letter e
letter ş
falcon bird
Por primera vez, Powerball y Megamillions tienen premios de más de 690 millones de dólares - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Multitudinaria marcha en Perú contra el indulto del expresidente Alberto Fujimori - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
En video: La brutal golpiza que le propinó un hombre a un anciano en un asilo de Florida - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
CopyToday #35] Come vendere un libro grazie al Copywriting - Duration: 6:31.-------------------------------------------
Why does hot air balloon float? - Duration: 1:25.Smart Learning for All
Why does hot air balloon float?
Because it has invisible wings.
It is because of density.
Density is the measure of mass present per unit volume.
Lesser the density, lighter will be the object.
Now, density varies with temperature.
It is so complicated.
All right.
I will explain.
When a hot air balloon is on ground, the air inside and outside the balloon is of same temperature and density.
However, when we turn on the burner of the balloon, the air inside the balloon starts getting hot.
The molecules of air move faster and spread apart, taking up more space.
Hence, the air inside the balloon becomes less dense than the air outside.
As less dense air is lighter, the hot air balloon rises and thus, begins to float.
For more educational videos please visit http://www.SmartLearningforAll.com
Also, don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Disney Carros Em Portugues - Lightning Mcqueen - Disney Cars - Duration: 14:02.-------------------------------------------
Jogos de Motos Para Crianças - Carros de Brinquedos - Carros de Corrida - Moto Racer 2017 - Duration: 13:01.-------------------------------------------
Hayat Sırları / Life Secrets Trailer - Episode 10 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:44.- Do you and Burak brother have a child? - Yes.
Dad, I really...
She had a baby with a stranger and told me that she was studying in the university.
I don't have a daughter from now on.
This is why I have been running away from you for months.
We are just Zeliha's mother and father from now on.
The story between us is done forever.
Everyone who put me through this will be sent to jail.
- Ayşen Özer? - Yes, that's me.
You need to come with us to The Prosecution Office.
I'm finished.
Ms. Ayşe is swimming in houses.
There are twelve voice records, 1 million each...
I'M ALLERGIC TO...?! - Duration: 10:38.I'm being stared at by a cat.
Oh no! And now they're both looking at me!
One heard the word cat.
Hello Internet. Bluh- lugh -luh.
Did I say that weird?
It is MarissaSmokes.
Today, as you can tell from the video title,
I have the results
for my
Food Stats Antibody Assessment,
which means
I know what foods I'm allergic to now,
thank goodness, and I can avoid them.
But before we get into that
let's take a dab.
I've been away from the house for, like,
six hours, something like that
and it's dab time.
We're gonna smoke some of this Hindu Cheese
by Vibrant Highs.
This is from Eugene OG.
Never sponsored.
I don't know if dispensaries can sponsor videos
but if they can,
hit me up
cuz, uh,
I'm already your free advertisement.
Dab? Dab? See that dab?
Let's get it.
Oh, I almost started singing a copyrighted song.
I'm going to have, like, a little bitty
dance break while I am
heating this nail.
It's not real dancing, so, enjoy!
*Song Begins. See Video Description.*
Let's talk about food allergies.
So, I'm going to try and give
kind of a short intro as to why
I was having, uh, food allergies tested anyways
and then we'll get into what I'm allergic to.
[Having the]...testing done
was actually kind of happenstance.
I have been having a lot of
intense anxiety attacks
that are not like a normal panic attack,
and I'll have my mental health playlist linked somewhere
and you can go back and watch my past several
videos because I've been talking about this
a lot recently.
Since it's been really, really intense.
these anxiety attacks have been
coming with nausea, it was making my back hurt,
I went in to have my back adjusted,
and my kinesiologist, who is also
a nutritionist,
noticed some signs in my
face and by looking my throat
that suggested that I had some sort of
food allergy
that I was unaware of
and that it could be exacerbating
my anxiety,
causing these nausea attacks,
and just generally, kind of,
wreaking havoc on my body, causing me to be really
tired and lethargic all the time,
throwing off my sleep,
could be.. Could be
the reason for a lot of different
physical problems that I have.
Today I got the results
and found out what it is
that I'm allergic to and what I can't eat anymore.
So we are going to look at that
together, here.
So, essentially, here's what I got back:
It is a chart
and if you look at it up
close what you'll see are
bars going across, you've got 0
through, it looks like 6, up here
at the top, groups of foods,
and then some breakdowns of different foods within that food group.
So, what this
means down here at the bottom, the one
through six, is your reaction class -- how
strong of a reaction you have
to these different food groups.
Now, looking at this
you can just see
where the bars are longer.
We've got a ton of long bars up here
in the highly reactive section.
We've got one down here.
These are meh.
Here is something going on.
And here, again, we've got kind of meh
The way that my doctor described it to me
anything that's really a, uh,
three reaction or above,
those are the sorts of things that you'd want to be
cutting out of your diet.
And once they've been cut out for
six weeks to eight weeks
the, uh, antibody,
it has a relatively short half-life,
so the amount of antibodies will
die off, and
so then, maybe, you could reintroduce
one of these items or have
a little bit of something every once in a while
without having that intense reaction
because all those antibodies looking for that
that code of amino.. or that chain of amino acids
are no longer present in your body.
So, let's talk about what these
high bars are one here.
That section where everything
was up, we're in between
a Class 4 and 5 reaction,
that is dairy.
I am super intolerant to dairy.
Not just cow dairy,
they also tested me for,
um, my tolerance to goat milk.
I also tested a little lower,
a low 4, but still up in that
high range.
And that all comes back to what they tested me up
for, here at the top,
which is, I don't know if I'm going to say this right
casein or casein.
Which is the protein that makes up milk.
Down here, this fun miscellaneous category,
I have a fun one
and it is Baker's Yeast.
I'm not allergic to Brewer's Yeast,
which is what is used in vinegar
and a lot of preservatives.
So, luckily, that is one that I'm okay with
because it's really hard to find foods
without those preservatives in them.
Baker's Yeast is what you find in
things like leavened bread.
no leavened bread for me.
But, oh wait,
what's this over here?
Is that
whole wheat and spelt, which is
just another way of saying wheat,
and sesame seed, and
wheat gluten, and wheat gliadin?
Oh yeah, I'm really allergic to wheat.
No bread for me.
Not just unleavened bread,
no bread-bread.
Bye bye bread.
Veggies, good to go.
I can have all the veggies.
What's this?
What is..?
...right there?
Cranberry. Blueberry.
What is in cranberries and blueberries
specifically that I'm allergic to,
but is not in any other fruit?
I don't know.
And that's what I'm allergic to.
I know that was a long explanation
but I really wanted to be sure
that I gave you guys all the information
that I had.
Now what I'm going to be doing with this,
I am going to be cutting out
these products that I am highly allergic to.
For that my doctor,
who is Bilby Chiropractic,
if you're interested.
So, he gave me these sheets that his practice
has kind of created themselves,
but you can also look up all this information online.
So, these are just, for instance this one
on top is Food's Containing Wheat
and then down here's he's
also listed some alternatives
to wheat that I can use.
We're going to take an ending dab now because
I think I've rambled on enough
about this for right now.
Well, thank you all for joining me for this
sesh and finding out
about my food allergies.
I know I've been super curious about it,
I don't know if anybody else has
since I've been talking about it.
I.. hope you enjoyed this video? Did I
already say that? I'm stoned.
If you did please do give it a thumbs up
and be sure to subscribe to my channel
to stay up to date with all my future videos.
Until next time my friends
peace out and stay stoney!
Malefiz'in saçlarını sarıya boyuyoruz. Heidi ve Maşa şirin cadı Malefizi sarışın yapıyor. - Duration: 5:13.-------------------------------------------
Indivia con salsa di yogurt e soia - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Family fun on the water-------------------------------------------
[충격] 우주의 탄생은 물리적으로 설명불가능한 것이 판명! 역시 "단적인 무"에서 "창조주"에 의해 발생했다? - Duration: 4:17.-------------------------------------------
How to Earn Kohl's Cash-------------------------------------------
WHAT THE HELL?! [Wait For It....] - Duration: 1:56.Watch till end!
Clash Royale Hack Clash royale cheat no apk no Private server Generator free GEMS decks cards chest - Duration: 1:38:15.-------------------------------------------
Hush Little Baby | Nursery Rhymes Songs Compilation | Cartoons For Kids by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:45.Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird won't sing,
Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns brass,
Mama's going to buy you a looking glass.
If that looking glass gets broke,
Mama's going to buy you a billy goat.
If that billy goat won't pull,
Mama's going to buy you a cart and bull.
If that cart and bull turn over,
Mama's going to buy you a dog named Rover.
If that dog named Rover won't bark,
Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart.
If that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little boy in town.
So hush little baby, don't you cry,
Daddy loves you and so do I.
How to make Garlic Bread - Stuffed Garlic Bread - Domino's style stuffed Garlic Bread - Duration: 7:46.
Hello and welcome to wanna be a chef, today we will make stuffed garlic bread
first we will make the bread
let us see what ingredients
we need for that
we need 1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour. 3/4 cup
water. 1 1/2 tsp of active dry yeast
2 tsp sugar, 1 tsp
salt and few garlic pods
if you have garlic powder you can
use that, you can chop or use the
paste of these garlic pods. I will make
paste of these garlic pods
we will warm the water first
I am using a microwave
you can do this on stove also
warm the water and we should be able to touch the water
our water is now warm. we will add sugar
mix a little
so that dissolves a little
now add the yeast
which is 1 and 1/2 tsp and not 1 tsp
mix well and let it proof for 10 minutes
till then we will make the paste
of our garlic
to make the garlic paste, I am taking the small jar our the mixer
put all the garlic pods to it
and make a fine paste of it
garlic paste is now ready
we will now take the flour
and add this paste to the flour
and we will add the salt also
and the garlic paste
I have put all the garlic paste
and you can see that the yeast has proofed well
mix a little and add
the mixture
to the four, little at once
first mix the salt and garlic paste in the flour
then add the water
little at once
so that it is easy for us to make the dought
we will knead this dough for 10 minutes
so that the gluten and the stickiness goes off
and lastly we will apply some oil
and allow it to proof
kneading bread dough is very improtant
I have taken a ceramic plate
which is in black, you can see that our dough
is now on sticky and coming together
you can use a ceramic plate or marble
to this process
our dough is ready and is soft
now drizzle some oil in the bowl
around 1 tbsp of oil
spread it nicely and
put the dough in the bowl and roll a little
and coat with the oil
make a nice ball and
place it back in the bowl and let it proof till it
doubles in size
it is necessary to place this in a warm place
so that proofs well, this will
take around 45 minutes
our garlic bread dough has raised well
so let us make our garlic bread
we need some corn kernels
I have taken the store bought corn, which come in packets
you can take fresh corn as well
I have taken garlic powder, if you don't have you can omit it
I have taken go cheese, which is pizza cheese
this cheese is the combination of both
cheddar and mozzarella cheese
and pizza cheese is the best for
pizzas and garlic breads
I like this cheese
and this cheese gives me the best results
if this cheese is not available then you can
use any pizza cheese
and we need Italian seasoning
you can take oregano, garlic
some basil and
chili flakes as well, if you don't have Italian seasoning
we will punch our dough
knead this dough well once again
and make 2 portions of it
dust little flour
and roll the dough
in one corner add the seasoning
some corn kernels
now grate the cheese
take 1 corner and close the edges
we will make impression at about 1 inch distance
I have greased a baking tray with out
now transfer the garlic bread
and bake at pre heated 230 degrees Celsius
our first garlic breads is ready
let us see the texture
I will zoom a little and show you
I hope you like this recipe
if you liked it do hit like share and subscribe button
thank you an keep watching
Why does hot air balloon float? - Duration: 1:25.Smart Learning for All
Why does hot air balloon float?
Because it has invisible wings.
It is because of density.
Density is the measure of mass present per unit volume.
Lesser the density, lighter will be the object.
Now, density varies with temperature.
It is so complicated.
All right.
I will explain.
When a hot air balloon is on ground, the air inside and outside the balloon is of same temperature and density.
However, when we turn on the burner of the balloon, the air inside the balloon starts getting hot.
The molecules of air move faster and spread apart, taking up more space.
Hence, the air inside the balloon becomes less dense than the air outside.
As less dense air is lighter, the hot air balloon rises and thus, begins to float.
For more educational videos please visit http://www.SmartLearningforAll.com
Also, don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
I like Speed | Little Red Car | Compilation Video For Children | Cartoon Song For Toddlers - Duration: 1:01:13.I Like Speed Little Red Car
World Snooker Game 4 | Lala Farooq vs Faizan | Real Challenger - Duration: 6:29.World Snooker Game 4 | Lala Farooq vs Faizan | Real Challenger
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Hayat Sırları / Life Secrets Trailer - Episode 10 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:44.- Do you and Burak brother have a child? - Yes.
Dad, I really...
She had a baby with a stranger and told me that she was studying in the university.
I don't have a daughter from now on.
This is why I have been running away from you for months.
We are just Zeliha's mother and father from now on.
The story between us is done forever.
Everyone who put me through this will be sent to jail.
- Ayşen Özer? - Yes, that's me.
You need to come with us to The Prosecution Office.
I'm finished.
Ms. Ayşe is swimming in houses.
There are twelve voice records, 1 million each...
টেলি-তারকাদের ক্রিসমাস কেমন কাটল | Serial Actor & Actress Special Moment. - Duration: 1:50.News Bangla 360
Bonne Bell Lip Tint: Dollar Tree Gold - Duration: 4:26.come back to my channel so today's video is another Dollar Tree Gold I do one
every Friday make sure you subscribe to my channel hit that notification balle
upload a video every single day of the week and I don't want you to miss any so
let's go ahead and get started so this week's Dollar Tree Gold is on the
bonnibel lip tints they had all bunch of different colors but these ones like
spoke to me the most so I'm gonna go ahead and get these open depth and
swatch let's see how they are so I got all kind of like berry toned ones they
it just seemed like really really pretty they had some like hot pink and red and
stuff like that but I really really like the berry tones especially this time of
year so it's going to give these opened up they're sealed very very well by
berry jet-setting that's already and I have brown voyage that's a gorgeous kind
of nude shade you have a light vanilla scent and then I have travel in magenta
they're all really really pretty shades anyway so I'm gonna go ahead and just
put one on I think I'm gonna go with the berry jetsedder this top one right there
I like that you know it's like the big screw-up crayon so this is the same
brand that makes lip smackers
went on really really nicely it's not super waxy it has a very very slight
flavor but it's not overwhelming at all I think these are absolutely beautiful I
think these would be great for no makeup makeup days or if you're just doing
something a little bit lighter you get a pretty good amount of product these are
three point two grams or point eleven ounces and yeah I think they're really
really beautiful the packaging is nice and sturdy like I know like sometimes
like this type of thing like the lids come off really really easy I mean they
do come off but it's not like you are gonna put this in your purse and the lid
is just gonna come off I've had these jumbo lip crayons other brands that that
does happen but they are great I like the sleek black packaging to me this
doesn't scream like teenager teeny bopper makeup this you know - Utley
would feel comfortable putting this in my purse and using em public but I still
can't believe those shades so you do get the sheer amount of tint it's shiny but
I mean that is all still a lot of pigmentation they are absolutely
beautiful but yeah I would definitely go and check out your local Dollar Tree and
see if they have the bonnibel lip tints they are really really comfortable
beautiful shade selection like I said I grabbed these three because these ones I
liked the best but they did have a lot of other different shades but yeah I'm
really really happy with these so far I'm gonna go out to go out to coffee so
I'm probably just gonna be putting my hair up but I'm not gonna be doing any
other makeup but I do like having a little bit of lip tint and
I think these are perfect for that type of thing but yeah just absolutely
beautiful but you guys thank you so much for watching this um these fun about lip
tints are definitely a Dollar Tree gold thumbs up for me but yeah thank you so
much for watching to make sure that you go ahead and give this video a thumbs up
if you did enjoy it also share this video I'd love to get the word out on
good inexpensive makeup and these are definitely very very nice I just can't
still can't get over just absolutely beautiful also make sure you follow me
on my other social media my Twitter and Facebook is a bunch of glam babe and my
instagrams I came out and makeup and I will see you guys tomorrow for another
video have a great one guys
Customs Import Duty on Motorcycle Parts in Pakistan - Motorcycle Parts Customs Duty in Pakistan - Duration: 2:36.Customs Import Duty on Motorcycle Parts in Pakistan
Customs Import Duty on Motorcycle Parts in Pakistan
Customs Import Duty on Motorcycle Parts in Pakistan
Customs Import Duty on Motorcycle Parts in Pakistan
I'M ALLERGIC TO...?! - Duration: 10:38.I'm being stared at by a cat.
Oh no! And now they're both looking at me!
One heard the word cat.
Hello Internet. Bluh- lugh -luh.
Did I say that weird?
It is MarissaSmokes.
Today, as you can tell from the video title,
I have the results
for my
Food Stats Antibody Assessment,
which means
I know what foods I'm allergic to now,
thank goodness, and I can avoid them.
But before we get into that
let's take a dab.
I've been away from the house for, like,
six hours, something like that
and it's dab time.
We're gonna smoke some of this Hindu Cheese
by Vibrant Highs.
This is from Eugene OG.
Never sponsored.
I don't know if dispensaries can sponsor videos
but if they can,
hit me up
cuz, uh,
I'm already your free advertisement.
Dab? Dab? See that dab?
Let's get it.
Oh, I almost started singing a copyrighted song.
I'm going to have, like, a little bitty
dance break while I am
heating this nail.
It's not real dancing, so, enjoy!
*Song Begins. See Video Description.*
Let's talk about food allergies.
So, I'm going to try and give
kind of a short intro as to why
I was having, uh, food allergies tested anyways
and then we'll get into what I'm allergic to.
[Having the]...testing done
was actually kind of happenstance.
I have been having a lot of
intense anxiety attacks
that are not like a normal panic attack,
and I'll have my mental health playlist linked somewhere
and you can go back and watch my past several
videos because I've been talking about this
a lot recently.
Since it's been really, really intense.
these anxiety attacks have been
coming with nausea, it was making my back hurt,
I went in to have my back adjusted,
and my kinesiologist, who is also
a nutritionist,
noticed some signs in my
face and by looking my throat
that suggested that I had some sort of
food allergy
that I was unaware of
and that it could be exacerbating
my anxiety,
causing these nausea attacks,
and just generally, kind of,
wreaking havoc on my body, causing me to be really
tired and lethargic all the time,
throwing off my sleep,
could be.. Could be
the reason for a lot of different
physical problems that I have.
Today I got the results
and found out what it is
that I'm allergic to and what I can't eat anymore.
So we are going to look at that
together, here.
So, essentially, here's what I got back:
It is a chart
and if you look at it up
close what you'll see are
bars going across, you've got 0
through, it looks like 6, up here
at the top, groups of foods,
and then some breakdowns of different foods within that food group.
So, what this
means down here at the bottom, the one
through six, is your reaction class -- how
strong of a reaction you have
to these different food groups.
Now, looking at this
you can just see
where the bars are longer.
We've got a ton of long bars up here
in the highly reactive section.
We've got one down here.
These are meh.
Here is something going on.
And here, again, we've got kind of meh
The way that my doctor described it to me
anything that's really a, uh,
three reaction or above,
those are the sorts of things that you'd want to be
cutting out of your diet.
And once they've been cut out for
six weeks to eight weeks
the, uh, antibody,
it has a relatively short half-life,
so the amount of antibodies will
die off, and
so then, maybe, you could reintroduce
one of these items or have
a little bit of something every once in a while
without having that intense reaction
because all those antibodies looking for that
that code of amino.. or that chain of amino acids
are no longer present in your body.
So, let's talk about what these
high bars are one here.
That section where everything
was up, we're in between
a Class 4 and 5 reaction,
that is dairy.
I am super intolerant to dairy.
Not just cow dairy,
they also tested me for,
um, my tolerance to goat milk.
I also tested a little lower,
a low 4, but still up in that
high range.
And that all comes back to what they tested me up
for, here at the top,
which is, I don't know if I'm going to say this right
casein or casein.
Which is the protein that makes up milk.
Down here, this fun miscellaneous category,
I have a fun one
and it is Baker's Yeast.
I'm not allergic to Brewer's Yeast,
which is what is used in vinegar
and a lot of preservatives.
So, luckily, that is one that I'm okay with
because it's really hard to find foods
without those preservatives in them.
Baker's Yeast is what you find in
things like leavened bread.
no leavened bread for me.
But, oh wait,
what's this over here?
Is that
whole wheat and spelt, which is
just another way of saying wheat,
and sesame seed, and
wheat gluten, and wheat gliadin?
Oh yeah, I'm really allergic to wheat.
No bread for me.
Not just unleavened bread,
no bread-bread.
Bye bye bread.
Veggies, good to go.
I can have all the veggies.
What's this?
What is..?
...right there?
Cranberry. Blueberry.
What is in cranberries and blueberries
specifically that I'm allergic to,
but is not in any other fruit?
I don't know.
And that's what I'm allergic to.
I know that was a long explanation
but I really wanted to be sure
that I gave you guys all the information
that I had.
Now what I'm going to be doing with this,
I am going to be cutting out
these products that I am highly allergic to.
For that my doctor,
who is Bilby Chiropractic,
if you're interested.
So, he gave me these sheets that his practice
has kind of created themselves,
but you can also look up all this information online.
So, these are just, for instance this one
on top is Food's Containing Wheat
and then down here's he's
also listed some alternatives
to wheat that I can use.
We're going to take an ending dab now because
I think I've rambled on enough
about this for right now.
Well, thank you all for joining me for this
sesh and finding out
about my food allergies.
I know I've been super curious about it,
I don't know if anybody else has
since I've been talking about it.
I.. hope you enjoyed this video? Did I
already say that? I'm stoned.
If you did please do give it a thumbs up
and be sure to subscribe to my channel
to stay up to date with all my future videos.
Until next time my friends
peace out and stay stoney!
BAKED EGGS WITH TASTY TOPPINGS! - Duration: 4:35.Eggsactly, coming right up on Weekend at the Cottage.
Okay work with me, it's been maybe a rough week. You're kind of tired.
Maybe you went out last night. You're slightly hungover.
You wake up and you think my goodness what can I make?
Something delicious to eat. It's on this plate.
I'm going to show you how to make baked eggs.
Not just any baked eggs. We're going to do baked eggs with a really beautiful accompaniment.
A collection of accompaniments let's say.
It all started when I picked up this really cute little condiment caddy at a discount store.
7 bucks for its little tray and 6 small containers.
Into the 6 small containers we're going to start by placing an assortment of wonderful
things we're going to sprinkle on the baked eggs.
To begin, how about a little bit of avocado? We're going to fine chop an avocado.
Place it into the 1st container.
Cherry tomatoes. We're going to finely kind of chop them.
A little sprinkle of balsamic vinegar some kosher salt. Stir it together. #2 is done.
How about some cheese with eggs? Some grated Canadian cheddar,
but what else do I have? Some chopped green onions. I love green onions with eggs.
What would eggs be without bacon? I cooked off a sheet of bacon.
I chopped it up. I've got bacon there and then, finally,
a beautiful little salsa. A bit of red onions, some orange peppers, a bit of mango.
Cut everything up and I tossed itwith a little bit of red wine vinegar. The salsa is complete.
Now it's time to actually bake the eggs.
Before you begin decide how many eggs per person.
I'm going to do 2 for each person.
Take small bowls crack your eggs beforehand. So 2 eggs go here, 2 eggs into the 2nd bowl. So far so good.
Now you're going to need little oven proof baking dishes like this.
I'm doing eggs for 2. So 2 go onto a baking sheet.
I've turn the stove on to the grill setting or the broiler setting. The rack is in the top position.
Into each of these little containers I'm placing 1/2 T of butter; butter, butter
and then 1T of 35% cream.
Transfer them to the oven. They're going to get all nice and hot and bubbly.
When they do, bring them out of the oven onto your work surface.
Pour the eggs into each. Now we're going add a little chiffonade of fresh herbs.
Whatever you have in the fridge. I had sage. I took some thyme off the stem
and I also had a little bit of dill. All of the herbs fine chopped.
Do a sprinkle of herbs on top of your eggs then a little bit of salt a tiny bit of pepper
and last touch is Parmesan cheese. Put Parmesan cheese on top
and return the baking sheet with the 2 dishes of eggs into the oven.
They're going to broil underneath that setting. They get nice and bubbly the eggs are going to cook.
Give the pan a little shake. Make sure those egg whites are perfectly done.
Bring them out and you're almost ready to go.
last in you
need something to dip into these beautiful eggs
I love brioche for this application I've toasted off four pieces of brioche
slider them with butter cut them into soldiers so nice thin slices place them
on the side present your little accompanied minutes on there gorgeous
little caddy and get ready to enjoy baked eggs as you see the egg looks so
wonderful in this dish I can then go and add a little bit of avocado maybe some
salsa bacon yes please and so on and you're ready to enjoy my little tiny
toast soldiers are standing by one thing to point out in the beauty shot I have a
fork and knife but I think when you dig in you'll see a spoon is the way to go
mmm they're kind of creamy and they have a cheesy flavor and when you add your
favorite topping this is exactly what you need for your next weekend
looking for other great ideas please head to weekend at the cottage calm if
you haven't already please sign up for our newsletter also find us on our
dedicated YouTube channel remember to subscribe click for notifications drop
comments thumbs up and then finally find us on your favorite social media feeds
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weekend day or any day how about big eggs get to enjoy
Today we'll make Hyderabad special Hyderabad Veg Dum Biryani
It is being cooked with lot of vegetables and spices and it turned out very tasty
So let's make Hyderabadi Veg Dum Biryani
To make Hyderabadi Veg Dum Biryani we've taken 2 Cup Biryani Basmati Rice
We've washout them thoroughly & further we've cooked and sieve them in 8 Cups of boiling Water
While boiling the Rice we've added 1 tsp Cooking Oil, Some Cloves, Cardamom & Black Pepper Pods
Later on we have drained the water
We've cooked them 80% for about 10 mins
Cooking Oil, Water
Cauliflower, 1 Cup French Beans
1 Carrot, 1/2 Cup Mint Leaves, 1/2 Cup Coriander
1 Cup Green Peas, 2 tsp Ginger-Garlic Paste
1 tsp Coriander Powder
We are using 2 tsp Shahi Biryani Masala
2 Finely Chopped Tomatoes
2 tsp Clarified Butter
1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder, 1 Cup Curd, 1/2 Cup Saffron Water
1/2 tsp Red Chilli Powder
10-15 Cashew Nuts
Salt to taste
2 Green Chillies, 2 Fried Onions & Whole Spices like Bay leaves, Cloves
Black Pepper Pods, Cumin Seeds & Cardamom
So let's make Hyderabadi Veg Dum Biryani
Adding 2 tbsp Cooking Oil in the pan
Also adding 2 tbsp Clarified butter
Oil and Clarified Butter both are heat up now adding whole spices in it, Bay leaves
Cardamom, Cloves, Black Pepper Pods & Cumin Seeds
Wholes spices are fried now adding tomatoes in it
Tomatoes turns soft now adding French Beans in it
Green Peas
Mix it well
Adding Cashew nuts in it
Ginger -garlic paste
Coriander Powder
Biryani Masala Powder
Turmeric Powder
Red Chilli Powder
Mix it well
Adding Curd in it
Mint leaves
Green Chillies
Adding half of the Fried Onions
Mix it well
All the vegetables are fried now adding 1 Cup water
Mix it well
Cover it and till the all the vegetables are cooked
We've cooked all the vegetables for 10 mins
Vegetables are cooked, turn off the flame
In an another big pan add 1 tsp Clarified Butter
Now we'll assemble Biryani
Placing first layer of cooked rice
Adding vegetable mixture or cooked veggies on the top of the rice
Placing rice again
Placing second layer cooked veggies
Placing rice again
Now adding Saffron water in it
Mint leaves and Fried Onions
Cover it with the lid and cook it for 2 mins
We've cooked the Biryani for 10 mins on the medium flame.
Our Biryani is ready, now we'll serve this in the bowl
Here we've our Hyderabadi Veg Dum Biryani ready
We'll serve this with Mirchi Ka Salan
Recipe of the recipe is already uploaded on our channel.
If you like our today's recipe then do try this.
We have given all the detailed method of preparation & ingredients.
Do like, share our videos and subscribe to our channel.
And for more such recipes please visit our website www.vijayasrecipes.com
Thanks a lot for watching, see you in our next video.
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