Saturday, November 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 25 2018

Previous Video : I've got to know that it is important to play the guitar emotionally.

Have you noted your picking direction, down picking or up picking?

I've hardly noted it.

I think you need to learn alternate picking and un picking.

Can you do this?

Not bad.

If you can do that constantly, you can always keep the rhythm easily.

Then, can you do this?

You need to practice to do this even when you perform more complicated phrases.

It become more difficult when you do this with hammering on or pulling off.

Can you do this instantly?

This practice will improve your performance.

Do you have other problems with playing the guitar?

I can hardly keep tempo and tend to rush.

Certainly, that may be a problem.

But you can remedy the problem with a simple exercise.

Make sounds just after the metronome sounds. Not same time but just after the sounds.

Try to make sounds immediately just after the metronome sounds as possible.

More close.


Then, at the same time.

You've gotten much better now.

It's good.

Then, try to do this.

It's good.

Next Video

Part 3 Grove Lesson

For more infomation >> 10,000 Hour Guitar Progress - Guitar Lesson By Guitarist Kazuya Yamaguchi Part 2 - 626th hour - Duration: 12:36.


Brindis por un empate - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Brindis por un empate - Duration: 5:42.


明星在片場吃飯,劉德華最可憐,張一山最搞笑,鹿晗的最可愛! - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> 明星在片場吃飯,劉德華最可憐,張一山最搞笑,鹿晗的最可愛! - Duration: 2:57.


地球還有多少「未知生物沒被發現?」 有字幕 - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> 地球還有多少「未知生物沒被發現?」 有字幕 - Duration: 10:02.


11 Benefits of breastfeeding - What are the benefits of breastfeeding - Duration: 10:04.

11 Benefits of breast feeding.

It has the right amount of nutrients, is easily digested and readily available.

However, the rate of breastfeeding is as low as 30% in some groups of women.

While some women are unable to breastfeed, others simply choose not to.

Yet studies show breastfeeding has major health benefits, for both the mother and her baby.

Here are 11 science-based benefits of breastfeeding.


Breast Milk Provides Ideal Nutrition for Babies.

Most health authorities recommend exclusive breastfeeding for at least 6 months.

Continued breastfeeding is then recommended for at least one year, as different foods

are introduced into the baby's diet.

Breast milk contains everything the baby needs for the first six months of life, in all the

right proportions.

Its composition even changes according to the baby's changing needs, especially during

the first month of life.

During the first days after birth, the breasts produce a thick and yellowish fluid called


It's high in protein, low in sugar and loaded with beneficial compounds.

Colostrum is the ideal first milk and helps the newborn's immature digestive tract develop.

After the first few days, the breasts start producing larger amounts of milk as the baby's

stomach grows.


Breast Milk Contains Important Antibodies.

Breast milk is loaded with antibodies that help your baby fight off viruses and bacteria.

This particularly applies to colostrum, the first milk.

Colostrum provides high amounts of immunoglobulin A (IgA), as well as several other antibodies.

When the mother is exposed to viruses or bacteria, she starts producing antibodies.

These antibodies are then secreted into the breast milk and passed to the baby during



Breastfeeding May Reduce Disease Risk.

Breastfeeding has an impressive list of health benefits.

This is particularly true of exclusive breastfeeding, meaning that the infant receives only breast


It may reduce your baby's risk of many illnesses and diseases.

Furthermore, the protective effects of breastfeeding seem to last throughout childhood and even



Breast Milk Promotes a Healthy Weight.

Breastfeeding promotes healthy weight gain and helps prevent childhood obesity.

Studies show that obesity rates are 15–30% lower in breastfed babies, compared to formula-fed


The duration is also important, as each month of breastfeeding reduces your child's risk

of future obesity by 4%.

This may be due to the development of different gut bacteria.

Breastfed babies have higher amounts of beneficial gut bacteria, which may affect fat storage.

Babies fed on breast milk also have more leptin in their systems than formula-fed babies.

Leptin is a key hormone for regulating appetite and fat storage.

Breastfed babies also self-regulate their milk intake.

They're better at eating only until they've satisfied their hunger, which helps them develop

healthy eating patterns.


Breastfeeding May Make Children Smarter.

Some studies suggest there may be a difference in brain development between breastfed and

formula-fed babies.

This difference may be due to the physical intimacy, touch and eye contact associated

with breastfeeding.

Studies indicate that breastfed babies have higher intelligence scores and are less likely

to develop problems with behavior and learning as they grow older.


Breastfeeding May Help You Lose Weight.

While some women seem to gain weight during breastfeeding, others seem to effortlessly

lose weight.

Although breastfeeding increases a mother's energy demands by about 500 calories per day,

the body's hormonal balance is very different from normal.

Because of these hormonal changes, lactating women have an increased appetite and may be

more prone to storing fat for milk production.

For the first 3 months after delivery, breastfeeding mothers may lose less weight than women who

don't breastfeed, and they may even gain weight.

However, after 3 months of lactation, they will likely experience an increase in fat


Beginning around 3–6 months after delivery, mothers who breastfeed have been shown to

lose more weight than mothers who don't breastfeed.


Breastfeeding Helps the Uterus Contract.

During pregnancy, your uterus grows immensely, expanding from the size of a pear to filling

almost the entire space of your abdomen.

After delivery, your uterus goes through a process called involution, which helps it

return to its previous size.

Oxytocin, a hormone that increases throughout pregnancy, helps drive this process.

Your body secretes high amounts of oxytocin during labor to help deliver the baby and

reduce bleeding.

Oxytocin also increases during breastfeeding.

It encourages uterine contractions and reduces bleeding, helping the uterus return to its

previous size.


Mothers Who Breastfeed Have a Lower Risk of Depression.

Postpartum depression is a type of depression that can develop shortly after childbirth.

It affects up to 15% of mothers.

Women who breastfeed seem less likely to develop postpartum depression, compared to mothers

who wean early or do not breastfeed.

However, those who experience postpartum depression early after delivery are also more likely

to have trouble breastfeeding and do so for a shorter duration.

Although the evidence is a bit mixed, it's known that breastfeeding causes hormonal changes

that encourage maternal caregiving and bonding.

One of the most pronounced changes is the increased amount of oxytocin produced during

birth and breastfeeding.

Oxytocin appears to have long-term anti-anxiety effects.

It also encourages bonding by affecting specific brain regions that promote nurturing and relaxation.

These effects may also partly explain why breastfeeding mothers have a lower rate of

maternal neglect, compared to those who do not breastfeed.

One study found that the rate of maternal child abuse and neglect was almost three times

higher for mothers who did not breastfeed, compared to those who did.

On that note, keep in mind that these are only statistical associations.

Not breastfeeding does not mean that you will neglect your baby in any way.


Breastfeeding Reduces Your Disease Risk.

Breastfeeding seems to provide the mother with long-term protection against cancer and

several diseases.

The total time a woman spends breastfeeding is linked with a reduced risk of breast and

ovarian cancer.

In fact, women who breastfeed for more than 12 months during their lifetime have a 28%

lower risk of both breast and ovarian cancer.

Each year of breastfeeding is associated with a 4.3% decrease in breast cancer risk.

Recent studies also indicate that breastfeeding may protect against metabolic syndrome, a

group of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems.

Women who breastfeed for 1–2 years over their lifetime have a 10–50% lower risk

of high blood pressure, arthritis, high blood fats, heart disease and type 2 diabetes


Keeps you pumped up with iron.

The benefits of breastfeeding are for mom as much as babies.

Amenorrhea or absence of a menstrual period, is normal in all women for the first 4-6 weeks

after delivery.

However, for women who chose to exclusively breastfeeding, this condition can last at

least twice as long as mothers who chose to bottle feed.

By not having a period, breastfeeding mothers help to restore their iron supply which takes

a significant hit during pregnancy, labor and recovery.


It Also Saves Time and Money.

To top the list, breastfeeding is completely free and requires very little effort.

By choosing to breastfeed, you won't have to:

Spend money on formula.

Calculate how much your baby needs to drink daily.

Spend time cleaning and sterilizing bottles.

Mix and warm up bottles in the middle of the night (or day).

Figure out ways to warm up bottles while on the go.

Breast milk is always at the right temperature and ready to drink.

For more infomation >> 11 Benefits of breastfeeding - What are the benefits of breastfeeding - Duration: 10:04.


How To Create Backlinks To Your Site For Free - Duration: 12:21.

How To Create Backlinks To Your Site For Free

If You Have Any Qua . About How To Create Backlinks To Your Site For Free So You Can Ask In Comment Box

For more infomation >> How To Create Backlinks To Your Site For Free - Duration: 12:21.


NUSA PENIDA, BALI - Is it Worth Going Down 700 Steps?? - Duration: 11:02.

So after a torturous ride we made it to this beach.

It's right on the south eastern side of the island

and you get to here and it's a

kind of a temple and apparently

700 steps down to the beach

We're going to see what we feel like

But right now nobody is in a mood to drive back and it's quite understandable because

you come down from that mountain on a little

very small road that's so eroded. There is no more surface left and

On the downhill, four people on the scooter on the downhill is very bad because the brakes are on the limits so you brake

full if you

push those pedals all the way to the grip and it's still going say you're on the limits of the brakes and

Then you have all the passengers from behind leaning on you so it's quite tiring

So right now we hope it is worth it

There's a breeze again so it's quite nice

but you can see the ocean is far below so it's gonna be a

tough one going down and

our legs are still stiff from yesterday's heavy climb

So once again serious steps down and

it's zigzagging down

a straight cliff so there's not a lot of room for

for the steps or the stairs

we just passed another tourist coming up from the way from the down all the way up and

he said that you walks straight into the water and it's not really worth it and

the photo opportunities are all up here so the kids are a bit disappointed

So we've decided I'm gonna go down and see if it's worth it or not. The kids are gonna stay on the steps and

Eben's still a bit higher up busy with the drone so just look at these zigzag steps


So the road continues

Okay all right I think the end is in sight. Let's see


See it's high tide

Right there is ATUH beach where we were yesterday

And it seems to me it ends just there

Time to take on these steps back up and warn the kids it's not for them

So coming to this beach, stay at the top, take beautiful pictures

It's worth it staying at the top. Nothing much down here. Don't know what it's like in low tide but

At least I'm burning all the

calories from the fried rice and the fried noodles

This is just killing me


I wouldn't say it was worth this

All right so this was it for our beach adventure

I went out with the drone

luckily, so I saw there were no beach but Melanie took all the way down and went all the way down and there were no beach

beach because it's high tide so

if you're looking for a beach experience don't come to this place in high tide

Low tide, a different story, it's beautiful

but during high tide, no ways, don't do that

Okay, we're having a cookie break

Is it a biscuit or cookie?

Or a cookie break

we just got... we just

We've just been to the beach without a beach

Where you don't go in high tide because

and it's like this all the way

but you can see

The tarmac, the surface of the tarmac is gone in places and that's what makes it so bumpy

But we are pushing on.

But right now, it's still early and we have one or two more destinations we want to go and see

it's a humongous leave

it's a manga sleep it's coming from these trees and a coda according to the teacher and Kyla this is not a

rubber tree

Yeah it's it's tears coming all the way, that's actually do you know what this is this actually ants

It's ants that build these walkways up the tree


I think they're doing their homework

Which way? There or there?

Hard butt becomes soft butt

We are finished here on the eastern side of Nusa Penida

We stayed here at manta view sea view cottages for two days

A very decent place

No hot water and

very, salty water so

you never feel really clean because it's too much salt

but for the price not bad, they include breakfast

It's probably best to go with the nasi goreng or Mie Goreng otherwise you just get two eggs and a toast

but it was enough for us and the prices are really good it's like 15,000 for a breakfast everything's 15,000

Yesterday wasn't too good we

we went to the one beach that was under water so the

Steps or the stairs terminate down into the ocean so it couldn't get on to the beach and there was

No, beach you'll see on the drone footage

then we wanted to push on to another Beach or the

waterfall that

terminates in a pool

but we missed the turn and by the time we realize it we were up in the mountain again and it was just too far to

turn around so yesterday wasn't very productive at all but now we're going to the western side and I think it's called Bintang

Hostel or something

We're gonna stay there for two days and we can do that side of the island which will be the Broken Beach

the T-Rex and a couple of other places

So we're very excited to move.

Time again so all the luggage on the scooter and very uncomfortable ride to our next destination

but luckily the road there

shouldn't be too bad

the outside just as nice

quite windy

as you can hear perhaps very windy

The road passing right underneath it's not a very busy road

It's quiet at night.

Swimming pool on that side

Beautiful swimming pool

Packed and off to our next destination

and this is all our luggage

For more infomation >> NUSA PENIDA, BALI - Is it Worth Going Down 700 Steps?? - Duration: 11:02.


I've Got So Many Kids - Duration: 23:50.

For more infomation >> I've Got So Many Kids - Duration: 23:50.


Chelsea news: ESPN pundit SLAMS star - 'I can't understand why Sarri likes him so much' - Duration: 2:50.

 Chelsea suffered their first Premier League defeat of the season on Saturday as they were beaten 3-1 by Tottenham

 Jorginho, a summer signing from Napoli, put in arguably his poorest performance in a Chelsea shirt as Spurs constantly pressured him

 The 26-year-old has taken up a holding role under Maurizio Sarri with N'Golo Kante being played further forward

 But while Jorginho has been immaculate in possession before his trip to Wembley, Robson believes Kante should take the position back

 That's because he believes Jorginho can't deal when the pressure is put on him as well as Kante

 "In some ways it does (ruin Chelsea's plan when pressure is put on Jorginho)," Robson said

 "I can't understand why Sarri likes him so much. "You've got the best holding midfielder in world football in Kante who should be playing there, in my view

 "We saw all the deficiencies of Jorginho against Tottenham. "Yes he's had more touches in the Premier League than any other player but that's against teams that have backed off of him

 "This is the first time anyone has closed him down. This is why I don't think he's a top-class player in this position

" Ian Wright agreed with Robson when he was on Match of the Day. "It's been quite confusing to me," Wright said

 "The best defensive-midfielder in the world - I'm sure he's got his new contract from what he's done previously - and listening to his manager say he could score more goals

Well, he's got midfielders who can score more goals. "It's baffling to me. "You see Jorginho for the second goal go to the ball where Kante would pick up someone like Harry Kane and clear up that mess

 "For the third goal, Kante is upfield and there's no way he'd allow them through to score that goal

 "It's baffling to have a player like Kante playing in offensive areas where you've got other players who can do that


For more infomation >> Chelsea news: ESPN pundit SLAMS star - 'I can't understand why Sarri likes him so much' - Duration: 2:50.


Battlefield V PC -10- I'm sheep - Duration: 2:29:54.

For more infomation >> Battlefield V PC -10- I'm sheep - Duration: 2:29:54.


everything is blue. (HBD Sam!) collab w/ squadfam - Duration: 1:04.

You know why we're destined to be best friends?

'Cause we're very much alike.

I hope you know, Oswald...

I would do anything for you.

You can always count on me.

You are the best friend I've ever had...

I don't wanna lose you.

I meant what I said.

You're my best friend.

You can trust me because I'm your friend.

You lying to me, Bruce?

I can't be bought, but I can be stolen with a glance.

I'm worthless to one... priceless to two.


Nygma was here.

He wouldn't give you up.

You gave up your revenge for me?

For more infomation >> everything is blue. (HBD Sam!) collab w/ squadfam - Duration: 1:04.


2019: Our Stand On Buhari, Atiku – Miyetti Allah Boss, Bodejo - Duration: 12:42.

2019: Our Stand On Buhari, Atiku – Miyetti Allah Boss, Bodejo

National President, Miyetti Allah Kautal Hore Socio-cultural Association, Bello Abdullahi Bodejo has said that the Fulani people are yet to decide which presidential candidate they will support in 2019 general elections.

In this interview with WILLY EYA, he said that with two Fulani sons, President Muhammadu Buhari and Atiku Abubakar as the major candidates, the Miyetti Allah is being careful in making a choice.

With the flagging off of the campaigns, Nigerians are getting set for the 2019 general elections; how will your organization, the Miyetti Allah respond to the development?.

We feel well since the primaries ended successfully. For us the Fulani people, I urge them to continue to participate in anything they are doing in Nigeria including politics.

They should make sure that they are interested in politics even at the local level and villages. But the leadership of the Fulani is just watching how the 2019 election will turn out.

As one of the leaders, I am warning the politicians not to play politics with the Fulani people in doing their campaigns. Why I say this is because some politicians always want to twist issues concerning the Fulani.

People will always want to politicize everything concerning the Fulani. We are happy that God is gradually exposing those who play politics with the Fulani people. I thank God that the major candidates who want to contest are Fulani people.

Those people who have been spoiling the name of the Fulani, I want to see what they will do now that the two major candidates are Fulani.

People should concentrate on issues in the campaign and not to use the Fulani herders/farmers issue to do politics. That should be a no-go area.

We know that politics is the cause of the Fulani herders/farmers clashes in this country. These are people who have been living together for ages without any problems.

The problem is the handiwork of desperate politicians. When they get frustrated in politics, even when a husband and wife are quarreling, they say it is the Fulani.

All those who have been spoiling the name of the Fulani, we are following them legally one after the other. All the crises that you have witnessed in the last two to three years, were not caused by the Fulani.

All those Nigerians who are causing these things should apologise to the Fulani.

About six months ago, if you mention the name of a Fulani man, he was seen as a killer even though anybody who knows the history will not believe that. The Fulani are very peaceful people.

It is interesting that the two major parties' candidates, President Muhammadu Buhari and Atiku Abubakar are Fulani; looking at both of them, who will the Miyetti Allah support?.

We are careful in making our choice between Buhari and Atiku. I accept that both of them are Fulani sons.

We believe that both of them can lead the country. Our only concern is that if you follow the history of democracy in Nigeria, no leader has shown interest on the issue of herders.

After winning election, none of them has been able to say what do I do for these Fulani who have been supplying 99 per cent of the nation's meat.

Today, I can say that nothing of such has been done for the Fulani herders. For instance, the grazing areas are all over the country.

Some are gazetted but some are not but I am wondering that up till now, nobody has asked where are the grazing reserves.

But thank God President Buhari came to power and they are proposing cattle colony even though there is no single cattle route now for the Fulani to graze their cattle.

Some are saying if they establish the cattle colonies, the Fulani would take over the country and so on and so forth. They have now turned the intention of government to establish colonies into politics.

On the issue of which candidate that Miyetti Allah should support in 2019, we have not decided; we are just watching. The important thing is that we have educated the Fulani to get their PVCs.

We have told them that any governor who wants to use them to play politics, they should vote him out. Since 2014, I am happy where the Fulani are in politics.

Some have insulted me and said all kinds of things about me but in 2019, we are trying to make the Fulani understand their rights.

Some people think that the Federal Government gives me money, some say I am greedy; people see me from different perspectives. They are doing all that because I am encouraging the Fulani to come out and vote.

But I am a leader and I know what the Fulani are facing and I am not bothered. Thank God now Atiku is Fulani and Buhari is Fulani.

So, we cannot just be in a haste to make a choice between the two candidates. We are analyzing all the activities of the candidates.

I am not talking only about the president but the governors. Some use the lives of the Fulani to play politics.

Some governors have not performed well in their states and they want to use the Fulani to gain political advantage. We are trying to make sure that the Fulani select the best candidates that can represent their interests.

I am happy that when the Fulani say yes, it is yes. If the Fulani say they are following somebody, it is total and all of them would follow that person.

In 2019, we are being very careful and like I said, we have not yet decided who to vote for. But at the right time, we will come out to tell Nigerians our mind.

Let Nigerians allow everybody say his mind and play the type of politics he wants. However, we are neutral for now; we cannot say that this is where we stand for them.

Many think that the Miyetti Allah will support Buhari because he is like your patron, and in the past before Atiku emerged, your organization made it clear that they were going to support Buhari in 2019. Has your position changed?.

The truth is that so many people do not know what they are saying. We have our patron.

Buhari is a Fulani man but is not the patron of the Fulani socio-cultural association even though I can say that he is more than that.

So many have been saying Buhari is this and that to the Miyetti Allah but it is not true. Our life patron is former President Goodluck Jonathan.

So, if somebody is saying that Buhari is our life patron, he is wrong. Why we chose Jonathan as our life patron is to avoid the issue of religion.

We want to carry everybody along. Our association wants people who can unite this country. We are looking for who can come and help us. If you are Fulani and you cannot help us, we do not care about you.

Do you believe those who think that Atiku is one Fulani who have friends all over Nigeria and will be in a better position to unite the country if voted into power?.

People have different opinions. You know for instance that Nigerian lands belong to the states which are controlled by the governors.

Like I said before, some of the governors are using the Fulani to play politics. That is why you are seeing the Fulani herders/farmers crises becoming very high.

Yes, some people will say that Atiku understands Nigeria more than Buhari but I cannot make any comment there because we are listening to some governors and politicians.

Some of the governors and politicians just make noise to cause trouble in the country. They do all that because of their selfish interests and to gain some political advantage.

For, now, I do not want to make any comment on President Buhari or Atiku. We have not decided yet but when we do, we will open our mouth to say this is whom we want.

Since the increase in political activities, the clashes between farmers and herders have gone down; what do you think is the cause?.

The reason is that the people who wanted to achieve some political advantage and even change their parties, have already achieved their aims.

You know these politicians, if they want to change their parties or achieve some political objectives, they can do anything.

I believe that why the crisis has come down is that the Inspector General of Police and the security outfits, do their work very well. We appreciate their efforts.

They have been arresting all those trouble makers. I have always said it that any time there is a general election, there will be increased tension in the country.

After every election, people who lose will want to cause trouble and those who are in power would want to suppress them. But what I am saying is that after the election, there must be a winner and a loser.

What is your current relationship with Benue State and its governor, Samuel Ortom? Are you mending fences?. In Benue, it is only small issues that the Fulani are having there. The security agencies are still harassing them and maltreating the Fulani.

I am sure that Ortom knows that he has made a mistake by establishing the anti open grazing law.

Ortom is a leader and we the leadership of Miyetti Allah, we cannot fight him but want to say that the anti open grazing law is not good for our country.

Ortom has spoiled the Fulani and he should apologise to us. Currently, we are in court to seek justice about the anti grazing law.

The Fulani can never support that kind of law. Any other state that wants to establish that kind of law in the country, we will take her to court.

I know that some people gave Ortom wrong advice to establish the law. He has forgotten that it is not only the Tiv people that he is ruling.

Finally, what I want to say is that any candidate that we want to support, all of us including our wives, cows, cattle and everything will be used to support that person.

For more infomation >> 2019: Our Stand On Buhari, Atiku – Miyetti Allah Boss, Bodejo - Duration: 12:42.


How To Reverse Single Crochet Working In The Round / Crab Stitch - Duration: 2:59.

hi everyone welcome back to my channel this is Sharon Ojala and today we're

doing the reverse single crochet so here's a regular single crocheted edge

and here's one done with the reverse it looks like twisted rope it just gives

a nice decorative edge today in this video I'm going to show you how to do it

in the round so let's get started so a regular crochet of course you're moving

forward when we do a reverse single crochet we're gonna do the exact same

steps we just did but we're gonna go backwards

so let's chain one we're gonna skip that chain and we're gonna work in the

first stitch our hook is going to go right underneath those two loops just like you

normally would in a single crochet pull up the yarn you have two loops on your

hook yarn over and pull through both loops and there was our first reverse

single crochet now we're going to get into the next stitch single crochet and

into the next one

you can see that cool looking pattern develop it looks like twisted rope going

around the edge once you get the hang of going backwards it goes fairly quickly

so I'm just coming to the end I got one more stitch to do there and then I'm

gonna finish off and I'll show you how I connect the first stitch with the last

one so I need to connect the last one with the first one I'm just gonna go

through the first one the first loop and pull the yarn through and there we go

now I'm just going to knot off down here

pull tight and now I'm gonna weave in the yarn tail I will bring it right

through the middle of this row here through the middle of those stitches

bring it through and then I'm gonna go up to the next row and weave it in the

opposite direction going through the middle little stitches and now cut free

after I finished my hats today I wanted to see how it look on the sweater so I

did the reverse single crochet in this one and this one doesn't have it so is

it a nice finished edge I think both ways are nice but this definitely has a

jazzier look to it so there you go guys that brings this at the end of this

video I hope you found it helpful and if you do make something with that

reverse single crochet I would sure love to see it post pictures on my facebook

page or tag me on instagram both those links are in the description box below

thanks so much for watching and we'll see you super soon

For more infomation >> How To Reverse Single Crochet Working In The Round / Crab Stitch - Duration: 2:59.


Citroën C3 1.4I LIGNE PRESTIGE CRUISE/AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4I LIGNE PRESTIGE CRUISE/AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:07.


「Splatoon Comic Dub」Marie's Letter | Comic by GomiGomiPomi (ENG/JP) - Duration: 1:01.

Just another day in the life of the Squid Sisters.

They always ask...

How do we stay on rhythm... never miss a beat?

We support each other no matter what.

We laugh.

We cry.

We yell, just like anyone else.

But maybe...

Just maybe...

There is a tune in our lives no one else can hear.

You know Callie...

I'm sure I've told you before but... きっと前にも言ったはずだけど...

I'll repeat myself as many times as I need to. 何回しても繰り返するんだ。

Thank you for staying by side. そばにいてくれてありがとうです。

Even in times of sadness…. and through tough times... 苦しい時も...さびしい時も。

You've been like a small light... 君は小さな光のような。

Never change, OK? 変わらないで, ね?

(Callie laughs.)

Good night. おやすみ。

For more infomation >> 「Splatoon Comic Dub」Marie's Letter | Comic by GomiGomiPomi (ENG/JP) - Duration: 1:01.


超准读心占卜法,读懂你内心!财运事业感情即可问 - Duration: 9:22.

For more infomation >> 超准读心占卜法,读懂你内心!财运事业感情即可问 - Duration: 9:22.


真爱塔罗占卜:这辈子,你将会遇到什么样的结婚对象? - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> 真爱塔罗占卜:这辈子,你将会遇到什么样的结婚对象? - Duration: 8:03.


心理测试:你认为哪一只小鸟太蠢萌,测你错过真爱的概率有多大 - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> 心理测试:你认为哪一只小鸟太蠢萌,测你错过真爱的概率有多大 - Duration: 7:01.


謝霆鋒到底有多帥,能讓20年前的吳彥祖自認顏值不如他? - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> 謝霆鋒到底有多帥,能讓20年前的吳彥祖自認顏值不如他? - Duration: 3:23.


Travel the World on $50 a Day! - Duration: 1:36.

I am sure you have asked yourself how some of these everyday 'Joe Shmoes' are traveling the world. They are not rich. They are not

famous. Well, guess what? I am one of them. I am not some huge

YouTube star and I do not have a bunch of followers on

Instagram. What I am is a travel book author. I

have traveled extensively in 74 countries. I could not have done

that had I had

to pay even 1/5th of what I did. That's because I know how to

travel cheap and get a lot of expensive stuff for free. We are

talking not about motels but hotels, 5-star

hotels. I have stayed at the Hyatt Hotel and I paid 0.

Having an executive suite at the Intercontinental Hotel, again, I

paid nothing. We are not just talking about hotels.

We are also talking about tours. Last year, I took my father with

me to New Zealand. We took a helicopter and landed on

a glacier in a place called Franz Josef. We paid

absolutely nothing. We took a private airplane flying through majestic

fjords, again in New Zealand. I paid $80 dollars for that!

That's basically nothing.

I have made an audio course and e-book. It is called "The Secrets &

Tricks Travel Hackers Know & Use." It's 100% free.

There is no gimmick. There is no sales pitch,

forcing you to 'get it now'. I am not a salesman.

I am a travel blogger. I am a traveler for life.

I'm giving away my e-book 100% for free. Click on the link,

wherever it is.

It will take you to my page.

Provide your email address. I will then send you the link and password.

You will read it. You will like it. You will directly benefit from my

advice. You will want more. I have written a total of

35 e-books. This is one of them. It's my newest

one. I want you to tell me what you think.

I look forward to hearing your feedback. Thank you!

For more infomation >> Travel the World on $50 a Day! - Duration: 1:36.


France full-back issues come and get me plea to Arsenal - Duration: 2:37.

 Arsenal are not expected to be busy in the January transfer window.  Head of football Raul Sanllehi does not think the January transfer window is the time to make changes to the squad, although an injury to Danny Welbeck could mean the Gunners do look for attacking reinforcements

 Sanllehi said recently: "I don't believe much in the winter window. There are exceptions but if you have the right plan in the summer and the team are performing at the level you expect, you should not go to that window or try to avoid it

 "It's there for emergencies, a big injury or if something is really not working and you need to recover there

I give much more importance to the summer windows."  However, if Arsenal are looking for a left-back, there is one all ready to join them, although they may be in the market for someone a bit better

 Anthony Goelzer has admitted that he wants to play for the Gunners and would welcome a transfer

 The 20-year-old is currently playing in the French second division for Valenciennes, making six appearances for the Athenians so far this season

 But if he was given the chance to play in the Premier League for Arsenal, it's fair to say the youngster would take it with open arms

  The full-back was asked by La Voix du Nord where he would transfer to if he was an agent, and he responded: "Arsenal, it's my dream

Or at least in the English league. It's an incomparable championship with a lot of very big teams

All games are tight, the game never stops, with a lot of intensity. It's beautiful to watch

" Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> France full-back issues come and get me plea to Arsenal - Duration: 2:37.


OmniTrans Local Line 82 Rancho Cucamonga-Victoria Gardens Mall - Duration: 11:38.

Now Approach 4th Street.

Now Approach 6th St.

Attention: If You Download On Free OmniTrans App It Quicked Way Access To NextTrip, Bus Book, Wild Alerts, Special Promotions On The Omnitrans News And Social Media Sets It Get Now The Apple (IOS) App Store/Google Play (Andriod) App Store.

Now Approach Rancho Cucamonga Metrolink Stations.

Transfers San Bernardino Line.

Now Approach Jersey Blvd.

Now Approach Arrow Route.

Now Approach Foothill Blouvard (Historic RT 66).

Transfers To Route 66, 85.

Stop Requested! It Possible Please Use Rear Exit Door.

Now Approach Masi Drive.

Now Approach Day Creek Bl (Last Bus Stop Layover).

For more infomation >> OmniTrans Local Line 82 Rancho Cucamonga-Victoria Gardens Mall - Duration: 11:38.


Not Caving Under Pressure! - Duration: 21:19.

For more infomation >> Not Caving Under Pressure! - Duration: 21:19.


Extreme Go Karting race..❤️ - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> Extreme Go Karting race..❤️ - Duration: 6:21.


Gorger Parents Fight Back - Duration: 42:35.

For more infomation >> Gorger Parents Fight Back - Duration: 42:35.


Kozzie TV - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Kozzie TV - Duration: 0:22.


একদম ফ্রিতে যত খুশি ফ্রিতে md নিয়ে নিয়ে নিন, টাকা পয়সা লাগবেনা। Unlimited free mb recharge.TR towhid - Duration: 5:20.

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