Friday, December 1, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 1 2017

Hola chicos

Todavía no me he pensado si quiero grabar este vídeo o no

Pero supongo que ya lo estoy grabando

Así que allá vamos

Tengo un experimento, chicos

Y quiero hacerles parte de él

Así que esta es la cosa, este es el escenario

He estado muy desmotivada este último par de años

Este último par de años...

Este último par de semanas

Quizás tenga que ver con que estoy cansada y enferma

Pero no me siento como yo misma

Estoy muy desmotivada y estoy atravesando un periodo de muy poca creatividad

Siento que durante mi viaje a Japón

Siento que estaba como "Oh dios mío, quiero hacer tantas cosas"

Y entonces volé de vuelta a Hastings

Y no he parado desde entonces

No he tenido un momento para salir comigo misma o comprobar cómo estoy

Y me siento muy cansada

La mayor parte de las veces, chicos

Y no quiero decir "todas las veces"

Pero la mayoría de las veces, si te sientes desmotivado

O estás bajo de creatividad

Tiene que ver con que estás cansado

Si no estás produciendo

Si no estás siendo productivo mientras trabajas

Tiene que ver con que estás cansado

Así que creo que el primer paso en esto es que tienes que descansar

Descansar no sólamente físicamente

Quiero decir: durmiendo bien

Y teniendo el número de horas que necesitas cada noche para dormir

Y reconectar contigo mismo y recargar

Sino también mentalmente

La mayor parte del tiempo no estamos nunca solos

Nunca estamos con nuestros pensamientos

Nunca meditamos

Nunca pasamos tiempo simplemente respirando

Respirando muy profundamente

Y dar un paseo y aclarando la mente

Así que este último par de noches he estado intentando no trabajar

He estado experimentando algo realmente horrible, chicos

Y es que estoy en un círculo vicioso

Porque cuando trabajo estoy muy cansada y quiero descansar

Pero simplemente sigo

Y cuando quiero descansar y me tomo un descanso, me siento culpable

Porque sé que debería de estar trabajando y siendo productiva incluso cuando estoy descansando

Así que intento dibujar y hacer algo

y subir cosas a Instagram Stories y demás

Y no sé de ustedes chicos, pero esto va a ser muy perjudicial para mí

Y ya puedo notar los efectos de mí misma forzando los límites

Como ahora, estoy enferma

Y me siento muy desconectada de lo que hago

Y de mi trabajo

Así que quiero llevarles a través de este viaje

Será un viaje mágico entre tu y yo

Para reconectar con la motivación y creatividad

Quiero hacer todas las cosas de la lista

Todas las cosas que hago para volver a ser quien soy como artista

Y quién soy como persona

Creativa y motivada

Así que saltemos juntos

¿Cómo puedo enseñarles esto?

Esta es la ilustración que hice y que voy a subir hoy a Instagram

Y he tenido que arrancar la página de mi cuaderno de dibujo

Porque necesito calcar esto en mi mesa de luz

No es una mesa, es como una tablet

Es muy delgada

Como sea

He decidido usar este papel

Dejenme que les enseñe

Compré este papel en Japón

En Tokyo

Y es el papel B5 azul liso claro aleatorio

También compré

Oh dios mío


Que es uno rosa

Pero he pensado que esta vez sería genial hacer esta ilustración en dos colores

Dos colores diferentes

Como un lado y otro lado, dos colores

Esto es exactamente chicos, con lo que estoy luchando ahora mismo

Y la razón por la que creo que me siento tan desmotivada

Y mi creatividad está en un punto tan bajo

Por culpa de esto

Porque cuando trabajo, estoy cansada

No puedo concentrarme

Parece que no puedo hacer nada

Y procrastino mucho

Pero cuando me tomo un descanso me siento culpable por tomarme un descanso

Lo sé

Este es el peor "yo", chicos

Esto es enfermizo, chicos

Este es mi círculo vicioso ahora mismo

Y nunca había estado en este punto tan bajo, creo

Normalmente tengo un buen autocontrol sobre tomarme un respiro y descansar

Pero ahora mismo estoy derrotada

Ahora mismo estoy trabajando en esta ilustración

Normalmente cuando subo cosas a Instagram, trato de trabajar en dos ilustraciones al mismo tiempo

Y es muy difícil de explicar qué es esto

Pero es como cuando haces cosas que sientes que duran todo el día

Como cosas que cansan y que sientes que te toman todo el tiempo del mundo

Pero que en realidad duran quince minutos

No sé si es necesariamente gracioso

Pero son cosas observacionales

Que me encanta compartir con ustedes, chicos

Hola chicos

Son ¿Creo que las tres en punto?

Y he decidido salir

Al menos quince minutos

Porque hoy es un día soleado aquí en Hastings

Lo que es un poco extraño

Quiero decir para esta época del año

E incluso a pesar de que estoy en mitad de un resfriado

Y no me siento 100% yo misma *NO MUY BUENA AUTOGRABANDOME*

Siento que necesito sol en mi cara

Al menos por diez minutos

Y necesito aclarar mi mente

Esta es la cosa, chicos

Otro de mis grandes defectos

Es que hay pocos instantes durante mi semana en los que estoy completamente sola

Sin escuchar un podcast o sin hablar con alguien

es muy extraño que esté

No extraño, sino raro

Es algo extraordinario que esté sola

hablando conmigo misma

Tan loco como suena

Y siento que cuando estás sobrepasada

O cuando estás pasando por un periodo muy estresante

En el cual tu motivación no está en su mejor momento *HAUL DE AUTOCUIDADOS*

No está en el mejor nivel

O tu inspiración no está ahí *VELA*

O te sientes cansada todo el tiempo

Creo que reconectar contigo mismo es el primer paso *EXFOLIANTE CORPORAL*

Así que ahora mismo estoy dando este pequeño paso

Dando un paseo a solas

Sin música, sin hablar con nadie

Simplemente comprobarme y quizás hacer algo agradable por mí misma

Hola chicos

Así que hoy es viernes

Así que creo que hoy voy a dibujar un poco

Y voy a leer

Así que todos los libros que ven ahora mismo

Son los libros que quiero ojear o que tengo que leer

Porque ahora mismo necesito inspiración, chicos

Estoy intentando tachar todas las cosas de la lista

Todas las cosas que me hacen sentir bien o inspirada *CEREAL TAMBIÉN ME INSPIRA*

Como las velas

O, no lo sé

beber café

O leer libros

O leer a mis autores favoritos

O incluso ir a museos

Voy a hacer todo en este vídeo

Así que hoy voy a invertir en mi inspiración *PRECIOSO LIBRO Y PÁGINA*

Y en mi motivación

Eso ha sonado muy empalagoso

Leyendo e investigando

Y simplemente reconectando con mi inspiración

Así que chicos, no sé si lo recuerdan pero ayer estaba trabajando en esta ilustración

Y no sé por qué

Pero cuando estaba a punto de dormir ayer, tuve una idea

Nunca rehago estas ilustraciones

Porque se supone que deben ser simples

Y simplemente fáciles y rápidas de hacer

Para simplemente subirlas

Subirlas a instagram

Pero entonces pensé: "Podría ser más gracioso si me dibujo a mí misma como una calavera"

Así que esta mañana he pasado creo que ¿45 minutos? o media hora, rediseñando esta lustración

Y creo que es gracioso

No sé, no es como: "¡Jajaja! ¡Me estoy riendo tanto!"

Pero creo que al menos mejora el mensaje

Cuando dije que iba a tachar todas las cosas de la lista para sentirme inspirada y motivada de nuevo

Lo decía en serio, chicos

Así que ayer fui a Londres

A pasar un día conmigo misma

Para tener una cita conmigo misma

Y sinceramente, chicos, no recuerdo la última vez que fui a un museo

Así que fui a la National Gallery

Uno de mis museos favoritos en Londres

El cual es también gratuito

Guiño, guiño, en caso de que quieran ir

Y fue tan agradable rodeada de nuevo por mis pinturas favoritas *ME ENCANTÓ ESTO*

Es muy interesante, chicos

Porque hace un par de años habría dicho que mis pinturas favoritas eran muy realistas

Pero ahora estoy más metida en el impresionismo

Como movimiento

No sé por qué he estado tan metida en las pinturas

Especialmente Degas, creo

Me enamoré de esta pintura (Sur la plage)

Oh, dios, me encanta ir al museo

Y después, fui al London Graphic Centre

La cual es una gran tienda de artículos de arte en el centro, en el Soho

En Londres

Y esta es la cosa, chicos

Y quiero decir estoy mirandoles

Ahora mismo


Es muy fácil, chicos

Creer que nos vamos a sentir inspirados o motivados cuando vamos a comprar artículos de arte

Porque no hay nada más dulce en este mundo

Y no hay nada tan increíble

Y genial y agradable

Y bello

Que material de arte nuevo

Huelen genial

Son geniales

Son nuevos, frescos, están listos para ser usados

Pero creo que es como una ilusión, mis amores

Porque una vez que empieces a usar los materiales

Las inspiración y la motivación desaparecerán

Ese es el problema con los materiales nuevos

Así que esta vez, a pesar de que fui al London Graphic Centre

Y olí todos los cuadernos de dibujo

Y toqué todos los papeles

Y probé todos los lápices

Fui, en realidad, la peor cliente de la historia

Decidí no comprar nada

Porque no quiero caer en la idea de que los materiales nuevos van a cambiar esta situación en la que estoy

Porque no van a cambiarla

Serán como un arreglo temporal

Como una solución temporal

Así que quiero pelear con esto hasta el final

Y para ser honesta, chicos

Tengo muchos cuadernos

La mayoría estan sin usar

Y los compré en un día de compras

Quizás en la misma situación

Como "Quiero motivarme e inspirarme"

Y siguen en blanco

Guardados en el cajón listos para ser usados

Así que por eso me estoy conteniendo con lo de comprar cosas nuevas

Y en, simplemente, sentarme y usar los antiguos

Los cuales no son antiguos, son nuevos pero no han sido usados hasta ahora

Y, no lo sé, chicos

Con esto no quiero decir "No compren materiales de arte nunca más"

Porque si de verdad los necesitan, por favor haganlo

Pero no necesitan materiales para producir un buen trabajo

No necesitan material caro para hacer un gran trabajo

O para sentirse legítimos

O para ser un gran ilustrador

O un increíble artista

Sólo se necesitan a ustedes mismos

Todo en lo que necesitan trabajar ahora mismo está aquí y aquí

Eso es todo

No necesitas nuevas herramientas

No necesitas las herramientas caras

Y quiero decir esto en voz alta

Porque cuando era jóven

Cuando estaba en la universidad, en la facultad

Pensaba que esa era el truco

Necesitabas los mejores libros

Necesitabas cosas nuevas

Necesitabas las cosas caras

Y sinceramente no lo necesitas

Hoy me siento bastante igual, chicos

No voy a mentir

Quizás tiene que ver con la idea de que la motivación y la inspiración son como una planta

Si, voy a hacer esa analogía

Y necesitas cuidar de esa planta

Y no esperar hasta el último minuto

No debes esperar hasta que la planta esté muriendo para cuidar de ella

O él

Así que siento que he descuidado mi planta durante tanto tiempo

Quizás por el tiempo

O porque he estado muy ocupada

O porque he estado viajando tanto

Y ahora tengo que invertir un par de días

Quizás semanas en esta cosa

Hasta volver al camino

Con este vídeo, chicos, sabía que los resultados

Sabía que no iban a ser "Oh dios mío, ahora me siento como una persona nueva"

"Son una nueva Fran, y ahora me siento tan motivada e inspirada y quiero hacer todo el trabajo y las cosas..."


Porque sabía que iba a tomar más de cinco días volver a este estado

A ese estado

Por eso era una cosa arriesgada grabar este vídeo

Porque no quería desalentarles

o hacerles sentir decepcionados

A veces estas cosas necesitan tiempo

Quizás ves una película y te sientes completamente inspirado

y quizás no

Quizás tome más que eso

Y en mi caso podría tomar más que esto

Más que lo que acaban de ver

Porque ha sido un año muy loco

Así que estoy totalmente preparada para esperar y seguir alimentando y regando esta planta

Hasta que me sienta mejor

Y como solía sentirme

Por supuesto no voy a dejar de trabajar, chicos

Dejar de ilustrar

Dejar de subir ilustraciones a Instagram

No voy a dejar de leer libros y ver películas

E ir a museos

Porque esta cosa, sólo viene cuando estás trabajando

Cuando estás teniendo aguante

Cuando estás trabajando duro

Así que no voy a parar

Así que creo que durante el resto de este domingo tan relajante

Creo que voy a seguir dibujando

Y terminar las ilustarciones que hice con ustedes, chicos

En los museos

En las cafeterías

Y si, a lo mejor ver algunas películas de Stuido Ghibli

Porque esa es la última cosa de la lista

Haganme saber cuál es su lista para volver a estar inspirados y motivados

Me encantaría saber cuáles son sus rituales o las cosas que hacen cuando no están inspirados

"Unispired" ¿Es eso una palabra?


Porque me encantaría saberlo

Y porque puede que lo haga también

Así que muchas gracias a todos mis Patrons

Porque me permiten grabar este vídeo

Y subirlo a YouTube

Muchas gracias por ver este vídeo

Y a todos los que han comprado el planificador hasta ahora

Y todos los calendarios y organizadores semales y todo el rango planificador

Y chicos, con increíbles

Espero que este vídeo haya sido súper útil para ustedes

Tengan una semana increíble

Fin de semana, mañana, noche, etc.

Les amo, chicos


Adiós, chicos

For more infomation >> in the search of inspiration and motivation ~ Frannerd - Duration: 16:45.


Al descubierto: la traición más cercana que ha dejado a Colau tocada y hundida - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Al descubierto: la traición más cercana que ha dejado a Colau tocada y hundida - Duration: 3:01.


Pierre Gonnord, Per Barclay y Muntean/Rosenblum - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Pierre Gonnord, Per Barclay y Muntean/Rosenblum - Duration: 2:12.


Crochet chaqueta biker how to (subtittles in several lenguage) - Duration: 42:03.

My name is Esther and are in the channel Esther and her world of crochet

thanks to those already madness and welcome to the new

If you are not signed it already and do not forget to give camapaña

thus notifications will reach new videos

We have a support group crochet leave the link in the description

invited all illegal?

This jacket is very easy to make

very modern and very versatile

My proposal is this material I leave the purchase links in the description

I used 6 hanks and two black crochet hooks n5

this material is very easy and quick to perform

my size is 40, 42 or M

We started it is very simple to perform

We start with four ridges and close with one point slipped

always we start with 3 ch that high point equals 1

(3 high points and 3 ch) 3 times

always finished every lap 3 1 cadenta high points and one high point

we have a square

always we start with 2 ch and 2 high points

1 separated chainstitch

within esqinas will always work three high points 3 ch and 3 high points

let's separate 1 wale to reach corners

We repeat all the way around

to complete the turns would always be three high points 1 and 1 high point chainstitch

we repeat began the round with 2 ch and 2 high points

until we reach the other corner will separate only 1 chainstitch

and always at the corners high 3 points 3 ch and 3 high points

You see it is very easy

follow to get your needed size

for front

the central box 22 cm

let's work now only down then up

this total will be long zipper that we buy

my zipper is 50cm

50-22 = 28cm do if I divide between 2 give me 14 cm

14 cm per side

so we have to make two parts

and I have 22cm square now let's make the 14 cm down

started around as long as we to the other side

We finished the round with 3 high points

We turn the work and this turn out with 4 ch and we go to the next highest points 3

We work normal until the end of the lap

and wale and end with one high point and one

We turn and now we start with 2 ch 2 double crochets

so that a return would start with a group of three points and the other with 4 ch

work the 14 cm cut the thread and do other 14cm to the top

we have done up and down

this strip dee measure the same as the zipper

we will make the shape of the neck

some will be right and the other on the left side

in doing so put the right laor

I started the 1st round

only two groups I and one high point

I turn 3 ch and continue normal until the end

do what corresponds

We have also shaped the single neck with these 3 laps

we cut

we always work right

we will give in the 2 long sides lows around

within each hole 2 points lower at the high point and low points 2

so far we worked round

apreteis not much

where we work round in each point 1 point 1 in the wale under 1 point under

on right front we give 3 laps lows

girariamos and lows hariamos

this would be the right front zipper then go here

on the other side another 3 laps

on the left side zipper put another way

We just 1 turn and cut

before giving neck shape we take the black thread

we always have two threads are going atrabajar on the far only 1 thread

Lows work only in the farthest thread

when we reached the end of row turn the work and work lows and taking the two wires

We give a total of 3 rounds

we have finished the black edges

Now let's work on the side

for shoulder

We tied in the thread color esquinita

4 ch we climbed to the 4th spot and make three high points

1 wale and the 4th point three high points

work at right reached the end and turn

you have to give the turns you need to shoulder

I have given 3 laps to complete the size shoulder

to make bocamanga

let's make 3 laps Abatement

if we know that the bocamanga just started here three drawings before

3 ch normal work we have 1 Decrease

We work the way down and back up

we have risen to the decline

grpo do the last 3 points and then one high point

We turn and do 3 ch

I have only given 3 laps if you need to make another turn away ma

so is the decrease of the cuff

and we cut at the end we would already have the front

to back

cuff to measure bocamanga

We make a square with that measure

then we make the bottom and top and front

and then decreases as the cuff forward

and sleeves

as always we start with 1 square

My square is 29cm

then down and then up

This would be the total from the cuff to the hilt

and now we reductions

I have heccha manga and I need decreases

to give shape to the cuff did 3 turns so now also 3 turns decreases

out with 3 ch and work normally to the end

1 lap to finish this point we do 1 High

2 turn 3 ch normal to the end

We completed the 2nd round with one high point

3 we went back to normal 3 ch to the end

the 3rd round ended with one high point

from here we work up straight without decreases in

n straight we would begin as before with 4 ridges and one would end up with one high point chainstitch

On the last lap I make another decline to shape

as we know which is the last lap?

do the latter decrease is loose and if I cut and make one more turn at right

It is not much work for a spin

We do the latter decrease

as it is quick to do if we fall short we release

I did try the sleeve 5 laps undiminished if I have small loose the last lap and do 6 laps instead of 5 turns straight

we will make the neck

We give an edge to collar in black

This Cacho is left free in front

I'll teach you how to sew seams jacket

each piece I've given you a low point around black

Like when we front

we always do with the work of law

now I'll attach the backhand side

always we have up two threads

I take only one of them

the first one for the front and back only in the back and do one of point slipped

look like is thus sewn

After sewing the shoulder sew the other side

We around the neck around points lower in black

vamo to see how the neck is done

We do three high points and wale and jumped 3 points

Here in the neck instead of jumping 3 points I jumped just 2

This front is going to be free of the neck

with this material in the 4th wool haceis

how to make it stay in peak?

To start every lap we always start with 3 ch and 2 high points

to start each turn 3 ch and 2 high points and keep working normal until the end

to complete the laps we three high points on the last point

the neck measurement is this

now let's finish the neck in black

always we go out on the left front

we take the thread from the black

Lows work to reach the corner

we already Corner

We give 1 wale to rotate and so we have no tense

we continue to work until the other corner

in the other corner also we give 1 wale

We have already finished is easy

I sewed all the pieces and I have sewn zipper

with this edge we have done is perfect

on the side where the lid did hecosido also taking the underside

It is very nice and is very simple to perform

I hope you liked it and leave me one like and share in your social networks

If you are not signed it already and give the bell to receive notification of the next video

greetings see you at the next

For more infomation >> Crochet chaqueta biker how to (subtittles in several lenguage) - Duration: 42:03.


Muchos caminos, Un corazón Justin Utley - Duration: 17:23.

For more infomation >> Muchos caminos, Un corazón Justin Utley - Duration: 17:23.


|Unboxing| Welcome Robin! - Duration: 13:34.

Hi there, I'm Galeth! and today we have an unboxing

Hello, how are you doing? Here we are one more week

Today I haven't sunlight but never mind

because I have there a wonderful desk lamp

that is going to help me because I want to share

the unboxing of this box with you guys.

of which surely I have said something

because this video is going to be in the channel this Friday

For sure I have said something on

Instagram or somewhere else

about what this box contains. It's been something completely unexpected for me

but the opportunity has arisen. I'm going to open it

while I'm talking to you

because... i mean....

I do not want this to be a too long video

And... the truth is

I thought to bring another different mold home

but it appeared and...

and it was a very good deal

and I had no hope of getting this mold until then.

Actually I...

I think I've already told you that I started

a very lengthy search

of a

FL Juri 2011

You already know, don't you?

So at this point of the conversation

you can imagine there's no Juri'11 in the box

maybe is not or maybe it is

and I'm pranking you

Well... the thing is that I started the search

(this is very hard to open)

I started looking for her

I put pictures everywhere

And thanks to that I put

that photograph

A person

called Glowy contacted me (Hi there, Glowy :D)

Here's the super box

who has a doll of these will recognize the box surely

Yes, it is an original box

it is in fact a second-hand doll

Glowy wrote to me and told me


I have this doll for sale

Actually, I have not put this doll on sale yet

but if you're interested we can talk about it"

And the truth is that I was interested. At first I had reservations. I started looking on the internet...

thinking if I really wanted her

what could I do

and what my options were

Here's the box. It's a

Fairyland box

It's an awesome box

I love it! I love the box and the

doll that appears on the cover of the box is not the one that contains

but I imagine that the boxes are all the same so...

I don't know this mold...

but yep, this is a FL doll.

Wait for a second

So soft...

the box is in good condition considering

that it is not a new one

obviously is not new but...

but it's ok.


Glowy told me she had this doll

That she was going to put the doll on sale

we all knew that it would disappear as soon as she put it on sale

so she told me if I was interested before make the sell public

I've been thinking about it for a long time

I've been thinking about it for a long time (I think there

is too much light here but I don't mind

because of the desk light)

(I'm going to turn on the light above)

In the end I said yes

we made the deal

and here she is.

It's a body from... (wait a second I'm going to change

the light)

Ok. Now.

It's a minifee body

And it's....

(OMG! She's so beautiful)

She need a change of strings...

This is Robin.

(She has too much light in her face rn)

Her current make up is from Akai

And well, she told me that

she has her maked up from long ago

and the truth is she's so pretty.

She has a very cute make up. ( there's so much light

I can not show you. OMG, look she's so cute.

She's super cute

The resin is not too yellow considering is from 2010

I'm completely enthralled with

her cuteness

Yep, she's a Juri 2010

the box is already empty

Her name's Robin and as you know...

I wanted to...

... personafy my Menchi

(a Cockatiel that I had)

And I never thought of calling her Menchi because Menchi is Menchi...

...and there's just one.

but... I'm going to put all her things

I have prepared provisional things for her

Some clothes...

a provisional wig...

and her own eyes.

Here you can see her better...

meanwhile i keep talking... The only drawback

Glowy told me about was that

the neck part

(I'm going to remove all the bluetack

because I can´t take his head off with his eyes on)


the neck part

is in white skin

That is the only drawback, but hey...

... I can change it for a Normal Skin so...

... as I intend to... (hm... it's a bit dirty)

the eyes she had on are very cute

I do not know what

doll I would

put these eyes on but anyways...

I was looking for the 2011 edition of Juri

because I If I bought a juri

was going to be my favorite one

Because you know that

I was a huge fan of Nora

(the Juri'11 of Ziane)

I do not pretend to imitate nora

I can not

anchor myself to that mold for a

character that is not mine

Because I don't know that character. It's of Ziane

First of all was

Noe Blasco

the one who told me that there was a mold of

Juri 2010

for sale in Instagram

It was pretty cheap and it was going to take very little time to sell

She told me to hurry if I was interested on it.

Actually when I asked her owner she had already sell it

Everyone expected that.

So that's it. (OMG she's so beautiful

I'm dying)

I spoke with the owner of that Juri on IG

just to know if she accepted layaway

and she told me she has alredy received the first payment for that head.

So, I said goodbye to the idea

of ​​having one of those dolls

until Glowy told me she has one for sale.

I think this mold is cool. And very beautiful

It was going to be very difficult to find it

again if he missed the opportunity. I have had a lot of luck.

(Let's see if I can to put her eyes on...)

I'm a little obsessed with the fact that the doll does not look cross-eyed

When I see squinty eyes on a doll I become very obsessed

so I can't stop looking at it's eyes

(OMG how hard it has been to put his eyes on....)

It has been very hard because

this part around here

when I turn this piece hits the ball of the eye

and I can't put it well....

It has been a challenge

that she's not seen cross-eyed

as always happens

I really like that I can get

her hands out with no problems

Well, first of all I will put the bra

it looks perfect

even being borrowed clothes

Ok, here...

Ok. Now the trousers

The truth is my bf has given me a lot of support

he was like: "If it's going to make you happy, buy it"

I had many doubts

He gave me many reasons to keep it

he has a lot of patience <3

Ok. She has her trousers on

This sweatshirt has been borrowed from Gin

maybe she will give it to Robin

And this wig

this wig is the one that used to wear zylah

but Zylah is not going to use it anymore so...

...while she not find her final wig ...

...this is for Robin.

There she is.

Here's Robin.

She has too much light in her face

but it's because of the desk lamp. I will

put a picture around here

just for you to see her better. The makeup of Akai is really cute.

and that clothes fits very well

I love this body.

this hat was handmade by yuki

and also this trousers.

The eyes she has are the eyes of Nora

of Ziane

So that's all. Here she is.

I hope you liked Robin as much as I do

if you have any questions just

comment and I always answer

If it's the first video of mine that you see and you want to follow then...

around here there's a button for you to suscribe

and don't forget to click on the bell for YT to notifies you that I have posted a new video

Also if you are bored you can make a lot of things in this life just like

This weekend you can watch tv series

covered by a blanket and eating popcorn

That's perfect

but you can also follow me on my social networks

that are in the information box

(wich are my IG, FB, Twitter

and also my blog)

So that's all.

See ya!

For more infomation >> |Unboxing| Welcome Robin! - Duration: 13:34.


Noob Spiderman Life - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 11:41.

press like, share this video subscribe to rusplaying for more awesome stuff

For more infomation >> Noob Spiderman Life - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 11:41.


Iberia - Entretenimiento a bordo (Diciembre'17) - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Iberia - Entretenimiento a bordo (Diciembre'17) - Duration: 1:55.


Is the type of wine glass important? - Duration: 0:50.

Is the type of wine glass important?

The world of wine is complicated enough with having to worry about which glass to use.

As you know there are a huge number of styles of glasses.

The most important thing is to have a wine glass that is suitable for many types of wines.

For example, this glass

has a wide bowl and tulip shape at the top allows you to move the wine and capture the aromas.

The glasses that you should avoid are those that have thick or coloured glass or have designs.

In order to enjoy the wine, choose a glass that is comfortable to use.

For more infomation >> Is the type of wine glass important? - Duration: 0:50.



For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool - GET FREE BOXES [NO HACK/CHEATS] UPDATE CUES LEVEL FREE 3.12.1 MAXIMUM LATEST 2017 - Duration: 5:55.


How to twist Arm, rotate Hand 360 Degrees! - BOOWHOWOO Vlog - Duration: 1:48.

Hi, everyone. I'm BOOWHOWOO.

This is the video when I was 7.

I showed my special skill

to make a clover with own tongue

Then I got many comments saying

"I can do it, too!"

So this time, I will show you another two skills.

The first one is

Twisting the hand 360 degrees.

OK, let's go!

The other hand

How is it?

The next one is

Rotate arm 360 degrees

with the pillow grabbing

I'll do it again

It is only me who can do them

in my family

Can you do it?

Please give it a try

and leave a comment

if you succeed

How was the video today?

Thank you for watching.

Thank you.

See you next video!

See camera, greeting!

For more infomation >> How to twist Arm, rotate Hand 360 Degrees! - BOOWHOWOO Vlog - Duration: 1:48.


Prieuré st Martial V2 | Alain Reynaud Picture - Vidéo drone - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Prieuré st Martial V2 | Alain Reynaud Picture - Vidéo drone - Duration: 2:00.


Iberdrola insiste en cerrar la térmica de Lada porque no se puede ir en contra de los tiempos - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> Iberdrola insiste en cerrar la térmica de Lada porque no se puede ir en contra de los tiempos - Duration: 7:29.


Getting Over It

For more infomation >> Getting Over It


Noob Spiderman Life - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 11:41.

press like, share this video subscribe to rusplaying for more awesome stuff

For more infomation >> Noob Spiderman Life - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 11:41.


50 Years of Environmental Sciences at UEA - Duration: 3:32.

The school was established in 1967 and in that time, those 50 years, the school

has very much contributed to the whole development of the discipline of the

environmental sciences and we particularly, from you know, the word

go took an interdisciplinary approach.

So one of the great things about the school is the potential for

interdisciplinary collaboration. I don't think a lot of the work on the national

eco-system assessment, and everything that's followed from it, would have

happened if we'd not have geographers and economists working in such close

proximity. Another example is the way in which some of our social scientists have

worked with earth scientists interested in volcanic hazards.

Within the School of Environmental Sciences we have a very strong theme in natural hazards.

In particular, our volcanology group have been involved in large projects which

interact with local communities that might be impacted by volcanic activity.

Climate change is an area of research that has changed fundamentally in the 50

years since the School of Environmental Sciences began here at UEA.

50 years ago, climate change was thought of as something that changes

on geological timescales - tens of thousands to many millions of years. Now it's been firmly

established that climate changes is on timescales that affect individual human lives

and research here at UEA has established those changes and also the

principal causes of them.

The Tyndall Centre is a network of universities in the UK

with the headquarter, its headquarters, at UEA and we're

thinking here about getting society and people to use less energy, or energy more

smartly, or to switch to renewable energy - which is really critical in terms of

addressing an issue like climate change.

The international policy response to the

global warming problem has been to establish the limits of supposedly safe

global warming. Here at UEA we're very proud of the fact that our global

temperature record has been used to monitor global warming as it approaches

these limits of one and a half to two degrees Celsius.

So one of the things I most love about teaching here in the School of Environmental Sciences is

taking our students out on field courses. We're very committed to getting students

out of the classroom and into the field and teaching them real practical skills

for collecting data, making observations, and learning how to do analysis.

Very exciting for me as the Head of School at this time to see this breadth and

depth of research and teaching activity. I'm very proud of that opportunity to

head the school, particularly in this year when we've been awarded the

the Queen's Anniversary Prize for Further and Higher Education! That's a great accolade and

one that recognizes these 50 years of endeavor in developing and promoting

environmental sciences and translating our research into doing

something better for the environment in terms of protecting the environment for

future generations. A great accolade and one that is very much well earned - as

the school, the staff and the students of this 50 years have made a real big

impact and we can see that both internationally, nationally and locally.

We look forward to continuing that great effort in the next 50 years.

For more infomation >> 50 Years of Environmental Sciences at UEA - Duration: 3:32.


ナベックス社製ラグの溶接 2(シートラグとBBシェル) - Duration: 22:37.

For more infomation >> ナベックス社製ラグの溶接 2(シートラグとBBシェル) - Duration: 22:37.



For more infomation >> 8 Ball Pool - GET FREE BOXES [NO HACK/CHEATS] UPDATE CUES LEVEL FREE 3.12.1 MAXIMUM LATEST 2017 - Duration: 5:55.


Opel Zafira TOURER Edition 1.4 Turbo 120pk Navigatie. - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Zafira TOURER Edition 1.4 Turbo 120pk Navigatie. - Duration: 0:54.


Vermisstes U-Boot: Suche nach Überlebenden aufgegeben - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Vermisstes U-Boot: Suche nach Überlebenden aufgegeben - Duration: 0:49.


💖How To Download GTA V For Android😍 | Latest December | V1.1 | INSANE😱 | GTA 5 | - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> 💖How To Download GTA V For Android😍 | Latest December | V1.1 | INSANE😱 | GTA 5 | - Duration: 0:58.


JavaScript tutorial for Beginners #11 - Return Statement - Duration: 7:48.

Hello and welcome to another new episode of learning simplified.

In this tutorial we are going to understand what return statement

is, how to use it and at the end we are going to understand the exact role of the return


So let's hop into it.

In this purpose we are going to create a function,

for say we are naming it as measure(); now inside we are first creating..

And now we are applying a condition which will judge

whether a is greater than b or not.

If a is greater than b then it is going to print


Now first of all we have created this function here, this function measure() and we can

see that we have applied two variables here; this is the first variable 'a' which is

equivalent to 5 and this is the second variable 'b' which is equivalent to 3 and then we

can see that we have developed two blocks of if else statements over here.

The first one states that if a, that means this variable

a, if it is greater than b, then it will be printing as a, that means this 5 is greater

than b.

And in the second case if this condition is not met, then it will be printing

as a is lesser than b.

Now if we just call this function name here; the function name is measure(); press

control + s, get back to your project and reload, we can see that 5 is clearly greater

than 3.

The question's what if we apply these things such as - return true.

And we are applying the same statement over here.

Return true.

Now this return statement it actually stops the execution of a particular

function and then returns a value into it; if we return a Boolean into this particular

case then it will be a true or false value, so we are assuming that this condition

is met and if this condition is met then it will return the value and stop executing

the function and if this condition is not met then continue the execution of the rest

of the blocks.

So first of all press control + s, get back to your project and reload and you can see

that things are normal; there is absolutely no problem.

In the second case all we're doing we are declaring another function here,

this one and we are naming it as product....

And here is the first variable y which is stored up to a value of 5 and the second

variable is z which is stored up with total value of 6 and another variable is been

declared which actually holds the product of 5 and 6.

Now all we have to do we will be printing them out.

First of all you may create this one...

Now all we're doing here we are returning the value of x.

So here it is.


Get back to your project, reload and you can see that the product is being


No what is the exact role which is been played by this return statement here.

In this same block if we for say, use it just prior

to this document.write(); now we will clearly understand where should you place

this return statement; we are now assuming that this return statement this been applied

over this document.write() over here.

So just press Control + s get back to your project

and reload and you can see that the number 30 is gone.

There is no display of 30 that we had previously encountered; this is

now totally disappeared.

That means what it is actually doing here - this is the third

point that we were going to discuss - if we use here the return statement immediately

after that the program will stop executing the function and it will return the value;

but before that we haven't made any kind of declaration what should be done when this

particular value returns to your page.

So lacking of this required command of document.write(), you are now returning this

value and without any proper execution it is just getting confused what to be done,

what should be done with this return value.

And that is why it is sending you a void display.

There is practically no display over here.

But if we know our place this return statement from here, just cut it - and paste

it below; now if you come back and reload and you can see that the product is being

shown over here, the number 30 is back into its position.

Because this return statement it is now returning the proper value and it

is practically being ordered as," ok now all you have to do you have to print this return

into your HTML page" and this is what it is exactly doing over here, it is now returning

the same product that is observed over here, that you were practically expecting

over here.

Similar thing goes for these things too.

If we do not put this return statement at the end and if we just please above this

document.write(), we have placed it inside the first block of if else statement, this

is the first block and we can see but if this

condition is met if this condition is true, then it will be returning the value but after

that it will stop executing the function and then this thing is practically going no

where else and that is why we will see that nothing will be seen over here.

If we now just reload we can see that the printed

document is now gone.

So in order to print it properly into its proper position, all we

need to do, after the instruction is made then we have to declare to return the value.

Shortly after you declaring this particularly return statement, it will be stop

executing rest of the blocks and it will be returning the value of what it obtained from

this particular block of if else statement.

And here it is, it is now back into action.

So that's it for this tutorial, I hope that you have now understood what is the return

statement, where it should be placed and what is the exact role it is playing into your

programming language of JavaScript; so hope you guys have liked this tutorial.

If you guys have liked this tutorial then do not

hesitate to hit that red SUBSCRIBE button below.

Ok see you guys in on next class where we will be discussing about creating

calculator with two input properties.

Till then, Bye..

For more infomation >> JavaScript tutorial for Beginners #11 - Return Statement - Duration: 7:48.


GF Vip, tapiro di Striscia lanciato in casa: la reazione choc | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> GF Vip, tapiro di Striscia lanciato in casa: la reazione choc | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:24.


Getting Over It

For more infomation >> Getting Over It


in the search of inspiration and motivation ~ Frannerd - Duration: 16:45.

Hola chicos

Todavía no me he pensado si quiero grabar este vídeo o no

Pero supongo que ya lo estoy grabando

Así que allá vamos

Tengo un experimento, chicos

Y quiero hacerles parte de él

Así que esta es la cosa, este es el escenario

He estado muy desmotivada este último par de años

Este último par de años...

Este último par de semanas

Quizás tenga que ver con que estoy cansada y enferma

Pero no me siento como yo misma

Estoy muy desmotivada y estoy atravesando un periodo de muy poca creatividad

Siento que durante mi viaje a Japón

Siento que estaba como "Oh dios mío, quiero hacer tantas cosas"

Y entonces volé de vuelta a Hastings

Y no he parado desde entonces

No he tenido un momento para salir comigo misma o comprobar cómo estoy

Y me siento muy cansada

La mayor parte de las veces, chicos

Y no quiero decir "todas las veces"

Pero la mayoría de las veces, si te sientes desmotivado

O estás bajo de creatividad

Tiene que ver con que estás cansado

Si no estás produciendo

Si no estás siendo productivo mientras trabajas

Tiene que ver con que estás cansado

Así que creo que el primer paso en esto es que tienes que descansar

Descansar no sólamente físicamente

Quiero decir: durmiendo bien

Y teniendo el número de horas que necesitas cada noche para dormir

Y reconectar contigo mismo y recargar

Sino también mentalmente

La mayor parte del tiempo no estamos nunca solos

Nunca estamos con nuestros pensamientos

Nunca meditamos

Nunca pasamos tiempo simplemente respirando

Respirando muy profundamente

Y dar un paseo y aclarando la mente

Así que este último par de noches he estado intentando no trabajar

He estado experimentando algo realmente horrible, chicos

Y es que estoy en un círculo vicioso

Porque cuando trabajo estoy muy cansada y quiero descansar

Pero simplemente sigo

Y cuando quiero descansar y me tomo un descanso, me siento culpable

Porque sé que debería de estar trabajando y siendo productiva incluso cuando estoy descansando

Así que intento dibujar y hacer algo

y subir cosas a Instagram Stories y demás

Y no sé de ustedes chicos, pero esto va a ser muy perjudicial para mí

Y ya puedo notar los efectos de mí misma forzando los límites

Como ahora, estoy enferma

Y me siento muy desconectada de lo que hago

Y de mi trabajo

Así que quiero llevarles a través de este viaje

Será un viaje mágico entre tu y yo

Para reconectar con la motivación y creatividad

Quiero hacer todas las cosas de la lista

Todas las cosas que hago para volver a ser quien soy como artista

Y quién soy como persona

Creativa y motivada

Así que saltemos juntos

¿Cómo puedo enseñarles esto?

Esta es la ilustración que hice y que voy a subir hoy a Instagram

Y he tenido que arrancar la página de mi cuaderno de dibujo

Porque necesito calcar esto en mi mesa de luz

No es una mesa, es como una tablet

Es muy delgada

Como sea

He decidido usar este papel

Dejenme que les enseñe

Compré este papel en Japón

En Tokyo

Y es el papel B5 azul liso claro aleatorio

También compré

Oh dios mío


Que es uno rosa

Pero he pensado que esta vez sería genial hacer esta ilustración en dos colores

Dos colores diferentes

Como un lado y otro lado, dos colores

Esto es exactamente chicos, con lo que estoy luchando ahora mismo

Y la razón por la que creo que me siento tan desmotivada

Y mi creatividad está en un punto tan bajo

Por culpa de esto

Porque cuando trabajo, estoy cansada

No puedo concentrarme

Parece que no puedo hacer nada

Y procrastino mucho

Pero cuando me tomo un descanso me siento culpable por tomarme un descanso

Lo sé

Este es el peor "yo", chicos

Esto es enfermizo, chicos

Este es mi círculo vicioso ahora mismo

Y nunca había estado en este punto tan bajo, creo

Normalmente tengo un buen autocontrol sobre tomarme un respiro y descansar

Pero ahora mismo estoy derrotada

Ahora mismo estoy trabajando en esta ilustración

Normalmente cuando subo cosas a Instagram, trato de trabajar en dos ilustraciones al mismo tiempo

Y es muy difícil de explicar qué es esto

Pero es como cuando haces cosas que sientes que duran todo el día

Como cosas que cansan y que sientes que te toman todo el tiempo del mundo

Pero que en realidad duran quince minutos

No sé si es necesariamente gracioso

Pero son cosas observacionales

Que me encanta compartir con ustedes, chicos

Hola chicos

Son ¿Creo que las tres en punto?

Y he decidido salir

Al menos quince minutos

Porque hoy es un día soleado aquí en Hastings

Lo que es un poco extraño

Quiero decir para esta época del año

E incluso a pesar de que estoy en mitad de un resfriado

Y no me siento 100% yo misma *NO MUY BUENA AUTOGRABANDOME*

Siento que necesito sol en mi cara

Al menos por diez minutos

Y necesito aclarar mi mente

Esta es la cosa, chicos

Otro de mis grandes defectos

Es que hay pocos instantes durante mi semana en los que estoy completamente sola

Sin escuchar un podcast o sin hablar con alguien

es muy extraño que esté

No extraño, sino raro

Es algo extraordinario que esté sola

hablando conmigo misma

Tan loco como suena

Y siento que cuando estás sobrepasada

O cuando estás pasando por un periodo muy estresante

En el cual tu motivación no está en su mejor momento *HAUL DE AUTOCUIDADOS*

No está en el mejor nivel

O tu inspiración no está ahí *VELA*

O te sientes cansada todo el tiempo

Creo que reconectar contigo mismo es el primer paso *EXFOLIANTE CORPORAL*

Así que ahora mismo estoy dando este pequeño paso

Dando un paseo a solas

Sin música, sin hablar con nadie

Simplemente comprobarme y quizás hacer algo agradable por mí misma

Hola chicos

Así que hoy es viernes

Así que creo que hoy voy a dibujar un poco

Y voy a leer

Así que todos los libros que ven ahora mismo

Son los libros que quiero ojear o que tengo que leer

Porque ahora mismo necesito inspiración, chicos

Estoy intentando tachar todas las cosas de la lista

Todas las cosas que me hacen sentir bien o inspirada *CEREAL TAMBIÉN ME INSPIRA*

Como las velas

O, no lo sé

beber café

O leer libros

O leer a mis autores favoritos

O incluso ir a museos

Voy a hacer todo en este vídeo

Así que hoy voy a invertir en mi inspiración *PRECIOSO LIBRO Y PÁGINA*

Y en mi motivación

Eso ha sonado muy empalagoso

Leyendo e investigando

Y simplemente reconectando con mi inspiración

Así que chicos, no sé si lo recuerdan pero ayer estaba trabajando en esta ilustración

Y no sé por qué

Pero cuando estaba a punto de dormir ayer, tuve una idea

Nunca rehago estas ilustraciones

Porque se supone que deben ser simples

Y simplemente fáciles y rápidas de hacer

Para simplemente subirlas

Subirlas a instagram

Pero entonces pensé: "Podría ser más gracioso si me dibujo a mí misma como una calavera"

Así que esta mañana he pasado creo que ¿45 minutos? o media hora, rediseñando esta lustración

Y creo que es gracioso

No sé, no es como: "¡Jajaja! ¡Me estoy riendo tanto!"

Pero creo que al menos mejora el mensaje

Cuando dije que iba a tachar todas las cosas de la lista para sentirme inspirada y motivada de nuevo

Lo decía en serio, chicos

Así que ayer fui a Londres

A pasar un día conmigo misma

Para tener una cita conmigo misma

Y sinceramente, chicos, no recuerdo la última vez que fui a un museo

Así que fui a la National Gallery

Uno de mis museos favoritos en Londres

El cual es también gratuito

Guiño, guiño, en caso de que quieran ir

Y fue tan agradable rodeada de nuevo por mis pinturas favoritas *ME ENCANTÓ ESTO*

Es muy interesante, chicos

Porque hace un par de años habría dicho que mis pinturas favoritas eran muy realistas

Pero ahora estoy más metida en el impresionismo

Como movimiento

No sé por qué he estado tan metida en las pinturas

Especialmente Degas, creo

Me enamoré de esta pintura (Sur la plage)

Oh, dios, me encanta ir al museo

Y después, fui al London Graphic Centre

La cual es una gran tienda de artículos de arte en el centro, en el Soho

En Londres

Y esta es la cosa, chicos

Y quiero decir estoy mirandoles

Ahora mismo


Es muy fácil, chicos

Creer que nos vamos a sentir inspirados o motivados cuando vamos a comprar artículos de arte

Porque no hay nada más dulce en este mundo

Y no hay nada tan increíble

Y genial y agradable

Y bello

Que material de arte nuevo

Huelen genial

Son geniales

Son nuevos, frescos, están listos para ser usados

Pero creo que es como una ilusión, mis amores

Porque una vez que empieces a usar los materiales

Las inspiración y la motivación desaparecerán

Ese es el problema con los materiales nuevos

Así que esta vez, a pesar de que fui al London Graphic Centre

Y olí todos los cuadernos de dibujo

Y toqué todos los papeles

Y probé todos los lápices

Fui, en realidad, la peor cliente de la historia

Decidí no comprar nada

Porque no quiero caer en la idea de que los materiales nuevos van a cambiar esta situación en la que estoy

Porque no van a cambiarla

Serán como un arreglo temporal

Como una solución temporal

Así que quiero pelear con esto hasta el final

Y para ser honesta, chicos

Tengo muchos cuadernos

La mayoría estan sin usar

Y los compré en un día de compras

Quizás en la misma situación

Como "Quiero motivarme e inspirarme"

Y siguen en blanco

Guardados en el cajón listos para ser usados

Así que por eso me estoy conteniendo con lo de comprar cosas nuevas

Y en, simplemente, sentarme y usar los antiguos

Los cuales no son antiguos, son nuevos pero no han sido usados hasta ahora

Y, no lo sé, chicos

Con esto no quiero decir "No compren materiales de arte nunca más"

Porque si de verdad los necesitan, por favor haganlo

Pero no necesitan materiales para producir un buen trabajo

No necesitan material caro para hacer un gran trabajo

O para sentirse legítimos

O para ser un gran ilustrador

O un increíble artista

Sólo se necesitan a ustedes mismos

Todo en lo que necesitan trabajar ahora mismo está aquí y aquí

Eso es todo

No necesitas nuevas herramientas

No necesitas las herramientas caras

Y quiero decir esto en voz alta

Porque cuando era jóven

Cuando estaba en la universidad, en la facultad

Pensaba que esa era el truco

Necesitabas los mejores libros

Necesitabas cosas nuevas

Necesitabas las cosas caras

Y sinceramente no lo necesitas

Hoy me siento bastante igual, chicos

No voy a mentir

Quizás tiene que ver con la idea de que la motivación y la inspiración son como una planta

Si, voy a hacer esa analogía

Y necesitas cuidar de esa planta

Y no esperar hasta el último minuto

No debes esperar hasta que la planta esté muriendo para cuidar de ella

O él

Así que siento que he descuidado mi planta durante tanto tiempo

Quizás por el tiempo

O porque he estado muy ocupada

O porque he estado viajando tanto

Y ahora tengo que invertir un par de días

Quizás semanas en esta cosa

Hasta volver al camino

Con este vídeo, chicos, sabía que los resultados

Sabía que no iban a ser "Oh dios mío, ahora me siento como una persona nueva"

"Son una nueva Fran, y ahora me siento tan motivada e inspirada y quiero hacer todo el trabajo y las cosas..."


Porque sabía que iba a tomar más de cinco días volver a este estado

A ese estado

Por eso era una cosa arriesgada grabar este vídeo

Porque no quería desalentarles

o hacerles sentir decepcionados

A veces estas cosas necesitan tiempo

Quizás ves una película y te sientes completamente inspirado

y quizás no

Quizás tome más que eso

Y en mi caso podría tomar más que esto

Más que lo que acaban de ver

Porque ha sido un año muy loco

Así que estoy totalmente preparada para esperar y seguir alimentando y regando esta planta

Hasta que me sienta mejor

Y como solía sentirme

Por supuesto no voy a dejar de trabajar, chicos

Dejar de ilustrar

Dejar de subir ilustraciones a Instagram

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Así que creo que durante el resto de este domingo tan relajante

Creo que voy a seguir dibujando

Y terminar las ilustarciones que hice con ustedes, chicos

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Y si, a lo mejor ver algunas películas de Stuido Ghibli

Porque esa es la última cosa de la lista

Haganme saber cuál es su lista para volver a estar inspirados y motivados

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"Unispired" ¿Es eso una palabra?


Porque me encantaría saberlo

Y porque puede que lo haga también

Así que muchas gracias a todos mis Patrons

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Muchas gracias por ver este vídeo

Y a todos los que han comprado el planificador hasta ahora

Y todos los calendarios y organizadores semales y todo el rango planificador

Y chicos, con increíbles

Espero que este vídeo haya sido súper útil para ustedes

Tengan una semana increíble

Fin de semana, mañana, noche, etc.

Les amo, chicos


Adiós, chicos

For more infomation >> in the search of inspiration and motivation ~ Frannerd - Duration: 16:45.


Cafe Racer (Harley Davidson Street 750 by Cherry's Company) - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> Cafe Racer (Harley Davidson Street 750 by Cherry's Company) - Duration: 7:09.


Jakop Dalunde om förnybar energi i hela EU - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Jakop Dalunde om förnybar energi i hela EU - Duration: 1:24.


Citroën C2 1.4I LIGNE AMBIANCE AIRCO - CRUISE - ELEKTR. PAKKET - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën C2 1.4I LIGNE AMBIANCE AIRCO - CRUISE - ELEKTR. PAKKET - Duration: 1:01.


Honda Jazz 1.2 I Cool - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.2 I Cool - Duration: 1:00.


Trường Giang Cùng Châu Tinh Trì Song Ca Siêu Phẩm Quốc Tế I Hài Trường Giang - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Trường Giang Cùng Châu Tinh Trì Song Ca Siêu Phẩm Quốc Tế I Hài Trường Giang - Duration: 4:23.


Colors Learn Elephant Finger Family Song - Duration: 3:02.


For more infomation >> Colors Learn Elephant Finger Family Song - Duration: 3:02.


Alela Diane - Émigré - Official Video - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Alela Diane - Émigré - Official Video - Duration: 3:16.


Trojan horse - making a wooden signboard - Duration: 11:29.

For more infomation >> Trojan horse - making a wooden signboard - Duration: 11:29.


Liverpool Open Talks Over Deal To Sign £22m Rated Brazilian Defender ● News Now - transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 2:28.

Liverpool have opened initial talks with AS Roma over a potential deal to sign £22m-rated

left-back Emrerson Palmieri next summer, according to a report by TeamTalk.

Palmieri came through the youth ranks with hometown side Santos before joining Roma in

2015 and enjoyed a breakthrough year during the 2016/17 campaign where he made 36 appearances

in all competitions.

Liverpool were strongly linked with a move for the left-back last summer but had to pull

out of any proposed deal after Palmieri suffered a serious knee injury.

The Merseysiders ended up signing Andrew Robertson but the Scottish international has struggled

to make an impact at Anfield while Alberto Moreno has continued to frustrate with some

inconsistent performances.

It means Jurgen Klopp is still on the hunt for another left-back and TeamTalk are citing

a report from Corriere dello Sport that claims Liverpool have renewed their interest in Palmieri.

The Italian outlet suggests that the Reds have already held preliminary talks with Roma

about signing the 23-year-old and have been given assurances over his fitness.

Palmieri is yet to return to first team action following his knee injury but it seems Liverpool

are now confident he'll make a full recovery as the report says Klopp is preparing a formal

swoop ahead of next summer.

The Brazilian full-back is contracted to Roma until 2021 and TeamTalk claims his buyout

clause is set at £22 million but Liverpool are hoping to drive down the fee due to his

long-term fitness concerns.

Despite Moreno making an encouraging start to the season I still think left-back is an

area Liverpool need to strengthen so I'm sure fans would welcome the signing of Palmieri

if he's the man Klopp feels can solve their problems in defence.

For more infomation >> Liverpool Open Talks Over Deal To Sign £22m Rated Brazilian Defender ● News Now - transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 2:28.


【MUKBANG】 3 KG OF 20 Types OF Grilled Meat! Various Tsuyama-Style Dishes! [OVER 15,000kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 10:01.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subtitles by ~Aphexx~)

today I'm in Okayama pref. in Tsuyama

Apparently there are many Yummy foods to find here And I'm totally looking forward to this

Alrighty Let's have a look see

Tsuyama Has many of their old buildings left intact

And their buildings all look Sort of like this

Tadaa I came to this restaurant To try out their offal udon noodles

And these are the offal noodles For which this town Tsuyama Is Famous for

This is made with a Salt sauce

Since I love offal So much I can't wait to Dig in.... Itadakimasu

Look at how big and Plump this is

It's Got such a wonderful color To this

It's using a sweet and salty sauce And there's plenty of yummy depth of flavor

Depending on which of these restaurants you go to here in tsuyama The flavor of sauce changes vastly

So you get to visit all the different Restaurants and experience many different flavors

Just look at it will you There are all sorts of different cuts Mixed in

When you usually Order this dish This is the cut of offal That is usually included

Apparently here in tsuyama They take pride In using Many different cuts of offal In their dishes

It's packed With so much Flavor that I totally want to eat this with rice

The offal Has such a wonderful mouthfeel And is so delicious

This is the one made with salt

This is the jam packed with offal As well

The Salt has and nice light flavor And is very yummy

I really appreciate the seaweed flavor coming through

Despite only using a salt based sauce the offal doesn't have any odor at all

This salt flavored offal Dish is apparently Rare even here in tsuyama

All done gochisosamadeshita

the offal noodles We're so yummy

I especially enjoyed that you can Experienced all sorts of cuts of offal In their dishes

Their sauces were so tasty And really tasted nice in combination with offal

Tadaa Next all I'm going to get my dessert/snack on!

There are many different types to choose from

With both Japanese and foreign selections as well

They all look so very Scrumptious

I'll be enjoying them here in 'shurakuen'

Such a wonderful view

It is so nice to be able to Enjoy some yummy food in this nice environment


This is called 'senbonzakura'

This is what it looks like ~totes Looks like a spring roll ~

There is mochi In the center With a Mild sweetness And a slight plum flavor

These are 'tsuyama' rolls

What makes these different are that they use flour Made here in Tsuyama

Every store in town makes these in a slightly Different way

It is pink and so very Kawaii

It is sakura Flavored

The sweetness is not overpowering And so very yummy

This has a black been sitting on top

Apparently Tsuyama Is also known for their black beans You'll find many of their roll cakes use these black beans

They have selections that use a sweet bean Or even cream

Both foreign and domestic Flavors are represented

All done gochisosamadeshita

Depending on the store these Tsuyama rolls We're made so differently But all tasted so yummy

sakura flavored ones, others with fruit in them even some with herb flavored mochi

They all had Their individual unique flavor The all tasted so wonderful

Tadaa. The next place is a yakiniku shop

JUST WOW! Being surrounded by all this meat makes me so darn happy

There are so many different types here

Apparently here in Tsuyama There are all sorts Of different types of meat available

So much variety

Apparently the offal They have here He's extremely fresh

intestines (large small)


Honeycomb offal

these are called 'yomenakase' and are the arteries going to the heart

They are supposed to be a premium cut


Just look at These pieces will you I just can't help myself

They look so amazing

?shoulder loin?

With a mountain of rice

It is so fatty and tender so delish

It's got such a wonderful flavor

Tsuyama beef is raised taking care to use premium feed. Producing absolutely delicious beef


It is so tender And full of such yummy meaty flavor

To be able to enjoy all these different cuts of meat Makes me so very happy right now

These are ?tricuts? Apparently this is a premium cut as well

It is so fatty With a wonderful mouthfeel.... delish

heart and tripe

I will Now try eating aorta

This will be my first time eating this

this is what the meat looks like


skirt steak

It is so tender and so full of meaty goodness

I could totally eat a bunch of these

Dried beef ~?Aged beef?~

I'm totally thought he would be as hard as Jerky But it is not tough at all

It's so tender Not too fatty yet delicious


A premium cut right here

This is the 'bestest' stuff right here

I can't get enough

(variety of tripe)

There's no unappetizing Taste or smell to this meat at all

This offal Has no odor Making it perfect for those who don't like offal meats

skirt steak (area)

They even have tongue

It's so nice and fresh tasting

Last dish this is called 'Blanc'

It sounds as though I ate 3KG Worth of meat today... I'm so happy today

Last slice

All done gochisosamadeshita

In total I had 20 different Cuts of meat

I'm so happy to have had a chance to enjoy So many different cuts of meat today

The offal had no foul odor or taste Which is surprised me a lot

All the cuts of meat were top of the line I am so glad to have tried them out

I had loads of fun here in Tsuyama There's so much yummy things to eat here

And it's filled with such wonderful views All over the place would you all please come out here as well

I will post a link to Tsuyama's Web site will So please check it out

And it is always thank you so much for watching if there's anything you want me to eat or try please tell me in the comments section below if you like this video plea hit that like and subscribe button BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 3 KG OF 20 Types OF Grilled Meat! Various Tsuyama-Style Dishes! [OVER 15,000kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 10:01.


Marianne - appellant, feminist og aktivist på hjul. - Duration: 7:31.

For more infomation >> Marianne - appellant, feminist og aktivist på hjul. - Duration: 7:31.


2017MAMA x M2 NU'EST W Thank You Stage (ENG SUB) - Duration: 3:02.

2017 MAMA Discovery of the year NU'EST W.

1, 2, 3. Hello, we are NU'EST W

Please introduce yourselves individually.

Hello I'm NU'EST W's Leader JR.

Hello I'm NU'EST W's Aron.

Hello I'm NU'EST W's Ren.

Hello I'm NU'EST W's Baekho.

I heard this is your first time to attend MAMA after 6 years of debut.

Yes that's right.

How do you feel?

First, I think we're very nervous.

We prepared really hard for MAMA,

and I'm proud because I think the stage showed as well as we prepared it.

Today was a happy day and I felt really happy because we received an award.

Thank you so much MAMA.

Aron, I think 2017 is a really special year for NUEST' W.

How do you think about that?

There was a lot of things happened.

It's an honor to receive such a good award like this. Thank you so much.

First, we want to say thank you to people in our agency who comfort us a lot,

and we want to say thank you our families.

What do you think about NU'EST W next activities?

We will try to communicate more with fans,

and we prepare a lot and we put a lot of effort so we can shine brighter in 2018,

please look forward to it, and I hope you can give us lots of love.

I saw it earlier when you received your awards

it seems like you couldn't predict it at all.

So right now since you already knew it,

please reenact the moment you received your awards comfortably,

please show us your happy looks and surprised acting.

once again, 2017 MAMA Discovery of the Year award goes to.. NU'EST W!

Aron can you do this alone?

Please take a step forward.

it's NU'EST W!

Please say your last word to the fans.

Thank you so much for loving NU'EST W,

we are here because of LOVEs

thank you so much. We will work hard in the future

and will show our good appearance and good music.

Thank you.

Up until now, it's NU'EST W!

thank you


I love you, MAMA

For more infomation >> 2017MAMA x M2 NU'EST W Thank You Stage (ENG SUB) - Duration: 3:02.


Vlog: The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Vlog: The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas - Duration: 3:02.


Luke #1 - Friluftsmagasinets Julekalender 2017 - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> Luke #1 - Friluftsmagasinets Julekalender 2017 - Duration: 0:19.



hey guys welcome back to my Channel today I will review for you the

Revlon Color stay 24 hours wear foundation it looks like this I am

actually oily combination skin type but I bought normal to dry

I'm not sure if it will work but we'll see

so I will read the claims this foundation claims perfected the Demi matte,

finish for up to 24 hours, 13 beautiful long wearing shades, buildable to full

coverage contains hyaluronic acid and hydrate skin over time, oil free and SPF

20 the shade that I got is 250 fresh beige this shade is a lot lighter than

my skin tone I just had to make it work

to somehow look presentable. In the end of the video I will share a

website that can hopefully help you match your foundation so stay tuned for

that but for now I'll be applying this so you

can see how it goes on to my skin as you can see I have a lot of blemishes now

so hopefully it can cover since it claims to be buildable full coverage I

already prepped my skin since this is a Demi matte finish i'll be using Mac prep and

prime just to hydrate my skin because I'm sure I'm sure

it will crack on my face

all right

then after that I will use my decanted Nivea Men Post shave balm

one pump only

so just in the t-zone for me because thats part that I oil up

and thats where my pores are bigger then after that it says

here to use to you shake well apply it to one area at a time blending quickly

so that's what we're going to do

What's nice about this it's glass bottle container with pump

somehow you can control the product that you get.

one pump at the back of my hand it is slightly runny

this side I'll be using sponge wedge so let's see

okay so that's one layer but you can still see my blemishes here

but the finish is Demi matte, it's true to its claim

even though I got the normal/dry it still isn't tacky or heavy

so far their claims that it's Demi matte it's a yes and if it's lightweight yes

also so for if buildable to full, let see if it can

build to full though i'm not usually wearing full coverage

we'll see let's check so this is one layer using a

sponge wedge and this side I'll be using Real Techniques buffing brush

in the other side, let see what will be the difference


so as you can see i'm not sure if you can see in the camera in this side on the mirror has more coverage

as all foundation when used with sponge it lighten the coverage

since the sponge soak the product so when I use the brush it somehow gave

a more coverage because I also have blemishes in this side

but somehow it covers compared here so what I'm going to do

as you can see its still light compared to my neck

its really not my shade

so for now thats ok whats left on the back of my hand

i'll just blend it downwards

okay so that's one pump, half pump each side

so somehow it feels lightweight it's already feeling matte

it looks good, its funny because its normal/dry

so I expect to feel tacky but it doesn't, lets push

for full coverage since it claims to be buildable full

coverage but with that will be just sticking with the brush to boost

the full coverage of the foundation so one more pump

now we'll focus in this blemish and in chin area

as you can see it already cover my blemish near my eyebrows

it still hasn't cover the chin

now its covered

whoa I looked so white

not in a good way it really is white but we'll work

on it later

so that's it two pumps the covering my blemishes in chin, cheek and eyebrows

I can say its really buildable to full

coverage but then I don't recommend it since its Demi matte

if you have textured

blemish, I feel like since its demi matte it will still be noticeable

most probably the tip of the blemishes

but will see later what will be the situation of the foundation after long hours of wear

for the claim it's buildable to full coverage it's also a yes

for now we'll see if it's going to wear for as long as I can I cannot promise

you that I can do 24 hours I don't know anyone who do 24 hours wear of

foundation but I promise you I'll wear this as long as I can for today anyway

so what I can see after application

it is somehow looking good that's really good it hasn't sinked in yet in my pores

it also hasn't sinked in, in my fine lines

so we'll see its Demi matte thats definitely true

I don't feel anything right now even the foundation

even while doing the application the scent

is just the normal scent of Foundation nothing really

no floral scent or something just the normal scent of a

foundation so this is the after application I'll be back with my full

face of makeup and then we can continue talking about this product so this is

how it looks like on natural lighting as you can see the its really light

compared to my neck and somehow its sinked in to my pores

close you can see here in my upper lip, in my nose you can see

also in my fine lines unfortunately though

its nice since its Demi matte it does sink in to pores so I can recommend if

you're going to use this foundation maybe use something pore filling

because I didn't use pore filling and I also tried it with

what's that quick FX no shine mattifier it also didn't go well

I think if you're going to use this foundation maybe use a hydrating primer

so you can see I sprayed Fix+

but it didn't really help so I think hydrating primers with help with this

i'm oily but I still I need moisture in my face if not

this will happen it will sink in my fine lines but if you look a little farther

it looks good and if you pair it with a better primer i think it

would be even better, it also doesn't have flashback

I took a picture in natural light it doesn't have flashback

even it has SPF of 20 which is okay in fairness to the coverage

its really good it really covers everything

but as i said earlier about textures since Demi matte it will emphasize

bumps so hydrating primer or pore filling primer

just to smooth the surface of the skin you before application of foundation but so far so good

so we'll see it's now 10:00 a.m. I'll update you throughout the day

I'll see you in my next update

its now 3:49 in the afternoon

5 plus hours after application and as you can see it looks the same

its oiling up in the crevices of my nose but in the cheek area no signs

on the top of my nose no signs still

on the chin area also no signs so far less than

6 hours of application it still look ok, i will try not to blot for as long as i can

near my eye area it does fade a little since i'm wearing glasses

But over all still feels dry

so guys this is the final update it's now 8:34 in the evening

more or less 10 hours and half now after application of Revlon Colorstay foundation as

you can see i'm shiny in my forehead, cheek, and tip of my nose

but other than these areas are still dry

its oily from nose, cheecks and then forehead

i will blot using clean and clear oil control film

let see how much oil i can get

whoo so as you can see i produced alot of oil

but after powder or blot it still looks good

its as if it look just applied, i still have contour

highlight and blush

in the nose area its faded because of the glasses

and I still look okay so overall two thumbs up for Revlon Colorstay

foundation make it be the oily variant or the normal/dry

as you know im oily but normal/dry worked for me

it still matte, it's lightweight

not heavy

if you lean to someone

it doesn't transfer

but if you rub your face then it will transfer

so I approve of this and if it's a 24 hour long where I can't say pero for as

long as 10 hours and a half it lasted in my face

I said in the intro that i will be sharing a website to help us

find foundation match in other brands as you know this is not the right shade for me

so i've searched what my shade should be in colorstay

and i've found out this website it's called FINDATION

its all you have to do is type in your

closest shade of your current foundation

foundation you know thats almost the same match for your skin tone

just type in

and then press ENTER then all other foundation brands will come up

there Revlon, Too faced, Estee Lauder

so hopefully this could help us

match foundation shades. So hope that helps

I'll see you in my next video I upload every Friday so stay tuned for that and

if you do like this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel

don't forget to hit the notification bell and if you like to share it with

your friends and don't forget to comment down below if Revlon Colorstay

worked for you so until next time I'll see you bye!



Japanese blister packs of Sun & Moon starters Incineroar, Decidueye and Primarina - Duration: 13:35.

For more infomation >> Japanese blister packs of Sun & Moon starters Incineroar, Decidueye and Primarina - Duration: 13:35.


Voa News December 01, 2017 - Duration: 4:59.

From Washington, this is VOA news.

I'm Steve Karesh reporting.

A possible shakeup in Washington as media reports on Thursday quoting unidentified senior

administration officials indicate that U.S. President Donald Trump could name Central

Intelligence Agency Director Mike Pompeo to replace Rex Tillerson as secretary of state.

The White House press secretary downplayed the reports of Tillerson's departure, saying

that "there are no personnel announcements at this time."

The State Department denied the rumors as well shifting the onus on the White House.

Here is spokeswoman Heather Nauert.

"Here is what I know.

I don't work at the White House.

But what I can tell you is that chief of staff Kelly called our department this morning and

said that the rumors are not true, that those reports are not true.

That is what I've been told.

That's what we've been told.

And you heard from the White House today that they have no personnel change."

If it happens, Tillerson's departure would end a troubled tenure for the former oil executive,

who's been increasingly at odds with Trump over issues, such as North Korean, and under

fire for cuts at the State Department.

British lawmakers and leaders have reacted angrily to President Donald Trump's retweeting

of anti-Muslim videos initially posted by a far-right British leader.

A statement by Prime Minister May on Wednesday condemned the tweets on Thursday.

She said the United States and Britain have an enduring relationship, but added that her

position on the tweets was clear.

"The fact that we work together does not mean that we're afraid to say when we think the

United States has got it wrong, and be very clear with them.

And I'm very clear that retweeting from Britain First was the wrong thing to do."

Trump dismissed May's criticism in a tweet saying she should focus on terrorism.

This is VOA news.

U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley says North Korea's latest intercontinental ballistic missile

launch is bringing "the world closer to war, not further from it."

Haley told an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council that the United States is

not seeking war with North Korea.

"We need China to do more.

President Trump called Chinese President Xi this morning and told him that we have come

to the point that China must cut off the oil from North Korea.

That would be a pivotal step in the world's effort to stop this international pariah."

North Korea announced Wednesday it successfully tested a new missile that can reach the continental

United States.

It was Pyongyang's 20th ballistic missile launch of this year.

An increase in violence in Cameroon as five soldiers and five policemen have been killed

within 24 hours in Cameroon's two English-speaking regions.

Separatists have claimed responsibility.

Schools have been closed in the English-speaking northwest and southwest regions since [November

when] November of last year, rather, when lawyers and teachers called for a strike to

stop what they believe is the overbearing use of French in the areas.

Violence erupted when separatists joined in and started asking for complete independence.

Meanwhile, the deputies of the Social Democratic Front, the SDF, Cameroon's main Anglophile

opposition party, interrupted the National Assembly to demand it debate on the Anglophone


Turkey hosts the largest number of refugees in the world, and three million of them are


Most live in towns and cities across the country.

But this year, a series of clashes between Turks and Syrians could be a sign that for

some Turks, patience is running out.

Dorian Jones reports from Istanbul.

Turkish authorities appear to be increasingly concerned about the tensions.

In some areas of Istanbul, as in other parts of the country, signs in Arabic touting businesses

belonging to Syrians have been removed in a bid to lower their profile.

The move comes as the Turkish media continue to devote a great deal of coverage to issues

involving Syrian refugees.

A recent study found that Syrians are among the main targets of hate speech, second only

to Jewish people, in the Turkish media.

Opposition parties are set to make the government's Syria refugee policy a key issue in the months


Dorian Jones, of VOA news, Istanbul, Turkey.

In Buenos Aires on Thursday, Argentina's navy announced that the search for a missing submarine

that has been lost for 15 days will continue but the rescue part of the mission is over,

reflecting the faded hopes for finding the crew of 44 members alive.

I'm Steve Karesh in Washington.

That's the latest world news from VOA.

For more infomation >> Voa News December 01, 2017 - Duration: 4:59.


【 R6S 】Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Duration: 42:22.

For more infomation >> 【 R6S 】Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Duration: 42:22.



❄ Christmas Lipstick Tutorial Compilation December 2017 ❤️ Part 3 ❤️

For more infomation >> ❄ CHRISTMAS LIPSTICK TUTORIAL COMPILATION DECEMBR 2017 ❤️ PART 3 ❤️ - Duration: 16:24.


Getting Over It

For more infomation >> Getting Over It


O que os olhos dizem - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> O que os olhos dizem - Duration: 2:10.


"O Dünyadan Mesaj Var" (Anlamlı Şiir) - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> "O Dünyadan Mesaj Var" (Anlamlı Şiir) - Duration: 1:15.


O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Duda procura Natanel e pede mais dinheiro - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Duda procura Natanel e pede mais dinheiro - Duration: 5:04.


O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Após sofrer violência doméstica, Clara sofrerá assédio - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Após sofrer violência doméstica, Clara sofrerá assédio - Duration: 3:23.


Em semana surpreendente, O Outro Lado do Paraíso segue em alta e chega - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Em semana surpreendente, O Outro Lado do Paraíso segue em alta e chega - Duration: 3:31.


The 10 Benefits of Peanut For Health - Duration: 3:15.

Health Benefits of Peanuts: Here are some of the most well known health benefits of peanuts. 1. Rich in energy: Peanuts contain vitamins, minerals, nutrients and antioxidants and therefore are rich sources of energy. 2. Cholesterol: Peanuts reduce bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol in the body. Peanuts contain monounsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid that prevents coronary heart disease.

3. Growth: Peanuts are high in protein. The amino acids present in them are good for good growth and development of the body. 4. Fight against stomach cancer: Poly phenolic antioxidants are present in peanuts at high concentrations. P-Coumaric acid has the ability to reduce the risk of stomach cancer by reducing the production of nitrogen-carcinogenic amines.

5. Fights against Heart Disease, Nervous System Diseases, Alzheimer's Disease and Infections: A poly phenolic antioxidant, Resveratrol in peanuts prevents heart disease, cancers, nerve diseases and viral or fungal infections efficiently. 6. Reduces the chances of stroke: The antioxidant, Resveratrol in Peanut prevents heart attacks by increasing the production of nitric oxide.

7. Antioxidants: In peanuts they contain antioxidants in high concentrations. These antioxidants become more active when the peanuts are boiled. There is a 2-fold increase in Bioquanine-A and a 4-fold increase in Genistein content. This reduces the damage caused by free radicals produced in the body. 8. Protects the skin: Vitamin E in peanut helps in maintaining the integrity of mucosal and skin cells. This protects them from free radicals that cause great damage.

9. Vitamins: In peanuts contain B complex, vitamins such as niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, pantothenic acid, etc. 10. Minerals: Potassium, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium and zinc are some of the minerals present in peanuts. These play an important role in many different bodily functions.

For more infomation >> The 10 Benefits of Peanut For Health - Duration: 3:15.


【MUKBANG】 3 KG OF 20 Types OF Grilled Meat! Various Tsuyama-Style Dishes! [OVER 15,000kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 10:01.

Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subtitles by ~Aphexx~)

today I'm in Okayama pref. in Tsuyama

Apparently there are many Yummy foods to find here And I'm totally looking forward to this

Alrighty Let's have a look see

Tsuyama Has many of their old buildings left intact

And their buildings all look Sort of like this

Tadaa I came to this restaurant To try out their offal udon noodles

And these are the offal noodles For which this town Tsuyama Is Famous for

This is made with a Salt sauce

Since I love offal So much I can't wait to Dig in.... Itadakimasu

Look at how big and Plump this is

It's Got such a wonderful color To this

It's using a sweet and salty sauce And there's plenty of yummy depth of flavor

Depending on which of these restaurants you go to here in tsuyama The flavor of sauce changes vastly

So you get to visit all the different Restaurants and experience many different flavors

Just look at it will you There are all sorts of different cuts Mixed in

When you usually Order this dish This is the cut of offal That is usually included

Apparently here in tsuyama They take pride In using Many different cuts of offal In their dishes

It's packed With so much Flavor that I totally want to eat this with rice

The offal Has such a wonderful mouthfeel And is so delicious

This is the one made with salt

This is the jam packed with offal As well

The Salt has and nice light flavor And is very yummy

I really appreciate the seaweed flavor coming through

Despite only using a salt based sauce the offal doesn't have any odor at all

This salt flavored offal Dish is apparently Rare even here in tsuyama

All done gochisosamadeshita

the offal noodles We're so yummy

I especially enjoyed that you can Experienced all sorts of cuts of offal In their dishes

Their sauces were so tasty And really tasted nice in combination with offal

Tadaa Next all I'm going to get my dessert/snack on!

There are many different types to choose from

With both Japanese and foreign selections as well

They all look so very Scrumptious

I'll be enjoying them here in 'shurakuen'

Such a wonderful view

It is so nice to be able to Enjoy some yummy food in this nice environment


This is called 'senbonzakura'

This is what it looks like ~totes Looks like a spring roll ~

There is mochi In the center With a Mild sweetness And a slight plum flavor

These are 'tsuyama' rolls

What makes these different are that they use flour Made here in Tsuyama

Every store in town makes these in a slightly Different way

It is pink and so very Kawaii

It is sakura Flavored

The sweetness is not overpowering And so very yummy

This has a black been sitting on top

Apparently Tsuyama Is also known for their black beans You'll find many of their roll cakes use these black beans

They have selections that use a sweet bean Or even cream

Both foreign and domestic Flavors are represented

All done gochisosamadeshita

Depending on the store these Tsuyama rolls We're made so differently But all tasted so yummy

sakura flavored ones, others with fruit in them even some with herb flavored mochi

They all had Their individual unique flavor The all tasted so wonderful

Tadaa. The next place is a yakiniku shop

JUST WOW! Being surrounded by all this meat makes me so darn happy

There are so many different types here

Apparently here in Tsuyama There are all sorts Of different types of meat available

So much variety

Apparently the offal They have here He's extremely fresh

intestines (large small)


Honeycomb offal

these are called 'yomenakase' and are the arteries going to the heart

They are supposed to be a premium cut


Just look at These pieces will you I just can't help myself

They look so amazing

?shoulder loin?

With a mountain of rice

It is so fatty and tender so delish

It's got such a wonderful flavor

Tsuyama beef is raised taking care to use premium feed. Producing absolutely delicious beef


It is so tender And full of such yummy meaty flavor

To be able to enjoy all these different cuts of meat Makes me so very happy right now

These are ?tricuts? Apparently this is a premium cut as well

It is so fatty With a wonderful mouthfeel.... delish

heart and tripe

I will Now try eating aorta

This will be my first time eating this

this is what the meat looks like


skirt steak

It is so tender and so full of meaty goodness

I could totally eat a bunch of these

Dried beef ~?Aged beef?~

I'm totally thought he would be as hard as Jerky But it is not tough at all

It's so tender Not too fatty yet delicious


A premium cut right here

This is the 'bestest' stuff right here

I can't get enough

(variety of tripe)

There's no unappetizing Taste or smell to this meat at all

This offal Has no odor Making it perfect for those who don't like offal meats

skirt steak (area)

They even have tongue

It's so nice and fresh tasting

Last dish this is called 'Blanc'

It sounds as though I ate 3KG Worth of meat today... I'm so happy today

Last slice

All done gochisosamadeshita

In total I had 20 different Cuts of meat

I'm so happy to have had a chance to enjoy So many different cuts of meat today

The offal had no foul odor or taste Which is surprised me a lot

All the cuts of meat were top of the line I am so glad to have tried them out

I had loads of fun here in Tsuyama There's so much yummy things to eat here

And it's filled with such wonderful views All over the place would you all please come out here as well

I will post a link to Tsuyama's Web site will So please check it out

And it is always thank you so much for watching if there's anything you want me to eat or try please tell me in the comments section below if you like this video plea hit that like and subscribe button BAI BAI

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 3 KG OF 20 Types OF Grilled Meat! Various Tsuyama-Style Dishes! [OVER 15,000kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 10:01.


Noob Spiderman Life - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 11:41.

press like, share this video subscribe to rusplaying for more awesome stuff

For more infomation >> Noob Spiderman Life - Minecraft Animation - Duration: 11:41.



For more infomation >> EL ORIGEN CUÁNTICO DE DIOS Y EL HOMBRE / LA CONCIENCIA DE LA RAZA HUMANA - parte 3 - - Duration: 2:51:51.


Předpověď na víkend - 1. - 3. 12. 2017 - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Předpověď na víkend - 1. - 3. 12. 2017 - Duration: 1:34.


Is the type of wine glass important? - Duration: 0:50.

Is the type of wine glass important?

The world of wine is complicated enough with having to worry about which glass to use.

As you know there are a huge number of styles of glasses.

The most important thing is to have a wine glass that is suitable for many types of wines.

For example, this glass

has a wide bowl and tulip shape at the top allows you to move the wine and capture the aromas.

The glasses that you should avoid are those that have thick or coloured glass or have designs.

In order to enjoy the wine, choose a glass that is comfortable to use.

For more infomation >> Is the type of wine glass important? - Duration: 0:50.


Trojan horse - making a wooden signboard - Duration: 11:29.

For more infomation >> Trojan horse - making a wooden signboard - Duration: 11:29.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI BLUEMOTION COMFORTLINE / AIRCO / CRUISE CTR. / AUDIO / EL. PAKKET / * APK 08 - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI BLUEMOTION COMFORTLINE / AIRCO / CRUISE CTR. / AUDIO / EL. PAKKET / * APK 08 - Duration: 0:56.


Carlos Aparício Clemente - Trade unions and persons with disabilities - Duration: 1:24.

Trade unions can make significant contributions to

promote the inclusion of workers with

disabilities, as well as to the

prevention of work-related accidents that

often result in disability and death at work.

By promoting inclusion, trade unions act

accordingly to the principles of Decent

Work that are advocated by the

International Labour


Nowadays, we are aware that most

jobs can be performed by

persons with disabilities, as long as

accessibility and reasonable

accommodations are guaranteed. We also know

that inclusion cannot be achieved

alone. No trade union can

guarantee inclusion by itself.

Inclusion requires

working along with civil society.

It also requires engaging with

employers, as well as with persons with

disabilities. Ensuring they are a central part of the

inclusion process. And above all,

respecting the universal motto of

persons with disabilities:

"Nothing about us, without us."

For more infomation >> Carlos Aparício Clemente - Trade unions and persons with disabilities - Duration: 1:24.


|Unboxing| Welcome Robin! - Duration: 13:34.

Hi there, I'm Galeth! and today we have an unboxing

Hello, how are you doing? Here we are one more week

Today I haven't sunlight but never mind

because I have there a wonderful desk lamp

that is going to help me because I want to share

the unboxing of this box with you guys.

of which surely I have said something

because this video is going to be in the channel this Friday

For sure I have said something on

Instagram or somewhere else

about what this box contains. It's been something completely unexpected for me

but the opportunity has arisen. I'm going to open it

while I'm talking to you

because... i mean....

I do not want this to be a too long video

And... the truth is

I thought to bring another different mold home

but it appeared and...

and it was a very good deal

and I had no hope of getting this mold until then.

Actually I...

I think I've already told you that I started

a very lengthy search

of a

FL Juri 2011

You already know, don't you?

So at this point of the conversation

you can imagine there's no Juri'11 in the box

maybe is not or maybe it is

and I'm pranking you

Well... the thing is that I started the search

(this is very hard to open)

I started looking for her

I put pictures everywhere

And thanks to that I put

that photograph

A person

called Glowy contacted me (Hi there, Glowy :D)

Here's the super box

who has a doll of these will recognize the box surely

Yes, it is an original box

it is in fact a second-hand doll

Glowy wrote to me and told me


I have this doll for sale

Actually, I have not put this doll on sale yet

but if you're interested we can talk about it"

And the truth is that I was interested. At first I had reservations. I started looking on the internet...

thinking if I really wanted her

what could I do

and what my options were

Here's the box. It's a

Fairyland box

It's an awesome box

I love it! I love the box and the

doll that appears on the cover of the box is not the one that contains

but I imagine that the boxes are all the same so...

I don't know this mold...

but yep, this is a FL doll.

Wait for a second

So soft...

the box is in good condition considering

that it is not a new one

obviously is not new but...

but it's ok.


Glowy told me she had this doll

That she was going to put the doll on sale

we all knew that it would disappear as soon as she put it on sale

so she told me if I was interested before make the sell public

I've been thinking about it for a long time

I've been thinking about it for a long time (I think there

is too much light here but I don't mind

because of the desk light)

(I'm going to turn on the light above)

In the end I said yes

we made the deal

and here she is.

It's a body from... (wait a second I'm going to change

the light)

Ok. Now.

It's a minifee body

And it's....

(OMG! She's so beautiful)

She need a change of strings...

This is Robin.

(She has too much light in her face rn)

Her current make up is from Akai

And well, she told me that

she has her maked up from long ago

and the truth is she's so pretty.

She has a very cute make up. ( there's so much light

I can not show you. OMG, look she's so cute.

She's super cute

The resin is not too yellow considering is from 2010

I'm completely enthralled with

her cuteness

Yep, she's a Juri 2010

the box is already empty

Her name's Robin and as you know...

I wanted to...

... personafy my Menchi

(a Cockatiel that I had)

And I never thought of calling her Menchi because Menchi is Menchi...

...and there's just one.

but... I'm going to put all her things

I have prepared provisional things for her

Some clothes...

a provisional wig...

and her own eyes.

Here you can see her better...

meanwhile i keep talking... The only drawback

Glowy told me about was that

the neck part

(I'm going to remove all the bluetack

because I can´t take his head off with his eyes on)


the neck part

is in white skin

That is the only drawback, but hey...

... I can change it for a Normal Skin so...

... as I intend to... (hm... it's a bit dirty)

the eyes she had on are very cute

I do not know what

doll I would

put these eyes on but anyways...

I was looking for the 2011 edition of Juri

because I If I bought a juri

was going to be my favorite one

Because you know that

I was a huge fan of Nora

(the Juri'11 of Ziane)

I do not pretend to imitate nora

I can not

anchor myself to that mold for a

character that is not mine

Because I don't know that character. It's of Ziane

First of all was

Noe Blasco

the one who told me that there was a mold of

Juri 2010

for sale in Instagram

It was pretty cheap and it was going to take very little time to sell

She told me to hurry if I was interested on it.

Actually when I asked her owner she had already sell it

Everyone expected that.

So that's it. (OMG she's so beautiful

I'm dying)

I spoke with the owner of that Juri on IG

just to know if she accepted layaway

and she told me she has alredy received the first payment for that head.

So, I said goodbye to the idea

of ​​having one of those dolls

until Glowy told me she has one for sale.

I think this mold is cool. And very beautiful

It was going to be very difficult to find it

again if he missed the opportunity. I have had a lot of luck.

(Let's see if I can to put her eyes on...)

I'm a little obsessed with the fact that the doll does not look cross-eyed

When I see squinty eyes on a doll I become very obsessed

so I can't stop looking at it's eyes

(OMG how hard it has been to put his eyes on....)

It has been very hard because

this part around here

when I turn this piece hits the ball of the eye

and I can't put it well....

It has been a challenge

that she's not seen cross-eyed

as always happens

I really like that I can get

her hands out with no problems

Well, first of all I will put the bra

it looks perfect

even being borrowed clothes

Ok, here...

Ok. Now the trousers

The truth is my bf has given me a lot of support

he was like: "If it's going to make you happy, buy it"

I had many doubts

He gave me many reasons to keep it

he has a lot of patience <3

Ok. She has her trousers on

This sweatshirt has been borrowed from Gin

maybe she will give it to Robin

And this wig

this wig is the one that used to wear zylah

but Zylah is not going to use it anymore so...

...while she not find her final wig ...

...this is for Robin.

There she is.

Here's Robin.

She has too much light in her face

but it's because of the desk lamp. I will

put a picture around here

just for you to see her better. The makeup of Akai is really cute.

and that clothes fits very well

I love this body.

this hat was handmade by yuki

and also this trousers.

The eyes she has are the eyes of Nora

of Ziane

So that's all. Here she is.

I hope you liked Robin as much as I do

if you have any questions just

comment and I always answer

If it's the first video of mine that you see and you want to follow then...

around here there's a button for you to suscribe

and don't forget to click on the bell for YT to notifies you that I have posted a new video

Also if you are bored you can make a lot of things in this life just like

This weekend you can watch tv series

covered by a blanket and eating popcorn

That's perfect

but you can also follow me on my social networks

that are in the information box

(wich are my IG, FB, Twitter

and also my blog)

So that's all.

See ya!

For more infomation >> |Unboxing| Welcome Robin! - Duration: 13:34.


How to twist Arm, rotate Hand 360 Degrees! - BOOWHOWOO Vlog - Duration: 1:48.

Hi, everyone. I'm BOOWHOWOO.

This is the video when I was 7.

I showed my special skill

to make a clover with own tongue

Then I got many comments saying

"I can do it, too!"

So this time, I will show you another two skills.

The first one is

Twisting the hand 360 degrees.

OK, let's go!

The other hand

How is it?

The next one is

Rotate arm 360 degrees

with the pillow grabbing

I'll do it again

It is only me who can do them

in my family

Can you do it?

Please give it a try

and leave a comment

if you succeed

How was the video today?

Thank you for watching.

Thank you.

See you next video!

See camera, greeting!

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