Sunday, January 27, 2019

Youtube daily report w Jan 28 2019

I am currently in the jungles of India, doing what I do best, photographing fineart wildlife images

as a wildlife photographer, there are times that we need a zoom lens,

especially when we did not have time to change lenses

and I think the GFX series is lacking in something like this

now with the GF100-200 mm lens

it is definitely a nice addition to the lineup

This lens works great in the jungles of India

because of a lack of open space, and my close proximity to the animals

I did not really need a super long lens for the job

Shooting in the jungle also produces beautiful results,

you have got nice light seeping through the trees,

creating amazing shadows and highlights which the lens captured brilliantly

long lenses with IS

is definitely important, and its great

that its included into the lens as well

I have been enjoying the GFX since its launch,

and now coupled with another new lens, its definitely great news to photographers

For more infomation >> Monster Glass GF100-200mmF5.6 R LM OIS WR with William Chua / FUJIFILM - Duration: 4:38.


Monster Glass GF100-200mmF5.6 R LM OIS WR with Jonathan Bielaski / FUJIFILM - Duration: 4:10.

The one thing I love about environmental portraits is: capturing people in their work environment

or their play environment.

You know, capturing people where they feel most comfortable, that gives a little bit of

insight into who the person is and what they do.

Everybody has a story, we just need to listen to them.

When I started working with my producer and started talking concept about what we wanted to shoot

and who we wanted to actually work with, the Waterloo Central Railway just stood out.

As people are working on a project or working for an organization or working for an NGO,

we see what's happening on the forefront of it, but we never see the behind the scenes.

So, I wanted to bring a little bit of life to the actual people and characters that are

actually working in the railway.

Definitely, one of the challenges on this shoot as well as a lot of the shoots that

I go to on location is, you know, working in different environments.

I knew this situation was going to be gritty.

I knew it was going to be grimy.

You know.

There's lots of oil, dust, coal all over the place.

So what better camera system to bring to this situation than the FUJIFILM GFX 50S coupled

with the GF100-200mmF5.6 lens.

The weather sealing on the lens itself really lent it's capabilities to this.

So, the 100-200 focal length on the GFX is an amazing focal length for portraits.

Especially environmental portraits in this situation, where I have lots of room to go around.

Utilizing this lens with the Optical Image Stabilization, also allows me to hand

hold the camera in situations which I would normally have to be on a tripod.

The other really nice thing about it is it's a constant aperture lens.

So, the F5.6 might seem like it will give you a lot of depth of field.

But, when you're at that 100-200mm focal length, on a medium-format camera, it gave me enough

depth of field to do a really good portrait, but still allowed the background to blur out.

You know, I definitely love doing a single environmental portrait where the one main

shot tells the story about the person.

But, with that, I always love to do little detail, accent shots.

So, having this lens we can actually go in and shoot those detail shots of, you know,

for example, the coal.

Or, we can go in and shoot where the grinder is actually working.

And, all these detail shots as well as the pulled-back shots.

So, without having to switch lenses, I can do this very quickly.

Keeping that record of history of what happened now and hopefully, you know, 100 years, 200

years, 300 years down the road, people might look back at the photos and say:

"Hey. That was a very unique and interesting way that they were working.".

It's one of the things that I want to actually keep doing through my career and through all my

personal projects, as well as my commercial projects and creating this type of imagery over and over.

For more infomation >> Monster Glass GF100-200mmF5.6 R LM OIS WR with Jonathan Bielaski / FUJIFILM - Duration: 4:10.


太突然了!张柏芝第三胎出生证遭曝光!生父一栏名字令人匪夷所思, 数百万粉丝对真相感到惊叹! - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> 太突然了!张柏芝第三胎出生证遭曝光!生父一栏名字令人匪夷所思, 数百万粉丝对真相感到惊叹! - Duration: 5:15.


Nekroz Impcantation Deck + Análisis 📈 | Post Banlist 2019 - Duration: 13:54.

Presented by El Exordio del Duelista

Nekroz Impcantation: The resurgence of the legendary strategist will bring glory back to the Nekroz clan!

Deck focused on summoning in different ways, thanks to the versatility of our Nekroz Spells, multiple Nekroz rituals to establish a strong offensive.

The Deck focuses on the reuse of resources provided by the Nekroz spells, which will also allow us to send materials from different Zones to summon our Nekroz rituals.

This will be key, as it will save us resources to summon multiple rituals.

For more infomation >> Nekroz Impcantation Deck + Análisis 📈 | Post Banlist 2019 - Duration: 13:54.


Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019 - Thoughts On Tithes - Duration: 29:48.

For more infomation >> Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019 - Thoughts On Tithes - Duration: 29:48.


✅ Raul Gil completa 81 anos e ganha lindas homenagens de seu filho e de Maisa - Duration: 2:05.

 Raul Gil está em festa! Ele está completando 81 anos neste domingo, 27, e recebeu várias homenagens de amigos e parentes

 Em seu Instagram, Raul Gil Junior, filho do apresentador, fez questão de homenagear o pai

Com uma foto do ícone da televisão brasileira, ele fez questão de ressaltar como ele está bem de saúde

 "Acordei no meio da noite e olhei para o celular e vi que já era seu aniversário

Desculpa o horário.Parabéns por mais um ano e obrigado estar do nosso lado

Deus tem sido bom conosco. Saúde nesta família é que não falta. Pode faltar outras coisas, mais saúde Deus foi generoso, ele sabe que com ela podemos mudar tudo, melhorar tudo", colocou na legenda

 O também diretor de Raul Gil não deixou de falar sobre a gratidão que o pai deve ter por tudo o que conquistou

"Então parabéns novamente por estar com tanta saúde fazendo o que ama e do lado de quem te ama

Este ano será melhor, acredite na verdade, e sempre em seu talento. Agradeça sempre a Deus por tantos presentes que ele te dá todos os dias desde que nasceu

Tudo neste mundo podemos comprar, mas saúde é um presente de Deus que poucos nesta vida tem a honra e a sorte de receber

Te amo muito. Fique com Deus. Logo estarei aí para te dar um abraço. Beijos", finalizou

 Maisa, que foi revelada no programa do apresentador do SBT quando era criança, também quis fazer uma homenagem

Em sua rede social, ela compartilhou uma foto ainda de sua infância ao lado do aniversariante em uma de suas participações no programa

 "Feliz aniversário, vovô Raul", escreveu na publicação.

For more infomation >> ✅ Raul Gil completa 81 anos e ganha lindas homenagens de seu filho e de Maisa - Duration: 2:05.


✅ Luana Piovani fala sobre a tragédia em Brumadinho: 'Luto' - Área VIP - Duration: 2:33.

 Neste domingo (27), a atriz Luana Piovani usou seu Instagram para fazer um desabafo e críticas, após a tragédia que aconteceu na última sexta-feira (25), em Brumadinho, Minas Gerais

 Através de um vídeo, Luana falou sobre as notícias que está vendo nas mídias nesses últimos dias, e sobre a tristeza de ver pessoas e animais sendo tirados debaixo da lama

 "Luto! O Brasil só sabe maltratar seus cidadãos. @jairmessiasbolsonaro o senhor precisa dar dignidade ao nosso povo

Que a Vale pague cada centavo de multa, que reconstruam as casas, deem assistência aos acidentados e que a corja TODA SEJA PRESA E FIQUE POR LÁ

 NÃO FOI ACIDENTEEEE FOI CRIME!!!!", começou a atriz  Piovani ainda relembrou outra tragédia: "A quantos ainda sobreviveremos??? A ciclovia no Rio continua lá, pra nos mostrar como ninguém toma providência de coisa nenhuma e ainda assim permitimos que nos ofereçam carnaval e futebol pra vendarem nossos olhos!! POVO BRASILEIROO QUEM MANDA NESSA MERDA É A GENTE!! Ou tomamos o país pelas rédeas ou ainda pisarão muito no nosso pescoço", escreveu ela na legenda do vídeo

 Assista o vídeo:    + Morre a mãe do ator Cauã Reymond Fátima Bernardes faz desabafo após tragédia  Conforme foi amplamente divulgado nos telejornais na última sexta-feira (25), a cidade de Brumadinho em Minas Gerais foi banhada por lama após represas do local se romperem

Essa não é a primeira tragédia do tipo que acontece no estado, há cerca de três anos a cidade de Mariana virou manchete nacional após também ter sua barreira rompida e a cidade inundada de lama

 Bombeiros e profissionais envolvidos relataram que acreditam que cerca de 200 pessoas possam ter morrido na tragédia de Brumadinho, embora já tenham sido encontrado sobreviventes

 A apresentadora Fátima Bernardes ao ficar sabendo da notícia decidiu usar as redes sociais para fazer um desabafo sobre a tragédia: "De novo, uma tragédia

De novo, pessoas inocentes perdem as vidas."… Veja o desabafo!  + "Um misto de raiva e tristeza", diz Érika Januza sobre ataques racistas que sofreu Após tragédia em Brumadinho, José Loreto posa com filha e faz apelo pela vida  Após o rompimento da barragem em Brumadinho na última sexta-feira (25), que causou a morte de 37 pessoas e inúmeros desaparecidos, o ator José Loreto usou as redes sociais para se pronunciar sobre o ocorrido

 Na publicação, Loreto, no ar em 'O Sétimo Guardião' apareceu com sua filha Bella, fruto do relacionamento com a também atriz Débora Nascimento, fez um apelo sobre a vida e cobrou explicações sobre a tragédia

Veja o texto!  Veja também: 

For more infomation >> ✅ Luana Piovani fala sobre a tragédia em Brumadinho: 'Luto' - Área VIP - Duration: 2:33.


✅ Mãe de Cauã Reymond, Denise Reymond morre em hospital do Rio - Duration: 1:48.

 A mãe de Cauã Reymond, Denise Reymond, morreu há cerca de dez dias. A informação é do colunista Leo Dias, do jornal "O Dia"

O Purepeople entrou em contato com a assessoria do ator, mas não teve retorno até o fechamento desta matéria

Segundo a publicação, a avó de Sofia foi vítima de um câncer no ovário e estava internada no Hospital Unimed, na Barra da Tijuca, Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro

Em setembro do ano passado, Cauã foi clicado em momento de descontração com Denise e a filha durante passeio por shopping do Rio

Aliás, as idas aos centros comerciais eram uma rotina do ator com a mãe e a menina

Cauã optou pela discrição em relação ao falecimento de Denise.  Internada, mãe de Cauã postou vídeo com filhos nas vésperas do Natal  No último dia 23 de dezembro, Denise fez sua penúltima postagem no Instagram

Na imagem, é possível ver que ela estava internada quando recebeu a visita dos filhos - ela também era mãe de Pavel Raymond

"Amores da minha vida me visitando! Feliz Natal e Ano Novo a todos obrigada pelas orações", escreveu a matriarca, que filmou os filhos

Na ocasião, a sogra de Mariana Goldfarb usou hashtags como "feliz 2019" e "câncer no ovário"

Em outras publicações, a mãe de Cauã resgatou vídeos da neta, fruto do casamento de Cauã com Grazi Massafera

For more infomation >> ✅ Mãe de Cauã Reymond, Denise Reymond morre em hospital do Rio - Duration: 1:48.


Jigar Moradabadi Ghazals In Urdu | Koi Jeeta Raha Koi Marta Hi Raha (With Urdu Lyrics) - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Jigar Moradabadi Ghazals In Urdu | Koi Jeeta Raha Koi Marta Hi Raha (With Urdu Lyrics) - Duration: 3:20.


Crazy 15 second #funchallenge that goes #viral | #15seconds #TwistedWords #MohammedAli | PART 3 - Duration: 2:15.

Hey, I am Teddy from Canada and this is my fifteen second challenge for MohammedAli.TV.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

And you are next!

Hey beautiful people!

I am Shelby from the United States. My channel is Shelby Vongviengkham A New Day Beauty.

And this is the fifteen second challenge.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Your turn!

Hey, What's up guys? It's Lulu from America. And this is the fifteen second challenge for Mohammed Ali.TV.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Boom! And you are next!

What's up humans. My name is Izzy and I am from Tennessee. And this is my fifteen second challenge for MohammedAli.TV.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Whoever is next, do the thing!

Hey hey hey,

This is the 15 second fun challenge on MohammedAli.TV.

My name is Alicia, I'm from Georgia in the US and welcome to the party.

Here is how it works: Step 1: Record your first 15 seconds by saying the twisted words

'Hey, I am (your name) from (your country) and this is my 15 second challenge on MohammedAli.TV.

And here we go: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

And you are next!'

Jokes and humor in your recording are most welcomed.

Step 2: Upload your recording on YouTube / Instagram / Twitter / Facebook with the hashtags #15seconds

#TwistedWords #MohammedAli and send an e-mail to with your name,

your age.

your country and the video link.

Step 3: Let's get the party on fire by like-ing, commenting and sharing this video with your

best friends.

Don't forget to subscribe this YouTube channel of /MohammedAliTravel to hear more about exciting

twisted tongues from around the world.


For more infomation >> Crazy 15 second #funchallenge that goes #viral | #15seconds #TwistedWords #MohammedAli | PART 3 - Duration: 2:15.


Follow my 15 second #funchallenge that goes #viral | #15seconds #TwistedWords #MohammedAli | PART 2 - Duration: 2:03.

Hey, I am Teddy from Canada and this is my fifteen second challenge for MohammedAli.TV.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

And you are next!

This is Darsh from New Zealand, currently

living in London. And let's go.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Hey, I am Melanie from the US. And this is my fifteen second challenge on MohammedAli.TV.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? And now is your turn!

Hey guys, What's up? This is Nikko from KoFay Productions in Canada.

And this is my fifteen second challenge.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

It's your turn!

Hey hey hey,

This is the 15 second fun challenge on MohammedAli.TV.

My name is Alicia, I'm from Georgia in the US and welcome to the party.

Here is how it works: Step 1: Record your first 15 seconds by saying the twisted words

'Hey, I am (your name) from (your country) and this is my 15 second challenge on MohammedAli.TV.

And here we go: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

And you are next!'

Jokes and humor in your recording are most welcomed.

Step 2: Upload your recording on YouTube / Instagram / Twitter / Facebook with the hashtags #15seconds

#TwistedWords #MohammedAli and send an e-mail to with your name,

your age.

your country and the video link.

Step 3: Let's get the party on fire by like-ing, commenting and sharing this video with your

best friends.

Don't forget to subscribe this YouTube channel of /MohammedAliTravel to hear more about exciting

twisted tongues from around the world.


For more infomation >> Follow my 15 second #funchallenge that goes #viral | #15seconds #TwistedWords #MohammedAli | PART 2 - Duration: 2:03.


Monster Glass GF100-200mmF5.6 R LM OIS WR with William Chua / FUJIFILM - Duration: 4:38.

I am currently in the jungles of India, doing what I do best, photographing fineart wildlife images

as a wildlife photographer, there are times that we need a zoom lens,

especially when we did not have time to change lenses

and I think the GFX series is lacking in something like this

now with the GF100-200 mm lens

it is definitely a nice addition to the lineup

This lens works great in the jungles of India

because of a lack of open space, and my close proximity to the animals

I did not really need a super long lens for the job

Shooting in the jungle also produces beautiful results,

you have got nice light seeping through the trees,

creating amazing shadows and highlights which the lens captured brilliantly

long lenses with IS

is definitely important, and its great

that its included into the lens as well

I have been enjoying the GFX since its launch,

and now coupled with another new lens, its definitely great news to photographers

For more infomation >> Monster Glass GF100-200mmF5.6 R LM OIS WR with William Chua / FUJIFILM - Duration: 4:38.


Monster Glass GF100-200mmF5.6 R LM OIS WR with Jonathan Bielaski / FUJIFILM - Duration: 4:10.

The one thing I love about environmental portraits is: capturing people in their work environment

or their play environment.

You know, capturing people where they feel most comfortable, that gives a little bit of

insight into who the person is and what they do.

Everybody has a story, we just need to listen to them.

When I started working with my producer and started talking concept about what we wanted to shoot

and who we wanted to actually work with, the Waterloo Central Railway just stood out.

As people are working on a project or working for an organization or working for an NGO,

we see what's happening on the forefront of it, but we never see the behind the scenes.

So, I wanted to bring a little bit of life to the actual people and characters that are

actually working in the railway.

Definitely, one of the challenges on this shoot as well as a lot of the shoots that

I go to on location is, you know, working in different environments.

I knew this situation was going to be gritty.

I knew it was going to be grimy.

You know.

There's lots of oil, dust, coal all over the place.

So what better camera system to bring to this situation than the FUJIFILM GFX 50S coupled

with the GF100-200mmF5.6 lens.

The weather sealing on the lens itself really lent it's capabilities to this.

So, the 100-200 focal length on the GFX is an amazing focal length for portraits.

Especially environmental portraits in this situation, where I have lots of room to go around.

Utilizing this lens with the Optical Image Stabilization, also allows me to hand

hold the camera in situations which I would normally have to be on a tripod.

The other really nice thing about it is it's a constant aperture lens.

So, the F5.6 might seem like it will give you a lot of depth of field.

But, when you're at that 100-200mm focal length, on a medium-format camera, it gave me enough

depth of field to do a really good portrait, but still allowed the background to blur out.

You know, I definitely love doing a single environmental portrait where the one main

shot tells the story about the person.

But, with that, I always love to do little detail, accent shots.

So, having this lens we can actually go in and shoot those detail shots of, you know,

for example, the coal.

Or, we can go in and shoot where the grinder is actually working.

And, all these detail shots as well as the pulled-back shots.

So, without having to switch lenses, I can do this very quickly.

Keeping that record of history of what happened now and hopefully, you know, 100 years, 200

years, 300 years down the road, people might look back at the photos and say:

"Hey. That was a very unique and interesting way that they were working.".

It's one of the things that I want to actually keep doing through my career and through all my

personal projects, as well as my commercial projects and creating this type of imagery over and over.

For more infomation >> Monster Glass GF100-200mmF5.6 R LM OIS WR with Jonathan Bielaski / FUJIFILM - Duration: 4:10.


太突然了!张柏芝第三胎出生证遭曝光!生父一栏名字令人匪夷所思, 数百万粉丝对真相感到惊叹! - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> 太突然了!张柏芝第三胎出生证遭曝光!生父一栏名字令人匪夷所思, 数百万粉丝对真相感到惊叹! - Duration: 5:15.


Nekroz Impcantation Deck + Análisis 📈 | Post Banlist 2019 - Duration: 13:54.

Presented by El Exordio del Duelista

Nekroz Impcantation: The resurgence of the legendary strategist will bring glory back to the Nekroz clan!

Deck focused on summoning in different ways, thanks to the versatility of our Nekroz Spells, multiple Nekroz rituals to establish a strong offensive.

The Deck focuses on the reuse of resources provided by the Nekroz spells, which will also allow us to send materials from different Zones to summon our Nekroz rituals.

This will be key, as it will save us resources to summon multiple rituals.

For more infomation >> Nekroz Impcantation Deck + Análisis 📈 | Post Banlist 2019 - Duration: 13:54.


Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019 - Thoughts On Tithes - Duration: 29:48.

For more infomation >> Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019 - Thoughts On Tithes - Duration: 29:48.


'You Don't Look Like a Nudist' Ep. 3 Preview | High Maintenance | Season 3 - Duration: 0:41.

ARTHUR: You've been in New York for like a long time, right?

Oh, yes, decades. You don't look like a nudist to me.

You should think about making this a mobile dispensary.

-I don't know. -Hey! You wanna buy some weed?

-All right. -Someone'll be right down.

Are you dining with us today?

I hope you brought your credit card.

We're cashless.

That hallway reeks! Who's this?

-Uh, it's-- This is, uh-- -I'm just gonna go.

Your drug dealer? Arthur, are you kidding me?

I'll keep it in my room.

For more infomation >> 'You Don't Look Like a Nudist' Ep. 3 Preview | High Maintenance | Season 3 - Duration: 0:41.


Anti-Immigrant Message Left On Check At South Jersey Restaurant - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Anti-Immigrant Message Left On Check At South Jersey Restaurant - Duration: 0:58.


How much are Kate Middleton's parents worth? - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> How much are Kate Middleton's parents worth? - Duration: 3:21.


식욕억제제(비만약)를 먹지 말아야할 9가지 경우. Doctor said,Don't take appetite suppressant during a diet. - Duration: 3:32.

Hello, I'm doctor Lee

Among those over 40 who are considering appetite suppressants for dieting,

Nine cases not to take medication

If you are curious, please keep looking.

Do not forget to subscribe and like.

1st,The first person to have a life-time diet

If you have not had a diet before 40's

Start exercising or diet rather than medication.

If this is your first time doing a diet

Previously, it was not obese.

do not depend on medicine from the beginning

2nd,It's not obese, but just looks

want to lose weight

There's a BMI index

It is the number of the weight divided by the square of the height

It's obese from over 25.

If this is not the case, you do not have to diet.


If you want to lose weight, do diet and exercise.

3rd,Who puts everything into medicine

If I eat only medicine, I will lose weight if I do not do anything.

If you have this idea,

Consider taking medication

Drugs are only an auxiliary role

In fact, weight is reduced by reducing the amount of food and exercise

4th,People with severe illness

Those with cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease,

If you have liver or kidney problems

Those who gain weight due to taking other medications

Take it after consulting with your doctor

The basic metabolic ability must be normal

for the effects of the medication you take.

5th,Those who are older and have less muscle mass

As weight loss and muscle mass decrease

Consider weight loss by medication

Less muscle mass can worsen other joint diseases.

I'm too afraid to take the medicine

Too much worry about side effects,

These people should do it in a different way than medicine


Appetite suppressants show the effects of arousal, similar to caffeine.

So those who drink coffee and can not sleep

After eating appetite suppressant

Sleep disturbances can occur.

8th,If you are pregnant or planning

Those who are breastfeeding

You should not.

During pregnancy,

I recommend that you do not take the necessary medication as much as possible.

9th,Those who love alcohol too much

If you drink alcohol, you can not diet.

It is useless to take medicine

If you want to diet, please stop drinking

Appetite suppressants do not apply to everyone,

This medicine is taken only when necessary

It is recommended that you consult your doctor before you are prescribed

Because, diet is a combination of various factors

It's not just that you can lose weight by relying on one factor.

Even if it is subtracted, it is possible that yo yo can come

An appetite suppressant is supposed to be used as needed because it helps to lose weight.

Thank you for watching so far.

Thank you for your subscription and like

For more infomation >> 식욕억제제(비만약)를 먹지 말아야할 9가지 경우. Doctor said,Don't take appetite suppressant during a diet. - Duration: 3:32.


Kodėl aš pasirinkau juodaode žmona? || Avri speaks Lithuanian again! 🇱🇹 (Why I chose a black wife) - Duration: 10:13.


My people!

My individuals?

I like "my individuals"

Say "individuals"

Hello my individuals!

Welcome back to our channel!

Today we will talk

about life

in a mixed marriage

So let's get into the video!


we did a

on this a little while ago

about why we chose to marry outside of our race

so what Avri just said

welcome back to our channel


we will be talking about

life in a mixed/married

couple/family sort of


so we are gonna leave that in the comments

and go from there

but if you are Lithuanian

stay with us

if you are Lithuanian stay, and then we are gonna go from there

First question

Many Balts choose people from

their own countries

Why didn't you do that too?

Many Balts live in their own countries

but I, on the other hand, live here in the US

I didn't really have a choice like that (to pick from "our own"


So then...

we live in such a place where there aren't many Lithuanians

or Latvians, or Estonians

For me, a person's citizenship or origin wasn't a priority

Most important is the person's personality

What's inside

When I found Avri

then everything worked out for me

I didn't care if she was Lithuanian

or from somewhere else



Ok my people!

For you...

What? Nothing

Did you always

Did you always like darker skin women?

Yes and no

Why are you looking at me like that?

Come on!

Like I said before

Most important is a person's

what's inside


not what's' on the outside

in general, a person' appearance

is subject to everyone's own opinion

your choice is personal

for me

Avri, for example, I like her a lot

So pretty




By the way, I am the first one

in my family, from what I know

who found a woman

from a different culture, from a different country

from a different race

so you know

simply - the origin of a person

from Lithuania is often of only Lithuanian background

and if not from Lithuania, then from countries nearby


here it's normal

since we left when I was young

I grew up here

my view is totally different

What do you think about that?

I think that

I think it's normal because

like I said


is natural when you grow up here

with all types of people

and I have friends

from all types of cultures and countries


I don't think this is an issue

Simply put, when a person

is learning your culture and language

we can share many things

and learn from each other



Are you worried

that your children

will not look like you?

Not really

because all children are different


I myself know plenty of kids

even when their parents are from the same place

but the kids don't look like one of the parents

for example - me

I used to look like my dad

when I was little

but now

I only look like my mom

Yeah that's true!

So for that reason, I am not worried at all

since nobody can really know

what will happen

Whatever will be, will be



Do you want your kids

to be able to

speak Lithuanian?

Absolutely, yes

I would like that

I would like them to speak Lithuanian

For us, Lithuanian lanaguage is important

because we are always learning



like I said before if you are from a mixed family

it might be difficult

especially if you don't live in your own country

but you want to maintain your culture

everything is possible

I think with work and effort

it might be a bit tough

but we will put in effort

so that our kids could speak Lithuanian

Very good!

Are you happy

with me?

Yes, I am very happy

with you

because you

we, in general, get along very well

and we push each other forward

so everything would be better

and together

we fight for each other

so, I am really happy

Are you happy with me too?


Very much so

Last question

What does your family

think about me?

My family has a really good opinion of you

My grandma is waiting for you

As you may remember, she was looking at your Facebook


She was searching where you go to school, which university

My family

We have family in both Lithuania and Sweden

So in Lithuania, they can't wait to see us

Sweden as well!

When we go to Europe

we will be more ready, speaking better Lithuanian

We know people are waiting for us

and we are loved

we cannot wait till we go

there are no issue at all with my family

no one has said anything negative or anything similar

everything is just fine

everyone thinks our situation is very good

so we cannot wait to go visit everyone

That's it

There are no more questions

We would like to end it here

in a nice way

like always, we promise there

will be more Lithuanian videos

there will be more

Lithuanian themes

and conversations/questions

we know everyone loves hearing Avri

talking Lithuanian

in time, we will upload more

we have to go back to studying and working

studying and work season is back

so we will have a bit less time

but we will still try our best

at least once a week

not always in Lithuanian

Right? Right

Thank you for your support

Please hit "like" and "subscribe"

don't forget to leave a comment

with your questions

and your thoughts as well

as well as what you would like to see in the future

That's it for today

We will see you guys next time


Bye my people!

For more infomation >> Kodėl aš pasirinkau juodaode žmona? || Avri speaks Lithuanian again! 🇱🇹 (Why I chose a black wife) - Duration: 10:13.


Foster Adopt Connect Being Renovated to Better Serve Families - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Foster Adopt Connect Being Renovated to Better Serve Families - Duration: 2:06.


Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019 - Thoughts On Tithes - Duration: 29:48.

For more infomation >> Sarah Jakes Roberts 2019 - Thoughts On Tithes - Duration: 29:48.


How To Increase Focus! - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> How To Increase Focus! - Duration: 4:11.


赵丽颖165唐嫣172,同穿白色荷叶裙,气质大不同 - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> 赵丽颖165唐嫣172,同穿白色荷叶裙,气质大不同 - Duration: 5:15.


Hallmark's 'Mystery 101': Where Filmed & Cast | - Duration: 9:35.

Hallmark's 'Mystery 101': Where Filmed & Cast |

Hallmark Movies & Mysteries is kicking off a brand new series of mystery movies tonight, Sunday, January 27, at 9 p.m.

Eastern with Mystery 101.

The movie will then air reruns on February 2 at 9 p.m.

Eastern, February 14 at 9 p.m., and February 24 at 7 p.m.


Read on to learn more about this new series.

If you'd like to join a discussion after you watch the movie and share what you thought, join us on the Reddit discussion thread here in the Hallmark Fans group, or send a tweet to the author of this story.

The new series stars Jill Wagner and Kristoffer Polaha.

The synopsis reads: "When a college student is found dead, English professor Amy uses her crime fiction expertise to unravel the case faster than detective Travis, who ends up working with Amy to catch the killer." The movie was filmed in Canada, including the University of the Fraser Valley.

Read more about where the movie was filmed and the cast below.

The Movie Was Filmed in Canada.

Just like the movie that premiered last night on the Hallmark Channel (SnowComing), parts of tonight's movie were also filmed in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada, as you can see from tags on behind-the-scenes Instagram photos shared by Jill Wagner.


Squamish is north of Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada.

It's a small town surrounded by mountains and a granite monolith.

It has a population of 19,512 as of 2016.

Some residents like to call Squamish the "Hollywood of Canada.".

Parts of the movie were also filmed in Vancouver.


Here are more behind-the-scenes pictures in Vancouver.


Kristoffer Polaha stars as Travis.

He recently starred in Small Town Christmas on Hallmark in December.

He also starred in Hallmark's Pearl in Paradise in April.

In 2016, he starred in Hallmark's delightful Dater's Handbook. His many other credits include Ballers (Jerry), Condor (Sam), Bachelor Lions, Rocky Mountain Christmas, Designated Survivor, Get Shorty (Jeffrey), Vineland, Hearts of Christmas, Castle (Caleb Brown), Stalker, Backstrom (Peter, 13 episodes), Dating in LA and Other Myths (Alex), Made in Jersey (Nolan, 7 episodes), Ringer (Nate, 26 episodes), Mad Men (Carlton), Dollhouse (Nate), The Ex List, Valentine (Danny, 8 episodes), Without a Trace, Miss Guided (Tim, 7 episodes), CSI Miami, North Shore (Jason, 21 episodes), Tru Calling (Mark), That's Life, and more.

Robin Thomas, pictured above, stars as Graham in the movie.

His many credits include Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Marco for six episodes), Lethal Weapon TV series, Blue Bloods, Delirium, The Assassin's Code, Con Man, Law & Order True Crime, Transparent, Zoo (Max Morgan, six episodes), Fuller House, Cleaners (Barry, six episodes), 90210, Switched at Birth (Dale), NCIS LA, Life Unexpected (Jack, eight episodes), Nip/Tuck, Desperate Housewives, 24, Eleventh Hour, Bones, Damages (Martin), The Division (Louis, 11 episodes), Queer as Folk (Sam), The Practice, The Court, Murphy Brown (Jake Lowenstein), Party of Five, The Mommies (Paul, 24 episodes), Mr President, Matlock (Burton, six episodes), Who's the Boss? (Geoffrey, six episodes), Another World (Mark), and much more.

Sarah Dugdale (pictured above) stars as Claire.

Her many credits include The Bad Seed, The Age of Adulting, Ice, Supernatural, Aftermath (Sarah), Rush, The Secret Circle, R.L.

Stine's The Haunting Hour, and more.

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Matthew Harrison (pictured above) stars as Professor Stephen McDonough in tonight's movie.

Interestingly, he is also starring as the CEO of AOL on National Geographic's Valley of the Boom tonight too.

Also starring in the movie are:.

Andy Thompson (Eldon) Iain Belcher (Josh) Louriza Tronco (Lacey) Ben Sullivan (Rex) Tosca Baggoo (Professor Morales) Aliyah O'Brien (Holly) Jan Bos (Dean Hawkins) Larissa Albuquerque (Britney) Matthew Harrison (Stephen McDonough) Derek Green (Chief Tate) Alvin Sanders (Professor Miller) Lossen Chambers (Tabitha) Daniel Chai (Mark Cudforth) Natalie Gibson (Ivy Minter) David Stuart (Jamison Mook) Favour Onwuka (Student #1) Kiera Klassen (Sister) Adil Zaidi (Tech #1) Isa Sanchez (Tech #2).

Questions or comments about the movie? Chat with the author of this article and other viewers on Twitter or on the Reddit discussion thread here,  or join her email list to learn about the next Hallmark movies.

Leave comments on the Reddit thread if you'd like to share your thoughts about the movie.

Are you looking forward to seeing more movies in this series?.

For more infomation >> Hallmark's 'Mystery 101': Where Filmed & Cast | - Duration: 9:35.


Rough Collie Barking – Dog's Temper Tantrum Before a Yak Chew - Duration: 1:51.

Okay, so here's a leftover of the yak chews.

I'm gonna give it to them to keep them busy while we film something.

Yeah, Jasper's protesting because we locked them out in the yard.

Jasper, ssshhh.





Good boy.






Sit, please.


Jasper, sit.



Good boy.

Good boy.



Jasper, sit.


Sit, Jasper.

Oh my goodness.

Jasper, sit.




Okay, thank you.

Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait.







Good boy.

Good boy.

For more infomation >> Rough Collie Barking – Dog's Temper Tantrum Before a Yak Chew - Duration: 1:51.


Vanessa Hudgens, 'Rent Live': 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 7:15.

Vanessa Hudgens, 'Rent Live': 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Vanessa Hudgens will grace TV screens tonight in FOX's Rent: Live playing Maureen Johnson, the play's bisexual performance artist and girlfriend of Joanne.

Hudgens shot to fame thanks to the Disney's High School Musical franchise, but acting isn't the only creative endeavor the 30-year-old pursues.

She's also a stage performer and singer with experience on local stages and Broadway.

High School Musical and Career Boost from Disney.


From 2006-2008, Hudgens starred as Gabriella Montez in High School Musical, High School Musical 2, and High School Musical 3: Senior Year.

In 2006 and 2007, Hudgens went on tour with her fellow castmates performing at 52 shows total in North and Latin America.

The tour also served to promote the debut album of three of its members: V by Hudgens, Headstrong by Ashley Tisdale, and Another Side by Corbin Bleu.

Entertainment Weekly put High School Musical on its end-of-the-decade "best-of" list, saying, "Call it children stuff.

But HSM became a billion-dollar hit across screens big and small thanks to a love of song, dance, and happy endings.

And that's pure, old-fashioned showbiz.".

Riding High on the High School Musical Success, Hudgens Released Two Albums.

Her debut album V was released in 2006; it was followed by Identified two years later.

V was certified Gold in February of 2007.

The album peaked at number 24 on the Billboard 200 the year of its release.

Although her follow-up didn't reach certified status, it did hit number 23 on the same Billboard chart.

Hudgens also appeared on cast member Corbin Bleu's "Still There for Me" from his album Another Side.

Before She Was Gabriella, Hudgens Had A Healthy Career Start On Stage.

Starting in 1998, Hudgens performed in musical theater as a singer, appearing in local productions of Carousel, The Wizard of Oz, The King and I, The Music Man, and Cinderella, among others.

In 2015 she made her Broadway debut in the titular role of the beloved Academy Award- and Tony Award-winning film and stage musical Gigi.

The show failed to connect with critics and audiences and closed after 20 previews and 86 performances.

She returned to the stage in 2016 with her starring role as Betty Rizzo in Fox's Grease: Live!, which was nominated for 10 Emmy Awards and won five.

Hudgens Dated Co-Star Zac Efron in 2005.


Hudgens started dating High School Musical co-star Zac Efron in 2005.

The couple was a frequent target for the media and the relationship, in turn, helped make both actors household names.

Hudgens and Efron broke up in December of 2010.

Hudgens currently dates actor Austin Butler and has been since 2011.

The actress has remained close with co-star and actress Ashley Tisdale; Hudgens was a bridesmaid at Tisdale's wedding on September 8, 2014.

Post-Disney Career Happenings.

In addition to tonight's Rent: Live performance, Hudgens has been casted in Bad Boys for Life (aka Bad Boys 3) which comes out next year.

Hudgens, along with Alexander Ludwig and Charles Melton, will play a modern, highly specialized police unit that collides with the old school Bad Boys (Will Smith and Martin Lawrence) when a new threat emerges in Miami, reported Variety.

The movie started filming this month and will hit theaters Jan.

17, 2020.

Hudgens has certainly been busy.

Most recently she starred in the Netflix film The Princess Switch and the comedy Second Act opposite Jennifer Lopez.

She can also be seen in the Netflix thriller Polar starring Hannibal's Mads Mikkelsen.

READ NEXT: Tinashe Net Worth 2019: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Hudgens, 'Rent Live': 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 7:15.


梅根早知肚中是否双胞胎,过激反应曝光性别,网友:可别遗传妈妈 - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 梅根早知肚中是否双胞胎,过激反应曝光性别,网友:可别遗传妈妈 - Duration: 4:47.


43岁林心如古风扮相现身节目太惊艳,但厚滤镜之下难掩岁月痕迹 - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> 43岁林心如古风扮相现身节目太惊艳,但厚滤镜之下难掩岁月痕迹 - Duration: 2:12.


Ves Muhunak (වෙස් මුහුණක්) * NADIE | Official Music Video | With English Subtitles | 2019 - Duration: 4:29.

Is that a mask that you're wearing?

We have no clue who you really are

Is that a mask that you're wearing?

We have no clue who you really are

Who is this going?

Where are you headed to?

Who is this going?

Where are you headed to?

Who are you trying to deceive?

Is that a mask that you're wearing?

Is that a mask that you're wearing?

We have no clue who you really are

We are born innocent

Later on, we tell lies in a small way

We are born innocent

Later on, we tell lies in a small way

Little lies slowly expand into massive lies

Finally, we mask ourselves with lies

Is that a mask that you're wearing?

We have no clue who you really are

You know that life is very short

So, why lie for this short time?

You know that life is very short

So, why lie for this short time?

During this short time we live, did we live a life of honesty?

Let's realize that the journey filled with lies is very short…

Is that a mask that you're wearing?

We have no clue who you really are

For more infomation >> Ves Muhunak (වෙස් මුහුණක්) * NADIE | Official Music Video | With English Subtitles | 2019 - Duration: 4:29.


My God, How Wonderful You Are I Animated Bible Story For Children | HolyTales Bible Stories - Duration: 4:06.

My God, how wonderful you are;

your majesty, how bright!

How beautiful your mercy seat

in depths of burning light!

How wonderful, how beautiful

the sight of you must be,

your endless wisdom, boundless power,

and awesome purity!

O how I fear you, living God,

with deepest, tenderest fears,

and worship you with trembling hope

and penitential tears!

Yet I may love you too, O Lord,

almighty as you are,

for you have stooped to ask of me

the love of my poor heart.

No earthly father loves like you,

no mother half so mild

bears and forbears as you have done

with me, your sinful child.

Father of Jesus, Love divine,

great King upon your throne,

what joy to see you as you are

and worship you alone!

For more infomation >> My God, How Wonderful You Are I Animated Bible Story For Children | HolyTales Bible Stories - Duration: 4:06.


WATCH: Kerri-Anne Kennerley accused of 'racism' over Australia Day row - Duration: 3:10.

 A bitter war of words has erupted on Studio 10 this morning between  TV stalwart Kerri-Anne Kennerley and controversial personality Yumi Stynes, with the pair clashing angrily overly the vexed issues of Australia Day and racism

 Things escalated with Yumi accusing Kerri-Anne of 'sounding racist', a label which the old school star said left her 'offended'

   The discussion got off to a rough start when Kerri-Anne ranted about anti-Australia Day protestors, before suggesting they would be better served dealing with the material problems and law and order issues suffered in some communities

 'OK, the 5000 people who went through the streets making their points known, saying how inappropriate the day is

Has any single one of those people been out to the Outback, where children, babies, five-year-olds are being raped?' complained a clearly annoyed Kennerley

 'Their mothers are being raped, their sisters are being raped. They get no education

What have you done?'  Stynes took immediate exception to the sweeping and inflammatory statement, which while apparently alluding to well-reported problems in some specific communities, appeared to reduce the diverse indigenous community to an horrific caricature

Studio 10 on Twitter  'That is not even faintly true, Kerri-Anne,' said Stynes

'You're sounding quite racist right now.'  When Kennerley said she was 'seriously offended' by the claim, Stynes refused to back down

 Host Sarah Harris attempted to defuse the situation, with little success. But Kennerley wasn't taking the cue

 'Just because I have a point of view, Yumi, doesn't mean I'm racist', she said.  Replied Stynes: 'Yeah, you're actually connecting rape, child abuse, you're drawing a straight line … and you're implying those 5000 protesters, none of whom you know personally, are all lazy and idle

 'That's the line! I see it quite clearly.'  Kennerley's response? 'Well … get new glasses'

For more infomation >> WATCH: Kerri-Anne Kennerley accused of 'racism' over Australia Day row - Duration: 3:10.


Mauricio Pochettino sets key condition to snub Manchester United for Tottenham stay | CaughtOffside - Duration: 1:24.

 Ole Gunnar Solskjaer may be moving closer to getting the Manchester United job permanently over Tottenham manager Mauricio Pochettino

 According to Sunday World, as reported by the Irish Independent, Pochettino seems prepared to stay at Spurs as he is keen to lead them out in their new stadium

MORE: Manchester United make contact over beating Liverpool to winger transfer However, the report states that one condition of staying with Tottenham is that they don't sell the club's star players in the coming months

 This could be seen as something of a blow for Man Utd as the report suggests they're still keen on Pochettino

 However, many fans will now not be bothered as Solskjaer has done such a fine job since taking over from Jose Mourinho in December

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer to be next Manchester United manager?  The Norwegian tactician may only be in as caretaker manager at the moment, but he's a big fan favourite at Old Trafford and has only enhanced his reputation with a stunning eight wins out of his first eight games in charge

 If Pochettino is leaning towards staying with Tottenham, Solskjaer is surely the only man who should now be in the running for the full time job with United

For more infomation >> Mauricio Pochettino sets key condition to snub Manchester United for Tottenham stay | CaughtOffside - Duration: 1:24.


TSAR - You (歌词) - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> TSAR - You (歌词) - Duration: 3:11.


Robber left bloodied and bruised by UFC fighter Polyana Viana - Duration: 2:55.

Viana was approached by the thief in Rio (Picture: Getty) A would-be thief got more than he bargained for when he tried to rob UFC fighter Polyana Viana

 Viana was confronted by the thief outside her home in Rio and was ordered to hand over her phone

 The man even said he was armed, but Viana called his bluff. On the left is @Polyana_VianaDF, one of our @UFC fighters and on the right is the guy who tried to rob her #badfuckingidea pic  — Dana White (@danawhite) January 7, 2019  The 10-2 MMA fighter fired off some punches and a kick, before taking control of the robber on the ground

 'He was really close to me. So I thought, 'If it's a gun, he won't have time to draw it," Viana told MMA Junkie

 'So I stood up. I threw two punches and a kick. He fell, then I caught him in a rear-naked choke

Viana is 10-2 in her MMA career (Picture: Getty) 'Then I sat him down in the same place we were before and said, 'Now we'll wait for the police

" Advertisement Advertisement  News of Viana's bravery and beatdown quickly spread as UFC boss Dana White shared a snap of the bloodied robber on Twitter

 He said: 'On the left is Polyana Viana, one of our UFC fighters and on the right is the guy who tried to rob her

' More: UFC UFC star Fabricio Werdum rescues teenager from drowning Dana White rates chances of Conor McGregor fighting Donald Cerrone next TJ Dillashaw rages against referee after suffering 32-second KO to Henry Cejudo (Picture: Getty) Viana subdued the thief with a kimura hold before the police arrived and arrested the man

 'I was fine,' Viana said. 'I was fine because he didn't even react after. Since he took the punches very quickly, I think he was scared

So he didn't react anymore. He told me to let him go, like 'I just asked for the time

'  'I said, 'Asked for the time, my ass,' because he saw I was very angry. I said I wouldn't let go and that I was going to call the police

 'He said, 'Call the police, then' because he was scared I was going to beat him up more

'  MORE: Conor McGregor demands fight against recent Floyd Mayweather opponent Tenshin Nasukawa Advertisement Advertisement

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