Saturday, December 30, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 30 2017

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For more infomation >> TRY NOT TO SING LEVEL KPOP - Duration: 13:18.


C-Tflow - Ocaso (Beat.Kali Beats) - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> C-Tflow - Ocaso (Beat.Kali Beats) - Duration: 2:00.


De Voitures Nouvelles Vente Leclere Motocars à Drouot ce 22 octobre 2017 - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> De Voitures Nouvelles Vente Leclere Motocars à Drouot ce 22 octobre 2017 - Duration: 2:24.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


Seranovi 11 epizoda (Veče u Mogambu) - Duration: 1:17:25.

For more infomation >> Seranovi 11 epizoda (Veče u Mogambu) - Duration: 1:17:25.


The Quran Affirms Paul, But Paul Condemns Muhammad (PvM 22) - Duration: 5:38.

Many Muslims today attack the Apostle Paul.

Imagine our surprise when we turn to classic Muslim commentators and find them promoting Paul.

Imagine our even greater surprise when we realize that the Qur'an itself affirms the

reliability of Paul.

Allah confirms the reliability of the Apostle Paul.

In chapter 61, verse 14 of the Qur'an, Allah says that he aided the true followers of Jesus

until they became uppermost over those who rejected Jesus.

Allah says:

"O you who believe! be helpers (in the cause) of Allah, as Jesus son of Mary said to (his) disciples:

'Who are my helpers in the cause of Allah?'

The disciples said: 'We are helpers (in the cause) of Allah.'

So a party of the children of Israel believed and another party disbelieved;

then We aided those who believed against their enemy, and they became uppermost."

In his commentary on this verse, Yusuf Ali says that it refers to Allah aiding the Christians

until they permeated the Roman Empire.

But the Christians who permeated the Roman Empire were what Muslims would call

"Pauline Christians"—they believed in the message and authority of the Apostle Paul.

So if Allah helped the true Christians rise to power, and the Christians who rose to power

believed in the message and authority of the Apostle Paul, we have Allah's stamp of approval

on the Apostle Paul.

One of the most respected Muslim commentators of all time, Qurtubi, comments on Surah 61,

verse 14 as follows:

"It was said that this verse was revealed about the apostles of Jesus,

may peace and blessings be upon him.

Ibn Ishaq stated that of the apostles and disciples that Jesus sent (to preach)

there were Peter and Paul who went to Rome . . ."

This is a Muslim scholar telling us that Paul was sent by Jesus.

The Muslim historian Tabari agrees that Paul was a follower of Jesus.

He writes:

"Among the apostles, and the followers who came after them were the Apostle Peter and

Paul who was a follower and not an apostle; they went to Rome."

Why would respected Muslim commentators list Paul among the true witnesses of Jesus

who preached in Rome?

The reason they describe Paul this way is that many classical Muslim commentators,

unlike Muslims today, based their views on the Qur'an.

Allah said that he sent the Gospel as a guidance for mankind, and that he would protect Jesus' followers.

So these commentators realized that to say that the Apostle Paul corrupted the Gospel

is to insult Allah.

If Allah sent the Gospel as a guidance and promised to protect Jesus' followers,

but was overpowered by the Apostle Paul, this would make Paul more powerful than Allah.

So when modern Muslims tell us that Allah's plans were foiled by the Apostle Paul,

they're not making Paul look bad; they're making Paul greater than their god.

These Muslims need to change the Takbir from "Allahu Akbar!" to "Bulusu Akbar!"

So the Qur'an affirms the reliability of Paul.

We can trust what Paul says, according to Allah.

And what does Paul say?

Galatians 1, verses 8-9:

"But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to

what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!

As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary

to what you received, he is to be accursed!"

Paul says that anyone who preaches a Gospel different from the one he preached

to the Galatians is under God's curse.

But Muhammad preached a Gospel different from the one Paul preached to the Galatians.

Hence, Muhammad is under God's curse.

The only way for Muslims to avoid this conclusion is to say that Paul was a deceiver

who corrupted Jesus' message.

But as we've seen, the Qur'an affirms the reliability of Paul.

And since Allah promised to protect Jesus' true followers and claimed that no one can

change his words, the only way Paul could have corrupted Jesus' message and led his

followers astray was to overpower Allah, which brings Muslims back to their new Takbir:

"Bulusu Akbar!"

Hi everyone.

Thanks for watching.

In case you stumbled upon this video while browsing or searching, I wanted to let you

know that it's part of a series comparing Paul and Muhammad.

So if you'd like to see the full series, be sure to click on the playlist.

If you're already in the playlist, you're about to see that, while Muhammad's message

self-destructs, Paul's doesn't.

For more infomation >> The Quran Affirms Paul, But Paul Condemns Muhammad (PvM 22) - Duration: 5:38.


Effect of running | Lifetime increases with running for 1 hour a day - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Effect of running | Lifetime increases with running for 1 hour a day - Duration: 5:30.


BREAKING!! HILLARY IS DONE!!! TRUMP's FEC Just Dropped BOMBSHELL!!! - Duration: 4:52.




Nothing would giver conservatives in America more pleasure than to see Hillary and all

of her cronies finally receive justice for their dirty dealings.

While the liberals who run with the Clintons are pretty great at covering their tracks,

every now and again they trip up and the house of cards that their lies are built on starts

to crumble.

Getting a peek into the world of high-ranking liberals isn't common because, as every

superhero movie watcher knows, the villains have to have some sort of blackmail on you

to really trust you.

This kind of system assures mutual destruction if anyone spills the beans, and since no one

wants to go the way of Seth Rich, the aids and staffers that surround the former First

Lady keep their mouths firmly closed.

However The President's promises to make Hillary pay for each and every crime that

she's committed just came a lot closer to being a promise kept as we start to see a

chink in the armor of the once great Clinton campaign.

Right Wing News reports that just like when the government caught Al Capone, it might

just be her dirty money that trips Hillary up as well.

As it turns out Hillary, and a few others like her, have been attempting to skirt a

law that they shouldn't have been when it comes to campaign donations.

All was going fine and good until the issue was brought before the Supreme Court and they

weighed in on it, not in Hillary's favor:

"In 2014, the Supreme Court struck down a law that effectively said how many political

candidates any one person could donate to.

Of course, the sky was falling, or millions of people would die, or we were pushing granny

off of cliff, if this were to happen.

In court, anti-freedom leftist politicians and lawyers said it would create 'Joint

Fundraising Committees' that would allow single donors to donate millions of dollars

at one time and these JFC would rotate the funds through other action committees until

the politician in question actually received the money, effectively bypassing the law.

The Supreme Court said this would still be illegal, so no, the sky would not be falling

that day.

The great irony, it turns out, is this is exactly what Hillary Clinton was doing all


Fox News reported the Democrat National Committee and their ilk as 'us[ing] state chapters

as straw men to circumvent campaign donation limits and launder(ing) the money back to

her campaign.

The Committee to Defend the President, a political action committee, filed its complaint with

the FEC on Monday with the allegations that the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF) solicited cash

from big-name donors, including Calvin Klein and "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane

— money that was allegedly sent through state chapters and back to the DNC before

ending up with the Clinton campaign.

Officials with the committee said their filing was spurred by their own analysis of FEC reports,

where they said they discovered the HVF either never transferred the money to state chapters

and back to the DNC, or did so without the state chapters having actual control.'"

Once again we get to see what happens when the DNC decides that rules are for poor people,

and they ignore the spirit of the law.

It's been tested time and again that unless someone constantly, actively holds their feet

to the fire, Democrats will do everything they can to break the law as much as they

can and still stay out of prison.

As it turns out, Hillary might have pushed that line a little too far (or at least we

can hope that's how a judge will see it).

"The 'Hillary Victory Fund' solicited six-figure donations, which are illegal, and

then rerouted them through state Democrat party funds and the DNC and others like that

which finally ended up in the Clinton campaign fund.

It is estimated that $84 million was laundered in this manner.

But don't worry, if you're a Republican, you'll go to jail for this kind of thing.

Campaign finance law is complex.

This is definitely on purpose so that politicians can get rich while we get to lick their boots.

It is time for some kind of change in this country.

I'm convinced that America as we know it will not exist in the coming decades.

A realignment of some sort is coming, and I'm all for it.

We are living in a technologically advanced society that doesn't need governments that

surround arbitrary geographic lines.

It's time to realign ourselves according to our ideologies and unleash liberty on the


The way it is set up is not working.

And we can all see it."

Thankfully the hands of the Department of Justice have been untied by President Trump's

cabinet and they are systematically trying to sane out every single lawbreaker, like

Hillary, and make sure that justice is served.

Even eight years might not be enough time to exterminate the political careers of every

lawless politician, but it might be enough to catch Hillary with her hand still in the

money-grubbing cookie jar.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! HILLARY IS DONE!!! TRUMP's FEC Just Dropped BOMBSHELL!!! - Duration: 4:52.


Curse of the Night Owl (Animated Short) - Duration: 0:11.

Ugh... I don't want to do anything, I just want to sleep.

I wanna do EVERYTHING!!!

(Off-screen) Go to bed!

For more infomation >> Curse of the Night Owl (Animated Short) - Duration: 0:11.





League of Legends, ROAD TO PLAT: Gold 4; 0 LP! Let's go 🤗 - Duration: 13:24.

Yo, what's up guys and welcome back to a new league part.

so... I've decided to do another climb ... so a climb series.

right now I am gold 4 and got 0 lp.

and yeah.. let's do this.

mh maybe I can gank gangplank.

but lee should be near.

ah lucky.

does he live?

ok it seems like lee sin isn't here at all.

oh.. nevermind that.

oh my god!


well this should be a kill in case lee is not there. (gues I am a fortune teller..)

oh there he is.

oh ok gues that's it for me.

well whatever.

ok there he is. perfect.

argh... if he didn't react so fast he would have died instantly.

oh perfect!

well whatever..

if I had smite I probably would have been able to get 3 of them.

annoying.. ( I say that cause none of them helped me with dragon)

huh? what is he doing?

oh ok he ignited her.

oh I think they go ham down there.



this game is already won again.

if I wouldn't have done that play off on top lane that would be a perfect game.

oh that looks pretty bad for him.

wow lee sin fails his q when the enemy yasuo is binded/ snared by morgana q.

ok the gp.. I mean renekton isn't there.

mh ok gues that's it again.

maybe I can counter jungle him.. nope nothing's there.

mh lee goes this way.

oh I deal too much damage..

oh I won't get him anymore.. yeah morgana was there.

oh wait I thought he died..

huh? what the fuck is he doing there?


oh gp is trying..

yeah come here.

oh shit.. does he have ulti?

will she come?

ok she won't flash.

"you are already dead" (omae wa mou shindeiru)

"WHAT?!" (NANI?!)

fucking lethality on renekton...

oh my god it lagged...

oh my god! (they fight when yasuo just died)

just why?


mh I'll just go pushing.. fuck this guy.

well whatever.

ok katarina just suicided.


everyone can do this once. (not saying you should)

lee is buying armor.. gangplank is somewhat tanky too but he mainly just buys armor as well.

told ya.

what the fuck? (ezreal just e's in knowing there's more then 3 people...)

I should get this turret..

please don't fight...

that yasuo is soooo low (on hp)


they fight.. they fight!


what? how did that stun me? I was out of it.

whatever I'll get some free kills now.

oh he's teleporting.

ah fuck that!

does jinx have an active ga? (guardian angel)

no she hasn't

ok they fight, jinx isn't there.

that's a perfect time now.

omg why is he healing so much?

man I just .. clicked that smite so hard.. I mean I got scared and smited

but this should be it now.

cause when lee sin jumped in he also smited so that's why I was so scared.

well whatever.

we got it.

even if we didn't get it we would have won (the fight).

uff! (hard fight with that morgana)

well, I hope you've enjoyed it. I also thank you for watching, and I hope to see you again next time!

I was shouting from a sensational impulse I had

I got the feeling that you'd disappear off somewhere

I wanna see you (or I miss you)

For more infomation >> League of Legends, ROAD TO PLAT: Gold 4; 0 LP! Let's go 🤗 - Duration: 13:24.


Huawei P-11 | FINALLY A DSLR KILLER | 4K Resolution - Duration: 4:20.

"This channel doesn"t promotes any illegal content ,all content provided by this

channel is meant for educational purposes only".

"Before anything make sure you subscribe and turn that notification bell on".

"Hey what's up you guys my name is Bufhan and it's time to talk about the next big

thing, Huawei y which is going to be the

Huawei p11 and this phone is about to bring the true camera ability resolution

and it's going to have a biggest design on any Huawei phone before and I have to

say that last year Hawei p10 and Huawei P10+ were my least favourite phones.,......

and I just liked them so much I mean the Galaxy s8 it's

basalis design has made everything feel outdated they had opportunity to make it

peasant his phone before Samsung but they just didn't did it until the meet

10 Pro which came in like 2 months ago which was very very late but this time

who I was about to do something really incredible first off this leak was

revealed by a fleece shows us the information on the monster camera that

whoever is working on it's actually an advertisement poster for torvik spce

camera CDs made in collaboration with like a which is a German company that

manufactures optics and high-end cameras he says that one of the agencies are

claiming that their 40mp megapixels try lenses camera system on this thing with

5x hybrid zoom and it's 24 MB megapixel selfie camera is now smartphones these

days have dual cameras on the back and dual cameras on the front as well as but

the triple camera lens system is beyond amazing it's the first honest phone ever

and has going to have the highest camera resolution which is for working on any

smartphone he switches 40mp obviously along with the new awesome camera we

expect to see 4k resolution with 60fps along with some high video recording and

there's also pretty high-end selfie camera sensor

come in at 24mp back pixels higher than selfie cameras we have on high top-end

phones now whoever is at the first company to have dual camera phones out

in the world and released so many phones which are in the form of Plataea

Toma trained to even budget phones and now they are going triple with the

Huawei P 11 now moving on to the next big thing which is designed which

includes the norm which is 24 mb megapixels what I'm saying yes I'm sorry

so of course it would have some depth capability so I think that it would be

able to have face lock thing but I think that it would it cannot beat Apple's

iPhone n face lock but it won't be that much good as the apples the face the ID

so so so what what do you say so guys that we all have on the upcoming Huawei

p11 it's hard to believe that triple camera sensor is about to become a

reality and Who am p11 will be the first phone to have a triple camera sensor

which will usually be the DSL camera but I think so that it will work compared to

the DSLR camera but it won't beat it so let me know what you guys think about

this in the comment section and I will see you guys tomorrow subscribe if you

have it already because we do next are my name is Rohan and I'm signing out


For more infomation >> Huawei P-11 | FINALLY A DSLR KILLER | 4K Resolution - Duration: 4:20.


Galaxy X | The Future Of Smartphones | Latest Update 2017 - Duration: 8:03.

"This channel doesn"t promotes any illegal content ,all content provided by this

channel is meant for educational purposes only".

"Before anything make sure you subscribe and turn that notification bell oN".

"Hey what's up you guys my name is Burhan and it's the time to talk about

the final chapter number four the galaxy x phone, it's foldable phone that

Samsung had working on for years and it's expected to come to CES 2018 next

year which is probably the next month it's time to look at the latest patent

and it starts form couple of months ago this more spent almost two weeks ago

exactly on 9 December though this is the very latest fitting from Samsung and as

you can see that it's a long long phone not very white but a long phone with the

very tall display with some bezels it's not that infinity display but obviously

it's helping a little bit more stream than a better less Samsung phone just

because of how tall is it there's a front camera and that's probably where

the earpiece will be blurred we do have a back amber with LED flash below it

also kind of looks like a finger scanner similar to larly to the galaxy s 9 which

we have seen a C ad that the finger image scanner is right below the camera

sensor along with that the soon to be announced 2018

ACS will also brought anything image scanner below the camera so it's kind of

like a new design language for the fingerprint scanner that Samsung is

showing for all the phone so it is some of the galaxy x which shows that it is

the latest up-to-date galaxy x design we also have the power key on the right and

the volume key on the lip you can see we can fold the device like a sandwich just

like that in these cases there is no hint shown it's pretty much pending form

the middle which is pretty awesome I don't know a samsung is doing it how a

Samsung is doing it I even don't know how is the thumb singing into this

knowing it but I am pretty much sure that aluminum won't Bend

so there's must be some kind of mechanism to allow the bend to occur so

after seeing these I hit up my main concept creator

to turn this into reality and this is how it would look into real life so a

friend a huge display with some amount of bezels friend cameras along with the

earpiece the sides are aluminum and the back is made up of glass and just below

the wolf broker Crocker yeah the phone has been so there you have it

the long rumored Samsung Galaxy X may actually end up looking like this

while we're LG and even Apple is working on foldable form somewhere in future but

the Samson they also they always do the stuff first that the others to just

after a couple of years so that they want to do the first with the foldable

technology as well it will be lost in China first or in Korea that are

basically specific regions and will not launch in USA or any other region of the

world so guys that's it for this video and now I'm going to show you a clip

where you can see the final trailer of the official galaxy X so I am presenting

the official trailer of a galaxy

Hume doesn't just bend the rules of display technologies it completely

rewrites them

take a look at this flexible OLED prototype our team was able to make a

high-resolution display on extremely thin plastic so instead of glass so it

won't break even if it's dropped and we can actually bend the screen

imagine the products you could design with this it really is I brought

something else here today have a look at this bended yumoto type device do you

see how this green curves beyond beyond the edge of the display around here with

this bended display we have expanded the canvas available for content content can

now flow along the sides of the device so for example if I receive an important


I can see it come through while the device is flat on the table in front of

me this new form factor will really begin to change how people interact with

their devices and opening up new lifestyle

possibilities and it's only going to get better this kind of display technology

is going to allow our partners to create a whole new ecosystem of devices devices

with vended foldable and rollable screens that's a very exciting Brier now

let's take a look at how this new display future might play out

any job what I would huh hey what's up with you and Karla has she

left you yet oh she did hello

hook up my test

technology it's my thing well I need to get going wow that's amazing

can I see that yes

all in a day's work for Samsung

awesome hey you should join me for coffee

sometime it's my card cool hey for handing out business cards

I thought you'd never leave

oh that's amazing so yeah guys that was a small clip that you all had seen I

will see you guys tomorrow subscribe if you haven't already because

we do tech kind stuff my name is Rohan and I'm signing up

For more infomation >> Galaxy X | The Future Of Smartphones | Latest Update 2017 - Duration: 8:03.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


Part#2-DANGEROUS-Cutting and bonding at 45 degrees./Ciecie i klejenie pod katem 45 stopni/45度切割和粘合。 - Duration: 51:24.


Today is the part two of cutting and bonding 45 degree miter connection

This is a difficult topic, so read the description. Please.

I use masking tapes , 24 mm.The color is not important. It is important that this tape be somewhat stretchy!!!

In different countries these colors can be different

It is important that this tape be somewhat stretchy!!!

If the tape is stretchy, it tightens the pieces to each other..

I start from the simplest one, and I use green tape in order to be more visible in camera...

That is melamine on particle board .

Where is the end......?

you stick on one element, you press ..., you press the tape by your thumb ... and tear off.

I try make it other hand....

you stick on one element, you press ..., you press the tape by your thumb ... and tear off.

already two tapes nicely stabilize the elements

on the long items (2... 3 m and longer) the bonding must be done different way be done .

You must put couple tapes Just to hold the pieces together...

then bent it on the straight! the edges of the bench...

Elements connected in two planes ( on 90 degree angle) will be straight !

the same story.. you stick on one element, you press ..., you press the tape by your thumb ... and tear off.

The tape from the tape is about 2- 3 inches

you stick on one element, you press ..., you press the tape by your thumb ... and tear off.

There is just a little bit more than 90 degree.The amount is just enough to fit the glue.

the glue is not a filler !!!!

I close and open to make the material suck glue

The wet rug is very important

I secure it with tape as well.

If we pull too much, the corner will open

clean it up

Check the angle ..

I am a strong guy and I often pull too you need to loosen the tension of the tapes....

I am a strong guy and I often pull too you need to loosen the tension of the tapes....

Now is perfect

Next trick with dowel...

good when is smooth, round. We squeeze gently on each side of the edge...

Regardless of the material when the adhesive moistens our surfaces, the edge tends to bend.... and open the corner !!!

especially on painted or laminated materials

Regardless of the material when the adhesive moistens our surfaces, the edge tends to bend.... and open the corner !!!

So when you pres the edges and the glue dried the corner will be looks perfect

So when you pres the edges and the glue dried the corner will be looks perfect

be careful !! The edges are so sharp...

I cut my hands many times !!!

Now I will bond the column.

I make it the same way.Not matter the size.For the bigger elements you need more skills and experience and helpers as well.

Do not forget to mark everything before cut.That cause the work easier and you can easy match the grain .

to mark my elements I use the pencil or chalk

I will arrange the elements in the sequence as they are to be stuck together

the first and last are on the ends

OK, Let glue it....

Like I said.First just 2 or 3 stripe of tape in order just hold them in place..

elements should be cut and glue together on the same day. If they stay longer than 24 hours can be distorted. That's what happened in this case.

especially solid wood...

on crooked material the tape will not be able to tighten and close the gaps !!!

That can create really problems

Tapes are holding the elements, but each subsequent tape being stretched will tighten this material together more and more....

each subsequent tape being stretched will tighten this material together more and more....

you stick on one element, you press ..., you press the tape by your thumb ... and tear off.

that first and second elements.

Now is time for the 3-d one....

The same way.........

you stick on one element, you press ..., you press the tape by your thumb ... and tear off.

the first three straps to hold it down and then after bending I put on the rest of the bands....

Unfortunately some parts get warped

the first three straps to hold it down and then after bending I put on the rest of the bands....

Each next tape I attach to the previous one ...

in this way, the removal of these tapes takes place much faster and easier

Especially on huge jobs where you have thousands of pieces of the masking tape for remove....

usually at the end I put two layers of the tape

Now the same way the last part of the column

I stick on one element, I press ..., I press the tape by my thumb ... and tear off.

Now I flip it over

I'm opening it for gluing

I put a little of glue...

then I roll it up and develop it

then I apply the glue for the first and the last pieces.

smears from the inside out

...but remember glue is not the filler !!!

Sometimes in C shape elements both sides are visible... and the glue can be visible as well....

If necessary ad a little of glue

The last part of the material must suck the glue

Usually I cut my materials with scoring blade... Just in case.

... and it looks better

My grandfather used to say "Whatever you do, do that way, that you can sign with your ful name without shame"

Now I put the masking tape on the last corner.The same way what I said....

the tape should be at least every 5 - 6cm.....

Now.... the wet rug ... and clean the glue up....

Noe the trick with dowel.....gently....all corners....

If you master this skill perfectly. This will put you on a completely different level of professionalism !

especially for prefinished and finished materials...

If you master this skill perfectly. This will put you on a completely different level of professionalism !

Very few people can do it very well ! ... so it will allow you to earn really big money!

Some people seem to be able to do it, but the effects of their work are highly unacceptable.

Not to extend it, I put in the same way the tapes on the counter top.

Now I flip it over.

Glue the same way...............

Now the corners.The same way... and not too much glue....

I use my fingers to aplly the glue...

Wet rug... useful like always...

Now the same way I put the tape on the corners.....

Corners are sharp... so be careful

...... the same way I put the tape on the corners.....

If is necessary put 2 or 3 layers of the tape..

...the same way I put the tape on the corners.....

Small elements I usually flip them over. The big ones usually I do not flip them over..

Check it up .Wipe out the glue if necessary...

Too much glue on the veneered material causes many troubles !!!!

Too much glue = slappy job

Too much glue on the veneered material causes ....showing stain after staining.

And nothing much you can do in that case....

usually If you want to sand down this glue ,you burn thru the veneer. And this is the end !!! You must start all over again...

Now I must wait till the glue dry.

I forgotten assemble the last sample for you.....

that is 5 mm. plywood. Prefinished on one side.

The same way what I just showed you.

The same way what I just showed you.

The tapes have to be quite often. Especially on thin materials ! .... there is a tendency to open the corners....

I glue it now...

For glue and assemble huge corners I've made plywood corners...

There are important that on both sides be a right angle.

There are important that on both sides be a right angle.

For that little piece masking tape is enough.

check the angle....


I check the angle again on full length.....

Why is it important to check it out on all the length?

... because if you have to combine these elements with each other and at the end of the elements will be different, this connection will be poor...

For commercial jobs this way we made the casings with the door jambs.For every opening was two pieces of L shape jambs and casings.

somewhere I have piece of scrap

I found it..

That the one...

Perfect right angle...

after glue it ,we use to cut the pieces on miter ..., corner connection.

The channel for spline..

That is scrap...

There are two parts like this for every opening.One piece is wider the second narrower.

This part is a jamb...

That channel for spline.

There are two parts like this for every opening.One piece is wider the second narrower.

These two elements of "L "shape are assemble in one of "C" shape.

That way you have the door jamb and casing in one piece.

For commercial jobs the casings are usually without any profiles

These two elements of "L "shape are assemble in one of "C" shape.

That way is so much easier to finish it

These two elements of "L "shape are assemble in one of "C" shape.

The connection(seam) are under the door stops...

Gluing in this way has incredibly many applications.....

Most commercial building in cites like New York City or Chicago e.c.t. have that kind of door jambs.

This way is quick, quite easy and economic!!!

This skill should be included in each professional's set...

your imagination only can limit use of this connection !!!!

in the meantime when the glue dries I did a few corners/scribes for work...

There is not wall yet so I made the scribe 4" wider.............

so that is the scribe to the wall.

that was made the same way.Because this is the fastest way for me..

The high end cabinetry usually have the scribes even with the front of the cabinet fronts...

Not undone....

The high end cabinetry usually have the scribes even with the front of the cabinet fronts...

For installing it I use screws

it is screwed now so you do not lose it in transportation.

this is another scribe from finished material...

That piece was lost during the transportation

The same way I made the base plat for base cabinet.

The bottom will be scribe to the floor...

Now the glue should be dry....

Now I must remove all the tapes...

That is what I said about removing the tape.

You pull one and remove them all around

I wanted to show you the way ... and now you have to develop your skills yourself.

the worst is to break the open door. I did it.....on the past.

It takes some time.....

That is great done column(sample)

I have specially done it with painted material to show that it is possible.That is much more difficult than make with rough materials.

I have specially done it with painted material to show that it is possible.That is much more difficult than make with rough materials.

Finishing the columns are tricky always....

You need same brackets...

You need same brackets...

If is possible much easier for me is make it from finished materials.

If is possible much easier for me is make it from finished materials.

That are samples made from scraps....

That the counter top sample....

Be especially careful when removing the tape. The tape can rip out a pieces of material.

Be especially careful when removing the tapes . The tape can rip out a pieces of material.

Industrial finish is usually more durable and harder than done yourself.

Now days the satin and mat finishes are trendy ..

Mat finish on the car look like mistake of the designer ... that my opinion...

At the end of so long video I put the photos of this stuff an other made by me. Watch carefully...

It looks perfect....

that is the last piece what I made...

so much easier is made it from not finished materials....

that scrap of veneer on MDF.

so much easier is made it from not finished materials... because you can patch it...and hide any imperfections

before you get ready for doing 3 and more meters elements, You must get practice on the short elements.

I even do the basics for cabinets in this way, because it is faster and cheaper and often also better.

I hope it will help you become better cabinet maters.

See you soon.

For more infomation >> Part#2-DANGEROUS-Cutting and bonding at 45 degrees./Ciecie i klejenie pod katem 45 stopni/45度切割和粘合。 - Duration: 51:24.


Huion KAMVAS GT-191 Drawing Tablet (REVIEW) + Mettaton - Undertale (SPEEDPAINT) - Duration: 10:07.

Thank you the who we on for sponsor

Opened it up a bit backwards, but

It's alright. It's alright, so I just finished opening everything and

That there's a lot of pieces to put together

Hui on because this is a sponsor they actually gave me an extra pen stylus as well as this

screen I


in a very nice nice nice note to see

Even in papyrus, so you know it's genuine so

Please be patient with me as I try to put all this

together so

It came in a really big box and it came with a lot of parts

So I was initially a little intimidated to put it together

but the manual was actually really clear there were only a few pages, but

every every

Like cord is labeled and the instructions are very minimal, but very clear, so I was actually able to put together and only like

Around 10 or 15 minutes, so that was really nice

So it also comes with a tiny screen protector, which you can also draw on I?

Personally prefer to just take it off because the screen protector makes a little like lighter and blur than I want it to

So yeah, I used it on my laptop. You can use it on laptops or computers

But the thing with the laptop is that you'll see the screen on both screens

So it'll be the same desktop, just like

Copied, and I didn't find much of a problem with that, but I can understand. Why some people might not quite like that

So yeah the driver came in and CD, but I didn't have a CD slot in my laptop

So I just downloaded a driver from the hui on website, and that works just fine

Honestly the installation process was really instant

It was very quick and easy and once the driver was downloaded and once everything was connected. I could very easily

Put the pen on the screen and just like start the main problem

I had with this tablet was not with the tablet itself

But how interacted with art programs

Because once I opened a program such as paint will side or a Photoshop

it would kind of freeze in place and stop working unless I physically took the mouse and

Moved it to a different screen or application

so I looked up the answers and try to find my way around it and it turns out that paint will side can be a

little particular about non, Wacom

Tablets so after uninstalling and reinstalling the driver a couple times. I just ended up getting a completely different version of paint tool Sai and

then it just worked out ok and

hue on has been very gracious and helpful with my questions and problems so I appreciate that a lot I

Found that using the tablet was actually really nice

Something about working on a screen that you can actually see while you're drawing

I didn't really find that a hindrance at all it actually was really cool to just work directly

like a sketch pad and

I would highly recommend it for more detailed drawings. That's why for my speed paint

I'm going for more of a painting s style instead of like simple lines and colors and shading and

I guess I wouldn't recommend it for I

Guess I wouldn't not recommend it

But I guess I it's a little difficult to draw for

Very simple very quick liner in my opinion

Because it's a little quicker than my actual tablet

Which makes making smooth really simple line are a little difficult?

but other than that I think I could really use this for my more big detailed art and

it was very easy to put together the instructions were very simple and

Who Yan has been very gracious to me and helping me with my with any problems or any questions? I have and

So yeah, I highly recommend it

And that is how shit gets done


For more infomation >> Huion KAMVAS GT-191 Drawing Tablet (REVIEW) + Mettaton - Undertale (SPEEDPAINT) - Duration: 10:07.


DIY EYELASH EXTENSIONS How I apply my own Eyelash Extensions at Home - Duration: 12:27.


I put on some makeup

and really just eyeliner

here and taaa



Hi guys and welcome back to my channel

in this video I'm going to show you how I do my own eyelash extensions

it saves a lot of time and I kind of like doing it myself

so anyways

this is how it looks right now and I just finished doing them

These last me for... I would say 2 weeks. And then hmmm...

lets see

I think after one and a half weeks

like they will start falling off

but just like one or two

and then at around 2 weeks is when a lot of them just start falling off

if I want to I can take them off with this...

I have eyelash extensions remover or whatever

It's basically a clear gel

that you put on your lashes and it makes the glue dissolve

but it stings so badly I hate it

so generally I just let them fall out on their own

The main benefit of having eyelash extensions is that you always have really full lashes.

Even when you go to sleep and you wake up and all of that.

And you never have to wear mascara and you dont have to wear

the fake lashes like you know

the full fake lashes that you put on your lids

you don't have to pop them in and out every time

so the downside is that

after I remove them my lashes are basically thinner then they were before

I applied them

but they grow right back

I would say in a week

I don't do this all the time

I don't think I would suggest to do this all the time because then you're going to keep making your natural lashes weaker and weaker

without letting them fully recover

I first went to get them done

professionally at a salon

They apply the single lashes which looks way more natural but it doesn't look as full

and it takes a long time

I have them [single lashes] too by the way

I bought them online to see if I can do it but I didn't even bother trying

because I feel like that is something that you do need to go to a professional to do it.

It would take a lot longer and the result would not be as full

but it looks more natural and I think it is actually better for your lashes than these kinds of extensions

but these look fuller

so that's my reason for doing them.

Anyways, let's get into the video and I will show you exactly how I did this.

Before I start putting on the lashes I use this thing

Which I guess is a primer or a cleanser

I can't honestly tell because everything is

in foreign language

I got this thing on ebay. It does work. However, it took forever to get here

I think it took like 3 weeks or something like that.

I think it arrived from China

I was like even not expecting to receive it anymore

For more infomation >> DIY EYELASH EXTENSIONS How I apply my own Eyelash Extensions at Home - Duration: 12:27.


1v1 against Xxx_US_xxX and go check out his channel I'll be in the description below - Duration: 9:11.

hi bye

For more infomation >> 1v1 against Xxx_US_xxX and go check out his channel I'll be in the description below - Duration: 9:11.


Prezenty ,prezenty i DO SIEGO ROKU!!!!!Malawi Dory.Akwarysta Niedzielny - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Prezenty ,prezenty i DO SIEGO ROKU!!!!!Malawi Dory.Akwarysta Niedzielny - Duration: 3:19.


Honda Civic 1.0 i-VTEC Turbo Executive Panoramadak Navigatie Rijklaar - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.0 i-VTEC Turbo Executive Panoramadak Navigatie Rijklaar - Duration: 0:58.


Opel Corsa 1.4i 16V '111' EDITION 5-drs, Airco, Navigatie, 1e Eigenaar, - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4i 16V '111' EDITION 5-drs, Airco, Navigatie, 1e Eigenaar, - Duration: 1:00.


Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency || I Believe In You || Dirk Gently & Todd Brotzman - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency || I Believe In You || Dirk Gently & Todd Brotzman - Duration: 3:00.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-pose Cabriodak rood X-Beat! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i x-pose Cabriodak rood X-Beat! - Duration: 1:00.


8700K in a Laptop! Metabox P870TM-G Gaming Laptop Reviews + Benchmarks - Duration: 13:35.

For more infomation >> 8700K in a Laptop! Metabox P870TM-G Gaming Laptop Reviews + Benchmarks - Duration: 13:35.


pardon my french - Duration: 0:03.

pardon my french

but two years ago i came in contact with a homicidal french man dressed as a mime, who had strapped explosives onto his chest to toss at helpless citizens.

I've never witnessed such carnage in my life. Inflicting pain upon these civilians seemed to bring him some sort of sick joy. I watched in fear as he robbed a vault, while laughing in an excessively stereotypical french accent.

What was this strange foreigner doing in Metroville? and why did it seem that every time he was seen, an accordion was playing in the background?

Every night, his name rings in my head for countless hours; Bomb Voyage, bomb voyage. I get very little sleep.

For more infomation >> pardon my french - Duration: 0:03.


Quick thoughts on... - Obsession - Duration: 14:59.

Hello everybody and welcome to another video from my series "Quick thoughts on...", in

which I always talk about a different story from

the Star Trek franchise.

This belated video will be about the episode from classic Star Trek called


First of all, I want to apologize to everybody who is watching these videos - the last 2

weeks of my life were absolutely insane, consisting

of 12-14 hours long working days, so practically all

of the time I was at home was spent in my bed.

Sleeping of course, what else?

Then came Christmas, which for me means every year wild family

visits, so that I couldn't work on any videos too.

But now my life is getting a bit more normal, so now

I'm going to do all of the videos I missed during

the last 2 weeks or so.

I hope you all had wonderful Christmas, but let's talk now a bit about the first topic

I missed - the original series episode Obsession.

The episode starts with a landing party consisting of

Kirk, Spock, Ensign Rizzo, Leslie and some red shirt down on the planet.

The planet is rich on a mineral, but that's absolutely not important,

the important thing is that we see a white cloud

hovering above them, before it manages to hide.

Kirk however smells some honey in the air so he sends

the red shirts to check the area and use their tricorders to scan for dikironium and they

should shoot at any clouds they might encounter.

Yes, just let the red shirts alone, I'm sure they'll be just


Did Kirk never see Star Trek before?

Anyway all of the red shirts leave, and what a surprise, immediately

after Rizzo leaves them for a split second, the 2 of them get attacked by a white cloud.

Rizzo calls Kirk , who commands him to shoot, but gets

attacked too.

Now there are so many things wrong with this sequence.

First - why does Kirk thing you can shoot a cloud?

If a 10 year old would suggest something like that,

I would accept it, but he's a highly experienced Starfleet officer, he did have physics at

the Academy, right?

Second - 2 of the 3 red shirts are dead.

Why 2 when all of them were attacked?

Because the only reason I can come up with is that we needed a scene where

Kirk talks to the survivor and gets the information about the attacker,

but I can't see any "in universe" reason why the cloud left Rizzo alive.

Third - one of the 2 dead red shirts is Leslie.

We have seen him many, many times during the 1 and a half

year of the original series, so his death should be very emotional and impact the viewers


Well, there's a tiny little problem - he is seen

on the show AFTER his death.

There are even shots IN THIS SAME EPISODE where we see him.

What the actual beep?

Did they not care or did they think that the audience is so stupid that

they won't notice?

I checked this online and I found a claim by Eddie Paskey, the actor who played Leslie,

and he claimed that the original script featured a scene in which Dr. McCoy revives all of

them using a miracle potion, but that scene was never filmed.

Well I have no clue if he's joking or getting senile, but that would

make it even worse.

Anyway, the red shirts are dead (even though one of them pulls a Jesus on us), and the

reason is that the cloud sucked them.

Sucked something from them I think is the correct term.

Now that something is a part of blood which I have no clue how

to say correctly in English, so let's just pretend that the creature

sucks their blood, OK?

Back on the ship Kirk quickly interviews Rizzo, and after that Kirk's absolutely sure that

the cloud which killed his men is a creature, and not only

SOME creature, but the SAME creature which attacked the crew

of the USS Farragut 11 years ago many lightyears away from this planet.

And guess who was one of the few survivors back then?

That's correct, lieutenant James T. Kirk.

Many other crewmembers died, including Captain Garrrowick, and Kirk blames himself for not

shooting at the creature fast enough.

He was never punished for that, he was actually rewarded for his bravery,

but he still has the sense of guild buried inside of him for all those years.

Back on the bridge he meets the new security guard, young Ensign Garrowick, the son of

Kirk's former captain, and Uhura reports that Rizzo has just died.

And of course Rizzo was Garrowick's good friend, so now both him and Kirk

have a personal motivation to killing the creature.

Which makes them the buddies for this episode, which is pretty


Usually we get a Kirk + Spock, Kirk + McCoy or Kirk + Spock + McCoy story, this is a very

rare exception where the other lead character is actually

a guest star and not a series regular.

It's unusual, but it kinda works.

They beam down to the planet, searching for the creature, with more delicious red shirts.

And of course, Garrowick's party gets attacked, his men get killed, Garrowick

doesn't shoot soon enough, but he does in the end.

Wait, didn't we see the same scene before just with other


Anyway, I definitely wouldn't want to be a security guy under

the command of James Kirk.

They do a formal hearing and when Kirk realizes that Garrowick didn't shoot quick enough,

he relieves him of all duties and confines him to quarters.

Now first Garrowick takes it as a man, which I was really impressed by, but

as soon as he gets home he throws himself on the bed and cries like a 10 year old girl.

My impression was gone within a few seconds.

Meanwhile Kirk gets constantly reminded that the Enterprise was supposed to meet a different

ship because of some medicaments, but as always, the details are not important at all, the

only reason for that subplot is that Kirk needs to ignore some of his duties

to look at least a bit obsessed.

To be honest, he DOES look a bit off character, but I wouldn't call him OBSESSED.

I know that he was supposed to be Captain Ahab, and the cloud creature was supposed

to be his Moby Dick, but to be honest, I always thought that his actions during this episode

were almost perfectly logical.

When McCoy confronts him and demands explanations of his "obsessive" behaviour, and calls Spock

as a witness, Kirk has a perfectly logical explanation for his


We are talking about a creature which exists as a gas, but at

the same time can transform into something else, it kills humans faster than they can

react and can travel through space.

This creature is a huge danger to all civilized planets and they should indeed try to destroy

it while they can.

I actually am fully on the side of the person who is supposed to be crazy, and to be honest,

it's a bit scary :-) Yes, when Picard was in a similar situation,

he tried to communicate with the creature first, but even he was ready

to kill it if necessary, Kirk was the action man, so he threw out the discussion part and

went straight to the end.

So even if you don't agree with him, his actions make perfect sense.

Or maybe I'm going insane, who knows.

However Chekov reports that the cloud did leave the planet and flies in space, so of

course Kirk has to follow it.

Meanwhile Chapel brings Garrowick his food, but because he's now in a state of self-pity,

he throws the cover of his plate across the room, accidentally breaking

the vent controls.

But no time to fix that, Kirk orders red alert and requests all crew to battle stations.

So Garrowick, even though he's basically arrested, runs to the bridge.

Not sure if this is supposed to be dumb or heroic to

be honest.

But when he comes to the bridge, he realizes that the creature

stopped and has decided to attack.

Kirk fires first the phasers, then the photon torpedoes, but what a twist!

You can't shoot gas.

Oh my God, who would have said that?

The creature now gets to the ship's ventilation system, so now we have

another new ticking clock element - not only is Kirk too late for the rendezvous with the

other ship, they now have only 2 hours of air supply, then they will all


McCoy blames Kirk, but Spock, as the voice of reason is on the captain's



When Spock tries to comfort Kirk, he tells him that HE is not the one who needs comforting,

so Spock goes to visit Garrowick.

And he gets there just in time, because the creature just decided to visit Garrowick through

his broken vent.

Spock throws him out and tries to cover the hole.

With his hands.

So not only do we get Kirk trying to shoot gas, we now also get Spock trying to

stop gas with his hands.

He doesn't even try to use his uniform to seal

the leak or something like that.

Seriously, do people in the 23rd century forget how gasses work?

Anyway Garrowick calls the bridge and when Kirk arrives, they find out that Spock is

alive - his green blood doesn't taste as good as red blood.

And then another stupid thing happens.

Kirk smells the room, and suddenly he knows that the

creature wants to return home.

So apparently because they "touched" 11 years ago, they are now suddenly somehow telepathically


Why couldn't Spock be the one to come with this idea?

I mean he was in physical contact with the creature RIGHT NOW,

and he is a telepath who can mind-meld with other creatures, it would make so much more

sense for him to be the one who realizes the creature wants to get back

home and have kids.

Many of the original series actors complained that

Shatner used to take other people's lines and give them to Kirk, and I can't get rid

of the feeling that this is one of the cases.

But anyway, because Kirk now understands that you can't shoot gas (finally), he realizes

that Garrowick's little freeze down on the planet was not a

reason for the red shirts demise, and he calls him back to duty.

A funny way how to punish him for going to the bridge,

but whatever.

Our heroes come up quickly with a new plan.

Shooting the gas didn't help, so what about blowing it up?

They decide to take all reserves of blood plasma, use it

as a bait, and then use antimatter to blow it up.

Well such an explosion would rip away half of the planet's atmosphere,

so the transporters might not function properly, so this can be a suicide mission.

And if you are like me and expect that they will have a huge discussion if it's moral

to rip away half of the planet's atmosphere, you can wait forever.

This is Kirk, not Picard.

A part of me DOES have a problem with destroying a planet's

atmosphere, but who am I to talk.

Kirk and his new buddy Garrowick beam down with the antimatter bomb, but the cloud is

faster and eats all the blood plasma before they are ready.

So they need a new bait.

Kirk orders Garrowick to beam back on board, but he thinks that Kirk wants to

sacrifice himself so he does what every good officer would do - he attacks

his superior officer.

But this is James Mothereffin Kirk, he won't be knocked out by a punch to the head, he

takes out a guy 10 years younger then himself within

a few seconds and tells him he doesn't want to sacrifice himself.

They just wait until the cloud comes closer to them,

only then they blow up the bomb and at the same time let themselves beam up.

Now back on the Enterprise Spock was correct, they do have a problem materializing them,

but come on.

Did anybody really think they will kill the lead character in

a middle of the second season?

There are no real stakes here so this last scene

is just a waste of time.

Of course both men get materialized properly and Kirk asks the young man to come to his

quarters where he will tell him stories about his father.

And if you think there is anything wrong with that, you have a more

perverted mind than I do.

This episode is pretty hard to rate.

There are things in this episode which I really enjoy, and there are things

in this episode which are simply way too stupid for me to be able to truly love it.

Very similar to the messy Star Wars The Last Jedi movie - I have seen

it last weekend and it also had a few great elements and a lot of very

stupid elements.

I understand what were they trying to do, I mean the working title for this story was

"Space Moby Dick", so it's pretty obvious what were they trying

to do.

But one of the main problems for me is that Kirk is not really

that obsessed.

His behaviour is actually pretty logical, except for a couple of brief moments, for

example when he accuses his officers that they have conspired against


There are way too many stupid moments in this episode, but I listed them

already, but there is one thing I didn't have the chance to talk about - Nurse Chapel.

Her performance in this episode is - strange.

Not sure if it's the fault of the director or herself, but every scene she's in she comes

into frame, delivers her lines and leaves off camera without

her expecting any reactions.

It just looks and feels weird, it's something you would expect in a sitcom done

for comedic reasons, but here it's just ... WEIRD.

Anyway, back to the rating.

On my scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is absolute garbage, 10 is a masterpiece, and 5 is

average, I would give this episode 7 out of 10.

It's definitely above average, but it just has way too many stupid

moments for me to be able to fully enjoy.

But as I always say, these were just MY personal opinions, if you don't

agree, just write down YOUR opinion down in the comments section.

If you enjoyed this video, hit that thumbs up button,

and if you want to see more, check some of the other videos on my channel, you should

see some links on screen right now.

I'm going to work on other videos I missed so a video about Wolf in the Fold should be

prepared within a day or two.

Until then, thanks a lot for watching, and see you soon.


For more infomation >> Quick thoughts on... - Obsession - Duration: 14:59.


Curse of the Night Owl (Animated Short) - Duration: 0:11.

Ugh... I don't want to do anything, I just want to sleep.

I wanna do EVERYTHING!!!

(Off-screen) Go to bed!

For more infomation >> Curse of the Night Owl (Animated Short) - Duration: 0:11.


Warsaw Overload 2017 | Malmo Aviation Qualitywings RJ100 | Stockholm Bromma ESSB to Warsaw - Duration: 4:56:14.

For more infomation >> Warsaw Overload 2017 | Malmo Aviation Qualitywings RJ100 | Stockholm Bromma ESSB to Warsaw - Duration: 4:56:14.


Funny Hamster who ate tofu for the first time - Duration: 2:57.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> Funny Hamster who ate tofu for the first time - Duration: 2:57.


Last stream of the year!!! - Duration: 59:00.

For more infomation >> Last stream of the year!!! - Duration: 59:00.


god is dead - Duration: 0:04.

hello, derek?

it's me, your grandmother. You've forgotten to slather mayonnaise on my head before you left and now the lice have taken over the house.

They've requested that you buy 20 glass bottles of coke. No, not the soda, the drug. They want 20 GLASS bottles of cocaine.

My house and my thin, stringy hair, are both full of coked up lice.

Please call the cops.

For more infomation >> god is dead - Duration: 0:04.


Quand vous l'ignorez, vous lui apprenez à vivre sans vous ! - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> Quand vous l'ignorez, vous lui apprenez à vivre sans vous ! - Duration: 7:49.


Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe 2 ?? // Podría Haber una Secuela Pronto? // Puntos a Favor y en Contra - Duration: 14:20.

For more infomation >> Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe 2 ?? // Podría Haber una Secuela Pronto? // Puntos a Favor y en Contra - Duration: 14:20.


[ENG SUB] TRCNG - 2017 Christmas Message - Duration: 1:13.

Taeseon: 5, 6, 7, 8...


Taeseon: 2, 3

TRCNG: New Generation. Hello, we are TRCNG!

Taeseon: Everyone, Merry Christmas! It's already Christmas. I think a year passed by so quickly.

Jihun: Yes, this is the year we, TRCNG, debuted so it's a bit more special.

Hakmin: I think this Christmas will be warm since we're with everyone.

Wooyeop: It's really cold outside so we hope you wear warm clothes, and make sure to drink warm water.

Hyunwoo: Yes, always take care of yourself. You know you have to be careful of catching a cold, right?

Hayoung: (Sorry we can't understand him TT)

TRCNG: What is it?

Jisung: Yes, I heard that, soon, TRCNG's new album will come out!!


Kangmin: We really put a lot of effort into it, so please anticipate it a lot!

Siwoo: With your family, friends, and the people you love...

Hohyeon: ...Have a warm Christmas, and I hope that (we) can end the year well!

Taeseon: 2, 3

TRCNG: New Generation!

Taeseon: Up until now, it was...

TRCNG: TRCNG! Thank you!

Subber's Note: Jihun hitting us with that "Ho! Ho! Ho!" LMAO

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] TRCNG - 2017 Christmas Message - Duration: 1:13.


Family fun on the water

For more infomation >> Family fun on the water


O que é Autoestima por Laura Maia - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> O que é Autoestima por Laura Maia - Duration: 11:15.


8 alimenti per combattere l'insonnia - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> 8 alimenti per combattere l'insonnia - Duration: 6:27.


Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe 2 ?? // Podría Haber una Secuela Pronto? // Puntos a Favor y en Contra - Duration: 14:20.

For more infomation >> Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe 2 ?? // Podría Haber una Secuela Pronto? // Puntos a Favor y en Contra - Duration: 14:20.






For more infomation >> THEODOR - EM MEIO A TEMPESTADE - CLIPE OFICIAL - Duration: 4:58.


▹CdL: Dark Souls - A era de fogo !!! #01 (PtBr gameplay) - Duration: 1:04:34.

For more infomation >> ▹CdL: Dark Souls - A era de fogo !!! #01 (PtBr gameplay) - Duration: 1:04:34.



For more infomation >> ESTUDEI NOS ESTADOS UNIDOS! - Duration: 7:33.


What s happens, what s impossible - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> What s happens, what s impossible - Duration: 5:37.


Part#2-DANGEROUS-Cutting and bonding at 45 degrees./Ciecie i klejenie pod katem 45 stopni/45度切割和粘合。 - Duration: 51:24.


Today is the part two of cutting and bonding 45 degree miter connection

This is a difficult topic, so read the description. Please.

I use masking tapes , 24 mm.The color is not important. It is important that this tape be somewhat stretchy!!!

In different countries these colors can be different

It is important that this tape be somewhat stretchy!!!

If the tape is stretchy, it tightens the pieces to each other..

I start from the simplest one, and I use green tape in order to be more visible in camera...

That is melamine on particle board .

Where is the end......?

you stick on one element, you press ..., you press the tape by your thumb ... and tear off.

I try make it other hand....

you stick on one element, you press ..., you press the tape by your thumb ... and tear off.

already two tapes nicely stabilize the elements

on the long items (2... 3 m and longer) the bonding must be done different way be done .

You must put couple tapes Just to hold the pieces together...

then bent it on the straight! the edges of the bench...

Elements connected in two planes ( on 90 degree angle) will be straight !

the same story.. you stick on one element, you press ..., you press the tape by your thumb ... and tear off.

The tape from the tape is about 2- 3 inches

you stick on one element, you press ..., you press the tape by your thumb ... and tear off.

There is just a little bit more than 90 degree.The amount is just enough to fit the glue.

the glue is not a filler !!!!

I close and open to make the material suck glue

The wet rug is very important

I secure it with tape as well.

If we pull too much, the corner will open

clean it up

Check the angle ..

I am a strong guy and I often pull too you need to loosen the tension of the tapes....

I am a strong guy and I often pull too you need to loosen the tension of the tapes....

Now is perfect

Next trick with dowel...

good when is smooth, round. We squeeze gently on each side of the edge...

Regardless of the material when the adhesive moistens our surfaces, the edge tends to bend.... and open the corner !!!

especially on painted or laminated materials

Regardless of the material when the adhesive moistens our surfaces, the edge tends to bend.... and open the corner !!!

So when you pres the edges and the glue dried the corner will be looks perfect

So when you pres the edges and the glue dried the corner will be looks perfect

be careful !! The edges are so sharp...

I cut my hands many times !!!

Now I will bond the column.

I make it the same way.Not matter the size.For the bigger elements you need more skills and experience and helpers as well.

Do not forget to mark everything before cut.That cause the work easier and you can easy match the grain .

to mark my elements I use the pencil or chalk

I will arrange the elements in the sequence as they are to be stuck together

the first and last are on the ends

OK, Let glue it....

Like I said.First just 2 or 3 stripe of tape in order just hold them in place..

elements should be cut and glue together on the same day. If they stay longer than 24 hours can be distorted. That's what happened in this case.

especially solid wood...

on crooked material the tape will not be able to tighten and close the gaps !!!

That can create really problems

Tapes are holding the elements, but each subsequent tape being stretched will tighten this material together more and more....

each subsequent tape being stretched will tighten this material together more and more....

you stick on one element, you press ..., you press the tape by your thumb ... and tear off.

that first and second elements.

Now is time for the 3-d one....

The same way.........

you stick on one element, you press ..., you press the tape by your thumb ... and tear off.

the first three straps to hold it down and then after bending I put on the rest of the bands....

Unfortunately some parts get warped

the first three straps to hold it down and then after bending I put on the rest of the bands....

Each next tape I attach to the previous one ...

in this way, the removal of these tapes takes place much faster and easier

Especially on huge jobs where you have thousands of pieces of the masking tape for remove....

usually at the end I put two layers of the tape

Now the same way the last part of the column

I stick on one element, I press ..., I press the tape by my thumb ... and tear off.

Now I flip it over

I'm opening it for gluing

I put a little of glue...

then I roll it up and develop it

then I apply the glue for the first and the last pieces.

smears from the inside out

...but remember glue is not the filler !!!

Sometimes in C shape elements both sides are visible... and the glue can be visible as well....

If necessary ad a little of glue

The last part of the material must suck the glue

Usually I cut my materials with scoring blade... Just in case.

... and it looks better

My grandfather used to say "Whatever you do, do that way, that you can sign with your ful name without shame"

Now I put the masking tape on the last corner.The same way what I said....

the tape should be at least every 5 - 6cm.....

Now.... the wet rug ... and clean the glue up....

Noe the trick with dowel.....gently....all corners....

If you master this skill perfectly. This will put you on a completely different level of professionalism !

especially for prefinished and finished materials...

If you master this skill perfectly. This will put you on a completely different level of professionalism !

Very few people can do it very well ! ... so it will allow you to earn really big money!

Some people seem to be able to do it, but the effects of their work are highly unacceptable.

Not to extend it, I put in the same way the tapes on the counter top.

Now I flip it over.

Glue the same way...............

Now the corners.The same way... and not too much glue....

I use my fingers to aplly the glue...

Wet rug... useful like always...

Now the same way I put the tape on the corners.....

Corners are sharp... so be careful

...... the same way I put the tape on the corners.....

If is necessary put 2 or 3 layers of the tape..

...the same way I put the tape on the corners.....

Small elements I usually flip them over. The big ones usually I do not flip them over..

Check it up .Wipe out the glue if necessary...

Too much glue on the veneered material causes many troubles !!!!

Too much glue = slappy job

Too much glue on the veneered material causes ....showing stain after staining.

And nothing much you can do in that case....

usually If you want to sand down this glue ,you burn thru the veneer. And this is the end !!! You must start all over again...

Now I must wait till the glue dry.

I forgotten assemble the last sample for you.....

that is 5 mm. plywood. Prefinished on one side.

The same way what I just showed you.

The same way what I just showed you.

The tapes have to be quite often. Especially on thin materials ! .... there is a tendency to open the corners....

I glue it now...

For glue and assemble huge corners I've made plywood corners...

There are important that on both sides be a right angle.

There are important that on both sides be a right angle.

For that little piece masking tape is enough.

check the angle....


I check the angle again on full length.....

Why is it important to check it out on all the length?

... because if you have to combine these elements with each other and at the end of the elements will be different, this connection will be poor...

For commercial jobs this way we made the casings with the door jambs.For every opening was two pieces of L shape jambs and casings.

somewhere I have piece of scrap

I found it..

That the one...

Perfect right angle...

after glue it ,we use to cut the pieces on miter ..., corner connection.

The channel for spline..

That is scrap...

There are two parts like this for every opening.One piece is wider the second narrower.

This part is a jamb...

That channel for spline.

There are two parts like this for every opening.One piece is wider the second narrower.

These two elements of "L "shape are assemble in one of "C" shape.

That way you have the door jamb and casing in one piece.

For commercial jobs the casings are usually without any profiles

These two elements of "L "shape are assemble in one of "C" shape.

That way is so much easier to finish it

These two elements of "L "shape are assemble in one of "C" shape.

The connection(seam) are under the door stops...

Gluing in this way has incredibly many applications.....

Most commercial building in cites like New York City or Chicago e.c.t. have that kind of door jambs.

This way is quick, quite easy and economic!!!

This skill should be included in each professional's set...

your imagination only can limit use of this connection !!!!

in the meantime when the glue dries I did a few corners/scribes for work...

There is not wall yet so I made the scribe 4" wider.............

so that is the scribe to the wall.

that was made the same way.Because this is the fastest way for me..

The high end cabinetry usually have the scribes even with the front of the cabinet fronts...

Not undone....

The high end cabinetry usually have the scribes even with the front of the cabinet fronts...

For installing it I use screws

it is screwed now so you do not lose it in transportation.

this is another scribe from finished material...

That piece was lost during the transportation

The same way I made the base plat for base cabinet.

The bottom will be scribe to the floor...

Now the glue should be dry....

Now I must remove all the tapes...

That is what I said about removing the tape.

You pull one and remove them all around

I wanted to show you the way ... and now you have to develop your skills yourself.

the worst is to break the open door. I did it.....on the past.

It takes some time.....

That is great done column(sample)

I have specially done it with painted material to show that it is possible.That is much more difficult than make with rough materials.

I have specially done it with painted material to show that it is possible.That is much more difficult than make with rough materials.

Finishing the columns are tricky always....

You need same brackets...

You need same brackets...

If is possible much easier for me is make it from finished materials.

If is possible much easier for me is make it from finished materials.

That are samples made from scraps....

That the counter top sample....

Be especially careful when removing the tape. The tape can rip out a pieces of material.

Be especially careful when removing the tapes . The tape can rip out a pieces of material.

Industrial finish is usually more durable and harder than done yourself.

Now days the satin and mat finishes are trendy ..

Mat finish on the car look like mistake of the designer ... that my opinion...

At the end of so long video I put the photos of this stuff an other made by me. Watch carefully...

It looks perfect....

that is the last piece what I made...

so much easier is made it from not finished materials....

that scrap of veneer on MDF.

so much easier is made it from not finished materials... because you can patch it...and hide any imperfections

before you get ready for doing 3 and more meters elements, You must get practice on the short elements.

I even do the basics for cabinets in this way, because it is faster and cheaper and often also better.

I hope it will help you become better cabinet maters.

See you soon.

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