Monday, December 18, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 19 2017

안녕!! (Annyeong!!)



こんにちわ!! (Kon'nichiwa!!)

Today we're going to be reacting to Soyou

Oh, no she needs help

And she did a collab with

Geeks Beba: And it was produced by

Primary x2 and the

song is called Beba: The night x2

Okay stop calm down I predict she's going to fangirl in this video

Sorry but hello

One! two! three!


I love Soyou

She disappeared

She's there

She sounds different in this song

I almost my headphone off I got too excited

What are you going to have for breakfast

I had oreos for breakfast today Beba: you had more than me

I ate air

That's not alcohol

That you're drinking so early right Eli: No that's water oh! no that's not water Beba: That's not water!

Your food is burning Soyou

I love this song

Her body is just wow

She's wow x3

Soyou is cheating on me

I didn't get it at first

How she's looking at him

She's trying to seduce him she got drunk

What happened to the clock

You're giving me them vibes though

She looks very...

I love those little cups so pretty

Beba: I'm going to buy you a cup Eli: You didn't burn it this time because you burned it last time

She was practicing x4

Never fall asleep in front of a stranger

She's not good with alcohol

She cannot handle her Soju


I have goosebumps

And on top of that is cold

Don't look at the light like you're going to see a bunch of lights

What is she doing Beba: I don't know

She's fixing her room

At least she does that I don't do anything Beba: I know

I love that Beba: The Moon

You fresh girl

I was about to rip my headphones off

And run out of this room after I heard that part

Yeah I could tell you wanted to leave

Okay guys I love Soyou

She is one of my favorite artists when I act like this

Is because I'm a fangirl

I'm glad this song was more

Upbeat from the other releases

Like the one we reacted to last time

And the cover she did not so long ago


I liked it

But yeah we loved it I always love her

I knew you were going to fangirl

I cannot say anything else because you guys already saw my reaction

I can't say much

It was perfect I loved it

We're promoting Twice for a lot

But is okay they deserve it

See you later don't forget to subscribe

like and comment

Since this one forgot

Is because of Soyou

Your horns

Bye 💚

For more infomation >> SOYOU - The Night Reaction - Duration: 6:47.


054 Carla & Hanna - Duration: 15:16.

What on earth was going on with you? I've never seen you in such a rage.

I guess it's all just gotten to be too much for me lately

What's gotten to be too much for you?

Never mind. I'm going for a jog, that clears the head.

== Is Mr. Schneider home? == What's it about?

== I'd like to tell him that myself. == In his room, front and right.

Oh, so the man is going out for a jog?! You couldn't care less how Hanna is doing!

Listen to me. I wasn't trying to hurt her! It was an ACCIDENT!

Right! Just like the blackmail!

That wasn't directed against you! But Vanessa wanted to destroy my life.

So now you just destroy HANNA's! Great! And then you dare to feign sympathy!

It was about stopping Vanessa, and not about making your relationship public

You were willing for that to be a consequence. At least admit it!!


Come on! I could have outed you guys a long time ago! And I didn't! Why do you think that is?

Because you're still in love with Hanna. And now you've lost her for good. Yeah, and then a little accident happens...

I don't have to listen to this. How many times do I have to tell you?!

Spare your energy. You're going to need it.

You will pay for your deeds, I'll see to it!

But in order to do that, you'd have to publicly confess your love for Hanna

Would you really do that?

For Hanna? Yes!

I'm calling Leonard

Here you go

== Did you have to call Leonard? == Yes!

He's going to think I'm a hypochondriac

Missy, what Leonard thinks, we will know after he's examined you, okay?

And now drink something!

Listen to you! You're treating me like I'm critically ill or something.

I should have dragged you to the doctor this morning

Mhm. With your gimpy leg. What an amusing picture!

== Hi. == Hi.

== Thanks for getting here so quickly. == No problem.,...she fell down the staircase in the ice cream parlor. Pretty hard.


== It was just a few steps. Hello. == Hi.

== Was that really necessary? == Pff... == Thaha!


Let's take a look. Eye reaction is normal.

Where does it hurt?

Here. But nothing's broken. Hssss...

== Hm! == Mhm.

== This okay? == Mhm.

== All right, lean forward please. == Mhm.


== There too? == Yes, I feel it there a little.

Then take your top off please

== Hello, is Hanna still upstairs? == Yes, Isabell too.

Hanna, this can really only be handled at the hospital

== Hanna, what is going on? == Sweetie, it isn't that bad.

What's wrong with her?!

It's her kidney

== What about it? == Hanna's life is in danger. We have to get to the hospital immediately.

We'll take her straight to OR-3

== The emergency case that was announced? == Yes.

Internal bleeding after a fall. Please prepare an ultrasound, and for an emergency operation.

== Professor Mallmann is on the way. == Great, I'll be assisting him.

== Everything will be fine, I'm sure of it. == Don't you worry. I'm tough.

Professor Mallmann is really an outstanding doctor, but we need to hurry!


She'll make it!

Hanna will make it! For sure.

Why is it taking so long, though? What are they doing in there?!

Your brother will do everything possible to help her. She was brought here in time.


If only Hanna had gone to the doctor earlier!

Do you want something to drink?

Excuse me, can you tell us how Hanna Novak is doing?

Are you a family member?


We're her best friends. We live together, we...

I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to give you any information

Hello, Arno. Nikole told me you guys took Carolin?

== Yes, she's sleeping upstairs. == Good.

What have you done to yourself?

== Oh, the result of a little horseback ride, nothing very tragic. == Oh, come!

I'm so sorry for causing you so much trouble with the baby

Yeah yeah yeah, it's all fine

So tell us, we heard... Hanna has been admitted to the hospital? What happened?

She fell down a staircase yesterday

And at first it didn't look so bad, but then Leonard discovered...

... that she has internal bleeding and that she needed surgery immediately

Oh my God!

I hope so badly that everything will be all right, but there hasn't been any news

Well, Carolin is in safe hands, you don't need to worry. We will take care of her.

== We'll just convert our town stroll to a zoo stroll instead. == Right.

== Thank you...I...I don't know what else I-- == Hey hey hey, it's really no issue at all!

A few hours with our grandchild will be good for us, too, hm?

Charlie, it really was an accident!

Oh Lars, I know that!

You would never intentionally push anybody down the stairs, let alone Hanna!

== No. == You're still in love with her, aren't you?

== Right now, EVERYTHING is going wrong! == Yes, you're right about that.

== First the thing with AllMedia,...Hanna, Vanessa... == Pff...

You know what? You should look on the bright side.

You've reached the bottom of the valley, and things can only go up from here, hm?

Looking at it that way...

Excuse me. - Yes, hello? David!


Oh my God, where?

Yes, he is with me

I'll tell him, talk to you later

What's happened?

Hanna had to have emergency surgery. It... looks pretty serious.

What? I have to go see her, right now! It was all my fault!!


You've got the nerve, showing up here!

How is Hanna?

They've been operating on her for hours

Honest, I didn't intend this!

Of course not

It was just a complete fluke that you pushed her down your stairs

Carla. It was an accident!

Oh, don't pretend that to me! If Hanna doesn't survive this operation, she will be on YOUR conscience!!

And now GET LOST, you aren't welcome here!!

== That is not for YOU to dictate! == Hey, hey, hey! This isn't helping anything.

Carla... everything will be all right

And I even warned her about you

== Lars! So...? == Hello, Charlie. Just a minute please.

== Excuse me, how is Ms. Novak? == She's still in the operating room.

== Could you at least tell me how much longer it's going to be? == Sorry!

This waiting is driving me INSANE!

Don't blame yourself, you are not responsible!

Oh, Countess Lahnstein is here for Hanna. How nice.

Are they friends?

Come on, let's go over to them, hm?

I don't think that's a good idea. I have to get out of here. I'm not welcome here anyway.

== Should I come with you? == Charlie, please, I need to be alone now, okay?

Isabell, when there's any news about Hanna, will you call me?

Yes, of course

That wasn't fair, earlier

Is it fair that Hanna may die? Because of him?

I think Lars already blames himself enough

Leonard, how is Hanna?

== We had to remove one of her kidneys. == Oh. == No.

There was no avoiding it. But Hanna will get through it. She's out of danger now.

She should wake up soon

I'll make sure no one disturbs you

Thank you


Hello to you, too

== And Hanna is definitely out of danger? == Her condition is stable now.

Oh thank God! I'm sure Lars is immensely glad too.

== Well, he doesn't even know yet. I can't reach him anywhere. == When did you last see him?

When he came to talk to Hanna in the hospital, but she was being operated on

I'm sure that didn't make things any easier for Lars

You know how much my brother can work himself up over something

He's probably thoroughly convinced himself that he alone is at fault for Hanna's accident

Maybe he just wants to have some peace and quiet

Hm, I'll try again. Maybe he'll pick up this time.


Still nothing

Lars, that moron, he simply won't pick up. I've been trying to call him all day long.


Well, I have to do something, he's blackmailing us! Do you want to be outed by the press?

Sorry, but my thoughts were somewhere else

Hanna is in the hospital


Is it something serious?

They removed a kidney

She almost died

But how did that happen?!

== It was Lars. == Lars?!

I told her... "Don't go to him, the guy is unpredictable"

But she was determined to talk to him

Because of the attempted rape


And then he pushed her down the stairs

That bastard almost killed her

It will never be like it was before

I just hope she presses charges against him. That man needs to be locked up.

What? You aren't planning to...

Good night

Yes, you too, despite everything

Really... unbelievable, that story

You are not completely innocent in the matter, THAT'S what's unbelievable

Me?? Why me?!

Well, why did Hanna go see Lars anyway!? Only to talk to him about that attempted rape!

I didn't ask her to do that

Lars only went off the deep end because of YOU

Because of you, he lost his job and his reputation!

That is FAR from being a reason to shove Hanna down the stairs

What, do you really not realize how much damage you cause with your lies?

This is all only about YOU!

Lars is threatening you with trouble and that's why I'm supposed to recant. I'm not going along with it!

== I am not afraid of Lars. == Ah!

He could have almost destroyed somebody's life. You DROVE him to that, so you bear the responsibility.

What bullshit!

I didn't do anything to Hanna, so leave me alone!

Oh, aren't those beautiful!

Mmmm, thank you, Charlie

== I'll put them in a vase, okay? == Mhm.

You're starting to collect a real flower shop here

Tell me, has Lars been to see you yet?

No. How is he?

I don't know, I haven't seen him since yesterday

He isn't at home, and doesn't pick up his cellphone either

It's starting to make me uneasy, Hanna

He's been blaming himself so badly, he must feel terrible!

But it wasn't his fault, it was quite DEFINITELY an accident

I disagree

For more infomation >> 054 Carla & Hanna - Duration: 15:16.


6 técnicas de hidroterapia para mejorar la salud de manera natural - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> 6 técnicas de hidroterapia para mejorar la salud de manera natural - Duration: 8:20.


mẹo chữa trào ngược dạ dày thực quản bằng củ gừng - 1 củ gừng chữa khỏi hoàn toàn trào ngược dạ dày - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> mẹo chữa trào ngược dạ dày thực quản bằng củ gừng - 1 củ gừng chữa khỏi hoàn toàn trào ngược dạ dày - Duration: 3:37.


Combate la acidez y la gastritis con tan solo dos ingredientes - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> Combate la acidez y la gastritis con tan solo dos ingredientes - Duration: 7:22.


simiente de paz veracruz - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> simiente de paz veracruz - Duration: 4:26.


History of a Apple Pie - Alphabet Read Aloud Bedtime Story for Children - Duration: 1:34.

The History of a Apple Pie.

Theme music playing...

A Apple pie.

B bit it.

C cut it.

D dealt it.

E eat it.

F fought for it.

G got it.

H hid it.

J joined it.

K kept it.

L longed for it.

M mourned for it.

N nodded at it.

O opened it.

P peeped at it.

Q quartered it.

R ran for it.

S stole it.

T took it.

V viewed it.

W wanted it.

X Y Z and Amperse and all wished for a piece in hand.

Theme music playing...

For more infomation >> History of a Apple Pie - Alphabet Read Aloud Bedtime Story for Children - Duration: 1:34.


Make your own moves.

For more infomation >> Make your own moves.


TIME 2 WARM UP 20171218 WK AHED BOSTON WEATHER 4CAST - Duration: 1:09.














For more infomation >> TIME 2 WARM UP 20171218 WK AHED BOSTON WEATHER 4CAST - Duration: 1:09.


Tom Fitton Is On Fire! Robert Mueller Will Resign Any Time Soon! - Duration: 2:06.

Tom Fitton Is On Fire!

Robert Mueller Will Resign Any Time Soon!

Special Counsel Robert Mueller received a huge blow after it was revealed that he secretly

took tens of thousands emails from people of the Trump transition team.

According to a letter obtained by Fox News which was sent to House and Senate committees

two days ago, the transition team's attorney alleges "unlawful conduct" by the career

staff at the General Services Administration in handing over the transition documents to

the special counsel's office.

Gregg Jarrett a Fox News legal analyst and Attorney said that Robert Mueller and his

whole team must be removed.

Also, the President of the watchdog group Judicial Watch – Tom Fitton tweeted:

I am increasingly convinced that Mr. Mueller will resign.

Step by step we see that Mueller and his team fall into a hole deeper and deeper and time

will show that he is as corrupt as he could be and that he acts to serve the Democrats

and their dark agenda.

He is being exposed with every second.

From the Gateway Pundit: The whole point of a Special Counsel is to

avoid conflicts of interest yet Mueller's entire team is riddled with corruption and

conflicts of interest.

Text messages between Trump-hating FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress FBI lawyer Lisa

Page were trickled out last week after Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr was demoted

for his contact with Fusion GPS.

Perhaps the most damning evidence among the messages is an exchange revealing Strzok and

Page discussed an insurance policy against a Trump presidency.

The kicker?

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe may have not only been privy to the conversation but

a part of it.

The American people know what is going on.

We have a classical political witch hunt made by an investigation who is based on a dossier

that was funded by the DNC.

The very same people that Mueller has a personal connection with.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Tom Fitton Is On Fire! Robert Mueller Will Resign Any Time Soon! - Duration: 2:06.


PV nhạc trailer khái niệm tuyên truyền game "Chứng vọng tưởng Deliver me" - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> PV nhạc trailer khái niệm tuyên truyền game "Chứng vọng tưởng Deliver me" - Duration: 2:22.



today's episode of did you know find out how much weight you can gain over the

holidays stay tuned hi everybody how am I gonna

talk hopefully put on during the season stay tuned for the very end to fly or

start a message from our sponsor

we're gonna discuss from last episode too much cardio can actually burn muscle

instead of fat so what happens is you're actually doing the opposite of your

entire goal reason for if you don't want to spend too many hours and not have

enough or adequate enough amount of nutrition in order to do so so unless

your goal is to look like Christian Bale from The Machinist my best start are you

with your weights strength and resistance and after that get into your

cardio cardio should be above their knees to maximum after weight training

again oddly do that every other day that way your body doesn't go into a

catabolic state and like I say we're burning muscle instead of fat which is

probably the opposite or how about did you know you burn more calories in a 23

hours in a day versus the one hour a year were covered

now really how important nutrition is

did you know takes approximately one minute

answer to the wait game question are you ready okay well then let's answer it for

you since you're sitting there waiting soapy an average of seven to ten pounds

thank you so much make sure that you like you subscribe and leave a comment

for next week's episode leave your own did you knows to me future next week

For more infomation >> DID YOU KNOW SHOW LOSE FAT EPISODE 3 BURN FAT - Duration: 2:48.


Vận Mệnh Người Tuổi Tuất Trong Năm 2018 Năm Của Sự Chuyển Biến Về Mọi Mặt - Duration: 12:13.

For more infomation >> Vận Mệnh Người Tuổi Tuất Trong Năm 2018 Năm Của Sự Chuyển Biến Về Mọi Mặt - Duration: 12:13.


সরাসরি..সিটি নির্বাচন নিয়ে মির্জা ফখরুলের অগ্নি ঝরা বক্তব্য শুনুন BNP Latest News Today - Duration: 4:51.

saif & bipu

For more infomation >> সরাসরি..সিটি নির্বাচন নিয়ে মির্জা ফখরুলের অগ্নি ঝরা বক্তব্য শুনুন BNP Latest News Today - Duration: 4:51.


6 Con Giáp Tiểu Nhân Quấy Phá Tai Ương Rình Rập Cẩn Thận Mang H.ọa D.iệt T.hân Tháng Chạp ÂM LỊCH - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> 6 Con Giáp Tiểu Nhân Quấy Phá Tai Ương Rình Rập Cẩn Thận Mang H.ọa D.iệt T.hân Tháng Chạp ÂM LỊCH - Duration: 10:21.


Tử Vi TUỔI NGỌ Qua 12 Tháng Âm Lịch Trong Năm 2018 Xem Để Biết TRƯỚC THỜI CƠ - Duration: 15:10.

For more infomation >> Tử Vi TUỔI NGỌ Qua 12 Tháng Âm Lịch Trong Năm 2018 Xem Để Biết TRƯỚC THỜI CƠ - Duration: 15:10.


This Guy Makes How Much?

For more infomation >> This Guy Makes How Much?


The Voice 2017 Red Marlow and Blake Shelton - Finale: "I'm Gonna Miss Her (The Fishin' Song)" - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> The Voice 2017 Red Marlow and Blake Shelton - Finale: "I'm Gonna Miss Her (The Fishin' Song)" - Duration: 3:21.


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 50 SUBSCIRBERS! [Also I Got English Subtitles] - Duration: 4:07.

hey what's up [laughs] Hey what's u- Oh Frick wait what

there's an MVP plus plus? Gosling> yeah thats A new Rank gunning> yeah I'm taking a picture of that what the heck

but anyways as i was saying what's up guys today I'm gonna be recording something

we just hit our sub goal 50 subscribers that is really and also guys in our

comments here let's go to our video manager probably remember at

Zemoy> the mystery dirt it was all a prank bro gunning> oh but still so um I'm gonna be

showing you who commented to me the bot i use for this discord of the bots I use for

discord um Zander craft bot right here yeah he's a

really good bot really helpful oh crap I didn't mean to do that sorry but if I

could find it right here let's go to much no no not edit uhm...

community and then look welcome to my cha- congrats on 50 subs hey mate

thanks for subbing np i use discord bot discord it's helpful as I got in for

gunning4zombies nice to meet you somewhat and uses my Bot I used to

have 50 subs with ten of went inactive oh my god I'm gonna tell them a

see this guy ten of them he had 50 he I think he used to have 50 subs Gosling> or discord or

something gunning> yeah no I remember the Zander crafts bot i have? I subscribe to his channel

like a few minutes ago and then he commented back and sub to me and now I

have my 50 sub goal but yeah guys I just want to say thank you for subscribing

and watching my videos who really enjoy my videos because it's really nice and I

really really really think I could make it 100 subscribers

cuz that's our new sub goal and I really need to thank you guys there's so

much to watching my so much for watching my videos and

content it's been a really good Zemoy> wait before you go all crazy going for

150 I said 100 I said 100 100 still slow down a little at least 75 or

something gunning> I guess 75 will be good yeah I can't believe I made it to 50 subs though...

Gosling> is he the one Zandercraft games yeah and he made a bot that's pretty cool

gunning> yeah I have him in discord I have it in discord Zemoy> did you finish the vid

gunning> no but yeah no uh but the bodies though I meant

gunning> but yeah it's that pretty good though I actually met someone that was pretty

that is pretty useful who made an awesome bot and I never actually seen

his channel cuz I just found out cuz of his freaking bot but that's insane well I

well I'm gonna end the video here guys um this was a short thing that and I just

no no one is Zemoy> I am but that's just because I have my jetpack gadget gunning> oh wow...

well I'm gonna end the video here guys um this was a short thing that and I just

to my other friends too so and that I'm gonna end this short video here so yeah

I'll see you guys later peace Gosling> Pea-

For more infomation >> THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 50 SUBSCIRBERS! [Also I Got English Subtitles] - Duration: 4:07.


I'm A Celebrity: Jamie Lomas insists 'bullying' claims were 'blown out of proportion' - Duration: 2:11.

I'm A Celebrity: Jamie Lomas insists 'bullying' claims were 'blown out of proportion' – while Iain Lee shares conflicting views online

I'M A Celebrity star Jamie Lomas has spoken out over claims he "bullied" Iain Lee on the show. I'm A Celebrity: Jamie Lomas has spoken out [ITV].

Many Im A Celebrity. Get Me Out Of Here! fans complained about the way Iain Lee was treated by his campmates Rebekah Vardy, Amir Khan, Jamie Lomas and Dennis Wise.

But in the I'm A Celebrity spin-off show, Jamie addressed the speculation – and fully denied any wrong-doing on the show.

I don't think Iain was playing a game to be honest, the Hollyoaks actor said. He's a nice guy and we became good mates in there. I'm A Celebrity: Iain Lee was really upset to hear what the boys had said about him [ITV].

Iain Lee spoke out over what happened [ITV].

Speaking about the trio's final night, he added: Last night was just a really special evening with me, Iain and Toff. I think it's been completely blown out of proportion if I'm honest.".

Iain himself agreed at the time, adding: There was no bullying going on. Let's quash this rumour once and for all. Bullying is a very serious thing. It's a huge word. There was no bullying whatsoever..

However, when watching the show back, Iain had different views. Im A Celeb: Iain Lee addressed claims he was bullied in the jungle [Iain Lee/Twitter].

After Rebekah tweeted her former campmate to thank him for clearing up the bullying claims, he said he hadn't seen what was said behind his back.

I hadnt seen the comments made behind my back or the ones made by some camp mates when they left. I still suggest the word bullying is too strong. But, he replied to Jamie Vardy's wife.

Iain then said he doesn't plan on watching the whole show, as what he did see left him feeling upset. Iain Lee has found it tough emotionally in the jungle talking about his family [Wenn].

I've only watched a few clips of the show. The trials were exhilarating, he added. Other bits made me sad and were very confusing. Probably wont watch the rest. Still, it was a mainly positive experience despite everything. Glad I did it..

For more infomation >> I'm A Celebrity: Jamie Lomas insists 'bullying' claims were 'blown out of proportion' - Duration: 2:11.


Seat Arosa 1.4i Stella - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Seat Arosa 1.4i Stella - Duration: 0:54.


Nissan Almera Tino 2.0i LUXURY AUT. | DEALERONDERH. | TREKHAAK | AIRCO - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Nissan Almera Tino 2.0i LUXURY AUT. | DEALERONDERH. | TREKHAAK | AIRCO - Duration: 0:58.


Meryl Streep to Rose McGowan: "I Did Not Know About Weinstein's Crimes" - Duration: 3:51.

Meryl Streep to Rose McGowan: "I Did Not Know About Weinstein's Crimes"

Meryl Streep is responding to Rose McGowans hypocrisy tweet. 16, McGowan took to Twitter to respond to the news that actresses are planning on wearing all black to the 2018 Golden Globes to protest sexual harassment.

Actresses, like Meryl Streep, who happily worked for The Pig Monster, are wearing black @GoldenGlobes in a silent protest. YOUR SILENCE is THE problem. Youll accept a fake award breathlessly & affect no real change. I despise your hypocrisy.

Maybe you should all wear Marchesa, McGowan wrote in a since-deleted tweet. In response to McGowans tweet, Streeps rep has released a statement to E! News from the actress.

It hurt to be attacked by Rose McGowan in banner headlines this weekend, but I want to let her know I did not know about Weinsteins crimes, not in the 90s when he attacked her, or through subsequent decades when he proceeded to attack others.

I wasnt deliberately silent. I dont tacitly approve of rape. I dont like young women being assaulted. I didnt know this was happening, the statement begins.

I dont know where Harvey lives, nor has he ever been to my home. I have never in my life been invited to his hotel room.

I have been to his office once, for a meeting with Wes Craven for Music of the Heart in 1998. The statement continues, HW distributed movies I made with other people. HW was not a filmmaker; he was often a producer, primarily a marketer of films made by other people- some of them great, some not great.

But not every actor, actress, and director who made films that HW distributed knew he abused women, or that he raped Rose in the 90s, other women before and others after, until they told us.

We did not know that womens silence was purchased by him and his enablers.

HW needed us not to know this, because our association with him bought him credibility, an ability to lure young, aspiring women into circumstances where they would be hurt..

Streep then shares, He needed me much more than I needed him and he made sure I didnt know. Apparently he hired ex Mossad operators to protect this information from becoming public.

Rose and the scores of other victims of these powerful, moneyed, ruthless men face an adversary for whom Winning, at any and all costs, is the only acceptable outcome.

Thats why a legal defense fund for victims is currently being assembled to which hundreds of good hearted people in our business will contribute, to bring down the bastards, and help victims fight this scourge within. She then addresses McGowans tweet, Rose assumed and broadcast something untrue about me, and I wanted to let her know the truth.

Through friends who know her, I got my home phone number to her the minute I read the headlines.

I sat by that phone all day yesterday and this morning, hoping to express both my deep respect for her and others bravery in exposing the monsters among us, and my sympathy for the untold, ongoing pain she suffers.

No one can bring back what entitled bosses like Bill OReilly, Roger Ailes, and HW took from the women who endured attacks on their bodies and their ability to make a living. And I hoped that she would give me a hearing.

She did not, but I hope she reads this. The statement concludes, I am truly sorry she sees me as an adversary, because we are both, together with all the women in our business, standing in defiance of the same implacable foe: a status quo that wants so badly to return to the bad old days, the old ways where women were used, abused and refused entry into the decision-making, top levels of the industry.

Thats where the cover-ups convene. Those rooms must be disinfected, and integrated, before anything even begins to change..

McGowan tweeted Monday evening, The Marchesa line was beneath me and Im sorry for that. Seeing that picture of Alyssa Milano with GC has ignited something in me that I cant quite articulate.

There is no map for this road Im on, I will f--k up. Peace be with you, go with Goddess..

In early October the New York Times published a story about Weinstein, sharing allegations of sexual misconduct stretching back over a decade. In response, one of Weinsteins attorneys Charles J.

Harder told E! News in October that the article was saturated with false and defamatory statements. Streep released a statement days after the article was published saying she was appalled over the Weinstein claims.

For more infomation >> Meryl Streep to Rose McGowan: "I Did Not Know About Weinstein's Crimes" - Duration: 3:51.


Plants Vs. Zombies (App gameplay) 2? - Duration: 23:48.

Hello Peoples! I'm LizzieThoj13 & today I'm going to play the game Plants Vs. Zombies!

The last time we left off was when we got the "Wall-Nut" seed on 1-4 I think...?

Yeah, it was on 1-4.

Well, lets jump right into it!

More zombies...

NO! It expanded! Now it's going to be more challenging!

Okay! My strategy is to have two vertical rows of Sunflowers, & at least three rows of Pea Shooters.

What?! The zombies are already coming?!

I don't even have any Peas out yet!

YES! A Pea Shooter!


Well, at least that zombie is going in that one row that has a Shooter...


Great! I placed it on the wrong lane!


Oh, look a CONE HEAD!

I'll place you down 'cause I don't have a Shooter there.

No! It's eating the Wall-Nut!

Stay strong little guy! Stay Strong!


Oh! Another one is coming! NO!

It's getting closer!

There! But I don't know if the Pea Shooter is going to kill it in time!

Another Conehead? I'll place you down since I don't have two Pea Shooters.

There-- Oops, lets ignore that...

Poor Wall-Nut! This little guy's getting eaten alive. :(

Another Conehead... Why is there so many?

BLAM! Now I don't think that they are going to kill it in time.



Your death will not be in vain, little Pea Shooter!

... & there! Another Pea Shooter... Yay!

So I HAVE to put a Wall-Nut up so that the Pea Shooters won't die. We can't have another one die!

I am not ready for the "Final Wave !


I just realized Wall-Nut in the row above Conehead Zombie is cracked...



With a new item!

That is a shovel. Will it give me a special ability of whacking zombies in the head?

I'd be happy if that was the case.

Aww! It doesn't! But it does give me an ability to dig out a plant if I don't want it there.

Oh! Greetings to you too!

Nice to meet you! :)



Oh, okay. I thought that was going to be something bad. Sure then.

Alrighty then.

Okay, okay. I get it.

"Tap on the shovel to pick it up!" Okay.

Oh! Okay.

It sucks that I can't just tap it once & then clear off what I want to clear.

Okay..? What's the surprise?

Ooh! I like bowling! (Despite that I haven't gone bowling in a very long time)

Hey! Wall-Nut!

Wait, you put it in my hand?

Whoa... Easy there Dave.

Alright, so I'm now bowling?

Ooh! A conveyor belt.

I don't know what to do, so I'll place this down.

Oh, okay now I know the concept of this game.


I don't know...

Ooh, what's this one?

What do you do?

Oh, cool! You explode!

Now that I think of it, how come Dave isn't targeted & I am?


I don't get that...

Or does he have a big huge fort that protects him from zombies?

I don't know...

Cool! It explodes more than one zombie.

I'm going to try to save those for a bunch of zombies!

Oh no-- Shoot!

Well... So much for saving, ey Liz?

Multiple zombies! Now I use it.

YES! Score!

KABOOM! Oh that's so cool.

But deadly at the same time.

Gosh darn!

Yay, a new seed! What did I get this time?

"PotatoMine - Explodes on contact, but takes time to arm itself"

Oh, so it's like a land mine? Cool!

Okay, next!

What?! What is that zombie?!

Sorry zombie, the Olympics are over buddy.

Okay, I have a new strategy for this: For the Sunflowers & the Pea Shooters it will remain the same.

However, the PotatoMine is going to be between the Sunflowers & the Pea Shooters & I will try to have a row of Wall-Nuts.

Sounds simple.

I'm going to start placing down PotatoMines just in case the Pea Shooters don't come up in time.

& because they cost less Sunlight than the Pea Shooters.

Why does the PoatoMine take a while?

I should've put the Pea Shooter at the row that doesn't have any armed plants...

Please don't die, Please don't die, Please don't die, Please don't die, Please don't die, Please don't die, Please don't die, Please don't--


Another Pea Shooter has fallen!

Why Did I DO THAT?!

That was cool--

I'm going to put this here because I don't know what it's ability is--

Whoa, it jumped over!

So that was that zombie's ability is.


It's getting closer to Pea Shooter!


That was my stupidity! I should've put the PotatoMine there!

But the other row didn't have a armed plant in it's row.

No! My Sunflower! I'm going to loose the game!



No! It went through!


That PotatoMine avenged you, Pea Shooters & Sunflowers!

Ooh! A new seed!

Oh, I love this design! The Snow Pea Shooter.

I'm going to call you Snow Shooter because you shoot out frozen peas.

Darn it!

The Snow Shooter is quite costly.

This one is going to have two waves?


Oh Goodness! Poor Wall-Nut! Look at you! You look so tortured!

My Pea Shooter is going to die!

But that's okay, because I'm going to have the Potato mine deal with it.


The Wall-Nut's not going to load in time so I'll place this instead.

You know, now that I think about it. How come the zombies want brains when they're eating the plants?

Just curious...

Let's see what you can do.

Oh, Cool! The zombie is slowing down!

If I get enough Sunlight, I'm putting you in every row! That is so cool & useful!

Look how slow it's going!

The first wave of zombies.

Stay strong, little Wall-Nut! Stay strong!

No! Wall-Nut!

Yeah! Take that Olympic Zombie!

Yay! The Sunflower row is complete!

I just realized that I have a lot of Sunlight.


Over 900?!

Oh dear...

About 1500 Sunlight & over!

1625 Sunlight! That is the furthest sunlight I have ever gotten!

Chomper - Devours a zombie whole?! Wow... But is vulnerable while chewing.

Well then...

I'm going to leave it on Chomper for now.

Thank you guys so much for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it & if you want more, comment it down below. Okay, bye Peoples!

Oh, wait! Before I go, I am going to look at the Achievements.


So many different Achievements-- oh that reminds me! I got an Achievements earlier.

Where is it?

Wait, what happens if I scroll down to the bottom? I'm going to do that!

Wait, was that a unicorn?


That's funny!

Okay, more scrolling!

Oh! W-what?

What the heck!


What is this game?

I'm just going to go back up.

Hey! Some game references! There's Bejeweled! There's that game, but I don't know what that game is.

Oh, look! There's BookWorm!

A pipe.

& we're back to the Achievements!

Oh, this was the Achievement I just did.


Oh, there'e the Achievement I did earlier in the game!

Okay, sorry about that.

Anyways, thank you guys so much for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it & if you want more, comment it down below. Okay, bye Peoples!

For more infomation >> Plants Vs. Zombies (App gameplay) 2? - Duration: 23:48.


How's Work? Life? TELL ME EVERYTHING! - Duration: 18:17.

so I I've been meaning to make a video for a while, for lots of reasons and I

have a lot of ideas but I didn't know what one to make and then I kind of just

lost all motivation for whatever reason, so I asked on Twitter for people to ask

me questions and you guys came through, so I'm gonna do a Q&A but first I've got

to get organized and honestly I have to get dressed so yeah

*background music*

This thing keeps falling but I think I have it stabilized now um yeah so I've

adjusted the lighting a little bit because it's kind of gray and cloudy

outside. I got dressed, yay um and we're gonna film a little video we're gonna do

with Q&A because because it's just one of those days. First question is from Nirali

@firewordsparklr and she asks "How's work? Life? Everything tell me

EVERYTHING!" and I mean I don't know that we really have time for all that um work is...

non-existent. Yeah, so I was talking in my last video about being really excited

for this job that I got and it was a temp job, I knew that going in, but it got

cut short so I'm not working there anymore. um yeah and that kind of sucks

because I was really excited for that job which you probably could see in the

video but there's not much I can do about it. Life and everything is kind of

colored by the fact that I don't have a job right now, but besides that I'm doing

pretty good I guess? Yeah.

Next question, my friend which Ute asked a bunch of questions to get me to

the point where I would for sure be doing this video, which I totally

appreciate, but I'm not actually gonna answer every single one of her questions

because she asked like six so I'm just picking and choosing a couple that I

have answers to I guess and the first one that I'm going to answer, let me find

it in here so I can get the words right...

so Ute, @scratchingcat on Twitter, "You find a strange banknote in a currency

that you don't know. The value on it is quite high what would you do with it?" so

first of all I'm gonna figure out where it's from because sometimes some

sometimes a really high number bank currency still doesn't translate to that

much money depending on how much the currency is weighted which is just a

curiosity thing more than anything, I don't think it would affect what I'm

actually going to do with it which is try and figure out who lost it. um so

figuring out where it comes from if I know anyone, or if anyone

around me is from that place or has recently visited that place and trying

to return it to the original owner if I can, but honestly if I can't figure out

who owns it and there's no one to take it then I just keep it. Okay, next

question, my friend Paul also asked a couple of questions one of them is...

so Paul @Pauladin, "Who is your favorite show runner of all time and who's your

favorite of the last year or two?" this is a really hard question because a lot of

the show runners and like people who I really respect their work I also find

them to be really problematic humans or there are parts of their work that I

find really problematic and so I don't want to say that they're my favorite

like my instinct is definitely to say and Sorkin but I don't love the way that

he writes women he writes - I was just having this conversation with a friend

of mine yesterday actually - I think Aaron Sorkin writes all his characters

primarily as characters but his women tend to be like heightened in a weird

way that I find unbelievable and also frustrating, so there's that. yeah um

favorite show runner of all time? I don't know, I am struggling to come up with an

answer of a favorite show runner who I want to like actually endorse their work

and I can't but favorite runner of the last year or two um is probably the

showrunner for code black which is one of my favorite shows that hasn't been

airing yet they're gonna be airing in January time and that the showrunner of

for that show is Michael Seitzman, I think and

that's purely based on the show I actually don't know much about him or

what else he's done, so based on that one show right now that or my other favorite

shows probably Madam Secretary and I think the showrunner for that show is

Barbara Hall um again I don't know what else she's done or what else she has

work-wise or personal life-wise but I really really like the show and I hope

that she is also great so there you go there's two people that I'm really

liking right now. A couple like smaller inconsequential quick questions

Ute asks "raincoat or umbrella?" raincoat if I'm going to be outside and walking

around a lot, umbrella if I'm in the city and just walking like to and from my car

or to and from different buildings. Mermaid Queen @MerQueenJude on

Twitter asks two questions one is what is your favorite cookie and my

answer to that is black and white cookies second question is what would be

your superpower of choice and my answer to this is always invisibility because I

am a snoop and I just want to know everything that people do when they

think someone's not looking so I would want to be invisible and find out

yep. My friend Colleen I has a question that I

don't feel like I have a good answer to but I want to ask it and like try and

come up with an answer, so Colleen Theirsen @liberalthinking online on

Twitter asks "Who is a person alive before the year 1900 whose story / life

interests you or surprises you?" I don't know I want to have like a super cool

fine answer to this but all the people that I can think of are like more recent

history or the cast of Hamilton not like the cast but like the characters in

Hamilton... yeah

*research music*

yeah so all the people that I'm thinking of we're like alive and like born before

1900 but like not by a lot and are famous and well-known for things that

they did after 1900 so I feel like that's cheating a little bit but, I think

my answer is gonna be Amelia Earhart. Because I think she's really cool and

also I want to know what happened to her. yeah Amelia Earhart, okay

and then I want to answer one more question from Ute and I think I'm

gonna answer this one what does your most favorite Sunday afternoon look like

um and I feel like I live my favorite Sunday afternoons like a lot because

pretty much it's just going to lunch after church and spending time with

people I love and then coming home to watch some TV or

um make really good food and that's kind of like what I do most Sundays so

yeah I like food I'm like realizing that both of the two I like kind of both

of the things that I just said revolve around food but what can I say I really

like food. I'm also gonna answer this other question from Paul, which is what

is the biggest change in your life this year that others may not have been able

to see um and this is actually something that I was also talking about with some

friends of mine last night and it's frustrating because I feel like outside

like there's not a lot that's changed in my life

not not even in like the past year but in the past two years I've been and

that's been really frustrating to feel like not much has changed and so even

even like thinking about it what what has changed like with me personally and

stuff that people might not be able to see because there aren't a whole lot of

big outside changes it feels like any changes inside are also like really

small um at least they feel like they're really small but for some reason the the

biggest change I feel like has been that I've I've stopped like planning in the

same way that I used to um I used to have these like really big Clinton like

every day I would be like oh I'm gonna get all these things done and I'm gonna

like try and do all these things and I haven't been doing that as much lately

partly because it was just getting really frustrating to make plans to do a

bunch of stuff and then not actually follow through on those plans cuz that

was happening a lot for me and then another reason that I haven't been

making plans as much is because I feel like there's a lot in my life right now

that I'm don't feel like I'm in control of and so I've been struggling to figure

out how

how to take back control of my life so I haven't been making plans in the same

way because I'm needing to rethink how I set goals um and that's definitely like

still in the process of a thing that I'm doing

yay and then one more question and this is from Troy R @-- oh my goodness I see

this name all the time, this is like a person that I know but I have no idea

pronounce your screen name so I'm sorry um-- @Kujmous, is that how you pronounce

it? Please tell me um and he just asked "how's your heart today?" and the answer to

that is heavy, which is not like a super fun way to end a video but that's the

last question so that's how I'll be entering ending the video so yeah that's

all I've got really um I want to be making more

videos I want to be doing more things but like I said planning things and

following through on those plans have been a bit of a struggle for me recently

so I don't know how this will go but

hopefully I will see you again soon bye guys

oh and I guess like you can like this video and subscribe to my channel and

like ask me any questions that you might have for a future Q&A in the comments

yeah so there you go feel free to leave your answers to any of these questions

in the comments down below as well because why not that could be fun

okay bye for real

For more infomation >> How's Work? Life? TELL ME EVERYTHING! - Duration: 18:17.


Phantom of the Opera [MEP part] - Duration: 0:21.

🎵 Aaaaaaa-a-a-aaa-a-aaa-a-aaa-aaaaaa... 🎵

Sing, my angel!

Sing for me!

🎵 Aaaaaaa-a-a-aaa-a-aaa-a-aaa-aaaaaa... 🎵

Sing, my angel!

🎵 Aaaaaaaaa... 🎵

For more infomation >> Phantom of the Opera [MEP part] - Duration: 0:21.


Collection of 1.4 Billion Passwords leaked, Change Your Password Now! - Duration: 1:49.

today in this video I am sharing an important news a collection of 1.4

billion password found online this is a collection of almost all breach that

happened in recent times like linkedin myspace etc and some other collection of

passwords that was circulating online from past some years somebody has made a

file that contain all this emails and passwords in plain text this was

circulation in underground community from few days and now someone posted

this on reddit in a link to download from torrent

so it is easy for anyone to collect him use this data I just downloaded the copy

and it contained forty two gigabytes data you can see here this is the

downloaded file in this data contained perfectly alphabetically arranged

database of email and password , here is a bash script called

which can be used to find a password form email like a search, hackers with

basic knowledge can quickly search for passwords so I highly recommend you to

change your passwords as soon as possible thanks for watching please

consider subscribing and click on the Bell putty to get more awesome videos

like this click like button if you like this video comment below what do you

think? and also share this video with those

friends who may look for videos like this if you have any questions you can

also ask me directly for YouTube chat the chat link is there in the

description below

For more infomation >> Collection of 1.4 Billion Passwords leaked, Change Your Password Now! - Duration: 1:49.


SOYOU - The Night Reaction - Duration: 6:47.

안녕!! (Annyeong!!)



こんにちわ!! (Kon'nichiwa!!)

Today we're going to be reacting to Soyou

Oh, no she needs help

And she did a collab with

Geeks Beba: And it was produced by

Primary x2 and the

song is called Beba: The night x2

Okay stop calm down I predict she's going to fangirl in this video

Sorry but hello

One! two! three!


I love Soyou

She disappeared

She's there

She sounds different in this song

I almost my headphone off I got too excited

What are you going to have for breakfast

I had oreos for breakfast today Beba: you had more than me

I ate air

That's not alcohol

That you're drinking so early right Eli: No that's water oh! no that's not water Beba: That's not water!

Your food is burning Soyou

I love this song

Her body is just wow

She's wow x3

Soyou is cheating on me

I didn't get it at first

How she's looking at him

She's trying to seduce him she got drunk

What happened to the clock

You're giving me them vibes though

She looks very...

I love those little cups so pretty

Beba: I'm going to buy you a cup Eli: You didn't burn it this time because you burned it last time

She was practicing x4

Never fall asleep in front of a stranger

She's not good with alcohol

She cannot handle her Soju


I have goosebumps

And on top of that is cold

Don't look at the light like you're going to see a bunch of lights

What is she doing Beba: I don't know

She's fixing her room

At least she does that I don't do anything Beba: I know

I love that Beba: The Moon

You fresh girl

I was about to rip my headphones off

And run out of this room after I heard that part

Yeah I could tell you wanted to leave

Okay guys I love Soyou

She is one of my favorite artists when I act like this

Is because I'm a fangirl

I'm glad this song was more

Upbeat from the other releases

Like the one we reacted to last time

And the cover she did not so long ago


I liked it

But yeah we loved it I always love her

I knew you were going to fangirl

I cannot say anything else because you guys already saw my reaction

I can't say much

It was perfect I loved it

We're promoting Twice for a lot

But is okay they deserve it

See you later don't forget to subscribe

like and comment

Since this one forgot

Is because of Soyou

Your horns

Bye 💚

For more infomation >> SOYOU - The Night Reaction - Duration: 6:47.


When Jammers Cry ジャマーズが泣くとき - Animal Jam Anime Parody - Duration: 1:36.

Sada was suck me la shu


Martha should new (something something)

You could now okay :')


(Intense zoom in effect)

Mama new do the cat stays

Doge no my heep tada :D


Sue dad the taboo

High two (high two)


Typical japanese girl tripping in original anime opening scene

This took hours

Proof Greely is an edgy teen

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> When Jammers Cry ジャマーズが泣くとき - Animal Jam Anime Parody - Duration: 1:36.


LOS ANGELES to CORPUS - Duration: 6:06.

So i know i haven't made a vlog in a long time... but it's just been super busy with finals.

But i only have two more finals left and then i get to go home so...

And also hello new subscribers!

Thank you for subscribing to me, it means a lot to me!

Now - now I just have to go sing... should be fun... I'm scared...


Third semester of college done.

My flight doesn't leave till - till 1:50 it's 10:15 right now...

Do I look good?

^Yea you look amazing.

It's 11:12 flights still at 1:50.

So i thought my finals were done but i still have a paper that i have to write so... coffee.

So i definitely thought coffee would be the best idea - large coffee would be the best idea...

It wasn't.

It wasn't at all.

I'm so antsy right now... and i feel like i can run up a hill.

Definitely still drinking the coffee... shouldn't be.

Alrighty, so from LA we flew into Houston; then we fly into Corpus.

So this flight leaves at 8 - 8:20 and I'm supposed to land at 9:20.

So an hour flight, which isn't - which isn't bad at all.

I would go exploring but then I feel like I'm going to be late and I'm going to throw

something off..

Just with my luck.

So - I'm excited though.

I'm excited to see my family.

I just learned that Daniel is also a huge fan of Casey Neistat.

And that is amazing to find someone in Texas who is also a fan.

So nice to meet you man.

Have a safe flight!

^Do you do vlogging?

Aden, nice to meet you man, Jared.

Alright it was nice to meet you sir!

Take it easy!

So to Rory, Daniel, and Aden, it was nice to meet you guys.

It always nice to talk to people about vlogger whenever you're in a public area.

But it was nice to meet you guys.

I hope you all have a safe flight.

So my phone been like freezing.

So like I have use Siri to text my parents.

Text Momma and the Old Man.

^What do you want to say to the group?

^Just landed, waiting for bags.

Read last text from The Old Man.

Uh oh.

My phones messing up.

I can't answer it.

I don't know i feel like this is just going to go so bad.

They might be outside, Ima go check outside.

Why does my phone have to mess up now.




I missed you man.

^I missed you too.

^You look good.

^Thank you!

^You look real good!

Yea, the bags are still waiting I don't know if you guys want to wait in there or not..

Oh you guys can't right?

^If someone tries to steal the car at the airport...

^That's pretty brave.

^That's pretty brave.

It looks like you're packing.

^See what I got?

We're at the airport we can't make those type of jokes.

^I now you'll - you'll scare them.

oh my god- what's going on in here?

Ayyyye smelllaaay ^Jared, I missed you.

Aye momma!

^Hey baby.

Aww shmelly, the little smelly belly.

Hey Mem.

^Get out of the sibling hug.

^I missed you guys.

^And we missed you, take your backpack off.

Let me get my wheelchair!

^ Are you that old already?

^What's up papa?

What's up JJ?

^I missed you.

I missed you too.

Hey who're you barking at?

There're so many dogs.

People are going to think we have a problem.

So people that are watching this I hope you enjoyed.

This is my family.

For the people who are new here.

Umm but yea...

Have a Dream.

Believe in that Dream.

And Never Give Up.

I'll see you guys!

For more infomation >> LOS ANGELES to CORPUS - Duration: 6:06.


เพลงแดนซ์มันๆ2018 - Nonstop EDM เพลงแดนซ์ 2018 Vol.9 (DJ Ryu Remix)♫พลงใหม่ล่าสุด - Duration: 35:47.

For more infomation >> เพลงแดนซ์มันๆ2018 - Nonstop EDM เพลงแดนซ์ 2018 Vol.9 (DJ Ryu Remix)♫พลงใหม่ล่าสุด - Duration: 35:47.



today's episode of did you know find out how much weight you can gain over the

holidays stay tuned hi everybody how am I gonna

talk hopefully put on during the season stay tuned for the very end to fly or

start a message from our sponsor

we're gonna discuss from last episode too much cardio can actually burn muscle

instead of fat so what happens is you're actually doing the opposite of your

entire goal reason for if you don't want to spend too many hours and not have

enough or adequate enough amount of nutrition in order to do so so unless

your goal is to look like Christian Bale from The Machinist my best start are you

with your weights strength and resistance and after that get into your

cardio cardio should be above their knees to maximum after weight training

again oddly do that every other day that way your body doesn't go into a

catabolic state and like I say we're burning muscle instead of fat which is

probably the opposite or how about did you know you burn more calories in a 23

hours in a day versus the one hour a year were covered

now really how important nutrition is

did you know takes approximately one minute

answer to the wait game question are you ready okay well then let's answer it for

you since you're sitting there waiting soapy an average of seven to ten pounds

thank you so much make sure that you like you subscribe and leave a comment

for next week's episode leave your own did you knows to me future next week

For more infomation >> DID YOU KNOW SHOW LOSE FAT EPISODE 3 BURN FAT - Duration: 2:48.


Arbaaz Khan Movies List 2017 #Update | Arbaaz Khan Upcoming Movies 2017 to 2019 | Ak Movies List - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Arbaaz Khan Movies List 2017 #Update | Arbaaz Khan Upcoming Movies 2017 to 2019 | Ak Movies List - Duration: 2:27.


Cecilia e Ignazio vanno a Temptation Island: il gossip - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Cecilia e Ignazio vanno a Temptation Island: il gossip - Duration: 3:29.


SM 측 "종현 장례, 최대한 조용히 치를 예정" - Hot News 24/7 - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> SM 측 "종현 장례, 최대한 조용히 치를 예정" - Hot News 24/7 - Duration: 5:25.


Fun with 2 2 Where am I going - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Fun with 2 2 Where am I going - Duration: 0:22.


Custom Wheelchair Appointment - Duration: 7:28.

Hey everyone! I am here to talk today about my wheelchair evaluation and measurement

appointment experience 'cause that was a thing. Yeah.

I didn't know what to expect really and umm...

It was not my favorite, that's for sure.

But to start with I wanted to show you something that I do like!

It is my "They Them Their"

hoodie... because those are my pronouns, so get it right!

Anyway, back to the appointment. So...

There was someone from the wheelchair company and then physical therapists

and they weren't connected, but they were ish

and so apparently

insurance companies don't give a flying fuck about

pain, or weakness, or any of that really...

They prefer you to have a spinal injury or something like that which is incredibly

frustrating. So we had to go through all these questions trying to prove that I needed this wheelchair.

And then I mean assurance...

[correcting] aside

There was frustration with them. The... the physical therapists.

The wheelchair is not there for my physical therapy.

Physical therapy is my physical therapy!

I need the wheelchair to be comfortable so I can use it every day, all the time.

That's its purpose... is to be

easily usable for me without causing me extra pain.

And.. They were kind of injecting what they wanted out of me into this custom wheelchair.

"Well we want you to be able to sit up more straight." That's fantastic, but I still have scoliosis,

I still can't sit up straight, and forcing me to sit up straight will make the wheelchair way more

painful. So stop! If I am going to do that, I'm going to do that through physical therapy,

That I do on my own time. Not through my wheelchair.

So... There was a lot of feeling of judgment.

And that was really frustrating and uncomfortable as hell. That appointment was really just overall

anxiety inducing not pleasant.

I kinda forced myself to laugh and smile towards the end, but...

I don't know.

I mean eventually it was okay. We talked about "well, do you want this or that, this or that?"

and so at this point my main concerns are: one, is my insurance going to approve it?

Umm... Two, which things are they going to approve or disapprove?


Because they can reject certain things, and then we kind of have to start all over again, unless we already had

a backup choice set in the system, which we did for one thing...

Because they're hoping to get me an ultralight wheelchair...

Because I have a lot of weakness in my arms, not just my legs.

But they wanted to only give ultralight wheelchairs or wheelchairs... manual wheelchairs that have, umm

power assist to people who are full-time wheelchair users

And I was like I can't be a full-time wheelchair user because my current wheelchair doesn't allow that.

So it was just kind of this frustrating cycle.

Anyway... but there are some exciting parts about it, umm...


Hopefully it's gonna be a lot more comfortable.

It's gonna have nifty spokes that I've never seen before. You know, that's a little thing, but still.

And... I got to pick the color... and I decided to go with how I am. [laughs]

Which is standing out, and that means I picked a

sparkly bright green. Why not?

So, if you end up with a...

custom wheelchair insurance appointment yourself all I've got to say is...

[laughs] I can't really give you any advice. Try not to be nervous.

Mostly be honest, but to an extent

You might have to answer how you think it needs to be answered in order to get your insurance

approval for it. Which is such bullshit because if you need it, you need it.

And if your doctor ordered it - you need it! I mean, like, come on!

Oh! ... And ...

My other concerns...

umm... being that if my insurance does approve

everything there's still a possibility that I'll be thrown a co-pay, and let's say they throw

$300 at me.

I don't have $300. So I would need to crowdfund... and that's all well and good, but...

How long... [laughs] how long is the wheelchair company gonna hold on to it?

... For me while I try to raise this money? I don't know.

Like... I don't know. So I've got all these little worries and anxieties in my head.

But I am really looking forward to it, and they said it can take anywhere between like...

...Well, up to a max of 90 days for me to get my wheelchair approved,

umm... assembled, make sure it fits for sure,

and then, you know, get it to me.


I don't know. Maybe sometime in March I'll be seeing it?

Umm, I hope so... wish me luck!

I really... think it'll help me out to have a wheelchair that

actually fits me and, uhh..

doesn't have a rope for my feet. Has actual foot rests. I'm looking forward to that! [laughs]

So yeah, that's my little wheelchair story and uhh...

Sometime I'll have to show you guys my current wheelchair.

But that's for another video, for another time. Bye!

For more infomation >> Custom Wheelchair Appointment - Duration: 7:28.


YouTube TV - Coming Soon

For more infomation >> YouTube TV - Coming Soon


Boarding Platform 2018 - Message and Reflection - MX@PL - Duration: 1:19.

We are within a short time starting

another trip with time allotted on every path

of 365 days.

Set your destination well and board on platform 2018.

Anyone with any regrets, grudges, pending

and old sorrows in the baggage,

please unload them at the 2017 counter.

Passengers who bear smiles on their lips,

open hearts and ready-to-build hands

will have a preferential seat next to the window of happiness.

We ask everyone to fasten the belt of hope,

we recommend that no one under any circumstances

use the emergency exit during the trip.

If there are periods of turbulence,

keep calm and confidence in the pilot of this aircraft,


– that at the same time will be at the side of each passenger.

Everyone have a great trip!

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