristina Frosini

Run for men, una corsa sportiva non competitiva organizzata dall'Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche Italiane (Ucei) per ricordare le vittime della Shoah, si correrà a Torino

Parteciperanno come testimonial il podista campione olimpionico Shaul Ladany (sopravvissuto sia alla Shoah che alla strage degli atleti israeliani delle Olimpiadi di Monaco), Luciana Littizzetto e Luca Argentero

Alle 18 ai Giardini di Castello di Venezia, ci sarà l'incontro con Moira Mion e letture delle memorie di guerra

A Firenze domattina alle ore 8 bandiere a mezz'asta in Palazzo Vecchio e poi vari appuntamenti, così come in altri centri della Toscana

Ricchissima di iniziative anche Napoli. Tra gli eventi più significativi la mostra "1938-1945 - La Persecuzione degli Ebrei in Italia

Documenti per una storia". Al Circolo Ufficiali della Marina Militare è previsto un evento dal titolo "Note e versi per la shoah al femminile a cura di Suzana Glavas", promosso dall'associazione Mozart Italia-Napoli e che illustrerà le vicende di tre poetesse ebree dell'Europa Centro-Orientale uccise dalle persecuzioni razziali in Ungheria, in Ucraina-Polonia e Romania

Alle 11, in via Luciana Pacifici c'è la cerimonia in ricordo di Luciana Pacifici, vittima delle leggi razziali, nel corso della quale il sindaco di Napoli Luigi de Magistris deporrà una corona di alloro

Il Comune di Palermo, invece, apre domani al pubblico il Rifugio Antiaereo di Palazzo delle Aquile

For more infomation >> In tantissime città mostre, dibattiti, incontri, commemorazioni e spettacoli per non dimenticare e - Duration: 4:32.


✅ Felipe Simas completa 26 anos e ganha declaração da esposa - Área VIP - Duration: 2:10.

 Felipe Simas é um dos atores novatos de maior destaque da Globo, ele já emplacou diversos trabalhos e chegou a ser um dos protagonistas de 'Totalmente Demais', um dos maiores sucessos da emissora na faixa das 19h há alguns anos

 Atualmente Felipe pode ser visto em 'O Tempo Não Para', onde interpreta Elmo

Neste sábado (26), o ator está completando nada menos que 26 anos e para celebrar a data a esposa dele fez uma declaração em suas redes sociais

 Mariana Uhlmann que é casada com Felipe e tem dois filhos dele, exibiu uma foto deles abraçados e na legenda escreveu: "Que privilégio poder caminhar com você, obrigada Deus por nossa aliança! Te amo, feliz aniversário"

 Os seguidores também aproveitaram a publicação para mandar felicitações para Felipe: "Happy birthday felipe", escreveu uma seguidora

"Esse homem merece o mundo, que esse ano seja incrível pra ele", desejou outra

"Parabéns felicidades Felipe muitos anos bjs", comentou outra internauta

"Parabéns Felipe, que os seus dias sejam felizes, pleno de muita saúde, amor e alegrias junto a sua família querida", disse uma quarta

Veja:   Batizado da filha  Felipe Simas e a mulher, Mariana Uhlmann, batizaram a filha caçula, Maria, de cinco meses de vida

 Após a bênção, o casal reuniu amigos e familiares em uma festa que celebrou mais uma conquista da família

 "O fim de semana foi intenso, cheio de momentos para serem vividos e pra sempre lembrados… batizado da minha filha", contou Felipe…Veja mais! Felipe Simas aparece dormindo em click fofo com o filho  Mariana Uhlmann Simas, esposa de Felipe Simas, presenteou seus seguidores do Instagram com uma foto pra lá de encantadora

 A estudante de jornalismo mostrou o ator dormindo juntinho com o primogênito, Joaquim, de três anos

Pai e filho aparecem deitados na cama e na mesma posição. Uma fofura!  "Bom dia", escreveu Mariana na legenda da imagem com direito a coraçãozinho azul…Confira! Veja também:

For more infomation >> ✅ Felipe Simas completa 26 anos e ganha declaração da esposa - Área VIP - Duration: 2:10.


ఈ రాశి వారు పౌర్ణమి తరువాత కోటిశ్వరులు కాబోతున్నారు | Most Luckiest Zodiac Signs - Duration: 3:36.


For more infomation >> ఈ రాశి వారు పౌర్ణమి తరువాత కోటిశ్వరులు కాబోతున్నారు | Most Luckiest Zodiac Signs - Duration: 3:36.


HIPNOSE APENAS COM SOM É POSSÍVEL (ft. Giancarlo Russo) [LEGENDADO] - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> HIPNOSE APENAS COM SOM É POSSÍVEL (ft. Giancarlo Russo) [LEGENDADO] - Duration: 10:41.



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For more infomation >> ELA, MENTALUP OYNUYOR! HEM EĞLENİYOR HEM DE GELİŞİYOR! - Duration: 23:32.


衝浪板平衡游戏 | 挑戰10秒內在冲浪板上不掉下來 ?! | FlowRider Challenge - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> 衝浪板平衡游戏 | 挑戰10秒內在冲浪板上不掉下來 ?! | FlowRider Challenge - Duration: 10:55.


The White Wall Sessions Season 6 - Episode 14 - WEBCAST - Duration: 23:32.

From The Last Stop Studios

In Sioux Falls, South Dakota

You're watching The White Wall Sessions

Tonight on The White Wall

Daniel and the Real Feels

The Aircraft


David Allen

and The Two Tracks

The White Wall Sessions is presented

by Last Stop CD Shop

Something for everyone in the family

at your one stop entertainment shop

The White Wall Sessions is sponsored by

Workplace I.T. Management

The Evolved Approach to I.T.

Bell Incorporated

the face of packaging innovation

and University Center Sioux Falls

Big university benefits small college connection

Ladies and Gentlemen

The White Wall Sessions

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

Baby you were dreamin' when you left this town,

You been pushing up the bottle while the wheels spin round and round,

I hear it fallin' now but don't you get down,

don't you get down again,

Come baby would you dance with me?

Pick up your whole damn family,

Grab the wheel cuz I'm drunk to drive,

We'll keep swervin' now from side to side,

And you want it,

You got it,

Maybe you were hoping for a rainy day,

Dreamin' it could take you even further away,

Cuz the time is of the essence and I gotta say,

Feelin' ok again,

Baby you were dreamin' when you left this town,

You been pushing up the bottle while the wheels spin round and round,

I hear it fallin' now but don't you get down,

don't you get down again,

Come baby would you dance with me?

Pick up your whole damn family,

Grab the wheel cuz I'm drunk to drive,

We'll keep swervin' now from side to side,

And you want it,

You got it,



[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

I left home

head full of sounds I

couldn't dream to make

I came here

hoping to find them

but my ears are ringing the same

I left home

because I had to

because it didn't feel right no more

But when I left

I realized it wasn't home

it was just me

feelin empty

Take me back to St. Paul

where I met the son

take me back to

where I was alive

Take me back to St. Paul

where I met the son

take me back to

where I was alive

And I pray

that I find them

those sounds in my head

And I pray

that they'll remember me

and they'll, they'll lead me home

Take me back to St. Paul

where I met the son

take me back to

where I was alive

Take me back to St. Paul

where I met the son

take me back to

where I was alive




Announcer: Promotional items

for The White Wall Sessions

provided exclusively by Minuteman Press

Downtown Sioux Falls.

Mention The White Wall Sessions for a 10% discount.

[Commercial Break]

[Background Chatter]

[Background Chatter]

Connor: I don't know why that happened

we're going to do it again

third time is a charm

She's got a treble clef tattoo on her left ankle

But doesn't know what it is

She's got a Coldplay album frame but its never been played

Hanging on a wall

Killing her friends in the cafe

with a story that never ends

Looking around for a piece of junk

Only to find a man

I make my money, washing dishes and clothes

Never leaving

never get old

Driving me crazy

coming to my place

Walking her dog now

and I hate her face

Moving to the city for a sense of freedom

Looking for adventure

She's got pins in her ears destroying her fears

Calling on the landlord

Stirring her drink with a pencil

Makes her feel in touch

Going out for a quick jog

Only to walk her dog

I make my money, washing dishes and clothes

Never leaving

never get old

Driving me crazy

coming to my place

Walking her dog now

and I hate her face

C'mon little buddy, give me some honey

C'mon little buddy, give me some honey

C'mon little buddy, give me some honey

C'mon little buddy, give me some honey

C'mon little buddy, give me some honey

C'mon little buddy, give me some honey

C'mon little buddy, give me some honey

C'mon little buddy, give me some honey

Telling her friends she's into music

After all she plays the uke

Biding her time drinking her wine

Flipping through magazines

Taking her pictures

Asking her friends why she's so damn ugly

Maybe its the fact that every holiday

She always causes a scene

I make my money, washing dishes and clothes

Never leaving oh no

never get old

Driving me crazy

coming to my place

Walking her dog now

and I hate her face

[Applause] - Connor: Thank you.


[Guitar Warms Up]

[Guitar Warms Up]

[Guitar Warms Up]

David: This next one's

apology to my parents

It's called "Born to Lose"

If I drowned in the Tennesee river

all my records will go to you

because nothing else I have matters

to anyone but a fool

and tell my mother that I'll always love her

and I'm sorry for what I put her through

she could never have done better

I was just born to lose

Tell all the others that they should never

shed a single tear

because nothing I've done has mattered

except for the bad things I fear

tell my father that I'll always love him

and I'm sorry for what I put him through

he could never have done better

I was just born to lose

So if I drowned in the Tennesee river

all my records go to you

because nothing else I have matters

to anyone but a fool

to anyone but a fool



David: Alright this will be my last song

it's called "Ride On"

[Commercial Break]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

All women are healers (healers)

Straight talking dealers (dealers)

If you're good to them they'll stay (Oooo)

Like a warm earth oven (oven)

They'll cook you some lovin (lovin)

Ask your daddy someday (Oooo)

Some are big and some are small

Some stand up tall and some might fall

It don't matter who you choose (Oooo)

Just find a good woman to get over your blues

All women are healers (healers)

Straight talking dealers (dealers)

If you're good to them they'll stay (Oooo)

Like a warm earth oven (oven)

They'll cook you some lovin (lovin)

Ask your daddy someday (Oooo)

Some are sensitive

oh when they cry

But if there thinking about you you're doing alright

It don't matter who you choose (Oooo)

Just find a good woman to get over your blues

All women are healers (healers)

Straight talking dealers (dealers)

If you're good to them they'll stay (Oooo)

Like a warm earth oven (oven)

They'll cook you some lovin (lovin)

Ask your daddy someday (Oooo)

She will keep you safe and warm

On a cold winter's night

through all the storms

Keep her close by your side

That woman's gonna take you for a wild, wild, wild, wild ride

All women are healers (healers)

Straight talking dealers (dealers)

If you're good to them they'll stay (Oooo)

Like a warm earth oven (oven)

They'll cook you some lovin (lovin)

Ask your daddy someday (Oooo)

They'll cook you some lovin

Ask your daddy someday



[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

[Band Warms Up with Background Chatter]

Closed Captions Provided by The Dub Hut.

Closed Captions Provided by The Dub Hut.

Closed Captions Provided by The Dub Hut.

Closed Captions Provided by The Dub Hut.

For more infomation >> The White Wall Sessions Season 6 - Episode 14 - WEBCAST - Duration: 23:32.


Breaking Celeb News | Meek Mill to perform during Super Bowl weekend - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Breaking Celeb News | Meek Mill to perform during Super Bowl weekend - Duration: 1:00.


HHHNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG | Meme (Original?) - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> HHHNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG | Meme (Original?) - Duration: 0:18.


Cómo iniciar Windows 10 en Modo Seguro desde el arranque | Guía habilitar Opciones de Recuperación - Duration: 8:13.

Good morning, today I will explain how you can start the Windows 10 operating system in

safe mode, and also access options of recovery, doing it from the same


I'm doing this video because I've seen others tutorial what they explain is how to get into

Secure mode activating it from Windows itself 10, something that I will also explain later.

But knowing that form is sometimes not useful, since normally if we need to access

to Safe Mode is precisely when we are having a problem to start Windows

correctly, so the truly interesting is knowing how to do it from

the boot, without the need for the system operative has been fully loaded.

As many of you already know, in Windows 7 enter in Safe Mode was very simple, since

you just had to press the F8 key during the boot, but nevertheless that in Windows

10 does not work, nor does it use any another key, although there is a method

that allows us to do it.

To do this simply when we turn on our PC, we will have to press the power button

of the tower or laptop, according to your case, for a couple of seconds, that is

even before Windows gets started, in this way what happens is that our

PC automatically turns off.

And if we repeat the operation three times in a row we'll get that instead of it starting

Windows we get the recovery options.

So that you can see it in a practical way, I'm going do the test on my PC, so this

I will record part of the video with the camera.

I turn on the PC, with the power button from the tower, and just see that it's already starting

to appear the first loading screen I press the same button a couple of seconds, so that

the PC turns off.

We see how it has been turned off. I turn it on again, and I repeat the operation a second

once, pressing the power button again a couple of seconds, preventing again

Windows will start.

I repeat the operation for the third time, lighting again the PC, but this time you will see

that something changes, since Windows now does not try to start, if not as you see on the screen

the Recovery options have been activated.

I know that this method can be very weird, and I do not understand why in Windows

10 does not keep using the F8 key as it happened with the previous operating systems, what

that was much more comfortable, but simply It is what it is.

Now that we have been able to access the options of recovery I explain above how

use them, and the first of course is click on the button that says Options


In doing so we get another window, and we have to click where it says "Solve

Problems ", in this button that you see here.

Next we will see this other window where We are given the option to Reset the equipment,

but the one that interests us is the one that says again "Advanced Options", which is the one

you have to click

Now we are finally where we wanted, and as you see we are offered different options,

one of them being "Restore the System ", which is one of the ways in

which we can try to solve the problem loading a previous save point.

We also have the option of "Repair start ", with which it will try to solve

problems that prevent Windows from starting correctly.

Although the option that I'm going to enter is the one that says "See more recovery options"

that is down here, for what I do click.

Upon entering, this unique option appears, that says "Startup configuration", for

what we logically click on, and to do it we get this window where we are

asks to press the reset button to access to all these options that you see, so

let's restart

And as you can see, after rebooting we now appear these other options that you are seeing in

screen, which is where we really wanted arrive.

All of them have their utility, but if you you fix the number 4 is what allows us

Enable Windows 10 Safe Mode, for what I'm going to press the number 4 on my

keyboard to carry out the operation.

As you can see, the PC has been restarted, and now we will let Windows start normally,

although it will do so in safe mode, so we will see that the screen resolution is

has reduced, and that start programs How can our antivirus be, the drivers

of sound, or others, have not been loaded.

What Safe Mode does is precisely Start Windows without loading any driver,

nor program, in this way, if the reason for Windows is not starting correctly

something that we have installed, or to some harmful program, we can access the system

operating safely, to try fix it, uninstalling the program in

issue, or to carry out other operations, how to make a backup of our


Once explained all this, I take advantage and I I comment on another way of how we can access

to Safe Mode in Windows 10, although now we will do it from Windows itself, which in

reality is the simplest way when our operating system does not give us any

problem when starting.

For this we just have to go to the search engine of Windows 10 down to the left, and we write

"Settings" to click on the application of the same name.

Now we go to the option that says Update and Security that is here, and in the next

window we click to the left where says Recovery.

Once here, we have to click on the button that says Restart Now, where

Start Advanced. And as we see the PC reboots and takes us

to Recovery options, just like what we saw before.

Logically, this is from Windows itself it's much simpler, but the method of

force the restart that I explained to you at the beginning, may be useful, when the problem is precisely

be, that you can not access Windows normally.

Lastly, although this video is dedicated to Windows 10, also took the opportunity to show you

How would you enter Safe Mode from Windows? 7, since many people are still using this


In this case, everything is much easier, that you just have to leave the roof depressed

F8 of the keyboard during startup, and from that now this window appears where it appears

the option to start Windows in Safe Mode.

By doing this first you will see this screen in black where several commands come out, but

do not worry, because after a few seconds Windows will start in safe mode.

As you can see, everything was much simpler with Windows 7.

And here the video, I hope that all this information may be useful, if

this is how you can give to Like or if you have Any doubt leave it in the comments,

and do not forget to subscribe. See you later.

For more infomation >> Cómo iniciar Windows 10 en Modo Seguro desde el arranque | Guía habilitar Opciones de Recuperación - Duration: 8:13.


✅ Caroline Bittencourt se casa em São Miguel dos Milagres - Área VIP - Duration: 2:12.

 Aconteceu na tarde deste sábado (26), em São Miguel dos Milagres, o casamento de Caroline Bittencourt, com o empresário Jorge Sestini

Para a ocasião, Caroline apostou em um vestido leve, trasparente, assinado por Yolan Cris

 Quem entrou na capela com as alianças, foi Isabella, filha da apresentadora, fruto de um outro relacionamento

Ao todo a cerimônia contou com cerca de 120 convidados. Caroline e Sestini ficaram noivos em agosto de 2017, e naquela época eles começaram os preparativos para o casamento

 Antes da cerimônia, Caroline esteve em São Miguel dos Milagres, cinco vezes, isso para avaliar o melhor horário da iluminação natural e as condições da maré, para que a paisagem ficasse do jeito que ela sempre sonhou

 Já os demais detalhes teve os cuidados de Caroline, junto com a cerimonialista Mamá Omena

Em entrevista à Quem, Caroline falou sobre a escolha do local: "Escolhemos esse local porque nós dois amamos muito praia

Ele é empresário, mas surfa nas horas vagas. Então temos essa ligação com a praia e natureza

Pesquisamos várias praias no Brasil e achamos essa, que é mais deserta e que é linda

Eu já conhecia o local, mas levei o Jorge pra conhecer e ele amou também

"  Atualmente com 37 anos, ela falou que antes de conhecer o marido não tinha vontade de se casar: "É engraçado como a gente vai mudando ao longo da vida

Quando eu era mais nova, achava um horror casar, que era muito cafona se vestir de noiva… Hoje em dia, acho a coisa mais linda! Quero fazer uma cerimônia bonita, que mesmo não sendo na igreja, vai ter padre

Ainda bem que a gente muda! Se a gente fosse uma coisa só desde que a gente nasce seria muito chato

Estamos em constante mudança." Veja algumas fotos da cerimônia abaixo!

For more infomation >> ✅ Caroline Bittencourt se casa em São Miguel dos Milagres - Área VIP - Duration: 2:12.


VOVA BEDAVA ÜRÜN ALMA (KESİN KANITLI) nasıl yapılır beleş - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> VOVA BEDAVA ÜRÜN ALMA (KESİN KANITLI) nasıl yapılır beleş - Duration: 6:42.


✅ Augusto Heleno defende rever protocolos de licenciamento de barragens - Duration: 1:24.

 O general general Augusto Heleno, ministro-chefe do Gabinete de Segurança Institucional (GSI) da Presidência da República, afirmou na noite deste sábado (26/1), em entrevista coletiva em Brasília, que o governo deverá rever o protocolo de licenciamento e de segurança das barragens no pais

Segundo ele, se ocorreram dois acidente graves em um curto espaço de tempo – Mariana e Brumadinho, ambos em Minas Gerais, "é porque alguma coisa está errada"

 O chefe do GSI afirmou, ainda, que a pretendida flexibilização da concessão de licenciamento ambiental terá que obedecer a regras rígidas

"A flexibilização será para permitir que obras necessárias saiam do papel, mas isso não quer dizer afrouxar nada

Mas o licenciamento ambiental não pode retardar as coisas", observou

 Ajuda de Israel Augusto Heleno adiantou que um avião enviado pelo governo de Israel já está no Brasil

A aeronave veio equipada, segundo o ministro, com tecnologia que permite a localização de corpos em desastres como o que ocorreu em Brumadinho

O ministro, então, encerrou a coletiva: "Fui!".   

For more infomation >> ✅ Augusto Heleno defende rever protocolos de licenciamento de barragens - Duration: 1:24.


一级谁点E技能最弱?希维尔还行,他点E这局游戏注定不简单! - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> 一级谁点E技能最弱?希维尔还行,他点E这局游戏注定不简单! - Duration: 3:09.


陈昱霖被奢侈品迷花眼,吴秀波当真无辜?揭露所有真相的判决! - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> 陈昱霖被奢侈品迷花眼,吴秀波当真无辜?揭露所有真相的判决! - Duration: 9:17.


衝浪板平衡游戏 | 挑戰10秒內在冲浪板上不掉下來 ?! | FlowRider Challenge - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> 衝浪板平衡游戏 | 挑戰10秒內在冲浪板上不掉下來 ?! | FlowRider Challenge - Duration: 10:55.


Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019 - Spiritual DNA - Duration: 19:22.

For more infomation >> Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019 - Spiritual DNA - Duration: 19:22.


How to setup PAYPAL ACCOUNT? Receive and send money without credit card! - Duration: 7:00.

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What does Paypal do?

Most of online job or online earnings

they use Paypal for sending payments.

Basically, Paypal can be use in international and world wide

thats why they use this as their mode of payment so they can send money all around the world.

Alright, lets start!

First thing to do, check the video description for the link

or simply go to

Just click sign up

and you will see 2 options here.

Its either BUY WITH PAYPAL or


The difference between this 2 options is that

this Buy with Paypal,

this will be your PERSONAL ACCOUNT

and this Recieve Payments with Paypal,

this will be your BUSINESS ACCOUNT.

So here in Buy with Paypal

you will have low transaction fee in withdrawals

and here in business account or receive payments with paypal

you will have your monthly fee

because you will use their platform as your business payment method.

So for us, we are only using this for online earnings

we will select Buy with Paypal.

Just fill up this form...

Use your personal email address because

most of online earnings, they only asked for your paypal email address as your paypal information.

Once done filling up, click next.

Enter your date of birth, nationality,

identification type,

you will have 3 categories in identification type

its either Driver's license, National ID and Passport.

So if you do not have Drivers License or Passport

just select National ID.

Because they accept any government issued ID.

Like for example: SSS, GSIS, Pag-ibig,

PhilHealth and etc

If you have any government issued ID

maybe they will consider that as a National ID.

And enter your mobile number for security purposes.

Once done filling up

just check this 2 boxes and proceed to agree and create account.

Next, you can click the "get started" and "try it now".

Here in get started

you dont have to link your credit or debit card.

Just click "I'll do it later".

Do the captcha...

There you go, this will be your dashboard and

all you have to do is to confirm your email address.

Confirm your mobile number too using the number you entered upon registration.

And as you can see in your Paypal Balance

you can monitor your currency or your money.

Then here in recent activities

you can monitor the in and outs of your paypal history.

And if you want to connect your Paypal to your ATM or any local banks

just click "Banks and Cards"

"Add a bank or card."

Then click this LINK TO BANK ACCOUNT.

Okay so here, be careful when entering your details.

The name registered on your Paypal account must match the name registered on your bank account.

Then the bank name

enter the bank name indicated in your ATM

For bank codes, click this "link of bank codes"

Here are the list of banks here in the Philippines,

For example, Land bank of the Philippines

Union bank,

Security bank,

and this Banco De Oro

If you selected Banco de oro

just copy this code

then paste it right here.

So alright, then your account number

What enters in account number should be the same as re-enter your account number

so its like copy and paste.

Alright, so if you want to transfer your paypal to gcash to coins,ph

i already made a video before regarding how to transfer paypal to

SEE VIDEO DESCRIPTION where to watch that video.

Here in Paypal

you don't need to have credit card for you to withdraw your money

What i do is

im using

Paypal then transfer to my bank account

or im using paypal to transfer to gcash and to my coins ph account.

So guys, if you have any idea or ways how we can withdraw our money here in Paypal

my comment box is open for your thoughts and ideas.

Then about the Send and Request

here you can send and request paypal balance

to other users as well.

Well basically, when you're about to send money to your friends or family

just enter their email address or their account name in Paypal.

Thank you again for watching, if this video helped you setup your Paypal account

hit the like button!

Also, SUBSCRIBE now to my Youtube and Telegram Channel.

This is Aiza Mercado again and have a great day!

For more infomation >> How to setup PAYPAL ACCOUNT? Receive and send money without credit card! - Duration: 7:00.


Latisha Asks Marsau to Watch the Kids | Love and Marriage: Huntsville | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 3:21.

Where are you going?

Just some little small event with Mel.

How long did you know about his event, babe?

She just asked me a couple of hours ago.

How come I didn't know a couple hours ago?

Because I haven't talked to you.

I don't want to argue with my husband,

so I cannot let him know that I actually found

out about this event yesterday.

You pick your battles in a marriage

and tell little bitty white lies.

My off day doesn't all of a sudden become your playground.

If you're going to go somewhere, I'm fine with that.

But just make sure that the kids are taken care of.

Ti, at the beginning when you started talking about,

I want to get my license, I don't mind that.

I want you to go out there and blossom.

I mean, fly.

You're a peacock. Fly.

OK? - Oh my goodness.

But this is fundamental.

All of a sudden, hey, I've got this thing.

Can you stay home with the kids?

Next time, I'll give you 24 hours notice.

No, don't give me a 24 hour notice, babe.

Give me a 12 year notice.


Well, I'm going to need for you to watch the kids sometimes.

- No - Marceau!

This is like a non-negotiable right here.

This is not non-negotiable.

Today, right now, this moment, it is.

Like, this conversation, for watching

the kids for two hours.

Whoa, hold up.

Wait, wait, wait.

You're trying to say that this, this right

here, is non-negotiable?

Can you just do it for me, like, this one time?

This is supposed to be a partnership,

but I feel like I'm not getting that partnership

from my husband.

This is not going to be a regular occurrence.

An ongoing thing, OK.


This is not going to be something that we do.

I'm just getting out there, going to an event.

A lot of people [DOOR BELL]

that-- the door bell just rang.

I love my husband.

Sometimes, he can just be too much.

Hey, girl. What's up?

- What's up? - How are you?

I'm good. How are you doing?

I can't complain. You look good.

Oh, thank you.

Appreciate it.

Appreciate it.

Come here to steal my wife?

That's right.

Marceau, I am not stealing your wife.

I am rescuing her from the last century.

Hey, look, there's something I wanted to holler at you about.

Listen, you and Martell, y'all have got your thing.

You guys are doing what Martell and Melody do.


Me and Tisha are doing kind of what me and Tisha do,

and it works.


I think.


Well, you can know.

It does work Tisha can go out there, have fun--

We're not going out to have fun.

We're going out to network and meet some people.

- Make some power moves. - That's right.


That's kind of not where we're going with it.

We're not going to be a power couple.

We're kind of like a regular couple.

- Marceau, stop it. - No.

At the end of the day, I'm not going to be no Martell.

I'm not going to be having three kids

and working and doing all this other stuff.

But you do have-- just have three kids, though, Marseau.

She has three kids, and I just happen to be their dad.

- You think so? - Hey, girl.

Hey! Look at you.

You look good. - Thank you.

So do you, as always.

AC, MJ, Mila.

Mom's trying to turn me into a stay at home dad.

I guess I've got to step in and be a home mom, because Tisha

forsook her motherly roles.

Hey, see if they've got a kids section

at the next event, a little daycare thing going on.

Not with hm.

That's your husband, girl.

For more infomation >> Latisha Asks Marsau to Watch the Kids | Love and Marriage: Huntsville | Oprah Winfrey Network - Duration: 3:21.


Freezing Water Didn't Stop Polar Plunge Participants - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Freezing Water Didn't Stop Polar Plunge Participants - Duration: 0:42.


190125 Hwichan & BATTLE Cut on TV Show After 10+ Years!!! DESTINY!!! - Duration: 13:11.

video & subtitles from kshow123

For more infomation >> 190125 Hwichan & BATTLE Cut on TV Show After 10+ Years!!! DESTINY!!! - Duration: 13:11.


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For more infomation >> How to Get a Job with no Experience (CV example at the end) - Duration: 7:34.


Fly Me To The Moon - Frank Sinatra (Fingerstyle Guitar Cover) Free TAB Tutorial - Duration: 1:50.

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For more infomation >> Fly Me To The Moon - Frank Sinatra (Fingerstyle Guitar Cover) Free TAB Tutorial - Duration: 1:50.


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Why can't Meghan Markle keep her hands off her bump? Experts tackle the question - Duration: 13:58.

It's the subject that has got the nation talking: why does Meghan constantly cradle her bump? Here we identify the different types of embrace

and ask experts to explain why they think she does it.IT'S LIKE THOSE IRRITATING BABY ON BOARD SIGNS Sometimes it's a single-handed cupping

At the British Fashion Awards last month, it was a smug encircling, causing much opprobrium – 'You're pregnant

We KNOW!' – on Twitter.Not since Demi Moore was naked on the cover of Vanity Fair has a mum-to-be stirred such ire

Is the gesture a signal to everyone in the room (Harry, the Queen, minions) to treat her like cut glass? Does she not want to be accused of spending even more money on bigger coats that do up, so is opting to leave her existing coat open instead? Personally, I find the cradling a bit like those signs in the back of cars: Baby on Board

Virtue signalling, as though the rest of us barren harridans deserve to burn alive in our cars

I do wonder what is to come once Meghan begins to breastfeed… will she milk it for all she's worth? SHE'S BUILDING A BOND WITH THE BABY

IT's JUST BIOLOGY Cradling a bump is something that's hardwired into women from a biological perspective

Women are instinctively drawn to touching their babies because, even when they're in the womb, it produces a hormone called oxytocin

This hormone is known as the bonding hormone, but it also affects the strength of your contractions in labour

The more oxytocin in your system, the stronger your contractions will be, which can lead to an easier birth

Placing your hands on your bump comforts the baby, comforts you, and helps create the optimum conditions for labour

DUCHESS OF SHOWBIZ IS JUST SEEKING A PHOTO OP I'VE tried not to find it annoying, but I'm sorry, it just is

A casual cradling of one's bump is to be expected.It's new, it's exciting and there really is nothing like feeling that thing kick and jump around in there

But Meghan's positioning is always so fixed into one singular, rigid pose that it's becoming uncomfortable to watch

I'm getting arm aches just looking.It's all very Baby Bump Barbie.Kinder people would point to an excited new mother's natural, unconditional love already blossoming

True enough, in which case I hope its sibling isn't far behind, or that poor kid's clearly in for a smothering

But come on, this is the Duchess of Showbiz we have here.It smacks to me of a focus that's contrived and relentlessly photo-op ready

Meghan would be well advised to take the 'world's only pregnant woman!' vibes down a notch or two

Meghan tends to cup her bump by knitting her fingers together – a sign of holding back and being more grounded

That's quite a contrast to her usual behaviour, which involves dealing with the world with gusto

As a Royal she is expected to be more reserved, so is this a subconscious attempt to be so? This doesn't look like acting

This looks like a woman aware of a change in her body.A SIGN OF HER DELIGHT AT BEING PREGNANT A lot of women feel comforted by touching their baby bump but Meghan appears to indulge more than most

It happened even before she had a discernible bump, and I imagine some of this is because she is so delighted to be pregnant

Possibly, at 37, she wasn't sure it would happen so quickly.But there may be another story

All Royals have a method of preventing their arms from flailing around in a chaotic fashion when they are out and about

Meghan is using her bump as a way to keep her hands calm, while showing how protective she is

SHE LOOKS AS DEMURE AS THE VIRGIN MARY Meghan's arms framing the bump very clearly shows that she is pregnant, rather than just looking large

I think she's also very consciously making the effort to break up the solid colour of her outfits

After years as an actress, she'll be very aware of camera angles and how to work them, and how to create flattering shapes with her body

I also think she resembles the image of the Virgin Mary: demure and regal, carrying the most precious cargo

She's definitely very pleased with herself about that.IGNORE THE BACKLASH, THIS IS A BIG POSITIVE It's interesting to see such a backlash against a woman who is interacting with her bump in this way

But I see it as a very positive thing.It indicates a good attachment to the unborn baby

I work with a lot of women who struggle to develop a bond with their child, whether due to difficulty conceiving, miscarriage, or birth trauma

But a woman who is cradling her bump is showing that she's very engaged, both emotionally and physically, with her unborn child

Everyone else constantly paws you when you're pregnant, so why shouldn't Meghan take things into her own hands? Personally, I've never felt as strong and invulnerable as when my belly was ballooning

I would march into meetings with my doctor, feeling nothing he could say could burst my sense of well-being

And in case he missed the point I'd cradle my belly for added effect.Meghan has had a hard time of it lately with attacks on a number of fronts

But when you're pregnant and loving it nothing else really matters.Every time she cradles her bump, it's a case of you and me against the world, babe – and she's rocking it

IF THIS IS HER ACTING, IT's A MASSIVE CLICHE When you're teaching an actor to 'play' pregnant, the preparation involves holding the back

Cradling the bump is not really something you'd ask an actor to do – it's such a demonstrative gesture that it could be seen as a cliche

So when a woman is doing that in real life, you can choose to interpret it in either a positive or a negative way – either it's a subconscious, instinctive, nurturing, maternal gesture, or they're proud and overly protective

WHAT'S SO UNNATURAL IN LOVING YOUR BUMP? I imagine it's reassuring for Meghan to put her hands on her baby

I don't think she's doing it to show off, and I imagine that people saying that have never been pregnant

It's natural to be proud of your bump.You only have it for nine months and it is quite special

WE HAVE known for a long time that babies respond to voices and sounds from outside the womb, and they also move their arms, head and mouths more when the bump was stroked

Some babies would reach out and touch the walls of the uterus.Touching your bump is good for the baby's development

Meghan may not know it, but her constant stroking and rubbing is helping develop the baby's co-ordination and movements

A POSITIVE SIGN SHE LOVES HER NEW BODY Some women love how they look when pregnant

Others hate it.A woman's body image pre-pregnancy very much influences how she feels, looks and presents herself

When we feel good in ourselves, we tend to present ourselves in a very different way to when we don't – and putting your hand on the bump in this way is a positive sign

MAKING THE MOST OF HER NEW SHAPE Some women find it hard to make the most of their changing body shape and hide their bumps – but Meghan isn't one of them

Choosing to wear striking colours such as the purple dress and red coat she wore on a recent visit to Birkenhead is a clear message that not only does she want to show off her bump, but also that being pregnant doesn't mean she's taken her finger off the fashion pulse

SHE LOVES TO SHOW THAT SHE'S A 'FAT LADY' Having observed Meghan on official engagements, her bump patting seems to be second nature – it's her new prop

It's endearing, but a little distracting.I think she genuinely feels a connection with what Harry calls 'our little bump' and cradling her tummy is instinctive and protective

Even when she's wearing a coat, Meghan flicks it to one side so her tummy is on show

I've loved the way she's not been afraid to display her bump.She took no offence when she was called a 'fat lady' by a well-meaning member of the public at a recent outing, laughing: 'I'll take it

For more infomation >> Why can't Meghan Markle keep her hands off her bump? Experts tackle the question - Duration: 13:58.


Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019 - Spiritual DNA - Duration: 19:22.

For more infomation >> Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019 - Spiritual DNA - Duration: 19:22.


The Latest on the Race to Prevent Another Shutdown - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> The Latest on the Race to Prevent Another Shutdown - Duration: 1:51.


Designers and Contractors Give Advice at HBA Home Show - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Designers and Contractors Give Advice at HBA Home Show - Duration: 2:03.


Juventus boss responds to Paul Pogba transfer rumours after his Man Utd revival - Duration: 2:01.

 Juventus have been linked with a move to resign Paul Pogba from Manchester United

 Rumours surrounding the future of the Frenchman picked up pace just before Jose Mourinho's sacking at Old Trafford

 But the stories have died down since the Portuguese boss departed, with Pogba enjoying an upturn in form under new manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer

  Pogba has been silencing his critics in recent weeks - and Massimiliano Allegri concedes the chances of ever seeing him in a Juventus shirt again are extremely slim

 "It's very difficult to see him at Juventus again," Allegri said at a news conference on Saturday when asked about Pogba

Read More Giuseppe Rossi reveals what Man Utd players really think of Marcus Rashford  It certainly appears although any talk of a Juventus return for Pogba can be put on the backburner once and for all

 He is now hitting full stride at Old Trafford - and if he does leave in the future, he is likely to head to Spain

 His brother, Florentin, revealed there are only three sides who can improve the French World Cup winner in an interview with AS

  "When my brother leaves Manchester United I can only see three teams as an improvement: Manchester City , Real Madrid or Barcelona ," he said

 "He isn't going to go to City, therefore he'll come to Spain. To Barcelona or Real Madrid

" Read More Mirror Football's Top Stories

For more infomation >> Juventus boss responds to Paul Pogba transfer rumours after his Man Utd revival - Duration: 2:01.


Roblox Gaming with Viewers - Duration: 1:51:22.

For more infomation >> Roblox Gaming with Viewers - Duration: 1:51:22.


Newcastle transfer news: Miguel Almiron likely to leave Atlanta in summer - MLS expert - Blog News - Duration: 3:29.

 That is according to Major League Soccer expert Andrew Wiebe. Almiron has been courted by the Toon after impressing for Atlanta during the 2018 campaign, which ended in October

 The attacking midfielder bagged 12 goals as the franchise claimed their first ever league title

 The Paraguayan has also been linked with a move to Arsenal, but Newcastle remain the most interested party despite owner Mike Ashley's tight purse strings

 Rafa Benitez has identified Almiron as the solution to the Magpies' problems up front, but Wiebe thinks the Premier League strugglers will have to wait until the summer to secure their man

 "I don't think [Atlanta will] be forced into anything," Wiebe told Sky Sports' Transfer Talk Podcast

 "And I think they'll look at next summer, if they have to, as being a better time to sell him, and perhaps for the price that they want

" Wiebe believes that England represents Almiron's most likely destination, though

 "I think there's a good chance [Miguel Almiron will leave for the Premier League]," he added

 "But I also think he won't leave for a price that Atlanta are willing to do it for

 "So far, [Atlanta president] Darren Eales said it is £23.15million ($30m), and I don't think they've got a bid that approaches that

" MLS franchises are only allowed three players in their squad who exceed a salary cap, and Almiron is one of a current quadrant

  That fact will mean the outfit needs to offload one, but they have until the start of the 2019 season in March to do so

 "They're going to have four designated players which, under MLS roster rules, isn't allowed," Wiebe added

 "But they have until some time late February, early March to get that done for roster compliance


For more infomation >> Newcastle transfer news: Miguel Almiron likely to leave Atlanta in summer - MLS expert - Blog News - Duration: 3:29.


Students From Missouri, Kansas High Schools Test Tech Knowledge with Robot Competition - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Students From Missouri, Kansas High Schools Test Tech Knowledge with Robot Competition - Duration: 1:44.


«L'immobilier ne crée pas d'emplois» : Macron a-t-il raison ? - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> «L'immobilier ne crée pas d'emplois» : Macron a-t-il raison ? - Duration: 3:23.


VLOG #19 | Adibasi Youngistan - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> VLOG #19 | Adibasi Youngistan - Duration: 8:21.


📌 СРОЧНАЯ НОВОСТЬ! Саратовская область Навальный о зарплатах бюджетников региона - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> 📌 СРОЧНАЯ НОВОСТЬ! Саратовская область Навальный о зарплатах бюджетников региона - Duration: 4:23.


✅ Caroline Bittencourt se casa em São Miguel dos Milagres - Área VIP - Duration: 2:12.

 Aconteceu na tarde deste sábado (26), em São Miguel dos Milagres, o casamento de Caroline Bittencourt, com o empresário Jorge Sestini

Para a ocasião, Caroline apostou em um vestido leve, trasparente, assinado por Yolan Cris

 Quem entrou na capela com as alianças, foi Isabella, filha da apresentadora, fruto de um outro relacionamento

Ao todo a cerimônia contou com cerca de 120 convidados. Caroline e Sestini ficaram noivos em agosto de 2017, e naquela época eles começaram os preparativos para o casamento

 Antes da cerimônia, Caroline esteve em São Miguel dos Milagres, cinco vezes, isso para avaliar o melhor horário da iluminação natural e as condições da maré, para que a paisagem ficasse do jeito que ela sempre sonhou

 Já os demais detalhes teve os cuidados de Caroline, junto com a cerimonialista Mamá Omena

Em entrevista à Quem, Caroline falou sobre a escolha do local: "Escolhemos esse local porque nós dois amamos muito praia

Ele é empresário, mas surfa nas horas vagas. Então temos essa ligação com a praia e natureza

Pesquisamos várias praias no Brasil e achamos essa, que é mais deserta e que é linda

Eu já conhecia o local, mas levei o Jorge pra conhecer e ele amou também

"  Atualmente com 37 anos, ela falou que antes de conhecer o marido não tinha vontade de se casar: "É engraçado como a gente vai mudando ao longo da vida

Quando eu era mais nova, achava um horror casar, que era muito cafona se vestir de noiva… Hoje em dia, acho a coisa mais linda! Quero fazer uma cerimônia bonita, que mesmo não sendo na igreja, vai ter padre

Ainda bem que a gente muda! Se a gente fosse uma coisa só desde que a gente nasce seria muito chato

Estamos em constante mudança." Veja algumas fotos da cerimônia abaixo!

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