Saturday, December 16, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 16 2017



Run, Aida!

I know he's your friend,

but no one working for Immigration

would ever hide this kind of information.

It's one thing for you to hate the Aceros

and another for you to mess with Salvador right now.

How much more do you want?

Just because you work with whores

doesn't mean we're all spreading our legs for you.

I can get whores to disappear with the snap of a finger.

That branding is from the Tijuana Cartel.

The other one must be from your new boss.

What you are is a traitor!

You have something I want.

I need fresh blood.

The kind you smuggle across the Rio Grande.


You might think you're the pope of Mexico,

but you can't mess with my people.

Then no deal.

You were the one who asked to meet with me, remember?

You should've shown up with your legs spread wide,

yet all you offered was talk.

We'll give you half a million dollars.

Listen, Salvador.

We're not loyal to anyone.

We're only loyal to money.

It could've been the Gulf Cartel yesterday

and the Aceros today.

Tomorrow, Indio Amaro.

Who knows?

We might even end up working for the government.

It's a simple matter of supply and demand.

If you want to launder money or smuggle immigrants,

you'll have to pay the toll.

I don't know where you got that information.

Everyone knows the Aceros are strictly coyotes now.

And that doesn't bring in enough money to pay you off.

Nobody move!

What's going on here?

What's this?

You're the Aceros.

Nice to meet you... Officer.

Relax, Officer.

The Aceros were pardoned, remember?

President Roca himself gave the order.

You guys sure are infamous.

We're just working... er, negotiating.

We'll talk later.

Alright. Carry on.

See you later.

Bye, Officer.


Even the police are in our pocket.

Nothing goes on here without my permission.

You're here in Tamaulipas because I allowed it...

but make one wrong move and it'll be the end of you.

Someone's getting greedy.

You weren't even expecting to receive that money.

This is the last time I play along with your game.

You want a million dollars?

Fine. I'll pay you myself.

I'm starting to like the looks of this.

That's why I like negotiating with men... instead of broads.

Oh, quit talking ----.

You wouldn't want to end up like your partner.

Just try me. Come at me!

Admit it, Daniel. Something's not right here.

Until more evidence surfaces,

Sanchez is suspected of having ties to drug trafficking.


That's not true. I assure you.

Sanchez is like a brother to me.

We found a dead immigrant in Sanchez's car.

This is serious, man!

It showed up in Mexico, too, under my jurisdiction.

My job is on the line here.

Do you trust me?

When have I ever failed you?

Get this through your head, man.

Sanchez has nothing to do with drug trafficking.

The information you saw on his computer

was part of an investigation he was working on.

He was investigating Indira Cardenas.

Why would he be investigating

the head of Immigration in Texas?

Why do you think?

She has ties to Indio Amaro! That's why!

She owes him.

That's why her son was kidnapped.

Then how is she still working for ICE?

Because this is all --------! Just like your ------- PGE!

Is it that hard to believe?

I'm sorry.

First off, we don't have all of the info Sanchez collected.

Secondly, Indira begged me to let her stay with ICE.

She wants to find Indio and I'm fine with that.

Once we capture him,

she's going to pay for all of her crimes.

What if Sanchez isn't dead?

Perhaps he fled fearing retaliation from Indio

or Indira herself.

Maybe they threatened him!

No. Actually, I don't know.

What I do know is, Sanchez would never betray me.

He's missing because those bastards probably killed him

or kidnapped him.

But he wouldn't betray me. I swear.

I was about to give birth.

I was eight months along.

I started getting contractions that same day.

I ended up getting a C-section anyway,

so I endured the worst of both worlds.

He came into this world red, wrinkly,

and angry at being woken up.


<i> What's the matter, cutie?</i>

<i> There, there...</i>

That was our son Nicolas.

<i> Tickle, tickle!</i>


Get that away from my eyeball!

Have mercy!

What are you doing with that?

Please stop!

Give it to me straight.

Who do you really work for?

The DEA, the FBI...?

We work for Romero!

Amaro dismissed me.

These women are just mules.

Should I call Indio Amaro?

I'm feeling tame today.

Baptize her.

Oh, no! Not that!

Now they're going to pour acid and honey on us, so it sticks!

Damn it, Yemaya! Don't abandon your daughter!

We may not be from Tijuana, but we're responsible people.

Besides, baby...

We know how to do lots of things.

What kind of things?

Lots. Right, girls?


We've got tons of moves.

Check it out.

We can pleasure you with just our feet.

Isn't that nice? You like that?

Once it's dry, you're finished.

That's one pill.

Kids kill themselves over this ----?

Dumb-ass gringos.

Everyone got that? There's no time to lose.

We've got orders to ship.


Relax, Owl. It ain't that hard.

Besides, we're all scientists at heart!

You must follow the instructions to a T.

Just the slightest alteration to the formula

and this place explodes into a million pieces.

By the way, I suggest the kid not be here.

The vapors could cause him serious harm.

This is no place for a child like him.

His lungs can't withstand as much as ours.

Who you callin' a kid?

I'm the heir to the Tijuana Cartel, bastard.

I need to know how business is done.

I don't care if it's dangerous.

We're born to die.

Doesn't get clearer than that!

Watch out, people!

The Tijuana Cartel finally has an heir...

and his name's Shark II!

He ain't no kid.

He's a Tijuanan with a mighty set of -----!

As long as Indio Amaro trusts me with the cartel's books,

I'll use that to divert funds for our escape.

Damn ------- narco.

I hope he gets gangrene and dies.

He's so rotten, he could kill gangrene.

Let's change the subject, though.

Thanks for the pozole. It was delicious.

-Wait. -What? What is it?

You deserve a real man.

Jose Angel, you're the realest man I've ever met.

I'll say it a thousand times more if I have to.

Besides, you're still capable.

Unless there's been a gun in your pocket all along.


Wait until you're free and out in the world first

before deciding if you want to be with a man like me.

We've both been quite lonely...

and that can muddle our feelings sometimes.

What if we never escape, though?

Hey. Listen to me.

I swear on the memory of my mother, may she rest in peace,

that you, me, and the kid are getting out of here,

no matter the cost.


The Argentinian flaked on you

and if Indio finds out you're stealing from him,

he's going to kill you, me, and Nicolas to boot.

Don't say that.

Listen, man.

We need to crank up security.

Triple R says I can't have my gun on me during functions

because it projects a violent image.

You know, PR crap.

That guy acts like he's my third wife.

He is kinda weird, but he'll definitely help you win.

Winning over the people of Matamoros hasn't been easy,

even though you are Rooster for the people.

If you don't tell me what we want to hear,

I'm going to shoot you as partial revenge

for the death of Aracely.

I need you on top of things, man.

Hire extra guards.

With Indio around, we're better safe than sorry.

And the Petates.

Oh, God. That too.

You know what?

Start arranging things for our family picture.

Bring me the entire Quintanilla family.

-Everyone? -Everyone!

You got it.

What are you looking at?

So in addition to being a traitor,

you're a --- too?

I don't want trouble.

I know you, you bastard.

I know where you came from...

and I always get back at my enemies.

I'm not your enemy...

but if you want to talk payback,

I've got some scores of my own to settle.

Remember that time you locked me up at that ranch in Juarez?

We could just forgive and forget.

Forgive and forget, my ass.

You want forgiveness? Ask the pope.

Hey! Put that down.

Domingo's with me.

What's with you, Doriga?

This bastard's clearly lying through his teeth!

I'm not asking you to believe him.

I'm asking you to believe me.

I have full faith in Domingo.


Fine, Doriga.

As for you, try me. ---- up one more time!

Done deal, then. No surprises or attacks.

One million dollars and it'll be like nothing happened.

I'm warning you, though.

If you or any of your "divisions" try some ----,

I'll pump you with lead myself.

You have my word, Petate. Do we have yours?

You do.

Alright, then. Let's go.

My regards to Rooster.

Tell him he has our vote.

You just offered them one million dollars, Salvador.

What the hell were you thinking?

I don't get why you're keeping this from your women.

Wasn't this your mom's profession?

We owed the Petates money, but this is different.

After what happened with Chucho Casares,

we promised the family we'd never return to this business.

Relax, sis.

There are victories that feel like defeats at first.


Don't worry about the million dollars.

I can get that faster than you think.

I sure hope so.

Let's go.

For more infomation >> Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 30 | Telemundo - Duration: 15:35.


Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 13 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 13:25.

Juanjo, I'm here!

Good God! Juanjo, what happened?


Answer me, son!

Oh, no. Help!

Somebody help!


What's with these photos?

Well, just look at them.

They're of Kimberly.

Isn't that her name?

She's with Juanjo Montiel.

Apparently, you aren't the only man she's seeing.

She stood you up to see him last night.

Is that what Moncho told you?


He didn't have to.

Your actions spoke quite clearly.

You said not to wait up, yet you showed up early,

looking furious.

Can't get more obvious than that.

Crisanto, no one knows you the way I do.

I've known about all your mistresses.

Every grape picker and every whore from the brothel...

but she's different.

You've fallen for her.

No, Meche. You're the only woman I love.

Don't talk to me about love!

You only see me as a hot meal and fresh laundry.

Oh, and as the mother of your children!

But love? Passion?

You don't love me! You love her!

What do you know?

She's been sleeping with you

and that bastard at the same time!

And you're the idiot donning new underwear and shirts

while wearing cologne and yelling at me!

You blindly asked my cousin to investigate for you!

You knew she was sleeping around...

and she's sleeping with the man who killed our son!

What are you going to do?

I'm going to beat the ---- out of him.

No, you will not!

Do you want to be made a fool in front of everyone?

Do you want your children to find out?

What will they think?

What of my pride?

Thanks for offering me a ride.

I hate getting to class all sweaty.

No problem.

You can call me whenever you need.


I want you and Natalia to give it a look.

We'll talk about it later.


Did you meet with Kimberly and pitch the project to her?


That didn't sound too convincing.

-Did she not like it? -She did, but...

Look, you know I don't like meddling or judging people,

but something happened last night that complicates things

between her and you guys.

You had me followed?

I didn't think you were capable of that.

It hadn't been necessary till now.

You had changed so drastically.

I had to know the truth about her.

Well, now you know. Happy?


How about you? Are you happy?

Happy to realize you're sleeping with a harpy?


You would've liked to never know...

that she's been sleeping

with the young and handsome Juan Montiel!

Shut up.

I will not shut up!

I'm through putting up with your ----!

You should be grateful!

Just look at yourself!

You're devastated!

Leave, if you love her so much!

Go after her like the fool you are!

I've said all I have so say!

Kimberly is Crisanto's mistress?

That can't be good.

If that's true, we're bound to have problems.

Of course.

That's like harboring an enemy.

I'm sure she's already told him about our plans for the winery.

We must cut ties with her.

Hold on.

Let's not do anything hasty.

I'll talk to her.

She has nothing to do with you, Meche.

Besides, you're my wife! You're above her.

If it involves you, it involved me.

Yeah, except passion.

Might I remind you how many times you've turned me down

these past few years?

I begged you for affection

until I finally realized you didn't desire me anymore.

Your passion for me died!

Just let me be.

No, Meche.

You seemed to like me back when we were younger,

but ever since you gave birth to Leonardo,

you've shut down and quit showing interest in me!

I'm still alive!

I feel young and strong.

I refuse to shut down like you.

Why are you complaining?

You have your freedom and then some.

No, Meche.

I didn't want freedom. I wanted you.

You have me.

I love you like no one else.

You're my life! You know that!

Love me how?

Like a brother or older son?


This bed has practically become a tomb.

It's the bed we're growing old on!

That's her, isn't it?

Mom, Dad? Are you there?

Not now, sweetie!

I'm sorry, but this is urgent! Please open up.

Thanks, Mom.

I was strolling through the vineyard and found this.

There's a case of oidium going through the vineyard.


What areas have been affected?

The central rows, by the roses.

Were you two fighting?

It's nothing, sweetie.

Boss! I just came from the vineyard.

The disease has only affected a couple of rows.

Good, but we're still at risk.

Let's rip out all the stocks and fumigate with fungicide.

Yes, sir.

Good thing you noticed on time, sweetie.


Do we have enough pesticides?

I have to check at the winery.

Are you sure it's oidium, though?

If this is the practice test,

then I can't imagine the real test.

Have you seen these questions?

I read through them,

but I have no idea what any of the answers are.

-It's tough. -Tough?

This test is for experts!

We're going to flunk

Hey! Don't say that.

Don't bring yourself down.

We'll study day and night if we have to,

but we're going to make it.

We're going to prove everyone wrong.

We can do this. Okay?

Dimas, I need you to spray all the rows from first to last.

Roberto, visit the nearby vineyard owners

and tell them to take precautions.

I'd rather call them from here.

Besides, I have to supervise Dimas.

We wouldn't want him running over

the rows we planted yesterday.

Don't worry, sir.

I've been driving that tractor for years now.

If anything, you would run them over.

Mind your own business. I'll mind mine.

Oh, yeah? Well...

Don't fight, you two.

Roberto, do as I said.

Dimas, let's pack up the tractor.

Chuy! Help me out here.

<i> Hey, cutie!</i>

<i> I'm waiting for you</i> <i> at our spot.</i>

<i> Don't take too long!</i> <i> I'm dying to see you.</i>

<i> Where are you?</i>

<i> I've been waiting</i> <i> for nearly an hour!</i>

<i> Are you coming or not?</i>

<i> I'm leaving.</i> <i> Thanks for standing me up!</i>

<i> At least answer my calls!</i>

Kimberly, this is definitely an uncomfortable talk to have,

but we wanted to point out

that our relationship with Crisanto Castañeda...

is complicated.

We wouldn't want to exacerbate that.


And you're telling me this because...?

Look, Kimberly.

What we're trying to tell you

is that we know you and Crisanto are involved.

Of course.

Juanjo told you all and now you're judging me.

Yes, Crisanto and I are lovers.

So what?

My private life is exactly that.


I'm very offended that you would think

I'm feeding Crisanto information about you guys.

I have ethics... and I'm not stupid.

Why would I put my own interests at stake?

You're right.

We're sorry if we've offended you.

Of course I'm offended, Paco!

Do you realize what you're accusing me of?

Hold on.

No one's accusing you of anything.

We're just...

Yes, I know you and Crisanto are enemies...

but you guys are my business partners.

He isn't.

Look, if we're going to work together,

we can't beat around the bush.

Do you trust me or not?

Yes, I trust you.

I'm sorry if we've offended you.

Look, this meeting is clearly ruined.

How about we talk once we've all simmered down?

Wait, Kimberly! Don't go...


Why does Paco insist on being nice to her?

She's all smiles and giggles, but she's far front saintly.

If Crisanto knows she's working with us

and he hasn't said anything yet,

it's because he's up to something.

And if he doesn't know, he will soon.

You'll see.

She'll be the end of us.

This can't be good.

Working and going to school is difficult.

I doubt I'll pass the test with the little time we have left.

Calm down, Serena. I'll help you.

-Seriously? -Of course!

Thank you, Auri.

I don't care, Ramiro! I need that pesticide today!

You'd better send it over ASAP.

Crisanto doesn't seem to be in the best of moods.

My mom was upset, too.

When I went to tell them about the oidium,

they seemed to be arguing.

Do you know what's up?


Hey, Dad.

<i> Sweetie, the tractor</i> <i> just broke down.</i>

<i> Bring me my toolbox.</i>

Okay, will do.

The tractor's busted.

Be right back.

Where are you going? I need some data archived.

The fumigation tractor just broke down.

I'm taking these tools to the vineyard and going to the study.

When are you graduating, anyway?

You've been studying too hard and neglecting your work.


-Hey. -Hey!

Can you help me enter these balances to our database?

I can't right now.

I'm making flash cards for Serena.

Don't even mention that brat.

She was so rude when I asked her to help me with this.

Try to understand.

She's under a lot of pressure because of her upcoming exam.

Why are you helping her fill out flash cards?

She's the one who should be doing that.

Well, she and her classmate can't possibly do them all.

There are too many terms.

Classmate, huh?

So who's the lucky guy?

I think his name is Christian.

For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 13 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 13:25.


Milagros de Navidad | Capítulo 15 | Telemundo - Duration: 13:16.


Mexican Christmas...

is the best one!

The American way is the best!

Mexican Christmas!

The American!

How did we end up here on Christmas night?

When did we lose control of everything?

Alright, Jesusita, a little higher.

A little lower.

Right there.

Now to the left.

The other left.

There, there.

-A little lower. -Enough, Dad!

It's fine here. I'm leaving it.

Come on!

The light will hit baby Jesus' face.

What light?

He was supposed to be born at night.

It's a star.

So is the sun.

Alright, alright, Jesusita.

Listen to your father.

He's an expert at nativities.

Besides, one day you'll carry on the tradition!

You should learn from the best.

The best!

What do you have there?

Shall we break our pre-Christmas diet?

Of course not.

This is for the new neighbors.

-Let's go. -New neighbors?


Besides, what diet?

You've been stuffing your face

-all year. -What?

I've been dieting for three weeks.


How much have you lost?

-Two and a half weeks. -Let's go!

This weighs.

Are we really going?

-Yes, of course. -They're gringos!

<i> Silent night, holy night.</i>

<i> All is calm, all is bright.</i>

Welcome, neighbors!


Your house is my house!

No, no. My house is your house!

Come in!

Welcome, come in. Thank you.

Come in, come in.

Sorry for the mess, but it's been crazy.

We're still unpacking.

There are so many Christmas boxes!

Never enough, though. Right, honey?

What's this? It looks great.

They're Oaxaca-style tamales.

It's a traditional Mexican dish.



So you like Christmas, huh?



Let me show you something.

This is my snow machine,

so you can feel the spirit of the North Pole.

This here is Frosty.

Frosty is exclusive.

There's an exclusive design every year.

They only make one like him in the factory

and we bought him.

So you're one of those Christmas fanatics.


I wouldn't say I'm a fanatic.

I am Christmas.


Welcome to the neighborhood, neighbor.

I didn't know there was another king,

but anyone on the block can tell you

that I'm the king of Christmas.

Well, it looks like you've got come competition.

There's only one king...

and I am the king.

Looks like your dad is a Christmas freak like mine.


I'm Nick.

That's one of Santa's helpers names.

Embarrassing, I know.

Tell me about it. My name is Jesusita!

As if having parents named Maria and Jose

weren't bad enough.

That's not all, though.

The central figure of the nativity

is a baby Jesus made of fine porcelain,

blessed by Pope John Paul II during his first visit

to Mexico in 1979.

Impressive, impressive.

Is he life-sized?

Because my inflatable St. Nicholas is.

Plus, his morphological features closes resemble

St. Nicholas of Myra.

Oh, really? How interesting.

A pagan god, I'm sure. Who is that?

If your husband likes to eat as much as mine does,

he'll love that recipe.

Likes to eat? He loves it!

He spends all year on a diet and for what?

For Christmas!

What a coincidence.

I have a friend who does exactly the same thing.

Well, Chris...

thanks so much for showing me your little toys.

Little toys?

Small toys.

It's me.

Hello? The king of Christmas speaking.

Who's this?

Hi, Mom, how are you?

Yes, of course.

We have everything ready.

Yes, baby Jesus will be fine. Don't worry.

Hurry, Mom. We'll see you here.



They're on their way!

We have to go.

Your home is beautiful, neighbors,

but our family is coming over and we have to get ready.

It's so nice to spend the holidays

with the entire family.

Well, it won't be our entire family,

just a part.



Let's go, Jesusita.

We need to prepare.

-Thank you so much. -Well, Chris...

when you want to find out how to celebrate

a genuine, traditional Mexican Christmas,

you're welcome to come over whenever you want.



We're in the United States of America.

Stay and I'll show you

how to celebrate Christmas for real,

the American way.

The American way?

You mean a cold, pagan, materialistic Christmas

without any traditions or culture?

Thank you so much, neighbors.

Excuse us.

-Let's go, Jesusita. -God Bless.

Did you see that guy? He was so arrogant.

"We're in the United States of America."

Honey, look.

I think he's right.

We should combine American and Mexican traditions.

Please, Maria.

There's nothing to the American tradition.

It's pure materialism.

It's the epitome of consumerism.

It's empty, hollow!

No, Jose, please.

It's Christmas and your family is coming over.

Don't make this personal!

It's not a personal problem.

It's a cultural problem.

I'm going to show that gringo some real Mexican traditions

so he can learn some respect!

They're here!

I can't believe the neighbors blocked our entrance

with their van.

We had to carry the tree from the other block

because the truck couldn't get through.

If this is just a small part of their family,

I can't imagine the rest of it.

I think it's amazing to spend Christmas

with the entire family.

You should learn from them!

You never call your parents or invite them over!

Come on, Carol!

Learn from the Mexicans? What for? No!

Plus, your family and mine

don't like spending Christmas together.

Just at this tree. Look at this beauty!

Oh, my God.

It was brought in from the North Carolina forest.

It's perfect!

Yeah, and heavy too.

It's the best Christmas tree in the city.

Okay, Dad.

And when we finish decorating it,

I'm going to invite Jose over so he can see

how you really trim a tree American-style!

Don't start, Chris.

With what?

I know you.

I'm going to go lay down.

Oh, really? Okay, we can do it alone.

Don't worry. Go take a nap.

This baby Jesus, made of the finest porcelain,

belonged to my mother and her mother before her.


Since Pope John Paul II blessed him,

he hasn't left this chest..

and he never will!

And even though I didn't agree with bringing him here,

I did it for all of you.

Thank you.

Without him, there is no Christmas.

I speak for everyone when I say thank you

for bringing baby Jesus.


The Devil can even be found in paradise.

But this house is very safe.

We'll all do everything possible

so he doesn't get even a scratch.

-Right? -Yes, yes!

You'd better!

This Holy Child hasn't left this chest,

which was donated by the Benedictine monks

of the Monastery of Our Holy Lady.


Yes, yes.

No one can touch him!

No one.


-Look at how beautiful. -It's precious.

How about we finish this tomorrow?

I completely agree with you, honey.

Under one condition.


Tonight, I want you to give me a preview

of my favorite Christmas present.

A preview, huh?

Oh, my God. Will you do it?

-Yes. -Yes!

I want to lay down.

It was a very long trip.

I'll take you to your room, Mom.

Don't stay up late!

We need to rehearse the Nativity play early tomorrow,

you hear?

I'll take you. This way.

I know how you all are! Watch out!

Don't worry, Mom. Everything will be fine.

The Guadalupe Reyes marathon started December 12th,

but the Vargas family Christmas starts now!

Don't eat so much! You'll make yourself sick.

I could never get sick

off anything my sister-in-law makes.

You all know that the Vargas family is very united.

Family is the most important thing in life.

Sadly, not everyone could be here,

but even though we're few, we're all manly!

Sorry, sorry!

We're also very womanly.

In this house we do as I...

am told to do.

So I'll follow her orders and put on music.

-Yeah. -Party time!

Here we go.

What happened, sweetie?

It's really loud.

The neighbors might get mad.

On the contrary, sweetie, we're showing the gringos

how to celebrate Christmas Mexican-style.

Just listen.

Turn it up, man!


For more infomation >> Milagros de Navidad | Capítulo 15 | Telemundo - Duration: 13:16.


9 de las Frutas y verduras más saciantes que ayudan de verdad a perder peso rápidamente - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> 9 de las Frutas y verduras más saciantes que ayudan de verdad a perder peso rápidamente - Duration: 7:41.


El príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle: las preguntas clave sobre su boda y su futuro - Duration: 9:35.

For more infomation >> El príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle: las preguntas clave sobre su boda y su futuro - Duration: 9:35.


La violencia no da tregua en la convulsionada Honduras que sigue sin presidente electo - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> La violencia no da tregua en la convulsionada Honduras que sigue sin presidente electo - Duration: 1:26.


Selena Gomez Still 'Thinking' About The Weeknd Even Though She's Happy With Justin Bieber - Duration: 2:11.

Selena Gomez Still 'Thinking' About The Weeknd Even Though She's Happy With Justin


Selena Gomez is winding down 2017 with Justin Bieber instead of The Weeknd.

We've got EXCLUSIVE details on how she's thinking about her ex.

2017 started off as such a fresh start for Selena Gomez' love life.

Just a few weeks into the new year the 25-year-old was spotted putting on major PDA with The

Weeknd, 27, and that led to a seemingly blissful 10 month romance.

Until ex Justin Bieber, 23, swooped back into her life in late October to reclaim his former


Now her holiday plans are completely unexpected.

"Selena is not ending her year the way she anticipated at all.

She was expecting to spend the holidays with The Weeknd, he was invited to be with her

and her family and they had all kinds of plans.

But instead she's making different plans with Justin.

It's not something she ever saw coming, but she's happier than she has ever been,"

a source close to the singer tells EXCLUSIVELY.

"Still, she can't help but think about The Weeknd at times.

It bothers her that their friendship kind of fell apart and she does hope they can fix


But mostly her mind is on Justin and how happy they are right now," our insider adds.

Selena raised eyebrows when she told Billboard magazine in November that her breakup with

The Weeknd was a friendly one, even though he proved it was the opposite by scrubbing

her from all of his social media and stopped following her.

See pics of Selena and Justin reunited, here.

"Something that I'm really proud of is that there's such a true friendship [between

me and The Weeknd].

I truly have never experienced anything like that in my life.

We ended it as best friends, and it was genuinely about encouraging and caring [for each other],

and that was pretty remarkable for me," she told the mag.

Well, it wasn't the same for him as he erased any trace of her from his life.

It seemed like he was pretty blindsided when Justin showed up back in her life out of the

blue after years apart in late Oct. and just a few days later Sel announced her split from

the "Starboy" singer.

Oh well, as her song goes "The Heart Wants What It Wants" and for Selena it's Justin.

For more infomation >> Selena Gomez Still 'Thinking' About The Weeknd Even Though She's Happy With Justin Bieber - Duration: 2:11.


Exlíder del sindicato de maestros de México obtiene beneficio de prisión domiciliaria - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Exlíder del sindicato de maestros de México obtiene beneficio de prisión domiciliaria - Duration: 1:42.


Los 10 mejores remedios caseros para eliminar la arenilla en los riñones - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> Los 10 mejores remedios caseros para eliminar la arenilla en los riñones - Duration: 11:09.



For more infomation >> PDICIENCIA 7. ESPECIAL ATAPUERCA - Duration: 10:28.


¿ Como hacer una tartiflette muy sabrosa ? Receta Francesa - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> ¿ Como hacer una tartiflette muy sabrosa ? Receta Francesa - Duration: 4:06.


Cartoons about Racing Color Cars for Kids and Fun Vehicles 3D Cartoons for Children Video Kids Song - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Cartoons about Racing Color Cars for Kids and Fun Vehicles 3D Cartoons for Children Video Kids Song - Duration: 10:11.


La gran noche de Jamiroquai en Palermo - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> La gran noche de Jamiroquai en Palermo - Duration: 7:17.


Handmade: Make a Safe Locker from Cardboard - Duration: 10:12.

Sub for next videos

For more infomation >> Handmade: Make a Safe Locker from Cardboard - Duration: 10:12.



For more infomation >> 7 MÓN ĂN BÀI THUỐC CHỮA MẤT NGỦ KHÓ NGỦ HIỆU QUẢ AI CŨNG LÀM ĐƯỢC - Duration: 5:02.


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For more infomation >> Infiniti QX80 2018 : à l'essai cette semaine - Duration: 2:52.


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For more infomation >> Cadeaux de Noël: Un musée en cadeau - Duration: 3:17.


Rajasthan Tourism

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Phỏng vấn anh thủ môn giải hạng 2 anh về U23 vietnam 2-1 U23 thai lan(bật phụ đề cc) - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Phỏng vấn anh thủ môn giải hạng 2 anh về U23 vietnam 2-1 U23 thai lan(bật phụ đề cc) - Duration: 0:46.


PUTIN PRIČA VIC, Putin Jokes - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> PUTIN PRIČA VIC, Putin Jokes - Duration: 0:40.


ピー音が活躍する質問コーナー!【実写】 - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> ピー音が活躍する質問コーナー!【実写】 - Duration: 5:45.


Uomini&Donne, Gems spiazza: ecco cosa ha fatto per riavere George | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Uomini&Donne, Gems spiazza: ecco cosa ha fatto per riavere George | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:49.


GF VIP : Ivana Mrzova e Luca Onestini insieme in una SPA: gli indizi | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> GF VIP : Ivana Mrzova e Luca Onestini insieme in una SPA: gli indizi | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


'Sarà Sanremo', i nomi dei 20 Big e la selezione dei giovani | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> 'Sarà Sanremo', i nomi dei 20 Big e la selezione dei giovani | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.


দেখুন কবে হবে কেয়ামত ? কিয়ামত সংঘটিত হওয়ার পূর্ব লক্ষণ I কিভাবে ধ্বংস হবে পৃথিবী ? - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> দেখুন কবে হবে কেয়ামত ? কিয়ামত সংঘটিত হওয়ার পূর্ব লক্ষণ I কিভাবে ধ্বংস হবে পৃথিবী ? - Duration: 3:44.


Singalong With The Strong H...

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I LOST MILLION DOLLARS - Duration: 8:59.

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Seasons (Live) - Hillsong Worship - Duration: 4:36.

Like the frost on a rose Winter comes for us all

Oh how nature acquaints us With the nature of patience

Like a seed in the snow I've been buried to grow

For Your promise is loyal From seed to sequoia

I know

Though the winter is long even richer The harvest it brings

Though my waiting prolongs even greater

Your promise for me like a seed

I believe that my season will come

Lord I think of Your love Like the low winter sun

As I gaze I am blinded In the light of Your brightness

Like a fire to the snow I'm renewed in Your warmth

Melt the ice of this wild soul Till the barren is beautiful

I know

Though the winter is long even richer The harvest it brings

Though my waiting prolongs even greater

Your promise for me like a seed I believe that my season will come

I can see the promise I can see the future

You're the God of seasons I'm just in the winter

If all I know of harvest Is that it's worth my patience

Then if You're not done working God I'm not done waiting

You can see my promise Even in the winter

Cause You're the God of greatness Even in a manger

For all I know of seasons Is that You take Your time

You could have saved us in a second Instead You sent a child

Though the winter is long even richer The harvest it brings

Though my waiting prolongs even greater Your promise for me like a seed

I believe that my season will come

And when I finally see my tree

Still I believe there's a season to come

Like a seed You were sown For the sake of us all

From Bethlehem's soil Grew Calvary's sequoia

For more infomation >> Seasons (Live) - Hillsong Worship - Duration: 4:36.


북한·일본, 4년 만에 정부 간 대화 - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> 북한·일본, 4년 만에 정부 간 대화 - Duration: 3:34.


'Sarà Sanremo', i nomi dei 20 Big e la selezione dei giovani | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> 'Sarà Sanremo', i nomi dei 20 Big e la selezione dei giovani | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.


설경구 아내 송윤아, 최지우 친한연예인 인증샷 공개 - Duration: 16:28.

For more infomation >> 설경구 아내 송윤아, 최지우 친한연예인 인증샷 공개 - Duration: 16:28.


Tula Advanced Neck Cream Review - Duration: 8:15.

everybody welcome back to my channel so today's video is skincare I try to

upload these once you know once or twice a week I'm getting older I'm 32 years

old anyway let's stop rambling if you would

like to see what my skincare review demo is on this week please keep on watching

make sure you subscribe to my channel hit that notification bell I upload a

video every single day of the week and I don't want you missing me so let's go

and get started so today's skincare is on the Tula advanced neck cream I did

get this in my allure beauty box I just did the unboxing on Monday the 11th this

was one of the products inside anyway it's advanced in that cream with

probiotic technology so this is a youth activating neck cream delivers intense

hydration to the delicate neck and decollete area and fights the appearance

of lines and wrinkles and crepey skin and loss of firmness applied to clean

dry skin in the morning and evening anyway so full-size is $80 okay and I am

doing my unboxing I'm thinking oh my gosh she would spend 80 bucks on this

but guys I've been using it for the last two or three nights and I have to say I

don't use it on my neck and decollete I actually use it on my face and neck if

you guys have been watching my videos last couple of weeks

you saw my skin totally freaked out like completely huge that it's finally gone

it's got that pink scar but this stuff is amazing as a facial moisturizer it's

nice and creamy I only use about the size of like a pea okay and it's just so


very very moisturizing but it doesn't leave the skin greasy I'll just push it

in it just feels so good it's not making me break out like I said I've been using

it this will be my like my fourth night and it just leaves my skin feeling so

soft so moisturized it's helping that dry flaky after a pimple is healed but

it's also as you know something I do is I double cleanse at night to get all my

makeup off and moisturize really good and then in the morning what I do before

getting ready for work is also wash my face with that's a cold water and gently

tap it dry and then I'll use like really light moisturizer if I do at all that

day I have combination skin and if I put too much product on my face in the

morning before makeup it doesn't make it doesn't last

I try primers moisturizers everything like that but with this tool of advanced

neck cream I apply it you saw how much I applied and it just it's already like

sunk in guys it doesn't leave a heavy greasy residue on your face absolutely

love it but then when I rinse my face in the morning with cold water my skin

still feels moisturized okay it's not super greasy in the nose area it's not

dry in other places you know it's just a really really great product do I think

it's worth $80 for a full sized product yeah I do

it's a really really great moisturizer I'm 32 years old and you know I don't

you know I'm a smoker I don't wear sunscreen everyday I don't

think my skin's like super super bad yet it's gonna get there guaranteed because

I haven't done the right steps towards skincare smoking and you know drinking

lots of coffee and stuff like that it's not good for the skin everybody knows

that you know but I like doing it so I ain't gonna stop anyway but this stuff

it just makes my skin feel so nice you know it makes it just feel really really

good I don't like to use heavy heavy moisturizers this treats your skin as

though it is a really nourishing heavy moisturizer

without the heavy fill right now if I wanted to I could apply start applying

makeup and it would lay beautifully okay I've even used this in the morning and

just tucked a little bit underneath my eyes just for a little extra hydration

around like my under eye area and guys yeah

eighty bucks is a lot of money I'm you know I'll definitely put down on the

description box how much a full-size container or tube is okay this is only

0.5 fluid ounces kay I'm gonna put down and below what it is for you know the

full-size $80 one but guys I think this is so much more than just a neck and

decollete cream I think this is a great facial moisturizer this Toula advanced

neck cream is amazing if I had the cash I would definitely invest in a full

sized one of these because I think it could lead last you a really long time

it doesn't take very much but it just leaves the skin feeling so nice like I

said you saw me apply it I've been yammering at you have this

whole time and it's sunk in okay it's sunk in it doesn't leave a greasy

residue okay it just really sinks into the skin it

nourishes it gives it the drink that it needs especially this time of year my

skin has been so dry but it hasn't been making me break out my skin just fills

and looks really really moisturize and it feels amazing so if you are wondering

about the Toula advanced neck cream guys it's not just for your neck and chest it

is a great amazing facial moisturizer once again I have combination skin I

think if you have dried to combo combo skin I think you will absolutely love

this it's amazing I'm not so sure about oily like I said it doesn't feel oily my

nose is oily so you know what I think even if you had slightly oily skin I

would say you know try to get a sample size see how you like it I think if you

were extremely extremely oily I don't think this would be for you okay

it is really moisturizing but in a non heavy way but I just I don't know when I

had oily skin when I was in my teen years I don't think I would have enjoyed

this but I absolutely love this stuff so if you have a little bit of extra cash

for the holiday season if you're looking for something to ask for for the

holidays I would definitely recommend the Toula advance neck cream it is

amazing and I think you would absolutely love it

but yeah I I think it's amazing so definitely go check it out

I'll leave the information for the full-size tube of this down below in the

description box but you guys thank you so much for watching I hope you guys are

enjoying a little bit of the higher-end products makeup and skincare

once again I'm not branching out totally just because I can't afford the $80 tube

of this I can afford it when it comes in a beauty box and I love

trying it and I will definitely recommend it because I know that there's

lots of people out there that are maybe like a little bit more in my position

and can't afford an $80 moisturizer but then there's a lot of people out there

that can and I would love for them to know about really really great

higher-end products because higher-end products sometimes are worth the money

and this tool advanced neck cream is definitely one of them

definitely worth the money and if you were interested or if you think you can

afford it I definitely recommend checking it out it's amazing

but you guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed my little

rant my little spill when I find something I really really love I'm very

passionate about it and I'm very passionate about this tool advanced neck

cream it is amazing guys no one's not sponsored no I'm not

getting paid you know it came in my ten dollar lower beauty box and been using

it and I absolutely loved it but anyway you guys thank you so much for watching

give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it going to share this video I

think a lot of people are looking for a good moisturizer and this is definitely

one of them make sure you follow me on my other social media my Twitter and

Facebook is a bunch of planned baby I'm instagrams that came at make up and I

will see you guys tomorrow for another video have a great one guys


For more infomation >> Tula Advanced Neck Cream Review - Duration: 8:15.


Glædelig 16. december - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Glædelig 16. december - Duration: 0:56.


Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsuisou - 314: Leave it to the Team (Part 167) - Duration: 7:15.

Haruhi: So this is Mikuru-chan's class? There's a huge queue outside.

Kyon: Oh, they're doing a Yakisoba Café.

Koizumi: There's a lot of people here just for yakisoba. Is it really delicious or something?

Kyon: No, it's pretty average... You'll understand soon enough.

Tsuruya-san: Yo, boy! Are these folks here yer friends?

Kyon: Good to see you, Tsuruya-san. Yeah, they're acquaintances of mine...

Haruhi: So you're Tsuruya-san? I love your outfit!

Tsuruya-san: Thanks! This is a class 2-2 original! A fair bit o' work went into 'em.

Koizumi: Now I get it. The reason behind such a large queue is because of the beautiful women in these splendid waitress uniforms... isn't it?

Kyon: Yeah, pretty much.

Haruhi: Tsuruya-san, I'm Haruhi Suzumiya and this is Itsuki Koizumi-kun. It's probably obvious just from looking at our uniforms, but we're students at Kouyouen.

Koizumi: A pleasure to meet you.

Tsuruya-san: Suzumiya-san and Koizumi-kun. Nice to mee'cha!

Kyon: In fact, these two are planning to help me with Asahina-san's promotional campaign.

Tsuruya-san: Really? I'm glad to have 'em on board then.

Haruhi: There's something we wanted to ask you for, Tsuruya-san.

Tsuruya-san: Hm hm, what is it?

Haruhi: Could we have a photo of Mikuru-chan? We're planning to make some fliers.

Tsuruya-san: Ah, that's simple. How's this?

And Tsuruya-san pulled a photo out from her pocket. Does she just always carry a photo of Asahina-san?

Tsuruya-san: Whaddaya think, pretty cute, huh?

It's the same photo we used to make fliers of Asahina-san last time.

They turned out pretty bad back then due to using a black and white photocopier... We should try and avoid that mistake this time.

Haruhi: This photo, it's perfect! It's got a perfect balance between innocence and sexiness, it's almost unbelievable!

Tsuruya-san: I know, right? It's my personal favourite, but if you need it for Mikuru's fliers, I'm willin' to let ya have it!

Kyon: Thank you very much.

Tsuruya-san: I should be thankin' you. Thanks for doing so much for Mikuru's sake!

Haruhi: We're sailing this ship right to the finish line. We'll make sure that Mikuru-chan wins the competition!

Tsuruya-san: Ooh, sounds great! I'll leave the publicity to your team of three then.

Haruhi: Right, we'll take care of everything! Kyon, Koizumi-kun, let's go!

Tsuruya-san: I'm countin' on ya!

Haruhi: I wish there was somewhere quiet for us to have a planning meeting.

Subject: Uh...? Does Tsuruya-san seriously always walk around carrying my photo all day? Anyway, keep up the good work!

Haruhi: I wish there was somewhere quiet for us to have a planning meeting.

... So, according to Haruhi's wishes, I guided her and Koizumi to the roof's entrance. There's not many people passing by here.

Haruhi: Now we can officially begin our "Developing Fliers for Mikuru Asahina-chan to Win the Miss North High Contest! Planning Meeting".

Too long!

Haruhi: First, let's discuss the layout. I think we should make something similar to a politician's election campaign poster. Make sure the name and photo really stand out on the flier!

She called this a Planning Meeting, but it's really just Haruhi deciding everything on her own. Same as always, I guess.

Haruhi: We'll have our promotional blurb written on the back. As for what we'll write...

Haruhi: "Mikuru Asahina, High School 2nd Year. Aiming to become the school's top idol. Hobbies: Making sweets and knitting. Favourite Phrase: World Peace. Future Ambitions: Becoming a cute housewife."...

Haruhi: Um, and then...

And so, Haruhi started to write down her completely fabricated self introduction on a piece of A4 paper that she pilfered from somewhere.

I feel like I should get mad at her for making random stuff up, but considering the fact that it was I myself who entered Asahina-san into the Miss North High Contest and deliberately kept it secret from her, I don't have room to talk.

Haruhi: I guess that's fine for the blurb. Anything else we should add in here? We've got a little extra space left over.

Koizumi: I'll leave everything in your capable hands, Suzumiya-san.

Haruhi: What about you, Kyon? You go to the same school as her, got any inside info?

Kyon: I'm not sure you could call it inside info, but I believe she'll be appearing as an assistant in the Calligraphy Club's event around 3:00 PM.

Haruhi: That is definitely going on the flier. It's the perfect opportunity for people to observe Mikuru-chan in her natural environment!

Koizumi: Of course. "A picture is worth a thousand words".

Haruhi: The moment they see her in the flesh, they'll realise she's perfect for Miss North High. ... Okay, "Watch me in person at the Calligraphy Club's event at 3:00 PM today!", that should do.

Kyon: Oh, you should also add that it'll be taking place in the dojo.

Haruhi: That so? I'll just add "It's in the dojo! See you there!" then. Right, and our draft is complete.

Haruhi: I'll fix up the final version now. You guys wait here.

Kyon: Huh? What do you mean by final version? Where are you going? Oi, Haruhi!

Kyon: ... She's gone.

Koizumi: Suzumiya-san seemed very excited. I'm not sure I've ever seen her have this much fun before.

Kyon: Being too excited is a problem too. I hope she isn't causing any ruckus somewhere...

In the end, Koizumi and I had to wait half an hour for her.

Haruhi: I'm back!

Haruhi: I made the fliers!

And Haruhi reappeared before us carrying a large quantity of fliers in her arms. While she was gone, Haruhi had somehow managed to print all these.

Haruhi: Bear witness to my masterpiece!

Kyon: This is...!

Koizumi: Amazing. It looks like it was made by a professional.

Haruhi's fliers are as she said before, done to look just like a promotional poster for a political candidate.

It looks like it was done on a computer. Who exactly did this and on what computer?

I doubt Haruhi would know how to use the specific software required, so someone else must have...

Haruhi: I knew I could count on the Newspaper Club. I gave them my handwritten draft and they completed it within 5 minutes.

Of course, her victims were the Newspaper Club this time. Good god.

Haruhi: They didn't have any customers anyway, so they gladly did it for me. That's why I left the printing to them as well.

I'm not sure I believe they were as willing as she claims they were, but I'm satisfied with these excellent fliers anyway. I'll let things slide on this occasion.

Haruhi: Let's get to distributing these already. Somewhere with a lot of people!

Koizumi: In that case, how about the outdoor booth area?

Kyon: Bad idea, it's going to start raining pretty soon. We should find somewhere nice indoors.

Haruhi: Rain? Really? How do you know that?

Kyon: Ah, well, you see...

Kyon: I-I get an aching in my back just before rain sets in!

Haruhi: How old are you again, grandpa? I guess those feelings are pretty accurate though.

Kyon: Darn tootin' they are.

Haruhi: Rain, huh... I got it! Koizumi-kun, come with me for a moment?

Koizumi: Where to?

Haruhi: You'll know once we get there.

Kyon: Hey, what about me?

Haruhi: You wait near the entrance with our fliers. Your back hurts, right?

Kyon: O-oh yeah, it does... Argh, owowowow.

I wonder what Haruhi is up to this time... Anyway, I better go wait at the entrance.

For more infomation >> Suzumiya Haruhi no Tsuisou - 314: Leave it to the Team (Part 167) - Duration: 7:15.


双眼皮手术讨论,Double Eyelid Surgery Talk,双眼皮手术经历 - Duration: 10:28.

Hi everyone, welcome to my channel,

today I am going to share the topic about double eyelid surgery.

I will also share my experience that I l never like to talk about

and my own understanding about it, as well as some information on the Internet that might be useful.

I've never been a good blogger who likes to share a lot about my life.

During the two years of doing YouTube. I have known some very good audience

who gave valuable advice to me as well as inspiring comments.

All of these are so meaningful for me.

There are really many wise people on the internet that I need to learn from,

so I also hope my audience can get useful tips and information from the content I share.

Let's move to the topic. There are two interesting questions,

one is that most people haven't get professional double eyelid surgery training,

but we can still easily tell that many people had double eyelid surgery,

even many westerners, often can tell which Asian have done double eyelid surgery,

so what's the reason for that?

Second is Why do people generally think that double eyelid eyes are better than single eyelid?

Double eyelid surgery in Asia, especially in East Asia, is very popular.

I always tried to have double eyelid when I was much younger.

When I was a kid, my eyes always changed, sometimes I have monolids eyes, sometimes double eyelid eyes and sometimes one double one mono.

On TV, many female stars I like and admire, always have big double eyelid eyes

I always dreamed to have same eyes like them.

My face is chubby, and the eyelids were always a little swollen, with single eyelids.

In fact, I did not feel I was ugly,

but other people always laughed at me, felt like I did not really know myself , but others did.

So I had been trying to change myself,

I often use my nails to pressure my eyelids when I suddenly became double-fold eyelids, cause I wanted it to stay.

I always DIY double eyelid stickers,

tried a variety of tape and glue,

I guess I developed DIY skills since then.

Recently I have watched a video

explaining why people generally like double eyelids

It says eyes are like a light in the room that instantly lights up the room.

Eyes can release the emotion and charm.

I started to fight with my eyelid from elementary school.My eyelid condition became a little stable in high school,

but not very stable.

I took a third-class scholarship when I was at second year in uni

So I thought I should my my wish come true with the extra money in my hands.

In that winter vacation, before the Chinese New Year, I went to a well-known beauty clinic in my city

for the Embedding eyelid surgery.

The surgical process was very uncomfortable, with anesthetic, I still feel some pain and fear too.

I feel my eyeball will get damage,

but the surgery should be very successful. My eyes were not very swollen,

but when I got home, I looked in the mirror and felt I look strange.

Even though the operation was very successful. My eyes looked good

but just didn't match with my face.

It only took one or two hours for me to change my mind. I decided to go back to the clinic in the afternoon, and get my original appearance back.

Although the deep set double eyelid was what I want, it didn't go with my facial features,

I must have the thing buried in my skin removed.

That kind of feeling was like The leading actor in a movie crazily love someone,

he dumped the current partner

but he later found that the dreamed person was completely wrong,

so regardless anything he decided to chase the previous lover back.

So drama !

Then I bought some painkillers, went to the beauty clinic in the afternoon,

and that surgery process was such a big pain I even don't dare to recall it,

maybe not enough anesthesia or any other reasons,

really painful,

I have never said this experience to others. One is that I was stupid,

I made the decision without being ready.

In addition, the process was too painful to recall,

I blamed myself for this expensive pain with no good result.

Finally, my eyes was swollen for a few days and cured back to original condition,

I feel especially cherish my original eyes.

Actually, I think that the cosmetologist who did the embedding did a great job

of following the my requirement.

She made my eyes deep set even though I feel they look strange on me.

One expert analyzed the reasons why some double eyelid surgery failed, I will put the video link below.

If you want to make your own eyes deep set,

then your overall facial structure should be deep set too to match with the eyes.

I think this is why many Asian people who have done European double-fold eyelids look good after putting on makeup,

but the eyes look very fake or even sometimes angry without makeup.

The face with highlights and contouring contrast, looks very shapeful deep set

which matched with deep set eyes.

The unsuccessful examples I have seen are either the fold lines are too strong or deep,

looks a bit fake and harsh.

in general, the East Asian facial lines are relatively flat and soft,

very deep set Double eyelid fold lines on the face are unexpected.

Or There are clear scars on the fold lines which are quite visible when blinking or looking down.

Some of the people I know look very good after the surgery,

but after a few years the two eyes look so different with each other

The successful eyelid surgery examples I've seen have natural double eyelid, not too wide at all,

suitable for east Asian facial features,

with some improvement.

This surgery is a personal choice, there is no right or wrong to judge that,

but before the surgery, people need professional consult

and see some real cases,

and double eyelid surgery is actually very complicated, not as simple as the advertisement describes, it is a very complicated thing,

not only the doctor's skills,but also recovery process

and individual differences including facial structures, eye structures.

There are also a variety of risks, so people do need to go to qualified hospitals

and qualified doctors with enough experiences

So does it mean monolids look less beautiful than double eyelids?

People define eyelids conditions differently.

My Chinese friends said that I have double eyelids. However, western friends say that

I have mono eyelids, or they say hooded eyes.

Anyway, most people know it is impossible to think that our east Asian facial features could have really deep set eyes.

My eyelids condition became more stable with my age growing,

then when I saw some models with single eyelid, I felt they were very special, so I tried to use eyelid tape transform my eyes into monolids again,

but I can't make it .

People may feel unique things are attractive.

When I was in China, I liked to see westerners on the road

and thought they were really good looking. like the princesses and princesses described in movies and fairy tales.

There are also many foreigners asked why Asians always want to look like westerners by dressing up, make-up or cosmetic surgeries?

because we have been influenced by various medias,

our beauty standard was impacted by the leading trend of medias.

But when I really lived abroad, I began to pay special attention to the Asian faces of some fashion medias,

I found they are unique

People have the aesthetic fatigue,

as I mentioned in one of my previous video, red is a sexy color,

we can apply it to fashion and make-up but at the same time it is also easy to cause visual fatigue.

In addition, many people suggest that big eyes and deep set eyes are easier to grow wrinkles.

I searched some articles talking about it , I roughly remember it says deep set eyelid structure / double eyelids

are supposed to have thinner skin tissue,

and when doing facial expressions, there will be more pulling force on the eyelid skin,

so they may have more chances to grow wrinkles than swollen eyelids or single eyelids.

So there is no absolute definition of beauty and ugliness.

the beauty standard should not be exclusive,

because extreme/exclusive standard will create prejudice and arrogance, as well as inferiority feelings.

In addition to the beautiful eyes, a person's inner beauty is shown by the temperament from the eyes, words and behaviour.

I had met a young female dancer before.

She looked pretty average,

but when she danced, the power and passion in her eyes was really attractive,

so I thought I should learn from her, to do what I am passionate about and chase the dream.

Maybe one day my eyes look more charming than the shape of the eyes themselves, isn't it very fulfilling?

Thank you for listening to me talking so much , I hope the information in this video will be a bit helpful,

I will put the link of the video I mentioned into the description box.

if I can not update a new video before Christmas, then I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

see you in my next video bye

For more infomation >> 双眼皮手术讨论,Double Eyelid Surgery Talk,双眼皮手术经历 - Duration: 10:28.


진중권 부인(아내) 미와 교코 결혼스토리 - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> 진중권 부인(아내) 미와 교코 결혼스토리 - Duration: 7:07.



For more infomation >> MNIEJ NIŻ ZERO - LADY PUNK zespół (teksty/lyrics) ZSGE STUD KONIN MOSIR RONDO KS GÓRNIK PAK KWB SA - Duration: 4:02.


Tonifiez tout votre corps avec cet entraînement de 10 minutes - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Tonifiez tout votre corps avec cet entraînement de 10 minutes - Duration: 5:13.


눈밑 지방을 제거 및 완화하는 방법 - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> 눈밑 지방을 제거 및 완화하는 방법 - Duration: 5:30.


Maximilian Waldmann, conichi - Phocuswright 2017 - Duration: 3:44.

- Phocuswright for us, and especially

winning Phocuswright Europe, was a quality badge.


And if you look out into the market

with everything being new and so much

disruption going on, companies want to understand

what is quality and Phocuswright

gives you that qualitative badge.

- [Interviewer] So more than just a badge,

talk to me about the real impacts,

the physical kind of impacts its had on your business.

- Yeah, absolutely.

So based on that, we were able to win

global Fortune companies and I think

that's the biggest sort of jump we could ever experience

in our sort of company history.

From sort of local German companies

up to Fortune companies, I think that's

sort of where things are going now.

And that's based on, essentially,

the team performance but also, of course,

Phocuswright and the winning of other awards.

- [Interviewer] So you presented in Europe.

In Amsterdam, you were a winner,

which automatically gets you here to the US.

So you've just presented.

You were on stage this morning.

A big change for me as a listener, as a viewer,

you've stepped things up a gear, let's say.

- Well, we sort of froze our company the last three weeks

and said, "Guys, let's only focus on Phocuswright."

Not necessarily because we want to win.

I think winning is one part.

The more important part really is

making sure that you get this exposure

because people here really put their eyeballs

on what's new and that's really what we want to focus on.

That's core to us.

- [Interviewer] So then tell me about the process

or the company over the last six months

since Amsterdam because what I saw on stage was

an even more advanced presentation

that went much more beyond just the checking-in process.

This was about how you save money

and you make money for your clients

through the whole process.

- [Maximilian] Yeah, so you were a

really attentive listener, there, which is perfect.

No, exactly as you said.

Our core focus is on corporate travel

and we really want to make sure that

the corporate processes holistically are optimized.

And again, through those global Fortune companies,

our company was taken up to a new level because

expectations of those companies are up here, right?

And that's sort of really why we had to

step our game up as a company as well

in order to accommodate those requests.

That's really why you've been seeing a change

from sort of a hotel solution up to

a global corporate solution.

- [Interviewer] As a listener,

one could really tell that you put

a lot of time and effort as your three weeks

to preparing for this.

But how did the dragons react?

Their reaction is not meant to be just positive.

They're supposed to ask tough questions.

- Absolutely.

And I think they're experts,

they know exactly what's going on,

and the ask the exact right question.

We have a situation in regards to

the chicken-and-egg problem where

we need hotels and we need corporates and vice versa.

But those questions give you the opportunity

to actually elaborate your business model

in a deeper way and in a more sort of,

give a more profound explanation

sort of in the six minutes where

you're browsing through your deck on stage.

- [Interviewer] So it's impressive to see

what you've done in the last six months.

What about the next 6 months, or 12 months even?

- Well, I think what you'll be seeing in the next 12 months,

so we're speaking end of next year,

we'll be at a point where we have

our solution integrated in a bunch of

more corporate travel applications

with way more corporates using the solution

and a lot more traction on the overall system.

Because, no questions asked, the solution

delivers a huge amount of value

to both corporates and hotels.

It's just, how do you bridge this technology gap?

And we've bridged that now, and

now it's really about all balls to the wall and forward.

- Excellent, thank you. - Thanks.

For more infomation >> Maximilian Waldmann, conichi - Phocuswright 2017 - Duration: 3:44.


新木場「LIVE HOLIC」にUNISON SQUARE GARDEN参加 - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> 新木場「LIVE HOLIC」にUNISON SQUARE GARDEN参加 - Duration: 1:36.


런닝머신은 원래 고문을 위해 만든 기구였다 - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> 런닝머신은 원래 고문을 위해 만든 기구였다 - Duration: 4:28.


ভিডিওটি দেখেই জানুন এই মুহুর্তে আপনার মস্তিষ্কের কোন অংশ সক্রিয় - Duration: 2:30.

Learn to see the video any part of your brain is active at this time or The Right Brain vs Left Brain test by watch spinning dancer illusion

The hallucinations of visitors to our great loves were illusion videos

Another video of the different flavors that we are in front of you

illusion this video, but it is a far different from all the other

This video can be tested through

The two parts of your brain activity

You can see just by watching this video

The amount of any part of your brain is more active at this time

This has made for us 003 ilyuisanati

Russia, a web designer nobeiki kaihara

Before the start of the video is not

In this video you see a woman traveling

He will, however, depend on you to go around

If you see him around the clock

If you understand the right part of your brain is active at this time

And if you look at the clock around the opposite side of the cutting

If you understand the left part of your brain is active

However, Direction, but could see the sudden change in the blink of comkhera

It is because of the brain

If you're going to see the video

And try to understand any part of my brain is active at the moment

We have 1 minute to see the video

And after 10 seconds I will try to understand the blink several comkhera

Whether changing the direction of her turn?

Or if you are not

Is either

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We want to know

While viewing the video at the first part of your brain that were active

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For more infomation >> ভিডিওটি দেখেই জানুন এই মুহুর্তে আপনার মস্তিষ্কের কোন অংশ সক্রিয় - Duration: 2:30.



For more infomation >> HAFANANA - AFRICA SIMONE zespół (teksty/lyrics) ZSGE STUD KONIN MOSIR RONDO KS GÓRNIK PAK KWB SA - Duration: 2:57.


德国 vs 法国 - 军力对比,谁会赢?【有趣的事实】中英CC字幕 - Duration: 6:32.

Subtitle by Wei Jun Won

For the last 60 years, European nations have been enjoying for the most part relative peace and stability

Though for two millennia prior, this part of the world saw almost continual conflict

Two such nations with a long history of conflict are France and Germany

While the modern spectator of international relations would tell you that

presently these two countries don't harbor any apparent enmity

For centuries past they were almost devout enemies

Today we're going to look at what might happen if these two powerful European nations

Once again took up arms against each other

In this episode of The Infographics Show

Germany vs France

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Germany is a country of just over 82 million people

that borders several countries including France in the southwest

Renowned for its engineering ingenuity and on the whole a highly productive society

Germany has the 5th highest GDP in the world of around $3.842 trillion

It would be in 4th place if we discounted the European Union

This is the highest GDP in Europe with the UK trailing in 9th place

In 10th place is France with a GDP of around $2.647 trillion

France is not considered equal to Germany in terms of industrial prowess

but it is and has been considered a global leader

regarding arts, science and development of society in general

France has a population of 67 million people

It is much bigger than Germany at about 250,000 mi²

with Germany being about 138,000 mi²

Germany has a defense budget of 41.1 billion Dollars

which is 1.2% of its GDP

This is compared to France's 55.7 billion dollar budget

which is 2.3% of its GDP

These are both relatively large expenditures and are the only European nations in the top

ten of biggest military budgets besides the UK

In terms of military power, Germany is usually ranked in the top ten of the world's most powerful militaries

Its active frontline personnel number 180,000 with another 145,000 being active reserve personnel

France, which is usually ranked higher than Germany in terms of military strength

has 205,000 active frontline personnel and 195,700 active reserve personnel

As for land weaponry, Germany has 543 tanks

5,869 armored fighting vehicles, 154 self-propelled guns

0 towed artillery, and 50 multiple-launch rocket systems

France has 406 tanks, 6863 AFVs,

325 SPGs, 233 towed artillery, and 44 MLRSs

Both countries have tanks that are regarded as some of the best tank technology in the world

Which machine is better is debatable

Germany's vanguard tank is the Leopard 2

and its various successors, notably the Leopard 2A7

which Germany is said to have around 20 of them

The total number of Leopard 2 built over the years is 3,480

France's pride and joy is the AMX Leclerc

with around 400 units in use in the French army

As far as air power goes

Germany has a much smaller fleet of aircraft than France with 698 aircraft in total

This combines 92 fighters, 169 fixed wing attack aircraft

345 transport aircraft, 47 trainer aircraft,

375 helicopters, and 47 attack helicopters

Of France's 1,305 total aircraft, 296 are fighters, 284 are fixed wing attack aircraft

662 transport aircraft, 283 trainer aircraft,

610 helicopters, and 49 attack helicopters

Numbers aside, France is seen as having a vastly superior air force to Germany

not only because of aircraft technology, but also its missile technology

Perhaps its feather in the hat is its Dassault Rafale Omnirole fighter

largely believed to be one of the best fighting machines ever to take to the skies

Fast and furious, the fighter carries an arsenal of missiles

including an ASMP nuclear missile

and is also endowed with the latest radar systems

There are currently 108 of these planes in service

Germany may not have built a plane to contend with the Dassault Rafale

but it does own over 125 Eurofighter Typhoons

which was developed and built by the countries of the UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain

Germany's air force was maybe the most feared air force

in the world during the second world war

and its pilots, many of whom are trained in the United States are highly rated

Still for sheer numbers and technology

France wins in the air

Germany's navy also pales in comparison to the French navy

Its naval power consists of 10 frigates, 0 destroyers, 5 corvettes, 6 submarines,

13 mine warfare, 11 replenishment ships,

and 20 miscellaneous auxiliary vessels

Its main concern is protecting territorial waters and global peacekeeping

The French navy on the other hand is often said to be one of the strongest navies in the world

Its 86 vessels consist of 11 frigates, 4 air-defense destroyers, 8 anti-submarine destroyers,

0 corvettes, 10 submarines, 16 minewarfare, 17 coastal defense craft,

3 amphibious assault ships, and one aircraft carrier

This navy is considered far more powerful than that of Germany

and if expected of it, could also be far more aggressive

For this hypothetical battle to take place, it not only requires personnel, weapons, and technology

but also a lot of oil to fuel it

Germany produces around 48,000 barrels of oil a day

and consumes 2.4 million barrels daily

It has around 100,000,000 barrels of proven oil reserves

France produces around 15,340 barrels a day, consumes 1.7 million

and has about 84 million barrels in proven oil reserve

As far as nuclear capabilities go, the French are third behind Russia and the USA

in the number of nuclear warheads

France's 300 nuclear warheads, 280 of which are active

is 300 more than Germany has

We should note here that when Germany signed The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany

that was negotiated in 1990

It agreed to limit its army, navy, and air force, and also agreed not to manufacture nuclear weapons

The country is part of the NATO nuclear weapons sharing program

which means nuclear arms can be supplied by the countries that have them

Such a treaty was the result of the two world wars

but one could say it's also testament to how the world held Germany's military might in awe

Germany and its allies were not far away from winning World War II

due to excellent military strategy and advanced weaponry

France and Germany are both close allies now

and there is little to no chance that a war could break-out between the countries

On a purely hypothetical basis though, may have the stronger military France

At the same time, would anyone want to underestimate Germany?

The war would not be fought between just the two countries of course

and the matter of who's allied with whom would depend on the circumstances of what started the war

But for argument's sake, let's say no one else got involved

who do you think would win ?

Let us know in the comments

And if you like these military comparisons

be sure to watch the European Union vs the United States

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe

Also, please consider heading over to our Patreon

We are currently raising money to hire more writers

so that we can continue bringing you this bi-weekly show

Subtitle by Wei Jun Won, Subscribe for more

For more infomation >> 德国 vs 法国 - 军力对比,谁会赢?【有趣的事实】中英CC字幕 - Duration: 6:32.


"Christ is born; glorify him", emotional prayer before Christmas (Fr. Constantin Galeriu) - Duration: 4:08.

St. Gregory the Theologian [Nazianzen, 4th c], the singer of the Trinity's love, says,

"Christ is born; glorify him.

Christ is from heaven; go and meet him.

Christ is on earth; be exalted!"

Be exalted...

in the light of love!

And Jesus says:

"No one cometh unto the Father, but by me" [John 14:6].

That is... through the love of the Son...

He, who, in fact, taught us "Our Father"...

as His Father, as the Father of the whole world, of all the sons of love...

Lord, make us worthy, O Lord, as the eyes of our heart, the eyes of our faith

to see Your uncreated Light, to see the Mystery of Love,

of the Father with the Son in the Holy Spirit,

in which you have created us, O Lord...

and in which you want to save us, by sending your Son to the world.

O Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son and the Word of God,

You who said: "Abraham saw my day and was glad"[John 8:56],

O Lord, make them worthy to know You, to love You,

all the sons of Abraham, through whom Thou hast blessed all the nations of the earth...

Isaac and Ishmael and everyone from all nations, to this day,

all Your sons on this earth,

to partake of Your holy gift of Love in You

and let us all be the living witness, embracing one another,

through Your Fatherly arms, that are You, O Lord, Jesus Christ, You and the Holy Spirit.

Grab us all, the earthly people, and share with us Your Love...

Let us all pray and the more of us who pray, the more the light of love will spread,

the darkness of hatred and division will dissipate...

For us to be worthy to be translated, as the divine Paul said,

"into the Kingdom of the Son of his love", Jesus Christ, our Lord [Colossians 1:13],

which we again glorify:

"Christ is born; glorify him.

Christ is from heaven; go and meet him.

Christ is on earth; be exalted..."

in the light of His Love... Amen!

For more infomation >> "Christ is born; glorify him", emotional prayer before Christmas (Fr. Constantin Galeriu) - Duration: 4:08.


Make your own moves.

For more infomation >> Make your own moves.


BEBEK VS MELİH #5 - Bebeğin O Çok İstediği Kıyafeti Alıyoruz (GTA 5) - Duration: 14:46.

For more infomation >> BEBEK VS MELİH #5 - Bebeğin O Çok İstediği Kıyafeti Alıyoruz (GTA 5) - Duration: 14:46.


Hawaii Five-0 - In Pursuit of Santa - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Hawaii Five-0 - In Pursuit of Santa - Duration: 1:37.


Hawaii Five-0 - Hawaii Christmas Story - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Hawaii Five-0 - Hawaii Christmas Story - Duration: 2:33.


"Christ is born; glorify him", emotional prayer before Christmas (Fr. Constantin Galeriu) - Duration: 4:08.

St. Gregory the Theologian [Nazianzen, 4th c], the singer of the Trinity's love, says,

"Christ is born; glorify him.

Christ is from heaven; go and meet him.

Christ is on earth; be exalted!"

Be exalted...

in the light of love!

And Jesus says:

"No one cometh unto the Father, but by me" [John 14:6].

That is... through the love of the Son...

He, who, in fact, taught us "Our Father"...

as His Father, as the Father of the whole world, of all the sons of love...

Lord, make us worthy, O Lord, as the eyes of our heart, the eyes of our faith

to see Your uncreated Light, to see the Mystery of Love,

of the Father with the Son in the Holy Spirit,

in which you have created us, O Lord...

and in which you want to save us, by sending your Son to the world.

O Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son and the Word of God,

You who said: "Abraham saw my day and was glad"[John 8:56],

O Lord, make them worthy to know You, to love You,

all the sons of Abraham, through whom Thou hast blessed all the nations of the earth...

Isaac and Ishmael and everyone from all nations, to this day,

all Your sons on this earth,

to partake of Your holy gift of Love in You

and let us all be the living witness, embracing one another,

through Your Fatherly arms, that are You, O Lord, Jesus Christ, You and the Holy Spirit.

Grab us all, the earthly people, and share with us Your Love...

Let us all pray and the more of us who pray, the more the light of love will spread,

the darkness of hatred and division will dissipate...

For us to be worthy to be translated, as the divine Paul said,

"into the Kingdom of the Son of his love", Jesus Christ, our Lord [Colossians 1:13],

which we again glorify:

"Christ is born; glorify him.

Christ is from heaven; go and meet him.

Christ is on earth; be exalted..."

in the light of His Love... Amen!

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