Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 30 2019

Con una goleada de 6-1, el Barcelona le remontó al Sevilla en el Camp Nou para avanzar a las semifinales de la Copa del Rey- Apenas a los 12 minutos marcaron un penal inexistente a favor del Barcelona

Lionel Messi cayó dentro del área y se señaló la pena máxima. El encargado de cobrar fue Philippe Coutinho y no falló para meter a los culés en la eliminatoria desde muy temprano

Coutinho köşeye mükemmel yuvarladı. Barça 1-0 önde başladı.  — leo messi 🐐 (@legendofmessi38) 30 de enero de 2019   Después de un remate al poste, el Sevilla consiguió un penal que les hubiera dado el pase

No obstante Éver Banega falló desde el manchón penal y los andaluces seguían con ventaja en el global, pero a un gol de verse igualados

Y ese gol llegó a los 31 minutos. Arthur filtró un gran pase para Ivan Rakitic, quien sólo desvió ante la salida del arquero e hizo el segundo de los locales

El gol de @ivanrakitic a gran pase de @arthurhromelo ⚽️⚽️💪🏻  — Carlos Jr #23 ⚽ (@Carlos92a) 30 de enero de 2019   Para el arranque del segundo tiempo, Philippe Coutinho hizo el tercero que ya les daba ventaja en el marcador global

Luis Suárez centró y el brasileño con la cabeza dentro del área mandó el esférico al fondo de las redes

Coutinho Amazing Header Goal!! Barcelona vs Sevilla 3-0: via @YouTube  — Vamshi Rebel (@VamshiRebel525) 30 de enero de 2019   No dio tiempo de respirar el Barcelona cuando Leo Messi filtró para Sergi Roberto, quien dentro del área se plantó frente al arquero para definir el cuarto

Los culés ya tenían dos goles de ventaja en el marcador global. Leo to Sergi Roberto which completes Remontada 😍😍😍😍 pic  — BT Media (@BTMediaTape) 30 de enero de 2019   Sevilla respondió y buscó acortar distancias

André Silva dejó ir la oportunidad más clara para acercarse, pero terminó por fallar su remate

Ese gol que los acercaba lo marcó Guilherme Arana. Jasper Cillessen se equivocó en la salida, el Sevilla robó el balón y el brasileño disparó cruzado de zurda para revivir la eliminatoria

Gol de Arana! Barcelona 4×1 Sevilla!  — Maike ⚫⚪ (@myselfmaike) 30 de enero de 2019   Un gol iba a hacer la diferencia, tanto para el Barcelona como el Sevilla

Sin embargo los culés recuperaron el esférico y lo circularon para consumir lo que quedaba en el reloj

Con los andaluces lanzados al frente, el Barcelona aprovechó para irse en contragolpe

Luis Suárez empujó un balón a segundo poste e hizo el quinto que ya le daba más tranquilidad a los de Ernesto Valverde

88′ ⚽ GOOOOOOL, UURRR UFFF, GOOOOOOOOOOOOL DEL BARÇA! GOOOOOOOOL LUIS SUÁREZ!!! BARÇA 5 – 1 SEVILLA (5-3)  😍😍😍😍😍😍 pic  — BT Media (@BTMediaTape) 30 de enero de 2019   Y ya en el último minuto del partido, los culés dieron una exhibición del tiki-taka

Una que finalizó Lionel Messi con un zurdazo dentro del área. WOW Qué golazo del Barcelona, Messi firma el 6to, los dos goles del Sevilla en la ida no fueron suficientes  — Eduardo Mendez (@LaIoMendez) 30 de enero de 2019   Barcelona se convirtió en el tercer equipo clasificado a las semifinales

Se unió al Valencia y al Betis, y muy seguramente al Real Madrid como los equipos que están en la antesala de la gran final


For more infomation >> ¡Remontada de campeón! Barcelona aplastó al Sevilla y tenemos los goles - Duration: 2:32.


Atalanta le da una dosis de humildad a Juventus y los elimina de la Copa Italia - Duration: 2:08.

Los Cuartos de Final de la Copa Italia siguen su marcha y sin duda acabamos de presenciar un resultado que nadie se esperaba, pues uno de los favoritos en Europa acaba de ser eliminado

Atalanta recibió a la poderosa Juventus de Cristiano Ronaldo y les implanto una dosis de humildad, pues con su buen futbol y equipo compacto, los acaban de echar de esta competencia, logrando un hecho que nadie tenía en sus quinielas

Sí, Atalanta los acaba de arruinar a todos. Getty Images El juego fue muy movido en ambas áreas pero Atalanta supo capitalizar de mejor forma las acciones ya que aunque la Juventus los atacó constantemente siempre supieron mantener el orden defensivo, provocando oportunidades de ataque que para mala suerte de la 'Veccia Signora' iban a terminar en gol

El primero de ellos cayó al minuto 37′ de los pies de Timothy Castagne, pues Atalanta comenzó un gran ataque de forma frontal luego de que este este hombre robó muy bien el balón en el medio campo

Lo dirigió por varios metros, se adentró al área por el centro y sin pensarlo dos veces lanzó un gran disparo, venciendo a Sczcesny y marcando el 1-0

¡Gran definición!😯 Golazo de Castagne. Atalanta 1-0 Juventus #CoppaItalia 🇮🇹 pic  — Cable Onda Sports (@COS_Sports) 30 de enero de 2019   Los asistentes esperaban una pronta reacción de la Juventus pero para su desgracia iba a ser todo lo contrario, ya que casi de inmediato cayó el segundo y las cosas se tornaron complicadas

Al minuto 39′ de nueva cuenta la Juventus tuvo un error en su salida por el medio campo, donde arremetieron con un buen contragolpe que no parecía tener peligro pero Atalanta lo pudo hacer

Hilaron un par de pases rumbo al área de su rival, trataron de filtrar pero no lo lograron y le quedó el esférico a Duván Zapata, quien se acomodó y con un bombazo, metió el 2-0

Así nos iríamos al medio tiempo. ¡ESPECTACULAR, DUVÁN ZAPATA! 🔥⚽ Duván Zapata marcó uno de los goles del triunfo parcial 2-0 de Atalanta sobre Juventus

Llegó a 16 goles en 10 partidos consecutivos.  — Hinchas Colombianos 🇨🇴 (@AficionColombia) 30 de enero de 2019   El segundo tiempo fue mucho más equilibrado y evidentemente con la Juventus que iba a arriesgar pues no podía darse el lujo de quedar eliminados en la Copa Italia y menos con el buen paso que llevan en la Serie A

Cristiano Ronaldo, Matuidi, Bentancur, Pjanic, Cancelo y compañía trataron todo por vencer a la defensiva de la Atalanta pero los embates iban a ser inútiles ya que el orden defensivo era sorprendente y sumado a que los jugadores estaban siendo imprecisos, todo favoreció a su rival

Para finalizar el encuentro, de nueva cuenta Juventus les dio otro 'regalito' a la Atalanta, pues desde un despeje de su propia área el balón llegó al otro extremo, el defensa intentó regresar el esférico, lo hizo muy despacio y Duván Zapata llegó para robarlo, fintar al portero y marcó el 3-0

Qué jugadorazo tienen en sus filas. Duván! Zapata! 3-0 to us! #AtalantaJuventus #CoppaItalia unbelievable #GoAtalantaGo pic  — Las Vegas Atalanta Supporters Group (@atalanta_vegas) 30 de enero de 2019   Getty Images Los minutos corrieron, la Juventus trató de morirse en la línea, pero al final las cosas no pudieron ser, pues la ventaja de la Atalanta por 2-0 sería definitiva y aunque se quedaron cerca, fueron eliminados de la Copa Italia

Atalanta entonces se une a al AC Milan que derrotó al Napoli 2-0 y a la Fiorentina que goleó 7-1 a la Roma en un duelo sin precedentes

El último juego será el jueves 31 de enero donde la Lazio se medirá de visita contra el Inter de Milán; los pronósticos dirían que califica la escuadra local pero ahora con estos resultados, ya no se sabe


For more infomation >> Atalanta le da una dosis de humildad a Juventus y los elimina de la Copa Italia - Duration: 2:08.


Brutal golpiza de policías a un motociclista | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Brutal golpiza de policías a un motociclista | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:34.


Adolescente en grave estado tras chocar con su camioneta | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Adolescente en grave estado tras chocar con su camioneta | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:27.


¡Se casa Rafa Nadal! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> ¡Se casa Rafa Nadal! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:25.


¡Diego Maradona también trabaja de peluquero! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> ¡Diego Maradona también trabaja de peluquero! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:33.


¡Golpe mexicano! Raúl Jiménez le anotó doblete al West Ham de 'Chicharito' - Duration: 5:16.

Luego de tener un arranque goleador en su etapa en Inglaterra, el mexicano se pone la 'batuta' de héroe y sigue marcando goles

 Raúl Jiménez demostró que quiere ser el referente absoluto del Wolverhampton  y vaya que lo está logrando, por lo que en un partido complicado se hizo presente en el marcador, anotando un buen doblete que le ayudó a recobrar su olfato goleador y que ahora ya suma 8 goles en total en la Premier League y  2 en la FA Cup

El mexicano anda encendido y veamos su doblete. Getty Images Vamos a ver cómo fue el gol

  Corría el minuto 80′ cuando los Wolves tenían un tiro de esquina a favor. El balón siguió una trayectoria bastante inusual donde Raúl Jiménez se lo encontró en una posición incomoda y aunque le pegó a pierna cambiada, ya que no era el perfil ideal, pudo vencer a Fabianski y poner el 2-0 en el marcador

Una joya. Raúl Jiménez marca de nueva cuenta para darle la victoria al @WolvesEspanol pic  — Ozz Zuñiga (@Ozzjuve11) 29 de enero de 2019   El doblete comenzó debido a un contragolpe, donde le filtraron el balón a Raúl Jiménez y este corrió de forma descomunal, llegando hasta el área y encarando a Fabianski

Se acomodó, hizo un movimiento a la izquierda y con un remate bombeado y muy tranquilo, el mexicano anotó el 3-0 y el doblete del juego

#PremierLeague 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 | ¡DOBLETE DE RAÚL JIMÉNEZ 🇲🇽!  El mexicano sentencia la victoria de los Wolves sobre el West Ham  — Futboliebers⚽ (@futboliebers) 29 de enero de 2019   Con este gol, Raúl Jiménez marca su décimo gol vistiendo la camiseta de los Wolves; ha sido un hombre determinante en todo el torneo, se ha vuelto titular indiscutible y sus aportes al conjunto los han llevado a posicionarse en la parte media de la tabla, por lo que si siguen enrachados como hasta ahora, podrían pelear un puesto para Europa League

Jiménez es uno de los jugadores del Wolverhampton más destacados, pues con sus goles y asistencias, el mexicano ha colaborado en cerca del 50% de los goles, siendo un número increíble para un delantero que aunque no es el goleador absoluto, sabe 'hacer lucir a sus compañeros', siendo piedra angular de esta escuadra

Getty Images Wolverhampton sigue retomando la confianza luego de un buen inicio y algunos tropiezos; buscan seguir escalando posiciones, ser uno de los equipos más peligrosos en la Premier League y van con todo en su camino de la FA Cup, donde jugarán un segundo duelo por el empate del fin de semana

La temporada va en la mitad de su desarrollo en la Premier League; quizá es muy pronto para dar por hecho algún panorama para Raúl Jiménez, pero lo cierto es que ha mejorado mucho su nivel futbolístico y eso será beneficioso para él en un futuro, pues de continuar enrrachado y seguir mejorando podría recibir la oportunidad de ir a otro equipo de mayor jerarquía

 Ya estuvo en el Atlético de Madrid y en el Benfica, por lo que pronto podría emigrar a otro club del mismo peso y jerarquía en Europa


For more infomation >> ¡Golpe mexicano! Raúl Jiménez le anotó doblete al West Ham de 'Chicharito' - Duration: 5:16.


LLEGAMOS A LOS 10MIL SUSCRIPTORES!!! NUEVA TEMPORADA/Youtuber Cristiana - Duration: 3:19.

I have a max of 4 min to tell you why I disappeared.

What is going to happen with this channel? Am I still a Christian?

Anyway, let's begin NOW!

We know that in social media you want to show yourself as a happy person,

that everything is super cool and you don't have issues.

But the reality is different.

And I thought; if the name of this channel is The diary of a young Christian,

You relieve yourself in a diary.

What am saying is that I am going to open up myself entirely, even if I am criticize or judge, okay?

Well, the super short version of this story is that I was super excited about a project

but super, super excited

because I had been planning it from my mother's belly

and everything was ready and planned but

unfortunately God told me NO

From that moment on everything started falling.

I got very upset with God

because in my crazy mind I thought that I deserve that blessing and I started questioning my faith.

I have began to think that everything I had done for God was in vain.

And obviously I don't have the nerve of talking about God When I am struggling spiritually.


by the time I put my pride and religiosity aside

and began looking for God He started changing me inside out.

I came back to the channel

with a new name, a new image and a new look

No longer see the picture because it just fell LOL

I want to tell you everything about me without hiding anything

I want to share my experiences, struggles, failures,

the stings in the flesh that one passes, all this without any masks.

And yes, I'm still a Christian

and problems that never fail


is that we spent the whole afternoon setting the stage

I want to give thanks to Langsborder that helped me translate this video

I want to give you a super special verse that has helped me a lot in these days that says so

In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

so with this word I say goodbye, Chao, hope you will be OK

see you SOON

We got to the 10000 subscribers!!! Yupi!

For more infomation >> LLEGAMOS A LOS 10MIL SUSCRIPTORES!!! NUEVA TEMPORADA/Youtuber Cristiana - Duration: 3:19.


The Spirituality of Trading - Duration: 18:01.

For more infomation >> The Spirituality of Trading - Duration: 18:01.


Antonio Burgos "mete el miedo" en el cuerpo a Vox con un aviso sobre los Goya - Duration: 4:33.

Que se preparen los de Santiago Abascal porque el periodista y escritor se ha hecho una pregunta en voz alta y la ha contestado adelantando lo que va a suceder en cuestión de solo unos días.

Con la gran cita del cine español a la vuelta de la esquina, este miércoles Antonio Burgos aprovecha su columna de ABC para ironizar con uno de los grandes mitines de este país: Y es que en España hay ritualmente grandes mítines: el de cierre de campaña del PSOE,

Estos mítines los organizan los partidos y los pagan ellos, aunque sea con nuestro dinero a través de las subvenciones. el del PP en Madrid y, si cae, algo en Vista Alegre de Podemos.

Pero hay un mitin anual que, como suele decirse en Tertulianés, tiene otro formato. Y es tan ritual como los que acabo de citar.

Me refiero al mitin de la entrega de los premios Goya, donde todo el que se tiene por un genio del cine, al recoger su estatuilla si lo galardonan,

se siente en la obligación de largar fiesta contra lo que se lleve ese año en la izquierda.

Por no hablar de los propios presentadores de la gala, que interpretan un guión que tiene mucho de argumentario del día, como los que reciben los dirigentes de los partidos con lo que tienen que decir del adversario.

Para Burgos, los mítines de entrega de los premios Goya son ya tan antiguos como el hilo negro.

Empezaron cuando a algún genio de la propaganda se le ocurrió convertir la ceremonia de la entrega en un mitin contra Aznar,

entonces presidente, y contra la guerra de Irak, de la que todavía Zapatero no había retirado a nuestras tropas.

Aunque en la invitación a la gala ponía, supongo, que la etiqueta era esmoquin para los caballeros y traje largo para las señoras,

lo que fue obligatorio en verdad fue la pegatina del No a la guerra, que todo el mundo lució y que TVE llevó en directo a todos los hogares españoles.

El periodista recuerda que este año la entrega de los premios Goya sale de Madrid y se celebrará en Sevilla: Donde hay una partida importante de catetos contentísimos con que vengan a su tierra.

Hasta han puesto a la Torre del Oro al servicio de los Goya, como pantalla para una proyección con el título de los premios e iluminándola de rojo. Color más adecuado no han podido hallar.

Los Goya, como la Academia de Cine que los otorga, como el subvencionadísimo cinematógrafo nacional que casi nadie ve, está en manos de la izquierda.

Y hasta hemos exportado el modelo Goya a Estados Unidos, donde la entrega de los Oscar también suele convertirse en un mitin contra algo derechoso.

Hasta el punto de que oí el otro día que un actor nominado este año para un Oscar lo tenía muy difícil, porque había hecho campaña a favor de Trump.

En conclusión, asegura que no sé cuánto nos cuesta cada año que por TVE una serie de engreídos que se creen genios del cine celebren su habitual mitin contra lo que le interese en ese momento al PSOE,

a IU o a Podemos, en cuyas estribaciones andar suelen pero reflexiona que debe de ser una cifra bastante superior a los ridículos 65.000 euros que los Presupuestos del Estado consignan para la Tauromaquia.

Vamos, que no pienso perderme los premios Goya porque no sé contra quién será este año el habitual mitin político en que se convierten.

Contra el PP y Rajoyya no, porque está en el Gobierno el PSOE y a lo mejor hasta Sánchez coge el Falcon y viene a Sevilla. Contra el PSOE, desde luego que no será.

En resumen: No sé si se admiten apuestas, pero me pongo lo que sea a que este año la gala de los Goya será un horterísimo y pretencioso mitin contra Vox.

No tiene pinta de que a los de Santiago Abascal les preocupe mucho este tipo de publicidad...

más bien al contrario.

For more infomation >> Antonio Burgos "mete el miedo" en el cuerpo a Vox con un aviso sobre los Goya - Duration: 4:33.


ABOGADO REACCIONA a CASO CERRADO "¡¿Secuestraron a la Dra Polo?!" - Duration: 22:13.

come with me, come with me

For more infomation >> ABOGADO REACCIONA a CASO CERRADO "¡¿Secuestraron a la Dra Polo?!" - Duration: 22:13.


Polémica por madre que dirigió pelea entre estudiantes | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Polémica por madre que dirigió pelea entre estudiantes | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.


La extinción se acerca: Un hombre cargó a un peligroso pulpo y ni siquiera se enteró - Duration: 3:05.

Hemos escuchado historias lamentables y bobas como que personas han muerto por intentar tomarse una selfie desde el filo de un edificio o montaña

Ahora, en un nuevo capítulo de Cosas que no debería hacer un millennial, te presentamos a un tipo que sin saberlo y con afán de publicar un video en sus redes sociales, tomó entre sus manos a un pequeño pulpo, que en realidad se trataba de una de las especies más peligrosas del mundo

El video, captado por el usuario Alan, donde aparece este diminuto pulpo se hizo bastante popular en la red social Tik Tok este fin de semana, sin embargo, también fue un motivo de escándalo para un usuario australiano que no comprende cómo es que el hombre del video sigue vivo, si sostuvo a un pulpo de anillos azules, una de las cuatro especies de este tamaño que contiene en su cuerpo suficiente veneno como para matar a 26 personas en cuestión de minutos

¿Lo más terrorífico? No hay cura. De acuerdo a DailyMail, esta especie de pulpo ocupa el cuarto lugar en el ranking de los animales más venenosos del mundo y aunque su apariencia es bastante tierna, la realidad es que una mordida sería mortal, ya que la saliva está compuesta por una bacteria que produce tetrodotoxina, una neurotoxina mortal que produce parálisis en los músculos y que de llegar a órganos vitales pues… sí, ya saben lo que pasa

Ahora, tampoco debes alarmarte, ni correr en círculos, ni querer evitar a toda costa el mar… De hecho, existen muy pocos registros de muertes causadas por la mordedura o ataque de un pulpo de anillos azules y esto se debe a que son animales muy tímidos que prefieren mantenerse alejados del ajetreo y se esconden entre rocas

  Si bien los buzos australianos conocen lo peligroso que puede llegar a ser esta especie, los turistas no son muy conscientes de ello… pero, vamos, es Australia, ¿quién querría acercarse a cualquier animal en Australia?

For more infomation >> La extinción se acerca: Un hombre cargó a un peligroso pulpo y ni siquiera se enteró - Duration: 3:05.


Billie Eilish anuncia la fecha de su primer disco y estrena "bury a friend" - Duration: 1:32.

Si hasta ahora no conoces a Billie Eilish, es importante que comiences a escucharla pues, en medio de toda la música emergente llega ella, una joven de 17 años que con ayuda de su hermano, comienzan a componer canciones cuyo impacto la ha hecho abrirse camino en las plataformas de streaming

  Uno de sus principales destapes fue en 2017, luego de que formara parte del soundtrack de 13 Reasons Why

A partir de entonces comenzó a lanzar varios cortes que al final se transformaron en un EP titulado dont smile at me, el cual salió en agosto de ese mismo año

    Desde entonces comenzó a dar conciertos e incluso formó parte del soundtrack de ROMA, un proyecto en el que también está involucrado Beck y del cual ya pudimos escuchar la primera canción

Ahora, con la ayuda de su hermano y también productor, Finneas, llega el primer corte del tan esperado disco debut de Billie, When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? La canción lleva por nombre "bury a friend" y va a acompañada de un video protagonizado por la propia Billie

De acuerdo a su explicación, este fue el tema que sirvió para que el resto del álbum surgiera

"Cuando creamos 'bury a friend', todo el disco surgió en mi cabeza. Supe de inmediato de lo que se iba a tratar, cómo serían los videos y todo en cuanto a cómo quería que se fuera percibido", se lee en un comunicado

Asimismo comenta: "'bury a friend' heals desde la perspectiva del monstruo debajo de mi cama

Si te pones a pensar, ¿qué hace esta criatura o qué siente? Confieso que soy ese monstruo porque soy mi peor enemiga

Quizás también sea el monstruo bajo tu cama", comentó sobre la explicación tanto del material como de la canción misma cuyo video dirigido por Michael Chaves puedes ver a continuación:   When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? fue escrito y grabado por completo por Billie Eilish y su hermano Finneas

Juntos dieron vida a esta canción y otras más que podrán ser escuchadas el próximo 29 de marzo


For more infomation >> Billie Eilish anuncia la fecha de su primer disco y estrena "bury a friend" - Duration: 1:32.


Doing This Will Destroy Your Car's Transmission - Duration: 5:08.

rev up your engines, billy-bob says Scotty does shifting my car from reverse

to drive without fully stopping cause damage to the transmission, yes it can

especially if you do it at higher speeds and do it all the time, years ago you

could seriously damage the transmission, because they didn't have lock outs on

them, and I had quite a few customers over the years, they were either driving

something and their kid hit the shifter and went from Drive to reverse and

destroyed the transmission, or they had a big bump or something and they jarred

it and put it into reverse, a lot of modern transmissions are set up so you

can't actually do that they're locked out, but if yours can, you don't want to

do that, when you are going from Drive to reverse, or reverse to drive switching

the way the transmission is spinning one way versus the other, always come to a

complete stop before you do that and shift it from either drive to reverse or

reverse to drive, and also if you don't want to destroy your transmission, stay

the heck away from water, transmissions have little drains in them

their little vent holes, and if you go into deep water and that gets

underwater, you can get water in the transmission, and water destroys

automatic transmissions, and the same thing with a lot of cars their

transmission coolers are part of the car's radiator there in the bottom of

the radiator to cool the transmission fluid, if you find that that's leaking

and you're getting a mixture of transmission fluid and water in your coolant

and in your transmission, you want to fix that right away, don't let that go too

far and destroy the transmission from getting water inside it, seven eight nine

nine nine sas Scotty, if the first gear pops out constantly, would a clutch replacement

fix the issue, no if you have a transmission where it pops out of first

gear while you're driving, your transmission is shot, every one that I ever

worked on that you're driving down the road and it

pops out of gear, it was a problem inside the transmission, and the transmission

needed to be rebuilt, that's not a clutch problem, a clutch problem is you can't

get into the gear or it grinds when you're going into gear, but if it's in gear

and you take off and it pops out the only thing that can do that is internal

wear on the transmission and you're just gonna have to

have the thing rebuilt that's just the way that it goes, Kari says Scotty what

do you think of having a 2004 VW Jetta as a daily car, only if you don't drive

it much, my wife used to drive a mile and a half back forth to work when she

taught at a school and it was only a mile and half away,

okay maybe you could get away with it then, but if you're gonna be putting ten

to twenty thousand miles a year on that thing, it'll bankrupt you those things

are money pits as they age they're just, especially if they're an

automatic transmission and if you live in a place like me Houston where it's

hot, their air conditioning systems break and you can only use new compressors

because they're weak enough as they are I've had people try rebuilt compressors on

them and they always break really soon after, so I would not use that car as a

daily driver unless you're driving a couple miles a day, alex says

Scotty I'm planning to buy an old classic car, Range Rover manual classic

81, or Mercedes cl600, okay get the Range Rover if you must, those

classic wants were better made, the Mercedes cl600 is an endless money pit, I got

customers have bought those things, they threw endless money into them and when

they sold them they lost all the money they throw into them, their just endless

money pits at least the Range Rover is an 81 it's simpler, you can still get

parts for it because the English love those things, and that's what I'd go with

it, I personally would buy either one but I definitely would not buy the cl600

they're endless money, Berghoff says dear Scotty our Jeep Wrangler manual

transmission won't go into reverse when it's cold, do you know why does it need

new oil, well you can change the oil and stuff, but if it won't go into reverse

but it goes into all the other gears then you want to check your linkage

maybe the reverse linkage is not going in right and if it's adjustable, adjust it

but if there is no adjustment, and it only goes to all the other gears fine

but not reverse, it means reverse gear is starting to go out, and I see that on

those all the time as they age that's the weakest thing is generally reverse

gear is the first gear to go out on those things, martin says Scotty how do you

fix a 94 honda accord with the brake

light and the blinker lights that stay on even when the key is out, and the radio

doesn't work, well you got an electrical short somewhere

but first, your brake light stays on first thing you want to check is, your

brake light switch, those things have little plastic pieces that the brake light

switch sticks on and when that breaks, then the brake light switch goes

into the hole where the plastic was and that will stay onm so check that first but

if your blinker lights stay on, then you've

got some kind of a short to power or relay or something, you're gonna have to find

out where the power is shorting out to them just pull the fuses, see if they go out

when the fuses are out, and if they do then you know somewhere between the fuse

and the power there's a short, you got to figure out where the short is first, so

if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to

ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Doing This Will Destroy Your Car's Transmission - Duration: 5:08.


5 razones por las que los Patriots pueden ser campeones del Super Bowl LIII - Duration: 5:53.

Será el tercero de forma consecutiva para ellos. Los Patriots representarán a la Conferencia Americana en el Super Bowl LIII

New England, de la mano de Tom Brady y con la mente de Bill Belichick está buscando ser el equipo más ganador en la NFL

Y acá te vamos a dar las 5 razones por las que los Patriots pueden ser campeones del Super Bowl LIII

Home for the week.#EverythingWeGot | #SuperBowlLIII  — New England Patriots (@Patriots) 28 de enero de 2019   5

- Tercer Super Bowl consecutivo: Parece fácil, pero no lo es. Llegar a un tercer Super Bowl de forma consecutiva es una verdadera hazaña para los Patriots

Sobre todo porque lo hicieron una temporada después de haber caído ante las Philadelphia Eagles y en una campaña donde sufrieron bajas importantes

Hasta ahora van 1-1. La remontada épica ante los Atlanta Falcons y la derrota ya mencionada

Si hay un equipo que sabe jugar un Super Bowl en esta época, es precisamente New England

4.- Brady-Belichick: Estamos hablando de una dupla única en la historia de la NFL

Una dinastía que comenzó precisamente ante los Rams en 2002. En ese entonces Brady y Belichick llegaban a su primer Super Bowl juntos, y lo ganaron

Si nos ponemos a comparar estadísticas, la diferencia sería abismal. Pero lo que más cuenta aquí, es el manejo de reloj y de jugadas que muestran los Patriots con estas dos mentes en los controles

Foto: Getty Images 3.- Son los mejores de la postemporada: Y si no nos creen que la experiencia pesa en los playoffs de la NFL, sólo hay que ver las estadísticas

Tom Brady es el mejor mariscal de campo con 691 yardas lanzadas. Corriendo, el mejor es Sony Michel 242 y recibiendo, Julian Edelman se queda con el reconocimiento

En total tiene 247 yardas recibidas. 2.- El hombre récord en los playoffs: Tom Brady podrá caerte bien o mal, pero es claro que es uno de los mejores en la historia de la NFL

El quarterback de los Patriots tiene todos los récords de la postemporada. Es el que más partidos de playoffs ha jugado, el que más ha ganado, el que más ha jugado como titular

Es el que tiene más pases de anotación desde que se juega el Super Bowl, el que más pases ha intentado y el que más ha completado

Foto: Getty Images 1.- Dominio histórico sobre los Rams: No importa si es contra St

Louis o contra Los Ángeles, parece ser que los Patriots le han tomado la medida a los Rams

En total se han enfrentado en trece ocasiones y New England registran ocho victorias

Lo más importante, es que han ganado los últimos cuatro duelos de forma consecutiva

¿Jared Goff frenará su racha o acumulan su quinta en fila?  

For more infomation >> 5 razones por las que los Patriots pueden ser campeones del Super Bowl LIII - Duration: 5:53.


I-81 debated in State Capitol, U.S. Capitol - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> I-81 debated in State Capitol, U.S. Capitol - Duration: 2:46.


Aracely Arámbula se confiesa y admite gusto por exhibir bikinazos - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Aracely Arámbula se confiesa y admite gusto por exhibir bikinazos - Duration: 3:40.


¿Lo sabían? Si unen estas monedas pueden crear el calendario azteca - Duration: 6:29.

Todos sabemos que en las monedas mexicanas viene representada una parte nuestro país

Así como en los billetes aparecen personajes clave dentro de la historia de México, en las monedas ocurre lo mismo

En ellas podemos ver pedazos del calendario azteca. lo que muchos no habían notado, es que al juntar los anillos varias monedas, se forma el calendario completo

Gracias a un hilo en Twitter comenzado por el banco HSBC quedó revelada una información que pocos conocían y es que, si pudiéramos juntar los anillos de las monedas de uno, dos y cinco pesos y ponerles el centro de la moneda de 10 pesos, podríamos formar el calendario azteca

Si uniéramos los anillos de las monedas de $1 M.N., $2 M.N., $5 M.N. y el centro de una moneda de $10 M

N. obtendríamos el #CalendarioAzteca.  — HSBC México (@HSBC_MX) 28 de enero de 2019 Estamos seguros de que muchos ya habían visto estos pequeños elementos tallados en las piezas de metal, sin embargo, no a todos se les había ocurrido unirlos

Aunque probablemente les costará trabajo zafar los anillos de las monedas, pueden ver el calendario tan solo encimando el dinero, desde la pieza más grande a la más chica

En la moneda de $1 M.N. se encuentra el anillo del resplandor, que representa el calendario #Tonalamatl que usaban los sacerdotes para regir las actividades agrícolas de la comunidad

🌾  — HSBC México (@HSBC_MX) 28 de enero de 2019 La moneda de $2 M

N. tiene diez de los veinte pictogramas que evocan los días del mes Azteca, más conocido como #Tonalpohuali  — HSBC México (@HSBC_MX) 28 de enero de 2019 En el anillo de las monedas de $5 M

N. aparecen dos "serpientes de fuego" #Xiuhcóatl, una frente a otra. 🐍 Sus cuerpos están divididos en secciones que representan los 52 ciclos anuales de los que consistió el siglo mexica  — HSBC México (@HSBC_MX) 28 de enero de 2019 En el centro de las monedas de $10 M

N. podrás encontrar el rostro de #Tonatiuh, dios que representaba el sol para los mexicas

🌞 Los cuatro cuadrados que lo rodean simbolizan los soles anteriores. pic.twitter

com/9MuAbP5HOi  — HSBC México (@HSBC_MX) 28 de enero de 2019  Por separado, en las monedas también se pueden ver detalles bastante interesantes del calendario azteca

Por ejemplo, el banco señala que en la moneda de cinco pesos aparecen las dos serpientes de fuego, mientras que en la de un peso está tallado el resplandor que representa el calendario Tonalamatl

El calendario azteca, también conocido como Piedra del Sol, fue hallado el 17 de diciembre de 1790 en la Ciudad de México

Este monumento fue creado por los mexicas antes de la llegada de los españoles y es una de las piezas más importantes en la historia del país, ya que da muestra del gran conocimiento astronómico que tenía esta sociedad antigua

Vía Verne / El País / INAH

For more infomation >> ¿Lo sabían? Si unen estas monedas pueden crear el calendario azteca - Duration: 6:29.


Piramide Decenas Loteria Nacional Para Gordito Zodiaco Millonario Viernes 1 Febrero 2019 Numeros - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Piramide Decenas Loteria Nacional Para Gordito Zodiaco Millonario Viernes 1 Febrero 2019 Numeros - Duration: 1:15.


Doing This Will Destroy Your Car's Transmission - Duration: 5:08.

rev up your engines, billy-bob says Scotty does shifting my car from reverse

to drive without fully stopping cause damage to the transmission, yes it can

especially if you do it at higher speeds and do it all the time, years ago you

could seriously damage the transmission, because they didn't have lock outs on

them, and I had quite a few customers over the years, they were either driving

something and their kid hit the shifter and went from Drive to reverse and

destroyed the transmission, or they had a big bump or something and they jarred

it and put it into reverse, a lot of modern transmissions are set up so you

can't actually do that they're locked out, but if yours can, you don't want to

do that, when you are going from Drive to reverse, or reverse to drive switching

the way the transmission is spinning one way versus the other, always come to a

complete stop before you do that and shift it from either drive to reverse or

reverse to drive, and also if you don't want to destroy your transmission, stay

the heck away from water, transmissions have little drains in them

their little vent holes, and if you go into deep water and that gets

underwater, you can get water in the transmission, and water destroys

automatic transmissions, and the same thing with a lot of cars their

transmission coolers are part of the car's radiator there in the bottom of

the radiator to cool the transmission fluid, if you find that that's leaking

and you're getting a mixture of transmission fluid and water in your coolant

and in your transmission, you want to fix that right away, don't let that go too

far and destroy the transmission from getting water inside it, seven eight nine

nine nine sas Scotty, if the first gear pops out constantly, would a clutch replacement

fix the issue, no if you have a transmission where it pops out of first

gear while you're driving, your transmission is shot, every one that I ever

worked on that you're driving down the road and it

pops out of gear, it was a problem inside the transmission, and the transmission

needed to be rebuilt, that's not a clutch problem, a clutch problem is you can't

get into the gear or it grinds when you're going into gear, but if it's in gear

and you take off and it pops out the only thing that can do that is internal

wear on the transmission and you're just gonna have to

have the thing rebuilt that's just the way that it goes, Kari says Scotty what

do you think of having a 2004 VW Jetta as a daily car, only if you don't drive

it much, my wife used to drive a mile and a half back forth to work when she

taught at a school and it was only a mile and half away,

okay maybe you could get away with it then, but if you're gonna be putting ten

to twenty thousand miles a year on that thing, it'll bankrupt you those things

are money pits as they age they're just, especially if they're an

automatic transmission and if you live in a place like me Houston where it's

hot, their air conditioning systems break and you can only use new compressors

because they're weak enough as they are I've had people try rebuilt compressors on

them and they always break really soon after, so I would not use that car as a

daily driver unless you're driving a couple miles a day, alex says

Scotty I'm planning to buy an old classic car, Range Rover manual classic

81, or Mercedes cl600, okay get the Range Rover if you must, those

classic wants were better made, the Mercedes cl600 is an endless money pit, I got

customers have bought those things, they threw endless money into them and when

they sold them they lost all the money they throw into them, their just endless

money pits at least the Range Rover is an 81 it's simpler, you can still get

parts for it because the English love those things, and that's what I'd go with

it, I personally would buy either one but I definitely would not buy the cl600

they're endless money, Berghoff says dear Scotty our Jeep Wrangler manual

transmission won't go into reverse when it's cold, do you know why does it need

new oil, well you can change the oil and stuff, but if it won't go into reverse

but it goes into all the other gears then you want to check your linkage

maybe the reverse linkage is not going in right and if it's adjustable, adjust it

but if there is no adjustment, and it only goes to all the other gears fine

but not reverse, it means reverse gear is starting to go out, and I see that on

those all the time as they age that's the weakest thing is generally reverse

gear is the first gear to go out on those things, martin says Scotty how do you

fix a 94 honda accord with the brake

light and the blinker lights that stay on even when the key is out, and the radio

doesn't work, well you got an electrical short somewhere

but first, your brake light stays on first thing you want to check is, your

brake light switch, those things have little plastic pieces that the brake light

switch sticks on and when that breaks, then the brake light switch goes

into the hole where the plastic was and that will stay onm so check that first but

if your blinker lights stay on, then you've

got some kind of a short to power or relay or something, you're gonna have to find

out where the power is shorting out to them just pull the fuses, see if they go out

when the fuses are out, and if they do then you know somewhere between the fuse

and the power there's a short, you got to figure out where the short is first, so

if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to

ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Doing This Will Destroy Your Car's Transmission - Duration: 5:08.


[FREE] Lil Uzi Vert x Pierre Bourne Type Beat 2019 "Eternal Atake" (Prod. Jaboii x hiitek) - Duration: 2:48.

[FREE] Lil Uzi Vert x Pierre Bourne Type Beat 2019 "Eternal Atake" (Prod. Jaboii x hiitek)

For more infomation >> [FREE] Lil Uzi Vert x Pierre Bourne Type Beat 2019 "Eternal Atake" (Prod. Jaboii x hiitek) - Duration: 2:48.


Choices: Stories You Play - It Lives Beneath (Chapter 17) Finale Ending {Diamonds} - Duration: 57:16.

Choices: Stories You Play - It Lives Beneath (Chapter 17) Finale Ending {Diamonds}

Choices: Stories You Play - It Lives Beneath (Chapter 17) Finale Ending {Diamonds Used}

Choices: Stories You Play - It Lives Beneath (Chapter 17) {Diamonds}

Choices: Stories You Play - It Lives Beneath (Chapter 17) {Diamonds Used}

Choices: It Lives Beneath (Chapter 17) Finale Ending {Diamonds}

Choices: It Lives Beneath (Chapter 17) Finale Ending {Diamonds Used}

For more infomation >> Choices: Stories You Play - It Lives Beneath (Chapter 17) Finale Ending {Diamonds} - Duration: 57:16.


2000'S DANCEHALL MIX DJ TREASURE EPISODE 1: Vybz Kartel/Mavado/Busy Signal[FEBRUARY 2019]18764807131 - Duration: 27:14.

Thank you for listening and supporting this mega mix. I hope you can share with a friend. Which section of this mix do you enjoy the most?

For more infomation >> 2000'S DANCEHALL MIX DJ TREASURE EPISODE 1: Vybz Kartel/Mavado/Busy Signal[FEBRUARY 2019]18764807131 - Duration: 27:14.


Chris Lai Hipp - UH Alumni Profile - Duration: 4:57.

Sort of like those old school, you know, cartoons where like the wizard in the lab with the

cauldron adding this and that so It's sort of fun to make these things that

you're gonna give someone who's gonna they're gonna now take this and make them

better from it So, clinical pharmacists is basically one

of the two divisions of pharmacy.

The two main divisions are retail and clinical.

Clinical being the hospital based pharmacists.

So, we don't do a lot of dispensing like you'd see at like a retail pharmacy store

like Long's or Walgreens.

That's … everyone thinks like, well, how many pills do you count per day?

I don't count any pills per day.

I don't do that.

We more work as like consultants in the hospital helping the physicians to manage the patients.

So, if you come in to see me in the hospital you come to me normally in probably your worst

state, your sickest state.

You come in to the ER via ambulance.

Let's say you have a heart attack outside the hospital and your heart had unfortunately

stopped and they're doing CPR as you came in, when you come into the ER, I would be

helping the staff and the doctors decide which drugs to use, when to push your epinephrine

and which IV medications to give you to help you keep your heart going or start it up again

I make recommendations sort of on my own, whatever I think is the best treatment plan

for the patients The most interesting thing to me about pharmacy,

it would be, this is gonna be nerding out for a second, but it's the interaction with

the drug molecule with the body itself and how I can give you a chemical and cause a

drastic change in your body for the good or for the bad

So, you're working in the ER.

We'll see people that come in and overdose on illicit drugs, or even you know the medication

they were given by their doctors and they could have a negative outcome and how I can

sort of use other medications to correct that and to prevent them from having a negative


Every person alive basically is gonna have to have some interaction with medications

in their life at some point and you come into the hospital, you know,

every patient in the building is gonna be on something

At least, you know, as needed, or something so you sort of touch every single life, every

single patient that comes in through the medical center, so

I thought it was important to be knowledgeable and skillful in this aspect of healthcare

to try to help patients have the best outcome that they could have

So, I feel that UH gave me probably the best foundation possible starting off at KCC.

It was really good since I was going to the very heavily science based field.

I felt it was the best option with the faculty and the class sizes, the availability of classes

that really helped to build a strong foundation for me to go on into the upper level sciences

later on.

Actually, when I was doing a Masters program at UH Manoa, I had taken two graduate level

pharmacology classes I had heard of pharmacy, but I didn't know

that there was different fields of pharmacy before that

So, in this class I sort of learned about what is clinical pharmacy and sort of what

their role is in the hospital and I thought oh that's pretty interesting

It's doctor level work but not as a physician, so whenever the UH Hilo School of Pharmacy

opened, I thought hey that's a good chance to you know kind of go more into that

I try to stay as active as I can with UH especially with the School of Pharmacy

You know I try to help out as much as possible.

I do teach some classes for them Yeah, I mean I actually, I enjoy teaching

a lot.

I used to, I used to hate public speaking, but teaching has given me a lot of confidence

to do that, but also That old saying about you really learn the

most by teaching I found it to be a hundred percent correct

I do.

I feel like I learn so much more by working with students or teaching

Well, I think for students who aren't sure what they wanna do I think it's important

to keep a open mind and not be afraid to try different things

I did sort of bounce around between medical laboratory science, the research sciences,

like clinical, like medicine type things which I'm really now in pharmacy

But now when I'm done I still encompass all of those things in my daily job and I

wouldn't have had as good of a grasp on that if I didn't do what I did previously

Which was try different things learn different things and could have been familiar in different

aspects in the medical sciences You sort of have to understand the whole process,

the whole, every piece of the puzzle to be the best practitioner that you can be

I think the biggest thing I got out of my time at UH, at the various campuses, I sort

of learned how to learn, which I think is the most important thing

Cause not everyone knows how to do that and my time at UH has kind of taught me how to

learn, how I learned and how I can use that to go forward in life.

For more infomation >> Chris Lai Hipp - UH Alumni Profile - Duration: 4:57.


Hacked Games download for free 2019 - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Hacked Games download for free 2019 - Duration: 3:18.


Hacked games download ios/Android 2019 - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Hacked games download ios/Android 2019 - Duration: 3:18.


Things Meghan Has Been Barred From Doing Since She Said 'I Do' - Duration: 4:03.

Now that some time has passed since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's royal wedding, it's

easy to forget that Markle is still learning the royal ropes.

She does make it look pretty effortless, after all.

Nevertheless, Markle has to follow lots of rules.

Here are just a few of them.

Pictures abound of Harry and Meghan greeting well-wishers in Nottingham after announcing

their engagement.

However, what you won't see are any selfies of the pair, whether alone, with each other,

or with members of the crowds.

Taking a selfie seems like an innocuous enough thing to do, but they're off-limits for royals.

Matthew Barzun, a United States ambassador with whom the Queen confided, explained Elizabeth's

disdain for cell phone photography to Tatler magazine.

Apparently, the Queen finds it "strange" to see a sea of cell phones aimed at her when

she walks toward a crowd.

As far as first-world problems go, this one may pretty much take the cake.

Still, it's not hard to understand her point.

Barzun explained,

"Had we thought of that?"

It seems the Queen's personal distaste for selfies has trickled down to the rest of the

royal family.

You won't find any selfies taken by these Brits and the only selfies of Meghan you'll

find are from her pre-Harry days.

Sometimes there's just nothing better than indulging in a bowl of creamy, garlicky pasta.

But if you're dining with the Queen, it's not exactly an option.

Darren McGrady, a royal chef at Buckingham Palace, confirmed this rule to Express, saying,

This royally sucks for Meghan, who, before dating Harry, revealed on Today one of her

favorite meals: slow-cooked "Filipino-style chicken adobo."

Depending on the recipe, that dish uses 5-to-10 cloves of garlic.

Sorry Meghan!

Although royal expert and commentator Victoria Arbiter told Business Insider that this is

"not a hard and steadfast rule," and she thinks the logic behind it is sound, saying,

Shortly after Harry and Meghan completed their first royal engagement together, Us Weekly

reported that all of Meghan's social media accounts had been wiped.

Kensington Palace revealed in a statement to the publication,

Months earlier, Meghan also shut down her lifestyle blog, The Tig.

Although Meghan amassed a following of over three million people on Instagram, 350,000

on Twitter, and 800,000 likes on Facebook, she decided to trade in her online presence

for her Prince Charming.

It's not unusual for royals to be without their own social media accounts.

In fact, Princess Eugenie is the only royal who runs her own, and, technically speaking,

she's not a "working" royal.

Any official posts about Meghan and the rest of the working royal family come not from

the royals themselves, but a social media assistant.

In an excerpt from royal biographer Andrew Morton's biography, Meghan: A Hollywood Princess,

it is revealed that Meghan likely practiced before sitting down for tea with the Queen.

The biographer wrote,

In order to drink tea like the royal she now is, Meghan must stir her tea lightly and avoid

raising her pinky finger.

Oh, and never, ever slurp!


"What you're supposed to do is this very gentle back-and-forth motion, and there's no sound."


Even prior to marrying Harry, Meghan started practicing what etiquette experts have dubbed

the "duchess slant" to avoid slouchy sitting, which is unbecoming of a royal.

This position involves bringing the knees and ankles together while angling uncrossed

legs to either the left or right side.

Royal etiquette expert Myka Meier told People,

Although Markle has been criticized for crossing her legs, she still always makes sure to angle

her legs to one side.

Could this be a bold new take on the duchess slant?

For more infomation >> Things Meghan Has Been Barred From Doing Since She Said 'I Do' - Duration: 4:03.


Guaido on Venezuela: I am absolutely certain we will have change this time - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Guaido on Venezuela: I am absolutely certain we will have change this time - Duration: 2:15.


Local I-Team: Mexico Surgery Warning - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Local I-Team: Mexico Surgery Warning - Duration: 1:32.


I-81 debated in State Capitol, U.S. Capitol - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> I-81 debated in State Capitol, U.S. Capitol - Duration: 2:46.


(I LOVE PET!! vol.2) Faixa 10 - Razão de estar aqui [Legendado PT-BR] - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> (I LOVE PET!! vol.2) Faixa 10 - Razão de estar aqui [Legendado PT-BR] - Duration: 1:38.


Homeowner encourages women to get weapons training after burglary - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Homeowner encourages women to get weapons training after burglary - Duration: 2:34.


Smart Devices: The Fuel Behind Growing Attacks (w/ Justine Underhill) | Discoveries | Real Vision™ - Duration: 1:53.

I've now got a foothold in your network which allows me to pivot to other devices in your


The first thing I'll do is demonstrate that I can control the device itself.

And now I'm going to turn the switch back off.

Oh my god.

Because I'm able to exploit this simple plug, I can use that to look at other devices.

So I'm going to run that script right now.

And what that's going to do is bring up the live video feed.

So now we can use the Wemo to look for and control TVs on the network.

So can you confirm for me that the video is playing?

Yeah, it's playing.

Let's turn the volume up so maybe we have a better chance of hearing it.

Oh, no.

Welcome to the RCA Whirlpool miracle kitchen- The miracle kitchen of the future wasn't too

far off from reality- It gives you the advanced styling and engineering

of tomorrow.

In many ways, that idealistic connected kitchen has arrived today.

And the gadgets are now called Internet of Things, or IoT.

Internet connected lights, refrigerators, outlets, thermostats-- we'll soon be living

in a world where automated cars will talk to each other to reduce traffic, connected

homes will adjust energy use, smart clothing will track our health.

All with the promise that our lives will be easier, more productive, happier.

But only if these devices are secure.

For more infomation >> Smart Devices: The Fuel Behind Growing Attacks (w/ Justine Underhill) | Discoveries | Real Vision™ - Duration: 1:53.


Snow Squall Causes Massive Chain-Reaction Crash In Berks County - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Snow Squall Causes Massive Chain-Reaction Crash In Berks County - Duration: 1:48.


DANANN | Zion (Official Music Video) - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> DANANN | Zion (Official Music Video) - Duration: 4:03.


Corpus Christi School 3rd grade with Chief Meteorologist Alan Sealls - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Corpus Christi School 3rd grade with Chief Meteorologist Alan Sealls - Duration: 0:44.


Patriot Place Restaurant Abruptly Closes - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Patriot Place Restaurant Abruptly Closes - Duration: 1:57.


Doing This Will Destroy Your Car's Transmission - Duration: 5:08.

rev up your engines, billy-bob says Scotty does shifting my car from reverse

to drive without fully stopping cause damage to the transmission, yes it can

especially if you do it at higher speeds and do it all the time, years ago you

could seriously damage the transmission, because they didn't have lock outs on

them, and I had quite a few customers over the years, they were either driving

something and their kid hit the shifter and went from Drive to reverse and

destroyed the transmission, or they had a big bump or something and they jarred

it and put it into reverse, a lot of modern transmissions are set up so you

can't actually do that they're locked out, but if yours can, you don't want to

do that, when you are going from Drive to reverse, or reverse to drive switching

the way the transmission is spinning one way versus the other, always come to a

complete stop before you do that and shift it from either drive to reverse or

reverse to drive, and also if you don't want to destroy your transmission, stay

the heck away from water, transmissions have little drains in them

their little vent holes, and if you go into deep water and that gets

underwater, you can get water in the transmission, and water destroys

automatic transmissions, and the same thing with a lot of cars their

transmission coolers are part of the car's radiator there in the bottom of

the radiator to cool the transmission fluid, if you find that that's leaking

and you're getting a mixture of transmission fluid and water in your coolant

and in your transmission, you want to fix that right away, don't let that go too

far and destroy the transmission from getting water inside it, seven eight nine

nine nine sas Scotty, if the first gear pops out constantly, would a clutch replacement

fix the issue, no if you have a transmission where it pops out of first

gear while you're driving, your transmission is shot, every one that I ever

worked on that you're driving down the road and it

pops out of gear, it was a problem inside the transmission, and the transmission

needed to be rebuilt, that's not a clutch problem, a clutch problem is you can't

get into the gear or it grinds when you're going into gear, but if it's in gear

and you take off and it pops out the only thing that can do that is internal

wear on the transmission and you're just gonna have to

have the thing rebuilt that's just the way that it goes, Kari says Scotty what

do you think of having a 2004 VW Jetta as a daily car, only if you don't drive

it much, my wife used to drive a mile and a half back forth to work when she

taught at a school and it was only a mile and half away,

okay maybe you could get away with it then, but if you're gonna be putting ten

to twenty thousand miles a year on that thing, it'll bankrupt you those things

are money pits as they age they're just, especially if they're an

automatic transmission and if you live in a place like me Houston where it's

hot, their air conditioning systems break and you can only use new compressors

because they're weak enough as they are I've had people try rebuilt compressors on

them and they always break really soon after, so I would not use that car as a

daily driver unless you're driving a couple miles a day, alex says

Scotty I'm planning to buy an old classic car, Range Rover manual classic

81, or Mercedes cl600, okay get the Range Rover if you must, those

classic wants were better made, the Mercedes cl600 is an endless money pit, I got

customers have bought those things, they threw endless money into them and when

they sold them they lost all the money they throw into them, their just endless

money pits at least the Range Rover is an 81 it's simpler, you can still get

parts for it because the English love those things, and that's what I'd go with

it, I personally would buy either one but I definitely would not buy the cl600

they're endless money, Berghoff says dear Scotty our Jeep Wrangler manual

transmission won't go into reverse when it's cold, do you know why does it need

new oil, well you can change the oil and stuff, but if it won't go into reverse

but it goes into all the other gears then you want to check your linkage

maybe the reverse linkage is not going in right and if it's adjustable, adjust it

but if there is no adjustment, and it only goes to all the other gears fine

but not reverse, it means reverse gear is starting to go out, and I see that on

those all the time as they age that's the weakest thing is generally reverse

gear is the first gear to go out on those things, martin says Scotty how do you

fix a 94 honda accord with the brake

light and the blinker lights that stay on even when the key is out, and the radio

doesn't work, well you got an electrical short somewhere

but first, your brake light stays on first thing you want to check is, your

brake light switch, those things have little plastic pieces that the brake light

switch sticks on and when that breaks, then the brake light switch goes

into the hole where the plastic was and that will stay onm so check that first but

if your blinker lights stay on, then you've

got some kind of a short to power or relay or something, you're gonna have to find

out where the power is shorting out to them just pull the fuses, see if they go out

when the fuses are out, and if they do then you know somewhere between the fuse

and the power there's a short, you got to figure out where the short is first, so

if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to

ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Doing This Will Destroy Your Car's Transmission - Duration: 5:08.


Another Broken Game - ANTHEM FAILS - Duration: 6:19.


what what the fudge all right let's give it

one more try let's see if we can get in here holy shiz what the hell's going on

in this place this is looking pretty nice I'm digging the hub area pretty

good graphics that guy is bald ooh now we get to try out our Iron Man

mech suit can't wait to hop in and try a new mission in this badash looking armor

here over launching the mission here we go one hour later two hours later

three hours late they'll join cause you almost had me EA you almost effing had

me I had my game pre-ordered I was ready to play the demo all you had to do was

make the effing demo work and Here I am sitting at a loading screen at 95% for

effing three days instead of playing the game that i pre-ordered to get

access for for three days I'm instead looking at a effing loading screen this

shiz needs to stop I am so effing done with EA and gaming in general these days

because no game is effing shipping the way that it should and no this is not

the final release this is a demo but it's effing stupid still i pre-ordered

to get the demo I can't even play the effing demo I probably won't even be

able to play it during the effing free weekend that they're having here soon

because Bioware already said that it's gonna be a tough fix to fix the infinite

loading screen so I'm sure they're not gonna fix it in a week they came out and

said specifically that's gonna be a tough one well eff who cares dude I'm a

consumer I want what I effing paid $60 and pre-ordered your game for I don't

care how hard it is make it effing happen because I should already be

compensated for effing pre-ordering your game when it doesn't even work to

get access to it for three days a week before everyone else is gonna get it

that's why I effing pre-ordered I really wish I could get into this game

and watching the gameplay from all the youtubers who went to the capture events

and watching people play the demo the game does look incredibly fun but I just

don't think I can support EA and Bioware I don't want to be a part of a year-long

beta test for Bioware or EA to make the final product good I already

do that with destiny okay I've done that with destiny since it came out I'm a

die-hard destiny fan whatever I'm a loser I get it whatever but I don't want

to do it again for a EA and Bioware I don't want to do it for the division -

as much as that game looks pretty fun and I enjoyed the first one for a little

bit I don't want to be another effing beta tester for an entire year before

the game gets to where it should have been

not to mention that I'd have to pay $60 to be one of those beta testers or even

more than $60 if you pre-ordered the thumb up your ass Jolly Rogers McGee

Edition that they have for $80 and the other effing Edition for 100

20 dollars or whatever they got going on games these days are a freaking joke do

not pre-order any game I made the mistake again by pre-ordering this pile

of shiz now look I really hope the game is good for those who are gonna continue

to support Bioware and EA and obviously there's a huge fanbase of this game

already for whatever reason and for those people I hope this game is effing

awesome okay like I'm not trying to say you know I hope your game fails I hope

that this game doesn't work out and that EA and Bioware don't fix the problems

with it but all I'm really trying to say is we got to stop having faith in

companies like EA and whoever bio area is at this point they're not the same

Bioware from the days of old honestly overall in this entire video I'm just

really upset with the entire gaming industry as a whole

none of the games coming out these days seem to have a freaking working product

when the release date comes there's always day one patches

there's always huge huge freaking problems that should have been solved

but are not solved for months after the game's release what the frick happened to

gaming man what happened to a game when you paid $60 and it effing worked what

happened dude you know this could be a 20 minute rant but honestly I don't want

to ran for 20 minutes cuz who gives a crap seriously man

now I quickly want to mention EA and Bioware they have people working on the

game obviously it's their job I'm not trying to attack those people I have

respect for all individuals who are working just trying to make a living

making a video game that's their passion but at the end of the day this is a

business transaction I am here to buy a video game they are there to make one

you know Bioware keeps saying in these interviews it's really hard to make a

new IP it's really tough making anthem and as a

human being you can sympathize with the developers and people who are working on

the game because you're like yeah work is tough trying to get things to work is

not always smooth as you want it to be but as a consumer I am here to buy a

product and that's it I do not care about how it's being made you know I

don't cut Chevy or Ford slack when I'm driving on the freeway and my car bursts

into flames after I just bought it brand new I don't say oh it's just the demo

car oh it was just the beta test it was a it was an alpha build no dude freaking

that's a ludicrous mindset to have okay you can't be cutting these companies

slack if your flippin car explodes and if you buy a car that's

working it should be the exact same for a video game why should I accept you

know it's it just came out there's gonna be problems they should have had these

problems sorted out internally we should not have to beta-test after paying for

it and figure out the problems for them now I understand this video will come

off probably as an entitled and whining and complaining kind of video and that's

pretty much honestly what it is okay I'm paying $60 I'm entitled to complain

about it if it was a free game and it was just given to everybody sure I'd be

grateful and say oh you know it's a free game it was a public service to just

have Bioware and EA just hand everybody this game for free but that was not the

case there's money coming out of my pocket coming out of your pocket coming

out of everybody's pocket handing it to these giant corporations to give us a

product that doesn't even work that's the root of the problem that's why I'm

complaining and making this video if this continues to be a trend in the

gaming industry then I think the gaming industry as a whole is just entirely

screwed that's all I got for this video thanks for watching taking the time out

of your day to hear me just ramble on about how crappy gaming is these days

and I will see you guys on my next one

For more infomation >> Another Broken Game - ANTHEM FAILS - Duration: 6:19.


From cod-piece flashing to getting Dani involved: Every iconic moment in Danny Dyer's Right Royal Fa - Duration: 5:08.

Danny Dyer defends historical homosexuality in new show Right Royal Family (Picture: BBC) Danny Dyer decided to explore more of his Right Royal Family in a new BBC two-part series, and accidentally graced us with the best TV since his Who Do You Think You Are stint

 After the 41-year-old's first episode went down a treat, with viewers branding it the 'best history lesson ever', the pressure was on for the second instalment

 And the EastEnders star definitely pulled out all the stops – and cod pieces – to make sure it was memorable

Danny Dyer tried and failed to sail around a moat (Picture: BBC)Sailing (terribly) into Leeds Castle  Danny Dyer kicked the episode off by vowing to 'get amongst it' as he headed into Leeds Castle to find out more about Edward II

 Unfortunately, the 'getting amongst it' meant he attempted to sail around a moat in a little boat, before whacking straight into a wall

Advertisement Advertisement  Maybe stick to walking in future, eh Dan? 'He was stabbed with a trumpet?'  After his trip in the moat, he was taken on a journey to explore King Edward II – ending up in the exact cell where his ancestor was killed

 Which isn't ideal…  However, things took a turn when he found out exactly how the former King was killed, and it's a little painful

 During a chat with the historian, he explained: 'Let me get this straight, he's been stabbed with a trumpet?' Danny went back to his royal roots (Picture: BBC) Bit of a grisly way to go, but it gets worse when Danny finds out said trumpet was put up his 'bottle and glass'

 He continued: 'They chuck a mattress over his nut, they put a trumpet up his "bottle and glass" – which means bum – and not only that, they then stick a red hot poker as well? So they've really gone in there and gone crackers on him

They've got all medieval on him.'  'I'm in a bit of a sombre mood,' he later explained

'I'm glad we're not re-enacting anything from Edward II, I'm glad there's no trumpets lying around.' Dressing up as a knight  Danny then explored Henry Percy's roots, and dressed himself like a knight to do so

 Think Heath Ledger in A Knight's Tale, but a little more East End. Who knew Danny was related to knights? (Picture: BBC) But the actor wasn't too impressed with the get-up, comparing it to 'wearing another man'

Advertisement Advertisement  Not sure what that actually feels like, but okay…  He also tried and failed to do a press-up, which left him begging to go back and put his Chinos on

Have you seen ghosts?  Danny was taken to Wolf Hall to discover more about John Seymour – dad of Henry VIII's wife, Jane

 But, when faced with one of John's descendants – other than him, obviously – he decided to quiz her on whether she'd seen his ghost floating around

 Short answer: No. Cod piece testing  Things got even more intimate when Danny was asked to pick out his cod piece of choice

 'You're going to want to show you're a man of status,' the historian told him. Danny showed off his jazzy little cod piece (Picture: BBC) 'I would've used my brain and gone for a smaller cod piece, to let everyone in the room know I don't need a big cod piece because what's underneath is Godzilla…,' he said

 We now know too much about Danny's figure, and not enough about John Seymour… Booooovyon Bannnnn  The moment Danny was tasked with singing a traditional French song will go down in TV history

Danny singing a song is TV gold (Picture: BBC) Booooovyon Bannnnn, booooovyon baaaaaaaan

 We can see it going to the top of the charts instantly. A family affair  Getting truly into the spirit of the show, Danny invited his family – including wife Jo, and their children, Dani, Sunnie, Arty – to a sugar banquet, dressed up as royalty

Advertisement  It's a little different to when we last saw Dani on Love Island, dressed up in a corset and with a tiara

Dani also got her royal vibe one (Picture: BBC) Maybe a new look for us all?  And they all took the history show into the present day, switching up a traditional dance lesson by flossing

 Can we please be part of the Dyer family? Got a showbiz story?  If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Entertainment team by emailing us, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you

 MORE: You season 2 casts Haunting Of Hill House's Nell as lead female  MORE: I'm A Celebrity bosses 'don't let anyone who's been on Celebrity Big Brother' join line-up Advertisement Advertisement

For more infomation >> From cod-piece flashing to getting Dani involved: Every iconic moment in Danny Dyer's Right Royal Fa - Duration: 5:08.


Son Oh Gong + Jin Seon Mi | Wicked Game - Duration: 4:08.

I knew it.

Because of me, you're hurting and

are going to die.

She said it was a death bell!

It's horrifying.

I'm not leaving from here.

End and...


Of course.

My feelings are fake after all.

I'll be done and

you'll be alone again.

Until then,

I'll be by your side.

I love you, Jin Seon Mi.

It's a relief that when you're left by yourself,

love won't be

left behind.

For more infomation >> Son Oh Gong + Jin Seon Mi | Wicked Game - Duration: 4:08.


Thai woman drugged and robbed British tourist after luring him to hotel for ses to steal gold chains - Duration: 3:20.

ABritish holidaymaker was drugged by a Thai woman who lured him to a hotel for sex after targeting men wearing gold

Kam Pakham waited on the streets of Pattaya before luring foreigners with 'gold valuables on show' back to a hotel with the promise of sex

But the femme fatale's scam came to light after British holidaymaker, Daniel Booth, woke up the morning after with his watch and phone missing

The 27-year-old told police he had spent the night with the Thai woman on Saturday after meeting her on the street outside his hotel

He took the Thai woman up to his room for a 'party' but has little recollection of the events after two drinks

Police began searching for the suspect from hotel CCTV and found her walking suspiciously on nearby streets, she then fled when officers approached her

The 48-year-old was captured three days after her encounter with Mr Booth outside bars on the busy Soi Buakhao Road, where she was scoping out rich male tourists

Pakham told police she chose men with gold chains and expensive watched on show before offering them sex

She admitted her scam, saying that it was not her first time and was detained at Pattaya police station for legal proceedings

Pakham said: 'I've done this three or four times now.I will look for men wearing expensive accessories, join them in their room, and put sleeping pills in the drink

'Then, I will steal watches, phones, and some money before I leave.' Investigators searched her room and found more than 10 luxury brand watches and smartphones

Police chief Apichai Krobtech said: 'My team will always protect tourists and catch criminals quickly

'This thief believed she would be successful, but the police found her.'We will attempt to trace her victims so they can have their stolen property back

For more infomation >> Thai woman drugged and robbed British tourist after luring him to hotel for ses to steal gold chains - Duration: 3:20.


[FREE] Lil Baby x Gunna Type Beat - Drip - Duration: 3:44.

[FREE] Lil Baby x Gunna Type Beat - Drip

For more infomation >> [FREE] Lil Baby x Gunna Type Beat - Drip - Duration: 3:44.


"Naa" - Chill Storytelling Trap Beat Rap Hip Hop Instrumental 2019 | Instrumentals + - Duration: 3:41.

Buy 1 Get 3 Free at:

For more infomation >> "Naa" - Chill Storytelling Trap Beat Rap Hip Hop Instrumental 2019 | Instrumentals + - Duration: 3:41.


#EwangeliarzOP || 31 stycznia 2019 || Mk 4, 21-25 - Duration: 1:08.


How true it is! If you do not pass what you have got on, you will lose it.

You cannot comment on the Gospel in a shorter way.

How true that is!

If you understand something, [if] you get something, [if] you change something in your life something because God has worked,

because He has sent you words of wisdom, a solution, and [if] you do not pass the solution on,

[if] you do not look for those who are in need of something similar to the thing you were in need of quite recently; you will lose it. You will simply lose it.

You will get the short end of the stick because you have turned out to be ungenerous. You have not gone to other people with the solution God gave you.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP || 31 stycznia 2019 || Mk 4, 21-25 - Duration: 1:08.


YUGI H5 - Skull Servant vs Synchro, những trận chiến hay (31.01.2019) - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 10:43.

For more infomation >> YUGI H5 - Skull Servant vs Synchro, những trận chiến hay (31.01.2019) - Thầnbà YugiH5 - Duration: 10:43.


string art diseño o boceto brazo de orion por jorge de la tierra - Duration: 5:01.


let's see how to make the sketch design for the work that we have called arm

of Orion for this we are going to use a Table of dimensions 61 x 61 centimeters

The first thing we are going to do is leave a margin of the horizontal sides and of

the vertical sides of 2 centimeters

then we are going to draw the diagonals for find the center, later we go

to build three circumferences of radio 5 centimeters 12.5 and 28.5

centimeters respectively, then we go to make 18 divisions in each of

the three circles, said divisions will have a distance of 20

degrees one of the other or we can also use the following mathematical formula

we multiply the diameter for the first circumference in this case is

10 centimeters per pi that equals 3.14 16

and we divide it by 18 so we will get the distance between point and point

for the first circumference would be 1.74 centimeters or using the

Conveyor we divide in 20 degrees each section.

If you want to know how I made the tensed of the threads for this work you

I invite you to click on the following notification, for the second

circumference we have a diameter of 25 centimeters by 3.14 16 and divided by

18 the distance between point and point is

4.3 centimeters or 20 degrees

if you want to know how I prepare the base for a work of string art, I invite you to

click on the following notification. finally divide the third

circumference also in the 18 parts as the diameter is 57 centimeters

then we multiply 57 by 3.14 16 and we divide it by 18 the distance between

point and point is 9.94 centimeters

now let's intercept the points of the second circumference with the points

of the third circumference


we only have to make some divisions of 0.7 centimeters between point and point

in each of the lines drawn for subsequently place the nails

for this work we have used the Next number of nails or sprigs

for the central circumference we have used 18 one-inch nails and

for each of the radios of our work we have used 23 nails of a

inch separated one from the other 0.7 centimeters

For more infomation >> string art diseño o boceto brazo de orion por jorge de la tierra - Duration: 5:01.


Repórter NBR - 30 de janeiro de 2019 - Duration: 23:08.

For more infomation >> Repórter NBR - 30 de janeiro de 2019 - Duration: 23:08.


O que fizeram de ti, ó Brumadinho? l Poesia l Matheus Fernando - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> O que fizeram de ti, ó Brumadinho? l Poesia l Matheus Fernando - Duration: 1:25.


BBB19: Caso seja líder, Paula revela quem indicará para o paredão e choca com decisão - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> BBB19: Caso seja líder, Paula revela quem indicará para o paredão e choca com decisão - Duration: 5:58.


BBB19: Acusada de racismo, Paula decide explicar o que é humor negro para participantes - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> BBB19: Acusada de racismo, Paula decide explicar o que é humor negro para participantes - Duration: 3:26.


BBB19: Sisters elegem Rodrigo Lombardi o homem mais se-xy do Brasil e citam outros galãs - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> BBB19: Sisters elegem Rodrigo Lombardi o homem mais se-xy do Brasil e citam outros galãs - Duration: 6:03.


Doing This Will Destroy Your Car's Transmission - Duration: 5:08.

rev up your engines, billy-bob says Scotty does shifting my car from reverse

to drive without fully stopping cause damage to the transmission, yes it can

especially if you do it at higher speeds and do it all the time, years ago you

could seriously damage the transmission, because they didn't have lock outs on

them, and I had quite a few customers over the years, they were either driving

something and their kid hit the shifter and went from Drive to reverse and

destroyed the transmission, or they had a big bump or something and they jarred

it and put it into reverse, a lot of modern transmissions are set up so you

can't actually do that they're locked out, but if yours can, you don't want to

do that, when you are going from Drive to reverse, or reverse to drive switching

the way the transmission is spinning one way versus the other, always come to a

complete stop before you do that and shift it from either drive to reverse or

reverse to drive, and also if you don't want to destroy your transmission, stay

the heck away from water, transmissions have little drains in them

their little vent holes, and if you go into deep water and that gets

underwater, you can get water in the transmission, and water destroys

automatic transmissions, and the same thing with a lot of cars their

transmission coolers are part of the car's radiator there in the bottom of

the radiator to cool the transmission fluid, if you find that that's leaking

and you're getting a mixture of transmission fluid and water in your coolant

and in your transmission, you want to fix that right away, don't let that go too

far and destroy the transmission from getting water inside it, seven eight nine

nine nine sas Scotty, if the first gear pops out constantly, would a clutch replacement

fix the issue, no if you have a transmission where it pops out of first

gear while you're driving, your transmission is shot, every one that I ever

worked on that you're driving down the road and it

pops out of gear, it was a problem inside the transmission, and the transmission

needed to be rebuilt, that's not a clutch problem, a clutch problem is you can't

get into the gear or it grinds when you're going into gear, but if it's in gear

and you take off and it pops out the only thing that can do that is internal

wear on the transmission and you're just gonna have to

have the thing rebuilt that's just the way that it goes, Kari says Scotty what

do you think of having a 2004 VW Jetta as a daily car, only if you don't drive

it much, my wife used to drive a mile and a half back forth to work when she

taught at a school and it was only a mile and half away,

okay maybe you could get away with it then, but if you're gonna be putting ten

to twenty thousand miles a year on that thing, it'll bankrupt you those things

are money pits as they age they're just, especially if they're an

automatic transmission and if you live in a place like me Houston where it's

hot, their air conditioning systems break and you can only use new compressors

because they're weak enough as they are I've had people try rebuilt compressors on

them and they always break really soon after, so I would not use that car as a

daily driver unless you're driving a couple miles a day, alex says

Scotty I'm planning to buy an old classic car, Range Rover manual classic

81, or Mercedes cl600, okay get the Range Rover if you must, those

classic wants were better made, the Mercedes cl600 is an endless money pit, I got

customers have bought those things, they threw endless money into them and when

they sold them they lost all the money they throw into them, their just endless

money pits at least the Range Rover is an 81 it's simpler, you can still get

parts for it because the English love those things, and that's what I'd go with

it, I personally would buy either one but I definitely would not buy the cl600

they're endless money, Berghoff says dear Scotty our Jeep Wrangler manual

transmission won't go into reverse when it's cold, do you know why does it need

new oil, well you can change the oil and stuff, but if it won't go into reverse

but it goes into all the other gears then you want to check your linkage

maybe the reverse linkage is not going in right and if it's adjustable, adjust it

but if there is no adjustment, and it only goes to all the other gears fine

but not reverse, it means reverse gear is starting to go out, and I see that on

those all the time as they age that's the weakest thing is generally reverse

gear is the first gear to go out on those things, martin says Scotty how do you

fix a 94 honda accord with the brake

light and the blinker lights that stay on even when the key is out, and the radio

doesn't work, well you got an electrical short somewhere

but first, your brake light stays on first thing you want to check is, your

brake light switch, those things have little plastic pieces that the brake light

switch sticks on and when that breaks, then the brake light switch goes

into the hole where the plastic was and that will stay onm so check that first but

if your blinker lights stay on, then you've

got some kind of a short to power or relay or something, you're gonna have to find

out where the power is shorting out to them just pull the fuses, see if they go out

when the fuses are out, and if they do then you know somewhere between the fuse

and the power there's a short, you got to figure out where the short is first, so

if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to

ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Doing This Will Destroy Your Car's Transmission - Duration: 5:08.


Little Einsteins | O Yes, O Yes, It's Springtime! - Eloise Glover - Duration: 10:01.

"PLEASE, LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBCRIBE my video! Thank you very much!"

At all totem tail

Arts Pacific Northwest totem poles by Johann Sebastian Bach

Hi, I'm good see today my friends we're seeing a totem pole

Well, let's go look for one

Who stole the sunshine

Another totem pole

That let's go say hello

Wow this totem pole is so little

Uh-oh little totem pole wants to tell us his story but look, he doesn't have any pictures

This guy doesn't have a story

Back home. Oh

I know what to do. I'll make up a sign to call it totem pole

That's a great idea Annie

Yeah, I wonder if little totem pole hurt us. Let's listen for his song

Let's keep trying

Little totem pole listen

Here we come to save little totem pole. Listen

Here we come to save you

Let's listen

Yes, yes good searching humble before he falls into the chilly water

Rocket extend your clapper catcher

Great job Annie, he's safe. You know, there's a picture on him whose picture is that?



But how will we get past this giant ice wall

Look, there's a hole in the wall. It's a tunnel through the IE

Now listen the Annie and rocket must have gone down the wrong path

We have to find our team

Favorite friends


But we still have to save Annie I'm rockin Pat with us

There's the end of the tunnel we made it oh

That's right, it's Leo

Little totem pole is telling the stop

There's polar bear mountain totem fully over the mountains Oh

Don't worry I'll climb Polar Bear Mountain with you great

What's Wrong little total boo

What's it little tool

But I need your help play your flute with me

Kitty now, let's keep climbing

What should we do now?

Right, let's play did it work. Yes

Great fling

Yes, it's Quincy

You're almost home

Look at all those trees up ahead

So proud of you

Little Tony ball isn't done yet. Look at that. It's

The other totem poles are so excited to see him

The other totem poles that's a here little totem poles story

Let's help little totem pole. Tell his story to all come to save you

Then Leo and little totem pole patted the rhythm to save us in the ice

Tunnel a bear's fall asleep. Can you show the totem poles how you played your flutes?

Who shall the totem poles the swish tents

And that's how

Now let's show the snowy owl had to be really silly have another

Lily no, it works. Whoa. Where's the Fox?

Yeah, they're like an arctic fox


Now, let's show the fuck. Where's your tail and spin the spooky forest anymore. It's a silly forest

Goodbye, Arctic sucks

To be reindeer first, it's our mission when it go Quinn ski, you're very courageous

No, I

Hear something

What's making that sound

Stay where you are baby reindeer, we're coming but we don't know what way to go

Baby, reindeer prints are gone

Great say fortissimo


Leo so we need to help Quincy not feel scared

For more infomation >> Little Einsteins | O Yes, O Yes, It's Springtime! - Eloise Glover - Duration: 10:01.


From cod-piece flashing to getting Dani involved: Every iconic moment in Danny Dyer's Right Royal Fa - Duration: 5:08.

Danny Dyer defends historical homosexuality in new show Right Royal Family (Picture: BBC) Danny Dyer decided to explore more of his Right Royal Family in a new BBC two-part series, and accidentally graced us with the best TV since his Who Do You Think You Are stint

 After the 41-year-old's first episode went down a treat, with viewers branding it the 'best history lesson ever', the pressure was on for the second instalment

 And the EastEnders star definitely pulled out all the stops – and cod pieces – to make sure it was memorable

Danny Dyer tried and failed to sail around a moat (Picture: BBC)Sailing (terribly) into Leeds Castle  Danny Dyer kicked the episode off by vowing to 'get amongst it' as he headed into Leeds Castle to find out more about Edward II

 Unfortunately, the 'getting amongst it' meant he attempted to sail around a moat in a little boat, before whacking straight into a wall

Advertisement Advertisement  Maybe stick to walking in future, eh Dan? 'He was stabbed with a trumpet?'  After his trip in the moat, he was taken on a journey to explore King Edward II – ending up in the exact cell where his ancestor was killed

 Which isn't ideal…  However, things took a turn when he found out exactly how the former King was killed, and it's a little painful

 During a chat with the historian, he explained: 'Let me get this straight, he's been stabbed with a trumpet?' Danny went back to his royal roots (Picture: BBC) Bit of a grisly way to go, but it gets worse when Danny finds out said trumpet was put up his 'bottle and glass'

 He continued: 'They chuck a mattress over his nut, they put a trumpet up his "bottle and glass" – which means bum – and not only that, they then stick a red hot poker as well? So they've really gone in there and gone crackers on him

They've got all medieval on him.'  'I'm in a bit of a sombre mood,' he later explained

'I'm glad we're not re-enacting anything from Edward II, I'm glad there's no trumpets lying around.' Dressing up as a knight  Danny then explored Henry Percy's roots, and dressed himself like a knight to do so

 Think Heath Ledger in A Knight's Tale, but a little more East End. Who knew Danny was related to knights? (Picture: BBC) But the actor wasn't too impressed with the get-up, comparing it to 'wearing another man'

Advertisement Advertisement  Not sure what that actually feels like, but okay…  He also tried and failed to do a press-up, which left him begging to go back and put his Chinos on

Have you seen ghosts?  Danny was taken to Wolf Hall to discover more about John Seymour – dad of Henry VIII's wife, Jane

 But, when faced with one of John's descendants – other than him, obviously – he decided to quiz her on whether she'd seen his ghost floating around

 Short answer: No. Cod piece testing  Things got even more intimate when Danny was asked to pick out his cod piece of choice

 'You're going to want to show you're a man of status,' the historian told him. Danny showed off his jazzy little cod piece (Picture: BBC) 'I would've used my brain and gone for a smaller cod piece, to let everyone in the room know I don't need a big cod piece because what's underneath is Godzilla…,' he said

 We now know too much about Danny's figure, and not enough about John Seymour… Booooovyon Bannnnn  The moment Danny was tasked with singing a traditional French song will go down in TV history

Danny singing a song is TV gold (Picture: BBC) Booooovyon Bannnnn, booooovyon baaaaaaaan

 We can see it going to the top of the charts instantly. A family affair  Getting truly into the spirit of the show, Danny invited his family – including wife Jo, and their children, Dani, Sunnie, Arty – to a sugar banquet, dressed up as royalty

Advertisement  It's a little different to when we last saw Dani on Love Island, dressed up in a corset and with a tiara

Dani also got her royal vibe one (Picture: BBC) Maybe a new look for us all?  And they all took the history show into the present day, switching up a traditional dance lesson by flossing

 Can we please be part of the Dyer family? Got a showbiz story?  If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Entertainment team by emailing us, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you

 MORE: You season 2 casts Haunting Of Hill House's Nell as lead female  MORE: I'm A Celebrity bosses 'don't let anyone who's been on Celebrity Big Brother' join line-up Advertisement Advertisement

For more infomation >> From cod-piece flashing to getting Dani involved: Every iconic moment in Danny Dyer's Right Royal Fa - Duration: 5:08.


The Spirituality of Trading - Duration: 18:01.

For more infomation >> The Spirituality of Trading - Duration: 18:01.


5 razones por las que los Patriots pueden ser campeones del Super Bowl LIII - Duration: 5:53.

Será el tercero de forma consecutiva para ellos. Los Patriots representarán a la Conferencia Americana en el Super Bowl LIII

New England, de la mano de Tom Brady y con la mente de Bill Belichick está buscando ser el equipo más ganador en la NFL

Y acá te vamos a dar las 5 razones por las que los Patriots pueden ser campeones del Super Bowl LIII

Home for the week.#EverythingWeGot | #SuperBowlLIII  — New England Patriots (@Patriots) 28 de enero de 2019   5

- Tercer Super Bowl consecutivo: Parece fácil, pero no lo es. Llegar a un tercer Super Bowl de forma consecutiva es una verdadera hazaña para los Patriots

Sobre todo porque lo hicieron una temporada después de haber caído ante las Philadelphia Eagles y en una campaña donde sufrieron bajas importantes

Hasta ahora van 1-1. La remontada épica ante los Atlanta Falcons y la derrota ya mencionada

Si hay un equipo que sabe jugar un Super Bowl en esta época, es precisamente New England

4.- Brady-Belichick: Estamos hablando de una dupla única en la historia de la NFL

Una dinastía que comenzó precisamente ante los Rams en 2002. En ese entonces Brady y Belichick llegaban a su primer Super Bowl juntos, y lo ganaron

Si nos ponemos a comparar estadísticas, la diferencia sería abismal. Pero lo que más cuenta aquí, es el manejo de reloj y de jugadas que muestran los Patriots con estas dos mentes en los controles

Foto: Getty Images 3.- Son los mejores de la postemporada: Y si no nos creen que la experiencia pesa en los playoffs de la NFL, sólo hay que ver las estadísticas

Tom Brady es el mejor mariscal de campo con 691 yardas lanzadas. Corriendo, el mejor es Sony Michel 242 y recibiendo, Julian Edelman se queda con el reconocimiento

En total tiene 247 yardas recibidas. 2.- El hombre récord en los playoffs: Tom Brady podrá caerte bien o mal, pero es claro que es uno de los mejores en la historia de la NFL

El quarterback de los Patriots tiene todos los récords de la postemporada. Es el que más partidos de playoffs ha jugado, el que más ha ganado, el que más ha jugado como titular

Es el que tiene más pases de anotación desde que se juega el Super Bowl, el que más pases ha intentado y el que más ha completado

Foto: Getty Images 1.- Dominio histórico sobre los Rams: No importa si es contra St

Louis o contra Los Ángeles, parece ser que los Patriots le han tomado la medida a los Rams

En total se han enfrentado en trece ocasiones y New England registran ocho victorias

Lo más importante, es que han ganado los últimos cuatro duelos de forma consecutiva

¿Jared Goff frenará su racha o acumulan su quinta en fila?  

For more infomation >> 5 razones por las que los Patriots pueden ser campeones del Super Bowl LIII - Duration: 5:53.


La extinción se acerca: Un hombre cargó a un peligroso pulpo y ni siquiera se enteró - Duration: 3:05.

Hemos escuchado historias lamentables y bobas como que personas han muerto por intentar tomarse una selfie desde el filo de un edificio o montaña

Ahora, en un nuevo capítulo de Cosas que no debería hacer un millennial, te presentamos a un tipo que sin saberlo y con afán de publicar un video en sus redes sociales, tomó entre sus manos a un pequeño pulpo, que en realidad se trataba de una de las especies más peligrosas del mundo

El video, captado por el usuario Alan, donde aparece este diminuto pulpo se hizo bastante popular en la red social Tik Tok este fin de semana, sin embargo, también fue un motivo de escándalo para un usuario australiano que no comprende cómo es que el hombre del video sigue vivo, si sostuvo a un pulpo de anillos azules, una de las cuatro especies de este tamaño que contiene en su cuerpo suficiente veneno como para matar a 26 personas en cuestión de minutos

¿Lo más terrorífico? No hay cura. De acuerdo a DailyMail, esta especie de pulpo ocupa el cuarto lugar en el ranking de los animales más venenosos del mundo y aunque su apariencia es bastante tierna, la realidad es que una mordida sería mortal, ya que la saliva está compuesta por una bacteria que produce tetrodotoxina, una neurotoxina mortal que produce parálisis en los músculos y que de llegar a órganos vitales pues… sí, ya saben lo que pasa

Ahora, tampoco debes alarmarte, ni correr en círculos, ni querer evitar a toda costa el mar… De hecho, existen muy pocos registros de muertes causadas por la mordedura o ataque de un pulpo de anillos azules y esto se debe a que son animales muy tímidos que prefieren mantenerse alejados del ajetreo y se esconden entre rocas

  Si bien los buzos australianos conocen lo peligroso que puede llegar a ser esta especie, los turistas no son muy conscientes de ello… pero, vamos, es Australia, ¿quién querría acercarse a cualquier animal en Australia?

For more infomation >> La extinción se acerca: Un hombre cargó a un peligroso pulpo y ni siquiera se enteró - Duration: 3:05.


#EwangeliarzOP || 31 stycznia 2019 || Mk 4, 21-25 - Duration: 1:08.


How true it is! If you do not pass what you have got on, you will lose it.

You cannot comment on the Gospel in a shorter way.

How true that is!

If you understand something, [if] you get something, [if] you change something in your life something because God has worked,

because He has sent you words of wisdom, a solution, and [if] you do not pass the solution on,

[if] you do not look for those who are in need of something similar to the thing you were in need of quite recently; you will lose it. You will simply lose it.

You will get the short end of the stick because you have turned out to be ungenerous. You have not gone to other people with the solution God gave you.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP || 31 stycznia 2019 || Mk 4, 21-25 - Duration: 1:08.


Nossa Chama Santander - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Nossa Chama Santander - Duration: 1:01.


amazarashi -【Bakemono】Monstro バケモノ「Letras em português brasileiro - Richard S」 - Duration: 5:45.

amazarashi - Monster バケモノ (English Lyrics)

He was a monster.

A beast that feeds off lies.

I met him in the park, like an abandoned dog on a Monday morning.

Amidst the dew-coated morning glories, collapsed beneath the midsummer sun,

he was gasping, and he looked at me with frightened eyes.

When I stroked his patchy fur, his mouth twitched, in spite of his starved body.

Perhaps out of pity, or sympathy, or something else entirely,

I thought, ''Maybe I should give him one of my lies''

Like how even though right now I want to disappear,

I'm pretending that I don't.

Or right in front of my family, ''I always leave for school right on time'',

and when I get home, I'll say ''Today was a fun day, too'' -

lying about that.

''Eat these up, little monster.

You seem to be enjoying them plenty, aren't you?''

He was a monster.

A beast that feeds off lies.

After I filled his stomach, he took a liking to me, and grew right before my eyes.

Me, an outcast. The bridge where I jumped.

The window of a hospital room.

My sobbing mother.

The evening glow in a grove of trees.

A greedy expression showed on his face,

and as time went on, his body grew fatter.

Since he keeps pestering me more and more for my next lie,

I guess I'll give him another one, shall I?

Though the truth was just that I screwed up at killing myself,

I lied about it.

Right in front of my family, timidly smiling, ''I was so lucky to have survived.''

And so now today, just as easy as breathing,

I tell lies.

''Eat these up, little monster.

You've grown plenty big, haven't you?''

And now the monster has grown even taller than I am.

Since I'm just a pile of lies, won't he eat me up once and for all?

''Living was so hard! It was painful, and I couldn't take it anymore!

But it would have been the most painful to have other people think that I was suffering!''

When I finally screamed out what I really felt,

the monster shrivelled before my very eyes.

But hey, I'm still hiding some lies - lies that even I fall for.

Even though all I want is to live happily even after,

I keep telling these lies.

If they're trifling delusions meant to fill the gap between our ideals and our reality,

then maybe lies are inevitable for us, being so weak.

And now today, everyone out there is telling lies.

''Eat those up.'' Don't we all have two sides to us:

the real thing, and the shadow lurking behind.


He's a monster.

A beast that feeds on lies.

One by one, each and every one of us hides him behind our backs.

And that secret, the swelling that we try to cover up,

is like a shadow that looms behind you. It's pretty big, isn't it?

For more infomation >> amazarashi -【Bakemono】Monstro バケモノ「Letras em português brasileiro - Richard S」 - Duration: 5:45.


TEORÍAS CONSPIRATIVAS *perturbadoras* - Duration: 20:13.

For more infomation >> TEORÍAS CONSPIRATIVAS *perturbadoras* - Duration: 20:13.


Billie Eilish anuncia la fecha de su primer disco y estrena "bury a friend" - Duration: 1:32.

Si hasta ahora no conoces a Billie Eilish, es importante que comiences a escucharla pues, en medio de toda la música emergente llega ella, una joven de 17 años que con ayuda de su hermano, comienzan a componer canciones cuyo impacto la ha hecho abrirse camino en las plataformas de streaming

  Uno de sus principales destapes fue en 2017, luego de que formara parte del soundtrack de 13 Reasons Why

A partir de entonces comenzó a lanzar varios cortes que al final se transformaron en un EP titulado dont smile at me, el cual salió en agosto de ese mismo año

    Desde entonces comenzó a dar conciertos e incluso formó parte del soundtrack de ROMA, un proyecto en el que también está involucrado Beck y del cual ya pudimos escuchar la primera canción

Ahora, con la ayuda de su hermano y también productor, Finneas, llega el primer corte del tan esperado disco debut de Billie, When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? La canción lleva por nombre "bury a friend" y va a acompañada de un video protagonizado por la propia Billie

De acuerdo a su explicación, este fue el tema que sirvió para que el resto del álbum surgiera

"Cuando creamos 'bury a friend', todo el disco surgió en mi cabeza. Supe de inmediato de lo que se iba a tratar, cómo serían los videos y todo en cuanto a cómo quería que se fuera percibido", se lee en un comunicado

Asimismo comenta: "'bury a friend' heals desde la perspectiva del monstruo debajo de mi cama

Si te pones a pensar, ¿qué hace esta criatura o qué siente? Confieso que soy ese monstruo porque soy mi peor enemiga

Quizás también sea el monstruo bajo tu cama", comentó sobre la explicación tanto del material como de la canción misma cuyo video dirigido por Michael Chaves puedes ver a continuación:   When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? fue escrito y grabado por completo por Billie Eilish y su hermano Finneas

Juntos dieron vida a esta canción y otras más que podrán ser escuchadas el próximo 29 de marzo


For more infomation >> Billie Eilish anuncia la fecha de su primer disco y estrena "bury a friend" - Duration: 1:32.


Andra a pus capăt speculațiilor. Declarația cântăreței despre sarcină! - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Andra a pus capăt speculațiilor. Declarația cântăreței despre sarcină! - Duration: 3:11.


✅ 'Porta dos Fundos' cria polêmica ao mostrar Deus como mafioso em novo vídeo - Duration: 1:47.

 Porta dos Fundos nunca hesita em colocar o dedo na ferida e cutucar diversos aspectos sociais

Em seu novo esquete, Padrino, o tema é novamente a Igreja.   O quadro publicado nesta segunda-feira, 28, mostra Deus [Fabio Porchat] e Jesus [Pedro Benevides] comandando uma máfia

   Os dois estão pressionando o pastor Elias [Fábio de Luca] por conta da baixa contagem de dízimo da semana

Ele diz que o pastor deve "tirar tudo" dos fiéis, como casa, carro e salário e não apenas 10%

Ele também tortura o pastor.   Já Jesus é mostrado fumando e segurando um soco inglês, apoiando as ideias de Deus

 Depois, diz que a solução é vender produtos ungidos na Igreja para poder arrecadar mais dinheiro

   Durante o Natal, o canal já criou polêmica ao fazer um filme sobre a crucificação de Cristo

No curta, os apóstolos e Jesus ficam muito bêbados e acabam esquecendo o que aconteceu, e Judas não é o traidor

   As marcações de "não gostei" do vídeo ultrapassam os 10 mil em um total de cerca de 700 mil visualizações

No video Telefone, em contrapartida, há apenas 7 mil "não gostei" para 4,5 milhões de visualizações

   Já os comentários compõem-se de críticas ao canal e brigas entre os seguidores, apoiando e rejeitando o vídeo

 Veja o vídeo aqui. 

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