Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 13 2017

A, is for Apple.

B, B is for Bat.

C, C is for cat.

D, D is for dog.

E, E is for elephant.

F, F is for frog.

G, G is for Girl.

H, H is for House.

I, I is for ice cream.

J, J is for Jump.

K, K is for Kids.

L, L is for Love.

M, M is for Mouse.

N, N is for Nothing.

O, O is for open.

P, P is for Play.

Q, Q is for Queen.

R, R is for red.

S, S is for snake.

T, T is for tree.

U, U is for umbrella.

V, V is for van.

W, W is for work.

X, X is for x-ray.

Y , Y is for yoyo.

Z, Z is for zebra.

For more infomation >> Learn ABC's with Alphabet Ice Cream Cones Letters A to Z Lesson - Duration: 2:57.


5 étapes pour trouver le vrai amour.|LSF TV - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> 5 étapes pour trouver le vrai amour.|LSF TV - Duration: 5:39.


Voici les symptômes du cancer du col de l'utérus, chaque femme doit savoir cela ! - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Voici les symptômes du cancer du col de l'utérus, chaque femme doit savoir cela ! - Duration: 5:41.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


With All Eyes On Alabama, Trump Gave Democrats Huge Middle Finger With What He Quietly Did. - Duration: 4:05.

With All Eyes On Alabama, Trump Gave Democrats Huge Middle Finger With What He Quietly Did.

Most of the country was focused on Alabama last night, and rightfully so, after perhaps

the ugliest campaign battle we've ever seen.

However, others were still hard at work while the rest of America paused – and President

Donald Trump just gave Democrats a huge middle finger with what he quietly did.

The left was recently responsible for some of the most disgusting, dirty, and vile tactics

we've ever seen during a campaign.

Sadly, they were successful as Democrat Doug Jones was able to pull off a narrow victory

over Republican Roy Moore.

Of course, we'll just have to wait and see how those sexual assault allegations against

Moore go now that the election is over.

In the opinion of many, now that the left no longer needs them, the accusers and their

claims will just fade away with nothing becoming of them whatsoever.

You know, kind of like what happened with Herman Cain.

Although most of the country paused to watch what was unfolding in Alabama, it seems that

wasn't the case for everyone.

In fact, President Donald Trump was still hard at work last night and was actually able

to give Democrats a huge middle finger with what he quietly did while most of us were


According to The Hill, President Trump picked up an important judicial nominee via a narrow

Senate confirmation.

At the end of the day, Trump managed to slip another right-leaning judge into the federal

court system which can only help our country in the long run.

"By a count of 50-48, the Senate voted to confirm the nomination of Leonard Steven Grasz

as circuit judge for the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, despite the fact that the American

Bar Association (ABA) rated the judge as "not qualified" for the position.

Of course, if the ABA were a non-partisan, unbiased arbiter of mere legal qualifications,

one might be concerned.

However, since we're dealing with what Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse has called a "liberal

advocacy organization," their ratings of Trump's nominees mean a lot less."

"That's not a bad thing.

You can be a liberal advocacy organization," Senator Sasse said last month during a Judiciary

Committee hearing.

"You have First Amendment rights and you should use them.

What's not OK is being a liberal advocacy organization and be masquerading as a neutral

evaluator of these judicial candidates."

As always seems to be the case these days, Democrats are angry.

For one, they lost again.

However, they're actually telling the American people that they have the moral high ground

on this.

"A panel of nonpartisan, legal experts unanimously concluded that this man is not fit to be a

judge," said Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.).

"What else do my colleagues need to know?"

Schumer added that "more broadly, these attacks, in small but important ways, diminish

our democracy."

Too bad for him, he's wrong – and Trump knows that he's wrong and is about to make

sure it never happens again.

As it turns out, Trump's administration officially put the ABA on notice in March

that it will no longer be invited to review the president's judicial nominees.

In short, he's discredited the group by hinting at the fact that they too are "fake


Democrats may be celebrating their win in Alabama today, but they're still losing

big time.

Alabama was the first real win they've had in a long time, and it really doesn't do

them much good, seeing how much they've lost recently.

Sure, they get another vote on the left, but they're still the minority, and the only

thing they can do is lie and use pathetic delay tactics.

The end is near for Democrats – and although they may be loud and boisterous, all we're

really hearing is the death rattles of a dying party.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> With All Eyes On Alabama, Trump Gave Democrats Huge Middle Finger With What He Quietly Did. - Duration: 4:05.


Top 15 Cover Songs of J Fla 2018 | Best Songs Ever of J Fla 2018 | EDM Music - Duration: 38:50.

Subscribe Channel

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For more infomation >> Top 15 Cover Songs of J Fla 2018 | Best Songs Ever of J Fla 2018 | EDM Music - Duration: 38:50.


How to get rid of plaque | The 5 most effective natural remedies to get rid of dental plaque - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> How to get rid of plaque | The 5 most effective natural remedies to get rid of dental plaque - Duration: 5:53.


Learn ABC's with Alphabet Ice Cream Cones Letters A to Z Lesson - Duration: 2:57.

A, is for Apple.

B, B is for Bat.

C, C is for cat.

D, D is for dog.

E, E is for elephant.

F, F is for frog.

G, G is for Girl.

H, H is for House.

I, I is for ice cream.

J, J is for Jump.

K, K is for Kids.

L, L is for Love.

M, M is for Mouse.

N, N is for Nothing.

O, O is for open.

P, P is for Play.

Q, Q is for Queen.

R, R is for red.

S, S is for snake.

T, T is for tree.

U, U is for umbrella.

V, V is for van.

W, W is for work.

X, X is for x-ray.

Y , Y is for yoyo.

Z, Z is for zebra.

For more infomation >> Learn ABC's with Alphabet Ice Cream Cones Letters A to Z Lesson - Duration: 2:57.


👽 ▶ THE BEST VIEWS OVNIS, December 2017, REAL OVNIS CATCHED BY CAMARA 2018, Ufo 2018 - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> 👽 ▶ THE BEST VIEWS OVNIS, December 2017, REAL OVNIS CATCHED BY CAMARA 2018, Ufo 2018 - Duration: 5:20.


Meet the best rescue team in ...

For more infomation >> Meet the best rescue team in ...


Why I came to Arizona State University: an ASU grad from Washington - Duration: 0:48.

Hi. My name is Scott Bohmke. I'm from

Seattle, Washington. I majored in accounting.

ASU was worth coming out of state

because I see it as a great opportunity

for personal growth. I got to come out of

state and meet a ton of different people,

and just all the different opportunities.

Being such a large school, there is so much

going on. There's always people to meet,

always things to do, and the opportunities for

learning are endless here. The best advice I

have for incoming freshmen at ASU is to

get involved. ASU has a plethora of networking

opportunities, and I would say take advantage

of as many of them as possible.

Their career center is a fantastic resource, and

they put on different career fairs and

bring in employers. Definitely attend all of those

events that you can. It makes a huge difference.

Opens lots of doors for you, and that will help

you get prepared for a career after ASU.

For more infomation >> Why I came to Arizona State University: an ASU grad from Washington - Duration: 0:48.


angry - Duration: 0:07.

I know what men can do when they're angry.

For more infomation >> angry - Duration: 0:07.


OverWatch Competitive! Why I Quit Playing Competitive OverWatch! - Duration: 4:25.

Sub Im Desperate!

For more infomation >> OverWatch Competitive! Why I Quit Playing Competitive OverWatch! - Duration: 4:25.


How I Get Free Tickets To Disneyland (Funny) - Duration: 0:42.

God I hate her so much. I only came with her because I wanted the free tickets is it even worth it

She better not send me a facebook friend request

I'll just let the request hang there forever. I'll tell her my facebook is broken

Yeah, stuff broken is always the go-to

ooohhhh No, I didn't get you text my phone must be broken

For more infomation >> How I Get Free Tickets To Disneyland (Funny) - Duration: 0:42.



For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0I I-MOTION COMFORT PLUS NED.AUTO, CLIMATE CONTROL, CRUISE CONTROL, BLUETOOTH, ELEKT. - Duration: 0:57.



For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2I I-DEAL NED.AUTO, AIRCO, BLUETOOTH, ELEKT. R+S, LM-WIELEN, LED VERLICHTING - Duration: 0:57.



For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 114I 114 I BUSINESS+ SPORT-LINE NED.AUTO, LEDER, XENON, NAVIGATIE, STOELVERWARMING, CRUI - Duration: 0:55.


Program Drugi (Dwójka) - rozpoczęcie dnia,zegar i blok reklamowy z 10 listopada 2017 roku - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> Program Drugi (Dwójka) - rozpoczęcie dnia,zegar i blok reklamowy z 10 listopada 2017 roku - Duration: 12:01.


How to Criticize And Not Be Hated For It | Effective Feedback Model - Duration: 5:55.

Criticism comes in many forms.

A few examples would be aesthetic criticism which is where we judge the beauty or Style

of something, logical criticism which is obviously just an objection about an idea or an argument

that you feel is not rationally sound, and self-criticism which is self-explanatory,

but there are many others.

And I think that we could all agree that criticism is an important part of our growth, not only

as individuals but as societies.

I mean come on think of where the US would be right now if we hadn't eventually started

to criticize things like slavery.

That was a very good example of moral criticism.

But criticism, if not given correctly can actually be very damaging.

I'm sure we've all experienced that in one form or another at some point in our lives

whether it was our boss telling us that we did something stupid or our co-workers saying

we screwed up or our family or whoever.

Point is ineffective criticism is running rampant.

So how do we know how to give criticism properly?

Well that's what I'm going to talk about in this video.

Hey everyone Daniel here from Next Level life and today we're going to be talking about

a great way to give constructive criticism.

And we're also going to be covering a way that I've seen many praise as being great

but I don't really like.

But first I feel it would probably help to illustrate how effective, constructive criticism

and ineffective destructive criticism differ from one another.

Destructive criticism aims to destroy the target of the criticism.

Its goal is to show that the point of view of someone else has absolutely no validity

at all and lacks any Merit.

It often involves personal attacks on people but believe it or not there are a couple of

situations where it could be used well.

One example would be in political or military contexts where ideas are brought up that may

put people's lives on the line unnecessarily.

We don't want people to lose their lives for no good reason and by mercilessly criticizing

the idea destructively we give ourselves a good chance of making sure that the plan is

never put into action.

And as a result save lives.

but more often than not destructive criticism is not a good way to go.

Constructive criticism on the other hand doesn't necessarily look to say that whatever the

person you're giving the constructive criticism to did something wrong, or that their ideas

are completely without Merit, rather it's merely a way for you to point out that whatever

goal they were trying to achieve could have been achieved better or faster through a different


Which sounds great but so many of us are so used to hearing destructive criticism that

we have a hard time thinking about criticism in any other light.

And as a result when we actually get constructive criticism we don't always take it in the way

that it was intended to be taken.

But that doesn't have to be the case.

So let's get into the two methods for giving constructive criticism.

I'll start with the one that I have a bit of a problem with and that is the hamburger


What is the hamburger rule you ask?

The hamburger rule, also sometimes called the feedback sandwich, is where you try to

embed your constructive criticism in between two compliments.

For example say Sarah was the head of a committee that organized an annual family picnic for

your company.

The picnic was a success and people enjoyed themselves but it kind of broke the bank,

exceeding your budget by over 35%.

Using the feedback sandwich here's how Sarah's boss might've handled the situation.

"Hey Sarah our management was very impressed with the attendance at our family picnic.

The weather was great and The food was even better.

And the activities for children were just wonderful!

By the way, you overspent by 35%.

You should check your expenses and try to be within budget next time.

But I understand you worked very hard to coordinate the logistics for everything And I congratulate

you for doing a remarkable job leading committee and for your enthusiasm.

Thank you for a job well done."

There are a couple of things that can go wrong with this method.

One of them is that the praise can actually be so big that it obscures the criticism.

Depending on how the manager actually sounded when he said it, that 35% over budget criticism

may not have stuck with Sarah.

Another mistake that could occur when using this method is that the receiver, in this

case Sarah, might feel that the praise is just trivial.

Because it doesn't take long for people to catch onto this praise criticism praise pattern.

And once they do it comes off as inauthentic because the praise is just a lead-in to the


So as the employee you're just waiting for the managers critique as opposed to actually

taking the praise to Heart, even if the manager's praise was sincere.

With that being said there is another method that you could try and I feel it's a little

bit better in most situations.

And that method is known as the effective feedback model.

The effective feedback model is a four-step process where you start by asking an employee

whether they are open to hearing some feedback.

If they are then you describe whatever specific behavior you saw that you want them to change.

Once you've identified the behavior you describe the impact that that behavior has weather

on you or others or the company or whatever the case may be.

The fourth and final step is to discuss next steps.

If you're giving corrective feedback this is often accomplished by asking an open-ended

question to encourage the employee to suggest what they can do to change their behavior.

This not only empowers them to choose what will work best for them but it makes them

more committed to actually changing.

Here's an example of how this works.

A manager pulls his employee to the side and says "hey Jack can I give you some honest


Jack says sure so his manager says "alright when you roll your eyes in meetings when others

are talking and you say things like 'you guys just don't get it' here's what happens: we

end up losing really good people.

And You often end up losing opportunities that you really want, like that last move

you just didn't get.

I don't want that.

I want to see you succeed.

So is there anything you can do about this?

Is there anyway that I can help you?"

So that's a good way I think to give constructive criticism without coming off like a jerk.

If you liked this video or learned something be sure to like And subscribe and If you're

new to the channel you can also check out my playlists for more content, I'll leave

those in the description below.

But that'll do it for me so until next time thanks for watching and have a great day.

For more infomation >> How to Criticize And Not Be Hated For It | Effective Feedback Model - Duration: 5:55.


2 Tricks to get around subnautica faster - Duration: 4:07.

Test 1

I went over 200 meters thats crazy

Test 2

You just gotta punch it

And flop around like a dead fish

3....2....1 Blast off

But once you leave the water the speed goes away

But don't get your hopes down yet

Oh...Heh...I forgot the Repair Tool

I'm never prepared for videos

Welp time to get back to the trick

When you repair the habitat(base)and the water is drianing from it

Wait for it to drain a bit and the hit it with the Prawn suit again

Act like a dying fish again and go back out side and you will be fast again

Wait...thats a lot more poles then I thought lol

But any way thats it for this video and i will see you next time BYE

For more infomation >> 2 Tricks to get around subnautica faster - Duration: 4:07.


IMPORTANT Dates If You Are An Amazon FBA Private Label Seller! Alibaba Shipping Inventory Management - Duration: 10:21.

what's going on guys welcome back to a brand new video on this channel today I

want to talk to you guys about important dates you have to remember when it comes

to Amazon and the beginning of 2018 either to start your product start a new

product or for just keeping stock in and keeping everything having a plan for

everything making sure you don't run into any issues I'm just trying to make

sure you guys are aware of all the important of dates and you don't run

into any problems later on with your inventory now before we start this video

if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe and hit that Bell button so

you guys notified every time we release a new video or when we start going live

that's gonna be a lot of fun as well make sure you hit that subscribe button

also I wanted to ask you guys what other questions do you guys have pertaining

Amazon FBA I want to you know keep making a ton of amazon videos I want to

keep answering every question you guys have so I want to know in the comment

section what question do you guys have for me that I can answer alright so yeah

without further ado let's jump right into this video now the main date I'm

gonna be talking about I'm gonna be talking about Chinese New Year varies a

little bit every year I think but a 20-18

February 16th is going to be the day for Chinese New Year now it is very you know

plus/minus is very rough number just because although that is Chinese New

Year suppliers can take various amounts of time off so some suppliers won't take

any time off you know they're just gonna work straight through it other suppliers

are going to take months off like I had months with an S at the end right so a

few months off other suppliers are gonna take you know just one usually they take

like two weeks so as I put it right here they take around about two weeks so also

side note I forgot to say this part for those of you guys who were waiting for

q4 to finish to order on Amazon you guys can go ahead and start ordering products

now because q4 is over and the date for you know shipping everything in to

Amazon has passed so you're clear you can start looking for products and start

looking at ordering your first unit or your next unit whatever it is whatever

stage of the process you guys are on anyway so back to Chinese New Year's

I've heard that some suppliers take a few months

off some suppliers take you know a few weeks I have heard of suppliers who take

nothing off they just grind their butts off work all the time

props to them they you know keep working the Monday to Friday usually even

Saturday and Sunday suppliers are very good at answering if you find the right

supplier find a good supplier but I'm going to tell you guys kind of most of

them are going to be taken like two weeks off so that's why we're gonna

prepare the only way to know for sure is to communicate with your supplier ask

them how many days are you planning on taking off on Chinese New Year are you

going to be off blah blah blah so after I tell you guys everything make sure to

go and talk to your supplier because they're gonna be the only ones that

actually you know have the 100% information for you so the more

communication the better communication you have honestly it's just the better

long-term just long-term for your whole you know for as long as you have that

product and as long as you use that supplier it's it's important to keep a

good relationship but they have trust me it makes things a lot easier so what you

guys need to start thinking is how many units are you selling a day right so

that you you should know that let's just look at your Amazon seller app what's

the average that you are doing if your product is you know just started and

you're you know you're building it up you're gonna have to keep that in mind

that you know your product is sales are going to increase as we go another thing

though you should keep in mind is that we are in Christmas season now we are in

q4 sales are higher so you're not gonna be making the same sales um January

February March as you are right now so just kind of keep that in mind if you've

been selling the product for you know a year or two you'll know this already I

probably you probably don't even need to watch this video but if you are that's

awesome and I appreciate it but anyways you probably know how many peers are

gonna be selling in January February March ish so you you know you have that

plan so that's gonna be one part and the second thing you're gonna have to keep

in mind is how long does your inventory take to come in so by the time you you

know say go to your supplier and you pay your supplier how long does it take for

them to make the product manufacture the product and then ship the product and it

get to Amazon right that whole process usually takes minimum two weeks right um

I know most of my products took two to three weeks

I've heard of people who have you know harder products manufacturer more

specific products they may take a month two months usually it's not more than a

month though but that's another thing that you would again only find out by

communicating with your suppliers so once you have those two down you can

kind of do some math and figure out how much do you need to be ordering right

when before Chinese New Year again communicate with your supplier be like

look I need to make sure I have inventory in those days so your supplier

is gonna be like okay I need you to order by this day so that we can get it

shipped before we all go on vacation so I'd say look to you know order at least

two weeks before Chinese New Year if you can like a month before Chinese New Year

and if you can cover you know instead of ordering just one month worth of

inventory if it's a product you're comfortable with and you're confident

with order two months worth that way you can just go straight through it and not

run into any issues whatsoever so the thing I recommend doing is okay so if

you're talking to if you are selling products right now that means you

already have a supplier for this product everything's going fine talk to that you

know whatsapp Skype whatever it is that you guys use for messaging them maybe

it's just Alibaba by itself I recommend talking to them off Alibaba

Alibaba is our great platform to talk to people talk to your suppliers on but

whatever it is you're doing I used whatsapp for the most part you talk to

them come up with a plan with them to make sure that everything goes according

to plan and if it doesn't you can hold them accountable for you know if they

mess up so that's gonna be if you're selling if you're not selling though you

want to make sure you order either in it well in advance before you're proud of

before Chinese New Year so like I said I'm looking like one month maybe even

one and a half months before Chinese New Year because some people gonna take the

week before off trust me it gets it's a it's not a good time to be trying that

you know Russia products is so either you order a good amount of time before

or just order after right if you are not selling and you know it's it's a week

before Chinese New Year maybe consider holding off for the one or two weeks

keep looking for your second product maybe you can launch two products at one

time I don't know what the situation is but yeah make sure you order either well

for don't order too soon two weeks you're gonna order they're not gonna

finish manufacturing and then there's gonna stop and it's gonna take like

three weeks four weeks five weeks whatever it is for them to get back and

get started it's a slow process because think about it once they get back into

you know once Chinese New Year is done everyone's back in the factory they have

to make up for all the lat all the past all the past orders that they didn't

fulfill so they have to make sure all that takes care of all that is taken

care of and that can take some time one of the things I remember is a few weeks

a few I think was like a few months ago maybe a few weeks ago I think it was a

few months ago I think it was over two months ago on the government shutdown

factories in China of due to pollution they were doing pollution inspections

and they shut down the factories now that - two things happened one thing

certain materials became more expensive for the manufacturers so the prices of

some products went up now that's not gonna be the case with Chinese New Year

thankfully but that was annoying that can save that for another video though

what the thing that is similar to this is that you know people were off for a

good amount of time so orders piled up when they came back they had to take

care of three four five weeks worth of orders that were not taking care of

because they were done for like one to two weeks and so they had to take care

of all that so you know even if you placed an order by the time your order

got fulfilled it could be like six weeks down the road because they have to

finish all the other products that we're ahead of you so that's another thing to

keep in mind I'm kind of similar to that that's why we've been through this I've

been through this so I'm trying to make sure you guys are as well-informed as I

can for you know not so we don't run into any issues basically what the whole

point of this channel isn't me helping you guys out with Amazon is I want to

make sure you guys run into it the least amount of issues trust me I've ran

through all these I you know ran through all these issues before I've run into

all of them trust me all of them says plenty of times I you know had a rough

start to Amazon in the beginning my first product went great but everything

that I could have done wrong I probably did so and if I didn't I'll probably do

it pretty soon and let you guys know so yeah that's basically guys want to make

sure you guys are super well-informed there's

a lot of information there's lot of dates that people just don't keep in

mind we keep a lot of the us dates in mind but we completely forget about the

Chinese dates and they are outrageously important because that's where our

suppliers are so just kind of something to keep in mind yeah guys that's gonna

be it for this video though just a quick little video explaining the dates making

sure you guys have everything you need all the information that you need coming

up going forward um if you guys have any questions though make sure like I said

any Amazon FBA question that you guys want answer that I can answer for you

leave them in the comments of this video I would love to go through them and just

you know make a list of what videos I need to make for you guys and I'm just

gonna go through and make videos for every one of your questions so

independent of all question it is maybe it was already answered or whatever it

doesn't matter I will make a video for all of them so leave them in the

comments down below also like I said before as well for those of you guys who

are new and you haven't subscribed what are you waiting for

but please do hit that subscribe button it would be awesome to have you guys as

part of the team we have the Amazon FBA free Amazon FBA group in the description

you guys go check that out too Facebook group full awesome people a lot of fun

stuff and a lot of good information is shared in that group I'm very thankful

for everyone in that group if you are in the group thanks for being there if

you're not go jump in there um also yeah I think it's gonna be it special like on

this video if you guys enjoyed sorry for talking so much at the end I hope you

enjoyed this video though I'll see you guys tomorrow for another video

For more infomation >> IMPORTANT Dates If You Are An Amazon FBA Private Label Seller! Alibaba Shipping Inventory Management - Duration: 10:21.


Top 10 worst christmas presents given to kids (parents give Bad christmas presents to kids) - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> Top 10 worst christmas presents given to kids (parents give Bad christmas presents to kids) - Duration: 8:34.


【正岡小豆・小林抹茶】カンタレラ【カバー】 - Duration: 2:58.

Our eyes meet in a closed off corner of the world,

you may pretend not to notice, but we're drunk on love.

This burning heart; I hide it as I draw closer.

Even my breath alone is enough to paralyse you.

I'm setting a trap now to encapture your heart,

and I won't leave behind a single footprint even in the smallest gap.

You've been deceived by my words, and have let your guard down.

You will even gulp down this poison that I know all so well.

From these rusty chains, there is no escaping,

The more you try to fight against the clock's ticking hands, the harder it gets!

If I were to slip you into a deep thicket,

the scent of our binding sweat would surely overwhelm you.

I'm setting a trap now to encapture your heart,

I peek into the smallest gap and...

seize you.

I've slipped you into a deep thicket,

and the scent of our binding sweat has surely overwhelmed you.

For more infomation >> 【正岡小豆・小林抹茶】カンタレラ【カバー】 - Duration: 2:58.


Use Social Media to get Professional Jobs | ft. ThatLondonLife - Duration: 14:53.

hey guys so today we are joined by Elena otherwise known as That London Life on

the Internet and today we're gonna be talking about how to leverage our

channels and the work that we do on social media in order to help us get

paid work and jobs in more professional atmospheres. I thought that we would just

start off with you have actually kind of made some changes in your professional

life recently and have done a really good job leveraging your channel to get

some professional work so I thought you can kind of start by talking about that

and how you've done that and what your experiences that that have been. My

background is actually higher education administration it's what I have a

master's in I've worked in different universities in different countries and

the beginning of this year was when I decided actually I really want to make

that leap into social media. Social media has been something that I've done for

five years but always you know in as a hobby and in

my personal life and I felt like I was doing really well at it and then I'm I

know so much about it in fact like in the spare time give workshops and that

kind of thing to do with social media and using YouTube but I wasn't doing it

in a way that got paid. Yeah. And I was becoming less and less interested in the

higher education aspect of it it felt like I was trying to get that out of the

way so that I could then go on and on and do social media stuff so I made the

leap in May 2017 and I quit that job and I actually started as an intern so

way back. Yeah which is scary like when you've been working for a while. I

thought it's a very short-term thing I can just do it and I can enjoy it and

then I can after that I can use that time to sort of look for something that

would be more higher and whatever I'm currently doing but yeah it was

definitely a really good decision and I'm having much more fun and I'm

enjoying work a lot more now in the process of that did you actually put on

your CV that you have a YouTube channel and what kind of information did you

kind of include before you got an interview for the internship. So I

definitely needed to put my youtube channel and my experience with social

media on my CV and basically overhaul it entirely to include that stuff before it

was just an interest so you always seen you would probably put they have

interest and so it was just a very minor footnote in a way

and then I had to make a bigger deal of it so because I don't have any work

experience necessarily like I've sort of dabbled in I had the Instagram accounts

and Twitter accounts for the higher education establishments and programs I was

working for but it was not the main focus of the job in the role so I had to

make a big deal out of those things but then a bigger deal out of my channel to

say look I am worth while.

Yeah and what kind of information did you include did you

just include things like what you've learned while you've done your YouTube

channel and kind of the asset that you would be because you know how to film

you know to edit you know how to maintain things on the pre production

post-production side or was it more that you were like this is how many

subscribers I have and this is the audience that I built and the influence

that I have kind of watch which direction did you go with that and why

yeah so well I had to tailor it specifically for the job so you can

definitely say that you do all the various different things and I did you

know I can say that I can do lighting I can do editing I can do all that kind of

stuff but for the role itself it was talking about Twitter it was talking

about it was talking less about YouTube but more about Facebook video so

what I can do and make a video for youtube or I can make a video and still

post it to Facebook so I used that kind of information in tailored it very much

towards what the job was and I also leaned heavily on the fact

that my YouTube channel is about London like it was a really good fit yeah so I just

took whatever they wanted and just said this is what I already do in my personal

life a really big do that yeah it is impressive what you do with your own

channels never underestimate the fact that you are both camera woman and editor

everything so really big that stuff up and made sure that it was tailoring it

to the job itself. And I think as well on for whatever job that you're working

that you're working in whether that be production whether that be marketing

even publishing something anything that you might be applying for there are

marketable skills that you have as a youtuber because you are everything so I

think a lot of people kind of forget the the full process of you have skills that

are marketable at each individual part of the video making process that you can

include as kind of a plus for when I'm for whatever job market

you might be applying in. Specifically for me I went from a non social media

background to a social media job so in that respect I had to use examples of my

own non YouTube non social media work that I did regularly in my working

life and then apply it to social media so yeah I had to say that I had from my

masters in higher education administration transferable skills that

transfers to a social media sphere yeah so that possibility is there but then

again if you have social media experience and you're transferring to a

job which isn't in social media there are still gonna be things that you can

pick out that says look if this is the this is the title right transferable

skills that's what you say put that a your CV it's transferable to something

else. Yeah exactly and I think that's something that I've definitely done

because a lot of my work experience is in charity work and the way that I got

that job and the jobs that I've done with charities is I've said that the

marketable skills that I have from doing YouTube and from doing social media are

things that I can apply to the job description that they're describing so

if I'm working for a charity and they're wanting me to manage a brand and they're

saying you know we need somebody who has an understanding of how to market

something and has an understanding of how to promote something you can

definitely say that you you have those skills that are transferable because

you've done it yourself and you've you've practiced it obviously to an

extent it might be helpful if you have some kind of program or certificate that

can kind of show you know that you've had some professional practice with that

as well but it's definitely a plus if they can see that you have taken what

you've learned and applied it somewhere and definitely you can transfer those I

think that that's something that a lot of people don't realize. So something

that I know a lot of people are really worried about is putting their YouTube

channel on their CV or in an interview because they don't want their bosses to

go look up their YouTube channels some people don't have family-friendly

YouTube channels or some people talk about topics that might not necessarily

be appropriate in the workplace or that might be uncomfortable for them if their

co-workers were aware of it how would you suggest going about that if it's

something that you don't want to explicitly tell them your channel but

you do want to be able to use the skills you've learned to help

you get a job. I mean my before I rebranded to That London Life and have all the new

videos now I'm totally fine with anyone seen my videos because it's all

family-friendly and it's all you know I'm not embarrassed about anything but

before that I had lots of different types of videos where they were just

silly and none of them were rude or inappropriate but they just it felt

weird that someone professional would look at them yeah which you know

shouldn't mean that you don't want to make those kinds of videos it's just you

know that if they're for a different audience that's not necessarily your

boss but in that respect I would create another YouTube channel which becomes

your show reel so you would take the videos that you're most proud of or the

ones that you feel like are most applicable and you would put them into a

new YouTube channel to show that look these are the videos that I've made that

I'm really proud of and that show that I've got the skills yeah but when you

actually you know talk about that YouTube channel is probably not going to have

the subscribers so just call it your show reel not that it's your YouTube

channel. If you're someone who has worked with youtubers in the sense that I

obviously helped you on your channel quite a lot with especially sound design

or if I have helped one of my friends with his short film recently so

something like that you can say you know I've have work with youtubers and with

content creators and kind of link to the stuff that you've worked on with them

and you don't necessarily have to say that you're creator but you can talk

about the creators that you've worked with um in a professional setting as far

as helping them with their own projects yeah and unless you're applying for a

job which says that we want to be able to grow a million subscribers in two

weeks show us how you've done that you know most even like with big companies

like BBC like Endomal and that kind of stuff which are at least here in the UK

you know they don't tend to ask for that you know they want you to have the

skills anyway so if you then go into an interview and I can say look I've got

this many subscribers even if you haven't shown them your channel in

advance and I could go into there and say I've grown to five thousand

subscribers and here's why I know that I'm not at a million and then I bring

all of the analytics and the algorithm knowledge that I've got say this is what

I'm working against then you prove that you've got the knowledge and that you

know why things haven't grown so then there'll be more

convinced that okay she knows what does and doesn't work so yeah. And I think as well

it's really important to remember that most of the people that you're going

that are going to be interviewing you for any kind of job are not going to be

social media people themselves so whatever you have is a lot more

impressive than what people what you might think being in that sphere so for

me saying I have you know six hundred twenty subscribers doesn't seem like a

lot for YouTube because in the grand scheme of the thousands of YouTube

millions of youtubers 620 doesn't feel like a lot to me but to an employer that

is showing that you've got an audience you've maintained an audience you have

put the effort and the work in and to them they have zero they sit on their

couch and watch TV like they don't know what goes into that so to them it sounds

really impressive that you've worked for that and that you've been able to to

reach any number no matter what it is because it shows leadership and it shows

that you're you're going for what you want and you're working towards it.

And they will also know that you haven't got the resources that maybe they have so

they could actually throw quite a bit of money behind it they could probably

feature some people that are well-known and that kind of things you know they've

got more resources that they can put behind a channel that they know that you

personally would not have. Yeah which even again like so for me working with

charity work it it might be something where I and I think that comes into

research where if you walk into a job opportunity and you're there for an

interview and you say like here are some ideas from looking at your brand that I

think could be improved and here's why like I did that's how I got one of my

charity work jobs is I had a phone interview and they said you know we'll

have you have you looked do you know anything about us and I said yeah I have

a few suggestions actually what they had been doing was on their YouTube channel

they weren't putting any tags they weren't using any descriptions and they

didn't have any thumbnails and so I like in the interview I was said you know if

you if you're gonna be posting something you should want it to do

the best that it possibly can and I made some suggestions to that and they they

ended up hiring me straight off of that because clearly I had some knowledge

about how they could improve to help themselves. Probably as well if there's

with a hundred thousand subscribers they're not looking for a job

these places anyways they're probably trying to make it themselves so they

need people like us. Exactly. So something that I think you and I have that's very

unique is that we both work for London small youtubers which is obviously an

organization that you created and have built up over the past two years how do

you think that has played into your opportunities and what do you suggest to

people who maybe don't have that kind of organizational stuff to put on their

resume. Yeah well to be honest when it boils down to it I started a Facebook

group and there are millions of Facebook groups so it all depends on what you do

with it so it's something that you yourself can start you don't like ours

is very localized to London and so we've put an awful lot of work into that but

you don't have to do that if you're in a small town and you don't have that many

youtubers around to you just make it more global but anyway it's something

that you can you can utilize definitely through this and through the events that

we've organised through it it means that I can now show that I have you know

teaching skills because I teach workshops through it and this is stuff

that I've just decided to do off of my own back so I you know as well that's

actually a good point where if you think I don't actually have anything that

shows that I can do these skills go and create an opportunity where you can.

And as well on top of that I would say that if you are a member of an organization

or if you work on a project with someone have them create a website or a LinkedIn

page for the project or the membership so I think that was something that you

and I discussed at length before we had a website for London small youtubers we

had this great organization on a Facebook a private Facebook page that

had I think like 500 members before we before we made the website and we kind

of discussed that we wanted a website for a few reasons which was you know to

kind of organize to have a more public facing place to bring people but as well

it was a professional thing that we wanted to be able to leverage London

small youtubers as a professional body and it looks so much more professional

when you have a website that people can go to there's contact information

there's a little bit of information about what the organization is and what

they do so if you're a member of it you can say like this is something I'm a

member of and draw them towards it and it

a lot better and as well if you work on a private project so let's say you have

a friend who's a youtuber who is you know letting you work with them whether

it be like doing camera work for them or you're helping them like the sound

design or whatever it is have them create a LinkedIn page for like they're

either they're a public figure or a LinkedIn page for like the film with a

project that they're doing that you've helped with that way again you can put

that on a CV as saying like this is the kind of work that I've done in the

type of with people that I've worked with. And a different note on the subject

of being part of an organization or a meetup group or whatever it is it's

provided me with other opportunities job wise so it's a great way of networking

so that if you're looking for a career in something where you only have this

amateur experience to back you up these people have like they know you

they get to know you in the group they tell you when opportunities become

available that you might not have otherwise of known and then when you

apply for them one of the ones that I've applied for through somebody in the

group he then said I'll be a reference for you because I've seen all the stuff

that you're doing in the group and how active you are and I've seen your

YouTube channel and I know you pretty well

so he's now gonna be an actual reference for me and considering that it's a

reference for something that isn't my professional experience it's only my

hobby experience you know that's really valuable

Thank you guys for joining us I hope that this was helpful to some of you if you

have any other questions or comments or things that you want discussed that we

maybe didn't get to reach today please leave a comment down below and I will be

sure to think of that going forward if you guys want to check out Elena she has

an amazing channel about London we just did a video on her channel talking about

higher education in England and you can click somewhere around here to go check

that out and I will see you guys very very soon bye

For more infomation >> Use Social Media to get Professional Jobs | ft. ThatLondonLife - Duration: 14:53.


Copy of Roblox | Small Neighborhood | Part 1 | Bloxburg - Duration: 2:48.

Subscribe To Me!

Subscribe To Me!

Subscribe To Me!

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How to Crack Photoshop CC 2018 - Duration: 1:54.

İf you like the video don't forget to press like button !

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Hyggestream. - Duration: 6:58:42.

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Lucas-what you want

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Lori Garica Testimonial - Duration: 1:24.

The guy came to my house I ordered the windows, there were i think at least one of the differences

from checking around is I was able to choose, the colors for the windows there were several

different styles to choose from , as far as the windows we laid out to go with the style

of the house.

The crew that came in to install them , they were actually very very wonderful, they kept

everything clean they did it over two days, they cleaned up after themselves they were

very professional and friendly and helpful in the whole process and the windows look

great actually in the house so i know my electricity bill i had them installed right before summer

hit and essentially my electricity bill remained constant through the summer, there was no

spike in the hot Houston heat.

So just the look and feel of the windows the ease of cleaning them and then the efficiency

in the house its just been absolutely fabulous.

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Reggie Watts Paints Shirtless with The Shirtless Painter - Duration: 29:52.

(upbeat silly music)

- Hello and welcome to another episode of yep,

you guessed it, The Shirtless Painter.

Anyone can paint, and anyone can paint anything,

including my very special guest,

my good friend and fellow artist,

Mr. Reggie Watts.

- Hi.

Reggie thank you so much for joining us today

and exquisite guest like this calls for

an exquisite painting.

And today, Reggie and I are going to be collaborating

on a painting that we call Exquisite Celebration.

We invite you to take off your shirt

and paint along with us.

We'll be flashing some of the colors on screen.

Let's jump right in.

When you think of celebration,

what's the first thing that comes to mind?

- I guess the song.

- Kool & The Gang, right?

- Yeah, I'm glad he had that gang.

They were very celebratory.

I mean their music was just a constant celebration.

- Well I think the more the merrier at a celebration,

so I'm gonna of ahead and add just a bit of a gang here.

Not a violent gang, but a group.

- I love the texture of this canvas.

I've never used canvas before.

- Doesn't get much fresher than this.

- No it's just got a nice like,

it's kind of rough, but like satisfying to touch.

Yeah it's like ...

(light scratching)

That's pretty good.

- Our gang is gonna be represented by just sort

of different colored dots right now.

Just see where that goes.

See where that goes.

Reggie I know you are heavily involved in music

and comedy of course.

What is your relationship to visual arts?

- The visual arts.

Yeah you know it's funny.

I was always a drawer.

Drawer. When I was a kid.

And I went to, I took art classes.

And I got into AP art in high school.

- Congrats.

- Thank you. It was really fun,

but I was kind of like I stopped at lithography.

Most people do.

- I do know, but just to confirm,

lithography is sort of a form of print making?

- It starts with a stone.

I forget the type of stone it is.

You draw on it,

and then you use acid,

which then etches into what you've drawn.

I'm not sure if it's the negative or the positive.

This is a long time ago.

I was in high school, so like seven years ago.

But like yeah and then you would see the positive

of the image.

And so it's a form of print making.

It might be a pretty old form,

cause it looks old.

- Some day we'll rent some of that gear

and do it on the show.

- Oh my gosh.

- And you're welcome to come lithog with us.

- Yeah. Some liths.

You know what would be good to get, John Lithgow.

- Oh, sort of the original lithographer.

- Yes, he is. Yes.

I commented on this earlier, off-camera,

so I'm gonna include it inside of the camera.

I hate paints because I just want to eat them.

- This is a problem that I run into all the time,

- I mean look at that.

It's just like -

- They look like the nice thick sort of candy

that you could just eat.

But they don't taste as good as they look,

and I have learned that the hard way.

- Oh, well.

- And then forgotten and learned again.

- I learned back in the day with Play-Doh.

- Play-Doh has the added pitfall of it smells good.

- I know.

- It smells kind of good.

So the look, plus the smell,

equals you're gonna of course try a bite.

- You gotta try a bite.

I mean it's not toxic, it's just not good.

Did Play-Doh ever play off like,

do they ever have like a ...

Play-Doh republic, Plato's Republic.

- I think the little boy on the cover.

What do you call it.

A jar.

I think, is he sort of dressed like Plato a little bit?

- I think he is.

- I think there's some sort of subtle nod to

- Yeah you're right, they had to have known.

- Yeah they knew what they were doing.

- Yeah.

- We got you guys.

- Nice one. Nice try.

- Yeah we were born at night,

but not last night, okay?

I assume Reggie you were born at night.

- I was born at night in the morning.

- Mornings are sort of the original night.

- Mornings are yeah, mornings are the OG night.

Remember Michael Knight?

- I don't know if I do.

- That might have been after your time.

He was a character in a show called Knight Rider.

- Oh I remember Knight Rider, of course,

and I guess I should have assumed that.

I knew his name was Micheal,

and I think is makes perfect sense that his last name

was Knight.

- Yeah he worked for Knight Industries.

- And then you had Mr. Feeny in the car telling him

what to do. Soul of the car.

- Was that the voice of the car?

- I believe it was Mr. Feeny.

Guys do we have any, anybody got Mr. Feeny's IMDB page?

Mr Gandalf?

- Gandalf.

- Okay.

- All right.

We don't wanna spread rumors but.

- There's nothing like a confirmation that says

that's what I heard.

- Yeah. So you heard it here first folks.

James Gandalf Feeny played the car in Knight Rider.

Check that out.

- All right P.

- Since this is a celebration,

we do sort of have a table of party favors here.

As you can see.

So one of those is a nice bowl

of letters and numbers and stuff.

- Oh shit, okay.

- If you feel compelled to ...

- I'm about to get compelled.

Put this in here just cause you need a little bit

of, a little bit of Caucasian.

Just right in the middle there.

- Mhm.

- A bit there.

Just a little bit there.

- And if you don't have Caucasian color at home,

you can mix a little bit of white boy white

with white girl white.

- The cool thing about painting

is it's pretty gender neutral

- Yeah it doesn't matter what kind of genitals you have.

To paint.

- I mean you see cats painting, horses, apes.

- Elephants.

- Elephants.

Yeah, so it's all gender neutral.

- Okay so I'm just adding a little A here.

- Ayy.

- Yes sort of a little Fonzi reference.


- Ayy.

- Sound off in the comments if you remember the Fonz.

- Ayy.

Probably after your time, but it's coming.

- Check it out.

- All right.

When did you start doing music?

- Well with music we're looking at

I used to goof around because I was a big fan of Elvis.

James Brown, and Ray Charles.

So I used to mimic Ray Charles as a little kid.

I was like two or three.

So I kind of rock around

and like look like Ray Charles.

And then my mom noticed that

and then I guess when I was four, or three,

I got a toy piano.

I used to play on the toy piano a lot.

And then when we moved to Montana from Europe,

I guess I asked for piano lessons.

Classical piano. And I took that for like

unitl I was age 16?

And then I also took classical violin for eight years.

In the school system,

because our school system actually had money

at the time the government cared about the arts,

so that was really sweet.

- Yeah that was a cool period.

- Yeah it was a cool period.

It was like oh yeah we value that.

So I guess I've always been doing music

in some form or another.

- Wow.

- I've always been in love with it.

- That's very interesting,

because I feel like you see a lot of depictions

of piano, well take piano lessons,

in popular culture it's sort of depicted as this pain

that kids don't wanna do.

But you were interested in doing it,

and you asked your parents if you could do it,

and I would say that it probably paid off for you, right?

- Oh yeah.

It definitely it got me where I am today.

I mean I definitely will say,

I understand that thinking,

because I wasn't always excited about rehearsing.

I had to practice a lot at home,

and sometimes I felt like giving up,

but you know that's where I discovered I like

to improvise.

Unlike this show, which is scripted.

- Tightly scripted.

- I had some moments where I just kind of gave up

and then when I would give up I started drifting

on my own. Doing my own things.

- So that's where the magic happens.

Just when you're about to give up,

keep going and you might find something interesting.

- Exactly.

So I'm very grateful for that.

Cause man I tell you music is pretty cool.

- You know I'm a big fan of painting as you can see,

but music is pretty much up there for me.

- Yeah. They're related, you know?

They're all related.

It's all working with frequencies.

I mean it depends on how often you do it, right?

- Yeah.

- Frequency.

- For me it's high frequency.

- Yeah man, all the way.

- Sonicare toothbrush.

- Yep. Brought to you by Sonicare.

- Just wanna give a shout out to our good friends

at Sonicare, we love what you do,

and hope you keep doing it for years to come.

- Okay.

So I'm just making sort of a little box here.

- Oh wow that is so cool.

- It's got corners but it almost looks like

it could be inside your body or something.

- It's so good.

- Sort of an organ or something.

- Yeah definitely.

- Now is this the Fibonacci sequence?

Am I saying that right?

- Yeah, I think it could be.

It could be that sequence.

- Could be any number of sequence.

- There's a lot of sequences

but I think you're onto something there.

And it's also kind of like the Netherlands Air Force,

but kind of like different colors.

- Oh okay.

(speaking Dutch)

- And that's the truth.

- That's the (truth pronounced with Dutch accent)

I'm excited to paint because I've never painted before.

- Oh really?

So you were always a drawer or a draftsman?

- Yeah.

- First.

- Yeah I was always like the old HB lead pencil.

- Love HB.

- It's a good one.

- I really will say that's my favorite density of lead.

And I'm not even messing around.

- No I'm glad to hear that because I just tried all of them

and HB it's soft when you want it to be soft,

and you can control how much lead density you want

on that paper.

- It's sort of the universal donor of pencil tip,

or pencil lead.

- Absolutely.

I was a huge fan.

So I did a lot of work with that.

When I was drawing the most.

But then I kind of stopped.

I mean this will be my first official piece of art

with an actual artist.

A visual artist ever.

- Thank you so much.

- This is my first time. Thank you.

I like to complete a piece, you know,

it's like that feeling where you're like oh I finished it.

Like it's done. Here's the piece.

I haven't had that feeling in a long time.

I have little scribblings and snorflings

and griffles and all the art shit.

- Norfies.

- Norfies, yeah. And the klerbs.

Yeah so I haven't had one of those in a long time.

But I do miss it,

and so when I heard about this show,

I was watching HBO and they were advertising this show,

and I was like I wanna do that.

So it's great to have an offer.

- Well HBO increased our budget to 70 million this year,

so we were able to afford Reggie,

we were able to afford some of these new materials here.

- So cool.

- And you know, we're just trying to do the same thing

but better. Over at HBO.

- Shout out to HBO.

- Some of the best streaming content available

in my opinion on TV.

Except it's not TV. It's HBO.

- Yeah that's right.

You were so good at that.

When I was working for HBO for a long time,

and I was like,

why do you have to have a box office in your house?

- Right.

- Because I literally would set up a box office.

Like so if my friends came over to watch TV or whatever,

they would like come by and I would say,

oh you can't go downstairs without paying.

- Get your ticket,

- And that's what I thought it was and then I realized

oh it's just a channel.

I don't know, like I figure if I wanna go

to a movie in my house I wanna get the popcorn,

I wanna pay a person I don't understand or know.

- Right. Have someone take a little piece of paper,

rip it, give half back to you,

say go right ahead it's on the left

or the right or whatever the case may be.

- Yeah, exactly. And I don't know.

I kind of miss that.

And they never did it.

So it's kind of stupid.

You know HBO, I know we shouted you out pretty hard

a couple of minutes ago,

but I think you owe a lot of people an apology.

So but keep up the quality.

Keep up the quality programming.

- Yeah I mean I love Mark and Mindy,

and all the stuff that they've been doing.

- Wheel of Fortune has been great lately

ever since it moved.

- Thank God, now it's in some capable hands.

And JJ Abrams is producing.

- Which is so fun.

- It's just cool.

- It's very cool.

You got two Patsy Jacks now which is very cool.

- Two pack say Jack.

- Can you imagine what those two guys would look like

if they got together?

- Yeah remember that?

- We'll see if we can get our graphics team

to mock up what Tupac Sajak might look like.

And I think you'll find it enjoyable.

- Yeah I can't wait.

At some point these are gonna converge,

I have a weird feeling.

I think so too.


- ♪ (singing distorted version of "I Got a Feeling ♪

by The Black Eyed Peas)


- (harmonizing)

okay so I just got a little paint on the end

of my brush here which was an accident

but I like to say on this show

there are no screw-ups, only pleasant woopsies.

So this I just decided to sort of use this as the front.

- Eminem's front, right?

Oh we got ink too.

- Yeah, I was actually gonna ...

- Sometimes things just line up.

It's like when you get a bunch of metronomes

in a room.

- Yes.

- And they eventually all start to sync up.

- Oh that's right, that's true.

- Did you ever see those videos of that?

- I love that idea.

Of the probability of everything eventually syncs up

then goes out of phase again.

But hey, let's phase it.

- Yeah.

- That's life.

- Phase the nation.

- Let's phase it, that's life.

Oh that's good. I love it.

It's real dark.

- You can kind of do a lot with this.

I think any fun celebration would probably

have you at it, Reggie.

So I'm just gonna like really quick.

Do a little ...

And ...


- Holy shit.

That's amazing.

Well you know what,

I'm gonna try to do a quick one of you.

Just on the corner.

By the way, this has nothing to do

with what we're working on.

This is just extra.

- Oh right, yeah, every canvas comes

with sort of what's called filler space.

So feel free to use that for whatever side project

you wanna be working on.

- I'm just gonna kind of.

Just do this, just to make it clearer.

- Oh right, sort of an in picture in picture.

- Yes. Picture in picture.

Picture in picture.

- Picture in picture.

- I'm even gonna go, I'm so detailed about this

and a little bit OCD,

I'm gonna actually continue this beyond the painting.

- Oh yeah, right.

- So it's a little three dimensional ...

- People at the gallery will appreciate that.

- Yeah, so they're like, oh here's a treat for us.

- This almost looks like,

I don't know if you're familiar with those cups

that you get sort of at the mall for soda.

- Oh yes. Someone had to design that.

- I actually did research this at one point,

and it's a woman whose still living.

She designed the,

it's called Jazz.

That's the name of the pattern. Jazz.

- Oh Jazz? Yeah. It feels like Jazz.

Cause you look at and you're like whoa that's just

(scat singing)

That kind of thing.

- Yeah.

- Which is what I think of when I think of jazz.

- Yeah, absolutely.

See now I have my extra space here.

Maybe this could be a good place to kind of do the

- Oh yeah totally.

Like little collage.

Like a collage a scope.

- Ah. Feels like apple or somebody should be working.

Instead of focusing on iPhones every year,

make a collage a scope.

- Yeah collage a scope would be so cool.

Ink to the Fibonacci sequence.

- Yeah get that sequence in there.

- Ah.

- Reggie I'm just gonna ask you a few questions.

- Okay.

- My first question is,

who's your favorite artist across all mediums?

- Oof.

Even though I'm obviously a heavy entertainer,

but definitely an artist,

I'm gonna have to go with Prince.

- Hm. That's a great choice.

- Because he did so much so well.

- And he looked cool doing it.

- Looked so cool.

- He incorporates ...

- I would say Prince is in the realm of visual arts as well.

Based on his videos, his look, just his self.

He's sort of a living painting.

- Exactly, yeah.

That's I could go in Andy Warhol, those types of people.

And the philosophical artists.

But really someone who just kind of was creating

prolifically through a lot of mediums.

- And for a lot of people.

Because I feel like sadly enough,

a lot of people turned off by what they perceive

as art. Capital A Art.

- Yes.

- But Prince kind of snuck the art in there.

- Yeah.

Trojan horse man.

- Trojan horsed it.

A little medicine in the apple sauce.

Now I really like what's going on over here.

- This is you.

And I think yeah, it's like,

and that's about as good as I can get.

I'll put in like some obviously like a dresser behind here.

- Oh nice.

- Yeah just like three dimensional dresser.

- Wow this is maybe the most dignified that I've ever looked

and I own a dresser?

I mean what am I, a millionaire?

- Thanks for joining us.

- Thanks for joining us.

- Just in general.

- Yeah, you don't have to say that at the end.

We thank you for joining us.

- Thank you.

- Thank you for watching the show thus far.

It's not over.

Don't worry. But thank you.

- Thanks so much guys.

We'll be right here, right now.

- This next question is a little personal.

- I could feel that.

- But the X-Files. Cool or sick?

Take your time.

- Fuck.

God damn it.


- That is correct.

- Oh yeah.

- Do you believe that anyone can do art,

and if yes, I agree.

- Then I have to say yes.

I mean everybody is constantly creating everyday.

Make a cup of tea, you're creating.

You're piloting this bio-molecular

consciousness transport system.

- You might be creating.

- You might be creating if.

Your alive.

- Yeah.

- You know what I'm saying?

- You ever given yourself a haircut?

- You might be creating.

- Or is that destroying?

- But is that the same thing?

- Oh.

- I just wanted to add a little bit of more detail.

- RT. Please RT.

- It's art.

- Yeah, A starts with ...

Oh wait.

There's the A.

- Oh shit.

- I was gonna say A isn't even necessary

when you're saying art,

but we got one just in case.

- Ayy.

All right.

Oh I heard you guys were working on a new show.

Cause when I came into the studio,

I saw that you had a mouse.

- Oh, yes, this is a new project.

- A new project immobile mouse.

- It's still sort of I production right now

but it's called immobile mouse,

it's about a mouse who lives here in the studio,

sort of a spin off show.

The mouse can talk,

he's kind of sassy, he's got attitude.

But he can't move.

He's immobile.

So it's a lot of like hey,

watch where you're going pal.

And stuff like that.

So, oh there he is now.

- I got him right here.


- So this is our little guy.

Our immobile mouse.

As you can see. And he's happy to be here.

And what's that immobile mouse?


- Oh yeah, okay.

Talk to me when you're mobile.

So anyway, keep an eye out for that show.

That's coming up on HBO actually.

- Yeah. Oh we've got this tape which is cool.

- Oh yeah.

- This is tape that's generally used by gaffers.

You know growing up my favorite cartoon character

Gaffy Duck.

- Oh right, I thought you were gonna say Gaffy,

the comic strip.

- Oh Gaffy was really good too though.

- And she's always like gaf when things go wrong.

She usually has trouble taping stuff.

- Yeah, okay.

- It's relatable though.

It is relatable.

- Totally.

Difference between gaff tape and duck tape.

And it's duct tape, not duck tape.

Quack quack.

- Put that in your cloaca duck.

- Yeah. What?

- You know like ducks have cloacas.

- Sorry I didn't know that.

I thought you were talking about Chloe

- Oh God I would never say that about her.

She's very cool.

- Have you seen her Instagram?

- She has a great Instagram.

- It's so good.

- Okay so here's a piece of tape here.

- Oh here we go.

- I don't know, what do you think,

does it need another one

or is it too ...

- What do you think at home?

Should we put another face on here?

- Okay they said no.

- Okay.

- All right.

But just try and stop me from putting more tape

on here.

That ain't gonna happen.

- Not even asking.

Not even asking.

- All right so I'm just gonna kind of add more over here.

- I think this stuff is good enough to go on the internet.

- Yeah I think so.

- Internet quality.

- Suitable for posting.

- Yep.

- You've heard of suitable for framing,

well you do the math.

- Yes.

Although I understand if you don't wanna do the math.

- Right. Nobody wants to do math.

- No one does.

But if you're someone who loves math,

and be like (mocking)

- I don't get enough at school.

Teacher, you forgot to give us homework.

- Yeah.

- And I'm telling you.

And we all have to do it.

- Like just talk to your teacher after class.

- Right. And maybe they'll give you

as special assignment if you're that desperate.

- Yeah desperate, thank you.

Yeah if you're that desperate.

For math.

- It's desperate to ask the teacher please

give me math homework.

It comes off desperate.

- It does really come off desperate.

- And I know you're just a kid, but ...

- Yeah we don't wanna be too harsh on you.

- But you're gonna have to grow up at some point.

So and I really hate to come down on you like this,

because you are my nieces friend.

But and I know you're getting upset.

- We were just kidding.

- Yeah we know it's you're birthday.

So just have fun,

enjoy the party, we'll talk later.

- Go math.

- Yeah math rules.

- Go Panthers!

- Yeah go panthers!

- Love math.

- Love math.

- Once in a while I get in front of a computer

and I see a tweet, and I noticed you tweeted

something that was sort of near and dear to my heart.

I don't get mad about much stuff,

but it was just about how people don't use turn signals

when they turn, or when they're driving in their car.

- Uh huh.

- And I was just wondering if you had anything else

to say about that.

- Yeah its a huge issue for me.

Because it's like indicate.

And also don't indicate and turn at the same time.

Indicate, wait a couple seconds, then turn.

And again Josie, not to come down on you twice

on your birthday but,

- Use your turn signals.

- And happy seventh.

- Yeah happy seventh.

- Wow this is looking good.

- Yeah I'm just gonna put a little bit,

cause it needs a little bit right there.

- Oh yes.

Oh my God yes.

- So Reggie. I know you're very interested in technology

and AI and stuff like that.

What break through do you think

is really gonna spice things up for us?

As humans.

- Oof. Yeah.

I would say augmented reality.

Having to wear your phone on your face

as glasses and see information floating in space

is so much better than starting at a dumb rectangle.

Cause I feel like a dumb dumb.

- Right. If I wanna stare at a rectangle,

I'll stare at one of these babies.

- OG rectangle right here.

- This is yeah.

All you younger kids,

get steal the original and best.

- The original and best and the thing that inspired it all.

- So think there's any risk of like if augmented reality

glasses sort of become the new phone,

that everyone would just be like giving each other

wedgies and stuff all the time for having glasses?

- Oh, are you kidding me?

- Calling each other four eyes and stuff.

- That's what it's for.

The thing is that we have these phones in our hands,

which doesn't allow us to give people wedgies.

Having a piece of cloth

like just uncomfortably in your buns

is really kind of one of the best aspects

of being alive.

It's just a reminder that you have an ass.

- Okay so any good celebration I think

I would invite my wife to,

so I'm gonna go ahead and add my wife.

- Oh yeah.

What's your wife's name?

- Her name is Darden.

- I am Darden.

I will be your wife.

- Yeah that's kind of what she sounds like.

When I proposed, that's what ...

- I accept.

- Yeah she accepted.

- I love you.

I'm Darden.

- So I'm gonna have my wife

she's going to be sort of a diamond kite.

Diamond shaped.

- Oh diamond kites.

That's kites.

- She's just kind of looking down over

the celebration here.

And just making sure everyone's having fun.

- You know something that's really screwed up.

Mouse is still there.

- Hm.

I guess the mouse is okay, right?

The immobile mouse?

I know he's supposed to be immobile,

but, oh he just talked again.

Okay. Yeah he's okay.

That's kind of one of the main sort of situations

in this situation comedy is that people think he's a dead

mouse, but he's alive, he's just immobile.


- It's not television.

It's HBO.

- so I'm just gonna add my wife's eyelashes here.

- So one thing someone told me before doing this gig

cause I asked like seven people who have been on the show

should I do it.

And they're talking about that your eyelash work

is like insane.

- Oh that's so nice. I mean thank you.

- Yeah no problem.

I big friends with Paula Pamstone

and she was talking about when she did the show

that it was just like ...

- Oh Paula mentioned me.

- Yeah that's a big deal because she doesn't

she makes a point of not talking about people.

- I'm of the Ms. Pacman school of eyelashes.

I sort of do like a little crescent smile shape

and just some lines kind of coming out from that.

- It's just good cause it's like you really feel

there's a lot of caring and a warm empathy.

I just love that.

It says a lot about a painter.

I remember Judy Tanuda was talking about

being on the show and she was saying that

she also loved your eyelash.

- oh my God coming from her, that is huge actually.

- Yeah, I know.

- And she and I haven't been talking recently,

but to hear that.

- Oh why is it?

- Well there's this whole situation with,

Judy I'm sorry to bring this up,

but there was a situation where she had a pie cooling

on her windowsill.

And people say that I took the pie and ate it.

- Did you?

- I did yes.

Judy I took the pie,

I'm really sorry. It smelled so good.

And I will get you another one.

If I have to bake it myself.

I will get you another pie.

So I'm sorry Judy.

- He's a good man Judy.

- And the pie was great.

I mean for whatever that's worth.

Judy Judy Judy.

- Judy Judy Judy.

That's from a beach car named desire?

- That was that beach boys album.

- Yeah that's right.

- It was sort of parody album.

- Yeah it was a parody for.

- They made it like beach boys style.

- That movie was so successful

and like it was so nice of the beach boys.

- Kind of took it down.

They had it too easy for too long.

- Yeah, totally.

- Okay so I'm just gonna.

- Ooh.

- Okay.

- Okay well I feel great about what we've accomplished

thus far.

How do you feel Reggie?

- It looks really good.

If you're feeling ready we could cap things off

by signing it.

- Yeah.

Oh I'd love that.

I'd love that.

Let me get a signature brush.

- Okay so let's see.

Where can we put this?

- Um.

Oh shit this is hard.

It's hard to sign.

- Wait.

- Sucks being left handed.

- Being right handed really sucks too.

- I fucking hate signing shit.

- It's just being so weird.

- I know.

Usually it's fine, and it's just today I'm in a.

- This thing is definitely ...

- It's happening for me too.

- Oh man.


- Jesus Christ.

- I just wanna thank my guest so much,

Reggie thank you so much for painting with me today.

It was a true pleasure.

I think this definitely feels like an exquisite celebration.

And I invite all of you to have and exquisite celebration

of your own.

Take off your shirt and paint with us,

and check out Reggie doing stuff

pretty much all over the world.

Doing music, doing art, doing comedy.

He covers it all, and that's why he's wearing coveralls.

- That's funny.

- Thank you so much for joining me today

on the shirtless painter,

we'll see you next time only on HBO.

For more infomation >> Reggie Watts Paints Shirtless with The Shirtless Painter - Duration: 29:52.


THREE IDIOTS PLAY CoD: WW II - Duration: 10:15.

Hi fellers.


For more infomation >> THREE IDIOTS PLAY CoD: WW II - Duration: 10:15.


Investing In People Power - MY JOURNEY | EPISODE 021 - Duration: 3:54.

OK so today we're off to an event called investing in people power and

just around the corner the Radisson Blu Hotel it's run by the students that

I met last week and Agent Marketing it's been organised by them. We've got O2

Ernst & Young, the BBC, Liverpool Business School, Health@Work, and Agent Marketing

all speaking so it should be a lively debate it's all about obviously

people and investing in people which is obviously close to my heart so looking

forward to it!

I'm a big believer that communication can solve all problems

certainly with my team and my staff, that's what I've always tried to do

again it goes back to understanding that person and spending the time to make them feel valued

and appreciated and understanding what is going on behind the scenes I suppose...

what we do at EY which works really well is to have what is called a Buddy Network

so making sure that trying to make very difficult to arrange the complexity but you

know having a peer who understands the the challenge that you are going through is I

think more useful than almost a professional one externally that

certainly has its place I'm not distinguishing that but having someone

who understands... And the benefits of that are multiple because a person who may have dealt with a mental health issue in the past suddenly feels

really great because they're helping somebody else and then there's these ripple effects that

we mentioned you know and again you are starting all these positive ripples instead of negative ones...

Yes, so that was good! Good event. Lots of good chat.

it was quite interactive. It's really simple though what I got from it was

very clear. Employers need to give a shit about their

staff and they also need to reverse engineer what people want on an

individual basis. Gone are the days of you know 15, 20 years ago when an

employer would have one set of benefits and 20 days holiday and that's it maybe

a gym membership, now people need different things to remain engaged

everyone's got different needs everyone wants different things for some

people it might be flexibility because they've got a young kid for some people

it might be you know more days holiday whatever that

is employers need to you know to give their employee's a choice and one thing I was

really impressed with as well was obviously that and I'm very happy about

was that all the students from Agent Academy that we met last week have now

all got jobs so that was the whole you know that's what we wanted out of it

and that was the successful thing so I'm really really chuffed for everybody there.

Very impressed with what Agent Academy and Agent Marketing are doing there.

Big believer in what they're up to and you know hopefully I can continue

working with those guys and helping helping the young people move

move forward so all in all a great event and you know some interesting take outs

which hopefully hopefully you guys will take value from as well!...

For more infomation >> Investing In People Power - MY JOURNEY | EPISODE 021 - Duration: 3:54.


Abraham Hicks 😃 - Cinco passos para conseguir aquilo que você quer - Duration: 15:37.

ABRAHAM: - A desire that you are not contradicting with belief feels really good at doesn't it?

But a desire that you don't believe, a desire that you doubt, not so much fun isn't it?

So the key is for you to figure out some way to believe in your own desire

And what trips you up is that sometimes if the desire has not manifested if

It's not a desire that you are accustomed to seeing turn into actualization manifestation

Then you get used to seeing it like it is. Seeing the absence of your desire

Or the presence of something that you do not want

And most do not realize that as they focus upon what is

They continue to practice the vibration of what is which makes it difficult for what is to change

When you want something different than what is but you hold what is steadily in your consciousness

Then you continue to practice the vibration of what is

So what is continues to present itself to you in different ways but the same vibrational essence

Different faces, different places but essentially the same thing continues to happen

So, the key to being a deliberate creator is to find some way to distract yourself from what is

While you focus upon what you prefer

It's like telling a new story or even telling no story

Just do not continue to tell the same story if what the story is about is not pleasing to you

Seems logical, doesn't it?

So, you live in a Universe that is vibrationally based you are - you are too.

You are pure vibration. You are vibration above all other things.

But you are vibration that has manifested into some physicality

And you've become so accustomed to the physicality that has occurred

That you forget that you are vibration

So, most of you, human blessed beings, you don't deal with your life vibrationally

Instead, you deal with it in terms of action

Actualization. Manifestation.

And that's what slows you down so much

If you could realize that you are visualizing things into being

That you are imagining things into being

If you could get your imagination into a larger part of your life experience

And your observation into a lesser part of your experience

Your experience would begin to slip more into things that you do want

We're not trying to get you to stop living what you're living

Because most of it is really nice, isn't it?

But you can be a better selective sifter than your being

You can focus yourself more deliberately

And that really is what deliberate creation is all about

It's about deliberate focus

But in order to be effective at deliberately focusing you have to understand what it is you're reaching for

And the thing that is interesting is that when we ask you to focus

We're not asking for your visual focus

We're asking for your vibrational focus

Which means we're asking you to find a way to emotionally focus

Focus yourself emotionally meaning care about how you feel

And if what you are thinking about or focused upon whether it's past, present or future

Whatever it is that has your attention

If you would remember that that focus carries with it a feeling

And if you would care about the feeling more than anything else

And you would focus your feeling focus, your feeling into what feels better

In other words, let's say something has happened and it's not the way you wanted it to happen

And someone else is involved and you feel that they are wrong in their part in this

And you focus upon what happened, and you focus upon the injustice

And you focus upon what you think they should have done differently

You've got yourself all out of focus!

And the way you know that you're out of focus is because you don't feel good.

And not feeling good is your evidence that you're out of focus

Because when you are in focus, when you are flowing with the Source that is you

When you're allowing that non-physical energy to flow to you and through you

In the clear focus that it always flows with

You feel wonderful!

In many ways you feel wonderful because you're happy!

Esther is happy.

You feel wonderful because you're clear. You feel wonderful because you have clarity.

You feel wonderful because you feel vitality. You feel wonderful because you are witty and wise.

You feel wonderful because your timing is good. You feel wonderful because you're tuned in tapped in turned on.

You feel elation. You feel exhilaration. You feel joy.

And things around you are reflecting that alignment.

That alignment, that focus, that clarity, that alignment with your source

So that's what we like to talk about

For a while we've been calling this gathering the art, because it is

You practice yourself into this artful deliberate creation

The art of allowing. Allowing what?

The art of allowing me and my physical body right here, right now

To be in vibrational sync with Source Energy perspective of same things in same moment

That's what true alignment is

You see, you're not here on your own

Out here on the ragged edge. Leading-edge, we mean leading-edge.

Out here on the leading edge

You're not here alone

You are here with all of this non-physical energy flowing with you

Flowing with you, to you and through you

Aware of everything that you are focused upon in moment

Not just knowing who you were when you were born

Not just knowing what your reason for being here is

Knowing who you are and why you're here and what you are about in this moment

What you're about in terms of your vibrational alignment or not

Your vibrational allowing or not

So, focusing.... Really, if you will think about focusing being in terms of focusing your feeling

Focusing yourself into feeling good. Finding a way to feel good

And sometimes that means don't think about that.

That's a little tricky!

"I'm not gonna think about that thing that I'm thinking about."

"I'm not gonna think about that thing anymore. I'm gonna think about that thing that I keep thinking about."

"I don't want to think about that thing."

"I'm not gonna think about that thing anymore because thinking about .."

"I don't want to think about that thing. I'm not gonna think about ."

"...this thing I can't stop thinking about this thing."

Because when you give your attention to it, Law of Attraction causes a relationship to begin between you and it

That's what Law of Attraction is all about

In other words, when you get focused upon something, you begin to reverberate the same vibration that it is

And once you begin to do that, momentum ensues

And once momentum gets going, it's time to take a nap really.

It's time to meditate.

It's time for some major distraction effort

Which usually means sleep or meditate

Sometimes you have the power to focus

Esther, we thought she was rather remarkable just now

She was having so much fun with you

She really did not want to leave

And yet because of the thousands of times that she has stood in that place

And listened and felt for us, it was easy for her to just adjust her vibration to the frequency that is us

But it takes some practice to be able to distract yourself from whatever's going on in that way, doesn't it?

It takes some practice and that's what this gathering is all about

So, you were Source energy before you came into this physical body

And most of you still is Source Energy

And you in this physical body have a relationship

We want you to know that, we want you to feel it, we want you to sense it, we want you to tend

To the relationship between you in this physical body and the Source who is really you

The source who is you, present with you, aware of you and thinking about what you're thinking about

So, when Source thinks about what you're thinking about and you feel negative emotion about it

That means you're thinking about it in an opposing way to the way source is thinking about it

Source is looking for the advantage. Source is seen the well-being

Source is knowing the value of the contrast that you're living

But when you are pushing against the contrast, then you are not in vibrational sync with who you really are.

So, the creative process is really three simple steps that have morphed to four and now to five

We'll talk about all of them.

But it basically says that life will cause you to ask for more continually

And when you are in that phase where you are aware that something that you want is missing

So you're asking for the improvement in your life by wanting this amendment to your desires

That's what we are calling step one

And when you were in step one that's usually when you're seeing a problem

Is usually when you are seeing contrast

Is usually when you're asking a strong question to which you do not know the answer

That's step one. Step one is an important step but step one will trip you up

Because it's easy for you to take your humaneness, your actualness, your actionness

And give your all to step one

You're looking around

"I don't like that. I don't like that. And these are the reasons that I don't like this."

"I don't like it. I want it to be like that but I don't like this."

That's what step one is like

Step two is Sources answering what you want

Now if you're in step one, strongly in step one, asking, asking, asking, asking, asking for the improvement

Asking, asking, asking, focused on the problem. Focused on the question

Then your remaining in step one, even though step two has already taken place

And what you have asked for has already come to be in a vibrational reality

That we've been referring to as your vortex, it's a vibrational reality

(We wrote a whole book about it)

A vibrational reality where everything that you're asking for is already resolved and gathered

And completed and done vibrationally

But then you say, you're wise, you're smartely do

You're wise, you say: "alright, Abraham. I'll play your silly game."

"I've asked the question and I accept that it has been answered..."

"But how do I get my money out of the vortex and into the bank?"

"How do I get my lover to come home with me now?"

In other words, it's very fine just vibrational reality that you have conjured

Cooked up or maybe even imagined, Abraham!

"But I want the reality! I'm not asking for the vibrational version."

"I'm asking for the real life: see it, smell it, hear it, taste it, touch it, look at space version."

"I want the reality of it. I want it to manifest for me."

And we say: "that's step three". That's where you are so aware that step two has taken place

And you are proud of yourself for living step one and asking with such clarity

That now you are in a place of relaxed expectation. You're in the receptive mode

You're in the mode where you are not tense and not worried

You're not struggling. You're not justifying and defending. You're not saying: "I need it!"

You're not yearning for it you've asked and you accept that it's given

And while you cannot see it yet, you know that it is coming

Step 3 is an attitude of faith, it's an attitude of expectation, it's an attitude of "I know I'll know it when I see it!"

It's an attitude of I" know it's coming!" It's really a pleasant place to be

And it really is the place that you will reside most often because

Life will never cause you to stop asking and because you're going to continue to ask

You're gonna continue to be in that place where you've asked for more than has manifest

So, it is very good for you to get comfortable being in that mode

Of having asked for something that has not fully manifested

Because that's the way life will eternally be for you

We love you so much, deal with it!

[audience laughs]

When you get to that place where you just know that it's coming

And you don't have to know all of the details

You'll let the Universe yield it to you a little bit at a time

You'll allow yourself to be in the receptive mode where you're receiving, receiving, receiving, receiving, receiving

Life is so rich and delicious when you're living like that

Because there is something new for you coming into your awareness

moment by moment by moment

The receptive mode, that step 3 receiving mode, that allowing mode

That is the feeling of most blessedness

When you get into that mode, you can just feel the Universe wrapping arms around you

And providing avenues for each and every detail that is important to you to be fulfilled

It is such a delicious state of being.

Step four is: you're so accustomed to hanging around in that step 3 mode that you've mastered it

You're no longer upset with contrast

Contrast doesn't upset you anymore. You know how to manage your vibration

Step four is really managing your vibration. It's living in this world of steps

Understanding that all of the steps are necessary

And feeling happy. It's mastering. It's the mastery of the creative process.

Now we're talking about step five.

Step five is where you not only accept contrast as important to the equation

But you revel in the contrasting experience that causes you to focus

And now you've come full circle. Now you are on top of life. Now nothing bothers you because you know it's all for you

Nothing bothers you because you know you've attracted every bit of it

Nothing bothers you because you know it's the clarity that you've been seeking

Nothing bothers you because you know you have mastery of your own ability to focus

For more infomation >> Abraham Hicks 😃 - Cinco passos para conseguir aquilo que você quer - Duration: 15:37.


Learn ABC's with Alphabet Ice Cream Cones Letters A to Z Lesson - Duration: 2:57.

A, is for Apple.

B, B is for Bat.

C, C is for cat.

D, D is for dog.

E, E is for elephant.

F, F is for frog.

G, G is for Girl.

H, H is for House.

I, I is for ice cream.

J, J is for Jump.

K, K is for Kids.

L, L is for Love.

M, M is for Mouse.

N, N is for Nothing.

O, O is for open.

P, P is for Play.

Q, Q is for Queen.

R, R is for red.

S, S is for snake.

T, T is for tree.

U, U is for umbrella.

V, V is for van.

W, W is for work.

X, X is for x-ray.

Y , Y is for yoyo.

Z, Z is for zebra.

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