Saturday, September 30, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 1 2017

So for today's video I'm going to be

actually talking about wether or not

I want all my hearing back.

It's the new "Hot Topic" of the day

And this is a question that a lot

of Deaf/HoH people get asked

at least one time in their life.

If you haven't been asked this yet,

trust me it's coming, just wait.

Now I can't speak for all Deaf/HoH people

when I say this...

But do I want my hearing back?

Let me just...

Think about...


I am very aware that having

all my hearing back

would make my life a crap-load easier.

And to tell you the truth, I did want my hearing back

for years.

Because there was a point in my life

were I hated being Deaf.

For those of you that don't know,

I grew up being the only Deaf person I knew.

Which meant that everyday,

I had to constantly see all these people around me,

have access to all these things

that I didn't have access to.

The best way that I can explain how this feels is

imagine you are at a party, and everybody's having a great time

( electronic beat boxing )

But anyways there's a person in the party

going around, passing out unlimited magical cupcakes.

They're passing it out to everybody like,

"And one for you... and youuu

and you, and you!"

( electronic beat boxing )

And then they get to you and they're like,

"One for yooo- "

(awkward laugh)


But... Uhm...

You need to be able to hear...

to have a cupcake...

But the good news is we have an unlimited

supply of celery!"

Not having access to all those magical cupcakes

in front of me,

always made me feel excluded

and left out,

and less than everybody else.

And I hated it!

20+ years later I reached a point in my life

where I was like, "You know what??

All this is BS!"

I wasted so much time, eating all that celery,

wishing I was a hearing person,

giving myself a hard time about it

and being uncomfortable in my own skin.

When I really could have spent all that time,

learning how to love myself

and embrace my weirdness

And say, "Challenge Accepted!"

to all those barriers that I need to face.

After I realized all this,

I was like, "You know what?! From now on,

I bake my own God Damn batch of magical cupcakes!"

And you know what?

They're gonna be extra extra Super-Duper delicious too!

You know why?

Because in the end,

just being you pays off.


Pretty good!

So remember,

if nobody is handling you any of those cupcakes

it's never too late to start making your own!

(Full mouth) If you want to help me support my content

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, like, follow

me on Instagram: @ LimeMoney

Stay Cool! And I'll see you all later! :)


You can have this one now...


For more infomation >> Do I Want My Hearing Back? ❤ Jessica Marie Flores ❤ - Duration: 2:48.


Hyundai Matrix 1.6I Active Cool Airco/Trekhaak/Elek. pakket/Mistlampen/95.418 Km!! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Matrix 1.6I Active Cool Airco/Trekhaak/Elek. pakket/Mistlampen/95.418 Km!! - Duration: 0:59.


Ostatnie przesłuchania w "The Voice of Poland". Szokujące niespodzianki i łzy rozczarowania - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Ostatnie przesłuchania w "The Voice of Poland". Szokujące niespodzianki i łzy rozczarowania - Duration: 7:35.



For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY,5 DEURS,NAVIGATIE,AIRCO,BOEKJES,NAP,NEDERLANDSE AUTO - Duration: 0:54.


Garlic - A True SUPERFOOD? - Duration: 4:02.

The term "superfood" is often overused, given to foods that don't necessarily deserve


I try to avoid using the word, but sometimes certain foods do stick out more than others.

Based on the current research, it seems that garlic might be stepping up to the superfood

podium soon.

Garlic, as you may know, is an immensely popular food commonly used as seasoning for its distinctly

imposing flavor.

However, not often do we speak of its health benefits.

When we look at research, it does seem that the benefits are indeed vast.

The benefit that might be most fascinating for those subscribed to this channel is the

increase of nitric oxide.

One study found that consuming two grams of garlic cloves was associated with a 385% increase

of circulating nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide has been shown to promote vasodilation, increasing blood flow and oxygen to smooth

muscles, and possibly improving nutrient delivery to your skeletal muscles.

In turn, it potentially improves exercise performance and muscle recovery.

The increased nitric oxide is also connected to the increase of circulating interferon-alpha,

an important signaling protein that have shown to combat viruses, bacteria, and parasites.

It's also known to be a general anti-cancer protein for its stimulation of the immune

system to help slow down cancer cell proliferation.

Garlic has also been shown to reduce blood pressure for hypertensive subjects by as much

as 5-10%, with more consistency in reducing systolic blood pressure than diastolic.

This can be huge benefit for those at risk of high blood pressure.

Speaking of… pressure, some studies also suggest that garlic can be… "pro" erectile,

improving the performance of the male sex organ.

Hydrogen sulfide, one of the components in garlic, itself is found within the sex organ

and is theorized to open potassium channels that allow greater blood engorgement to the


Some even call garlic the "vegetable Viagra."

Other potential garlic benefits based on preliminary research is reducing triglyceride levels,

increasing levels of the anti-oxidant glutathione, increasing T-cell levels for improved immunity,

and reducing arterial plaque buildup, especially for women.

But perhaps the most consistently significant benefit of garlic is reducing total cholesterol.

Three different meta-analyses found, on average, a 10% reduction of total cholesterol in hyperlipidemic

subjects when given garlic.

Further research found that garlic is particularly good at reducing low-density lipoprotein,

also known as the "bad" cholesterol.

Some show slight increases in high-density lipoprotein, aka good cholesterol, but not

as reliably as lowering LDL.

And that's where we are now in terms of garlic benefits.

As far as how much you should consume, according to the research site, many of

the benefits can achieved by eating a single clove of garlic 2-3 times a day, which can

easily be done by adding it to your major meals.

And it's best prepared by first chopping or crushing it to allow the beneficial compounds

to activate.

Avoid microwaving, as that might destroy the beneficial components.

Grill or roast garlic instead.

Also, don't eat too much of it, as it can be toxic.

General guideline is stay below roughly 20 grams of garlic for the average male, which

is roughly 7 cloves.

After all of this information, does garlic deserve the superfood title?

In my opinion… yes, at least more so than most others that have been called superfoods.

The benefits are quite astounding.

Good thing that I'm a fan of its flavor and hopefully reaping its benefits already.

And if you're not a fan already, then maybe all of this information might change your


If you do start eating garlic more often, just be care of the power of your… breath.

Let me know if there are other supposed superfoods you want to see a video about.

Please like and subscribe if you enjoy the content, come check out my Patreon if you

want to further support the channel, and as always, thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Garlic - A True SUPERFOOD? - Duration: 4:02.


Today Kids TV | Learn Colors for kids | Surprise Eggs | Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:10.

Today Kids TV | Learn Colors for kids | Surprise Eggs | Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Today Kids TV | Learn Colors for kids | Surprise Eggs | Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:10.


9 Facts About Dating Japanese Girls - TIPS FOR GUYS - Duration: 9:30.

Hey guys! Welcome back to Yaeko Smiles!

today, I have two friends as my guests

Cynthia from California and Hong Kong. International background.

Ami (yummy) from Japan

And I'm Yaeko. Yayyyy

today, we're gonna talk about

Cynthia: Except I'm not Japanese. haha

Today I found this article "9 facts about dating Japanese women" on the internet

They introduce 9 facts about dating Japanese girls

Now, we're gonna discuss whether or not these facts are true

and also I'm gonna ask Cynthia what she thinks about these facts.


Ami: No I don't. But I sometimes say what I really think.

Yaeko: Yea. Sometimes.

Cynthia: Usually you guys are

pretty reserved


Ummm you know

We want guys to understand or feel what we really mean.

But we won't directly say what we really mean.

We want you to get the message from us without actually saying it.

Yaeko: What about Western girls? Ami: How about Chinese? (American)

Cynthia: Chinese? Ami: California

California Girls!

So just from my personal stance, I'm much more forward.

like, I don't really like to play games, like mind games.

So I just way what's on my mind or what I feel.

Cynthia: I've never met anybody in a bar.

Ami: Me neither.

I feel like that applies to any country

even like here Vancouver.

Cynthia: I think ya it is true. Ami & Yaeko: Not healthy.

I mean it's not impossible. It's just says it's difficult.

Oh yeah. It is difficult.

It's difficult.


So, when you say "no thanks"

or when you are being reserved

that just means like you're just shy Yaeko: just shy.

Cynthia: Right?

Yaeko: Just like

Yaeko: like umm.. I don't really mean "no thanks" but I'll be hesitant because if I say "I wanna go/do, the guy might think that I'm interested in him.

Do you agree?

Cynthia: like for me when I say "no thanks"

I really mean "no thanks".

I'm just like "I'm not interested in you.

like don't go wasting like our time

like your money, and all that


Wait so,

If you actually really said "no thanks"

would you actually...

Yaeko: We don't say "no thanks" directly.

we just say "oh...

if guys ask me like "oh do you wanna hang out with me?"

if I don't wanna hang out with him,

I just say "oh I'm sorry. This week I'm so busy. I can't."

Ami: Yea.

Cynthia: But you actually want to???

Yaeko: No!! I don't want to (hang out) but I don't wanna say "no". Because like...

Cynthia: You wanna be polite.

No but I'm saying the case of like

you actually like the guy,

and the guy actually asks you out on a date,

but you're like kinda shy.

So, you're like "Oh no thanks".

but do you actually want him to like

I don't really know!

Yaeko: If I like the guy, and he asks me out on a date, I won't say "no thanks". (I will say "yes".)

But maybe I won't text him and call him.

Ami: Please understand (guys)!!!!!

Yaeko: Yeah, I want you to know that I want to call/text you, but I don't wanna be the one calling you.

Cynthia: I do think people do date (South Asian Men)

like just for the person, who they are.

Yaeko: Especially university students.

I mean exchange students (studying in Japan) from other countries and a local student, or vice versa.

Ami: Hmm... South Asia guys

So, specifically

a foreigner (non-Japanese)

or a specific race

It's kinda like Yellow Fever but the exact opposite.

yea but in this case it's like the opposite

So like Asians (Japanese Women) only dating foreigners (non-Japanese guys), yeah like white guys.

Yes. I think that's kinda true in general.

Yaeko: But like I think.. Is it true though?

I feel like this can't just be

for a Japanese girl in general.

like because it's exactly same for guys.

like why are you showing me excessive interest?

like do you want something more form me?

like do you

is he feeling like entitled or something?

Yaeko: Yeah, entitled.

Cynthia: I don't know.

I think this is kind of a strange point to bring up.

Cynthia: So, like you just go along with anything.

you don't really have your opinion.

you don't say it.

or like you don't make decisions.

just kind of go with the flow.

you agree to things.

Ami: I think I'm this kind of girl.

Yaeko: Yeah, you seem like this kind of girl.

Ami: I don't state my opinions much after I start dating somebody.

Yaeko: But I guess

we want our boyfriends to lead us.

I think we are afraid of our boyfriends thinking that we are selfish if we state our opinions too much.

Cynthia: You think you might be selfish or self-centered

Yaeko: I think this

might be one of the reasons why Japanese girls are popular.

because we are like "I will follow you".

Cynthia: I think

It's a bad way of saying (the article)

that Japanese women, maybe just...

or East Asian women are obedient.

Yaeko: Ya ya ya ya

Cynthia: Like they won't to say "no" to you

Ami: In the past, I leaned about stereotypes of Japanese women that American people have. They have the stereotype that Japanese women are obedient.

Cynthia: Yeah. They won't say anything back to you.

Yaeko: We are perceived as women who would be like "I'm gonna follow you and obey you".

Cynthia: So, in this case, the green card is like American citizenship?

Yaeko: Yeah. It's like permanent residence.

Yaeko: Is it true????

Ami: I don't know.

Yaeko: Do I want Green Card? I don't really care haha

Ami: Me neither.

Cynthia: Yes It is totally possible.

Yaeko: Umm but I've heard many people say that inter-racial married couples get divorced easily.

Divorce rate is higher.

Cynthia: Eh?

Yaeko: Yeah. Inter-racial marriages between Japanese and non-Japanese. Ami: I didn't know that.

I think it's because of the difference in language, culture, etc...

But I think it is possible.

Yea. i mean, it is not impossible.

Cynthia: Yeah. It is possible, but there is like just

there are more problems.

Yaeko: we need effort.

Cynthia: need more effort.

It's very difficult BUT it is possible.

Yaeko: I believe it's possible!

we have to manage a good balance of give-and-take, we have to recognize what one should accept and say their opinion.

Do you know "Rachel and Jun" ? YouTubers.

Cynthia: I watch them quite often

Yaeko: Yeah they look so cute

Cynthia: They are really cute, and they seem to do pretty well. But i think also because Rachel and Jun both know English and Japanese.

Yaeko: Oh Yeah. That's an important thing.

Cynthia: Yeah. But it is definitely possible.

Just takes more effort. A lot of more effort

And a lot of more patience.

Yaeko: Especially for Japanese girls. They don't know what they want.


Cynthia: Is this because like you don't...

Yaeko: We don't normally ..

Cynthia: Like you don't ask yourself? You don't reflect? And you don't think about it?

or is it?

Yaeko: No, no just like we don't have the culture of saying directly like "I want this".

We are just like polite. We just wanna be polite.

I think people don't say what they want because if they do, people might think they are not polite and selfish.


I want you guys who are interested in Japanese women to know

Japanese women are a little bit difficult to deal with.

But it's possible to date with Japanese girls.

It just like need more effort

need to give more attention,

need to be more patient,

need to give them love <3

... and ....


Cynthia: Would one of your tips be to ask them directly????

Yaeko: Ummm...Yeah

Cynthia: So yeah

just continue to be direct

try your best

to just understand that their culture in general

kinda teach us be more reserved

and not really speak their minds

So, I just need to have to dig a little deeper

try harder

Ami: It is important to be honest with your feelings.

Okay guys!

if you like this video

don't forget to click the "LIKE" button!

And Subscribe!!!!

For more infomation >> 9 Facts About Dating Japanese Girls - TIPS FOR GUYS - Duration: 9:30.


[Tales of Destiny 2 AMV] The Forest Where You Are (Kyle/Reala) - Duration: 4:52.

Within the deep, thick forest,

Lies a gentle, lovely fragrance.

As I look for the faces of the passing days,

You suddenly laugh.

When I reach out my hand to touch it,

It's as if I'm dancing through the fleeting air.

I always wanted to see you,

I'm always thinking about you.

Crossing the sleepless nights,

I try to embrace what's left of you

In the midst of light and shadow

As I cry.

Hopelessly, I walk in the scorching sunset.

While barefoot, stepping on the ruins of a love

That fades crimson.

When I hold out my hand to touch it,

I hear your voice.

"I love you."

Currently, those words won't reach you,

As the wind carries away my song,

It disappears far away.

If I throw an hourglass into the high skies,

I hear the sounds of that day resounding.

The scenery that I can no longer touch

Fades away slowly...

"Don't disappear."

In the enlarged atmosphere and repeating memories;

That hand, that hair.

The light and shadow that you left behind,

Are just too much.

Within the deep, thick forest...

For more infomation >> [Tales of Destiny 2 AMV] The Forest Where You Are (Kyle/Reala) - Duration: 4:52.


#3 vlog 10ri di malang - part 1 (Museum Angkut) /// 10 days Traveling & play in Batu Malang - Duration: 7:17.

yoo.. now I'm in Soekarno Hatta airport


I'm with my family & my friends

we want to go to Malang

I was departed on 08.20 a.m

but I was arrived in here on

04.30 a.m

we afraid of trafficjam but we are to early to arrive in here haha..

so we will be bored in here...

waiting for the plane

take off

example of human bored

now I already arrived in Batu Malang

and now

my friends and I have a plan to go to..

Museum Angkut

want to go to museum angkut and..

after that we will take a rest & before we already took a lunch

oh ya, before I didn't have time to record the trip from the airport to here, because

before my uncle cancled to pick up us to here so

we decided to rent some taxies & we were so busy to prepare the taxi,etc...

now I'm in Museum angkut

& before the price to get in here is Rp70.000 ($5.2)

today is in monday & it is almost holiday & the price is Rp 70.000 ($ 5.2)

oh ya, sorry if the quality of the video is not good, & now I use my phone


if I use camera, I will get fine

nah last time my nephew used fujifilm camera & got fine Rp 150.000 ($ 11.1)


I decided to use phone

apa itu? / sate mam?

this is waste

where is the fan?

oh no, I left the fan in home..

alright, just use this

hey stop stop stop...

come on go go... stop again2x

go go go... hey slowly hey slowly

hey her head is to small

but the body is so big...

we are not done yet in here

there is still some places in here

pasar apoeng if I'm not wrong

after from here, i don't know I forget...

i'm already boring in here, cause I ever went to here...

is your sound audible?

I don't know my sound is audible/ not../// (sasa) in that area, my sound is not audible..

there are Las Vegas

& hollywood

there is 2 more places


is he your father sa?

your father...

now my old is only 1 week, I don't know how old is he???

he is already a thousand years haha..

beb where are you going?

the tire is so small

& the bike is big

but her is small


there is no one want to pick up us, so we..

walk to the villa

from before, we always walk

from what time ya? from 03.00 p.m

from 3 o'clock until..

05.39 p.m

it's mean we are walking for 2 hours 38 minutes

sorry the ending of the video is so chaos because my phone was late to recording so there is some cut scenes that are not input in here

For more infomation >> #3 vlog 10ri di malang - part 1 (Museum Angkut) /// 10 days Traveling & play in Batu Malang - Duration: 7:17.


"The Voice of Poland" – Elvis z zamiłowaniem do broni - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> "The Voice of Poland" – Elvis z zamiłowaniem do broni - Duration: 1:16.


WHAT IS A RELAY ? - Duration: 1:45.





























For more infomation >> WHAT IS A RELAY ? - Duration: 1:45.


LED Portrait Lighting with Savage Edge Lit Pro LED Light for Studio and Location Stills and Video - Duration: 12:20.

How do you make an LED lighting panel that is much bigger than a strobe, yet super thin

and it has really even light across the front panel… you light it from the edge. That's

want Savage Universal did with these awesome Edge Lit Pro LED Lights. Stay tuned while

I put them to the test in the studio and on location - be right back!

Hey gang! My name is Joe Edelman and my mission is to help photographers like YOU to develop

a solid understanding of the HOWS & WHYS behind great photography so that you can achieve

your goals as a photographer.

The folks at Savage decided to take a different approach to LED lighting and instead of building

a panel with a few hundred LED bulbs facing forward… which means you have a few hundred

point light sources facing forward - they created a panel with LED bulbs that shine

inward from the outer edges of the light and are then redirected through a soft white panel.

This gives you a very even, very soft light. Essentially a small softbox.

The Edge Lit Pro is 12" x 9". And it's super thin. Just 1.5" without batteries

and 2.5" with them. And yes that means that it works on AC power or you can power it with

two Sony batteries which are very common with video gear. It will run for 75 minutes at

full power with fully charged batteries.

This is a bi-color light that is blendable from 3200k to 5500k which makes it very easy

to use these lights mixed in with other ambient light. They have a CRI of 95 which we learned

in this video…. is really good and they have an output of 1,677 Lumens at three feet

which makes it more powerful and a little bigger than some of the units that are getting

big buzz right now. Independent lab tests measure the Edge Lit Pro at an even higher

1,784 lumens when used at 5500k - which is daylight balance.

The Edge Lit Pro emits almost no heat and it's completely silent which makes it great

for video work. It has an all metal design that weighs just 3.5 lbs. The big LCD readout

display makes it easy to see your power level, color temperature and channel information

from a distance. Each Edge Lit Pro ships with a multi-channel remote that can control your

lights individually or in groups just like you do with a radio transmitter for your strobes

I really like these lights. As you have heard me say many times before - they are not going

to be for everyone. There is no such thing as a light that is perfect for every situation.

Why you may ask? Because light is a photographer's best friend. Remember that the word "photography"

was created from Greek roots meaning to "draw with light". So good photographers are always

looking for unique and interesting ways to generate, manipulate, modify and manage light.

The folks at Savage Universal were kind enough to send me four of these units so that I could

really put them to the test and I decided to take it a step further and use them both

in the studio and on location.

I started in the studio with a quick portrait session. In this first setup I used all four

panels - I mean why not? It wouldn't be nice to let one of them get lonely in the

case all by itself while the others are out having fun. Please fellow TOGS - show some

compassion for your gear.

You can see here I have the lovely Monae in front of a Savage Universal #24 Orange Seamless

Paper backdrop.

I have one Edge Lit Pro panel placed on camera left as my main light and it is set at 80%

power and 5500k color temperature. My fill light on camera right is set at 40% power

also at 5500k. Behind my subject is a panel on the floor thai is aimed up at the backdrop.

This one is set at 65% power and 4300k to throw a little more warm light on that orange

and then to camera left I have the last panel also set at 65% and 4300k as a warm rim light.

Please observe that my main light is set above my models eyes and carefully aimed down towards

her face. The fill on camera right is lower but still above her eyes - I want to have

shadows naturally below the nose and jaw - not above.

5500k is considered daylight balance by most equipment manufacturers. You will find temperatures

from 5000k to 6500k referenced as daylight. Basically the way it works - the higher the

number - the whiter the light.

The lower end of the scale at 3200k is like a good old fashioned incandescent light bulb.

This feature is beneficial for adding warmth to things like you saw me do in the last headshot

or for being able to balance your lights to a room where the ambient light is generated

by incandescent or halogen lamps.

Here is a three quarter length shot that I did with Monae and essentially the same lighting

set-up as the portrait. The noticeable difference is that you can see I have turned the panels

sideways so that the light spread will cover more vertical height. My settings on the lights

and camera were the same as they were for the portrait.

Next up I went with a #20 Black seamless from Savage and a three light setup.

I have my key or main light in the same position on camera left. I've taken the panel on camera

right and moved it behind my subject to serve as a rim light. I also removed the background

light from behind her and I am still using the rim light on camera left.

Just to break down this lighting concept for you… You can see that with my main light

on camera left - I have a shadow on the camera right side of Lola's face. By adding that

rim light on camera right - I am able to add some depth to my lighting which makes the

shot more interesting. If I dial the color balance of the Edge Lit Panel down to 3300k

I get a much warmer rim light. If you are using strobes - you can do this with an orange

or better yet amber colored gel. Then if you have a third light - you can add a rim on

the other side which will help separate your subject from the background even more.

One very important tip… always pay close attention to the brightness of your rim lights.

This applies for both flash and LED lighting. Rim lights that are blown out and overexposed

just look sloppy and distracting. This is a perfect scenario where having a handheld

light meter can save you a lot of time and guesswork.

Before we go outside, here is a quick series I shot with a young Instagram blogger that

I am working with. I shot these on a Savage #8 Primary Red seamless. I used four lights

- two on each side on my subject, one above for a hair light and the fourth low and on

the ground for a background light. This very simple balanced arrangement gives me a nice

clean commercial look.

In this last one, I simply removed the panel on camera right and shot with a three panel

set-up for this version which has more shadow and depth than the others.

Remember - there is no right or wrong here, but understand that light placement and intensity

doesn't just impact shadows and exposure - it helps to set the mood and tone of your


For my location setup I found a small piece of roadway that's not being used because

it's under construction and took the Edge Lit Pro's and my model Monae out for a short

90 minute mosquito challenged session as the sun went down.

In case you haven't watched my Smartphone series of videos, I use the app called Sun

Surveyor to plan in advance and know exactly when and where the sun will set. I have a

link to the blog article and apps in the description below.

I actually prefer shooting with natural light outdoors, but it if you want to be one of

the cool kids, it seems that you need to gear up and get outside.

So for my first shot, I am still about 30 minutes away from sunset. The sun is starting

to fall below the trees, and the sky is in that phase where it is very bright and almost

white close to the horizon. Here is what I get with no additional lighting or reflectors

- a very soft and natural look.

Now if I go with the same three light setup that I used with the black background in the

studio - main light on camera left - fill light on camera right and rim light on camera

right rear - this is the look that I get. You can see that I have placed my lights at

about the same distance from Monae as I had them placed in the studio.

A little tip - good light placement is no different outdoors than it is indoors. I see

so many new or young photographers practice lighting in a studio and then go outside and

forget everything they learned about light placement. Keep it simple stupid. If you are

learning how to light - take the lighting arrangements that you do inside - outside

and start there. That way you begin by learning how to balance the ambient light with your

strobes or LED lights instead of overwhelming yourself with too many variables.

Just like in the studio - I have my lights placed high to mimic natural lighting and

I have my main or key light placed where my model is looking so that I am not creating

harsh shadows.

As the sun continued to set - I moved to the middle of the road and went for something

a bit more dramatic. So now I am shooting full length with just two lights. My main

light is on camera left and placed well above my model and I have a second panel as a rim

light on camera right. I left the panels in the horizontal position so that I would get

some light fall-off towards the bottom of the frame and you will notice in each of these

last shots, I have Monae's face turned towards my main light so that I don't have harsh

shadows on her face. You can also see that as the sun is getting much lower, color is

starting to return to the sky near the horizon.

Just after the sun has fallen below the horizon is when the sky is going to really start to

pick up the rich colors and with my Edge Lit Pro panels in exactly the same positions,

I was able to create this shot and then this shot.

If you are one of those ZOMBIEtographers who follows the crowd - you might want to skip

ahead to the next part of the video. For the rest of you… let me point out that there

are lots of ways to have your subject brighter than the background that don't require extra

expensive gear that has high speed sync. I have just shown you one of them. In case you

missed it - how did I do it? Planning and patience. Two things that don't cost anything.

I just had to plan ahead for a time where the ambient outdoor light would be dimmer

than the power of my Edge Lit Pro's. It really wasn't that hard.

So indeed if you are that photographer that is determined to find one light that is going

to do everything you will ever need…. LED lights are not going to overpower the sun

at high noon. But like I said earlier, If I am shooting outdoors, I would rather shoot

with natural light. Check out this video that I did a few years ago. It shows examples of

how to find nice light without strobes or reflectors outdoors at midday.

The Edge Lit Pro LED light can be purchased as a single unit and it comes with the AC

power cord, two Sony batteries and two chargers. Also included is the rotating light stand

adapter, a multi-channel remote control and a padded carry bag

Savage also sells the Edge Lit Pro as a lighting kit that comes with two Edge Lit Pros, two

rotating light stand adapters, two power cords, four batteries, four chargers, one multi-channel

remote control, two Savage 7′ easy-open Drop Stands™ and a padded rolling case.

I mentioned the 7' easy-open Drop Stands™… these stands are awesome. The auto-extending

and collapsing legs with air cushioning allow for quick and easy repositioning of your lighting

without having to bend over and lock and unlock the legs. They also have a 1/4 20-3/8 reversible

spigot stud that can be mounted vertically or horizontally, which makes the stand very


So if you are looking for a great light that is long lasting - I'm talking 20,000 hours

of use with the installed bulbs and eco friendly and super easy to use - I would encourage

you to check out these Edge Lit Pro's from Savage. I am definitely adding them to my

lighting arsenal.

Next up in the LED lighting series I am going to take a look at four different LED lights

from Smith Victor. From their COOL LED series I will test out the 25 watt, 50 watt and 100

watt models - that's comparable to a 1000watt incandescent light and I am also going to

use the Smith Victor 19" Bi-Color LED Ring Light and I will show you that ring lights

are not just for circle catchlights and making YouTube videos

Until then, I hope you found this useful. Please hit that thumbs up and subscribe so

that you don't miss any videos and until next time go pick up that camera and shoot

something because your BEST shot - it's your NEXT shot, so keep learning, keep thinking,

keep shooting.


For more infomation >> LED Portrait Lighting with Savage Edge Lit Pro LED Light for Studio and Location Stills and Video - Duration: 12:20.


Her hidden will to kill in disguise | Low cost cover | Activa los subtítulos - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Her hidden will to kill in disguise | Low cost cover | Activa los subtítulos - Duration: 3:57.


Helping Viewers Complete Missions| Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing - Duration: 2:42:02.

For more infomation >> Helping Viewers Complete Missions| Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Blazing - Duration: 2:42:02.


Giới Thiệu Đôi Nét Về Phim Chỉ Là Ảo Ảnh Tập Cuối _ Đài THVLl I Anh Tú Gaming - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Giới Thiệu Đôi Nét Về Phim Chỉ Là Ảo Ảnh Tập Cuối _ Đài THVLl I Anh Tú Gaming - Duration: 6:21.


Ghee Making||At Home||GHEE||Recipe||Clarified Butter||Make||In Hindi||Ghee from Malai||Video||How to - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Ghee Making||At Home||GHEE||Recipe||Clarified Butter||Make||In Hindi||Ghee from Malai||Video||How to - Duration: 5:07.


❤EPIC TOP 10 MINECRAFT INTROS ! #39 + Music names by OliverFX ❤ - Duration: 11:12.

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