We have seen various hair trends this year
and some that shook us.
From blonde to Brunette,
wigs or no wigs
these are the transformative celebrity hair and colour
that you need to see.
Have a look at celebrities
who drastically changed their hair in 2017.
Katy Perry had one of the most dramatic hair
changes of the year when
she chopped her hair
into a pixie cut back in April.
Kim Kardashian dyed her hair an icy shade
of blonde in September and continues to rock
the look, even with her roots on display.
Kylie Jenner ditched her signature long black
locks for this platinum blonde bob.
Kate Hudson shaved off her long silky tresses
back in July for a super chic short cut.
Kristen Stewart stepped on the red carpet
with a new buzz cut back in March and looked
just as stunning as ever.
Cara Delevingne traded her icy blonde locks
for a buzz cut back in May,
and it's looking even more stunning now
that she's growing it back out into a brunette pixie cut.
Bella Thorne gave us some of the most colorful
hairstyles of the year.
She started the year off with a lovely shade
of turquoise in January, then went for bright
pink hair in August.
Emma Stone decided to lighten things up
by going blonde in June.
Bella Hadid joined the long list of celebrities
with a lob back in May, then went with some
blunt bangs in June.
After chopping her hair into a wavy lob back
in September, Selena Gomez decided to take
it up a notch by dying it blonde
in November and now again dyed it black.
For more infomation >> Top 10 Shocking Celebrity Hair Transformation - Duration: 2:10. -------------------------------------------
Qurbni Eid Goat Market | Big Bangladeshi Goat Market -Animal Zone - Duration: 4:17.
Qurbni Eid Goat Market | Big Bangladeshi Goat Market -Animal Zone
Qurbni Eid Goat Market | Big Bangladeshi Goat Market -Animal Zone
Qurbni Eid Goat Market | Big Bangladeshi Goat Market -Animal Zone
Qurbni Eid Goat Market | Big Bangladeshi Goat Market -Animal Zone
Qurbni Eid Goat Market | Big Bangladeshi Goat Market -Animal Zone
Qurbni Eid Goat Market | Big Bangladeshi Goat Market -Animal Zone
Qurbni Eid Goat Market | Big Bangladeshi Goat Market -Animal Zone
Qurbni Eid Goat Market | Big Bangladeshi Goat Market -Animal Zone
Qurbni Eid Goat Market | Big Bangladeshi Goat Market -Animal Zone
Qurbni Eid Goat Market | Big Bangladeshi Goat Market -Animal Zone
Qurbni Eid Goat Market | Big Bangladeshi Goat Market -Animal Zone
Qurbni Eid Goat Market | Big Bangladeshi Goat Market -Animal Zone
For more infomation >> Qurbni Eid Goat Market | Big Bangladeshi Goat Market -Animal Zone - Duration: 4:17. -------------------------------------------
2012 - Duration: 2:37:50.
For more infomation >> 2012 - Duration: 2:37:50. -------------------------------------------
[ENG] LuHan New Year Greetings from The Interesting World Carnival of QQ Browser - Duration: 0:16.
In 2018
Let the interest take us to start the footsteps to explore
Unlock the imagination to have crazy fun
Follow the interest, do not stop
I am LuHan
I am waiting for you in The Interesting World Carnival of QQ Browser
For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan New Year Greetings from The Interesting World Carnival of QQ Browser - Duration: 0:16. -------------------------------------------
[30 December 2017] Aap Ke Masail Ka Hal | Jamia Tur Rasheed Q&A by Mufti Tariq Masood | - Duration: 39:16.
Subscribe our Channel www.youtube.com/c/LearnIslam
Subscribe our Channel www.youtube.com/c/LearnIslam
For more infomation >> [30 December 2017] Aap Ke Masail Ka Hal | Jamia Tur Rasheed Q&A by Mufti Tariq Masood | - Duration: 39:16. -------------------------------------------
সরাসরি আজকের বাংলা খবর বাংলাভিশন সংবাদ ১ জানুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today - Duration: 14:57.
bangladesh news 24
For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের বাংলা খবর বাংলাভিশন সংবাদ ১ জানুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Tv News Today - Duration: 14:57. -------------------------------------------
Learn Colors and Numbers Cartoon about Colored Cars Pickups Cartoon song for Kids and Toddlers - Duration: 10:21.
For more infomation >> Learn Colors and Numbers Cartoon about Colored Cars Pickups Cartoon song for Kids and Toddlers - Duration: 10:21. -------------------------------------------
Kids' Toys TV Go To School Learn Colors With Toys Fruit Colors Box ABC -ABC Letter Boxes Episode 6 - Duration: 3:41.
For more infomation >> Kids' Toys TV Go To School Learn Colors With Toys Fruit Colors Box ABC -ABC Letter Boxes Episode 6 - Duration: 3:41. -------------------------------------------
Forever Love - Klaw ft Tony TK , Clownd Hoàng - Thân Thiện Official - Duration: 5:06.
For more infomation >> Forever Love - Klaw ft Tony TK , Clownd Hoàng - Thân Thiện Official - Duration: 5:06. -------------------------------------------
故 샤이니 종현 빈소 눈물의 조문 신세경, 종현과의 열애 8개월만에 결별 이유는?|TKRTV - Duration: 7:42.
For more infomation >> 故 샤이니 종현 빈소 눈물의 조문 신세경, 종현과의 열애 8개월만에 결별 이유는?|TKRTV - Duration: 7:42. -------------------------------------------
인생술집 최희서 학벌에 국적 궁금증 낳은 5개 국어 능통 비결은?|TKRTV - Duration: 6:20.
For more infomation >> 인생술집 최희서 학벌에 국적 궁금증 낳은 5개 국어 능통 비결은?|TKRTV - Duration: 6:20. -------------------------------------------
Booba - Cartoon for kids
For more infomation >> Booba - Cartoon for kids-------------------------------------------
clearly i'm an artist (google quick draw) - happy new year - Duration: 1:40.
here we go fags
hell yeah
okay let's start off with a line and
what the fuck
i drew a fucking line and it knew
skynet's coming boys
wrong dishwasher FUCK
you know what i see google?
a fucking disappointment of an AI
it couldn't tell i was drawing a dishwasher
look at those curves, so detailed
oh shit the audio comes on now
what the fuck
draw a pig here
sketch a cow there
draw a big giraffe here
and fuck you too google
happy new year
look at these magnificent works of art
For more infomation >> clearly i'm an artist (google quick draw) - happy new year - Duration: 1:40. -------------------------------------------
January TBR Unwrapping #33 [CC] - Duration: 7:20.
Hey, BookTube, it's totally not December 15th when I film this.
It's totally January 1st 2018. What a phenomenal New Year. Isn't January great?
No, I'm filming this in December. I'm filming this way ahead of time but it is
what it is. I don't know when I will ever be able to film again. So these are the
books that I will be unwrapping. I've got a little bit of fat ones a little bit of
skinny ones. First we will unwrap two books that I
already know what they are because the shape and the size and the wrapping, blah,
blah, blah. So I know what this is. I have no desire to read it. My friend gave it
to me for free. It's one of her dad's favorite books so it's, like, a book that
I associate with her so, like, the book matters to me because it matters to her
and her family. Weird sentimental stuff. But in January
why don't we give this one a try?
Dune by Frank Herbert. Who would write something
this big? Why? Super excited to read it. This one, the reason I know what this is
is because I bought new wrapping paper to put historical fiction into and then
I only had one historical fiction novel to put into it. After this video, this
wrapping paper is getting used for literary fiction because I don't read
historical fiction. So I know what this is and I'm not very excited about it. I
got it for free as I tend to do.
The Shanghai Girls. It just doesn't seem like
something I would enjoy but we'll see. Maybe I will. Maybe I will. I don't know
what this is other than the fact that it's in my nonfiction wrapping paper.
I'm not really in the mood for nonfiction but I wanted to unwrap something of
every color and I might not be in the mood while I film this but I might be in
the mood when you're watching it which will be several weeks from now. So let's
see what are you? What nonfiction work- oh. This one. I see.
Another book I got for free. So Sad Today. Melissa Broder's personal essays. I think
about depression? It says sex, death, love, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and
addiction. Okay. Okay. I'm excited- I'm excited for this one. I don't
know, guys. I just I make myself laugh. I hate mystery/thriller/horror. This is my
mystery/thriller/horror wrapping paper. Let's see what I'll be reading.
Oh! Literally everything I've unwrapped so far I got for free. I am excited to read
this just because it's Louise Erdrich and this is supposed to be a I think
this is a well known novel like her most well known. It's set in 1988 and I have a
feeling I'm gonna struggle with it it all depends on for writing style. If her
writing is accessible, I'll be able to read it, but we'll see. This one I picked
out because like it's like falling apart a little and I just didn't want to like
accidentally see what what it was so while it's still a little bit intact I
wanted to open it. I'm hoping this is the Lies of Locke Lamora but let's see.
Oh, this might be Furies of Calderon! Oh, I actually bought this. I purchased this my
own money. Everybody says this is like Pokemon and Pokemon is everything. If I
could live in the Pokemon world, I would. I know I'm a 29 year old mental health
professional and it's like it doesn't feel like I should be saying that in
public but it's the truth. I'm being honest with you. So the only
reason I'm reading this is because it's supposed to be like Pokemon but I have a
feeling I won't like it. We'll see. It'll it'll depend on the audiobook because I
tried to read this physically before and it didn't go well but I'm more of an
audiobook reader now and I feel like that'll be easier. Let's shake things up
with a little bit of contemporary. Here we go. What are you? Oh. Oh! Okay. So I was feeling nostalgic a couple
of years ago I was looking for a Meg Cabot novel that I wanted to reread I
think it's called Boy Next Door and I got it for like a dollar but it came
with three other books so this is one of the other books that came with, Every
Boy's Got One. I cannot imagine that I would enjoy this. It's written in a lot
of emails and stuff. I don't know. I don't know why you guys watch me. I just, I hate
everything. Let's open up another contemporary.
This is newer to my shelf and I already know it is, yeah, oh! This is such a not correct
time for this! One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams Gracia. I'm in the middle of
winter right now so maybe I will enjoy a little bit of summer in my winter. This
is the book I'm most excited about out of everything I just unwrapped. These two
are in my random wrapping paper which means I just ran out of wrapping paper
at some point and just put everything in these two types so it could be any kind
of genre. Let's start with this one. I
have no idea what it is from the back. Still no clue. Oh.
What a disappointing TBR unwrapping.
I read My Sister's Keeper and I liked it so I thought Jodie Picoult was cool. I was
wrong. I don't like her writing other than My Sister's Keeper. I'm just gonna-
I'm just gonna put this one down. Aaahhhh, Happy New Year, guys!
Happy New Year! Let's open another random one and hope for better. Oh. I already
know what it is. It's nonfiction. It's nonfiction. It's about making you feel
bad about eating meat. Eating Animals. My friend Jazmin got this for me 'cause she's
a vegetarian who clearly has an agenda. I'm probably gonna like this though and
I don't actually eat a lot of meat but that's not like an ethical choice it's
more like I'm afraid I'm gonna kill myself if I cook chicken wrong so I
don't eat meat often. And lastly one of my most anticipated books if I open this
and I'm like no longer excited to read this then this TBR unwrapping was the
literal worst and I know I've said that about other unwrapping but this one
would be the worst. Let's see what it is.
Brown or black? I have no idea. GASP. I see it a little bit in my
peripheral vision! Yeah, okay. Okay. We have one win for today, guys. One win.
Far From You by Tess Sharp. This is cool. This is fine. Bisexual protagonist.
Mystery which ehh whatever. This is fine. This is fine. The good thing about
unwrapping a lot of books that I'm not really interested in which I got for
free so I didn't spend any money on them that's probably why I'm disappointed in
them but the good thing about it is I will probably DNF them very fast and
come back with another TBR unwrapping for the year which will be great. Happy
New Year. Come talk to me on Twitter! <3
For more infomation >> January TBR Unwrapping #33 [CC] - Duration: 7:20. -------------------------------------------
Gucci Gang Teacher Remix Parody [Official Music Video] - Duration: 2:47.
whatchu know about making better songs with the same syllables son
think share
coming at you
I just hate this is garbage all up on youtube
Lets get it
what's your name track is tame
feel the pain lyric train all over ya little name lose it man
spend 3 hours on a lesson plan
my teens love to be learning (ooh)
Imma die rich left it in the game
I can't buy me no single ranch
rather go buy me a multi-fam (multi)
silly fame garbage man tatted face (tatted)
what's ya name track is tame
feel the pain lyric train all over ya little name lose it man (lose it)
spend three hours on a lesson plan my teens love to be learning Ooh
imma die rich left it in the game (batman)
I can't buy me no single ranch
rather go buy me a multi-fam (multi-fam)
silly fame garbage man tatted face (skir)
mortgage gets paid from the rent (ooh)
your stomach gon be upset
still puttin poison in chest (puke noise)
me and my students take tests (shhhh)
none of this math be new to me
doing this till my eulogy
bought some new socks feeling hella clean (clean)
twirl my hairline, cray hair all to see
fool your song sounds like some goofyness (goofy)
I'd rather go listen to some Bieber Hits
baby baby baby
troll me for a flag on the Internet
now Watson flying all of the flags (fly em)
everybody asked me who comes next
now we're practice quadratics (solve it)
rubber on my wrist sippin on seltz
Worcester be local economics
what's your name track is tame
feel the pain lyric train all over your little name lose it man (lil name)
spend six bucks on a towel man
my viewers hit like buttons ( LIKE IT!)
imma die rich left it in the game (ALL IN)
can't buy new equipment
rather go buy some Chipotle (mmmm Chipotle)
silly fame, garbage man, tatted face
sick of this full of it extra sick
super mix in the song done with it lyric tricks (LYRIC Tricks)
spent three hours on new slang
can't buy no fast food at no burger King (NOPE)
brain loves who explain (Does it?)
can't wear no shorts in the winter man (good call man)
Rather wear some jeans on a Friday
whose ya teach, I be puttin this to sleep
good night
this is just to show
how easy it is to have better lyrics than lil pump
blah de bldlaldaldn
try this at home kids
but don't actually try to climb on your car thats
pretty dangerous I wouldn't recommend that
share this with someone that doesn't
have the guts to make their own music video
and to get them off the couch
I made a fool out of myself just for them
if you liked it drop it a like
if you want more subscribe,
hit that bell
for more inspiration check out
Neil Gaiman's commencement speech
about making good art
think share
we out
thank you for watching
savage wind
2 degrees fahrenheit
Hold on its still not focused
For more infomation >> Gucci Gang Teacher Remix Parody [Official Music Video] - Duration: 2:47. -------------------------------------------
「Moira \ Mercy」 Tvoi Glaza - Duration: 0:49.
Your eyes
are as clear as the sky.
There is no way back
your gravity is so strong...
Your eyes
i beg you, stop this motion...
And just for you
I will stop this planet.
For more infomation >> 「Moira \ Mercy」 Tvoi Glaza - Duration: 0:49. -------------------------------------------
Nightcore - Sign「Lyric Video」|| Hoang Vu - Duration: 1:41.
Trying to forget you
I'm all alone
In a ghost town.
There's a beautiful madness
Inside my soul
And I can't stop
Thinking of you
Walking on a loney avenue
Are you?
Are you??
Are you???
My love is so wild
Please give me a sign
My love is so wild
Please give me, baby
My love is so wild
Please give me a sign
My love is so wild
Please give me a sign!
Please give me a sign!
Fading in the dark
All the lights
Go down
I'm feeling high and drunk
Close my eyes and I'm can't stop
Thinking of you
Walking on a lone avenue
Are you?
Are you??
Are you???
My love so wild
Please give me a sign
My love is so wild
Please give me, baby
My love so wild
Please give me a sign
My love is so wild
Please give me a sign!
For more infomation >> Nightcore - Sign「Lyric Video」|| Hoang Vu - Duration: 1:41. -------------------------------------------
Cya 2017 :P - Duration: 9:00.
May not upload for abit Due to People Harrasing me :P
For more infomation >> Cya 2017 :P - Duration: 9:00. -------------------------------------------
2012 - Duration: 2:37:50.
For more infomation >> 2012 - Duration: 2:37:50. -------------------------------------------
Ragnarok Online (JRO) - Events compilation of the year 2017 - Duration: 15:47.
January 2017
Chicken year welcome festival at Amatsu
Mochi stacking competition
The higher stacking layer, the more new year rewards. Mainly they're SP recovery items.
February 2017
Illusionary Maze : The large cave under the Geffen
Diva and Mirage equipments have made an appearance from this day on.
Unfortunately, at those periods I hadn't planned for this video.
So I'm gonna make a show by my screenshots!
April, 2017
Verus Iron Festa: The mechanical goddess of refine
The safe refine : Refine was done by offering Naruto point (I'm pretty sure it has no relation with Naruto manga, lol).
Even if it fails, it won't break but instead, reset the refine level to 0.
Naruto point by the way, is a point obtained via talking with Gentouki at instance dungeons around the game world.
(+7 Chaos Hunting Staff [2])
Treasure Hunting Quest
The [Costume] Scouter reveals the hidden treasure when wearer walks nearby it.
Besides the treasure, Chaos Hunting equipments were randomly come out.
(Summon Ventus)
(Elemental Control)
It's over 8000!
May 2017
Mirage Tower : The army from hell
A special dungeon was in this event only. By climbing the tower, every floor passed gives Mirage Point.
The points can be traded for rewards at Natsumi.
(resurrection is impossible, automatically sent out when died)
(Red Temporal Crystal (3) ) + others
June 2017
Corridor of Abyss: The dragon resides within the castle
(Ruined Country's Coin (500) )
Receive hunting quests from Shikina and hunt inside special fields during this event.
Ruined Country's Coin obtained as a reward can be traded for many items only offered by this event.
Though, this event actually had a goal of defeating the Ancient King Groza,
It was too hard for me who always solo. So I've never thought of doing something like that (lol)
July, 2017
Episode: Terra Gloria Update
The story quest continues from the last year update: Banquet for Heroes.
(Small Leather Bag (1) )
August, 2017
My exciting adventure record IV: The resurrected god of evil Dabber
A challenge instance dungeon appears for a limited time. Deactivate the traps and get many Lv4 weapons.
Not only Taurus and Cancer headgears, Gos equipments are possible to obtain.
(Fragment of Cancer & +6 Gos Sword [1])
The Gos Armor played a big role and contributed to my success at Old Glastheim instance. (Even it's not nightmare mode, lol)
September, 2017
Stamp Rally Event
Rule is easy. Just answer the stamp maching correctly and get many give away random rewards
Thief Bug's egg card (-_-")
The Paper Card
If 10 times or more are played, [Costume] Fairy Wing will be given as an extra reward.
September, 2017
Second Costume Trial Server "Sura" opened.
Which build would you like ? - 1. Sky Blow, 2. Flash Combo, 3. Only job change, 4. I'd like to know how each build works
A special dungeon exists on this server too. A dungeon where everyone as Suras must cooperate well.
Reward points from each floor can lately be traded for rewards at Normal servers.
A path to deeper floor is revealed.
So... this is world of Sura that Serpent always spoke of...!
(Momo Alma Card: Milk's recovery power +900%)
September, 2017
Corridor of Abyss Season 2
(Improve Concentration)
(Falcon's Eyes)
Unlike the previous Corridor of Abyss, I tried some upgrades to exclusive items in this event.
(Angel Wing of Dragon Emperor)
(+6 Save the King [3]) - Let's build a Grand Cross Royal Guard (lol)
October, 2017
Halloween Party 2017 : The de-black !? Kikko Mostro's Mania Song
By doing works (like a slave, lol) at Lulushe's shop "Kikko Mostro", a Mostro Point (M) will be paid.
The Mostro point by the way, as you may think, can be traded for many rewards within the shop.
By completing a story quest of this event, Q-Pet Cat Skeleton will be given away.
Pumpkin Candies are yummy too!
November, 2017
Rockridge Update: An America-based map
Quests from Rockridge aren't just for those who are 130+, 160+ are amazingly level-up fast too.
November, 2017
15th Anniversary Event : Golden Precious Tour II
An event held as a celebration to Japan's Ragnarok Online's 15th years of official service.
As the name implies, completing hunting quests at instances around the game world,
will reward as G points which can be traded for many valuable items. Just like the 14th anniversary last year.
(Gorgeous Boiled Eggs - 3% HP/SP recovery - expiry date : December 2)
A countdown event was also held on November 30.
Protect towns from the assault of Baphomet Brothers by the power of Hero Button.
A story quest of 15th anniversary event gives yearly new costume.
([Costume] Mysterious Mini-decoration Hat)
December, 2017
Christmas Party 2017 : The heartwarming pot party of the holy night
I personally like this event the most!
Collect Red Socks with Hole from over the world of RO
and trade for random rewards at Celine Kimi & Santa
Double OCAs have come out!
Evil also joins for the Merry Christmas (lol)
Just like last year, If players attended to any seasonal event,
NPC related to such event will remember and request for a Christmas gift exchange
If quizes at 15th anniversary event were correct, a crossword puzzle will be available.
15th anniversary card album will be given as a reward!
December, 2017
Second Costume Trial Server "Rune Knight" opened.
(+7 Brassiere [1])
Which build would you like to be ? - 1. Dragon Breath build, 2. Swordmaster build, 3. Only job change, 4. I'd like to know more for each build
Congrats for the new year!
I believe many fun events are still awaiting throughout the year 2018 too!
Even Video editing is full of hardship and complicated tasks, the fun of this game (and audiences who cheer) are always giving me motivation.
This year too, I'm looking forward to happiness and wish you a happy new year!
For more infomation >> Ragnarok Online (JRO) - Events compilation of the year 2017 - Duration: 15:47. -------------------------------------------
What's going on get people this is Mike again with another video today
I want to talk about bitter cash bitter cash is another lending platform a lot of you have messaged me
Emailed me asked me to look at it. I know what you're thinking the ICO has already started
It's in phase four why do it now. Well, I'm gonna tell you the truth
I've been in contact with these people for about two weeks now going back and forth asking the right questions
And you know I'm gonna just say it tomorrow
I'm gonna interview the people the CEO and the co-founder and we're gonna show their faces
That's not just a voice
They're not scared to tell you this is who we are and not scared to tell you we're not a scam
We're here for the long run, so why not I'll bring it to your attention. It's a good opportunity
I'm gonna show you why most of all if somebody's willing to show their faces and talk to us
And you're gonna watch the interview tomorrow by the way, then you make a decision is this something good is this something
That's sustainable, and I'm gonna show you every single detail about this platform
So stay tuned don't go anywhere so to start with I'm gonna tell you D
Website is not pretty not in my opinion at least, but I always tell you the truth
I don't sugarcoat nothing, but you know I don't get fooled by looks
I mean we looked at a lot of good-looking platforms
and you've seen what happened right their vision is to give investors a better secure future via principle of
Pure lending if you don't know what pure lending is I'm gonna explain it to you in the simplest terms
So let's take for example bit connect bit connect when they first came out they came out at 70 cents
So if you had bought thousand bit connect tokens you would have spent
$700 and if you had landed a thousand bit connect tokens at that time you would have got back
Seven hundred dollars, that's the capital release because they pay in USD now with pure lending
It's different because when you lend the thousand tokens you will get back a thousand tokens
So if that was the case with bit connect and connect offered pure lending who would have gotten back
A thousand bit connect tokens back now a thousand bit Connect tokens one year after you
Landed a thousand bit connects you would have had three hundred and fifty
thousand dollars back not seven hundred
That's why pure lending is very very interesting
And it's a good concept moving on lending and referral now
They don't have that much of a high interest rate to give back because they're planning on being sustainable for the future
Okay, let's move on so the referrals are as follows level one all the way to level five six percent all the way to one
Percent commission on profit is six percent all the way to one percent normal. Just like everything else
This is their specification their algorithm is script their ticker is B EC their total
Supply is 55 million. I know what you're thinking
This is very high and I agree with you
But we're gonna ask them about this number tomorrow and see what they say
Moving on let's look at the roadmap real quick so in August they did the market research concept planning product design September October
Planning of IC o---- event and obviously in December. We are in IC o---- event they opened their head office in Dubai
That's always a positive sign in January 2018 here are their plans so the BC price
Milestone is a dollar fifty. That's what they're expecting their price to be launch of bitter cash point
They're gonna launch it listing of bitter cash on exchanges
We're gonna ask about which exchanges tomorrow and launch a pithy cash investment portal
1.0 February 2018 B
EC milestone they expect their price to be three dollars they're gonna launch a mobile wallet
And they're gonna open law offices in Asia in March their token price is going to be $8 in April
$15 in May 24 dollars and in June
$35 so from here if you notice these are small increments one dollar fifty three dollars eight dollars fifteen dollars twenty four dollars
Thirty-five dollars, but it's realistic. It's not something that you would lie about I'm not proud of a dollar fifty
I would never be but you know from a dollar fifty if you buy the token a sixty-five cents, and it becomes thirty-five dollars
It's well worth it. I remember with pure lending. It doesn't matter what prices. There's a feeling lend a thousand tokens
You're gonna get them back a thousand tokens
So if you get back a thousand tokens at $35 you can do the math at 35 grand, but you're only London
700 or 800 bucks, I like their honesty when it comes to this concept right here. Let's look at their, FA cubes
What is the IC o---- time period the time period is from December 5th and ends January?
19th so still have time to get in it when IC o---- Kota
5.5. Million is reached
Whichever comes first how to buy B, EC tokens obviously you need to register on their platform
And they accept bt c and e th okay let's look at the last question right here it says
What is the benefit of buying B, EC tokens during the IC o---- it says here there are IC o---- you can buy B
EC tokens at a lower price after IC o---- you can redeem your tokens for B
EC coins and your BC wallet obviously
That's the pure lending that we just talked about main advantage of better cash is that the BC mending portal?
investors can invest in BC learning portal and earn profits through
Interest on their investment when BC appreciates and value obviously we talked about this
Given the demand will be higher in a few months. It is advisable to purchase B
EC tokens at a very low price isn't that the goal guys to pay the cheapest price for any
token that we invest in ok our
Publications they claim that they've been published on IC o---- magazine coin wisdom and live bitcoin news which I double-checked and yes
They have let's look at their Facebook real quick. This is their Facebook guys. It looks like they have 93 thousand followers
Let's see the interaction 201 two shares for comments most likely these numbers are not right
But we're gonna ask about it tomorrow. Let's look at their github does their github
They haven't published any repositories yet, we're gonna ask him about this tomorrow
Okay, let's check out their white paper real quick. So this is their white paper. It's well put together
It has a lot of informations to offer it hasn't been plagiarized
There are little copies here and there
But not majorly so it says here introducing bitter cash they talk about what cassia's it's a peer-to-peer currency
The staking is 2% per year
55 million
Tokens mining you can mine it you can stake it look at the important stuff right here
So this is the landing guys so you can invest a minimum of?
$100 all the way up to a thousand on the first stage and it goes above
25,000 as well the interest rate is 1.5 percent all the way to 7 percent and
The length for capital release is 10 months all the way down to 6 months and remember you get those tokens back
You don't get cash back
But the profit is going to be in USD so the 1.5 percent or the 7 percent will be paid
With US dollars not in coins. We keep scrolling down here talks about decentralization
Security and they talk about their affiliate program. This is their affiliate program
We already talked about it the right commission is 6 percent all the way to 1 percent to level 5 and
Commission on profits as well so when you land on the profit you get 6 percent all the way to 1 percent
Token distribution is going to be as follows. It's 55 cents for 1.3. Million, and it goes all the way to
700,000 tokens at $1 and 20
That's their. IC o---- phase these are the specs we already went through it the better cache team we're gonna meet them tomorrow and
The developers we're gonna ask all these questions tomorrow, so yeah, the white paper is pretty detailed it offers a lot of information
It's pretty good to have a clean white paper like this, so let's check out there. Who is real quick
So they got the domain name on
1107 2017 and expires in two years on 11 7
2019 let's see if they are on a dedicated server, so yes
They are hosted on a dedicated server and from the e-mails back and forth. They assured me they never once crashed
They had some issues now you gotta understand everybody has issues, but they fixed all the issues
According to them let's look at their Alexa rank so their Alexa ranking is pretty good. They're ranked pretty high the most traffic
They're getting are from the United States India, Canada, Nigeria and Vietnam, so it's pretty popular
It's gaining popularity as it goes, but here are my final thoughts
better cash
55 million tokens supply is pretty high they're low pricing expectation is pretty low, but on the bright side
They're not be asking you they're not telling you my token is going to be $700 or $500 or $50 or $80
They're being safe. They're playing it very safe by telling you
This is the price expectation, but guess what opens up at $3 you're happy
It's sort of a under-promise and over-deliver are we're gonna ask all these questions
Tomorrow now am I gonna invest in this one from the look of it right now with no red flags. Yeah
Why not I will be an investor in it but tomorrow with the interview with the devs with the CEO is gonna solidify
My thoughts about bitter cash
100% but here's what I want you guys to do make sure you type in your questions in the comments below
What kind of questions do you want me to ask the developers?
And I will take him all down, and I will make sure to relay the message and address those questions. I want every single question
answered for now if you decide to join bitter cash I'm gonna leave my link down below make sure you click it and join my
Team the interview is going to be with the developers tomorrow. Do not forget stay tuned for that but remember guys
I am NOT a financial adviser. I don't tell you what to do
I urge you to do your research every single time your view comes out. Thank you guys so much for watching
I appreciate it hit that like button hit that subscribe button hit that Bell right next to that subscribe button and until next time
Stay safe
For more infomation >> BITHERCASH - BITHER CASH COIN REVIEW - PURE LENDING - Duration: 10:23. -------------------------------------------
TEEN TOP - Love is + High Five Reaction (2017 MBC Music festival) - Duration: 7:47.
안녕!! (Annyeong!!)
こんにちわ!! (Kon'nichiwa!!)
Today we are going to be reacting to Teen top's
Teen top "Love is" At MBC Music festival
We are also going to react to the other performance but we're going to start with "Love is"
Are you ready?
One~ Two~ Three!
Eli: I can't Beba: Oh, they did a remix Eli: Yes, shut up
I love teen top
I love Ricky and Niel
Look at Ricky! Ricky!
His birthday is the same as mine
Oh, hell yeah
He's so beautiful I can't
I love the fan chants
That's true though the fan chant
Now "Love is gone away~"
I can't believe okay I'm mad with this
I don't want to be salty
Here but
Why was teen top not even nominated in MAMA
For best male performance
It's not okay
Or even Best dance group performance
The fan chants
I love it x2
Go Ricky, Ricky gets it girl
Wow look at the fans Eli: Get it Angels
They were dressed the same
They were prepared
They were like we came her to support
Teen top Eli: Let's watch the other one
One~ Two~ Three~
In the title it says TeentopxAngel and I was like
And then I was like Ah~~!
The fans
That's why they were dressed the same okay I get it
They are so lucky
(Sorry for our screams lol)
I would die x2 Ricky no
Wait I don't want to get up
How can they be so calmed I would be like"What?!"
They even know the choreo
I know
I'm still in shock
I would have died
If something likes that happens I swear I wouldn't
They even know the choreo
Oh, Ricky is getting it
I can't
No don't leave
In the songs when they sing
When they sing together
Yes, I love that
You should go a watch church chorus Beba: I know right that would make sense
But I truly like that, what is that song from Winner
They do it too Eli: Love me Love me
Love me love me
That's my song Eli: They sang that one too
Okay what should I
Think Eli: Obviously love Teen top
Teen top became one of my favorite groups Beba: I love what they did with the fans
Eli: I know Beba: I loved it
I know this is horrible because teen top is a senior group but
I started to love them this year (I discovered them this year)
They became my top I should say my top
Top 5 top ten?
Top 5? I don't know I don't know Beba: You like a to of groups Eli: I know x2
We really do like a lot of groups
But yeah I loved it Beba: I loved it too
I loved what they did with the fans and to see all of their fans supporting them
It was so cool
I love Ricky and Niel I mean I love all of them
"Love is" is one of my favorite songs this year and the album
Exit'o which I of course discovered late
Is one of the albums that I have listen to the most this year is not a new release but
I loved it Teen Top fighting~!!
But yeah thank you for watching if you liked it
hit the the like button, comment and Subscribe and we'll see you in our next one ~
Bye~~ 💚
I sounded like a man
For more infomation >> TEEN TOP - Love is + High Five Reaction (2017 MBC Music festival) - Duration: 7:47. -------------------------------------------
Star Wars, But It's Vine. - Duration: 1:24.
*Sorry for the language*
Okay senior trip, where do you guys want to go?
The Bahamas!
I don't know about that.
Lets go to Hell.
Happy Fathers Day!
Ain't got no F****** kids!
Pullout game straw a b****
Do you have any special talents?
Stop it.
Well, son it looks like I'm gonna be adopting you today.
Yes, really son.
Can I call you dad?
Hey, what's up, Jimmy?
Chris Bronson? You're like the coolest kid in school. Why are you talking to-
I thought you were BAE
Turns out you just fam
Mission failed. We'll get 'im next time.
...And besides...
...You're generalizing...
....The Chancellor doesn't appear to be corrupt.
Hit him for me one time!
Hit it for me two times!
Hit it for me three times!
Let's go!
For more infomation >> Star Wars, But It's Vine. - Duration: 1:24. -------------------------------------------
How to Remove Ads and Popups from MX Player - Tech5Media - Annoying Mobile Ads - Duration: 1:52.
in our today's episode I am going to show you how to remove ads and pop-ups
from the MX player these kinds of ads are so irritating and annoying while
watching videos ok let's start first you have to delete the previous version of
MX player
then open the google chrome time say see market
click on the first option download the AC market allows those popups and click
on the download
click on install
after Ricketts install open the app the app looks like a Google Play Store
search MX player you get two MX player options choose one of these
click install it takes a while to download open the apps
allow those pop-ups now you can see the ads is not showing
thank you for watching this video please like and share don't forget to subscribe
For more infomation >> How to Remove Ads and Popups from MX Player - Tech5Media - Annoying Mobile Ads - Duration: 1:52. -------------------------------------------
How to Make Money Online in 2018 | 4 Ways - Duration: 27:00.
How to Make Money Online in 2018 | 4 Ways
Happy New Year's Eve everyone this is Jay Talmer here and today I wanted to
share with you what I'm gonna be looking for and what I do look for for trends in
2018 so if you're looking to make money online in 2018 some extra income to
supplement your full time salary or your pay or to go full time online right a
lot of people are looking for New Year's resolutions and one of them is to quit
their job to make extra money to get you know the new car boathouse whatever I
want to share with you some things that I'm doing that I look at and you can do
the same in hopes of achieving your goals for 2018 so a lot of times what I
look at is if you're involved in some of the large internet marketing programs
that come and go you know it's always good to get app to get in early because
you catch kind of the momentum of those programs going kind of viral and
mainstream and a lot of times you don't hear about them potentially right unless
you're in the industry unless you follow certain people you don't hear about them
until after they've become way too mainstream you know and they've been
marketed to death and you know they've kind of fizzled out and everybody's kind
of taking their money and ran so what you can do is you know I now have a good
list of leaders in in top MLM programs internet marketing programs that I
follow not necessarily do I join all the programs that they're in but I can
follow them to see what they're doing to see what they're getting into and then
you can typically find out trends that way and hit things early on because
these people are talking to each other you know people are constantly pitching
them and getting them involved in new programs because they can bring their
large teams with them right and that's how these work if you can build a large
team in one of these programs you can take that team with you anywhere that is
massive right and you essentially not that you don't have to work but it
becomes much easier when you have a large team that is behind you you can
take them to program to program to program you can make money your team can
make money it does work that is kind of the ultimate goal and you can make
multiple six figures a year by doing this so I learned from a program called
digital altitude which I'm still in which is still popular and I'll get into
in a bit and I follow not you know on a day-to-day basis but I look at some of
the top leaders in this program and they came from other big programs kind of
like I mentioned some digital altitude some of the big leaders were and still
are Alex uber FTR Fred chica alfredo delgado
Josh elder Jason stone you know on and on and on there's there's there's a
whole bunch of them but these were kind of the big whales early on so what you
do is you get into some of these programs you get onto their Facebook
pages onto their Twitter their Instagram their YouTube channels and you can kind
of see what they're doing so Alex uber F was he's been big in the
quite a few programs here and you can see there's a lot of digital altitude
and then early on and then as I'm going I see Bitcoin if I scroll
up some more I see more crypto training youa SciTech so there's right so we can
kind of get that trend there you aside tech Bitcoin cryptocurrencies and
there's a lot of programs right now with with cryptocurrency if I go to Tara's
page right we see a lot of digital she's got a lot of videos social media let's
scroll down so so we see a lot of Bitcoin mining and that came after her
digital altitude try to actually find where she was heavily promoting that
right these are all digital altitude videos I can I can absolutely tell and
now they transition to bit Club Network there's bit Club Network I'm not in that
program but you can see that it's transitioning into cryptocurrency
programs more bit Club Network and continue a bit Club network if I go to
Alfredo we can see here was a lot of digital altitude digital altitude I can
tell because I watch these videos digital altitude Mme and then as I
scroll up right digital altitude right he's in his Lamborghini extreme coin
don't know what that is Motor Club of America so he's also got
into crypto programs if I go to Josh elder where do we go here a lot of his
these are generic but on the back end he's promoting digital altitude all
right here we go digital altitude you know these are all back in going to
digital altitude then you can see we're starting to transition if I catch it
here all right more digital altitude Bitcoin calling base right you're
starting to see us eye tech hash Flair you a site X so you a SciTech right so
if you can follow these things you can get early on if you follow some of these
people follow these people if you want but I mean look for these type of people
that is one way to earn money online so now let me get into part of my
presentation that I wanted to share with you guys so everybody's big into passive
income and that is one way that you can make money online and I'm talking about
passive income programs that you literally and these just became popular
in the last year are the crypto programs right a lot of people are making money
on cryptocurrency and you can invest your money into these programs you don't
have to recruit at all and you can earn income you can compound and you can earn
a good income the one thing you have to be careful of is a lot of these that
have crazy returns they're gonna come and go there's some some that have been
around for a little while now like
future add Pro so that is part of future net which is kind of a whole program of
literally a program of different programs that you can earn money but
this one you just watched an ads a day and you can earn about half a percent on
those ad packs that you purchase so I purchased a $50 ad pack it earns me
about 50 cents a day on average so that's one easy way I don't have to
refer anybody you can and we'll get into that in a minute but you can earn money
that way all it takes is five minutes a day to
watch the ten ads right so you can put in fifty dollars and you can add into
their view your credit card via paisa or via Bitcoin here I was talking about
right once you buy these ad packs you get advertising credits you want to
advertise something you can get lead lightning for one time seven dollars and
advertise that if somebody purchases it you get six bucks
so it's an easy you know only pay seven dollars there's no monthly fee if I
don't have a funnel or anything and I want to buy get response or Aweber or
click funnels they have a built-in landing page & autoresponder and you
could potentially earn more income from that but you don't have to second is
you'e SciTech this is a bitcoin trading platform so you buy what they call BTC
packages and they are 50 euros apiece and you earn between you know 0.65 -
just potentially over 1% a day you know when that varies they last 140 days and
after that they return your capital and your earnings I'm again you you
basically put your money in you can set it on autopilot to rebuy you don't have
to touch it those are 50 euros you can also invest in Swiss gold global Swiss
gold Global has been around for around I think eight or nine years now they
initially were just for buying silver and gold and storing it and then they
got into cryptocurrency mining so they buy hash power from Genesis mining which
is one of the if not the largest crypto mining companies so basically what you
do there is you give them money they're gonna take that money they're gonna
invest it into hardware to do Bitcoin mining and they're gonna give you some
of the proceeds and they're gonna keep some of the proceeds and this helps them
kind of build capital to increase their their mining capacity by buying GPU
and a six and all those things so they offer mining packages again you just buy
the packages and every day they will accrue money and then at a certain point
they automatically pay you out you can do Bitcoin mining a theory of mining
Manero z cash maybe even like coin now but and you can buy gold and silver and
just hold it so if you have all three of these then maybe you don't need lead
lightning right you can advertise Swiss called global newest i-tech from your
future rad probe people join those programs you will earn some commissions
and referral income so these are ways that are a hundred percent passive
income I don't need to refer anybody and I could still earn money I'm using all
of these here and I've gotten up to I think a pretty close to about a hundred
dollars a day you know and I don't have to do any referrals do I have some
commissions I do have a bit but I have not I don't have a lot of referrals in
there but you don't have to do any referrals this is a hundred percent
passive you don't have to do anything you know in its solid recurring income
if you earn money from one of these programs you can then take the proceeds
or the withdrawals and put them into another and then on and on and on so
then you kind of have you're protected if any one of these goes away you will
still have money in the other could they all go away at once
sure who knows but at least I'm I'm diversifying even though they're all
crypto programs you know future ad per was advertising but you get paid in
cryptocurrency USI Tech is is crypto trading in Swiss gold global is crypto
mining so they're all a little bit different but they're all involved with
crypto so I have money in all of them and I rotate kind of through all of
these and then everything goes into my all the proceeds
I take out in Bitcoin just because that's the cheapest way to get all of my
you know without paying fees to keep to hold your income and then I can use that
to reinvest in other programs I can store it whatever you want to do the
second good way to make money online is through referral income so this is going
to the network marketing the MLM the high ticket affiliate licensing programs
or whatever you want to call it you refer people you get a portion of their
membership their packages whatever they buy you can make money and hopefully
those people will recruit a team and make money this is where I mean it takes
work not everybody's good at it not everybody wants to do it but if you
build a team you keep in touch with them you get them on an email list you can
take that team anywhere some of the programs you can do this with our
digital altitude is huge on that they have not only a kind of one-time hey you
buy these these packages these different levels they also have some monthly
reoccurring packages and they are massively high ticket this program has
been around for almost two years I got in fairly early and it's been a good
good program you can still make money from this program let me just go into it
here here it is you know all of these leaders that are here they're still in
the program they're still promoting it they're still making money which is a
good sign Digital altitude is still adding
products people are still joining it's still hugely popular and the training
you get from this program is unbelievable they have multiple times a
week they have training on podcasts video that are not only specific to
digital altitude but just internet marketing in general how to create
landing page people talking Facebook ads YouTube
optimization blogging you name it they have unbelievable training unbelievable
products they still have live events I still promote this this is going to be
big for me in 2018 now that I have kind of my passive
income programs going and I'm growing those I'm taking proceeds out of there
putting them into paid traffic because it's all about getting traffic for these
referral ones and getting in leads whether that's your free or paid and I
prefer paid and build a team that team builds a team you can make massive
amounts of money very very quickly massive amounts of money they have their
own funnel so you don't need to you don't need to actually have your own
landing pages they have multiple funnels here one two three four five six that
convert very very well they have built in swipes you don't need an
autoresponder the funnel is built they have marketing telephone so once you get
a lead it goes right to their lead capture system and they call them they
engage with them they'd go through the sales they get a coach very very well
done very high ticket but you can earn a lot of money very very quick
unbelievable program not for everybody but still unbelievable program so let me
go back here to the presentation so all of these other passive income programs I
talked about Swiss gold global Uwe SciTech future add Pro they all have a
affiliate program associated with them so if you bring people in you know a lot
of them are based on matrixes you will earn money based on people that you
bring in and whatever they buy you will earn a portion of their proceeds if they
bring in people you will earn a portion of their proceeds get matching bonuses
there's all these crazy payment programs which are very very good but they a you
have to bring people in and they to do something so it's not only about
just bringing people in but they have to also spend some money so what you can do
is like I'm doing hey if you're watching this video and you want to go into these
programs you don't want to recruit if people sign up under me and they just
start buying adpacks BTC packages Bitcoin mining I'm gonna earn income
from that every time you reinvest maybe it's not a lot but it's a way I can
compound my my earnings quickly and and you can earn big on these monthly and
daily even now with in future ad Pro is it's part of the larger future net
umbrella so future net is the this is the actual social media platform that
that everything is based off of they have a matrix where let me show you this
here if I'm logged into it so future net actually let me go into it might have
time me out here cool so you can buy these different member levels 10 25 50
hundred five hundred a thousand their one-time things if you get other people
to sign up underneath you the you spent they spend 10 dollars I can get a
portion of that you know and it's it's multiple levels deep again this you can
make big big money and any time they buy ad packs or anything to do with future
net you can earn money but again you have to recruit future add pearls so
like I mentioned there if people buy ad packs underneath you you will earn money
and future all network so future all network is it's not live yet so this is
future Nets coin they're crypto currency called futuro coin so they're gonna be
selling cloud mining packages just like Bitcoin and aetherium you can do mining
so they're gonna have people do mining and you can buy cloud mining packages
meaning you don't have to get the actual
hardware to do the mining you buy a package and people will mind for you
just like when you're investing in Swiss gold global or Genesis mining you're
buying cloud mining packages right you're not the miner so that is a note
yet but I'm gonna be investing in that and these are all tied together so if I
bring somebody into future net or future add Perl or future oh if they purchase
any products through any of these networks you get income off of there so
once you get them into the network you're gonna get commissions for them
for life whatever they buy and whoever they recruit you're gonna commissions
for that so and they have a ton of members like they have over two million
members it's not as mainstream for whatever reason to some of these other
ones I don't know why it's big in Asia Eastern Europe probably because that's
where they do a lot of promoting these programs are killer and I'm using future
net as my basis and it's a hundred percent free future net so here is my
future net profile I have just over click here just over five hundred
friends obviously they're all in feature net so it's not like I got all of them
in here but I use this you know I'm not a big Facebook person there's too many
rules and issues of you getting kicked off and what you can do on there here
there is no rules like that so I promote everything onto here and then I push
people to here from my email list right I don't have a blog anymore
through my pardoning my email list my social media
I'll post right up here I'll post a picture I'll post a video here from
YouTube I'll get likes on here I'll get more exposure this is where I can push
people to go connect with me I can have fan pages groups and in what if you know
it's free so what if somebody decides to join underneath me they can be part of
this social me the platform you know maybe their
friends aren't on it yet and that's fine they can use it further their business
their online marketing business if they buy one of the packages if they start
using future add pearl I can start earning money from them at the very
least I can get eyeballs I can connect with people they can ask questions right
some of the people that have brought into USI tech into future future ad pro
now are my friends in here they they interact with me through the messenger
it's a good platform you know you don't have to worry about getting kicked off
and you actually earn points for your activity here right you can see I'm at
the which little Matt's on at the exclusive level I'm gonna be royal very
soon to get 50 free future appoint by January 7th because I think those are
gonna go up in price just think if they hit a hundred dollars right on that I'm
at five thousand dollars that right yeah and I'm gonna get 50 free coins if I go
royal by January seventh am i taking that out of my own pocket no I'm taking
the earnings that I made from all of these programs right and investing it
into future all climbing into future net so I'm not taking money in my own pocket
but I'm not throwing it away either I guess the coins could be worthless but
you know let's say they're not say they won't have two thousand dollars that
will be fifty thousand dollars that I'll make from income that I got from all of
these programs again that's a gavel that's something but you know there's
two million members within future net as soon as these programs release another
product people jump on board so that's what I'm banking on so these are the
programs these are the things that I'm going to be doing in 2018 if you're
interested you know I have funnels on all of these a lot of them all
have their own built-in funnels that you can use so it's it's not hard to promote
and then I can promote these different programs kind of within each other right
let me just build this out so you know now I can like you know when people join
one of these programs and they make money and Swiss gold global future and
Perot you SciTech iron money right away everybody earns money right it's not
like hey I join and I have to recruit somebody if I can't recruit I don't make
money but I'm still paying fees you know then you quit you leave everybody that
joins these programs and buys a package makes money right away again
are they high-risk sure but they've all been around for over a year now and
that's why I'm moving my money around into these and into other pieces and
saving them right and in you know I still have lead lightning to make me
money I still have digital altitude all of these programs are gonna bring the
income in at by the end of 2018 my goal is four hundred dollars a day four
hundred dollars a day always starting for one of these if I was big into
recruiting you could easily surpass that in in less than a month and I'm not
kidding I don't do a ton of recruiting I want to I'm gonna build that up this
year but I'm focusing on these for now and if and I'm gonna redo recruiting I'm
gonna take a portion of my money put it towards paid traffic to try to increase
my leads for all one two three four of these programs and this one is really if
you think about it there's really one two three four five six programs if I
count all the future net programs that I can earn money from but I only need to
bring them into one of these if they join the others
I only income from all of that so one lead can pay me on three separate
programs with multiple income streams in all three of these programs so that's
going to be huge for me this year I'm sure
more things will come up you know when there's a ton of different crypto
programs out there that I'm not interested in this is enough for me to
do I'm gonna focus on building these out building my my email list continuing to
do that putting more content on future net for free shooting more YouTube
videos like the one you're watching and that is my plan for 2018 if you're
interested in doing this you can join all of these programs you can join one
of them you don't have to join any of them it doesn't matter to me I will
leave links in the description for all of these programs if you want to hit me
up leave a comment on youtube you can join future net and friend me that's the
best way because you can hit me up on messenger feel free to subscribe to my
channel so that you can get the latest videos like this video if you enjoyed it
and we will see you in 2018
For more infomation >> How to Make Money Online in 2018 | 4 Ways - Duration: 27:00. -------------------------------------------
পুরান ঢাকার হাজী মুরগীর রোস্ট/Popular Old Dhaka Hazir Chicken Roast/ Famous Hazir Chicken Roast - Duration: 3:47.
For more infomation >> পুরান ঢাকার হাজী মুরগীর রোস্ট/Popular Old Dhaka Hazir Chicken Roast/ Famous Hazir Chicken Roast - Duration: 3:47. -------------------------------------------
Time Takes a Cigarette - Duration: 58:06.
For more infomation >> Time Takes a Cigarette - Duration: 58:06. -------------------------------------------
Sold - Duration: 50:11.
For more infomation >> Sold - Duration: 50:11. -------------------------------------------
Mister Lucky - Duration: 51:32.
For more infomation >> Mister Lucky - Duration: 51:32. -------------------------------------------
Dogwalker - Duration: 49:25.
For more infomation >> Dogwalker - Duration: 49:25. -------------------------------------------
Shabbos Goy - Duration: 52:52.
For more infomation >> Shabbos Goy - Duration: 52:52. -------------------------------------------
Bob the Builder - Duration: 47:38.
For more infomation >> Bob the Builder - Duration: 47:38. -------------------------------------------
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...-------------------------------------------
Mrs Brown's Boys star Brendan O'Carroll snubs Celebrity Big Brother £150k offer - Duration: 1:56.
Mrs Brown's Boys star Brendan O'Carroll snubs Celebrity Big Brother £150k offer
The Irish comedy star was offered £150,000 to enter the CBB house. Producers were convinced he would be a sure-fire hit.
But Brendan, who dresses up as potty-mouthed Agnes Brown in the sitcom, turned them down. He said the only house he wanted to stay in was his own.
"I just decided it's not for me. I'd be homesick." Brendan OCarroll Brendan, 62, said: "I had a tentative chat about Celebrity Big Brother but I just decided it's not for me.
I'd be homesick." The comic claims he and his co-stars have been asked to sign for several reality shows. His son Danny – who plays Buster in the comedy – was invited to appear on I'm A Celebrity.
But Brendan explained: "He was asked to do the Jungle but turned it down. He hates spiders." Only Brendan's wife Jennifer Gibney, who plays daughter Cathy in the sitcom, has done a reality show, appearing on Strictly 2014.
He explained: "I couldn't do Strictly after seeing what Jenny went through. She was exhausted at the end of it.".
For more infomation >> Mrs Brown's Boys star Brendan O'Carroll snubs Celebrity Big Brother £150k offer - Duration: 1:56. -------------------------------------------
2012 - Duration: 2:37:50.
For more infomation >> 2012 - Duration: 2:37:50. -------------------------------------------
È Giunta La Fine. - Duration: 6:37.
For more infomation >> È Giunta La Fine. - Duration: 6:37. -------------------------------------------
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