This is video 2 of 4 of The
Ultimate Step by Step Guide to Generate
Real Estate Buyer
and Seller Leads,
Alright in Step 1 you set up
your click funnels account
and received your funnel.
If you haven't, go back to Step 1
and do that.
In this one is all about editing
your leads funnel.
In this video we're going to go into
click funnels
and is show you a little
bit more about how to edit within
click funnels. You probably watched a few videos
so you may know,
or be a little bit familiar
with this. But I'm going to show you exactly how
to make those changes within the funnel
that you just downloaded.
Let's go ahead and go over to
click funnels. I already have my account open.
Once you're inside click funnels,
you're going to mouseover your funnels
and click once on 'browse
funnels'. That's going to bring up the funnels
that you have in there.
(You know I have quite a few.
I've been using it for other things.
But within here you're going to click on
"The Real Estate Lead Generation"
This is the back end of
your click funnels funnel.
I'll show you the front end of
what this looks like by
double clicking
and pasting it in a new window.
OK! So welcome to
YOUR city. Homes under
median home price list.
Now everything on here can
be customized.
But it's set up so that you might not have
to do a whole lot of customization.
If you like these images you can use them because
they're from and Unsplash
and I already give the credit down
here. It doesn't stand out that much it so
it doesn't distract from their page.
Or you can change these background images
with whatever images you already own,
and I'll show you how to do that when we get in the back end.
This is what your buyer leads are going to see
once they click on your link for your funnel.
So obviously you're going to edit some things
here. I'll show you how to do that in a minute.
I just want to take you through the funnel so you
can see what they're going to see.
They're going to come down here and click on "Send Me My List"
and enter that into their name
and their e-mail address
and click on "Give Me My List".
Now at this point you're already going to
have their name and their e-mail address.
Then they're going to see this "Welcome to YOUR
City Homes List".
And they're going to see this area where they can enter
their phone number and their address
or their browser my auto
generate that for them.
And down here we have "Would you be interested in a free report
on how to raise the value of your home before
selling it.
So if they click on yes I'd
love that there
and they've given you either their phone number
and or their mailing address...
that's a seller lead right there.
Remember you already have their name
and their email if they entered that correctly.
So this is just more information.
So they click on either one yes
or no.
And they're going to click on
"Send Me My Home's List".
Now from there,
they're going to get this very generic
"Thank you for signing up" page.
But I'm going to show you on the backend
how you can edit it so you can have a gorgeous
picture or video.
Your contact information.
Whatever you want to tell them at that point.
So are you ready? Let's go ahead
and get started.
So one of the great things I love
about Click Funnels is that you can test
your funnels.
So in this one in 50 percent of the traffic
running to the control funnel
and I have 50 percent of traffic running to the variation
funnel. The only,
I guess, two things that I have different on
these funnels are the background images
and then the button colors
but everything else I think is
the same.
So you can either come in here
click on the settings button
and delete this page variation.
If you only want to have one,
and you can totally do that.
Or if you want to have two,
you just want to make sure that the changes that
you make on this first that you go back
and make on the second one.
Before we jump into that,
I want to show you a couple of things.
You can set this funnel up
to have it tied in
or (what do they call it) integrate it
into your CRM system.
If you have one.
So you do that by clicking on integrations.
You can either set it up so
they're integrated directly if
click funnels and your CRM have already
established a communication
and a relationship
or there are tools like
[should say zapier] you can use to tie them together.
And there's other tools like that as well.
[zapier] So that's one thing
that you can go ahead
and do.
You can change the settings
by clicking on the settings up here.
You can change the name of this funnel
so that it maybe it says
you know your city homes
list or something like that.
If you want to have a custom domain so
that you don't have the long subdomain
you can do that you don't need to,
it's not necessary...but you can.
You can put head tracking code in all of your funnel
and we would recommend that you do that
with Google analytics
or your Facebook Pixel
or both if you use those.
Oh zapier is another tool that you can use
to link your CRM
and click funnels.
And then just make sure that you save
and update any changes
that you make on that page.
One more thing, anybody that gives you their name
or the address they're going to fall
and here under contacts.
It does default,
I think to the last 30 days.
So if you are looking for more information,
you want to go back
farther than 30 days.
All right, so let's go ahead
and go back to the steps.
And I'll show you how to log into each [step] of the funnels
and edit them individually.
So let's jump into editing
what Click Funnels is calling Opt-In
or (the first page of your funnel) by clicking
this yellowish orangish button
that says Edit Page.
Before we get started,
there's a couple of things that you may
want to be thinking about as we go through here.
So when I set this up my license
actually is hung with the state of Arizona
or is sitting with the state of Arizona.
It's not hung with a broker right now.
So I was doing this more as an agency.
So if you're an agency you know
follow whatever rules
and laws are applicable
in your state
or area.
If you're a Realtor,
you may want to include
your information
and your broker's information on each
page. So have that handy.
And I'll show you how we're going to add that in here
as we go through.
The other thing is you may want at
least one,
probably three,
really good images that you own
or you are able to use (without
any conflict),
that represent both your area
and the homes that you
specialize in.
That's going to be really important for both this
funnel and for Facebook Ad
when we get to that.
Other than that there's not a lot of information
that you need to have readily
let's jump in here the first thing I want to show you
is the settings.
The integration tab,
now you would already have to set up
your integrations under your
account area that I showed you
earlier but you can click on here
and integrate with your e-mailer
through the integrations tab.
I'll show you what that looks like.
Right now we don't have anything connected
but you can connect there (your
Your SEO meta data.
Really easy.
I would just put your area,
like live I don't know...I live in Scottsdale so for
the sake of this,
I'm going to use Scottsdale.
I would say "Scottsdale Homes List"
or "Scottsdale List
of Homes For Sale" - something along those lines after
either doing a little bit of keyword
or knowing what people are searching
for in your area.
Then your page description just describe
exactly what your page is.
For this I would say,
you know, the "Scottsdale Arizona
Home List of Homes for Sale
for whatever the current median prices
or less.
And then my keywords again,
Scottsdale Homes For Sale,
Scottsdale Arizona Homes For Sale.
Those types of things for keywords.
The author's name and my name,
or in this case your name.
And then the image URL.
Now that could be your picture,
it can be your logo,
your broker's logo,
maybe a picture of a home?
Whatever image you want to have,
that you're portraying,
that fits with your brand.
And then down here
and you're going to see what it's going to look like
in Google or Bing
or whatever search engine people are
Now tracking code.
This is where you would put
any specifics for
like your Facebook Pixel
or if you didn't use the other area you
could put that here as well.
Or a footer code.
Work with your
or somebody that knows I.T. if
you're not super familiar
with this part.
Or, you know what? Leave a question in the comments
box below
and I can help as best as I can.
Background. This is exciting.
This is where (I just clicked it).
This is where you change your background image.
You do that by clicking on
this little image icon.
It takes you to this page.
Now you probably aren't going to have a whole lot of
stuff in here like I do.
But from here you would click
on upload,
and you would click on the image that you wanted
to upload,
and go ahead and say open
and upload it in here
and then you highlight that image
and just click on Add Image.
I'm going to cancel because I'm happy
with that image I have.
But that's how you would go about changing
your background image.
So that is it for settings.
Let me see. So I'm just going to show you a
couple things.
Now if you followed the videos
that click funnels provided,
you probably already know that they're
separated by sections,
columns, and elements.
So I'm not going to go into
that if you have any questions you can go back into the
help section of click funnels - it's really
Now if I wanted to change anything
in here I just click in the orange
area I can highlight the part
that I want to change
and then you can start typing,
then click out of there.
Say you want to change this grey background,
you would highlight the whole section.
So in this case it's blue.
It's a row
and I would click on settings
and then see over here under background color?
You can highlight that
and click on any color you want.
You can put in the hex code if you have it.
And you can change the transparency
by sliding this up
or down.
And that's pretty much true for
anything where you're going to have background colors
here I would click here.
Same type of thing.
Change the background color.
Now you can change the background color of this
button if you want to have something different.
You just couldn't hear click on the background color
and change accordingly.
You can also change out
the text that I already having here
for the button.
Here, if you want to change this (which
you do) just click highlight
and change it.
Now one piece of advice that I have
for your Median
List Price:
unless your price
on average showing up in the MLS
as a round number.
I wouldn't list it as around number.
I would list exactly the number
it is so if it is $249,728
- I would put that exact number in.
Because when you're using exact numbers
there's something psychologically - where people
trust you more.
Versus if you round up around down
and you have a round number.
It doesn't seem quite as
legit. Those specific
numbers, people kind of thing "oh that's
so random people would not make that up so
I'm going to trust that personal a bit more." So that's
just the next step in building
that relationship.
The know, like, and trust.
Use the actual number.
Now when somebody clicks
on this you probably saw
the pop-up. You can come up here you see it when
you click on the button it opens the pop up.
That's what it says the next
step is going to be [on the button] you come up here
and you click on either edit
settings or show pop up.
Now here
you can click on the button
and you can change
what the text is,
you can add some subtext,
and change the button color.
If you want to add anything else that's just
like on the other page.
You come up here,
you add a row, add a column... I personally don't
recommend you adding a whole lot
of anything to this page.
Just keep it simple.
Give them one thing to do
and help them move through your funnel.
If you want to add your information
or your broker's information.
You would do that by coming up here.
Click on ad section.
Then you're going to drag
and drop whichever one of these you
And you would drop it anywhere that you want it drop
it. I would drop it under there.
I would probably move it down slightly
just because
you really want people clicking on this button.
You really want them going that next step,
kind of going down your funnel,
right? Giving you their contact information.
And most people aren't going to stroll
down unless they see that there's something
else down there.
But you still need to provide the contact information.
So whatever the rules are that your
broker or your state & your area have -
follow those obviously. If it needs to be at the top,
then put it at the top. This is what I
would recommend if you don't have that
and you want to include that information.
So we've added this section,
now we need to add a row.
You can either do that by clicking add new row there
or doing it here
and dropping it dragging
and dropping however many columns
you want.
So think about it like this.
If you're going to do a logo
and contact information
for just your broker
or just yourself maybe you want two columns.
But if you're going to be doing it
for yourself
and your broker, maybe you want four?
Or maybe you want it to space it out a
little bit more and have a couple on one side
and a couple others so than you do five columns.
So let's do five columns.
Then you come in here
and you can add either,
I wouldn't do a headline,
I would probably either do
a sub-headline
or paragraph to add
contact information. Then you just come in here,
click over here start typing.
And then, maybe you want an image?
Or maybe you want this changed around?
Maybe you want your image here?
You can do all of these things.
So let's say we're doing a little image.
In order to add that image you just click on it
and follow the image insert like we did
Probably leave that [middle] one blank.
Maybe drag this over to give
it like a little less space.
Maybe this one comes out.
So these two are closer together.
And then here again maybe add your
image and then add your contact
Just make sure you save it.
Make sure you follow that for
every page,
if you want it on every page of your
And then, if you are using the variation
and you're to be testing... come into this one
added it to the same type of things.
So now we're going to click on the "Welcome to Homes
List" part of your funnel.
And we're going to edit that page.
So here again you want to change out the {Your
Possibly the background by going into your
settings and change out the background.
Make sure if you're using tracking code...
All that, just like we did on the first
one. If you integrated on the first page
that integration should automatically
transfer over.
And if you - I'm not not sure
about the tracking
code, you want to check if you're using them.
Now, you probably already know this,
but the reason we didn't ask for phone
or address on the pop-up box
is because people are more likely
to back off
and not give you any information,
if you're asking for that right away.
This is kind of like that next step.
We're getting a little bit closer,
getting to know each other a little bit more.
You can change how this
layout is,
you can change the question.
I'm asking "Would you be interested in a free report
of how to raise the value of your home before selling it?"
If you already have something like that
or your...
want to get more listings.
You may want to create something like that
or you may do it on a case by case basis.
You may ask would you be interested
in a free report of the
current value of your home.
Or would you be interested in knowing how many days
it will take
or should take (I guess) your
home to sell?
Anything along those lines.
Anything you already have.
Would you be interested in a free report on what it takes
to sell your home? Whatever you have.
So this isn't just what you
have in your arsenal right
Think about what your lender might have
to offer. Think about the title company might
have what does your broker have?
You know, really get creative
with this. But what is it that
somebody wants so
much... They want it so bad that they're
willing to give you their phone number
and their address for.
Right? So that's what you want to give them.
Give that value.
Another thing I learned when I was
an agent - you may
or may not already know this;
if they say yes
and they give you their address...
and they're in your area that you
work in show up at their home.
Bring a FedEx envelope.
Bring the report.
Bring your business card.
Bring your A game!
Show up and knock at the door.
"Hi. I am a Realtor
[your name] you were just on my Web site.
(Maybe it was a day
or two ago. It doesn't have to be like five minutes ago.
Right?) But I wanted to provide
the free report that you asked for
in person. And I wanted to see if you had
any other questions?" And then if they're not home,
just slide that into the FedEx envelope
and leave it on their front door
with a little sticky not or something. You notice the thing
everybody opens a FedEx
right. Then they get open they're free.
That's just a little hack to make sure you're getting
in front of them.
Maybe they gave you both,
maybe you'd like a little more information...
so then you give them a call.
"Hey I just saw that you asked
for this report.
I'm happy to provide that to you!
I just need a little bit more information
so I can customize and make sure I'm giving you the best
possible value.
Whatever it is.
Do you!
Do you, here.
And that's really all.
The same type of thing if you want to add your
broker information
and your information.
I would probably recommend doing it at the bottom unless
your broker has a rule about doing it at
the top. But, it gives them less
Most people only stay above
the fold, which is you know without scrolling
down, whatever information you can get in here
is going to be better.
Keep that in mind.
So go ahead and add that if you want
and or need to. Make sure you save
and move onto the next one.
So now we're moving on to the Thank You page
in your funnel
by clicking on Thank You Homes
and then we're going to click on edit page.
So this one - not
very sexy. Right?
And I would love to see
each of your funnels.
once again,
make sure that when you're done
with all this - you put the link to
your funnel down below in the comments section so I can go check
them out. I'm so excited to see what you
All of this can be
This one, for sure,
if I were you I would change this -
and you can do that by clicking on the settings
and changing either that image
so maybe you want to have your image.
Or what would be really awesome...
Just to add the plus side
and add an element
and do a video.
If you do a custom video just
for this funnel.
Imagine how much closer
that buyer
and or seller is going feel to
you. Real estate
internet leads
and real estate [leads] in general can be
difficult. And, I think the main thing is
right now, is people just - if
they don't know you
or they weren't a warm referral to you
- they don't feel that connection.
They could have a perception
of you that may not be
fair or real.
But this is your opportunity
to connect with them on a very
real level.
Right? So if I were in your shoes I would
make a video.
Something like what I'm doing now.
Only I probably wouldn't have my screen.
I would probably have my face.
Unless I teaching something.
If I was teaching something here -
actually, that gives me a little thought...
If you have something that you can teach,
then maybe they will feel even
closer to you. Because you're not selling them at
that point. So if you are a teacher
and you enjoy that,
you enjoy walking people through the process...
Make them a training video here.
Start out with thanking them.
"Thank you for taking the time to let
me know that you're interested.
I just wanted to let you know that
typically during
the days I'm out showing it out
with clients so it may take
24 to 48 hours [or whatever
your timeframe is] for
you to receive that list.
You're going to receive it from {this email
address} so make sure you're watching
for it. Check your spam because sometimes
things get lost.
If you need to get a hold of me immediately
or you have a question on anything
- you can call me
or text me at [this number
give your number].
Email me at this [email].
I am so excited to connect
with you!" And then go into whatever
you're going to train or whatever you want to tell
the next. Right?
Maybe you tell them a little bit about yourself.
Maybe you share some testimonials
or maybe that's it.
Maybe it's just a hey thank you.
I'm going to be in touch
and watch for my email.
Whatever it is that
little bit of seeing your face
and hearing your voice..
knowing that you're a real person
and that you care
and setting some clear expectations
and boundaries.
I mean why not? You
guys are so busy
and you have lives
and being a Realtor is
one of the hardest craziest
So set your boundaries here
in a really loving way
and people will respect that when they know
what they can expect
and then you follow through
or exceed those expectations.
Huge... it goes a long way in building
trust in that relationship.
Getting off my soap box.
So whatever else you want to say here.
If you want to add your contact information.
I highly recommend that broker information
here. Go ahead
and do that.
You can actually give them a next
step if you want to
but I wouldn't. I would keep this very simple
make sure whatever that commitment is that you
made that person that promise - make sure that you
follow up on that.
It's going to go a long way.
Most people do not follow
up on their commitments.
So stand out by
honoring your word
and you will go far.
Save and Exit out and that is it! Wasn't
that easy?!?!
So this is just one
There are a ton of funnels,
a ton of ideas.
The sky is the limit for you
but this is one effective one that you can get started
on using.
And then maybe down the road you have other ideas,
you want a creator that funnels.
You're free to do that.
If you come back up here to Opt-in
and copy this link right
Go ahead and paste that somewhere in notepad
or paste it in words somewhere else
because that's the funnel
that we're going to be using to set
up your Facebook Ad.
Hopefully you want to put this on your web site.
Maybe you want to put it in a link in your
emails. You can use this everywhere
but it's a way to get more leads.
So let's go ahead
and do that in the next video.
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