Saturday, December 16, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 17 2017

Goal Zinedine Zidane Vs Bayer Leverkusen

Goal Luis Miguel Salvador vs Tigres UANL

For more infomation >> Similitud de tiro de Zinedine Zidane y Luis Miguel Salvador - Duration: 0:25.


Decenas de mexicanos se aglomeran en la frontera - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Decenas de mexicanos se aglomeran en la frontera - Duration: 2:14.


Cómo hacer eficaz tu reclamo a una compañía - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Cómo hacer eficaz tu reclamo a una compañía - Duration: 1:26.


EEUU bloquea ilegalmente derecho a aborto de inmigrantes detenidas - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> EEUU bloquea ilegalmente derecho a aborto de inmigrantes detenidas - Duration: 0:43.


La Verdadera Felicidad - Taber California - Duration: 4:57.

How sad my life

Yesterday Pass Buying an Apple with Caramel

it sweetened me

Yesterday I ate 10 pupusas

They did not fill me

I do not like Revueltas anymore

Yesterday I wrote

The girl that I like

And already has a boyfriend

I wrote her yesterday at night

and she did not leave me in sight

Yesterday I spent buying a shirt in the market

And now it's very small

Do not buy a tie


Because Marcos always walks happy

I will ask you

Hey how are you ?

Marcos: Very Good

I was thinking that my life is very boring

Marcos: Why ?

Is very boring

For more infomation >> La Verdadera Felicidad - Taber California - Duration: 4:57.


🔵 Un Hombre Construye Una Casa De Ensueño En 6 Semanas Con Solo 9000 Dólares. - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 🔵 Un Hombre Construye Una Casa De Ensueño En 6 Semanas Con Solo 9000 Dólares. - Duration: 3:11.


Alimentos que potencian la memoria - Duration: 10:26.

For more infomation >> Alimentos que potencian la memoria - Duration: 10:26.


Dragon Ball Super 121 Preview Extended Freezer Eliminate Aniraza Universe 3 (Complete) - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super 121 Preview Extended Freezer Eliminate Aniraza Universe 3 (Complete) - Duration: 3:58.


La infancia influye en el desarrollo de la personalidad - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> La infancia influye en el desarrollo de la personalidad - Duration: 7:48.


Geneviève de Fontenay « choquée » par l'hommage rendu à Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Geneviève de Fontenay « choquée » par l'hommage rendu à Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 1:19.


Johnny Hallyday, qui touchera les royalties pour ses 1300 chansons ? - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Johnny Hallyday, qui touchera les royalties pour ses 1300 chansons ? - Duration: 1:23.


Débarrassez-vous de la graisse du ventre avec cette boisson puissante - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Débarrassez-vous de la graisse du ventre avec cette boisson puissante - Duration: 6:19.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


"Alimenty to nie prezenty" ostrzegają na profilu Moniki: "Dzieci mają prawo do utrzymania .... - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> "Alimenty to nie prezenty" ostrzegają na profilu Moniki: "Dzieci mają prawo do utrzymania .... - Duration: 8:03.


BREAKING BOMBSHELL! Trump Is Going To FIRE HIM!!! This Is HUGE! - Duration: 7:27.


This Is HUGE!

And it's about damn time!

On Friday, Liberal California Congresswoman Jackie Speier, the Obama Administration lapdog

from my own home district, sat down at the KQED Newsroom to whine and moan about the

Republicans' so-called effort to shut down Capitol Hill's investigation into the fake

Trump Russian collusion narrative.

All kidding aside, someday I will understand why the ignorant extreme far left liberals

in my home district keep electing this hack politician into congress with a margin of

almost 80%.

She hasn't done a damn thing to help anyone here or anywhere else in the nation.

In fact, her only claim to fame was that she was shot on her rear end during the Jonestown

massacre where Congressman Leo J. Ryan was killed back in 1978.

Via Gateway Pundit:

When asked why there are no witnesses scheduled for the probe in January, Speier replied,

"well, we can read between the lines, I think there is a rush to try and shut this

committee investigation down."

"This week was a great example, three interviews simultaneously, one of the off the Hill with

someone who comes to Washington frequently but wanted to do it now and so we were actually

off the Hill doing the interview, had to race back to vote….this is a circus at this point,"

added Speier.

Speier then went on to claim President Trump wants all Russia investigations to be "shut


The California lawmaker then told KQED Newsroom that, "The rumor on the Hill when I left

yesterday was that the president was going to make a significant speech at the end of

next week.

And on December 22nd, when we are out of D.C., he was going to fire…Robert Mueller."

Watch The Video :

President Trump should fire Mueller and the whole team.

The investigative team was originally set up to get to the bottom of the accusations

started by the Clinton Machine of Russia Collusion in order to excuse the fact that she lost

in an electoral landslide.

But after it became apparent that nothing was coming of it they started to go after

President Trump's and his families finances.

When that amounted to nothing they charged Michael Flynn with lying to the FBI, I guess

the FBI doesn't like it when citizens do the same to them than they do to the whole


Via Heavy:

At least nine of the lawyers on special prosecutor Robert Mueller's Russia investigation team

of 16 attorneys donated to Democrats, with most giving money to either the campaigns

of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, a review of Federal Election Commission records shows.

Seven other lawyers on the team do not have previous federal campaign donations, a review

of FEC records shows, and Mueller himself has served in the administrations of both

Republican and Democratic presidents (and was a registered Republican in the past).

None of the 16 lawyers on his team is listed as donating money to President Donald Trump's

campaign or to the presidential campaigns of any past Republicans, although one donated

to two Republicans in non-presidential races in addition to giving more money to Hillary

Clinton, Barack Obama, and a string of Democrats.

Whether the donations matter is a question that tends to divide along partisan lines

(conservative sites say it's important; liberal sites like ThinkProgress argue that

Trump himself previously donated to Democrats and say it's irrelevant).

However, the campaign donations are likely to receive more attention now that Mueller,

according to CNN, is poised to announce the first criminal charges in the Russian probe.

The New York Times is reporting that Mueller has indicted Manafort and his former business

associate, Rick Gates.

Of the nine who donated to political candidates, all gave to Democrats (with one giving mostly

to Democrats and also to two Republicans), five gave to Hillary Clinton and seven gave

to Barack Obama.

Putting it another way, of the nine with donations, 8 of those gave money to either Hillary Clinton

or Barack Obama, and the ninth gave money to Senate Democratic candidates.

The Los Angeles Times reported that "at least seven of the 15 lawyers have previously

given money to Democrats."

However, other lawyers have been added to the team since that time.

The lawyers on Mueller's team include mostly attorneys with backgrounds in the Justice

Department, Solicitor General's Office, and east coast U.S. Attorney's offices.

In addition, one of the team members is married to a U.S. District Judge who is an Obama appointee,

and another served as a clerk for liberal Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg

and Elena Kagan.

In June, CNN reported that "three members of the legal team known to have been hired

so far by special counsel Robert Mueller to handle the Russia investigation have given

political donations almost exclusively to Democrats," naming Jeannie Rhee, James Quarles,

and Andrew Weissmann.

That was before most of the lawyers on the team were identified, however.

The list of Mueller team members with previous Democratic campaign donations has risen to


A review of FEC records and news reports shows that these are the seven identified Mueller

lawyers with no campaign donations to their names: Michael Dreeben (although some media

outlets initially falsely reported a donation as his that was made by a person with the

same name); Aaron Zebley; Lisa Page; Adam Jed; Aaron Zelinsky; Scott Meisler; and Zainah


(A 17th member, Peter Strzok, who had no campaign donations, is no longer with the probe.)

In addition, Justice Department spokesman Peter Carr joined the team as its spokesman;

he previously served as spokesman for Republican Senator Orrin Hatch.

This whole thing has been a sham since day one, and it's time to put a stop to it.

The only Russia Collusion there was was the paying of the fake Trump Dossier by the DNC

and the Crooked Hillary Campaign.

Michael Flynn did contact the Russians but that was after Candidate Trump had been elected.

And it's 100% normal for a President-Elect to start reaching out to foreign leaders once

he is about to be sworn in as President.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING BOMBSHELL! Trump Is Going To FIRE HIM!!! This Is HUGE! - Duration: 7:27.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


before i did my face reveal... - Duration: 5:25.

before i did my face reveal...

For more infomation >> before i did my face reveal... - Duration: 5:25.


আজ থেকে এটা করা বন্ধ করুন || Don`t Waste your Time || Life Changing Video || motivational video - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> আজ থেকে এটা করা বন্ধ করুন || Don`t Waste your Time || Life Changing Video || motivational video - Duration: 4:13.


WHERE HAVE I BEEN? | CindyMediaGeek115 - Duration: 8:09.

Nobody Compares To You!

For more infomation >> WHERE HAVE I BEEN? | CindyMediaGeek115 - Duration: 8:09.


I Am UCF: My Siblings and I - Duration: 2:26.

Growing up, I was lucky enough to have two younger siblings who were roughly my own age.

We were each a year apart.

In fact, my brother Matthew is exactly one year and one day younger than I am and we

have back to back birthdays.

Mine is November 2, 1995 and his is November 3, 1996.

Because we were all close in age, I have always considered my siblings my best friends.

Especially as kids, we were essentially inseparable.

We did everything together.

We went through elementary school, middle school, and then finally high school together.

However, in 2014, I graduated high school and gained acceptance to UCF, over 700 miles

away from home in a state where I absolutely knew no one.

Part of me was excited at the prospect of finally being on my own, but at the same time,

I was scared of how alone I would be after spending about the past 18 years of my life

living with my two best friends, who were always right there to offer me support.

My family drove me down to UCF and spent a few days helping to move me in and then pretty

much left me on my own.

It was tough at first, but I've made new friends and slowly adapted to not having my

brother and sister by my side constantly.

Frequent video chats as well as phone calls and texting have helped us to stay in touch.

Despite the distance, we haven't grown apart and not a day goes by where we don't send

at least one text to each other.

We exchange goofy selfies and keep up to date on what is going on in each other's lives.

My brother and sister are both currently undergraduates at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond,

where my brother is a sophomore and my sister is a freshman.

Luckily, our school breaks tend to coincide.

I visit home a few times a year, and when we're all back together, it's like nothing

has ever changed.

From hiking to just sitting around at home playing video games, we make the best of the

limited time we have together nowadays.

At the same time, being apart from them the past three years has allowed me to see my

own identity more clearly as an individual rather than just seeing myself as one member

of a trio of siblings.

In addition, it has made me appreciate the time I actually do get to spend with them

rather than taking it for granted like I always have.

While I miss them insanely, I am glad that I originally made that leap to go to school

so far away, and I don't regret my decision at all.

For more infomation >> I Am UCF: My Siblings and I - Duration: 2:26.


I Am UCF: Sarah - Duration: 3:00.

Growing up, I was always known as the weird girl who liked horses

I think that was mostly because I lived and went to school in the suburbs and lived a

rural lifestyle I was never the club or sports type, and I

had a hard time making friends because I never felt like I was a part of any kind of community.

I was basically a loner.

But that all changed once I came to UCF.

I discovered the Western Equestrian Team, and knew it was something I wanted to pursue.

It came with a lot of hard work, but I was surrounded by the animals I loved, and I was

able to share that love with others.

There was weekly training to prepare for our monthly shows, and for two years I traveled

across Florida with the team and competed against other schools.

Fourth place goes to number 402, Sarah Grinnan.

It was never really about the competition for me, it was more about sharing experiences

with people just like me.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I was a part of something, that I was accepted.

I am so grateful for all of the lifelong friends and memories I have because of the team, and

it gave me the confidence I needed to be a better person and not be afraid to pursue

my dreams.

For more infomation >> I Am UCF: Sarah - Duration: 3:00.


I Am UCF: Marc K - Duration: 2:07.

When I was thirteen, my family and I decided to take a trip to Montana, for a vacation through Yellowstone National Park.

Luckily, we have family friends in Montana that own a beautiful ranch and were planning on having us stay at

their massive home for the first few nights.

The first day, we went white water rafting and had an amazing time,

but the next day we were going to go sledding on Bear Tooth Mountain, one of the biggest mountains in all of Montana.

On the morning of, our friends' father was feeling sick and couldn't make it on the trip with us

Our friends' mother decided to still take us and ensured us she knew exactly where the spot was that they normally used to sled at.

As we made our way up to the top of the mountain,

I was feeling butterflies and scared

as we circled around the guard-less road.

When we got towards the top of the mountain, my friends mother pointed and said she recognized

the spot that they used to sled at.

Being an excited thirteen year old,

I ran to the back of the car, grabbed my sled, and was the first one going down

the decline on the mountain without hesitating, and I never looked back.

After going down the mountain for about thirty seconds, I heard a monstrous "STOP!"(deepens and raises voice) from way behind me

It was my dad's voice, so I quickly dug my feet into the ground as hard as I could

and turned around to see what the problem was.

My dad was yelling to come back up because my friends'

mom said this wasn't the right spot

As I stood up,

I realized that six feet ahead of me there was no more snow.

It was just a drop-off, and I was headed towards a two hundred and fifty foot fall down to trees and rocks below me

I was put into a mental shock and I was sick to my stomach for the rest of the day

I was just six feet away from serious injury, or even death,

and this was the first time in my life I had ever realized bad things can, and do happen.

I now know to always trust myself first,

not others,

and always be aware of my surroundings no matter where I am.

For more infomation >> I Am UCF: Marc K - Duration: 2:07.


I Am UCF: Hayley - Duration: 2:43.

Hi, my name is Hayley

And today I'm going to tell you

About how getting my current job

Shaped who I am as a person


Ever since I was a little girl,

My family would go on trips to Disney World.

We always had a wonderful time and never wanted to leave.

After deciding to go to college at UCF,

I knew that I wanted to try and work for Disney.

As my senior year of college started to get closer,

I knew I had to start applying for jobs.

However, Disney was still in the back of my mind.

So, I decided to start looking for a job within the company.

After months of auditioning,

I was finally hired in an amazing position.

Now, I get to make magic for all different kinds of people

From all around the world.

I love the feeling of meeting people from different cultures

And talking to them about their different life experiences.

After being with Disney for almost a year now,

I've grown so much as a member of the Orlando community.

This just goes to show you,

You never know how your life is going to turn out.

Maybe your dreams might come true,

Just like mine did.


For more infomation >> I Am UCF: Hayley - Duration: 2:43.


I AM UCF: A lesson of responsibility - Duration: 2:03.

So let me tell you about a time that I

learned what it really means to be responsible.

I used to be a Sunday school teacher at my small church.

I was so proud that I could handle a class of

three to five year olds all by myself.

And even though I was only 16, I felt like an adult.

So at my church they had this small playground by the parking lot,

but it only had a tiny fence separating it.

So one day I decided

to take the kids outside to play on the

playground and everything seems normal as usual.

My friend who was teaching the

six to eight year old class also decided

to take her kids outside, and while we

were watching over the kids we started

talking and got pretty distracted.

When I redirected my attention back to the

playground, I noticed a man and a woman

by the fence of the playground

attempting to talk to one of the kids.

Alarm bells started ringing in my head immediately.

This is a small church and I

had never seen these people with this child before.

I walked up to them and the child

and asked if they needed help

finding the church entrance.

They replied saying "no" but they were only trying to

talk to their daughter.

This specific girl that they were talking about had

always been dropped off and picked up by her grandmother.

So my suspicion grew even larger.

I turned to the girl and asked if she

knew these people and when she became

confused, I immediately gathered all the kids up inside.

I had no idea what was going on.

When her grandmother came to

pick her up, I explained what had

happened and she was very concerned.

Turns out that these people really were

her parents, however they were under

a strict restraining order to not

contact a child due to drug and child abuse.

In the end everything turned out okay.

I was lucky that I had somehow

snapped out of my silly conversation to

prevent what could have been a kidnapping.

In that day I learned a very important lesson.

I learned that anything

could happen even at a small place or

at a safe place like a church and

being responsible does not only mean

being in charge, but actually having the

maturity to handle your responsibility.

I was so relieved that day,

and I thank God that nothing happened.

For more infomation >> I AM UCF: A lesson of responsibility - Duration: 2:03.


I Am UCF: The Travel Bug - Duration: 3:08.

My dad has told me countless stories about his travel experiences.

Although the stories vary from destination to destination, they always end with his favorite quote.

"You'll find beauty in your travels when you finally allow yourself to get lost."

I am a traveler, searching for answers in unmarked territory

with a passion for getting lost and experiencing the unknown.

I get lost in the scenery-- the antique arches of the Colosseum, the crystal

blue waters of Mykonos, and the breathtaking view from Saint Charles Bridge in Prague.

I get lost in the culture-- the music in Spain, the pasta in Italy, and the language in France.

I get lost, but I always manage to find myself in the process.

Once the travel bug bites, there is no known antidote.

The travel bug bit me two years ago.

Since then, my passion for traveling has grown immensely.

After graduation, I plan to continue exploring everything the world has to offer.

[MUSIC- Live in the Moment by Jason Mraz]

For more infomation >> I Am UCF: The Travel Bug - Duration: 3:08.


I Am UCF: The Next Adventure- Tatiana Z - Duration: 2:43.

As my undergraduate career comes to end, all I can do is reflect on the past four years.

While I learned a lot from my classes,

most of my experiences have come from campus involvement.

In my sophomore year I decided to try out for the Moot Court team.

At first I was fearful of trying out because I had only taken one legal class at that point.

Being on the team these past three years allowed me to improve my oral advocacy skills.

The coaches on the team were crucial to our success.

They would practice with us and ask the tough questions to make us better competitors.

I became close with my partners each year and gained invaluable friendships.

Surprisingly I ended up reading more case law in Moot Court than my legal classes combined.

Our motto became one team, one fight; we were like one big family.

My experiences in Moot Court gave me confidence to try new things.

In my junior I applied for the Legislative Scholars program.

This program gave me an opportunity to intern in Tallahassee for the spring semester.

Along with fifteen other students I headed up to the capitol and worked in the Florida Senate

I was able to get a behind the scenes look into how laws are created.

The senator and the team I worked with allowed me to gain hands on experience.

Not only was I able to gain an insight about the legislature,

but I also received class credit.

Another passion I have besides the legal field is the environment.

I wanted to join an environmental extra-curricular since I already had a legal one.

Half way through my sophomore year I decided to attend a meeting for a club called IDEAS.

IDEAS stands for Intellectual Decisions on Environmental Awareness Solutions.

It is an environmental club that focuses on sustainability

and finding ways to care for the planet.

This club has encouraged me to live a more sustainable lifestyle

while growing my own food.

I learned new eco-friendly ways and even encouraged my friends to live more sustainable lifestyles.

Campus involvement has contributed a lot to trying new things and expanding my interests.

Now that I am about to graduate I plan on taking a gap year and

traveling before entering law school.

At first, a year off was not in my plan,

but my undergraduate experiences have made me adaptable.

These last four years have reinforced the importance of trying new things

and having fun while doing so.

I learned so much in and out of the classroom.

I can honestly say I feel prepared for life after graduation.

I am confident about the future and I look forward to the next adventure.

For more infomation >> I Am UCF: The Next Adventure- Tatiana Z - Duration: 2:43.


I am UCF: Noah Z - Duration: 2:15.

When I was a kid, my parents read to me.

This isn't really all that unique but

I feel that it shaped me into who I am today and where I'm going.

I remember spending every night reading Harry Potter with my father and being awestruck.

Like most fans, I loved the characters, the world, and so on and so forth

but what really got to me was just the fact that this whole other world of wonderment and magic existed

as nothing more than markings on a page.

You know all that from staring at marks on paper?


You're like... a wizard

This is such a simple concept, just writing words down,

but it's something I feel is often overlooked by the literate majority of people in the world today.

This is especially the case in the Age of Information that we currently live in,

where most people spend their time consuming as much information as possible

and quickly moving on to the next topic or show or book,

discarding what they just experienced without much thought.

While it is admittedly simple,

writing words down to convey meaning has always intrigued me

and paved the way for my current path in life.

As the years went on, my dad read less and less

and I started reading more and more and I just couldn't stop.

My original goal was to do exactly what people like

J.K. Rowling and

J.R.R. Tolkien have done

by creating these vast worlds with deep, rich lore and themes.

However, when I grew up a little and realized

I'm not that creative,

I settled for just writing about these works rather than writing the works themselves.

Writing has always been a huge part of my life.

The spread of thoughts, ideals, emotions, and so much more

is what motivated me to become a Writing and Rhetoric student here at UCF.

I feel writing represents the core foundations of my life and the path I've taken up until now and beyond.

From here I'll no doubt continue to write,

spreading the good word of other writings, stories, and characters that fascinate me,

and sharing in that fascination with others.

For me, the sharing of information through text is the true appeal of writing

since it lets the reader into the psyche of the writer,

an intimate experience that is honestly not possible to replicate as strongly in another medium.

For more infomation >> I am UCF: Noah Z - Duration: 2:15.


I Am UCF: I am from Magic - Duration: 2:24.


I am from magic. Contradictions, courage, and strength,

From heat and snow, The roaring of busy city streets and the

crackling of quiet dirt roads. I am from sunset walks on the beach and

morning mountain hikes, From feeling the sun on my face and the crunch

of earth beneath my feet. I am from Charlotte's Web and Charlotte

Doyle and images of young girls as heros and leaders,

From gratitude and forgiveness and the kindness of strangers

That nurture a constant glass half full kind of optimism.

I am from the frying of latkes and the perfect roundness of small swedish meatballs and the

maple brown sugar glaze of the Easter ham, From my parents, my grandparents, my great

grandparents and generations of hardworking immigrants searching for a better life.

I am from tablecloths pulled from beneath a tea party,

From cards lost and found, From sword boxes and levitation.

I am from chemistry and medicine, From tests revealing cancerous blood

And needles searching for a match and a miracle. I am from dress-up princesses dancing across

the tops of canyons, From street vendors selling tamales and shoofly pie,

From having just what you need,

And from learning the most important things don't come filled with solid matter.

I am from leadership, learning, and knowledge, From the freedom and encouragement to speak

my mind, break rules, and stand up for what's right,

From a chorus of voices that taught me it's good to raise your voice up and sing,

From education as the ticket out. I am from bike rides and board games,

From the bizarre and the mildly curious, From the drive for adventure and a need to

answer questions almost as big as the need to ask them.

I am from flung wild flowers and the wings of hawks soaring through the air,

From foraging and gardening, eager to watch new generations flourish and grow,

From believing in dreams, hard work and the myth of meritocracy,

From believing I can make a difference by sharing stories and promoting voices

too often overlooked, And knowing I have the power to be the change

I wish to see. I am from the knowledge that power is within

us all. That this creates magic. That I am from magic.

For more infomation >> I Am UCF: I am from Magic - Duration: 2:24.


Honda Stream 1.7I ES airco 7 pers nap apk - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Honda Stream 1.7I ES airco 7 pers nap apk - Duration: 1:01.


Hyundai Veloster 1.6 GDI i-Catcher - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Veloster 1.6 GDI i-Catcher - Duration: 0:59.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I ACCESS - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I ACCESS - Duration: 0:59.


Artur Żmijewski i jego żona zmagają się z małżeńskim kryzysem? - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Artur Żmijewski i jego żona zmagają się z małżeńskim kryzysem? - Duration: 5:45.


Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face (audio) - Duration: 2:34.

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face"

–Mike Tyson

This is one of my favorite quotes of the moment.

Practice and experience are essential if you want to build a skill set.

Whether that skill is leadership, communication, sales, or anything else.

I am a big believer in real world experience and practice.

And I try to incorporate this as much as possible into my coaching work.

Being involved in the personal growth sphere for a huge part of my life, I've seen that

talk is cheap.

There are vast numbers of people who talk a great game.

But precious few that actually back it up with action.

I've met people who have read 10 times the number of books I have, and have achieved

a fraction of what I have.

The internet is a precious resource, overflowing with knowledge and insight from the best minds

on planet earth.

But the internet will seduce you with its knowledge.

It's very easy to just sit and read blogs, watch videos, and "like" motivational


But it's a lot harder to put those ideas into practice, to make yourself uncomfortable

in the real world.

It's one thing to learn "10 Tips to Make Networking Easier" but quite another to

actually stand in a room full of strangers, palms sweating, feeling vulnerable and intimidated,

and push yourself to approach someone new in spite of all that.

Companies have blown billions of dollars on all sorts of training, coaching, and consulting

programs for decades.

When it works and is done well, training is excellent and will completely transform an

individual, a team or an organization.

But when executed poorly, it's a waste of time and money at best.

It might even be detrimental, at worst.

Practical application is the key: Can I actually implement this knowledge?

Do I even know how to do that?

Do I have specific steps to actually move closer to my goals?

If I mess it up or chicken out, do I have support and guidance to help me get back on


Having a plan is important.

But plans are a dime a dozen.

When you actually get punched in the face by fear, confusion, doubt, and failure, and

your plan seems like a cute little idea far, far away, that's when you have the potential

to actually grow.

For more infomation >> Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face (audio) - Duration: 2:34.


INMOTION V8 in winter - Christmas Special (Test Ride - episode 7) electric unicycle - Duration: 3:19. PRESENTS

Christmas Special with INMOTION V8 The Largest Electric Unicycle Portal

Get your INMOTION V8 and winter tyre on

For more infomation >> INMOTION V8 in winter - Christmas Special (Test Ride - episode 7) electric unicycle - Duration: 3:19.


Luke #17 - Friluftsmagasinets Julekalender 2017 - Duration: 0:15.

For more infomation >> Luke #17 - Friluftsmagasinets Julekalender 2017 - Duration: 0:15.


Racism At School - Duration: 12:46.

(Gunship-Tech Noir)

And Back to that threatning racial slur

Discovered in a Piper Highschool Bathroom

(Christina):41 action news

reporter Alyssa Donovan has reactions from students

They didn't Ask me for my reaction but I guess I'll just give my opinion anyways

I mean come on I have plenty of opinions and reactions I can give like ...




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