hey everybody let's do a city update shall we yeah it's been a while longer
than it feels like for me because I've been really busy I've been busy doing
all the things that you've seen me doing since the time of the last of the update
video plus more I did a quick look through my video list before this to see
what I have shown you that I've been doing and includes 16
yeah 16 custom builds if I counted correctly including this little tow
truck here and a copy of it that is presently sitting out there in front of
the Shell gas station and then this rollback car carrier over here and this
little 4x4 over here and then that truck there and more stuff in the harbor area
including those couple of small forklift things there and also this slightly
larger forklift here and some cargo ships like this one which looks a little
bit awkward but it's just built to specs and it's successful in that way this
tiny little thing which is just cute and I just love it because it's just so
minimal on it I really like those both pieces just brings together a lot of
things that I like in Lego in particular this one obviously just went up most
recently and I've also done I think it was 18 17 or 18 review videos since the
last city update and nine other videos of other types of stuff in addition to
all the things that have gone on in life outside of this little gen bricks
channel corner of my life but there's more stuff as well that has happened in
the city since you last saw it starting with this corner over here again which
is good that I've managed to maintain focus on you know this this area over
here it doesn't look too significantly different from the last time you saw
but most of the change has occurred over there on that side so let me actually
take you over there on that side okay now we're over here on this side
and you can see that the terrain was built out to the edge of the table which
is a lot more building than it looks like because I wasn't able to just fill
up all that space with big ugly rock pieces I think I put one more in and
that's it everything else was just bricks and bricks and bricks and brick
so it's very stark it just comes right up to this very sharp almost literally
polished edge I mean you can see some reflection in the sides of the bricks
there it's just completely cut off and I also you know put in a little bit of the
the entrance the outside of the entrance of this tunnel here exactly how I will
kind of bleed that back or feather it back remains to be seen and have most of
this open so you can watch trains go through or at least some of it opens you
can watch trains go through from the outside and eventually I'll be making
some of that that's space under there used and we're putting something in in
there that well create some scenes I'm not sure how deep that will go up
probably won't go too far but that's that's all in the future but for right
now major terrain work was very important so I've got this coming out to
the edge of the table here and it's also coming out to the edge of the table on
the on the other side I did get in that last brick lane call more bricks inside
once again was running out of just regular dark bluish gray you know bricks
just rectangular normal bricks but I need to figure out exactly how I'm going
to do not only the tunnel portion but also all this up here how this is going
to be blended here cuz I I do believe I want to be able to remove that table in
the future at some point if if needed to get access to some other things for for
just future expansion that table looks like it's just still there like it's
always been I actually changed out the legs on it I cut some legs down by about
an inch and then just use the adjuster Jessamyn feet on them to bring it back
up so this is this is now able to to line up with Lego bricks and I think
it's a little bit off right now because I've been moving some stuff around but I
can line it up so that I can either put plates just on top of that row of brown
bricks here or I can put tiles on top of those and then put base plates on top of
this and it'll all just line up now which is you know just important to be
able to really use this surface as as essentially foundation for Lego building
so you just build directly on that and ultimately things will be able to
connect you know to to the edges out here so speaking of this as I've
mentioned before that this this I think a word that I haven't kind of associated
with it before is caldera this is going to kind of have a caldera sort of bowl
lowered platform effect it's not supposed to be literally a volcano you
know dormant volcano crater here but it it's it's going to have that sort of
effect in terms of its shape where the the walls the outer walls come up but
then it'll be a little bit rough on top and then it'll spill over and then it'll
actually be walled with man-made walls on the insides so this will be the level
of the ground if you will for the the ground level the top the top part of the
planetary defense Force Base so everything's gonna be built from here
there's there this is not gonna be filled in except with structures and
vehicles and launch platforms and stuff like that whatever I end up putting in
here so the terrain is gonna come out just a little bit farther here just a
little bit not too far there will be a little bit of foliage on top of that and
then there will be some fencing going around it and then this will just be
fairly smoothly walled in around here there'll be something a little extra
special in that that area that that sticks out there that was not in an
accident that was planned for for a future semi major project maybe
we'll see depends on how it goes and then this will also extend out with just
LEGO pieces this will be extended out here because it needed to go a little
bit farther it'll go all the way to the edge of the table it'll be flat and just
cut off and this side will also be extended out a bit I believe I haven't
fully decided exactly what I'm gonna do for that in the background there's stuff
going on yet but nothing to worry about actually remounted one of the legs so
it's able to get out of the way of the train tracks there so it's completely
clear I'll be able to make that inner wall which will be a removable face
inside of there so you'll be able to just just see the train with the tunnel
surface behind it and then the other major thing that I've done it's not that
major but there's a place where if I've put some level of significant work was
down here which looks pretty much the same right until you get a little bit
closer down and realize that oh this has been floated I always talk about
floating my tracks and I have I've accomplished that here throughout this
this entire section now here so you see the tiles beneath that's that's the
level where the tracks are actually intended to be so this is this is the
the correct height now and then after tiles go under there to create some of
the space and you know just have it nice and and lift it up so that's so that you
know it has a consistent foundation beneath it rather than trying to sit on
top of the Lego logos on top of studs then I start to kind of fill that in so
this reel right here this siding is the next step putting a little bit of stuff
on the sides of it and then after that the one to its left is where just you
know it gets filled in so it looks a little bit more like ballast I think it
might not go that random you know it's kind of looking a little bit sloppy just
because because of how far I went and with how many a little bit stick out but
that's kind of the direction that this is going and eventually all of this will
look like that and then it'll be a lot more consistent in addition to being
floated up as it is just doing these two lines here actually doing one and
starting the other used up the remainder of my one by whatever 1 by X dark bluish
gray plates so I had to place yet another brick link order did that just a
few days and maybe two days before the recording of this video thousands of
additional pieces hopefully those will last a little while they never seem to
last as long as as you expect as you want that's for sure but yeah
such as such as the struggle yes yeah Tanya building stuff with Lego just
requires so many pieces it's pretty ridiculous yeah anyway
this space is a space that I want to work on soon ish not not in the
immediate future but this is this is a space that I've been looking at with
increased interest because it's the most obvious space that is now empty and open
end in need of help in need of something there needs to be some structure placed
here or something just from my cue my my long list of
things that I have planned to add to the city you know there's not gonna be any
any worry about finding something to put there I just need to put one of the
things that I've already decided to build here and it just takes time and a
lot of pieces but I'm also looking forward finally really looking forward
to rebuilding this Zoo it started out as something that I was going to need to do
kind of dipped into the world of what a number of times and then kind of between
those times would go into a source of stress just worrying about having to
take a take apart so much stuff you know so much work and so many people
have enjoyed the the zoo or the what is it four years that have had it now and
for me looking at it now today I actually still like it I still like the
installations it has been updated a bit over time but I like a lot of what I see
here and you know that that's good and it kind of has added some inertia to it
which makes me not want to take it apart I hate taking stuff apart that is
perfectly good but it's just not good enough anymore and I do want to use more
of this space but I'm starting to really get excited about it because I'm looking
forward to applying a lot of the new knowledge they're relatively new
knowledge that I have about just how to build how to plan you know new pieces
lots of new animals including things for my aquarium know that aquarium is gonna
be made a good deal larger and it's its footprint its ground footprint and
that's something I'm looking forward to especially probably gonna make it more
visible easier to see inside than ever since I like those underwater scenes so
much it's not going to be up against the rock face over there I'm gonna bring it
out here to either this corner over here or just just closer so it'll be easy to
see from multiple angles and I'll get some nice light into it and it'll just
you know just be better yeah I think that it's it's a nice thing now but I'm
gonna make it a lot better and I'm looking forward to that but before I get
to that I don't want to diversify my efforts too much I'm gonna continue
working in this corner get this at least ready to build upon you know get the
terrain worked out get thee the base plates in there get everything lined up
well enough hopefully get the tunnel worked out going all the way around the
edge so it's fully prepped and then I can start looking at doing other other
things I think that space we the next area that'll work but that's it for this
update so now you've seen what I have actually done in this room in addition
to the many things you've seen me done that you've seen me
do outside of this room some of which have ultimately ended up coming over
here and some have not so thank you for watching I've got a lot more work to do
and I'll talk to you in soon
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