Saturday, March 17, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 17 2018

When you refuse to die


When you can count on your teamates

New item invisibility cape?

When you are smarter than them

Fortnite Rising

20vs20 in a nutshell

French streamer during a stream

Ok Lucas it's your time

Oh no you're stuck

Lure of profit...

Damage of an 100m fall

When you want to do it like Ninja

When you have no weapons

For more infomation >> Fortnite Dank Memes Compilation 1 - Duration: 6:15.


Mix Pop Latino 2018 - Nicky Jam, J Balvin, Bad Bunny, Ozuna, Daddy Yaanke, Maluma, Shakira, Wisin - Duration: 1:23:17.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Mix Pop Latino 2018 - Nicky Jam, J Balvin, Bad Bunny, Ozuna, Daddy Yaanke, Maluma, Shakira, Wisin - Duration: 1:23:17.


Cómo hacer arroz con leche con marihuana, cocina cannábica, dulce, respostería - Duration: 8:33.

- Damian will teach you how to do a delicious milky rice made with Skunk 1 by Sensi Seeds... Specially for sugar lovers.

- Hi welcome again to UndergrowTv... THis is Sweet Weed, and here we'll ellaborate all these

- delicious cannabic desserts, like this perfect birthday cake for all of you.

- We want to remain these are adult videos, like cannabis plant. You should only do this cake if it's for more than 18 years

- What's up today Damian? Something sweet for sure... Yes this is the new section, Sweet Weed,

- and today a simple dessert... Milky rice. I think everybody likes it... But with our special touch.

- That's it cannabic butter of Skunk1 by Sensi Seeds.

- Well... Here i've got ingredients prepared... Milky rice today... Cannabic of course. 1 litter of milk, 200gr of rice,

- 25 gr of special butter, 100gr of sugar, and here a cinnamon stick, available everywhere, and a lemon

- to get some skin to infusionate milk. Let's see simple steps to make our milky rice.

- Well i've already put a pan on fire, let's put milk, sugar, cinnamon and put all in together,

- and now the lemon skin... All inside. Let it infusionate.

- When you're cutting lemon skin, it's important to get only the yellow part, as less white, it's better.

- Do it like this.

- Once all ingredients are together with the milk, we must infusionate it so slowly, until the milk want to start boilling.

- It shoul be ready to add rice. We must specially treat rice to avoid starch excess. Wash it a little bit

- to take some stach out... It will be more creamy. Don't let the milk boil... And now let's treat the rice. With a strainer,

- it's important to use a strainer that holds all rice granes... Now let's wash it a little bit,

- simply... Shake it... With a couple of minutes it should be enought.

- There are a lot of variants of this recipe... A lot of people doesn't wash it... Other people wash it a lot... For me, with

- a simple wash... The final result is really nice, but you can test whatever. Try to find your best.

- And now as you can see, cream is coming up... It's a signal that it's near boilling.

- We don't want it to boil. When we see it's going to start boilling, we'll add the rice, low the fire and shake,

- and observ how rice gets texture. Control it. Now we can see how it's starting to

- boil... Don't wait for a second... Add the rice.

- We've already added the rice... Shake it slowly, and now in only 45-50 minutes, we could taste

- and adjust it depending of how you like it.

- Well Undergrowers... How is this Sensi Skunk extraction? Well... No words... Awesome. Highly recommendable.

- Skunk1 by Sensi Seeds is an ideal plant. A classic, but it's specially nice to make extractions. It's on its point...

- Now let's add our butter, out of fire... With resting heat, melt the butter inside and let it cool.

- Well Damian... It looks really nice. You're removed it to avoid cinnamon pieces... And well,

- You've added somenthing interesting. We've removed solids like cinnamon and lemon. And we've added our butter,

- perfectly molten with resting heat... Let's put in plates, let it cool and decorate it to eat. Cannabic milky rice,

- Well it' ready to taste. Now a simple decoration. Yes it's already cool...

- I've got cinnamon powder... Use a leaf to give it form... Always present leaf.

- Deluxe... Let's taste that one...

- What do you think Maka? It's awesome... Cut the scene.

For more infomation >> Cómo hacer arroz con leche con marihuana, cocina cannábica, dulce, respostería - Duration: 8:33.


My (Daring) 5 Year Business Plan For The Neil Patel Brand - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> My (Daring) 5 Year Business Plan For The Neil Patel Brand - Duration: 5:48.


WELL, THIS WAS A FIRST TIME - Duration: 7:39.

Ola Youtube my name is Ricardo you and I'm

wheel addict this is not really a skate video but it has to do with skating at

least the beginning so yesterday I got this email it has a

little medal basically it's from feed spot and it says you made it to top 60

roller skating YouTube channels I was quite happy of course that you get just

these emails saying that you're good at something or that you made it to top

something whatever when I opened a website check it basically this feed

spot thing is one of those websites where you have like 20 best destinations

in the world for scuba diving or the best blogs for surfing or whatever so

they apparently made these post about the top 60 rollerskating YouTube

channels on top of the list was powerslide which I'm obviously quite

happy because it's the brand that I work for then in second place

there's rollerblade which is quite normal right rather way is that the

brand the name that everyone knows and then check this in third place that is

this channel that you're watching right now well I'm really really happy about

it even if I have no idea how they got to these top I don't know what

parameters they use to choose this top but I might be because as an individual

channel this is number one channel at least according to fit spot which is

quite cool then on 4th it was indeed Gemma Jones we spoke about

indeed in this channel and the 5th is Thiago Thiago the inline skater from

France he's been doing a lot of content and I have to admit I used to be a lot

more competitive that I am nowadays but I consistently watch their YouTube

videos and I try to be I tried to be as good as them and I know that some of

them are trying to do the same with me and I guess all these these wanna be

better makes this channel grow and I just want to say thank

to every single one of you for watching these videos and for supporting this

channel now it's night I'm feeling a little bit sick but let me tell you what

happened today this was my day I'm supposed to not be

filming cuz my wife is going to be mad at me why I want to say jealous because

it's my birthday so what we're gonna do today Janice I I booked us

I booked a spa day the way we are going now it's about the time it's quarter to

7:00 in the morning are we gonna go drop Jalen by my sister and we are 8 o'clock

we start with breakfast at the spa and like six different treatments and then

jacuzzi and it's just going to be a day of pampering because we've been both

been working really really hard couple of weeks time for each other somehow

it was my birthday and it's my first day in the spa and by the way the shop is

opening next Friday check this invitation just two just did yesterday

Janice keeps getting some of these check with Janice is just go I would like to

know why your sister Melanie doesn't send me those messages friend of your


hey Marty Janie's cameras annoying


that's all I got that's all I got swimming customer do you even go there

you put on the gown and take off your clothes put your clothes in the locker

bring lucky with you each other need this thing disgusting nice one waiting

on Janice why green well this is the day before but you probably watching these

on st. Patrick's Day so you go go great Saint Patrick's episode Patrick Terence

and never better beauty maybe

surface and open

and now we're back from the spa I'm at home I'm feeling super super sick I

think I got a flu so I'm gonna try to edit this video so that you can watch it

in st. Patrick's Day which is tomorrow Saturday and that's it if this is the

first video that you're watching this channel if you liked it don't forget to

give me some thumbs up if you're not subscribed to the channel

now might be the best time to do it and if you didn't like it give me thumbs

down but a let me know what it didn't like about this video what did I do

wrong I know that I didn't skate but that's my life I can't skate every day I

wish sometimes I can sometimes I don't anyway just don't forget why we all

started skating because it's fun cheers guys and see you soon

For more infomation >> WELL, THIS WAS A FIRST TIME - Duration: 7:39.


Após o BBB18, Patrícia volta ao Ceará e procura fãs no aeroporto; confira o vídeo | - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Após o BBB18, Patrícia volta ao Ceará e procura fãs no aeroporto; confira o vídeo | - Duration: 2:01.


Maycki & Lenny - Tu Villano - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Maycki & Lenny - Tu Villano - Duration: 3:17.


Patricia, nuestra 'mater dolorosa': así educaba a Gabriel la mujer que ha conquistado a España - Duration: 17:24.

For more infomation >> Patricia, nuestra 'mater dolorosa': así educaba a Gabriel la mujer que ha conquistado a España - Duration: 17:24.


¿Sabes por qué Ana Julia no puede ser expulsada a República Dominicana a cumplir condena? - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> ¿Sabes por qué Ana Julia no puede ser expulsada a República Dominicana a cumplir condena? - Duration: 3:00.


Miles de personas piden "justicia" en Lavapiés - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Miles de personas piden "justicia" en Lavapiés - Duration: 6:31.


Andrés, el sevillano autor del cuento de Gabriel en el que se encuentra con Marta del Castillo - Duration: 13:41.

For more infomation >> Andrés, el sevillano autor del cuento de Gabriel en el que se encuentra con Marta del Castillo - Duration: 13:41.


Awaken Your Potential

For more infomation >> Awaken Your Potential


Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Male Fantasy or Feminist Hero? - Duration: 12:42.

The 2018 Tomb Raider movie got us

thinking about Lara Croft

and what the character has meant

to audiences over the years.

The character's history represents a complicated mix of

oversexualization and empowerment

that reveals a lot about our relationship

to strong female heroines.

"I woke up this morning and I just hated everything."

Thanks to her popularity, Lara opened the door

for more female video game characters

and more female action protagonists onscreen.

But the original Lara Croft rose to fame in part

thanks to being objectified

for her exaggerated feminine appearance.

Gaming and Addiction researcher, Dr. Mark Griffiths,

noted that when talking about Lara,

most players mentioned her breasts.

"Don't you think you've seen enough?"

And when the first movie, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider,

came out starring Angelina Jolie,

producers tried to replicate the allure

she held for male gamers.

"Are you going to shoot me, Alex?"

So from the very beginning, Lara Croft's function

was to be a sex symbol marketed primarily young men

-- but along the way she became a female trailblazer,

too, almost by accident.

So this brings us to our main question --

is Lara Croft just a male fantasy

or is she a feminist hero,

and is it possible to be both?

"That's a secret.

If I told you

I'd have to kill you."

Looking back on Lara Croft: Tomb Raider,

you could use this movie as a Hollywood crash course

on how to craft the perfect male fantasy:

a heroine who's extra sexy and strong

but somehow absolutely non-threatening.

Before we go on, be sure to hit subscribe

and click the bell to get notifications

on all of our new videos.

The first step is making your sexy heroine

be all man inside.

From the opening scene of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

it's like the film is saying --

Lara will turn your preconceived notions

about women upside down.

Which means that what we're about to see

is a man's personality in a woman's form.

She wears no make-up, plain clothes

and a tight braid.

She is brusque, a woman of few words.

"Time to save the universe again, is it?"


Lara is strong, assertive, inquisitive and brave --

all very traditionally "male" qualities.

Lara's tomboyish ways are a fantasy

for male viewers and players --

she has the body and looks of a woman

they'd desire,

but the interests and behavior of

their best male friend.

"Thank you boys.

Over and out."

Sadly, the message to any female viewer, though is,

to be a badass, be more like a man.

18 years later, Daenerys Targaryen is both badass

and very feminine.

But Lara was sort of de-feminized

so that she'd be more desirable,

and that didn't make her a very empowering

role model for women.

"The lady should be modest."

"Yes, a lady should be modest."

The second thing that's really revealing

is the story's point of view.

If Lara were a heroine we're supposed

to be identifying with,

we should be seeing things

from her point of view.

Sometimes we do.

But Lara's opening fight with the robot

is not filmed with her point of view in mind.

The robot pounces on top of her,

while she is on her back,

and pushes down on her --

this shot choreography places Lara

in an overtly sexualized position.

And we see the robot's point of view --

watching her fight back,

rather than just living her experience

of the fight.

Then in this scene, again,

it's just blatantly obvious that we are meant

to be seeing Lara in a sexualized way.

Compare that to this shower scene from the same film.

This scene puts you in the experience --

makes you think about how it feels

to have the water hitting your skin.

Whereas Lara's scene is shot to look like

what you would imagine

if you were fantasizing about Lara Croft

taking a shower.

It has nothing to do with her actual experience

and everything to do with how she looks.

"Always a pleasure."

"Never a cold shower."

The Tomb Raider video games are third-person,

so from the start the experience has been

about always seeing Lara,

and the movie's maintains this appeal

with its point of view.

Players have complete control over video-game Lara

because that's the nature of a video game.

She was a badass with a built-in lack of agency.

So video-game Lara can be as accomplished

and awesome as possible,

and still not be intimidating --

which added to her original sex appeal.

But in a movie, this level of control

isn't really possible --

so in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider,

filmmakers found other ways to make viewers feel

they had power over Lara.

To understand how the movie does takes power

away from Lara,

let's look at her backstory --

or lack thereof.

She has no mother and identifies strongly

with her father,

who was an explorer/archaeologist.

She lives in a huge mansion with a hacker

who seems to be like a brother to her --


Don't start."

and a butler named Hillary.

"Anything you need?"


Thank you, Hillary."

"Don't you stay up too late."

This setup makes Lara feel like a child

in an adult's body.

Her drives and priorities are basically those

of a kid --

adventuring --

"You know I can't resist a bit of fun."

and pleasing her parent.

"I miss you daddy."

The scene that sets her Lara's adventure in motion

wouldn't be out of place at the start

of Harry Potter --

she wakes up because of a mysterious ticking sound

and walks around in her PJ's

looking for the source of the sound.

So because Lara has the story

and motivations of a kid

"I still have you, daddy."

she elicits a kind of protectiveness in male viewers.

And however strong she is,

the movie is on some level making her

a "damsel in distress" to recreate

that protective feeling in viewers.

Also critics have noted that video-game Lara

was especially attractive to players in part

because of her sparse backstory --

So viewers can imagine her inner life

as whatever they prefer.

Lara also has no romantic story line,

at least not at first.

She doesn't seem interested in any man

besides her dad.

"Your father said you will never give up."

"My father?

You knew my father?"

Her dormant sexual agency makes Lara more approachable

and less threatening.

Her unawakened sexuality is hinted at

in the symbolism of her adventures.

"Egypt again.

It's nothing but pyramids and sand."

"I know.

Gets everywhere, in the cracks."

She's on a mission to protect a tomb

from men who want to invade it.

Furthermore, she's on this mission

because her father told her to

protect the tomb's secret from the men.

"The world will be in great danger.

Devious, dangerous men who seek

the triangle's awesome and terrible powers.

This you must prevent at all costs."

And then we get this scene in the cave-like tomb itself

which is also pretty telling

and then if you had any doubts that this was symbolic,

there's this genius line

"The log must pierce the urn."

and then of course, this happens.

If this scene isn't a hamfisted metaphor

for a sexual awakening, then what is?

After the log and urn scene, Lara seems

to become more in touch with her sexuality.

She starts developing a very understated

romantic rapport

with Daniel Craig's character, Alex West.

Near the end of the movie, she saves his life.

But there's still next to no explicit romance --

they never even kiss,

unless you count the sexy CPR Lara performs.

So keeping Lara relatively chaste is an

invitation of sorts to male viewers --

it makes it easy for the audience to imagine themselves

filling that empty place and being her partner.


Let's go."

The second movie, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - Cradle of Life

performed poorly,

earning 157 million compared to

the first film's 275 million.

The film was actually received more positively

by critics,

who cited better character development for Lara.

But as we've seen character development wasn't

necessarily what audiences wanted from Lara.

The first Tomb Raider leaves off when Lara

has gone through a symbolic sexual awakening

and discovered her femininity.

She even wears a dress.

"Oh my God."

She bosses all the men in the movie around

and seems more aware of her sexual attractiveness.

We even see her ex-boyfriend, which might have

disappointed all Lara's would-be boyfriends

in the audience.

So giving Lara even this small amount of sexual agency

and character development evidently ruined the fantasy

and negatively affected the film's success.

So it's pretty clear that Lara in the original movie

and game was an ultimate male fantasy --

but despite that, she should still be considered

an important character in the feminist canon.

It's hard to see her like that now,

but in 90s and early 200s

Lara was a step in the right direction

for action movies.

She was a very popular female hero

in two huge, male-dominated industries.

And we should even give Angelina Jolie props because --

as much as the movie seems ridiculously

sexualized to us today --

the actress actually fought against

replicating video-game Lara's unrealistic proportions,

because she did not want to set this kind of ideal

for young girls.

In 2013, the 10th Tomb Raider game

rebooted Lara's character as a more realistic,

3-dimensional, relatable character,

fit for our times.

"A famous explorer once said that

the extraordinary is in what we do,

not who we are."

And in the 2018 Tomb Raider movie,

Alicia Vikander has the same mysterious,

vaguely foreign allure Jolie had,

but her appearance is less overtly sexual

and more realistic.

The set-up is pretty similar:

Lara is still the rough and tumble explorer.

"It'll be an adventure!"

"Death is not an adventure."

And her story doesn't hinge on a romantic plot.

So in that sense the movie is still appealing

to those audience that kind of prefers it

when she's single.

But in the context of 2018, not emphasizing romance

is generally viewed as positive.

Lara's also still obsessed with her father.

"I thought I saw Dad today.

I think I'm going mad."

"Lara, your father's gone."

But there's a key difference in the new version.

Now she's set on getting answers about her dad

and the whole film is set up

to be a backstory for Croft.

As we saw, the previous lack of a backstory

was intentionally depriving her of agency

and a fully formed adult persona.

So the fact that we're getting an origin story

is in itself the righting of a major wrong

in the character's history.

"And it was important to us that

Lara felt like a real girl,

a real human being."

So over the last 22 years

and throughout all her iterations,

what does Lara Croft represent for our culture?

Jolie's Croft was obviously a sex object

for all the reasons we've discussed,

but she was still a trailblazer --

if only because she was both a female

and a strong action hero.

She was even a kind of feminist Trojan horse:

she masqueraded as pure male fantasy,

but the success of her female-led story

opened the door for others who came after her.

"I'm just that kind of Croft."

I'm Debra.

I'm Susannah.

We're the creators of ScreenPrism.

If you like our videos, please subscribe.

Down there!

For more infomation >> Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Male Fantasy or Feminist Hero? - Duration: 12:42.


A NASA pode não conseguir nos salvar de gigantesco asteroide, dizem pesquisadores - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> A NASA pode não conseguir nos salvar de gigantesco asteroide, dizem pesquisadores - Duration: 5:29.


[ENG] LuHan × Smart phone vivoX21 CF (VER B.) - Duration: 0:29.

Hello everyone, I'm LuHan

This morning vivo handed me a mysterious task

Are you curious what it is?

The new X21 news conference will be released soon

I heard there not only full unlock the X21

Also there will have lots of mysterious surprises

Can't wait for it

How about you?

For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan × Smart phone vivoX21 CF (VER B.) - Duration: 0:29.


[ENG] LuHan × Smartphone vivoX21 CF (VER A.) - Duration: 0:51.

Hello, everyone, I am LuHan

This morning vivo handed me a mysterious task

Are you curious what it is?

I heard there not only full unlock the X21

Also there will have lots of mysterious surprises

Can't wait for it and how about you?

For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan × Smartphone vivoX21 CF (VER A.) - Duration: 0:51.


[Blind Reaction] MLP EG Digital Series (Ep. 11 - 15) - Duration: 26:44.


...I'm back, DSpyro here, reaction video number three. I gathered a little bit, after what I just saw.

Now, we will come to...

...the the episodes 11 - 15...from...

Holy shit...

Slow down...the episodes 11 - 15 from the Equestria Girls Digital Series on YouTube.


Before we start, I've already seen when I was downloading the videos that the last three episodes...will have different endings again, which you could choose.

I've just put them togehter once again and I think, I did this in alphabetical order, because in that way it's easier and there is no need to reorder these things.


I'm curious...

...but the reaction video will be a little longer, because of that. I've seen that the successive episodes have a full length of 23 minutes, so this will be a longer version of a reaction video. But it's ok... is said that the longer the better it is. I hope, this time will be the case, too.

So...without further ado, let's get start.

I start the reaction video...


"Display of affection."

I wonder who that is.

It's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't get it.

Hemlein? Nope, doesn't mean anything to me.

Not bad. can see it again. Inspirations are everywhere.



It looks like shit, let's just say it that way.



Not bad...

Yeah, Sunset is a really good friend, you can rely on her.

But, I would somehow have thought that she get the other friends to it, too. But, apparently she did this all on her own.

Her skills as an artist, you could already seen in "The art of friendship".

Episode twelve...

"Super squad goals"


...will this be like "The Power-Ponies"?


Oh my god!

The super hero outfits from "Legend of Everfree".


But, I think the outfits changed a little bit - Applejack and Rainbow, I feel they look a little different, compared to the past.

Yeah, it's ok! can exaggerate many things, but this is getting ridiculous.


Of course, now it's finally cupcake-time.

Oh noooo...

Sunset as an artist, again? Oh man...

Oh gosh...

But that looks really nice, with the hearts in their eyes.

Now it's time for the first one of the interactive episodes.

"Fluttershy's butterflies" - Wow, that's a...say this quickly three times in a row without any mistakes.

I think she sees it differently.

Yeah...good point.

(Somehow, today's episodes have a lot of references to further episodes in the series... The saddle row review; Power-Ponies; Filli Vanilli)

Well, now you could choose between Rainbow Dash, Applejack and...I believe Vinyl Scratch, because she was in the background.


I'm curious now, especially on the end with Vinyl Scratch.

So, first of all Applejack.


Neither do I...because it sounds stupid, somehow.

Rule number 1: Never doubt Applejack!

Ah ok...I thought, there was some disaster now. I would find that funny.


That's good, too.

Probably, you should...Oh God!

Poor Big Mac.

Yeah, "try a different ending!" We'll do that, we're definitely trying the other ones.


Then let's's coming now.

Oh, Rainbow Dash.



Fluttershy as a commentator.

It's unbelievable that this is actually working.

Nope...I don't say what I was thinking about that.

That would...That wouldn't be fair to Rainbow Dash.

That's why I will be silent...

So, now Vinyl Scratch. I'm curios about that.

Holy sh...No...NO!

Oh...Oh please no!

Not what I'm thinking - please don't!

Ok, it's not what I was thinking. I was already scared.

Yeah, that was my reaction, too.

I can't believe it. You can see it again, the complete show is more important than anything what the person is doing on the stage.

At least in this case.

That was the first one of the interactive episodes. Now, number two is coming.

"Text support"

That's probably the Pinkie Pie formula.

These two have probably felt the formula.

It is a puzzle.

That was actually pretty bragging.

I'm not used to not knowing!

Twilight, even you can't know everything.


...I'm not really sure right now, who you could choose this time.

Let me be surprised, then it will be a bigger surprise.

Ahh, Fluttershy.

What what what...uh WHAT!?


Well well well...

Now I'm curios...

...who else is available.

Ahh, Rarity.

That's not a good idea, Twilight.

What the fuck!

Good question...

I've lost the thread sometime at the half.


I get reminded once again that

...that I hate these emoji messages.

Sorry, but I didn't understand it since the half of the episode.

I was completely out of it.

So, how's coming now?

Ahhh, Sunset.


Somehow, I have the feeling that this ending a little should I say it?

...they want to criticize today's WhatsApp youth.

And they do it with reason.

But okay...let's leave it that way...the last episode. (A little awkward, but I hope you know what I mean.)

"Driving miss Shimmer"

Oh...Sunset wants to do the driving license.

It's really shit, if you always have to be driven by others. It's better, if you can drive for yourself.


...with whom do we drive now?

That grin is really nice.

First of all, Applejack.



If that would really work, you'll never need the jack again.

Man, that's lousy!

Holy shit, Cranky - what an asshole you are?

Wow...this means, Applejack safed the day...once again.

Okay...two endings are still to come.


Just step on it!

Oh no...

(Cranky Doodle is really the examiner you do not want to have at your driving test.)

Think at the rhyme. can almost pass it.

Very nice.

But for me it's interesting to find out that in America, it's probably legal to practice driving without a driving instructor.


Well, I guess that's how it is. was number three again?

Rarity, I believe, right?

Yeah...Rarity, right? Of course!



Yeah do know that she needs to drive for herself?


(That's the first time that Rarity has strained my patience too much...)

"The k-turn"

Well...(Park sideways...The nightmare of every student driver)

(Park sideways...The nightmare of every student driver)

Very nicely worded. can see it again, if you learn to manage the most difficult things, you can do anything.

Or should I say, you can drive everything.

It's like, when you learn to drive in the most tricky corner of your city, you can drive everywhere.


Okay, they all done, I think, right? Yeah.

"Holy shit!" Well...

That was...especially the interactive episodes, I think...

...I think, they were a little bit odd, but...they were sensational, once again.

They entertain me very, the episode number twelve, I found this one a little bit boring, let me say it like that, but it can't be all perfect.

But, I have to the episode number fourteen "Text support", the ending with Rarity, I really lost the thread at the half of it. I even didn't understand what this is all about, what Rarity actually did there...

...sorry, I need to look in it again later, maybe I will be a bit more smarter then, but... I said earlier - I'm totally against these emoji messages, I don't understand them either. I hate this.

Thank you Hasbro for reminding me, thank you very much.


Three are is still coming and this one will be the longest of all.

"Forgotten friendship" the fifth part from Equestria Girls.

But more on that later...

That's it for this reaction video...I hope at the fourth one, if it can be uploaded, you'll be there there, too.

I'm the DSpyro, see you later.

For more infomation >> [Blind Reaction] MLP EG Digital Series (Ep. 11 - 15) - Duration: 26:44.


The Who - Behind Blue Eyes (Legendado) [CC] HD - Duration: 5:55.

It's a number written by Pete Townshend called "Behind Blue Eyes"

No one knows what it's like

to be the bad man

To be the sad man

behind blue eyes

No one knows what it's like, to be hated

To be fated

to telling only lies

But my dreams they aren't as empty

As my conscience seems to be

I have hours, only lonely

My love is vengeance

that's never free

No one knows what it's like, to feel these feelings

Like I do

and I blame you

No one bites back as hard on their anger

None of my pain or woe

can show through

But my dreams, they aren't as empty

As my conscience seems to be

I have hours, only lonely

My love is vengeance

that's never free

When my fist clenches, crack it open

Before I use it and lose my cool

When I smile, tell me some bad news

Before I laugh and act like a fool

And if I swallow anything evil

Put your finger down my throat

And if I shiver, please give me your blanket

Keep me warm, let me wear your coat

No one knows what it's like

to be the bad man

To be the sad man

behind blue eyes

Hey Rock fans, what's up?

Sorry for my voice, I have the flu

But let's see if we can understand the lyrics of this classic

This song was originally from a project created by Pete Townshend

But it was canceled

This project would be called "Lifehouse"

And it would be a rock opera later turned into film

Just like "Quadrophenia" was

The "Lifehouse" story would have a villain named Jumbo

And "Behind Blue Eyes" would be the theme song of this villain

That means

The song lyrics are a lament from the point of view of this fictional character

Saying how he feels misunderstood by everyone seeing him as a bad man

Since there is a little kindness in him too

However, according to Pete Townshend himself

The lyrics part when the song gets faster

It's a prayer he wrote for himself

Pete was, or still is I don't know

A very religious guy

He didn't behave like a common Rockstar

He fought to resist the temptations of drinks, drugs, sex

And everything that usually follow the career of a music star

After a certain presentation

Pete was tempted by a groupie

So he locked himself alone in his hotel room

And began to write this prayer

Practically asking for his god, or guide

Help him to resist the temptations

Then he decided to add that prayer in the lyrics of Behind Blue Eyes

The fact that he added something so personal to the lyrics of the song

Makes me wonder if even the part destined to the Jumbo

Wouldn't have a bit of 'Pete Townshend' as well

Everyone who finds himself in a position of power, fame

Sooner or later is forced to make a decision that could end up hurting the feelings of some people

And these will come to see you as someone bad

Maybe Behind Blue Eyes shows how Pete felt about his haters

What do you think?

Leave your opinion on the comments

Click the like button and share if you liked the video

And I see you in the next song


For more infomation >> The Who - Behind Blue Eyes (Legendado) [CC] HD - Duration: 5:55.


Tiền vệ Tuấn Anh chực khóc vì lại dính chấn thương nặng - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Tiền vệ Tuấn Anh chực khóc vì lại dính chấn thương nặng - Duration: 2:16.


Top 10 Interesting Notes And Letters Found In Bottles - Duration: 13:49.

Top 10 Interesting Notes And Letters Found In Bottles

Imagine picking up a bottle at the beach only to discover it contains a letter written decades


And the writer, a total stranger who might even be dead, wants you to reply or even forward

it to another stranger.

Or maybe the letter contains information that more than a few people would be very interested

in knowing.People writing notes or letters, putting them in bottles, and throwing them

into the sea happens more than we think.

These bottles are carried by ocean currents and end up in unimaginable places far away.

Once opened, some changed lives, and others exposed secrets that were never meant to be


10 The Note That Exposed The British Ship That Refused To Rescue A Downed German Aircrew

The German Zeppelin L 19 (also known as LZ 54) was returning home from a bombing mission

in the UK when it crashed into the North Sea in February 1916.

A British trawler called King Stephen found L 19's 16-man crew in the water but refused

to help.

The crew ultimately drowned.The incident would have remained unknown if one of the downed

crewmen hadn't written it in a note he put in a bottle and set loose in the ocean.

The bottle contained two notes.

The first was written by the Zeppelin's captain, Oto Lowe, who wrote "February 2,

towards 1 pm, will apparently be our last hour."The second, which provided an account

of the incident, was written by an unidentified crew member.

It went: "My greetings to my wife and child.

An English trawler was here and refused to take us on board.

She was the King Stephen and hailed from Grimsby."The bottle washed up on the shores of Sweden six

months later.

Germany used the note for propaganda, but the British media countered and reported that

the captain of the King Stephen refused to help the German crew over fears that they

might seize the ship.

The bishop of London added fuel to fire when he said the actions of the British crew were


An unimpressed German newspaper said the bishop "acted less as an apostle of Christian charity

than as a jingoistic hate monger."[1]Before the bottle was found, the King Stephen was

sunk by a German U-boat.

Its crew was rescued by the Germans, and they were held as prisoners of war until 1918,

when they were returned to Britain.

9 An American Soldier Almost Found Love With A Letter In A Bottle Until The Press Came

Along During Christmas day in 1945, 21-year-old

American soldier Frank Hayostek was returning to the US from France when he wrote a letter

on a piece of paper, put it in a bottle, and threw it into the Atlantic, 1,300 kilometers

(800 mi) from the US coast.

The letter went: "I have no reward to offer the finder of this bottle as I am just a plain

American with just enough to appreciate life and happiness.

However, friendship is the only reward I can guarantee you."The letter ended up in Lispole,

Ireland, where it was picked up by Breda O'Sullivan, an 18-year-old milkmaid.

Breda replied, Frank replied back, and both continued exchanging letters until Frank traveled

to Ireland in 1952.

Things went south from there.

The media had gotten wind of the love story, and Frank's trip to Ireland became a media


In the end, the expected romance never happened, Frank returned to the US, and Breda stopped

replying to his messages.Frank blamed the media for the failed relationship.

Breda was a shy person, and the unexpected attention around her destroyed the possibility

that anything would ever happen.

Frank also added that Breda was not ready to leave her mother in Ireland and marry him

in the US.[2] Breda also blamed the media for the failed relationship.

She said she would not have even picked the bottle up if she knew she would have ended

up in the news.

8 A Lady Married The Man Who Wrote A Letter She Found In A Bottle

Still on the subject of romance in a bottle, a man actually found his love after a lady

replied to a letter he had written and set adrift.

The man was Ake Viking, a sailor from Sweden, while the lady was Paolina, the daughter of

a fisherman from Sicily.

In 1955, Viking wrote a letter, put it in a bottle, and jettisoned it into the ocean.

He titled the letter "To Someone Beautiful and Far Away" and included some information

about himself.

He added that any lady who found it should reply.The bottle ended up in Sicily, where

Paolina's father found it while fishing.

He gave it to Paolina as a joke, but she replied.

In the letter, Paolina told Viking she didn't understand Swedish but was able to translate

his letter with the help of her priest.

She added that she wasn't beautiful but decided to reply since the bottle had traveled


Viking replied, and both continued exchanging letters back and forth until Viking traveled

to Sicily to pay her

a visit.


got married in 1958.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Interesting Notes And Letters Found In Bottles - Duration: 13:49.


بهترین سایت آموزش زبان انگلیسی - Duration: 4:37.

‫در فرودگاه‬

At the airport

‫من می خواهم یک پرواز به آتن رزرو کنم.‬

I'd like to book a flight to Athens.

‫این یک پرواز مستقیم است؟‬

Is it a direct flight?

‫لطفاً یک صندلی کنار پنجره برای غیر سیگاری ها.‬

A window seat, non-smoking, please.

‫من می خواهم بلیط رزرو شده ام را تأیید کنم.‬

I would like to confirm my reservation.

‫من می خواهم بلیط رزرو شده ام را کنسل کنم.‬

I would like to cancel my reservation.

‫می خواهم تاریخ و ساعت بلیطم را تغییر دهم.‬

I would like to change my reservation.

‫پرواز بعدی به رم چه زمانی است؟‬

When is the next flight to Rome?

‫دو جای (صندلی) دیگر خالی است؟‬

Are there two seats available?

‫نه، ما فقط یک جای خالی داریم.‬

No, we have only one seat available.

‫کی فرود می آییم؟‬

When do we land?

‫کی در مقصد هستیم؟‬

When will we be there?

‫چه موقع یک اتوبوس به مرکز شهر می رود؟‬

When does a bus go to the city centre / center (am.)?

‫این چمدان شماست؟‬

Is that your suitcase?

‫این کیف شماست؟‬

Is that your bag?

‫این وسایل سفر شماست؟‬

Is that your luggage?

‫چه مقدار بار می توانم با خود بیاورم؟‬

How much luggage can I take?

‫بیست کیلو‬

Twenty kilos.

‫چی، فقط بیست کیلو؟‬


Only twenty kilos?

For more infomation >> بهترین سایت آموزش زبان انگلیسی - Duration: 4:37.


Knockout Text Effect In Photoshop | Photoshop Tutorial - Duration: 5:04.

In this tutorial, we will explore Shallow and

Deep Knockout located in Advanced Blending Options of

the layer styles dialog box and how you can use it for your branding and designs.

We will also understand the basic concepts of

the differences between the two options and the most

important feature of Background Layers.

you will learn how to create an editable see-through

cutout text effect (stencil text effect).

You will learn to use the "Knockout," a little-known

professional technique, that will allow you to work

non-destructively so that you can edit the text and change the font at any time.

Keep Wathching

Don't Forget to Subscribe The Channel For More New Update.

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For more infomation >> Knockout Text Effect In Photoshop | Photoshop Tutorial - Duration: 5:04.


Uomini e Donne, Federica Pirri: un vecchio post accende la polemica sul web | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Federica Pirri: un vecchio post accende la polemica sul web | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.



Common Entrance Test (CET)

(CET) For All SSC BANK RAILWAYs etc. Exam

For more infomation >> WHAT IS COMMON ELIGIBILITY TEST (CET) ! CET FOR For All SSC, BANK, RAILWAYs etc. Exam | CET 2018 SSC - Duration: 5:13.


Isola, Alessia Marcuzzi rischia la sospensione dal format per la sua sfuriata? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Isola, Alessia Marcuzzi rischia la sospensione dal format per la sua sfuriata? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.


L'Isola dei Famosi sospeso da Canale 5? Ecco cosa potrebbe accadere nel 2019 | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> L'Isola dei Famosi sospeso da Canale 5? Ecco cosa potrebbe accadere nel 2019 | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:53.


Assassin's Creed Origins - Curse of the Pharaohs Walkthrough Gameplay Part 2 (AC Origins DLC) - Duration: 3:55:25.

For more infomation >> Assassin's Creed Origins - Curse of the Pharaohs Walkthrough Gameplay Part 2 (AC Origins DLC) - Duration: 3:55:25.


Cancellata L'Isola dei famosi su Canale 5? La scelta clamorosa di Mediaset | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Cancellata L'Isola dei famosi su Canale 5? La scelta clamorosa di Mediaset | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.


Suzuki Swift 1.3 Comfort*2 EIGENAREN Airco/Stoelverwarming/Brdcomputer/Electrische pakket/Keyless go - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Swift 1.3 Comfort*2 EIGENAREN Airco/Stoelverwarming/Brdcomputer/Electrische pakket/Keyless go - Duration: 0:54.


Mutual Fund Q&A, LTCG, Switching, Mutual Fund Portfolio, Hindi - Duration: 4:29.

In this video, we take up viewer questions on switching facility and Long Term Capital Gains Tax besides a mutual fund portfolio

Vassudev C asks if long term capital tax is applicable when switching facility is used to move the money from an equity fund to a liquid fund of the same mutual fund

Since switching is considered as redemption, you are liable to pay long term capital gains tax

Amit Traders wants to know whether his mutual fund portfolio is fine. We think all his funds are fine and he should stay invested

He has invested in funds like Kotak Select Focus, ABSL Tax Relief 96'

For more infomation >> Mutual Fund Q&A, LTCG, Switching, Mutual Fund Portfolio, Hindi - Duration: 4:29.


Barbara D'Urso ritorna al Grande Fratello? Ecco chi ha fatto fuori | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso ritorna al Grande Fratello? Ecco chi ha fatto fuori | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.


Uomini e Donne: i post di Gemma e Anna | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: i post di Gemma e Anna | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.


Why I Chose The Mad Max Lifestyle | Style Out There | Refinery29 - Duration: 11:06.

This is not quite what I think of when I think

of a commuter vehicle.

No, it's not, but it's way cooler than a Prius.


It's the end of the world...

or at least it feels like it.

The word apocalypse

comes up frequently in conversation.

Whether because of global politics, environmental

issues, or economic uncertainty, America is

haunted by the idea of its own demise.

But there are some people who relish the idea.

A national movement of dystopian events is

cropping up, where Mad Max enthusiasts play

out the fall of man...

or what comes after.

The biggest?

Wasteland Weekend, an annual event in the

California desert that draws thousands of

people from all over the world.

But new post-apocalyptic parties are popping

up across the country for those who never

want Wasteland to end.

Ares hasn't just wastelanded her clothes,

she's wastelanded her life.

Three years ago, she moved out to the middle

of the desert to a home with no address with

her husband Spud, whom she met and married

at Wasteland Weekend.

Where am I?

Where is this place?

You are at Little Chaos on the Prairie.

Little Chaos on the Prairie.

Which is my happy little home.

I broke Malibu Barbie.


Malibu Barbie?

I married Malibu Barbie and then brought her

out here and broke her.

You used to be...

...super Barbie doll with curly brown beach girl hair.

And like, I talked about shoes a lot.

Like, oh my god.

He makes fun of me for it, perpetually.

There's nothing wrong with being Malibu Barbie,

but Ares is clearly happy she traded

in pink party dresses for combat boots.

Can you tell me about what Wastelanders are?

Wastelanders are a surprising mix of individuals.

You have the crew that are like Spud and myself,

that they live off-grid, you have people that work HR.

It's that mindset of,

"Who would I want to be at the end of the world?"

You can be the best version of yourself.

You can be somebody entirely different.

When the world ends, you can reinvent yourself,

and that's exactly what Ares and her husband

Spud have done.

They've become the people they've always

wanted to be.

Would you say you created a utopia here?

I have definitely created a utopia.

To move out to the middle of nowhere, so that

I wasn't ever beholden to anybody except for Ares.

Whatever she needs, I give that woman.

I love her to pieces.

I will do anything for her.

Without any hesitation.

At all.

Does it ever feel lonely?

Not really.

I've gotten very good at keeping in touch

with my friends.

And my girlfriends are all pretty good

about keeping in touch so…

Ares's friends aren't your average girls next door.

Beans, Bam Bam and Sunshine.

They met years ago at Wasteland Weekend and

take every excuse to get together, work on

Wasteland clothes and have a drink.

So what does it mean to wasteland something out?

Think of it, if recycling was a sport,

it's ultimate recycling.

You find something, and instead of throwing

it away, you make it into something else.

How much of this stuff do you wear on a

day to day basis?

She wears a lot of it all the time.

I do.

I always manage to find a little bit of my

Wasteland gear to throw into an outfit.

For these ladies, the end of the world didn't end.

I wanted to experience the end of the world for myself.

I'm in Alabama.

Want to party post-apocalyptic style.

Middle of nowhere seems like as good as place as any.


Hey, you want to do something fun?

Aftermath is kicking off at a family farm.

Rather than a Mad Max metropolis, this is

more like a family reunion…

at the end of the world.

An unofficial offshoot of Wasteland Weekend,

Aftermath was started by friends hoping to

live out the end of days a bit closer to home.

And while it seems more organized than the

anarchy I was expecting, the event is drawing

scores of people, some of whom drove 15 hours

to be here.

Aftermath is a full immersion event.

Which means, the point is to feel like you're

in another world.

Within post-apocalyptic communities, there

are three rules--

no politics, no religion, and you have to dress up.

Enter Larry, the unofficial Aftermath fashion designer.

So you know how to make things, I've heard

this term like, "wastelanding" things.

Basically what wastelanding is,

is when you take a lot of junk and make it wearable

and make it look good.

So the shoulder pads are a hard hat I cut in half,

go kart tires, steel breastplate, chains,

the whole nine yards.

What if I want this umbrella wastelanded?

I can smear paint all over it and make it

look appropriately distressed.

Go ahead and open it for me.


You know I'll tell you what we're going to do...

...just to go ahead and get rid of some things.

This is fine right?

Ok, like…

I paid $3.99 for this!

Oh man, now I do feel bad.

This will help me survive the nuclear storm?

Oh no, you're hit, you're done.

I'm done with this?

You're going to die.

I have my outfit, but in order to fit in at

the end of the world, there's one more thing

I need to finish my look:




I was told that you are the beauty queen.

Do you think you can help me out with this?

I can totally help you out.

Well I'm really wanting to tease your hair out,

make it kind of big—

Great. It's already a little big but I can go bigger.

Throw some grass and dirt in there.

Grass and dirt.

Yeah, yeah.

So we'll start with that.

For a gathering based on the apocalypse,

an idea that's so rooted in religious lore

and political anxiety, to exclude the two

things that the apocalypse is most often connected

with feels incredibly ironic.

But maybe that's part of the draw.

I don't want to say this because I haven't

seen everyone here yet but I might be the

only woman of color here.

Why do you think that is?

Well I feel like a lot of the people that

we draw to our community are part of your

local punk rock scene, and that's kinda

caucasian too for the most part, I guess.

We certainly don't mean to be that way.

All are welcome here.

Seriously, we would never turn anyone away.

I know from Facebook that not all of Sora's

friends at Aftermath share her politics.

Imagining a situation where people with radically

opposing viewpoints hang out together is hard for me.

But, it's happening here.

Without the constraints of society, this is

a safe place to experiment, meet people, and

try something new.

Got to listen some of the old world tunes,

keep us going in these dark days.

So Wastelanding is all about immersing yourself

all the way and part of immersing yourself

all the way I guess is camping, something

I really, really despise, but in the spirit

of community I will set up my tent.

Here we go.

What's this thing?

It keeps your rain fly up.

The what?

I made a home!

Now I need a drink.

I don't know how I'd fare if the world

were to end tomorrow, but these guys seem

to have it figured out.

A doomsday plan, fast friends and the best

way to escape?

A stiff drink.

Even I know that.

Would you like a refill miss?

I would like something, yeah!

I brought my cup.

It seems like wastelandering happens after

the sun goes down, like this is when the good

stuff happens…

Yeah unless you ask Charlie.

He's been hammering making stuff on his anvil making shit all day.

Can I make a toast?

Bad decisions!

To bad decisions!


It's easy to be disillusioned by the state of the world.

Though there's a certain kind of relief

that comes from leaving it behind, and just

dancing and drinking with friends who get you.

Why not celebrate being alive?

After a long night,

I'm going to take advantage of my tent.

Good Morning…

kind of.

It's the end of Aftermath.

I'm not sure what happens after Aftermath.

It's 9:30AM.

And to my surprise, almost everyone is gone.

Someone needs to get me coffee.

The impending doom that I'm feeling could be

that I'm alone and it's time to pack,

or let's be honest…

a gnarly hangover from that green stuff

I was drinking last night.

Good morning!

How are you doing?

Oh, you know.

I feel great considering.

Your hair is still kinda big!

How does it feel to be going back to pre-apocalypse?

So we call this the come down.

It's literally like a come down, you know?

Because you get high being around all these

people that you love all weekend.

And then you got to go back to the real world.

How are you feeling Larry?

I don't think any of us wants the weekend to end.

What does real, real life mean to you guys?

What does it look like to you?

From here?


No debauchery.



Post-apocalyptic life, is it a utopia or a dystopia?

That's all a matter of opinion, I guess.

It's my utopia.

Might be your dystopia.

Post-apocalyptic events are more than a great party,

they're a lesson in community.

Surviving the end of the world means surviving together.

No one can make it alone.

If these guys are right, when the world ends,

value won't be measured in dollars.

Things that are dirty, destroyed and discarded

will find new life and purpose.

And maybe, so can people.

For more infomation >> Why I Chose The Mad Max Lifestyle | Style Out There | Refinery29 - Duration: 11:06.


Luna & Sarah De Warren - Silver Lines (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:16.

Heeey :P

For more infomation >> Luna & Sarah De Warren - Silver Lines (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:16.


Movie Keyboards: Kinesis Ergo (Part 1) - Duration: 3:25.

The mechanical keyboards subreddit wiki has a section dedicated to keyboards

that have been spotted in movies and on TV.

I'm sure I'm not alone in gleefully pointing out to my uninterested family when I see a

keyboard I recognize.

And I often find myself smiling when I see an old terminal or just an interesting prop

make a brief appearance.

It's especially fun when I see cool keyboards in films I watched before I got into keyboards.

Older films, or those set in the past are often full of cool looking keyboards or terminals.

A lot of them aren't that interesting to me since they are just so common or well known.

Model Ms and Model Fs appear a lot, as do some of the early Apple keyboards.

I've picked out a few that I think are interesting for various reasons.

I've always found split and ergonomic keyboards fascinating.

There's just something so radical

about them that makes you stop, stare and ask; How?


Split keyboards have become much more common in the enthusiast scene

since the rise of the Ergodox, and more recently the Let's Split and Iris.

This time we'll look at the Kinesis Contoured.

American company, Kinesis have been making

one of the best and most distinctive ergo keyboards since the early 90's.

The latest generation, the Advantage 2, came out in 2016.

1997 was a huge year for Kinesis, it seems, and a pretty good year for film.

Someone at the company did a great job in getting their product in three hit movies

that year.

Here's a Kinesis Contoured in Flubber, starring the late Robin Williams as professor Brainard.

Since he's a bit of an eccentric and he seems to be in constant overdrive,

it makes sense they'd have him using a Kinesis; something a bit off the wall and out of the


Contact is one of my favourite movies for a few reasons, Jodie Foster and Carl Sagan

to name just 2.

The PR Department at Kinesis scored another win here, putting one in the Japanese control

centre as you can see in this clip.

Kinesis really outdid themselves when the keyboard appeared in Men in Black.

The command centre is actually full of them, as far as I can tell.

The keyboard gets a lot of screen time when Mr. K. is checking up on his wife.

What's really funny is that around an hour and fifteen minutes in,

you can see Mr. K doing some air typing in the background trying to find a spaceship.

I have to believe that this is intentional and we're supposed to see that in the background.

The Kinesis Contoured is such a distinctive looking keyboard

that putting one in a sci-fi movie instantly makes the set look authentic.

It looks like exactly the kind of keyboard that smart people would use to do

really complicated things really quickly.

I had a very brief go on a Kinesis Advantage at a meetup,

and have now decided I want one for myself.

They are still pretty expensive

unless you can find a good deal on a used one.

They do have good potential for modding with an aftermarket controller

to bring even the older models up to modern standards.

Missouri Valley Tech has an excellent build log of his modded Kinesis,

that is definitely worth checking out.

So, which modern keyboard do you think would be right at home

on the set of a sci-fi flick?

Next time we'll look at some more old keyboards that made cameos on the big screen.

See you soon.

For more infomation >> Movie Keyboards: Kinesis Ergo (Part 1) - Duration: 3:25.


Justin Perez, Videographer, Shares Why He Is No Longer With Seek the World. - Duration: 2:55.


You guys have been asking me or Calvin about

us still working together or not.

It's clear that there were many questions we have not answered yet.

We've been discussing...

We've decided to share our reasons with you guys.

Yes, it's true that we are not working together anymore.

I have a different passion in a different field.

I want to provide a Visual Verncular workshop and performance.

I am very passionate about that field.

It means that I am not going to be part of Seek the World anymore?

I'll always be here if he needs help.

I'll always support him no matter what it is.

I hope it answers your question.

I want to thank you all fans for giving me support, feedbacks, goes on.

I really appreciate that!

There are still more exciting things to come! I'll always be here!

Thank you.

Now, you all know why Justin is away from Seek the World.

He's now in the VV world!

It's where his heart belongs!

It applies to where my heart belongs to travel.

We have a different path.

He has been very supportive in my journey.

It wasn't easy to edit, film, etc on my own.

Justin got involved and he made everything much fun for me!

I want to thank him for his positive energy!

I love him! He's a wonderful person.

Now, he's going to jump in the ASL world.

I am going to support him all the way!

When he shares his reason why he wants to focus on his VV career. I fully support him!

I want to see his dream grows!

Same goes to my dream growing!

I want to grab my chance to share our hilarious memories together.

This is for you Justin Perez.

I want to thank you for being a wonderful person, a brother, a videographer, goes on to me.

I honestly appreciate your positive support since the day we traveled together.

I look forward to seeing your growth in ASL world.

And I can't wait for you to bring your VV energy to the Deaf community.

They will see how awesome your VV stories are!

I look forward to that!

Best luck to you.

Love you my brother Justin Perez!

For more infomation >> Justin Perez, Videographer, Shares Why He Is No Longer With Seek the World. - Duration: 2:55.


Hi | dahyeshka - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Hi | dahyeshka - Duration: 2:08.


Machinima | The Sims 3 | Sirens In An Apartament | 5º Episódio PARTE I | DUBLADO - Duration: 24:51.

For more infomation >> Machinima | The Sims 3 | Sirens In An Apartament | 5º Episódio PARTE I | DUBLADO - Duration: 24:51.


Subaru Forester 2.0i AWD CVT-Automaat COMFORT incl. Trekhaak - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Subaru Forester 2.0i AWD CVT-Automaat COMFORT incl. Trekhaak - Duration: 1:01.


Hyundai ix20 1.4i blue 90pk i-Light - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i blue 90pk i-Light - Duration: 1:00.


VLOGG: I don't even know what day it is anymore... - Duration: 8:08.

Good morning!

I haven't recorded anything during the last couple of days,

we're basically doing the same thing everyday and it a bit boring to vlog

But let's try to make a fun vlog today!

Right now I'm...

packing my bag and getting ready

to go downstairs, meet the others and head into work!

So follow me!

Welcome to my very messy room!

I don't know what to say really...

It's a Sunday evening and the time is

10.05 and

on tomorrow, Monday,

have I been here in Barcelona for a week.

And tonight is the night before our

press conference,

tomorrow is the first day of the show.

I think we worked until

9 tonight,

Yesterday we worked until 9.30

There is just so much to do.

I'm honestly not sure if we are ready to

actually open tomorrow... Oh well!

Anyway, I just took a very long shower,

tomorrow I can finally do my hair,

and wear pretty clothes again...

So I just prepared with a nice shower, and relaxed for a while.

Ok I've only been here for an hour but whatever.

And now I'm going to eat some sushi!

I have a lot of random stuff we found at the supermarket!

I have some avocado and carrot nigiri,

they are so yummy with sesame seeds!

And then I also have some, uhm,

sushi wraps?

So I'm gonna stuff my face with this

and watch Friends!

All right, this was and absolutley fantastic day,

and a fantastic evening to vlog about!

It's been a couple of stressfull and chaotic

and very tiring days.

We haven't been out for dinner in a couple of days now,

haven't really been anything fun going on, we've just been running

around on the booth,

and fixing stuff! Running and fixing

and running and fixing, running and fixing...

That's our life at the moment.

I think I'm gonna paint my nails now,

and then it's time for bed. I have to get up at

5 tomorrow morning.

Haven't done that in a couple of days, it's gonna be hard.

But I'm very tired so sleeping now will be fine.

Blow dry my hair, paint my nails,

and then sleep. So see you tomorrow again!

My plan is to vlog at our PA and

hopefully we'll do something fun after work. We still have

4 days left here so

let's do this!

For more infomation >> VLOGG: I don't even know what day it is anymore... - Duration: 8:08.


Francesco Monte e Paola innamorati a Verissimo: i dettagli dell'intervista | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Francesco Monte e Paola innamorati a Verissimo: i dettagli dell'intervista | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.


NLP How To Get What You Want - Duration: 8:07.

NLP getting what you want stay tuned

stay tuned NLP look at this hey I I can't do

anything these guys keep coming up to us yes my friend is the best in world I just

pull out my camera and like they start walking up to me this is Damon Cart from

NLP gym and I'm in New York so NLP getting what you want if you haven't

already please click subscribe to this YouTube channel so you can get these

videos on a regular basis how can it open help you get what you want the

first problem that people have when it comes to getting what they want is they

lack a lot of clarity about what they want and NLP can help you get very clear

about it and more than just being specific about details and my first

Centipede training I did it with Robert Dilts and an orientation he said if you

don't want anything NLP can't help you NLP is based on

getting what you want the psychologies and therapies up until

just recently we're focused on really picking apart and understanding the

problem when they were making an LP they used it to they use getting what you

want your desire to move you out of the problem state so there's the present

state and the desired state the present state is you don't have what you want or

you're in problem or scarcity or you're dealing with the problem that you want

to solve and then you use your desire what you want instead to move you out of

it so if you drill down on the problem too

much and you try to analyze the problem and try to understand the problem you're

just getting more and more focused on what you don't want which tends to

create more of what you don't want so if I ask you what do you want what's the

first thing that comes to mind many of you probably thought about all the

things you don't want or all the things you're trying to avoid rather than

answering the question that I asked you which is what do you want your conscious

mind is really good at making sure every day throughout your life you're avoiding

all the things you don't want the problem is is that

your unconscious tends to follow that lead and if you're unconsciously focused

on all the things that you don't want your unconscious doesn't know the

difference between what you do want and what you don't want and it will tend to

gravitate to what you're very clear about and what you're focused on so if

you're focused on what you don't want you will consciously and unconsciously

create more of that if you're very clear about what you do want and you set your

conscious attention and your unconscious attention on that you will tend to

create more of that so to begin with there's something called a well-formed

outcome and this is something you would learn this is like a basic NLP structure

for setting goals and outcomes you learn this in practitioner training but I'm

amazed at how many people don't actually ever practice it or use it or they just

kind of skim over it whenever they're in an NLP training and never go back to it

they never set their goals this way a well-formed outcome basically helps you

to understand clearly what it is that you want and what is the greater value

that you're looking for because it truth is is you don't really want more money a

new car and a new house now you may be saying no no I do want those things and

yes I understand you do want those things but more than wanting those

things you want the state you believe or you want the experience you believe

those things will give you now you can already access that right now if you

couldn't you wouldn't be able to project that state and experience that you want

onto these objects so because you can project it it must already exist within

you when you access that which is the value or the experience you want to

experience when you access that and you focus on the thing that you want that

becomes super powerful and you're able to create it much faster you're able to

naturally attract this to yourself because you're in a state of abundance a

lot of people withhold that feeling from themselves they withhold the experience

and the values that they want to experience from themselves until they

have what they want like they're trying to Dingle the carrot to try to force

themselves to go and get it this doesn't usually work you're in scarcity and

limitations so it's preventing you from actually getting what you want so the

paradox is is to put you into the state of already having it and then focusing

on it still you still need to focus on it

people think that they can just do this this is what the secret and the law of

attraction is based on a lot of people are sold on this idea that they can all

that's all they have to do they don't have to do anything else like they don't

have to take action they don't have to practice to become good or have the

skills that they want to have so people don't often take action because they're

afraid of failing and they're afraid of the disappointment of failing a lot of

times people don't take action because they're actually afraid that if they get

what they want they might disappoint them because it's not what they expected

so they would rather stay in the fantasy phase of just imagining happening having

it and feeling good about imagining happening having it it's so important to

take action take a step forward or a step toward what it is that you want

nothing can replace that because true experience gives you brings in so much

sensory experience sensory experience is what's real if you practice the sensory

experience of it what you'll see hear and feel and you're going into the state

are the value that you want to experience this becomes super powerful

and this becomes a kind of focus now how do you really tap into that sensory

experience you tap into it by taking action by practicing so when you do this

yes you will take action and you will fail at times and getting what you want

you will run into disappointment it will hurt and you will get what you want if

and only if you stay on the path and just know that this is the process of

getting what you want as you bring in as you gather troost real sensory data

experience you will start to understand what satisfies you what doesn't you may

have been on on track to accomplish something and you realize wait a minute

this is not going to give me the satisfaction that I want so you drop it

you keep moving toward the goal you want in the sense you keep moving to the

toward the experience and the values that you want but maybe

the object that you thought would give you that isn't right for you anymore you

realize that's not going to do it so the more action you take the more you

practice getting what you want the more likely you are to drop the things that

aren't going to truly give you what you want and the things that are getting in

your way the disappointments and the failings you can reframe as giving even

more meaning to what it is that you want by meaning you're working for this

you're earning it sure you had a setback but it's nothing

personal it's not about you it just means that you have to try a different

way earning what you want gives more meaning to what you want so you're more

likely to keep it the reason why 50% of people who win the lottery are broke

within ten years more broke than they were before they won the lottery is

because they didn't earn that money so they didn't know how to keep it they

didn't have the meaning that people who earned that much money attached to that

money so that of course they lost it when you fail and you keep going and you

change up your game plan and you change your strategy and you keep moving

forward you will truly earn what it is that you want and therefore it gives it

so much more meaning and you will keep it look at my website

follow me on Facebook for real-time updates on upcoming workshops talks that

I'm giving and also new online trainings that I'm doing if you like this video

please click like right down here and also like I mentioned at the beginning

of this video if you like these videos and you like this channel please

subscribe to this channel so you can get these videos on a regular basis take


For more infomation >> NLP How To Get What You Want - Duration: 8:07.


Amici: presto verranno annunciati i nuovi coach, ma uno dei due è quasi certo - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Amici: presto verranno annunciati i nuovi coach, ma uno dei due è quasi certo - Duration: 1:23.


Uomini e Donne: i post di Gemma e Anna | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: i post di Gemma e Anna | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.


Peugeot 206+ XS 1.4i-8V 75pk 5-deurs SPORTPACK, AIRCO - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 206+ XS 1.4i-8V 75pk 5-deurs SPORTPACK, AIRCO - Duration: 1:00.


Peugeot 108 ALLURE 1.0i-12V e-VTI 68pk 5d TOUCHSCREEN BLEUTOOTH - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 ALLURE 1.0i-12V e-VTI 68pk 5d TOUCHSCREEN BLEUTOOTH - Duration: 0:54.


Peugeot 107 XR 1.0i-12V 68PK 5Drs Pack ACCENT Airco&Cd-speler RIJKLAARPRIJS! - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 107 XR 1.0i-12V 68PK 5Drs Pack ACCENT Airco&Cd-speler RIJKLAARPRIJS! - Duration: 0:55.


Peugeot 108 BLEU LION 1.0i-12V eVTI- 68PK 3D AIRCO,BLEUTOOTH,LED &MISTLAMPEN - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 BLEU LION 1.0i-12V eVTI- 68PK 3D AIRCO,BLEUTOOTH,LED &MISTLAMPEN - Duration: 0:54.


How to Make Safe with Combination Lock from Cardboard - Duration: 6:46.

Thanks for watching !!

Hope have a great time

Please, like, share comment and subscribe for more!!!

For more infomation >> How to Make Safe with Combination Lock from Cardboard - Duration: 6:46.


So, I live in Russia now? | YEAR ABROAD VLOG - Duration: 14:13.

For more infomation >> So, I live in Russia now? | YEAR ABROAD VLOG - Duration: 14:13.


Zumba Dura - Daddy Yankee // by A. Sulu - Duration: 3:45.

Dura by Daddy Yankee

For more infomation >> Zumba Dura - Daddy Yankee // by A. Sulu - Duration: 3:45.


Tsum City Compilation

For more infomation >> Tsum City Compilation


Los correos del 1-O que delatan a Puigdemont y a Junqueras - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> Los correos del 1-O que delatan a Puigdemont y a Junqueras - Duration: 8:43.


O'Niantic, O'Hartford 5K's on tap for St. Patrick's Day Weekend - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> O'Niantic, O'Hartford 5K's on tap for St. Patrick's Day Weekend - Duration: 2:57.


Após o BBB18, Patrícia volta ao Ceará e procura fãs no aeroporto; confira o vídeo | - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Após o BBB18, Patrícia volta ao Ceará e procura fãs no aeroporto; confira o vídeo | - Duration: 2:01.


BURLINGTON Compras em Orlando com PREÇOS no Viajar Muda Tudo! - Duration: 1:20:52.

For more infomation >> BURLINGTON Compras em Orlando com PREÇOS no Viajar Muda Tudo! - Duration: 1:20:52.


Zumba Dura - Daddy Yankee // by A. Sulu - Duration: 3:45.

Dura by Daddy Yankee

For more infomation >> Zumba Dura - Daddy Yankee // by A. Sulu - Duration: 3:45.


Mardana Kamzori Ka Ilaj│Mardana Taqat Tips In Urdu - Duration: 4:45.

Mardana Kamzori Ka Ilaj

For more infomation >> Mardana Kamzori Ka Ilaj│Mardana Taqat Tips In Urdu - Duration: 4:45.


Prova do Anjo tem vencedor e define quem terá poder de imunidade no BBB18 - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Prova do Anjo tem vencedor e define quem terá poder de imunidade no BBB18 - Duration: 2:41.


Star Wars 9 : Episodio IX (2019) TRAILER [HD] [SWEDED] - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Star Wars 9 : Episodio IX (2019) TRAILER [HD] [SWEDED] - Duration: 1:51.


The Arcadia Luxury Tiny Home from B&B Micro Manufacturing - Duration: 2:11.

The Arcadia Luxury Tiny Home from B&B Micro Manufacturing

For more infomation >> The Arcadia Luxury Tiny Home from B&B Micro Manufacturing - Duration: 2:11.


My (Daring) 5 Year Business Plan For The Neil Patel Brand - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> My (Daring) 5 Year Business Plan For The Neil Patel Brand - Duration: 5:48.


Speciál: Poslední záchvěv zimy - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Speciál: Poslední záchvěv zimy - Duration: 1:54.


The Who - Behind Blue Eyes (Legendado) [CC] HD - Duration: 5:55.

It's a number written by Pete Townshend called "Behind Blue Eyes"

No one knows what it's like

to be the bad man

To be the sad man

behind blue eyes

No one knows what it's like, to be hated

To be fated

to telling only lies

But my dreams they aren't as empty

As my conscience seems to be

I have hours, only lonely

My love is vengeance

that's never free

No one knows what it's like, to feel these feelings

Like I do

and I blame you

No one bites back as hard on their anger

None of my pain or woe

can show through

But my dreams, they aren't as empty

As my conscience seems to be

I have hours, only lonely

My love is vengeance

that's never free

When my fist clenches, crack it open

Before I use it and lose my cool

When I smile, tell me some bad news

Before I laugh and act like a fool

And if I swallow anything evil

Put your finger down my throat

And if I shiver, please give me your blanket

Keep me warm, let me wear your coat

No one knows what it's like

to be the bad man

To be the sad man

behind blue eyes

Hey Rock fans, what's up?

Sorry for my voice, I have the flu

But let's see if we can understand the lyrics of this classic

This song was originally from a project created by Pete Townshend

But it was canceled

This project would be called "Lifehouse"

And it would be a rock opera later turned into film

Just like "Quadrophenia" was

The "Lifehouse" story would have a villain named Jumbo

And "Behind Blue Eyes" would be the theme song of this villain

That means

The song lyrics are a lament from the point of view of this fictional character

Saying how he feels misunderstood by everyone seeing him as a bad man

Since there is a little kindness in him too

However, according to Pete Townshend himself

The lyrics part when the song gets faster

It's a prayer he wrote for himself

Pete was, or still is I don't know

A very religious guy

He didn't behave like a common Rockstar

He fought to resist the temptations of drinks, drugs, sex

And everything that usually follow the career of a music star

After a certain presentation

Pete was tempted by a groupie

So he locked himself alone in his hotel room

And began to write this prayer

Practically asking for his god, or guide

Help him to resist the temptations

Then he decided to add that prayer in the lyrics of Behind Blue Eyes

The fact that he added something so personal to the lyrics of the song

Makes me wonder if even the part destined to the Jumbo

Wouldn't have a bit of 'Pete Townshend' as well

Everyone who finds himself in a position of power, fame

Sooner or later is forced to make a decision that could end up hurting the feelings of some people

And these will come to see you as someone bad

Maybe Behind Blue Eyes shows how Pete felt about his haters

What do you think?

Leave your opinion on the comments

Click the like button and share if you liked the video

And I see you in the next song


For more infomation >> The Who - Behind Blue Eyes (Legendado) [CC] HD - Duration: 5:55.


WELL, THIS WAS A FIRST TIME - Duration: 7:39.

Ola Youtube my name is Ricardo you and I'm

wheel addict this is not really a skate video but it has to do with skating at

least the beginning so yesterday I got this email it has a

little medal basically it's from feed spot and it says you made it to top 60

roller skating YouTube channels I was quite happy of course that you get just

these emails saying that you're good at something or that you made it to top

something whatever when I opened a website check it basically this feed

spot thing is one of those websites where you have like 20 best destinations

in the world for scuba diving or the best blogs for surfing or whatever so

they apparently made these post about the top 60 rollerskating YouTube

channels on top of the list was powerslide which I'm obviously quite

happy because it's the brand that I work for then in second place

there's rollerblade which is quite normal right rather way is that the

brand the name that everyone knows and then check this in third place that is

this channel that you're watching right now well I'm really really happy about

it even if I have no idea how they got to these top I don't know what

parameters they use to choose this top but I might be because as an individual

channel this is number one channel at least according to fit spot which is

quite cool then on 4th it was indeed Gemma Jones we spoke about

indeed in this channel and the 5th is Thiago Thiago the inline skater from

France he's been doing a lot of content and I have to admit I used to be a lot

more competitive that I am nowadays but I consistently watch their YouTube

videos and I try to be I tried to be as good as them and I know that some of

them are trying to do the same with me and I guess all these these wanna be

better makes this channel grow and I just want to say thank

to every single one of you for watching these videos and for supporting this

channel now it's night I'm feeling a little bit sick but let me tell you what

happened today this was my day I'm supposed to not be

filming cuz my wife is going to be mad at me why I want to say jealous because

it's my birthday so what we're gonna do today Janice I I booked us

I booked a spa day the way we are going now it's about the time it's quarter to

7:00 in the morning are we gonna go drop Jalen by my sister and we are 8 o'clock

we start with breakfast at the spa and like six different treatments and then

jacuzzi and it's just going to be a day of pampering because we've been both

been working really really hard couple of weeks time for each other somehow

it was my birthday and it's my first day in the spa and by the way the shop is

opening next Friday check this invitation just two just did yesterday

Janice keeps getting some of these check with Janice is just go I would like to

know why your sister Melanie doesn't send me those messages friend of your


hey Marty Janie's cameras annoying


that's all I got that's all I got swimming customer do you even go there

you put on the gown and take off your clothes put your clothes in the locker

bring lucky with you each other need this thing disgusting nice one waiting

on Janice why green well this is the day before but you probably watching these

on st. Patrick's Day so you go go great Saint Patrick's episode Patrick Terence

and never better beauty maybe

surface and open

and now we're back from the spa I'm at home I'm feeling super super sick I

think I got a flu so I'm gonna try to edit this video so that you can watch it

in st. Patrick's Day which is tomorrow Saturday and that's it if this is the

first video that you're watching this channel if you liked it don't forget to

give me some thumbs up if you're not subscribed to the channel

now might be the best time to do it and if you didn't like it give me thumbs

down but a let me know what it didn't like about this video what did I do

wrong I know that I didn't skate but that's my life I can't skate every day I

wish sometimes I can sometimes I don't anyway just don't forget why we all

started skating because it's fun cheers guys and see you soon

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