Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 13 2017

To get to know is to get to know everything.

People, landscapes...

To get to know yourself.


When you experience that on a motorcycle

It gets difficult to want anything else.

You pull up on a bike and people want to talk to you.

There's admiration and curiosity to know who you are,

how you made it to their town, or their city.

You look vulnerable on a motorcycle.

so people want to help you out.

You tap into the maternal instinct of the people you encounter on the road.

I've shared my journey since the beginning.

I mostly make videos now

and post them on my YouTube channel.

I'm making a living this way now,

displaying my sponsors' brand they support me and I can keep traveling.

I'm increasingly spending more hours working and less on the road.

I try to get better shots when filming,

that means I stop more often and longer, and I spend long hours editing.

Working gives me a sense of purpose.

I have a project. I have a mission.

I'm being productive, I'm not just wandering around.

We're privileged individuals.

We didn't do anything to deserve being born

in 5% of the world's population that's better off.

You get to follow someone's adventure riding a motorcycle in Morocco,

but you don't see the dinghy crossing to Europe

with 40 people packed against each other.

Those are the real adventurers.

Crossing in a Ferry with your bike, not so much. We're just privileged.

I like being alone, I like traveling, sure....

But I also need the people I love.

Technology lets me feel close to my loved ones

without having to physically be near them.

But I need to take care of my relationships,

it takes dedication, or else you lose people after being away for so long.

I've chosen a life that keeps me from having a family of my own.

My life is about moving from one place to another.

I'm no longer a traveller. I'm a wanderer, a nomad.

My main fear is not other people, quite the contrary.

It is to crash badly on a remote area with no people around to help me out.

If I died tomorrow I wouldn't want people to think "Poor guy, he was so young".

It's ok, I've lived a good life. I've lived an intense life.

It's not logical to be afraid of change.

Being afraid of trying new things that may improve your life.

If I had to say who I am in a few words I'd say

I'm a person who's been traveling the world on a motorcycle for the last seven years,

I tell what I see, or at least I try to tell stories,

Mainly, I'm just someone trying to be happy.

For more infomation >> The Nomad - By Don Solaris (SUB ENG) - Duration: 5:00.


El tuit viral que salvó de la quiebra a una panadería de Texas - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> El tuit viral que salvó de la quiebra a una panadería de Texas - Duration: 2:06.


Senadora Catherine Cortez reemplazará su página web por un mensaje de apoyo a dreamers - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Senadora Catherine Cortez reemplazará su página web por un mensaje de apoyo a dreamers - Duration: 2:41.


El Litecoin se dispara, pero su creador lanza una advertencia - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> El Litecoin se dispara, pero su creador lanza una advertencia - Duration: 3:35.


Golpe definitivo a Susana Díaz tras publicarse cierta información - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Golpe definitivo a Susana Díaz tras publicarse cierta información - Duration: 3:07.


El Poder De La Conciencia de Neville Goddard Capítulo 10 Creación Audio Libro - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> El Poder De La Conciencia de Neville Goddard Capítulo 10 Creación Audio Libro - Duration: 4:04.


Cómo tratar la resequedad de la piel de manera natural - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> Cómo tratar la resequedad de la piel de manera natural - Duration: 8:01.


Litecoin: qué hay detrás de la alternativa a Bitcoin que más está creciendo - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> Litecoin: qué hay detrás de la alternativa a Bitcoin que más está creciendo - Duration: 7:36.


Dakota Johnson ha conquistado al líder de Coldplay, Chris Martin - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Dakota Johnson ha conquistado al líder de Coldplay, Chris Martin - Duration: 5:51.


Download E Install Potplayer 32y64 Bits | TutosByCarlos - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Download E Install Potplayer 32y64 Bits | TutosByCarlos - Duration: 4:45.


¿Ha aumentado el rechazo a la exposición de animales en cautiverio en el mundo? - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> ¿Ha aumentado el rechazo a la exposición de animales en cautiverio en el mundo? - Duration: 2:48.


Resultados En Vivo Sorteo Domingo 10 Diciembre 2017 Loteria Nacional de Panama Numeros 10 Diciembre - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Resultados En Vivo Sorteo Domingo 10 Diciembre 2017 Loteria Nacional de Panama Numeros 10 Diciembre - Duration: 1:16.


Adriana Lima se cansó de ser la modelo «más sexy del mundo» - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Adriana Lima se cansó de ser la modelo «más sexy del mundo» - Duration: 4:26.


The black pirate/El pirata negro (1926, EE. UU.), Albert Parker. - Duration: 1:35:16.

For more infomation >> The black pirate/El pirata negro (1926, EE. UU.), Albert Parker. - Duration: 1:35:16.


Cooking an Egg on the Grou...

For more infomation >> Cooking an Egg on the Grou...


U e D, duro scontro tra una dama e un cavaliere: ecco cos'è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> U e D, duro scontro tra una dama e un cavaliere: ecco cos'è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.


BNP কে ঘায়েল করতে সোহেল তাজই অবশেষে মাঠে নামছে !! এ কেমন ফন্দি আ-লীগের |DNCC Election |Bangla News - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> BNP কে ঘায়েল করতে সোহেল তাজই অবশেষে মাঠে নামছে !! এ কেমন ফন্দি আ-লীগের |DNCC Election |Bangla News - Duration: 2:25.


Good Music Habits: The Musicality Podcast - Duration: 9:39.

Ever wondered why some people seem to have a gift for music have you ever

wished that you could play by ear sing in tune improvise and jam you're in the

right place time to turn those wishes into reality

welcome to the Musicality Podcast with your host Christopher Sutton. Did you

know that often what holds musicians back isn't a lack of good instruction or

a lack of effort is that their practice isn't part of a consistent music habit

that gives their brain body and is a chance to learn what they need to in our

recent interview with David Andrew Wiebe of and the

new music industry podcast we talked about the importance of a strong habit

for supporting the creative process and this is a topic that cuts broadly across

all of music learning and musicality training there are lots of habits that

can help you in music things like remembering to warm up before you play

going through a pre performance ritual to get your mind in the right state

bothering to introduce yourself to the venue manager when you play a gig but

today we're talking about practice habits what do you do on a consistent

basis to help you improve in music inside musical you we have a training

module called the music habit which walks you through creating a suitable

practice habit for yourself and it's packed with tips and strategies to make

it really effective I'm going to be sharing four ideas and tips from that

module in this episode how is your music habit at the moment do you practice on a

regular basis or just when you happen to find time a you 100 percent clear on how

music fits into the rest of your life are you confident that your music habit

is providing the maximum results from the time and effort that you put in

wherever you are at with your music habit I hope this episode will give you

some new ideas to improve it the first tip is your habit must serve your goals

goal setting and planning is a huge and important topic one that we go into

great detail on in musical you it underpins the effectiveness of

everything else you do we won't dive into it now but if you're not yet clear

on your musical goals and how the time you spend on music is leading you

towards them then I recommend checking out episode 82 of the learn jazz

standards podcast where I was a guest and we talked all about effective goal

setting for musicians we'll have a link to that in the show notes if you are

clear on your goals it's going to be much easier to form an effective

practice habit you're going to have a better sense of how much work is

required to follow your plan and hit that goal and what kind of practice

habit will best serve you some types of music learning are best done in short

sessions a few times a day such as ear training others such as mastering

repertoire or perfecting instrument technique can benefit more from longer

daily sessions and if it's a more creative task like a song writing for

example then you might find your music habit needs to fit around the times in

the week when you're in the right physical and mental state for creating

so tip number one is to make sure your music habit is serving your musical

goals the second tip is be realistic and start small the research results on

habit formation vary in how long they say it takes to form a new habit whether

it's the often mentioned 21 days or longer some people myself included say

it almost doesn't matter because you start getting the benefits of your habit

from day one and it becomes more and more habitual the longer you do it what

all the experts do agree on is that for forming a new habit consistency is the

most important thing that means it's better to establish a daily 5-minute

habit then have a 10-minute one you do randomly every few days that goes doubly

for the kind of listening skills we often talk about on this podcast your

brain really needs that regular input to develop the new neural pathways to

recognize what you're training it to so start small

maybe it's singing through sulfa exercises every day in your car on the

way to work or listening to ear training mp3s while you walk the dog

those are both things I personally recommended to members inside musically

you to help them fit more training into a busy schedule

don't trip yourself up by being too ambitious too soon it's a bit like

dieting to lose weight there are so many diets out there some are extreme some

are more toned down some work great for some people

others can't handle them at all and they say that ultimately the most effective

diet for you is going to be the one that you can stick to it goes the same for

music habits it doesn't do you any favors to try and force an unrealistic

practice habit into a life that's too busy to allow it start with something

you're certain you can stick to get into the habit and then you can always

increase the time or frequency from there so that's tip number two be

realistic and start small the third tip is to embrace the concept of music time

as you move towards your goals you reach them and you establish new ones you're

going to go through a variety of training plans and details of your

practice are going to change over time but your music habit doesn't need to one

thing that's been really useful to our members from the music habit module is

the concept of music time music time is just the time on your calendar that's

marked out for music practice now you might be thinking what difference does

that make I know when I practice music but giving

it the label music time and marking it very clearly on your calendar alongside

your other commitments reframes things it helps you to see music time as

something that gets priority you start to treat it like a doctor's appointment

or a commitment to pick up your kids from school something that you don't

missed that's very different from having a vague intention to slot in some music

practice if you can once you've taken care of all the things that are on your

calendar so start marking out your music time each day or each week and giving it

priority that reframe alone can make it far easier to form a consistent habit so

that's tip number three commit to music time the fourth tip I wanted to pull out

from our music habit module is gay support musicians we're funny creatures

although we love to play and perform together a lot of us are actually very

solitary when it comes to practicing I don't know about you but I certainly

always felt a big mental burden around music practice

I was so keenly aware of all my shortcomings that I didn't want to share

that practice process with anyone else I just wanted to fix it all myself before

anyone else heard me playing but if you try and go it alone like this you're

actually doing yourself a big disservice a musical you we put a big emphasis on

community and that's not because we all have plenty of time to sit around

chit-chatting on social media it's because having support in your training

can transform the results you get so we really encourage our members to share

their journey along the way with other members and with the team as a result

they're able to stick to their plan better overcome obstacles better and

reach their goals faster and more reliably so when setting up your new

music habit give some thought to where you can get support is there a friend or

a family member who could act as an accountability buddy for you that means

they don't need to necessarily listen to you practice or get involved they can

just check in with you regularly and ask if you're keeping to your intended music

habit knowing that someone's going to be asking you like that can actually go a

long way to helping you to keep up the habit this is something we discussed in

my upcoming interview with Matthew Scott Phillips and Jeremy burns of the music

student 101 podcast Jeremy said that for him as an adult learner it's

tremendously helpful to have that support and accountability and it can

actually make the difference between him following through on his intended

training or not so think about where you can get support and accountability for

your music habit whether that's in real life or in an online community those

were just a few tips from our music habit module that helps you figure out

exactly how to fit an effective habit into your life no matter how busy it is

a habit that's going to maximize your results and your satisfaction no matter

what you're studying in music if you're listening to this podcast then

I know that you love music you want to be the best musician you can be and

you're putting in time and effort to make that happen so do yourself a favor

and set up a strong consistent music habit that's going to help you reach

your musical goals faster and more reliably thank you for listening to the

musicality podcast this episode has ended but your musical journey continues

head over to musicality podcast calm where you will find the links and

resources mentioned in this episode as well as bonus content exclusive for

podcast listeners that's musicality podcast calm

For more infomation >> Good Music Habits: The Musicality Podcast - Duration: 9:39.


HOW TO GET A FREE SPECIAL CARD IN FIFA 18! 🔥 - Duration: 12:43.

For more infomation >> HOW TO GET A FREE SPECIAL CARD IN FIFA 18! 🔥 - Duration: 12:43.


Getting Out The Student Vote in Alabama - Duration: 1:08.

- My name is Raquel Connor and I am the President of

Oakwood University's chapter of the NAACP.

Today we partnered with the 5th District

Alabama Indivisible team to bus us students

to the Madison County courthouse to vote

in the upcoming U.S. special Senate election in Alabama.

We began this initiative about a month ago

when we got together with the Indivisible team

and planned six different events to increase the number

of registered voters on a campus.

Together we held voter registration drives

at our basketball games and in the dining hall,

and today we are making sure that our students

have the opportunity for their voices to be heard,

even though we will be leaving campus

on December the 7th.

I think this partnership was so effective

because the Oakwood University NAACP team

was able to engage the students

and the Indivisible team was able to provide us

with the resources, such as funding for the bus

to get here to the courthouse and letting us know

how to go through the process of absentee voting.

I am very much looking forward to working

with the Indivisible team in the future

so that we can inform students of the problems

affecting our country and advance their social

and political status so that they can

become the intelligent and effective leaders

that our community needs.

For more infomation >> Getting Out The Student Vote in Alabama - Duration: 1:08.


Confirmed Liverpool lineup vs. West Brom: Karius starts as Klopp rotation continues - Duration: 3:09.

Confirmed Liverpool lineup vs. West Brom: Karius starts as Klopp rotation continues

Jurgen Klopp has once again named a rotated Liverpool side for Wednesday night's clash with West Brom, making six changes from the Merseyside derby.

The German has mixed up his selection throughout a busy winter run so far, though his lineup for Sunday's 1-1 draw with Everton came in for criticism.

This was largely misguided, naturally, with Klopp required to shuffle his pack as the Reds average a game every 4.

1 days between November 18 and New Year's Day.

And as Liverpool take to Anfield to welcome a West Brom side under new management in Alan Pardew, Klopp has stuck to his guns.

Loris Karius is a surprise inclusion in goal, with Klopp seemingly extended his approach to his options between the sticks.

He will be provided protection from a back four of Trent Alexander-Arnold, Dejan Lovren, Ragnar Klavan and Andrew Robertson, with the Scot keeping his place at left-back.

In midfield, Emre Can and Georginio Wijnaldum return to Klopp's lineup, taking up their positions alongside Philippe Coutinho.

Meanwhile Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mane will provide support for Roberto Firmino in attack, as the Reds bid to return to their high-scoring ways after a frustrating afternoon on Sunday.

Liverpool are yet to lose in 10 games since their 4-1 defeat to Tottenham at the end of October, and Wednesday provides another opportunity to continue their ascent in the Premier League.

Liverpool: Karius; Alexander-Arnold, Lovren, Klavan, Robertson; Can, Wijnaldum, Coutinho; Salah, Mane, Firmino.

Substitutes: Mignolet, Gomez, Milner, Henderson, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Ings, Solanke.

West Brom: Foster; Nyom, Hegazi, Evans, Gibbs; Krychowiak, Yacob, Livermore; McClean, Robson-Kanu, Rondon.

Substitutes: Myhill, McAuley, Ferguson, Brunt, Burke, Field, Rodriguez.

For more infomation >> Confirmed Liverpool lineup vs. West Brom: Karius starts as Klopp rotation continues - Duration: 3:09.


Jurgen Klopp provides hopeful update on Joel Matip & Daniel Sturridge injuries - Duration: 3:52.

Jurgen Klopp provides hopeful update on Joel Matip & Daniel Sturridge injuries

Jurgen Klopp is hoping Joel Matip can return from his thigh injury during the festive period, while he is similarly optimistic over Daniel Sturridge.

Matip has missed the last three games after suffering the injury at the end of November, with Klopp struggling for centre-back options in his absence.

For the 5-1 win away to Brighton, the German deployed Emre Can and Georginio Wijnaldum out of position alongside Dejan Lovren in a three-man back line.

Against Spartak Moscow and Everton, Lovren was joined by third-choice centre-back Ragnar Klavan, who has already made 12 starts this season, more than half that of the whole of last term (20).

Given the unpredictability of Lovren's form, Matip's persistent injury problems are a major concern, particularly given the failure to sign another defender last summer.

But while Matip was expected to miss the rest of the year while he recovers, Klopp is hopeful he can make an early return.

The 26-year-old is already back in light training, running outside while his team-mates prepare for Wednesday night's Anfield clash with West Brom.

"It could be possible that Joel will be back for some of our Christmas games," Klopp revealed.

"I really hope so but it's not for sure at this stage.

The fact he's running again outside is a good sign.

If nothing else happens then he will be close.".

Meanwhile Sturridge missed the Merseyside derby due to a tight hamstring, in another worrying setback having remained largely injury free for the last eight months.

The striker is likely to remain on the sidelines in midweek, but Klopp has stressed his problem is a "minor thing," and could still feature.

"Daniel didn't train, it's only a very minor thing.

We will see if he's involved," he said.

Klopp handed Dominic Solanke his second Premier League start of the season, and his career, against Everton with Sturridge out and Roberto Firmino rested.

And while the 20-year-old was quiet compared to Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mane, Solanke continues to prove he is an immediate option for Klopp.

This could cast doubts over Sturridge's future at Anfield, with both Real Betis and Valencia touted with an interest in a January deal.

It may be that, given his latest fitness worry, Klopp decides to cut his losses and allow Sturridge to leave in search of regular first-team football, with Solanke ready to perform.

For more infomation >> Jurgen Klopp provides hopeful update on Joel Matip & Daniel Sturridge injuries - Duration: 3:52.


Kia Venga 1.6 CVVT Automaat *Budget Topper! - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Kia Venga 1.6 CVVT Automaat *Budget Topper! - Duration: 0:58.


Mohamed Salah chasing Ian Rush & Roger Hunt for 20th Liverpool goal in West Brom clash - Duration: 5:47.

Mohamed Salah chasing Ian Rush & Roger Hunt for 20th Liverpool goal in West Brom clash

Liverpool take on West Brom in the Premier League on Wednesday night at Anfield.

Here are the key stats and facts ahead of the Reds' latest clash.

Salah Chasing Greatness.

Mo Salah has scored nine times in his last eight league games.

The Egyptian has 13 goals in the top flight this season.

His next will see him become the first player to score 14 times for the club in the top flight since Luis Suarez in 2013/14.

Should he score this evening only two players in the club's history will have reached 20 goals in a season quicker than Salah in terms of date.

In 1986, Ian Rush netted his 20th goal on November 8 while Roger Hunt reached the landmark in 1961 on November 25.

Odds in Liverpool's Favour.

Jurgen Klopp's men are unbeaten in the 14 home games in all competitions (eight wins, six draws) since losing to Crystal Palace in April.

In that sequence they have won five and drawn five in the league.

Since suffering defeat at Tottenham in October the Reds have not lost in 10 league and cup matches.

West Brom have lost 18 of their last 23 visits in the league.

They have gone 14 league games without a victory since winning their opening two fixtures of the campaign.

The Baggies defeated Bournemouth 1-0 at home and then Hal Robson-Kanu scored the only goal at Burnley—a game in which he was later sent off.

Pardew's Record Against the Reds.

Alan Pardew will take charge of his fifth different club against Liverpool, following West Ham, Charlton, Newcastle and Crystal Palace.

He has won five of 17 league games—losing nine.

He defeated Liverpool in his first game as Newcastle boss almost seven years to the day.

Pardew is one of only five men to take charge of at least five different Premier League clubs.

Guaranteed Goals?.

The Baggies have kept two clean sheets in their last 26 Premier League games away from home.

Home and away they have prevented the opposition from scoring in just one of their last 12 games in league and cup.

However, they have conceded just once in each of last five league games on the road.

They have conceded 10 goals in their last four Anfield visits.

Contribution From the Bench.

There have only been two Liverpool substitutes who have scored against West Brom—Luis Garcia in the Midlands in December 2004 and Divock Origi at Anfield in 2015—both in the month of December.

Wednesday's Referee.

This evening's referee is Paul Tierney.

He has taken charge on one occasion in his career—the 0-0 Anfield draw with Plymouth in the FA Cup back in January.

This Season's Scorers.

Liverpool: Salah (19), Firmino (12), Coutinho (9), Mane (7), Can (4), Sturridge (3), Alexander-Arnold (2), Oxlade-Chamberlain (2), Henderson (1), Matip (1), Wijnaldum (1), own goals (2).

West Brom: Rodriguez (3), Rondon (3), Phillips (2), Robson-Kanu (2), Chadli (1), Evans (1), Field (1), Hegazi (1), Morrison (1), Yacob (1).

For more infomation >> Mohamed Salah chasing Ian Rush & Roger Hunt for 20th Liverpool goal in West Brom clash - Duration: 5:47.


Super Mario Odyssey - Game play Walk through Part 2 - Cap and Cascade Kingdom! - Duration: 1:33:49.

Super Mario Odyssey - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 2

For more infomation >> Super Mario Odyssey - Game play Walk through Part 2 - Cap and Cascade Kingdom! - Duration: 1:33:49.


Eckhart Tolle - Mysl v Přítomnosti - Duration: 11:03.

For more infomation >> Eckhart Tolle - Mysl v Přítomnosti - Duration: 11:03.


GF Vip: Aida Yespica single, chiarimento su Jeremias | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> GF Vip: Aida Yespica single, chiarimento su Jeremias | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:48.


Top ten things I learned in my baby's first year of life | AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 3:35.

Well, it's official

He's gonna be a year and these are just some of the things that I learned in the first year of having a baby

But not limited to cuz you're gonna learn a whole lot more if you're into all things beauty and baby make sure that you hit

That subscribe button and then notification bell so that you don't miss anything

Say and let's get started number one you can do anything, but you cannot do everything

Ninety-nine percent of the time you're gonna feel like yeah

I got this and 1 percent of the time you're gonna be crying in the fetal position in a corner somewhere thinking who authorized

Who authorized me having a baby, and if you don't get something done, it's completely okay, because you know what those dishes

they're gonna be there tomorrow number two ah

One of the biggest mistakes that you'll make is thinking that they can't do something because girl yes

They can they are sneaky not to be trusted

Number three they're gonna get hurt whether it's slamming their fingers in a drawer or

Slamming their face on a wooden floor cuz they can't necessarily crawl yet, your kid is gonna have bumps and scrapes and that's okay

They're durable number four you. Won't get some things right until you get it horrific ly wrong perhaps

It's folding your kid up in a stroller because you didn't latch it all the way done by both me and my mother-in-law

So I'm not alone certain mistakes

You'll only make once or twice

But you won't know it's actually wrong until you know it's actually wrong number five our little ones are so smart. Yeah

It's so stupid all at the same time babies are

Geniuses it is incredible

How fast they learn things and you think fine slam your face into that door you'll learn no


They won't number six silence is not golden you may think to yourself quiet

Is that you know?

It's it's ugly brother

Silence here to tell you something horrific aliy

Unfortunate is happening such as your babies eating a penny if you can't see them and can't hear them

There is most def a problem number seven they'll eat anything fruits veggies meats


animals other

Children number eight you will quickly go from what do you need to what's in your mouth number nine they were made

Adorable so that you can't stay mad at them or filling them out of windows and number ten

Nothing will ever ever be about you again, but that's okay cuz they really are

The greatest here we go

Crying for no reason I do have to say that the first year has been

something special

People were not lying when they said it goes really really fast. It does like so fast

but this is definitely the greatest thing that I've ever done ever and

To think that I was doing something before this is I don't know what I was doing before this nothing

was just wasting my time and

He really is the greatest thing ever so

Sorry I?

Been super emotional lately because his birthday's coming up. He's one year old birthday. That's just kind of a big deal. It's really special

Thank you

It's really hard at the same time because I wish he could just stay this little forever. Oh no tongue grows well

That was unexpected. I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please give it a big thumbs up

Don't forget to subscribe and share it with the world so we can achieve world domination

And if you're into all things beauty and baby

make sure that you hit that subscribe button and that notification bell so that you don't miss anything and


Will see you next time

For more infomation >> Top ten things I learned in my baby's first year of life | AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 3:35.


আঁদা খাবেন আর স্ত্রীকে সহবাসে হার মানাবেন। কীভাবে খাবেন দেখেনিন ভিডিওতে। আজ থেকেই উপকার পাবেন ১০০% - Duration: 3:57.


For more infomation >> আঁদা খাবেন আর স্ত্রীকে সহবাসে হার মানাবেন। কীভাবে খাবেন দেখেনিন ভিডিওতে। আজ থেকেই উপকার পাবেন ১০০% - Duration: 3:57.


Aida Yespica ha lasciato il suo fidanzato: ecco il motivo | Wind Zudien - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Aida Yespica ha lasciato il suo fidanzato: ecco il motivo | Wind Zudien - Duration: 3:37.


UeD: Graziella Montanari contro tutti dopo lo schiaffo al trono over | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> UeD: Graziella Montanari contro tutti dopo lo schiaffo al trono over | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.


GF VIP: Una vecchia intervista di Laura Freddi su Daniele Bossari: | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> GF VIP: Una vecchia intervista di Laura Freddi su Daniele Bossari: | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:46.


Midnight - Lo Fi | [Chill Beat] ✍ - Duration: 3:28.

Welcome to my chanel

For more infomation >> Midnight - Lo Fi | [Chill Beat] ✍ - Duration: 3:28.


Saturnin se vrací - Miroslav Macek - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Saturnin se vrací - Miroslav Macek - Duration: 1:07.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


Bagom Tinkas Juleeventyr - Kom med ind i Tinkas hus - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Bagom Tinkas Juleeventyr - Kom med ind i Tinkas hus - Duration: 1:42.


Where do I actually come from? - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Where do I actually come from? - Duration: 10:02.


Different Heaven ‒ Live At Night (ft. Sophie Simmons) - Duration: 3:31.

Different Heaven ‒ Live At Night (ft. Sophie Simmons)

different heaven live at night

For more infomation >> Different Heaven ‒ Live At Night (ft. Sophie Simmons) - Duration: 3:31.


how i (sometimes) manage my anxiety with journaling - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> how i (sometimes) manage my anxiety with journaling - Duration: 5:14.


I'm Not the Pizza Guy in Watch Dogs. No pizza for you - Watch Dogs unlocking Destroyer sniper? - Duration: 1:57:23.

For more infomation >> I'm Not the Pizza Guy in Watch Dogs. No pizza for you - Watch Dogs unlocking Destroyer sniper? - Duration: 1:57:23.


Fabrizio Frizzi passeggia per Roma: i segni dell'operazione - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Frizzi passeggia per Roma: i segni dell'operazione - Duration: 4:18.


Super Mario Odyssey - I GOTTA A MOON Gameplay Walkthrough Part 10 - Duration: 11:08.

For more infomation >> Super Mario Odyssey - I GOTTA A MOON Gameplay Walkthrough Part 10 - Duration: 11:08.


WHY I STARTED DRAWING // + Mini Comic Page #2 - Duration: 5:41.

Hey guys!

It's wednesday!

And I have a video up-

What's going on?!

I'm uploading twice a week

for the rest of this year.

If you haven't watched my last video

where I talk about that

Pleaase do that?

I mean- You don't have to!



do it?



I mentioned

in that last video

I'm going to

make my wednesdays videos

more like-

talky videos, that

you know

you have something to watch

in the background

but it's mostly

about what I'm talking about

So it's not really about

technique and art advice

and stuff

it- obviously

will still be about art

in general, but-

you know-

just sayin'.

OK! I only have five minutes

So I'm going to make this


What I'm talking about



Why did I start drawing?

And I have


mentioned that before

in the last video


what you see me doing here

is drawing a fan comic.

of one of my favourite book series.


by the way

it's only gonna be a few pages

so don't expect me to

continue this. xD

Uhm, but

That book series is

called Skulduggery Pleasant

and that's what got me into



Maybe I should say-

got me into drawing



What you have to know

about me is


first and foremost

I am a story teller.


make up stories


I've always

done that

since the second that I

could think.

And I've always used


medium I could, to

preserve my stories,

to get them out.

Before I could

read and write


actually had a little

casette player

that my parents got me


you could also record your voice with that.

As you did, back in the 90s

I would record my voice

making up stories

because I couldn't write them down, right?

And I

recorded them on cassette

(and I still have some of them)

(and they're really akward)

Yeah, I did that.

And then that wasn't really

enough for me, because

I couldn't go back

and rework them.

I had to make it up

as I went.


so I learned how

to write.

I actually-

taught that to myself

before I went to school.

I was still in Kindergarten

And i really really really

wanted to read and write.

So I just taught it to myself.


one day, I just surprised my parents

with uh

the fact that I could read.

And they didn't have to read to me anymore xD

And they were a little

confused about this, I think. *laughs*

And then I wrote a lot

of my stories down


reworked them

and it was fun

it was fun.


When I started reading

Skulduggery Pleasant


was really getting into it

into the story

and into the world.

and I searched

it up

on google

and I-

found some amazing


And that just blew my mind.

That people could imagine something

in their head and then

bring it on paper.


I was already doing the

imagining part

I was coming up with some many

characters and stories in my head

And I was

bringing that on paper

in writing


I couldn't visually

bring them to life.

It just blew my mind.

And I started with fanart



I was really into that book series.

And the first

propably.. 20

30 drawings

that I uploaded on Deviantart


fanart for Skulduggery Pleasant.

And then

it just dawned on me that

"Wait a minute..

I have all those stories

like, all my original stories

why don't I


drawing that?"

So I started drawing my own characters

and it was amazing


I never got over that


I never got

over the amazement of

imagining something in your head and then


creating it, visually.

Of course-

You never can quite

do what you imagine in your head

and that's so frustrating


it's still..

AAAaah the-

The part that amazes me

is just so much stronger than the

part that frustrates me.

And I know I will get better

as I improve

and work on my


and it will get

closer to what I imagine in my head.

So, yeah. That's why I started drawing.

I started drawing when I was around 15.


I haven't stopped ever since.

It was a hobby for me at first

but it was also something that

felt so

natural to me.

It was the next step

I always

made up my stories

and I always

took another step

to get closer to what

to what I was imgagining in my head.

First I was

just recording my voice

then I was writing it down

and then I started drawing it.

To me it just was-

the- I don't know-

It was a natural process for me to-

to start drawing as well.

And for some reason

I never wanted to become a writer.

And at first

I didn't even want to become an artist.

But then-

It just hit me

in the face

one day when I was

I don't know-


And I knew that I

had to do this.

And I love it.

And I hope you love it, too.

And I hope you enjoyed watching this.



About this comic that I'm drawing.



have no idea what I'm doing here

this is only for practise.


Stay tuned!

Fun things are coming.


I'll see you then!

Bye bye!

For more infomation >> WHY I STARTED DRAWING // + Mini Comic Page #2 - Duration: 5:41.


Top ten things I learned in my baby's first year of life | AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 3:35.

Well, it's official

He's gonna be a year and these are just some of the things that I learned in the first year of having a baby

But not limited to cuz you're gonna learn a whole lot more if you're into all things beauty and baby make sure that you hit

That subscribe button and then notification bell so that you don't miss anything

Say and let's get started number one you can do anything, but you cannot do everything

Ninety-nine percent of the time you're gonna feel like yeah

I got this and 1 percent of the time you're gonna be crying in the fetal position in a corner somewhere thinking who authorized

Who authorized me having a baby, and if you don't get something done, it's completely okay, because you know what those dishes

they're gonna be there tomorrow number two ah

One of the biggest mistakes that you'll make is thinking that they can't do something because girl yes

They can they are sneaky not to be trusted

Number three they're gonna get hurt whether it's slamming their fingers in a drawer or

Slamming their face on a wooden floor cuz they can't necessarily crawl yet, your kid is gonna have bumps and scrapes and that's okay

They're durable number four you. Won't get some things right until you get it horrific ly wrong perhaps

It's folding your kid up in a stroller because you didn't latch it all the way done by both me and my mother-in-law

So I'm not alone certain mistakes

You'll only make once or twice

But you won't know it's actually wrong until you know it's actually wrong number five our little ones are so smart. Yeah

It's so stupid all at the same time babies are

Geniuses it is incredible

How fast they learn things and you think fine slam your face into that door you'll learn no


They won't number six silence is not golden you may think to yourself quiet

Is that you know?

It's it's ugly brother

Silence here to tell you something horrific aliy

Unfortunate is happening such as your babies eating a penny if you can't see them and can't hear them

There is most def a problem number seven they'll eat anything fruits veggies meats


animals other

Children number eight you will quickly go from what do you need to what's in your mouth number nine they were made

Adorable so that you can't stay mad at them or filling them out of windows and number ten

Nothing will ever ever be about you again, but that's okay cuz they really are

The greatest here we go

Crying for no reason I do have to say that the first year has been

something special

People were not lying when they said it goes really really fast. It does like so fast

but this is definitely the greatest thing that I've ever done ever and

To think that I was doing something before this is I don't know what I was doing before this nothing

was just wasting my time and

He really is the greatest thing ever so

Sorry I?

Been super emotional lately because his birthday's coming up. He's one year old birthday. That's just kind of a big deal. It's really special

Thank you

It's really hard at the same time because I wish he could just stay this little forever. Oh no tongue grows well

That was unexpected. I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please give it a big thumbs up

Don't forget to subscribe and share it with the world so we can achieve world domination

And if you're into all things beauty and baby

make sure that you hit that subscribe button and that notification bell so that you don't miss anything and


Will see you next time

For more infomation >> Top ten things I learned in my baby's first year of life | AMBER MANCHA - Duration: 3:35.


Why I joined the Co-op Program - Tatiana - Thompson Rivers University - Duration: 0:22.

Co-Op helped me with my career because I found what I want to do

and I also discovered I want to build my own career path

I'm just like "oh I actually love this stuff! maybe I should do that."

So now I'm going to get a double major in marketing

because you have to do what you love right?

For more infomation >> Why I joined the Co-op Program - Tatiana - Thompson Rivers University - Duration: 0:22.


TurHun ¦¦ I Called No One Else My Love {Sub.Eng} - Duration: 1:17.

from time to time I think of you

it is a life that

I don't call you and you don't call me

it can happen...

but I Called No one else my love (Love)

I Found nobody since then

who would be like you who would be like heart

but it would be a lie for me tell you that

I never had company...

I am same as you

on every lips I was looking for your name...your name

from time to time I think of you...

it can happen...

For more infomation >> TurHun ¦¦ I Called No One Else My Love {Sub.Eng} - Duration: 1:17.


A December MORNING 🎄 Morning Routine/What I Eat in a Day - Duration: 4:30.

hey guys, what's up?! it's been a minute

it's been a hot minute.

I just woke up, the sun's out.

I feel like vlogging today, I feel like talking

which seems like really out of character

but we're just going to roll with it

let's have a good day, that's all I can say


So I just got back from the grocery store

and I think I'm just going to make a salad for lunch

I don't know keep it simple

probably put some, I got some really good smoked tempeh

so I'll probably put that in

avocado, I've been waiting for my avocados to ripen

and it just seems to take like, forever!

I don't know if this video is like interesting or not, I don't know I feel weird.

Anyways, I'm really happy you guys are here! Thanks for watching!

Tell me something about yourself, I don't know, let's be friends and connect

and ya!!! Anyways, now I'm just going to make some food and I'll take you along and show you

Yeah thanks for watching!

I'm really happy to be back!

When I started Youtube I put so much pressure on myself to be making videos every week,

every couple days, whatever which just isn't really sustainable

I think its just important to love the process and making the videos

and not be so concerned with what other people are going to like

So I think for me, its just I'm going to be making videos that I like making, and that I want to make

Thinking of my goal with Youtube, I want to create a space to be open and vulnerable

and create like this really awesome community of creative people to just discuss

and create ideas and like good energy and just support each other

So that's kind of it, that's all I wanted to touch on today

For more infomation >> A December MORNING 🎄 Morning Routine/What I Eat in a Day - Duration: 4:30.


Fantastisk isbana och Markolio i isvaken - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Fantastisk isbana och Markolio i isvaken - Duration: 1:23.


Romans Zbigniewa i Justyny z Rolnik szuka żony. Spędzą razem noc! - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Romans Zbigniewa i Justyny z Rolnik szuka żony. Spędzą razem noc! - Duration: 2:44.


HOW TO GET A FREE SPECIAL CARD IN FIFA 18! 🔥 - Duration: 12:43.

For more infomation >> HOW TO GET A FREE SPECIAL CARD IN FIFA 18! 🔥 - Duration: 12:43.


Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort Navigatie/Cruise ACTIE! - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort Navigatie/Cruise ACTIE! - Duration: 0:56.


Sleepover With My College Roommate | VLOGMAS DAY 12 - Duration: 10:02.

Good morning

For more infomation >> Sleepover With My College Roommate | VLOGMAS DAY 12 - Duration: 10:02.


Kia Picanto 1.0i BLING NAVIGATIE AIRCO ELECTROPAKKET 61.000KM!!! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia Picanto 1.0i BLING NAVIGATIE AIRCO ELECTROPAKKET 61.000KM!!! - Duration: 0:59.


Huckabee Sanders Offers Crazy Excuse For Trump's Sexist Attack On Senator Kirsten Gillibrand - Duration: 4:20.

On Tuesday, Donald Trump tweeted out an attack on Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand that

could really only be taken as some kind of implication that she would offer sexual favors

in exchange for campaign donations.

Here is the exact tweet that Donald Trump sent out: "Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand,

a total flunky for Chuck Schumer and someone who would come to my office 'begging' for

campaign contributions not so long ago 'and would do anything for them' is now in the

ring fighting against Trump.

Very disloyal ..." blah, blah, blah.

It's that sentence, "And would do anything for them," that he put in a special bracket

there, that has led people to believe that Donald Trump is implying somehow that Senator

Gillibrand would offer sexual favors in exchange for campaign donations.

Once everybody jumped on this, obviously, later in the afternoon on Tuesday, White House

Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked what the hell Donald Trump was trying

to imply there.

This was her response.

Is Gillibrand owed an apology for the misunderstanding from the President's tweet this morning, because

many, including the Senator, thinks that it's about sexual innuendos?

Only if your mind was in the gutter would you have read it that way.

So, no.


No, it's not.

What he said was open and it was not mind in the gutter.

He's obviously talking about political partisan games that people often play and the broken

system that he's talked about repeatedly.

This is isn't new, this isn't a new sentiment, this isn't new terminology.

He's used it several times before.

As I said a few minutes ago, he's used it several times before, referencing men of both

parties, in fact.

I think that they're, if you look back at the past comments he's made, it was very clear

what his reference was.


You know what?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is one hundred percent right.

If you look back at Donald Trump's past statements that he's made about women, it's pretty clear

that he absolutely was launching a sexist attack against Senator Gillibrand.

Remember, this is the guy who was on tape bragging about the fact that he would go around

and grab women by the pussies and forcibly kiss them, even if they didn't want to, even

if they were married.

When you're rich, he says, they let you get away with it.

So, yeah, Sarah, when we look back at his past statements, it's not that hard to figure

out what Donald Trump was trying to imply here about Senator Gillibrand.

Later on during the press conference, Huckabee Sanders went forward to say Senator Gillibrand's

mind is just in the gutter.


Your President, your boss, is always in the gutter.

That's where his mind lives.

It's got its own apartment there.

Everything this man says about women, towards women and, most likely, to women, is pretty

much some kind of sexist attack.

He cannot stand when any woman, whether it be Senator Warren, Senator Gillibrand, Nancy

Pelosi, whoever it is, whenever they attack him, he immediately jumps out, far more so

than he does when a man attacks him.

This is a man, a President of the United States, who has a very real problem with respecting

women, because he only views women as objects because, throughout his entire life, that's

the only he's treated them.

Every woman that has entered Donald Trump's life has been an object, a means to a certain


There's really only one way that we can take this tweet from Donald Trump, and I have no

doubt in my mind that he absolutely was trying to imply some kind of sexual exchange that

she had offered in exchange for campaign donations.

That's what he was trying to convince the American people of, and it backfired on him


For more infomation >> Huckabee Sanders Offers Crazy Excuse For Trump's Sexist Attack On Senator Kirsten Gillibrand - Duration: 4:20.


Railroad Crossing Running: Don't Do It.... - Duration: 0:24.

You may think that running a railroad crossing is justified if you are in a hurry and the gates haven't come down...

...but you never know who may be lurking along an adjacent building...

...such as a cop car to my left waiting to pounce like a cat on any car that runs the crossing!

I was told by the Cheyenne Police that running this crossing could result in a $100 fine...

For more infomation >> Railroad Crossing Running: Don't Do It.... - Duration: 0:24.


If you Rap You Lose Part 3 | If...

For more infomation >> If you Rap You Lose Part 3 | If...


Livro PODE NÃO SER O QUE PARECE | RESENHA | Seja Uma Pessoa Melhor - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Livro PODE NÃO SER O QUE PARECE | RESENHA | Seja Uma Pessoa Melhor - Duration: 5:03.


O Seu Tipo de Corpo Define o Treino que Você Deve Fazer? | Autoridade Fitness - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> O Seu Tipo de Corpo Define o Treino que Você Deve Fazer? | Autoridade Fitness - Duration: 4:42.


Slim Dee - Todo o Nada (Video Oficial) TRAP ARGENTINO - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Slim Dee - Todo o Nada (Video Oficial) TRAP ARGENTINO - Duration: 2:30.



For more infomation >> COMMENT AVOIR DES BOONIES RARES ? :O - Duration: 10:08.


3 ERROS que te impedem de ser um MILIONÁRIO ❌ 💰 - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> 3 ERROS que te impedem de ser um MILIONÁRIO ❌ 💰 - Duration: 4:06.


Piotr z "Rolnik szuka żony" ujawnia prawdę o ciąży Kasi - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Piotr z "Rolnik szuka żony" ujawnia prawdę o ciąży Kasi - Duration: 1:47.


O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Clara tem retorno triunfal e deixa todos chocados; veja fotos - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Clara tem retorno triunfal e deixa todos chocados; veja fotos - Duration: 3:38.





Morre o vocalista Warrel Dane aos 48 anos - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Morre o vocalista Warrel Dane aos 48 anos - Duration: 2:47.


Santa Receita | Prestação de serviço: direito imobiliario - 13 de dezembro de 2017 - Duration: 13:11.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Prestação de serviço: direito imobiliario - 13 de dezembro de 2017 - Duration: 13:11.


20 anos do Gepeja - Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Educação de Jovens e Adultos - Duration: 8:22.

For more infomation >> 20 anos do Gepeja - Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Educação de Jovens e Adultos - Duration: 8:22.


Santa Receita | Plantão Médico: remédios para dormir - 13 de dezembro de 2017 - Duration: 16:53.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Plantão Médico: remédios para dormir - 13 de dezembro de 2017 - Duration: 16:53.


El Poder De La Conciencia de Neville Goddard Capítulo 10 Creación Audio Libro - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> El Poder De La Conciencia de Neville Goddard Capítulo 10 Creación Audio Libro - Duration: 4:04.


ADP no lançamento do livro "Brasil Faz Design: criatividade brasileira no cenário internacional" - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> ADP no lançamento do livro "Brasil Faz Design: criatividade brasileira no cenário internacional" - Duration: 0:45.


Jennifer Lopez Lifestyle | Favorite Position,Jennifer Lopez On The Floor | Jennifer Lopez vs Pitbull - Duration: 3:17.

Jennifer Lopez Lifestyle

Favorite Position,Jennifer Lopez On The Floor

For more infomation >> Jennifer Lopez Lifestyle | Favorite Position,Jennifer Lopez On The Floor | Jennifer Lopez vs Pitbull - Duration: 3:17.


Eckhart Tolle - Mysl v Přítomnosti - Duration: 11:03.

For more infomation >> Eckhart Tolle - Mysl v Přítomnosti - Duration: 11:03.


Santa Receita | Peça natalina com madeira reuso por Érica Sinigalha - 13 de dezembro de 2017 - Duration: 18:00.

For more infomation >> Santa Receita | Peça natalina com madeira reuso por Érica Sinigalha - 13 de dezembro de 2017 - Duration: 18:00.


Agnieszka Szulim potwornie cierpi! - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Agnieszka Szulim potwornie cierpi! - Duration: 2:47.


KRYPTON Teaser Trailer (2018) Superman Prequel Series HD - Duration: 0:54.

Our generation was meant to inherit the stars

And I'm the last

The only surviving member of the House of El

The blood of House of El will always bind us together

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