Saturday, March 17, 2018

Youtube daily report w Mar 17 2018

hey everybody let's do a city update shall we yeah it's been a while longer

than it feels like for me because I've been really busy I've been busy doing

all the things that you've seen me doing since the time of the last of the update

video plus more I did a quick look through my video list before this to see

what I have shown you that I've been doing and includes 16

yeah 16 custom builds if I counted correctly including this little tow

truck here and a copy of it that is presently sitting out there in front of

the Shell gas station and then this rollback car carrier over here and this

little 4x4 over here and then that truck there and more stuff in the harbor area

including those couple of small forklift things there and also this slightly

larger forklift here and some cargo ships like this one which looks a little

bit awkward but it's just built to specs and it's successful in that way this

tiny little thing which is just cute and I just love it because it's just so

minimal on it I really like those both pieces just brings together a lot of

things that I like in Lego in particular this one obviously just went up most

recently and I've also done I think it was 18 17 or 18 review videos since the

last city update and nine other videos of other types of stuff in addition to

all the things that have gone on in life outside of this little gen bricks

channel corner of my life but there's more stuff as well that has happened in

the city since you last saw it starting with this corner over here again which

is good that I've managed to maintain focus on you know this this area over

here it doesn't look too significantly different from the last time you saw

but most of the change has occurred over there on that side so let me actually

take you over there on that side okay now we're over here on this side

and you can see that the terrain was built out to the edge of the table which

is a lot more building than it looks like because I wasn't able to just fill

up all that space with big ugly rock pieces I think I put one more in and

that's it everything else was just bricks and bricks and bricks and brick

so it's very stark it just comes right up to this very sharp almost literally

polished edge I mean you can see some reflection in the sides of the bricks

there it's just completely cut off and I also you know put in a little bit of the

the entrance the outside of the entrance of this tunnel here exactly how I will

kind of bleed that back or feather it back remains to be seen and have most of

this open so you can watch trains go through or at least some of it opens you

can watch trains go through from the outside and eventually I'll be making

some of that that's space under there used and we're putting something in in

there that well create some scenes I'm not sure how deep that will go up

probably won't go too far but that's that's all in the future but for right

now major terrain work was very important so I've got this coming out to

the edge of the table here and it's also coming out to the edge of the table on

the on the other side I did get in that last brick lane call more bricks inside

once again was running out of just regular dark bluish gray you know bricks

just rectangular normal bricks but I need to figure out exactly how I'm going

to do not only the tunnel portion but also all this up here how this is going

to be blended here cuz I I do believe I want to be able to remove that table in

the future at some point if if needed to get access to some other things for for

just future expansion that table looks like it's just still there like it's

always been I actually changed out the legs on it I cut some legs down by about

an inch and then just use the adjuster Jessamyn feet on them to bring it back

up so this is this is now able to to line up with Lego bricks and I think

it's a little bit off right now because I've been moving some stuff around but I

can line it up so that I can either put plates just on top of that row of brown

bricks here or I can put tiles on top of those and then put base plates on top of

this and it'll all just line up now which is you know just important to be

able to really use this surface as as essentially foundation for Lego building

so you just build directly on that and ultimately things will be able to

connect you know to to the edges out here so speaking of this as I've

mentioned before that this this I think a word that I haven't kind of associated

with it before is caldera this is going to kind of have a caldera sort of bowl

lowered platform effect it's not supposed to be literally a volcano you

know dormant volcano crater here but it it's it's going to have that sort of

effect in terms of its shape where the the walls the outer walls come up but

then it'll be a little bit rough on top and then it'll spill over and then it'll

actually be walled with man-made walls on the insides so this will be the level

of the ground if you will for the the ground level the top the top part of the

planetary defense Force Base so everything's gonna be built from here

there's there this is not gonna be filled in except with structures and

vehicles and launch platforms and stuff like that whatever I end up putting in

here so the terrain is gonna come out just a little bit farther here just a

little bit not too far there will be a little bit of foliage on top of that and

then there will be some fencing going around it and then this will just be

fairly smoothly walled in around here there'll be something a little extra

special in that that area that that sticks out there that was not in an

accident that was planned for for a future semi major project maybe

we'll see depends on how it goes and then this will also extend out with just

LEGO pieces this will be extended out here because it needed to go a little

bit farther it'll go all the way to the edge of the table it'll be flat and just

cut off and this side will also be extended out a bit I believe I haven't

fully decided exactly what I'm gonna do for that in the background there's stuff

going on yet but nothing to worry about actually remounted one of the legs so

it's able to get out of the way of the train tracks there so it's completely

clear I'll be able to make that inner wall which will be a removable face

inside of there so you'll be able to just just see the train with the tunnel

surface behind it and then the other major thing that I've done it's not that

major but there's a place where if I've put some level of significant work was

down here which looks pretty much the same right until you get a little bit

closer down and realize that oh this has been floated I always talk about

floating my tracks and I have I've accomplished that here throughout this

this entire section now here so you see the tiles beneath that's that's the

level where the tracks are actually intended to be so this is this is the

the correct height now and then after tiles go under there to create some of

the space and you know just have it nice and and lift it up so that's so that you

know it has a consistent foundation beneath it rather than trying to sit on

top of the Lego logos on top of studs then I start to kind of fill that in so

this reel right here this siding is the next step putting a little bit of stuff

on the sides of it and then after that the one to its left is where just you

know it gets filled in so it looks a little bit more like ballast I think it

might not go that random you know it's kind of looking a little bit sloppy just

because because of how far I went and with how many a little bit stick out but

that's kind of the direction that this is going and eventually all of this will

look like that and then it'll be a lot more consistent in addition to being

floated up as it is just doing these two lines here actually doing one and

starting the other used up the remainder of my one by whatever 1 by X dark bluish

gray plates so I had to place yet another brick link order did that just a

few days and maybe two days before the recording of this video thousands of

additional pieces hopefully those will last a little while they never seem to

last as long as as you expect as you want that's for sure but yeah

such as such as the struggle yes yeah Tanya building stuff with Lego just

requires so many pieces it's pretty ridiculous yeah anyway

this space is a space that I want to work on soon ish not not in the

immediate future but this is this is a space that I've been looking at with

increased interest because it's the most obvious space that is now empty and open

end in need of help in need of something there needs to be some structure placed

here or something just from my cue my my long list of

things that I have planned to add to the city you know there's not gonna be any

any worry about finding something to put there I just need to put one of the

things that I've already decided to build here and it just takes time and a

lot of pieces but I'm also looking forward finally really looking forward

to rebuilding this Zoo it started out as something that I was going to need to do

kind of dipped into the world of what a number of times and then kind of between

those times would go into a source of stress just worrying about having to

take a take apart so much stuff you know so much work and so many people

have enjoyed the the zoo or the what is it four years that have had it now and

for me looking at it now today I actually still like it I still like the

installations it has been updated a bit over time but I like a lot of what I see

here and you know that that's good and it kind of has added some inertia to it

which makes me not want to take it apart I hate taking stuff apart that is

perfectly good but it's just not good enough anymore and I do want to use more

of this space but I'm starting to really get excited about it because I'm looking

forward to applying a lot of the new knowledge they're relatively new

knowledge that I have about just how to build how to plan you know new pieces

lots of new animals including things for my aquarium know that aquarium is gonna

be made a good deal larger and it's its footprint its ground footprint and

that's something I'm looking forward to especially probably gonna make it more

visible easier to see inside than ever since I like those underwater scenes so

much it's not going to be up against the rock face over there I'm gonna bring it

out here to either this corner over here or just just closer so it'll be easy to

see from multiple angles and I'll get some nice light into it and it'll just

you know just be better yeah I think that it's it's a nice thing now but I'm

gonna make it a lot better and I'm looking forward to that but before I get

to that I don't want to diversify my efforts too much I'm gonna continue

working in this corner get this at least ready to build upon you know get the

terrain worked out get thee the base plates in there get everything lined up

well enough hopefully get the tunnel worked out going all the way around the

edge so it's fully prepped and then I can start looking at doing other other

things I think that space we the next area that'll work but that's it for this

update so now you've seen what I have actually done in this room in addition

to the many things you've seen me done that you've seen me

do outside of this room some of which have ultimately ended up coming over

here and some have not so thank you for watching I've got a lot more work to do

and I'll talk to you in soon


For more infomation >> LEGO city status check-in / update Mar. 17, 2018 - Duration: 13:35.


Modd newydd sbon i ymarfer eich Cymraeg! - Duration: 3:57.

it works...

hello everyone

it's your friend Nicky here

today I want to talk to you about a brand new service that is available

for learners

this isn't an advert

but I really recommend this service, so...

so I just wanted to speak about it for a bit of your time

I don't know if you've heard already

but my friend Aran

the guy who runs SaySomethinginWelsh

has started a new community

on the web

called ""

i'll put a link here If I can

and I'll also put a link under the video in the comments for you

it's a brand new service, it's totally free of charge

and Aran has started it just to help people who are learning the language

and try to help them find other people to speak with

in order to practice their Welsh

which is really, really helpful to tell the truth

I've got to say that I've been using this service for about a week now.

and I've met loads of other people

and I've been speaking to people right over the world

so, it's really useful to help your Welsh

if you're starting to learn the language

and also, it's really really useful if you want

your first chance to speak with other people

i'll tell you bit in a video

and i'll show you how it works now

okay, so this is the website

it looks difficult at first, but when you start to use it

it's totally easy, it's totally, totally easy

this is how you find a chat partner

if you want

here is where you can find events and find out what is happening

as you can see, here is my chat

every Wednesday at 7

in the night

10 people are interested already

which is good

here is where you can start Hangouts

everything you have to do is just...

type "/hangout"

or click this button

and if you click it like that...

you get the option of starting a new hangout

and it's totally easy

totally, totally easy

there's not a lot more to do - to tell the truth

here's where you can find the new news

and here's where everyone says hello to each other

it's really, really easy when you start - to tell the truth

yeah, so thats how it works

and also, I'll be running a chat every Wednesday night

at 7 in the night

so if you want to join a Hangout with me

yeah... you can

and we can chat about anything at all!

anything you want!

just practice with me

check it out if you want!

now, if you want to join

all you have to do is just

send an email to:

with the subject title of


anything at all that you want!

hopefully i'll see you on the....

I don't know?

hopefully i'll see you on the slack forum soon!

and looking forward to making more videos soon!

goodbye for now!

For more infomation >> Modd newydd sbon i ymarfer eich Cymraeg! - Duration: 3:57.


3 apps that no one knows! - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> 3 apps that no one knows! - Duration: 5:42.


Appello di Travaglio a un governo M5S con PD e LeU, Di Maio però ora pensa a Salvini - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> Appello di Travaglio a un governo M5S con PD e LeU, Di Maio però ora pensa a Salvini - Duration: 7:28.


Problemi di sonno, ansia e stress? Cura i tuoi disturbi con il metodo "7-8-4". - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Problemi di sonno, ansia e stress? Cura i tuoi disturbi con il metodo "7-8-4". - Duration: 4:03.


BBB18: Ana Clara critica Paula, reclama de distanciamento e dispara: "ríspida" | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Ana Clara critica Paula, reclama de distanciamento e dispara: "ríspida" | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:18.


Gleici, Caruso e a Família detonam Kaysar no BBB18: "A gente não gosta" | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Gleici, Caruso e a Família detonam Kaysar no BBB18: "A gente não gosta" | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 2:04.


BBB18: Jéssica e Paula descumprem regra e recebem punição | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Jéssica e Paula descumprem regra e recebem punição | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 2:27.


Uomini e donne, la scelta di Sara: nuova segnalazione bomba | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, la scelta di Sara: nuova segnalazione bomba | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:23.


MARIA - Duration: 2:17.

Hey! What can I do for you?

-Register my new baby. -Sure.

What are you calling her?

-Maria. -Maria...

-What? -Maria.


I don't get it. Why is that funny?

It's so great! I can't even spell it.

-Who does it go again? -M-A-R-I-A.


That is so crazy!

Why is that?

There are no Ys. Not even an H at the end.

Nope. Just "Maria".

I'm gonna give you some advice. Okay?

I don't know if I should. I don't know if it's unprofessional.

You kid is bound to be bullied.

She will be humiliated at school.

Peple might beat her up because of her name.

People on the street will yell, "There she goes. No Ls!

Not a single Y in her name!"

-But Maria is such a common name... -Where, honey?

Back in the 1990s?

It's a grandma's name now.

Do you get it? "Maria" is the new "Geraldine".

-What do you suggest? -Carolynny.

"Carolynny" is very popular.

Two Ys and two Ns. Carolynny is so beautiful!

-It's so hard to write, though... -Hard for whom, honey?

This new generation doesn't know I is a letter.

They put a Y in everything. It's not "I am". It's "Y am".

Do you see? People've changed.

"Julyenne" is the new "Julia".

"Lois" is the new "Louise".

And what have "Maria" become?




-Let's go with Maryellyn. -Two Ys?

Fuck it! Let's make it three.







Dyanny Luanne.

Enza das Chagas.



For more infomation >> MARIA - Duration: 2:17.


Uomini e Donne: una storica dama spiazza tutti e lascia U&D Over, ecco chi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: una storica dama spiazza tutti e lascia U&D Over, ecco chi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.


Uomini e donne, segnalazione su Lorenzo:ecco cos'è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, segnalazione su Lorenzo:ecco cos'è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.


EVENTOS ACELERAM ATÉ 2020 - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> EVENTOS ACELERAM ATÉ 2020 - Duration: 8:03.


Francesco Monte e Paola Di Benedetto fidanzati: parla Cecilia Rodriguez - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Francesco Monte e Paola Di Benedetto fidanzati: parla Cecilia Rodriguez - Duration: 3:25.


BBB18: Jéssica aparece lendo livro de cabeça para baixo e vira piada nas redes sociais | - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Jéssica aparece lendo livro de cabeça para baixo e vira piada nas redes sociais | - Duration: 3:38.


BBB18: Breno volta ao topo do Queridômetro e divide liderança com Kaysar | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Breno volta ao topo do Queridômetro e divide liderança com Kaysar | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:41.


BBB18: Kaysar muda o visual, faz topete no estilo Ronaldo Fenômeno e vira piada | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Kaysar muda o visual, faz topete no estilo Ronaldo Fenômeno e vira piada | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 3:59.


Mãe de Breno dá opinião sobre relacionamento do filho com Paula e surpreende com revelações | - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Mãe de Breno dá opinião sobre relacionamento do filho com Paula e surpreende com revelações | - Duration: 2:49.


Uomini e Donne: Lorenzo Riccardi e Nicolò Ferrari si incontrano fuori la trasmissione - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Lorenzo Riccardi e Nicolò Ferrari si incontrano fuori la trasmissione - Duration: 3:22.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 D BS AMG Widescreen, Alarm, Comand navigatie, Stoelverwarming, Sfeerverli - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 D BS AMG Widescreen, Alarm, Comand navigatie, Stoelverwarming, Sfeerverli - Duration: 0:55.


8 consigli per ridurre il grasso addominale - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> 8 consigli per ridurre il grasso addominale - Duration: 5:03.


Stefano Bettarini continua a provocare e lancia un'altra frecciatina a Stefano De Martino - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Stefano Bettarini continua a provocare e lancia un'altra frecciatina a Stefano De Martino - Duration: 1:06.



For more infomation >> Renault Captur TCE 90 INTENS | CLIMATE CONTROL | CAMERA | R-LINK | BOSE | CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 1:00.


Volvo V60 2.0 D4 133kW/181pk 6-bak R-DESIGN BNS CLIMA + CRUISE + ADAPT.BI-XENON + NAVI SENSUS + SPOR - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 2.0 D4 133kW/181pk 6-bak R-DESIGN BNS CLIMA + CRUISE + ADAPT.BI-XENON + NAVI SENSUS + SPOR - Duration: 0:55.


Renault Clio TCe 90pk Intens (R-link/Camera/Climate/16''Lichtm. Velg.) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio TCe 90pk Intens (R-link/Camera/Climate/16''Lichtm. Velg.) - Duration: 0:54.


Volvo S60 1.6 D2 R-Design Automaat Navi/Xenon/Adapt. Cruise/Leder/18" LMV/Open Dak - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volvo S60 1.6 D2 R-Design Automaat Navi/Xenon/Adapt. Cruise/Leder/18" LMV/Open Dak - Duration: 0:58.


Volvo V40 1.6 D2 R-Design *Navigatie* - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 1.6 D2 R-Design *Navigatie* - Duration: 0:54.


LEGO city status check-in / update Mar. 17, 2018 - Duration: 13:35.

hey everybody let's do a city update shall we yeah it's been a while longer

than it feels like for me because I've been really busy I've been busy doing

all the things that you've seen me doing since the time of the last of the update

video plus more I did a quick look through my video list before this to see

what I have shown you that I've been doing and includes 16

yeah 16 custom builds if I counted correctly including this little tow

truck here and a copy of it that is presently sitting out there in front of

the Shell gas station and then this rollback car carrier over here and this

little 4x4 over here and then that truck there and more stuff in the harbor area

including those couple of small forklift things there and also this slightly

larger forklift here and some cargo ships like this one which looks a little

bit awkward but it's just built to specs and it's successful in that way this

tiny little thing which is just cute and I just love it because it's just so

minimal on it I really like those both pieces just brings together a lot of

things that I like in Lego in particular this one obviously just went up most

recently and I've also done I think it was 18 17 or 18 review videos since the

last city update and nine other videos of other types of stuff in addition to

all the things that have gone on in life outside of this little gen bricks

channel corner of my life but there's more stuff as well that has happened in

the city since you last saw it starting with this corner over here again which

is good that I've managed to maintain focus on you know this this area over

here it doesn't look too significantly different from the last time you saw

but most of the change has occurred over there on that side so let me actually

take you over there on that side okay now we're over here on this side

and you can see that the terrain was built out to the edge of the table which

is a lot more building than it looks like because I wasn't able to just fill

up all that space with big ugly rock pieces I think I put one more in and

that's it everything else was just bricks and bricks and bricks and brick

so it's very stark it just comes right up to this very sharp almost literally

polished edge I mean you can see some reflection in the sides of the bricks

there it's just completely cut off and I also you know put in a little bit of the

the entrance the outside of the entrance of this tunnel here exactly how I will

kind of bleed that back or feather it back remains to be seen and have most of

this open so you can watch trains go through or at least some of it opens you

can watch trains go through from the outside and eventually I'll be making

some of that that's space under there used and we're putting something in in

there that well create some scenes I'm not sure how deep that will go up

probably won't go too far but that's that's all in the future but for right

now major terrain work was very important so I've got this coming out to

the edge of the table here and it's also coming out to the edge of the table on

the on the other side I did get in that last brick lane call more bricks inside

once again was running out of just regular dark bluish gray you know bricks

just rectangular normal bricks but I need to figure out exactly how I'm going

to do not only the tunnel portion but also all this up here how this is going

to be blended here cuz I I do believe I want to be able to remove that table in

the future at some point if if needed to get access to some other things for for

just future expansion that table looks like it's just still there like it's

always been I actually changed out the legs on it I cut some legs down by about

an inch and then just use the adjuster Jessamyn feet on them to bring it back

up so this is this is now able to to line up with Lego bricks and I think

it's a little bit off right now because I've been moving some stuff around but I

can line it up so that I can either put plates just on top of that row of brown

bricks here or I can put tiles on top of those and then put base plates on top of

this and it'll all just line up now which is you know just important to be

able to really use this surface as as essentially foundation for Lego building

so you just build directly on that and ultimately things will be able to

connect you know to to the edges out here so speaking of this as I've

mentioned before that this this I think a word that I haven't kind of associated

with it before is caldera this is going to kind of have a caldera sort of bowl

lowered platform effect it's not supposed to be literally a volcano you

know dormant volcano crater here but it it's it's going to have that sort of

effect in terms of its shape where the the walls the outer walls come up but

then it'll be a little bit rough on top and then it'll spill over and then it'll

actually be walled with man-made walls on the insides so this will be the level

of the ground if you will for the the ground level the top the top part of the

planetary defense Force Base so everything's gonna be built from here

there's there this is not gonna be filled in except with structures and

vehicles and launch platforms and stuff like that whatever I end up putting in

here so the terrain is gonna come out just a little bit farther here just a

little bit not too far there will be a little bit of foliage on top of that and

then there will be some fencing going around it and then this will just be

fairly smoothly walled in around here there'll be something a little extra

special in that that area that that sticks out there that was not in an

accident that was planned for for a future semi major project maybe

we'll see depends on how it goes and then this will also extend out with just

LEGO pieces this will be extended out here because it needed to go a little

bit farther it'll go all the way to the edge of the table it'll be flat and just

cut off and this side will also be extended out a bit I believe I haven't

fully decided exactly what I'm gonna do for that in the background there's stuff

going on yet but nothing to worry about actually remounted one of the legs so

it's able to get out of the way of the train tracks there so it's completely

clear I'll be able to make that inner wall which will be a removable face

inside of there so you'll be able to just just see the train with the tunnel

surface behind it and then the other major thing that I've done it's not that

major but there's a place where if I've put some level of significant work was

down here which looks pretty much the same right until you get a little bit

closer down and realize that oh this has been floated I always talk about

floating my tracks and I have I've accomplished that here throughout this

this entire section now here so you see the tiles beneath that's that's the

level where the tracks are actually intended to be so this is this is the

the correct height now and then after tiles go under there to create some of

the space and you know just have it nice and and lift it up so that's so that you

know it has a consistent foundation beneath it rather than trying to sit on

top of the Lego logos on top of studs then I start to kind of fill that in so

this reel right here this siding is the next step putting a little bit of stuff

on the sides of it and then after that the one to its left is where just you

know it gets filled in so it looks a little bit more like ballast I think it

might not go that random you know it's kind of looking a little bit sloppy just

because because of how far I went and with how many a little bit stick out but

that's kind of the direction that this is going and eventually all of this will

look like that and then it'll be a lot more consistent in addition to being

floated up as it is just doing these two lines here actually doing one and

starting the other used up the remainder of my one by whatever 1 by X dark bluish

gray plates so I had to place yet another brick link order did that just a

few days and maybe two days before the recording of this video thousands of

additional pieces hopefully those will last a little while they never seem to

last as long as as you expect as you want that's for sure but yeah

such as such as the struggle yes yeah Tanya building stuff with Lego just

requires so many pieces it's pretty ridiculous yeah anyway

this space is a space that I want to work on soon ish not not in the

immediate future but this is this is a space that I've been looking at with

increased interest because it's the most obvious space that is now empty and open

end in need of help in need of something there needs to be some structure placed

here or something just from my cue my my long list of

things that I have planned to add to the city you know there's not gonna be any

any worry about finding something to put there I just need to put one of the

things that I've already decided to build here and it just takes time and a

lot of pieces but I'm also looking forward finally really looking forward

to rebuilding this Zoo it started out as something that I was going to need to do

kind of dipped into the world of what a number of times and then kind of between

those times would go into a source of stress just worrying about having to

take a take apart so much stuff you know so much work and so many people

have enjoyed the the zoo or the what is it four years that have had it now and

for me looking at it now today I actually still like it I still like the

installations it has been updated a bit over time but I like a lot of what I see

here and you know that that's good and it kind of has added some inertia to it

which makes me not want to take it apart I hate taking stuff apart that is

perfectly good but it's just not good enough anymore and I do want to use more

of this space but I'm starting to really get excited about it because I'm looking

forward to applying a lot of the new knowledge they're relatively new

knowledge that I have about just how to build how to plan you know new pieces

lots of new animals including things for my aquarium know that aquarium is gonna

be made a good deal larger and it's its footprint its ground footprint and

that's something I'm looking forward to especially probably gonna make it more

visible easier to see inside than ever since I like those underwater scenes so

much it's not going to be up against the rock face over there I'm gonna bring it

out here to either this corner over here or just just closer so it'll be easy to

see from multiple angles and I'll get some nice light into it and it'll just

you know just be better yeah I think that it's it's a nice thing now but I'm

gonna make it a lot better and I'm looking forward to that but before I get

to that I don't want to diversify my efforts too much I'm gonna continue

working in this corner get this at least ready to build upon you know get the

terrain worked out get thee the base plates in there get everything lined up

well enough hopefully get the tunnel worked out going all the way around the

edge so it's fully prepped and then I can start looking at doing other other

things I think that space we the next area that'll work but that's it for this

update so now you've seen what I have actually done in this room in addition

to the many things you've seen me done that you've seen me

do outside of this room some of which have ultimately ended up coming over

here and some have not so thank you for watching I've got a lot more work to do

and I'll talk to you in soon


For more infomation >> LEGO city status check-in / update Mar. 17, 2018 - Duration: 13:35.


Modd newydd sbon i ymarfer eich Cymraeg! - Duration: 3:57.

it works...

hello everyone

it's your friend Nicky here

today I want to talk to you about a brand new service that is available

for learners

this isn't an advert

but I really recommend this service, so...

so I just wanted to speak about it for a bit of your time

I don't know if you've heard already

but my friend Aran

the guy who runs SaySomethinginWelsh

has started a new community

on the web

called ""

i'll put a link here If I can

and I'll also put a link under the video in the comments for you

it's a brand new service, it's totally free of charge

and Aran has started it just to help people who are learning the language

and try to help them find other people to speak with

in order to practice their Welsh

which is really, really helpful to tell the truth

I've got to say that I've been using this service for about a week now.

and I've met loads of other people

and I've been speaking to people right over the world

so, it's really useful to help your Welsh

if you're starting to learn the language

and also, it's really really useful if you want

your first chance to speak with other people

i'll tell you bit in a video

and i'll show you how it works now

okay, so this is the website

it looks difficult at first, but when you start to use it

it's totally easy, it's totally, totally easy

this is how you find a chat partner

if you want

here is where you can find events and find out what is happening

as you can see, here is my chat

every Wednesday at 7

in the night

10 people are interested already

which is good

here is where you can start Hangouts

everything you have to do is just...

type "/hangout"

or click this button

and if you click it like that...

you get the option of starting a new hangout

and it's totally easy

totally, totally easy

there's not a lot more to do - to tell the truth

here's where you can find the new news

and here's where everyone says hello to each other

it's really, really easy when you start - to tell the truth

yeah, so thats how it works

and also, I'll be running a chat every Wednesday night

at 7 in the night

so if you want to join a Hangout with me

yeah... you can

and we can chat about anything at all!

anything you want!

just practice with me

check it out if you want!

now, if you want to join

all you have to do is just

send an email to:

with the subject title of


anything at all that you want!

hopefully i'll see you on the....

I don't know?

hopefully i'll see you on the slack forum soon!

and looking forward to making more videos soon!

goodbye for now!

For more infomation >> Modd newydd sbon i ymarfer eich Cymraeg! - Duration: 3:57.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Bryan Cranston to non-voters: Don't let cynicism get in the way of your voice / your rights - Duration: 2:19.


All right.

This is the 26th Amendment to the Constitution.

Section One.

'The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to

vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of


The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.'

I think that's really great.

And this was only passed in 1971 – 1971!

I was 15 years old in 1971.

I was close to that [minimum voting] age.

I hope it's an empowerment.

I was disappointed, I must say, in the last election.

Whichever person you may choose to be your elected official.

I think that's a societal thing.

I think we've devalued the honor and privilege of voting and we've become complacent, and

maybe a bit cynical about our place and rights as citizens and our duties and responsibilities.

And I think we need to reinforce that to realize we're damn lucky to be able to be citizens

of a country that allows free and independent—when working at its best—Free and independent


And we can't take that lightly.

And I hope that we realize just how important it is and support the privilege to be able

to say you voted in an election.

And I hope you do.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Bryan Cranston to non-voters: Don't let cynicism get in the way of your voice / your rights - Duration: 2:19.


The Secret to Making Healthy French Fries - Duration: 3:11.

I wanna come over, and check your new order, okay?

>> Okay, thank you.

>> Hello ma'am, how are you?

>> What kind of shindig is this?

>> [LAUGH]


>> Hey, we are so

happy to have you dining with us today.

I trust everything is okay with your order.

What do you have going on here? >> Yeah,

I'm gonna dig into these fries right here. >> Ooh.

>> Nice, lovely.

>> [COUGH]

>> You ordered the small fry.

On average, those- >> This is small?

>> This is small.

This can add up to 473 calories. >> Lord.

>> Yes, so Shaun,

let her know how much her workout bill is. >> Well I actually don't think that she

needs to do anything cuz fries are actually one of my favorite meals.

>> Let them know.

>> Yeah, really, nice.

>> They're one of my 15%, but, but, but,

but I know. >> What's that bill that you like?

What's that bill? >> But

the bill is still gonna cost you a 5k.

That is 3.1 miles.

Which takes the average person 35 to 45 minutes to

run. >> What?

Just to eat this? >> I mean but

if nothing wrong with eating and then going to run, you know what I'm saying?

>> Don't nobody wanna do

that, Shaun!

>> [LAUGH] >> I do!

Wanna do it with me?

We could do it together. >> I guess, well,

could I eat something else that other than that can satisfy this but

not this? >> Absolutely,

I'm still gonna give you your bill though.

But I have a tip for you.

You can eat something called fried, non-fried.

You make fries at home,

cut them into slices like french fries. >> Yeah.

>> Then put it in the oven.

God bless you. >> Thank you.

[LAUGH] Live TV. >> [LAUGH] Put them in the oven, and

then bake them.

Put some nice seasoning on them, and that way it's healthier.

It doesn't have all the grease.

And I'm telling you,

if you cook them right, it tastes so good. >> That's a great healthy

alternative. >> My goodness.


>> That's

>> So, you're not gonna have this?

>> No, this is what I wanna understand.

This is just regular fries.

What about some sweet potato fries cuz everybody been trying.

Is that lower cholesterol? >> [CROSSTALK]

>> So good.

>> All right, so here we go.

So sweet potato, I call the power house food.

It's good for information, its good for pre-workout, it's good for post workout.

No, I mean, when you add a little grease to it.

It kinda eliminates the power of goodness. >> But

it gives it that taste! >> Yeah, you just gotta do the 45

minute cardio after. >> Yes.

So what I'm saying is, you still gotta work out.

I mean, it's fun to eat it.

It's a little bit healthier, because the ingredients that are in there are great.

But that takes me to holidays like Thanksgiving.

So you can do mash potatoes, right, but you can do cauliflower mash potatoes.

And you might be like, my goodness. >> Those

are bomb. >> It's so good.

>> Those are bomb, yeah.

>> But you can make them really good.

There's so many things you can do to create really good choices for

yourself so that you'll eliminate the calories.

But I do wanna be clear.

You should have a lot of fun when you eat.

You should go to the restaurant. >> Yeah.

>> Another tip that I have for

you when you go to the restaurant, don't be afraid to change the menu.

You go in there, be really nice to the server.

>> Yes, yes.

>> You can say to them,

I'm on a weight loss journey, I'm on a nutrition plan, I need you to help me out.

And that way, you can take the cream off the chicken or the pasta.

You can just eat the plain pasta. >> I do that all the time so that works.

Thank you so much. >> [APPLAUSE]

>> Great restaurant opening.

Thanks for these tips, Shaun T.

Here's a tip, you don't have to come out of your pocket for

you're all going home with, guess what?

A copy of Shaun T's book, T is for Transformation.


For more infomation >> The Secret to Making Healthy French Fries - Duration: 3:11.


Block B - Don't leave MV (Greek subs) - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Block B - Don't leave MV (Greek subs) - Duration: 4:00.


Animal Idioms! Learn English Idioms, Phrases and Expressions with Animals - Duration: 8:54.

Hi Bob the Canadian here.

The English language can be confusing because we have so many different idioms, expressions,

and phrases.

In this video I'll help you learn fifteen different English idioms involving animals

and exactly what they mean.

Hey welcome to this video.

If this is your first time here please click the subscribe button below to get notifications

when I do new videos.

And if everyone could give me a thumbs up at some point during the video that would

be awesome.

So the English language is full of a number of different phrases that don't quite make

sense when you first look at them.

Today we're going to look at fifteen different idioms, fifteen different expressions all

of them involving animals and I'll explain to you exactly what they mean.

So let's get started.

The first ones we're going to look is ones that involve flies.

And we'll look at two.

So there's two expressions involving flies, there's probably more, but I'm just going

to look at two, the first one is: wouldn't hurt a fly.

So let's imagine that you have a really really big friend, huge muscles, really tough

looking guy, but in his heart he's a very very gentle person.

So you would describe that person as: He wouldn't hurt a fly.

So he, he's even though he's so big and strong he wouldn't even hurt something as

small as a fly.

The second expression involving flies is: dropping like flies.

So for instance let's say you forgot to water all of your flowers in your flowerbed

and they are all starting to die at the same time you would describe them as: They are

dropping like flies.

The second animal that has phrases or idioms associated with it is the chicken.

And we'll look at one phrase involving chickens and that's the phrase: To chicken out.

So let's say you and your friends are going to dive off of a really high diving board.

Your friend goes up.

He jumps off the diving board.

He lands in the water.

You go up, you get to the end of the diving board, and you become afraid.

And you decide not to do it.

We would describe that as: Chickening out.

Your friend would say: You chickened out!

You didn't dare dive off the high diving board.

You chickened out!

The next animal where we'll look at a phrase or two is the pig.

So we'll look at three phrases involving pigs.

The first one describes me quite well and that's: To be pig headed.

You could say Bob the Canadian is pig headed.

And what that would mean is that I am stubborn.

That I am set in my ways.

That I don't like to do something if I don't want to do it.

So to be pig headed is to be stubborn.

The next phrase involving pigs is to pig out.

And this could describe me as well.

To pig out is to sit down at a meal and to just eat like crazy, to eat really fast, to

eat too much.

And we would say: Oh man he's really pigging out!

Or: He really pigged out on that meal.

So it means to eat a lot, sometimes to eat a lot really quickly.

The last phrase involving pigs is: When pigs fly.

And this essentially means that something will happen when pigs fly.

Now we all know pigs can't fly, so when we say "When pigs fly."

what we actually mean is that it will probably never happen.

When pigs fly.

The next animal where we'll look at a phrase or two is the elephant.

And we'll look at one phrase with the elephant and the phrase in English that we say quite

often is: The elephant in the room.

And the elephant in the room refers to something that no one wants to talk about.

So let's say you're at a party and someone has done something bad, but no one actually

wants to mention it.

Maybe someone has been arrested or something horrible.

So the elephant in the room is the subject that no one wants to talk about.

The next animal we'll look at that has interesting phrases is the cow.

And we'll look at two phrases involving the cow.

One is: To have a cow or Don't have a cow.

And when we say, "Don't have a cow!" we're actually saying don't make a big

deal out of something.

To have a cow is to get overly upset about something.

To have a cow is to be overly emotional about something.

The second phrase we use with cows is the phrase: 'Till the cows come home.

So basically the 'till the cows come home means you know he did it 'till the cows

came home so he did forever.

So he did for a very very very long time.

If you were to say: He likes to work 'till the cows come home, it basically means that

he likes to work forever.

The next animal where we're going to look at a phrase or two is the bear.

So the bear we have one saying English about the bear and it's: Don't poke the bear.

And essentially "Don't poke the bear" means don't disturb something or someone

if you think that something bad will happen.

So for instance a good example is if I'm having a nap, my wife might say to my children,

"Don't poke the bear!" if they're trying to wake me up, because they know if

they wake me up from my nap I will be grumpy.

So don't poke the bear means don't mess with something, don't interfere with something

if you think something bad will happen.

Don't poke the bear.

The next animal we'll look at is the rat.

And we have one saying with rats, there's probably more, but we have one saying with

rats and that's: to smell a rat.

And to smell a rat is to be suspicious of something.

To smell a rat is to think something's going on here, and I'm not quite sure what it


I smell a rat.

The next animal we're gonna look at is the goat.

So we have a saying with goats called: To not let someone get your goat.

So if I say well don't let them get your goat what I'm saying is don't let them

get you upset.

Don't let them upset you.

Unfortunately we don't have any sayings for geese that I know of, but there's a

bunch of them flying by right now, but let's move on to the next animal.

The next animal we're gonna look at is the cat.

And there's a lot of sayings with cats, I'm gonna talk about just one and that's

to let the cat out of the bag.

To let the cat out of the bag is to simply tell something that was supposed to be a secret.

Do maybe you're planning a surprise party for someone and someone tells that person

that there's going to be a surprise party for them.

That would be them letting the cat out of the bag.

The next animal we're gonna talk about is the horse.

So I'm gonna look at two horse idioms, the first is: Horsing around.

So horsing around is when people are just being crazy and playing and being excited.

A lot of times we use horsing around to describe children.

So I might be driving my van and my kids are in the back and they're just being loud

and crazy.

I might say to them, "Stop horsing around!"

Stop horsing around means please calm down.

Please be kind to each other.

I often say that while I'm driving my kids around.

The other saying that we have involving horses is: Hold your horses!

Hold your horses just means wait.

So someone might be really excited to do something and you might simply say to them, "Whoa!

Hold your horses!" and it all it means is please wait just a bit, you're so excited

to do this.

Hold your horses!

Well that's a number of idioms involving animals.

Bob the Canadian here.

Learn English with Bob the Canadian.

I hope this video was helpful for you.

Please don't forget to give me a thumbs up if you could.

Please share this video.

Subscribe if you haven't subscribed to this channel yet and I just hope that all of you

have a great day and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Animal Idioms! Learn English Idioms, Phrases and Expressions with Animals - Duration: 8:54.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 16v VVT-i Aspiration A/T + 6 MND BOVAG - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 16v VVT-i Aspiration A/T + 6 MND BOVAG - Duration: 0:54.


Fiat 500L 1.4 T-Jet 120PK TREKKING NAVI GLAZEN DAK - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500L 1.4 T-Jet 120PK TREKKING NAVI GLAZEN DAK - Duration: 0:58.


Opel Astra 1.4 T 150PK ONLINE Ed. Navi/Clima /Cruise/PDC - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.4 T 150PK ONLINE Ed. Navi/Clima /Cruise/PDC - Duration: 1:01.


Opel Astra 1.4T 150PK INNOVATION Navi/Leder /16"LM/PDC/Cruise - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.4T 150PK INNOVATION Navi/Leder /16"LM/PDC/Cruise - Duration: 0:54.


Opel Astra Sports Tourer 1.4T 150PK Automaat ONLINE Ed. Navi /Cruise/PDC/Clima - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra Sports Tourer 1.4T 150PK Automaat ONLINE Ed. Navi /Cruise/PDC/Clima - Duration: 0:55.


Opel Mokka 1.4 T Innovation - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Mokka 1.4 T Innovation - Duration: 0:59.


Alfa Romeo Stelvio 2.0 T 280pk AWD Q4 First Edition, TCT Automaat - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Stelvio 2.0 T 280pk AWD Q4 First Edition, TCT Automaat - Duration: 0:54.


Volvo XC90 2.5T Benzine 132000km LIMITED ED. Leer | Trekhaak | Navi | Airco | Stoel.Verw. - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC90 2.5T Benzine 132000km LIMITED ED. Leer | Trekhaak | Navi | Airco | Stoel.Verw. - Duration: 0:56.


72 HOUR BUILD: SELF DRIVING CAR - Duration: 21:28.

hey guys so we just got invited to an awesome event in Australia come with me

oh my god are we interrupting a gang meeting oh boy t-rex yeah that's so

creepy hey guys we're here down under just south of Brisbane with Ben Sam

today and we're gonna be converting some cars to self-driving this weekend so Ben

flow so all the way from Canada to participate in this event and make a

video about it so Wayne tell us a bit more about what the event is and what

we're gonna you got it well thanks for coming Jane great to have you here so

what would really like to see is is everyone in the world build robots you

know there's a lot of talk about robots coming to take jobs and we think the

solution to that is if is if everyone makes a robot then everyone's got a job

right so that's what we're we're grabbing a hold off so we've got some

some cars here they're picked up for the the grand sum of a few hundred dollars

we got a few bits of mechanics together we got about 10 people working on each

car we got we got three days and by the end of it they're all going to be


all right so these are these are all app tools power tools equipment actuator is

everything you need to kind of automate the systems of a car we've got we

actually rip out the steering column put in a power steering one from the records

so it's yeah it's a complete conversion of the time and the cause we got some

the most serious equipments and off the hits and that kind of thing a few

welders as well so this here is an Nvidia Jetson tx2 and what this is is a

really kind of a common platform for advanced sort of self-driving car

artificial intelligence type stops you know a hobbyist robotics projects yeah

well makes them really cool is that the exact same type of technology and this

goes inside a real Tesla the same kind of CUDA cores same kind of course so we

said it worked on these for a while and then Ken had the bright idea of doing

some real cars and so we just took the same sensors off the top and then scaled

up yeah awesome yeah all right so that's all the tech we're gonna be using yeah I

guess go step away for us the teams to show off and start hacking that's it

awesome wait your horse do it thanks James

the general things to note is we've done what we can to kind of help look after

you but there are serious kind of safety implications of what we're doing the

barriers that you're standing next to are rated to 40 kilometres an hour

they're not all filled so that's apparently going to be fixed in 20

minutes everything that we do it's gonna be BSD licensed or Creative Commons as

applicable so you're all free to do whatever you want with it that means

anything that you bring here any code or diagrams or stuff that you bring here

that you develop here is now for everyone here to do and everyone else in

the world to do whatever they want with safety is like the biggest concern I

have with all of you most of you probably from what I could tell hadn't

use many power tools before I know James has straps and rocket engines to his

hands before and then he burned a face off the dummy so like I don't know if I

trust in me but so I've got we've got gloves we've got glass safety glasses

and got earplugs and you all should be wearing coloured Footwear at the whole

time all the fences are electrified please do not interact with the fences

all the goats are horns and they know how to use them the whole purpose of

this event is to make sure that everyone in the world is ready for robotics so we

want to make sure this event is a welcoming place for every person on

planet Earth

alright so we got an awesome Mitsubishi Colt

that we're going to be converting to self-driving and we've got an awesome

team of nine people here control freaks hi my name is Erin I'm the team leader

for out anima still driving car this weekend I'm a mechatronics engineer and

now I work in autonomous systems yes I wrote here at Brisbane Australia

self-gravity we don't have the seats it'd be a lot easier to work on it if

there's a bit more room in there

can your chair do this

it's even got the original repair manual Wow what years this one I think this is

an 84

sometimes Willie I'm a graduate student with csro in Palma and Brisbane with the

project here I'll be giving the card ability to control the brakes and the

steering at the gear shifts by residues adding more bespoke that we can control


os at the moon I'm a project engineer at Chalmers University and today I'm

working on the electronics and integrating all of our motors without

alright so we're just making the main 12 volt power line that goes from the

battery in the car into the backseat Morosi off for all electronics we've got

some battery lugs listen so be measured on the back of the car in case the car

goes rogue so I'm gonna have to chase the car and hit that back

hi I'm Becks I originally studied robotics and a lot of the stuff I do

nowadays in software so I'm looking forward to getting more hands-on in the

electronics and mechanical science stuff whether whether we cut these off and do

our internals they've got energy to Victor I only got little wrinkles yeah

I'm some this little gate my name's Thomas I'm a QUT student studying

mechatronics and at the moment we're working on some of the mechanical

aspects in the ice and you put well yep that's powering everything what what are

the relays there just for the ignition hey yeah thank you

we only need one food mission is that right yeah and I think the power just go

straight I'm tired I'm a student at UTS and Sydney I've been on the Formula

Student team there for three years now and today I'm working on the electronics

then wearing

you see 19 Nelson Falls around now I love to find something hey I'm James

Hobson and wait why am I doing this interview the oh shit switch works so

you just need to hook up to the Arduino and we've got an emergency off so what

we're gonna do next is we're gonna be making a mounting point inside the glove

box for our main computer we're gonna try and find a way to reroute the air

conditioning fans into the glove box so that we've got integrated cooling so

that we can have our computer in its own self-contained unit away from all the

other clutter and hopefully it'll have not fully there sorry darling and look

pretty nice and well they we need the schematics verify what they actually I

think we when I was Jacko do pussy you know I work as a machine learning

engineer at pinch in Fortitude Valley and I mean it to basically learn a lot

from people have a bit of fun making a self-driving car and yeah just hopefully

make something that works delicious is a damn spider in there

I can't find now I know it's here I don't like space my name is Riley

Martin I'm a freshly graduated high school student and now a full-time

worker as part of the hack Smith team I'm here to just participate in the

event and be as much of a help as I can and learn about the wonderful world of

autonomous cars and you know I'm excited to be out here

that makes no strikes hey all right so we're about halfway through day one of

the self-driving car build and it's going pretty good

I say mechanically we're almost about 50% done that's how you dance yeah where

are they so about 50% done the mechanical build now to actually steer

the vehicle in our remote-control Baja build we have to use a windshield wiper

motor coupled to the steering column but in this case what they did was they've

actually gotten us a whole bunch of new steering columns from I believe Toyota

Corollas and Mazda 3 and new steering columns are actually have power steering

with a motor built in now the tricky part is it's a different car company and

this cars in 1984 so hopefully by the end of day today we'll have all the

hardware stuff done all the actuators mounted and tomorrow will just be a

matter of bending up the software and then taking it for real driving we don't

need these anymore either

hi I'm John my background is in research robotics PhD and machine learning and

I'm here to help where I can on the automotive side but really to try and

bring some computer vision and some of those stimulates approaches to our cool

car the ability to pick up a piece of it just for a two-year-old to do that the

lead robotics advisor this weekend is Peter Corke who's a distinguished

professor at the Queensland University of Technology and his online or box

classes have reached over 90,000 students his goal is to bring robotics

education to the entire world so we're on a YouTube channel called blacksmith

and our main goal is to inspire kids around the world into STEM fields there

is a market out there for or need out there for people to to learn about these

more advanced robotic concepts you considered that for primary school

students and high school students there's a time stuff and it's good and

it it certainly is encouraging and very motivating but to my mind it's more

experimental than principal when you come to engineering you can't just keep

backing to work so if our viewers want to learn a bit more about robotics

where's the head they should go to robot Academy and that's robot Academy dot ne

T dot a you I'll have the links in the description below and maybe some videos

linked in the card annotation all right so it's day two now and the team pushed

hard last night we got pretty much all the mechanical stuff done all the linear

actuators are mounted and there's just a little bit of wiring and testing each

component individually hopefully in maybe an hour or two we'll actually be

able to test the car in remote control mode once we've tested all the systems

like that we'll be able to start working on the self-driving AI

all right since we're going for a Mad Max theme and we don't have the drawers

anymore I'm just gonna remove these sensors here

first turn the lights on when the doors are open and we don't want that because

it's just my total battery especially for do some testing about the engine

running the nice thing is the switch clearly is

bronze the frame literally yam plug it doesn't work

secondly functions that interact with each other you know that's all being

soldiers but always be able to just its delay just in milliseconds yes yes 3,000

you know anything at the end

so but at the moment on the card we have is just the Arduino that's just bad yeah

I'm the computer with the serial yeah yeah but the computer the serial what

the necessary thing all right so to give our car a bit more range we're gonna

actually try making our own omnidirectional antenna to mount on top

of the roof so we actually use Wi-Fi to control it up to hopefully 2030 meters

or so whereas right now we either have to use the wired Xbox controller which

is only 2 meters long to be running alongside the car which you can imagine

might not be the most safest thing to do so let's see what we knew this antenna

all right cigar makeshift omnidirectional Wi-Fi antenna right here

hooked up to a standard router and now we're gonna test it out and see what

kind of range we get so let's go take a walk

that famously can you connect it first all right dropping off it's pretty far

away can't even see it from here lower that's up I'll be higher left left left

left left left left left a bit just a bit more stop there we go

before you right it doesn't seem like I'm pointing at it don't usually either

good but

all right so the third and final day of the self-driving car hackathon and the

teams are scrambling to get these things done almost everyone is up super late

last night trying to work out some of the bugs in the code I think only one

car has successfully been driven in remote-controlled mode I am self driving

mode yet our team is almost ready right now we're just charging the battery and

hopefully we'll get down in the field and be able to test it remote-control

mode and then self-driving mode



yeah ah

okay do you need anyone else with you

we have everyone else back now the plan was to also use a webcam to be able to

do basic obstacle avoidance unfortunately we weren't able to get to

that point in the competition now earlier on the weekend GPS data points

were recorded along the inside and outside edge of the track which gives

the car a digital boundary that knows not to cross this event would not have

been possible without all the generous sponsors Telstra provided us with high

quality 4 GX internet and Nighthawk routers Telstra kept the event online

with the world's best 4 GX network the motor traders Association of Queensland

provide lots of equipment and advice for building the cars this include tools and

the Sun shelters neo provides sponsorship of food and drinks for all

the volunteers and participants and provided guidance throughout the

challenge we'd also like to thank BAU raha lidar ethereal capital and

Blackbird ventures coltec provide mentoring and a presentation on their

work in RC and autonomous systems scouts Australia Queensland provide

accommodation for all participants through loaning 15 tents trade tools

provided a discount on all tools purchased for the challenge and bonus

equipment Woodstock provide the space and redbull provided drinks to ensure we

could work all night long and finally we'd like to thank the queensland

community especially Monica Bradley Tony wheeler and Kylie Hickling

we've got this amazing trophy so there's clearly two teams that are kind of you

know grabbing onto one of these wings and trying to tear it in half so I think

we'll have to figure out you know what happens you know this is this is a month

in the making this is not like a year or anything this is a fever dream and

thanks for coming and being part of it we want to make this so much bigger we

want to take us everywhere in the world we want you to turn into into monster

trucks and spaceship everything beyond that if you've got a completely

dangerous we had an awesome time in Australia but it's time to go back to

the cold all in all it was an awesome event and everyone who participated had

an absolute blast now this is just the first of many future events so if you're

interested in try and convert a car to self-driving in 72 hours or less check

out three day robot comm there's a link in the description below

For more infomation >> 72 HOUR BUILD: SELF DRIVING CAR - Duration: 21:28.


LEGO city status check-in / update Mar. 17, 2018 - Duration: 13:35.

hey everybody let's do a city update shall we yeah it's been a while longer

than it feels like for me because I've been really busy I've been busy doing

all the things that you've seen me doing since the time of the last of the update

video plus more I did a quick look through my video list before this to see

what I have shown you that I've been doing and includes 16

yeah 16 custom builds if I counted correctly including this little tow

truck here and a copy of it that is presently sitting out there in front of

the Shell gas station and then this rollback car carrier over here and this

little 4x4 over here and then that truck there and more stuff in the harbor area

including those couple of small forklift things there and also this slightly

larger forklift here and some cargo ships like this one which looks a little

bit awkward but it's just built to specs and it's successful in that way this

tiny little thing which is just cute and I just love it because it's just so

minimal on it I really like those both pieces just brings together a lot of

things that I like in Lego in particular this one obviously just went up most

recently and I've also done I think it was 18 17 or 18 review videos since the

last city update and nine other videos of other types of stuff in addition to

all the things that have gone on in life outside of this little gen bricks

channel corner of my life but there's more stuff as well that has happened in

the city since you last saw it starting with this corner over here again which

is good that I've managed to maintain focus on you know this this area over

here it doesn't look too significantly different from the last time you saw

but most of the change has occurred over there on that side so let me actually

take you over there on that side okay now we're over here on this side

and you can see that the terrain was built out to the edge of the table which

is a lot more building than it looks like because I wasn't able to just fill

up all that space with big ugly rock pieces I think I put one more in and

that's it everything else was just bricks and bricks and bricks and brick

so it's very stark it just comes right up to this very sharp almost literally

polished edge I mean you can see some reflection in the sides of the bricks

there it's just completely cut off and I also you know put in a little bit of the

the entrance the outside of the entrance of this tunnel here exactly how I will

kind of bleed that back or feather it back remains to be seen and have most of

this open so you can watch trains go through or at least some of it opens you

can watch trains go through from the outside and eventually I'll be making

some of that that's space under there used and we're putting something in in

there that well create some scenes I'm not sure how deep that will go up

probably won't go too far but that's that's all in the future but for right

now major terrain work was very important so I've got this coming out to

the edge of the table here and it's also coming out to the edge of the table on

the on the other side I did get in that last brick lane call more bricks inside

once again was running out of just regular dark bluish gray you know bricks

just rectangular normal bricks but I need to figure out exactly how I'm going

to do not only the tunnel portion but also all this up here how this is going

to be blended here cuz I I do believe I want to be able to remove that table in

the future at some point if if needed to get access to some other things for for

just future expansion that table looks like it's just still there like it's

always been I actually changed out the legs on it I cut some legs down by about

an inch and then just use the adjuster Jessamyn feet on them to bring it back

up so this is this is now able to to line up with Lego bricks and I think

it's a little bit off right now because I've been moving some stuff around but I

can line it up so that I can either put plates just on top of that row of brown

bricks here or I can put tiles on top of those and then put base plates on top of

this and it'll all just line up now which is you know just important to be

able to really use this surface as as essentially foundation for Lego building

so you just build directly on that and ultimately things will be able to

connect you know to to the edges out here so speaking of this as I've

mentioned before that this this I think a word that I haven't kind of associated

with it before is caldera this is going to kind of have a caldera sort of bowl

lowered platform effect it's not supposed to be literally a volcano you

know dormant volcano crater here but it it's it's going to have that sort of

effect in terms of its shape where the the walls the outer walls come up but

then it'll be a little bit rough on top and then it'll spill over and then it'll

actually be walled with man-made walls on the insides so this will be the level

of the ground if you will for the the ground level the top the top part of the

planetary defense Force Base so everything's gonna be built from here

there's there this is not gonna be filled in except with structures and

vehicles and launch platforms and stuff like that whatever I end up putting in

here so the terrain is gonna come out just a little bit farther here just a

little bit not too far there will be a little bit of foliage on top of that and

then there will be some fencing going around it and then this will just be

fairly smoothly walled in around here there'll be something a little extra

special in that that area that that sticks out there that was not in an

accident that was planned for for a future semi major project maybe

we'll see depends on how it goes and then this will also extend out with just

LEGO pieces this will be extended out here because it needed to go a little

bit farther it'll go all the way to the edge of the table it'll be flat and just

cut off and this side will also be extended out a bit I believe I haven't

fully decided exactly what I'm gonna do for that in the background there's stuff

going on yet but nothing to worry about actually remounted one of the legs so

it's able to get out of the way of the train tracks there so it's completely

clear I'll be able to make that inner wall which will be a removable face

inside of there so you'll be able to just just see the train with the tunnel

surface behind it and then the other major thing that I've done it's not that

major but there's a place where if I've put some level of significant work was

down here which looks pretty much the same right until you get a little bit

closer down and realize that oh this has been floated I always talk about

floating my tracks and I have I've accomplished that here throughout this

this entire section now here so you see the tiles beneath that's that's the

level where the tracks are actually intended to be so this is this is the

the correct height now and then after tiles go under there to create some of

the space and you know just have it nice and and lift it up so that's so that you

know it has a consistent foundation beneath it rather than trying to sit on

top of the Lego logos on top of studs then I start to kind of fill that in so

this reel right here this siding is the next step putting a little bit of stuff

on the sides of it and then after that the one to its left is where just you

know it gets filled in so it looks a little bit more like ballast I think it

might not go that random you know it's kind of looking a little bit sloppy just

because because of how far I went and with how many a little bit stick out but

that's kind of the direction that this is going and eventually all of this will

look like that and then it'll be a lot more consistent in addition to being

floated up as it is just doing these two lines here actually doing one and

starting the other used up the remainder of my one by whatever 1 by X dark bluish

gray plates so I had to place yet another brick link order did that just a

few days and maybe two days before the recording of this video thousands of

additional pieces hopefully those will last a little while they never seem to

last as long as as you expect as you want that's for sure but yeah

such as such as the struggle yes yeah Tanya building stuff with Lego just

requires so many pieces it's pretty ridiculous yeah anyway

this space is a space that I want to work on soon ish not not in the

immediate future but this is this is a space that I've been looking at with

increased interest because it's the most obvious space that is now empty and open

end in need of help in need of something there needs to be some structure placed

here or something just from my cue my my long list of

things that I have planned to add to the city you know there's not gonna be any

any worry about finding something to put there I just need to put one of the

things that I've already decided to build here and it just takes time and a

lot of pieces but I'm also looking forward finally really looking forward

to rebuilding this Zoo it started out as something that I was going to need to do

kind of dipped into the world of what a number of times and then kind of between

those times would go into a source of stress just worrying about having to

take a take apart so much stuff you know so much work and so many people

have enjoyed the the zoo or the what is it four years that have had it now and

for me looking at it now today I actually still like it I still like the

installations it has been updated a bit over time but I like a lot of what I see

here and you know that that's good and it kind of has added some inertia to it

which makes me not want to take it apart I hate taking stuff apart that is

perfectly good but it's just not good enough anymore and I do want to use more

of this space but I'm starting to really get excited about it because I'm looking

forward to applying a lot of the new knowledge they're relatively new

knowledge that I have about just how to build how to plan you know new pieces

lots of new animals including things for my aquarium know that aquarium is gonna

be made a good deal larger and it's its footprint its ground footprint and

that's something I'm looking forward to especially probably gonna make it more

visible easier to see inside than ever since I like those underwater scenes so

much it's not going to be up against the rock face over there I'm gonna bring it

out here to either this corner over here or just just closer so it'll be easy to

see from multiple angles and I'll get some nice light into it and it'll just

you know just be better yeah I think that it's it's a nice thing now but I'm

gonna make it a lot better and I'm looking forward to that but before I get

to that I don't want to diversify my efforts too much I'm gonna continue

working in this corner get this at least ready to build upon you know get the

terrain worked out get thee the base plates in there get everything lined up

well enough hopefully get the tunnel worked out going all the way around the

edge so it's fully prepped and then I can start looking at doing other other

things I think that space we the next area that'll work but that's it for this

update so now you've seen what I have actually done in this room in addition

to the many things you've seen me done that you've seen me

do outside of this room some of which have ultimately ended up coming over

here and some have not so thank you for watching I've got a lot more work to do

and I'll talk to you in soon


For more infomation >> LEGO city status check-in / update Mar. 17, 2018 - Duration: 13:35.


Naughty Kids Pranks | Best of Just For Laughs Gags 2018 - Duration: 4:02.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

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For more infomation >> Naughty Kids Pranks | Best of Just For Laughs Gags 2018 - Duration: 4:02.


500 Sq. Ft. Tiny Beach Cottage in New Jersey | Beautiful Small House Design - Duration: 2:05.

500 Sq. Ft. Tiny Beach Cottage in New Jersey

For more infomation >> 500 Sq. Ft. Tiny Beach Cottage in New Jersey | Beautiful Small House Design - Duration: 2:05.


Spreading Salt Around The House – Here's Why It's So Incredible! - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Spreading Salt Around The House – Here's Why It's So Incredible! - Duration: 4:12.


Serious Skincare SuperSize Emu Aloe Facial Cream - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Serious Skincare SuperSize Emu Aloe Facial Cream - Duration: 5:56.


Why I Chose The Mad Max Lifestyle | Style Out There | Refinery29 - Duration: 11:06.

This is not quite what I think of when I think

of a commuter vehicle.

No, it's not, but it's way cooler than a Prius.


It's the end of the world...

or at least it feels like it.

The word apocalypse

comes up frequently in conversation.

Whether because of global politics, environmental

issues, or economic uncertainty, America is

haunted by the idea of its own demise.

But there are some people who relish the idea.

A national movement of dystopian events is

cropping up, where Mad Max enthusiasts play

out the fall of man...

or what comes after.

The biggest?

Wasteland Weekend, an annual event in the

California desert that draws thousands of

people from all over the world.

But new post-apocalyptic parties are popping

up across the country for those who never

want Wasteland to end.

Ares hasn't just wastelanded her clothes,

she's wastelanded her life.

Three years ago, she moved out to the middle

of the desert to a home with no address with

her husband Spud, whom she met and married

at Wasteland Weekend.

Where am I?

Where is this place?

You are at Little Chaos on the Prairie.

Little Chaos on the Prairie.

Which is my happy little home.

I broke Malibu Barbie.


Malibu Barbie?

I married Malibu Barbie and then brought her

out here and broke her.

You used to be...

...super Barbie doll with curly brown beach girl hair.

And like, I talked about shoes a lot.

Like, oh my god.

He makes fun of me for it, perpetually.

There's nothing wrong with being Malibu Barbie,

but Ares is clearly happy she traded

in pink party dresses for combat boots.

Can you tell me about what Wastelanders are?

Wastelanders are a surprising mix of individuals.

You have the crew that are like Spud and myself,

that they live off-grid, you have people that work HR.

It's that mindset of,

"Who would I want to be at the end of the world?"

You can be the best version of yourself.

You can be somebody entirely different.

When the world ends, you can reinvent yourself,

and that's exactly what Ares and her husband

Spud have done.

They've become the people they've always

wanted to be.

Would you say you created a utopia here?

I have definitely created a utopia.

To move out to the middle of nowhere, so that

I wasn't ever beholden to anybody except for Ares.

Whatever she needs, I give that woman.

I love her to pieces.

I will do anything for her.

Without any hesitation.

At all.

Does it ever feel lonely?

Not really.

I've gotten very good at keeping in touch

with my friends.

And my girlfriends are all pretty good

about keeping in touch so…

Ares's friends aren't your average girls next door.

Beans, Bam Bam and Sunshine.

They met years ago at Wasteland Weekend and

take every excuse to get together, work on

Wasteland clothes and have a drink.

So what does it mean to wasteland something out?

Think of it, if recycling was a sport,

it's ultimate recycling.

You find something, and instead of throwing

it away, you make it into something else.

How much of this stuff do you wear on a

day to day basis?

She wears a lot of it all the time.

I do.

I always manage to find a little bit of my

Wasteland gear to throw into an outfit.

For these ladies, the end of the world didn't end.

I wanted to experience the end of the world for myself.

I'm in Alabama.

Want to party post-apocalyptic style.

Middle of nowhere seems like as good as place as any.


Hey, you want to do something fun?

Aftermath is kicking off at a family farm.

Rather than a Mad Max metropolis, this is

more like a family reunion…

at the end of the world.

An unofficial offshoot of Wasteland Weekend,

Aftermath was started by friends hoping to

live out the end of days a bit closer to home.

And while it seems more organized than the

anarchy I was expecting, the event is drawing

scores of people, some of whom drove 15 hours

to be here.

Aftermath is a full immersion event.

Which means, the point is to feel like you're

in another world.

Within post-apocalyptic communities, there

are three rules--

no politics, no religion, and you have to dress up.

Enter Larry, the unofficial Aftermath fashion designer.

So you know how to make things, I've heard

this term like, "wastelanding" things.

Basically what wastelanding is,

is when you take a lot of junk and make it wearable

and make it look good.

So the shoulder pads are a hard hat I cut in half,

go kart tires, steel breastplate, chains,

the whole nine yards.

What if I want this umbrella wastelanded?

I can smear paint all over it and make it

look appropriately distressed.

Go ahead and open it for me.


You know I'll tell you what we're going to do...

...just to go ahead and get rid of some things.

This is fine right?

Ok, like…

I paid $3.99 for this!

Oh man, now I do feel bad.

This will help me survive the nuclear storm?

Oh no, you're hit, you're done.

I'm done with this?

You're going to die.

I have my outfit, but in order to fit in at

the end of the world, there's one more thing

I need to finish my look:




I was told that you are the beauty queen.

Do you think you can help me out with this?

I can totally help you out.

Well I'm really wanting to tease your hair out,

make it kind of big—

Great. It's already a little big but I can go bigger.

Throw some grass and dirt in there.

Grass and dirt.

Yeah, yeah.

So we'll start with that.

For a gathering based on the apocalypse,

an idea that's so rooted in religious lore

and political anxiety, to exclude the two

things that the apocalypse is most often connected

with feels incredibly ironic.

But maybe that's part of the draw.

I don't want to say this because I haven't

seen everyone here yet but I might be the

only woman of color here.

Why do you think that is?

Well I feel like a lot of the people that

we draw to our community are part of your

local punk rock scene, and that's kinda

caucasian too for the most part, I guess.

We certainly don't mean to be that way.

All are welcome here.

Seriously, we would never turn anyone away.

I know from Facebook that not all of Sora's

friends at Aftermath share her politics.

Imagining a situation where people with radically

opposing viewpoints hang out together is hard for me.

But, it's happening here.

Without the constraints of society, this is

a safe place to experiment, meet people, and

try something new.

Got to listen some of the old world tunes,

keep us going in these dark days.

So Wastelanding is all about immersing yourself

all the way and part of immersing yourself

all the way I guess is camping, something

I really, really despise, but in the spirit

of community I will set up my tent.

Here we go.

What's this thing?

It keeps your rain fly up.

The what?

I made a home!

Now I need a drink.

I don't know how I'd fare if the world

were to end tomorrow, but these guys seem

to have it figured out.

A doomsday plan, fast friends and the best

way to escape?

A stiff drink.

Even I know that.

Would you like a refill miss?

I would like something, yeah!

I brought my cup.

It seems like wastelandering happens after

the sun goes down, like this is when the good

stuff happens…

Yeah unless you ask Charlie.

He's been hammering making stuff on his anvil making shit all day.

Can I make a toast?

Bad decisions!

To bad decisions!


It's easy to be disillusioned by the state of the world.

Though there's a certain kind of relief

that comes from leaving it behind, and just

dancing and drinking with friends who get you.

Why not celebrate being alive?

After a long night,

I'm going to take advantage of my tent.

Good Morning…

kind of.

It's the end of Aftermath.

I'm not sure what happens after Aftermath.

It's 9:30AM.

And to my surprise, almost everyone is gone.

Someone needs to get me coffee.

The impending doom that I'm feeling could be

that I'm alone and it's time to pack,

or let's be honest…

a gnarly hangover from that green stuff

I was drinking last night.

Good morning!

How are you doing?

Oh, you know.

I feel great considering.

Your hair is still kinda big!

How does it feel to be going back to pre-apocalypse?

So we call this the come down.

It's literally like a come down, you know?

Because you get high being around all these

people that you love all weekend.

And then you got to go back to the real world.

How are you feeling Larry?

I don't think any of us wants the weekend to end.

What does real, real life mean to you guys?

What does it look like to you?

From here?


No debauchery.



Post-apocalyptic life, is it a utopia or a dystopia?

That's all a matter of opinion, I guess.

It's my utopia.

Might be your dystopia.

Post-apocalyptic events are more than a great party,

they're a lesson in community.

Surviving the end of the world means surviving together.

No one can make it alone.

If these guys are right, when the world ends,

value won't be measured in dollars.

Things that are dirty, destroyed and discarded

will find new life and purpose.

And maybe, so can people.

For more infomation >> Why I Chose The Mad Max Lifestyle | Style Out There | Refinery29 - Duration: 11:06.


Best Gym Hip Hop Workout Music 2018 - Svet Fit Music - Duration: 34:47.

Svet Fit Music

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