Sunday, August 26, 2018

Youtube daily report w Aug 27 2018

Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about how to improve elbow pain with don't touch elbow when work.

Person that this self care effective at especially is person that feel pain into elbow joint when lift things. It is person that lift with squeeze.

Only joint movement is don't feel pain. It is effective into person like that.

Case of you put power into arm when work,your elbow improve seldom. In my customer is tennis player,transportation business,factory worker,office worker that bring heavy thing,etc. I told this self care for them.

At first,please do self condition inspection. Please move hand finger joint,it is bending and stretch. Please learn joint speed or finger weightness or finger softness.

If you are using elbow band,you may understand to easy. Maybe you can to touch bone in line that tied thumb and out side elbow joint. It is place that do touch bone with finger push.

As next check,push this place with opposite hand and check finger movement. Maybe you feel to the finger movement to became quick. Because there is finger muscle into that place.

Case of you pushing finger muscle,finger movement become quick by that support. This is as well same with elbow band. Or into that place is there is muscle that straddle elbow.

Elbow movement is as well become better by pushing that place. Place that pushing and become better is there is stiff muscle. Into place that become better with supporter band is there is so stiff muscle.

So if you soften stiff muscle into that place,don't need supporter band. I am telling to how to soften stiff muscle that adhere into bone.

Please put elbow on the desk. Please make fist with opposite hand. Please push bone with finger joint of fist.

My recommend is finger second joint of fist. Please touch bone with gap of index finger and middle finger. Please do that like rub with that condition.

If you feel pain when that,there is stiff muscle in that place. A number of times please stimulation with continue to move. The pain into when pushed by that is decrease.

If that place became soft,you will don't feel pain. Case of you do self care in above of desk,to do self care is so easy. You can to soften elbow when work with this method.

Please check now condition after few minute. Case of your understand to hard,please compare opposite side.

Things that almost customer realized is to decrease pain when pushed elbow joint. I heard talking like that often.

Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!

For more infomation >> How to improve elbow pain with don't touch elbow when work. - Duration: 8:27.


Javiera Suárez comparte adorables fotografías junto a su esposo e hijo - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Javiera Suárez comparte adorables fotografías junto a su esposo e hijo - Duration: 1:46.


GRINGS - Expressões Numéricas Detonando as Regras dos Sinais - Duration: 16:56.

For more infomation >> GRINGS - Expressões Numéricas Detonando as Regras dos Sinais - Duration: 16:56.








PC GAMER I7 - Duration: 21:59.

For more infomation >> PC GAMER I7 - Duration: 21:59.



For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : JOSÉ SIMÃO IRONIZA: AÉCIO FARÁ ENCONTRO EM FRENTE AO MOTEL DALLAS - Duration: 1:41.


JLPT N5「IC カードのチャージの仕方」 【日本語能力試験 N5】 - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> JLPT N5「IC カードのチャージの仕方」 【日本語能力試験 N5】 - Duration: 2:32.


$KR-Game - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> $KR-Game - Duration: 2:16.


Marina Silva começa campanha nas ruas fazendo promessas sustentáveis - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Marina Silva começa campanha nas ruas fazendo promessas sustentáveis - Duration: 4:13.


¡Ay Euzenando! abriste una letrina - Duration: 3:33.

Las denuncias en torno a la corrupción de Odebrecht salpican al chavismo y parte de la oposición Tengo que comenzar explicando quién es Euzenando Azevedo, porque lo de las coimas y guisos de Maduro y otras lacras del castrochavismo y también denuncias de sobornos a  políticos opositores realmente quien lo destapó fue este brasilero que estuvo como  director superintendente de Odebrecht en Caracas, y luego que se supo lo que era esa bestia de corrupción que resultó la empresa constructora brasilera, fue llevado a juicio al igual que el presidente y otros altos cargos

Euzenando, el año 2016 rindió declaraciones en los tribunales del estado de Sergipe al noreste de Brasil, y cantó de lo lindo para así lograr beneficios procesales que le impidieran ir a prisión

Contó de las mentiras sobre la fecha y lugar que ocurrió la muerte de Chávez, las comisiones y coimas a Nicolás Maduro, Diosdados Cabello, Elías Jaua, Jorge Rodríguez, Haiman El Troudi, Rodolfo Clemente Marco Torres, Jesse Chacón, Nelson Merentes, Jorge Giordani y un largo etcétera… También señaló a personajes de la oposición política como Antonio Ledezma, Henrique Capriles, Manuel Rosales y Pablo Pérez

Hasta ahora es obligante decir que de todos los opositores señalados por el brasilero, el único que contundentemente salió al frente a tan graves acusaciones es Antonio Ledezma, quien hasta abogados ha enviado a Colombia para investigar y declarar en el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia en el exilio que como se sabe es quién ha basado en esas acusaciones las acciones para condenar -el pasado miércoles 15 de agosto- a Nicolás Maduro a 18 años y 3 meses de prisión, y a resarcir al Estado venezolano con 35 millones de dólares e  inhabilitarlo para ejercer cargos públicos

De esos actos fundamentales en la larga y difícil lucha de los venezolanos para poder sacar y condenar a los maleantes que han saqueado y destruido la nación, el magistrado Miguel Ángel Martín ha dicho: "Aquí hay un ejemplo de que sí se puede condenar a los corruptos y rescatar el patrimonio que ha desaparecido de las arcas de nuestro país

Y si hay países y organismos internacionales dispuestos a ayudar a nuestra República", pero junto a esa posición tenemos la vergonzante e inaceptable pretensión de Capriles Radonski y los cabecillas del partido Primero Justicia, de no aclararle al país absolutamente nada y por el contrario, desde el pedestal de intocables donde se han montado, insultar a los que piden claridad, responsabilidad, verdad y –como el colmo de los colmos- dar en bandeja de plata a los jerarcas de la narcotiranía la infame descalificación del máximo tribunal creado por la Asamblea Nacional legitima, al aparecer Capriles diciendo que solo es una "Olla" término utilizado en el argot periodístico venezolano para definir informaciones inventadas, cuyo origen se ubican en  chismes y rumores y de esa manera especular informativamente, y por tanto carente de valor jurídico

Frente a este inaceptable proceder se ha motorizado toda una manada de cómplices y amorales que revestidos del mote de opositores, han salido a insultar y descalificar también, tanto al TSJ como a los que nos parece inadmisible que a cuenta no se sabe de qué, Capriles, Julio Borges y el resto de los bravucones que los apoyan y publicitan nos quieran silenciar u obligar a desconocer el único cuerpo judicial decente con el que contamos para adecentar lo que sin dudas es la columna vertebral de cualquier estado democrático: Su sistema de justicia

Pero es imposible que lo logren… Odebercht y su condición de "Manzana del pecado" existe, está investigada, sus capos presos, como lo está su gran protector político y agente promotor en toda Latinoamérica, Lula Da Silva por cierto el modelo a seguir que Henrique Capriles y su jefe de Campaña presidencial, Henri Falcón tanto admiraban y a cada momento anunciaron que semejante pillo sería emulado por ellos… Transcurrieron muchas horas hasta que por fin salió con un pobre remitido que no logra que recuperemos algo de confianza; demasiadas horas para no terminar de desencantarnos de aquel que no tuvo el coraje de defender su triunfo el año 2013 cuando Maduro y su oficina electoral le hizo fraude, y a millones que estábamos decididos a preservar en la calle los verdaderos resultados nos mandó a "Bailar salsa", para con el paso de los años justificarse diciendo que así evitó cientos de miles de muertos, otra manera de ignorar u obviar las pavorosas cifras mortales que la tiranía ha sumado en estos 5 años transcurridos, también el infinito dolor y la terrible desesperación de millones que han tomado el camino del destierro, pero que sin dudas a él y a beatas, monaguillos y más de un diácono de la Sagrada Catedral del Relativismo amoral eso le resbala

Maduro fue condenado por el TSJ en el exilio por la corrupción de Odebrecht en Venezuela Y tengo que asegurar que yo no puedo más que desear la mayor honestidad en los líderes opositores, y es por eso que pido que los que se ven señalados de corrupción se defiendan y aporten todas las pruebas de su inocencia y honradez

Pruebas, no la canallada con la que respondió Henrique Capriles el pasado 23 de agosto cuando con ese estilo de redomado necio aferrado a muletillas y refranes dijo: "…el que no la debe no la teme

Somos los principales interesados en que se investigue sin falsedades lo que tenga que investigarse

No vamos a perder el foco de lo verdaderamente importante ¡Seguimos trabajando! ¡Qué otros se ahoguen en sus ollas!" Por eso, por los sinvergüenzas que justifican que  los pillos brasileros le hayan dado coimas y sobornos a Capriles, pícaros esgrimiendo el cuento de que es "Legal" recibir aportes en toda campaña electoral, cierro hoy confesando lo desagradable que es tenerle asco a tanta gente… A Odebrecht y a su gran Capo Marcelo, a Euzenando y por supuesto a los que lo recibieron en sus oficinas y en sus propias casas y les pareció "Chévere" que les diera dolaritos a cambio de encochinar aún más a Venezuela  / @eleonorabruzual  /

For more infomation >> ¡Ay Euzenando! abriste una letrina - Duration: 3:33.


Lançamentos: 19 a 25 de agosto de 2018 - Duration: 19:38.

For more infomation >> Lançamentos: 19 a 25 de agosto de 2018 - Duration: 19:38.


Este video de The Predator anuncia que hay una amenaza en camino - Duration: 2:29.

Falta menos de un mes para que el cazador alientígena más mortífero llegue a los cines de nuestro planeta

The Predator, el nuevo filme de Shane Black que promete grandes dosis de horror, sangre y adrenalina, servirá para continuar con el legado que iniciaron John McTiernan y Arnold Schwarzenegger en 1987

Desde los confines del espacio llega una amenaza sin precedentes. Una nave se ha estrellado en los suburbios de Estados Unidos, así que la cacería comenzará justo en los hogares de los inocentes

La humanidad tratará de defenderse, pero esta vez los depredadores son más grandes, más fuertes e inteligentes, así que las posibilidades de sobrevivir son pocas

¿Quieren conocer más detalles de lo que aterrizará en la gran pantalla? Entonces echen un vistazo al video especial que liberó Twentieth Century Fox

Este tiene detalles relacionados con la trama de la película, así como la visión de Black para darle una perspectiva más brutal

Como pudieron ver, una guerra entre especies está a punto de estallar en la Tierra y sólo sobrevivirá quien tenga la fuerza, la astucia y el instinto asesino para enfrentar a su enemigo

Todavía no sabemos si esta nueva película podrá hacer justicia a lo que nos mostró McTiernan en los 80, pero tenemos fe en que sea algo bueno

The Predator se estrenará el próximo 14 de septiembre. Si son seguidores leales de la franquicia, entonces no pueden dejar ir una buena función nocturna

For more infomation >> Este video de The Predator anuncia que hay una amenaza en camino - Duration: 2:29.


¿Qué son los valores de marca? 💛 - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué son los valores de marca? 💛 - Duration: 1:45.


Muharram Special Naat | में क्यों ना गुनगुनाऊ तराना हुसैन | Main Kyun Na Gungunau Tarana Husain Ka - Duration: 5:38.

Main Kyun Na Gungunau Tarana Husain Ka

For more infomation >> Muharram Special Naat | में क्यों ना गुनगुनाऊ तराना हुसैन | Main Kyun Na Gungunau Tarana Husain Ka - Duration: 5:38.


Oficina golpista - "PIT STOP", no estacionamento da loja MACRO, Serra-ES. - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Oficina golpista - "PIT STOP", no estacionamento da loja MACRO, Serra-ES. - Duration: 2:04.


BENEFITS OF GRAPES । अँगूर खाने के कुछ बेहतरीन फायदे । - Duration: 3:19.

Grape is a fruit that you can eat whole. Neither is it a hassle to take out the peel, nor the removal of the

seed. Well it has many benefits in terms of health. Generally there are two types of grapes, light green and

black color. But on the basis of size you can also divide them. The grapes are also given a form of raisins

by drying it under a special process. Delicious fruits grapes are often preferred to everyone; Both the cold

and the summer heat are grapefruit in different types, like red grapes, green grapes, black grapes etc. .

Grapes are found in sufficient quantities of calories, fiber and vitamin C, E. We are all familiar with the

wonderful taste of grapes, but few people know that it is also a treasure of health.

Many nutrients such as glucose, magnesium and citric acid are found in grapes. It is beneficial to take

grapes for relief in many diseases. This is mainly beneficial in diseases such as TB, cancer and blood-infection.

Grape also is beneficial for those suffering from diabetes. It works to reduce the level of sugar in the blood. Apart from this, Iron is also a great medium.

. Drinking grapes is very beneficial for people suffering from migraine pain. Regular consumption of grapes juice for some time can be solved by this problem.

According to a recent research, consumption of grapes in breast cancer prevention is very beneficial. Apart from this, it is particularly beneficial for heart-related diseases.

If you do not feel hungry and because of this you can not gain weight, you can also consume grapes juice. By consuming it, the problem of constipation goes away, and hunger is also started.

To remove the lack of blood, drinking 2 teaspoons of honey mixed in a glass of grapes leaves the lack of blood. It also increases hemoglobin.

Benefits of Ingur in enhancing the beauty of the skinThere are vitamins and antioxidants present in the grapes as well as anti-aging properties. Therefore,

before eating grapes, there is no wrinkles on the face before time and the beauty of the skin remains. As

well as grapes have Reservatrol properties, it is therefore considered beneficial for skin.

For more infomation >> BENEFITS OF GRAPES । अँगूर खाने के कुछ बेहतरीन फायदे । - Duration: 3:19.


Escape from Tarkov - Duration: 3:13:05.

For more infomation >> Escape from Tarkov - Duration: 3:13:05.


PC GAMER I7 - Duration: 21:59.

For more infomation >> PC GAMER I7 - Duration: 21:59.


Лайв стрим - Duration: 1:31:03.

For more infomation >> Лайв стрим - Duration: 1:31:03.


'Mưu của người thầy,Để Công Phượng dự bị tiếp ' HLV Syria mỉa mai HLV Park - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> 'Mưu của người thầy,Để Công Phượng dự bị tiếp ' HLV Syria mỉa mai HLV Park - Duration: 11:00.


War Thunder gameplay español. operacion S.U.M.M.E.R.S.TANQUE REALISTA. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 1:35:28.

For more infomation >> War Thunder gameplay español. operacion S.U.M.M.E.R.S.TANQUE REALISTA. =AMM0= escuadron. - Duration: 1:35:28.


How to improve elbow pain with don't touch elbow when work. - Duration: 8:27.

Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about how to improve elbow pain with don't touch elbow when work.

Person that this self care effective at especially is person that feel pain into elbow joint when lift things. It is person that lift with squeeze.

Only joint movement is don't feel pain. It is effective into person like that.

Case of you put power into arm when work,your elbow improve seldom. In my customer is tennis player,transportation business,factory worker,office worker that bring heavy thing,etc. I told this self care for them.

At first,please do self condition inspection. Please move hand finger joint,it is bending and stretch. Please learn joint speed or finger weightness or finger softness.

If you are using elbow band,you may understand to easy. Maybe you can to touch bone in line that tied thumb and out side elbow joint. It is place that do touch bone with finger push.

As next check,push this place with opposite hand and check finger movement. Maybe you feel to the finger movement to became quick. Because there is finger muscle into that place.

Case of you pushing finger muscle,finger movement become quick by that support. This is as well same with elbow band. Or into that place is there is muscle that straddle elbow.

Elbow movement is as well become better by pushing that place. Place that pushing and become better is there is stiff muscle. Into place that become better with supporter band is there is so stiff muscle.

So if you soften stiff muscle into that place,don't need supporter band. I am telling to how to soften stiff muscle that adhere into bone.

Please put elbow on the desk. Please make fist with opposite hand. Please push bone with finger joint of fist.

My recommend is finger second joint of fist. Please touch bone with gap of index finger and middle finger. Please do that like rub with that condition.

If you feel pain when that,there is stiff muscle in that place. A number of times please stimulation with continue to move. The pain into when pushed by that is decrease.

If that place became soft,you will don't feel pain. Case of you do self care in above of desk,to do self care is so easy. You can to soften elbow when work with this method.

Please check now condition after few minute. Case of your understand to hard,please compare opposite side.

Things that almost customer realized is to decrease pain when pushed elbow joint. I heard talking like that often.

Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!

For more infomation >> How to improve elbow pain with don't touch elbow when work. - Duration: 8:27.


LEGO® Friends

For more infomation >> LEGO® Friends


ME | Sony A7III + Sony Vario-Tessar T* 16-35mm F4 ZA OSS | Cinematic Video #CumadiKG - Duration: 1:01.

We have an unusual working relationship.

Almost 24 hours always together.

Thanks to it, there are always challenging to work.

Sometimes, I also run. Work anywhere and still give the best.

I've also run out of energy.

But, he tried to strengthen me again.

OK I understand.

This is dedication.

However, we are both aware.

That work also needs a break.

There are times to chatting with others because they are not only co-workers but part of the family.

We are no longer alone because this is the time to collaborate.

For more infomation >> ME | Sony A7III + Sony Vario-Tessar T* 16-35mm F4 ZA OSS | Cinematic Video #CumadiKG - Duration: 1:01.


Investigation underway for cause of house explosion - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Investigation underway for cause of house explosion - Duration: 1:49.


The Sensitive Stoic Course - Duration: 3:52.

Unfortunately you don't have an option to turn off life's unexpected twists and

turns. The world can feel harsh and unrelenting at times. It's as if it just

doesn't seem to appreciate the fact that you've already got enough on your plate.

Or it's at that moment when you're finally making traction, you're feeling

excited about things, and then BANG! Something hits you from out of the blue

and you lose all the momentum that you've built. It doesn't take much to

derail us. Even the simplest things can have the biggest impact...You know, a

critical word at just the wrong moment. The comparison trap; where you're feeling

vulnerable already, and then you end up comparing your messy insides, and your

inner experience of something with another person's polished exterior,

wishing that you could be as strong, or as good, or as talented as them. Feeling

uncomfortable or out of your depth in a social or a work situation. Being turned

down by something or someone where you really desperately wanted to be

accepted. What's your instinctive drive at times like this? Perhaps your default

reaction is to give up, to quit, to retreat, hide and isolate yourself. To

curl up in bed hoping for some kind of miracle, or for someone to come and tell

you that they've sorted out the problem everything is fine can carry on.

Maybe you replay situations and conversations over and over in your mind,

diving into a sea of shame and regret. And you beat yourself up for saying the

wrong thing, or doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. You just blame yourself

for everything that went wrong and take it all really deep inside. Or you might

be someone who reacts by lashing out, by getting angry, engaging in destructive

knee-jerk reactions...and then having to go around afterwards apologising for the

mess that you've made, and trying to clear things up.

I've created a brand new

course to help quiet, sensitive, creative types like you change these stories

about themselves. If you've resigned yourself to the belief that you somehow

flawed, that you're never going to be as resilient,

or as strong as other people, then it's time to think again. This course is

designed to give you the encouragement and the tools to build a

life where no matter what happens you'll be able to keep moving in the right

direction, with your sensitivity chiming at the heart of your being. By

learning to become a Sensitive Stoic you begin to identify the sources that feed

your destructive reactions so that you can begin to take control, and move to a

place of healthy rock-solid responses and initiation, where you're confident in

your ability to cope and move with just about anything. You'll prepare yourself

for those inevitable times where things don't quite go as planned, and become

strong in the face of all manner of adversity, change and disappointment.

You'll start to implement the core principles and disciplines of stoicism

without thinking about it. Where it becomes second nature. And find a fresh sense of

perspective in order to act on those things that currently derail you. And in

the process you'll begin to speak a whole new language within yourself and

externally about your emotions and your feelings and how you're going to (or not),

allow them to control your reactions. So if this resonates with you, please do

come and join me in the Sensitive Stoic Course. I've designed it to be a starting

point, to set you off in the right direction. To give you some practical

tools to begin implementing right away, and to inspire you through interviews

with others who have seen their lives transformed by embracing and

experimenting with these ideas. So if this sounds good to you click the link

below this video and come and check out the Sensitive Stoic Course. See you soon.

For more infomation >> The Sensitive Stoic Course - Duration: 3:52.


🔴 Just Another Overwatch Stream (Summer Games 2018) - Duration: 3:01:54.

For more infomation >> 🔴 Just Another Overwatch Stream (Summer Games 2018) - Duration: 3:01:54.


Absolutely Stunning Homestead by Rafter B Tiny Homes - Duration: 2:12.

Absolutely Stunning Homestead by Rafter B Tiny Homes

For more infomation >> Absolutely Stunning Homestead by Rafter B Tiny Homes - Duration: 2:12.



The thing is the stronger the solution is, so say a 25 percent

hydrogen peroxide solution, is going to be more damaging to your enamel. Yes, it will whiten your teeth quickly

Yes, those Crest Whitestrips will whiten your teeth quickly and

It's okay to use them in an emergency. Say you've been drinking a lot of coffee and tea and

You don't have time to do, you know,


expensive way

Maybe you've got some family pictures coming up or whatever

It's okay to use every now and though of course, you know, it's expensive too

So I just kind of stay on top of it at home

this is

Walgreens, that's a three percent hydrogen peroxide solution. So this one isn't even five percent

You don't want to use it daily

As I said it does

Damage your teeth

but you know such a low percent of three percent does not and I actually mix it with a little water and

I just swish it around in my mouth

Really for as long as I can take it. It actually starts foaming, so I kind of look like a rabid animal or something

And you know once it's foamed so much

You know, which really is just like a minute or two I end up spitting it out

And then of course, I rinse my mouth out with pure water

after that


Do my hydrogen peroxide rinses

in the evening at bedtime, I

don't do them in the morning because I

Do like coffee especially in the winter time

In the morning. I'm also a

Sweet tea drinker

And as we know tea and coffee stain your teeth

So I do stop drinking the caffeine later in the day. So I stopped drinking the things that stain my later in the day

Mostly so I can sleep at night you know, I want that caffeine out of my system

But so that's the better time for me to use the hydrogen peroxide

Because if you use this and then you drink a cup of coffee or you drink some tea

You're actually gonna end up

Staining your teeth if that makes sense, so

My advice is use this right before bedtime

You know and you can use it for several days in a row just

but use it one time a day don't exceed once a day and

You know don't use it daily for weeks at a time once you see your teeth, you know lightening up

Mine are pretty white

But you know, they don't look unnaturally white I don't think I don't have people

Startled by my white smile or anything

but once you achieve the

whiteness that

makes you happy you back off, you know, don't don't use it every single night before bed and

My last caveat would be to please

visit your dentist first and make sure that you don't have any issues with your teeth or gums that

Using the hydrogen peroxide might be contraindicated for you and you know, just get his or her advice

To make sure it's okay for you to use this

But it should be

But like I said, I'm not a dentist. I'm not a hygienist so

Check with your dentist first, but this is an oral debrider. So I mean it's certainly safe to use in your mouth. Just

Don't swallow it obviously spit it out

But anyway

So this is how I whiten my teeth at home for for pennies

versus you know, the $50 crest whitening strips or paying hundreds of dollars at the dentist so

anyway, that's my frugal tip my frugal beauty tip for today and

I hope you guys have a

Wonderful afternoon, and I will see you guys next time. Bye

For more infomation >> WHITEN TEETH DIY at HOME SAFELY & CHEAP - Duration: 4:40.


7 Foods You Shouldn't Eat Past their Expiration Date - Duration: 7:45.

7 Foods You Shouldn't Eat Past their Expiration Date

In trying to reduce food waste, many experts advise taking advantage of some products that, despite reaching their expiry date, are still fine to eat.

However, this doesn't apply to all food groups.

In fact, some food can be harmful when consumed after its expiration date.

The problem is that these foods decompose more easily.

Because of this, they tend to become contaminated with various types of bacteria and toxins that affect our health.

That's why it's very important to start looking at food labels before using certain products.

It's also necessary to know which types of food shouldn't be consumed when they have already passed their expiry date.

In this article, we want to share in detail the 7 main types of food you should't eat after they've expired so you can be cautious the next time you prepare them.

Discover them below!.

1,Soft cheeses.

Unlike hard cheeses, which can be preserved for a long time even when they're out of date, the composition of soft cheeses makes them unsafe when they reach their use-by date.

This variety of cheese is quite prone to the growth of harmful bacteria like Listeria Monocytogenes, which can lead todigestive problems and unwanted reactions in the immune system.

See also: This Natural Homemade Antibiotic Can Keep Infections Away.

2,Minced meat.

You must keep in mind strict hygiene and safety standards when it comes to eating meat.

However, it's very important to take into account that minced varieties are much more susceptible to contamination by harmful bacteria such as E.


This is because they provide a more suitable environment for the growth of these microorganisms and, therefore, facilitate their development.

Once your meat is past its expiration date, there's a high probability of it being infected by:.

Coli. Salmonella. Listeria monocytogenes.

Staphylococcus aureus.

These bacteria release dangerous toxins in the intestinal tract.

As the days go, this affects how it functions in the digestion process.

3,Fresh berries.

One reason why it's recommended to freeze berries before they ripen is because a bacterium called Cyclospora grows on their surface when they begin to decompose.

When infected by this type of bacteria, you experience very uncomfortable symptoms including nausea, bloating, and cramping.

4,Sausages and lunch meats.

Lunch meats contain chemicals that make them look fresh despite their age.

However, when they expire, their structure begins to decompose.

This makes the probability of contamination by bacteria such as Listeria and E.

coli high.

As a general rule, we recommend consuming these foods within the first week after opening the product.

5,Raw eggs.

Millions of cases of food poisoning and infections due to the misuse of raw or expired eggs have been dealt with for many decades.

Eggs are delicious and necessary in all diets.

However, it's fundamental to handle them well and cook them safely, always before their expiration date.

It's also important to be careful with foods that use this ingredient such as:.

Mayonnaise. Flans. Desserts. Sauces.

Among the main problems caused by consuming out of date eggs is intestinal infections caused by Salmonella.


Shrimp changes in composition after its use-by date.

However, as the days go by, it also tends to become a focal point for the growth of harmful bacteria and germs.

You should consume this nutrient-rich food as soon as possible after purchasing it.

In addition, you must prepare it on hygienic surfaces, away from other foods that may cause cross-contamination.


Chicken is one of the lean meats that's most recommended to provide amino acids and complex carbohydrates to the body.

However, when it's raw, you must handle it very carefully on hygienic surfaces free of bacteria.

Thawing it incorrectly or eating it after its expiration date can lead to serious intestinal infections caused by E.

coli or Salmonella.

Now that you know which foods should be discarded when they pass their expiration date, try to purchase only the amount you need and eat them before they expire.

Similarly, try to handle and store them in optimum conditions to prevent them from being contaminated with harmful pathogens.

For more infomation >> 7 Foods You Shouldn't Eat Past their Expiration Date - Duration: 7:45.


Kim Heang - Attitude of Successful People by Success Reveal - Duration: 3:25.

Kim Heang - Attitude of Successful People by Success Reveal

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Begin The Homemade Solar Eclipse - Duration: 0:08.

The end of humanity is here, look into the light until you see darkness.

For more infomation >> Begin The Homemade Solar Eclipse - Duration: 0:08.


Alan Walker - Darkside (Ryan Enzed Remix) [Shuffle Dance Edit] - Duration: 2:54.

Hope You Enjoy Guys <3

For more infomation >> Alan Walker - Darkside (Ryan Enzed Remix) [Shuffle Dance Edit] - Duration: 2:54.


[MV] DMEANOR - Why Do We (Ost. Are You Human Too) - Duration: 4:18.

The moment you came to me

And knocked on my locked up heart

Like your scent on my clothes

You came without knowing

I'm pulled by you, who has opened my closed heart

I'm pulled by you, who has opened my closed heart

I want to know what this is

But why do we keep hiding the truth?

See why do we

Why do we make this up

We're looking at each other

Why do we keep this up

See why do we

Why do we try so hard

My heart is telling you

Why do we make this up

Why do we keep this up

Like a spring breeze

The moment you blew into my heart

Now I think I know what this is

But time makes us grow far apart

See why do we

Why do we make this up

We're looking at each other

Why do we keep this up

See why do we

Why do we try so hard

My heart is telling you

Why do we make this up

Why do we keep this up

Just like our feelings

Just like how we felt

No more regrets

No more

Now I'll tell you

I'll go to you

If you know my heart

I hope you'll hold me

See why do we

Why do we make this up

We're looking at each other

Why do we keep this up

See why do we

Cause nothing seems better without you

Why do we make this up

Why do we keep this up

Why do we make this up

Why do we keep this up

For more infomation >> [MV] DMEANOR - Why Do We (Ost. Are You Human Too) - Duration: 4:18.


Мой Отец живет вечно! Он не может умереть. - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Мой Отец живет вечно! Он не может умереть. - Duration: 4:30.


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For more infomation >> MOD Rifle RPG + XRAY | Rules Of Survival - Duration: 3:13.


HSN | Bose Sound Innovations 08.26.2018 - 06 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Bose Sound Innovations 08.26.2018 - 06 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


The Journey | Relaxing Music | Meditation Music | Therapeutic Music | Global Mantra - Duration: 2:55:11.

"The Journey" Relaxing Music by Global Mantra

For more infomation >> The Journey | Relaxing Music | Meditation Music | Therapeutic Music | Global Mantra - Duration: 2:55:11.


【Easy DIY-paper clay】How drying clay do we use again? - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> 【Easy DIY-paper clay】How drying clay do we use again? - Duration: 2:12.


bangtan au - kill v maim - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> bangtan au - kill v maim - Duration: 0:54.


Look I'm Flowey ( Undertale Comic Dub - short #9 Translation ) - Duration: 0:51.

Frisk : Look I'm Flowey

Howdy Howdy Howdy Howdy

Flowey : A-ha

Ha ha ha

Give me that

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