Thursday, August 30, 2018

Youtube daily report w Aug 30 2018

Quando abbiamo un metabolismo lento, siamo più esposti a problemi come indigestione, gonfiore addominale e acidità.

Inoltre, si è più propensi ad accumulare lento, in quanto si bruciano meno calorie.

E' per questo che è importante avere un metabolismo più "veloce": si bruciano più calorie, si migliora la digestione e si vive meglio.

I 3 frullati che descriviamo di seguito, se bevuti al mattino o prima di andare a dormire, ci aiutano ad attivare il metabolismo.

Ingredienti: mezzo bicchiere di latte di mandorle, 10 mandorle, 1 tazza di fragole,

mezza tazza di tè verde, 1 cucchiaio di semi di lino, mezzo cucchiaio di cannella in polvere.

Frulla e bevi a stomaco vuoto al mattino e prima di andare a dormire.

Ingredienti: succo di 1 pompelmo, 2 fette di ananas, 1 tazza di lamponi, mezzo bicchiere d'acqua.

Frulla assieme e consuma al mattino e prima di andare a dormire.

Ingredienti: 2 mele rosse, 2 cucchiai di semi di lino, 1 cucchiaio di cannella in polvere, 1 cucchiaio di miele d'api, 2 bicchieri d'acqua.

Frulla e bevi a stomaco vuoto al mattino e prima di andare a dormire.

Ricorda che è impossibile perdere peso senza un'alimentazione sana ed equilibrata.

For more infomation >> Come accelerare il metabolismo, espellere tutte le tossine e perdere peso in 72 ore - Duration: 1:47.


Quibe Assado de Beterraba - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Quibe Assado de Beterraba - Duration: 3:55.


A Lição que um ROUBO me ensinou - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> A Lição que um ROUBO me ensinou - Duration: 4:20.



For more infomation >> UMA ÚNICA FOLHA DE LOURO FERVIDA E NUNCA TERÁ ESSAS 10 DOENÇAS ! - Duration: 1:57.


Quando ir pra China? I China Gate Importação - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Quando ir pra China? I China Gate Importação - Duration: 5:43.


Eis que o Esposo vem! (Homilia Diária.940: Sexta-feira da 21.ª Semana do Tempo Comum) - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Eis que o Esposo vem! (Homilia Diária.940: Sexta-feira da 21.ª Semana do Tempo Comum) - Duration: 5:19.


Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI SO CHIC - Duration: 1:11.


#EwangeliarzOP | 31 August 2018 | (Mt 25: 1-13) - Duration: 2:20.


The Word of God sometimes likes introducing us to paradoxes,

it means to such a thinking that is surprising, that forces us to have a deeper reflection -

so, what is it about? - Because, on the one hand, we read that salvation is by grace, is for free,

it is not from works, so no one may boast, but by grace we have been saved.

It means on the cross of Jesus God did something that we would have never been able to do, even with our greatest zeal.

He gave us Himself, He went through all the entaglements of our sins, of our strangeness,

of our spiritual hell so as to introduce life anew, His Divine life to our death.

So, on the one hand - the complimentariness of salvation, on the other hand, there appear plenty of images in the Bible

which say about our involvement. And one of them is buying, the image of buying.

Just today - go and buy the oil for yourselves.

Prophet Isaiah says - buy without paying for wine and milk.

That is, it is not about a simple transaction in real terms.

This paradox shows us that what we receive, in effect, for free from God needs our involvement.

It needs this humble movement of our open hands when we recognize with humility and poverty

and we are ready, as best as we can, to struggle and fight so as not to lose the grace, so as to accept it more and more to our heart.

For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 31 August 2018 | (Mt 25: 1-13) - Duration: 2:20.


Queimadas e suas consequências para o meio ambiente - Duration: 6:00.

Today we will address a more serious and sad case,

in which we must all become aware ...

the burnings

here we are in Curitiba and we can see a

Piraquara, metropolitan region,

see how the smoke and pollution spread and can be

felt miles away.

More closely we can see how the smoke

spread through a large area,

taking several neighborhoods.

In winter when the climate is drier and the rains more scarce,

the vegetation becomes susceptible to fires,

in which they cause immeasurable losses,

burnings along with deforestation are

the main environmental problems.

The environmental impacts caused by fires

beyond material loss, we also have consequences

for human life, the degree and quantity of

toxic elements present in the smoke,

such as carbon and sulfur, affect the human body, causing respiratory system infections

redness, skin allergy, irritation

in the eyes and throat, asthma, bronchitis among others

Here you can see how the smoke and pollution

already spread over several and several kilometers

ahead in no time.

Now we are getting closer to the focus of the burning.

The fires have a large participation in the greenhouse effect,

is the second major cause of this problem,

leaving behind only the emissions of gases

from motor vehicles.

during the burning process a

of carbon dioxide

which reaches the atmosphere. In this way

worsening of the greenhouse effect and

consequently of global warming.

As we can see the peak of the fire has passed,

see how the forest was completely burned.

notice that even where the fire has burned everything

and theoretically went out,

as smoke continues from several points.

beyond the excessive heat that comes out

of the place already burned

burns generally occur in a criminal or

accidentally, such as when a person throws a bituca

cigarette in the woods,

roadside, vacant lots and etc.

some people also use the fire in the garbage burning

cleaning and cleaning of vacant lots

and with the strong winds, the flames spread without control

Now we can see the fire uncontrolled devastating the forest

and the amount of smoke and pollution being released into the air,

this is almost gone,

after you've burned down this whole huge area you see.

only 1% of the causes of burnings are natural

such as the rays

do not forget to leave LIKE

and subscribe to the channel

here we can see, or rather not

we can see a lot, the houses

and the skyline is filled with smoke

so we need to raise awareness,

do not play cigarette butts and also do not burn garbage,

remembering that 99% of the causes of the fires,

are caused by human actions

again the image of the burned being sighted

a kilometer away

where the smoke has not yet arrived this is all beautiful

but on the right you can already see the black cloud

of smoke coming, unfortunate ....

For more infomation >> Queimadas e suas consequências para o meio ambiente - Duration: 6:00.


In the Dark for 29 Years About Real Father (Full Episode) | Paternity Court - Duration: 16:38.

You may be seated.

Hello, Your Honor.


This is the case of Bronson v. Roberts.

Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone.

AUDIENCE: Good day.

Ms. Bronson, you have always known the defendant

to be your biological father,

but have opened your case against him to prove paternity

because he now claims he has reason to deny he is your father.

Is that correct?

Yes, Your Honor.

Mr. Roberts, you believed Ms. Bronson was your firstborn

until three years ago

when your world was turned upside down

with the news that you may not be her biological father,

and Mr. Banks claims he is.

Is that correct?

Yes, Your Honor.

JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Bronson, how do you feel,

knowing your father is denying paternity?

Your Honor, I feel Mr. Roberts is my father.

He's the only father I've known for 29 years.

That's my father. Period.

I've known him my whole life.

He the only one I call my father.

That's who I grew up knowing as my father.

So, Mr. Roberts is my biological father. That's it.

JUDGE LAKE: And Mr. Roberts...

ROBERTS: Yes, Your Honor.

JUDGE LAKE: What is your side of this?

Well, I always, um, believed that Jammy was my daughter.

I raised her as my daughter,

as the other children in my life.

She only knows me as her father.

I never even knew anything about this gentleman here.

JUDGE LAKE: So, 29 years.

BRONSON: Yes, Your Honor.


He's been through everything with you.


Mr. Roberts, did you take financial responsibility for Ms. Bronson?

Did you provide for her in the form of support?

Yes, Your Honor.

The times I was there, and I was also ordered to do child support.

JUDGE LAKE: Are you on her birth certificate?

ROBERTS: No, Your Honor, I'm not on her birth certificate.

JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Bronson, all your life,

this is the man that you were told was your father,

you believed was your father, and you had no reason to doubt it?

Yes, Your Honor. Up until 2009.

What happened in 2009?

I had a phone conversation with my mother

and she mentioned Mr. Banks.

And she said, "Don't you remember the guy

"that I told you, who thought he was your father?"

When she said that to me, Your Honor,

it was a "What?" moment, like, "What are you talking about?"

So, she said that he wanted to get in contact with me.

I think I gave her my number to give to him

or she gave me his number.

I can't remember how we actually got in contact.

And then, I... We reached out to one another.

JUDGE LAKE: Did you know Mr. Banks?

No, Your Honor.

You didn't know who he was?

No, Your Honor.

So, all of a sudden, a man named Mr. Banks comes into the picture,

and this man could be your father.

Yes, Your Honor.

Did you say anything to Mr. Roberts?

Because, at the time, you believed he was your biological father.

No, Your Honor, I didn't say anything to Mr. Roberts.

I kept it to myself for a while.

And then I told Ms. Blair.

Mr. Roberts, Ms. Blair is your... Fiance.

ROBERTS: Fiance.


JUDGE LAKE: What did you say to Ms. Blair?

BRONSON: I just mentioned that my mother told me

that someone else could be my father.

But you said it to Ms. Blair, and not to Mr. Roberts.


What made you make that choice?

Me and Ms. Blair built a good relationship.

So, I felt that I could confide in her about that.

She was the only person that I trusted to tell that at that time.

So, Mr. Roberts, take me to the day you found this out.

A few years ago, Ms. Blair told me

that she needed to talk to me about something.

And that's when I found out.

I was kept in the dark about all of this.

I never knew anything about Mr. Banks.

I also, um, you know, spent eight months in jail

for unpaid child support.

And I'm $75,000 in arrears.


JUDGE LAKE: And then you get...

You don't even get a call, your fiance comes to you and says...

There's a possibility that Jasmine is not my biological daughter.

And that took me for a loop.

After all these years, I was like... I mean, I had to pause for a minute.

I mean, I was like, "What? What?

"What are you telling me, that she may not be my daughter?"

I was not expecting to hear that.

And it really shook me.

After all these years, I...

My thing is, if the mother knew or Mr. Banks knew or somebody,

why didn't somebody say something?

I was the last to know about everything.

And if other people knew, they should've said something.

We could've dealt with this issue 20 years ago.


Mr. Banks, I want to ask you, when did you become aware

that you potentially could be Ms. Bronson's biological father?

I can recall when she was about six or seven,

and I ran into her mother,

and Jasmine and her sister in a park.

And there, she had told me that Jasmine was my daughter, then.

Oh! So, Jasmine's mother said...


Do you remember the words she used?

Uh, no, I don't.

Uh, I just recall her saying,

that Jasmine was my daughter.

JUDGE LAKE: And Jasmine was there, too.


And when you looked at this child, did you say to yourself,

"Wow, this could really be my child,"

or... Did you believe her?

I believed it, and I said that she probably can be

'cause of the resemblance of my family members

at that age that she was.

JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Roberts, how old was Ms. Bronson when you found out

you potentially could not be her biological father?

ROBERTS: I do believe, Your Honor, she was 19?

That's not accurate, Your Honor.

JUDGE LAKE: What is your testimony, Ms. Bronson?

When I first found out in 2009, I was 20 going on 21.

You had no idea about this?

No, my mother said the same story

that Mr. Banks said when I went to the park and I met him. But as a...

JUDGE LAKE: So, she had seen him when you were seven,

now you're 20, 21 years old.


So that is 13 years from the day you all had this encounter.

And do you remember the encounter in the park?

No, Your Honor, 'cause as a little girl in the park with my sister,

the last thing I think about is meeting some man.

JUDGE LAKE: Absolutely.

And you don't remember there being some outward gesture, Mr. Banks,

am I correct?


It was just, "There's Jasmine, and she over there playing."

What kids do.


"That could be your daughter."


But, then for 13 years, the secret persisted.

Well, I thought I was gonna see her again,

but, uh, I'd never see the mother again.

Did you exchange numbers?

Did you say, "Hey, let's keep in touch"?

Yes, we did.

Did you ever call her?

Basically, she took my number,

and actually, I've never heard from her since though.

JUDGE LAKE: Did you think about that day for years?

Yes, I always thought that she was my daughter after the mother told me

'cause I even took her upstairs to meet my mother.

Oh, wait, so on this day when you all met at the park,

then you took Jasmine, Ms. Bronson, upstairs, to see your mother?

BANKS: Yes, 'cause she did live upstairs.

And you went upstairs and you said, "Mom..."

"I've just found out that Jasmine is my daughter."

And your mother said...

What she said was, she could be a possibility,

'cause she resembled my sister when she was young a little bit.


And you don't remember that either, Ms. Bronson.

BRONSON: No, Your Honor, I don't remember that at all.

And so, Mr. Banks, did you know Mr. Roberts existed?

And that he had been paying child support,

and going to jail and fighting through

all of this responsibility?

No, I didn't.

You were never told that there was another man?

Well, she did tell me

that the man that she had married

did think that he was the father at the time.

So, Mr. Roberts, up until this point,

you didn't even know Mr. Banks existed.

ROBERTS: No, Your Honor.

You knew nothing.

ROBERTS: I knew nothing of Mr. Banks.

I dated Ms. Bronson,

I even married her two months after Jasmine was born

and I went on my business just raising, as to starting my family.

But, possibly, if I had known that earlier,

it probably wouldn't have been the rest of my daughters.

Because if she'd had told me that earlier

that another man is the father,

I would've discontinued that relationship.


And I look at it like this. It's being young.

I would've been like, "Wow, I dodged a bullet."

But, I did the best

and I took responsibility, but I still...

My whole issue is, somebody should have said something.

I'm the last one to know everything.

And it just blows my mind

people could just keep that

without letting people know.

She has a right on her end to know

who her bloodline comes from.

Whether it's from my side or Mr. Banks' side,

she needed to know.

And it shouldn't have took 29 years for this to happen.



When you hear Mr. Banks

talk about this encounter in the park

and taking Jasmine up to see his mother, you...

This is all new to you?

ROBERTS: No, I never heard of it.

I did hear that, I think he picked her up for Thanksgiving one time,

or something like that.

JUDGE LAKE: Is that true, Mr. Banks?


And did you ever say, "Why is he picking her up for Thanksgiving?"

Yeah, and then they told me that he may be the father.

But I never met him.

Ain't nobody told me he was outside...

When was this?

BRONSON: It was 2011.

I don't know the dates, because nobody told me nothing.

It was 2011.

JUDGE LAKE: It was 2011?


I don't know dates, 'cause nobody ain't told me nothing.

Like, a lot of stuff was kept from me.

We get it. You're piecing it together.

You're just piecing it together.


As best as I can.

JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Bronson?

So, you met Mr. Banks.

You went to his home

for Thanksgiving in 2011, that's true?

Yes, Your Honor. I went to his mother's house.

JUDGE LAKE: You went to his mother's house?


So, after you did that,

how long did it take for you to inform

the man you believe was your biological father

that, "I had had this encounter with Mr. Banks"?

BRONSON: I didn't tell Mr. Roberts that happened.

You didn't tell him at all?

No. At the time,

I didn't feel comfortable to tell him.

I don't want to be the one to come and tell somebody

that you're not my father. That's not my job.

So, I didn't do it.

But, you told Ms. Blair.

Yes, 'cause she was the person I always confided in.

To this day, she is the person I confide in to.

And so, instead of going to the man who you believe was your father

and trying to break this news,

you knew that, "This was not my burden to carry."

It's not my burden, and I wouldn't want to tell him that anyway.

How can a daughter tell their father, "You might not be my father"?

BRONSON: I can't do that.

And now you're hurting because you want to prove today

that he is your biological father

because that's the only father you've ever really known.

He's the only father I've known. Twenty-nine years.

That's my father.

JUDGE LAKE: And so, when you told Ms. Blair after that,

what did you say, in your mind, was your next course of action?

"Do I just wait?"

Was she supposed to relay the information to Mr. Roberts?

How do you get to the point

where Mr. Roberts finally knows?

I didn't really think about that.

I was still registering it myself.

It's still a lot to deal with to this day.

That's something that's on your mind every day.

When somebody tell you that somebody else is your father,

when you already don't know your identity, that jacks you up more.

So, I'm glad she told him 'cause I couldn't do it.

JUDGE LAKE: Yes. And I think it's very real when you say,

when someone says something to you like this, you think about it every day.

I don't think I've heard it ever stated that...

That real, and that true.


Every single day.

You're sitting around with him, laughing, joking, and stuff,

it will cross your mind.

Yeah, 'cause we've been on vacations, birthdays,

you know, we... She came down,

Marilyn let me, lived with us for eight years.

And now, you know, she got her first apartment,

which, we live in the same complex.

I live there, she living around the corner.

So, we still in each other's lives.

Her children, her friends, my grandkid,

they're at my house right now.

So, we see each other every day.

I take 'em to school, her children.

I take 'em from school, to spend at mine.

We're still involved in each other's lives to this day.

But, we're here to find out

if I'm her biological father, or Mr. Banks.

And I need to know as well,

because it's been a long time.

I still can't get over that they kept this from me.

Like, somebody should've said something.

JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Banks, hearing this testimony,

do you still feel that it's a very real possibility

that Ms. Bronson is your biological daughter?

Well, the only thing I can really go off is what the mother told me.

And, like I said, the resemblance,

if I had have known she was my daughter, uh...

I would've been a part of her life

if I would have known where she was at.

And Jasmine, honey, do you feel like

Mr. Banks should have done more?

Yes, I do.

If you see me at seven,

and you felt that I look like your family...

You could have did something.

It wasn't on me,

my mother handled it how she handled it,

that's on her, I ain't got nothing to do with it.

But, as a father,

you should wanna, if that's your child,

be in your child's life.

They could've did something.

I wouldn't be standing here if that was done.

I probably wouldn't feel the way I feel if that was done.

We help babies,

two months old, two weeks old.

We help babies before they're even born

determine who their fathers are.

But we can never forget that there are adult people

in this world

that live with it. I say a lot of times,

when we deal with our cases with babies, I say,

they have the benefit of never having to remember

that this was an issue, because we're able to get it solved

before they ever know.

And then there are young women,

beautiful young women like yourself...

Thank you.

...and you still have to function with this.

Right. Every day.



Every day.

That's why we're here, is to get you these results.

And I want to get them for you right now.



These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics

and they read as follows.

In the case of Bronson v. Roberts...

When it comes to 29-year-old Jasmine Bronson,

it has been determined by this court,

Mr. Roberts, you...

Are not the father.



You're still my daughter. I love you.

You're always gonna be my daughter.

BRONSON: I love you too.


Can I hug her?

JUDGE LAKE: Absolutely.

The next result reads as follows.

In the case of Bronson v. Roberts,

it has been determined by this court,

Mr. Banks...

You are the father.


JUDGE LAKE: Do you want to be a part of her life?

BANKS: Yes, I do.

Because I love you.

And I always will love you, as I told you before.

Now, if I can walk down these stairs

to give you a hug, if I may.

Will you allow that?

BRONSON: That's fine.


JUDGE LAKE: I think there's one benefit in this.

Both of these men believed you were their daughter.

And both of these men wanted to get the truth.

And both of these men want to be in your life

from here on out.

So, look at all you have.

And even though she's a grown woman now,

you all have the responsibility

to help heal that child in her.

You do.


'Cause as people that love her,

you've got to stand by her

as she begins to work through this. Okay?


You're such a beautiful young woman,

and I wish you the very best of luck.

Thank you.

And I'm so happy we could get you the answers you needed today

and give you all this closure.

BRONSON: Thank you.

All right?

I wish you the very best of luck. Court is adjourned.


For more infomation >> In the Dark for 29 Years About Real Father (Full Episode) | Paternity Court - Duration: 16:38.


Why You Should not Wrap Your Food In The Foil Before Cooking It - Duration: 3:46.

Do you have aluminum cookware at home?

These pans are very common since conducts the heat well and ends up being cheaper

than several other materials.

The problem with these pans is that when we use them for cooking, there is a high probability

they add small amounts of this metal in your food.

It is estimated that food cooked in a aluminum pan may contain an additional 1 to 2mg

of this metal.

It seems, and in fact, it is little aluminum, but What worries many experts is that

almost everything we eat today can have some amount, even minimal,


Another item used much in the kitchen, the paper also deserves attention.

When used to pack cold food, does not pose so much risk, but in

with heat, this material can transfer large quantities of aluminum for the food.

This metal is one of the most abundant on earth and can be found in air, water and


It is present in the water we drink, in the antiperspirants we use in the pans

in which we cook, in fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, grains and even dairy products.

In addition, we can also inhale and absorb this metal through the skin.

Because it is so abundant and so present in our lives, we have a great chance of accumulating

this metal in the body without realizing it.

In addition to being a metal that does not benefit to the body, aluminum comes

being related to serious diseases such as is the case of Alzheimer's.

Researchers have identified high concentrations of aluminum in the brains of people with

which has raised many concerns with regard to the use of this metal in utensils

of kitchen.

In addition, aluminum can affect our health in other ways, such as:

Lead to lack of memory; Causing balance problems;

Causing neurological problems; Weaken bones because it prevents them from

receiving calcium; Pulmonary fibrosis;

Causes respiratory problems.

As you can see, the big problem related to aluminum is that there are many ways of absorbing

this metal, which facilitates the above accumulation levels considered to be safe.

If this is a concern for you, there is some things you can do to reduce

exposure to aluminum.

First, always try to cook with pans made of glass, ceramics or clay.

Another tip is to reduce or cut completely the use of aluminum foil, especially if

you will cook with acidic foods, like tomato and lemon.

For more infomation >> Why You Should not Wrap Your Food In The Foil Before Cooking It - Duration: 3:46.


Combined Arms v1.4 [Doom mod] - Duration: 15:11.

This video shows the main updates of Combined Arms 1.4, since the 1.0 version of this WAD,

the last one I covered here, on this channel. For those who don't know it, Combined Arms is a mod for

Doom created by Combine_Kegan that brings very interesting weapons that are significantly more

powerful than the vanilla's arsenal.

I started the video with one of the most obvious and cool news, the Blastmaster MKII, a rifle that

morphs in both appearance and attack depending on which part is collected and selected

by the player. It also has a really cool heating system where you can shoot the

heat with the altfire as a way to cool the weapon down, which can even change its behavior

as it is getting hot until it fully stops working until the head is dissipated in some way

The Beastmaster can be chosen to be played with at the game's start. It is not just a fun and

original idea, but also visually beautiful, with excellent animations and sprites.

Another thing you may have noticed is the new monsters that have appeared. They can be

activated with Combined Harms, a PK3 that comes separately and is not required to play CA.

I didn't notice very radical modifications in the enemies, only changes in the attacks, some in a

levels than others, some in behavior (Pinky got quite aggressive), death

sequences (like Cyberdemon's) and blood spats.

Later on, you'll notice that the standard Combined Arms arsenal has been fairly modified.

One of these changes was the Particle Smasher. Now, it only drops from the crates.

Take a look on how aggressive the Pinky is here.

It also has new crates' weapons, like the Icarus Rocket Launcher, the .100 Tactical Pistol and the Pocket

Revenant Box. You will see these later.

The Beastmaster is not as overpowered as the arsenal from the old Combined Arms' versions.

but even so, it is very efficient. I just don't know if I can play just as relaxed with the rifle.

This map's BGM by [Vitz!]

Now, I'm going to show the weapons from the Combined Arms standard arsenal on Map 32, a level that I

barely play on... At first look, it seems that it wasn't changed much, but some weapons have been removed,

replaced or had their behavior modified. Piratically, they all have been nerfed.

The pick-ups got new sprites from HyperUltra64.

The Plakanomicon's brick wall got nerfed, but it gained a buff in spells and reload

speed. It also got some cool glyphs that show up when it's used.

By the way, the crates now replace the BFG 9000 and can drop, in addition to the other weapons

which I quoted, that freaky baseball bat from CA v1.0.

Looks like the Gnasher is spending more ammo.

The Cygnis Rocket Launcher now shoots three rockets at once and has gained a new altfire.

By the way, this map was played with the new monsters.

I liked the Sharpshooter a lot. It replaces the SSG and its altfire detonates the caltrops it fires.

Unfortunately, Lilk's Ax got nerfed once again. It takes longer to recharge and had its damage

reduced. It's also no longer a boomerang, exploding after chasing the monsters a bit.

The Whiplash Shotgun also had its damage slightly reduced.

The starting gun can now be manually reloaded.

Next, I'll show the Blastmaster a bit more and the crate weapons. Also, I used Kriegsland Enemies

Pack, the monsters only version of Kriegsland, the Wolfenstein mod from GAA1992 and Yukes Von Faust.

I think this Fission Sweeper isn't alerting the monsters...

The HUD could also get fixed. Either it gets too small, or just for 8:6 resolutions.

I noticed bugs running Combined Arms v1.4 with Kriegsland Enemies Pack in GZDoom 3.5.0, but

in Zandronum 3.0 it seems fine. The author said he tested the mod in GZDoom 3.2.4 and didn't see problems.

If you have trouble, try loading the monsters pack BEFORE Combined Arms.

Now you have dropped what I wanted to show you, the Box of Pocket Revenants...

Certainly, this was inspired by the skulls that appear when the juveniles try to run

DemonSteele along with Brutal Doom. But the best is yet to come...

Now, look at my pistol (the game's one, of course).

It was a good move to put the most powerful and absurd weapons on the crates, which now replace

the BFG 9000. This brought more consistency and challenge to Combined Arms. However, I believe that for me

to be able to play it relaxed while I make comments about other subjects, I think the older versions would be

better. Their weapons make thinks easier.

Of course, there were more updates, rebalancings and bug fixes, but I listed only the most

relevant ones. I'll leave some old versions available for download too, which you can

get, along with more information, in the video's description, as usual.

For more infomation >> Combined Arms v1.4 [Doom mod] - Duration: 15:11.


Sophia-Exit, il trailer della manovra - Duration: 7:01.

 Quella in corso tra il governo italiano e l'Europa su Sophia è una crisi di incomunicabilità forse di entità trascurabile, ma si configura come il trailer del film che andrà in onda in autunno sulla legge di stabilità e le richieste di Roma a Bruxelles di allargare i cordoni della borsa e i margini di flessibilità che ci verranno concessi

 C'è molta cautela nelle dichiarazioni pubbliche. Il ministro della Difesa Elisabetta Trenta si è vista sostanzialmente respingere la proposta di rivedere le regole d'ingaggio del piano di ricerca e salvataggio nel Mediterraneo che prevedeva la rotazione dei porti di sbarco, ma in un'intervista ad Huffpost è rimasta sostanzialmente prudente: "Su un'eventuale uscita dal progetto valuterà il governo e il premier Conte"

Lo spartito suonato a microfoni spenti è assai più duro. Palazzo Chigi la inserisce nel novero delle opzioni percorribili, e la valuta come possibilità concreta

"Probabilmente non usciremo prima, ma quando scadrà a dicembre Sophia non verrà rinnovata sicuramente" spiegano i funzionari dei ministeri che hanno in mano il dossier

Una fonte governativa conferma una tendenza ormai acclarata: "Al 99% al termine dell'anno non ci sarà più"

 Di tutto il governo è solo la Farnesina a infilare calzari di piombo, perseguendo una soluzione che ridefinisca le regole d'ingaggio prima della dead line di fine anno

Enzo Moavero è arrivato oggi a Vienna per un vertice informale dei ministri degli Esteri, che segue quello conclusosi con una fumata nera dei colleghi della Difesa, anticipandolo con una chiamata alla corresponsabilità di tutta l'Unione nella gestione di "flussi epocali"

I prodromi non sono dei migliori. Perché l'agenda degli incontri stilata da Federica Mogherini inizialmente prevedeva confronti su Medio oriente, relazioni transatlantiche, Balcani occidentali e incontri con i paesi candidati a entrare nell'Ue

E il tema dei fenomeni migratori è stato inserito solo dopo precisa richiesta italiana

 Al di là della prudenza degli Esteri sul Sophiexit, il governo si è mosso sostanzialmente compatto negli obiettivi, con un grande attivismo della catena di comando del Movimento 5 stelle e un Matteo Salvini alla finestra

Ma il vicepremier – pur non essendo contrario all'idea di rotazione degli sbarchi, con la clausola di non limitarla ai soli paesi rivieraschi del Mediterraneo – coltiva un'agenda ben più ambiziosa, i cui obiettivi ultimi mal si incastrano con l'alleato di governo

 È per questo che trapela con sempre più insistenza l'insofferenza nei confronti del leader della Lega

Chi ha calcato in questi giorni i corridoi dell'europotere, sottolineano che i toni duri e spesso politicamente ricattatori di Salvini trasformano quelle che già di per sé sono salite negoziali in vere e proprie pareti verticali ai limiti dell'impossibile

Dopo i giorni tesi della Diciotti, in particolar modo gli attacchi frontali contro Emmanuel Macron degli ultimi giorni hanno cosparso il campo in cui si muovono le diplomazie del Belpaese di mine

"Questo tipo di uscite ha raffreddato molto il rapporto con gli altri paesi", spiega una fonte governativa di primo livello

"Per Germania, Francia e Spagna noi siamo già un governo distante, poi diventa impossibile dialogare se la linea è quella di ostentare l'amicizia con Viktor Orban e Marine Le Pen, e perseguire sempre la linea dell'ultimatum"

Una preoccupazione alla quale Palazzo Chigi non è estraneo, e che è rintracciabile a cascata anche negli entourage di Trenta e Moavero

Si guarda sì al dossier immigrazione, ma a cascata sono i temi economici a far suonare un campanello d'allarme, con Mario Draghi vicino alla scadenza, il Qe destinato a interrompersi e lo spauracchio di una speculazione finanziaria alle porte

 Ricapitolando: l'attivismo di Salvini ha provocato una reazione del Movimento 5 stelle, che ha provato a prendere in mano la situazione, proponendo un'iniziativa benedetta dall'alleato, che pur non la considera risolutiva

Iniziativa bocciata anche (ma di certo non solo) perché la semina del leader del Carroccio nel campo comunitario sta producendo frutti acerbi

Dunque il governo si trova sostanzialmente unito nel pensare che Sophia sia giunta al capolinea

Non rinnovare la missione sarebbe sì un gesto forte e eclatante, ma costituirebbe un salto nel buio, venendo a mancare un pur non infallibile controllo su barconi e trafficanti di uomini e di armi

La gestione del post, se e quando la decisione verrà presa, è il crinale che divide la facilità delle enunciazioni di principio dalla difficoltà dell'assunzione di decisioni concrete

Tema che verrà riproposto con ancora maggior potenza quando sul tavolo ci saranno quegli zerovirgola di flessibilità da cui dipende l'intera legge di stabilità

In quel caso anche i vescovi sarebbero impotenti nel poter sbloccare un eventuale impasse

For more infomation >> Sophia-Exit, il trailer della manovra - Duration: 7:01.


Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Spider Man Transform Attack Crocodile - Duration: 14:21.

Spider Man Transform Attack Crocodile






Don't worry



Don't worry I got this what are we waiting for?


Don't worry oh

That's good



Yes, oh

Don't feel bad when I beat you

For more infomation >> Power Rangers & Marvel Avengers Toys Pretend Play | Spider Man Transform Attack Crocodile - Duration: 14:21.


Últimas notícia de hoje : Gilmar Mendes diz que réu pode ser candidato a presidente - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Últimas notícia de hoje : Gilmar Mendes diz que réu pode ser candidato a presidente - Duration: 3:48.


Bezieh Gott in dein Denken ein – Joyce Meyer – Gedanken und Worte lenken - Duration: 25:35.

For more infomation >> Bezieh Gott in dein Denken ein – Joyce Meyer – Gedanken und Worte lenken - Duration: 25:35.


Mescola del bicarbonato per avere un viso giovane e senza rughe - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Mescola del bicarbonato per avere un viso giovane e senza rughe - Duration: 3:06.


Gp Ungheria, Lewis Hamilton strappa la pole sotto la pioggia: poi Bottas, Raikkonen e Vettel - Duration: 2:29.

 Lewis Hamilton in pole a Hungaroring al Gp d'Ungheria. Sotto la pioggia il campione del mondo si conferma implacabile e riesce a mettersi dietro entrambe le Ferrari

Una pole pesantissima, strappata con un tempo di 1:35.658. Un colpaccio, perché fino ad ora le Mercedes avevano arrancato rispetto alle rosse: provvidenziale, come detto, l'arrivo della pioggia

In prima fila, accanto ad Hamilton, il compagno di squadra Valtteri Bottas, staccato di quasi tre decimi con un tempo di 1:35

918. Solo seconda fila per le Ferrari di Kimi Raikkonnen e di Sebastian Vettel rispettivamente classificati terzo (1:36

186) e quarto (1:36.210).  A seguire nella classifica troviamo in quinta posizione la Renault di Carlos Sainz Jr

, in sesta, invece, la Toro Rosso del francese Pierre Gasly che ha preceduto la Red Bull di Max Verstappen posizionatosi settimo

In ottava abbiamo l'altra Toro Rosso guidata da Brendon Hartley e a chiudere la classifica dei primi dieci troviamo le due Haas di Kevin Magnussen e Romain Grosjean

Mentre per quanto riguarda Fernando Alonso, la sua McLaren si è posizionata undicesima e Daniel Ricciardo con la sua Red Bull dodicesimo


For more infomation >> Gp Ungheria, Lewis Hamilton strappa la pole sotto la pioggia: poi Bottas, Raikkonen e Vettel - Duration: 2:29.


yunu$emre - Direnmedi - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> yunu$emre - Direnmedi - Duration: 3:25.


#唐崇榮牧師的骨肉之憂為何?(感情聖化要理問答98問) - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> #唐崇榮牧師的骨肉之憂為何?(感情聖化要理問答98問) - Duration: 4:15.


Don't Fear The Fin Series: Mike Coots Profile - Duration: 4:52.

I feel very fortunate to have a career that's based around the ocean.

I wake up and the ocean kind of dictates my day.

If it's a beautiful day on the water, I'm going out shooting photos,

if it's stormy and windy and not good for surfing, not good for photography,

I'll do something else.

It really, the ebb and flow of the sea dictates my daily life to the t,

it really is no other way around it.

I mean, our make up is some absurd number or percentage in our body is water,

and when we are in the water it feels like we're complete.

I was 18 years old when I lost my leg to a tiger shark at home in Hawaii.

I really knew nothing about sharks at the time, except that they had teeth and I lost my leg to one.

After the shark attack, I was fortunate to have some really good friends who were

some of the top surfers in the world,

and I could start making a living just photographing them.

Just having fun with them and went to college for it, and

and really learned about the power of

photography how images can make people

move, they can get people off the seat,

they can make people cry, they can make

people want to rip somebody's hair out.

They can do all these emotions just with

one image and that's very powerful.

I got contacted a few years later by a

fellow shark attack survivor who wanted to know if

I was interested in shark conservation work,

and I guess I'm in a bit of a

unique position as a shark

attack survivor to have a voice, have a

unique voice for them and use that irony

as a platform. It's sort of been a fun

journey, I've been able to hang out with

brilliant minds, people that are really

passionate about sharks and the more

I learn, the more I feel compelled to help.

It's a natural fit to be aboard here and

and not only shooting sharks, but just being around sharks and

being around people who love sharks.

Rick was up top and he was doing some

turtle spotting and instead of spotting a turtle,

he spotted a what we think

might be a very big white shark.

Could be the white shark from yesterday,

it's checking out the buoy right now and

it's basically circling the buoy and

hopefully we'll get ourselves a shark to tag.

It'll be nice to get a good look at this thing.

To see the sharks out of the water and

on the platform was surreal.

It's sort of exactly I think the perfect

scenario you can think of in your head of

how to do things that was what was done.

The shark was brought back in the water

and swam off and it was a sign that we

did our jobs right.

Seeing the whole system together,

everybody as passionate as can be about

their own thing that they're studying and

that the razor-sharp focus that they're putting into it.

You know, raining, it's early in the morning

they're out there doing their thing,

collecting science.

They're not doing it for the money,

they're not doing it for the fame,

they're doing it under the radar

and they're doing it because they

want their kids kids to be able to have

a sea full of abundance.

It's beyond studying sharks,

it's really about knowing our oceans

and learning more about it.


I really think sharks are in a dire state,

and I've been in rooms with policy-makers

and their hands are tied without data.

Science is what we need to

really create change.

It's a really beautiful thing to see

you can just see the passion on the people here

and why they're doing it, and it's

and it's palpable.

Sweet! Nice job, fellas!

I'm definitely going to take a lot back from this trip,

to want to learn more, and learn

more about systems and how they work together,

and eventually that all leads to my favorite thing, and that's the shark.

I came here to shoot photographs,

I was hoping to get a really good shark

photo, and I think I'm gonna go home

with a lot more than a hard drive full of photos,

I'm gonna come home with a lot

of answers that I've had and maybe even

more questions that someday can be answered.

For more infomation >> Don't Fear The Fin Series: Mike Coots Profile - Duration: 4:52.


Tin nóng VOA 31/08/2018 - LẠI B.Ắ.T C.Ó.C CÔNG DÂN MỸ Nguyễn Phú Trọng NHẬN NGAY TỐI HẬU THƯ NÀY - Duration: 20:56.

For more infomation >> Tin nóng VOA 31/08/2018 - LẠI B.Ắ.T C.Ó.C CÔNG DÂN MỸ Nguyễn Phú Trọng NHẬN NGAY TỐI HẬU THƯ NÀY - Duration: 20:56.


The Most Frustrating TV Finales Ever Made - Duration: 5:06.

There's nothing like a great TV finale: one conclusive episode which gives a show's characters

and stories - not to mention the viewers who've faithfully followed along - a truly satisfying


Unfortunately, however, there are plenty of finales - often to really great shows - that

just can't stick the landing.

From controversial conclusions to all-out storytelling disasters, these episodes rank

among the most frustrating TV finales ever made.

The Sopranos

A prestige HBO hit which heralded the dawn of television's golden age, The Sopranos

brought the medium to new heights, blurring the long-standing lines between the small

screen and the large.

After six seasons - and countless twists and turns - only one question remained to round

off the show: what would be the fate of Tony Soprano?

The finale's final scene is one of TV's most notorious: Tony, whilst out at dinner,

notices a man walk into the restaurant.

Is he just a fellow diner, or a hitman out for blood?

Are any of the other patrons of the restaurant out to get him?

The tension builds as his family arrives and sits at the table one-by-one, but, just as

the scene appears to be moving towards a climax, the screen abruptly cuts to black.

Tony's fate is left unresolved.

The Sopranos' ending is jarring to say the least, and, while many appreciate its subversive

brilliance, it's hard to not empathize with anybody who doesn't.


Showtime's flagship crime drama had already fallen pretty far off the rails by the time

it came to an end.

At this point, the show had wandered into a bizarre final storyline and managed to botch

the only good thread the show had left to follow - Dexter's terrible secret being discovered.

Instead of any kind of definitive ending for the character, Dexter fakes his own death

and escapes to Oregon, where he begins working as a truck driver.

It was a bizarre, bitter, and inconclusive letdown for the few remaining fans of a once-great



A precursor to some of today's most popular comedies about gangs of horrible people, Seinfeld

built its brand on an uncomfortable kind of humor led by characters far more loathsome

than your typical protagonists.

In the process, it became one of television's most iconic and subversive shows.

The series finale, however, is notorious for all the wrong reasons.

Seinfeld's final episode found Elaine, Jerry, George, and Kramer on trial for laughing at

a man who was being held at gunpoint.

During the trial, every person they've wronged over the course of the series testifies against

them, putting into perspective just how odious each character is.

By the end of the episode, they're all in jail.

A popular series ending with a glorified clip show was a highly unusual move, and the finale

was deeply divisive amongst fans.

Even Seinfeld himself admitted,

"I sometimes think we really shouldn't have even done it."

"Very good, very good.

You know something?

No soup for you!

Come back, one year!


How I Met Your Mother

Kind of spells it all out in the title, doesn't it?

No matter how long the show ran, how many detours it took or how many characters it

followed, it was always going to be the tale of how Ted, the protagonist, met the mother

of his children.

As long as it answered that question in a gripping and believable fashion, viewers were

going to be left happy.

Spoiler alert, though: they weren't.

Rather than take the satisfying route, the show's writers decided to tack on a last-minute

stinger, explaining that the mother passed away shortly before Ted started telling the

story to his kids, who insist that, the whole time, he's actually been in love with his

friend Robin.

"No, this is a story of how you're totally in love with Aunt Robin."

This was a romantic pairing the show had attempted earlier, before Robin moved on and married

Neil Patrick Harris' character Barney.

To make matters worse, the show's creators actually filmed a happier ending, minus the

whole death thing, and for some reason decided to go with this one instead.

It could have been so good.

True Blood

When the entire premise of your show revolves around a single, major choice a character

has to make, you'd better make sure you wrap things up in a satisfying manner.

To say True Blood failed to do this is an understatement.

Anna Paquin's Sookie Stackhouse - the small-town waitress who finds herself wrapped up in the

world of the supernatural - spends the whole series trying to decide where her heart truly


Is it with Bill, the vampiric southern gentleman?

Or with Eric, the icy Nordic vampire lord?

Or maybe she'll end up with Alcide, the jacked werewolf construction worker.

Sookie, as it turned out, ended up with none of the above.

Alcide and Bill are both dead by the time the show has come to an end, while Eric has

just moved on.

Instead, she ends up with... some human dude.

Viewers, predictably, weren't happy.

Can you blame them?

Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful's finale was, in many ways, actually pretty great.

It wrapped up every character arc and convincingly resolved most of the show's plotlines - and

with such a large ensemble cast, it was no easy task.

So why was this episode so frustrating?

Because nobody knew it was a finale.

Some controversy exists as to just why Penny Dreadful ended when it did, but the important

thing to know here is that the show's third season was never marketed as its last.

It was only after the final shot had faded out and the words "The End" appeared on

the screen that viewers realized they'd just seen their last episode, ever.

For the show's many die-hard fans and followers, it was a painful and sudden demise - which,

considering the show in question, does seem like a pretty apt way to end things.

For more infomation >> The Most Frustrating TV Finales Ever Made - Duration: 5:06.



Hey guys so for today's video I have

another clothing haul I feel like I've

been doing so many of these lately but

you guys have really been enjoying them

so today's clothing haul is all boohoo

this video is in partnership with boohoo

and I'm so so so happy because you guys

know I love love love boohoo I have made

plenty of purchases with them plenty of

orders spent a ton of my own money so I

did pick out all of these items of

myself they gave me a certain budget and

I went ham on the website I'm really

excited cuz a bunch of these items are

kind of like summer and fall like mixed

in cuz it's like end of August now so

I'm kind of feeling I'm still feeling

summer but I'm still kind of getting

ready for fall every single item that I

talked to you guys about in this video

I'm gonna link it down below with the

size that I purchased to help you guys

as well most of the links are affiliate

links so just know that if you do

purchase an item through them that I do

make a small Commission so I want to

thank you guys in advance you guys are

always so supportive and a lot of you

actually reach out to me and asked me

for my links to things so that you can

support me so that means so much before

I sat down to film this video I was like

honestly Amy you're giving like pretty

gangsta vibes today and last week it was

like Barbie vibes so that's just like

explain to all of my multiple

personalities in one so before I get

into showing you guys what items I got I

want to just talk a little bit about

boo-hoo-hoo-hoo has so many different

clothing items they have everything from

petite plus-sized athletic where like

literally everything you could think of

and actually what I love about boohoo is

their items stay on their website for

quite a while they don't sell out really

quickly or they don't get rid of things

quickly and I love that because a lot of

the times when I want to recommend

something to guys I hate when I go back

on the website and it's like gone in two

weeks their items are so affordable as

well and a lot of the times they're

having so many sales I do actually have

a coupon code with you guys so you can

save some money I'm gonna leave it on

the screen here and of course like I

mentioned I'm gonna have all the links

down below for you guys to shop these

items oh yeah let's just go ahead and

get started as you can see I have all

the stuff back there so the first thing

I'm wearing is actually like a super

oversized big tee which I really fell in

love with on the website because they

have so many different colors I just

like it it's like super it gives me like

easy vibes but I love it for fall

because I feel like it's just perfect

you know those days in fall where it's

not completely cold but it's not

completely hot I feel like this is perf

to wear with some cycling shorts and

some sneakers or even if you wanted to

wear leggings with it if it's colder

that day I just I don't know for some

reason I'm really vibing with like the

beg year oversize tees and I did get

this necklace from them as well you kind

of just like layer it I love this color

as well it's like that beautiful kind of

gunmetal like gray with a blue undertone

I'm obsessed with it

I did pick up two other colors because I

was just really feeling it so they have

a color called sage which I love this

because it's like a it's like a green

but like nude taupe green I really

really like it I think it's so unique

and pretty this will look gorgeous with

nude leggings or black leggings nude

cycling shorts or if even if you wanted

to like pair with jeans and like take it

and tie it in a knot there's just so

many things you could do you could cut

these yourself crop them like so many

things you could do but I just love how

like oversized it is and super comfy and

I just like how it looks with like

layered necklaces as well so the next

color I got is like this beautiful

mid-tone blue which is again very easy I

feel like Kim has been wearing this

color a lot lately and I'm not gonna lie

I've fallen in love with it just seeing

it on her I feel like it looks so good

with a nice tan too so yeah I love this

color this would look beautiful with

some charcoal like biker shorts too so

yeah okay so I got a lot of t-shirts

this time I don't really know why I

think it's because like I mentioned

before I feel like in this awkward

weather where it's like sometimes warm

sometimes cool I feel like oversized

t-shirts are this really nice so I

picked up a lot of oversized tees this

one I really loved this one is different

than the other one like there it's under

a different link but this again is in a

size small and it just fits so nice it's

just like that oversized fit as well and

it's black but it has like a little bit

of like this great I'd I don't know if

you guys can really tell so let me just

get all the t-shirts out of the way so I

can share them all with you guys but I

also picked up this Metallica tee which

is actually by Metallica so I actually

really love this fit as well I think I

got this oh I can't remember what size I

got this in but I will check my list

that I made and I will put it down below

but this one fits really nice it's like

nice and know like not too oversized but

kind of like more of a loose fit I

really like it as well

okay so then I picked up two

nyan t's because I was really feeling

like the neon vibes I kind of pictured

pretty much these two neon teas with

nice like charcoal cycling shorts I

don't know I pictured them with that in

my mind or even maybe some shorts or

something but I'm kind of sad because I

picked it up in a size small because I

thought that they would be an oversized

fit but they're not they're like a

regular fit so this is like a regular

type of fit so for the you know I wanted

it to kind of be loose so I wish I got a

medium but I love this so much like this

neon yellow green and then I've been

loving well pink has always been my

favorite color like for years if black

didn't count as a favorite color I would

definitely say pink is my favorite color

but lately I've been obsessed with like

a neon pink so I just thought this was

so cute okay I can't wait to share this

with you guys because I'm really excited

about it I fell in love with it when I

saw it on the model on the website so

this is a hoodie and track pant like set

that comes together but I will say the

sizing is a little bit tricky because I

feel like they're on two different paths

the hoodie is an oversized fit whereas

the pants are a regular fit so because I

thought it was oversized I got this in a

size us two so the hoodie fits perfect

but the pants are way too tight on me

almost the same colors like what I'm

wearing the shirt that I'm wearing but

it's a little bit more blue but this is

a super oversized like plain hoodie and

what I loved about this is it doesn't

have like a tie not that I have anything

against like those ties that come with

hoodies but I just loved how like plain

this was so there's just no way that

these pants fit me properly which kind

of sucks because they match the hoodie

and they're just such a cute set you

know okay so I have to share these

shorts with you guys because they are so

so gorgeous I'm so sad because I got my

wrong size but look at how a bomb these

are you guys so I'm normally a US size

six so I thought because they were jean

shorts I was like you might want to go

up a size because I didn't want them to

be tighter snug or anything but I should

have got my proper size or even a size

down these are a u.s. eight and I am a

pretty standard US six in G

ian's and these are super super super

loose on my waist so I probably should

have just got my regular size or maybe

even gotten a u.s. four because they're

really really big I'm gonna try them on

before you guys still and show you how

they fit that way you can kind of get

your size according but how gorgeous are

these I think I'm definitely gonna pick

them up in the four because I just

they're so bomb like they're so unique

like I love just how torn the bottoms

are okay so I actually picked up so many

cycling shorts and that's because I feel

like cycling shorts are really hard to

find that perfect one so I really wanted

to try boohoo's especially because I'm

sure I find that a lot of cycling shorts

are too high waisted they literally go

up to almost my boob area because I

think they're just made for people who

are like longer and taller so I wanted

to try boohoo's petite ones which I

actually fell in love with them so

they're so perfectly they fit really

nicely they're not like that awkward I

actually picked up one that's petite and

one that wasn't petite so I can kind of

compare and the non petite ones are just

so like long in the like crotch area

crotch and stomach area but these ones

are much more fitting if you are short

like me I'm five foot one so these are

just plain biker shorts I picked these

up in aus-8

I picked them up in a USA because I

didn't want them to be see-through and

they fit me really nicely so I also

picked up the same ones but in this

khaki color and it has two white stripes

on the side I just thought these were so

cute like how cute would this look with

a white t-shirt and like maybes layered

necklaces white sneakers and then I had

to pick up the Barbie pink like I've

been obsessed with pink lately so these

are really nice I actually picked up two

or three no three different colors in

these so these are kind of like ribbed I

don't know if you guys can tell but

ribbed cycling shorts these I picked up

in my true size us6 and they fit

perfectly the only thing with these is

just be aware that they are a tiny bit

see-through but if you wear them with a

nude thong like you know you don't even

notice anything under and then I picked

it up in the block as well because I

wasn't sure if I would like this black

or the cotton black but I like them both

they're really nice

and this is a super stretchy material

and I picked it up in my new favorite

color which is obviously this beautiful

charcoal gray I've been loving charcoal

gray lately as you can see these shorts

have less of a blue undertone than the

shirt I'm wearing right now so they are

a pretty true kind of like dark charcoal

and then I picked up these cycling

shorts which these ones are shorter than

the ones I just showed you so these are

more of like a short and they also have

a wider band which I really like and

these fit really nicely too

this one I picked up in aus six okay so

time to share these with you guys I'm so

excited for this this is such a

beautiful little crop top again it's in

that Barbie pink because I really fell

in love with the Barbie pink shorts and

then this so actually the top is in a

u.s. six and it fits really nicely and

then I saw the cutest ever like funny

thing is I actually saw this at Topshop

but it was way too expensive I think it

was like $80.00 and I was like there

ain't no way I'm paying for that just

like way too pricey and then I saw to

get on boohoo and I fell in love you

guys like how cute is this like I die I

die I die I die I absolutely love it

it's cropped and it has like the raw cut

edge the only thing with this that I

wasn't expecting but I just know now to

get a size down is that the sleeves as

you can see kind of just are very

oversized so it does have that already

oversized fit I picked this up in a

medium just because I thought it's a

jacket don't get a small Amy because I

thought it would be like two fitted but

I definitely looking back now I wish I

picked up a small so just know that with

this jacket it already fits oversized so

you kind of can go I would say on the

top I'm a pretty medium sized girl like

I normally would get a standard medium

sometimes a small and I wish I could

would have just got a small in this one

but it still is really cute so clearly I

have a thing for like little crop

jackets right now but I just thought

that this was so adorable this is a

corduroy nude cropped jacket so cute and

again I kind of like oh I'm so mad at

myself but I kind of regret getting

aus-8 in this so I wish I got a smaller

size in both this jacket and the pink

one but how cute is this you guys like


if you wore this with I'm kind of

picturing it with like dark charcoal

jeans and just like a cute little tee or

like a cute crop top whatever but I kind

of picture it more with like charcoal

jeans it just looks really pretty

against the nude so the next item I just

thought was so cute this is a really

cute like little jean and I'm a mini

dress with a really pretty like little

zipper I don't know I just thought it

was so cute and like trendy this is a

u.s. six so this actually fits really

true to size because like I said I'm a

pretty standard US six and this fits

really nicely okay so the last item I

got I love this so much this just

totally gives me like Tommy Hilfiger

vibes I love it so much I feel like it's

such a really pretty day dress like if

you're just going to the mall or if

you're just going on like a day trip

somewhere or if you're going to an

amusement park it's super comfy but

still cute I would really pair this with

white sneakers because I feel like it

would just look so fresh and clean and

it is a mini dress but it's not super

short you don't I mean like it just fits

really nicely again it just fits

appropriately for it to be like a day

dress you know what I mean something

comfy but still cute and this I got in a

u.s. six and it fits really nice but

still comfortable so you can kind of

this fits pretty true to size so that is

pretty much it for clothing you guys I

know it was like a mixture of things I

feel like I jumped from like cropped

denim jackets how like oversized

t-shirts to like jean shorts I know it's

like a mixture of things but that's kind

of just how I'm feeling right now since

it's like end of August September coming

up I feel like I'm kind of vibe in with

like mixing both warm and cold or kind

of outfits I don't know anyways I picked

up some necklaces I really want to share

with you guys so the first one is the

one that I'm wearing right now like I

love this so much these I believe I

believe you purchased them together but

they are like two separate necklaces I

don't know I'll link it down below but

you kind of like layer them and it just

looks so cute like I love these so much

and then I also got this one which I'm

in love with it's also like a layered

necklace but this one comes together but

I love this one so much because of just

how layered it is it's so like oh I

don't know I just love how layered this

one is let me give you guys a closer

view so pretty

so this one is just like a really nice

classic dainty necklace I love these

lately I know a lot of people are

wearing them but I just feel like they

look so like sharp and nice and really

pretty and I just left how this one was

dainty and like on its own if you don't

want to layer it one day and you just

want something plain and simple they're

also so affordable like boo who has them

for really affordable there's just

really no need to spend like a ton of

money on necklaces because I feel like

you know vibes change and sometimes you

might not always want them a few months

later so what's the point of spending so

much unit I mean and then this one you

guys I fell in love because it's a

Zodiac necklace you guys know I'm

obsessed with zodiac signs I'm a cancer

so I got the cancer zodiac necklace and

it's so cute it has the little crab if I

could describe myself as one animal I

would be a crab like that the crabs are

literally me afraid of humans okay you

guys said that is pretty much it for the

clothing haul don't forget to check out

boo who I will leave my link down below

and don't forget you can save some money

with my coupon code I'll leave it on

this screen for you so if you are not

subscribed please make sure you

subscribe I do everything from beauty

fashion and fitness on this channel so

make sure you subscribe and don't forget

to sign up for notifications so that you

never miss a new video all you have to

do is click the little bell icon beside

the subscribe button

so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this

video and I will see you guys in my next

one bye guys mmm

For more infomation >> HUGE AFFORDABLE BOOHOO TRY ON CLOTHING HAUL - Duration: 14:06.


Opel ADAM Rocks 1.0T 90PK ONLINE EDITION - OPEN DAK - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Opel ADAM Rocks 1.0T 90PK ONLINE EDITION - OPEN DAK - Duration: 1:06.



For more infomation >> PUSHING FIGHT BREAKS OUT OVER CELL PHONE..."DON'T TOUCH MY CELL"...THE HATE IS REAL!!! - Duration: 10:02.


Special feature! Shaolin friends and Kongsuni band play | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:42.

Special feature! Shaolin friends and Kongsuni band play | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Special feature! Shaolin friends and Kongsuni band play | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 8:42.


Why should I hire a consumer protection attorney? - Duration: 5:44.

Consumer protection laws were devised to

protect consumers that were taken

advantage of by businesses. The consumer

protection laws consist of common law

and then state and federal statutes as well.

The Federal Trade Commission is the

entity that is tasked with enforcing

these statutes and protecting consumers' rights.

Within the Federal Trade

Commission, the Consumer Protection

Bureau is the entity that addresses

consumer complaints and actually

enforces these statutes. Consumer protection

law covers several areas, such as debt

collection statutes, deceptive trade

practices statutes, the Fair Credit

Reporting Act, auto fraud, and then

banking and credit statutes as well.

The type of cases that I see the most are

typically cases under like the Fair Debt

Collection Practices Act, which deals

with third-party debt collectors or

collection agencies, and that law deals

with how they operate when they try to

collect debt from consumers. It's under

that law, it's important to note, that

only consumer debts are covered under the

statute. So that's defined as debts that

were incurred primarily for personal,

family or household purposes. And so

business debts are not going to be

covered under that. Some of the things

that debt collectors are not allowed to

do under that act are: calling you before

8 a.m. or after 9 p.m., they have to stop

communicating with you once you've sent

them written notice to cease

communications, or once you've advised

them that you are represented by an


Additionally, they can't threaten you in

any way. So they can't threaten any

physical harm.

They can't threaten to take any action

they're not legally entitled to take. For

example in Texas, where I'm from,

there is no wage garnishment. And so they

can't threaten to garnish your wages

because that's not an action that

they're legally entitled to take. Okay.

Some of the other things like

threatening lawsuits, threatening to sue

you for a debt - they can't threaten to do

that unless they actually intend on

following through with that threat when

when they make it. Some of the other

areas that I see a lot of cases in

would be the TCPA, which is the Telephone

Consumer Protection Act, and that deals

with mainly robocalling people's cell

phones. Okay, and it's probably the number

one complaint that I get now. I get a

lot of those calls myself it's truly annoying.

What you have to keep in mind though is

that it's under that law that businesses are

allowed to robocall your cell phone as

long as they have your expressed consent

to do so. And what most people don't know

is that they've unwittingly given that

consent when they've filled out a credit

application and they provided their cell

phone number. Although under the law,

you're entitled to revoke that consent

at any time, and typically what they do

is say, "quit calling me." I'm dealing with

a case right now in Texas were my client

purchased some some appliances and other

stuff from a Texas-based retailer,

provided her cell phone number when she

bought the stuff, and they robocalled

her over 1800 times in a 13-month period.

And she repeatedly begged them and

demanded that they stop calling her

because she was sitting vigil with her

dying grandmother. And so that case, it's

in arbitration and we're waiting

on the arbitrator to make a ruling now.

So, we have a good case there I think.

Another type of, another area that I see

a lot of cases in is the Fair Credit

Reporting Act, which obviously deals

with your credit reports. Okay. Under that

law, some of the cases that I see are

failing to correct errors in people's

credit reports, and then also failing to

properly investigate people's disputes.

In fact, just today there was a three

million, over three million dollar

verdict, awarded against Experian for

just that. Failing to properly

investigate a consumer's dispute. Another

area that I see a lot of cases in is in

auto fraud. Okay. I deal with like lemon

law issues, and then also failing to

disclose defects like prior accidents or

flood damage or issues with the title,

the title, and then odometer rollback

cases. So at some point in time, the

odometer was rolled back or the

miles aren't listed correctly, and

that stuff wasn't properly disclosed to

the buyer when they purchased that

vehicle. Many states also have their own

versions of these laws. Like Texas - where

I'm from - has the Texas Debt Collection

Act. Probably the most robust of the

state statutes is in California under

the Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection

Practices Act.

For more infomation >> Why should I hire a consumer protection attorney? - Duration: 5:44.


Mormon to Atheist to Mormon | Leo's Story - Duration: 19:40.

Alright guys, we're here with our friend Leo and Leo is dressed in a white shirt and a tie,

so guess what religion he is?

Jehovah's Witness.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding!

Yeah, Leo is LDS, and you've got a great story.

So we're gonna talk about it.

Tell us a little bit about you where you're from, you know. Yeah, so I grew up in the church,

I am from Utah. I actually grew up downtown Sugarhouse area and then we moved to Bountiful.

Yeah so I lived in the bubble.

On my mission, I served in Uruguay and then I came home and went to BYU and met wife and

now I live in Dallas. Oh you live in Texas? Yeah. I didn't know that. My mom lives in Dallas. Yeah.

So you grew up LDS. A lot of people can relate to that and then

there was a period in your life, however, where you

stopped believing.

Yeah, yeah, so as we all know

the sunday-school narrative of the church

which is a wonderful narrative.

It's faith promoting. It's helpful. It's not super deep sometimes and you know,

especially as growing up the church, most of us

don't have a lot of interest in digging deeper and

understanding church history. It can be boring a lot of us.

I thought it was boring growing up and

you know the internet really helps


educate us.

Sometimes we don't really want to be educated, but we can be educated and in a lot of ways and so

curiosity after my mission

actually, right after I was married, I started, you know, I heard something interesting

somewhere somewhere online about Joseph having you know, 30-plus wives. And I saw a video

on YouTube that was a video of I think the Manti pageant, right? You had all these

women lined up with signs and saying, "I'm

wife number one" then her name and I'm like, man. These people are just making up stuff.

This is not true and so I started researching and you know

because I didn't really talk about that. My parents taught me great things, but we never really, you know,

dove into those kind of issues and so-- into those items of church history, right? So, yeah

Yeah, so that that kind of led me on a path of research. It went on for

probably about a year or so and

it was all negative. I was just curious, I wanted to know. I just I ignored any LDS sources like, you know

anything that I thought because I thought this is, I'm gonna look at what the other side is saying.

Yeah, so as I dug deep I lost my testimony and I turned to atheism.

I lost all faith and that happened about six and a half, seven years ago, right around the time my first son

was born.

So yeah, so I was without faith. I kept going to church

with my wife because I loved her and I wanted to but I was checked out, you know, I had phone, I just would,

you know, read stuff at church and I did not want to be there.

But I wanted to support her and

eventually, what happened was I went to


eventually, I had this thought come to my head out of the blue and it was a voice that said

"Contact Stephen Harper" and Stephen Harper was

one of my professors at BYU when I was there and he taught D&C and

it came out of the blue and I thought well, that's kind of interesting. Why should I do that?

And I thought maybe he could answer some of these difficult questions that I have. Yeah, and

And so I sent him an email and he replied and the email was kind. It was honest and he


very helpful. And so I went from that point kind of recharged me. Like I call it like my spiritual

defibrillator or like it shocked me with academia and with research and with just honesty and kindness.

Yeah, and it wasn't like he was telling me to go and you know, read your scriptures more. He said here are the facts and

here's what I think about those facts as a historian and he provided me that

chance to re-examine my assumptions about everything I've been reading.

So that started me on the path back to faith.

So I think that's really interesting because a lot of people

when they, you know,

they go toward atheism--

going back to faith is difficult because you know in your mind, you're pretty sure there's not a God.

The idea of faith, you're just sort of fooling yourself into all these things

but how did you how did you get past that wall of

even entertaining the idea of faith is just self delusion and things of that nature, how'd you get past that?

So that's been one of the biggest challenges I think for me is, you know rationalizing away spiritual feelings.

I had a lot of spiritual experiences growing up. On my mission

I had some powerful experiences and when your paradigm is rocked, right, your

comfortable state in the church

without this deeper knowledge of church history and contemporary issues and you're just kind of happily

going along which is great to do, I mean

my dear family that have lived and died

without any kind of deeper knowledge, right and they are always faithful

but once your paradigm is blown away, your initial, you know, Easy Street kind of level of

gospel knowledge and church historical knowledge, then you have to receive some kind of additional help.

Yeah, so as an atheist, I

wasn't one that was out, you know

evangelizing my lack of belief, but I had stopped praying

on my own. I would pray with my wife

but it was just to make her happy. So I didn't believe I was praying to anybody.

And so, you know my whole world was rocked by the critical

information. No faithful perspective. So once I heard that there's a rational and

reasonable faithful perspective, that really helped me to come back. I didn't think there was one,

I thought that was just the truth that I was reading and then I realized that

not all the critical information is false, right? That's one of the things that growing up in the church

is kind of hard to

understand is that you have a lot of facts that are mingled with

spin I like to call it. Yeah.

And what we occasionally get into trouble at too is I'm an LDS apologist, right? So I

sometimes we will push a little bit further than what the facts

say so I'm gonna try to spin on our side but the critics I was listening to and really following and believing

they spin a lot of stuff. Yeah, and that was where I started to you know

reverse-engineer my way away from that mindset. And I think it's interesting because I think that a

church apologists are

you know, they're they're often accused of

Spinning the truth themselves or of putting a narrative or bias behind something but I don't I don't think that's single to

Apologetics and religion. I think that's how opinion works, you know in political discourse you report what's happening

But you give your opinion and every any any topic of thought

that's even slightly deep you you have some sort of spin on you have your take on it and

so I think

You have that

with people who are critical of religion and critical of faith and yet those who are defending it, you know, someone says

You know Joseph Smith had this many wives

I think it was disgusting and it was you know, a sexual predator all this stuff. And then the apologist says

You know

We have we we have no children from any of the the wives of Josephus or to mean she wasn't a sexual predator he did

Have model was you're coming from two different angles, but you both agree on this

And I think if you can both agree on something


think that's where it starts and sometimes you can't agree right, but but

as the conversations come people are now starting to agree and I think I

Think Mormonism is so interesting because the claims that make are it's so bold, right?

The Book of Mormon we we don't just have a really ancient manuscript of the Book of Mormons because this is an ancient

Mesopotamian document and we we think it's true and here's why it's gold plates given to you by an angel, you know, it's like

Very very bold. Yeah, which means if anything in it is accurate at all

Then that's really telling and luckily there are things in the Book of Mormon that are accurate

So because of that, that's where that's where people go. Wait a minute. I I

I do want to say there's no god. There's nothing

But that's really interesting that this says this how would that happen if without divine intervention?

So then so I think it's I just think it's really interesting

So we didn't an episode where the next member of the church a really good guy. We we joked around we had a fun time

he uh

But he said that what works about Mormon culture

But also hurts Mormon culture is that he said Mormons are too good at disproving other religions

mhm, and we said it was coming whatwhat do you mean he says, you know Mormons are

Mormons become accountants and businessmen for a reason Lauren juror very analytical and so we're in that way

We're good at we learned history about other faiths so we can use it against them. We're good at that and it's because of that


Whenever we're people lose faith in our church. They go. Well, I'm not gonna become a Catholic. I'm not gonna become an evangelical

I'm not gonna have already proved those wrong my head. I'm just a guest there's no God. Yes

Yep. Yep, so we have the only true living church

and so when that's out of the picture as an atheist, you you know, you say well that's there's only one true church, so

Everything else must be false, right? Exactly. And so when he that miracle

When I had that thought come into my head. It was just out of the blue

I'm just I'm so grateful for it and I'm grateful for brother Harper and

I met with them and talked about this and I actually interviewed him on in our group

Uplift study group on Facebook so you can look us up. That'd be great enjoying and send your

You know family friends to our group if you'd like to look it up. It's great

We talked about, you know, you can ask ask any question as long as it's sincere. You're not trying to hurt

Faith, you're trying to help your your faith grow then it's welcome

But so anyway, yeah, so I've interviewed him and thank him in person for all he did

For me and and of course, I think my Savior over and over again

Through my worship and in church and my Heavenly Father through my prayers

So I've kind of a deep question when you were an atheist

Were there still parts of the gospel you believed in or that you couldn't reconcile to be false?

So I was I was a girl I was growing into my atheism, right? So it takes time

It's not like, you know, I had this revelation. I'm an atheist and all of a sudden everything is gone

And so you still see good in certain?

aspects of the church

Right and you you're I'm very analytical in the way

I process things and so I would still look at things that were positive like the community

Service, you know encourage to serve and all those things, but all the truth claims became

More and more pale over time until that recharge happened. But yeah, I know as

And it was just it was a lack of belief. Yeah and God

I just didn't believe in God, so I wasn't actively you know, promoting that idea

I didn't want to hurt anybody because I have a very faithful wife. Yeah, I love her with all my heart

She was patient with me

I mean

I finally came to her and told her I was I didn't tell her because I was afraid of hurting her and I didn't well

I didn't want to um, you know, I didn't want to cause harm I didn't want to lose her. Yeah, I goodness

because that would be a real hard thing to deal with right is if you have something that you've made covenants with and they

And they're gone, you know, so I didn't want to do that

So when I went told her I was on my way out

when I was in the safe zone and I said there's nothing else that I

Gonna lose my testimony at this point. Yeah. I've been saved. Wow, that's amazing

Why should we not not view doubt as the end-all be-all?

Killer of the thing. That's scary, right?

Yeah, if you're a doubter stay away from you because I don't want to you know be infected. Yeah, and that happens in our church

We need to create safe places for people

That are having doubt. That's very important. And I'm trying to do that. I know you guys are try and do that

and we need to get educated and

Sometimes that's thrust upon us. Right if you have someone our own lives, obviously mine

But we have a family member or a friend that we care about that turns to a lack of belief and has extreme doubt

We're kind of forced to figure it out and we have to study a little bit have to dive in

But the best approach I think is to learn

proactively about difficult issues right and to be prepared for

These things and so on you have to go through what I've been through. Yeah, I

think that

The the the comforter the Holy Spirit yet. He does his job

but we're not the Holy Spirit, you know, they comfort her job as a comfort we can comfort people but I think

apologetics and diving into the Word of God and and and

Reasoning and rationalizing with people that does worlds are good, especially for young people. I

Mean, we're both Millennials. Actually, I don't think I'm little any old Danny. I'm Jonesy. Oh Jesus, I just

Well, I think people my age so hard-headed and I think sometimes the old school just have faith

Just pray read your scriptures and that's that. I don't think that's that's cutting it for a lot of people

You know, I like Wilder Ballard said, you know about you got to get in you have to look at those things

That might be more difficult

But you you do it with the spear you come out on top I I think I have a deeper appreciation for Joseph Smith

When I learned more about him

You know when it when he's just this perfect like I'm Joseph Smith and everything was great and then some evil men assassin me

But you learned he was complex and all the prophets are complex because they're people your complex on complex. We make these mistakes and so

God still uses us

And I think being comfortable with the fault of prophets being comfortable with not knowing

But being on a path in which you are seeking to know and you're doing in a faithful uplifting way, I think that's tight

That's discipleship. And I think that's righteousness - I was going to say I did a Facebook live video

a while ago and I

talked about two sides of history and

An atheist friend of mine said there are two sides of the history. That was his comment. Am I on my feet right? And

And some people will look at history

And and yes, we can look at the historical facts the data

You know storable documents primary source documents and we can say this is what these were the documents say

This is what someone were on their journal. This is what someone said about so-and-so and

And that can tell us a part of the picture right? But we have to rely on historians

To be able to read into the facts of history read the documents understand the cultural context of the time

Avoid thinking errors, like present ISM. Yeah, and you've got to be able to avoid that stuff to be able to come away with a


High probability of the whys of what happened, right? Yeah

and so as is a you know rank and file the church that I was I

Look at this sensationalized material that's produced by the critics. And a lot of it is that's a fact right? I know it and

My assumptions immediately go to

well, I didn't know this and so I'm going to assume the worst and I assume that worse for a long time and

And so we've got to be patient

With material that we read it's so important to be patient and to be able to say what am I assuming about these facts?

I can't see directly into the mind and heart of Joseph Smith

I can't I can read his words and I can I can you can take his words

And say, you know, he's a monster

You had those words you could do that

you can do that and I did that and a lot of people do that or

you can take his words and you can say I think he's a prophet of God, and I'm going to assume the best and

and that's where the Spirit comes in like you said we've got to be able to have the Holy Ghost to soften our hearts and

Bring answers to our minds and be able to see into the heart and mind of these historical characters and really who they really were

And we can't listen to the critics. You got to not do it

Learn from them sure if you're exposed to it. That's okay

you can you can see I'm doubting and I you know, I realized that but

You've got to be able like you said study with the Holy Ghost and that will will so question turn into doubt and doubt

Removes testimony right actually preclude you from being able to have the spear in your life. And so try to

Research the good side of the history or the the historian the LDS historical

Perspective and and then go to God in prayer and have faith that he will soften your heart and he will answer your prayers

They I want to testify that

He will answer your prayers

So he answered mine. Yeah, so great. Yeah

So my email address if I can help you are a family member or a loved one

You can email me and it's Elio Leo my first name

winegar wi n e g AR at

So please email me

or join our group on Facebook uplift study group, and I'd love to meet you virtually and then

If needed I could happen to call call again. And if I'm in your area, I'm in Utah today

I'll come meet you all. I'll help you. I'll give you a big hug. I

Love you

Well, thanks so much for coming in the show, this is great, this is great

Yeah. Yeah. Well, I guess the subscribe my Instagram Twitter comment below give us your thoughts and make sure you join uplift study clear

Its I'm a member that group it is a wonderful I learned so much and it really is uplifting

think you guys have managed to

Do apologetics and talk about things but with disappear on Facebook, which is not indeed addressed

The Holy Spirit on Facebook Jesus. Yeah. Well, that's a very difficult for me

For more infomation >> Mormon to Atheist to Mormon | Leo's Story - Duration: 19:40.


August 30, 2018: NJTV News with Mary Alice Williams - Duration: 26:35.

For more infomation >> August 30, 2018: NJTV News with Mary Alice Williams - Duration: 26:35.


Everything in My Capsule Wardrobe (Try-On) | Heather Lee - Duration: 7:41.

Hey! Welcome to my channel if you're new,

welcome back if you're not. Today I'm

going to be talking about my capsule

wardrobe. It's something that I have been

working on for the past couple of years,

so this has been a long time coming. I'm

also really sorry if this is echoey. We

just moved into a new apartment two

months ago, and I'm still putting the

office together. I only have that clock

on the wall,

as of now. Every other wall in this

office has nothing on it, so, I apologize.

For those of you that don't know, a

capsule wardrobe is basically just a

wardrobe that's very cultivated.

I wear every single piece of clothing

and pair of shoes in my closet. I'm

just going to start off with my tops. The

top that I'm wearing right now is my

all-time favorite top. It is from Tin Cup

Coffee here in Nashville, Tennessee, which

is where I live, if you didn't know. Other

than this top, I have 4 t-shirts, so 5

t-shirts in total that I mix and match

with every other thing in my closet. But

I have a couple striped ones. I also have

a band tee. Ben Rector is my favorite

artist. And I have a Magnolia t-shirt

that my husband got me for my birthday

this past year. I also have a couple of

tank tops - one is more dressy; one is

more casual, because it does tend to get

a little bit hot where I am, so it's nice

to have those on hand. I have a couple of nicer

tops. I have one that's just plain white

with a collar, another one that's

blue and white striped with a collar,

and this brand new top that I just got.

It's by the brand PAIGE. This is one of

those items that I don't own a lot like

it. If I find out that I don't wear it

a ton, it's gonna be one of those

things that I switch out of my wardrobe

for something else that I will wear a

lot, but it's nice to try new things

sometimes. I also have a really cute

embroidered tunic that I wear along with

jeans and jackets. Getting into my warmer

weather tops, I have two long-sleeve

button-up style plaid printed tops. One

of them is

a flannel that I wear more over things

instead of buttoned, and one is one that

I wear buttoned. I also have a chambray...

chambray...I don't know how to pronounce

that word. I have one of those that goes

with everything during the fall time. I have three cardigans two of them are

neutral. One of them is blue, and it's 3/4

sleeve. I have a white one and a grey one.

The grey one has been in my wardrobe for

a solid five years, and I don't know if I

will ever get rid of it. I have so many

friends that ask me where I got it and I

actually thrifted it a while ago. It's

been in a ton of my videos, and it is by

far my most worn clothing piece. I also

have a denim jacket. It's a vintage

Levi's jacket that I thrifted. I don't

know how I found this gem, but I'm so glad

that I did. I have a military-like olive

utility jacket. It's also another one of

my most worn pieces. I have three neutral

pullover sweaters. One of them is black,

one of them is gray, and one of them is a

cream color, and I alternate through

these throughout the fall and winter time.

I also have a heavy coat. Even

though it doesn't snow here in Tennessee

very often, I'm from Missouri, and it's

freezing up there in winter, so I need

something that's gonna keep me warm when

I go back up to visit my family. And

that's everything that I wear on the top

half of my body, other than dresses and

rompers, which is what we can go ahead

and get into. I have two one-piece type

things. One of them is this chambray -

there's that word again - chambray...

...chambray, fake denim looking stuff. If you

follow me on Instagram you'd've seen me post

about this on my stories awhile back. I

kind of feel like a giant toddler when I

wear this, but I'm

not mad about it. I also have a black

jumpsuit that I wear for all the

weddings that I photograph. I have a tank

top blue and white one (dress), a white floral

one, and a bright orange one that I

actually wore for my two-year

anniversary pictures. Other than that, the

rest of my dresses are black, because

it's easy and it goes with everything.

I have a black mini dress that I have worn

t-shirts underneath - so that black and

white striped t-shirt - I wear underneath

that dress a lot. I have a plain black t-shirt

style dress, and another black short

sleeve dress that's more of a linen

material. Moving on to bottoms.

I am a jeans person. I have four pairs of

jeans, I only have three pairs of shorts,

and that's that's it.

I also have a couple pair of Nike shorts,

and I'm only including those in this

video because I do wear them out of my

home. I don't consider them loungewear or

pajamas. These ripped jeans are from

American Eagle, as well as my light wash

jeans, and my black high-waisted jeans. I

do have one pair of dark wash jeans, and

they're the $8 jeans from Forever 21.

I've had them since I was a senior in

high school, which that's been six...six

years now. Wow. I have one pair of denim

shorts. I also have two pairs of shorts

that I like to call my "mom/camp

counselor shorts", because they're modest

and they're comfortable. That's pretty

much everything for clothes; now we can

get into the shoes. I used to be a shoe

hoarder before I switched to a capsule

wardrobe, and now I only have eight pairs

of shoes. I have two pairs of tennis shoes.

One of them

is an actual pair of more running shoes

that I still wear with casual outfits

because they're cute running shoes, and

those are my New Balance sneakers. I just

got these and accidentally stepped in

mud, so they don't look new anymore. I'm

not happy about it. I also have a classic

pair of low top white Converse, which

have seen quite a bit of love in the

time that I've had them. I do have a pair

of Birkenstocks, because they're the most

comfortable shoes on the face of the

planet. I don't care if it looks like I'm

wearing potatoes, I like them. I have a

pair of really comfortable booties. I

just got these about two weeks ago. I'm

in love. I've already worn them a couple

of times, even though it's been 95

degrees outside, but once fall rolls

around, I will be wearing them every

single day. You will not be able to rip

them off of my feet. I will sleep in

them. JK. I have a pair of lace-up high boots.

These come up mid-calf, and I really

don't wear these a ton. I only wear them

if it's outrageously freezing outside. I

also have two pairs of more casual flats. These go great with jeans and the spring

and dresses and all of that stuff, if I

don't want to wear my chunky heels. Not

going to lie, I got these heels because I

was a bridesmaid in a wedding. I figured

it would be good for me to have a pair

anyway, just in case I do have more

occasions where I have to look somewhat

decent. That's everything in my capsule

wardrobe - that's all of the clothing that

I own! If you guys have questions about

starting your own capsule wardrobe, leave

them in the comments. I'm happy to do a

Q&A. I'm happy to answer your questions. I

really want to post more videos about

kind of a more minimalistic lifestyle

and stuff like this, but if you guys want

to see that, be sure to give this video a

thumbs up and let me know and I'm happy

to do that for you. But, I hope you guys

enjoyed this video. Stay tuned until my

next one, and

I'll see you then. Bye!

For more infomation >> Everything in My Capsule Wardrobe (Try-On) | Heather Lee - Duration: 7:41.


CNN Chris Cuomo destroys Trump lover Steve Cortes: 'Check my words' don't just read 'little Breitbar - Duration: 1:13.

 On Wednesday CNN's Chris Cuomo hammered President Donald Trump's former aide Steve Cortes

 Cortes falsely claimed that Cuomo supports Antifa. Cuomo quickly fact-checked Cortes and said he needs to read more than Breitbart to get his news straight

 "You twist my words to enhance a bigoted agenda," Cuomo said. "I never endorsed Antifa

"  "Don't sell BS to my face, do it behind my back where you're better at it. You know if you looked at the words, which unfortunately we both know you didn't

You read your little buddies at Breitbart and you came up with Cuomo didn't beat down Antifa enough

Untrue."  Watch the video below via CNN.  

For more infomation >> CNN Chris Cuomo destroys Trump lover Steve Cortes: 'Check my words' don't just read 'little Breitbar - Duration: 1:13.


At the studio ep 1 - Duration: 2:31.

WARNING!!This involves dramatic things so if you don't like dramatic things don't watch

Okay, so why am I here?

-Sigh- Because we need to take an interview of you


Okay, what is your latest fashion design? Oh? Its Is...Um...Its This...Its This REALLY Wonderful Dress

And It Looks Just like beautiful stained glass um

princess planet sparkle! oh.Thats Your Latest?

oh.Thats Your Latest? Well Of Course It Is!

I know the future so um something Bad's gonna happen

What I?

Won't tell you oh

But but, but just tell me

Tell me

No tell me

No tell me


Pinky we're going to interview you come back here. No come back


I'll give you a cupcake if you do I

Already have my cupcakes - over here. I'll give you aa

cake now

I'll smack you booted you don't

Ok ok I'll be there in a second

Ok hi everybody


Like tank oh gosh, why did my thing die off?

For more infomation >> At the studio ep 1 - Duration: 2:31.


XiaoLing quiz & Xiaoling's Urgent prescription | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 5:36.

XiaoLing quiz & Xiaoling's Urgent prescription | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> XiaoLing quiz & Xiaoling's Urgent prescription | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 5:36.


Ninjutsu, 4th Kyu, part 45 - tanto #4 - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Ninjutsu, 4th Kyu, part 45 - tanto #4 - Duration: 3:25.


Searching Nickels - Finding Silver and More! - Duration: 5:32.

Rob seriously another nickel box oh yeah

hey everyone its Rob with Rob finds

treasure and I'm here with another

nickel hunt I know I've been doing a lot

of lately lately but I'm really trying

to complete my buffalo nickel set and I

just love hunting nickels there's so

much fun and I've had a score of silver

nickels lately so it's hard to get away

from them I still hunt dimes in quarters

I just don't get a lot of finds and

quarters and I do get recently I've been

getting more finds and dimes and so I

will start getting some more of those as

well coming up also the weather is

getting better so stay tuned for some

metal detecting videos here in the next

30 days

that being said you're probably

wondering why I have this labeled buff

bank and it's not because the bank is

really strong but it is my Buffalo Bank

and I made sure I labeled it this time

in the car so I've picked up a box of

nickels from my Buffalo Bank it's right

across the street from my half dollar

Bank my grocery store half dollar bank

where I got three boxes this time and

anyway I've got this nickel box to hunt

we got another one back there as well

but we're gonna see what we get this

Bank never lets me down for the most

part with good finds I don't think I've

ever been skunked on getting at least a

buffalo nickel a silver nickel or

something really cold that being said

you know the drill

I checked it it's circulated it's ready

to be hunted so I'll loop you in

if I find something worth showing we're

on roll number 7 guys and we have an '05

proof here can this oh five be a buffalo

nickel proof oh it's not but we'll still

take it I don't mind seeing the ocean in

view oh the joy wish it was a buffalo

one but it's still an '05 proof

that's a good sign

we've got an O five proof in the Box

easy to wipe down with a micro cloth

still but it is definitely you can see

by the mint mark s and it is an O five

proof so hopefully this box will have

more proofs in it I am looking for them

my set unfortunately my set ends at 2003

the last year of the regular Jefferson

profile we also found a 55 D but it's

not a D/S already checked still on the

board with a proof and a 55 early and a

'09 roll number 9 got our first 40s

coin of the box and it's a 46 San

Francisco and that goes along with 2 55

D's a 57 D and 3 09 s already

unbelievable in the first 9 rolls roll

number 11

got another 40s nickel here and it is a

1940 Philadelphia so that's - in the 40s

we've got 4 in the 50s already nope 5 in

the fifties already and 3 09 s roll 16 it

was an Ender but it was backwards so I

didn't realize it but we got in 1940

another 40 Philadelphia rolled over 17

another 40s nickel another 1940 another

1940 Philadelphia roll number 27

another 40s nickel here 1940s San

Francisco this time it's the 4th 1940 we

found in the box already let's find some

more roll number 32 and I just laid him

out and look what I saw look silver but

it is a 42 so you never know you never

quite knew and it's a no-doubter 42p

silver war nickel in the box didn't let

me down you got to love that

we'll take it all day same roll is that

42p war nickel and we've got a 46 here

46 Philadelphia last roll of the box

we've got another 40s coin here 49

Philadelphia since it's the last roll

might as well just take a quick peek see

if we got anything of note someone tried

to get a hole in that one just in case I

don't think so

alright I'll get you a wrap up in a

second all right

hunted that box a nickel guys and

here's the wrap-up we end up with 409 s

I found a damaged coin which I can't put

through the machine

we got a 2005 proof it's the oceanview

one we got 15 in the 50s a couple of 52

DS 54 s we got four 2 55 s 3 57 2 58 2 59 so

good on the early Jeffersons in the 40s

we got three 40s 3 46 and a 49 and the

find of the box proof would be close

second but anytime you can score some

silver let alone a first year silver out

of Philadelphia you'll take it hopefully

you enjoyed this nickel hunt with me if

you did I'd appreciate a thumbs up and

as always everyone happy hunting and

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Searching Nickels - Finding Silver and More! - Duration: 5:32.


DPS Labor Day weekend enforcement - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> DPS Labor Day weekend enforcement - Duration: 0:42.


Baby's First Modeling Gig | How To Do a Family Photoshoot - Duration: 13:27.

For more infomation >> Baby's First Modeling Gig | How To Do a Family Photoshoot - Duration: 13:27.


IDOL - BTS (방탄소년단) - Emily Dimes (English Cover) - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> IDOL - BTS (방탄소년단) - Emily Dimes (English Cover) - Duration: 4:22.


HOW TO SEND US MAIL (Our mailing address) - Duration: 1:44.

Yo yo.... what up everyone!

Welcome back to my channel.


I'm getting a lot of questions as to what's my mailing address

and a lot of you don't know how to go to the about section

So let me show you how

ok so if your watching one of my videos from your cell phone

then you click on my avatar icon right there

or anywhere you see me in the comments

after that, you'll see these tabs up here click on the channels

and look at that!

it will pop up

right here we show you our PO BOX address

we don't want to show the po box address on videos

because we might move next year

imagine someone seeing a video we put our mailing address on

and they send us a letter

and we don't get it

that'd be horrible!

so always look in the about section for our address

my birthday's coming up..... so send me cookies

The contest is here!

as per the contest announcement a few weeks ago by bendy

you were suppose to watch all our main story line playlist videos to get the test we would send you

you need to have facebook, instagram or twitter

in order for us to private message you the test


we're not gonna give you the test here on YouTube

what if you win one of the cool prize giveaways

we need an address to send it to

and I hope your not dumb enough to put your home address in the comments


So for those of you playing in the contest and if you wanna play

then message me the answer to this math question

Message me on Insta, Twitter of Facebook

Well what are you waiting for! Go on! Hurry up!

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