Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 29 2018

you are also in trouble creating a weekly menu and you want to find a method

quick and easy to plan lunch and dinner for every day of the

week? maybe to avoid eating, turn around, always the same things?

hello I'm Letizia, creative of the channel Live with Letizia where you can find

many creative recycling projects do it yourself and tricks for home to me

I really like cooking but I always have little time available to plan a

weekly menu so very often me happen to have to decide the day for

what to cook for lunch and dinner. but one of the main problems is when i

foods that have to cook are still in freezer because I forgot

to defrost them. I have in the last few months elaborated and tested my own menu creations

personalized with which I can now organize myself to perfection and without

waste energy if you also want to get to work i

your menus quickly and easily especially various so you do not

find yourself eating always the same what's this

keep watching and if you like them tutorials like this I recommend you

subscribe now to my channel by clicking on sign up and also on

bell to not get lost none of the upcoming videos

to organize my creo menu weekly using my agenda

Of course, those of you who do not use an agenda or prefer to do otherwise

for example, you can report this table even on a sheet a little larger than

then stick to the refrigerator or to the kitchen wall. for my menu

I use to use these mark to create the table i

measured so that there were 2 mark on top of each other I created

the table dividing the page into four columns, in the first there are

every day of the week the second will serve for breakfast the

third for lunch and fourth for the dinner I also added a page

top that I stuck with washi tape and then I took another page that

I cut in half and I attached to the sides I have dedicated each column to one

particular category of foods


eggs and vegetables



on the right I left this half page for the list of the expenditure therefore for all the

foods that gradually and I have to hand remember to buy back and left

I left space for the column of the breakfast and for the food saver column

this will be a menu that I I will use it for a long time and there are no pages

that sometimes stick a lot and then they risk taking with them pieces of

paper to make it last longer plasticize with adhesive paper

transparent all the pages of mine create menu

now I can start placing all of them different ingredients in the bottom row

I place all the foods I have in it home, for example, in fish, cod

tuna ... before going shopping for the next week check

both in the pantry and in the refrigerator that in the freezer to see which

they are the foods I actually have still in the house of which I may not even remember

I use the upper columns of the my table creates menu to mark

of references and particular recipes every month maybe I buy a magazine of

kitchen where I find recipes that maybe I want to try

I have a special method for the classification for each recipe I have

created my cataloging that me it serves both to keep the various in order

magazines that to find the recipe on the relative number so I usually write to myself

the abbreviation that I have established for the name of the magazine, the year, the number of the

ie this magazine, and the number of page

in this case, for example, I know that if I want to make the chicken recipe with le

zucchini and mint I have to take eva kitchen have 7 number 9 page 55

I am very sure that with my crea personalized menu you will find

very well you too if you like them tutorials like this I remind you of

subscribe now my channel by going sign up that also on the bell for

do not miss out on any of the next ones video. how do you plan to organize the

your weekly breakfast menu lunch and dinner

you will use your agenda or a table to hang on the fridge at home?


For more infomation >> My crea-menu: how to organize the weekly menu - Duration: 5:10.





Así será el vecindario futurista que construirán en Moscú (VIDEO) - Duration: 1:18.

    El proyecto del vecindario Rubliovo-Arjánguelskoie, en el que la compañía trabaja junto con la rusa TPO Pride Architects, prevé la construcción de viviendas para 66 mil 500 residentes, así como de escuelas, centros médicos, infraestructura de transporte, distritos comerciales y otras edificaciones cívicas y culturales

 Además contará con 800 mil metros cuadrados de espacio de oficinas, en donde trabajarán la mitad de los residentes

  En 2020 comenzarán la construcción de la nueva línea del metro para conectar el nuevo vecindario con el sistema de transporte la capital

 "Trabajamos con equipos de especialistas en Rusia y Europa, desarrollamos el diseño con centro en las personas para la ciudad inteligente e interconectada que une a la gente no sólo a través de tecnología innovadora sino también a través de la organización del ámbito público", señaló en declaraciones a la revista Designboom Christos Passas, director de proyectos de Zaha Hadid Architects

For more infomation >> Así será el vecindario futurista que construirán en Moscú (VIDEO) - Duration: 1:18.


Unboxing AliExpress: Buying compatible screen for Lenovo TAB 4 - From China to Mexico - Duration: 1:11.

Tracking package order by the AliExpress app

LCD/touchscreen product published on AliExpress

Opening the package

Unpacking the tempered glass protector

Unpacking the LCD screen

Visual inspection of the screen

Display / touchscreen compatible with Lenovo tab 4 in good condition from China to Mexico by AliExpress.

For more infomation >> Unboxing AliExpress: Buying compatible screen for Lenovo TAB 4 - From China to Mexico - Duration: 1:11.


Syracuse City Ballet holds dress rehearsal for "The Nutcracker" - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Syracuse City Ballet holds dress rehearsal for "The Nutcracker" - Duration: 0:51.


【衝撃事実】ワイ耳掃除しない民、完全大勝利wwwwwwwwww - Duration: 2:38.

「耳掃除はしなくていい」はウソ?ホント? 正解は、(1)ホントです。 ■掃除 的でモノを耳に突っ込んではならない 耳掃除は、自分でやっても、人にしてもらって 気持ちの良いもの

そう思っている人も多いかもしれませんが、実は健康な人であれば、耳掃除は原則不 で、掃除目的で耳に何かを突っ込むことによって、かえって耳垢が奥へと押し込まれて耳 中を塞いでしまう(=耳垢塞栓:じこうそくせん)可能性があります

2017年1月、米耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会(AAO-HNSF)は、医師向けに 何らかの症状があって受診した耳垢塞栓患者に対する適切な診療手順を示す診療ガイドラ ンを作成し、公表しました

これと並行して、一般向けに、耳垢に関する基本的な情報と正しい管理方法などを解 する文書[注]も作成し、「とにかく耳にモノを突っ込むな!」と強力に注意喚起してい す

耳垢は、耳の穴の開口部から鼓膜までつながる外耳道を保護する役割を果たしており 完全に不要な老廃物ではありません。 耳垢が生じるのは外耳道の外側約3分の1の部 で、耳垢は外耳道の上皮の動きと、咀嚼(そしゃく)やあくびの際の顎の動きなどによっ 、開口部に向かって徐々に移動していきます

まーたワイが勝ってしまったのか 普通彼女に耳に舌入れて綺麗にしてもらうよ 5: >>4 きも… 耳かき商法に騙されるやつw 中間おすすめ記事 ピンセットで耳くそ引っぺがすのがやめられん 1 >>8 ご愁傷様やで…w ■耳垢が耳の中を塞いでしまうとトラブルに 湿っているタイプの耳垢(湿性耳垢)で っても、移動している間に乾いて、自然に耳の穴から外に落ちます

したがって、健康な状態であれば、耳掃除の必要は全くない、と同学会は強調します 掃除をするなら耳の外側を布で拭く程度にとどめ、耳の中にモノを入れるべきではないの す

しかし、耳垢の自然排出が妨げられた場合には、外耳道の中にたまってしまいます。 えば、補聴器の日常的な使用や、綿棒や耳かきなどを用いた掃除は、耳垢の蓄積を引き起 します

専門医が診察した際に、鼓膜近くに詰まっている耳垢が見つかれば、綿棒などで誤って押 込んだものと見なされます。 耳垢が本来あるべき場所より奥に押し込まれると、自浄 用が働かないため、さまざまな症状が現れる可能性があります

医者が稼ぐために嘘バラ撒いとるだけやんけ こんなんに騙されるとかどんな知能 数しとんねん 3 >>10 ブーメラン刺さってるぞ 病院なんてもう5年ぐ い行っとらんわ 風邪も自然治癒でなんとかなる 1 うっわイッチ耳くそ見えと で これ信じて数カ月やらなかったら酷い目にあったで 1 >>12 ワイは う2年耳掃除やっとらんけど全く問題ないで カサカサ音も愛着湧いたわ 37: >>18 きったね 1 気持ちいいからするんやで 耳かきせんかったワイは いことになったぞ 1 体質による ワイも耳掃除せんけど耳詰まって聞こえなく るたびに耳鼻科行ってジオクチルソジウムスルホサクシネート処方されてるわ 中耳炎 ったことあるやつは気を付けたほうがええで もう耳かきが癖になってもうてるからや られん ポロっと落ちてくるのもなんか気持ちいいで かさぶたが取れるのを待つの 似たようなもんや 6 >>20 たまに耳かきで取れないのにほじった後落ちて る大物あるよな 2 うちのガキ耳垢たまりすぎてエライことになってたわ 頻繁 掃除する必要はないにしても、穴塞ぐほどたまってたらキレイにすべきやろ しないと らかに聞こえ悪いやん 2 >>22 生活に支障ないぞ 2 耳の中に水注 して汚れとる動画すこ 2 ちなみに前回の勝利は顔を洗わないや これもワイの 面で実証済みや 45: >>24 不潔 クソ気持ちいんだよなあ耳かき んかいも外耳炎なってる 2 病院で耳垢取る治療やったけど痛過ぎて涙出たわ やアレ 3 >>26 一回で全部やろうとする所とクソ遺体から何回かに分ける があるね 自分でやるのこわいからしばらくやってないわ 綿棒以外怖くて使えない 汚いじゃん 5 掃除しなかったらゴミ詰まって聞こえなくなるぞ 6 一般 はしなくていいわ貯まるやつは咀嚼が足りないガムでも噛めば自然と出てくる 耳鼻科 前の人がたくさんゴミが溜まってますねー言われてたな 自分でせずに耳鼻科でやって えばいいんだろうけどめっちゃ混んでるわ 10 カナル型イヤホンよく使うからど しても掃除してしまうわ 一応気にして細い綿棒使っとるけど 耳かきはあれ気持ち いけど体に悪いのは実感できるわ やっぱ綿棒やね 引用元:おすすめ記事1001  厳選記事 2020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:newsmatomem ry【衝撃的】に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww

For more infomation >> 【衝撃事実】ワイ耳掃除しない民、完全大勝利wwwwwwwwww - Duration: 2:38.


WhatsApp new font edit | Simple trick | Explained with CC - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> WhatsApp new font edit | Simple trick | Explained with CC - Duration: 3:32.


ดูดวงปี2562 ราศีตุลย์ | VZMART - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> ดูดวงปี2562 ราศีตุลย์ | VZMART - Duration: 10:06.


Review of 2.0 Movie | 2.0 Movie Public Review Hindi | 2.0 Full Movie 2.0 Review | Rajinikanth - Duration: 2:27.

2.0 review

2.0 movie review

2.0 full movie

2.0 review

For more infomation >> Review of 2.0 Movie | 2.0 Movie Public Review Hindi | 2.0 Full Movie 2.0 Review | Rajinikanth - Duration: 2:27.


Vitus Merwee | Flow with the changes | CGI project 2018 - Duration: 3:19.

Culd not rest, u took a big part in my head,

Imma comfort pretty soon an another man,

Turn around little bit, other eyes touchin it

Who is gonna complain now?

Im leaving while u flow with the change

its time to realize

Im still here but im no longer buying your lies

, im moving out

For more infomation >> Vitus Merwee | Flow with the changes | CGI project 2018 - Duration: 3:19.


Mash Daal Cream For Spotless & Fairer Skin/Skin Whitening Glowing Skin With White Lentils Cream Rani - Duration: 6:49.

Please Subscribe Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Mash Daal Cream For Spotless & Fairer Skin/Skin Whitening Glowing Skin With White Lentils Cream Rani - Duration: 6:49.


My crea-menu: how to organize the weekly menu - Duration: 5:10.

you are also in trouble creating a weekly menu and you want to find a method

quick and easy to plan lunch and dinner for every day of the

week? maybe to avoid eating, turn around, always the same things?

hello I'm Letizia, creative of the channel Live with Letizia where you can find

many creative recycling projects do it yourself and tricks for home to me

I really like cooking but I always have little time available to plan a

weekly menu so very often me happen to have to decide the day for

what to cook for lunch and dinner. but one of the main problems is when i

foods that have to cook are still in freezer because I forgot

to defrost them. I have in the last few months elaborated and tested my own menu creations

personalized with which I can now organize myself to perfection and without

waste energy if you also want to get to work i

your menus quickly and easily especially various so you do not

find yourself eating always the same what's this

keep watching and if you like them tutorials like this I recommend you

subscribe now to my channel by clicking on sign up and also on

bell to not get lost none of the upcoming videos

to organize my creo menu weekly using my agenda

Of course, those of you who do not use an agenda or prefer to do otherwise

for example, you can report this table even on a sheet a little larger than

then stick to the refrigerator or to the kitchen wall. for my menu

I use to use these mark to create the table i

measured so that there were 2 mark on top of each other I created

the table dividing the page into four columns, in the first there are

every day of the week the second will serve for breakfast the

third for lunch and fourth for the dinner I also added a page

top that I stuck with washi tape and then I took another page that

I cut in half and I attached to the sides I have dedicated each column to one

particular category of foods


eggs and vegetables



on the right I left this half page for the list of the expenditure therefore for all the

foods that gradually and I have to hand remember to buy back and left

I left space for the column of the breakfast and for the food saver column

this will be a menu that I I will use it for a long time and there are no pages

that sometimes stick a lot and then they risk taking with them pieces of

paper to make it last longer plasticize with adhesive paper

transparent all the pages of mine create menu

now I can start placing all of them different ingredients in the bottom row

I place all the foods I have in it home, for example, in fish, cod

tuna ... before going shopping for the next week check

both in the pantry and in the refrigerator that in the freezer to see which

they are the foods I actually have still in the house of which I may not even remember

I use the upper columns of the my table creates menu to mark

of references and particular recipes every month maybe I buy a magazine of

kitchen where I find recipes that maybe I want to try

I have a special method for the classification for each recipe I have

created my cataloging that me it serves both to keep the various in order

magazines that to find the recipe on the relative number so I usually write to myself

the abbreviation that I have established for the name of the magazine, the year, the number of the

ie this magazine, and the number of page

in this case, for example, I know that if I want to make the chicken recipe with le

zucchini and mint I have to take eva kitchen have 7 number 9 page 55

I am very sure that with my crea personalized menu you will find

very well you too if you like them tutorials like this I remind you of

subscribe now my channel by going sign up that also on the bell for

do not miss out on any of the next ones video. how do you plan to organize the

your weekly breakfast menu lunch and dinner

you will use your agenda or a table to hang on the fridge at home?


For more infomation >> My crea-menu: how to organize the weekly menu - Duration: 5:10.


ネット麻雀界代表・朝倉康心、Mリーグでも頂点で両親に恩返し/麻雀・Mリーグ - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> ネット麻雀界代表・朝倉康心、Mリーグでも頂点で両親に恩返し/麻雀・Mリーグ - Duration: 3:32.


English for Beginners: APOSTROPHES for missing letters & contractions - Duration: 17:00.


A license to print money.

[Laughs] I wish.

Hey, E. How ya doin'?

Hi. James from engVid.

I was reading an interesting book on making money, but I noticed E's up to something.

He's praying...

He's playing detective, as you can see - Sherlock E. And I want to know: What's he up to?

And he says: "How you doin'?"

And I noticed that he's looking at this strange thing, it's called an "apostrophe".

Why don't we find out what he's doing, and what is the case of the missing letters?

And before I even go there, I would like to say: Thank you to Francisco from Paraguay-yay!-for

this brilliant shirt.

Thank you.

And Paraguay, thank you for watching.


Anyway, let's go to the case for the missing letters.

We're going to talk about apostrophes.

Now, apostrophes are part of our...

Well, we have...


Periods, question marks, exclamation marks - these are all markings we put in our language

to tell us that something is interesting about that sentence or something is missing in the


In this particular case, we're talking about the apostrophe.

There are a couple of other things it's used for, but right now I wanted to talk about

missing letters.

You know?

Like: "Has anybody seen my letter?

My letter 'g' - it's missing since this morning at 9am."

You go: "What are you talking about?"

Well, let's start here.

Missing letters.

Sometimes at the end of a present continuous verb...

And, you know, verbs are: "run", "do", "go", "stop".


And the continuous form would be: "running", "doing", "going", "stopping".


The letter "g" is dropped.

Now, this isn't necessarily in writing; it's in spoken English, so I want to make sure

you understand that.

You may see it in, you know, like songs' lyrics or modern works of literature, you know, or

in conversation when they're writing, you know, paragraphs, like: "What are you doin',


But it's not supposed to be written in formal language.

So, if you're doing an essay or a government document, please do not use these forms that

I'm about to teach you.


Understand them when you read them and when someone is speaking, and you can understand

why they're saying: "What are you doin'?"

instead of "doing".

That it's the same word, same meaning, but just a different pronunciation.


And this is what we said here, right?

The "g" is dropped, causing a change in the pronunciation.

The meaning of the verb, however, stays the same.

I can say: "How are you doing?" and "How you doin'?"

Same word, same meaning, different pronunciation.


We call it colloquial usage.

Here are some examples.

"Are you goin' to the party?

Are you going to the party?

Are you goin' to the party?"


There you go.

The dropping the "g" is shown by the apostrophe.

And sometimes when you read a comic book, or a book, or a novel, you know, a romance

novel, and they're saying: "He's goin' to help us."

That's what this is.

So you don't have to go: "What is this new word in English I've never seen before?"

"What is she sayin'?

What is she sayin'?"

Instead of: "What is she saying?

What is she saying?" where our tongue drops to the bottom of our mouth.

"What is she saying?

Saying", tongue down here.

"Sayin'", tongue goes to the top of the mouth.

"n" sound is at the top; "ing" sound is at the bottom.

"He is doin' it for you."


"He is doin' it now for you.

He is doin' it".

I have a hard time saying these things.


This is...

So, it's not in my language.

It's not in my vernacular.

Not in my vocabulary, so for me to say it, I actually have to think about it.

So I really do when you understand when you have a problem with it.


So: "He is doin' it now for you."

And to be honest, this is not even right.

This is an incorrect sentence.

Nobody who would say this would say "for you".

He would say: "He is doin' now for ya.

He's doin' it now for ya, and that's how it's going to go."

So, if you don't like it, I'm like: I'm sorry, but this is how you would normally speak with


This kind of contraction will lead to this kind of English, and "ya" means "you", and

that's why I have a hard time saying it, because this is proper English, and then we've got

more of a slangy English, and our brains don't work that way.

You either have to do the full thing, or none of it.


So, we've addressed that.


And any of you who watch Friends, now you understand Joey Tribbiani: "How you doin'?"

Now you know what he's saying.

"How are you doing?"

Now, this is the first part.

The idea I wanted you to understand was that the apostrophe indicates there's something


There's some information that is not there, and it's saying: "We understand that, and

we're letting you know this is the case."

All right?

We go a little bit further from just, you know, grammar/slang kind of speech to a contraction

that is actually used in written English on a regular basis, but it's not just there are

missing letters; there's another element to it.

So, let's take a look.


In a contraction, there are two words joined together - and that's the missing element.

So it's not just letters are missing, as in this case, the "g" is missing; but they are

actually taking two letters and putting it together, like a cake.

You have eggs, you have water, you have flour - when you contract them, you make a cake.

They no longer exist as separate things; they are now a new thing.

In a contraction, there are two words joined together and the word is also missing some


So there's...

There are two things we're looking at.

Examples of this are: "Aren't you hot in that sweater?"

The first thing you'll go is: "Hey, James, I noticed there's a missing letter."

And I go: "Yeah, there is", but do you notice the two words are together?

And this time it's not a "g" because it's not a present continuous verb.


It's the verb "to be" plus the negation.

All right?

"Negation" meaning negative or "not".

And we can see, here, it's: "Are not".

So I can say...


You'd probably say it: "Are you not hot in that sweater?"

And because we don't want to speak like that because it takes much more brain power, we

say: "Aren't you hot in that sweater?"


Next: "I'd like some coffee, please."

Here we can see the "I" is there-that is a word-and "would" gets contracted all the way

down just to the letter "d", so it's telling us almost most of the word is not here; it's

just the letter "d".

"I'd like some coffee, please."

Or you could say: "I would like some coffee, please."



Next contraction: "They've gone home now."


"They've gone home now", which is really: "They have gone home now."

All right?

So, we're using a present perfect form, but we've contracted it into one word, as opposed

to two words, and: "They've".


Even changed the way we said it.

Instead of: "They have", it becomes: "They've".


And finally our final example for here is: "We'll be back later."

Now: "We'll" is "We will".

And sometimes I know it's difficult for students to pronounce this, because they're like: "We'ill,

we'ill", because they try to say both words.

In all of these cases, do not try to say both words.

The new contraction takes on a life of its own, has its own sound, but keeps the same

meaning as the two separate words.

So, you might say: "James, okay, thanks for explaining all of this.

But why do you people do this?"

Well, to be quite honest with you, we say these words all the time - 50, 100 times a


And really: "I would like a cup of coffee, please.

We'll be sitting...

We will be sitting at the table over there."


So, what's the next one?

"Are you not going to bring it over at this moment?"

Takes way too long.

And just like in every language in the universe, once something is said very regularly, we

find a shortcut or an easier way of saying it while maintaining the meaning, making it

easier to come out of our mouths and to be easily...

Much more easily understood by the person we're speaking to.


So, that's why the contractions.

So, if you're going: "Why 'We will'?"

Because: "We will", just say it.

"We will.

We will."

Just: "We'll".

Much easier to say; meaning is maintained.


All right.

So, I've given you some examples, and Mr. E, have I helped you with the case of missing


"Yes, you have, James."

He spoke.

[Laughs] Yeah, I thought so.

Yes, we do try.

So, you know what?

Let's go to the board, because of course, we should actually see how well you understand

the lesson.

Are you ready?


Okay, and we are back.

Once again, Francisco, thank you very much; love my new threads.

"Threads" means clothing in this case.

So, I've got usually...

As usual, I have a little bit of extra stuff for you, like some, you know, masala, some

seasoning and flavours.

Then we'll have our homework and we'll have our little quiz before we go...

Well, before I have to go.

So, I just want to mention with apostrophes, I'm just giving a simple lesson on the missing

letters - when you see an apostrophe that sometimes indicates a missing letter, but

it also has another function, which is to talk about possession, and "possession" means

it belongs to someone.

For example: "This marker belongs to me.

Its mine."

All right?

We have a lesson on engVid, I'd like you to go check it out, on possession and apostrophes.

All right?

But that's another time.

But, here, here's something.

For an example: "St. James's Park".

Not: "St. James Park", "St. James's Park".

For all you grammar nerds, check it out.

And, yeah, there's going to be a link to why it says "James's" with two s'.

Go check that video out.

All right?

Anyway, I want to go and do our little quiz, here, before I go on any further.

Let's just check how much you've learned.

We talked about contractions.

I gave you several examples.

I don't want to do the ones with the missing "g" because I think I said it to you...

You'll hear it in songs, you'll see it in, you know, like writing in books or comic books

or something like that, but it's not something you should make a formal writing of or put

down on paper, but you should understand when someone says: "I ain't saying it's true",

it's different than: "I'm not saying it's true."

In "sayin'", the tongue goes up to the roof of the mouth; and "saying", the tongue goes


I think that was enough on that.

But I do think you should recognize these contractions because informal English...

Informal written English, you will find that it is written down a lot.

And you should understand it or be able to recognize it.

So, I'll give you an example, here: "I will have fries with my burger."

Now: "I will have fries with my burger."

What would be the contraction, here?



"I'll have fries with my burger."

If you want to get the proper pronunciation for "I'll", here's what you do: Think of the

word "eye" and then "ll".

So, you go...

Say the word "eye" in your mind: "I", put your tongue to the top of your mouth: "ll",

you'll go: "I'll.


And that pronunciation is, like, native speaker.

"I'll go to the movies.

I'll do it."


All right.

Let's look at number two.

"Where have you been all day?

Where have you been all day?"

What would be the contraction for this particular sentence?

Yes: "Where've, where've".

"Where've you been?

Where've you been?"


"Where've you been all day?"


All right, not bad.

The next one: "I told her if she walked she would be late.

I told her if she walked she would be late."

What would be the contraction on that one?

Yeah, good, good, good, good, good.

It's: "she'd".

Now, in pronouncing this one, think of the "e" as a very long e: "sheeee'd.

She'd be late".



Not bad.

That's "she would be late".

Number four: "Those are not my shoes.

Those are not my shoes."

How do we say this one?


"aren't, aren't".

And the pronunciation for this one was: Think of the letter "r" and just say "r", "r-nt".


So, "r-nt" and that'll be the correct pronunciation.

So, try not to say: "aren't"; just: "Those r-nt my shoes".

And then what's the last one?

It's a difficult one; I've used two.

Let's see what you can do.

All right?

"I do not know if I would help him."

That's a tiger; if you get the question wrong, it'll eat you.

"I do not know if I would help him.

I do not know if I would help him."

So, we've got two contractions and I've already given you two examples.

Figure out what this sentence should be, while I figure out to put a period at the end of

my sentences.


"I don't know if I'd help him."

Now, when you say: "don't" it's not a "don't"...

How do I say this?

People will say things, like: "dun't.

I dun't know".

You have to say this "o" as in the long "o".



"I don't know."

That'll make it like a native speaker, instead of: "I dun't know".

We don't say: "I dun't".


So: "I don't know if I'd help him."

Well, guys, that's pretty good.

I hope you enjoyed the quiz.

I do have homework.

I hear you groaning or making noises.

Homework's good for you; it's like building muscle.

You work out regularly, you get stronger and healthy.

And if you do it, you know, on a consistent, on a regular basis, you will get stronger


It'll make you feel good.

So, this homework is really fun because...

[Laughs] I want you to watch the video again.

I know, sorry.

"James, you speak so fast and you want me to do this twice?"

I'm like: Yeah.

But this time it'll be easier because you've already gone through the pain of listening

to me one time.

But go through the video, re-watch the video and count how many times I used the contracted


See if you can pick out when I said: "We've", "I'll", and from all the examples, count them.

By doing that-in case you're wondering: Why am I asking you to do that-I'm asking you

to learn how to focus on the sounds that I'm giving you...

Giving you the examples so you can start picking them out in other forms of English or other

examples of English.


There's a method to my madness.

Anyway, listen, I got to go, so I'd like you to subscribe.

There's a button somewhere around here.

Do what you have to; swipe, press, push.


When you see that "Subscribe" button, press it - there should be a bell, please hit the


That's important for you because that means, if you like this video and what I do, you

hit that bell and anything I do that's new will come directly to you on your laptop,

your cellphone, your computer, what have you.

You know?

Anyway, please do so.

Don't forget to go to www eng...

Oh, sorry.

Dot, eng as in English, vid as in video ( and do the quiz, because this is just a junior

version of the monster that waits for you.

All right?

Anyway, have a great day and I'll see you soon.

And as always, thank you very much for sharing your time and sharing with friends.


For more infomation >> English for Beginners: APOSTROPHES for missing letters & contractions - Duration: 17:00.


[Vietsub-bật CC] Clean Bandit | Playboy Style | Charli XCX & Bhad Bhabie - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> [Vietsub-bật CC] Clean Bandit | Playboy Style | Charli XCX & Bhad Bhabie - Duration: 3:41.


Lorrie Morgan - What I Got In Mind (1980)(most of song) - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Lorrie Morgan - What I Got In Mind (1980)(most of song) - Duration: 2:07.


Susan Raye - You Got The Gift / By His Word / I'll Fly Away (Gospel Country) (1983) - Duration: 13:38.

For more infomation >> Susan Raye - You Got The Gift / By His Word / I'll Fly Away (Gospel Country) (1983) - Duration: 13:38.


Barbi Benton - When I'm Singing In My Car (Hee Haw)(1980) - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Barbi Benton - When I'm Singing In My Car (Hee Haw)(1980) - Duration: 2:32.


Body found Tuesday in Lumberton identified as Hania Aguilar - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Body found Tuesday in Lumberton identified as Hania Aguilar - Duration: 2:27.


Israelis: What Hebrew word should people learn? - Duration: 9:09.

One sentence that is important to teach a tourist, what is it?

Maor Jerusalem

Don't be a sucker רייארפ היהת לא

What was the phrase you said?

"balagan" ןגאלב (chaos)

What is "balagan"? explain


It's like disorder

Do you know how to say it in English?

A mess

What is the big mess here?

Where? In Israel?

Why Balagan?


It's a great word

A tourist comes here or a new immigrant like me

what is the best first phrase or what should he be taught?

Mandy Tel Aviv

To survive here in Israel

Good morning בוט רקוב

How much does it cost? ?הלוע הז המכ

Lower, lower דירות, דירות

Lower the price ריחמה תא דירות


If a tourist comes here

he needs to learn a word or phrase in Hebrew

what should he learn?

Eli Beer Sheva

What would be useful or fun?

Hello םולש

If someone comes to visit

Amer (Muslim Bedouin) Rahat

what word in either Hebrew or Arabic

that they should learn?

Learn Hebrew or Arabic?

No, I mean a word

For example, people said



or a word in Hebrew...

What would you...

Hello, How are you ?ךמולש המ ,םולש

those sorts of things

How are you?

How are you? (in Arabic and Hebrew)

Do you have another word?

Either in Hebrew or Arabic it doesn't matter

How are you? (in Arabic)

Hilli Tel Aviv

If you have to teach a word or phrase to a tourist

what would it be?

Sababa (great) הבבס

What does Sababa mean?

Sababa means 'good', 'okay' 'under control'

it can mean a lot

It is a common word that everyone uses

which in my view is the most Israeli word

which is not originally an Israeli word which is funny

it is not a Hebrew word

Right, we say sababa a lot?

It is a word that comes from Arabic

Arabic, yes

I think it is the most important word to know

Great - Great

Someone coming from outside Israel

Hanita Holon

What are some hand signals that are Israeli?

Such as...

That everyone does What about this?

What does that mean?

"Hold on"


"Go that way"

No, more special ones like...

You asked if a tourist comes and asks

where is this? - Ok, you're right


What is this?

(a 3 year old rode his bike into me)

"What do you want?"

It means "what do you want?" but

I don't know if you do it in English

Do it again

It is totally Israeli

or Middle Eastern

Liam Beer Sheva

"Yalla" הללאי

A tourist needs to learn one phrase in Hebrew

what would it be?

Lireen Holon

I don't know

I think a word: sababa

Good? - Good

A tourist comes here what phrase

should he learn?

Naor Kibbutz Hulda

A phrase

I can't think of anything

Can you think of anything?


You need to teach him something

Something? "Don't be a sucker" (don't let people take advantage of you)

No, something to say in Hebrew - No, that is a good one

"Don't be a sucker" רייארפ היהת לא

Because there is a tendency not only here, around the world

to take advantage of tourists

for money

To take advantage of - Yes

I say to always have the driver in a taxi turn on the meter

Yes, to turn on the meter but even there they can twist it

You can teach them to say what is the real price

They will give them a price

but there is a real price and a price for tourists

So it seems that Israelis cheat tourists

Actually, not really

Not only Israelis

We welcome them well

That is something that happens also to us when we travel outside

You always hear that for tourists the price is higher

taxis, other things

We only complained

No, I say this for their benefit

That's the way it goes

Have fun, that is what is most important

Someone comes from outside Israel

you have to teach him a phrase in Hebrew what is the best one?

Tel Aviv

What is the best thing to teach someone from outside?


Maybe I would speak to him about

the basics, how to say "hello"

"how are you?"

or words that are more

day to day like

"amazing", "great" הבבס ,הלחא

words from the Israeli culture

Yes, to speak to him about words

words with Jewish significance

Such as?

As an example

If he goes to Jerusalem, I would speak to him about

words connected to prayer

"Amen" is a global word

Maybe he wil hear "Blessed are you Lord"

to give him phrases or words

that are really part of the culture

Anything to add?

I don't know, a sentence...

A word?


Something fun?

Something fun I would teach him

"kal" (easy) לק

Easy? - Why "easy"?

Easy, is an answer to a lot of questions

and fun to say

Give an example

I have a cousin


who was at my brother's place

my brother has 2 children

and he taught them the word "kif"

Like "give me five"

Yes, kif

So that is a word that is good for kids

But there is also a version for adults


Like, all good

Like "How are you?" (in Arabic)

No - I don't understand

I dont' know these

I am an old man

What is "kif"?

She will explain it

It's like...


It is like saying "great" to a person

Does it come from Arabic?

I guess that "kif" like "sababa" and "achla" come from Arabic

but the connotation of "give kif" (give me five)

That's different

and it has the connotation of

you ask him a question

and then you tell him "kif?"


that's it

I don't know how to describe

Figure of speech

For more infomation >> Israelis: What Hebrew word should people learn? - Duration: 9:09.


OMG Moment: A Fourth Lyon Son | Season 5 Ep. 8 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> OMG Moment: A Fourth Lyon Son | Season 5 Ep. 8 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:24.


Sneak Peek: Kingsley Ain't No Lyon | Season 5 Ep. 9 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Sneak Peek: Kingsley Ain't No Lyon | Season 5 Ep. 9 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:29.


真心占卜:内心喜欢的那个人,对你是什么感觉?怎么想的? - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> 真心占卜:内心喜欢的那个人,对你是什么感觉?怎么想的? - Duration: 7:44.





The 1 Bitcoin Show- ETF patience, Government attacks, Coinbase, Steemit, Trezor - Duration: 21:31.

Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the one bitcoin show today is November the 28th 2018 strong hand value

your wealth in Bitcoin long term thinking I'm confiscating all I'm not

going anywhere this game is not rigged it's Bitcoin ok people check out the

links below everything I talk about in this video is linked to below get your

t-shirts your treasurer affiliate links also below cryptocurrency addresses

disrupt meister comm so let's start off with Andreas Antonopoulos video that I

finally watched today and it's a it's a it's a learning experience to say the

least look at this shadow Abraham Lincoln

right there again Wow alright so it's called well governments

let privacy coins exist and some of the points that I took away and again it's

linked to below so watch the whole thing at 1.5 X speed it's real fast he pointed

out that eagled it lasted longer then Bitcoin has been

around for I did not know that that e gold was around for 10 years over ten

years well his point in bringing that up is

that is if the government allowed Eagle to just last for that long

thank then it seems pretty obvious they haven't really tried to poke at Bitcoin

yet that it if they can let something like that lasts for ten years and maybe

they can let something like this lasts for ten years before they attack it so

there are a lot of people out there that are I think the government is going to

really tighten the screws on Bitcoin in some major way when

these days and I guess andreas is one of those guys the point if you look at the

e-gold situation it seems like he could be right there but he also points out

that it attacks by any government whether it be the United States

government the Russian government Chinese government they'll just force

Bitcoin to evolve and when you evolve under harsh conditions like that it's

only gonna make you stronger I'm not the kite timeit type of guy though to worry

about who wins the government attack going to come how bad is it going to be

how will it manifest what will it look like if it happens it happens I'm fully

confident that Bitcoin will evolve and be able to defeat such an attempt and

we're gonna actually talk about not that big of an attempt by but an attempt by

the United States government to blacklist Bitcoin addresses in a second

that's a story that I have down below and another thing that you know this

this video was supposed to be about the one in the and res video was supposed to

be about privacy anonymous coins I guess what the government celeb privacy coins

exist and he he pointed out that you can do all that coin mixing stuff with your

coins at but if you got your Bitcoin from coinbase you can do all the mixing

in the world of your coins the government still knows that you bought

Bitcoin so if you end up with some big giant house or car in the United States

and you haven't been paying taxes let's say they're going to know you got it

from Vic I mean they're going to know you could have mixed those bitcoins up

in all the most technologically advanced ways but the mistake was made at the

beginning when you bought it from coin base so again if you're not doing

anything illegal and you bought it from coin base you really have nothing

nothing to be concerned about but if you are so

in that realm the gray market the black market whatever you want to say and you

got it from coinbase and then you think you're gonna mix it all up and they're

not gonna be able to figure it out what you've done there they're gonna figure

out what you've done but hey I am a legal dude here I follow the I follow

the laws of the United States of America etc etc we won't get into all this other

you know for the people out there that do that other stuff anyway pound that

like button how about that watch the andreas video it's better than my

explanation that I just gave out there Chris burn burn in ski he has a tweet

out there 2018 has clearly been an echo of 2014 the question now becomes will

2019 be the new 2015 it very well could be it very well could be hey if you have

a strong hand you're ready for it though well and maybe well maybe made it'd be a

little different I'm just happy to be alive in 29 I'm

looking forward to seeing it it's one day closer to 2020 I'll see this going

back to the previous subject matter that I just brought up you know if you do end

up on some type of government dot list for some reason they don't like what

you've done if you are in the Bitcoin realm and you do control your own

private key you can just leave the country and never come back again how

about that how about that for a solution there because it is uncomfortable is it

on it's not it is trackable though okay it is it is trackable these are two

different two different types of things but since it son confiscate able and if

you feel like the living conditions and whatever country you're in are not

you're not very comfortable you can go to a new country with your entire with

your entire fortune with your wealth value your wealth and Bitcoin okay

follow me a tech Balt tch be alt on Twitter Tech ball comm see all the old

this week in Bitcoin shows this week in Bitcoin is Friday this Friday 3 p.m.

Eastern Time it's gonna be a rockin one

I talked about it on yesterday's show check out all the my old shows link to

below at disco Meister calm so here's what I was talking about before this is

from Treasury gov Treasury designates Iran based financial facilitators of

malicious cyber activity and for the first time identifies associated digital

currency addresses so they're really happy that that they've listed two

Bitcoin addresses that are that you better not send Bitcoin to hey it just

shows you that if they Bitcoin is pretty darn big and important if they are now

blacklisting bitcoin Andrew I think it's bullish for Bitcoin if you really wanna

you know being an illegal actor out there I don't think this is going to

stop you the United States government has I mean there's nothing exchanges

have blacklisted uh you know etherium addresses involved in hacks before so

again this is all tracked trackable stuff you can clean you can get around

that you can get around it uh you know you don't have to send your you don't

have to you can create a new Bitcoin address you don't have to send your

Bitcoin through exchanges you can just trade it with other bad actors out there

anyway III think maybe some people are gonna blow that story out of proportion

I see it as just another part of the evolution of Bitcoin and it's a adoption

whether for good or bad um let's see yes a new show is here every day I post a

new show every day what is next okay let me scroll down my little note section

here it says the value of your wealth in Bitcoin I think I've already said that

and all right here this tweet from taured Tour de Meester based on my

sources I'm currently not seeing a bitcoin ETF before 2020 okay hey man I

tell people it's going to happen eventually so yeah don't get your hopes

up for December or February or whatever just you put it in the back of your head

that it's going to happen eventually so why not get your Bitcoin before it

happens now Robert gross he's a dude who leaves

comments on my uh under my video is in under yesterday's video link to below he

left a comment that deals with the Bitcoin ETF and I thought it was a

really good comments I wouldn't read the entire thing to you I can't see an ETF

approved before price discovery is determined by a regulating exchange like

that even the CMA and CBOE have had regulatory drama because their reference

prices were determined by exchanges which were not meeting the SEC standards

for transparency I had a thought last January that Bitcoin may not really moon

until the right people are holding basically 20 percenters and Wall Street

need to be the majority rather than Joe Sixpack

it wouldn't surprise me at back and custodial solutions were needed for

institutional entry before the fire is lit under the SEC for ETF approval it

specific specifically to get institutions in first maybe a bit

conspiratorial but it's kind of the same model with private equity being

restricted to qualified investors under the guise of protecting the public so

yeah Bitcoin ETF not approved until after a back is in there until they're

better custodial solutions I don't think that's conspiratorial at all and debate

if you follow Robert's logic all these institutions are going to get

and these bigger exchanges are gonna become players and then and only then

will a Bitcoin ETF happen and then there'll be another pump and you'll miss

out on it it'll be the institutions that will get rich or at least that's what

you'll say because you missed out on it so you don't have to worry about all

that that entire scenario playing out if you already have a strong hand and you

already have Bitcoin and you're holding little tight to it so let's go to the

coin base news of the day I got an email from coinbase it says welcome to the

family 0x bat and USD coin check them out and you

click on check them out and it takes you right to coin base and now you can you

can just be a regular coin based person and you can buy those three other coins

also 0x bat and USD coin before you can only buy them if you are a traitor on

coin base but now you just have a regular coin base account you can buy

that stuff also so yeah they are really promoting this heavily they really

they're not Bitcoin centric we've been free we've been around this almost topic

numerous other times and this new people so many new people in the crypto they go

to corn-based right away so they're gonna see these other coins and have no

idea what they are though they're cheaper to Bitcoin and they're gonna buy

them so I guess good for those coins that they got into a situation where

they can just get naive people to buy them but hey man as personal

responsibility is a new counterculture people shouldn't be naive if they're

buying something called zero X they should really know what the heck they're

getting into before they try to diversify which coin base is really

encouraging they're really encouraging diversification for the sake of

diversification they have the bundling option I just wanted to give you that

update I mean they they send you the email telling you about to get excited

about 0x and bat pal that like button for Bitcoin all right so the treasurer

dudes also sent out an email saying that they're

more phishing scams and they link to this article that they published I'd

link to it below phishing attacks used to steal your coins recommended reading

you should read it oh okay a few of you yesterday thought my eye doctor story

was pretty funny that I had a high a hot high I had a hot female eye doctor

looking at my eyes yesterday well I link to her profile below at the

Levin eye group in here in the Baltimore area you want to see what she looks like

that's kind of a beyond Bitcoin show topic but hey whatever if people asked

so she's linked to below and you can see if she was a good I hope she's a good

eye doctor I asked her some serious questions about my eyes I thought she

was a good idea Adam this was left in the chat yesterday Adam how about

inviting Murad Mahmoud of great Bitcoin talk yeah he is great dude and he's

already been only this week own show to other times October the fifth he was on

and October this an August the third he was on him when I had him on August the

third not many people knew who he was back then he's he's built himself up a

lot since then he is a very nice guy and he will be back on the show one of these

days check out tech vault comm to watch those two shows that he was on October

5th and the August 3rd this week in Bitcoin shows and finally again I

mentioned the be rhodium thing yesterday and again I did notice in the chat

people were like why are you gonna chill you are you shilling some up coin some

scam - I wasn't chilly I mean when you say like the name of an altcoin a people

don't look they do only hear that word and then they're like you're shilling it

and they're like how much did Andy Hoffman pay you see Andy Hoffman pay me

to say be rhodium I was the one because I've been talking about crypto dividends

from the very beginning he wouldn't have even known for about be rolling if it

weren't for me he said that many time my point is is that yeah he's got a

new article about me rhodium linked to below if if you do care about that again

to make it clear for the people who have no listening comprehension I'm not

saying the buy it you don't buy something you get for free that's that's

one of Adams policies and one of Adam's pop and they just reminded me of a story

I totally skipped that I have to go up to and yeah don't buy something that you

get for free that's my policy at least I'm getting it for I got it for free I

want to know how to convert it to Bitcoin

I'd like crypto dividends I like productivity it over destruction I think

that's a normal thing hey mention mcdowell I think cents five dollars in

the super check to this the guy is a very generous man thank you mention Big

Town he says hey Adam I heard that SVD is the new Bitcoin what do you think

about that yeah actually vention um you obviously know that it's not but

still there are some people out there that uh they actually believe that there

are people who believe now how many people actually believe that I don't

know I think the only people buying SV most likely are very naive people who

believe that for some weird reason and mostly that billionaire Calvin guy but

uh you know I haven't obviously been very busy this past weekend I really

haven't heard that much about SV lately um it seems like just the whole beat

cache thing is going down the toilet and probably and again there's to be caches

now I mean actually do there's be cash and there's bsv they're two different

things but bsv was a crypto dividend be cash if you're a be cash holder yeah I

would sell your PSV to get yourself some more Bitcoin really I would sell your be

cash also gave you so what actually the be cashed thing I do believe that this

rocket man woo will be able to go public with bit mein and that will eventually

pump the price of B cash again but I mean this is this is I get don't go by

and be cash or anything like that but I do I think a lot of people wanted there

are some people out there that wanted to kind of like bsv to

like kind of poke at king of the trolls and Rocketman whoo and now I that's not

a reason that's not a good reason to like bsv because if you don't like

certain personalities like the personality personality behind bsv I

think I think it's pretty obvious it's a more of a negative influence on crypto

than those other two guys that you might be trying to trying to troll by liking

bsv and where is this demon thing well anyway I can't where's my notes about

steam it because there was a steam it steam it later I know it by heart or gay

steam it lay laid off I can't seem it laid off seventy percent of its

workforce and that's kind of it sounds pretty centralized there the whole art

of the other video with Ned in it I link to that video below this it's

unfortunate I mean will steam it go down the toilet and just disappear it sounds

it is very centralized maybe it's it's I mean I I really think there's a future

Envy in what they were trying to do you know getting getting in some crypto

because you posted on social media you made a video and if there's ever going

to be a competitor to YouTube it's gonna be have to be something like that that

really involves cryptocurrency and getting paid by cryptocurrency and you

know a lot of people are going to start screaming oh you're talking about

Stephen it's a scam it's a this is again I'm not telling you to buy steam and and

it's its own for we'll see what happens hey I didn't even know they had I think

I guess I did know they had a workforce at steam it I never really thought about

it that much nor cared that much so someone had to maintain that site I

guess you know when you hear that was it 70%

of 10 people how many people work over there anyway Ned sounded like depressed

in in the video go bear market dude if he was valuing his wealth and bitcoin

all along he would have beat down he wouldn't be down talking about bear

markets destroying his steam it or whatever

I met the dude in person in South Africa it was interesting guy

he's not that bad Larimer that's a that's a classic game the guy who goes

from project the fret he with Dan Larimar was on Steam it at one point

those are the days of tone days was like basically cursing Dan Larimer over steam

it and he actually predicted that he would leave steam it this there there

were some classic tone of it he's steam it debates in it 2016 oh the memories of

us of people who've been in this space for more than two years we're a rare

breed these days but we've got the strongest of hands so that's just a

reminder people all right that's that's the end of the show

I'm Adam my shirt if a claimant disrupt meister remember subscribe this channel

like this or share this video check out the links below found that like button

bang that dal bhat and get reminders when we go live in check out those

squares that show my old shows you should click on them if you haven't

watched those shows that are listed there by Abraham Lincoln

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- ETF patience, Government attacks, Coinbase, Steemit, Trezor - Duration: 21:31.



welcome to this video guys I'm going to show you how to make a chain normos

mason jar full of bone broth just a disclaimer guys this is my second batch

of bone broth what you're about to see is a video two weeks ago when I made my

first batch so keep in mind like right now I have a beard and in the video it's

probably gonna be a little less but anyways let's start the video welcome to

the video guys have you guys ever heard of bone broth

so anyways bone broth it's super healthy for you let me just show you guys how it

looks like so I've never made bone broth before and I'm pretty excited because

it's super healthy for you guys if you guys ever heard of collagen it's another

healthy thing but look I even got some from natural pantry these are some

collagen peptides that I got from natural pantry and they're supposed to

be good for your hair skin makeup they're basically it's very good for

your hair skin bones nails and hair - the crappy hair that I have right now

anyways guys first step soaking them the only reason that I'm soaking it is

because it was frozen when I bought it I want to natural pantry they had it for

like three for something per pound let me double check

they had it for 450 per pound and I got 3.24 ounces or 3.24 pounds of frozen

grass-fed beef bones keep in mind guys that's the type of bones you want to use

grass-fed beef

I'm about to put this inside of the oven and this is step two guys PS I know my

steps are probably off but basically this video is just the most simplest way

to do it or it's just me vlogging it I don't know either or wanna bone oh shit

oh shit so yeah guys step three I'm gonna put all of those bones in this pot

with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar

one two yeah and I want to put around a gallon of water and so the whole vinegar

thing what it does is it helps the nutrients from the bones to disperse in

the broth itself with the recipe that I looked at it says two tablespoons per

gallon of water and then give it 30 minutes without being heated for the

water and the vinegar concoction to help to permeate the bones I use big words

now so in the fridge I ended up finding a little bit of some grass-fed beef that

I'm gonna add to the broth itself don't mind the napkin is just absorbing the

blood and that's why it looks great gross

look at it so I got a little charred up there looking at marrow right there oh

that's marrow right there guys and honesty I'm gonna eat some marrow I'm

gonna show you guys how it looks like so I'm gonna eat this marrow and show you

guys how it looks like and how it tastes because apparently guys apparently there

are some places where they actually serve bone marrow as an entree and I

just wanted to try a piece of bone marrow myself I'm gonna put a little

seasoning on one piece and then I'm gonna eat the other piece with all the


hmm it's like eating straight-up fat which I'm cool I'm cool about it it

smells very well I smell the seasoning now but the bone itself the bones itself

you just have really big hints of onion and garlic he smells it doesn't smell

like beef surprisingly which I'm kind of curious in how it's gonna smell once I

actually start boiling okay shut up Jeff eat this thing look at that got some

grit in there it's very fatty but that's what I like

I'm everyone else a kid my parents would make soups with like with bones and the

bone marrow would be it would be something that I think love sucking out

of the bones I'm about to boil this shit

so you guys need to check this out look how you look all barebone that is that

all of the marrow and all the fat totally disintegrated into the broth

itself basically strain it get all the bones out and all is left is a broth

concoction like that and I'm about to just drain it and put it inside of this

thing whoops holy shit look at that guy's

fresh bran bra bra bra

okay so fast-forward this is actually two weeks from now this is my second

batch of bone broth you just put it in a mason jar and then you get this you get

a ginormous amount of bone broth can you mind guys if you're to buy this at the

store right here this would probably cost you like 40 bucks maybe for this

amount this is a humungous this is half a gallon alright guys it's a lot of bone

broth anyways so guys this is the bone broth and it's solidified after you

separate it put into mason jar you put it in the fridge so that it could just

get preserved you know what I mean cool thing about this is that you see the

separation this is all the bone broth all the nutrients guys all of that amino

acids that got soaked or dispersed out of the bones and then at the top there's

a whole fat layer alright so keep in mind guys just the fact the fact that it

is grass-fed beef the fat on top of this or that's on the top of this mason jar

is actually super healthy fats alright the fat in that is quite similar to the

fat or make a three content that you get from salmon or fresh Alaskan salmon but

they look like my daughter is so cute you guys see her guys look how cute this


just a heads up she's actually eating bone broth right now the bone broth is I

put some bone broth on top of her food so that's why she's actually like

chomping on her food Jesus so epping the door boys and she texture of this thing

is solidified right now the fat on there is hard and this is almost like a jell-o

jell-o a texture let's look at her right now she's you guys the texture actually

oh should I light it it's not that texture it's more liquidy but yeah

sometimes the texture gets to be all jelly like I just pushed on the the fat

layer and in now that's the texture for you guys that's a bone broth so I'm just

gonna talk about the benefits real quick about bone broth and how I've been doing

the whole bone broth thing so if you guys have not been following me or if

you guys don't know me I am starting to do like the whole intermittent fasting

thing I have been doing it for the past few months it has been the most

beneficial diet of every before I've never ran out I don't do the

whole if it fits your macros thing or counting calories all I do is I fast for

a certain period of time whether it be 16 hours 18 hours sometimes even 20

hours the rest was about 24 hours in a day I would just eat and stuff my face

with whatever the hell I want lately the days that I do go to work I fast all day

and to break my fast at work I drink a little bit of bone broth and then when I

get home is when I start eating my whole ketogenic based meal or whatever meal I

want for the day but the main thing is that I do have a time of intermittent

fasting anyways that was beside the point let's talk about some of the

benefits of bone broth so one of the things about warm broth is that it's

super high in collagen it makes you look younger it's good for your bones your

skin your hair I already mentioned that earlier it has a lot of amino acids that

help you to sleep better the high fat content in here is rich in omega Z

or Omega 3 so it's gonna just be great for your immune system also for guys

just a heads up if your if you want you to kiss toss throw to go up a healthy

fast like this seriously boost up your liberal guys I'm waking up with

ginormous morning woods I'm just kidding that's probably TMI right but don't hit

the dislike button but probably do hit the dislike but they're not already care

I'm definitely gonna make some more videos on I'm probably gonna make more

videos on the benefits of bone broth or something but hope you guys enjoy this

random video about me making some bone broth I hope it was entertaining for you

guys thanks again for your time thank you

very much for watching I hope you guys enjoyed this video here is more

ketogenic videos that I make they're easier yeah it's right here

um so here's some where's ketogenic videos that it make our keto reviews or

food reviews all the letters stuff guys be sure to click over here because

there's a lot of good playlists that you guys would probably enjoy to watch

anyways guys thanks again for watching hope you guys enjoyed this video as

always god bless you and have the best day ever peace

For more infomation >> EASY BONE BROTH RECIPE - BEST NATURAL COLLAGEN - Duration: 9:48.


How To Draw Abstract Painting With palette knife/acrylic abstract painting demonstration.epi/2 - Duration: 3:07.

How To Draw Abstract Painting With palette knife

For more infomation >> How To Draw Abstract Painting With palette knife/acrylic abstract painting demonstration.epi/2 - Duration: 3:07.




and I found a very easy and cool SLIME recipe

but before we start doing it

You subscribe to my channel, put a like and click on the bell.


Well, we drove

for this we need

the capacity where we are going to make the slime

and spoon

Glue PVA company Office


Shampoo or liquid soap

And toothpaste

Pour shampoo

I think enough

we take PVA glue

add toothpaste and mix

Add a pink dye


add a pinch of soda

Add soda to thicken it.

Do not overdo it with soda because it will be rubber

So cool turned out

I really like the color

Come on, may I take it first

First it sticks to the hands and then it sticks off.

Guys look we have slime turned out


make a rose

This sound is interesting

Let's see or he jumps

he is not bouncy

very cool turned out

Good stretches nice to the touch


All the ingredients you have at home

we took the shampoo you can take the liquid soap

Let's grow

the class


the whole apartment will be in it

Let's try another color



45歲蘇有朋老了,47陳志朋老了,48吳奇隆老了,44的他卻好似23歲! - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 45歲蘇有朋老了,47陳志朋老了,48吳奇隆老了,44的他卻好似23歲! - Duration: 4:47.


붐바야 (BOOMBAYAH) - English/Navajo Male Cover - Duration: 4:03.

BLACKPINK In your area!

BLACKPINK In your area!

Been a bad guy I know I am

And I'm so hot I need a fan

I don't want a boy I need a man

Click clack, bada bing, bada boom

All eyes on me when I step in the room

If you don't know, better ask somebody

Watch your man hit the deck like 팡팡팡

(팡팡 파라파라 팡팡팡)

Raise your glass to the roof like 짠짠짠

Hands up, lit with a bottle full of Henny

Watch your mouth when you speak my name


Dancing all around as the lights wraps around me

Black to the Pink,

ayóó áté, oh yes!

I don't care I just know I wanna dance

Like 따라다라단딴 따라다라단딴 뚜루룹바우

Oh wow, the atmosphere, Oh wow

Oh wow, I like this feeling, Oh wow

Tonight, me and you

Yeah, tonight let us dance upon the floor


Yah-yah-yah Boombayah!

Yah-yah-yah Boombayah-yah-yah-yah-yah


Boom Boom Ba Boom Boom Ba (오빠!)

Yah-yah-yah yah-yah-yah-yah yah-yah-yah

Yah-yah-yah yah-yah-yah-yah yah-yah-yah (오빠!)

Yah-yah-yah yah-yah-yah-yah yah-yah-yah

Yah-yah-yah yah-yah-yah-yah

Boom boom ba, Boombayah!

BLACKPINK In your area

Imma take what's mine so get out my way

Ain't got time, I go hard and slay

Middle finger up F you, pay me

90's baby, I pump up the jam

Whip it up whip it up

Baby that lambo

Droppin the chopper I be too hot to handle

Savage, I'm killing them, stack up my millions

Stopping my paper, go Brrrr


Come look at me, put your hand around my waist, yeah

Front to my back

Yeah, my body is the best

Look at me boy, I know you wanna touch

Like touch, touch, touch 뚜루룹바우

Oh wow, the atmosphere, Oh wow

Oh wow, I like this feeling, Oh wow

Tonight, me and you

Yeah, tonight let us dance upon the floor


Yah-yah-yah Boombayah!

Yah-yah-yah Boombayah-yah-yah-yah-yah


Boom Boom Ba Boom Boom Ba (오빠!)

Yah-yah-yah yah-yah-yah-yah yah-yah-yah

Yah-yah-yah yah-yah-yah-yah yah-yah-yah (오빠!)

Yah-yah-yah yah-yah-yah-yah yah-yah-yah

Yah-yah-yah yah-yah-yah-yah

Boom boom ba, Boombayah!

Let's not be sober, let's make this party flow

We're getting higher, get higher than the sky

I wanna go, go fast, no end, nowhere to go

Let's go, let's go

Let's not be sober, let's make this party flow

We're getting higher, get higher than the sky

I wanna go, go fast, no end, nowhere to go

Let's go, let's go

For more infomation >> 붐바야 (BOOMBAYAH) - English/Navajo Male Cover - Duration: 4:03.


美軍公開介入,半島突然告急!俄羅斯飛彈部隊關鍵時刻備戰迎敵 - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> 美軍公開介入,半島突然告急!俄羅斯飛彈部隊關鍵時刻備戰迎敵 - Duration: 8:40.


缘分测试:你是嫁给爱情还是面包?太准了 - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> 缘分测试:你是嫁给爱情还是面包?太准了 - Duration: 8:40.


Kinderlieder Und Lernfarben Vana Vese Toys Anoshamisa Dzidzo Yevana Yakanaka Kune Vana #2180 - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Kinderlieder Und Lernfarben Vana Vese Toys Anoshamisa Dzidzo Yevana Yakanaka Kune Vana #2180 - Duration: 5:12.


82-Year-Old Veteran Uses Grand Christmas Display To Say 'Thank You' - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> 82-Year-Old Veteran Uses Grand Christmas Display To Say 'Thank You' - Duration: 2:03.


Últimas notícia de hoje : O inimigo nº 1 da educação brasileira - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : O inimigo nº 1 da educação brasileira - Duration: 3:47.


Together | مع بعض - Duration: 10:39.

Sudan is a country rich with different ethnicities,

Different languages and religions

Some think it's a home of coexistence and inclusion

But that's not always the story.

So we decided to conduct interviews

With a group of Sudanese youth

To tell us what sets them apart

All while showing, that even with their distinct differences

The main thing that they have in common

That they're Sudanese.

I started with not shaking hands with men

I was sure of it, it makes sense

I began doing that, then I realized I was embarrassing people

Then I felt like, if I wear a Niqab

It's going to make me more comfortable

My family was supportive

They said: "In the end, it's your decision."

"You are conscious and sensible."

"Do as you like."

"And we're with you".

So, thanks to Allah.

(Singing, guitar playing)

Regarding the people

That knew that I was Christian

Before getting to know me and becoming my friend

I always felt that

they were a bit conservative

They kind of feel that because I have a religion different to theirs

So, it's possible that I would affect their beliefs

Or on their religious commitment

They always try to keep their distance.

But for those who knew

After we became friends and such

They're chill.

That other one needs some time

after dealing with me

To discover that I am a normal person

And there's nothing new

I don't know,

But whenever you show up at a new place

There's always this feeling

That you are a stranger


I always felt like I'm a stranger.

When you walk in the street

doesn't matter what you wear

Normally, people harass you

Whether you wear a headscarf or you don't

I'm a non Hijabi

People might start to stare at me, harass me,

sometimes someone might say something,

Comment on something

I feel different at that point

Just because I just don't wear a scarf

Someone once said to me

I was wearing normal clothes and going to the Mosque

He said: "Are you an infidel?"

I told them how am I in infidel

He asked "Aren't you a Southerner", I said yes I am

But after he started saying such things to me

I left him behind and went on my way

We always try to avoid such people

You don't stand with them, you walk away

Some kids always think that all Southerners are Christians

The same idea that the kids have

Some older people also have it

They think all Southerners are Christians,

or at least the majority of them.

Because they rarely see a Muslim from South Sudan

That's why this idea is attached to their brains

(Reciting Quran)

(Reciting Quran)

I lived here until the 5th grade, then we moved to Dubai

Until the second year of high school

The Islamic Studies teacher told me my name was incorrect

He told me I had to get a new name

I went back to my father

and told him that the teacher said my name was wrong

That I need a new name

He said, go tell him the best of names are the ones that mention Allah and the Prophet,

and yours combined both

So go back to him and tell him that

I told him what my father said and he never mentioned it again

One of the situations that really affected me, was in my final year of university

With an honorable professors that we all respected

He gathered us all in the study hall to give us advice before our exam

The whole class was seated and he was going up and down telling us how we should go about our final exam,

and at the end he told us I'm sure that every one of you is going to be a successful doctor.

because you are graduates from this University and I trust you all.

Then he turned around and pointed at me

and said: "Except you."

He said: " I have a problem with the Niqab"

"and I don't see that you are going to be a good doctor."

This situation really affected me

I didn't expect it from someone that I still respect, to tell me something like this

But it was a motivation for me to prove that he is wrong

In primary school, there was this teacher that always bothered me.

I've always felt like when any noise happens in class, he always comes to me asking what's going on.

He would always yell at me…I didn't know why.

Until they explain to him what was going on, then he calms down.

But he would still be apprehensive.

I've always felt like he was targeting me, I didn't know what his problem with me.

Back in the day, our neighbors..

had this idea about Southerners that they are beggars, always starting fights in the streets.

They had these two sons and we also had 2 Southerner families as neighbors.

We were playing with the kids in our neighborhood,

But that particular family would always tell their kids to come home when they see us playing with them.

They think that we will cause problems or make them try smoking cigarettes or something bad like that.

In my family they always give advice, take the head scarf with you, wear the headscarf.

Some members of my family always told me to take the scarf with me just, keep it with you.

You don't have to wear it.

I listened to their advice, so a headscarf is always in my bag

Sometimes I go out with the scarf around my neck.

In terms of work-life they always told me to wear a headscarf it's part of the public image they portray

I remember there was one of my friends who met me a while after I started wearing Niqab, and she was surprised.

I remember when she first saw me she started tearing up and told me I cannot take this.

I expected it to just be the surprise factor.

But people's view on me had changed very dramatically, I became a totally different person to them

They changed the way they treated me, they stop seeing you as a human being like them.

These challenges gave the whole thing its flavor.

Unfortunately because I don't wear a scarf and I am very open about so many things.

Some people when Ramadan came, this past Ramadan..

People that I worked with for months…

They were like, are you really a Muslim? You fast ?

I was like yes, I'm a Muslim

They told me that "We felt that you're a non-Muslim."

So not wearing a scarf

People think that you are not Muslim.

Actually it's offensive if you consider the question of "Are you a Muslim".

It was more like…Really! You...are Muslim?! Like in an exclamation way.

The fact that they just knew about it but… I'm like you could have asked me from the start about my religion.

Instead of putting it like... it just felt offensive at some point but I never took it as bullying.

I don't think someone ever called me out or try to bully me because of the way that I dress.

If you want to study medicine it's at least 30,000.

It's not easy… and my family's situation is a little bit not good, so I thought to never bother them.

I should study something that benefits me morally.

I lean towards this goal " That in the future I want to advise people and spread awareness".

Some people started asking me what do you want to be in the future do you want to be a Sheikh or what?

But I started my studies for me, I didn't do it for someone or to get a job or anything

It's very hard for a Southerner, even with a college degree, to get a job unless you work in the private sector

I remember once I went to a hospital and I wanted to work in a specific section.

But the hospital's manager refused my application…

and told me: "I have a personal problem with you, I have a problem with your Niqab".

I got out of his office crying and it really affected me.

But there was someone who stood by me.

He told me "Never let something like this shake you because in life you're going to face a lot of people that will attack you and…"

"...if you are weak, you won't be able to move forward".

He encouraged me thank Allah

And he went and talked to the hospital's manager and thanks to Allah I was able to work in the place that I wanted.

Thanks to Allah, He guides people that help us proceed forward.

(Call To Prayer)

Don't always try to criticise, try to hear from the people themselves

Then judge them, don't judge by the way they look

We are one Society and we are trying to progress

All of those side things don't put them between us.

It's just like when you put a Shaigy, Mahasy and Ja'ally together,

the differences are in the tribe, in the we are sons of Adam and Eve.

We don't have to argue about these things,

you're a Muslim and I'm a Muslim you pray and I pray that's enough.

Have you ever judged someone just because they look, think, or believe differently?

Maybe it's time that we start respecting our differences and coexist.

For more infomation >> Together | مع بعض - Duration: 10:39.


Dono do hit "Eu Quero Tchu" é roubado e tem prejuízo de R$ 40 mil - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Dono do hit "Eu Quero Tchu" é roubado e tem prejuízo de R$ 40 mil - Duration: 1:58.


Investment group purchases property near B&O Station for new restaurant - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Investment group purchases property near B&O Station for new restaurant - Duration: 0:59.


【TouhouMMD】 Build Our Machine(REMIX) full ver. 【Houjuu Nue】 1440p 60fps - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> 【TouhouMMD】 Build Our Machine(REMIX) full ver. 【Houjuu Nue】 1440p 60fps - Duration: 3:47.


Shiba Dogs React to iPhone Ringtones - Duration: 3:03.

I found the way they move their heads adorble

so I decided to casually film that

First, a sound of dog barking

Siru heard this before, so she's not reacting to it at all

Siru: Hooman... wat are you doin'?

Siru: Oiiing?

Siru reacts to alarm sound

Siru: Goood!

Look at her interested face

Siru: Yo wat's up

Pong: Hey, alarm means we need to get out

Siru: Hooman shtop it

Sound of bouncing ball

Pong is keep whimping

Hmmm That's a nice reaction

Car Honking sound

Turns out that Pong cries when she hears this sound

Now when they hear barking sound, they don't react anymore

Look how synchronized they are

They are sensitive to alarm sound as I expected

They are flat about electronic guitar

They react to sonar sound

Maybe they are over playing with me...

No reactions

To motorcycle sound

Pong gives her best reaction

but she won't do it twice

Siru: Human, stop

"Be quiet"

I won't stop right away at nagging

so I do it once more

Pong, Siru...

This is your father's life...

For more infomation >> Shiba Dogs React to iPhone Ringtones - Duration: 3:03.


Kids These Days - Duration: 21:24.

For more infomation >> Kids These Days - Duration: 21:24.


Ludmilla explica por que esnobou Joelma em um evento em São Paulo - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Ludmilla explica por que esnobou Joelma em um evento em São Paulo - Duration: 3:04.


Após férias na Europa, namorado de Fátima é diagnosticado com trombose - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Após férias na Europa, namorado de Fátima é diagnosticado com trombose - Duration: 1:53.





Review of 2.0 Movie | 2.0 Movie Public Review Hindi | 2.0 Full Movie 2.0 Review | Rajinikanth - Duration: 2:27.

2.0 review

2.0 movie review

2.0 full movie

2.0 review

For more infomation >> Review of 2.0 Movie | 2.0 Movie Public Review Hindi | 2.0 Full Movie 2.0 Review | Rajinikanth - Duration: 2:27.


Rafaella Santos e ex Lucas Lima prestigiam juntos evento do Instituto Neymar Jr. - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Rafaella Santos e ex Lucas Lima prestigiam juntos evento do Instituto Neymar Jr. - Duration: 4:30.



For more infomation >> GANA LOS MILLONES QUE QUIERAS CON UN FUERTE PACTO DE PODER ! - Duration: 3:12.


Mash Daal Cream For Spotless & Fairer Skin/Skin Whitening Glowing Skin With White Lentils Cream Rani - Duration: 6:49.

Please Subscribe Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

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