Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Youtube daily report w Aug 29 2018

[Roman: Nice one,or?]

[R: Not even the original version!]

[R: This is from "Never Gonna Hit These Notes (Full Video)"]

[R: Why are there bells ringing in the background?]

[R: Fun Fact: This font is the same font for the "Glitchtext" in-game]

*WARNING! LOUD.... voiceover(?)*


(R: Fun Fact #2 of this video:


Sounds a bit arabic

For more infomation >> A glitchy video | The MODULATOR-CHALLENGE | Highlights from August 25 2018 - Duration: 16:18.


Bike ride, night time-lapse and let's talking about camera & vlog stuff - Duration: 5:45.

Hey everyone. What's going on? So tonight I caught up with an old friend of mine

and we went for a motorcycle ride. I had I had a really great time

I hadn't really hung out with this particular friend in a while so we had a

lot to catch up on and so anyways the vlog kind of got put on hold for

during that period of time and so anyways here's some of that that footage

from our bike ride I haven't quite figured out how to get smooth footage

for my bike at this point but anyways I wanted to share it with

you so anyways check this out

[motorcycle engine]


anyways so what else is going on..? not a whole heck of a lot I'm still sort of

thinking about what I want to produce going forward and I've come to terms

with the fact that I believe I want to do some more camera stuff but I'm not

gonna dive too deep. So for those of you interested in that it's probably good

news and for those of you that are for more just in the vlogs don't worry

that's also still gonna be part of this whole experience I'm gonna try to mix

the two and I think that's sort of where they intersect. So one of the things that

I've been trying to do is to get a really cool nighttime.. take my camera

outside and I open the shutter to about four seconds and I take four second long

pictures, which allows me to get get the moon and the stars and the sky, and so

then I have an intervalometer on my camera.. all that means is

it takes a picture every five seconds.. so I have a four second long picture every

five seconds and then I turned that into a movie at the end, but one of the things

that I'm really struggling with right now is the fact that my lens gets dew on it

so if I go past like 10 or 15 minutes then the lens gets all foggy and I

haven't quite figured out how to solve that and one of the thoughts is I might

take out a small heater and just put in front of the camera and kind of just

heat the surrounding air a little bit because as you know heat reduces

humidity and probably the easiest way to potentially prevent the moisture anyone

has any ideas on how to prevent moisture from building up on a lens

other than wiping it off.. I fear that if I try to wipe it off that I'm gonna bump

the camera a little bit, which might not be bad. May be acceptable because I

might better clean that up. So during that time I realized oh shoot I can't

film the rest of this vlog because my cameras outside taking this picture

which I'm gonna save till the end by the way. So I decided to try to attempt to

film with my iPhone, because I got this new microphone for it that sounds just

like the mic on my large camera, however that particular.. I just couldn't I just

couldn't get happy.. I wasn't happy with the way it looked. It didn't look like

the camera I'm using right now looks and it was just driving me a little bit crazy

So I just waited till the camera was done and the lens have been

fogged all up and I brought my camera back in and I'm talking to you on my big

camera which I don't know if you've seen if you've been watching that channel for

a while you've probably seen my big camera but anyways my big camera is is a

Canon 80D and I usually run the 10-18mm

wide angle lens so for example at 10 millimeter and get a very

very wide shot. I'm about a foot and a half from the lens right now and then I

can also pull into about 18 so it I can get in a little bit closer as well so I

really love the Canon 80D. It's sort of been a workhorse for me

I actually had it for over a year. I have two batteries that I rotate. Five

different lenses for it. The Canon 80D is just it's a workhorse and it makes my

life easy. Tomorrow I've got some ideas... I think I'm gonna do some more camera

stuff but I'm gonna try to make it interesting at the same time so that's

what we're going from here on out but um anyways guys at the end here I'm gonna

roll you that uh... that night time lapse that I that I captured in hopefully the

lens didn't get too foggy so alright guys well I will see you in the next one

alright.. peace!

For more infomation >> Bike ride, night time-lapse and let's talking about camera & vlog stuff - Duration: 5:45.


Land Rover Range Rover Evoque 2.2 TD4 4WD PURE Trekhaak | navigatie - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Land Rover Range Rover Evoque 2.2 TD4 4WD PURE Trekhaak | navigatie - Duration: 0:53.


AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS Official Trailer (2018) Horror Movie HD | Movies Trailers - Duration: 1:27.

Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming Movies Trailers 2018

For more infomation >> AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS Official Trailer (2018) Horror Movie HD | Movies Trailers - Duration: 1:27.


Volvo V60 bjr 03-2015 7% Bijtelling/Incl BTW 2.4 D6 AWD 210kW/286pk Aut6 PIHV R-DESIGN BNS CLIMA + C - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 bjr 03-2015 7% Bijtelling/Incl BTW 2.4 D6 AWD 210kW/286pk Aut6 PIHV R-DESIGN BNS CLIMA + C - Duration: 1:13.


Citroën C1 VTi 68 STYLE EDITION AIRCO/5DRS/BT - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 VTi 68 STYLE EDITION AIRCO/5DRS/BT - Duration: 1:08.


Uomini e Donne inizia lunedì 10: tra Tina e Gemma pare sia già guerra - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne inizia lunedì 10: tra Tina e Gemma pare sia già guerra - Duration: 3:30.



L' eroe di Viktor Orban medita di far saltare il tavolo. >, mastica amaro Giuseppe Conte sfogandosi con i ministri grillini che lo chiamano

  Sono parecchi. E sono arrabbiati con il leghista iscritto al club di Visegrad, che ha appena disegnato una politica estera alternativa a quella di Palazzo Chigi e della Farnesina

>, rassicura tutti l' avvocato. Ma sa bene che non basta dirlo, se nessuno sa come fermare il treno di Salvini

Diretto a Est. Con una possibile tappa intermedia: le urne. A Milano e un trionfo di pubblico

Mezza Europa guarda ai due dell' ultradestra.  Altro che incontro non istituzionale, il vicepremier parla a nome del governo italiano

E si gode questo format irrituale, da ministro degli Interni a colloquio con un capo di governo, a 600 chilometri dal legittimo presidente del Consiglio

Il patto con Orban prevede di accantonare la riforma di Dublino, quella per cui si batte Conte da mesi, puntando su una blindatura delle frontiere che replichi all' infinito la forzatura sul caso Diciotti

La presidenza austriaca dell' Unione, concordano, dovra lavorare a questo schema, senza tracce di solidarieta tra Stati invocate da Roma

A Salvini va bene, Conte resta senza sponde. A Palazzo Chigi e una giornata complicata

Il premier riceve il collega ceco Andrej Babi. Nessuna conferenza stampa, Conte vuole prima ascoltare Salvini

Preso atto della sfida pubblica, da il via libera al comunicato pronto da ore. >

E la linea che piace ad Angela Merkel e su cui e possibile trattare con Emmanuel Macron

Peccato che nel frattempo Salvini stracci la diplomazia e faccia saltare ogni ponte con la Francia nella sua avanzata verso oriente

  Ma non basta. Orban e Salvini pianificano un' alleanza tra populisti e popolari

Contro Macron, ma anche isolando la Cancelliera tedesca, fino a ieri asse portante del Ppe

Vogliono spostare gli equilibri verso destra. E sfruttare le europee per portare in sella all' esecutivo Salvini

La provocazione e talmente spinta che Enzo Moavero deve tenere a bada le cancellerie dell' Europa occidentale che lo cercano allarmate

Lui rassicura, ma e chiaro a tutti che Salvini fa di testa sua. Un esempio? Pochi giorni fa, nel pieno della bagarre sul caso Diciotti, il titolare della Farnesina aveva chiesto al leghista di mantenersi cauto sui movimenti secondari

>. Da mesi, infatti, Roma tratta - senza esito - con il resto d' Europa. E la Difesa pensa di riproporre la rotazione dei porti Ue

E invece Salvini annuncia che l' Italia e pronta a lasciare la guida del pattugliamento del Mediterraneo

Il rischio, pero, e che subentri la Spagna, spostando il baricentro dal canale di Sicilia alle coste spagnole

E favorendo gli sbarchi in Italia.  A Salvini importa poco, la partita e tutta politica

Lo sa Di Maio, che infatti lavora a una scossa del Movimento prima che >. Non a caso, organizza al volo - anche su suggerimento dell' ad di Eni Claudio Descalzi - una missione in Egitto

Per favorire le aziende italiane. E per sfruttare il dialogo con gli Usa chiedendo al Cairo di allentare un po' il sostegno al generale libico Haftar - su cui punta Macron - per non isolare troppo al-Sarraj, sostenuto da Roma

Anche sulla politica estera, insomma, si giocano il destino dell' esecutivo e le ambizioni da premier di Salvini

Il leghista spera di incontrare presto Putin. Andra a Vienna. E ricambiera la visita a Orban, a Budapest

>. Un dolore per il Cavaliere, una conferma per chi medita di far saltare il tavolo e prendersi Palazzo Chigi




Tecnologia Primitiva Brasil COMO TODOS ESPERAVA ACONTECEU - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Tecnologia Primitiva Brasil COMO TODOS ESPERAVA ACONTECEU - Duration: 2:05.


Amigos! Gusttavo Lima nega críticas a Wesley Safadão e o elogia: 'É um superpai' - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Amigos! Gusttavo Lima nega críticas a Wesley Safadão e o elogia: 'É um superpai' - Duration: 4:46.


Strumenti Musicali e Accessori: Set 7 Paia di Bacchette e 3 di Spazzole - Vic Firth e Altre. Guarda - Duration: 11:22.

For more infomation >> Strumenti Musicali e Accessori: Set 7 Paia di Bacchette e 3 di Spazzole - Vic Firth e Altre. Guarda - Duration: 11:22.


Perdere 100 chili in 2 anni e mezzo senza dieta: l'esperienza - Duration: 5:51.

In questo articolo racconteremo la storia di un uomo statunitense che è riuscito a perdere 100 chili in 2 anni e mezzo,

"Nel 2001 pesavo più di 180 chili", racconta l'uomo. senza dieta, adottando alcuni accorgimenti utilissimi.

"Avevo provato moltissime diete, lavorando addirittura col rinomato dottor Atkins per mesi,

spendendo molti soldi e non raggiungendo alcun obbiettivo." "Ogni dieta che seguivo si concludeva allo stesso modo: mi privavo di determinati alimenti,

ma perdevo poco e nulla." Ciò che ha fatto cambiare il suo l'atteggiamento verso il cibo è stata un'esperienza molto forte: l'11 settembre 2001 stava per imbarcarsi sul tristemente famoso volo UAL 93.

La mancata presenza su quel volo è stata senza dubbio una grande fortuna, "una di quelle che ti fa riflettere e ti obbliga ad effettuare cambiamenti radicali",

dice l'uomo.

Ha deciso quindi di armarsi di molta forza di volontà e perdere quei chili di troppo che stavano rovinando la qualità della sua vita, e della salute.

Ha effettuato delle ricerche, scoprendo che gli ormoni giocano un ruolo fondamentale nella perdita e nell'accumulo di peso.

Ha quindi deciso di applicare una serie di accorgimenti per perdere peso.

Smettere di fare dieta e cominciare a nutrire il corpo.

"Ho capito, attraverso le mie ricerche, che il mio corpo soffriva di "fame cronica" per la mancanza di determinate sostanze nutritive essenziali,

come acidi grassi omega-3, alimenti vivi e proteine buone.

Ho cominciato quindi ad assumere tutti i nutrienti di qualità, tanto da perdere la voglia ci consumare fast-food".

Curare la digestione "Ho scoperto che una delle ragioni per cui avevo sempre fame, era perché il processo digestivo non stava funzionando correttamente,

estraendo poche sostanze nutritive dagli alimenti che mangiavo.

I problemi digestivi creavano infiammazione, e gli ormoni infiammatori impostavano il corpo in "modalità accumulo grassi".

Ho cominciato a consumare alimenti fermentati, probiotici ed enzimi digestivi".

Uso di una macchina C-PAP per gestire l'apnea durante le ore notturne.

L'apnea è una condizione che colpisce molte persone in sovrappeso.

Si crea un ambiente ormonale nel corpo che stimola l'aumento di peso, provocando livelli alti di cortisolo,

aumentando la voglia di cibo spazzatura e resistenza all'insulina.

L'apnea del sonno si può trattare facilmente con una macchina C-PAP.

Questa macchina insuffla aria nel naso e nella bocca, per mantenere la trachea aperta e dormire quindi tutta la notte, senza problemi.

"Così come per l'apnea durante le ore notturne, lo stress aumenta i livelli di cortisolo ed ormoni infiammatori. Esercizi mente-corpo per ridurre lo stress.

Questi ormoni causano voglia costante di cibo, e programmano l'organismo per accumulare grassi.

Molte persone non si rendono conto dell'importanza dell'imparare a gestire lo stress.

Ho cominciato a meditare per settimane, trovandolo molto utile per ridurre lo stress". Adottare uno stile di vita più sostenibile.

"Ho ridotto le spese, ho trovato una casa più economica e ho cominciato a coltivare alcuni alimenti.

Questo stile di vita sostenibile mi ha dato più tranquillità.

Sapere di avere un orto accessibile ogni qualvolta avevo fame mi faceva sentire più al sicuro.

Certo, può sembrare strano, ma dipendere dal cibi spazzatura ti obbliga a dipendere da altri per mangiare.

Gli ormoni dello stress erano spariti, e con essi tutti i loro tremendi effetti".

"Alcune persone si sentono più sicure con del peso extra. Risolvere i problemi emotivi.

E' come se il corpo fosse un ammortizzatore contro il mondo.

Io mi trovavo in questa situazione, e ho dovuto risolvere questi problemi emotivi prima combattere il peso in eccesso.

Ho cominciato ad effettuare esercizi per aumentare la sicurezza in me stesso.

Da quando mi sono interessato al tema, ho notato che circa il 70% delle persone in sovrappeso usa il peso in eccesso come una forma di protezione.

La definisco "obesità emotiva".

Una volta risolta questa associazione fra il peso e la sicurezza, ho trovato una voglia irresistibile di non avere più quel grasso in eccesso,

Disintossicare il corpo. e quindi la motivazione a smaltirlo".

"Dopo aver perso circa 82 chili, ho avviato una ricerca personale sulle tossine e su come il corpo processa i prodotti chimici e le sostanze tossiche.

Il corpo usa le cellule del grasso per accumulare l'eccesso di tossine.

Mi sono reso conto che gli ultimi 20 chili extra del mio corpo erano una vera e propria fonte di vita per le tossine accumulate.

Ho avviato quindi un processo di disintossicazione, consumando molti liquidi alcalini, come acqua con succo di limone o aceto di mele, succhi vegetali ed insalate".

For more infomation >> Perdere 100 chili in 2 anni e mezzo senza dieta: l'esperienza - Duration: 5:51.


Alphonso Williams über Chethrin: "Du warst eine Schl***e!" - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Alphonso Williams über Chethrin: "Du warst eine Schl***e!" - Duration: 2:52.


Spider Man (PS4) – Trailer Relacionamentos - "Just the Facts" - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Spider Man (PS4) – Trailer Relacionamentos - "Just the Facts" - LEGENDADO PT-BR - Duration: 2:20.


VOCÊ ACREDITA QUE DEUS FAZ O IMPOSSÍVEL? - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> VOCÊ ACREDITA QUE DEUS FAZ O IMPOSSÍVEL? - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:35.


ENGSUB - Can I marry you? ♥️♥️♥️🤣😑🤣😂😂😂 - Duration: 2:16.

- I will take the stars down for you .

- I will take the moon down for you.

- I will take the sun down for you.

- Are you sick?

- The sun is so hot

- You take the sun down for me?

- You want to hot dead me?

- HouHou

- Oi

- Do you know what animals to ask "why?"

- Do not know.

- Is a pig.

- Ah.

- You do not ask "why"?

- Do not ask.

- Why? 😂😂

- Nhien Nhien

- Can I marry you?

- What I do

- There is definitely one thing

- It's a kiss. [true scandal 😂]


- Cut off.

* Fake, scared to death dear *

- I have a son a ~

- Congratulations a.

- I'm holding my son here.

BB also called TT is baba * 😑😑

- guess who?

Umm oa.

- Are you crazy?

For more infomation >> ENGSUB - Can I marry you? ♥️♥️♥️🤣😑🤣😂😂😂 - Duration: 2:16.


Galatasaray Champions League l 2018/19 🔥🔥 - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Galatasaray Champions League l 2018/19 🔥🔥 - Duration: 2:44.


Non Ho Voglia Di Fare Nulla: Come Trovare La Motivazione! (BUSINESS ONLINE, LAVORO, STUDIO) - Duration: 8:04.

For more infomation >> Non Ho Voglia Di Fare Nulla: Come Trovare La Motivazione! (BUSINESS ONLINE, LAVORO, STUDIO) - Duration: 8:04.


New Reggae Love Songs Remix - Reggae Love Of Popular Songs - Duration: 1:16:27.

Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> New Reggae Love Songs Remix - Reggae Love Of Popular Songs - Duration: 1:16:27.


7 remedios naturales para controlar los periodos menstruales abundantes - Duration: 9:48.

For more infomation >> 7 remedios naturales para controlar los periodos menstruales abundantes - Duration: 9:48.


This is not a joke! You Know What Happens To People Who Drink Too Much COFFEE - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> This is not a joke! You Know What Happens To People Who Drink Too Much COFFEE - Duration: 3:41.


Elton John $500M Mega Lifestyle | 2018 - Duration: 10:33.

Elton John $500M Mega Lifestyle | 2018

For more infomation >> Elton John $500M Mega Lifestyle | 2018 - Duration: 10:33.


Mix Internacional 2018⚡As Mais Tocadas 2018 Internacionais⚡Playlist Musicas Pop As Melhores - Duration: 1:04:32.

For more infomation >> Mix Internacional 2018⚡As Mais Tocadas 2018 Internacionais⚡Playlist Musicas Pop As Melhores - Duration: 1:04:32.


How to Check AMD Processor Generation || A4 A6 A8 A10 APU - Duration: 5:04.

How to check amd processor generations in laptop/computer

For more infomation >> How to Check AMD Processor Generation || A4 A6 A8 A10 APU - Duration: 5:04.



Dieci posti a disposizione, 3600 domande, anche di laureati. Per cosa? Per fare il negli asili nido e nelle scuole dell' infanzia gestite dal Comune di Mestre

Lavoro a tempo pieno, 36 ore settimanali, sabato e domenica a casa, e anche tutto il mese di agosto; l' unico problema è che la sede non è fissa e può capitare di dover andare a lavorare in terraferma, in centro storico e nelle isole; lo stipendio è di circa 1

500 euro lordi al mese. La scadenza originaria per presentare le domande era venerdì scorso, ma il termine è stato prorogato a mezzogiorno di martedì 4 settembre anche perché c' era un errore nell' elenco dei requisiti richiesti: oltre alla sana e robusta costituzione, al diploma di terza media, a una precedente esperienza di almeno due anni in attività a contatto con l' utenza, e all' ottima conoscenza parlata e scritta della lingua italiana, era originariamente richiesta la patente di guida di categoria B o superiore; siccome, però, un non deve per forza saper guidare una macchina, il bando è stato rettificato e la patente B non è più requisito essenziale ma preferenziale

Insomma, chi ha la patente per l' auto, chi ha altri titoli di studio oltre alla terza media e chi ha più esperienze lavorative precedenti prenderà più punti fino a un massimo di 10

Questo concorso spopola, molto più di quelli per vigile urbano che promettono una carriera più dinamica e stipendi più alti, anche a causa di turni e ore straordinarie richieste, ma che ogni volta che vengono banditi faticano a raccogliere il numero di candidati per coprire il fabbisogno

Per lo stesso giorno è stata fissata la scadenza anche della seconda gara che selezionerà aspiranti al ruolo di Collaboratore ai servizi di cucina ma in questo caso la partecipazione sarà sicuramente più ristretta dato che i titoli di studio richiesti sono specifici di operatore o tecnico dei servizi della ristorazione, oppure di esperto in enograstronomia e ospitalità alberghiera

Per fare l' esecutore scolastico, o appunto, ci vuole almeno la terza media ma qualsiasi altro titolo di studio superiore è valido, anzi, porta più punti

E così ogni volta che si aprono gare per graduatorie simili, pure i laureati si presentano a frotte: giovani che non sono riusciti a coronare il sogno di intraprendere la professione per la quale hanno studiato e che temono un futuro sempre più incerto, vedono come un miraggio anche il posto fisso negli asili nido e nelle scuole dell' infanzia, sapendo che un impiego precario, ormai la maggioranza nel panorama lavorativo italiano, rende molto meno dei 1500 euro mensili lordi garantiti da un livello B1 a tempo pieno



Builderall Tutorial 14 - Mailingboss Autoresponder: Workflow Overview - Duration: 5:02.

hello and welcome to another tutorial in this video we're gonna be taking a look

at our new app workflow in our mailing vos autoresponder this app will allow us

to better understand and organize our campaigns and lists and actions that..

will be taken after a subscriber maybe clicks on the campaign or on the link

and stuff like that so pretty much automation and organization of

everything so let's go ahead and access this app so you're gonna click here in

workflow and this page will open for us so if we click over here and create new

this is what we will see so let's start by giving our workflow a name and over

here we can start so we can either start with a list an email campaign or an

email sequence so let's go ahead with list so we can drag and drop here and

then we click in the middle to choose our list

so either we create a new list or we choose one so let's go ahead and create

a list the description we can leave it as double opting that's not gonna really

matter right now so let's go ahead and create that list and done so once we've

chosen this list pretty much our workflow has started so once the client

subscribes to this list we can put here an action after that so once we click in

the green arrow we can either unsubscribe users from

another list we can insert a tag value in that subscriber we can put and send

an email campaign to him or an email sequence so let's go ahead and choose an

email campaign over here we can create a new one so let's just name it tutorial

regular campaign and let's tutorial so let's create that click OK over here

just a quick setup of our campaign let's just save an X all the way to the end

and over here once we're on the confirmation for our campaign we're just

gonna click activate later so there we go

now once the subscriber subscribes to this list they will receive this

campaign so as you guys can see this is pretty nice to organize everything in

automation and pretty much set up actions after a lead or a client does

something okay so this makes it simple for those maybe who have a hard time

using mailing boss or are new to this application so we can keep going okay so

let's say he does not open the campaign we can move him to another list we can

copy the user we can change field value we can also insert the tag value or send

another email campaign so let's say he does not open that campaign we can

insert a tag value and say didn't open for example so now we can actually make

a tag for him so let's say he did not open the campaign we can set that tag

over there and here it says please use only letters and numbers the tags must

be separated from each other by a comma so let's say we wanted to put more tags

we just put a comma here and then we created another one and let's say we

want this tag on him if he didn't open the the campaign and a week per se so if

the user goes by seven days and does not open that campaign this tag would be

integrated with his name okay so pretty much that's it so let's say the

subscriber actually does open a campaign we can send him another campaign for

example we can move him to another list and so on so let's say we want to move

him to another list we can put him in testing purposes list and over here we

can select the time that we will move him so let's say he clicks on the

campaign and we want to move him automatically and all we have to do is

leave the data 0 hours and minutes all at 0 okay

all we have to do now is click OK once you are done you can actually click Save

and then your workflow will appear right here as it did right now so pretty much

guys that is how you work with workflow it's just an application that will help

you get through and organize maybe your first actions and your first automations

with your subscribers so really nice application to look into I hope you guys

have enjoyed this video and I'll see you next time


For more infomation >> Builderall Tutorial 14 - Mailingboss Autoresponder: Workflow Overview - Duration: 5:02.


Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 DCI 110PK INTENS | R-Link Navi | Camera | Half Leder - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 DCI 110PK INTENS | R-Link Navi | Camera | Half Leder - Duration: 0:55.


Evangelio de hoy, Miercoles 29 de Agosto del 2018 - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Evangelio de hoy, Miercoles 29 de Agosto del 2018 - Duration: 4:49.


A glitchy video | The MODULATOR-CHALLENGE | Highlights from August 25 2018 - Duration: 16:18.

[Roman: Nice one,or?]

[R: Not even the original version!]

[R: This is from "Never Gonna Hit These Notes (Full Video)"]

[R: Why are there bells ringing in the background?]

[R: Fun Fact: This font is the same font for the "Glitchtext" in-game]

*WARNING! LOUD.... voiceover(?)*


(R: Fun Fact #2 of this video:


Sounds a bit arabic

For more infomation >> A glitchy video | The MODULATOR-CHALLENGE | Highlights from August 25 2018 - Duration: 16:18.


Bike ride, night time-lapse and let's talking about camera & vlog stuff - Duration: 5:45.

Hey everyone. What's going on? So tonight I caught up with an old friend of mine

and we went for a motorcycle ride. I had I had a really great time

I hadn't really hung out with this particular friend in a while so we had a

lot to catch up on and so anyways the vlog kind of got put on hold for

during that period of time and so anyways here's some of that that footage

from our bike ride I haven't quite figured out how to get smooth footage

for my bike at this point but anyways I wanted to share it with

you so anyways check this out

[motorcycle engine]


anyways so what else is going on..? not a whole heck of a lot I'm still sort of

thinking about what I want to produce going forward and I've come to terms

with the fact that I believe I want to do some more camera stuff but I'm not

gonna dive too deep. So for those of you interested in that it's probably good

news and for those of you that are for more just in the vlogs don't worry

that's also still gonna be part of this whole experience I'm gonna try to mix

the two and I think that's sort of where they intersect. So one of the things that

I've been trying to do is to get a really cool nighttime.. take my camera

outside and I open the shutter to about four seconds and I take four second long

pictures, which allows me to get get the moon and the stars and the sky, and so

then I have an intervalometer on my camera.. all that means is

it takes a picture every five seconds.. so I have a four second long picture every

five seconds and then I turned that into a movie at the end, but one of the things

that I'm really struggling with right now is the fact that my lens gets dew on it

so if I go past like 10 or 15 minutes then the lens gets all foggy and I

haven't quite figured out how to solve that and one of the thoughts is I might

take out a small heater and just put in front of the camera and kind of just

heat the surrounding air a little bit because as you know heat reduces

humidity and probably the easiest way to potentially prevent the moisture anyone

has any ideas on how to prevent moisture from building up on a lens

other than wiping it off.. I fear that if I try to wipe it off that I'm gonna bump

the camera a little bit, which might not be bad. May be acceptable because I

might better clean that up. So during that time I realized oh shoot I can't

film the rest of this vlog because my cameras outside taking this picture

which I'm gonna save till the end by the way. So I decided to try to attempt to

film with my iPhone, because I got this new microphone for it that sounds just

like the mic on my large camera, however that particular.. I just couldn't I just

couldn't get happy.. I wasn't happy with the way it looked. It didn't look like

the camera I'm using right now looks and it was just driving me a little bit crazy

So I just waited till the camera was done and the lens have been

fogged all up and I brought my camera back in and I'm talking to you on my big

camera which I don't know if you've seen if you've been watching that channel for

a while you've probably seen my big camera but anyways my big camera is is a

Canon 80D and I usually run the 10-18mm

wide angle lens so for example at 10 millimeter and get a very

very wide shot. I'm about a foot and a half from the lens right now and then I

can also pull into about 18 so it I can get in a little bit closer as well so I

really love the Canon 80D. It's sort of been a workhorse for me

I actually had it for over a year. I have two batteries that I rotate. Five

different lenses for it. The Canon 80D is just it's a workhorse and it makes my

life easy. Tomorrow I've got some ideas... I think I'm gonna do some more camera

stuff but I'm gonna try to make it interesting at the same time so that's

what we're going from here on out but um anyways guys at the end here I'm gonna

roll you that uh... that night time lapse that I that I captured in hopefully the

lens didn't get too foggy so alright guys well I will see you in the next one

alright.. peace!

For more infomation >> Bike ride, night time-lapse and let's talking about camera & vlog stuff - Duration: 5:45.


Land Rover Range Rover Evoque 2.2 TD4 4WD PURE Trekhaak | navigatie - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Land Rover Range Rover Evoque 2.2 TD4 4WD PURE Trekhaak | navigatie - Duration: 0:53.


Volvo V60 bjr 03-2015 7% Bijtelling/Incl BTW 2.4 D6 AWD 210kW/286pk Aut6 PIHV R-DESIGN BNS CLIMA + C - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 bjr 03-2015 7% Bijtelling/Incl BTW 2.4 D6 AWD 210kW/286pk Aut6 PIHV R-DESIGN BNS CLIMA + C - Duration: 1:13.


AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS Official Trailer (2018) Horror Movie HD | Movies Trailers - Duration: 1:27.

Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming Movies Trailers 2018

For more infomation >> AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS Official Trailer (2018) Horror Movie HD | Movies Trailers - Duration: 1:27.


Citroën C1 VTi 68 STYLE EDITION AIRCO/5DRS/BT - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 VTi 68 STYLE EDITION AIRCO/5DRS/BT - Duration: 1:08.


Party Popteenies

For more infomation >> Party Popteenies


Take 4 Months To Close + Don't Power Close In 2 Weeks - Duration: 5:37.

- A few weeks ago I sent a tweet out,

asking for people to apply,

'cause I was doing a secret project.

And one of the guys who got back immediately

with a thoughtful email, was this guy named Amulya Parmar,

he's an impressive guy, you can see on his profile pic

that's done a TED Talk, that's amazing.

And because he's 19, it's trippy for me,

that I am now the old guy on this project.

26, I'm the old guy.

I'm mentoring this guy who's had a TED talk.

That's amazing.

But one big thing that I noticed immediately with him,

is lack of patience.

And it's something that I had when I was 19 as well.

I talked about the long-term view

in a video a couple weeks ago.

It's something I've only developed recently.

And in today's video I wanna talk about patience.

Patience is necessary to win in the long-term.

For instance, in this project,

we're winning extremely hard in the short run.

In the first week, we sent out 40 cold emails,

and we have interested people,

it's over 30% meeting book rate.

Not even reply rate, this is a meeting book rate.

And our prices are on the site,

so I know everyone that's booked a meeting

at least knows what we charge,

and will pay about $100,000 for this.

So, we've got around $1.2 million in leads generated

in the first week.

I can understand where he's coming from.

Amulya's on this call and he's like,

Alex, why don't we do an amazing blown out case study,

you feature me hard, you say I'm doing all the work,

and you're coaching me,

it could be a good case study for your coaching,

and it could be a good case study for X27,

because this is an amazing cold email win.

And it is.

We generated a ton of interested people,

and if it's a 25% conversion rate,

which I'm assuming it's gonna be even higher,

our entire business is gonna be set up for the year,

from these 40 emails that we sent.

So why am I not showing you the emails?

And why are we not doing this amazing blown out case study

for Reddit, or for anywhere, with Amulya yet?

I'll tell you the same thing we told him.

We can't do a case study until we close business.

Meaning, I can go around all day

saying we generated $100 million in leads,

or we've generated $2 million in leads for this,

whatever it is, it doesn't matter

if none of that turns into cash.

I think there's a much stronger case study

that could be made by just waiting, being patient,

even if it's delaying that gratification by a week or two.

Not to say his hunger isn't awesome.

That's why I said in a previous video,

one of the best things you could do, as you get older,

is tie yourself to the young and hungry,

because those people are the ones that can generate

a million dollars in leads in a week,

because they care enough.

He's here typing these first lines of these cold emails

because I didn't wanna do it.

That was his opportunity.

So, it's fun being the old guy on a project,

but it's also cool to be able to take a step back,

and tell that young person to slow down a bit.

So if we go out and we make a video right away,

where we go through the exact email scripts we used,

we talk about the exact lead pools,

how we came up with the business idea,

how we came up with the pricing,

all of that, before we've closed deals,

one of those potential clients might see it

and get turned off.

Or any number of things might happen.

Somebody else might come in there and start pitching,

and ruin the entire business,

before it even gets a chance to get off the ground.

So, even if we wait two or three months on this case study,

Amulya's still gonna be praised,

he's even praised in this video,

and the business is gonna be a win.

It's not worth doing a short-term case study

that ends up tanking your business in the long run.

I'd also say this is more interesting coming in

now that this is business number two for me,

because for him as a college student,

four months is an eternity.

That's a semester.

That's a million things he could be doing.

But for me, as a grown adult,

who's been an entrepreneur now for three, four, five years,

I understand that that hustle never ends.

It never really goes away,

so it's better to just think a little bit,

and try to drive the boat.

But I remember thinking like that,

when somebody didn't respond to my emails for a day,

following up immediately.

Where now I can a week or even two weeks

without following up,

because I know that people that are really interested,

sometimes are just busy,

and you can play that longer game.

So, he's even pushing me, he's like,

Alex when are we gonna get our first close

for this business?

And I'm going in with experience,

even though a few of these calls have been amazing,

these guys are ready to close right away,

it seems like.

I still tell him,

I'm expecting a close within three or four months.

And we'll get a ton at once, at that point.

But we're not gonna expect a close in a week or two.

Any yeah, we might actually get a close

in the first two weeks.

I'm recording this before we have had a close,

so if you see an amazing case study,

you'll know where I'm coming from.

But I would rather we take four months

to close a deal that's actually gonna be successful,

with this business, than power-close somebody right away,

and end up wasting whatever time we put into that project.

I don't wanna end up with trash with this business.

I only wanna work with people that we're gonna succeed with,

and I want them to be super happy at the end.

If we close the wrong type of client with this business,

and they fail, it's 100% our fault for not seeing it.

Because we sold them something they didn't need.

Patience is key.

Patience, like our friend DJ Khaled says,

♪ We the best ♪


- To succeed, you must believe.

Life is what you make it, so let's make it.

- DJ Khaled.

If you wanna see the exact questions

we use on the first call we have with clients

to close new business,

a link to that doc's down on the description below.

And if you wanna help this YouTube channel out,

I would love if you would think of one person

who would get value from this specific video right here,

and send the video to them.

Maybe in an email.

Also, if you run an agency,

and you want more enterprise level clients,

an agency it could be a video production,

you could do mobile apps, whatever you sell that's B2B,

if you wanna help grow that company,

check out

I'm Alex Berman, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Take 4 Months To Close + Don't Power Close In 2 Weeks - Duration: 5:37.


Why You Don't Want Complex Forms On Your Site - Moko Media Minute - Sandi Gauder - Duration: 1:32.

Clients come to us and they want a form on their site for customers to fill in.

Or people, you know, sometimes on their contact page. They want, you know, name,

address, email, phone number, business address, business name, you know, the name

of your first dog, you know. They have all these fields on a form for

people to fill out just to say, "Hi, what's the cost of your widget?" And we say to

them, well and when we're building these forms we'll ask customers, "Okay,

what is it what fields do you absolutely need to have filled in, you know? If they

don't fill these in you just don't want them to submit the form." And usually it's

three fields. It's their name, email, phone number, you know, because they want to be

able to contact them. So then why do you have all these other fields? Are you gonna

fill out all those fields if you had to fill out a form? Probably not. So if

you're going to have a form on your site, we strongly encourage customers to just

pare it back to whatever those fields are that they absolutely need and

nothing else. And you're gonna get more people filling out the form than a

form that's got twenty fields in it and people just go, "Oh, that's too much work,

I'm not going to do it. Where's the link? I just want an email link." So make it

easy for your customers.

For more infomation >> Why You Don't Want Complex Forms On Your Site - Moko Media Minute - Sandi Gauder - Duration: 1:32.


Don't Start Lying to Me Now - Joss Stone (Karaoke Version) - Duration: 4:31.




For more infomation >> Don't Start Lying to Me Now - Joss Stone (Karaoke Version) - Duration: 4:31.


Neek's Mom Isn't Pleased w/ Charmaine 'Sneak Peek' | Black Ink Crew: Chicago - Duration: 4:12.

You guys been dating for two years,

this is my pleasure to meet you for the first time.

We actually thought you were hiding from us.

I mean, Neek was like out of town for a long time.

You could have a whole nother family somewhere else.

Dad. Oh my god.

I promise you.

With five kids.

No, no, no. No kids.

I got two dogs and that's about it.

Hey. Hey, Mamba.

How are you?

Oh, nice to see you, sweetie. How are you?

Charmaine, this is my mother. Oh, Charmaine? Who is Charmaine?

This is my girlfriend Oh, how are you?

Hi mom. Why don't you sit next to me?

No, let, sit next to, between us. How are you?

Good, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.

Shanique, she's beautiful. She is, ain't she?

Shanique. You better (speaks Creole)

Why? She need ... move this up.

(Speaking Creole)

What is she saying?

Nothing. She said you look beautiful.

So just little bit, put it little bit up.

I did, and I even put a pin.

I even put a, I even put a pin.

Yes, that's too much,

skin out.

I told her, she should ...

It's like you a miss a part of the clothes.

Neek's mom is an extremely traditional,

no (bleep) nonsense, Haitian woman.

Which means she's extremely dignified,

has the highest of the high standards,

and I might need a little sake to be able to handle all this.

So what do you do for a living, so?

I work at this tattoo shop here in Chicago.

We have some of the best artists.

They're really great, and I manage the shop.

Also I'm on the radio,

so WGCI is a staple radio station here in Chicago.

I have a radio show every weekend.


job is a job.

I expect better than that.

What? Mom, look. She works on the radio.

You go- I don't, I mean, like I said.

Job is a job.

They ain't got no waiters around here

taking no orders in these hibachi places?

The (bleep)? Your son seems to be a very,

but this is two years, we've never met him,

our first time meeting you.

I'm surprised, yes. They're living together.

Oh, do they live together? Yeah. Oh, how long?

We've been living together for two years.

For two years?

They are playing house.

So Shanique, you know I raised you better than that.

You know? You didn't know?

No. You can't tell your mother about your girlfriend?

No. That you playing house with?

I definitely have told her that I'm in love.

But I didn't know all that time, lived together.

And you know you're supposed to get married.

I think that might be a mistake.

I don't remember you, no, no, no, no.

I don't know what's worse.

The fact that Neek ain't tell his mama we live together,

or the fact that he ain't never told me

that he ain't tell his mama.

Good evening everyone.

By the time two people cohabitate,

you gotta pretty much have in mind

whether you gonna go through this thing or not.

The day I laid my eyes on this girl,

I knew I wanted to be in a serious relationship with her.

And as far as us living together,

I personally want to be able to ...

Oh my god. I personally, hold on, hold on.

I can't even hear that word, living together.

Listen. As a Christian,

you will not accept live together without marriage.


You're supposed to get married. I understand what you're saying.

You cannot do that.

Oh, (bleep).

For more infomation >> Neek's Mom Isn't Pleased w/ Charmaine 'Sneak Peek' | Black Ink Crew: Chicago - Duration: 4:12.


欧州のハイエースがついに電動化! VWの次世代Tシリーズ、開発車両をキャッチ - 日産物語 - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> 欧州のハイエースがついに電動化! VWの次世代Tシリーズ、開発車両をキャッチ - 日産物語 - Duration: 2:34.


Extreme Fun at Xtreme Days Festival | Dunking Devils Experience #20 - Duration: 10:35.

I need to use the toilet.

Hey... is it okay if there's a red light shining on the mic?

It's fantastic.

It's one of the best colors for the light to shine.

How long have you been training acrodunking?

5 years.

Tell me, why did you start?

Because it's awesome.

How long you've been training?

I just told you!

You already told me?

Say it again.

5 years!

What have you learnt in this 5 years?


Do you like it?


Tell us your story.

Well... 17 years ago...

I was born in Ljubljana...


Unfortunately the sound was off for the rest of his story.

Peter revealed that when he was 14, he told his parents about his sexual preferences.

His parents were very supportive.

What was your most awkward experience, since you joined the Dunking Devils?

Well... there was a show in Koper that was a huge fail.

3/4 of the team was sick.

We were late.

For about 30, 45 minutes.

Because there was a snow storm and we couldn't get there earlier.

When we arrived, we found out 10 minutes too late that our show is next.

We didn't have time to warm up properly, we just started with our show.

And we failed like half of the combinations in the performance.

Also, the audience was quite far away and didn't really feel the vibe.

They were sitting on the grandstands and were pretty disappointed.

The three Devils thinkers observing the tree.

Still observing the tree.

Where's my outfit?

Dude, I don't know... Look what it says here.

Size: D (for dwarfs)

Yeah, this one fits me.

We're pumped like never before.

We need to find the Red Bull girls.



Yesterday we...

I need to go to the toilet before we leave.

You can do it on the way!

I'm also going...

I'm also going to the toilet.

Let's see what the guys are doing between the shows.

(sorry for the crappy sound)

(I guess the red light on the mic is not a good colour for a light)

It's quite narrow!

Yeah, you have to turn fast.

What's up, Jani?

Nothing much. Mevži is warming up, because we have another show at 10PM.

This late?

And when did we find out about the third show?

Today after they saw our first show and thought it was dope.

We need to prepare for our last show today.

I need the keys!

Last show for today!

Let's warm up.

Go, Pero! Bouncy Peter.

That's my middle name.


(some unrecognizable morning sounds)

The beginning of a hard day.

What are we going to watch?

Flyboard show.

It's right here.

It's like a jetpack on water.

They have a board underneath.

Two jet nozzles are spraying water beneath you. And you can fly and do flips and stuff.

Can you imagine - Nitro Circus has even bigger ramps than this

for doing tricks with scooters.

And the inrun is like this.

10 metres inrun.

Would you dare to try it?


Here you go, Maks ... The red colour you love so much.

This is it for this week's vlog.

Maks got a red souvenir from Xtreme Days.

And you can see a red button under this video.

If you click it, Santa will bring you all the presents you've ever wanted.

And if you click the like button...

Your mom and dad will drive you to WOOP! Trampoline Park.

And if all this doesn't happen...

You'll at least receive a notification whenever a new Dunking Devils video is uploaded.

Subscribe, watch our videos, comment, like... tell your friends to subscribe.

Bye, till next time!

For more infomation >> Extreme Fun at Xtreme Days Festival | Dunking Devils Experience #20 - Duration: 10:35.


Volvo V70 Cross Country 2.4 T GEARTR. COMF. - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 Cross Country 2.4 T GEARTR. COMF. - Duration: 1:05.


This Is the Engineering You'd Need to Cross the Pacific Ocean | The Swim - Duration: 5:14.







Ras: When the ship was originally built, it was built as a racing yacht, but that also

means they don't go to sea for more than a month at a time.

So we have extra fuel bladders added to the ship to double the fuel capacity.

We're still depending on not having to use the main engine a lot because that takes up

five times the amount of fuel as the generator.














Ras: We have two water makers so we always have one backup if the other one fails, and

we have a lot of spares for the water makers, because that is our most important equipment.






Ras: The thing that really determines how long we can be at sea is our fuel and food capacity.

The fresh water is important because we need it for the cooking,

a lot of the cooking is gonna be freeze-dried food.

When Ben finishes swimming he needs to have a fresh water shower to rinse all the salt off his body

to prevent any damages to his skin.


Ty: We bought a lot of this fresh food stuff

but it gets really hot down below and together with the

dampness and the heat is not good for preserving the fresh food.

Maks: Whoa whoa whoa!!

What is that?

Ty: I don't know, honestly I don't know but it's coming out of these potatoes

Ty: We can all agree a potato doesn't usually look like that when you eat it

Maria: Yeah, of course.

Ty: But we're going to eat it.

We waste nothing.






Paul: Zero fish in 47 days, and 3 fish in 15 minutes.

Maks: We measure and weigh the fish, for one of the research protocols we're doing, and

then we cut open the stomach, see if there's any plastic inside the stomach.




Maks: People always think 'oh man you're going to be spending 7 months on a sailing boat?'

'That must be ****ing boring.'

Well it it sometimes repetitive, but there's so much to do so it's never boring.

I haven't been bored so far.



Maks: "The other night a storm caught us by surprise, some of us got a little bit seasick."

Ben: "I want the motion to just stop."

"Ben there's a shark!" Ty: "Right there!

F me, see it?"

Paul: "So much drama!"





For more infomation >> This Is the Engineering You'd Need to Cross the Pacific Ocean | The Swim - Duration: 5:14.


SAY, TELL, TALK, SPEAK: РАЗНИЦА - Duration: 5:24.

Hi! This is Margo from English yopta.

Today I'm going to talk to you about 4 verbs in English

speak, talk, tell and say

I noticed that some of you, well, most of you, make mistakes using it in English

because probably because you only have "говорить" и "сказать"

So when you translate it you just choose whatever you want and think it's correct

So I'm going to try to explain it as

understandably and as simply as possible, so you won't fuck it up.

Here we go

The first word we have is speak

Simply put, speak is one's ability to express

himself in a verbal manner. Orally. For example: "I speak Russian" or

"I speak English". Shit like that. And another thing. Speak is more formal, the most formal

among the four and it's usually used for one-way communication. For example

your boss calls you up to his office to speak to you, because who the fuck talks

back to a boss, right? Unless you want to get fired

So that's when you you speak

The second word we have is "talk".Talk and speak aren't really so different. You can use them interchangeably

but speak is way too formal for daily conversations. So talk also usually

refers to conversations. Like "I was talking to my friend", you know a

conversation where both of you talk to each other.

We have a conversation, a dialogue going on.

Oh a thing about the word "say"

It doesn't have to have a receiver

You can just say something without having someone to receive the information.

For example, you are chilling with your friends

and of the dudes say: "I'm hungry"

So the fact that he's hungry is not actually directed to someone or anyone

He just expressed his hungriness. So that's how you use the word "say"

Now the last word is "tell".

There is a major difference between "tell" and "say".

Like I said, when you "say" you don't need a receiver. But when you use "tell" there has to be

there must be a receiver, because you use "tell" to either instruct or inform.

When you say "instruct" it means you tell someone to do something like

my mom told me to wash the dishes, so she instructed me to do the dishes

And the second thing is "informed". It's like when you give information about

something to someone. For example he told me that he was

gonna go out drinking with his friends tonight, so he won't be on his phone

something like that.

So we have a sentence where we use all four words so

we can clearly explain even further the differences between them.

Here it goes

All four words in one sentence and the story of me getting fired.

And the reason here I am drinking this. I have no job

That's it

I hope you understood everything I said and I hope you will make less mistakes now with

those four words. I hope it was helpful and please don't talk shit about your bosses.

Don't get fired.

And subscribe, leave a like and leave comments

if you have any suggestions, questions or just nice things to say.

Bye, thank you!

For more infomation >> SAY, TELL, TALK, SPEAK: РАЗНИЦА - Duration: 5:24.


SPLATOON 2 IN VR [VRCHAT] + CONTEST - Duration: 10:35.

Before this video starts, and because I know some of you

can't afford a Nintendo Switch Online subscription, I've created

3 contests to win a 1 year sub. The first on is in the

comments section. To participate, you just have to type

a comment and i will pick a winner Saturday among the comments.

I'll do this live on the channel during my stream starting around 2 pm.

So be there for the results. You're not forced but

don't hesitate to like the video

if you enjoyed it, and subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any other.

And about the two other contest,

well, they are available right now. There is one on Twitter, it's a

partnership with Splashtoon, the website about Splatoon 2 news,

and the last one is on Instagram. So increase your chances and

follow me on these two social networks to participate.

That's it, I'll let you watch my video about VR Chat.

I recorded it last week during a live on my other channel Evilstream. I was with with my followers.

Let me know if you enjoyed it!

So i can make more episode. - Hi Evil

- How you doing? - You're so small ... uh ... I'm ...

... yeah - You are very very tall

- You are ... extremely small ... ah but you are both small ... but how

you did it? - Well, there are skins there, on the beach.

- Watch out ... transformation. - Did I change my skin?

- Yeah, you changed. You're a salmonoïde.

- What am I? - It's the one who steals eggs, you know,

when you leave them near the beach. - So, let's play a little game.

I give you a name of an object on the map, and the first who brings one win.

So, well, we'll start with a buoy. You are ready ? 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

top. The first that brings me one won.

- Ah ... here we have someone ... Dalligo, who will be the first?

Dalligo is first, followed by Squid4ever. Congratulations to you both.

- We now have 3 buoys, I do not know how many there are on the map

but ... we have a winner. - Uh ... I can't grab anything...

am too small...

- Change your skin then.

- This time, you have to bring back a pan, but this one does not count.

- That's it, they're gone. Ah, there is one here ...

- Dalligo, who may be first again.

And yeah, congratulations to you. - It was right next.

- And yeah, actually, it was pretty close.

- Good this one will be mine ... but ... it

bug, it bug, stop it. I'm the only one having this bug or?

- No no, it's in the ground! - I see it normal, I can't take it tho.

- Well, leave it alone. And the first who brings another one, win

- Well played! Squidyshawn. - The first who brings a golden egg.

- There are two there. There is one right here.

One is really close too.

- Well played (x3)! - Someone stole my egg again!

- The victim right there. - I propose you to visit

Inkopolis in VR Chat. Because there is several Inkopolis Worlds

Some of them are really nice. So let me create a portal. Here we go.

- Yes, VR Chat is not only in VR huh,

there is a screen version. I'm not even using VR right now.

- And here we are. Splatoon 1 Inkopolis, with the beautiful scenery that we already know.

And we can even glitch and go on the train, in theory.

- Yeah ... shit, it does not work. We can glitch ... I promise.

- In fact, you have to go over the invisible wall. Well played ! Ah .. he fell.

- It's funny because it's the

same glitch in Splatoon 1.

- We're in the shop, it's nice. - You can not do it? You can not

glitch it? It's ok. - Okay, so we are done with

Splatoon 1 Inkopolis, let's move on something even better than this.

- So, I'm going to put another portal.

It's another Inkopolis, but in this one, you can chose an Inkling skin. It's funny.

- This time, it's in night mode. But on the other hand, there are Mario blocks

and I never understood why ... - Go ahead, try to dance.

YASS that's it ! Move your ass!

- Uh we are only 4 ..

I think they are traveling to this world. They will be there soon I guess.

- Sooo, in this world we have a bar.

And it's nice because we can go inside. - Who wants a supershell, it's 5 € on tipeee

- We have a drink here, that's only 1 €

... 2 € if don't want it spilled. - We can really sit. It's crazy.

- We should sit at the same table, wait...

- Should we play cards or something?

- Oh, a phone! Where you got it? It's funny, I didn't know you could have that.

- Ah, there, a Nintendo Switch! Great.

- Oh ... they stole it!

- Ah yes, we can go up there,

Come with me. We are on the top of Inkopolis Tower.

And that's cool, you can't do this on Splatoon.

- Can we splat a Salmonoid with a shell?

- So let's move in another world, I'm sorry if you're lagging everytime you switch world...

but ... we'll go in Splatoon 2 now, come on.

- I love being followed like that! - Come here, the portal already exists.

It's linked to another world. - Cya in 1 hour...

- Alright! I'm sorry...

- And here we are in Splatoon 2.

It's not the best world, but in this one you can see them two

with the T-pose. That's what I posted on Twitter.

- We can't even jump on this world, it's horrible.

- I kinda want to change world but we have people stucked at 28 % loading...

- ... But we will change world! Let's visit another Inkopolis.

- I'm sorry... you'll join after.

- Ok, I think this one is much better

- So,we can go inside stores, they are open.

They're not doing the T-pose but we can change skin.

- Another Inkling girl. - And in this world we can see some characters from the game.

Is everybody here? ... Well no

- Let's hide.

- ... But he's watching your stream ... - Of course, that's why I laugh,

because this joke sucks...

- How did you climb there?

- We can climb higher, there are people there!

- Oh yeah, it's crazy!

- You have to go up ...

- And shit, I fell.

- Ok ... Seems like Dalligo is struggling too.

- Ah no, he's doing it right...

- So we can explore? - In theory, yeah. Oh ... damn it.

- So this is the...first version of .. Pearl.

- That's what dev were thinking before Pearl. - Wait a second... they really have her

... a thong? It's official.

- Look at them, they are struggling hard.

- When you're done, it's funny to watch others.

- Ah! I can't climb! Give me your hand please!

- Okay, this loading won't be too long.

Don't touch anything please. So how many are we?

- Six ... well, that's it, someone touched. We said don't touch!

- Ok, you all have to take a weapon.

- There are 4 colors, so I want 4 teams of 2 people. You can shoot by pressing but we are lagging so much...

I was thinking it would be fun to do a Turf War but it's lagging too much.

And we need a color each, so it's impossible.

- I changed world.

We go in The Voice world. Because there's a karaoke.

- You know what ? Take a seat and listen to Evilsquid singing.

- They put pressure on me.

For more infomation >> SPLATOON 2 IN VR [VRCHAT] + CONTEST - Duration: 10:35.


RVing in Finland - Oulu and Vaasa - Duration: 24:51.

For more infomation >> RVing in Finland - Oulu and Vaasa - Duration: 24:51.


Hey Diddle Diddle | Luke And Lily Rhymes | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes by Kids ABC Tv - Duration: 1:01:47.

Oh what a wonderful slights..

Hey diddle diddle, The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed, To see such a fun

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Hey diddle diddle, The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little boy laughed, To see such a fun

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Oh look is'it that amazing

Hey diddle diddle, The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little girl laughed, To see such a fun

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Hey diddle diddle, The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little girl laughed, To see such a fun

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

For more infomation >> Hey Diddle Diddle | Luke And Lily Rhymes | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes by Kids ABC Tv - Duration: 1:01:47.


9 Tips to Stop Eating Meat without Any Nutrient Deficiencies - Duration: 7:19.

9 Tips to Stop Eating Meat without Any Nutrient Deficiencies

People who decide to stop eating meat for whatever reason often suffer deficiencies when they change their diet.

If not done correctly, it can have serious consequences on your health.

You could become deficient in certain nutrients or even gain weight quickly.

Here, we'll give you keys to stop eating meat the smart way so you can maintain a healthy, balanced diet.

Stop eating meat without risking your health.

Becoming a vegetarian won't necessary affect your health.

However, this decision – which you may make for moral or health reasons – should make you more aware of what foods you eat and what nutrients you need.

Not eating meat is not the same as being 100% vegan.

If you just give up meat but you eat eggs, fish, or dairy, you can make the change without any risks to your health.

However, it's always a good idea to follow the advice of a nutritionist.

1,The wonderful virtues of eggs.

Eggs are a very complete super food that perfectly fills in for any other animal protein.

Years ago, we were told to not eat too many eggs.

However, now you can even have them daily if you don't have cholesterol problems.

They're especially good for people who don't eat meat.

They're an excellent source of protein and healthy fat.

We recommend eating organic eggs.

All you have to do is break open an organic egg and conventional one and compare them to see the difference.

2,Careful with the dairy.

Many people who stop eating meat eat too many dairy products like milk and cheese.

However, these foods are more harmful than you think.

They increase your cholesterol levels and cause problems with your digestion.

You can take advantage of all the vegetable milks in the stores now and combine them with more easily digestible dairy products like yogurt or ghee.

3,Risky flours.

Another mistake that many of the people who give up meat make is the overuse of flour, whether in pizza, pasta, or sandwiches.

They're fast and easy.

However, this is not a good choice since they can make you gain weight quickly while providing your body with very little in terms of nutrition.

What you should eat more of is vegetables, salads, and vegetable juices in order to get enough vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which will help you feel satisfied.

4,Choose your fish well.

If you don't eat meat but do eat fish, we just recommend avoiding or limiting your consumption of large oily fish (salmon, tuna, swordfish), because they may contain high levels of heavy metals.

These are potential toxic for your health, especially for kids and pregnant women.

However, you can eat small oily fish (sardines, mackerel) and white fish.

5,Other sources of calcium.

Milk isn't the only source of calcium out there, and many nutritionists aren't even sure if it's healthy.

You can find good amounts of calcium in the following foods:.

Sesame seeds. Seaweed. Broccoli. Almonds.

6,Vitamin B12.

A vitamin B12 deficiency is only a problem if you don't eat any animal products.

In this case, you should take a supplement.

This vitamin is also found in:. Eggs.

Dairy. Fish. Seafood. 7,Iron.

Iron supplements should only be taken under medical supervision.

If you don't have iron-deficiency anemia, you can get enough of this mineral by eating these foods:.

Spinach. Nuts like pistachios.

Parsley. Beets. Lentils. Brewer's yeast.

Whole grains like oats. Broccoli.

8,Excellent vegetable protein.

There are many plant-based foods that are high in protein:.

Nuts and seeds. Legumes.

Whole grains like oats and quinoa. Hemp.

Brewer's yeast. Spirulina.

Peas. 9,Whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

In your balanced, meat-free diet, you can't go without whole grains.

They are chock-full of nutrients and fiber.

You can't forget about nuts (whether raw or toasted) and seeds, which can be sprouted to enhance their nutrition, as well.

For more infomation >> 9 Tips to Stop Eating Meat without Any Nutrient Deficiencies - Duration: 7:19.


Meghan Markle to appear for First Time after Royal Holiday today at the Victoria Palace Theatre - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle to appear for First Time after Royal Holiday today at the Victoria Palace Theatre - Duration: 5:23.


Sweet Potato Noodles with Thai Almond Butter Sauce - Duration: 6:44.

Hi there I'm Jen from Simple Green Smoothies and if you like Asian fusion

foods like Pad Thai then this is the recipe for you. We are making a new one

from my book it's called Simple Green Meals and the recipe we're going to make

today is called Almond Butter Swoodles and if you don't know what's swoodles

are all you're doing is you're taking a sweet potato and spiralizing it to turn

it into a swoodle.

The first thing you need to do is pre-heat your oven to 425 so you can

bake your sweet potatoes. Alright now we are going to make the sauce which has a

combination of onions it also has some ginger which is really good to help

fight inflammation and keep your digestive system calm. And the last thing

we're going to add is garlic. So I like to crush it with a knife because it makes

it really easy to peel it, and then we're gonna juice our food processor just to

get everything blended or chopped up really finely right now. Next we're going to

add our almond butter. Almond butter is a great plant-based protein and it also

has a lot of healthy fats.

Then we need to do one tablespoon of honey. You can measure it or you can

eyeball it which is more of the way I like to do it. So you take it pretty good

size and glob it in and that's one tablespoon. You're also going to need to do

one tablespoon of tamari and if you're not sure what tamari is it's a gluten

free soy sauce and this is one of the brands I like to use. And one tablespoon

of lemon juice this is fresh squeezed lemon juice and just made a ton of it

and put it in a mason jar which can keep in your fridge and have on hand.

We're also going to add in one teaspoon of paprika and some crushed red pepper

which gives it a little kick. If you do not like spices you can leave this out.

All right now we're going to add a little bit of water which will help it

blend up in here.

All right we have our pad Thai sauce which I'm going to show you is very thick

but also creamy. It's going to be really good. Okay the next step is to spiralize

your sweet potatoes so we are gonna finally make the spools of the recipe.

To do that I'm going to cut off the ends of the sweet potato which I have already

washed and we're going to attach it to the spiralizer, which is this

contraption over here. Push it on hard alright and once it's

locked in and secured just start spiraling!

Now we're going to take all of these swoodles

put them in a bowl and just so you know one medium-sized sweet potato gives you

a hundred percent of your vitamin A for the day. So that's like a vitamin in itself.

We're going to combine the sweet potato noodles with coconut oil

which is our healthy fat that we are going to use to roast these so they're

crispy delicious filling and sweet potatoes. I like to mix the sweet

potatoes with my hands when I'm doing the coconut oil so I can really get in

there and get it all coated you can also use tongs if that's easier for you.

Right now we're going to put them on our baking sheets. I lined the baking sheet

with parchment paper to help it not stick. You want to make sure you

spread them out really well because that will help get them a crispier, you want a

thin layer throughout. Next we are going to add some salts. We're going to finish

it off with some freshly ground pepper.

All right now they're ready to go in the oven.

It's going to take about 15 to 20 minutes for those sweet potatoes to cook

but I like to continually check on them until they're nice and crispy. All right

you'll know when your sweet potatoes are done when the edges are a little bit

brown a little crispy but the middle part is more soft and bright orange and

you're ready to go. So we are going to put them on our plates. Depending how

hungry you are you can add more and right now I'm really hungry.

Now we are going to add the almond butter to the top of the swoodles,

to do about two tablespoons of this because you want it to really coat the

sweet potatoes. Then for our toppings we have green onions which are also

called scallions and parsley. Parsley is an herb that is great for detoxing your

body so I like to use a lot of parsley on my food. The last thing I want to do

is add the Simple Cashew Coleslaw to the side of this. I like the combination of

the textures when you have a little bit of crunchiness and then also savory kind

of mushiness too so good combination which we have right here.

I hope you enjoyed this recipe and if you did give it a thumbs up if you haven't made it

and you have a question feel free to leave it in the comments below and we'll

get back to you and help you out and make sure to subscribe to our Channel

and I cannot wait to share with you another video coming soon, all right bye.

For more infomation >> Sweet Potato Noodles with Thai Almond Butter Sauce - Duration: 6:44.


When The Best Move Is Not To Play - The Burroughs Effect Part 2 - Duration: 4:38.

You might feel tempted to take this story as a curious anecdote at best.

But there is a lot to it. And somehow burrows proved it.

One could only speculate on what was on his mind when he tried to explain away his bonus time in life.

We can spot Burroughs Effect in our everyday affairs.

Every encounter, physical or emotional, is an action and therefore causes a reaction.

Confronting an object or event by friction or collision will cause physical harm or a loss of function in our bodies.

Sustained damage over a long period of time would increase this damage exponentially, due to all its previous harm.

Burroughs Effect involves Newton's first law,

which, somewhat loosely, in living terms would read:

"A living system in action or at rest will tend to stay in action or at rest,

unless acted upon by an external force."

Or internal, I should add, if this force came from within ourselves to act upon against our own.

Momentum is important to determine this effect, but what exactly is momentum?

From a living point of view momentum is how unpleasant it would be

to remain in the moving pathway of an object or event.

So, momentum is very easy to detect, as it is very important not to mess with it.

When the opposing force is overwhelming, the best move is not to play.

Moving the body in the direction of the blow or avoiding the encounter altogether

could mean the difference between coming out of an unfavorable situation

wounded or unharmed.

This could be important when we detect that the difference of momenta will act against our physical integrity

or interfere with our hard earned speed. And, most importantly, it could become the best way to

subtract to life's budget all the small charges that count against its final balance.

if this seems hard to visualize.

just change the word "friction" for "stress" and you will see that everything will fall in place inside your head.

Many would bet a big chunk of their lives

Insisting that a stronger attitude or effort would be best to face a challenge stronger than our own.

But, although this may be also true, would be risky at its best and fatal that is worst.

But here is where "living physics" enters the scene to predict and calculate unchartered territories,

so we try them in advance.

To "ride the wave" is resisting the need to go against the flow or escaping the push or pull of other forces.

To "withdraw" is not to engage in every conflict, while avoiding at all costs the ones we cannot win.

This is why Burroughs Effect is so important:

By evading unnecessary encounters,

it saves the organism energy and integrity, which in the long run could count against our life resources.

We all can live a life instinctively;

but wouldn't it be easier if we had a proven rule that told us when to fight and when not to,

so we could reduce the unwanted wear?

We all do.

But, just in case physics wasn't your favorite subject in school, there is another way to say the same:

Always give way to the stampede of elephants.

For more infomation >> When The Best Move Is Not To Play - The Burroughs Effect Part 2 - Duration: 4:38.


OUR APARTMENT TOUR | 2018 - Duration: 3:14.


I said welcome

Hey guys, so today we're gonna be doing something different

We're gonna be filming our apartment tour today. And yeah, let's get started

So as you can see, this is going to be our kitchen. Gosh. I love it

When I mean, I love this little kitchen right here.It looks so classy

Such a cute tea pot, Yea

Oh my God, just look at all that

And yea, we also have a treadmill here

And our lady no longer has an excuse for not exercising

Don't mind me. Whenever I don't feel like going to the gym, i'll always be here

I'm always working out anyways, so that's good that we have this here

And here we have our beautiful couch. This is the living room area but it also has the kitchen attached to it.

So yea, our little couch is here. This is the only furniture we have for now

We will work on it.........Yea when we finally settle down

So with time we're going to furnish this place

Alright lets go to the bedrooms, follow me

Follow the leader

Whoo........Yes Lord

I know, this is going to be like.....Yeah this is Chris's room. Uhmmm, as you can see

The only thing here is just the bed, Yeah

Good enough because my bed is going to be smaller than this anyways

And now we're going.... to the bathroom

Ohhhh We need some light in there......Oh my God, sorry

Oh my God. I'm sorry, i'm sorry guys

I love this because I get a stand here. You know two people can actually stand here

and one person does their makeup over and the other person does their makeup over there

I mean look at that.......... Do you see this. Yeah babyyy...

Yeah, it's a small bathroom but it's very nice and classy also.

Oh and it has a nice stand where you could put your stuff

We don't need to buy that. Perfect

Right, I love it

Oh my world, oh my world

And guess whose room is this huge.......My room of course. Like this huge.

Look at this. This is a real masters bedroom for entire family or something

Yea so guys right now we just have some baby stuff around just because our Landlord

She has little kids, so right now she has their stuff here but no worries everything will be out by the time we move in

so that's fine for now, we love it anyways but it will be out soon

And I want to see how her closet looks

It's not as wide as mine but it's still good size, Yeah

And then I think that will be it for this video. Please give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed this little apartment tour

and don't forget to like and subscribe, we'll be checking. Bye for now. See you in our next videos

For more infomation >> OUR APARTMENT TOUR | 2018 - Duration: 3:14.


TH pronunciation made EASY + FREE PRACTICE ACTIVITY at the end of the video :) - Duration: 9:18.

My father... My brother's... these

There are teeth in that...

Hello everybody. Welcome

back to English English. Today we are talking about 'th' pronunciation,

specifically the voiceless sound and also the voiced sound for th pronunciation.

So this can be difficult for many people around the world because th

pronunciation, that voiceless and the voiced sound, are not in every language.

But, they are in the English language. So when we're trying to make the th sound,

whether it's voiceless or voiced, very important, we must remember to always use

our tongue. We must use our tongue. Why? Why must we use our tongue? ABecause our tongue

helps us to make the correct sound so that we can pronounce these words

correctly. So first off we're going to talk a little bit about voiceless th

pronunciation or more specifically the [voiceless] sound.

So this sound we use for many different words in the English language including

nouns, adjectives, adverbs, you know, many different things, okay? So it's a very

important sound that you need to practice if you want to be able to speak

English. Remember. Try to remember this because it's very very difficult, okay? We will

practice together. So to make, first of all, the th sound, which if you did not

know, is this symbol, we must use our tongue, as we said before, but very

important for this specific sound is we must also blow. Blowing or to blow the

verb is when you push air out of your mouth like this.

So why must we do this?

Because to make the sound we need to make th we need to blow, so we need to

use the tongue and blow at the same time. So you should feel the air in your mouth

push over your tongue and through your teeth... just here. So if you hold out your hand... just like that.

So what examples of words do we have for our voiceless th

pronunciation. We have many different words for example we have theatre,

Thursday, thank you, think, and most importantly, teeth, or

tooth. As you probably saw with my pronunciation, my tongue came out every

time there was a th sound, okay? So for example if I said Thursday you'll see

that my tongue only comes out when I pronounce the th sound. Thursday. [It] comes

out *th sound* comes back in, 'ursday'. Okay, so again, Thursday, theatre - even at

the end of the word we wait, 'too', and then at the end *th sound*. If you don't know how far

your tongue should be out of your mouth whilst you're blowing because you don't

want to stick it out like this, 'tooth', because people will think maybe you are crazy.

You also don't want to keep it inside your mouth, 'tooth', because it sounds strange. 'Tooth',

'Thursday', 'Thank you', okay? Don't do that. So to know how long

your tongue should be, how far it should be out of your mouth, we just use our finger, like

this. Put your finger over your mouth like you're saying 'shhh, be quiet', then you can stick your

tongue out and touch your finger just here. 'Thursday', 'thank you',

'Thursday', 'thank you'. You see, my tongue was out touching my

finger and that was a perfect distance for me to be able to make that sound

whilst blowing. Don't forget to blow.

Number two. We are gonna talk about the voiced sound or *voiced th sound*.

So, very important, the reason they're called voiced and voiceless is to do

with vibration. So what does vibration mean? Vibration is a kind of shaking

motion when something moves ever so slightly, okay, normally quite fast. As an

example, in English pronunciation when we say a voiced sound like this *voiced th* sound, if

you take your hand and you put it on your throat, just here, and you say *voiced th sound*

you can feel your throat shaking. We call that vibration. So there are many

different words that we have, again, for the voiced th pronunciation. I'm gonna

give you some examples now and I want you to try and practice with me.

So before we start with these examples, very important, we do not blow for this

sound. We do not blow at all, okay? That is only for the voiceless sound.

The voiced th sound looks like this.

So, I'm gonna give you some examples of a few words

We have 'that'

'them', 'those', 'these', 'clothes', 'clothes', that one is very difficult, 'clothes',

'mother', 'father', 'brother', 'bathe'.

So, you can see kind of the difference between the

voiceless and the voiced sound. Again, the voiceless, 'theater', voiced 'then', 'theater',

'then', you can hear the difference in sound but they are both th words. So now

we're gonna do a few tongue twisters, okay? A tongue twister is a very

difficult sentence to say/to pronounce, which we use to practice

speaking in languages or maybe just for fun.

So I've made a couple of tongue twisters just for you today, to practice that th

pronunciation, so we'll practice it together. I want you, for this exercise, to

close your eyes and listen to what I'm saying because it's good to practice

your speaking skills but you must also practice your listening skills, so don't

look at the subtitles. Try and hear what I'm saying.

Number one:

those boys over there are 13 next Thursday.

Those boys over there are 13 next Thursday.

Number 2:

there are teeth in that old bath behind the theatre. There are teeth in that old

bath behind the theatre.

Number three:

My father's clothes are the same as my brother's clothes

My father's clothes are the same as my brother's clothes .

As you can see with all of these tongue twisters my tongue is going

and they're normally very difficult to say.

Okay thank you very much watching this video guys.

I really hope this helps you with your th pronunciation this can

be very difficult so if it is difficult for you just keep practising. Practice

with those tongue twisters, you can find many different ones on very good YouTube

pages, on the internet, on google, everywhere. So you need to practice a lot

and you need to practice by speaking and by listening.

We try to post maybe three

or four times a week maybe sometimes we forget, sorry, but we want to help you

guys practice your English okay? So please remember to subscribe follow us

so you can get your free English lessons every week. Thank you very much! This is Ross for

English English, and we will see you next time.

Those boys over there are... these...

those boys over there are 13 next... there are teeth in that... my father... my brothers...

there are teeth in that old...

For more infomation >> TH pronunciation made EASY + FREE PRACTICE ACTIVITY at the end of the video :) - Duration: 9:18.


HOW TO BE FUNNY!!!! - Duration: 3:22.


wasn't really magic it was editing

hello youtubers

and welcome to clean living Cara and today we're doing something a bit different today

I'm going to be doing


I've been getting a lot very lovely comments about

how funny I am

Clara you're a joke

you bloody nutter

you f*****g clown

f*****g clown

let's go

did you hear about the human

cannonball who lost his job at the circus?

he got fired

he got

so he was a

human cannibal and he lost his job sadly at the circus

he got fired

is it a joke?

that's not really jokes more of a fact isn't it?

let's try another

what did Tarzan say to Jane when he saw the elephants coming over the hill

look Jane there are the elephants coming over the hill

and he saw the...

so Tarzan said to Jane there are the elephants coming over the

so he's just telling her that that

the elephants are coming over the hill

is this a joke book

okay let's keep going we'll find one

my wife's just been for a holiday in Poole

in Dorset?

question mark

oh yes she thoroughly recommends it

yes it's nice Dorset is nice

I've just taken my wife for a romantic weekend in North Wales


I say that's rather a personal question

did he not want to talk about where he went in Wales?

funniest jokes and one line.. and puns ?

have you heard the joke

about the pencil

there's no point to it well why put the joke in if there's no point to it ?

have you heard the joke about the letter lost in the post?

to be honest I didn't get it

well neither did I

how do you keep an idiot in suspense?

I'll tell you later

no tell me now

I can't even be bothered to write the

answers in the fucking book

my god

why did the man fall down the well ?

because he couldn't see that well

I actually feel quite depressed reading this book

What am I doing with my life?

might try stand-up next week

I think I'll be good at that

cuz then it's my own material isn't it ?

why did the chewing gum cross the road

because it was on the chicken's foot

put that in your book

what was the joke I was laughing at?

if you want to send a joke that you think it's funny

I'll read it out next week and on the YouTube

if you can beat the one with chewing gums crossing the road

probably lose a few this week


For more infomation >> HOW TO BE FUNNY!!!! - Duration: 3:22.


Annyeong KOREA! ∙ shot on iPhone X #VLOG - Duration: 4:18.

We are at...


Hi friends, today we are going to...

Namsan Tower!

One more time

Namsan Tower!

Justin is the map

He's the map, he's the map

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