Friday, September 29, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 29 2017

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones Doing the Skeleton Dance

The foot bone's connected to the leg bone The leg bone's connected knee bone

The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone Doing the Skeleton Dance

The thigh bone's connected to the hip bone The hip bone's connected to the back bone

The back bone's connected to the neck bone Doing the Skeleton Dance

Move your hands to the left Move your hands to the right

Put your hands in the air Put your hands in the back

Move your hands to the left Move your hands to the right

Put your hands in the air

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your knees

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones Doing the Skeleton Dance

For more infomation >> El Baile Del Esqueleto | Canciones Infantiles De Halloween | Super Simple Español - Duration: 1:51.


Qué es Star Fox 2 | El Raúl Navarro - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Qué es Star Fox 2 | El Raúl Navarro - Duration: 4:06.


Desvelamos el mensaje que dijo David Bisbal a Chenoa en el momento cobra | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Desvelamos el mensaje que dijo David Bisbal a Chenoa en el momento cobra | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 3:38.


# Lesson 51 Spanish Podcast January Belt-Tightening - Duration: 12:03.

Again the January belt-tightening!

Hello everyone I am Oscar founder

I want to help you speak Spanish fluidly. Speaking Spanish is more

easier than it seems. Just use the material and

suitable techniques. Today in this episode

I will talk about something that comes in regular every January.

This is the January belt-tightening. Then a small point

view to practice different times verbal.

Finally purposes again year very well starts the

January.belt-tightening. Well, we are again in January

We started the year with energy and a lot cold. will find the texts of podcasts.

For more infomation >> # Lesson 51 Spanish Podcast January Belt-Tightening - Duration: 12:03.


Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance [Review] - Duration: 12:36.

This Heroes business has led me to realize something…

Playing 3 mobages at once is impossible, how do the Japanese manage it!?

But beyond my addictions, it led me to question myself what really was my stance in regards to the Fire Emblem Saga,

and that's why it's time to return to Tellius, with that hero everybody knows and yet doesn't, to that world where Fire Emblem isn't exactly the same.

Today in the origin of species, the ninth entry of the saga, the path of the blue flame, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

And no, it's not the game of Marth or Roy.

But Ike's in there!

It was the year 1988, back then Intelligent Systems was a small studio collaborating with Nintendo, while they were involved with the development of Metroid, one of the most iconic brands of the plumber's company,

their first foray into the spotlight came from their next game, a game that defined and introduced the mechanics of turn based strategy not only to Nintendo, but eventually occident as a whole.

That game.

Wasn't Fire Emblem.

It was Famicom Wars, the first entry in the series the western world would know as Advance Wars, the game let you choose between two armies, and in each map you had to finish the enemy army or take control of their base.

The game garnered praise from the critics, and even got a prize or two, and while it was a success with the players, there was an undeniably barrier between famicom wars and the Japanese public.

Wars had an ideology and aesthetic that belonged more in America, it was in a way, a foreign product.

IS decided to change their focus for the next title, here comes Shozou Kaga, presenting the initial idea, besides being the writer and designer.

That new game, would be Fire Emblem.

Ankoku Ryū to Hikari no Tsurugi

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.

The game told the story of Prince Marth, descendant of the hero who in the past defeated the shadow dragon Medeus,

and after his kingdom is put at risk by the ambitions of the sorcerer Gharnef, Marth shall assemble a team of warriors to restore peace to the continent, and face Medeus again.

For the time the level of story in Fire Emblem was amazing, and that focus also reached the cast, unlike Famicom Wars where you controlled units divided amongst classes,

but with no real personalization, each unit in Fire Emblem was an unique character, with it's own strengths.

But this still was a war, and any character to fall in combat won't rise again.

The Japanese public loved Fire Emblem, between the challenge, the extensive story, and the unit individualization, Fire Emblem simply was a new experience.

Kaga continued on the saga until it's fifth entry, delving deeper on the support mechanics, the character interactions, inventing the weapon triangle, and basically, giving Fire Emblem it's unmistakable identity.

Kaga's departure from IS resulted in the cancellation of the Nintendo 54 project, Fire Emblem's next jump would be towards the Gameboy Advance,

in 2002, Fuin no Tsurugi, the Sword of Seals, it'd be the first Fire Emblem Entry on a portable console.

While Fire Emblem was so far a japan exclusive brand, Marth's and Roys' games would accidentally bring the brand to international markets.

Both of them were chosen as fighters for Super Smash Bros Melee, and when the game was released in the rest of the world, the duo received both confusion and adoration from the players,

Roy in particular was one of the most beloved new additions.

And yet, the final push came from it's older sibling, Famicom Wars, while their newest entry, Game Boy Wars Advance was meant to be another Japan exclusive release,

the team at Nintendo America loved the game, and it was released as Advance Wars.

Advance Wars was a complete success, obtaining almost perfect scores on all magazines, and that change Nintendo's belief that strategy games had no place in the western market.

On 2004, Rekka no Ken, the blazing blade, was released in the west simply as Fire Emblem, a prequel that told the story of Eliwood, Roy's father, form that day on, all the titles on the series have been released out of Japan,

with the exception of New Mystery, however, only two of these games would come back to home consoles, those that saw the birth of the brand.

And the first of those two is Soen no Kiseki, the path of the blue flame, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

It's the year 195 of the After Colony.

Wrong narration.

Are you for real!?

I can work with that.

It's the year 626 in the continent of Tellius, a plague hits the territory of Daein, one of it's generals mysteriously disappears.

Year 627, Ashnard, the only survivor of the tragedy becomes the 13th king of Daein and…

You know how all Fire Emblem seem to start with a narration that tries to explain everything at once, but since the universe is completely new to you, you don't get anything?

Path of Radiance is not that kind of game, the story is set in the new continent of Tellius, and focuses on Ike, the son of Grel, leader of the Greil mercenaries,

a group of swords for hire that defend the people in the borders of Crimea.

When Ike is adapting to his new position inside the group, Greil finds out that the kingdom of Crimea was invaded by the neighboring Daein, under the orders of King Ashnard, despite the complaints of Soren, the group's tactician,

the mercenaries decide to recon the area, to find out more about the conflict, treated immediately as enemies of Daein, the group is attacked, and after the skirmish they find Elincia, the secret daughter of Crimea's king, and only heir to the throne.

Despite the suspicious nature of the situation, Daein's desperation to recover Elincia confirms her story, Ike and the Greil mercenaries will be hired to protect the princess, the last hope to rebuild Crimea.

The journey will take them though all of tellius., saying goodbye to Crimea, visiting Begnion, from where all of Tellius originates, crossing Gallia, Kilvas, Goldoa and Phoenicis, the lands of the Laguz,

a humanoid species who can take animal forms, and who share a deep grudge towards the beorc, Ike's species.

The trip will even take them to the heart of Daein, where Ike and company will find out that their intervention in the conflict is not a mere coincidence.

If you've played a Fire Emblem you've played them all, Path of Radiance is a turn based strategy game,

each map has an objective, ranging from defeating all enemies, to surviving a set amount of turns, or capturing the enemy base.

At first glance the main difference are the units, each unit is a character of it's own, with strengths and disadvantages, and if they fall in combat, they won't rise back, giving a sudden end to their story.

While most classes are not exclusive to the character itself, their weapon affinities and stats are, and to that PoR adds the idea of Bioryhthm, which shows when a character is at their best or worst.

Each unit has it's own movement range, and each weapon it's attack range, so a sword won't be able to hit someone 3 squares away, but a bow might, and to that we add the weapon triangle,

all weapons, both physical and magical are in a rock paper system, and following it gives bonus damage both to players and enemies.

Returning form past console games, PoR brings back skills to the forefront, certain characters come with skills by default, which can vary from dealing extra damage, healing or even modifying the way they obtain experience,

but instead of being hereditary like they were in genealogy, skills are tied to scrolls, one use items that confer their respective skill.

Give Ike the occult scroll, don't ask me why, just do it.

Beyond that, the biggest change Tellius offers is the separation between Laguz and Beorc,

Beorc are essentially humans, and follow the classic rules, but Laguz become some sort of Manakete replacement, with new mechanics.

The Laguz are defined by their ability to change into an animal form, but they can't remain in that state forever,

all laguz have an unique bar, that fills with combat and the passing of turns when they are in human form, but diminishes with each action in their animal form.

As a result you'll need to handle their bars to get the most out of them, because a transformed laguz is a very strong unit, but an untransformed one is unable to attack, making it an easy target.

It's a mechanic that balances itself, and also applies to enemies, allowing you to exploit it.

PoR also brings with itself the simplification of various mechanics, arenas from past entries are gone, changing it for bonus exp,

experience points that can be granted at will on your base, and you get from clearing levels in an specific manner.

Any Beorc who reaches level 20 will automatically promote, without the need of an item.

And supports don't require units to stand alongside each other, just to be on a same mission, allowing you to build the relationships of the team without sacrificing combat efficiency.

Though, it's not like combat is a huge challenge, PoR is the kind of game where any unit has the potential to become a one man army, Bonus EXP means nobody really is dead weight, and the maps aren't anything special.

The fun mostly comes from the established and improved mechanics, over the level design, because most of the maps are forgettable, and those that do pose a challenge mostly rely on cheap gimmicks that aren't repeated.

PoR is the kind of Fire Emblem where the focus is on killing efficiently, over surviving.

That said, PoR's strength is not it's mechanics

like I said at the start, this time the story is not told through exposition, we discover the world first hand through Ike, and on one hand that does make him look dangerously naïve, as he seems to know next to nothing about his own world.

But at the end of the day it works very well, because you get to understand and know each part of the continent on your own,

the relationships between the areas are complex, but you won't have any problem accepting them because you are living them through the game.

That and the differences not only between Laguz and beorc, but also the tribes of Laguz, makes Tellius feel like a living continent, and each region like a truly different kingdom.

The cast is also an improvement, Supports are special conversations between units that reach you more about the character, and simplifying their process lets you see many more of them, giving life to your army.

Besides that, the game contains the so called base Conversations, which show Ike interacting with his army or NPCs

and those give tons of characterization to the group in comparison to past entries, some characters have complete arcs in there.

Even the towns feel genuine, one of Kaga's ideas was to show that war wasn't a black and white deal, but while it was an idea that Fire Emblem had toyed with in the past, PoR was where it finally settled down,

all the kingdoms have both respectable and despicable characters, ranging from the big names to the simple NPCs, in particular I love the way villagers react when you visit their houses.

In games like Genealogy or Rekka no Ken, even if you were on theory invading a town, it's residents would shower you with praise, because they hated their tyrannical leader, here, Daein hates you,

even if you are only recovering what belonged to Crimea, the people despise you, because you are bringing war to their doors, and that gives the people of Daein an amazing level of personality for the enemy faction.

On the other hand, Ashnard and his lackeys are nothing to write home about, and it's weird, because the mini-bosses, so to say,

have always been one of the most memorable parts of the franchise, whether it's due to their devotion, honor or insanity.

Ashnard and his gang are nothing, only one is relatively memorable.

Not everybody can be Ishtar, I get that, but give me something better than petrine, I beg ya.

And that has to do with it's final arc, its short and strangely abrupt, PoR spends too much time setting up it's world to have such a short ending,

IS once said that PoR was something like 75% of a game, and once you reach the final run, you understand that.

The final map is nice and all, but it's like PoR was taking a pause instead of ending.

PoR is an odd title, because it didn't reach the level of optimization Awakening or even it's Wii successor had, and the repetitive maps will disappear from your head in time.

But the simplification and it's difficulty level let you get used to the saga, and its story being new and so well told, makes it a great entry point.

More than a recommendation to strategy games fans, it's a recommendation for RPG fans, or simply those than enjoy a good story about kingdoms at war and noble heroes.

Because while PoR is an enjoyable adventure, and a very polished game, it's not really a turn based challenge, it's more of a power fantasy, where you'll eradicate armies n your own.

While that unusual end should make me harsher to the game, nothing changes that it is the best told Fire Emblem I've played, the presence of the Laguz gives it a completely new identity, and Tellius itself is memorable.

It's weird to say this about a game of the series, but this Fire Emblem is about the story, the characters, the crusade of Ike and Elincia, rather than about virtual units in a chess table.

That said, the reason I can end this on high note despite it's shortcomings is clear, PoR is simply a first part, it makes sense that it focuses on establishing it's world, because it's conclusion has not been reached.

The blue flame gives room to the goddess of dawn, next on the origin of species, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

No seriously, I played it again and everything.

I wrote the script.

There's going to be a sequel video. Do panic.

For more infomation >> Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance [Review] - Duration: 12:36.


Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem grizzlies could be delisted - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem grizzlies could be delisted - Duration: 1:04.


How to Draw a Train Step by Step | Como Desenhar um Trem Passo a Passo - Duration: 6:01.

How to Draw a Train Step by Step | Como Desenhar um Trem Passo a Passo

For more infomation >> How to Draw a Train Step by Step | Como Desenhar um Trem Passo a Passo - Duration: 6:01.


Consejos para controlar la mala circulación sanguínea - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> Consejos para controlar la mala circulación sanguínea - Duration: 7:55.


Thiếu Niên Cẩm Y Vệ Phần 2 Tập 01 Phụ Đề - Duration: 11:34.

For more infomation >> Thiếu Niên Cẩm Y Vệ Phần 2 Tập 01 Phụ Đề - Duration: 11:34.


Echt jetzt? Bar Refaeli arbeitet mit Jeremy Meeks zusammen! - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Echt jetzt? Bar Refaeli arbeitet mit Jeremy Meeks zusammen! - Duration: 2:29.


Toxoplasmosis (Is it necessary to get rid of your cat during pregnancy?) | Animal diseases | - Duration: 6:31.

there are species that carry the stigma of having a dangerous disease that is transmitted

humans, which is not always present, that is the case of domestic cats, which

when his mistress is pregnant fears that this cat will transmit toxoplasmosis is created,

a disease that causes fetal malformations, abortion or death of the unborn, which

it is very unlikely to happen so that having a cat can have confidence

to have it in your home, provided certain hygienic conditions are followed.

Toxoplasmosis is caused by a protozoan, Toxoplasma gondii name, a microorganism

which it is an intracellular parasite, ie to survive needs to be installed

within a eukaryotic cell, ie cells of animals, being able

infect, in theory all warm-blooded or warm-blooded animals, but

definitive hosts are cats, especially cats, where only Paracito

You can reproduce sexually in their cells, which llege to others

felines, it is necessary to consume raw meat infected with tachyzoites by consuming something

with stool with oocysts, or the mother is dealing with the case from its inception. in this

species only form of sexual way which contains a zygote develops

within a thick membrane disintegrates gastric acid and is installed in

the cells of the small intestine, where it grows and reproduces itself, which causes

stools or diarrhea with mucus or blood, is not a dangerous disease for cats, but

It is contagious, because the oocysts can live in the environment for months in climates

cold and dry, which are installed in the soil, water, food, or anything that can

contact with the feces of this feline. to diagnose can be done by symptoms,

It led to coprological, serologic and ELISA studies, which if positive should

administering a specific treatment for toxoplasmosis until subsides

infestation. to prevent it is necessary that cats do not go on the street as

You can not control what they eat, besides not give them raw meat and avoid having

contact with stray cats are the most effective ways to prevent it.

while other guests only reproduces asexually, it ie by

mitosis, this is because that to survive in this protozoan other guests in their

oocyst form is developed in a tachyzoite, rapid growth structure capable

settling in muscle cells and brain, which the contracting consuming any

which is contaminated with cat feces or by eating raw or undercooked meat

infected with tachyzoites, which its symptoms are similar to flu

or mononucleosis, with headache, muscle aches, swollen glands,

fever, esplenitis and hepatitis, that is inflammation of the spleen and liver respectively, this

It occurs mainly in patients with compromised immune systems, such as

People with AIDS or people with leukopenia, ie people with low numbers of blood cells

white, since most of the patients, ie 80% of people are asymptomatic,

where the immune system kills most tachyzoites or fester in some

region, especially in muscle 5 to 50 nanometers. but the conditions when

a pregnant woman acquires toxoplasmosis are completely different and that is when the disease

It takes a dangerous symptoms depending on the conditions, which causes malformations

fetus, abortions, endangering the health of the mother and trigger the death of both

Product as the mother. but rotation lies under the conditions

mentioned to begin with the mother must be in the first third of gestation,

which has never had contact with the protozoan, where the agency has not created

no antibodies against this, which is unlikely because it is estimated that

20 to 30% of the population has antibodies to toxoplasmosis, consuming milk

unpasteurized goat, eat meat medium rare cooked or raw, or touch

with the feces of a cat who eat raw meat when cleaning their waste does not wash

hands and eat their food, so it is very difficult for all conditions

come to pass, because women who have cats and are pregnant, many

of them they have had cats before, plus it technically would have to raise

their feces with hands and wash them not, yet, if you want to be sure that

not a bag or incurred by you use gloves to clean the litter box, do not eat raw meat,

because the oocysts die temperature of 75 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes,

same temperature or higher at which food is cooked, do not take no goat milk

pasteurized, are enough precautions you should take, indeed in many cases

gynecologists and obstetricians when they learn that there is a cat in the house, call and warn

to dispose of the cat, which is an extreme measure so the feline is in

the same home does not mean this is processed, so you can be quiet or calm

with your pet. a dreaded disease, which can cause

atrocities to a family when the odds are in favor of contagion, being a protozoan

which is distributed worldwide and that developing countries are

the most likely to have a higher incidence, that is toxoplasmosis.

I hope the video has been to his liking, if so give me love and share it for

more people know this channel, I leave my social networks so that we are in contact,

besides that thereby I will make relevant announcements regarding the channel. If you are new

I invite you to subscribe and do not forget to leave a comment or a question that

you has arisen, thank you very much for watching this video, we're seeing us later.

For more infomation >> Toxoplasmosis (Is it necessary to get rid of your cat during pregnancy?) | Animal diseases | - Duration: 6:31.


Crash Bandicoot The Huge Adventure Reseña Crítica Review | Pensamientos sobre Videojuegos - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Crash Bandicoot The Huge Adventure Reseña Crítica Review | Pensamientos sobre Videojuegos - Duration: 6:22.


Alain Delon : "Je suis content que ma fille ait rétabli la vérité"- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Alain Delon : "Je suis content que ma fille ait rétabli la vérité"- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:57.


Bad Baby save Super Wings in the Baby Milk Bottle. Wrong Heads. Learn Colors - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Bad Baby save Super Wings in the Baby Milk Bottle. Wrong Heads. Learn Colors - Duration: 1:41.


Mort de Johnny Hallyday : la fausse info qui crée le malaise- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Mort de Johnny Hallyday : la fausse info qui crée le malaise- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:53.


Capucine Anav : elle dément l'officialisation avec Alain-Fabien Delon- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Capucine Anav : elle dément l'officialisation avec Alain-Fabien Delon- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:19.


L'Incroyable Famille Kardashian, Hell's Cat : Les programmes de la rentrée à mater d'urgence ! - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> L'Incroyable Famille Kardashian, Hell's Cat : Les programmes de la rentrée à mater d'urgence ! - Duration: 3:58.


Petición y firmas para expulsar de GH a Jorge Javier Vázquez - Duration: 8:57.

For more infomation >> Petición y firmas para expulsar de GH a Jorge Javier Vázquez - Duration: 8:57.


Chris Brown, Prince Royce y más estrellas actuarán en los Latin American Music Awards 2017 - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Chris Brown, Prince Royce y más estrellas actuarán en los Latin American Music Awards 2017 - Duration: 1:26.


If you Rap You Lose Part 3 | If...

For more infomation >> If you Rap You Lose Part 3 | If...


Giao lưu giải hạng 1 Premiere League và hạng 2 Championship - trước thềm mùa giải - Duration: 2:22:23.

For more infomation >> Giao lưu giải hạng 1 Premiere League và hạng 2 Championship - trước thềm mùa giải - Duration: 2:22:23.


Toxoplasmosis (Is it necessary to get rid of your cat during pregnancy?) | Animal diseases | - Duration: 6:31.

there are species that carry the stigma of having a dangerous disease that is transmitted

humans, which is not always present, that is the case of domestic cats, which

when his mistress is pregnant fears that this cat will transmit toxoplasmosis is created,

a disease that causes fetal malformations, abortion or death of the unborn, which

it is very unlikely to happen so that having a cat can have confidence

to have it in your home, provided certain hygienic conditions are followed.

Toxoplasmosis is caused by a protozoan, Toxoplasma gondii name, a microorganism

which it is an intracellular parasite, ie to survive needs to be installed

within a eukaryotic cell, ie cells of animals, being able

infect, in theory all warm-blooded or warm-blooded animals, but

definitive hosts are cats, especially cats, where only Paracito

You can reproduce sexually in their cells, which llege to others

felines, it is necessary to consume raw meat infected with tachyzoites by consuming something

with stool with oocysts, or the mother is dealing with the case from its inception. in this

species only form of sexual way which contains a zygote develops

within a thick membrane disintegrates gastric acid and is installed in

the cells of the small intestine, where it grows and reproduces itself, which causes

stools or diarrhea with mucus or blood, is not a dangerous disease for cats, but

It is contagious, because the oocysts can live in the environment for months in climates

cold and dry, which are installed in the soil, water, food, or anything that can

contact with the feces of this feline. to diagnose can be done by symptoms,

It led to coprological, serologic and ELISA studies, which if positive should

administering a specific treatment for toxoplasmosis until subsides

infestation. to prevent it is necessary that cats do not go on the street as

You can not control what they eat, besides not give them raw meat and avoid having

contact with stray cats are the most effective ways to prevent it.

while other guests only reproduces asexually, it ie by

mitosis, this is because that to survive in this protozoan other guests in their

oocyst form is developed in a tachyzoite, rapid growth structure capable

settling in muscle cells and brain, which the contracting consuming any

which is contaminated with cat feces or by eating raw or undercooked meat

infected with tachyzoites, which its symptoms are similar to flu

or mononucleosis, with headache, muscle aches, swollen glands,

fever, esplenitis and hepatitis, that is inflammation of the spleen and liver respectively, this

It occurs mainly in patients with compromised immune systems, such as

People with AIDS or people with leukopenia, ie people with low numbers of blood cells

white, since most of the patients, ie 80% of people are asymptomatic,

where the immune system kills most tachyzoites or fester in some

region, especially in muscle 5 to 50 nanometers. but the conditions when

a pregnant woman acquires toxoplasmosis are completely different and that is when the disease

It takes a dangerous symptoms depending on the conditions, which causes malformations

fetus, abortions, endangering the health of the mother and trigger the death of both

Product as the mother. but rotation lies under the conditions

mentioned to begin with the mother must be in the first third of gestation,

which has never had contact with the protozoan, where the agency has not created

no antibodies against this, which is unlikely because it is estimated that

20 to 30% of the population has antibodies to toxoplasmosis, consuming milk

unpasteurized goat, eat meat medium rare cooked or raw, or touch

with the feces of a cat who eat raw meat when cleaning their waste does not wash

hands and eat their food, so it is very difficult for all conditions

come to pass, because women who have cats and are pregnant, many

of them they have had cats before, plus it technically would have to raise

their feces with hands and wash them not, yet, if you want to be sure that

not a bag or incurred by you use gloves to clean the litter box, do not eat raw meat,

because the oocysts die temperature of 75 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes,

same temperature or higher at which food is cooked, do not take no goat milk

pasteurized, are enough precautions you should take, indeed in many cases

gynecologists and obstetricians when they learn that there is a cat in the house, call and warn

to dispose of the cat, which is an extreme measure so the feline is in

the same home does not mean this is processed, so you can be quiet or calm

with your pet. a dreaded disease, which can cause

atrocities to a family when the odds are in favor of contagion, being a protozoan

which is distributed worldwide and that developing countries are

the most likely to have a higher incidence, that is toxoplasmosis.

I hope the video has been to his liking, if so give me love and share it for

more people know this channel, I leave my social networks so that we are in contact,

besides that thereby I will make relevant announcements regarding the channel. If you are new

I invite you to subscribe and do not forget to leave a comment or a question that

you has arisen, thank you very much for watching this video, we're seeing us later.

For more infomation >> Toxoplasmosis (Is it necessary to get rid of your cat during pregnancy?) | Animal diseases | - Duration: 6:31.


Bad Baby save Super Wings in the Baby Milk Bottle. Wrong Heads. Learn Colors - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Bad Baby save Super Wings in the Baby Milk Bottle. Wrong Heads. Learn Colors - Duration: 1:41.


Best Tools For YouTube Channel 2017-2018 Urdu | Hindi - Duration: 16:48.

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For more infomation >> Best Tools For YouTube Channel 2017-2018 Urdu | Hindi - Duration: 16:48.


How to make beautiful logo for Any channel Photoshop Tutorial ll How to I.T JESA LOGO Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 11:12.

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For more infomation >> How to make beautiful logo for Any channel Photoshop Tutorial ll How to I.T JESA LOGO Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 11:12.


Peugeot 108 5-deurs Active 1.0 e-VTi 68 PK | ZEER ZUINIGE AUTO | - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 5-deurs Active 1.0 e-VTi 68 PK | ZEER ZUINIGE AUTO | - Duration: 0:47.


Peugeot 108 5-deurs Active 1.0 e-VTi 68 pk S&S | ZEER NETTE AUTO | - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 5-deurs Active 1.0 e-VTi 68 pk S&S | ZEER NETTE AUTO | - Duration: 0:50.


Note to Self (Official Music Vi...

For more infomation >> Note to Self (Official Music Vi...


How I moved out on my own with CP - Duration: 5:01.

In the summer of 2009, I had a personal care assistant who took me out to have fun.

One day we stopped by Katharine Manor.

It is a building that was built for people with disabilities.

My aide had friends there and I found that I knew people there too.

I was not thinking about moving out, but I was thinking about what to do in the future.

We stopped by the office to see if they had any available apartments.

Sarah, who works in the office, showed me one which was one bedroom apartment.

It was ok, but I knew that I needed a bigger place if I would move out.

Sarah said there was a two-bedroom condo for sale.

She asked me if I wanted to see it, and I said sure.

It was really dirty and really dark.

Although it was dirty and dark, something caught my eye.

I don't know what it was, but something did.

I came home and told my dad about it and we had major issues at home.

My mom was not doing well at all and dad was taking care of both of us.

Basically, he was burning out.

I finally convinced him to look at the condo.

Like I said earlier that it smelled, but when dad and I saw it, it smelled a lot worse.

We had to go out of there after five minutes because we were starting to gag.

That was how bad it was.

One of my directors from work was doing remodeling on the side.

I don't know how we got him involved in the discussion of the condo, but he was doing

the work for free if I paid for the materials.

I said sure.

I just needed to convince dad about the condo.

I remember it was a Saturday afternoon and dad's friend was over.

We were talking about what to do.

I think Jim, dad's friend, said something that changed my dad's mind.

After that, the condo was a yes.

I needed a realtor to help us, but who could we get?

A few months earlier I reconnected with my friend, Laura, who we met in Junior high.

She had two friends who were realtors.

She would ask them if they could help me.

They said sure and provided their services for free.

It was like everything fell into place naturally.

On February 1, 2010, I closed on the condo and the next day we started to destroy the


Dave, my director from work, and I talked about what I wanted to do with the condo.

So the first week we had friends helping.

When dad and I got to the condo the first day, the kitchen was completely empty and

people were breaking the bathroom floor up.

So I thought I would move in soon.

That was not the case because we ran into many issues like mold several places and several

water leaks.

With the leaks, some of them happened after we fixed the walls.

We had to take part of the wall down to fix them.

It was a nightmare.

Dave lived an hour away in good traffic so he was getting tired of driving every day.

When we started, Dave thought I could move in by March 1st.

It was June 1st when I did move in.

Since the building was accessible, we did not have to enhance it.

We just had to put a lot more lights in the condo.

During the last few years doing videos for YouTube, I heard a lot of people who have

disabilities say that they don't like where they live.

I totally understand their struggles.

We have to remember one thing and that is everywhere you live will have issues.

Katharine Manor has issues too.

I hire my own personal care assistants, I have issues too so nothing is perfect.

I don't mean that you should live where you totally hate it, that would not be good either.

I said once before that you have to surround yourself with people who truly care for you

and love you.

Then take one step at a time so you can move out.

For more infomation >> How I moved out on my own with CP - Duration: 5:01.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 316dA Touring Executive Sportline I Comfort Access I Xenon I Grootbeeld Navigati - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 316dA Touring Executive Sportline I Comfort Access I Xenon I Grootbeeld Navigati - Duration: 1:00.


Rozmowa i pocałunek Gastiny odcinek 79 soy luna 2 - tłumaczenie - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Rozmowa i pocałunek Gastiny odcinek 79 soy luna 2 - tłumaczenie - Duration: 1:15.


I preferiti di Settembre - September 2017 favourites feat.Huda Beauty, Benefit, Zara, Vuitton ecc. - Duration: 21:05.

>> Hi ya'll and welcome or welcome back to my channel

Monthly favourites! it's time again to share with you all the products that I've been loving the most

during the past month of September

As usual I divided the products in cathegories and I'll talk about make up,

skincare, accessories

clothes, shoes, books, in few words a little bit of everything I've been enjoying in September

As you can see I'm in a different location, in my seaside house

as everytime I come here for the weekend I bring everything I need for filming as the light is amazing

you can probably see it, so I take advantage of it!

That said let's move on with the first cathegory which this month is going to be make up

In my last beauty haul

I shared with you all the products I had bought in the previous month/month and a half

and among them I also featured ...tadaaaa, the Huda Beauty Rose Gold Edition Palette

An eyeshadow palette I loved at first sight because the shades are all

in the red, orange range, with this lovely fuscia and at the top there are a few glittery shades too

The swatches I made in my beauty haul looked amazing

so I had great expectations and I must say that

all in all my expectations were satisfied, the only down side

which I need to talk about, as this palette costs 65 euro, is that

these metallic/glittery eyeshadows that looked amazing

are actually a bit hard to blend using a make up brush

I don't know if it's just me, but I tried in several ways, even

by wetting the brush, which usually helps with metallic eyeshadows

but it didn't work

the only way to apply them and get a lovely, pigmented and even finish is using the fingers

which may sound easy and cool, but it's honestly quite hard to get a precise look using fingers

especially as I tend to apply these eyeshadows in the inner corner of the eye

next to the nose and it's hard to do it nicely with my finger

Inspite of that I used it throughout September and I really loved it

even if quality wise there are probably some better eyeshadows on the market,

but the shades are breathtaking so

after I thought well about it

I decided that I had to include it among my favourites, so this is the first fave

My second September make up favourite is a foundation which

was launched something like 2 years ago, I'm talking about

Benefit Hello Flawless Oygen Wow

I bought this foundation a long time ago, in the wintertime

and I was not so impressed by it because the coverage is medium/low

and I also chose a shade slightly too dark for my skin tone at that time

so I left it aside and in August I found it again and as after my holidays

my complexion was a little bit darker, not tanned, just a bit darker

I started to add it to my usual foundation to get a better match

and it's a perfect product to mix because it's lightweight

it blends well even with richer foundations without interfering with the final finish

so it's perfect to mix, it's also oil free and it has an SPF 25, which is not bad

Then I started to use it alone too, especially in days when I don't feel like wearing too much make up

and I loved it

but only when my skin is not too problematic and I don't have too many blemishes

because as I said the coverage is low, but it has a glowy finish that I love

and that's why I decided to feature it in my September favourites inspite of the fact that it's not a new product

I suggest you to try it because the finish it lovely

especially if you don't have too many imperfections to cover, so this is my second favourite

Now let's move to the next cathegory which is going to be skincare

I have 2 skincare favourites to share with you, one was already featured in my last beauty haul

and the other one is a more recent purchase

let's start with the Body Shop Atlantic Seaweed cream

which is part of the SPA of the world line

it's a revitalizing body cream and what I like is its gel texure

which makes it quick to apply and to absorb

and it's super hydrating, it's made with atlantic seaweeds

it's fresh and lovely to use, the fragrance

it's marine, but fresh at the same time, not too intense and all in all I love it

I started to use it in September because in August I used

a cream that I featured in my August faves too, the Aloe one

which is richer and more suitable for Summer, but this one

is amazing too, the Body Shop SPA of the world line

never disappoints

the second favourite is by Fresh beauty, the Soy face cleanser

when I shopped for Fresh products in France the last time, I was gifted a sample size of this cleanser

it's a cleanser suitable for all skin types

it's rich in aminoacids and it's suitable for sensitive skins too

I used it in the evening to remove my make up

first of all I remove my eye make up using Lancome bi-facil, which is always my fave

then I use a micellar water to get rid of the first layer of make up

and lastly I wash my face with this product to get rid of all the residuals, it's a gel

which feels fresh and lovely on the skin, it's made with soy, thus the name, Soy Face Cleanser..gosh I'm so smart!!

and in few words it cleanses the skin while hydrating, soothing and balancing the PH

it's gentle and perfect for sensitive skins as I said

I love it and I've been using it everyday, in fact I bought a full size as soon as I finished the sample one

A tiny bit goes a long way, you simply rub it on your dump face, even on your eyes as it's not aggressive at all

and it dissolves the make up, then you just rinse it off and the skin doesn't feel tight

or dry at all, so I really recommend it, it's an amazing

face cleanser/make up remover

and those were my 2 skincare favourites

now let's move to the clothes section

Here we are in the clothes section

this month I only have one piece to share because

I bought a few new clothes which I showed you in my Late Summer/Early Fall haul

but in September I mainly wore clothes that I already owned

as being a shopaholic a have a ton to choose from

one of them is this dress that I'm wearing, which was in my Summer haul, it's from Asos,

I don't know if it's still available, but it has these cute bell sleeves

anyway I don't want to talk about this dress, but about something more basic

which is this little black dress

that I bought from Zara

I paid it something like 13 euro, so it was a true bargain

it's a midi pencil dress

that I like to wear layered under a flowy maxi dress

last year I bought a cute maxi dress from Zara, I'll insert a clip so that you can see it

and I usually wear it like a coat, if you know what I mean

and so my favourite september piece is this basic black pencil dress

now let's jump to the next cathegory, the accessories

where we'll find a little pearl, an accessory I've been wanting to buy for years

and I finally got it

stay tuned to find out what I'm talking about!


here is my crazy purchase, after I've been wanting it for years I finally got a Vuitton Neverfull bag

I'm not really a designer girl, if you follow me you'll know it

I usually shop in Zara, H&M, Primark, so more low profile

but there are a few designer things that I really love

and one of them is this Vuitton bag

I'm obsessed with it and I'm happy I chose this model

because it's really spacious, thus the name neverfull

you can fit a ton of stuff inside

can you see it?

inside it has also this purse attached to fit your wallet and all the things you need to find quickly

and it can be removed and used as a clutch, not bad!

I went for the cherry model,

which means that the inside is cherry, because it was my favourite

there are many different versions of the Neverfull

this is the most classic, with the logo and the inside in cherry or

in beige, I forgot everything because I fell in love with this one straight away

then there is the chequered one

without the logo on the outside

and there's a black leather version, which is more expensive, but I didn't like it at all

Anyway I'm obsessed with it, you can also make it

a bit smaller by pulling these strings, I know I'm not in frame, but wait for it

by pulling these strings you can make the bag less bulky for those days when you don't have too many things to carry

which never happens to me

and it looks like this.

It has no zip on top, but it has a clasp

to keep it closed and I'm in love with it, it's one of the few

thought out purchases I made, as I've been wanting it for years and compared to other designer bags

the price is not that bad, for a classic Primark buyer it's still crazy, but in the grand scheme of things

it's one of the most affordable designer bags and also one of the most exploitable too

I love it and I wore it everyday since I got it

That said let's move to

to the next section, the shoes one!

There is no doubt that my September favourite shoes were these ones

these slip on velvet shoes that I bought from H&M which I also featured in my

late Summer/Early Fall haul

they are open on the back and as my hubby says they look like the Pope's shoes, because they are velvety and with a round shape

but they are super comfy

and now that it's not yet too cold I wear them without socks

so in the morning I just slip my feet inside and I find them superglam and they also have this

eye shaped embellishment on the side, I wore them

a whole lot, both with jeans, skirts, trousers, with everything

and as I got them from H&M

it was a true bargain and I still haven't found another slip on pair like this that I like as much

and we left behind the shoes section too, there is just one more cathegory ahead, which usually ends all of my monthly favourites videos

which is the books one!

my favourite book in September was

Roberto Saviano la paranza dei bambini

which was quite unexpected

I'm a fan of Saviano and I like how passionate he is about his work

but his books are often a bit heavy, I read Gomorrah because it has been an editorial case and I think most of the people read it

I also read zero zero zero,

but I honestly didn't like it that much, just like Gomorrah to be honest

so when this book came out I didn't plan to read it at all

but in July I went to a literary festival called Collisioni and I had the chance to listen to Saviano

talk about this book

and his way of describing the story was so captivating that I ended up buying the book straight away

The story is set in Naples and describes the youth crime undergrowth

made of young boys who not necessarily come from criminal backgrounds

boys from the middle class, whose parents are teachers, or hairdressers, boys who have no criminal background

but who are born in a place where criminal laws are so present that they end up turning into criminals anyway

the name paranza refers usually to a mix of tiny fishes fried together

and in the book is used to define a group of young criminal boys

the main characters are from 10 to 16 years old and it's scary to see how they act and think

and how the criminal way of thinking is stuck in their head since a young age

this quote on the back of the book gives you an idea

"so you think I'm scared of a child like you?"

"it took me 10 years to become a child, but it will take me a second to shoot you in the face!"

quite heavy and intense

but very riveting too

it's probably not for everyone, so if you love Saviano and this kind of novels I recommend you to read it

if you prefer a lighter read this might not be for you

I loved it anyway.

Et voilà, we reached the end of another favourites video

I remind you that as usual you'll find on my blog the products list with direct links to find them online

so if you want to know more about the products featured or if you wish to get them

head over to my blog, the link to the post is in the downbar

and you'll find all the details

what else? As usual I hope you found interesting the products I shared with you

if so don't forget to give the video a thumbs up so that I will know it

and if you haven't yet subscribe to my channel in order not to miss any new video

That's it for today I send you a big kiss and I'll see you in my next one, ciao!

For more infomation >> I preferiti di Settembre - September 2017 favourites feat.Huda Beauty, Benefit, Zara, Vuitton ecc. - Duration: 21:05.


Subaru Forester 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Subaru Forester 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat - Duration: 0:58.


Subaru Forester 2.0 i Comfort CVT-Automaat de Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Subaru Forester 2.0 i Comfort CVT-Automaat de Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 1:00.


Subaru Forester 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Luxury De Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Subaru Forester 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Luxury De Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 0:59.


Citroën Saxo 1.4I VTS FURIO - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Citroën Saxo 1.4I VTS FURIO - Duration: 0:47.


Subaru Forester 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Premium met leer en navigatie De Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Subaru Forester 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Premium met leer en navigatie De Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 0:59.


Subaru Forester 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Nagano Met Leer en Navigatie De Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Subaru Forester 2.0 i AWD CVT-Automaat Nagano Met Leer en Navigatie De Prijs is Rijklaar - Duration: 1:01.


Hyundai ix35 2.0I ACTIVE AUTOMAAT CLIMA PARK DISTANCE CONTR. LM VELGEN 30.876 KM !! - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 2.0I ACTIVE AUTOMAAT CLIMA PARK DISTANCE CONTR. LM VELGEN 30.876 KM !! - Duration: 0:57.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-cite BLAM audio - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-cite BLAM audio - Duration: 1:00.


BOAT SINK ITSELF I This boat sinks itself! It partly sinks to carry out ocean research - Duration: 1:33.

boat sink in sea

For more infomation >> BOAT SINK ITSELF I This boat sinks itself! It partly sinks to carry out ocean research - Duration: 1:33.


Honda Accord Tourer 2.0i Comfort Climate NW APK Bj 2003 !!! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Honda Accord Tourer 2.0i Comfort Climate NW APK Bj 2003 !!! - Duration: 0:58.


Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0i-16V Instyle Autom. 7-Zits Leder Navi+Camera SK-dak Xenon 5jr.Garantie - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0i-16V Instyle Autom. 7-Zits Leder Navi+Camera SK-dak Xenon 5jr.Garantie - Duration: 0:58.


Opel Corsa 1.2i, Airco! APK 02-2018! E 250 Extra! Zondag Open! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.2i, Airco! APK 02-2018! E 250 Extra! Zondag Open! - Duration: 1:01.


Soar With Me by Andrew Wrangell (Piano) - Duration: 3:44.

Hey audience!

I hope you enjoyed this original piece of music that I wrote.

I have an orchestral version coming out in two weeks so keep an eye out for it.

And if you'd like to support this channel and more music like this, head on over to

my Patreon where you can get some cool stuff like sheet music and mp3s.

Thanks for watching, see ya!

For more infomation >> Soar With Me by Andrew Wrangell (Piano) - Duration: 3:44.


While You Were Sleeping [I need your love] - Duration: 1:07.

Hello, I just moved into the hous across the street...

We don't want any greetings or kind gestures. Sorry.

He folloved me.

When did it start?

When did you fall in love with me?


Fall in love with you?



Do you know each оther?




believe in you.

For more infomation >> While You Were Sleeping [I need your love] - Duration: 1:07.


Škoda Citigo 1.0i Greentech 5-DRS Arctic AIRCO - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Škoda Citigo 1.0i Greentech 5-DRS Arctic AIRCO - Duration: 1:01.


Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Style / Navig./Trekhaak/Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Style / Navig./Trekhaak/Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:56.


Pirates of the Caribbean

For more infomation >> Pirates of the Caribbean


Are You In The 2% Of The Population That Can Find The Killer In This Picture? - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Are You In The 2% Of The Population That Can Find The Killer In This Picture? - Duration: 3:29.


Chave da Ilha | Sonhos Insanos | Videoclipe - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Chave da Ilha | Sonhos Insanos | Videoclipe - Duration: 4:21.


UFJF/SEMIC 2017 - "Implementação de Técnicas de PDS para Análise de Múltiplos Distúrbios de QEE" - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> UFJF/SEMIC 2017 - "Implementação de Técnicas de PDS para Análise de Múltiplos Distúrbios de QEE" - Duration: 4:38.


Homilia | Pe. Rodrigo Arnoso - Missa de Aparecida - Matriz Basílica - 28 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 11:37.

For more infomation >> Homilia | Pe. Rodrigo Arnoso - Missa de Aparecida - Matriz Basílica - 28 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 11:37.


COQUETÉIS E ADOLESCENTES (dublado) - HD - Duration: 1:28:29.

For more infomation >> COQUETÉIS E ADOLESCENTES (dublado) - HD - Duration: 1:28:29.


Unboxing Tablet Infantil Mirage 42T - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Unboxing Tablet Infantil Mirage 42T - Duration: 2:32.


Controle dos Pais - Tablet Infantil Mirage 42T - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Controle dos Pais - Tablet Infantil Mirage 42T - Duration: 2:16.


Em destaque: reforma da Lei de Execução Penal vai a votação no Plenário - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Em destaque: reforma da Lei de Execução Penal vai a votação no Plenário - Duration: 1:16.


Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Confira a agenda do final de semana no Santuário Nacional - - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Confira a agenda do final de semana no Santuário Nacional - - Duration: 3:19.


Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Saiba mais sobre as ordens angélicas - 28 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 16:56.

For more infomation >> Bem-Vindo Romeiro | Saiba mais sobre as ordens angélicas - 28 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 16:56.


Bênção da Noite | Hoje rezemos por todos que precisam de oração! - 28 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 1:04:53.

For more infomation >> Bênção da Noite | Hoje rezemos por todos que precisam de oração! - 28 de setembro de 2017 - Duration: 1:04:53.


Best Tools For YouTube Channel 2017-2018 Urdu | Hindi - Duration: 16:48.

Subscribe YouTube Channel

Subscribe YouTube Channel..Thanks

Subscribe YouTube Channel and Like video

For more infomation >> Best Tools For YouTube Channel 2017-2018 Urdu | Hindi - Duration: 16:48.


Simna Multimedia Shooting Kichu Kotha Mojar Video | সিমনা মাল্টিমিড়িয়ার শুটিংনের কিছু কথা | 4K Video - Duration: 7:59.

Plaes Subscribe

For more infomation >> Simna Multimedia Shooting Kichu Kotha Mojar Video | সিমনা মাল্টিমিড়িয়ার শুটিংনের কিছু কথা | 4K Video - Duration: 7:59.


How to Access & Manage Contacts on Your LG V30 | AT&T Wireless - Duration: 1:59.


Add a Contact.

To add a contact,

from the home screen select the Phone app.

Select the Contacts tab. Select the Add icon.

Select the desired location to save the contacts to.

Enter the contact's name and phone number.

To add a photo to the contact, select the Photo icon.

Select "Take photo" to take a picture,

or select "Select photo" to use a saved photo.

Navigate to, then select the desired photo.

Select and move the handles as desired to set the crop.

When finished, select "OK".

To add a specific ringtone to your contact,

select "More".

Select "Ringtone".

Select the Ringtone field.

Select the desired ringtone, then select "OK".

To save the contact, select "SAVE".

Edit a Contact.

To edit a contact,

from Contacts list,

select the desired contact. Select the Edit icon,

enter the desired information,

and select "SAVE" when finished.

Delete a Contact.

To delete a contact,

from the desired contact, select the Delete icon.

Select "DELETE" to confirm.

Import Contacts from SIM.

From the Contacts list,

select the Menu icon.

Select "Manage contacts".

Select "Import".

Select "SIM card" in the From field,

then select the desired destination in the To field.

Select "OK".

Select the desired contacts to import,

then select "Import".

Select "IMPORT" to confirm.

Contacts will now be imported.

[♪AT&T jingle♪]

For more infomation >> How to Access & Manage Contacts on Your LG V30 | AT&T Wireless - Duration: 1:59.


Опять полуавтомат "Сатурн", но без центрифуги. Меняем мотор - Duration: 15:26.

For more infomation >> Опять полуавтомат "Сатурн", но без центрифуги. Меняем мотор - Duration: 15:26.


Farming Simulator 17 KRONE BIGX 1100 SPECIAL - Duration: 16:09.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You a Special KRONE BIG X 1100 .

KRONE BIGX 1100 SPECIAL Colorable Body And Rims This Harvester Can hold 56,000l of Chaff

Also with combine you will find the EasyCollect 1053Corn Header 10.5m Working Width 10Km/h Working Speed

One more New Mod For Krone Big X 1100 KRONE HECKGEWICHT Back weight for better stability to the Steering Wheel

You can not overload on move the pipe need the tipper to close and then the harvester stop's cutting corn

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 KRONE BIGX 1100 SPECIAL - Duration: 16:09.


InkTober Art Supplies + Tips || My Inking Supplies - Duration: 5:12.

Hi everyone!

Today I'll show you the inking supplies I use for Inktober.

If you don't know what Inktober is, here are the rules by Jake Parker, who started Inktober.

The idea is to make an ink drawing every day in October and post it online.

If you need ideas for what to draw, there's an official prompt list in the Inktober website.

But there are also many unofficial Inktober prompt lists, which you can find in google

image search.

Also, you don't have to make a drawing every day, it could be even just once a week.

Now, on to the inking supplies.

First of all, paper.

I'll use A4 size Canson drawing paper, 180 g/m2.

If I want to color the line art with watercolor, I might use watercolor paper instead.

The watercolor paper I usually use is A4 size and 250 g/m2, rough, acid free and it's glued

on two sides so you don't need to take it out of the pad to paint.

Although I usually do take it out and tape it onto a harder surface with painter's tape.

And I also have this smooth watercolor paper that I haven't tried much yet, because it's

not as thick so I'm expecting it to buckle and wrinkle when it dries.

I usually make the sketch on a different paper and transfer the clean outlines onto a drawing

paper or watercolor paper for inking.

And there are different ways to do the transfer, one is graphite transfer paper and another

one is using baking paper.

I have three ink bottles.

One is black acrylic ink and it dries waterproof.

The other black ink I have is not waterproof.

And then I have one white ink.

I use a dip pen for the inks and it has two nibs, a smaller one and a bigger one.

I used to have one more size, but I lost it.

I also have these bamboo dip pens.

And I might use a watercolor paint brush with the inks as well.

Last year I used mostly dip pens and inks.

The lines were kind of thick for coloring pages so I think this year I'll use mostly


If you want to paint over the line art, make sure you're using waterproof ink or pen.

Some of the pens might also be more lightfast than others.

You'll probably make some inking mistakes and you can't erase ink.

But sometimes you can fix them by just making the line thicker.

And other times you might want to fix it with something white, like a white gel pen, white

ink, correction fluid or white acrylic paint.

You can see the differences in line thickness between the dip pen and pens as I'm testing


Inking with a brush or a dip pen makes it easier to change line weight.

I will be inking coloring pages this Inktober, which is mostly what I did last year, when

I took part in Inktober for the first time.

I'm not doing daily Inktober drawings.

Last year I made 7 and I also filmed all of them.

This year I have 6 drawings sketched in pencil and I have some other ideas I might do as


I've been posting 2 videos per week on YouTube since the end of August and I'll try to keep

that up during October, but I don't want all of them to be Inktober videos so some will

include more than one piece in the video.

I've also started uploading my videos to Vidme, which is another video platform.

And I'll publish videos there every day for now.

Remember to wash the nibs after inking so the ink doesn't dry on them.

But don't leave them in the water or they'll get rusty.

I do like to wash them in a little container just so I don't drop them in the sink.

I tried inking with a brush last year, but I felt like it worked better for making an

ink wash or filling in black areas rather than doing line art.

You can dilute the ink with water to make it lighter.

Add a bit of ink and water on a palette and mix them together.

And also, remember to close the lid of the ink bottle after using it so this doesn't

happen to you.

I was lifting the ink bottle by the lid and it wasn't closed and the ink spilled on my


I do use a desk pad so the ink didn't mess up my table.

That's the last tip, protect the working surface, when you use ink!

Are any of you doing Inktober this year?

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> InkTober Art Supplies + Tips || My Inking Supplies - Duration: 5:12.


Bad Baby save Super Wings in the Baby Milk Bottle. Wrong Heads. Learn Colors - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Bad Baby save Super Wings in the Baby Milk Bottle. Wrong Heads. Learn Colors - Duration: 1:41.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 29 EYLÜL 2017 | SPOR AJANSI GS GÜNDEMİ | CEYLA BÜYÜKUZUN | Youtube - Duration: 11:21.


How To Delete Undeleteable Files In Windows 7 Urdu Hindi With English Subtitels Latest 2017 - Duration: 1:59.

Start from the name of Almighty Allah Asalam o Alikum Friends

Today i am going to tell you our in this particular video that

How to delete undeleteable files/Folders

From any window which you use any how i am using windows 7

This kind of problem can be happen for anyone of you

It will occur by default so we can delete this issue our system

which is undeleteable

if you really want to learn and want to know that how to fix this kind of problem so

you need to watch this video from start to end

it will be very short video not long so much

you can learn very easily and simply

and its really a simple method

Now You are watching Entertainment Education Channel

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so that you will receive latest videos update on time

so lets get start now

as you can see i have a file which is place on my desktop

i want to try to delete this file

But an error occur as you can see

now i will show a unique method to fix this issue

you just right click with your mouse and choose the option add to archive file

and you just clic on delete file

Then just hit enter from your keyboard simply

as you can see the file convert as an archive

Now just shift+delete from keyboard

Now will have been deleted permanently

I just mentioned subtitle of this video for those persons

who do not understand in Urdu language

and also provide Face Book and Twitter Page links in description for you and you can easily join my links also

I hope you understand my latest video

Its very simple procedure which i taught you

But some people do not aware this if you really like so share my video thanks a lot Allah Hafiz

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