Saturday, January 26, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 27 2019

 Esta noche elementos de la Dirección de Seguridad Pública arribaron a domicilio de la colonia Parral por el reporte de robo de dinero en efectivo así como diversos artículos

 Fue sobre las calles Zaragoza y Guachochi donde al número de emergencias 911 reportaron añanamiento de casa y al revisar el lugar los moradores pudieron percatarse del robo de 100 mil pesos, joyería, tabletas y una pantalla

 Al lugar arribaron arribaron agentes municipales mismos que empezaron con las entrevistas a los afectados y realizaron el reporte correspondiente

 Por la cantidad de dinero, la Fiscalía General del Estado tomó parte en el asunto y empezó a levantar el reporte correspondiente para integrar la carpeta de investigación

For more infomation >> Roban 100 mil pesos, joyería y tablet en colonia Parral - Duration: 1:18.


Bruder Tractor Broken Wheel JCB Backhoe Tractor Excavator Construction Toys Kids Action - Duration: 12:12.

Bruder tractor broken wheel!

For more infomation >> Bruder Tractor Broken Wheel JCB Backhoe Tractor Excavator Construction Toys Kids Action - Duration: 12:12.


Sandwich Rezept | super leckeres Sandwich - Duration: 2:39.

Sandwich recipe



Cheese and blue cheese

grated pear

chocolate cream


3 eggs

fry over medium heat

3-4 min per side

more cheese is good too

For more infomation >> Sandwich Rezept | super leckeres Sandwich - Duration: 2:39.


#WarThundergameplayenespañol. #1.85 #supersonic. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 2:38:54.

For more infomation >> #WarThundergameplayenespañol. #1.85 #supersonic. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 2:38:54.


Eladio confiesa a Julia q se altera pq a él le frusta amarla y no ser correspondido - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Eladio confiesa a Julia q se altera pq a él le frusta amarla y no ser correspondido - Duration: 1:43.


Del 20 Man kan ikke sige Øresund uden at sige... - Duration: 4:49.

We are a family of 3. We have a yacht which we love to sail in.

With the philosophy that big adventures awaits within reach.

We sail to discover.

Join us on a new adventure with CLAN

Good morning.

Good morning, Dennis.

Good morning, Dennis.

Will you show your face and greeting us with a hello?


Will you show your face and say hello?

What are you doing?

I'm filming the sunrice.


Did you sleep well?

No really. I must adjust my sleep in the boat again.

We are on the water again. And even though we just got out of the hard in the yard.

New adventures awaits just outside our yacht.

Dragør and Øresund are naturally connected.

Just behind me you can see the city's landmark.

The tall old pilot tower.

The city has, historically, nourished itself by the wealth from the sea.

We are right outside Cafe Espersen and...

This is where, I will say, the best boat spot in the harbor.

There are two ports here in Dragør.

There is the old harbor that we are.

I, personally, thinks this is scenic and authentic of the them.

Here you can see the fishermen landing their fish.

And it is here people walks to be seen.

Then there is the other...

I can not remember if it's called the new port or the marina, but it sit right next to the fort.

There is, of course, also historic breeze to it.

That is, you are actually is placed right next to the old fort.

But the problem with it is that the water depth in it is not deep.

We can just put our yacht nose in, but not more than that.

So if I were to stay here. Then I would prefer the spot here.

If there is any space left. It is always packed with boats.

We are heading for a walk into town.

There we will make some footage of the beautiful old houses.

There is no doubt from my side.

If I get rich when I grow old.

Then I would like to move to this place.

And then have my otium here.

It's a bit too far to work. I admit that.

But that does not matter, because I've become so old and rich that I'm retired, inside my head.

We are back.

And even though we had a long involuntary break.

We quickly fall back into the old routines.

Back enjoying the scenery, the places and the ...

Getting away from everyday rumble.

In the next vlog with CLAN

The weather in the autumn holiday is showing off

And of course we are out sailing.

Follow us next time and find out where we went.

For more infomation >> Del 20 Man kan ikke sige Øresund uden at sige... - Duration: 4:49.


Maintenant, ça va [4] - Leurre d'Usage - Duration: 2:30.

Before, I was always under the impression that I was an actress in a play,

having to feign emotions, to force myself to converse.

And a bad actress, on top of that!

Because I never knew what to say at what moment,

what expression to display on my face,

what to do with my inconvenient body.

I did everything I could to give the illusion of not feeling too bad.

And yet I felt profoundly and inexorably unsuited to life in society,

and everything seemed to be a delusion.

I don't know what to do with myself

Where to stand, what to say, nor what posture to take

I therefore write another poem

It keeps my hands occupied, it fills my thoughts

I created a character

But it is fading more and more easily

When my heart like a storm rages

The varnish flakes, paint reduced to nothing

What kind of face will I be able to give to it?

I don't know how to behave, how I should anymore

My nose might grow longer

If I persist in trying to fool them

I get told that everybody does the same

And yet their little faces don't display any cracks

I wish so much that sleep

Would take me forever, no need for this face anymore

I still face several difficulties in society.

Although I manage to cope relatively well in front of one or two people,

beyond that, the situation rapidly turns into a nightmare.

I don't know how to behave naturally

with those who are not extremely close to me.

I don't know how to do it.

Am I simply incapable of that?

I think I am.

In society, in a group, I always feel useless,

worthless and insignificant compared to others.

However, I may have resigned myself,

because I can go through it more easily than before.

I feel less like I am constantly playing a role.

I simply get the impression of being offbeat,

or shy, or in my own world.

I often live inside my head.

But at least it remains liveable,

and I can fit into a group,

even though it requires considerable efforts.

So it means that now…

Now I'm fine.

For more infomation >> Maintenant, ça va [4] - Leurre d'Usage - Duration: 2:30.


OLD MCDONALD HAD A FARM - Frozen Elsa Makeup Fail - Clay Mixer and Play Doh - Duration: 5:35.

Hi guys! Thanks for your watching! Please subscribe and watch best videos.

For more infomation >> OLD MCDONALD HAD A FARM - Frozen Elsa Makeup Fail - Clay Mixer and Play Doh - Duration: 5:35.


プロ野球ニュース 【あのドラフト有力候補はどこへ?】大阪桐蔭・中川主将は早稲田大、和製ジーター・奈良間は立正大進学 - Duration: 8:49.

 2月1日の春季キャ プ開始まであとわずか テレビや新聞、Web ディアでは根尾昂(中 )や藤原恭大(ロッテ といった新人たちの自 トレが毎日のように報 られている

一方、彼らが指名を受 た2018年ドラフト 注目を集めながら指名 れ、もしくは志望届を さなかった有望選手は こへ進むのか。高校生 大学生の有力選手を追 かけてみた

 ◎大阪桐蔭の 将・中川卓也は早稲田 。侍ジャパン球児の進 は?  2018年 ドラフトで中心にいた は春夏連覇を達成した 阪桐蔭高の面々だ。根 昂(中日1位)、藤原 大(ロッテ1位)、横 凱(巨人4位)、柿木 (日本ハム5位)とプ 志望届を提出した4人 員が指名され、今年か は好敵手としてプロ野 の世界で相まみえるこ になる

 同校のメンバー 見渡すと、この4人以 にも有望な選手はいた その一人が主将の中川 也だ。U-18侍ジャ ン代表でも主将として ームを引っ張った中川 、プロ志望届を出さず 早稲田大への進学を選 している

そしてもう一人。同じ U-18侍ジャパン代 に選出された捕手の小 航平は名門・NTT西 本へと進み、社会人野 の門を叩く。  U 18侍ジャパン代表の かのメンバーはどうだ うか

投手陣では板川佳矢( 浜高)が国際武道大、 田龍聖(高岡商高)は R東日本へと進む。投 の二刀流として活躍し 野尻幸輝(木更津総合 )は法政大へと進学。 学では野手一本で勝負 るつもりだという

 また、常葉大菊 高の根来龍真は国士舘 、奈良間大己は立正大 と進学。「戦国東都」 舞台で戦うこととなっ 。日置航(日大三高) 明治大、蛭間拓哉(浦 学院高)は中川と同じ 早稲田大に

また、峯圭汰(創成館 )は日本大を選択した  近年は富士大に 表されるように、地方 学からのプロ入りする 手も増えてきた。しか 、2018年のU-1 日本代表メンバーは板 が国際武道大へと進学 るものの、その他の進 希望選手は東京六大学 東都大学リーグへの道 選んでいる

■U-18侍ジャ ン高校代表組の予定進 (※プロ入りは除く 投手 板川佳矢( 浜高):国際武道大 尻幸輝(木更津総合高 :法政大 山田龍聖( 岡商高):JR東日本 捕手 根来龍真(常 大菊川高):国士舘大 小泉航平(大阪桐蔭高 :NTT西日本 内 手 中川卓也(大阪桐 高):早稲田大 奈良 大己(常葉大菊川高) 立正大 日置航(日大 高):明治大 外野 蛭間拓哉(浦和学院 ):早稲田大 峯圭汰 創成館高):日本大  ◎法政大の2枚看 ・菅野は東京ガス、森 はHonda鈴鹿~大 選手の進路  一方 大学生はどうだろうか

まずは投手から見てい う。法政大の2枚看板 った菅野秀哉、森田駿 はプロ志望届を提出し ものの指名漏れ。菅野 東京ガス、森田はHo da鈴鹿に入社し、2 後のドラフト指名を目 すこととなる

 東海圏に目を向 ると、上位指名の予想 あった栗林良吏(名城 )は涙を飲みトヨタ自 車へ。若山蒼人(中部 院大)は新日鐵住金鹿 へと進む。  プロ 望届を出さなかった選 では山岡就也(國學院 )が神奈川の強豪・J -ENEOSへ進む

山岡は広島新庄高時代 2014年のセンバツ 回戦で延長15回を投 ぬき、再試合も8回完 と一人で投げぬいたタ ネス左腕だ。同校は田 麗斗(巨人)、堀瑞輝 日本ハム)と左の好投 を生み出しており、社 人に進んだ山岡にも同 の期待がかかる

 野手では指名漏 となった向山基生(法 大)がNTT東日本へ 進む。チームメートの 山翔太がヤクルトから 名されただけに、期す ものがあるはず。社会 で結果を残し、2年後 即戦力としてプロ入り 果たしたい

 同じ東京六大学 ーグの選手では、侍ジ パン大学代表の1番を めた逢澤峻介(明治大 の名前がドラフトで呼 れなかった。逢澤はト タ自動車に進む。近年 トヨタ自動車は源田壮 (西武)や藤岡裕大( ッテ)と1年目からプ で活躍する選手を輩出 ており、逢澤の成長に 待したい

 宮本丈(ヤクル )、村上海斗(巨人) 2017年のドラフト 2人のプロ野球選手を んだ奈良学園大の米満 は惜しくも指名漏れ。 の米満が選んだのは創 2年目の北海道ガスだ

創部から日の浅いチー からプロを目指す。  各選手とも数年後の ラフト会議で名前が呼 れることを期待したい ■主な有望大学生 手の予定進路 投手 野秀哉(法政大):東 ガス 森田駿哉(法政 ):Honda鈴鹿 岡就也(國學院大): X-ENEOS 白銀 大(駒澤大):NTT 日本 栗林良吏(名城 ):トヨタ自動車 若 蒼人(中部学院大): 日鐵住金鹿島 山本隆 (関西大):日本生命 捕手 長壱成(駒澤 ):Honda鈴鹿 内野手 峯本匠(立教 ):JFE東日本 吉 叡生(中央大):Ho da 米満凪(奈良学 大):北海道ガス 野手 向山基生(法政 ):NTT東日本 逢 峻介(明治大):トヨ 自動車 越智達矢(明 大):日本生命 文 勝田聡(かつた・さと )

For more infomation >> プロ野球ニュース 【あのドラフト有力候補はどこへ?】大阪桐蔭・中川主将は早稲田大、和製ジーター・奈良間は立正大進学 - Duration: 8:49.


MUCİZE 🐞 Sapotiler - Animatik 🐞 Uğur Böceği ile Kara Kedi - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> MUCİZE 🐞 Sapotiler - Animatik 🐞 Uğur Böceği ile Kara Kedi - Duration: 3:46.


ভয়ঙ্কর ২০ লাখ সাপের দ্বীপ । পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে মারাত্মক সাপের দ্বীপ । World Dangerous Snake Island - Duration: 2:53.

ভয়ঙ্কর ২০ লাখ সাপের দ্বীপ । পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে মারাত্মক সাপের দ্বীপ । World Dangerous Snake Island

For more infomation >> ভয়ঙ্কর ২০ লাখ সাপের দ্বীপ । পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে মারাত্মক সাপের দ্বীপ । World Dangerous Snake Island - Duration: 2:53.


Memphis Depay sends message to Marcus Rashford after Manchester United beat Arsenal - Duration: 1:54.

 Marcus Rashford may not have been given much time to make an impact in Manchester United's win against Arsenal in the FA Cup but that didn't stop him from stealing the spotlight after the victory at the Emirates Stadium

 United's in-form striker came on as a substitute with 18 minutes remaining to help wrap up a 3-1 victory to fire Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's side into the fifth round of the FA Cup

 But it was in the warm-up where Rashford did his damage.  In a one-touch rondo with his United teammates, the ball fell to Rashford with Fred in the middle

The Brazilian shifted his body across to block the pass but Rashford, who had stalled on the ball for a split second, pulled off a brilliant elastic to nutmeg the United midfielder

 Naturally, United's players went wild at Rashford's sublime piece of skill and the clip went viral on social media

 Memphis Depay was one of the players to applaud Rashford for his efforts.  And the United midfielder went a step further by reminding Phil Jones of a similar incident during their time together at Old Trafford

 Depay failed to find his best form at United but the Netherlands international is currently thriving at Lyon

 And Depay's performances in Ligue 1 have even led to United fans calling on their club to re-sign the forward

 United do have the option to trigger their buy-back clause in the deal they agreed with Lyon, but only if the Ligue 1 club are willing to sell Depay, so for now it appears the Dutchman is staying put

For more infomation >> Memphis Depay sends message to Marcus Rashford after Manchester United beat Arsenal - Duration: 1:54.


Man Utd transfer news: Juventus boss speaks out on stunning return for Paul Pogba - Duration: 1:52.

 Pogba was reported to be unsettled at Manchester United before Jose Mourinho was sacked

 But the Frenchman, 25, has been rejuvenated under interim manager Ole Gunnar Solskajer and has found his best form since he moved to the club from Juve in an £89million deal in 216

 It was previously claimed the Italians would look to take him back to Serie A if he did decide to leave Old Trafford

 However, Allegri has rubbished those reports and admits a move was never on the cards

 "Oh my. you [journalists] have such fantasies," he said. "I think that a return of Pogba to Juventus is very, very unlikely

 "I will not deceive myself, I think it will be really hard to see Pogba come back

" Pogba has been in such good form of late that Solskjaer has backed the World Cup winner to take over as captain at United

 He has five goals in his last five Premier League games and Solskjaer thanks he can be an example to everybody at the club "Definitely, yeah, because I know the boy from before and he is a leader," he said when asked if Pogba had the characteristics to be club captain

 "He's a character, he influences people and you've seen the videos from [the] France [national team]

 "He cares and he really wants to be successful. He knows he can't do it by himself

 "It's a team game and he's a character that brings so many good things with him when he's enjoying himself, I have to say

 "You see the personality. He'd love playing football, he's a larger-than-life character, that's just the way he is

 "When the performances come as well, that marries together as a good leader and you see what it meant to him winning the World Cup in what France broadcast

 "So for me, yes, he's captain material."

For more infomation >> Man Utd transfer news: Juventus boss speaks out on stunning return for Paul Pogba - Duration: 1:52.


I Love My Dog - SNL - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> I Love My Dog - SNL - Duration: 3:01.


What I do for Work/ Uni | FTM [SUBTITLES] - Duration: 10:37.

Hey pals, how are ya doing?

I'm a bit unwell at the moment,

so I thought I would just do a

little low-key

kind of chatty video about something I get asked fairly often

which is what I do in uni and for work

I go to uni that's my main thing and

that is for youth in community work,

and on top of that I have a part-time job as a youth worker

at the same place that I am doing placement for youth work at uni.

A lot of people think that youth and community work is kind of just like

picking up litter in the streets or just sitting in a room and making sure young people

are not getting in fights and stuff like that when that's not the case.

I thought it would just be interesting to talk a bit about what my job and course kind of, entails.

I guess I'll start with how I got into it.

A few years ago

I started going to a youth group for trans people..

this was like when I was around

18.. I'm 23 now so about five years ago.

I was feeling super isolated and really

internally transphobic so I felt like in order to progress in my transition and

feel a bit better about myself I needed to find other people who are going

through similar things to me.

During that time I was helping out where I could,

I was doing talks in schools about what it's like to be trans and gay,

and just, a young person navigating life.

I also did a few talks at like NHS conferences and

I got used to facilitating groups and sessions around being trans and LGBT

kind of things.

After about three years I kind of found myself feeling really low

and like I didn't know what to do with my life,

so I was asking for support from the people that ran the groups,

and one person knew of a group that might take on volunteers,

I kind of just said yes on a whim and

was like well it's something to do something to kind of maybe help me

figure out what I want to do in life and I started working there just three hours

a week voluntarily.

While I was volunteering that I was offered a place

on a course that kind of introduced you into a youth work and working with young people.

So again I kind of just said yes to that not entirely sure what it meant

and what it would entail but I thought it would be a good opportunity,

something's good to put on my CV and experience and all that kind of stuff.

I started really enjoying what I was learning and realizing that there was a

lot more to youth work than I had originally thought because,

I was one of those people that thought Youth work was just about being in a room,

and having fun, and just kind of being there whilst young people did their thing.

Fast forward to May two years ago maybe? I want to say..

I got offered a part-time job at

that youth project which was great because I was really enjoying it and

it made me feel like I had a purpose.

It was LGBT specific so I felt quite safe,

and I just felt like I was kind of thriving in that environment.

After I did this like course for Youth Work, I was kind of introduced into the idea of

going to university for youth work, and kind of just like encouraged to apply.

At the time I didn't know whether or not uni was right for me I didn't know

if I could do it with my mental health,

I didn't know if I'd be smart enough or anything like that

but I just said yes anyway. I said I'd apply I'd go to the interview to see

what happens and I got in.

While I still had my part-time job at the youth project,

you were given a placement for the first year of university and

the placement I went to was not at all what I really wanted it made me feel really uncomfortable,

I didn't know of any LGBTQ people there so I felt unsafe,

Some of the people that were there were really like difficult to be around,

And the language that was used was really problematic and I just felt really

Out of my comfort zone and I just hated it, and it made me question whether or not

youth work was something that I actually wanted to do.

The kind of things we were

learning about were like the history of youth work and how it developed,

and why it's a thing, and the kind of responsibilities you have as youth worker.

Essentially, in order to get funding for youth projects, a lot of people require you to have set

goals and aims in your project, like helping young people with mental health

and talking about alcohol and drugs and safe sex and all that kind of stuff

so you have to prove that you're doing that and benefiting the young people

in a measurable way,

so they kind of succeed and become a successfully funded group.

So this year I chose where I wanted to do placement and that was in my

workplace which has been really great,

Because the place where I work is really

supportive and it's a really safe environment

A lot of it is like essay

writing there's no exams, but there's a lot of coursework and it's not as simple

as "prove that you're in a room for the people and keeping them safe"

It's about understanding the background of youth work and what the importance of it is,

and how your work affects young people emotionally and physically, and

what would happen to the young people if you weren't there, and why it's important to do

and all that kind of stuff so it's... it's kind of interesting if you're into it.

I have to plan sessions that I know the

young people will be interested in and want to learn about,

things that will

help them,

things that I can evaluate and say that it was necessary because of

these reasons...

so some examples of that would be getting someone from a

Sexual health NHS service to come in with a silicone anatomy and tell young people

about their body parts and how like coils are inside and stuff like that.

We've done things like getting mental health kits, making little booklets so

that they know where to turn and what to do if they're struggling with their mental health.

We've done things like getting counselors to come in and talk

about what counseling is and what mental health difficulties people might go through,

and what they might be dealing with.

Yesterday we did a session on

internalized homophobia which I thought was really interesting,


but interesting so I got the young people to think about what scenarios would be

considered as internalized homophobia and why people feel like that and

where it all comes from so that they can understand better about the way they

feel and how to kind of challenge that.

So I have to plan those sessions,

I have to facilitate those sessions, make sure everyone's happy,

make sure that everyone's getting the kind of support

they need.

Sometimes youth work can be quite unpredictable and when you're going

around talking to people,

someone might mention that they feel suicide or

that they're being abused, and you kind of have to be on your toes all the time

to know exactly what to say and who to talk to if they bring stuff like that up,

or what to do with that young person if you don't think that they're going to be

safe when they go home,

and it's kind of really interesting and every day is different,

and I just really love being able to be there.

After these sessions I

have to evaluate everyone and talk about how well every single person did in that

session whether or not they cooperated appropriately, whether or not there are

any issues,

whether or not there is anything in terms of safeguarding that I

needed to report and get in touch with outside services,

like counselors or

police or anything like that,

and then from that evaluation I can

continue my sessions and see what needs to be changed and what needs to be


and what is most beneficial for the young people.

One thing that really helps me to continue doing it is knowing that I needed this kind of

support when I was younger,

and I think a lot of things that I went through

probably could have been prevented if I had that support,

so I kind of used that

as motivation to bring awareness to different topics and stuff like that.

When I was like first coming out as trans and going through all the medical

stages and talking to therapists and everything,

I really wanted to be a

gender therapist so that I could be a trans person who talks to another trans person,

and at the moment I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to go about

doing that, while I'm studying youth work,

but I feel like over time

might be able to get a degree as a counselor hold youth groups and then at

the side do one-to-one work with people to help them through difficult things,

and then maybe be there for trans people that need other trans people to talk to.

I know it can be really difficult when you're a trans person talking to someone

about your gender who is cis and has no idea what it feels like to not identify

with the gender they were assigned,

so, that's my motivation behind wanting to

be a therapist in a kind of gender therapy setting.

I get quite a few

messages being like "what are you studying at Uni?" and "what do you do for work?"

and so I thought it'd be interesting to kind of just talk about

it more in depth rather than just saying "oh, I do youth and community work" because a

lot of people don't know what that entails,

so there you go that's what it

includes and that's my life at the moment.

I hope everyone's having a great day,

and a great week, and a great month, and a great everything and I will speak

to you soon,


For more infomation >> What I do for Work/ Uni | FTM [SUBTITLES] - Duration: 10:37.


i'm still... dead - Duration: 1:24.

All: *GASPS* / OH!

KOL: He's a god

Paradise: Oh, WHAT?

KOL: Huh

dez: D-Oh my god

bM: Nice

Paradise: God dez

bM: *Scoffs* Paradise: Go-

Paradise: Ah

Paradise: Oh my god, you just went off

bM: Ethan, Ethan... Ethan, tell fREAK to have a sit Go, go, go

dez & Paradise: *Giggles* xddd

For more infomation >> i'm still... dead - Duration: 1:24.


Do You Live? | 2018 Travel Recap & Filmmaking Motivation - Duration: 3:59.

When you read about all those how to find happiness theories you recognize

that it's all about living in the now. They say that thinking about the future

and the past could make you worry too much or remind you of bad experiences.

And it's true. We worry so much about the future that we forget to enjoy the

moment. We take on jobs we hate and let us stress with things that don't matter at all

in our daily life. I experienced that by myself when I was working in a factory for 5 years.

for 5 years. before I started travelling

But I still don't agree 100% with it. Cuz when we always do

do our best to enjoy every single moment, looking back can actually remind us of

all the good experiences we've made and excite us about what's coming next.

However, sometimes we have to force ourself to actually enjoy the moment.

One great tool that really helps me do that is videography. It makes me get up

even at 5am, just to see the beauty of the world. And of course, it makes

looking back even better!

For more infomation >> Do You Live? | 2018 Travel Recap & Filmmaking Motivation - Duration: 3:59.


Pittura e Colore articoli per la casa famiglia #8 I Pittura Macina frutta - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Pittura e Colore articoli per la casa famiglia #8 I Pittura Macina frutta - Duration: 3:24.



For more infomation >> LANGUAGE CHALLENGE: INDONESIAN VS. HINDI - Duration: 12:16.


Chelsea transfer news: Gonzalo Higuain 'was the best option' - Chris Sutton says - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: Gonzalo Higuain 'was the best option' - Chris Sutton says - Duration: 4:00.


ОБЗОР: спиртовые маркеры с Aliexpress спустя 2 года и бумага для них. Как рисовать и как смешивать. - Duration: 10:53.

Hello! in this video i will draw by alcohol markers and talk a little about paper

for them, and about the markers themselves. I bought a notebook, it's a Chinese art company,

I think so. I tried to find her in Internet, but never found. that's how it

looks, size A5, density 120 gr / m2, and 40 sheets.

and everything else is in Chinese, so if anyone knows the company, write to

comments. I took as the reference is such a picture from

the internet. I do not plan to use it for commercial purposes so if

the author of this photo is watching my videos, do not worry, I will slightly change the sketch.

I made color test. for mugs i use green and black and

yellow + red to make cookies and cinnamon. also i use warm

grey and beige. this paper does not fail, not imprinted on the second sheet,

but it still shines a little. Now I will do the control color test,

mix and test colors. I have Chinese markers too.

this is a touch new firm. I ordered them in 2016.

a little more than two years passed. 28 of 40 markers are still painted.

if you're interested, write me, I can throw link to them and tell about them in more detail.

I pick the color for the cookies, mix

different colors. for mugs I used green and black to highlight

lightening near flare.

sign the numbers of the markers so as not to forget.

I got the markers in such a handbag, they are very convenient to store.

just do not forget that you need to store them not standing, as I initially did, because

ink flows to one end. Keep them lying down.

I wash the excess pencil and proceed to coloring. I also noted for myself

pencil glare, but in the end all the same painted over the highlight on the handle. it can be easy

straighten with white pen or Photoshop. Letters I decided to circle the usual

gel black pen because the tip of the marker is thick for

small parts. nevertheless the roundels I describe without any problems.

I add green, and I try to paint on top of black to mix these two

colors for a smoother transition. tnen

one color seems to dissolve a little another, because it is still alcohol

markers, and they blend very smoothly. I note that the paper holds the color very well,

they don't spread, my roundels don't swim down.

I paint cinnamon, mix burgundy and beige (rather ocher).

for cookies i use the same colors and add a red bead.

white color on a snowman I shade warm gray. in my palette is wg3.

as the other brown colors dried up

I use this technique. to make the shade is darker i'm leaning the tip

lighter color to tip more dark and wait until soaked in ink.

And tint the desired area.

then I paint the gingerbread house, then plate. in the photo it is darker, closer to

black but I decided to take a dark warm gray color.

Now I paint the marshmallows. shading them beige and warm gray.

this again from a lack of colors. if you too limited palette,

because often the markers are very expensive and especially branded

professional such as COPIC or touch then you can use these

techniques such as mixing colors or replacing one color with another like me

now i add shadow on cookies and chocolate chips on marshmallows.

almost ready. Now we need to pick up the background. I do color fill on a separate piece of paper and

I put these leaves on picture.

eventually I settled on dark chocolate background.

our drawing is ready, thanks to everyone who waited for this video. finally

I figured out with final cut, Well, of course not to the end, but enough

to finish this video. and Thank you all for watching and see you soon.

well, damn, I'll try to rec, I hope I will not be mistaken

if i am wrong - will not download this video. everything efforts down the drain.

For more infomation >> ОБЗОР: спиртовые маркеры с Aliexpress спустя 2 года и бумага для них. Как рисовать и как смешивать. - Duration: 10:53.


Grow With My - Episode 2: How to be socially active? - Duration: 6:49.

Hi, everyone!

My name is My

and you're watching the series "Grow With My"

Episode 2:

How to be socially active?

Have you ever felt uncomfortable in meeting new people?

Have a trouble in starting and holding conversation

or Find it very hard to make new friends?

Have you ever felt awkward in a social networking event?

Where you stand in the middle

and seeing people in their conversations.

and you look at the left

look at the right

no one seems like talking to you.

Even though, you try like

Hello, it's My!

Hello, is this me you're looking for? =))

and still, no one talks to you.

Believe it or not

I used to be in that situation

in which, I felt totally isolated with the rest of the room.

The only thing I was doing is to communicate with my drink.

Hi, drink!

Hi, My!

We're gonna be friends to night!

But that how I was in the past!

Many people think that I am a naturally extrovert person.

That's why I am very good at talking to people.

However, I don't think being social and outgoing are the skills that a person is born with.

It needs a lot of practices!

And don't put yourself in a box!

I am shy! I am introvert! I can't do it!

Being social and outgoing are the skillset that you can develop overtime.

And the more you do it, the better it is.

Here are my 4 tips to help you to become more socially active?

The first 1: It's okay to feel scared!

Going to business networking event or social meet-up

where you don't know anyone

can be scary, can be frightening.

I still feel my heart beating

whenever I go to an event where I don't see any familiar face!

It's totally fine if you feel it's that way!

Because I am sure everyone else would feel the same!

However, it's not okay to think that

You're not interesting to talk to others.

Or no one wants to talk to you.

We're as human being.

We have stories,

we have experiences,

and we have knowledge to share.

So if you come to an event or meet-up where you have this mind-set

it would be easier for you and help you to step at least to the room,

with the attitude: " It's okay, I am nervous, but I have a lot of things to offer".

The second thing is: Having a purpose why you should go out to that event!

I don't know about you but me,

I always feel so lazy at first to decide whether I should come to that event or not?

It's even harder, in the winter in The Netherlands.

Where it's so cold and windy.

You have to put so many layers on you,

and then take your bike

and then cycle to the place.

That's a lot of work.

I'd rather to stay in on your couch,

watching Netflix,

or sleeping.

Therefore, you should have a purpose why you should go to the event to kick your lazy ass.

It doesn't need to be a big thing.

For example,

When I first moved to London, I didn't know anyone.

Therefore, I went to networking a lot: social networking events and also business.

And in each event, I didn't have to talk to everyone.

So I made a list: oh, in that meeting, I wanted to meet an HR from a company.

On that meeting, I wanted to meet a person who works in Digital Marketing.

And on that meeting, I wanted to meet a person who works in Sales.

Or just simple like: "Hey, it's Friday night, I want to get drunk!"

I am gonna get out of the house, and meet some people.

I know it sounds but the more you do it, the more you would get the habit.

And it's gonna get easier.

I promise!

The third thing is to be curious and open-minded!

I used to be a girl who came to a social event, and always stand in the conner of the room

and waited for people to come and talk to me.

It's changed, at some points,

I was asking myself:" What the hell I was doing here if I was just standings still the whole evening

and didn't do anything?"

And they way to be curious and open-minded are to ask questions.

And I often ask questions to let people talk about themselves.

Where do you work?

What do you like the most in your job?

What are the challenges you face at this moment with your job?

You know that kind of questions to get to know them.

Or if you meet someone like: " Hey, you look really sportive, I like it.

What kind of sport do you do?

You know those kind of questions are gonna let people talk about themselves.

And it's easier for you to keep up and hold the conversations with them.

And also remember, your body language is actually really important.

If you just a girl who stands at the conner, no one is gonna see you to come to talk to you.

And I know it can be scary to put yourself a little bit further, further, in the middle of the room.

But I already mentioned at tip 1: It's okay to feel scared!

Number 4: Being who you are!

I know this advice sounds a little bit cliche.

Because it seems all over the Internet nowadays.

But I think it's true.

If you go to an event just because I feel you're missed out,

or you feel you're not cool if you don't go to that event.

Then Don't! You don't have to try to fit in every event.

But definitely, you should give it a try before you draw any conclusion, whether you should do this or do that.

And remember, be yourself because everyone else is taken!

You've just watched the 2nd episode of Grow with My.

Let me know in the comment what do you think.

I know this is all of my experience, and I would love to hear from you as well.

And if you like it, don't forget to give it a thumb up.

Don't forget to press subscribe button.

For more infomation >> Grow With My - Episode 2: How to be socially active? - Duration: 6:49.


三種風格茶幾,你中意哪一種?測後半年會有貴人相助嗎 - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> 三種風格茶幾,你中意哪一種?測後半年會有貴人相助嗎 - Duration: 4:57.


'It's unbelievable': Two Merced men found dead in their homes leaves community stunned - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> 'It's unbelievable': Two Merced men found dead in their homes leaves community stunned - Duration: 2:45.


World War 3: Russia warns US: 'Don't invade Venezuela' after 'all options' threat - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 5:24.

World War 3: Russia warns US: 'Don't invade Venezuela' after 'all options' threat

RUSSIA has warned the United States against taking military action in Venezuela after

Donald Trump insisted "all options are on the table" when it came to replacing Nicolas

Maduro with Juan Guaido as the South American country's President.

But US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has upped the stakes by telling world leaders

they needed to "pick a side" – and launching a veiled attack on China and Russia for backing

Mr Maduro's continued leadership.

Mr Trump, who has backed Mr Guaido's claim, has called President Nicolas Maduro's government

"illegitimate" and, when asked if he was considering deploying US soldiers, told reporters

on Wednesday: "We're not considering anything, but all options are on the table."

Russia's ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia described the declaration

as "dangerous".

Speaking on the sidelines of a UN Security Council meeting called by the US to discuss

the issue, he added: "If it evolves into something more military that is even more regretful.

"We think it should be avoided at any cost."

The ongoing turmoil in the country saw thousands of protesters calling for Mr Maduro's resignation

tear-gassed by police during as demonstrations in the capital of Caracas turned ugly.

Mr Maduro succeeded former President Hugo Chavez in 2013, and was re-elected in controversial

circumstances last year.

The issue has split the international community.

Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay

and Peru back Mr Trump's stance, while Britain, Germany, France and Spain all said on Saturday

they would likewise recognise Mr Guaido if Mr Maduro failed to call fresh elections in

eight days.

However, Mr Maduro enjoys the continued support of China and Russia, which the Guardian reported

yesterday has dispatched private security contractors to protect him.

Mr Pompeo told the UN Mr Maduro's "socialist experiment" had caused the economy to collapse

and reduced ordinary Venezuelans to rooting through dumpsters for food.

He said: "Now it is time for every other nation to pick a side.

"Either you stand with the forces of freedom, or you're in league with Maduro and his mayhem,"

Pompeo told the council.

"We call on all members of the Security Council to support Venezuela's democratic transition

and interim President Guaido's role.

In a specific reference to "our Russian and Chinese colleagues", he added: "It's

not a surprise that those who rule without democracy in their own countries are trying

to prop up Maduro while he is in dire straits."

After Washington's declaration of support for Guaido, Maduro cut off diplomatic relations

with the United States on Wednesday and gave U.S. diplomats 72 hours to leave the country.

Although some diplomats left on Friday, Guaido said the US embassy was still working and

that embassy officials had been to visit him.

Mr Trump raised the prospect of military action in the summer, saying: "We have many options

for Venezuela, including a possible military option, if necessary."

Widespread reports suggested Mr Trump may have been talked out oft the idea by US Secretary

of State Rex Tillerson, national security adviser HR McMaster and defence secretary

James Mattis.

The idea was floated again in October when Marshall Billingslea, assistant secretary

for terrorist financing at the Treasury Department said Mr Maduro's regime posed "a clear

threat to regional stability and security" which represented a "direct challenge"

to the United States.

Afterwards, Mark Fitzpatrick, then-director of the Americas branch of the International

Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS), told "The US foreign policy establishment

laughed at Trump's talk about military action against Venezuela.

"It is inconceivable as long as a sober-minded statesman like Jim Mattis is Secretary of


"Even John Bolton would oppose the idea as a distraction from the real issues facing


"Venezuela is a side-show.

It is not a direct challenge to the US.

"But with the huffing and puffing of hardliners like Billingslea, one cannot put military

action of some kind out of the question after Mattis leaves, which may come this winter."

Mr Fitzpatrick's words proved uncannily prophetic, with Mr Mattis tendering his resignation

date in December after Mr Trump announced plans to pull troops out of Syria, with Mr

Trump later saying he had "essentially fired him."

For more infomation >> World War 3: Russia warns US: 'Don't invade Venezuela' after 'all options' threat - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 5:24.


Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Playing Train | Drawing and Coloring Characters Version - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Playing Train | Drawing and Coloring Characters Version - Duration: 3:42.


HAWAII VLOG: PEARL HARBOR!! | Claudia - Duration: 2:15.

You can't get off, on the monument,

let me tell you why.

Because right in front of you right now,

you see the monument, and the monument is intact,

no problems.

Right in front of it to the right here is the dock,

this is where you would get off,

and there's no problems.

In between theres the supposed to be a bridge,

and that's the problem.

For more infomation >> HAWAII VLOG: PEARL HARBOR!! | Claudia - Duration: 2:15.



For more infomation >> ✅ HALINA MLYNKOVA POKAZAŁA SYNA. TO JUŻ DUŻY, PRZYSTOJNY CHŁOPIEC! | Polska 24H - Duration: 4:07.


벤투호, 8강서 카타르에 0-1 충격패…후반 32분 하템에 결승골 | SKY KOREA - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> 벤투호, 8강서 카타르에 0-1 충격패…후반 32분 하템에 결승골 | SKY KOREA - Duration: 5:09.


Plan With Me - February 2019 | Bullet Journal Set Up - Duration: 6:47.

hello and welcome back to my channel it's plan with me time again and I'm so

excited to show you this month's bullet journal spreads they came out really

pretty. So as usual I'm gonna take you back through the previous month which is

January and show you my spreads show you how I use them and you know let you know

how they were for me. So this is my January spreads I've been back on track

with my tracker tracking with the tracker and so that's been very good my

monthly layout was just as normal I then had this page which was some video ideas

that I was coming up with and I got a Polaroid camera for Christmas so there's

a lot of Polaroid pictures going on here yep more polaroid pictures definitely

can't get enough of that and then I also started my hour-by-hour scheduling which

is a new thing for me I made a video all about this, kind of, in my productivity

video so definitely give that a watch if you're interested in how I scheduled my

day hour-by-hour this was the first week

that I did it and I really enjoyed it and is something that I definitely am

continuing on. This page got kind of messy it was meant to be a to-do list of

all of the to-do lists just all of the to-dos other but I have now moved this on

to an online system I'm using OneNote so I'm just gonna glue these two pages

together because they ugly and I don't want to see them anymore and gluing

pages together is better than ripping pages out although I really do need to

get a pritt stick because that is way better for glueing stuff in a bullet

journal than PVA glue because with PVA you get kind of a wrinkly effect when it

dries. This page I've got a tracker for my view counts so I've got a little line

graph there for my 2018 views and I'm gonna compare them to my 2019 views and

we've got a police car outside that's fun and I also tried to do like a messy

planning each day as it is thing with my weekly spread and I don't like it it's

ugly and also I was really ill that week so I wasn't doing my hour-by-hour

scheduling when I was ill. This is a Youtube planner for January so I've got

my YouTube my blog and what I'm gonna do live and this with the post-it notes is

something I've been doing a lot recently I write down a task I wanna do want to do on a

post-it note and stick it on that day and then when it comes to actually

scheduling the day I don't forget that I wanted to do that task that day

so that's how I've kind of developed the hour-by-hour scheduling thing to make it

work more for me. As you can see it's a lot messier this week than it was in

previous weeks but hey the point of bullet journals is to be messy when you

want it to be. Not showing you the next page because it's just got some

scribbling notes on like a brain dump and now we're moving on to February so

February is the month of love so I've gone for like reds and Pink's for

Valentine's Day but it is also LGBT History Month so I'm using the colors of

the bi flag blue purple and pink to write out February in this massive

calligraphy style lettering that actually went over two pages my bad and

it looks really kind of gaudy with the really bright colors and the clashing of

the red and pink I absolutely love it February is such a nice word to write as

well in calligraphy like F's and R's are my favourite letters to write in

calligraphy, such a nerd, so I'm just using my creative Peaks brush pens to

write the month out next to that I'm doing my social media tracker like I

normally do in the red and pink which is very cute and then I'm doing my goals

for the month which is something I did in January and I enjoyed it so in a

second we're gonna look in January's goals and see how well I did but right

now I'm gonna draw some more gaudy hearts in the bi flag colours. So for my

January goals I have my driving test booked for February very exciting very

scary as well I have been meditating consistently I found a routine and I've

meditated every day in January apart from that day when I was ill and I like

couldn't breathe to do deep breathing I have found a yoga studio and established

a routine I'm going back to pole tomorrow for my first class in the new

year so I'll tick that off tomorrow I haven't really been uploading two weeks

ahead with my YouTube videos so definitely need to get into that haven't

found a choir either I will be adopting a friend with fun hopefully next month

it all goes to plan if you've been watching my weekly vlogs and watching my

Sunday bunday live streams on Instagram you'll know this already but we have

reserved a lovely little bunny called fern so when all her vet stuff is all

sorted out we should hopefully be able to take her home

I have published my website go another look I'm reading an

inspiring but currently I'll be talking to you about that in my book club video

which again will be coming out in February so make sure you subscribe so

you don't miss that so for my goals for February I'm taking this stuff that I

didn't complete in January and I'm looking back over my whole year goals

that I did in my 2019 planning video and then I'm writing out some monthly goals

to help me achieve those overall goals and instead of some boring bullet points

to cross off I've got some little pink love hearts that I will color in when I

do the thing just do you know keep it romantic. So I'm adding some decoration

to this page I had this nice cutout of like a bath and washing products which

went with the kind of self love theme that I've got going on but I went with

the biscuits in the end because the colors were better and I'm also planning

out the first three days of February because February starts on a Friday

And going with the theme of love and Valentine's Day and also LGBT History

Month which is all about loving yourself and whoever you're attracted to

even if history and society tells us that we shouldn't, in February especially

even if you don't have a partner should be about loving ourselves so in February

I'm gonna be posting a video every other day all about loving yourself and all of

the stuff related to that so I'm very excited, the pages that I didn't show you

earlier that was kind of planning all that stuff so I didn't want to give the

game away so definitely make sure you subscribe to my channel if you want to

see that and if you're excited let me know in the comments. So of course I

added loads of hearts and little details everywhere this is a very messy spread

but I absolutely love how it turned out I did also make a mistake I wanted to

add another habit to my habit tracker so to erase that line I use a chalk marker

you can still kind of see it but not as much and that habit is to be vegan at

least five out of seven days so I'm going to be tracking that of course

because you can't have a new habit without tracking it so this is the

overview so you can see how lovely my spread looks it's so pretty thank you so

much for watching as always if you've liked this video

please give it a thumbs up and I will see you in my next video

bye guys

For more infomation >> Plan With Me - February 2019 | Bullet Journal Set Up - Duration: 6:47.


Tottenham fans ABSOLUTELY BUZZING after Son Heung-min's South Korea exit Asian Cup - Duration: 2:10.

 Tottenham star Son missed the Carabao Cup defeat to Chelsea on Thursday and has been missed during his time away with his country

 However, with South Korea now OUT of the Asian Cup, Spurs will welcome back the forward ahead of schedule

 Son's Korea side slumped to a 1-0 defeat to Qatar this afternoon, with Abdelaziz Hatem scoring the only goal of the game

 And Tottenham fans could not contain their excitement on social media, lauding Son's return

 One user said: "Son tanking the Asian Cup to Qatar to get back to Tottenham." Another chipped in with: "Sonny is coming home

" A third Twitter user said: "South Korea out, get that man Son on a plane now!" "So South Korea proudly lost so that Son can return to Tottenham

Useless team," added another. Trending  "Son Heung-min is back!" were the thoughts of one supporter

 And another said: "And. Korea is out. Just sloppy play up front. We had our chances; Qatar took advantage of theirs

Only positive here is that Son will return to Tottenham a bit ealier than expected

Otherwise a shockingly disappointing way to end Korea's Asian Cup hopes. Bye bye Coach Bento

" Meanwhile, speaking before the game, Son admitted to battling fatigue. "It's about mentality I think," he said

 "If you think you're tired, you get tired. "After the game I feel tired of course, but still I try to recover as quickly as possible and play again

 "In three days I can recover. "It's the same when I'm playing with Tottenham as well

I have to recover as quick as possible and look forward to play."

For more infomation >> Tottenham fans ABSOLUTELY BUZZING after Son Heung-min's South Korea exit Asian Cup - Duration: 2:10.



Hello, my friends! My name is Christina Sanko

This is season of Valentine's day and today we are going to take DIY gifts

This is cute presents for LOVE

This is Love-Corn box for gilfriend or boyfriend

Let's get started!

For this gift we need thick paper. I took this pink double-sided.

I'm gonna make a popcorn box, like in a movie theater.

Under the video I put the template of such box, for those who have a printer you can print and just circle on your paper.

For those who have no printer - repeat after me!

box for popcorn has an irregular shape, in other words, slightly expands to the top.

Therefore, we need to create a special template.

I did not dare and asked for husband's help,

he made a drawing that you can see on the screen

here are all the exact size of the boxes, which he cut out with scissors

You can also use a protractor.

Also, we will need strips of paper, which will expand slightly to the top.

Glue it all on the box, evenly distributing

I glued about a centimeter

Cut the excess.

Now we're gonna make it look like a real box of popcorn

Cut out the tag on white paper and sign Love Сorn

The basis with pink marker

white helium handle to affix the glare

and the thin marker for shadow

With the help of a round marker with a pencil draw semicircles and cut

Fold the box and glue. Box is ready.

Such a romantic popсorn box we have

Now take any paper

I took the white so as not to violate the color scheme of our gift

I cut off half A4 sheet in length

Fold in half and by scissors slightly cut the edges so that the top was a little narrower than the bottom

The top we bend a little, and form the bottom

Draw a heart in the middle and cut out

I make the top with curly scissors

Draw the arrow

I took a package from a set with some creativity

I save similar bag. Fill them with sweets under the colors of the holiday:

I have white and pink marshmallow. Put in a paper bag and secure with a stapler

With decorative adhesive tape bonding the tip.

Next, we will need sushi sticks or other similar

I bought sweets in the store for the colors of the holiday, they were also inexpensive:

it's meringue, marshmallow and marmalade hearts

Now fix all these sweets on sushi sticks to get such a sweet kebab

I did 5 things. Fill the box with popcorn.

I stick these sushi sticks in different places for the balance of the box

Popcorn perfectly holds these sushi sticks on box and does not let them fall.

I put a bag with pink and white sweets. You can even put inside the hearts of mermaids.

Here's a simple romantic gift we have.

I think the theme of the movie is the best suited for a romantic holiday

you can present such gift before going to the cinema or after

as a reminder of an interesting film

Suitable for guys and girls

After all contents of a box will be eaten

it can be used in house or in the office, small toys or new sweets

Very effective and cute gift we have.

We took cute romantic box

Write comments, what do your prenent to you gilfriend or boyfriend?

Happy Valentine's Day!




[190113~190120] Apink(에이핑크) - %%(Eung Eung(응응)) / 교차편집(stage mix) - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> [190113~190120] Apink(에이핑크) - %%(Eung Eung(응응)) / 교차편집(stage mix) - Duration: 3:58.


MALUCHEM przez Azję #5 W STEPIE szerokim | Odcinek 5/14 [Azerbejdżan - Kazachstan] - Duration: 25:57.

In the previous episode, Maluch continued its journey through Georgia.

We visited Udabno, Georgian steppes,

the David Gareja monastery

and finally we reached Azerbaijan.

Due to short transit visa,

I have to get through the country quickly.

I'm driving to Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan,

where we will board a ship that will take me across Kazakhstan.

Fortunately, the views beyond the windows of my Maluch add some much needed spice during our speedy journey through the country.

50 km further and you can see the scenery has changed completely.

The trees have disappeared and we now have grass covered hills.

It has become extremely hot too.

It's difficult to bear inside the car.

I have almost reached Baku

and I'm driving on Moscow street, with 6 lanes.

Baku is the largest city on the Caspian Sea,

and probably the lowest lying capital in the world.

It leaves a great impression on me, even from inside my little car.

Amazing buildings, streets, shops, people…

I would like to stay here longer

but unfortunately I can not stop,

I have to move on and catch the ship in Alat,

70 km south of the city.

This city here was built on revenues of oil.

The Azerbaijanis built their city beautifully,

you can see that money come from oil here.

The oil, literally speaking, comes from under the Caspian Sea.

2.5 million barrels are produced a day here,

which is about 3.5% of world wide production of oil.

It was an amazing rush through Azerbaijan.

But there is a ferry to catch, so I cannot linger any longer.

I don't have a choice basically, .

n 48 hours my visa will expire

There's the port,

it took me 1.5 days to reach here from the Georgian border.

The ferry goes from here to Aktau in Kazakhstan.

We have to join the queue, the Maluch and the Freemont.

I hope that

if we can get to port today,

there will be available space on tomorrow's ferry for our vehicles.

Then leave for Kazakhstan…that's the plan.

There, to the right?

I managed to enter the port, I'm on the grounds of the port,

I'm filming secretly as taking photos here is forbidden.

This is our camp here.

So this is how it looks.

The first night in the port was a struggle.

Train carriages moved around making a lot of noise.

The power generator was very noisy, all night too.

This is the port's canteen.

I have to be patient now,

we are waiting for confirmation, if there will be space for the Maluch and the Freemont.

Our ferry tickets have been purchased.

So it looks like today

the Maluch will board the ferry to Kazakhstan.

Together with...


We are all waiting

The border guards are waiting,

the backpackers are waiting.

the truck drivers are waiting. Everyone is waiting.

The ship is waiting

Kazakhstan is waiting.

And nothing is happening.

Maybe we will leave, maybe we won't.

There is the train that made my night a misery.

Finally, something is happening.

Hopefully, we can move on.

The trucks have gone and now it's our turn.

Shall I turn it off?

Do you speak Russian?

No, not much.

Where are you going?


Then what?

And then?

And you will leave the car there?

No, the car will go back to Poland.

Do you have a CD?

Cigarettes, do you smoke?

No, I don't.

So I managed to get onto the ferry.

This is my cabin

and I'm waiting for departure.

I waited for the ferry

two and half days

or rather it was one and half days.

Hopefully tomorrow we will reach Aktau, Kazakhstan.

You woke me from the deepest slumber.

What is the arrival time?

The guy said that it will take two days...

Caspian Sea and all those oil rigs.

Here we go, I'm on the ferry, Professor Gul.

The Maluch is parked below deck and we are heading towards Kazakhstan.

wonder what the roads are like in Kazakhstan.

I'm a little nervous of the road conditions there.

I heard from many sources that they are terrible

and I wonder how I will manage with my Maluch on those roads.

We are in the canteen.

Professor Gul doesn't offer much

except serving as a reminder of the past Soviet Union times.

The hours pass by very slowly.

But we are moving.

Getting closer to another country of my Maluch's journey.

We made it, we are in Kazakhstan.

It took half a day, the procedure

to get out of the port and receive all our papers and stamps,

but we made it.

I'm not sure what time it is now, because no one seems to know the time.

But according to Azerbaijan time, it's quarter to one.

I've been here since 6am.

Finally on our way.

I think everything went quite smoothly at the port, despite it taking so long.

The Kazakhs seem to like a lot of stamps and paperwork.

I had to get insurance for the car which was quite expensive.

I have reached Aktau.

It's a town that lives on oil revenue and oil production, but it doesn't resemble the splendour of Baku.

It's really hot now, almost like in Sudan.

It's 38 degrees outside and 35 degrees inside.

Aktau was created at the end of the 1950's,

as a settlement for the uranium miners.

At beginning of 1960'3 after the discovery of oil it become a town.

It's 6pm, not worth moving on.

I have to rest a little before entering the steppes, so I will stay here for the night.

Goodbye Aktau.

n front of me lies the whole of Kazakhstan.

It depends on which route I take but it could easily be almost 2500 km.

On the right, there we go, is an oil well, where oil is being extracted.

Kazakhstan depends on this oil.

I can easily say that my Maluch is a real explorer.

He has just discovered the Kazakh steppe.

Proper Green Beast you are.

This steppe will stay with us for many more kilometres to come.

My little explorer, little Fiat

We will spend the night here in the steppes.

In the wilderness.

The Kazakh steppe is the biggest part of the Great Steppe.

It starts in Europe, goes through central Asia, and ends in Manchuria, the eastern part of the continent.

The road is amazing.

Many kilometres in every direction is a straight, cutting the steppe.

Emptiness surrounds me around me….. sometimes camels appear beside me…..

sometimes it's just me and my Maluch….

sometimes even the crew gets lost here.

Amazing. I am having a good time driving here at the moment.

What's interesting is that the steppe is not so monotonous.

It does change, sometimes the colours are more green, or more yellow.

Sometimes the roads are good, and sometimes bad.

Then you encounter good roads like this one.

From time to time the cars pass by.

And that is it. Thats how the drive here is.

We will see what the road through the steppe will be like.

I have to decide, should I take the bumpy shortcut

or take the tarmac round road….

Before I make my decision, I discover a Kazakh cuisine.

They recommend kurdak

4 kurdak please, and 4 Kumis, 4 colas, pepsis.

It's difficult to say which kind of meat this is.

It appears to be either beef or pork.

This is Kumis.

A traditional light beverage with a low alcohol content. Originated in Central Asia

Oh, you like it.

Not really, It's not strong.

It tastes like fermented milk.

Ok, so I have discovered what the meat was; horse.

It's hot, I have to turn the air conditioning on full blast.

Now I can continue.

I would say that for the last 100km, I have been driving just straight.

No hills, nothing.

Just flat steppe, grass and a straight road through the wide steppe.

The day ends on the steppe but it's not time to rest just yet.

The night has become a great spectacle.

On this road,

nothing seems to change, except the quality of the road conditions.

I've been chasing this train for the last 30 minutes.

From the rear of the train I managed to reach the front of the train.

A second day of driving like this has become monotonous.

What's up? You good?

There is a water hole here,

look at this beast.

You fine?

They have nice faces, nice expressions these camels.

This monotony makes it difficult to stay awake.

Nothing is happening.

I'm close to the town of Dosser where there is an interchange.

One side is a short cut and on the other is a round road.

The dilemma I have is that this road will be very monotonous, on this longer round road.

You can tolerate that for two days but a whole week…

Bloody hell...

Let's try the short cut.

The beginning here is still asphalt,

so I have managed to drive 500m

and I will see how the road will be further on

The good asphalt stops,

The road doesn't look so good.

To Aktobe?


Road like this?

Yes, sometimes good and sometimes bad.

Thank you.

Ok, I'm turning back.

For the next few days I predict a very long boring ride.

Let's continue onto the Kazakh steppe.

I'm a little hesitant, two days of the steppe was a struggle.

The first was ok but by the second I was very bored.

Today is the third so we'll see how it goes.

The GPS is showing our next turn in 494km.

Do you understand Russian?

Only a little.

Where are you going? Why?

You want to explore the world?

I'm a tourist.

Do you have any souvenirs for me?

Do you have any souvenirs for me?

I don't understand.

You don't understand?


What are you carrying in the car?

My camera, my clothes..


Can you step out of the car

Fortunately I was saved by a passing bicycle rider who needed a wheel pump.

My Russian is terrible,

which doesn't help when the local militia want souvenirs.

Militia and potholes are the attractions of my day today in the steppe.

It's nice to stand in the shade of the trees here.

I haven't seen a tree for a while now.

There are no trees at all here

Good morning.

And this? Is it good?


Kurdak is a horse, isn't it?


No, it's a cow.

Ok, so I ordered a broth soup.

I would like to get through to those trees over there,

and find a place for the night to camp.

These mosquitoes are a nuisance.

So I found this nice spot for the night near river Ural.

It's really nice but these bugs are constantly attacking me.

For more infomation >> MALUCHEM przez Azję #5 W STEPIE szerokim | Odcinek 5/14 [Azerbejdżan - Kazachstan] - Duration: 25:57.


Minha experiência no PhD - Duration: 12:38.

Hello, folks! Shibuya back again.

Today I will tell a little about

my experience as a Marketing PhD

student here in the US.

I started about 1 year and 6 months ago

and I will share what

happened here with me

since 2017

A PhD is comprised by

several different activities,

I will comment on each of them in turn

The first part is

the required coursework.

Out of the total period of 5 years

expected for a PhD,

the first 2 years are

often dedicated to taking classes

that are deemed necessary.

The academic year in the US has 3 semesters.

In the Fall and

Spring semesters,

you need to take at least 3 courses.

Each course has 3 hours,

so you stay in class for about 9

hours a week. In the Summer semester,

it's more optional, some people

take courses, some don't.

The requirements are no so strong.

The courses you take depends on

your research area.

In my case, Quantitative Marketing.

What usually happens?

Out of the 3 courses in a semester,

1 will be a Marketing course,

like Marketing Strategy.

1 course will be an Economics course,

taken at the Department of Economics,

not the business school.

The third course has more flexibility,

it depends.

Although we stay in class for

9 hours, those courses

require much more time

than that. Most of the

work we have is outside

of the classroom. We have to solve

lots of problems, read lots of papers,

do lots of exercises,

there is a lot to study.

So, the time we spend for those courses

is much more than the 9 hours

we theoretically have.

The level of the courses usually are

very high, both in

quality and difficulty.

We deal with the state of the art

in science, we often

study in classes some questions

that even the professors

have a hard time solving.

We talk a lot about the current hardships

of academic research, what are the

difficulties we face,

what are the challenges to overcome,

what are answers we are still seeking.

So, classes are much more

about discussions, than

reaching a definitive solution.

So, courses are diverse and heavy,

and they require a lot of

work, dedication,

and time.

The second part is studying in a more

independent way. There are lots of

things that you need to learn,

but there will not necessarily be

a course to teach you them.

For example, in the

courses from the Department of

Economics, you need a knowlegde

of calculus.

If you are god at solving things like

matrices, derivatives, integrals, that's ok.

But if you are'nt good enough,

You will need to study that by yourself,

to be able to follow the classes.

The professor will not stop

to explain what is the determinant

of a matrix, or what is

a derivative, a second derivative.

The professors assumes that you

can follow that, that you can

understand that kind of math.

Another example is software

and programming languages that

you need for data analysis.

We had exercicies to do

for the Econometrics courses that

needed to be solve, for example,

using MATLAB.

But the professor never

taught MATLAB,

how to code in that language.

If you don't know,

you will need to study MATLAB

to solve the problems. Without that

knowledge, you will not be able

the problems.

In my case, a long time had gone since

I last coded anything.

worked with programming, or

anything like that.

So far, in this period of 1 year and 6 months,

I had to deal with codes in


a number of languages

in a short period of time,

that you need to know at least a little,

to do the activities you need for a PhD.

And you will need to study that

by yourself, you often don't

have a course available at the university

to teach you those software

and programming skills.

The third part of a PhD is to

work as an assistant.

You're not only a student, you also

have to work. That job

can be very diverse, it's hard to provide

details about everything.

To give an example,

the job may include grading exams.

I assist some professors

who teach classes. And when there are

exams to grade, they can give

the exams to me

to provide grades to students.

Another job is

when there is an exam,

I go there during the exam

to check and to

provide any support that may be

needed during the exam.

Another example is a research symposium

that we have at the university.

Each student helps to organize part of

the symposium. Some will

take care of transportation,

some will be responsible for the food,

or take care of the guests.

We share the responsibilities for the

symposium, this is on

the PhD students' shoulders.

The last and most important PhD activity

is research. And that part of research

will depend a lot on each person.

Each student will have a different

experience, as each one's research

will be different.

Some of my experiences with research.

In my case, I got accepted to the PhD program

with a professor appointed to be

my advisor.

This can change over time,

but the expectation is to have one person who

will be my advisor for the

whole period of the PhD. That makes things easier,

because from the beginning we can

talk and plan how things will

develop during the PhD.

When I started my PhD,

we talked about it and he said

that in the first year I should

focus on the coursework and on learning

to code, especially

the languages we were

going to use in our research.

Basically, SAS and R.

In the beginning, it didn't make much sense to

work with research, because I still

didn't know to code,

or the tools and theories.

So, I wouldn't be much of a help.

Because of that, I still don't have much

research experience, I have been

doing my research project for approximately

6 months.

Oftentimes, a PhD student will

join an existing research project

being conducted by the advisor

or someone else from the university,

In my case, my advisor said

there was no current research

project undergoing that would

fit my characteristics.

Then, instead of joining a project,

we started a new project

from scratch,

that I needed to lead.

We talked about what are

my research interests,

the topics I'd like to research,

the subjects I'm attracted to.

From those conversations, he was then able to

provide more specific instructions,

clear orientations about

what I should do from that moment.

I started to read papers

more closely related to my area,

to study commands and

statistical procedures that are

better for my circumstances.

More importantly,

about databases that the university

and the professor

have access to, and that might be useful

to answer the research questions I have.

So, it was a matter of

match the things that I

wanted to research with the resources

that are available from the university,

particularly datasets.

What can I answer with those

datasets? And then

I started to develop my research.

Since my research is still in the beginning,

I will not give details about

what I'm researching.

But I have a huge dataset,

with millions of rows of observations,

for a long period of time,

with a very big sample.

I have been working to analyze that

for a few months since

we talked about conducting

this research project.

Right now, what I have is a

huge dataset,

that requires huge amounts of work

to clean the data, manipulate it,

make all the calculations.

The dataset needs to be

analyzed using two programming languages,

SAS and R,

and I need to constantly learn

how to use those languages

to solve the specific problems

I find every moment.

This research work

tends to take all my time.

I don't have weekends,

holidays, vacations.

Most of the time I'd have "free",

I'm using to conduct

my research, as it's easier to

do that in those times, instead

of doing simultaneously with coursework,


exams grading, etc.

I try to take every opportunity

to work on my research.

For example, last weeek I intended

to post another YouTube video,

as my plan is to try one video per week.

But it was simply impossible,

I had too much to do.

On some days, I spend 12 hours, 15 hours,

analyzing data, coding,


all that stuff to deliver results.

So, if sometimes I take long to

make a new video,

it's probably research taking all my time.

I have until April to deliver

a paper based on

that research, so I have a limited time

to show that I can

handle research work.

I talked about many different things,

about my PhD experience,

since I started 1 year and a half ago.

It's diverse and a little

chaotic, but I think this reflects

what happens. Things sometimes

get out of control,

too many things happening at the

same time, and you need to balance everything.

Many activities, many responsibilities.

That's part of the learning process,

to deal with the pressure,

with the workload,

from several areas, several people,

involving several skills.

You develop quickly as a consequence.

It has been an intense period,

a period when I learned and

grew a lot.

To conclude this video, something important

to talk about my experience.

Doing a PhD is a lot of work,

it is exhausting, challenging.

But the department,

the professors, the administrative staff of the

university, they are amazing when it comes to

providing support to students.

We see a concern about

our performance, our personal life,

our health, both physically and mentally,

if we are being able

to handle everything.

See how they can help.

It's hard, they know that,

and they are willing to support us.

That makes a big difference.

It's different from doing

something hard without support,

my experience here is doing hard work,

but with a lot of support.

People here work very hard,

and they want to help us in our studies,

our research. There is a team of

professors really

extraordinary here at the university.

So, I'm very grateful.

That's what I had to tell today,

see you all in another video.

For more infomation >> Minha experiência no PhD - Duration: 12:38.


(유튜브 독점 공개!) [무대영상] 퍼플퀸 - Moto|Purple Queen - Moto|SM Rookies (Eng Sub) - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> (유튜브 독점 공개!) [무대영상] 퍼플퀸 - Moto|Purple Queen - Moto|SM Rookies (Eng Sub) - Duration: 2:11.


✅ Juliana Paiva curte passeio de barco com Nicolas Prattes e ganha declaração apaixonada:'Maravilhos - Duration: 0:59.

 Juliana Paiva e Nicolas Prattes aproveitaram o final de semana em grande estilo! O casal surgiu em alto mar para curtir um passeio de barco a dois

 O global apaixonado compartilhou um momento do passeio com a namorada

 "Você é maravilhosa", declarou-se na legenda da imagem onde os dois surgiram coladinhos

   Os atores estão namorando desde que começaram as gravações da novela O Tempo Não Para

No entanto, eles demoraram para assumir a relação e fazem questão de manter o romance longe dos holofotes da mídia e do público

 Na trama da Tv Globo eles interpretam o casal Samuca e Marocas.

For more infomation >> ✅ Juliana Paiva curte passeio de barco com Nicolas Prattes e ganha declaração apaixonada:'Maravilhos - Duration: 0:59.


Kelly O'Neill KNWA 6 anchor Jan. 26, 2019 - Duration: 26:42.

For more infomation >> Kelly O'Neill KNWA 6 anchor Jan. 26, 2019 - Duration: 26:42.



For more infomation >> ✅ HALINA MLYNKOVA POKAZAŁA SYNA. TO JUŻ DUŻY, PRZYSTOJNY CHŁOPIEC! | Polska 24H - Duration: 4:07.


Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Playing Train | Drawing and Coloring Characters Version - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Playing Train | Drawing and Coloring Characters Version - Duration: 3:42.


Drama neștiută a Războinicului Alex Stoica de la Exatlon. Și-a îngropat tatăl chiar de ziua lui! "A - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Drama neștiută a Războinicului Alex Stoica de la Exatlon. Și-a îngropat tatăl chiar de ziua lui! "A - Duration: 2:46.


중3영어 토론수업 ebs 영어 어휘 숙어 문법 단어 독해 문장구조 영어 G1 디베이트 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> 중3영어 토론수업 ebs 영어 어휘 숙어 문법 단어 독해 문장구조 영어 G1 디베이트 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:24.


방정식 함수 미적분 기하와 벡터 공부 잘하는법 토론수학 공부법 코디 중2수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> 방정식 함수 미적분 기하와 벡터 공부 잘하는법 토론수학 공부법 코디 중2수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:44.


공부법 코디 공부 잘하는법 토론영어 숙어 어휘 문법 단어 독해 고2영어 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> 공부법 코디 공부 잘하는법 토론영어 숙어 어휘 문법 단어 독해 고2영어 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:20.



Do you want to improve your vocabulary in Spanish?

So this video is for you

Welcome to the vocabulary of the week

today we are going to learn the meaning of the phrase "Hace poco"

"Hace poco" is an adverb of time and denotes something that happened recently

or not too long ago.


Recently we went to eat sushi.

Until very recently, I could play soccer well.

We saw recently how expensive it's to buy a house.

Not too long ago I visited my family

A lot of people from Venezuela emigrated recently to Peru

I was in that place not too long ago.

Let's practice!

Write three sentences using the phrase "hace poco" in the comments.

Thanks a lot for watching this video

don't miss the vocabulary of the next week subscribing to the channel

Also you can help me a lot with a like and sharing with your friends

Don't forget also to activate the bell

See you soon, chau chau.

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