Sunday, August 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Aug 26 2018

Desde luego que ninguna de las componentes de Las Campos está atravesando por su mejor momento.

Terelu recuperándose de un cáncer de mama y muy criticada por "vender" su enfermedad.

Carmen Borrego, dicen, que va por libre y ha llegado a cerrar su intervención en otros programas de televisión sin contar con el clan.

Por su parte, la matriarca Teresa Campos está prácticamente retirada de televisión;

y sus múltiples intentos de volver a la parrilla televisiva se han saldado con rotundas negativas por parte de Mediaset y el 'no' de Paolo Vasile.

Ahora, tras el regreso de Las Campos a Telecinco, un "descuido" del programa ha aireado las secuelas de salud que la Campos;

tiene tras haber sufrido un ictus cerebral. Todo ocurría en la última entrega de su reality.

Resulta que Teresa Campos estaba hablando con la hermana de Edmundo Bigote Arrocet y creyendo que no estaba siendo grabada en segundo plano confesaba;

a su interlocutora que no se encuentra bien. María Teresa padece de mareos y fuertes dolores de cabeza.

De manera sorprendente, en Telecinco no han tenido reparos para emitir una pequeña caída que sufría María Teresa Campos al tratar de tomar asiento en una silla,

un incidente que podría haberse producido precisamente por esos mareos que viene padeciendo tras sufrir el ictus. Estas secuelas le producen además malestar general y apatía.

La matriarca de Las Campos muestra además evidentes síntomas de cansancio y ha perdido el apetito,

algo que se hace evidente con su rostro ahora de extrema delgadez.

Son algunas de las cuestiones que mantienen en permanente alarma a sus familiares que incluso ya en público no ocultan su preocupación por el estado de salud de una María Teresa Campos ;

que no está en tan buenas condiciones de salud como hasta ahora nos habían hecho creer,

quizás porque ella sigue empeñada en volver a la pequeña pantalla y presentar un programa.

For more infomation >> Un error de Telecinco airea la verdad: las terribles secuelas de Teresa Campos tras el ictus - Duration: 2:22.


Lucas Skillz - 1, 2, 3 - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Lucas Skillz - 1, 2, 3 - Duration: 2:57.


Worst roads in Ukraine. Zaporozhye region Part 1 - Duration: 17:59.

Worst roads in Ukraine. Zaporozhye region Part 1

Good afternoon !

My name is Yulana Augusta.

And you are on my channel

Today I want to talk

about the state of roads in Ukraine.

This summer in the summer of 2018

I traveled by car

with my foreign friends

in Ukraine

Why did we go to Ukraine?

Ukraine is my native state

and I wanted to show

foreigners the people who lived in Europe all their lives

what looks like Ukraine.

They have never been to Ukraine,

they did not see these natural phenomena that are in Ukraine.

This is the Oleshkovskaya Desert,

it's national natural parks,

it's the seas,

Azov Sea and Black Sea,

it is the Carpathians, it is a thick coniferous forest,

endless steppes,

blossoming sunflowers, wheat.

All this beauty of Ukraine

I wanted to show people.

But all this was overshadowed

only one fact

These are bad dangerous roads in Ukraine.

We drove across the Polish border

in the northwest of Ukraine.

We left the Polish border of Ukraine and

we went through Lviv to Vinnytsya to the south of Ukraine.

What can we say about this segment?

About this segment of the road I can say that

that I saw large-scale road work near Vinnytsia.

where the road is expanding

put a new cover and it was very pleasing to me.

In general, there are no good roads in Ukraine.

You can safely ride.

When we drove to the south of Ukraine

then the picture completely changed dramatically.

Near the Kherson began deep, large pits right in the middle of the road.

Unfortunately I did not succeed in filming,

because I was shooting on a regular camera and

it was sometimes too late while the camera was turned on,

sometimes it was already that all my memory cards were full and there was not room for new videos.

But somehow I managed to write down

I'll show it in my videos.

There will be 2 videos on this topic.


two worst regions in Ukraine

I will show them

In this video we will talk about Zaporozhye region.

From Kherson we went to

National Natural Park

and there were also repairs

on the roads.

The road was brand new so beautiful.

Then we went to Nova Kakhovka.

From New Kakhovka to Melitopol.

This is a very horrible route!

It has a lot of pits.

These holes are very deep

sometimes they can not be bypassed

because throughout the road there are solid pits.

It is impossible to ride normally

This road is very dangerous for travel.

In general, the Zaporozhye region

very bad on roads.

I find it very strange

because Zaporozhye region is attractive in summer for tourists

because there is a sea

there is Khortytsya

Zaporizhzhya historically very attractive for tourists.

There is also a large river Dnipro, large bridges.

But as these tourists go to the sea

or to Zaporozhye on such bad roads.

I appeal to officials of the Zaporozhye region.

The route Nova Kakhovka-Melitopol, Melitopol-Berdyansk,


are in a very horrible state.

As a citizen of Ukraine I address to


to the local administration of the Zaporozhye region,

to the governor of the Zaporozhye region

and I demand

Repair roads in Zaporozhye region

You want to attract tourists in the summer,

So make sure these Tourists can reach you.

on cars, safe

On these roads in Zaporozhye region we have

the shock absorber was completely thrown out of the car

and we had to replace one wheel

while we were driving to the sea

It is very bad!

I think that tourists want to rest

They will come to leave their money in local budgets

And if they like it they will come over and over again next year.

If they see such roads they will have to repair the car

look for tire repair firms

look for tire repair firms

They will not want to come back to you again.

So if you are interested

in tourists

then make good roads in Zaporozhye region

There is also another remark to Zaporizhzhia oblast.

It's bridges...

Bridges are in a very poor state

they are dangerous for cars.

There was a bridge near Melitopol

the one where the parts sowed

part is good

and again part of the seeded, part is good.

This is very dangerous!

Cracked and rusty bridges in Zaporozhye.

They are in the holes, they are old.

Zaporozhye is an old large bridge across the Dnieper

but he is very narrow for such a number of transport.

Why is not a new bridge built?

It began to build his cousin when I was still a child

till now it has not been built.

Why so irresponsible

local authorities relate to the safety of their citizens?

as well as Ukravtodor

Administration of the President of Ukraine and the Ministry of the Interior

who are responsible for it.

I appeal to you

with the requirement to make safer roads in the Zaporozhye region and

more secure bridges in Zaporozhye region

Everyone who watches this video please

to spread as much as possible

about Zaporozhye and Cherkasy region

so that as many people as possible see the state of roads in these areas

I hope this video will come true

to the officials responsible for this

and they will do something

and will change this situation for the better.

With the verification of this issue

I will arrive in 1 year

summer 2019

I will ride the same route again

I will not come with a regular camera, but with a video recorder

and I will fix all the moments on the roads.

Next year I will also upload these videos online.

For more infomation >> Worst roads in Ukraine. Zaporozhye region Part 1 - Duration: 17:59.


✅ How To Tidy Your Sideburns At Home - Man Bun Monthly Ep5 - Duration: 12:07.

For more infomation >> ✅ How To Tidy Your Sideburns At Home - Man Bun Monthly Ep5 - Duration: 12:07.




Two for the price of one

Small mud bath

At table

evening watered

You can do it!

Oooh it was pretty

With elegance

true dance

original undertaker

You'll have to drag me

It was a close



This is good for hair

It will pass !

driving drunk

The best friends in the world

Learn to cope

We should all want to have this teacher

mutant spider

500 mousetraps

It goes crazy

During that time

Incredible views

We found Garfield

mini moto

Give me a kiss

Hold your snack

It's a magic lamp

Shock Training

Fails in series

For more infomation >> ZAP FUNNY, FAILS, CHOC & INSOLITE - LE ZAP DE GOUG N°54 - Duration: 10:21.


GHOST Lector 2019 | Dbiker Store - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> GHOST Lector 2019 | Dbiker Store - Duration: 2:46.


War Thunder gameplay español. operacion S.U.M.M.E.R.S.TANQUE REALISTA. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 1:36:28.

For more infomation >> War Thunder gameplay español. operacion S.U.M.M.E.R.S.TANQUE REALISTA. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 1:36:28.


Der Youtube-Star McSkillet ist tot. Er steuerte seinen Wagen absichtlich in den Gegenverkehr und ris - Duration: 2:13.

 Unfassbares Drama um den Youtube-Star McSkillet. Der 18-Jährige verursachte übereinstimmenden Medienberichten zufolge in San Diego im US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien absichtlich einen fatalen Verkehrsunfall

Mit seinem Sportwagen McLaren 650S raste er dabei in den Gegenverkehr und prallte ungebremst in einen weiteren Wagen

Beide Fahrzeuge gingen bei dem Unfall in Flammen auf. McSkillet starb ebenso wie eine 42-jährige Frau am Steuer des anderen Unfallwagens und ihre 12-jährige Tochter

Sechs weitere Autos wurden ebenfalls in den Unfall verwickelt, acht Personen wurden verletzt

 McSkillet setzte während seiner Youtube-Karriere auf absolute Anonymität. Sowohl sein Gesicht sowie sein bürgerlicher Name Trevor Heitmann wurden erst jetzt im Zuge seines Selbstmordes von der Polizei in San Diego bekannt gegeben

Seit März diesen Jahres ließ Heitmann seinen Youtube-Kanal überraschend ruhen. Er soll mit seinen Videos, in denen er vor allem den beliebten Egoshooter "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" thematisierte, ein Vermögen erwirtschaftet haben

Den rund 100.000 Euro teuren Unfallwagen präsentierte McSkillet erst im Dezember 2017 als seine neue Errungenschaft

 Hilfe bei Depressionen und Selbstmordgedanken bietet die Telefonseelsorge unter der kostenlosen Rufnummer: 0800/111 0 111

For more infomation >> Der Youtube-Star McSkillet ist tot. Er steuerte seinen Wagen absichtlich in den Gegenverkehr und ris - Duration: 2:13.


Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4) Combat Abilities Trailer Cut Scenes - Duration: 15:29.

Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4) Combat Abilities Trailer Cut Scenes

Yury, I'm here what do you see

Find the rest boss wasn't dead. Looks like the demons are moving in on Fisk's territory. You've got it. I

got this

This committed to the building eliminate shoulda worn a helmet

You got what you came for you don't need to kill us you this territory is ours now not today

Splitter man now the boss is here

Hey Willie

Nice jumpsuit slimming

Wait the demons who's their leader keep my men alive in maybe I'll tell me

Save you bad guys from other bad guys not how I thought today would go

Hey big guy

Higgs field that's actually really cool

Fiske your men are safe your turn who runs the demons you're about to find out check the roof



Come on

Let's go let's go

Did that just happen? Yeah

It's complicated turns out Martin Lee is running the demons

Sit tight URI I got this

That helicopter is destroying the city I know

I know maybe you could overhear Oh a little faster

Working on a URI


Hi, is this the flight to Newark

Why are you doing this and trust no one else will

This is crazy this isn't you don't know

You play playing real fast plan

Come on Petey Gus you got this. You got this you got this

Please don't screw this up

Mr. Lee

You're just not very observant

Oh did I startle you

Let's play the quiet

Spider-man shucker has escaped and now he's robbing a bank on East 31st. What happened?

She was but one of the guards just walked up to his cell and released him then gave him his suit back

I knew Shakur was working for someone

What did you get out of the door?

Wish I could ask him but he's dead whoever made him release shocker didn't want any loose ends. Yeah

The security footage the guard was in some kind of trance

And it might have been the lighting but it looks like his eyes works glowing

Get out of shocker when I get to the bank

Herman long time no see hey, I'm no lawyer, but

We're stuck in here for a while want to play 20 questions no punch it is

What they have it your way you wanna fight

That's a matter of opinion

How much talking one to do and who determines the ideal ratio of talking versus not

Now people don't use banks anymore, you're lucky you found that your cash you really want to rob banks

Right a tree that's all the rage

Not even cure these guys are they would be anything

Rub this on yourself literally

For more infomation >> Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4) Combat Abilities Trailer Cut Scenes - Duration: 15:29.


Becas Chancellor's Scholarship de la Universidad de Arkansas, USA | Becas sin Fronteras - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Becas Chancellor's Scholarship de la Universidad de Arkansas, USA | Becas sin Fronteras - Duration: 1:31.


Il croise un chien sur l'autoroute, s'arrête et comprend que quelque chose n'est pas normal - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Il croise un chien sur l'autoroute, s'arrête et comprend que quelque chose n'est pas normal - Duration: 3:03.


モーニング娘。 '18 などが所属するハロー!プロジェクト(ハロプロ)が26日、東京・中野サンプラザで結成20周年を記念した夏ツアー東京公演を行い、モー娘OG… - 日刊スポーツ新聞社のニュースサイト - Duration: 1:25.

 モーニング娘。 '18 などが所属するハロー!プロジェクト(ハロプロ)が26日 東京・中野サンプラザで結成20周年を記念した夏ツアー東京公演を行い、モー娘OGの 護亜依(30)が2日連続でゲスト出演した

 共演した吉沢ひとみ(33)から「お帰り!」と祝福され、「ただいま!」とあいさつ ファンからの久々の「あいぼん」コールに「ファンの皆さん、温かいですね。夏なのに熱

あれっ…?」と、天然ボケ発言で笑わせた。 加護は未成年だった07年、喫煙問題で所 事務所を契約解除され、25日に12年ぶりにハロプロの公演に出演していた。保田圭( 7)が「今回、加護ちゃんと一緒で、ただただうれしい

こんな日が来るなんて」と打ち明けると、加護は「遠回りしすぎました…」と過去の過ち 反省していた。 3人で在籍当時の楽曲を2曲、歌った。「I WISH」では、現役の ー娘 '18 がバックダンサーを務め、初のコラボを披露した

For more infomation >> モーニング娘。 '18 などが所属するハロー!プロジェクト(ハロプロ)が26日、東京・中野サンプラザで結成20周年を記念した夏ツアー東京公演を行い、モー娘OG… - 日刊スポーツ新聞社のニュースサイト - Duration: 1:25.


KICK OFF! (in roblox) w/bonnie! - Duration: 10:02.

welcome back to my channel!

we playing Kick off!

with Bonnie, my good friend

Let's start

me and bonnie in same team

my bad

I try to pass to bonnie, but it's ok

sometime ball did that to me

He good at catch the ball from pass

He better than me

never mind


wow! zero in USA team!

Again! same team with Bonnie!

never mind

I pass to him, but he don't get the ball

so lucky!

thank you for watching my new video!

make sure subs!

if you are new and thumbs up!

if you likes this video! see you next video!

love y'all bye

For more infomation >> KICK OFF! (in roblox) w/bonnie! - Duration: 10:02.


Instead Of Killing Myself, I Called A Suicide Hotline - Duration: 4:08.

- I don't use that phrase like, "It saved my life", gingerly

but I mean, that suicide hotline phone call,

it saved my life.

The story actually begins prior to me calling the hotline.

We use the word "crazy" loosely a lot of the time

but I think the best way to describe

the feeling I was having at the time was crazy.

I was by myself.

I was actually on my way to pick up my daughter

at the time from daycare.

Being on the bus and feeling crazy like,

I wanted to take my clothes off,

I wanted to jump off the bus, I wanted to harm myself.

I can't call a suicide hotline on the bus right now

'cause that's gonna look really crazy.

So the best thing to do would be to, I had known

that New York has like, I forget what the number is,

that where essentially you can have a text conversation

to help you through the process

if you feel like you're going to harm yourself.

It was like, I'm trying to text, I text the message.

It took like a minute to get back

and it's like, "What is your problem?"

I was like, okay, I'm gonna text you, robot person

on the other side, what my problem is.

Okay, I don't know what to do, I'm panicking.

I'm like, okay do I run across the street because

at this point, I'm trying to figure out either,

do I harm myself or do I not harm myself?

Like one or two, and I'm like, okay well I need

to do something, so I called the suicide hotline

and I can't remember the exact, like how the phone call

began essentially, but I remember the feeling

of the phone call and I remember being affirmed

because I just felt overwhelmed.

And between work, between life, between fatherhood,

between not really knowing what I was doing

and in that moment, it felt like it was going

to be easier to not be here

and to essentially try to end my life.

And to have a person kind of listen to the stress

at the moment and say, "It is okay, you're okay,

wow this must be really hard for you,

this situation is really difficult.

You're doing a fantastic job, though,

based on what you're telling me."

Listening without judgment, without bias,

without prejudice, that suicide hotline phone call

saved my life and I wish I could remember the sister's name

who I spoke to because she was so warm, she was so loving,

she was so comforting.

She sounded like a black auntie.

Warm, the warmth was the word.

There were no identifying questions at all.

She doesn't know my name.

She doesn't know where I'm from.

She didn't know where I was located.

The conversation was directly related

to what I was going through

at that present moment and those feelings.

She didn't ask me anything else like, where are you,

or you know, none of that.

Part of what she was doing was just

allowing me the space really to vent.

It was less questions and more affirming.

It was just something I needed because there's that level

of shame you feel, essentially, when you're trying

to tell a person that you care about

that I essentially wanna harm myself

because then it's very easy, unfortunately,

for people who do know you,

to start blaming themselves.

I think, sometimes there's a fear, right?

Like, okay, do I make this phone call?

Am I essentially going to look crazy?

Is it crazy, does it even work?

And granted, I'm very much the person that doesn't believe

in absolutes, so not everything works for everybody.

Sometimes maybe it's not the hotline, maybe it's a relative,

it's a friend, it's someone you know you can call who's

going to essentially be able to give you that space

and that freedom and that room to give of yourself

without concern of bias or prejudice or judgment,

but the suicide hotline did that for me, for sure.

It's easy to kind of stigmatize how a person looks

who might be suffering from some level

of like a mental health disorder

or a person who may be depressed.

I don't look like the stereotypical person

who's been suffering from that.

I'm also going through this and processing this.

I know you probably are too.

I've kind of been blessed and fortunate enough

to be given the opportunity to have the language

and have the space to do that, so I feel like it's kind

of my duty to kind of share that with other people.

For more infomation >> Instead Of Killing Myself, I Called A Suicide Hotline - Duration: 4:08.


KRAKÓW i odnaleziona RODZINA w Polsce / KRAKOW and RELATIVES found in Poland - Duration: 14:37.

A zatem mamy listy z lat 1959 do 1962,

które były pisane z Polski do mojej prababci.

Ponieważ na każde święta Bożego Narodzenia i Wielkanoc

zbierała całe pudła ubrań,

koców itd. i wysyłała to do Polski.

Ale jest świetny!



Witamy w centrum Polskiej rozrywki niedzielnej.


Tarnogórskie ogródki działkowe.

Patrz na tego psa.

Visiting Polish cities is fascinating and fantastic but

today is Sunday and you have to take a break

and at the same time taste a bit more of the Polish vibes, meaning...

the communal garden!

Not gonna hide I was waiting for this.

This is the highlight of the day.

Oh there will be a feast!

Gdzie dzisiaj jedziemy, Blonnie?


Dlaczego jedziemy do Krakowa?

Spotkamy się z Carl'em i Lynn.

Cieszysz się?

Cieszę się.

I feel that making films about Kraków is a little bit like trying to

sign Michael Jackson's songs.

You can't be better than the original

so don't raise your hopes too high.

Do the best you can and wait to see what happens.

No to jesteśmy.

Czas wjaśnić dlaczego jesteśmy dzisiaj w Krakowie.

Blonnie zna sprawę chyba trochę lepiej niż ja.

Więc przejmie teraz... przejmie narrację.


znajomego, który prosił nas o kilka rad i rozmawiał z nami poprzez nasz kanał

o Polsce. Ma Polskie pochodzenie i jest w tej chwili na wycieczce po Polsce.

Ponieważ nasz cały kanał zbliża Polskę i Amerykę

zapytaliśmy czy spotkałby się z nami tutaj i opowiedział o swoich doświadczeniach.

Jak się z nim zaznajomiliśmy.

Poprzez oglądanie naszego kanału.

Jest jednym z naszych widzów.

Nie poznaliśmy jeszcze tych ludzi na żywo, zgadza się?

Tak, zgadza się.

Więc za chwilę spotkamy się z nimi po raz pierwszy.

Dokładnie o 18:00, co następuje

za cztery minuty.

Miło Cię poznać!

Cała przyjemność po naszej stronie, jak się macie?

Świetnie, dzięki.

Cieszysz się, że dojechaliście?

Pan Gwiazda Rocka!

Fajnie się poznać.

Spędziliśmy jeden dzień w Warszawie.

Tylko po by się pozbierać po locie.

Potem dwa dni w Mławie

gdzie spotkaliśmy się z rodziną, która szczerze mówiąc nie wiedzieliśmy że istnieje

trzy tygodnie temu.

Zaraz przed wyjazdem z USA dowiedzieliśmy się

kim są i jak się z nimi skontaktować.

Znakomicie! Jak zareagowali?

Bardzo pozytywnie!

Dwa i pół roku temu

mój znajomy się z nimi skontaktował.

Ale ten kontakt nie został utrzymany

bo nie odpowiedzieli wtedy na żadne z naszych emaili.

Potem ja złamałem nogę w kostce.

Co wyłączyło mnie z gry na około rok.

Więc był to dobry powrót do życia.

Spędziliśmy z nimi dwa dni.

Potem pojechaliśmy do Gdańska na trzy dni.

Czyli moment... całkowicie ich zaskoczyliście?

Wiedzieli, że przylatujecie?

Wynajęliśmy jednego gościa, Tomka.

żeby trochę poszperał w naszym drzewie genealogicznym.

Moja prababcia przybyła do USA w 1905.

Cała moja rodzina próbowała zlokalizować tych ludzi

przez... cóż, trzy pokolenia.

W politycznych klimatach Polski, gdzie po prostu nie było

możliwości dotarcia do ludzi i Angielski nie był zbyt powszechny.

Wynajęliśmy zatem gościa, który przeszukał archiwa.

Jeden z moich polskich znajomych, z którymi pracuję

dał radę ich odnaleźć. W taki sposób udało nam się nawiązać kontakt.

Czyli od jak dawna wiedzieli, że przylatujecie?

Zanim się pojawiliście?

Przez około 4 dni.

4 dni?!

4 dni.

Czyli raczej było to natychmiastowe!

Dokładnie. Dla nas również.

Czyli jak zareagowali? Bo to jest coś co

To jest dla mnie sedno tej historii.

Wiesz, dowiadujesz się że masz rodzinę w Ameryce i przyjeżdżają JUTRO!

Dokładnie! Nie mieliśmy zamiaru wpadać do nich bez zapowiedzi.

Wiesz, jeśli zapukalibyśmy do drzwi i odpowiedzieliby

"Dobra, miło was poznać ale... dowidzenia!"

Całkowicie byśmy zrozumieli.

W tym momencie byłyby to po prostu Europejskie wakacje.

Tak? Może bym się czuł trochę zawiedzony

ale trzeba pamiętać, że pukam do drzwi obcej osoby.

Mieliśmy listy z lat 1959 do 1962,

które były pisane z Polski do mojej prababci.

Ponieważ w każde święta Bożego Narodzenia i Wielkanoc

zbierała całe pudła ubrań,

koców itd. i wysyłała je do Polski.

Wysyłała może z 10 do 20 różnych paczek w każde święta.

Otrzymywała listy.

W tych listach były zdjęcia i różne inne materiały.

Wykorzystaliśmy te listy do poszukiwania naszych przodków.

Udało nam się nawiązać bardzo dobre relacje.

Już korespondujemy przez email.

Śmieszna sprawa, Katarzyna

i moja żona siedziały na tylnym siedzeniu w minibusie.

Przyjechali po nas do hotelu.

Nie wiedząc nawet jeszcze czy faktycznie jesteśmy rodziną czy nie. Przyjechali nas odebrać.

Więc Katarzyna i moja żona siedzą z tyłu minibusa

rozmawiając przez Google Translate.


Wszyscy wiemy, że Google Translate nie jest doskonałe.

Nie, jest dalekie od doskonałości.

Ale jeśli się trochę wysilisz, pozwoli ci się dogadać.

No coś takiego!

Całkiem nieźle się razem bawiły.

Córka Katarzyny, Karolina

mówi po angielsku.

Ma 17 lat i na prawdę dała radę.

Tłumaczyła niezłomnie przez dwa dni.


Co sprawiło, że przyjechaliście do Polski żeby się dowiedzieć o waszych wcześniejszych pokoleniach?

To jest dla mnie ciekawe pytanie.

Mam trzy powody,

dla których Lynn i ja to robimy.

Była moja prababcia.

Znałem ją aż do czasu jak miałem mniej więcej 12-13 lat.

Pamiętam, że zawsze składała te paczki które wysyłała do Polski.

Dorastałem słysząc tu i ówdzie te wszystkie opowieści.

W 1960 nadal pisała listy do kogoś w Polsce.

Cały czas miała z kimś kontakt.

Niestety moja rodzina

jej pierwsze pokolenie tutaj mówiło po Polsku. Chodzili do Polskiej szkoły.

W miejscowości Eerie, Pennsylvania.

Ale później Polski stał się niejako sekretnym językiem tego pokolenia.

Mogli sobie rozmawiać o innych ludziach bez ich wiedzy.

Moja babcia nie nauczyła mnie Polskiego.

Ale nadal jeszcze czułem, że jest jakaś więź.

Ta wycieczka zatem po pierwsze jest, aby uhonorować moją prababcię.

Jej dedykację i więź z rodziną.

Jeszcze ważniejszym powodem jest nasz wnuk.

Chcę, żeby mój wnuk wiedział że stąd pochodzą jego korzenie.

Trzeci powód to po prostu cudowne wakacje z moją żoną.

Wiesz, jeśli byśmy tu zajechali i rodzina powiedziałaby

"Nie chcemy z wami rozmawiać, dajcie nam spokój"

My odpowiedzielibyśmy "Rozumiemy".

Nie chcemy się narzucać ani powodować żadnych problemów.

Nic od was nie chcemy

poza uściskiem dłoni i możemy sobie jechać.

Poznać was.

Dokładnie. Dokładnie.

Czyli udało wam się ich poznać?

Tak! I będziemy te relacje rozwijać.

Powiedziałbym, że była to wielka niewiadoma. Ponieważ

Nie wiemy kim są. Oni nie wiedzą kim my jesteśmy.

Wiesz, jest ryzyko.

Ale ten gość, który nam pomagał w przeszukiwaniu archiwów miał wszystkie nasze listy.

Mieliśmy ciągłość rozmów, które były wymieniane z Polską przez jakiś czas.

Nasza rodzina tutaj zaczęła rozpoznawać niektóre z nazwisk.

Potem natrafił na jedną osobę, na temat której mieliśmy list i powiedziano nam że ta osoba zginęła w pracy.

W wigilię Bożego Narodzenia.

Pojechaliśmy zobaczyć nagrobek i wtedy było "Oj, tak - to zdecydowanie nasza rodzina".

Przez sytuację z Polskim i Angielskim językiem nie jesteśmy do końca pewni

w którym miejscu plasuje się on na drzewie genealogicznym naszej rodziny,

ale jesteśmy pewni, że do niej należy.

Byliśmy z nimi przez dwa dni. Jechali codziennie

około 15 kilometrów, żeby nas odebrać z hotelu.

Zabierali nas do siebie i wieczorem spowrotem odwozili do hotelu.

Byli niepocieszeni, że się u nich nie zatrzymaliśmy.

Ale ponownie - nie chcieliśmy się narzucać.

Wiesz, nie byliśmy pewni... i tak prawdę mówiąc aż do końca pierwszego dnia nie wiedzieliśmy napewno.

Potem zobaczyliśmy, że nagrobek się zgadza.

Potem pokazaliśmy im zdjęcie z pogrzebu. Zaczęli na nim rozpoznawać ludzi.

Wtedy już było "No dobra, jesteśmy rodziną".

Tak... "to moja babcia, to moja mama".

Rozpoznawała je na zdjęciu.

Widziała to zdjęcie wcześniej?

Widziała trochę inne ujęcie.

Zdjęcia z tego samego pogrzebu.

Więc było trochę niesamowite, że tak smutne wydarzenie

jak by nie było czyjejś śmierci znowu zjednoczyło rodzinę.

Trzy pokolenia później.

Ależ to były niesamowite przeżycia dla was!

Co ciekawe przynajmniej trzy inne osoby w rodzinie

próbowały powrócić do Polski i odnaleźć tą rodzinę.

Ale teraz kiedy Polska wreszcie zrobiła się bardziej otwarta

więcej ludzi mówi po Angielsku.

i prawdę mówiąc facet, którego wynajęliśmy do poszukiwań genealogicznych

potrafił czytać po Polsku i znał również Rosyjski i Niemiecki.

Wiesz, w Polsce zależało od danego roku

czy rodziłeś się Polakie, Niemcem albo Rosjanem.

Czyli teraz... jesteście gotowi na następny rozdział tej historii?

Bo wiesz... Polacy bardzo cenią sobie zwracanie przysług.

W porządku.

Więc w połowie października jak tu się robi zimno

jednego dnia otworzycie drzwi i... oto jesteśmy!

I będą mile widziani!

Nasze drzwi stoją dla nich otworem i chętnie ich ugościmy!

Jak najbardziej!

You didn't bring the drone?

Of course I brought it.


Of course.

Then fly around here already.

For more infomation >> KRAKÓW i odnaleziona RODZINA w Polsce / KRAKOW and RELATIVES found in Poland - Duration: 14:37.



My name is Rodger Koller

and this video is going to be very quick

This is part of a series of videos named:

"Real-Life English" in which I just start talking

at random about any topic

without having written any script beforehand

Well, again, it's exactly...Let me see here

It's 2:45 a.m. It's exactly 2:45 a.m.

adn I can't sleep


so again, I've decided to come outside

and walk in the park here

There's this nice park here, next to my house

and for some strange reason it is open 24/7

This park never closes. So, I couldn't sleep and

I couldn't even stay in my bedroom because I was trying to sleep

and then I felt bad about it, so

I decided to come outside to walk a little bit

I've just noticed that

the video is going to get too dark

and shaky

because it's too dark here

So, when I get home and I edit the video

I'm going to put something else for you to see

like a gameplay or something like that

I'm not going to work in the morning, so

I want to use some energy out here...

Maybe I'll feel sleepy when I get home

I know, my girlfriend is going to hate it when she sees this video

she doesn't like me to come outside after midnight

Yeah, she thinks I'm a Gremlin

I can anticipate that after seeing this video

She is going to call me and

She'll say something like:

"Rodger, you can't sleep because instead of closing your eyes...

...and trying to sleep, you keep working...

...and when you're not working, you're making videos and stuff like that...

...You should just close your eyes and try to sleep"

and she'll also say something like:

"It's not easy and simple...

"you just need to turn out the light and turn off all your devices...

and in the dark, close your eyes and do that breathing technique that I've taught you"

Yeah, she's taught me a breathing technique

My sweet girlfriend has taught me a very pleasant breathing technique

and this technique really helps me a lot

when I'm stressed out, I do this technique that she has taught me

and I feel much better. This is true.

However, it doesn't necessarily help me when I can't sleep

I tried to do what she had told me to do

I remained with my eyes closed from midnight up to 2 A.M.

I must say that even without being able to sleep, I feel much better

just by the fact that my eyes were closed, I feel rested

but I am still tired at the same time. It's really weird

I've got to admit that I've got some sleeping disorders


The last time I slept was from Sunday to Monday

Now it is 2:50 a.m. on a Wednesday

and I'm here, walking in the park

so this is the third entire day in a row

that I haven't slept

my eyes are red

but it's funny because when I get this long without sleeping, I start seeing things

Like...I close my eyes and I see butterflies and rainbows

Stop it! Get some help!

Perhaps I'm getting crazy

I see other things as well, but maybe I'll make another video to tell you what I see

I'm not ready to talk about these things yet, otherwise you'll actually think I'm insane

and I'm not insane


Today I want to talk to you about something that has been part of my life since I was a little boy

a specific thing related to my sleeping disorders

as you may have noticed, I have insomnia

"oh! really?"

but that's not the main problem. That's not my main problem

I also have sleep paralysis

I'm not going to tell you the specific explanation of what it is because

it's too complicated. I don't understand what that is

but in a nutshell. Sleep Paralysis is when a person suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night

but this person can't move anything

So, in my situation... I'm sleeping

then in the middle of the night I open my eyes. However, I can't move my body

I can only move my eyes

It's crazy. So, I'm sleeping...I wake up

and I can only move my eyes

I can't move my hands, I can't move my body whatsoever

I can't speak but I can make some sounds

like...I can use my vocal chords

but I can't move my lips in order to make words

and sometimes it takes me from 5 minutes to three hours

like that

and then Ican finally move my body, but there have been times

especially when I was younger

that I remember being at this state for around 3 hours

when I was a kid I used to be afraid of that

I used to get really scared every time it happened to me

but it was so usual that I started learning some techinique in order to

to spend my time while I was paralysed

while I'm awake, with my eyes open but paralysed

my brain is half way in what I call "dream land"

so I can see things that can only be from my dreams

right there in my bedroom

or flying around above my bed...People...


and other strange things

weird stuff

so I've learnt how to control these things

I can control these images, these crazy things

while I am at that state as I wait for this paralysis to pass


The last five times that it happened to me

I didn't see anything in my bedroom with me

I was alone

and my bedroom was empty

I've read some things about sleep paralysis and it's nothing really serious

It's not going to hurt me

it's just some thing that happens to some people

If it has ever happened to you

I recommend that you keep calm

and wait, the more you fight against that

the longer you will be in this situation, so

So, when it happens to me now, I just remain calm

and in two or three minutes I'm back to normal

and about my insomnia

if you have any suggestions on what I should do

please leave a comment in the comment section

and give me your advice

I'll really appreciate that

Yes, I think i should go back home

I don't even know why I came out here to the park

it doesn't make sense

it's really cold tonight and

so, I'll just walk back to my house now

Thank you for listening to me. You're my true friends. I am very happy to have you because every time

I feel that I need to talk to somebody, I know that I can just

turn my camera on and start talking

I can turn my voice recorder on and I can start talking

and I know that some people will listen to me and

These people will give me advice and stuff

So, thank you very much for being my friends

and thank you for watching this video

Please hit the LIKE button, subscribe to the channel

LIKE our page on Facebook

follow me on Twitter and on Instagram

please join our group on Telegram and

practice your English with voice messages and with text messages

if you sympathise with my channel, please become a patron

Thank you very much for everything

I'll go back home, I'll try to have some rest and

Possibly in the morning I'll make another video

This video was just a way for me to talk to you

as a friend

So, thank you for everything and I'll see you next class

For more infomation >> I HAVE SLEEP PARALYSIS [REAL-LIFE ENGLISH #13] - Duration: 8:36.


Una veterana disabile aiuta i cani randagi a trovare una casa e i ragazzi a stare lontani dalle gang - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Una veterana disabile aiuta i cani randagi a trovare una casa e i ragazzi a stare lontani dalle gang - Duration: 2:42.


El reto de la lonchera - Ensalada o arroz con verduras I Pura Actitud - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> El reto de la lonchera - Ensalada o arroz con verduras I Pura Actitud - Duration: 4:19.


COVERGIRL TruBlend Matte Made Liquid Foundation | Drugstore First Impression, Review + How To Apply - Duration: 12:19.

hello gorgeous welcome back to my channel I have a bur butt face right now

the things I do for you guys because I am going to do a first impression nish

video I'm gonna try out the covergirl this is the true blend map made

foundation it is Comfort matte transfer-resistant we're going to get

into this foundation talk about it try it out figure out my color all that

stuff so let's just get started okay so if you follow me on instagram you saw me

open this box already they sent me a PR package with all the

shades and that's not an exaggeration literally all of the shades were in the

box and there were this regular size so what I want to do is I'm gonna I hopped

on CoverGirl's website and I want to tell you a couple of the things or the

key points that this particular product claims to do so that we can figure out

if it's true this by the way it's not sponsored I

just wanted to do this for you guys so let's put on the glasses

shall we so this is the true blend map made liquid foundation it's rated 4 out

of 5 stars on their website it says from your favorite covergirl foundation line

comes a matte formula that isn't drying or cakey troublin matte mates formula is

developed with flexi whole technology that creates a strong yet flexible film

on skin for durability and comfort while the mattifying powders absorb oil

minimizes pores for a soft matte flawless finish up to 12 hours of wear

so that's a big promise ok so the 5 main points that I see here on the webpage is

that it is a 12-hour comfort mat pore minimizing oil control transfer

resistant and all 40 shades so it comes in 40 different shades so the fact that

it is pore minimizing is pretty insane to me for a drugstore foundation it's a

big promise y'all so let's hop into this I pulled two colors I'm gonna see which

one works for me and yeah alright rings are coming off that means it's getting

serious I don't know why but I can't stand I just washed my hands and I can't

stand when there's water under my ring and that's always yelling at me he

doesn't yell at me but he gets on to me because I take my rings off all over the

house I leave him all of the house which is a horrible habit don't do that at

home okay first off I'm gonna apply primer using the Laura Mercier

foundation primer it's hydrating this is the one I've been using like as my go-to

so what I do is I have you guys have seen my studio and if you haven't I can

link that in the description bar below the video or you can see my studio it

pretty much looks the same for the most part but when I'm using something on an

everyday basis I now have a set of drawers over to the side of my desk and

that's where I keep the products that I use on an everyday basis or but I'm

testing out currently so this is the only primer I have in there besides the

Giorgio Armani which I tested in the Nordstrom video which I can also link in

the description box below but I just really like this one because it's

hydrating and it's summertime and my skin has just been really feeling dry

because I just so dry here in California oh gosh and I am having some issues on

my chin I feel like I'm looking at my screen I don't feel like you can really

see them I you know how like you know there's a pimple coming but it's not

there yet but it's coming it's brewing and it's like painful to OS on my chin

right now I'm ready for them to be over with already and they just started okay

my two shades here that I have is m10 and m50 there's a pretty significant

shade difference between the two I don't know if you can pick up the difference

I'm definitely not tan right now but I'm also not like winter pale I try to stay

out of a Sun as much as possible so let's try I'm gonna try m10 it's always

tested on your neck because you want the color magic mmm I don't know about all

that mm-hmm I feel like that blended pretty

darn well yeah we're gonna go with that okay so we're gonna do at a 10 so what

I'm gonna do is apply it on the back of my hand and I'm gonna use my favorite

foundation brushes the Marc Jacobs the face to and love this brush every time I

talk about it in a video or on insta stories I get multiple let's try that

again every time I talk about this brush on YouTube or in stories or wherever I

get multiple DMS about it because you guys

always want to know and yes it is pricey and yes I do think it's worth the money

because I use it all the time don't get me wrong I still use my Beauty Blender

and use the crap out of it but I love this brush okay so applied it so now I

want to look at my face I always do this when I get a new foundation I always

want to look really close to see how I think it looks pore minimizing isn't

what I would describe it as what's the word for costume like I don't notice

them as much that's what I'm trying to say there's a word that I'm looking for

don't know how to use my words but I what I'm trying to say is that I don't

notice my my pores as much on my nose because like this is the area right here

where I have the big it built large my largest pores Hula's reflecting sunlight

right here so I don't notice them as much there with this foundation on so

that's really a positive thing it definitely even got my skin tones I

would say it's got a very sticky feeling to a pie you can't judge that until you

actually said the foundation I feel like it's definitely evening I feel like I

have a more even overall skin tone right now I'm gonna turn it to the other I was

looking at magnifying I'm gonna apply some concealer and some powder and get

right back to you alright so have my foundation set

I used my go-to lately this is the it cosmetics to your skin but better see

see it's the airbrush perfecting powder and then I also set under my eyes

because I used my normal concealer dermablend with the Kat Von D

translucent and I just feel like I have a really nice even canvas now I do feel

like my face is still pretty sticky more than usual after setting a powder so I'm

gonna go ahead and set with my bronzer to do a little contour so my face

doesn't look like one giant blob got a contour and see how I like it there I'm

just using a matte bronzer this is the Marc Jacobs tantalizer

I hate to do this to you guys because it's not available man it is my favorite

bronzer lately and I don't know what I'm gonna do what it's not available anymore

all right I'm just gonna add a little bit of dimension to my face and just a

little bit of blush hardest palette and my Real Techniques brush so I did put my

brows on because I don't even recognize myself

myself without brows and it's all pretty pale I just lightly did did a little bit

of contour there so that we get a feel okay

so overall I feel like it's a very nice even shade I have to go back and look at

what what it promises to do because now I don't even remember isn't that

terrible hold on let's look I know pore-minimizing which I already

addressed that 40 different shades that's a fact that's not a claim

oil-control transfer-resistant 12-hour comfort mat so those are the things that

I can't tell you right the second because I kind of have to see how they

where it says it isn't drying it it is and it isn't cakey I would agree with

that it's definitely not cakey it's a medium coverage it's not drying feeling

like I said it's got a little bit of a sticky but it's still really fresh so

that might dry out a little bit towards the end of the day um I do feel like

it's true to a matte shade because it's definitely I don't feel like there's any

Sheen or or luminosity to it at all um see powders absorb oil minimizes pores

for a soft matte flawless finish I do feel like as a soft matte flawless

finish okay so what I want to do is check in with you guys here in a little

while and see how it wears throughout the day I don't have a full face of

makeup on right now but the next time you see me I might or might not I don't

know that's some stuff to do so I'm gonna check back in with you in a little

bit it's been approximately four hours which of course isn't the twelve hours

but there are special circumstances here as to why I think four hours is an

acceptable time to check one being that my nanny's about to leave and I'm not

gonna have anyone to watch the baby main reason why but I did venture

out into the hot hot weather and it was a hundred and two degrees on my car so

that is good enough reason right there to see if it withstood the heat test

then I went to the chiropractor and was facedown in the the paper thing and got

adjusted and deep tissue and all that because I still can't feel my butt I saw

the numb but after childbirth so that's another another story for another day so

that's a lot going on for this you know so that's that's what's happening in my

neck of the woods let's let's check it out and see what we think okay so first

of all the paper that my face was up against for a solid probably fifteen

minutes there was some residual left over but not as much as I've seen when I

have worn a full coverage foundation going in there before so I do I was

impressed even I even told my refractory I said I'm doing a test to see how this

lasts and and I got up and I was like there's something goes thud is nothing

I've seen a whole lot more from other people so that was a good sign the other

thing that I would like to say is that I am a little bit shiny right here and I'm

a little bit shiny right here but I'm not really through here and I'm not in

my typical t-zone it's literally just right here that I have the the shininess

I'm a little bit tacky overall though I still look pretty matte I feel like you

can like in the lights reflecting off my forehead a little bit and it looks oily

the oilier than it is there's really not much there at all since I've seen you

I'm getting a new zit on my nose so that's fun literally that that's popped

up in just a few hours it's so frustrating overall though I don't see

any oxidation I do see the little bit of the shininess I do feel like it's worn

really well on my cheeks on my nose like and everywhere so I feel like it stayed

pretty matte it would need a touch-up I would say with some powder which most

foundations are gonna need touch-up especially in that extreme heat and you

know putting your face smushed up against a table but overall I feel like

this is a thumbs up for me am coverage I feel like it's really

delivered I don't feel that my pores look smaller but they do look blurred

that's the word I was looking for earlier blurred so yeah I think it's a

good foundation especially for the price point actually all I know is that as

drugstore I don't even know what the price point is let's look it up

covergirl trublend matte made so it's 849 at target 844 at Walmart so under 10

bucks I feel like it wore fantastic for a medium coverage it's great for

everyday I give it two thumbs up let me know in the comments below is

this something you guys want to see for me more one see more product reviews

like first impressions see how it how it wears throughout the day because I did

this a couple weeks ago with the Thrive mascara and you guys seem to really like

that video so let me know if this is something that I should do more of

because I I like this I like testing out a product and figure out whether it's a

keep or a toss so let me know in the comments the you guys so much for

watching love y'all so much don't forget to visit me on my blog angelo intercom

for evoi I actually kissed my hand that time I've never done that before I was


For more infomation >> COVERGIRL TruBlend Matte Made Liquid Foundation | Drugstore First Impression, Review + How To Apply - Duration: 12:19.


Avengers 4 Loki Is Returning For REAL REVEALED!? & Thor 4 NEWS Breakdown - Duration: 8:13.

it looks very impressive doesn't it yes and it's very exciting and I found it

quite this is odd thing to say but I found it quite touching because I

remember I remember when I was cast as Loki for the very first time almost 10

years ago and Kevin Feige the president of Marvel Studios called me into his

office to congrat to say congratulations and then one of the first things servers

let me talk to you about Avengers and I thought I just been cast in Thor right

and he's told me the dream he had to to build to build this a fleet of films

this Marvel Cinematic Universe that was culminating in Avengers and suddenly the

Marvel Cinematic Universe has expanded to such an extraordinary size that it

can you know encompass and encapsulate so many different characters who people

have taken to their hearts and and followed and loved whether it's all the

people from the Captain America films or the guardians of the galaxy or you know

it's become so peopled now no I was just it's just so it's just so impressive and

I say that almost outside it yeah and I feel so lucky to be a part of it so

that's why I found it

what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on Avengers 4 so yes we're

gonna go over another Loki video but don't worry this is very different to

any other video and that I've done on Loki so far which is only three videos

over space over the last four months so guys make sure to subscribe to never

miss any of those videos and turn them notifications on so according to

Asgardian law Asgardian rules if Loki's truly dead now guys this makes no actual

logical sense because there's so many bottles but let's just say if like he

actually died he should have went to Valhalla or hell so it appears that

Loki's death and rescue from Hell was originally planned for Thor 3 because of

shots that were done in the UK last year so on May 3rd and 4th last year Chris

Hemsworth Tessa Thompson and a full-scale model of Rocket Raccoon was

seen on the set at Durham which is up north in UK like Durham Cathedral Cate

Blanchett was also spotted there now we know that the two actresses were not

seeing an infinity war so this must be for Avengers 4 it does this confirm that

the plan all along was to bring a Loki back just like everyone thinks he's

coming back now this isn't a theory saying he's not dead this is a theory

saying yeah cool he's actually dead but the purpose was to always bring him back

so all the stars Pacific to any us guarding storyline were at this

Cathedral were used for the scene when Thor has the nightmarish vision in age

of Ultron so full credits of Reddit user Ian one nor thirteen so he said this and

it's actually quite compelling so let's get into it

I propose that the reason Thor rocket in Valkyrie and he'll are all at the church

was to gain access to the cave that Thor use in the age of Ultron with Eric to

use it in some way to allow Thor to travel to hell to confront Heller who is

trapped there or slight in there once more after her defeat in Thor Ragnarok

to help him bring their brother Loki back from the dead dun dun

dun guys this theory is awesome and it is

quite true in the comics cuz obviously in the comics Loki had a deal where if

he died he always got reincarnated so this would be good I know the Russo

brothers don't like to recycle storylines this isn't this is putting a

new story onto a current story so there is even more evidence from cate

blanchett will return as Thor and Loki sister back in November last year we

reported well where I'm getting source from it's an article I will link it down

below it says we reported on a ship used by Mark Ruffalo on the rapid HOD cast

when he casually mentioned two stars he had shared scenes with Swinton loosely

Ruffalo name-check 8 Blanche fit amazing a true circle so humble the best one are

so humble weird Avengers 4 expected to explore dimensional travel it's pretty

clear it justice in you eights that the ancient one in Clickbank fit the

Asgardian goddess will a lie perfectly with the multi-dimensional travel quest

to defeat Thanos and bring Loki back so it's pretty cool I mean we do know that

two people were seen on set according to this article I will link it down below

guys so that's pretty interesting so basically it seems like Loki could be

brought back from Hell or Valhalla but let's be honest he's not gonna be in for

how there is he or is it I don't know that's pretty cool and it's interesting

because recently Tiger were Tiki had a meeting with Marvel when everyone's

going crazy yes the Thor 4 confirmed he's directing Gardens galaxy 3 kind of

firm well I don't really think that's the case and you can't really explain it

because unless you was sat in at that meeting with Tiger Tiki and I presume he

spoke to Kevin Feige maybe it didn't Basilica say who he had a meeting with

so guarding the galaxy 3 has been officially being delayed due to Jane's

gun being fired and obviously you'd have to find alright new director they'd have

to find a new script because they can't use a script so essentially the VFX team

and the special effects team have been told to look for a job so I don't think

they're gonna cancel the movie I just think they have to find a new director

whether that be tiger Tiki or someone like Bradley Cooper I don't know why his

name's being thrown out there but if you put Bradley Cooper's name

in a movie I'm pretty sure people watch it people want to see the final version

the final stage of this trilogy the only issue is we'd never know what James Gunn

had to say in his final movie which is a bit shame

so the reason he was there could be he could spoke about that potentially we do

know like Chris Hemsworth has confirmed that he would be up for doing another

Thor movie if the story was right right and then he went on to confirm that he

has already been discussing potential storylines for a fourth Thor movie with

Tiger Tiki which might happen which is pretty cool and let's be honest guys can

you imagine a Thor movie without Loki showing up like let's say Loki doesn't

show up in Avengers 4 but we know he's already in there in some capacity how

cool it'd be if Loki just pops up in a in a obviously the next Thor movie if

they make one and it's like hey brother but that really couldn't happen because

you know youtubers like me would kind of report in here you have to be in film

seen on film set like in Atlanta where they do mostly Marvel movies so yeah I

think this is a strongest theory out there the Thor is gonna get Heller to

help him bring their brother back and they're gonna resurrect him from the

dead now I know some people are gonna complain in the comments section that oh

my god wars Jew you've done like 800 Loki videos no this is like my fourth

Loki video since I started doing Marvel content so like always guys please like

subscribe and comment there is some Captain Marvel news coming out but I

probably talked about in a different video about the release date of the

first trailer as that's coming pretty soon ish so anyway guys let me know

everything down below do you think that Loki is coming back but he's gonna be

resurrected so in theory Thanos did technically kill him if you want to call

it that because let's - guys that logically speaking that was not destined

there was too many plot holes that wasn't our Loki it looks like it like a

projection or Loki but you know people like to say stuff and I think it's very

interesting so guys let me know who should direct gardens of galaxy 3 let me

know what you think about the potential ancient one and Heller coming to

Avengers 4 well if it isn't Avengers 4 it's gonna have to be some random movie

and that's the next one it can't be Captain Marvel because that's a

prerequisite movie set in the 90s and also guys let me know are you up for a

4th saw a movie which would have to be in phase 4 at some point so anyway guys

please like subscribe and comment and I will catch you in a No

video very soon gets ya Elena

For more infomation >> Avengers 4 Loki Is Returning For REAL REVEALED!? & Thor 4 NEWS Breakdown - Duration: 8:13.


why i cant make shitposts - Duration: 0:26.

me, being a normal youtuber

autistic screeching

For more infomation >> why i cant make shitposts - Duration: 0:26.


peter + nadine | I was all over her ᶜʳᵒˢˢᵒᵛᵉʳ - Duration: 1:29.

What are you doing here?

We need to talk.

What is the truth?

I don't know.

You don't seem to be afraid to be with me.

You're like the best person I know.

Let me drive you home and I will explain everything to you.

What do you want?

What do you mean, what do I want?

I'm sorry.


For more infomation >> peter + nadine | I was all over her ᶜʳᵒˢˢᵒᵛᵉʳ - Duration: 1:29.


10 AWESOME TRICKS! - Duration: 10:49.

For more infomation >> 10 AWESOME TRICKS! - Duration: 10:49.


The peeling of peanut shells by hamsters is too usable!ASMR【cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:30.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> The peeling of peanut shells by hamsters is too usable!ASMR【cute hamster make your feel at ease】 - Duration: 1:30.


3 Takeaways from 49ers vs Colts (Preseason, Game 3) - Duration: 4:51.


It's Bryan here.

Today, going to be talking about the San Francisco 49ers as always.

Doing another Top 3 video.

This time, covering that 3 takeaways that I had for this game against the Colts that

happened yesterday.

We ended up losing 17-23.

Would've been nice to get the W, but hey, the first team offense/defense didn't play

the whole time.

There you have it, but anyways.

It would've be nice to get a win.

Hopefully, they get some more during the regular season.

Going to be doing that.

This is going to be a really quick video.

Preseason is just about to end soon.

I want the regular season to happen right now.

Hopefully, it's a more exciting regular season.

So yeah.

There you have it.

Anyways, before I get the video started as always, please "Like" and Subscribe to support

my channel.

Thank you guys all for the support.

That definitely helps me out a lot.

Hopefully, we get to 1,000 subscribers as soon as possible.

That would be fantastic.

Let's just kick some a**.

Let's do it.

The Top 3 takeaways I had for the game against the Colts yesterday.

Coming in number three, I have the defensive line.

They did a really good job in this game.

They did a lot better than they did in the previous 2 games against the Cowboys and Texans.

They were able to pressure Andrew Luck and the offensive line.

Get a couple of sacks.

I think one or 2.

I don't know exactly how many.

I don't have the statistics with me on hand, but they did a better job at that.

Hopefully, this is the defensive line/pass rush that we get in the regular season DeForest

Buckner, always a beast.

What can you say?

This guy is going to be a special talent this year and I think he will anchor this defensive

line perfectly.

Hopefully, he can lead this line to getting more pressures and sacks later on during the


Pass rush, pretty good.

Hopefully, they keep this up.

Hopefully, we don't get the pass rush that we've been getting for the earlier 2 games

against the Cowboys and Texans as mentioned.

If they can keep it up, that would be pretty good and it'll make this defense even better.

For this part, I'm going to to be splitting up to number 2, number one for both the offensive

side the ball.

So coming in at number 2 for the offensive side of the ball is the red zone touchdowns/dropped


This is very essential.

Hopefully, we don't get this too often.

This is not a very strong point for this first team offense.

Garoppolo was having some good passes, but a couple drops I would say.

Tight ends had a couple drops.

Kendrick Bounrne had a crucial drop on a fourth down.

I saw that.

It was pretty bad.

Hopefully, they can not do that again.

Another thing that was a problem is not scoring touchdowns.

I mean, this was a problem all last year, even when Garoppolo was the quarterback.

They could've score a lot more points had they not had to settle for field goals.

Hopefully, they can really work on that and get the red zone efficiency up even more because

if they can't do that, then all we're going to be doing is scoring field goals and we'll

be losing games by like 3 or less points or something like that.

They really got to work on that.

If they can do that, that'd be a fantastic job.

Right now, it was a little bit of a problem in this game for this squad.

Garoppolo, his statistics look kind of eschewed.

It don't look good on the surface, but it wasn't all his fault l would say.

I think the receivers had some dropped passes.

Other than that, it was not too bad of a day for the offensive side of the ball, although

they could do some more.

Get more polished for later on.

If they can work on the red zone touchdown efficiency/not dropping too many passes as

much as possible, then that would be fantastic.

That's what I got in this game against the Colts.

Not too bad.

Hopefully, they can keep it up and they'll be playing week week 4 against the Chargers.

Coming in at number one as the biggest takeaway that I got against the Colts yesterday was

Alfred Morris, the running back.

Now, Kyle Shanahan has a quandary up his hand.

What is he going to do with the running back position because Morris did a fantastic job

in this game.

He fit perfectly in Kyle Shanahan's system because they used to play together in Washington.

It's not surprising at all.

I kind of had a feeling he was going to do a good job for this team.

Maybe he just needed a fresh start from playing for the Redskins and Cowboys.

He's on a pretty good team I would say on paper.

Hopefully, he can be a really good piece for this offense.

I think he's going to make the roster I'm assuming because the other running backs that

are on the roster, I don't know if I could trust too much.

Joe Williams has been injured too much.

Raheem Mostert's not too bad, but I don't know.

Maybe Alfred Morris might be better.

McKinnon's going to be the one running back.

He's out for the rest the preseason.

Matt Breida's a pretty damn good back.

Morris, he did a really good job against the Colts.

Maybe it's prisoner of the moment, but right now, Alfred Morris, he is making Kyle Shanahan's

job a little bit more interesting I would say to pick someone in the running back position

to fill the void for the 53 man roster.

He did a really good job assuming that he's going to be having more snaps in this last

game against the Chargers probably because he hasn't been on this team too long.

So, we need to see more from him.

I have confidence in him.

I'm pretty sure Kyle Shanahan has confidence in him like he did in 2012 with RG3.

Can't say anything else.

Morris is going to be a pretty valuable asset to this team if he makes this roster, which

I'm assuming he's going to make the roster just because of the running back situation,

but you never know.

Right now, going to give props for this game.

He did a really good job and yeah.

Going to keep it like that.

So, there you have you guys.

Doing a look quick takeaway for this video.

Let me know what you guys thought about this game against the Colts.

Was it good?

Was it bad?

Tell me some good aspects, some bad aspects of the game.

I'd like to hear what you guys have to say and if you guys like this, please "Like" and

Subscribe as always to support my channel out.

That would definitely help me out a lot and I'll see you guys another time.

So, I hope you guys have a nice day, nice weekend, nice whatever.

See you guys another time.

Bye guys.

Love y'all.

Y'all have a good rest of your weekend.

For more infomation >> 3 Takeaways from 49ers vs Colts (Preseason, Game 3) - Duration: 4:51.


voice activity freestyle - Duration: 2:26.

i really didn't want to have to do this



first never seen someone bad at league

i been the top enemy but it's really sad to see

someone so as low as you to try to come at me

you barely hit diamond on console please


buckle down and take a swig

i'm about to rip off this fake nigga's wig

now on that last beat, woah yeah you slid

but i'mma fuck you up more than yi did

you were like a brother then you fucked me for the impress

pretty ironic since ya'll obssessed with incest

i hate your fuckin guts alright yeah i confess

go and drop another song like a fuckin friend request

even in the song man i'm laid back

go ahead i'll gladly whoop your ass on playback

frown stuck to your face like a face tat

confused cryin like

'why would you say that?'


i didn't really wanna take that

nigga go and get your shoes put the tape back

i don't wanna rap fast think you'd hate that

couldn't understand what i said nigga fall flat

chompin on these niggas like a feral wildcat

rappin fast sounds fun maybe i should play that

ok ok

nigga, I was only dreaming of a time that you would be fucking coherent

and that's when i'ma finally get a break

If I didn't get away before I guarantee that when i get on league,

you got a lot of stupid shit to say

You don't really want me to get petty, i'ma blind you just like fetty,

nigga roll your words and pick up fuckin pace

gamerjunkiekevin nigga seven put this stupid nigga in heaven

i'll pop all you niggas in your fuckin face i

put em on the stake i

open up the gates i

yeah you kinnin xayah but you still 0/8 i

nigga you insane you a shame what's wrong wit your brain

narutosbff but you barely conversate i

moved away, i needed privacy

surrounded by the trees and not the league

i blocked the nigga thinkin, 'finally'

but he still got the .net he after me like

"badstion badstion i wanna talk"

"badstion badstion what the fuck"

then i got angry yeah i got typing i was ready for this nigga for this nigga to gawk like

"no" "shut the fuck up"

"tired of you thinkin you run"

"think you a1"

"thinkin this is just all for fun"

"thinkin 'oh yeah this nigga ain't nothin bro yeah i won"

"you ain't close to me shit,

you barely closer to none"

"what i want you to do is to get out of my dms"

"close em and sweep em"

"matter of fact just go and delete em"

"delete the old ones that even belong straight in the museum "

"numbers on your profile gone so i can't think to to see em"

"then i want you to go discord and go to apollo"

"i don't want to hear about this shit until t-t-tomorrow"

"when you're done crying and sighing like you icon of sorrow"

"and apollo come to me like your oh yeah your skin i'm gon borrow"

"and then i'll beat her ass too because that's just the path that i follow"

"slayin all you pussy niggas like my heart was all hollow"

"and then i keep going until none of you ninny niggas can swallow and.."


then he went offline

went atleast 2 days without hard times

then i got a dm from the legend himself and all it said was

'gaster i committed crime!'

then i knew i could really never shake him off

even though he's stupid i gotta lay off

i'll give you benefit of the doubt

don't come at me again

cause next time

i'm not gonna hold back

For more infomation >> voice activity freestyle - Duration: 2:26.



For more infomation >> I NEED HELP FOR THE GORILLAZ 5/4 FAN ANIMATION - Duration: 2:53.


20th Win in Modern Royale! - Duration: 1:40.

Hey guys, today we're going to be doing Modern Royale to get the 20th win, and it's the end.

Please wish me luck guys.

Lag, I hate lag.

Be right back guys.

And boom I'm done with the Modern Royale challenge!

I think this should be it guys.

Don't forget to give this video a like and subscribe to my channel for more content.


For more infomation >> 20th Win in Modern Royale! - Duration: 1:40.


A walk around Agrykola and playing in a fountain [movie with subtitles] - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> A walk around Agrykola and playing in a fountain [movie with subtitles] - Duration: 4:44.


Learn the alphabet | Letter I | How to write | Fine Motor Skills | Pevan and Sarah - Duration: 1:36.

Hello there Cubs. Are you ready to get your finger out? We're gonna try a

capital 'I'. It's the easiest letter there is, it's just a straight line. So start at

the top and go straight down. How easy was that?

Let's see if we can do a lowercase 'i'. Start in the middle and go straight down

and then you put a dot on the top. Well done!

How easy. You know, 'i' can make the sound 'i' like in insect or even igloo but

sometimes it makes the sound 'i' like in ice cream. And all of these words start

with the letter 'I'. Okay Cubs, get your finger out and let's

try a capital 'I'. Let's try another one.

Now let's try a lowercase 'i', don't forget the dot. And one more... great work!

Good job! Thanks finger.

Finger says: See ya!

For more infomation >> Learn the alphabet | Letter I | How to write | Fine Motor Skills | Pevan and Sarah - Duration: 1:36.


Trump Tells Fox News "Flipping" Should Be Outlawed, It's Not Fair! - Duration: 5:01.

Donald Trump's interview this week with Fox and Friends' Ainsley Earhardt, you know, really

captured headlines, cause there was a lot of crazy stupid things that the president

said in that interview.

Like, for example, when he admitted to the felony, which also, inadvertently, made him

admit to a different felony of not reporting that he made the payment and making the payment

itself obviously was the in-kind contribution felony.

But, nonetheless, there were some other parts in there that definitely warrant some coverage.

For example, this gem.

If you're saying the payments, if they're not illegal, then why would he use that information

for a plea deal?

Because he makes a better deal when he uses me, like everybody else.

And one of the reasons I respect Paul Manafort so much, is he went through that trial ... You

know they make up stories, people make up stories, this whole thing about flipping they

call it; I know all about flipping for 30, 40 years I've been watching flippers.

Everything's wonderful and then they get 10 years in jail and they flip on whoever the

next highest one is, or, as high as you can go.

It almost ought to be outlawed.

It's not fair, because if somebody's gonna spend five years like Michael Cohen or 10

years or 15 years in jail, because of a taxicab industry, because he defrauded some bank.

The last two were the tiny ones, you know, campaign violations are considered not a big

deal, frankly.

But if somebody defrauded a bank and he's gonna get 10 years in jail, or 20 years in

jail, but if you can say something bad about Donald Trump, and you'll go down to two years

or three years, which is the deal he made ... In all fairness to him, most people are

going to do that, and I've seen it many times.

I've had many friends involved in this stuff, it's called flipping and it almost ought to

be illegal.

You get 10 years in jail, but if you say bad things about somebody, in other words, make

up stories, if you don't know, make up stories, they just make up lies.

Alan Dershowitz said, compose, right?

They make up lies, I've seen it many times.

They make up things and now they go from 10 years to they're a national hero.

They have a statue erected in their honor.

It's not a fair thing, but that's why he did it.

Yeah, flipping ought to be outlawed, right?

It's so totally not fair.

Donald Trump doesn't seem to understand, well actually I take that back, this man understands


He knows how important it is to get a witness to flip in any kind of criminal prosecution.

This is how we take down big time gangs, it's how we take down the mafia, the mob, whoever,

you know, corrupt corporate criminal conduct; by getting the people to flip on the guys

bigger than them who committed worse crimes.

And that is exactly what's happening here.

But if Donald Trump is so worried about people flipping, then I'm gonna let Jim Carrey give

him the best advice imaginable right now.

Here it is.

Stop breaking the law asshole.

Really, that's it.

That's all you have to do so people don't ever flip on you.

Don't break the law.

If you don't do anything illegal, then how is anybody ever going to flip on you?

If you didn't do anything illegal, you won't be mad that people are flipping.

I mean, does his base not understand that?

Do the MAGA hat wearers really not know why Trump is so mad about this?

People are flipping on him because there's something to flip on.

It's not because they hate the man, they're trying to save themselves.

It happens all the time in criminal prosecutions.

And you can whine about it being not fair all you want, what's not fair is when people

like you break the law and get away with it.

That's the only part of this entire scenario that's not fair.

You did something bad and you're worried that the entire American public, the entire world

is about to know about it.

It's gonna cost you your job as president, it's gonna cost you your businesses, nobody's

ever gonna wanna do business with a Trump organization ever again if you go down for


Essentially your massive ego trip of being president of the United States is about to

destroy everything that they Trump family has ever worked for in their entire lives.

And I have to say 100% you deserve it.

You deserve to have your empire destroyed.

You deserve to have your legacy ruined, because you're such an awful; horrible; disgusting;

law breaking human being, and nobody can stay on top forever.

And you are about to come crashing down, back into reality, back onto planet earth, with

all the rest of us that have to obey the laws or go to jail.

And you're about to find out what that's like.

For more infomation >> Trump Tells Fox News "Flipping" Should Be Outlawed, It's Not Fair! - Duration: 5:01.


'This city is under attack' - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> 'This city is under attack' - Duration: 1:36.


✅ How To Tidy Your Sideburns At Home - Man Bun Monthly Ep5 - Duration: 12:07.

For more infomation >> ✅ How To Tidy Your Sideburns At Home - Man Bun Monthly Ep5 - Duration: 12:07.


What is League of Legends? Animation - Duration: 2:09.


You just landed in the gaming world, and now you need to think out of the box?

We present, League of Legends!

But we don't have money to buy it!

I got you, League it's free to play!

I'll play only if it's in my native language!

Welcome then, League it's available in a lot of languages!

But I'm a noob, I really suck at playing games!

I got you, there's a lot of crazy dudes for every level of players!

First Steps.

After kicking some IA ass on the tutorials,

you'll be able to play with up to 4 more friends!

Look! What a beautiful girl!

'Champion', not 'girl'!

And with more than 130 champions to unlock, you will have a lot of options to wreck your enemies!

"Prof", but I like to attack from distance... Is there any one like this on the game?

A lot of them! There's Ashe for example, an ice archer!

Cool! Look at these arrows bro!

But Fiora, what about me, that likes tanking everything for my team?

Vlad, we have Zac for you, which turns into a jello instead of dying.

And from the color looks like it's green apple flavored! By the way Ahri, I really like it!

And what about punching faces? I like to punch everybody, teacher!

Darius, for you we have Tryndamere, that is a troublemaker.

Oh, cool. He even liked the beautiful ice archer!

Oh! and looks like her heart it's also made of ice!


LoL it's a strategy 5 VS 5 game.

1 buddy goes top,

1 mid,

2 bottom, while 1 buddy goes on the jungle.

Cool, I'll play in the jungle then!

No Way! I'll do it!!

The whole idea is to wreck their entire base, starting with the towers then the inhibitors and finally the Nexus.

Oh man! This makes a looooot of 'nexus'!

Shut up, Darius!

There's MUCH MORE!

The champions can change their skins!

Yeah pal, there's one for every taste:

There's a bull dressed as a cow, 8- Bits champions,

DJs that plays rad music for your teammates, and MUCH MORE!


All right kiddo, install it RIGHT NOW, and join us on the Summoners Rift!

For more infomation >> What is League of Legends? Animation - Duration: 2:09.


El reto de la lonchera - Ensalada o arroz con verduras I Pura Actitud - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> El reto de la lonchera - Ensalada o arroz con verduras I Pura Actitud - Duration: 4:19.


2018 Jaguar E-Pace - Veja nossa AVALIAÇÃO COMPLETA - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> 2018 Jaguar E-Pace - Veja nossa AVALIAÇÃO COMPLETA - Duration: 10:32.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : BARROSO NEGA AÇÃO PARA BARRAR DIVULGAÇÃO DOS SALÁRIOS DE JUÍZES - Duration: 2:09.



My name is Rodger Koller

and this video is going to be very quick

This is part of a series of videos named:

"Real-Life English" in which I just start talking

at random about any topic

without having written any script beforehand

Well, again, it's exactly...Let me see here

It's 2:45 a.m. It's exactly 2:45 a.m.

adn I can't sleep


so again, I've decided to come outside

and walk in the park here

There's this nice park here, next to my house

and for some strange reason it is open 24/7

This park never closes. So, I couldn't sleep and

I couldn't even stay in my bedroom because I was trying to sleep

and then I felt bad about it, so

I decided to come outside to walk a little bit

I've just noticed that

the video is going to get too dark

and shaky

because it's too dark here

So, when I get home and I edit the video

I'm going to put something else for you to see

like a gameplay or something like that

I'm not going to work in the morning, so

I want to use some energy out here...

Maybe I'll feel sleepy when I get home

I know, my girlfriend is going to hate it when she sees this video

she doesn't like me to come outside after midnight

Yeah, she thinks I'm a Gremlin

I can anticipate that after seeing this video

She is going to call me and

She'll say something like:

"Rodger, you can't sleep because instead of closing your eyes...

...and trying to sleep, you keep working...

...and when you're not working, you're making videos and stuff like that...

...You should just close your eyes and try to sleep"

and she'll also say something like:

"It's not easy and simple...

"you just need to turn out the light and turn off all your devices...

and in the dark, close your eyes and do that breathing technique that I've taught you"

Yeah, she's taught me a breathing technique

My sweet girlfriend has taught me a very pleasant breathing technique

and this technique really helps me a lot

when I'm stressed out, I do this technique that she has taught me

and I feel much better. This is true.

However, it doesn't necessarily help me when I can't sleep

I tried to do what she had told me to do

I remained with my eyes closed from midnight up to 2 A.M.

I must say that even without being able to sleep, I feel much better

just by the fact that my eyes were closed, I feel rested

but I am still tired at the same time. It's really weird

I've got to admit that I've got some sleeping disorders


The last time I slept was from Sunday to Monday

Now it is 2:50 a.m. on a Wednesday

and I'm here, walking in the park

so this is the third entire day in a row

that I haven't slept

my eyes are red

but it's funny because when I get this long without sleeping, I start seeing things

Like...I close my eyes and I see butterflies and rainbows

Stop it! Get some help!

Perhaps I'm getting crazy

I see other things as well, but maybe I'll make another video to tell you what I see

I'm not ready to talk about these things yet, otherwise you'll actually think I'm insane

and I'm not insane


Today I want to talk to you about something that has been part of my life since I was a little boy

a specific thing related to my sleeping disorders

as you may have noticed, I have insomnia

"oh! really?"

but that's not the main problem. That's not my main problem

I also have sleep paralysis

I'm not going to tell you the specific explanation of what it is because

it's too complicated. I don't understand what that is

but in a nutshell. Sleep Paralysis is when a person suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night

but this person can't move anything

So, in my situation... I'm sleeping

then in the middle of the night I open my eyes. However, I can't move my body

I can only move my eyes

It's crazy. So, I'm sleeping...I wake up

and I can only move my eyes

I can't move my hands, I can't move my body whatsoever

I can't speak but I can make some sounds

like...I can use my vocal chords

but I can't move my lips in order to make words

and sometimes it takes me from 5 minutes to three hours

like that

and then Ican finally move my body, but there have been times

especially when I was younger

that I remember being at this state for around 3 hours

when I was a kid I used to be afraid of that

I used to get really scared every time it happened to me

but it was so usual that I started learning some techinique in order to

to spend my time while I was paralysed

while I'm awake, with my eyes open but paralysed

my brain is half way in what I call "dream land"

so I can see things that can only be from my dreams

right there in my bedroom

or flying around above my bed...People...


and other strange things

weird stuff

so I've learnt how to control these things

I can control these images, these crazy things

while I am at that state as I wait for this paralysis to pass


The last five times that it happened to me

I didn't see anything in my bedroom with me

I was alone

and my bedroom was empty

I've read some things about sleep paralysis and it's nothing really serious

It's not going to hurt me

it's just some thing that happens to some people

If it has ever happened to you

I recommend that you keep calm

and wait, the more you fight against that

the longer you will be in this situation, so

So, when it happens to me now, I just remain calm

and in two or three minutes I'm back to normal

and about my insomnia

if you have any suggestions on what I should do

please leave a comment in the comment section

and give me your advice

I'll really appreciate that

Yes, I think i should go back home

I don't even know why I came out here to the park

it doesn't make sense

it's really cold tonight and

so, I'll just walk back to my house now

Thank you for listening to me. You're my true friends. I am very happy to have you because every time

I feel that I need to talk to somebody, I know that I can just

turn my camera on and start talking

I can turn my voice recorder on and I can start talking

and I know that some people will listen to me and

These people will give me advice and stuff

So, thank you very much for being my friends

and thank you for watching this video

Please hit the LIKE button, subscribe to the channel

LIKE our page on Facebook

follow me on Twitter and on Instagram

please join our group on Telegram and

practice your English with voice messages and with text messages

if you sympathise with my channel, please become a patron

Thank you very much for everything

I'll go back home, I'll try to have some rest and

Possibly in the morning I'll make another video

This video was just a way for me to talk to you

as a friend

So, thank you for everything and I'll see you next class

For more infomation >> I HAVE SLEEP PARALYSIS [REAL-LIFE ENGLISH #13] - Duration: 8:36.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : EXECUTIVO DA ODEBRECHT ESCONDEU DA LAVA JATO QUE TINHA DINHEIRO NA SUÍÇA - Duration: 2:11.


John McCain's Death Marked With Heartfelt Tributes From Family, Presidents | TODAY - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> John McCain's Death Marked With Heartfelt Tributes From Family, Presidents | TODAY - Duration: 3:54.


✅ How To Tidy Your Sideburns At Home - Man Bun Monthly Ep5 - Duration: 12:07.

For more infomation >> ✅ How To Tidy Your Sideburns At Home - Man Bun Monthly Ep5 - Duration: 12:07.


#EwangeliarzOP | 27 August 2018 | (Mt 23: 13-22) - Duration: 1:43.


If somebody does not do something and tries to make me go through the door they themselves do not open, it is simply counter-effective.

We know it, we know the truth perfectly.

When somebody says - it is super to go to church - for example a parent says to the child -

go to church, go to church - but they do not go themselves; we know it perfectly

that when the child grows up a bit, they will stop the observance straight away.

But let us look at the reverse of the attitude. It is a source of great hope. If I myself come into praying,

come into listening to the Word of God, if I come into engagement, if I come into the courage

of excelling myself, it is amazingly appealing.

In this manner we can become the people who through leading by example make others say -

Yes. I want to go through this door too.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 27 August 2018 | (Mt 23: 13-22) - Duration: 1:43.


Femberi & Bensen - Alıyımmı Seni 2018 (official video) JOYYAMYAMLAR 5 WOLFTEAM KLAN ŞARKISI - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Femberi & Bensen - Alıyımmı Seni 2018 (official video) JOYYAMYAMLAR 5 WOLFTEAM KLAN ŞARKISI - Duration: 4:40.




Two for the price of one

Small mud bath

At table

evening watered

You can do it!

Oooh it was pretty

With elegance

true dance

original undertaker

You'll have to drag me

It was a close



This is good for hair

It will pass !

driving drunk

The best friends in the world

Learn to cope

We should all want to have this teacher

mutant spider

500 mousetraps

It goes crazy

During that time

Incredible views

We found Garfield

mini moto

Give me a kiss

Hold your snack

It's a magic lamp

Shock Training

Fails in series

For more infomation >> ZAP FUNNY, FAILS, CHOC & INSOLITE - LE ZAP DE GOUG N°54 - Duration: 10:21.


Formula 1: Hamilton brilha na chuva e conquista pole em Spa - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Formula 1: Hamilton brilha na chuva e conquista pole em Spa - Duration: 3:46.


Valkyrie Carb Fun - Duration: 2:52.

Air box

lot's of chrome!

Choke Assembly

threaded 1/4 X 20 rod for removing galvanized steel dowels

the offender ^^

attached and removed!

that little bastid!

For more infomation >> Valkyrie Carb Fun - Duration: 2:52.


Luzes no céu em Copacabana - Parte 1 - Duration: 8:30.

Lights in the sky in Copacabana

On August 23rd 2018 around 07:45 pm, walking in the streets of Copacabana, I found a group of people looking up.

I also looked to the sky where took place a sublime show of bright red lights, which then turned into yellow then white.

They were flashing and coming back to stable mode of lighting, they spread and joined back,

going up and down, dropping something which look as fireworks to go back into a neat light.

This dance lasted for about 15 minutes. I know nothing human capable of such a thing. It was an unforgettable experiment.

I didn't take with me my Smartphone (I never carry it when I walk in the streets of Rio de Janeiro) and I could record these events.

In any case I felt no need to film or "record proofs".

Other people around me recorded, even so at this time of the day with a simple Smartphone, the image quality may be underperforming.

I waited for the following day expecting something would come out in news or social networks…but nothing!

I then decided to carry, with my means, my own "investigation" looking for the witnesses of these facts.

Hello, my name is David Uzal

Now I am going to do something I never do: to film myself

since I am heading to Copacabana where I will try to find a doorman, or whom I identified as such

Who, with some people, was looking at the sky last night 5 00:01:41,660 --> 00:01:44,880 Where I looked too as soon as I saw them looking

Looking up where there was an absolutely astonishing "show"

Lights coming from Botafogo more or less from the cemetery just above the

"Túnel Velho" appeared and came down the street Siqueira Campos and end up above the beach area

This lasted...I may have easily stayed there for 15 minutes

Other people were watching; the doorman said the lights came from further

I estimate that this lasted half an hour or more, and suddenly it disappeared

This morning August 24th, I expected to see something in the news or social networks

People speaking about, but nothing came out!

I then decided that this shall not be forgotten and to carry on my own

"investigation" of what I saw, the chance to be drones seems to be impossible

By the length, the intensity of the light, which were changing from red, to yellow, to white. 17 00:02:47,260 --> 00:02:50,660 Flashing, stopping to do so, dropping in some moments 18 00:02:50,660 --> 00:02:55,420 a kind a smoke, spreading and joining back together

It was really a display of a great finesse and beauty and I cannot

figure out anything human capable of such a thing

That is why I am going there now

Trying to find a witness who saw everything of these lights

At least from

Botafogo, let's hope that other witnesses will start to speak out

I am now in Siqueira Campos where yesterday we saw these lights in the sky

9 pm more or less, I am going to interview here some neighbors or street vendors

Let's see what they tell us

Let's go! What is your name?


Yesterday, when I came here

Around 9 pm, I saw lights in the sky

You were here too

Could you tell me what you saw?

I saw flying objects, very shiny

With no direction, it remained still in the sky

Theystopped and went to the other side, isn't it?

Yes, that's right

And your colleague…your father…

Sir, Sir, what would you tell us about what you saw yesterday night? 40 00:04:14,640 --> 00:04:16,560 I didn't see anything, the object disappeared

But you saw something, you just told me

I saw, I saw, I saw

Could you then describe what you saw?


The lights, how was it, were there several?

No, I just saw stars coming down, nothing else

All right then...

Thanks a lot!

It went all the way up... it remained a while at the same place

He was here yesterday, he saw it too...

Yes, all of us saw it, it was quite impressive

Red, of all colors, and suddenly it disappeared

It stayed still, I believed it was a balloon, but a balloon doesn't remain still, no

It is a flying saucer


Flying I don't know...

The world ending...

I am standing where I saw the lights coming

I show you right now, coming down from the street Siqueira Campos

I came to see if the doorman of this building is here, he was sitting here

When it started it may have been around 07:45

I remained more or less until 08:10, 08:15

And it just went through this street Siqueira Campos...

We are then exactly where I was standing yesterday, August 23rd

They came from up there and followed more or less this path here

Well, we may not see very well

Up there at some point they disappeared

Behind this building, an apart hotel, the lights

And I crossed over

And I stopped where you can see the electric pole Siqueira Campos and here we are

Where I came to interview these people but strangely

They seem to be embarrassed

So, here we are after this first day of...'"investigation"

The first feeling after seeing such a

show in the sky of Copacabana, we imagine this is going to turn into news, isn't it?

That at least we are going to hear about it, that this is not going to go unnoticed

And today I find out

That something of the kind can happen, it was around 8 pm

Quarter to 8 until 08:10 it may have last until 8 pm, from 07:30 until 8 pm

And the day after, as if nothing had happened!

I went to interview some people in Siqueira Campos

Street vendors…and their reaction was quite interesting

They saw it, I saw them there yesterday 84 00:07:47,000 --> 00:07:51,300 With some embarrassment, fear maybe

To look ridiculous, some religious prejudices I believe too

This goes along with some comments I heard from some people I have been asking questions to in the street

Someone explained to me of how it may be a sign from God

And that we shall not pay attention to that

It seems to me that in some churches there is a kind of rejection of

The UFO or extraterrestrial issue...

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