Monday, January 28, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 28 2019

Acacias 38 avance 938: Jimeno impide que Samuel se vaya de viaje.

Agustina y Cesáreo son interrogados por Méndez respecto al mendigo;

la criada responde con evasivas y Méndez sospecha que oculta algo.

Parece que el comisario ha encontrado al testigo, pero está muerto.

Salvador Borrás reclama a Tito ya que tiene firmado un contrato con el de por vida.

Felipe informa a Íñigo de que ha perdido a Tito. El contrato es legal. Además deberá pagar a Salvador el dinero que le reclama por los combates.

Jimeno Batán sospecha de las intenciones de huida de Samuel e interroga a Cesáreo;

el sereno intenta ocultarle los planes, pero el prestamista lo presiona. Jimeno impide que Samuel se vaya de viaje.

La operación de Trini es un éxito: ha tenido una niña. Ramón celebra la llegada del bebé con los vecinos de Acacias.

Por su parte Celia no se separa de Milagros a la que trata como si fuera su hija.

For more infomation >> Acacias 38 avance 938: Jimeno impide que Samuel se vaya de viaje. - Duration: 1:54.


Pixel de Facebook: Qué es y Cómo Aprovechar su Potencial ⚡Guía+Caso Práctico⚡🔝 - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> Pixel de Facebook: Qué es y Cómo Aprovechar su Potencial ⚡Guía+Caso Práctico⚡🔝 - Duration: 8:42.


Estremecedor crimen en Louisiana: lo echaron de su casa y mató a sangre fría a su novia, su cuñado, - Duration: 5:18.

Dakota Theriot en la cárcel Northern Neck y distribuido por la oficina del condado de Richmond (Richmond County Sheriff's Office via REUTERS) Un hombre de 21 años, sospechoso de matar a sus padres y a otras tres personas -incluyendo a la joven con la que salía- en Lousiana, fue arrestado el domingo cuando se presentó armado a casa de su abuela en Virginia, informó un jefe de policía

El sábado, Dakota Theriot mató a disparos a tres personas — la mujer que se cree era su novia, y al hermano y al padre de la joven— en el municipio de Livingston en Luisiana antes de tomar la camioneta del padre de la chica y conducir al vecino municipio de Ascension, donde asesinó a sus propios padres, según las autoridades

En la casa rodante en la que vivían sus papás se encontraron gotas de sangre desde la puerta de entrada hasta la recamara en donde Keith y Elizabeth Theriot fueron baleados

En el dormitorio había almohadas empapadas en sangre y algunas manchas de sangre seca en el piso

La habitación estaba repleta de animales de peluche. La habitación en la que Keith Theriot y su esposa Elizabeth Theriot por su hijo (AP/Gerald Herbert) Kim Mincks y Jacob Chastant, amigos de los Theriot, también vivían en la casa rodante

Mincks estaba en la vivienda, en el extremo opuesto de la casa cuando ocurrió el tiroteo, pero no escuchó nada

Las autoridades ingresaron el sábado por la mañana y la despertaron. "Dijeron que aquí había ocurrido algo terrible

'Levántese, vístase y salga'", recuerda que le dijeron. Kim Mincks y Jacob Scott Chastant vivían en la casa de los Theriot (AP/Gerald Herbert) Mincks y Chatant indicaron que Dakota Theriot había tenido problemas con las drogas durante varios años, tenía episodios de violencia, y recientemente había sido echado de la casa rodante

"Sabíamos que tenía problemas de drogas. Lo echaron de la casa el lunes pasado por su adicción

Su papá lo corrió de aquí. Tenía una racha de violencia", señaló Mincks. La abuela de Theriot en Warsaw, Virginia, se había registrado la noche del sábado en un hotel por temor a que su nieto se presentara en su casa, dijo el jefe de policía del condado de Richmond, Stephan B

Smith, en entrevista telefónica. La mujer pidió a las autoridades que inspeccionaran su casa el domingo para garantizar que fuera seguro regresar

Mientras los agentes estaban en el lugar, Theriot condujo por el lugar apuntando con un arma por la ventanilla de la camioneta

Los agentes se resguardaron y enfrentaron a Theriot, quien bajó el arma y fue arrestado sin problemas, según un comunicado de la policía

Aparentemente el vehículo en el que llegó a casa de su abuela era el mismo que había tomado en Luisiana

(AP/Gerald Herbert) Theriot será devuelto al municipio de Ascension, donde será fichado con dos cargos de homicidio premeditado, invasión y uso ilegal de armas, señalaron en un comunicado conjunto el jefe de policía de Ascension, Bobby Webre, y el jefe de policía de Livingston, Jason Ard

Las autoridades informaron previamente que Keith Theriot sobrevivió lo suficiente como para informar quién había sido el agresor

Según Webre, los agentes obtuvieron "una declaración agónica de su parte, solo la información suficiente para hacernos saber que había sido su hijo el que cometió este acto"

Dajota Theriot en una foto cedida por la oficina del alguacil de Livingston Parish (Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office via AP) Las autoridades identificaron a las víctimas en el municipio Livingston como Billy Ernest, de 43 años; Tanner Ernest, de 17; y Summer Ernest, de 20

Ard dijo que Summer Ernest y Dakota Theriot tenían una relación sentimental, y que Theriot había estado viviendo con la familia de ella desde hacía algunas semanas

(Con información de AP)

For more infomation >> Estremecedor crimen en Louisiana: lo echaron de su casa y mató a sangre fría a su novia, su cuñado, - Duration: 5:18.


Danh y chăm sóc sức khỏe lãnh đạo tiết lộ 6 bí quyết để luôn khỏe mạnh - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> Danh y chăm sóc sức khỏe lãnh đạo tiết lộ 6 bí quyết để luôn khỏe mạnh - Duration: 10:30.



put this on your hair, the result is amazing

your hair!

My loves This reneges of virtues and exceptional benefits,

for both hair and body Its oil is all the more precious.

contains vitamins and nutrients go revolutionize your life

You will ask me what brings the oil Prickly pear on the hair?

Know already that this oil is rare, very rare and very expensive, but the fruits are accessible

, and edible in many countries. Its natural components give it

exceptional anti-aging properties.

Once he is mature he has this color dark red, so I bought it no matures

and I let him three weeks so he become like this, it's the perfect way

to use it

Its assets have the ability to penetrate easily the structure of the skin

Among the elements that will intervene in the care of the hair, we will distinguish the acid

linoleic (omega 6) which has large restorative properties. Then there

has vitamin E. A nutrient known for its antioxidant and moisturizing effects

 How to use it as a hair care

The oil of the famous Maghreb cactus acts on the scalp by revitalizing and

nourishing the fibers. We can easily notice this effect by the glossy appearance

hair. The application will have to be regular if we want the result to be permanent. For

do this, we can use the product as a mask

capillary. Just drop a few drops, spread them carefully and

leave on for ten minutes. Or to do as you see from

the beginning of the video

Peel, crush sift to extract the precious nectar, but first of all let the

ripen to the maximum, limit let it rot because more mature he is more mature and more

rich are the seeds

Synergy possible with other vegetable oils as you can see castor oil

it's a pure mixture, and even with karate butter

For the preparation

Crush a fruit take the time to make it completely patty, press to extract

the nectar, For skin and hair

Add together or separately two spoons of each of these oils

Jonson oil, olive oil, castor oil, Nigella oil, know that it can be preserved

cool, It is worth remembering that this other product

bio also contains many beneficial assets for hair.

Castor has the ability to promote microcirculation at the level of the scalp. Allowing,

not only to the assets of the other ingredient to easily penetrate the walls of the fibers,

but also to facilitate the contribution of its own nutrients. In the case of hair

dry, white hair, gray, people suffering from baldness, hair that has

tendency to fall, this association (in local application, in oil bath or mask

capillary) with castor oil is the best option. The hair will be strengthened

and fed to prevent diseases and the spread of microorganisms. For

finish, the softening virtues of castor will blend perfectly with the moisturizing effects

cactus oil. Powerful regenerating cell phone, will make you appear between 10

and 20 years younger by swallowing wrinkles and imperfection of the skin.



Jenifer pète un plomb, des coups de pieds, la vérité sur son comportement - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Jenifer pète un plomb, des coups de pieds, la vérité sur son comportement - Duration: 1:27.


Замена термостата ГРМ помпы Опель Астра G / AEY TV - Duration: 19:10.

For more infomation >> Замена термостата ГРМ помпы Опель Астра G / AEY TV - Duration: 19:10.


【字幕あり】フランス語でフランスのこと話そう!(初級)ナント - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> 【字幕あり】フランス語でフランスのこと話そう!(初級)ナント - Duration: 1:22.


Dany Boon, face à la mort, la vérité sur son testament - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Dany Boon, face à la mort, la vérité sur son testament - Duration: 1:27.


Camilla Parker-Bowles et Charles, terrible crise du mariage, les larmes coulent au palais - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Camilla Parker-Bowles et Charles, terrible crise du mariage, les larmes coulent au palais - Duration: 1:25.


Ernst-August de Hanovre, la vérité enfin sur l'état du mari de Caroline de Monaco - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Ernst-August de Hanovre, la vérité enfin sur l'état du mari de Caroline de Monaco - Duration: 1:17.


Arresto de 36 horas o multa por provocar incendios: DSPM - Duration: 3:10.

 A fin de prevenir incendios de pastizales, basuras u otras conflagraciones de mayor riesgo dentro del territorio municipal, el Heroico Cuerpo de Bomberos exhorta a los chihuahuenses a abstenerse de iniciarlos, pues esto constituye una falta a la Ley Municipal y hasta delito

   Esto si el siniestro llega a causar daños materiales, hecho que tan sólo en lo que va del mes de enero generó la movilización de los apagafuego en casi 300 ocasiones para poder sofocarlos

  Según el artículo 7, fracción IV, del Bando de Policía y Gobierno del Municipio de Chihuahua, constituye falta administrativa el arrojar líquidos u objetos, prender fuego o provocar altercados en los eventos o espectáculos públicos o en sus entradas y salidas

   Además en la fracción VII se considera también la detonación de cohetes, encender juegos pirotécnicos, realizar fogatas, así como usar explosivos en lugares públicos, sin permiso de la autoridad

  El arresto correspondiente por cometer alguna de las acciones anteriores se determina por los jueces calificadores de ambas comandancias y se basan para ello en el tabulador del mencionado reglamento, con cárcel de 25 a 36 horas y multa de hasta 50 Unidades de Medida y Actualización, UMA´s, vigentes en el país y que corresponden a 84

49 pesos cada una.   Ante esto es importante que la comunidad tome en cuenta las siguientes recomendaciones para evitar ser amonestado y evitar así daños o pérdidas materiales

  •Mantenga limpios los perímetros de viviendas o locales comerciales, así como lotes para evitar la proliferación de maleza

Por ningún motivo inicie fuego para eliminarla.  •Al momento de realizar podas o cortar maleza, deposítela en lugares autorizados por el municipio

 •Evite hacer fogatas, en caso de ser necesario, cuide que sea en lugares despejados y asegúrese de apagarla completamente

 •No tire colillas de cigarros encendidas.  •Supervise a sus hijos cuando se utilicen fuegos artificiales

 •Reporte de inmediato al 9-1-1 cualquier incendio que detecte, sea en la vía pública o en propiedades privadas

For more infomation >> Arresto de 36 horas o multa por provocar incendios: DSPM - Duration: 3:10.


Задержание похитителя картины из Третьяковки попало на видео - Duration: 1:34.

 Момент задержания оперативниками 31-летнего подозреваемого в краже картины Куинджи из Третьяковской галереи попал на видео

Запись в понедельник, 28 января, опубликовала пресс-служба МВД России. На кадрах видно, как сотрудники правоохранительных органов входят в квартиру к подозреваемому

Мужчина называет себя законопослушным гражданином и говорит, что не помнит, совершал ли какие-либо преступления

Позже он сознался, что спрятал похищенную картину на территории строящегося объекта в Одинцовском районе

Полотно изъяли правоохранители.Обратная связь с отделом «Силовые структуры»: Если вы стали свидетелем важного события, у вас есть новость или идея для материала, напишите на этот адрес: crime@lenta-co

ru Больше важных новостей в Telegram-канале «Лента дня». Подписывайтесь!

For more infomation >> Задержание похитителя картины из Третьяковки попало на видео - Duration: 1:34.


COMMENT APPRENDRE À LIRE ET À ÉCRIRE FACILEMENT aux enfants de 3 à 12 ans - Duration: 19:48.

For more infomation >> COMMENT APPRENDRE À LIRE ET À ÉCRIRE FACILEMENT aux enfants de 3 à 12 ans - Duration: 19:48.


Автомобиль упал в 80-метровую пропасть в горах Чечни - Duration: 1:50.

 Автомобиль упал в 80-метровую пропасть в горах Чечни, в результате погибли три человека

Об этом сообщает ТАСС со ссылкой на источник в экстренных службах республики. Собеседник агентства отметил, что детей среди жертв нет

По его словам, спасатели провели операцию по подъему погибших. Инцидент произошел на автодороге Шатой — Итум-Кали

Причины ДТП устанавливаются. 21 января в Боливии автобус с футбольной командой упал в пропасть с высоты 130 метров

Погибли 13 человек, пострадали — 20. В июне прошлого года автобус сорвался в пропасть в Гватемале

В результате погибли 8 человек, всего в автобусе ехали 55 студентов.Больше важных новостей в Telegram-канале «Лента дня»


For more infomation >> Автомобиль упал в 80-метровую пропасть в горах Чечни - Duration: 1:50.


Meghan Royals Es - Juan Guaidó pidió a las instituciones financieras mundiales la "protección" de l - Duration: 3:49.

El jefe del Parlamento y proclamado presidente de Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, dijo este domingo que ha pedido a varios bancos del mundo la "protección" de los activos que el país tenga depositados en estas instituciones, para evitar que el régimen de Maduro haga uso de los recursos

"Hemos hecha extensiva esta solicitud ante los países del mundo (…), también a instituciones como el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), el Banco de Inglaterra (y) el Banco Internacional de Transacciones", dijo Guaidó en un mensaje divulgado a través de sus redes sociales

"No permitiremos que sigan robando al pueblo de Venezuela", añadió. Guaidó también dijo que la ejecución de esta medida vendrá "acompañada" del progresivo uso de los recursos por parte del Gobierno interino que se instaló y preside el país sudamericano desde el pasado miércoles

El régimen de Nicolás Maduro inició hace meses un proceso para retirar 31 toneladas de oro -equivalentes a 1

200 millones de dólares- desde el Banco de Inglaterra, en medio de la acuciante crisis política, económica y social que atraviesa Venezuela

Guaidó no se refirió de forma específica a estos recursos, aunque sí dijo que todos los que consiga controlar se usarán para mitigar los efectos de la crisis humanitaria que padece el país, y que el régimen de Maduro niega

La tensión política en Venezuela se disparó el pasado miércoles, cuando Guaidó juró ante cientos de miles de simpatizantes las competencias del Ejecutivo ante la presunta "usurpación" que, considera, hizo Maduro de la Presidencia

El líder chavista se impuso en los comicios de mayo pasado, a los que no se presentó el grueso de la oposición por considerarlos fraudulentos

Por ello, el antichavismo afirma que "usurpa" la Presidencia, al estimar que su segundo mandato de seis años es "ilegítimo" y, por tanto, el Poder Ejecutivo recae en el jefe del Parlamento hasta que sean convocadas nuevas elecciones, según la interpretación que hacen de varios artículos de la Carta Magna

(Con información de EFE) MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: El arzobispo de Boston señaló que Juan Guaidó tiene la "fórmula para evitar la guerra civil" en Venezuela Juan Guaidó convocó a manifestaciones contra Nicolás Maduro para miércoles y sábado EEUU aceptó al opositor Carlos Vecchio como encargado de negocios de Venezuela en Washington

For more infomation >> Meghan Royals Es - Juan Guaidó pidió a las instituciones financieras mundiales la "protección" de l - Duration: 3:49.


Samsung Quick Drive - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Samsung Quick Drive - Duration: 1:01.


ピタゴラ国旗14【世界の国旗】 - Duration: 4:25.





South Sudan








Trinidad and Tobago

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For more infomation >> ピタゴラ国旗14【世界の国旗】 - Duration: 4:25.


Arresto de 36 horas o multa por provocar incendios: DSPM - Duration: 3:10.

 A fin de prevenir incendios de pastizales, basuras u otras conflagraciones de mayor riesgo dentro del territorio municipal, el Heroico Cuerpo de Bomberos exhorta a los chihuahuenses a abstenerse de iniciarlos, pues esto constituye una falta a la Ley Municipal y hasta delito

   Esto si el siniestro llega a causar daños materiales, hecho que tan sólo en lo que va del mes de enero generó la movilización de los apagafuego en casi 300 ocasiones para poder sofocarlos

  Según el artículo 7, fracción IV, del Bando de Policía y Gobierno del Municipio de Chihuahua, constituye falta administrativa el arrojar líquidos u objetos, prender fuego o provocar altercados en los eventos o espectáculos públicos o en sus entradas y salidas

   Además en la fracción VII se considera también la detonación de cohetes, encender juegos pirotécnicos, realizar fogatas, así como usar explosivos en lugares públicos, sin permiso de la autoridad

  El arresto correspondiente por cometer alguna de las acciones anteriores se determina por los jueces calificadores de ambas comandancias y se basan para ello en el tabulador del mencionado reglamento, con cárcel de 25 a 36 horas y multa de hasta 50 Unidades de Medida y Actualización, UMA´s, vigentes en el país y que corresponden a 84

49 pesos cada una.   Ante esto es importante que la comunidad tome en cuenta las siguientes recomendaciones para evitar ser amonestado y evitar así daños o pérdidas materiales

  •Mantenga limpios los perímetros de viviendas o locales comerciales, así como lotes para evitar la proliferación de maleza

Por ningún motivo inicie fuego para eliminarla.  •Al momento de realizar podas o cortar maleza, deposítela en lugares autorizados por el municipio

 •Evite hacer fogatas, en caso de ser necesario, cuide que sea en lugares despejados y asegúrese de apagarla completamente

 •No tire colillas de cigarros encendidas.  •Supervise a sus hijos cuando se utilicen fuegos artificiales

 •Reporte de inmediato al 9-1-1 cualquier incendio que detecte, sea en la vía pública o en propiedades privadas

For more infomation >> Arresto de 36 horas o multa por provocar incendios: DSPM - Duration: 3:10.



put this on your hair, the result is amazing

your hair!

My loves This reneges of virtues and exceptional benefits,

for both hair and body Its oil is all the more precious.

contains vitamins and nutrients go revolutionize your life

You will ask me what brings the oil Prickly pear on the hair?

Know already that this oil is rare, very rare and very expensive, but the fruits are accessible

, and edible in many countries. Its natural components give it

exceptional anti-aging properties.

Once he is mature he has this color dark red, so I bought it no matures

and I let him three weeks so he become like this, it's the perfect way

to use it

Its assets have the ability to penetrate easily the structure of the skin

Among the elements that will intervene in the care of the hair, we will distinguish the acid

linoleic (omega 6) which has large restorative properties. Then there

has vitamin E. A nutrient known for its antioxidant and moisturizing effects

 How to use it as a hair care

The oil of the famous Maghreb cactus acts on the scalp by revitalizing and

nourishing the fibers. We can easily notice this effect by the glossy appearance

hair. The application will have to be regular if we want the result to be permanent. For

do this, we can use the product as a mask

capillary. Just drop a few drops, spread them carefully and

leave on for ten minutes. Or to do as you see from

the beginning of the video

Peel, crush sift to extract the precious nectar, but first of all let the

ripen to the maximum, limit let it rot because more mature he is more mature and more

rich are the seeds

Synergy possible with other vegetable oils as you can see castor oil

it's a pure mixture, and even with karate butter

For the preparation

Crush a fruit take the time to make it completely patty, press to extract

the nectar, For skin and hair

Add together or separately two spoons of each of these oils

Jonson oil, olive oil, castor oil, Nigella oil, know that it can be preserved

cool, It is worth remembering that this other product

bio also contains many beneficial assets for hair.

Castor has the ability to promote microcirculation at the level of the scalp. Allowing,

not only to the assets of the other ingredient to easily penetrate the walls of the fibers,

but also to facilitate the contribution of its own nutrients. In the case of hair

dry, white hair, gray, people suffering from baldness, hair that has

tendency to fall, this association (in local application, in oil bath or mask

capillary) with castor oil is the best option. The hair will be strengthened

and fed to prevent diseases and the spread of microorganisms. For

finish, the softening virtues of castor will blend perfectly with the moisturizing effects

cactus oil. Powerful regenerating cell phone, will make you appear between 10

and 20 years younger by swallowing wrinkles and imperfection of the skin.



Costruisco un GAMEPAD con Raspberry Pi #01 ⋆ BOTTONI e LED ⊷ #gon_PiPAD - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Costruisco un GAMEPAD con Raspberry Pi #01 ⋆ BOTTONI e LED ⊷ #gon_PiPAD - Duration: 7:12.


News24 - Tactical analysis ofArsenal 1-3 Man Utd shows Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's 'brilliance' - Duration: 3:42.

 Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is bringing excitement back to Manchester United again.  The club was growing stale under the guidance of Jose Mourinho

 Mourinho brought a toxic atmosphere which curtailed the club's progress on the pitch

 However, his sacking and Solskjaer's appointment has turned their fortunes around

 The Norwegian manager had arguably his toughest test as manager when his side travelled to Arsenal in their FA Cup fourth round clash

 However, Solskjaer would make it eight wins from eight as they prevailed 3-1 over their rivals

 After a drab 25 minutes, Alexis Sanchez and Jesse Lingard scored two quick-fire goals to give United a two goal advantage

 Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang pulled one back just before half-time but, United held on and put the tie beyond all doubt when Anthony Martial notched with eight minutes of normal time remaining

 But how exactly did United do it?  A tactical analysis video has emerged in the aftermath of the game, and it shows Solskjaer's 'brilliance'

 The video, posted on YouTube by 'Nouman', shows how United were able to exploit Arsenal's weaknesses by countering

 Watch the video below:  It begins by showing United's aggressive high pressing to start the game

 They only did this for the first 10 minutes, with United then switching to a defensive, counter-attacking tactic

 United allowed Arsenal to have possession, which meant their full-backs pushed up high

 As well as their full-backs, Arsenal's midfield two of Lucas Torreira and Granit Xhaka also joined the attack and failed to provide any defensive cover

 Solskjaer exploited this by leaving Romelu Lukaku and Alexis Sanchez in wide areas to leave 2v2 situations

 When United won the ball they looked to quickly find them two, with their other attacking players, including Lingard, looking to join them as quickly as possible

 Arsenal tried to use an offside trap but failed on multiple occasions, leaving Lukaku and Sanchez to run in behind to create dangerous situations

 It was this tactic that lead to United's second goal.  Man United were also able to hurt their opponents, with Lingard able to find spaces between Arsenal's defence and midfield

 Noumann adds that Unai Emery deserves some blame for failing to change his tactics but, credit must go to Solskjaer for creating a game plan and pulling it off to perfection

For more infomation >> News24 - Tactical analysis ofArsenal 1-3 Man Utd shows Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's 'brilliance' - Duration: 3:42.


❤️Szczere wyznanie Edyty Bartosiewicz. „Byłam bliska fizycznej śmierci, czułam, że odchodzę" - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> ❤️Szczere wyznanie Edyty Bartosiewicz. „Byłam bliska fizycznej śmierci, czułam, że odchodzę" - Duration: 2:48.


Khoảnh khắc loạt đá luân lưu đưa U23 việt nam vào bán kết của U23 Châu Á - Duration: 11:31.

For more infomation >> Khoảnh khắc loạt đá luân lưu đưa U23 việt nam vào bán kết của U23 Châu Á - Duration: 11:31.


Statali, al via i controlli della Finanza contro assenteismo e permessi facili - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Statali, al via i controlli della Finanza contro assenteismo e permessi facili - Duration: 6:29.


Projice sa sirom i jogurtom - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Projice sa sirom i jogurtom - Duration: 6:18.


Karin Blomberg, professor i omvårdnadsvetenskap - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> Karin Blomberg, professor i omvårdnadsvetenskap - Duration: 0:18.


James Gallagher to continue Bellator rise: I'm not afraid of the big fall - Duration: 5:59.

Bellator returns to Dublin in February with Gallagher the main event (Picture: Bellator) James Gallagher insists his confidence has only increased after suffering the first defeat of his pro career

 The Bellator star makes his comeback in February in Dublin, where he will headline for the first time

Gallagher's selling power has not waned, despite the fact the young Irishman was knocked out in the first round by Ricky Bandejas in August

 That loss was Gallagher's first outing at bantamweight and was meant to set him up for a title shot in the division

 But instead, Gallagher was forced to swallow a difficult pill, a lesson he believes he will carry with him throughout his career

 'My confidence has gone through the roof,' Gallagher told 'I'm so confident in what I've learnt from it

I feel I needed that loss. I needed that blip. Advertisement Advertisement  'I needed to figure out which part of me was a weakness

I figured it out. I've never felt better in my mind and training.  'It shouldn't be that way, but I'm confident

' Gallagher lost his undefeated record in the summer (Picture: Bellator) Gallagher was hoping for a rematch against Bandejas in Dublin, but the American turned down the chance to fight again

Gallagher fights another American, Steven Graham, instead.  'I've rewatched the fight with Ricky about 5,000 times at this stage

I've realised by watching it, it wasn't down to skill. It was a mindset problem. That kind of thing is a lot easier to fix,' Gallagher explained

 'Half way through the fight I switched off and rushed things. When I felt myself getting half a step ahead I should have waited to go two or three steps ahead and then put him away

'    He added: 'I was in a bad way, I was devastated. It wasn't nice at all, and a hard one to take in

 'But I accepted it pretty quick and as soon as I did, I could get on with it. Then it wasn't that bad

 'It's not what you'd think it would be in the end. With the lessons I've learned from it, I turned it into a positive

View this post on Instagram 🦍 @pnp_photography_ A post shared by James gallagher (@strabanimalmma) on Dec 15, 2018 at 9:39am PST  'There's no amount years or sparring that could have taught me that

I had to go in there and get beat to learn that lesson. I'm happy I learned that lesson

' Advertisement Advertisement  Gallagher thinks the loss has changed him, but he remains the same self-assured fighter he was before the loss

At just 22, Gallagher sees no reason to strike down his ambitions or wallow in defeat

 'The reason why I'm so confident still is because I put myself on the line, I'm not afraid of the big fall,' he said

Gallagher is not letting a 'blip' slow him down (Picture: Bellator) 'Imagine putting everything on the line, having the run I had and having a little blip at 22 years old? Big f****** deal

 'Imagine making only one mistake at 22 years old coming all the way up? It's not actually that bad

The lessons I learned from that loss, they're not seeing that. That's okay, because I don't expect to understand my mind frame

 'But the difference between me and other fighters is the way I look at things. I don't expect people to be capable of understanding how I think

' Gallagher had to settle for Steven Graham as an opponent in Dublin (Picture: AP) 'Everyone wants short term gains and a lot of attention

I feel even when people come on and slander me, in the back of their heads they know that I'm going all the way,' he continued

 'I want to fight five times next year. Why should I only fight twice a year? That's what everyone else does

I don't want to sit back and be comfortable.  'I want to grab everything I can and earn as much as I can

There's no reason not to. Advertisement  'Everyone likes to cool off and rest on their wins

But right now for me, I believe 110 per cent I will win in February, but why settle with that? Why not go more? Why not go fight again in another few weeks and get another win? Why stop? There's no reason to

'  MORE: Bellator 212: Frank Mir forced to tap out to strikes vs Javy Ayala after losing teeth and mouthguard  Tickets to Bellator: Gallagher vs

Graham go on sale to the general public on Wednesday, Dec. 12 at 9 a.m. GMT and can be purchased through Ticketmaster

ie and, as well as the 3Arena box office. Advertisement Advertisement

For more infomation >> James Gallagher to continue Bellator rise: I'm not afraid of the big fall - Duration: 5:59.





Samsung Note 9 vs Samsung A9 2018 SPEED TEST, DESIGN & CAMERA Comparison - Duration: 8:41.

Samsung Note 9 vs Samsung A9 2018

Note 9 is Samsung's most powerful smartphone as of today.

This beast is powered by Exynos 9810 Processor with 6GM RAM.

A9 2018 is the first quad camera smartphone from Samsung.

Powered by Snapdragon processor with 6GB RAM.

Let's begin the speed test!

Note 9 boots faster than A9 2018.

Let's check the phone setup.

Note 9

Note 9

A9 2018

Note 9

Note 9

Note 9

Note 9

A9 2018

A9 2018

A9 2018

Note 9

Note 9

Note 9

Here's the summary of the speed test.

Note 9 clearly wins this test.

Both phones are beautiful.

A9 is thinner but a littler wider than Note 9.

Note 9 is a little longer and slimmer than A9.

Both runs on Samsung Experience UI.

Both are made from premium materials but Note 9 feels more solid.

For more infomation >> Samsung Note 9 vs Samsung A9 2018 SPEED TEST, DESIGN & CAMERA Comparison - Duration: 8:41.


(EN/日) SoRi 'I'm Ready' MV Making EP5 [소리] - Duration: 6:11.

SoRi's Youtube Channel

I wanted for a long time to try one-take shoot

(during preparation meeting for one-take shoot)

(who is there instead of SoRi??)

(the supervisor director in charge with checking the movement was standing instead of SoRi)

(a perfect impersonation of SoRi)

I am the Japanese SORi! Nice to meet you

How was it?

I think all of you have a good coordination

Thank you

You are really sexy, you can dance well too

Contemporain dancer

Enjoy watching

You should watch and learn

If we are keep doing like this it will come out well

Like this?


Dancing like this

I will be able to do well?

I really wanted to try one-take shot for a long time

We have MIKUNANA here so everything will come out great

(combining the dancing with the camera movement-one take shoot style)

It was fun

Doing one-take shot

Was a thing I wanted to try

MIKUNANA did it first

So they show me the movement line

I think it was fun

I wanted to try it by myself without knowing

But it was fun

I felt we were matching the movement with the director's ones, really nice

Like dancing together?

I am curious how it will come out after editing

(monitoring all together carefully)


I think I did the minimum to show off my hair style and makeup

But not even my lip color can be seen, it would be fine?


I am not sure if it came out well, I started to be worried

I still didn't get used to this concept

So I am not sure what kind of expression to use

Should I look cool or cute?

I am quite confused now

I don't know, getting difficult suddenly

I think I didn't do well, I think my eyes should look bigger and my cheeks like this, up

My face is round

I should choose a hair style that shows my face slimmer

Like very small face

But the atmosphere and surroundings are really nice

I think the director has a great sense

He knows how to choose the right angle and the position so the shoot would come out great

As we move fast the lighting couldn't follow up so fast

He got really surprised

When I was dancing

The diagram looks quite clear, really cool

So he can make even people who are not cool to look cool

We are in Yokohama

Later, I will go to Shibuya and Shinjuku

To record there too, I am curious what I will wear and how it will come out

This might be the last shoot here

(I have no time...I hope I could have more time to spare)

For more infomation >> (EN/日) SoRi 'I'm Ready' MV Making EP5 [소리] - Duration: 6:11.


Marie Holmefur - professor i arbetsterapri - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Marie Holmefur - professor i arbetsterapri - Duration: 0:27.


How To Read The Economic Calendar News While Trading For Beginners - Duration: 9:56.

Welcome To Adnan Trading Tips

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Today I will explain how to read news during day trade

Market influenced by different factors major factor is economic news

then politics news financial news

News can change the market situation in the moment if the news is positive

price will go high and

and if the news is negative price will go down

so which news trade should follow

First of all, we have to care economic news

the reports statistics

prediction and previous value

influence on the market

So now I will show you how to read the news and how we can care

before star trade

Guys this is website So

Go here tools, then we can look at

economics calendar

So from here you can change your time zone from here, this is my time zone



Here you can see news

This is JPY here and

there are three bulls but here one bull is

Highlighted and you can see this is no volatility expected

so if

the news is like this then no need to worry about it for we can carry out our

trade but if there are two bulls it's mean there may be volatility

But yes, you can see hair down

this is EUR and there are three bulls so it's mean at the time of

5:00 p.m

there will be high volatility as if there are three bulls and if you are trading EUR USD, so

You should take more care

Sometimes news

affecting the market for 30 minutes, but it may be from 30 minutes to 3 days

so we have to care about the

News during the trade

So guys if you see there are three bulls so

Best if you see in three bulls

And you are trading at two eur/usd

Or any other EUR and the news time is 5 p.m

So it's good for you to stop your trade at 4:30 p.m

Up to 5:30 p.m. and at at 5:30 time

You can check the market if the market is

is stable, then you can start your trade again

So if there is again, there is at 5:30. There is also a high volatility news

So no need to start at 5:30 so you can read

For 30 minutes. So yes

You can also

See the daily news here

Before starting your trade because if you will not read the news sometimes

There will be high volatility in the market and you will lose your money


You can see here

this is the example of high volatility the price went high may be there is market new

This price went up and then again came to bear so as

This is economics news effect

So other thing is financial news

so if any company they will announce their growth figures and if the their

revenue figures good

so as I mean their

share value will be high and if their

revenue figures will down the news for their revenue will be negative. Their share price will go down

so the third factor is

political news

for example if there is elections, impeachments or

or death of political leader. So in this case

Sometimes there is high

Volatility in the market. So if you want

to be a good and professional trader so you have to care the news

during the trade

guys if you like our videos like and comments

Make sure to subscribe and click on bell icon button next to the subscriber button

You can check also the

market new from

market analysis

From here you can see this is date

cannery and you can see here is

you can click at the news and

this you can see the volatility may be medium and

Here you can see this is medium volatility

GBP JPY, so your JPY you can see here the their rates

So here is one high volatility news so you can see

Currently there is no

Figures for the statistics two previous rate was three

so if previous rate was three and now this rate is forecast two

it's mean that this news will be negative and rate will be down and

This is high volatility news which may effect market

here we see ad aud/usd and

So these are the famous pairs. So maybe these pairs will effect at 3:30 a.m

So you can check also if you are trading


6:00 p.m. So you can see here is one news

So this news is some good so it's mean that

These pairs will be effect, AUD/USD GBP/USD



This is positive news, so it's means that at the time of 6:30

Market will go up. So


Volatility may be there, you have to care at the time of 6:30

so yes, this is the way how to read the market new

Economics news effecting on markets

So please when you are going to start your day trade

you have to care the news you have to read the news carefully and

especially when you have to plan the trade at that time you should

Note that news

And you have to set notification so you can avoid from the risk

If you like our videos, don't forget to like and comments make sure to subscribe and

click on bell icon button next to the subscribe button

if you need

free trading tips and live signals check the link

check channel link in description of this video

Thank you for watching Adnan Trading Tips

For more infomation >> How To Read The Economic Calendar News While Trading For Beginners - Duration: 9:56.


Costruisco un GAMEPAD con Raspberry Pi #01 ⋆ BOTTONI e LED ⊷ #gon_PiPAD - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Costruisco un GAMEPAD con Raspberry Pi #01 ⋆ BOTTONI e LED ⊷ #gon_PiPAD - Duration: 7:12.


【Micro-Food】 Cooking a Really Small Omelette Rice!!! [36kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 7:07.

hello it's kinoshita yuka

jaaan ! look at this...

one viewer made it from me for the 5 million subscribers

this is so elegant

thank you so much, i'm really happy

i'll put it here for today

today, i'm going to make what called micro-food

and i'm going to do that with my precious friend shin-chan

- say hay to shin-chan in the comments - i'm looking forward to that

so today we are going to cook a micro Omelette Rice

hay! let's do our best

this is my first time making a micro food

me too

can we do it ?

of course !

because yuka's hand are used to draw, i'm not worried about that

so, let's do it

let's make first the rice

and to do that, we need to mix butter with rice

it's so weird to make a small quantity because i used to big quantities

i'll eat it in just one bite

and after that...

we add the ketchup

like this ?

i think it's good

we need to make a micro food, that's why all the ingredients are so small

i really want to eat it

hay, and by that we finished making the micro rice

i'm going to use this plates here

it's from "Sylvanian Families" anime

this is so nostalgic

really nostalgic

it was a really funny show

it's a famous tv-serie

so we are going to use this plates for our micro Omelette Rice

not Omelette Rice

but ketchup rice

we looks like ants now

this is hard

i really want to eat

what !

i did it

next, eggs

let's crack the egg

it will take more time

but i really want to eat

this really opens the appetite

but this is not fair, it will done in just one bite

let's fry the egg

nothing is happening !!!

what ?

it's OFF

so small

ah! it's ON now

hay! we did it

and now let's shape the egg

yeah !

we did it

waa! this is really cute


ah! so beautiful


and tasty !

and now, we top it

if we use the force, it will breaksdown, so we need to do that slowly

let's do it slowly

this is small

but the result still good

is it thick a little bit !

this is like a tent

shin-chan's tent

what a tent

let me use this skew now

don't... because...

isn't the result so cute ?

and now let's add ketchup

we made it

this is hard

that's a lot

that's right!!

so cute !

and after that parsley

ah! so good

jaaan! we did it

we did it

this is really cute

looks tasty

let's eat it

hay !


cheers ! cheers !

eating it is going to be diffecult

this is delicious, like any normal Omelette Rice

ah! that's right


you can taste the parsley

it's amazing how you can eat Omelette Rice in one bite


this was so much fun

and so quick too

it was delicious

and it makes full

are you satisfied with this ? you are not used to eat this amount

it was so much fun after all

it's so much fun to try something like this

i always wanted to try it

we are adults, but still so enjoyable to do

this was truly enjoyable

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【Micro-Food】 Cooking a Really Small Omelette Rice!!! [36kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 7:07.


Little Einsteins | I Love to Conduct Part 2 - Orange Goat - Duration: 3:31.

"PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!"

Oh, have you ever had the hiccups?

Rockets never had the hiccups before

Rocket let's land

Every time rocket hiccups, he goes backwards, but the race is going to start soon

Rocky can't be in the great sky race with rocket hiccups

But how do you fix rocket hiccups

Stopping rocket hiccups must be sort of like stopping kid hiccups when I get the hiccups

Real sneaks up behind and yell boo

That surprises my hiccups away

That's a great idea Annie

We have got a mission

We're going to surprise the hiccups out of rocket so he can win the race

Hmm, how should we surprise rockets?

I've got an idea

We'll sneak up behind rocket and crash cymbals. That's sure to Surprise them. Good thinking Quincy

But where can we find cymbals? I know

There are


Durer orchestra ocean


We really need to do something about these hiccups

Come on, let's find the cymbals rocket lower you look at Mission scope

For more infomation >> Little Einsteins | I Love to Conduct Part 2 - Orange Goat - Duration: 3:31.


[ENG] 갓 튀긴 치즈폭탄 치즈돈까스+ 진짜 두꺼운 등심돈까스 파티! 나름이 먹방 MUKBANG - Duration: 11:49.

(Looks very tempting…)

(the exterior the breadcrumbs really…)

Hello guys ~ This is Nareum !

Today, What I'm going eat is ~

Pork cutlet (we have two kinds..)

Cheese pork cutlet and Sirloin pork cutlet

I ordered it and cook the pork cutlet by myself

Can you see these well ? I just put pork cutlets on the table

and it comes with rice, fish cake soup, sauce, kimchi, Danmuji

and there a little salad

I'll enjoy it !

I didn't cut yet this, I'll eat with my hands

(powerful crunch)

The freshly pork cutlet is really delicious

I'll dip it in the sauce


perhaps this would be greasy but

it wasn't

Maybe I can eat without the rice and kimchi


it' so cheesy ~

(the inside contains full of cheese..)

The cheese is not breaking apart..

[I'm so happy :') ]

I guess after post this video, there would be someone comment saying 'Wow, where can I get tho ?'

before you asking me, let me tell you where is it

I living in Junggok-dong,

I have no idea, how far does it possible to delivery from here..

I ordered it, called Ho-ME-Ho

It's 11,000 won for 2 Cheese pork cutlet and 1 Sirloin pork cutlet

super cheap, right ?

I think its not a franchise store

I've been ordering last day, it was good so, I ordered it again

It comes with whole pork cutlet and then cut it with a knife by myself

(She's good at explaining lol)

[Yum yum]

[eat with rice and kimchi]

Sirloin pork cutlet

oh, one more thing

People asked me about where's the Pizza store which of my precious mukbang while I ate pizza

I'll let you know where is it, please check out the comments

[it's very big…]

this one is thicker

'Real thicker one…'

and one more thing

This has nothing to do with sponsorship I guarantee that 100%

If you living around here try it.

It's really good

it was 11,500 won, not 11,000 won

[get a piece of danmuji]

[Cheese melted..]

oh no.. this cheese is not so cheesy anymore..

[super crunch !]

(Your mouth is full now lol)

my mouth is going to blow up lol

this will be categorized as a sesame seed salad.

you know that, there's a big weakness of this store

I've been ordering 4 times at this store,

it comes with fish cake soup

Soup has always too salty.

Sir, if you watched my Youtube video.. Please made the soup less salty

I hope the taste better next time….

[Burnt pork cutlet..]

it's obviously burned…


it still looks delicious…

Unfortunately, I can't eat this anymore …

the outside is burned too much

it had a burnt taste...

I'll only eat cheese and throw it away.

[Sad... :( ]

[something was on your lips Nareum !]

(please clean your mouth lol)

I didn't know that lol

I couldn't know that because the camera screen is so small,

(I'm so embarrassed haha)

(acting like a doctor lol)


She's eating well (Good girl ~)

GOD bless you


[Looking at it closely..]

the last Sirloin pork cutlet

It's amazing..

Cheese pork cutlet was kind of greasy,

Sirloin pork cutlet just might do the trick

[Serious] It's really good

last one bite ~~!

I enjoyed it ~!

Bye ~~ Hope you're having a fantastic day wherever in the world XOXO

For more infomation >> [ENG] 갓 튀긴 치즈폭탄 치즈돈까스+ 진짜 두꺼운 등심돈까스 파티! 나름이 먹방 MUKBANG - Duration: 11:49.


Column: 'Why not?' Djokovic, coach eye Nadal, Federer totals - Duration: 4:58.

 MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — Novak Djokovic sounds like a man ready to embrace the chase

 Already at 15 Grand Slam titles, Djokovic is now only two majors behind Rafael Nadal's total of 17, and five shy of Roger Federer's men's record of 20

 So a day after winning the Australian Open for his third Slam trophy in a row, Djokovic was asked about whether he is pursuing them

 It's the sort of thing some athletes — including Nadal, repeatedly, over the years — downplay or try to deflect entirely

Not Djokovic. He's owning this.  "Well, if I'm still playing and winning Slams, I think it's logical to conclude that I am," he said at a photo shoot Monday

"I'm blessed to be able to win 15. I know there are two guys ahead of me now, in the history of the most Slams won, but I still have time

I'm not rushing."  That's his team's theme.  Late Sunday night at Melbourne Park, Djokovic's coach, Marian Vajda, couldn't stop smiling as he dissected the unbelievably lopsided 6-3, 6-2, 6-3 victory over Nadal in the final — and its larger significance

 Yes, Vajda said, a record seventh championship in Australia means a lot. But he was interested in discussing a different tally

 "More important is the other number that he's getting up to, 15. It's an incredible, incredible number

I don't want to go too far, but he's in a very good position now for going for a little bit more," Vajda said

"But 20 is still far away. A lot of things can happen. At the moment, Novak feels really good about reaching, maybe, another Grand Slam victory

"  Just one more?  "Yes, one more," Vajda said with a hearty laugh, his voice rising as he fiddled with his tournament accreditation pass

"And then one more. And then one more. And then one more! One by one. Absolutely, his long-term goal is to reach Rafa's number and, if it's possible — and his age allows it — Roger's

Why not?"  A year removed from surgery to his right elbow, Djokovic is pain-free, ranked No

1 and, perhaps, better than ever.  The near-perfection with which he won his last two matches — a combined 58 winners and 14 unforced errors in his semifinal and final — was something Djokovic termed "pleasantly surprising" and Nadal considered "the highest level possible

"  Against Nadal, who hadn't dropped a set in the tournament or a service game since the first round, Djokovic managed five breaks

He also won 25 of the first 26 points he served.  "During the whole match, Novak was very disciplined," was Vajda's assessment

"He had so many ups. He didn't have any downs."  And so it is that everything seems in play at the moment for Djokovic

 Four major titles in a row, something he already accomplished from 2015-16: Why not?  A calendar-year Grand Slam, something no man has done since Rod Laver in 1969: Why not?  Catching up to, and eventually surpassing, Nadal and Federer: Why not?  When Djokovic's childhood idol, Pete Sampras, won the 2002 U

S. Open by beating his greatest rival, Andre Agassi, in the final, it raised his Grand Slam count to 14

At that point, no other man in the sport's history had more than 12.  Federer, Nadal and Djokovic had a combined zero major championships back then

Look where that trio stands now.  Sampras had just turned 31 and would never play another match on tour

 Federer is 37, Nadal is 32, and Djokovic is 31. This is a different time.  As Vajda put it: "Roger is an example for all of us

"  So, yes, maybe Federer will add to his total. Nadal seems certain to, especially on the French Open's red clay

 It'll be fascinating to see where Djokovic winds up.  "I do want to definitely focus myself on continuing to improve my game and maintaining the overall well-being that I have — mental, physical, emotional — so I would be able to compete at such a high level for the years to come," Djokovic said, "and have a shot at eventually getting closer to Roger's record


For more infomation >> Column: 'Why not?' Djokovic, coach eye Nadal, Federer totals - Duration: 4:58.


Emily Blunt on John Krasinski's reaction to her SAG Awards win: 'He probably was as shocked as I was - Duration: 2:54.

 Perhaps no one was more excited about Emily Blunt's SAG Awards win than her husband and A Quiet Place director John Krasinski

 Krasinski was visibly emotional as he watched his wife accept the award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role, and backstage after her win, Blunt opened up about her husband's reaction

 "He probably was as shocked as I was!" Blunt told reporters. "It was very unexpected — an incredible category and certainly not something I planned for

I think he was just overjoyed. His face was a bit of a blur to me, but I'll find out how he felt when I see him

" Stewart Cook/Variety/REX/Shutterstock  Blunt and Krasinski star in A Quiet Place as partners and parents struggling to protect their children in a dystopian landscape stalked by monsters

It's the first time the pair have starred together, and Blunt said backstage that although she initially wasn't sure what to expect from working with her husband, collaborating with Krasinski wound up being her favorite part of A Quiet Place

 "We had never done it before, and it is kind of the great unknown, going into this process not knowing what this will be," she said

"A lot of people were like, 'You're going to be divorced by the end of it,' and actually we were so much closer

I think the discovery of how well we collaborated, how well we created something together, was just so special

"  See the full list of this year's SAG Awards winners here.  Reporting by Piya Sinha-Roy

   Related content: John Krasinski and Emily Blunt reveal each other's favorite roles Paramount sets release date for untitled A Quiet Place sequel Let's talk about that intense bathtub scene in A Quiet Place

For more infomation >> Emily Blunt on John Krasinski's reaction to her SAG Awards win: 'He probably was as shocked as I was - Duration: 2:54.


Susanna Reid quit booze after doctor's warning over weight - Duration: 3:04.

Susanna has not been out boozing for six months now (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images) She said she 'could not be more desperate for a drink' ahead of last Tuesday's National Television Awards

 But that's because Susanna Reid has successfully kicked the habit since last August when she was told her BMI was 'worryingly high' by doctors

 The 48-year-old hasn't had a drink for almost six months and lost a stone and a half as a result, but GMB co-star Piers Morgan is always the devil on her shoulder, she tells The Daily Mail

 'I used to love drinking — nice white wine, bubbles, prosecco,' she said. 'I used to love doing vodka shots last thing at night in the Groucho

I love margaritas. The only thing I didn't like was red wine.' It's partner in crime Piers Morgan who's always the first to encourage her to drink (Picture: ITV) Susanna said she was just 'not willing to pay the price any more' for the memory loss, bad skin and weight gain

Advertisement Advertisement  But Piers is always the first one to challenge her commitment, she says

 'He's constantly, "Oh, you're no fun. Why don't you just have a glass of wine, no-one will know."  'I miss it

I really do. Because drinking is fun and enjoyable and you can have some of your best nights out but, on the other hand, it adds the weight on.'  Susanna told viewers that she would be '99% alcohol' last Wednesday morning if their breakfast show won a National Television Award

More: Showbiz Britain's Best Home Cook star Dan Doherty investigated over 'sexual harassment' claims SAG Awards host Megan Mullally admits she was snubbed by designers over outfits Judy Finnigan explains how she 'nearly died' after painkillers gave her stomach ulcers And the presenter's vow to break her alcohol ban was music to Piers' ears

 'This is great,' he said on the show. 'Right, if you vote for us and we win, Susanna Reid will break her abstemious alcohol-free… that's been going on for six months

Trust me, when she's drunk she's a wild one.'  She joked: 'I'm desperate for a drink, I could not be more desperate for a drink

Give me an excuse to go out and have a drink.'  However, the next morning, after the breakfast show lost the NTA to This Morning, Susanna tagged an Instagram post that said 'still sober, still winning, still smiling.' Got a showbiz story?  If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Entertainment team by emailing us, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you

Advertisement Advertisement  MORE: Top Chef star Fatima Ali wrote gut-wrenching letter to her younger self two months before her death  MORE: Gemma Collins displays worryingly swollen right knee amid concerns she could have 'lost some teeth' in fall Advertisement Advertisement

For more infomation >> Susanna Reid quit booze after doctor's warning over weight - Duration: 3:04.


1년만에 찾아온 E.O.S 의 인사! - Duration: 1:14.

Hello, this is E.O.S

It's been a year. Like last year. While we preparing a new album,

we've come to crowdfunding project with Makestar.

There are already a lot of people but

we still hope more people join our project.

The opportunity to become an honorary producer of E.O.S through the crowdfunding project!

It's a limited edition of the CD, so it's never available on the normal market.

And most of all, the concert tickets we're preparing

You can buy it through crowdfunding before you open it on the official ticket site.

You'll get 40 percent off.

Don't miss a great opportunity!

See you at the concert site!

(1st single released on February 5)

For more infomation >> 1년만에 찾아온 E.O.S 의 인사! - Duration: 1:14.


안경 쓰고 훈훈한 매력 뽐낸 예리 - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> 안경 쓰고 훈훈한 매력 뽐낸 예리 - Duration: 1:39.


❤️Szczere wyznanie Edyty Bartosiewicz. „Byłam bliska fizycznej śmierci, czułam, że odchodzę" - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> ❤️Szczere wyznanie Edyty Bartosiewicz. „Byłam bliska fizycznej śmierci, czułam, że odchodzę" - Duration: 2:48.


'No reason to leave' - Spurs legend has his say on Christian Eriksen - Duration: 2:42.

 Tottenham have been handed a huge transfer boost with the news that Real Madrid have reportedly ended their interest in the Dane

 Eriksen is one of Mauricio Pochettino's attacking stars and he is loathe to lose the influential midfield man

 However, talks over a new contract at the club have stalled.  The Danish international has been in contract negotiations with the club for some time now, with suggestions in the summer that he would follow in the footsteps of Harry Kane and Dele Alli in committing his future to the club

   But now in January, there is no breakthrough in talks and rumours continue to grow over his future

 Real Madrid and Barcelona have both been credited with an interest, while Bayern Munich and Juventus are also in the frame

 Madrid have been the most heavily linked, but reports coming out of Spain today suggest they have ended their pursuit of the Dane

  According to AS Los Blancos believe Spurs chairman Daniel Levy has put an inflated price tag on Eriksen's head, and they have decided to look elsewhere

 Eriksen has a year and a half left on his current Tottenham deal and Spurs will be keen to tie him down to a new contract before he enters the final year of it

 Tottenham legend Gary Mabbut does not see him going anywhere though.  Speaking to Love Sport Radio, Mabbutt said: "Going into the end of season last year, there were a lot of concerns among people and the media that all the main top players like the Harry Kanes, Dele Allis and Christian Eriksens would be leaving

Hugo Lloris, Alderweireld and Vertonghen too.    "As it was, not one player left last summer

 "It's all down to the individual. They had the options available to them but I see no reason why, where the club is at the moment and where we're going, a player needs to leave

"   Keep up to date with the latest Tottenham Hotspur news, features and exclusives from football

london via our free WhatsApp service . Text NEWS to 07776197989 and then add the number to your phone contacts book as spurs dot london (case sensitive, with spaces) to receive daily updates and breaking news from Alasdair Gold and the team on Spurs

Your phone number won't be shared with any other members of the group. Click here for more information on the service

For more infomation >> 'No reason to leave' - Spurs legend has his say on Christian Eriksen - Duration: 2:42.


GECE 3'TE HADES ÇAĞIRMA DENEYİ YAPTIM !! O GELDİ (Selena) - Duration: 10:13.

For more infomation >> GECE 3'TE HADES ÇAĞIRMA DENEYİ YAPTIM !! O GELDİ (Selena) - Duration: 10:13.





Adelin, fostul concurent de la Puterea Dragostei, vrea la Exatlon! O va lăsa pe Ștefania pentru comp - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Adelin, fostul concurent de la Puterea Dragostei, vrea la Exatlon! O va lăsa pe Ștefania pentru comp - Duration: 3:00.


Arresto de 36 horas o multa por provocar incendios: DSPM - Duration: 3:10.

 A fin de prevenir incendios de pastizales, basuras u otras conflagraciones de mayor riesgo dentro del territorio municipal, el Heroico Cuerpo de Bomberos exhorta a los chihuahuenses a abstenerse de iniciarlos, pues esto constituye una falta a la Ley Municipal y hasta delito

   Esto si el siniestro llega a causar daños materiales, hecho que tan sólo en lo que va del mes de enero generó la movilización de los apagafuego en casi 300 ocasiones para poder sofocarlos

  Según el artículo 7, fracción IV, del Bando de Policía y Gobierno del Municipio de Chihuahua, constituye falta administrativa el arrojar líquidos u objetos, prender fuego o provocar altercados en los eventos o espectáculos públicos o en sus entradas y salidas

   Además en la fracción VII se considera también la detonación de cohetes, encender juegos pirotécnicos, realizar fogatas, así como usar explosivos en lugares públicos, sin permiso de la autoridad

  El arresto correspondiente por cometer alguna de las acciones anteriores se determina por los jueces calificadores de ambas comandancias y se basan para ello en el tabulador del mencionado reglamento, con cárcel de 25 a 36 horas y multa de hasta 50 Unidades de Medida y Actualización, UMA´s, vigentes en el país y que corresponden a 84

49 pesos cada una.   Ante esto es importante que la comunidad tome en cuenta las siguientes recomendaciones para evitar ser amonestado y evitar así daños o pérdidas materiales

  •Mantenga limpios los perímetros de viviendas o locales comerciales, así como lotes para evitar la proliferación de maleza

Por ningún motivo inicie fuego para eliminarla.  •Al momento de realizar podas o cortar maleza, deposítela en lugares autorizados por el municipio

 •Evite hacer fogatas, en caso de ser necesario, cuide que sea en lugares despejados y asegúrese de apagarla completamente

 •No tire colillas de cigarros encendidas.  •Supervise a sus hijos cuando se utilicen fuegos artificiales

 •Reporte de inmediato al 9-1-1 cualquier incendio que detecte, sea en la vía pública o en propiedades privadas

For more infomation >> Arresto de 36 horas o multa por provocar incendios: DSPM - Duration: 3:10.


Costruisco un GAMEPAD con Raspberry Pi #01 ⋆ BOTTONI e LED ⊷ #gon_PiPAD - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Costruisco un GAMEPAD con Raspberry Pi #01 ⋆ BOTTONI e LED ⊷ #gon_PiPAD - Duration: 7:12.


Meghan królewska - Wstrząsające słowa Magdaleny Adamowicz o Pawle: "W dniu śmierci zadzwonił do mni - Duration: 3:07.

 Magdalena Adamowicz udzieliła dla Newsweeka wywiadu o swoim mężu. To już kolejna rozmowa o Pawle Adamowiczu

Tym razem wdowa w rozmowie z Tomaszem Lisem zdecydowała się na długi i szczery wywiad, którego zapowiedź możemy zobaczyć na okładce

Okazuje się, że wywiad i okładka wywołały w sieci prawdziwą burzę. Zobaczcie, o co chodzi

 Zobacz: "Młodsza córka, tak jak nigdy, bardzo płakała" Żona Pawła Adamowicza o ostatnim spotkaniu i rozmowie z mężem Magdalena Adamowicz o ostatniej rozmowie z mężem  Magdalena Adamowicz już w wywiadzie dla TVN 24 zdradziła, jak wyglądały ostatnie, wspólne chwile ich rodziny podczas urlopu w Stanach, gdzie odwiedzili starszą córkę, która tam studiuje

W poruszający sposób opisała pożegnanie z mężem na lotnisku i opowiedziała, jak bardzo młodsza córka nie chciała, aby jej tata wracał do Polski specjalnie na finał Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy

Teraz wdowa po prezydencie zdecydowała się zdradzić o wiele więcej szczegółów i udzieliła mocnego wywiadu dla Newsweeka

   Na okładce możemy przeczytać o ostatniej rozmowie Magdaleny Adamowicz z mężem, która miała miejsce w dniu ataku, którego dokonał 27-letni Stefan W

  Czego dotyczą krytyczne komentarze w stosunku do Magdaleny Adamowicz?  To tylko zapowiedź niezwykle szczerej i wzruszającej rozmowy

Jednak nie wszystkim spodobał się nie tylko wywiad, ale i okładka z wdową po Pawle Adamowiczu

Na Twitterze pojawiły się krytyczne głosy. Większość z nich dotyczy zaangażowania żony prezydenta Gdańska w politykę

Niektórzy zwracają też uwagę na to, że w czasie żałoby tego typu aktywność jest nie na miejscu

Oto niektóre z nich:  Inni stanęli w jej obronie:  Co o tym myślicie?  Zobacz: "Powiedzieli, że jeżeli przeżyje do rana, to będzie cud"

Poruszające słowa brata Pawła Adamowicza  Magda i Paweł Adamowiczowie byli kochającym się małżeństwem


For more infomation >> Meghan królewska - Wstrząsające słowa Magdaleny Adamowicz o Pawle: "W dniu śmierci zadzwonił do mni - Duration: 3:07.


Cien Q10 acaba com as rugas de desconfiança - Duration: 0:31.

This is the reaction many women have when they find out one of the most awarded anti-aging wrinkle creams can cost only…


Cien Q10 ends the suspicion wrinkles.

Until February 3rd with a price even more surprising.

For more infomation >> Cien Q10 acaba com as rugas de desconfiança - Duration: 0:31.


Baby Looney Tunes | Pair O' Dice Lost Part 4 - Katie Wilkins - Duration: 3:49.

I'll show you what I can finish

It was just a dream I shouldn't no nothing like that could really happen

Because you're a quitter doesn't mean you can

I only wanted to knock down mine. So someone else could use the fan over again


Rector sandcastles might as well. It won't take long way Daffy place

Come on baby, I'll be old enough to go to school by the time you roll the dice. You're fucki by my head

Okay, Daffy you can live to red or blue, okay, I'll move to it oh no no no no no

No, no, I think red


Okay, okay. Oh

You're trapped in the Peach Pit

Fart over

Men we can start over Daffy

October I guess we can't finish now

I was going to win once when I just wanted to do fuck

For more infomation >> Baby Looney Tunes | Pair O' Dice Lost Part 4 - Katie Wilkins - Duration: 3:49.


7º dia da Novena a Dom Bosco com Ana Lúcia - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> 7º dia da Novena a Dom Bosco com Ana Lúcia - Duration: 5:19.


Male Infertility Treatment in India | Azoospermia Treatment in Delhi - Duration: 3:21.

Hello friends.

Welcome back to my YouTube channel. I am Dr.

Vijayant Govinda Gupta

I am an andrologist and a male infertility specialist in New Delhi India.

The topic for today is azoospermia or nil

sperm count treatment in New Delhi India.

azoospermia or nil sperm count means

that in your semen analysis there are no

or there are zero sperms

The problem with that is that this prevents you from having a child.

So most patients who have had a semen analysis for

the purpose of finding out why they iare unable to father a child

child and they find that there are no sperms

in their semen analysis are patients who are called

to have azoospermia or no sperm count.

Now the problem with this from conquering today's environment

is that all these.

Men who are diagnosed with this problem are

asked to go for IVF or for test tube baby.

Oh no let me tell you with the latest treatment possible and

the proper evaluation.

Plenty of men who have no sperm count.

Can have natural sperms return back into this semen

human and can have natural pregnancies.

The problem is that infertility is now totally

in the hands of gynecologists who are only focused

on women and men do not receive their.


So first let me tell you the causes of nil

sperm count proper treatment of known sperm count

they're essential to understand why.

No sperm count or why is this what is happening.

There are two broad classifications of this for me.

One would be just put me up to obstructive obstructive

means that there is some blockage in your

semen carrying tissues like naming

a blockage on the head of the testes blockage in the vas

blocking the seminal vesicle as likely a blockage at the level of ejaculatory ducts.

These blockages are identified and blockages are corrected

usually surgically like vasoepidydmostomy or

by vasovasostomies or TUREDs

So with all of this which I do these blockages

once opened can allow sperms to come back

into the semen and allow you at a chance to have

a natural pregnancy.

Second broad category is non obstructive in which

there is no obstruction but sperm production in

the testes are low or absolute.

Usually in those patients there are two broad categories

one in which there are less bonding formed and

second and with the most bonding formed in the testes.

In both these conditions latest medications

are available which on stimulation can help

induce testes produce bombs and return sperm come to you.

The other causes like infection tuberculosis

trauma or other causes also which may be

causing this was for me and the correct diagnosis

and correct investigations.

Your main infertility specialist may be able to

return spoons in your semen so if you

have a diagnosis is this for me.

Do not be disheartened and do not go into depression

and before going in for IVF or

before going in for a test tube baby give her

allergist or a male infertility specialist a

chance to evaluate you and there may

be a clause which may be. Correctable.

So if you are suffering what just point me out or with more sperm

count and you wish to have your treatment process

in New Delhi India with me.

You may send me in your reports on WhatsApp you make

contact me on email or you may read more about

it on my website and given links.

If you like this video and you find it helpful.

Please like.

This video shared with your friends and subscribe for my channel.

Thank you so much for tuning in.

For more infomation >> Male Infertility Treatment in India | Azoospermia Treatment in Delhi - Duration: 3:21.


O Mercosul é bom para o Brasil? - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> O Mercosul é bom para o Brasil? - Duration: 5:26.


058. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> 058. Meditações de Santo Afonso Maria de Ligório (AUDIOBOOK) - Duration: 9:21.


【Micro-Food】 Cooking a Really Small Omelette Rice!!! [36kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 7:07.

hello it's kinoshita yuka

jaaan ! look at this...

one viewer made it from me for the 5 million subscribers

this is so elegant

thank you so much, i'm really happy

i'll put it here for today

today, i'm going to make what called micro-food

and i'm going to do that with my precious friend shin-chan

- say hay to shin-chan in the comments - i'm looking forward to that

so today we are going to cook a micro Omelette Rice

hay! let's do our best

this is my first time making a micro food

me too

can we do it ?

of course !

because yuka's hand are used to draw, i'm not worried about that

so, let's do it

let's make first the rice

and to do that, we need to mix butter with rice

it's so weird to make a small quantity because i used to big quantities

i'll eat it in just one bite

and after that...

we add the ketchup

like this ?

i think it's good

we need to make a micro food, that's why all the ingredients are so small

i really want to eat it

hay, and by that we finished making the micro rice

i'm going to use this plates here

it's from "Sylvanian Families" anime

this is so nostalgic

really nostalgic

it was a really funny show

it's a famous tv-serie

so we are going to use this plates for our micro Omelette Rice

not Omelette Rice

but ketchup rice

we looks like ants now

this is hard

i really want to eat

what !

i did it

next, eggs

let's crack the egg

it will take more time

but i really want to eat

this really opens the appetite

but this is not fair, it will done in just one bite

let's fry the egg

nothing is happening !!!

what ?

it's OFF

so small

ah! it's ON now

hay! we did it

and now let's shape the egg

yeah !

we did it

waa! this is really cute


ah! so beautiful


and tasty !

and now, we top it

if we use the force, it will breaksdown, so we need to do that slowly

let's do it slowly

this is small

but the result still good

is it thick a little bit !

this is like a tent

shin-chan's tent

what a tent

let me use this skew now

don't... because...

isn't the result so cute ?

and now let's add ketchup

we made it

this is hard

that's a lot

that's right!!

so cute !

and after that parsley

ah! so good

jaaan! we did it

we did it

this is really cute

looks tasty

let's eat it

hay !


cheers ! cheers !

eating it is going to be diffecult

this is delicious, like any normal Omelette Rice

ah! that's right


you can taste the parsley

it's amazing how you can eat Omelette Rice in one bite


this was so much fun

and so quick too

it was delicious

and it makes full

are you satisfied with this ? you are not used to eat this amount

it was so much fun after all

it's so much fun to try something like this

i always wanted to try it

we are adults, but still so enjoyable to do

this was truly enjoyable

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【Micro-Food】 Cooking a Really Small Omelette Rice!!! [36kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 7:07.



put this on your hair, the result is amazing

your hair!

My loves This reneges of virtues and exceptional benefits,

for both hair and body Its oil is all the more precious.

contains vitamins and nutrients go revolutionize your life

You will ask me what brings the oil Prickly pear on the hair?

Know already that this oil is rare, very rare and very expensive, but the fruits are accessible

, and edible in many countries. Its natural components give it

exceptional anti-aging properties.

Once he is mature he has this color dark red, so I bought it no matures

and I let him three weeks so he become like this, it's the perfect way

to use it

Its assets have the ability to penetrate easily the structure of the skin

Among the elements that will intervene in the care of the hair, we will distinguish the acid

linoleic (omega 6) which has large restorative properties. Then there

has vitamin E. A nutrient known for its antioxidant and moisturizing effects

 How to use it as a hair care

The oil of the famous Maghreb cactus acts on the scalp by revitalizing and

nourishing the fibers. We can easily notice this effect by the glossy appearance

hair. The application will have to be regular if we want the result to be permanent. For

do this, we can use the product as a mask

capillary. Just drop a few drops, spread them carefully and

leave on for ten minutes. Or to do as you see from

the beginning of the video

Peel, crush sift to extract the precious nectar, but first of all let the

ripen to the maximum, limit let it rot because more mature he is more mature and more

rich are the seeds

Synergy possible with other vegetable oils as you can see castor oil

it's a pure mixture, and even with karate butter

For the preparation

Crush a fruit take the time to make it completely patty, press to extract

the nectar, For skin and hair

Add together or separately two spoons of each of these oils

Jonson oil, olive oil, castor oil, Nigella oil, know that it can be preserved

cool, It is worth remembering that this other product

bio also contains many beneficial assets for hair.

Castor has the ability to promote microcirculation at the level of the scalp. Allowing,

not only to the assets of the other ingredient to easily penetrate the walls of the fibers,

but also to facilitate the contribution of its own nutrients. In the case of hair

dry, white hair, gray, people suffering from baldness, hair that has

tendency to fall, this association (in local application, in oil bath or mask

capillary) with castor oil is the best option. The hair will be strengthened

and fed to prevent diseases and the spread of microorganisms. For

finish, the softening virtues of castor will blend perfectly with the moisturizing effects

cactus oil. Powerful regenerating cell phone, will make you appear between 10

and 20 years younger by swallowing wrinkles and imperfection of the skin.

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