Friday, December 29, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 29 2017

Did you accomplish last year's resolutions for this year?

Well, I stopped drinking, so… I'm clean.



I got a job, you guys!


Well, my goals… Is that a new cellphone?

Yeah, I got it last month.

Oh… what about last year's resolution?

Yeah, weren't you supposed to stop shopping?

What do you want to do next year?

I wanna stop shopping!

No, c'mon, what do you want to do next year?

I want to spend less, oi.

Well, you can do it next year.

Yeah, next year I'm definitely accomplishing this.

Yeah, right.

What about yours?

I don't remember, but look at this watch I bought – it talks – and the new iPhone too!

Told you I doubted it.

For more infomation >> New Year's Resolution - Duration: 0:52.


GF VIP: Quanto guadagna Cristiano Malgioglio a serata? Risultati shock | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> GF VIP: Quanto guadagna Cristiano Malgioglio a serata? Risultati shock | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.


O homem deve se entregar em um relacionamento? - #askhomemsupremo - 10 - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> O homem deve se entregar em um relacionamento? - #askhomemsupremo - 10 - Duration: 3:00.


Super QUICK VALENTINE'S card - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Super QUICK VALENTINE'S card - Duration: 6:05.


Dünyanın En Lanetli 10 Nesnesi - Duration: 16:29.

Merhaba Araştıran İnsanlar!

Bazı nesnelerin sahiplerinin ölümüne veya ciddi şekilde yaralanmasına sebep olduğu


Bu nesnelere sahip olan kişilerin yaşadıkları o kadar barizdir ki İster inanın ister inanmayın

bu nesnelere sahip olmak istemezsiniz.

"Ölümün Tanrıçası" lakaplı saf kalker taşından oyulmuş "Lemb Kadınları" heykeli

1878 yılında Lemb, Kıbrıs'ta bulundu.

Tarihi M.Ö 3500 e dayanan heykelin bir tanrıçayı, daha çok doğurganlığı temsil ettiğine


Heykel ilk olarak Lord Elphont'a ait olmuştu.

Altı yıl süren bu süreçte Elphont, gizemli bir şekilde ailesinden yedi bireyi kaybetmişti.

Heykelin sonraki iki sahibi Ivor Manucci ve Lord Thompson-Noel ve bütün aile bireyleri

birkaç yıllık süre içinde ölmüştür.

Heykelin dördüncü sahibi Alan Biverbrook da eşi ve iki kızı ile birlikte ölmüştü.

Buna rağmen Biverbrookların iki oğlu hayatta kalmıştı.

Okültizme inanmadıklarını dile getiriyorlardı.

Ama yine de ani bir şekilde ailelerinden dört kişiyi kaybetmek onları korkutuyordu.

Bu yüzden heykeli günümüzde de bulunduğu yer olan, Edinburgh'da bulunan İskoçya Milli

Müzesi'ne bağışladılar.

Kısa bir süre sonra heykel müzedeki yerini aldı.

Heykelin sergilendiği müze müdürü kısa bir süre sonra öldü.

İlk müze işçisi de öldüğünden beri kimse heykele dokunamadı.

En sonunda heykel bir camın içinde muhafaza edilerek birilerinin dokunmasının önüne


1702'de Thomas Busby adında bir suçlu, suçu yüzünden idam edilmek üzereydi.

Ölmeden önce son isteği, İngiltere, Thirsk'de en sevdiği barda en sevdiği yemeği yemekti.

Yemeğini bitirince ayağa kalktı ve "Her kim benim sandalyeme oturmaya cesaret ederse

ani ölüm onu bulsun."


Sandalye barda yüzyıllar boyunca kaldı.

Müşteriler sürekli birbirlerini koltuğa oturmak için cesaretlendirmeye çalışıyordu.


Dünya Savaşı sırasında, yakınlardaki bir üssün havacıları bara uğradı ve

sandalyenin lanetini bilen yerli halk, koltuğa oturan askerlerin hiçbirinin savaştan geri

dönemeyeceğini fark ettiler.

1967'de, iki hava kuvvetleri pilotu sandalyeye oturmuştu, bardan çıktıktan hemen sonra

araçlarını bir ağaca çarptılar.

Bundan bir yıl sonra, sandalyeye oturan bir çatı tamircisi, çatının çökmesi sonucu

hayatını kaybetti.

Barı temizleyen kadının da ayağı takılıp sandalyenin üzerine düştü.

Çok kısa bir zaman içerisinde beyin tümörü yüzünden öldü.

Liste bu şekilde uzayıp gidiyor.

Barın sahibi daha sonra sandalyeyi bodruma kaldırttı.

Sandalye bodrumda olmasına rağmen kurbanları son bulmadı.

Kargo kutusunu bodruma yerleştirmeye giren kargo taşıyıcısı dinlenmek için sandalyeye

oturmuştu, aynı gün içerisinde trafik kazasında hayatını kaybetti.

En sonunda bar sahibi 1972 yılında sandalyeyi yerel bir müzeye teslim etti.

Müze, sandalyeyi kimsenin oturamayacağı bir konuma taşıyıp ziyaretçileri güven

altına aldı.

Myrtles Çiftliği, Abd'nin en lanetli pansiyonlarından, aynı zamanda dünyanın da en lanetli pansiyonlarından

biri olarak kabul ediliyor.

Çiftliğin tarihi 1796 yılına dayanıyor.

Çiftlik, Kızıl Derili mezarlığı üzerine inşa edilmiş.

Buna ek olarak, en az on cinayetin işlendiği ve paranormal olayların günlük yaşandığı

bir yer olduğu söyleniyor.

Binadaki belki de en lanetli öğe ise 1980'de eve eklenen bir ayna.

Pansiyonun misafirleri aynada tuhaf saklanan figürler ve ayna camında muhtemelen bir

çocuğa ait el izleri olduğunu bildiriyorlardı.

Efsaneye göre ayna, Sara Woodruff ve çocuklarının ruhunu barındırıyordu.

Woodrufflar zehirlenerek ölmüştü.

Bir inanışa göre ölümden sonra aynanın üzeri örtülmezse ölen kişilerin ruhları

aynaya hapsolurdu.

Bu aynanın üzeri örtülmemişti, o yüzden inanışa göre Woodruffların ruhları aynanın

içerisinde yaşıyor.

19 yaşında ölen Tutankhamun'un lanetli mezarı, muhtemelen, Mısır firavun mezarlarının

en ünlülerinden biri.

Tutankhamun'un mezarı Howard Carter tarafından 1922'de keşfedilmişti.

Cesaret edip mezara girmeyi başarmış neredeyse herkesin, Firavun'un Laneti yüzünden kötü

şansa, hastalığa ya da ölüme maruz kaldıklarını görüldü.

Carter'ın çok sevdiği, uğurlu kanaryası nereden geldiği belli olmayan bir kobra yılanı

tarafından yendi.

Kobra yılanı Mısır hükümdarlarının simgesi olarak kabul edilir.

Mezarlığın bulunmasından birkaç hafta sonra kazıların finansal desteğini sağlayan

İngiliz Lord Carnavron'un sağlık durumu kötüye gitmeye başladı.

Kan zehirlenmesi olduğu açıklanan Lord kısa bir süre sonra vefat etti.

Eş zamanlı olarak Lord'un köpeği Susie'nin de ulumaya başladığı ve öldüğü söylendi.

Lord'un ölümüyle birlikte lanet dedikoduları da şiddetlendi.

Bu dedikoduların en temel dayanağı ise Firavun'un mezarındaki hiyeroglif yazısıydı.

Yazı şöyle diyordu, "Firavunun mezarına her kim dokunursa ölümün kanatları onu

saracaktır."1970 yılında, bir kadın, üniversiteye giden kızına alışveriş esnasında Raggedy-Ann

tarzı bir bebek aldı.

Kızı bebeği beğendi ve evine götürdü.

Çok zaman geçmeden genç kız ve oda arkadaşı bebekten kaynaklanan tuhaf şeyler olduğunu


Bebek kendi kendine hareket ediyor, kimsenin bebekle temas dahi kurmadığı zamanlarda

bebeği başka odada buluyorlardı.

Bir gün kendilerine ait olmayan parşomen bir kağıt üzerine karalanmış çocukça

yazılar buldular.

Dehşete uğrayan kızlar soluğu bir medyumun yanında aldı.

Medyum onlara, bebeğin bir apartmanda hayatını kaybeden küçük bir kıza ait olduğunu


Adı "Annabelle" olan küçük kız medyuma, onları çok sevdiğini ve onlarla kalmak

istediğini söyledi.

Üniversiteli kızlar da bu teklifi kabul etti.

Ne yazık ki, bu iznin verilmesine rağmen paranormal olaylar devam etti.

Bir gece, erkek arkadaşları bebek tarafından saldırıya uğradı.

Göğüsünde ve gövdesinde çizik izleri vardı.

En sonunda oldukça ünlü medyumlar olan Ed ve Lorraine Warren ile görüşmeye karar


Evli çift, bebeğin küçük bir kızın ruhunu barındırmadığını, onlara yalan

söylediğini, aslında onlara hakim olmak isteyen kötü niyetli bir şeytanı barındırdığını


Genç kızlar Annabelle'yi Warrens çiftine verdiler.

Çift bebeği Connecticut'taki gizli müzelerindeki cam vitrine yerleştirdi.

Cama ise uyarı yazısı eklediler.


Sakın açmayın!"

1849 yılında, zengin bir ailenin kızı olan Anna Baker, alt sınıf bir demir işçisine

aşık olmuştu.

Anna'nın babası Ellis Baker, evlenmelerine izin vermedi.

Genç erkeği kasabaları Altoona, Pennsylvania'dan sürdürdü.

Kızını ise ömür boyu evde kalması için lanetledi.

Anna babasına çok kızgındı.

1914 yılında ölene kadar asla aşık olmadı ve evlenmedi, ömrünün sonuna kadar sert

ve kızgın kaldı.

Anna, babası aşık olduğu adamı sürmeden önce, düğününde giymek üzere güzel

bir gelinlik seçmişti.

Düğün olmayınca, aynı bölgede yaşayan yine varlıklı bir ailenin kızı olan Elizabeth

Dysart gelinliği onun yerine giydi.

Gelinlik yıllar boyunca dillerden düşmedi.

Yıllar sonra gelinlik tarihi bir derneğe verildi, daha sonra Baker konağı müzeye


Gelinlik, Anna Baker'ın yatak odasında bir camın içerisine konuldu.

Anna'nın ölümünden sonra, ziyaretçiler, gelinliğin kendi kendine hareket ettiğini

iddia ettiler.

Özellikle dolunay gecelerinde.

Buna sebep olabilecek doğa üstü olmayan nedenleri saptayabilmek için araştırmacılar

geldi fakat elleri boş döndüler.

Kimse gelinliğin neden hareket ettiğini anlayamadı.

Anna belki de en sonunda gelinliğini giydi ve sebep buydu.

Bulgaristan'da, son 10 yılda 0888 888 888 numarasını arayan tüm kullanıcıların

ölmesi üzerine, telefon şirketi bu numaranın kullanımını yasakladı.

İnsanları endişelendirmek amacıyla oluşturulmuş bir komplo olarak düşünebilirsiniz ama

öyle değil.

Numaranın ilk sahibi mobil telefon şirketinin CEO'su Vladamir Grashnov'du. 2001'de,

henüz 48 yaşındayken kanserden öldü.

Çok temiz bir iş geçmişi o lmasına rağmen, iş rakibinin radyoaktif zehirlemesi yüzünden

kanser olduğu söylentilerinin ardı arkası kesilmedi.

Lanetli numara daha sonra Bulgar mafya patronu Konstantin Dimitrov'a geçti.

2003'de, 500 milyonluk uyuşturucu ticareti imparatorluğunu kontrol etmek için Hollanda'ya

yaptığı gezide bir tetikçi tarafından vuruldu.

31 yaşında ölen Dimitrov, vurulduğu sırada bir mankenle yemek yiyordu ve telefon yanındaydı.

Ölümünün arkasında Rus mafyası olduğu söylendi.

Telefon numarası daha sonra kanunsuz işler yapan iş adamı Konstantin Dishliev'e geçti.

Telefon numarasını aldıktan sonra, 2005'de bir restorantın önünde vuruldu.

Emlakçı Dishliev, gizliden gizliye büyük bir kokain satıcılığı işini yürütüyordu.

Numaraya, o zamandan beri Dishliev'in öldürülmesiyle ilgi davayı araştıran polisler tarafından

el konulmuştu.

Bu ürkütücü bebek, Key West, Florida'da yaşayan Robert Eugene Otto adlı bir çocuğa


1896 yılında bebeği aileden nefret eden ve büyü yapabilen, ailenin hizmetkarı hediye


Küçük çocuk oyuncağını çok sevdi, çoğu zaman da onunla konuşurdu.

Ottoların evindeki hizmetkarlar endişeleniyordu, çocuk, oyuncak bebekle konuştuğunda hayalet

sesleri duyduklarına dair yemin ediyorlardı.

Komşular da, evde kimse olmadığında oyuncak bebeğin pencereden pencereye hareket ettiğini


Bebek, yaramazlıklar yapmaya başlamıştı, korkan çocuk o yaramazlıkları kendinin

yapmadığını söylüyordu.

Odalar dağılıyor, vazolar kırılıyordu, Robert korkmuş ve haberi yokmuş gibi görünse

de suçlanıyordu.

Bebek bunları yapmaya devam ediyordu.

Çok sonra ev Robert'a babasından miras kaldı ve Robert 1972'de öldü.

Ev başka bir aile tarafından satın alındı.

Evin küçük kızı çatıda bebeği bulduğunda bebekten çok korkmuştu.

Ailesine, bebeğin canlı olduğunu ve onu öldürmek istediğini söyledi.

Oyuncak bebek nihayet Key West'deki bir sanat galerisi ve tarih müzesinde sergilenmeye

ve bugüne kadar kalmaya devam etti.

Garip bir şekilde, müzeye gelen ziyaretçilerin, oyuncak bebeğin fotoğrafını çekmek için

izin istemeleri gerektiği söyleniyordu.

Yapmazlarsa, efsaneye lanetleneceklerdi.

Dibbuk kutusu, yahudi geleneklerine göre, yaşayan bir şeytani ruh tarafından lanetlenmiş

olan bir şarap dolabı.

Dibbuk kutusu, Ebay'de yayınlanan ürkütücü bir ilan ile gündeme geldi.

Hikaye, Eylül 2001'de bir antika tüccarının ve onarımcının Portland, Oregon'da katıldığı

bir açık arttırma sırasında başladı.

Açık artırma 103 yaşında ölmüş bir kadının eşyalarını satmak için düzenlendi,

kadının torunu ise, alıcının sıradan bir şarap dolabı satın almadığını anlaması

için büyükannesinin geçmişi hakkında onları bilgilendirdi.

Yaşlı kadın, II.

Dünya Savaşı sırasında bir Nazi toplama kampında aile bireyleri arasında sağ kalabilmiş

tek kişi olan bir Yahudiydi.

Amerika'ya göç ettiğinde, şarap dolabı ve iki eşyası yanında götürdüğü tek


Yaşlı kadının torunu, büyükannesinin her zaman kutuyu uzak bir yerlerde sakladığını

ve asla kutunun açılmaması gerektiğini, bunun nedeninin ise kutunun Dibbuk adı verilen

kötü niyetli bir ruhu içinde barındırdığını söylüyordu.

Yaşlı kadın öldüğünde kutunun kendisi ile birlikte yakılmasını istemişti ama

bu Yahudi geleneklerine aykırı olduğundan, ailesi bu isteği gerçekleştirmedi.

Antika tüccarı, torununun duygusal nedenlerden ötürü kutuyu saklamak isteyip istemeyeceğini

sorduğunda kadın çok üzülüp "Bir anlaşma yaptık!

Almak zorundasın!" diyerek şiddetle reddetti.

Antikacı kutuyu alıp dükkanının bodrum katına yerleştirdi, çok geçmeden tuhaf

ve ürkütücü şeyler olmaya başladı.

Asistanı tüccara korku içinde seslenerek ışıkların kesildiğini, kapıların kilitlendiğini

ve bodrumdan gelen tuhaf sesler olduğunu söyledi.

Tüccar bodrumu kontrol ettiğinde her yere yayılmış kedi idrarı kokusu ve kırılmış

ampullerle karşılaştı.

Tüccar şarap kutusunu daha sonra annesine hediye etti ve kadın hediyeyi aldıktan sonra

felç geçirdi.

Hastanede gözyaşları kontrolsüz şekilde gözlerinden dökülürken "Hediyeden nefret

ettim" cümlesini heceledi.

Tüccar, kutuyu birkaç kişiye armağan etmeye çalıştı, ancak genellikle birkaç gün

içinde kutuyu geri getirdiler, çünkü insanlar ya beğenmiyorlardı ya da kutuda kötü bir

şeylerin olduğunu hissediyorlardı.

Tüccar, tekrarlayan kabuslar görmeye başladı.

Kutuyla yakın temas kuran diğer aile üyeleri de aynı kabusu görüyorlardı.

Çevresinde gölge şekiller de görmeye başlamıştı.

Paranormal bir şeyler olduğunun farkına vardığında araştırma yapmak üzere bilgisayar

başına oturdu, ama araştırma yaparken birden uyuyakaldı.

Uyandığında sanki birisi ensesinde nefes alıp veriyordu, kafasını çevirdiğinde

büyük bir gölge figürle karşılaştı.

Daha sonra, kutuyu aldığından beri başına gelenleri ayrıntılı olarak anlatan bir

ilanla kutuyu Ebay'de satışa sundu.

Missouri'deki bir tıbbi müzenin müdürü Jason Haxton, kutuyu ebay açık artırmasından

satın aldı.

Daha sonra dibbuk kutusunun garip öyküsünü ayrıntılarıyla anlatan bir kitap yazdı

ve 2012'de kitaptan uyarlanan film The Possession korku filmi çıktı.

2000 yılında anonim bir eBay satıcısı, Bill Stoneham'a ait "Direnen Eller" adlı

bir tablo ilanı yayınladı.

Bu resim şu anda dünyanın en lanetli sanat eserlerinden biri olarak görülüyor.

Resimde bir camın önünde, erkek çocuğu ile birlikte duran ürpertici bir bebek görünüyor.

Resim 1972 yılında yapılmış ve hollywood aktörü John Marley tarafından satın alınmış.

Daha sonra Ebay'de "Satın alanı büyük problemler bekliyor" şeklinde ilan yayınlayarak

satmak isteyecek kaliforniyalı bir çift tarafından satın alındı.

Çifte göre, resimde yer alan figürler gece hareket ediyordu, bazen tablodan tamamen kayboluyorlardı.

Resimde bulunan erkek çocuğun, resmin asılı olduğu odada gezindiğini ekliyorlardı.

Aynı zamanda tabloyu satın alan herkesin hasta ve zayıf düştüğü söyleniyordu.

Küçük çocukların tabloya baktıktan sonra odadan bağırarak kaçtığı söyleniyordu.

Ebeveynler, görünmez ellerin çocukları yakalamaya çalıştığını hissettiklerini

dile getiriyorlardı, bunun aksine başka kişiler, bu hissin hava akımından kaynaklandığını

iddia ediyorlardı.

Resmi online olarak görüntüleyenler bile huzursuz, dehşet verici ve korkunç hissettiklerini


Hatta bir kişi, resmi yazıcıdan çıkarmak istediğinde yazıcısının çalışmadığını

fark etti.

Üstelik yazıcı yeniydi ve daha önce hiç böyle bir sorunla karşılaşmamıştı.

Resim, Grand Rapids, Michigan'da bulunan bir sanat galerisi tarafından satın alındı.

Galeri, resmi yapan ressamla iletişime geçtiğinde, ressamın, kendi yaptığı eserin paranormal

bir olayla gündeme gelmesine şaşırdığını belirtiyordu.

Sadece, resmi gören iki kişinin, resmi gördükleri sene içerisinde öldükleri bilinmektedir.

Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram hesabımdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi sosyal

ağlarda paylaşmayı, yeni videolarımızdan haberdar olup araştıran insanlar topluluğuna

katılmak için Kült TV ye abone olmayı unutmayın gelecek videoda görüşünceye

kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar!

For more infomation >> Dünyanın En Lanetli 10 Nesnesi - Duration: 16:29.


Come depurare il colon in modo naturale - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> Come depurare il colon in modo naturale - Duration: 7:09.


Palavra para 2018 - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Palavra para 2018 - Duration: 2:28.


Konferencja prasowa - przed meczem Hellas Verona-Juventus | 2017-12-29 - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> Konferencja prasowa - przed meczem Hellas Verona-Juventus | 2017-12-29 - Duration: 6:32.


The prophecies of the great priest vanga 2018 - 3797 The End of the World - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> The prophecies of the great priest vanga 2018 - 3797 The End of the World - Duration: 3:36.


Navigating tomorrow

For more infomation >> Navigating tomorrow


Volkswagen Passat Highline Business R II 2.0TDI/150pk · Pano dak · Adaptive cruise control · 19"L - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Highline Business R II 2.0TDI/150pk · Pano dak · Adaptive cruise control · 19"L - Duration: 0:53.


Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI DSG GT Sport R-LINE 122.000 km SCHUIFDAK PDC R32 MFSTUUR '08 - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI DSG GT Sport R-LINE 122.000 km SCHUIFDAK PDC R32 MFSTUUR '08 - Duration: 0:55.


Renault Captur 1.2 TCe Dynamique | AUTOMAAT | R-LINK | Climate Controle | Camera | L.M. Velgen | Cru - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 1.2 TCe Dynamique | AUTOMAAT | R-LINK | Climate Controle | Camera | L.M. Velgen | Cru - Duration: 1:00.


Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 dCi Limited | Navigatie | Climate Controle | R-Link | Cruise Controle | P - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate 1.5 dCi Limited | Navigatie | Climate Controle | R-Link | Cruise Controle | P - Duration: 0:56.


Renault Captur 90pk TCe Dynamique | Climate Controle | PDC Achter | Camera | R-LINK | SKITPLATE | Na - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 90pk TCe Dynamique | Climate Controle | PDC Achter | Camera | R-LINK | SKITPLATE | Na - Duration: 0:58.


Volkswagen Passat 1.6 TDI R-LINE 18" | LED | NAVI-PRO | TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat 1.6 TDI R-LINE 18" | LED | NAVI-PRO | TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:59.


Kingslayer: is Jaime Lannister a villain? - Duration: 18:00.

At the start of Game of Thrones, Jaime Lannister is like an R-rated version of Shrek's Prince

Charming – he's an arrogant, selfish, violent knight, who roots his sister, and

tries to murder a child.

Jaime's a bad guy, and it looks like author George Martin originally planned to keep him

that way.

In an old outline of the series, written before the first book, Martin says that Jaime would

become king – taking the Throne by murdering everyone in his way . It also says that Sansa

would have a child with Joffrey, Tyrion would fall in love with Arya, and that Catelyn would

be killed by white walkers.

So the actual story turned out very different to this outline.

Because Martin doesn't like to stick to a plan when he writes.

He says he writes not like an architect, but like a gardener – he lets his characters

gradually develop and grow, and he follows where they lead.

Which means sometimes his characters surprise him – and become something he didn't expect.

Jaime is a great example of this – cause over five books and seven seasons, he grows

into someone much more complex than even the author imagined.

In the first couple books, Jaime really is just awful.

He's arrogant and vain , wearing glittering gilded armour . He's impulsive, reckless,

and violent – willing to kill anyone who gets in his way . He tries to kill Bran for

seeing him with Cersei.

He kills three Stark men to intimidate Ned . He implies he'd have hurt or killed Arya

if he'd caught her . And he uses cruel words to hurt people . Apart from his twin sister

Cersei, his brother Tyrion, and his father Tywin, Jaime doesn't seem to care about

anyone , or anything . He doesn't believe in anything.

He thinks that knights and the Kingsguard are corrupt , that gods and religion are bullshit

. When confronted with the evils of the world, Jaime just laughs . Catelyn thinks Jaime is

"vile" . "There is nothing here but arrogance and pride" – "If there was

ever a spark of honor in him, it is long dead" . Jaime seems irredeemable, but in Book 3,

we start to learn why Jaime is the way he is.

Jaime was born the son and heir of the rich and powerful Lord Tywin Lannister.

Jaime grew tall and beautiful , with golden hair, like his twin Cersei – who he had

an incestuous relationship with from a young age . Jaime's other love was the sword – he

was a highly skilled fighter , and dreamed of being a great warrior . When he was fifteen,

he fought outlaws alongside the famous Arthur Dayne, and was knighted on the battlefield

. Later, he joined the Kingsguard, a famed brotherhood sworn to protect the king.

Kingsguard can't marry or hold land – so Jaime gave up his claim as heir to Casterly


But Jaime had never wanted to rule . He wanted "Honor and glory" as a brother of the

Kingsguard – and he wanted to be close to Cersei at King's Landing . So at fifteen,

the Kingsguard seemed like everything Jaime had ever wanted – but it soon soured . It

turned out that the king, Aerys Targaryen, only took Jaime into the Kingsguard to piss

off Tywin and to use Jaime as a sort of a hostage – ""He'll win no glory here,"

the king had said" . Tywin got mad and left the capital with Cersei – separating Jaime

from his twin and lover who he joined the guard for in the first place.

So Jaime got no Cersei, and no glory – and was stuck serving a mad king.

Aerys grew more and more violent and cruel – he liked to burn men alive, and he attacked

his wife Rhaella . And since Jaime had sworn to obey, he could only stand and watch – trying

to "look without seeing" the burning men that would haunt him all his life . Eventually,

the kingdoms rose against Aerys, in Robert's Rebellion.

And near the end of the war, Jaime killed Aerys – the king he'd sworn to protect.

Westerosi society takes sacred oaths seriously – so forever after, Jaime is hated as the

Kingslayer, an oathbreaker, "A man with shit for honor" .

The irony is that people hate Jaime for best thing he ever did . We learn in Book 3 that

the reason why Jaime killed Aerys was that Aerys planned to burn down King's Landing

– to kill thousands of innocent people with wildfire . Jaime killed the king to save the

city – but no one knows this.

Cause after Jaime killed Aerys, Eddard Stark arrived and looked at Jaime with cold eyes

"full of judgement" . Ned didn't wanna hear Jaime's explanations – "He only

had to look at [him] to judge [him] guilty" . So it seems that Jaime felt he couldn't

explain the wildfire plot to people – that no one would listen, or believe him.

But what really gets to Jaime is the judgement.

Jaime is haunted by memories of Ned Stark, Prince Rhaegar, the Kingsguard.

They represent Jaime's failures – his broken oaths, the blood on his hands – not

only of Aerys, but of Rhaegar's family, who died under Jaime's watch . Deep down,

Jaime's ashamed at the man he became . And the way he deals with this is to hide his

insecurities, and laugh at everything , and pretend he doesn't care . People say he's

a bad knight and a bad Kingsguard – so Jaime mocks knighthood and Kingsguard, says it's

all corrupt anyway . People say the gods will punish him, so Jaime says gods aren't real

. All his cynicism, sarcasm, nihilism are defence mechanisms to protect him from criticism.

It's kinda like what Tyrion says, to wear your identity like armour . Tyrion plays the

Imp, Sandor plays the Hound, and Jaime plays the callous uncaring Kingslayer.

It's easier to play a villain than to face the pain of old trauma, to grapple with grey

morality and the shame and guilt of failure.

Jaime distracts himself with the two things he's good at – fighting with swords, and

sex with Cersei . Cause in combat and sex, you don't have to think about the past or

the future, you live only in the moment – Jaime says time sleeps when swords wake . But in

Book 3, Jaime loses these distractions, and is forced to face his past and his future.

Jaime is captured by Robb Stark, then he's freed by Catelyn on the promise that he'll

return Sansa and Arya to the Starks . So Jaime travels to King's Landing with Brienne.

But along the way, they're captured by the Brave Companions, or Locke in the show, who

suddenly, brutally, cut off Jaime's hand – his sword hand, the part of him that him

that makes him who his is . It's the hand Jaime used to kill Aerys, to cripple Bran,

to love Cersei . He loses "his glory and his shame, both at once.

Leaving what?

Who am I now?"

Jaime asks . Proud Jaime Lannister is devastated, brought low , he almost just gives up and

dies – but he's urged to live by Brienne.

Brienne and Jaime have a complex relationship.

At first, they hate each other.

Jaime calls Brienne "wench" , and thinks she's a "stupid" "ugly" "freak".

Brienne calls Jaime Kingslayer, and thinks he's a "monster" for his crimes . But

Jaime and Brienne have some things in common.

They're both outsiders in society – Jaime as the Kingslayer, and Brienne as a misfit

female warrior.

Eventually, they start to respect each other – not as Kingslayer and wench, but as Jaime

and Brienne.

They learn from each other.

Jaime shows Brienne that doing the right thing can be more complicated than she thought.

And Brienne shows Jaime that even in cruel complex world, a true knight persists.

Even when she fails, even when no one believes in her – Brienne keeps her word, and defends

the weak, and does what's right . And so should Jaime.

So Jaime learns from Brienne's example.

He heroically rescues Brienne from a bear, and later he gives her a priceless Valyrian

sword called Oathkeeper – so Brienne can keep Jaime's oath to return Sansa to the


"[Sansa] is my last chance for honor", Jaime says.

So Brienne looks for her – for Catelyn's sake, and for Jaime's .

Jaime returns to King's Landing a changed man . He's gone through hell, he's lost

his hand, and he has no more patience for lies and schemes . Which frustrates his lying

scheming family.

Tywin wants Jaime to leave the Kingsguard, and get married and rule the Rock – Jaime

refuses, so Tywin disowns him , and is later killed by Tyrion.

Jaime saves Tyrion from execution, but in the books the brothers have a falling-out

when Jaime reveals he lied about Tyrion's first wife Tysha . And from Tyrion, Jaime

learns of Cersei's infidelity.

He increasingly sees her as a lying , manipulative , fool . And Cersei rejects this changed Jaime

. So gradually, the lifelong lovers begin to break up.

By the end of Book 3, Jaime feels he's lost everything – his sister and lover, his brother,

his father, and his hand . Everything that makes him who is his, everything that he loved,

is gone.

All he has left is the Kingsguard – so Jaime turns to the White Book.

The White Book records the history of each member of the Kingsguard.

There're all these great heroes, like Arthur Dayne, with all these great deeds written

in their pages.

Jaime's page doesn't say much apart from his killing King Aerys.

But there's still lots of blank space there – Jaime realises he can fill his page, write

his future, with "Whatever he [chooses]".

In the show, Jaime chooses to stand by Cersei for three more seasons.

But the books are different.

In Book 4, Jaime travels the riverlands, mopping up the last of the war.

And he starts to build a new identity as a more honourable man.

He's sick of people hating him for being an oathbreaker , so he tries to keep his promises

to Catelyn – not only by sending Brienne after Sansa, but by ending the Siege of Riverrun

without fighting Tullys, which was another of the oaths Jaime made . He starts taking

his Kingsguard and knights' vows more seriously . He protects innocent people like Pia , and

gets mad when the Mountain kills an innocent boy – when Jaime himself had once tried

to kill an innocent boy.

Jaime does justice – executing criminals, and sorting out conflict between Loras and


Jaime's still often rude and aggressive . But he is less reckless and less arrogant

– at one point he refuses to wear his gold prosthetic hand.

"Let them see the cripple", Jaime thinks.

He "would not show the crowds a golden lie" . Jaime even starts being nice to people sometimes

– he's kind to Pia , and Jeyne Westerling , and lets Lord Blackwood keep his daughter

. Jaime even decides to take an interest in his children, Myrcella and Tommen.

He used to think of his kids as "no more … than a squirt of seed in Cersei's cunt"

. But now he decides he wants to help them grow up right, even to tell Myrcella that

he's her father.

He also decides to help fix the politics in King's Landing . So Jaime is trying to build

a better legacy for himself – he hopes to be known not as the Kingslayer, but maybe

as "Goldenhand the Just" . But some people aren't convinced.

Edmure and Brynden stand against Jaime, showing that for all his thoughts of reform, Jaime's

still the Kingslayer in their eyes . Like, sure, Jaime technically keeps his word to

the Tullys at Riverrun, but he still hands their castle to the Freys as reward for betrayal

and slaughter at the Red Wedding – an atrocity plotted by Tywin, who Jaime emulates with

his trebuchet threat . Ultimately, Jaime's still serving the brutal regime that killed

King Robert, crowned a bastard, savaged the riverlands – fought a terrible war that

all started with Jaime's incest and the crippling of Bran.

If Jaime really wants to be a better person, if he wants redemption – surely he must

somehow answer for his crimes.

How else can he escape the judgement and trauma that haunts him?

If Jaime's to have a brighter future, he must face his past.

Catelyn Stark is murdered at the Red Wedding.

In the books, she's then resurrected as Lady Stoneheart – transformed into a terrible

vengeful spirit.

She takes over the brotherhood without banners, and leads them to hunt down and kill everyone

involved in the Red Wedding.

In Book 4, Stoneheart captures Brienne, and threatens to kill her – unless Brienne brings

her Jaime.

In Book 5, it looks like Brienne does – taking Jaime to Stoneheart somewhere in the riverlands

. You can see Stoneheart as a symbol of the evil in Jaime's past – a monument to all

his sins.

Catelyn is the mother of the boy Jaime crippled to cover up incest.

Catelyn is the wife of Ned Stark, whose judgement haunts Jaime as Kingslayer.

Catelyn is the woman Jaime promised he'd save Sansa and Arya – who still aren't

home in the books.

And Catelyn's a Stark, the family that Jaime's family all but destroyed.

So Stoneheart could represent Jaime's guilt and regret.

But unlike the Kingsguard, and Rhaegar, and Ned, Stoneheart lives, in the flesh.

There is no ignoring her, no more excuses or distractions.

This could be the big confrontation between Jaime and his past.

Will he be consumed by the dark, and hanged with Stoneheart's other victims?

Or will he make peace with his demons and rise up a better man – not just someone

who talks about honour and justice, but someone who rights his wrongs.

There are all sorts of possibilities – Jaime could join the brotherhood for Red Wedding

revenge, maybe finally find Sansa or Arya.

Or maybe it'll be more about putting Stoneheart to rest, with the help of Brienne.

We won't know til the next book comes out.

But Jaime probably will survive Stoneheart – cause his destiny is with Cersei.

Jaime has loved Cersei all his life.

He joined the Kingsguard for her, fathered bastards with her, tried to kill kids for


Cersei brings out the worst in Jaime – all his vanity, violence, cruelty.

If Jaime's to be a better person, he needs to face his twin . And thing is, Cersei is

obsessed with a prophecy that says she'll be killed by her brother.

She thinks this means Tyrion, but fans suspect that it means Jaime.

Remember in the show, Cersei blows up the Great Sept with wildfire.

There are hints she'll use wildfire in the books as well – but she won't just blow

up the Great Sept . Fans believe that Cersei may try to burn the whole city of King's

Landing – just like Aerys tried to do years ago . Jaime may have to save the city again

by killing his sister.

That would fulfil the valonqar prophecy.

And it could represent Jaime finally defeating his darker half.

It could also mean Jaime's death – cause the twins both believe that just as they were

born together – they will die together . This could be self-sacrifice by Jaime – heroically,

tragically, dying with his lover in fire.

The twins came into the world so similar – but they'll die so different.

Cersei dies consumed with fear and hate , but Jaime could die a hero – finally a knight

worthy of the White Book.

And Jaime might have an even higher destiny.

Some people argue that Jaime may be Azor Ahai, the hero prophesied to save the world from

the white walkers, using a burning sword called Lightbringer.

Jaime does have a mystical dream of "doom" where he wields a flaming sword that pushes

back darkness . And there are some weird connections in the Valyrian language invented for the

show – the words for gold and hand are similar to the words for lord and light – the god

connected to Azor Ahai.

And Jaime's arc could loosely fit the story of the forging of Lightbringer – tempering

his swords first in water, then in the heart of a lion , then in his beloved wife.

Cersei could be the sacrifice.

And if Jaime dies with her, he could then be reborn amidst smoke and salt as Azor Ahai,

his hand transformed into a burning weapon – Lightbringer.

So this is sorta plausible – if you fudge some other bits of the prophecy, and believe

Jaime is secretly Aerys' son – but overall, it doesn't seem likely.

Because Jaime's story isn't about the mystical fight of ice and fire – leave that

stuff to Jon and Daenerys.

Jaime may play some role in the fight against the walkers – that's where he's going

in the show, with his black cloak and Valyrian sword.

But Jaime's real war is in his heart – trying to define his identity in a dark and complex


And that's not about white walkers.

That's between Jaime and Aerys and Brienne and Stoneheart and Cersei.

Thanks for watching.

If you want to read more about Jaime, there are some really great posts on Tumblr and

Reddit to check out – links in the description.

Thanks also to fan artists serclegane, eluas, Katie Hillman and Ertaç Altınöz.

Alt Shift X is made possible by our Patrons.

If you wanna support high-quality, carefully researched content on Game of Thrones and

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on future topics.

For more infomation >> Kingslayer: is Jaime Lannister a villain? - Duration: 18:00.


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For more infomation >> Idris - Цветы (2017) - Duration: 3:32.


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For more infomation >> Top 5 Motor Terbaik 2017 Di Dunia Terbaru ~ Lintas Dunia Chanel - Duration: 1:59.


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2018 Jaguar XJ-R 575 Test Drive - Exterior and Interior Walkaround

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her - neon - Duration: 4:13.

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For more infomation >> Volvo XC90 2.5t summum - Duration: 0:54.


Build & Ride - Single Speed Conversion on Hardtail MTB - Duration: 8:02.

On the metaphorical bike selection screen, I never seem to choose my old hardtail anymore.

Don't get me wrong, my Sync'r Pro is quite capable, it has good parts on it, and it fits

my riding style perfectly.

It's just overshadowed now by fancier, higher end bikes.

It's time for a change.

Today, I'm going to reconfigure my sync'r with different parts and radical changes that

emphasize fun, and bad ideas.

I want to ride this bike in jeans and a hoodie, with no particular place to go.

So I polled my YouTube audience about making the Sync'r a single speed, and less than

a third of respondents thought that was a good idea.

That confirmed that this was in fact, a terrible idea.

So I proceeded to remove my drivetrain and set up a wheel for single speed.

I removed the 11 speed cassette from this Raceface wheel, and used this conversion kit

to install a 16 tooth cog.

For a rear tire I used this fast rolling WTB trail boss, which was all I could find on

Christmas eve.

It wasn't my first choice, but it ended up working out.

With a Maxxis Minion DHF up front, I'd have the best of both worlds.

There was only one problem—the rear wheel was the wrong width.

So, the Sync'r would be getting this carbon wheelset instead—I'm fine with that.

Switching the tire over wasn't messy in the least.

To convert any bike to singlespeed you need a way of putting tension on the chain to keep

it from popping off.

I ordered this bottom bracket mounted mounted chain tensioner for this very purpose.

It was the wrong size.

On Sunday, on Christmas eve.

In an act of desperation I tried to get the tension right without it.

I call this a unicorn gear, and I didn't do it intentionally.

The spacing and cog sizes just worked out perfectly with no tensioner at all.

This almost never happens, and so I knew it was meant to be.

Look at how pure and simple it looks without a chain tensioner!

Time to throw a 150mm fork on this beast.

That would make the geometry even slacker, and more aggressive.

I also installed these Box carbon handlebars, and some other goodies.

Just a few finishing touches, and my belligerent hardtail was ready to do its dirt.

Time for a weigh in.

25.5 pounds, or 11.5 kilograms.

Not bad for a nearly indestructible bike.

Except that most mishaps occur on the work stand.

I had overtightened a brake lever and put a pretty big dent in my carbon bar, and had

to replace it.


I should have used a torque wrench, but I was excited.

Feast your eyes on what is, for now, my new favorite bike.

I named it the murder machine because it looks evil and brooding.

Against the advice of my instagram followers I left the dropper post on it.

It just fits so perfectly and doesn't add that much complexity.

This is my bike and I'm doing things my way.

How do you know someone rides singlespeed?

Oh they'll tell you.

Singlespeeders are a passionate bunch, but even they have trouble explaining why you

would choose to eliminate all but one gear.

But on a singlespeed you never need to worry about being in the right gear—because you're

never in the right gear.

Suck it up though and you can still climb just about anything.

Well maybe you can, not me.

I guess that's what getting stronger is for.

And hiking, there's always hiking.

Okay so the Murder Machine is not the best for climbing, but I like this gear ratio because

it allows me to sprint predictably without getting caught in too low a gear.

Let me demonstrate.

With a smaller rear tire, a carbon rim, and most notably the loss of the cassette, the

rear feels noticeably easier to throw around.

And how a bike feels can have a profound influence on how you ride it.

It can also influence where you ride it.

Another lesser known benefit of single speed is the ability to ride backwards without the

risk of the drivetrain binding up—for what it's worth.

Could I do most of these things on an 11 speed?

Of course!

But there's always a chance of busting a derailleur hanger.

Having fewer gears, less chain, less on your bars, less on your mind, and less to break,

can have a big effect on your mentality.

I'm well aware that these changes can make a bike less capable, but I don't care.

It's fun.

So why are single speeders so passionate?

You may never know until you get on one.

All I know is that I can't stop riding the murder machine.

It makes me feel like a kid again without a worry in the world.

If I could only have one bike it would most definitely not be this one.

It would be my 11 speed full suspension trail bike.

But while that bike is great for almost everything, the Murder Machine fills a long standing void

in my stable.

It's for days when I'm trying something new, learning, or just acting on bad ideas.

I think we'll be seeing a lot more of it.

Thanks for riding with me today, and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Build & Ride - Single Speed Conversion on Hardtail MTB - Duration: 8:02.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T Tekna Panorama 19" - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T Tekna Panorama 19" - Duration: 1:00.


This Is What Happened To The Duck Dynasty Cast - Duration: 8:39.

Remember when people couldn't stop talking about Duck Dynasty's Robertson family? A few

short years ago, this close-knit Louisiana clan was the talk of reality TV, but everything

changed after Phil Robertson's notorious GQ interview in 2013. The Robertsons managed

to stay on the air following their brush with controversy, but lost a vast portion of their

audience, and were dropped from A&E in March of 2017.

"Well, hey! There ain't nothin' I can do about that now, we done screwed the pooch here!"

Did the Robertsons just disappear after that? Not by a long shot. So, where are they now?

Phil & Kay Robertson

In an interview with local news station KNOE 8, Phil and Kay Robertson said they don't

have any grand plans for the future. Phil said he's basically going to spend all day

in the woods, while Kay is looking forward to getting back to a "quieter life." Phil

wasn't sad to see them pack their cameras and go.

"I, for one, was thankful it ended. There's a lot more to doing these TV shows than most

people realize."

While the Robertson family patriarch would like everyone to think he's happy checking

duck blinds all day, he's actually been pretty busy outside the Louisiana wilderness. During

the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, Phil became politically active, voicing his support

for Republican candidate Ted Cruz before switching to supporting Donald Trump, and he's been

quietly playing behind the scenes in conservative politics ever since.

Phil and Kay also travel around doing speaking engagements, mainly preaching their religious

beliefs in what Phil described as, quote, "helping our neighbors and living a godly

life." Recently, he's taken to Facebook to advocate for the NRA, which should surprise

exactly no one.

"My idea of happiness is killing things. Boom bom bombombombomb bow."

Willie & Korie Robertson

The Duck Commander himself, Willie Robertson, also took a deep dive into politics as the

show tapered down, speaking at the Republican National Convention in 2016. Willie attended

the 2017 Presidential inauguration and even visited the White House. Lately, he's hinted

at possible new TV projects and discussed an expansion of the family's West Monroe,

Louisiana warehouse.

"I'm fixin' to go crazy redneck up in here!"

But like his dad, Willie's also not resting on his laurels. He and his wife Korie decided

to reopen Willie's Duck Diner, a local family-themed restaurant once featured on the show. Along

with his partner in the restaurant, Willie was also instrumental in organizing relief

efforts for victims of Hurricane Harvey.

Meanwhile, Korie has parlayed her TV fame into a brand of her own. Already a New York

Times bestselling author, Korie released her latest book post-Duck Dynasty, called Strong

and Kind: Raising Kids of Character, which she paired with her Strong + Kind collection

of housewares, jewelry, and accessories.

But there's one area where she and Willie differ. In a surprising break from the family,

Korie told CNN that she didn't share her husband's enthusiasm about Donald Trump, and stated

that her and her husband agree to disagree. She also called on the president to, quote,

"be a leader that unifies, that brings people together."

Sadie Robertson

Arguably the breakout star of the show, Willie and Korie's daughter Sadie has become a full-blown

media figure in her own right since the final duck call, starting in 2014, when she nearly

took home the mirrorball trophy on Dancing With The Stars. Since then, she's also become

a bestselling author, launched clothing lines, and started an acting career.

Just like her mother, Sadie's taken the concept for her book, Live Original, and turned it

into a full-blown brand, which includes a blog and live show. Sadie views herself as

"a beacon of light in an oft-dark world," and she's working on a follow-up book, Live

Fearless, which she says is about her "journey of finding freedom."

John Luke Robertson

The second oldest child of Willie and Korie, John Luke also got a jumpstart on his post-Dynasty

career. In 2014, he authored a series of children's books called Be Your Own Duck Commander before

venturing into non-fiction with Young and Beardless: The Search for God, Purpose, and

a Meaningful Life, a memoir about camp, volleyball, and anguish over things like his girlfriend

getting texts from other guys.

Taking a cue from his family, John Luke also seems to be building a personal brand. He's

launched a blog called Young & Beardless, as well as promoted the handle through his

social media accounts, although a quick look at recent posts suggests he may already have

to consider re-branding to Young & Scruffy. And if that doesn't work out, he clearly has

a future in endorsing canned fish.

"Bumblebee tuna. Bumblebee tuna. Bumblebee tuna."

Uncle Si Robertson

"I'm like a bat. Kaboom! Kapow! Punch! Zap! Kick!'

As the last season of Duck Dynasty was airing, Uncle Si launched his A & E spinoff series

Going Si-ral, which pitted the quirky technophobe against the world wide web.

"I got myself a show about the internet. I'm not even sure what that is, yet."

He's also busy working on new music and about to start touring with his band, Uncle Si & The

Sicotics, which is comprised of himself, his daughter-in-law Marsha Robertson, and Bridgette


Si must have learned a thing or two from his solo series, because he and his bandmates

now routinely post lengthy Facebook Live posts that keep fans engaged, but also play out

like a reality show. And if you just can't get enough Si, they're also selling ringtones.

"It's ringin', ringin', ringin'! Hey, Jack! Answer the phone!"

At any rate, it looks like diehard Uncle Si fans are still able to get their fill of the

eccentric Vietnam vet, and for that we say God bless the internet, Jack!

"Hey ya! Oh! Woah!"

Jase & Missy Robertson

Though there was already a huge internet kerfuffle when photos of the pre-beard Robertson clan

surfaced online, it happened all over again in September 2017 when Jase Robertson lost

a battle with the buzzer for a great cause.

Jase agreed to shave as part of a fundraiser for Mia Moo, the foundation he and his wife

Missy founded, which is

"...dedicated to raising awareness and funds towards research, treatments, and causes of

cleft lip & palate."

Jase and Missy were moved to start the foundation after the outpouring of support they received

when their own daughter, Mia, was born with the condition. The goal for #ShaveJase was

to raise $100,000 dollars, after which Jase would shave and cut his hair and record it

live. Though they missed their goal, Jase honored his pledge, and posted the video to

Facebook via his new venture, CamoFlix, which Jase described as

"...a place where outdoors people, hunters, fisherman, fisherwoman can go and share videos."

Think of it like YouTube, only you need a fishing license or a hunting tag to upload.

A few days after Duck Dynasty's final episode aired, Missy Robertson told the Daily Journal,

"Right now, we're taking some time off to rest and re-evaluate what our next steps will

be…" "I'm enjoying being able to travel to see

[my sons] Reed and Cole, who are currently living in Nashville and Malibu, and spending

time with Mia and all her activities."

Missy has yet to strike out on a completely new venture, but she's continued her work

with her jewelry line, Laminin, which focuses on pieces which are, quote, "made by women

who have come out of very difficult situations." Laminin has become more than just a jewelry

retailer—it's also an outreach program.

"All women can come together who would like a job, who need a job, and that can express

their creativity, and just being a part of each others' lives."

Through the creation of the Laminin House, Missy hopes to expand across the United States,

and serve as a ministry to disadvantaged women.

Reed Robertson

Still in Nashville and plugging away at his fledgling country music career, Reed Robertson

recently released his new EP, although he's still pretty far from the big time. He told

The Outdoor Experience,

"We didn't have a plan, and we didn't really have a defined sound that we were going for.

We just got in the studio and had fun and just wrote, and it just kind of happened,

which is really cool."

Reed was married to Brighton Thompson in October 2016, and the newlyweds have been posting

happily-ever-after Instagram shots ever since.

Jep and Jessica Robertson

Knowing a good thing when they saw it, A & E greenlit a spinoff for Jep Robertson and his

wife Jessica before Duck Dynasty ended. But like every other Robertson, Jep and Jess couldn't

possibly have just one iron in the fire, which is why in addition to operating Jess's jewelry

line, Cavalry, the couple also launched a podcast, The Jep & Jess Show, in March 2017.

The busy couple said the show would be even more revealing than before, and would definitely

feature regular visits from the rest of the Robertson family. So in case you were worried,

yes, all the charm of the reality show is still intact.

"By the time I'm through, y'all are gonna pee in your pants, and then you're gonna throw


Yep, charming.

Thanks for watching! Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Plus

check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> This Is What Happened To The Duck Dynasty Cast - Duration: 8:39.



Since we are energy, we can contact God in several different ways.

However, we may be ignoring His signs simply because we don't recognize the way He is manifesting

Himself in our lives.

Learn how to recognize these 8 simple ways that God could be talking to you:

• Acquaintances

Have you ever felt super lazy and not wanted to leave your house, or have people over,

but after spending sometime with a certain person you felt a lot better?

Spending time with acquaintances such as neighbors, co-workers or friends from high school or

college can make us feel better, even when we don't want to.

This is one of the things God uses to show Himself, help improve your mood and outlook

on life, and even send you a message during the hard times of your life.

• Strangers

Brazilians love talking.

Be it in the line at the bank, on public transportation or even while walking down the street, they

love talking, and that's great!

Sometimes God can use a stranger to send you an important message.

So never close yourself off to new experiences.

If someone tries to talk to you, be cordial and chat a little.

• Your partner

Anyone who has already had the joy of finding their someone special is sure to receive important

messages from God, because the love they feel for one another is a great way to spread God's

divine love.

• Your child

Children are, without a doubt, the best example of happiness, innocence, and divinity that

we have.

After all, they are new souls that have just arrived in our world, meaning that they are

great at transmitting divine messages.

• Dreams

The Bible gives us various examples of dreams that were used to convey God's word to us.

Dreams are the manifestation of our subconscious and soul, but it's important to know the

difference between dreams with meaning and dreams that come from our mind simply going

through a purging.

• Thoughts

Have you ever heard of the eureka moment?

It's the moment when we finally figure out the answer to a problem we've been having,

and normally it was right in front of our eyes.

This is also one of God's ways of speaking to us.

• Loneliness

Lots of people talk about meditation, but all it is is taking a moment for yourself

in order to think about your own life.

These moments are very important because they open a window and allow us to hear God's voice


Furthermore, it helps us maintain our mental health.

• The Voice

There are cases of people who have heard a voice giving them orders or saying a name.

Skeptics will say that these people have some kind of mental problem, like schizophrenia,

however this disease is known by its reoccurring voices with evil commands.

God's voice rarely manifests itself in this way, and when it does, it's because you might

be in danger.

Don't ignore it, just learn how to distinguish from other problems.

Have you ever heard the voice of God?

Leave us a comment below!



「Nightcore」→ 2017 Mashup (Lyrics) - Swalla, Despacito, Slow Hands, Issues, Attention and MORE - Duration: 2:32.

Nightcore - 2017 Mashup (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ 2017 Mashup (Lyrics) - Swalla, Despacito, Slow Hands, Issues, Attention and MORE - Duration: 2:32.


5 styles to look like celebs | Fah Sarika - Duration: 5:25.

Hey it's me Fah!

Today with 5 outfits as western celeb.

Basically are all from my favourite celebs

such as Gigi, Bella and Kendall and stuff.

With a bit of sexy look, teenage girl look cool in a way.

The main key for me is sunglasses.

Sunglasses makes you like curious like who's that.

Or she have no make up on sth lol.

But I think it makes the look completed.

Just wearing t shirt and shorts with sunglasses makes you like a celeb.

I picked different 5 styles for today.

You can dress along! Let's begin!

First really common which is sporty girl.

Matching colour wearing jogger pants.

I choose all pale dogwood tone to match everything.

With similar tone for sneakers.

When it comes to all the same tone which makes you look amazing.

and one think you can't forget is sunglasses same shade.

I picked Sunglasses from Fendi.

A tiny little dots around my sunglasses which completed the look.

I think with the sporty looks are classic and they give you a look of cool and active.

Easy and chic with this look!

Second is kinda like everyday look.

A signature look of Kandall.

With nude tank top and skinny jeans.

Dark jeans makes your leg slimmer.

With this look creates feminine in a way because its all tight up.

Any who can pick some other tops if you don't like it tight.

In white colour something like that.

Finish this look with sunglasses.

I picked Marc jacobs.

With the cat eye look and tea colour.

Its give a look of classic and minimal style.

For shoe I wear flower boots to completed the overall look.

Or you can wear black boots something simple.

With this colourful look of set dress.

I link this with red colour.

Which is red shoes and red flower on my dress.

My sunglasses are red as well.

The overlook with white red and creamy to give the look so fresh and cute.

The main key of this look is the colour that linked all together.

Which the set outfits make it a like.

You can wear this to the beach or party with friends.

I love this look very cute.

Sun glasses from Fendi.

I like how they have this little design on the glasses.

It standout when you take a photos.

Look 4 with cool jeans.

You have to pick similar tone of jeans to link it all in this outfits.

I picked light jeans colour.

This look I emphasise linked tone as you can see.

To complete the look and look expensive.

Inside top is swimming suit make you look sexy.

With the cool design makes you look amazing.

I picked sunglasses from Marc jacobs.

A mirror lens and sliver around its lens which match my jeans.

This cool look with grey sneakers.

The shoes matched the sunglasses.

Who thinks the swimming suit is too much, you can wear black tank top.

Last look like night outfits.

With gold winked tank top and red leather skirt.

I wear golden necklace.

To look like we wear accessories.

And the round golden sunglasses from Marc jacobs.

Which linked the shoes.

color of the shoes is gold and red.

Everything linked the whole outfits.

Which its all gold and red really match together.

This outfits look hot!

All done with 5 style outfits like celebs.

Hot sexy and cool look of all by the way.

Hope you guys like it.

Anyone wants another look just shout it out!

Please subscribe and belle it!

My videos every Friday and sometimes Tuesday.

See you guys later!

bye xx muahhhhh

For more infomation >> 5 styles to look like celebs | Fah Sarika - Duration: 5:25.


Hack My Life: Inside Hacks - Hacking the Norm: Duct Tape vs. Hot Wax | truTV - Duration: 2:14.

some people say that duct tape can work in a pinch.

That's what they say.

So to see if this hack works as well as the real thing,

we found a maybe

clinically-insane volunteer

to let us try it out.

Let's see which works best in this "Hacking the Norm."

So, we've put a dividing line

down Tal's chest.

And we're gonna wax this side with hot wax.

This side, we're gonna use duct tape.

And then we're gonna see if we can tell the difference.

Do you think duct tape is actually going to work?

I think it'll be a little bit more painful

than the actual wax, but I think it'll work.

Let's do it, shall we?

Yeah. Let's get into it.

Yeah. You ready, buddy?

All this build-up.



That rounds up to a "yes." [ Laughs ]

All right,

take a deep breath in.

[ Breathes deeply ]

And exhale.

[ Breathes deeply ]

That does feel good, actually.

That's not the part that's supposed to hurt, buddy.

You're all done.

Okay, apply the pelin strip.

Okay, deep breath in.

[ Breathes deeply ]


Oh! Whoo-hoo-hoo!

Wow. That is way worse than a band-aid.

Ooh! Oh-ho-ho!


Oh, my Lord!


A scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt right now?

Oh! 10...9, 8...

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

Oh! Wow.

That just happened.

We have seen how effective

the traditional waxing method

can be,

but now it's time to see

if duct tape

is a viable solution for removing some chest hair.


Oh, gosh.

It looks like it's down.

Okay. Deep breath in.

[ Breathes deeply ]


[ Groans ]

Oh, that didn't take up a lot at all.

Oh, man.

We're gonna be here a while.

Tal: Okay!

Oh, yeah.

[ Groans ]

[ Groans ]

It's like we haven't made

much progress.

Do you think

this is working at all?

It's not completely ineffective,

but I don't think I'll be going out of business anytime soon.

Brooke: Wax.

It's the clear winner.

For more infomation >> Hack My Life: Inside Hacks - Hacking the Norm: Duct Tape vs. Hot Wax | truTV - Duration: 2:14.


12 Reasons Why You Should Have An Introvert In Your Life - Duration: 5:47.

12 Reasons Why You Should Have An Introvert In Your Life

Introverts get bad reputation because they are associated with silence, seriousness,

rudeness, and boredom.

However, it is important to know that introverts can affect your life greatly.

While the world we live in are filled with extroverted things, Introverts have no choice

but to function and blend themselves in a physical world outside of them all day and

every day.

Which is really draining for introverts.

So, in other words, introverts have all there is to it to act as an extrovert, though they

will need some time alone to recharge.

Extroverts, on the other hand, seems can't find a proper reason to be more introverted,

so they often fail to understand what's actually means to be an introvert.

While extroversion provides instant gratification, introversion is much more useful when playing

the long game.

If you want to know more about introvert, along with the reasons why you should have

an introvert in your life.

Here is the list of 12 reasons why everyone should have an introvert in their life.

But before we jump to the lists, make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel,

so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future.

#1 - Introvert know themselves better than most people

Most relationship fails because they can't make up their minds on things they actually

want from their relationship, and why is that?

Because they simply don't know themselves good enough to understand what it is that

they actually need in life.

However, most introverts have this kind of ability to differentiate their wants from

their needs.

This is because they often talk to themselves for decades at a time.

In any case, knowing between what you want and what you need is quite remarkable traits

of introverts, and it will also help you to continue pursuing your needs.

#2 - Introverts are there if you need them

Introverts are still human being.

They still need friends, and that is why they will come if you summon them.

However, you should consider the fact that you just cannot ask them to come to your party.

#3 - Developing relationship

Having introvert friends help you to talk deeper about relationship issues and problems.

They can be solved easily by serious and thoughtful conversation, a fruit from introverts.

#4 - Introverts are less likely to cheat on you.

Introverts are more of a care less about other people, they generally don't spend much

time to worry about making some impressions, interacting with others, or, giving too much

thought to others.

However, if those people matter to them.

Those people will certainly influence their lives and being the most important individuals

to them.

#5 - Introvert offers you a stage

Imagine a group of people full of extroverts.

They do not share their turn, and the speech turn-taking becomes obsolete.

All people want to talk, and eventually it leads to conflict instead.

If there is introvert in your group, you will notice that she, or he is actually giving

a perfect stage for you.

You can express anything you want and the introverts will listen emphatically.

#6 - Analytical and thoughtful

In addition to being smart, introverts are also thoughtful.

Their minds work incredibly long for particular issue.

The in-depth thought ensures you to get satisfying answers and suggestions.

#7 - When an introvert have a relationship, then it is because he, or she need that.

Not necessarily because introverts are bored and figures that they need such a partnership.

It's quite the opposite actually, introverts are so comfortable with themselves and they

often don't see the need of anyone else.

Well, at least until they fall in love.

Once they realize that they literally need this other person, they will try to be the

best partner they can possibly be.

And why is that?

Because they need it to work in order to stay happy.

#8 - Introverts will trigger your intelligence

Introverts love learning, and they are quick learners.

They can share their knowledge to you just like Google search.

That is why introverts are great friends to have.

#9 - Introverts are more reliable and less self-absorbed.

If you think it would be the other way around instead, then you need to think once again.

While spending most of the time in their heads, introverts find that most of the outside world

should be observed instead of simply interacted with.

So, once they do interact with the world, they tend to do some meaning to it.

It is not because they're acting or playing cool, but they just feel the need to do that.

When you have an introverted partner, surely they will take care of you just like they

take care of themselves.

#10 - Introverts bring peace

Sometimes, even extroverts have problems with noises.

If you do not want to spend your time alone, consider inviting introverts as they are great

silent companion.

#11 - Low maintenance

It is said like that because introverts do not need attention too much.

We do not even need to text them every day, even though they are your couple.

#12 - Introverts keep you balanced

This applies to extroverts.

Extroverts typically talk much, go out frequently, and do various activities.

Introverts will keep those activities significantly, and it will keep your life at balanced pace.

All in all, that's the 12 reasons why you should have an introvert in your life.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 12 Reasons Why You Should Have An Introvert In Your Life - Duration: 5:47.


MY TIPS ON HOW TO VLOG: My mistakes & vlogmas 2017 overview! - Duration: 9:10.

This video was made possible by Videoblocks.

Hey guys!

For today's vlogmas I wanna talk a little bit about sort of the behind the scenes of

vlogging and running a YouTube channel.

So I've been doing this for about two years now and I still consider myself to be a beginner

when it comes to vlogging and filming.

And this is very much evident when I went for my vacation in Punta Cana recently and

I was trying to do a travel vlog but I ran into a few issues that I wanna talk about

today in this video.

I get a lot of questions from you guys about starting a YouTube channel and getting into

vlogging so if you're interested in doing that in the future hopefully you guys will

find this video helpful and maybe you guys can learn from my mistakes and you guys can

keep these things in mind for when you're traveling and trying to vlog in different


So before I get into all the issues I wanna show you guys the short clip that I do have

from Punta Cana and then I will talk about the different issues that I had.

The first issue that I had was portability.

So usually when I'm vlogging at home I'm holding the camera with one hand and usually that's

fine because I'm either home or walking down the street or I have a tripod and I don't

really run into problems there.

But when you're traveling, you're kinda juggling your passport, your luggage and everything

else you need for your travels and it can be really hard to have the camera in your

hand and trying to vlog the whole time.

Not the mention, when you're on vacation you're constantly trying to balance having fun and

really experiencing things and also stepping out of that and filming the experience so

you can make a nice film about it later on.

So portability was definitely an issue.

And I think something that can really help with this is having a dedicated camera bag

so that you can easily access your lenses and your camera and all your other equipments.

I've seen some where it looks like a regular bag or a regular purse or a backpack style.

Something else that I've also seen is a clip that you can clip onto your backpack strap

so your camera just kinda rests right here on your chest.

You can also hook it on to your belt so that you can be hands free and have both hands

free to do whatever else that you need to do during your travels.

So the second issue that I ran into is flying the drones.

So you all see these really nicely made travel vlog and they almost always have this very

nice aerial view that's shot with a drone.

So I bought my drone earlier in 2017 right before I left for Amsterdam with hopes of

doing something similar only to find out that when I got to Amsterdam that there are all

these really strict rules and stipulations about where you can fly your drone that made

it basically impossible for me to fly the drone in Amsterdam.

It's really important to be aware of these local laws so you don't get arrested for something

as stupid as flying your drone.

So something similar happened in Punta Cana where I wasn't allowed to fly the drone inside

the resort, which is understandable but I was allowed to fly the drone at the beach.

And let me show you guys the footage of that.

So as you guys can see it's really wobbly and has this like weird jello effect and I

think it's a combination of both from it being really windy at the beach and also maybe some

problem with the gimbal that's part of the drone.

The footage, it looks nice as a still image but the video itself is unusable.

So something to help with this problem is videoblocks.

It's basically a subscription service with one fo the largest and fastest growing stock

video library with over 3 million stock videos.

They also have after effects and motion backgrounds and something that is really cool is they

have this contributor marketplace where 100 percent of the proceeds go to the artist that

shot the video themselves so that's really cool.

And something that's nice about Videoblocks is that everything is royalty-free so you

don't have to worrry about your video being flagged and not being able to earn any advertisement

money from the video that you just made.

So for example, I don't really get to use any of my drone shots that I made in Punta

Cana because of the weird effects but I can go to videoblocks and use some of their copyright

free scenes and basically having that option is really nice if you wanna have a backup

for your travel vlogs.

So if you guys wanna try out videoblocks for free, you guys can go to

or you guys can click the link below in the description box and you can have 7 days of

free unlimited access of all their stock videos.

So the next issue that I'm gonna be talking about is the internet speed and the data storage.

So you guys know that if you're traveling out of the country sometimes having wifi can

be really spotty and unreliable and that can be a problem if you have an upload schedule

or if you have some clips in the cloud storage service that you need to access.

So for example, I did a Q&A video in Punta Cana and we did have wifi at the hotel but

it was really slow so for me to upload that video, it took over 7 hours!

I think I did it overnight and then I woke up and it was still uploading.

I went for breakfast, and I came back and it was finally done.

So something like that you definitely need to keep in mind if you have a strict upload


Something that I do recommend is having a good organization system, whether that means

having a portable hard drive, or having a cloud storage service like Google Drive or


I know a lot of schools have unlimited Google Drive so that can be really helpful in organizing

all your clips into dates and different vlogs and things like that.

Having a good system in place early on only makes it easier for you to build on it and

when you have a large number of clips, they're much more manageable and you can easily find

the clip that you need to find if you have a good system in place.

Some of the items definitely recommend is having a portable hard drive, or having lots

of memory cards so that if you run out of space, you don't have to do anything you can

just pop in a new one and you're good to go.

So the next issue that I ran into was the weather and sort of the durability of the

camera equipments.

In Punta Cana there were days where it was really humid and as soon as I stepped outside

the camera lens would fog up and it wasn't really good for filming.

There were also days where I was on a boat and I didn't really wanna have an expensive

camera with me that couldn't handle getting wet or being submerged in water.

I think when I was on a boat on one of the days.

There were a ton of people with GoPros and a lot of these actions camera that could handle

being wet and actually getting some footage under water which I thought was really cool.

So if you're interested in that type of action shot and just filming in a lot of different

weather conditions then definitely look into getting a GoPro or some other action camera.

So the last thing I'm gonna talk about is something that I did right and I'm actually

really proud of it and I just wanna share this tip with you guys.

So usually when you're traveling you have a ton of things that you need to charge from

your cellphone, to your laptop, and even more things if you're vlogging so like your camera,

your action camera and whatever else that you have with you.

So something that I used is called Anker powerport and basically what it does is it uses one

outlet but it has all these USB inputs so you can charge your iphone, you can charge

your other cellphone, you can charge you camera, you can charge everything you need to do with

just one power outlet, which I found to be really really helpful.

And all the chargers are in one place so you're not randomly leaving your phone charger at

a hotel.

So it's really nice to have that accessory with me.

I use it at home also just to keep all my electronics charging in the same area so I

can have everything in one place.

So that's something I definitely recommend even for just day to day living but definitely

for traveling.

I think that's all issues that I'm going to talk about in this video.

I hope you guys can learn from my mistakes so next time you travel you guys can have

all the right equipments and you can get cool footage and can upload on time and everything

will be in order and beautiful.

I hope you guys found this video helpful and I will see you guys next time.


For more infomation >> MY TIPS ON HOW TO VLOG: My mistakes & vlogmas 2017 overview! - Duration: 9:10.


Airsoft vs Paintball 2: Abandoned Outpost - Duration: 8:22.



Get out!

Drop your weapons!

Get out!


Charlie? Lima here.

We were under attack, but it's ok now.

Two men lost, three terrorists eliminated.

Ok, check the outpost in Corridor #15.

We lost contact with them.

I don't have enough men.

You are the nearest.


Henry, George, you will stay here.

Bret, come with me. We have work to do.

Do not go there!



...death come for ya.


Daemons with big balls.

Who are you?

Get out!

Get out!

Is anybody here?

We are here. I don't see anybody.

Look! I've found something!

What is this?

Big balls.

Charlie? Lima here.

We found really strange.

I haven't seen it before.

Some kind of bullets or something.

Did you find boys?

No nobody.

Come back to HQ.

Ok, Roger.

Let's go home.

Hit! Hit!

Hit! Hit!

For more infomation >> Airsoft vs Paintball 2: Abandoned Outpost - Duration: 8:22.


Why Is My Wage Garnishment Continuing After Bankruptcy? - Duration: 2:02.

This is great.

We file bankruptcy to stop a wage garnishment but it's still going on after I filed the


Is something wrong?

My name is Ron Drescher.

I'm an attorney practicing bankruptcy and creditor's rights in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania,

and Virginia, and unfortunately human resources, payroll departments, and creditors they don't

move as quickly as we want them to move after you file the bankruptcy.

So sometimes if there's a wage garnishment in place and the payroll company or the payroll

department has it set up to withdraw that amount from your paycheck every time you get

paid it might take one, two, or three, or maybe even four although I don't usually see

that long pay periods before they fix it and get it right.

That's the bad news.

The good news is every penny of that money that has been paid over to creditors or withheld

from your check can be recovered as an unauthorized post-bankruptcy transfer.

It's inconvenient especially if you're living paycheck to paycheck to file the bankruptcy

and have the garnishment continued, but the good news is it will get fixed though it might

just take a little time.

In this modern world things just don't move as fast as we really want them to all the


My name is Ron Drescher.

I'm an attorney practices bankruptcy and creditor's rights.

If your wages are being garnished and you don't know what to do about it, you think

that maybe bankruptcy will help, please pick up the phone and call me.

I would love to hear from you.

For more infomation >> Why Is My Wage Garnishment Continuing After Bankruptcy? - Duration: 2:02.


Animals That Were FOUND After Being Lost! - Duration: 10:20.

From cats getting lost in a blizzard to blind dogs sniffing their way home, here are 12

pets that were found after being lost!!


Dixie the Cat The Delaney's made an extensive search,

and went asking door to door, when their cat, Dixie, disappeared in 1999.

However, Dixie was nowhere to be found.

Eventually Alan and Gilly were forced to reconcile themselves to the fact that Dixie was gone

for good.

But in 2008, 9 years later, a stray cat was reported to the RSPCA in Birmingham, England.

The resident who reported the cat said that it had been seen in the area for a couple

of months.

When vets checked the cat for a microchip, they found that it was the Delaney's cat.

Dixie had been picked up less than half a mile from her old home!

Within 30 minutes Dixie was back in the home she had missed for 9 years.

The RSPCA officer said: "In 29 years of working for the RSPCA I have never seen anyone so

excited and happy as Mrs Delaney.

It made my day to return Dixie."

According to Gilly, Dixie promptly settled down as if she had never left.

Her personality, behavior and little mannerisms haven't changed at all.

The only noticeable change is the continuous happy purring.


Piko-Chan the Budgie In 2012, a pet parakeet named Piko-Chan was

returned safely to his guardian in Sagamihara, Japan, after miraculously reciting his address

to police officers.

Piko-Chan's guardian was so afraid of losing another parakeet, like she had lost her previous

one, that she taught Piko-Chan to recite his address, just in case he was lost.

According to USA Today, the baby-blue budgie escaped from its home in Yokohama, Japan on


He flew for some time until finally flying into a hotel window, and "perching on the

shoulder of a guest."

From there, Piko-Chan was handed over to police but remained silent for two days.

It was then that Piko-Chan not only began talking, but he actually recited his home

address including the city, district, block and street number of his owner's residence.

In addition to all this information, the bird also told them his name!

Luckily, for both the guardian and Piko-Chan, they weren't separated for long.

And now for number 10, but first remember to subscribe before you leave!!


Manuela the Tortoise Manuela is not your typical lost out in the

wilderness story.

In fact, this whole thing happened inside the house where Manuela lived.

Manuela, a red-footed tortoise owned by the Almeida family in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,

went missing in 1982.

But 30 years later, Leandro Almeida discovered the beloved turtle while clearing out an old

room that had been used for junk storage after the death of a family member.

Can you imagine??

Leandro was throwing out a box when a neighbor asked if he was throwing out the tortoise

as well?!

The family then realized that Manuela had been nestled among the junk the whole time.

The question then became how Manuela lived without being fed as, according to the vet,

these types of tortoises can live without food for a couple years but not three decades.

The vet then came to the conclusion that Manuela probably survived off of eating termites or

other insects off the wooden floor.

With that much junk in the room, who knows what else was there!!


Turner the Cat Turns Up Turner the Cat is an excellent story of why

you should never give up on finding your pets, if they are ever lost.

Turner went missing at nine years old.

Because of their location, the family feared Turner had been eaten by Coyotes.

However, two years later, Turner was found by a rescue group about five miles from his

home in Marin County, California.

Luckily Turner had a microchip and the rescue group was able to identify his family.

Turner's owner, David, was stunned when he got the word that Turner had been found.

"We just could not believe it," he said.

We're still pretty blown away by all this."

And that, is why your pets should always have a microchip!!


Scribbles the Horse On the morning of November 13, 2012, Brittany

Wallace found her beloved horse on Facebook.

When Brittany was a child, she realized she had outgrown Scribbles and gave him to a wonderful

home, where she could visit her horse whenever she wanted, until Scribbles disappeared one


The woman refused to give her information on Scribbles' whereabouts and the horse

was lost.

Somehow Brittany found a picture of her old dear friend bleeding and injured and on a

way to a slaughterhouse.

Not sure how she found this picture!!

Brittany stated she knew the picture was of Scribbles when she saw the face.

She called the transporter, who was able to identify a scar that Scribbles had under her


From there, Brittany and the transporter made arrangements for Scribbles to make it back

to Brittany's home.

Finally, on December 13, 2012, Scribbles and Brittany were together again!


Ginger the Basset Hound You might have heard the saying that pets

will never forget you.

Well, this story of Ginger the Basset Hound is proof that this is absolutely true!

Ginger and his human dad lost contact with each other when Ginger's parents were getting

a divorce.

Ginger went to live with her mother and never saw her dad until about a decade later.

Ginger was put up for adoption by her human mother at a local shelter, and then adopted

and surrendered by an elderly couple because they could no longer take care of her.

Ginger's dad recognized her description – even without a photo – while browsing

the listings when he was looking for a new pet.

When Ginger's human dad came to get her, 10 years after the divorce, a 13-year-old

Ginger came right over to her dad, kissed him, and has not left his side since.


Ginger the Cat Ginger the Cat had quite an adventure when

he escaped his cage at the veterinarian's back in 2013.

(Ginger is apparently a very popular pet name!!)

Ginger, who was about 4-years-old at the time, was missing for almost two weeks in the dead

of winter and the weather was terrible!

By the way Ginger only had one eye!

He slipped out of his cage while being taken for treatment by his owner.

Over ten days, Ginger braved a blizzard, survived the outdoors in frigid temperatures, and crossed

at least 30 main roads to make his way back home.

Ginger's human companion said she only found Ginger outside after he had turned on one

of the security lights behind the house.

"I thought I was seeing things."

Ginger's companion stated, "Not only has he made his own way home but he has done it

in the hardest weather conditions.

I am so happy and relieved to have him back."

The vets said they had never heard anything like it before!


Buster the Hurricane Survivor The O'Donovan family lost their dog, Buster,

a Rhodesian Ridgeback and German Shepard mix, when he ran away from his home in Belle Harbor,

Queens in New York City.

Workers were assessing damage brought on by Hurricane Sandy and he must have slipped out.

With no electricity and no Internet, Ms. O'Donovan could not do a proper search for Buster.

According to reports, Buster had been missing for two weeks and was going to be euthanized

at the animal shelter within 24 hours when his human companion found his picture online.

"I looked at the photo and knew it was him," said O'Donovan, who went with her children

on December 14, 2013 to bring Buster back home just before his euthanasia appointment.

That was a super close one!!!


Örvar the Cat In 2007, Örvar's human companion decided

to adopt a dog, which did not sit well with Örvar and the cat took off.

Örvar's dad checked in regularly with his local animal shelter for quite some time.

But after a couple of years, he came to the conclusion that his cat was either dead or

had been adopted by someone else, hopefully someone nice.

However, in 2014, Orvar's human companion received an email from his local animal shelter

with surprising news: Örvar, who had a microchip, had been found!

His owner said, "At first I really couldn't believe it.

I did not know what to expect."

When he arrived, the shelter told him that his cat was shy and stayed in the corner but

when he called out his name he came running, and climbed on top of him.

His owner was so happy and it was as if they had never been apart.


Abby the Blind Dog Abby first disappeared from her family's

home in December of 2012 during a snowstorm with temperatures below zero.

Because Abby was blind, her human family felt they would never see their 8-year-old dog


Abby had made her way through miles of frozen Alaskan terrain until she found a warm home

to take her in.

Luckily for Abby, the freezing temperatures had not affected her.

While Abby had no microchip, the wonders of social media were able to reunite her with

her family right around Christmas, and their reunion was definitely a Christmas miracle!

The vet, who found Abby and eventually her companions, stated she had to have found her

way by sniffing.


Shelby the Long Lost Cat When Shelby went missing from her home in

Victoria, Australia, in 2001, Paula Harper-Adams thought she'd seen the last of her.

Thirteen years and four sons later, a stray black-and-white cat showed up at their home

one day.

Harper-Adams took the scrawny, matted, lice-ridden stray to a vet and then noticed its marking

were similar to Shelby's.

So Harper-Adams dug out some old photos of Shelby to compare them.

Shelby's companion also had the veterinarian staff compare them, and they all came to the

conclusion that it was indeed the same cat.

Shelby, who is now 17 years old, gave no clue as to where she had been, but somehow, she

found her way home.


Nigel The Parrot In 2010, Nigel managed to fly away from his

California home.

Nigel's human companion searched for him but with no luck, and eventually figured Nigel

was gone for good.

However, four years later, someone found a stray parrot and took him to the vet.

The vet scanned his microchip and found Nigel's owner!!!

To his surprise, the parrot no longer spoke with a British accent, like he had been when

he left four years earlier.

Instead, Nigel had learned to speak Spanish!

After a story about Nigel aired, his owner found out that Nigel had been living with

the Smith family during the whole time he was missing.

They had purchased him for $400 at a yard sale shortly after he disappeared.

A member of the Smith family contacted Nigel's owner and explained that her grandfather had

formed a close bond, renaming him Morgan, after his wife died.

Nigel's owner, touched by the story, decided to officially rename Nigel, Morgan and brought

him back to the Smith family.

Still not sure how he learned to speak Spanish!!

Thanks for watching!!

Let us know about your pet stories in the comments below!!

Be sure to subscribe and see you next time!!


For more infomation >> Animals That Were FOUND After Being Lost! - Duration: 10:20.


When Will We Lock Up Opioid Corporate Thugs? - Duration: 4:26.

Cook County Illinois is following five other counties in the state in a lawsuit against

several of the nation's leading pharmaceutical companies.

The counties allege opioid manufacturers conducted unlawful marketing, and have put profit before

public health.

And in South Carolina, Governor Henry McMaster has declared a public health emergency.

The moves in Illinois and South Carolina come as the opioid crisis continues to take its

toll on the United States.

Drug overdoses involving opioids have increased dramatically in recent years.

From 2010 to 2015, the number of opioid related overdose death rose from around 20,000 per

year to just now under 35,000.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 90 Americans die every day from an

opioid overdose.

For more on this, we're being joined once again by, America's lawyer, Mike Papantonio.

All right, Mike, so you just heard there are whole counties in Illinois and in other parts

of the country are filing lawsuits against Big Pharma, who manufacture the opioids.


Are these valid though?

Will they hold water in court?

Full disclosure.

I'm the one ... I've filed about 160 of those cases, and so, yeah, they're very valid because

you have cities and counties that those are the people that I represent.

They're cities and counties that have said this opioid crisis has cost us money, taxpayers

money, by having to pay for increased hospitalization, increased law enforcement, increased court

proceedings where children are taken away from their parents in dependency court.

So, yeah, the average community, just like in South Carolina, the average community has

a loss of anywhere between $160 million to $300 million.

That's just what happened up to this point.

So, what we did is we enabled these Wall Street thugs.

They're dressed up.

You know, they don't look like drug pushers but it's a drug cabal.

It's not just the manufacturers, it's the distributors too.

And they've created a crisis where 90 people a day in the United States die from overdosing

on opioids.

Yeah but-

They knew that when it was going-


Well, they knew that was gonna happen-

Isn't this-

And they projected that was gonna happen.

Isn't this similar to the gun debate?

Like can you blame Smith and Wesson or Glock for mass shootings?

Well, here, that's much different.

You have ... here you ... the issue focuses on what we call causation.

Can we take and follow the path of money between the distributor who sold millions of pills

in a county, this is a true story, where you had a county that bought three million pills.

Three million pills sent to a county with less than 100,000 people over a year period

of time.

Now, any idiot, no matter what they're manufacturing understands something's happening to all those


And these distributors, like McKesson and Cardinal and AmeriSource and Purdue, the manufacturer,

all knew exactly what was going on.

They actually made it part of their business plan.

The documents actually show that they incorporated this, what we call drug diversion, into their

business plan on how they could make more money.

So, his direct correlation between opioid prescriptions and deaths in the United States

very clear, it goes right back to the idea that Big Pharma told doctors and sales rep,

they told the FDA that, "Hey, we have a special pill here.

That this opioid painkiller is not even addictive."

They actually created documents to that effect.

Okay, so sounds like that was a very deliberate push.

So, now that opioids are declared a public health crisis, how do lawsuits play into the

bigger picture?

Is this really a legal problem or is it a social problem?

Well, short answer to that is that you have to take their money away before they understand.

Nobody's throwing these people in jail.

They're no different than a drug pusher.

So, if you can't take ... if you can't throw them in jail because our government won't

allow us to do that, you have to do the next best thing, and that's take their money away

because that's all that a corrupt corporation understands.

That's always the bottom line.

Thank you so much for your expertise.

America's Lawyer, Mike Papantonio.

For more infomation >> When Will We Lock Up Opioid Corporate Thugs? - Duration: 4:26.


10 Most Mind-Blowing Things People Built Out Of LEGO - Duration: 11:46.

- I choked on a Lego when I was younger.

So recording this video

wasn't traumatizing at all.

(mock sobs)

Lego's have been popular with kids for decades,

even more so lately with the release of Lego movies.

But it's not just kids that enjoy them.

In fact,

adults now do too.

Except some of them go a little too far

with their creations.

Here are the 10 most mind blowing things

people built out of Lego.

Number 10 is Jesus.

Holy Lego.

On April 12th, 2009,

members of the Oensta Gryta Protestant Church

in Vaesteras, Sweden

unveiled a divine project that they'd completed

after 18 months of work with the help of 40 volunteers.

The project was a large Lego Jesus,

and was fashioned after a sculpture in Copenhagen

called Christus by Danish artist Bertel Thorvaldsen.

A crowd of 400 Christians attended

the statues introduction on Easter Sunday

to get a good look of the children's toy

interpretation of the holy idol.

This fully white Jesus statue stands 1.8 meters tall,

and is made of 30,000 Legos,

many of which were donated.

Colored blocks were still put to use inside

of the statue's solid inner layer.

Meaning that this Jesus is filled

with colorful rainbows at it's core.

Secret rainbow Jesus.

That has a nice ring to it.

Number nine is the Lego Mona Lisa.

Painted in 1503 by Leonardo Da Vinci,

the Mona Lisa is considered his masterpiece,

and is one of the most recognizable pieces

of art in the world.

In 2007,

artist Nathan Sawaya created an exhibit

called the Art of the Brick

where he put many original, and recreated works,

on display.

Including a version of the painting.

This Mona Lisa is a full scale replica

made of 4,573 pieces of Lego.

While her pixely eyes may not follow you

in the same way that the original oil painting does,

it's detailed enough that if seen from a distance,

you might actually mistake it for the real thing.

But this wasn't even it's first replica.

In the early 2000s,

Lego artist Eric Harshbarger

built a more detailed version with over 30,000 pieces.

It measured 1.8 by 2.4 meters,

and weighed around 20 kilograms.

It was appropriately dubbed the Mona Lego.

Oh this is cool.

Also some people,

way too much time on their hands.

Number eight is a polar bear.

Featured in the Philadelphia zoo,

this incredibly lifelike polar bear

stands out as a true achievement

in both art and engineering.

Constructed meticulously by artist Sean Kenney

and five assistants,

the bear statue took over 1100 hours to make,

all of that occurring in less than two months.

Something tells me these people did not sleep much.

The team used over 95,000 Lego pieces

to cover a metal wire frame that formed the bears body.

It was installed on a platform at the zoo

sitting just above a lake

to show the isolation the bear was in.

Kenney claims to have spent two full days

simply trying to get the bears facial expression right.

The look that he was going for

was a combination of confused, sad,

frustrated, and worried.

As the animal was standing on an ice flow

representing the fact that polar bears

are an endangered species.

Here's a little tip for you,

that look is called a frown.

Very complicated, I know,

but try it.

It works.

Number seven is Brickley the Sea Serpent.

In Lake Buena Vista across from the Lego Imagination Center

in downtown Disney Orlando, Florida

lives a friendly looking creature

that is incredibly completely made out of Lego bricks.

Brickley the Sea Serpent

is a green and yellow snake-like construct

with a dragon's head that makes it resemble

what many say the Loch Ness monster looks like.

This happy statue was built in 1997

using over 170,000 Lego bricks

by the team at the imagination center.

Stretched out,

Brickley would be over nine meters long.


he seems to enjoy weaving up and down,

exiting the water a total of four times.

Though he was apparently the first,

Orlando's Brickley is no longer the only version

of the Lego serpent

as he's become an icon at flagship Lego stores

in places like Chicago, New York, and even London.

Okay Brickley is a clever name,

but personally I would have chosen the Brickness Monster.

Has a nice ring to it.

Number six is a Lego pharaoh.

On February 18th, 2009,

people traveling along the River Thames in London

got a big surprise when a 4.9 meter tall

colorful Egyptian statue came floating along

carefully transported on a large boat.

The pharaoh took five months to construct

with each of it's 200,000 Lego pieces

placed by the hands of four different modelers.

Okay we've got a giant pharaoh to make.

How many of us are there?


This is gonna take a while.

It was built in the Czech republic

and transported by truck and boat

over 2,245 kilometers to get to it's final destination,

Legoland Windsor in Berkshire, England

where the structure now stands as the centerpiece

of the parks Kingdom of the Pharaoh attraction.

In total,

the statue of toy bricks

weighed over 1,000 kilograms.

So if you've ever wondered how much

200,000 Lego bricks formed into the shape

of an Egyptian king weighed,

now you know.

Personally that was a question

that kept me up many a nights.

So I'm just glad I learned.

Number five is a car.

In 2004,

Swedish car manufacturer Volvo

teamed up with Legoland in Carlsbad, California

to promote safe driving in a wholesome

Lego kind of way.

The project was to create a Lego car.

A full sized replica of a Volvo XC 90 SUV.

The blocky blue SUV was created by Lego's team

of master model builders.

It's made up of 201,076 Lego pieces,

and weighs 1,331 kilograms

with every bit of the car, except for the tires,

becoming Lego-ized.

Upon it's completion,

it sat at the entrance of Legoland

in full view of the park's yearly

1.3 million visitors.

Unfortunately since Lego windshields are not transparent,

Lego door handles don't open,

and Lego engines have no internal combustion functions,

the car's not drivable.

But if the opportunity every arises,

it certainly would make an excellent

car crash spectacle.

Although I would not want to be the guy

that cleans that crash up.

Oh lord.

Number four is the Lego Sport City.

Lego Sport City is a huge intricately designed

sports complex and resort,

which was built by the Hong Kong Lego Users Group.

The massive landscape,

which measures over three meters by 7.9 meters

was built as a promotional piece

for the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games,

and took around 100 hours to complete.

The city includes replicas of the national stadium,

the national aquatic center,

the beach volleyball stadium,

and the Olympic village.

All of these buildings,

along with the scenery between them,

are comprised of over 300,000 Lego bricks

and 4500 uniquely assembled Lego people.

The aquatic center even has internal wiring,

and a fluorescent lamp to give

the big blue building a nice glow.

Man these people are just going all out.

Next thing you know,

they're just going to build a cruise ship out of Lego.

That's next?

Number three is the Queen Mary 2 Cruise Liner.

When a Lego building set is so big and complicated

that you can't move it anymore,

well that's where I draw the line.

But of course there are builders out there

who think bigger is better,

such as the team that built

this ridiculously huge replica

of the Queen Mary 2 cruise liner.

Constructed by German artists Klaas H. Meijaard

and René Hoffmeister in 2009,

the famous boat which sits in Lego dry dock

is 6.9 meters long and weighs 870 kilograms.

It took the artists over 1200 hours,

with additional help,

to complete the Queen Mary 2,

and required over 480,000 pieces of Lego.

It's considered to be the largest Lego ship in existence

and had to be constructed right in

the International Maritime Museum in Hamburg, Germany

where it's still on display today.

Am I the only one that just wants them

to seal up all the cracks

and just see how far it'll go?

It might end up like the Titanic,

but it might be fun.

Number two is the tallest Lego tower.

At four p.m on June 21st, 2015,

Italian TV and radio personality Alessandro Cattelan

placed the final piece on a world record breaking

30 meter tall Lego structure.

The structure was built in Fabbrica del Vapore,

an art complex in Milan, Italy.

The sky scraper was constructed by over 18,000 people,

most of them children at a five day event

that was bringing awareness and support

to the Urban Oasis and the World Wildlife Fund.

For every centimeter the tower rose off the ground,

Lego offered seven euros to the project

which helps protect and preserve the planet.

In total,

over 500,000 Lego pieces were used

with many forming flags, words,

or even colorful images.

In addition to the money given by Lego,

the event brought the message

that every brick added was needed,

just like small positive actions

that can lead to a better world.

Now I know what you might be thinking.

These people are crazy.

Half a million Lego pieces?

It can't get any bigger.

Or can it?

And number one is a full sized Lego house.

Yep a full house.

My god.

James May, host of BBC's Top Gear,

teamed up with the Lego group and nearly 1,000 volunteers

to build a two story fully functional house out of,

brace yourself for this,

3.3 million Lego bricks.

Built in Denbies Wine Estate in Dorking, Surrey, England,

the structure was 6.1 meters high

and had a working toilet, sink, shower,

and possibly the most uncomfortable bed

anyone has ever tried to sleep on.

On September 18th, 2009,

May actually spent the night in the house

for his TV show James May's Toy Stories.

But shockingly,

instead of the building being shipped

to the Legoland in Windsor,

just like everyone thought it would be,

Legoland declined to ship it

when they found out it would cost

over 50,000 pounds to do so.

With nobody to take with it,

the house was destroyed six days later on September 24th.

On the bright side,

the Lego was donated to charity.

On the not so bright side,

they destroyed a whole house that was just amazing.

It took so long baby.

Why'd you do that?

So that was the 10 most mind-blowing things

people built out of Lego.

And if you guys enjoyed this,

remember to give it a big thumbs up.

Also be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications

by clicking the bell beside the subscribe button

so that you don't miss a thing

because I release new videos all the time.

Thanks for watching,

and I will see you next time.

Going to buy some Lego stuff.

La, la, la, lala.

For more infomation >> 10 Most Mind-Blowing Things People Built Out Of LEGO - Duration: 11:46.


How Can You Agree More & Fight Less In Marriage: Clip from Podcast 219 - Duration: 2:21.

Dr. Kim, how do we fix this as a couple? What steps can this couple take to start agreeing more and fight less?

I think the first step is both admitting we got a problem here.

And not only admitting, but deciding we do want this to change.

You got a choice. You can fight together the rest of your life or you can fight together until you get a divorce.

Or you can say, "We got to stop this. We can turn this around. This isn't why we got married.

We stood at the altar before God."

It was not, "We could settle here and argue every single thing in life." That was just not fun.

You can find somebody else to deal with that. You just don't have to pay their bills or pay bills together.

So, I think one is just acknowledging together that there's a problem and what steps you need to take.

I was talking to a couple this weekend and I think other couples do that, that when they can't agree they stop and pray.

I mean, that's huge! That's hard to do. Especially if you gotten some emotion in it.

But to agree on that together and say, "We get in this kind of conflict or we can't agree on something. Let's just stop and pray for God's wisdom."

I promise you, when you do that, it will change things and you will make a better decision.

But I think taking personal responsibility in them, what part do I play in it.

Because if you say we're gonna fix this. And then you look at your spouse and say,

"Now, you need to do, and you do this, and you do this and we'll be okay!"

Now you got to look at yourself: Okay, this is what I see that I'm doing that's causing a problem.

You say your thing, and I just for some reason would just wanna say something opposite.

Even though I don't feel that way and I'm gonna stop doing that and I'm gonna pray about that.

I'm gonna quit responding to you that way.

Then you get your spouse apprehensive say "Yeah" and once you do that man, I dig in too.

And so then, I'm just mad at you and then just wanna win and those kind of things.

And so then you begin to work as a team which we talk about so much.

And the problem become something it's in front of you that you're working on together.

And you begin solving it together.

For more infomation >> How Can You Agree More & Fight Less In Marriage: Clip from Podcast 219 - Duration: 2:21.


Tim Tebow: Pro Intern 2 | Mizzen+Main - Duration: 1:17.

My first week has been great.

It couldn't have gone better.

I've been able to get my reports in on time

and really try to make the boss happy,

just pull my weight around the office.

[Boss knocks on desk]

-Hey, uh, Timbo. -Yes sir?

-How's it going? Settling in? -Uh, yes sir. Just working on the report, sir.

-Excellent. We're going to need that for the conference room today.

-And you will have it.


-Hey, uh, not a big deal but what's going on with the top button thing?

-Uh, is there a problem? It's just...

-No! No problem, but...

-It's just kind of my thing. I don't know,

hang on, you'll see it catch on.


Well, I never really thought about it

but now that Tim, ya know, he's doing it– I'm really diggin' it.


It's gona' be my new thing.

There's just something really amazing about


It's, it's something—you can't describe it with words!

[conference room chatter]

-Here's your report, sir.

[conference room gets quiet]


-Thanks, Tim.

For more infomation >> Tim Tebow: Pro Intern 2 | Mizzen+Main - Duration: 1:17.


#AustralianOpen #HenriLeconte #Eurosport #ATP #WTA #Tennis - Duration: 0:21.

I will continue at the Australian Open on Eurosport! Be there!

For more infomation >> #AustralianOpen #HenriLeconte #Eurosport #ATP #WTA #Tennis - Duration: 0:21.


How to Cast the Screen of an Android Smartphone or Tablet PC to a Windows Computer 📱💻📺 - Duration: 4:16.

Hello everybody!

This video will show you how to cast the screen of a smartphone or tablet PC to a computer

with Windows 10.

Windows 10 has got an option to send the picture from a smartphone or tablet PC to the display

of a laptop or computer through a Wi-Fi connection.

The main requirement for the computer you are going to use for showing the picture from

a smartphone is to support Miracast technology.

This support depends on the Wi-Fi adapter used by the computer.

In this video, we'll be talking about Android, as Apple devices work in a different format

which doesn't use Miracast.

So how can you send the picture from your smartphone to the computer display without

any wires?

• Make sure your computer and smartphone are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

If they use different networks, such connection cannot be established.

• After that, open the Action Center on the computer with Windows 10 where you are

going to send the picture from the smartphone. • and select Connect.

• As a result, the window of searching and connecting wireless displays will open.

At this moment, please pay attention.

If your computer doesn't support Miracast, Windows will tell you about it.

It means that you can't establish a wireless connection with such computer.

• If there is no such notice, click on the link Projecting to this PC.

• Projecting settings will open.

• Change the first setting to "Available everywhere"

• and the other setting to "Every time a connection is requested"

• Set the PIN code if you want.

• Or rename the computer.

Now let's move to the smartphone or tablet PC.

• Go to Settings / Wireless and networks / More / Wireless display

Your device must have a function called Wireless display or Cast screen (as in some versions

of Android).

Android devices support this function beginning with version 4.2.

In various versions of Android or firmware by various manufacturers, the menu items may

differ a bit.

Find Wireless connection, Wireless display or Cast screen.

• Enable this function.

• As a result, your device should detect a computer with an activated projecting function

and show its name.

I mean the name you have given to this computer in the projecting menu.

• Click on the computer name to connect projecting.

As a result, your computer will ask for permission to connect projecting.

Confirm the request.

The connecting process starts.

Projecting is on.

Now the computer screen will show everything that's happening in the smartphone screen.

The sound is also transmitted, • so you can stream your favorite game,

• as well as photos, videos or even watch a film.

To disconnect the smartphone from the computer: • Go to Settings / Wireless and networks

/ More / Wireless display • Click on the active connection with the

computer • and confirm your decision to disconnect.

• On the computer, set projecting to "Always Off."

That is all for now.

If you found this video useful, click the Like button below and subscribe to our channel

to see more.

Thank you for watching.

Good luck.

For more infomation >> How to Cast the Screen of an Android Smartphone or Tablet PC to a Windows Computer 📱💻📺 - Duration: 4:16.


Things About Hocus Pocus You Only Notice As An Adult - Duration: 5:12.

If you were a '90s kid, chances are no Halloween season is complete without at least one screening

of Hocus Pocus.It was the defining spook film of your youth.

It had everything from maniacal witches to a creepy book of spells to a boy who was cursed

to spend his entire afterlife inside of a cat.

The movie didn't pander, and frightened kids with some real deal consequences while still

remaining fun and festive.

Looking at it through adult eyes, though, there are a few details that might strike

audiences a little differently than before … and we're not just talking about dirty

jokes, either.

"We desire... children."

"Hey, it may take me a couple of tries but that shouldn't be a problem."

Here's what you'll probably only notice about Hocus Pocus as a grown-up.

Timeline tinkering

The opening scenes of the movie are set in Salem, specifically on Halloween in 1693.

The only problem is that by October 1693, the Salem witch hysteria and resulting witch

trials were over.

In fact, the last hangings as part of the Salem witch trials were in September 1692.

After that, Governor William Phips, whose wife had recently been accused of witchcraft,

dissolved the court that'd been hearing cases, released everyone who had not yet stood trial,

and forbid the use of spectral evidence to be used in the remaining trials.

What this means is that the angry mob and resulting hanging of the Sanderson sisters

at the beginning of the film is historically incorrect.

"Aha, we seem to have a skeptic in our midst."

Then again, Hocus Pocus came out in 1993, so having the opening scenes set in 1692 would

have meant the Sanderson sisters were returning 301 years later … and their best song wouldn't

have worked.

"It's been 300 years, right down to the day/Now the witch is back and there's hell to pay!"

What a witch

As despicable as all the Sanderson sisters are, Winifred has to be the worst.

"Oh look, another glorious morning, makes me sick!"

She constantly puts her sisters down, calls them idiots, and even refers to them as her

own personal curse.


Amok, amok, amok, amok!"

It isn't just the name-calling and constant diminishment and smacking of the others, either.

Winifred also ensures that she gets the best of everything.

It's evident at the beginning of the film if you're really looking for it.

She implies the potion the sisters are making is all for herself, only later suggesting

she'll share it (and her sisters thereby thanking her for her generosity).

"Oh, Winnie, how generous of thee."

Bye bye bullies

Max may also be the most cruel of his bunch.

When Max shows up to save Dani and Binx, he also finds the town bullies trapped in cages.

Rather than doing the honorable thing and helping them escape as well, he takes his

stolen shoes back and leaves them hanging in their cages.

Even though the Sanderson sisters don't end up using what little remains of the Life Potion

on the bullies, once the witches are presumably defeated, no one returns to free them.

Even as the credits roll, they're still just hanging around singing Row Row Row Your Boat.

The bullies certainly earned some comeuppance for their terrible treatment of others, but

being left to rot in a cage seems a little extreme.

The next generation?

When Max and Dani find themselves unexpectedly in Allison's family's home on Halloween night,

we see just how important her family's role is in the town, and possibly how important

it has been since the 17th century.

Allison's 17th century gown costume is the tip of the iceberg for the costumes at her

parents' party.

While we don't directly meet any of the attendees, we see them milling about wearing powdered

wigs while the women are in similar period attire.

Given that we know Allison's family has money, their private party in full 1693 regalia suggests

they're the direct descendants of the townspeople responsible for the Salem witch trials in

the first place.

After all, it isn't the entire town that's dressed as the 17th century upper crust.

Just as the people responsible for the Salem witch trials didn't often mix with the commoners,

neither do Allison's parents.

So, it totally makes sense that Allison seems have some witchy qualities herself.

She sports a red cloak that looks just like the cloaks the Sanderson sisters wear when

we see her early in the movie.

Even though it's part of her Halloween costume, it seems a little too on the nose.

"Trick or treat."

Allison is also the one who's most drawn to the spellbook and comes up with the idea of

using a salt circle for protection.

"What a clever little white witch."

Even though she's able to walk through the graveyard just fine, she might just be a good

witch, thereby able to walk on hallowed ground.

It also explains why the spell book's eye pops back open at the end of the movie.

It was always the Sanderson sisters who were needed to wake the spell book, so it seems

like the book waking up is a clear sign that the witches aren't actually gone.

So how does the book wake up?

For Allison, of course.

She's been drawn to it throughout the whole movie.

In other words, the Sanderson sisters are certainly gone, but the end of Hocus Pocus

isn't the end of witches in Salem.

Thanks for watching!

"Bless you!"

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