DieCember BLOG HOP: Clean and Simple Cards with Distress Oxide - Duration: 9:19.-------------------------------------------
Descubren en Egipto fosas de 3600 años de antigüedad llenas de manos gigantes - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
Ni el animal print anima el vestidor de doña Letizia tras la tormenta - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
Selena Gomez, Marshmello - Wolves Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:02.-------------------------------------------
Tapping Mana Wrong New Player Mistake - Duration: 6:32.New Player Mistake Number 3
Tapping Mana incorrectly.
I know you old pros don't have a problem with this,
But this is a video for the new players.
When you tap mana for spells, do you tap the right ones.
We are going to go over that right now.
Reaching and teaching Young Mages of all Ages.
Welcome young mage I'm Rhino.
Before we get started, tell me in the comments below, what mistakes do you see new players
I'd love to do a video about the mistake.
Today we are going over tapping mana in the correct order.
Spells and many abilities require mana to cast or activate.
I see a lot of new players making the mistake of tapping the wrong mana.
I don't mean they are cheating or not tapping enough.
What I see them doing is not thinking through the "generic" mana.
Generic mana is that gray circle with a number in it.
You can use any type of mana for that portion of the spell cost.
But some mana is more useful than others.
The obvious is land that can tap for more than one color.
These should almost always be used last.
I will tell you why in a moment.
Here is an example of the mistake I see a lot.
We have a Jungle Delver on the battlefield with 2 counters on it.
We have 7 untapped mana, 4 Islands and 3 Forests.
Before combat I want to cast Herald of Secret Streams so my Jungle delver will be unblockable.
Most new players will tap the 4 Islands.
It is quick and easy.
Even players that have been playing for a while make this mistake.
Using up all of one color of mana for the generic cost.
This limits what you can cast in decks that use two or more colors of mana.
We had enough mana to cast both spells.
But since all of the Islands are tapped, we can't cast the Kopala, Warden of Waves spell
on our second main phase.
That was was pretty simple.
Here's another:
We have a vampire deck will a playset of four of each vampire.
We have a Legion Conquistador and a Sanctum Seeker in our hand.
We have 7 untapped mana, 3 plains and 4 swamps.
What do you think we should do?
Pause the video and come up with your answer…
I'll wait.
Most people would say to cast both the Legion Conquistador and the Sanctum Seeker
You could simply use the 3 plains for the Legion Conquistador and the 4 swamps for the
Sanctum Seeker.
That's a reasonable play, but the better play is this:
Use one Plains and 2 swamps to cast the Legion Conquistador.
When it enters the battlefield, search your library for the other 3 Legion Conquistadors.
You have enough mana to cast another one using one Plains and 2 Swamps.
Next turn you can cast the Sanctum Seeker before you attack so your opponent will lose
2 life and you will gain 2.
You will also have enough mana to cast another Legion Conquistador.
What do you think of that solution?
Now do you remember that I said that you should almost always use your "special" lands
Here's why.
You will have some opponents that understand the cards,
They understand decks.
With this understanding, they can figure out what types of spells you may be able to play
with the mana that you haven't tapped.
If you have a land that can be tapped for more than one color, that opens up the number
of spells it can be useful for.
If you always leave the special lands last, your opponent will have a much harder time
figuring out what you can cast.
Let's say that we have the following mana.
And one Mountain is untapped for a game of Standard.
Since we are only showing one color untapped, that gives us enough mana to cast 24 spells.
If the mana was tapped this way, we now have 2 colors that we can tap.
That gives us the mana to cast 48 spells.
And if more than 1 mana is untapped the possibilities are even greater.
That makes figuring out what you can cast much more difficult.
I'm sure some players do this.
How often do you make this mistake?
Do you secretly like it when your opponent messes up?
Tell me in the comments below.
If you like this video consider subscribing.
Just hit that rhino down below.
And don't forget the bell notifications so you don't miss anything.
These videos are possible because of my sponsor Fodder Cannon Games
and my generous Patrons.
Check out the videos on the side.
They may interest you.
I have more videos coming out soon.
So until then, Rhino out.
Glowing disco ball with your hands on New Year's Eve - Duration: 3:12.Hello.
Very soon there will be a New Year holiday.
And this time of gifts and fruits.
What do you say to that orange?
Hey man is more careful.
Yes, the new year is the best holiday!
In this video today I want to show how to make a very cool glowing ball for the holiday.
So, let's begin!
You need plastic cups, a stapler and a Christmas tree garland.
The size of the ball will depend on the number of plastic cups.
We will use 100 cups.
First, using a stapler, we make two hemispheres.
In each of 50 cups.
The first row consists of 20 glasses.
And 30 more glasses to complete the hemisphere.
And now it's time to place the garland in the hemispheres.
In each glass you need to insert a garland of a garland.
For this, holes must be made at the bottom.
Be careful and observe safety precautions.
Just in case, I'll do it with gloves.
We work only under the supervision of adults.
Or ask adults to make such holes.
Once everything is ready, you need to connect the two hemispheres with a stapler.
And the last step. Turn on the garland and start the holiday.
It turned out a very bright and beautiful disco ball.
That's all for today. All for now and see you in the new video!
Megadeth - In My Darkest Hour [LEGENDADO] (PT/ESP) - Duration: 6:28.-------------------------------------------
Top 8 cây thuốc chữa bệnh gan nhiễm mỡ mọc quanh nhà bạn | Chữa Bệnh Gan - Duration: 5:14.-------------------------------------------
Cách Chữa Chảy Máu Cam Cho Trẻ Em Và Người Lớn Từ Lá Tre - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
HOW TO PLAY IN CLASHPOINT ?! CLASHPOINT VIMEWORLD! - Duration: 4:48.-------------------------------------------
Natti Natasha, Ozuna, Bad Bunny, Maluma, Shakira, Nicky Jam, Daddy Yankee - Mix Pop Latino 2017 - Duration: 1:03:24.Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!
Julien Guirado « anéanti » par sa séparation avec Martika, il se confie sur les ... - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
5 Little Monkeys Jumping On ...-------------------------------------------
TRANSFORMERS: THE BASICS on SHATTERED GLASS - Duration: 9:54.-------------------------------------------
Horror Poster Advent Calendar - Day Two - Duration: 1:02.Welcome back to Dark Corners Advent Calendar of Horror.
We're here in the Dark Corners gallery of forbidden and disturbing art to count you down to Christmas with 24 of the best horror movie posters of all time.
Does it has anything to do with the movie?
Not really. But when someone comes up with a great poster image, you've gotta go with it.
And in this case those people were Salvador Dali and Phillippe Halsman,
whose In Voluptas Mors or In Voluptuous Death, was the basis for this poster.
And when I say basis I mean, they put clothes on the girls and tweaked the lighting.
So, not exactly original and tells you sod all about the film,
but who cares when it looks this good.
We'll be back tomorrow with more of your favourite Horror posters and if you've got one you'd like us to include,
let us know in the comments below.
We won't include it because we're shooting these in July, but don't let that stop you.
Website Earning course part 9 - Difference between On-Page SEO and OFF-Page SEO - Duration: 12:35.Website Earning course part 9 - Difference between On-Page SEO and OFF-Page SEO
GF Vip finale, Belen Rodriguez conduttrice al posto di Ilary Blasi? | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
Today's Virgo Horoscope thuesday, December 05, 2017 - Duration: 3:02.Daily Horoscope December 10, 2016
Daily Horoscope VIRGO August 31, 2017
Daily Horoscope VIRGO September 6, 2017
GF Vip: Cecilia non piace alla famiglia di Ignazio? | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
Today's Leo Horoscope monday, December 4, 2017 - Duration: 3:10.Leo Weekly Horoscope from 27th November - 4th December 2017
Leo December 2017 Horoscope
THỊT BA CHỈ NƯỚNG BÀN ĐÁ KIỂU VÂN NAM| ĐIỀN TÂY TIỂU CA|NHỮNG MÓN ĂN TRUNG HOA ĐẶC SẮC|LÝ TỬ THẤT 2 - Duration: 5:04.-------------------------------------------
Cánh Hoa Tàn - Mẹ Chồng OST - Hương Tràm [ Lyrics Karaoke ] - Duration: 5:35.-------------------------------------------
You Don't Wanna Be Alone-------------------------------------------
I BUILD A JAPANESE SNOWMAN IN HOKKAIDO by Sebastiano Serafini - Duration: 3:18.Today Seba is bringing us in a remote country!
To show us how to realize a perfect japanese snowman
with some fashion accessories for decoration, bought in the 100 Yen shop
Elsa from Frozen is the sponsor and the superviser of this video!
Hello guys! We are in this remote place (Sopporo) !
I'm Sebastiano Serafini
Today I'm here to show you how to build a japanese snowman (Yukidaruma)
First of all you should come here!
Second thing is you need to buy all the neccessary...
We found the eyes,
the gloves and the scarf!
Ok, now we are going to buy everything for our yukidaruma, see you later!
we are here to build the snowman, are you ready?
ok, the thing is that in Japan the snowman is composed by only 2 pieces
You need to now tha this type of snow form Hokkaido is called: "powder snow"
so it's very difficult...
it's like powder (Konayuki) and you can't work with it very well
now we put the eyes
the nose
My snowman is so nice!
What do you think?
Good, I wish you happy holidays and a new year!
See you tomorrow always at 2pm (GMT+1) CIAO!
Spearfishing // Hunting oysters in Norway // E5 - Duration: 10:11.Hey, and welcome to a new video!
Yesterday we went swimming out here
and we found lots of huge oysters, crabs, and the like
so we thought that today'd be the day when we go out
to collect oysters, and what else we'll find on the bottom
bring them home, put them in a tub, remove sand -
and finally, after a few days, prepare them -
cook them, eat them,
and have a good time with each other.
So join us out there
See you there!
You're stuck!
I'm making a video!
I'm not fishing yet -
I'm making a video, Anders!
Alright, you move and we'll give it another try
See you out there!
Someone removed its claws
What's that about!?
These are real beauties! - Yeah
With those big ridges they have
This is just too easy
They are everywhere!
I did some reading
- just a moment ...
We did some reading -
and it seems that there is an invasion of pacific oysters in Norway.
These jagged and pointy oysters
As far as I can tell they are pacific oysters.
That is an invasive species here in Norway which they'd like to get rid of.
The problem is that they reproduce like rabbits, if not even more,
so collecting them is encouraged.
Anders and I are doing out part just now,
collecting them and eating them.
They need to be properly prepared They can be poisonous -
but once prepared they are completely safe to eat.
Since Anders and I hate raw oysters anyway -
this is no issue for us at all.
Anders is here now. - They have this defence mechanism -
you don't want to pick them up, when they are sitting on this ...
I had my hands on that one before -
and I didn't bother to pick it up either.
It's getting heavy now.
Swim back and empty it then.
Yeah, let's do that.
1 day later
One more day
Welcome to the Ideart Cooking Show
We'll be doing oysters now
This'll be interesting, as this is something we haven't done before.
The plan is to take the oysters and check if they are fully closed
and thus alive.
We changed the water, as you saw, multiple times,
ensured that they have fresh water, so they keep fresh.
Now we need to get the knife in and cut the adductors
and get in to the oyster itself.
From what I've heard this is not so easy.
But there is only one way to figure it out and that is to try it.
Shall we get going?
Yeah. - I think I'll start with this one
Nah, that's too difficult.
You should watch your fingers -
I know that much.
Wow, that looks disgusting -
but it'll be so good!
We also have crabs.
This is the one Anders found where some idiot removed its claws.
What we'll do is we'll eat the crab.
Not just the claws, beacuse underneath the shell, in here,
there is a lot of good meat.
The plan is to take the crabs, we've got, how much?
three or something like that,
and we prepare them whole and we eat all the meat -
inside the shell.
This is not commonly done here in Scandinavia,
but it's how it's done many other places and it's really, really good.
This -
this is what we'll be eating now. - Yum!
Maybe it's just me, I don't think this looks very appetizing -
but it'll end up as food.
Right now I'm sceptic, but carefully optimistic.
Damn, this looks gross!
That was it - first half.
Then it's second half. Now we'll prepare it.
Right, let's see if we can make this into a meal.
We'll start doing the vegetables.
While Kasper is cooking -
I might as well drink some beer.
It's a part of it. - I can join you.
I'll just sample this. - I'm with you.
Let's see if this is edible. - Shall we try it?
Let's try.
It is!
- It tastes good! - It actually tastes fine!
This is definitely edible.
It's really good!
It's really, really good!
Damn, this is good! - It's crazy good right?
Damn it's tasty!
It so delicious. You did that well.
When is it ready? - In just a moment
It'll be this, the smoked stuff, it'll be crabs -
it'll be good!
Dinner's served! - Anders, are you hungry?
I'm really hungry. - So let's eat.
This'll be so good!
Let's dive in.
Where do we start?
I don't know, I'll start with this.
It's really super good, this stuff.
See, now I can eat oysters.
There! - Smoked oyster!
That works. - One can eat that.
I've eaten oysters only once before -
and that was the snot-method - and I'm not doing that again.
But this I'd do again!
I would too, I warmly recommend this -
both the smoked oysters and those we boiled with greens and cream and all.
It was really delicious.
Thanks a lot for watching, thanks for the food, Kasper -
You're welcome.
If you want to see more like this? Remember to subscribe to our channel -
Give the video a like! And we hope to see you in our next video.
Have a nice day!
See you!
Brune Poirson I Économie circulaire - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai i10 1.0i Blue 66pk Comfort - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Ford Ka 1.3i Trend Airco - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
Hyundai i10 1.0 5 DEURS-i-MOTION-AICO.RADIO-ZUINIG - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Trend 5-deurs | Navigatie | Parkeercamera | LMV - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
I´M A DRAGON/WOLF!!!!!!!! ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 - Duration: 57:18.Sorry remember That the Music is Lower then The Acutely Sound T x T SORRY AGAIN!!!!!! T x T
Honda CR-V 2.0i ES LPG/G3 NAVI_Airco+_PDC_Trekh_Clima_nette wagen - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
LẦN ĐẦU THƯỞNG THỨC YẾN SÀO CHƯNG ĐƯỜNG PHÈN TRỨNG CÁ CAVIAR PHƯƠNG ĐÔNG MẸ BẦU I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 27:08.-------------------------------------------
Chi sono i Rohingya di Myanmar? Perché vengono perseguitati? - Duration: 5:15.-------------------------------------------
Two Glittery Shaker Cards - Duration: 9:29.- [Kristina] Hi everyone, Kristina here.
Welcome to another video for my YouTube channel and blog.
Today I'm using this new die called
Sensational Snowflake Collage,
and this is a brand new die for
Simon Says Stamp's Diecember release.
In fact, this video today is a blog hop,
so if you would like to see
even more inspiration for more products from this release,
make sure you head over to my blog
so that you could hop along.
So, I'm going to be making
two different versions of the shaker card today.
One is a little bit more complex,
and one is fairly simple.
I'm starting out by cutting this die
out of some Nina Solar White 80 pound card stock.
This card stock is cut to five and a half inches wide
by four and a half tall,
and I just positioned this die kind of
more near the top portion, a little bit off-center.
And I'm gonna die cut this twice.
Both of these cards will have the same design,
but just the shaker elements
will be a little bit different.
As for the greeting, I'm using the Fa La La stamp set
from Simon Says Stamp,
and I'm using the greeting that says
"Sending Christmas Wishes."
I think that's what it says.
And I'm stamping this in some Versamark ink,
and then I'm going to coat it
in some Sterling embossing powder from Brutus Monroe.
This is a really pretty silver embossing powder.
Oh, it says "Sending Merry Christmas Wishes."
I forgot the "merry" in there.
I'm gonna heat set that
until it's completely smooth and melted,
and once again, I'm doing this exact same thing
to the other card front as well.
I'm now cutting some window plastic
for transparency or a window sheet.
This is actually heat-resistant acetate.
This is from, I think it's Hot Off the Press,
I think that's who it's from.
I'll have that linked down below
in the supplies section at YouTube
and also at my blog, if you're looking for
some of this clear acetate for your shaker cards.
And I just cut that to be three inches tall
by five and a half wide.
I'm now adhering the window plastic or the acetate
to my card front.
I've turned it over to the back side,
and I'm using some Ranger multimedia matte adhesive,
and I'm putting little dots of adhesive
on the ends of the snowflake,
and also around each top and bottom of these boxes,
then pressing that down onto the card stock.
I'm gonna make sure that's pressed really well
so that it adheres and everything is stuck down.
I'm now gonna take some foam tape,
and this is when things start to get
a little bit complicated.
I'm gonna first show you the complex version,
and then I will show you the more simplified version.
For both of these, you're going to need
double layers of foam adhesive.
So, I have this foam tape here that I have
folded over and doubled over on itself,
and then I'm cutting it into small, narrow strips.
The areas in between the snowflake boxes
are very, very small,
so you have to cut the foam tape as small as you can
in order to have the divisions between the boxes.
So, I'm cutting those down, and then I have
slightly wider pieces,
it could also be very narrow as well,
and I'm putting that at the top
and bottom of the boxes.
I'm just using my scissors to
cut those off to the right length.
These don't have to be super precise and sealed tight,
because I'm going to be using sequins.
I'm not using glitter, or seed beads that are really small,
or anything that would slip through those corners,
so you don't have to be perfectly precise,
but just make sure you have a good frame
around each one of these sections.
You want it to be pretty close to all the corners,
but if there's a little bit of a gap,
it's not the end of the world.
And then, to finish up the areas on this card front,
I'm putting some foam adhesive
on the top and bottom,
and this is because this is going to go
directly onto a card front,
so I need to have the same level of foam tape
on those top and bottom as what's around the shaker area.
So eventually, I'll actually put
two layers of foam tape there.
For the more simplified version,
I'm not doing the divisions in between
all of the little sections.
I'm just going to have it be one big shaker area.
And to fill these little gaps in the corners
because my narrower strips were too short,
I just put in a little bit of extra adhesive.
So, I'm gonna double up on all of these extra areas
to make sure that they're the same height,
and the reason why I'm using a double layer of foam tape
is I want there to be a little bit of room
so that the sequins can move around.
If you only do one layer of foam tape,
the sequins will kinda get stuck
and they won't move around.
In order to have enough height
so that they can move freely,
you have to have two layers.
And then I'm using my antistatic powder tool,
just to add a little bit of powder
to the outer edges of all of this foam tape,
and that's going to help it so that
the edges aren't sticky,
and the sequins stick to them
once everything's put together.
I'm gonna take a little break from the shaker area
and create my card bases.
This is made out of some Nina Classic Pressed Solar White
card stock in the 110 pound version,
and I just scored that at five and a half.
And then I'm going to use this glitter paper
from Simon Says Stamp.
This is part of their release.
I showed it in yesterday's holiday card series video
with all those colorful glitter papers.
Today I'm using the white glitter paper,
and you'll see what I do with that in a minute.
For now, I'm gonna use this pack of sequins from
Little Things by Lucy's Cards,
and this is the one that's called Enchanting.
I'm gonna put quite a bit of this all in this area,
'cause it's a really big shaker card,
and I want a lot of that color to show up.
So, I am kind of moving the sequins around,
making sure they're a little bit more flat.
I don't want any big mounds of sequins that would get stuck
once everything's put together.
I'm now removing all of that foam tape,
and then I'm going to take that glitter card stock
that I cut earlier, and I've actually cut it to be
three inches tall and five and a half wide,
basically the same size of that
window sheet or acetate that I cut earlier.
And I'll place that over the top,
and press that down onto all the foam tape.
I wanna make sure that I get the entire frame
really pressed in, so that it seals in all of those sequins.
So I'm gonna press that in and then I'll turn it over
and you can see how beautiful it is.
And by having the glitter paper as the background
on the very back of the shaker card,
you're always gonna get a little bit of sparkle,
so no matter where the sequins end up,
yoU know, if you have the card
standing up on a table or on a mantle,
you'll still get quite a bit of sparkle
from that glitter paper,
because all the sequins will have moved
to the bottom of that shaker area.
Adding some adhesive to the back of that glitter paper,
this is some Tombow Extreme Adhesive,
and then I'm going to press it onto the front of my card,
and I'm just standing these up
so that I can get them on there just perfectly,
and then I'll press those together.
So, this is the first card all finished,
the more simple shaker card.
And now I'm using the more complex one,
and I'm gonna use five different packs
of these sequins mixes.
I've got Peach Schnapps, Pink Lemonade, Lagoon,
Apple Ice, and then I'm also using some Lily White,
and the Lily White is turned over in the little baggie,
but that's the one that's on the far right.
So, I only need a very small amount
of these sequins mixes for each one of these boxes,
because they're such a small area.
So, I'm going to put these in kinda rainbow order,
so I've got red, kind of a peach or orange,
green, blue, and then I'm gonna end with the white.
You could definitely add in a purple,
but I kinda like that this white mix
had a little bit of a purple sheen.
So, as you're putting this together,
you wanna make sure that all of the sequins
stay away from the foam tape,
because you don't want any of them getting trapped
when you put down that glitter paper.
So, after I've peeled off all of this foam tape,
I'm gonna go through with my scissors,
just using them as a pointer,
and I'm gonna make sure everything is in those
kind of welled areas for the shaker,
make sure that everything's away from the foam tape.
Then I'll press that glitter paper down once again,
and that seals up all of those shaker areas.
I wanna make sure I press down,
and I can kinda feel underneath,
that's why I run my fingers over it.
I kinda feel where all of those divisions are.
So, that sorta created like a rainbow effect
with all those sequins,
and I'm gonna press this down onto the card front.
I put some more Tombow Extreme Adhesive on the back,
just like I did with that first card,
and then press that together.
So, those are the two cards for today.
Like I said before, this is actually a blog hop
for Simon Says Stamp's Diecembeer release,
so if you would like to see even more inspiration
with lots of die cutting,
please head over to my blog and hop along.
Thanks so much for watching.
I will see you Monday for a new video
in the Holiday Cards series.
(cheerful music)
Иван Диденко о новом переводе Ромео и Джульетты - Duration: 50:17.-------------------------------------------
November Reading Wrap Up | 2017 - Duration: 14:24.Hey guys it's Trina and this is my reading wrap-up for November. This month
I had these five books on my TBR list and I did read all five of them this
month. Yay! I read six books in total in November, so those five plus another one.
So into my reviews for the books I read in November. As always I am starting at
my lowest rated book and working my way up to my favorite books of the month and
this month I did have doozy of a one-star book and unfortunately that
book was one I was really looking forward to. It was Replica by Lauren
Oliver. This is a young adult science fiction novel and I don't want to say
too much about what the sci-fi element is because I was kind of unsure of it
going in. Like I had a suspicion but wondering if it was right was part of
the appeal to me so I don't want to tell you too much about it. I want to talk
about the representation issue that I had, and then I want to talk about the
format and whether or not I thought it worked, and lastly I'll talk about my
thoughts on the plot. I had been looking forward to this book for over a year. It
came out last year, I was very excited about it then and I just didn't get to
it in time because I procrastinate on anticipated releases a lot of the time
so by the time I got to this book I was still very curious in it and it just
let me down from chapter one and the big issue that I had with this book was
the amount of body shaming that happened in it. There was a lot of fat shaming and
also some thin shaming. It was offensive and it was never challenged. If you want
to know specific quotes from the book you can go to my Goodreads account and
find my review of this one - I will link it down below just so it's easier to
find - and when I did all of my individual page reading status updates
I pulled quotes word for word from this book and then talked about why I didn't
like them. There are a lot of negative stereotypes used and I just think that
all it does in a case like this is it just serves to ingrain those negative
stereotypes in the minds of readers. A lot of people did try to defend it and
say well that's just how the character thinks about herself, and hey that is
totally fair. If a character internalizes some kind of negative
connotation or stereotype about themselves - I've been there, I do that
myself too. I think all of us do it to some extent, but I had an issue with it
because these things that I pointed out and the things that I was offended by
were not internal thoughts of the character. They were all coming from a
third-person narrative and there's a huge difference to me in saying "Gemma
felt like a hippopotamus," versus "Gemma WAS a hippopotamus." Like do you see
the difference there? You can feel like a thing or you can just be told you ARE
thing and the book was telling us she was as fat as a tree trunk, as fat as
hippopotamus, as fat as a parade balloon. Now I'm not saying that everyone is
going to be offended by the same things that I am. Certainly we aren't. I'm not
telling you you have to feel the same way. I'm not telling you you can't read
this book. I'm just telling you this is a thing that went into why I gave it a low
rating. Now as for the format of the book, you can read the first half of the book
and you will get a Lyra's story. Flip it over and the second half is Gemma's
story. You can read this in any order. You can read all of Gemma's and then all of
Lyra's, or you could start with Lyra's, or you can alternate each girl chapter by
chapter. It will line up that way. But I used the reading order found on
prettygeekery.com and I'll put a link directly to that reading order down
below if you guys are wanting to read this and want to use it because I do
think that that reading order flowed really really well. As for the format
itself, I don't think it was necessary. I don't think it did the book any favors. I
think it was just kind of a marketing gimmick. Both character's points of views
are told in third person. We are not getting like their internal thoughts.
Their perspectives aren't incredibly different when they're encountering like
the same scenes and dialogue and whatever so to me it was kind of
pointless. There was no reason why this book couldn't have just been written
chronologically and that way it would have cut out some of the backtracking
that we kept having to do every time you would flip. And it would also cut out
some of the repetitiveness, like there were two or three scenes where the girls
are together like the exact same dialogue and stuff happens and you just
don't get enough extra to justify reading those scenes twice in my opinion.
So I did not like the representation, I did not like the format - I don't think
it suited this story - and the third thing I did not like was the plot. For about
two or three chapters I was very intrigued by the plot. Like Lyra's first
couple chapters when I finally got to know like this is really what's going on,
I've been wondering what this book was really about, I was here for it and it
did deliver and then like the plot just kind of fizzled out. I didn't like the
plot, I didn't like the characters, I really didn't like the romances - they
were just so contrived - and I think a big part of it is because I did have you
know large expectations for this book. I wanted to like it. I was interested in it
and it just kind of let me down. So I think because I expected so much from it
let me down even further plot wise. So I didn't like the story and how it
unfolded in everything so I'm not gonna be continuing this series. I personally
wouldn't recommend it but I'm also not gonna ever tell anyone you can't read a
book. If you do want to read it definitely check out that reading order
I mentioned because I think that that is probably the best order to go about things.
Next I read Turtles All the Way Down by John Green, which I gave three
and a half stars. This is his latest YA contemporary story and there's not
much of a plot here, this is very much a character centric book so I just want to
tell you guys that it is an own voices representation of obsessive-compulsive
disorder, OCD. I don't have OCD so I don't want to talk a whole lot about the
representation in this book but I do have an anxiety disorder and OCD does
fall under the umbrella of anxiety disorders so many moments in this book
were very relatable to me as well. Aside from the main character I don't think
the other characters were memorable. I don't think that they were super well
developed or anything. The romance wasn't quite as awkward or angsty as most YA
romances, I did appreciate that. I did also appreciate the way that the main
character reflected on and thought about her friendship with her best friend. I
don't think it was the best friendship but I just enjoyed the conversations
that it kind of brought up about it. It was overall a good book.
I enjoyed it more than I disliked it but when I left this book, as soon as I was
done I just knew that it wasn't going to stick with me very long. There's not a
lot here to grab on to aside from I think the representation. It's a very
character centric book and I think if you love character centric books this
one is probably going to be you know a great fit for you but I
keep just finding about myself I like a little bit more plot than was in this
one so it didn't quite like feel like a rounded out full story to me, and there's
nothing wrong with that. This is just a personal preference thing. So overall I
did like it but I don't think it's gonna really stick with me. Next I read Follow
Me by Sara Shepard, which is the second book in her Amateurs trilogy. This is a
young adult thriller series and in the first book it is set up where we're
following a group of four or five different characters that have met
online on a website that is dedicated to unsolved true crimes. In the first book
these characters come together to investigate a disappearance of a really
pretty popular high school girl that had happened five years previously and in
the first book that mystery is wrapped up but there is a story thread that does
carry over into book two and I am assuming it will also carry over into
book three. Book two for the most part though does follow a brand new mystery.
Another girl has gone missing, she's a social media star. Now the interesting
thing in the structure of this book to me is that the reader and the
main characters - the sleuths, the amateurs - we know who the suspect is and they are
sending notes to the amateurs gang that are basically like clues of how to
follow him and find him. So the main question in this is can they find him in
time before something else really bad happens. So if you don't like books set
up like that where you kind of know who the main suspect is from the start I can
understand why you might think this isn't suspenseful enough but I think if
you liked her Pretty Little Liars series, you wanted to see characters who were
much more capable of solving mysteries and crimes, and you really liked A and
wanted to see kind of a behind the scenes of A and what they were up to, I
think that this book in the series, at least a second one, would appeal to
you so I still would recommend it for that. So I gave it four stars. It did lack
a little bit of suspense for me but I mean overall it met my expectations for
a Sara Shepard book, for an Amateurs book. I wasn't unhappy with it at all so
I did enjoy this one. Another YA thriller that I read this month was
There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie
Perkins. This one is about a small town where some of the high school students
are being murdered. I gave this book four stars and I feel like that is a highly
unpopular opinion because I've heard nothing but bad reviews of this book. The
main things that I saw people saying that they did not like was they did not
like that the killer was revealed too early, that killed the suspense for them.
Totally fair. If you don't like that I can see why you wouldn't like this book.
They also didn't like that it was a cheesy slasher. They didn't like that
there was a big romance in it and to me I didn't think that the romance took
front-seat. I expected there to be a romance in the book because like the
synopsis on Goodreads like leads out with "love is hard" or "love is killer" or
something like that so I was like okay I know there's gonna be a love story in it.
I also totally expected this to be a cheesy thriller slasher in the vein
of Scream or something, like kind of a parody, kind of cheesy. I just expected
it to be a romantic cheesy slasher and that's exactly what this book was and
that's what I wanted from it so it delivered upon my expectations. I could
have used a little bit more creepiness. There is a lot of gore in it. I don't
think it's the worst gore I've ever read there just happens to be a lot of
it. The main character is biracial, she is African-American and Native Hawaiian. Her
grandmother is African-American, one of her best friends is trans. I do want to
note here that there was an issue with the trans rep in this book. Early readers
of the ARC copy alerted Stephanie Perkins that she had deadnamed the
trans male character and that is pretty offensive. Stephanie did apologize
for that, she you know showed that she had learned better and that she was
going to edit that and it would not be in the final finished copy. However, it
was in my finished copy which is a first printing. Both in my first edition
finished copy and my partial ARC it was on pages 11 and 83. I'm just pointing
this out to you in case you were really counting on that being changed. If you
need it to be changed then definitely wait for a future version of the book to
come out, I hope that it will be fixed in the future. I'm going to give her the
benefit of the doubt that it will be changed and I don't want to really hold
that against the book or my rating. As for the story and the characters and
stuff like that, like I said it was what I thought it was gonna be so I enjoyed it.
Next, my favorite new
to me book that I read this month was Before the Devil Breaks You by Libba
Bray. This is the third book in The Diviners series. I think that there a're
gonna be four books total so it's not over yet. This is a series following
different characters who have supernatural abilities and so they are
called diviners. The series is set in 1920s New York. In the first book it
was very much a murder mystery where they were trying to figure out what was
causing the string of murders that were happening, and then the second book is
following the outbreak of a sickness, and then the third book is more following
the group of characters as they are you know coming together and trying to
uncover more about their abilities. The diversity in this book in this series is
incredible. My favorite things about this third book in the series was really just
seeing this group of characters like all be together. They're an amazing friend
group in my opinion. I really really love this series. I would definitely recommend
it if you're looking for a lot of different relationships that you can
kind of root for, ship, and a lot of good friendships. Evie is like really growing
as a character to me. Sam is growing as a character to me. Some things have
happened with other characters that have made me completely flip my opinions, like
one of my favorite characters I now hate, one of my least favorite characters I'm
now like aww. It was an emotional roller coaster for me and this series
definitely has some vibes that were giving me similarities to like a mashup
of Scooby Doo, Stranger Things, and Ghostbusters. As for the spooky level, the
first book I remember being so creeped out by the first book in certain scenes
and I think that the first book definitely has a much more occult feel
to it but once that mystery is over it's it's lighter than that with books two
and three. I absolutely love it. If you're gonna read this series I highly
recommend it on audio and I will definitely be talking about this
audiobook more in an upcoming audio review video. The last book that I read
this month that I only want to talk about briefly because it was a reread
for me, it is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling. I've mentioned in
my last few wrap ups that I am rereading this series via listening to the audio
books and my thoughts on this book have actually changed. It's been like seven or
eight years since I last read this book. I had a
picture in my mind of the movie of Goblet of Fire which is much more prevalent in
my mind than the actual book even though I knew that there were big differences
or whatever, and to me I've always considered Goblet of Fire to be my
second to least favorite book in the series because to me I was like oh it's
too different, it doesn't focus enough on their school year, it's so much about you
know the games and the Triwizard Tournament and whatever, but reading this
book I was like what was I thinking?? This is an incredible book. I love this. It's
like jumped up from being one of my least favorites to being one of my
favorites. More of a favorite than Prisoner of Azkaban was, which I always
considered that one to be my favorite in the series because it was just the first
one that I read so it had a great sentimental value. But guys, I just read
those two books back-to-back and I definitely enjoyed Goblet of Fire more.
The big events are starting to be laid down in this one so I was just really
fascinated that I could have such a change of opinion on it. I loved it.
So those are the things that I've read in November. Let me know what you guys read
this month and what your favorite read of the month was. Happy reading in December.
I hope you all have good holidays and thank you so much for watching and I
will see you in the comments. Bye!
[music only]
[Japanese ASMR] Tapping & Scratching on box / Ear Cupping, Whispering / 箱をタッピング&スクラッチング - Duration: 30:00.-------------------------------------------
Damon and Selene | About Her - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
The raised panel -safe way to make/Filongi -frezowanie/凸起的面板 - Duration: 12:13.Welcome
In my opinion....
Making the raised panels is most dangerous operation on the shaper.
many years ago I developed my way to cut this panels in safe way.
Many people place the cutter over the cutting panel ,I place the cutter under the panel what I cutting.
Many people place the cutter over the cutting panel ,I place the cutter under the panel what I cutting.
if you buy a milling machine, buy the one that has the ability to change the spindle angle.That very useful.
... that give you possibility to make different profiles using the some cutting knife...
But that for another story...
on the shaper usually the fence have a gap between them...
if the material bump the guides that can create a trouble to your fingers ...or destry the material
I like very much wooden fences
Why? If you cut solid material like corian .The material can grind groove in your fence easily ..
If that happens to my wooden fence I just plane them on the jointer and the fence is like a new again
Therefore I like a wooden fence...
For cutting raised panels safer I've made additional fence..
This is 20 mm maple with the cut out on the back for spindle.
That is necessary if you want to cut greater panels
After make a cut out on the back I must glue and screw some 3/4 plywood on the front.That make the stuff stronger..
There are delimiters at the ends.
There are delimiters at the ends.
No matter the shape(profile) .All my raised panel cutters are the some diameter.
the delimiter hook up under the main fence
That prevent any move...
Because of the delimiters I use spring clamps.
That is one of my samples...
the panel is always guided on a straight surface ..
That some scrap ... but I can use this for show you the process ...
Probably I make two runs
I make set up without feeder but to make the job I use the feeder ... always.
Remember the feeder must push the material to the fence.
Therefore the feeder must be not parallel but at a slant placed to the fence !
If you change the direction of the run... check up the rotary direction always.
I do not need glasses to this operation...
dust collection on....
Sorry , I forgotten switch on my camera... for the first run.
... but nothing changed .Every run go the some way...
Smooth,Safe. Easy...
that is visible the spline but this is scrap so not matter...
Without this stuff making raised panels are dangerous.
There is a trick for cut raised panels for narrow drawers....
I make a bigger panel..
In the same cabinet the raised panel for drawer and door should have the same width!
When I use solid color is not matter the grain orientation.
... So I make the panel longer that should be enough for the drawer and door panel.
Then I make the cut and re cut the panel for right width...
that way you have the sides with the raised profile and you just must cut the top and bottom.Buy that the long edge and it go easy and safe.
this way you can make it for any wood grain orientation.
.... I make the cut and re cut the panel for right width...
I hope I helped you make this operation safer....
I invite you to watch next episodes.
Let the power be with you...
Top 5 marketing strategies for a lawn care business - Duration: 11:17.hey guys so I always get the question from listeners of my podcast on you know
how do I get clients for my lawn care business so I made this video and I'm
gonna share my top five marketing strategies for a lawn care business now
these are the exact same strategies that I've used in my own business over
the course of the past 12 years and it's what kept me self-employed
during that time so my number one tip or marketing strategy is to make a website
or get a website for your lawn care business now people say you know I just
have facebook page and stuff like that and it's good enough I strongly disagree
with that the problem with relying on someone else's platform like Facebook
for example is that they can change the rules to the game at any time you know
there was a time a few years back where everything in facebook was in
chronological order so every page that you liked and people that you were
friends with when they posted stuff it would automatically show up on your feed
and now Facebook has changed and added algorithms and now you know content that
you see isn't necessarily what everybody posts and it's basically if it conforms
with the algorithm and it's what Facebook wants to show you then that's
what you are going to get so if you're trying to maybe do some advertisements
and things like that unless you're you know a paid Facebook advertiser your
stuff may not show up so to rely on Facebook or some other third party is
not advisable in my eyes having your own website where you're on equal ground
with everyone else you can of course have facebook and other social media and
we'll talk about that in a bit but to have you know all that redirect to your
website where you are in control of all of it
so number two is nice looking trailer graphics so having your trailer
really professional-looking having really nice graphics that are
eye-catching that can be seen from a far distance but
not overly done to the point that they become cluttered you'll see that a lot
where people overdo graphics put too much and they can be like right beside
you in traffic and you can't even read what's going on so keeping you know
remembering to not keep it cluttered but just you know your company name your
website address your phone number maybe some services but keeping it fairly less
is more type idea and just making contrasting
colors you know if you're gonna have a black
trailer like I do having that sort of lime green and white text and logo is
just pops so finding colors that work well
together that are really eye-catching can really make your vehicle and
trailers standout number three is to use Google Places so this is a listing on
Google's website where you go in and you verify your business as a real business
and basically what happens is you enter your company information you put in your
address now you don't have to show your address in the listing but you have to
put a real physical address for verification and what happens is after a
few weeks Google will send you a postcard in the mail to that physical
address to verify that yes this is a real business because you are receiving
mail at that address for that business once you get that postcard there's a
verification code on it you log back into Google you enter that code and that
verifies that yes you are a real business and what will happen now is
when people search for lawn care you know landscaping that sort of stuff
whatever you are putting as the parameters in your business will show up
so you'll notice when you're doing searches for things like that services
and stuff you'll see the little section that sort of comes up before the regular
website listings and it got them Google Places map with the
little pointers on it and it sort of chronological with like one pointer
saying a another one B another one C and then those line up with the listings
that they have there so that's what that does and basically the closer you are to
the person who's searching at that moment the higher up in the listings
that you will be discovered in so that's my third marketing strategy for your
lawn care business so number four would be nice looking postcards or flyers so I
have used these throughout the years in my own lawn care business at the
beginning of seasons if I'm looking to build new clients in certain areas that
I want to heavily invest my time in or concentrate my time in then I will grab
a whole load of those postcards I get mine from Vistaprint nice full colored
glossy postcards and I will just go door-to-door just before the season
starts so we're talking you know January February
I'll start hitting those you know addresses those neighborhoods with
postcards door-to-door and just start blanketing areas another strategy that
I've used in the past with those same postcards is I've approached flyer
carriers or you know paper boys as they call them in certain neighborhoods and
asked if they would add my you know postcards to the houses that they were
going to you know at the same time and I would just pay them extra for that and
they would blanket those areas for me while they're delivering those
newspapers so that's just a little side tip there that you can use with those
fires another thing that I do is during the season when I'm mowing a lawn in a
specific neighborhood if it's the only lawn that I'm doing or maybe I've got a
couple and I want some more I will once I've done that mowing go to those houses
on that street that I'm trying to build up more clients in and just repeatedly
and regularly put fliers at their doorstep each and you know a few times
during this season just to keep them you know reminded that I'm available
need anything so number five the fifth strategy to use is referrals referrals
are probably the best form of marketing for your business because it's your
existing clients ones that you've served already that are happy with your service
that actually go out and tell their friends about how great you are so these
can be really easy sales because everybody's looking for you know
somebody who knows someone you know people don't want to be bothered with
having to search through the listing of companies that they don't know that they
don't know how their experience is going to end up being like and they will ask
their friends you know do you know a lawn care company do you know a plumber
do you know an electrician you know how was your service how was your experience
would you recommend them so when you have a existing client already or
somebody that you've done work for in the past and they're willing to you know
tell their friends about you like I say it makes it a really easy sale because
that client is then now calling you for an estimate and they've already been
sold on how good the quality of work that you provide is and how reliable you
are and all that stuff so it makes it a lot easier even if you come in priced a
bit higher maybe even some other quotes that they may if they have even called
anybody else they're more likely to go with you because they will trust their
friends recommendation and having that past experience with you so those are my
top five marketing strategies for a lawn care business on the note of the
referral one it's great to get into the habit of asking your clients for
referrals you know if they're happy with the job you know at the end of the job
when you're talking to them you know just to let them know that you know if
they're happy with it that you would appreciate if they would tell their
friends about it or ask them if they know anybody that
we'll need lawn care services in the future I'll leave them with a postcard
or business cards and have them give those out to their friends on my behalf
so those like I said are my top five lawn care business marketing strategies
I'm gonna throw in a sixth one just as the bonus round here and that is one
that I haven't quite used myself to be completely honest and that's because it
just wasn't really around when I started my business 12 years ago it was very
much in its infancy so I sort of went with those first five sort of the tried
and trusted types of methods and this fifth or though our sorry sixth one is
social media so of course at the top of the show we talked about you know
Facebook pages and I said we would get back into that so this is what I'm
referring to now is to of course even if you have your own website to still of
course have a Facebook page for your business have an Instagram account for
your business even a YouTube account for your business and showcase videos and
photos and that and maybe display those usernames on your trailer I've seen that
become quite popular where they'll be like an Instagram logo and the act you
know name on the side of the trailer or something so people can go to Instagram
and see your past work you know easily so social media is the sixth and bonus
and probably you know going forward into the future another one that will be huge
of course it you know hasn't already been huge already starting but like I
say to be completely honest I haven't used that one myself I haven't had found
the need to yet but of course it would be a major you know part of your
marketing strategy going forward so that's it for this video guys why don't
you leave a comment below on marketing strategies that you use in your lawn
care business and don't forget to hit the like button if you haven't
subscribed consider doing so and that's it for this video here's to wishing you
guys overwhelming success and freedom in your
lawn care business bye for now
Etika VS Blair's Mega Death Sauce (epic anime fight) - Duration: 18:29.-------------------------------------------
MY FIRST VLOGMAS | Vlogmas Day 1 - Duration: 6:55.Hello everybody and welcome back to my channel.
If you're new around here,
Then hey, I'm Alicia
I like to make videos about my life
If you like that sort of thing
Then don't forget to hit the subscribe button down below
to make sure you can check out some of my other videos.
So, today is December 1st
and that's exciting 'cause of
a reason you can probably tell from the title of this video
Um– so I'd like to officially welcome you to Vlogmas Day 1!
ArtU's Photography Graduate...-------------------------------------------
day 16. seven sisters country park - Duration: 3:27.It was a sunny day and we decided to take a bus to Seven Sisters Park, the travel took
around an hour.
On the way, we passed through beautiful landscapes, small and charming towns.
The Seven Sisters Country Park, located between the towns of Seaford and Eastbourne, is known
for its steeped chalk hills and its wide lawns, great for hiking.
We've found many families enjoying Sunday sunny.
We are in the Seven Sisters Park
And we just did a trail
And now you will start to climb up to see the view from above
And the way is not so easy, it is quite inclined
Then we went on top of the hill, we had beautiful sea views in a gorgeous landscape.
When we went back to Brighton, we've found a very lively atmosphere because of the festival.
Live music, outdoor theater plays and people walking on the city streets.
In the early evening, we took a train back to London.
[مترجم] فوز بانقتان بجائزة Top10 في حفل الميلون (شغلز الترجمة cc) - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
Tales of Berseria #26 1080p 60fps - Duration: 1:40:46.Scout ship departing
Between the cold the famine and the demon blight there were times i thought the world was done for
But over the past three
Years i've stopped worrying i know, we're overly reliant on arthur and the exorcists but, this village has
Changed the exorcists taught us that there are things that demons hate, we can't defeat them, but, we can, keep them
Away it's peaceful now the exorcists stop, by on patrol every now and then
We haven't had a case of demon blight since what happened to your sister, was horrible but
You, and ma fille said should try to move on make the most of your lives i hope he, wakes up?
Soon i'm sure he will
Velvet it's been forever great to see you you haven't changed a whit what do you mean by that
Have you seen nico yet i have she's is full of life as she always
Was right come to think of it nothing's really changed much has it i suppose not
By, the way how were theand rus doing those pups haven't changed the wit either they, saw
A guy, with a, big sword walking with a, dollar i'd fellow
In black they freaked out and hightailed it that would be roker owen
Dyson those dogs are as cowardly as always so what part of velvet hasn't changed a
Whit hmm, she doesn't have any makeup on aha
The coming of the maliki are a gift from the imperius a reward for our repentance and our renewed prayers
The maliki, mara blades against the demons and the exorcists the hands that wield them
humanity's hope you never change
Want me to take you home this time no
Don't treat, me like i'm senile, oh uh, uh
okay, oh
it's you velvet
Be careful when fighting prickle bourse if they charge you punch him in the nose right no
sand in the eyes
Got it you finally started listening to me
you really grown, yeah
16 but aren't you 19 leave her be
It's been a long time hasn't it velvet i wanted to apologize to you for ages now
Apologize, what for that business with arthur back then i said he seemed like a fraud i know you took it pretty hard
But if he wasn't there three years ago our village would have been destroyed
I'm sorry i doubted him i didn't trust him then either i only realized how. Amazing of a
Person he was when he saved all of our lives?
Ashamed of myself all this time we've been feeling terrible
thinking, we may have driven you to leave the village
forgive, us that's not i
Didn't where have you been these past three years
It must have been tough living on your, own without any family to help you
Sorry, you don't have to talk, about it if it hurts
But if you, ever feel like talking we're here for you i know, we can't make up for all the pain
We put you through but if there's anything, we can, do?
Just, ask and if you'd like, you're always welcome to come back the whole village would welcome you with open arms
Hey, could i get some eggs, milk spinach and tomatoes, and i'd love to know
What cheese you'd recommend - you got it an in celebration of your homecoming i won't even charge with
you cooking up a feast like that i'm sure lafayette will, wake up straightaway thanks i really appreciate it you're getting spinach i
Can't really handle it myself you'll never grow
Up strong if you, don't eat your spinach young lady, i've done just fine without it so far thank you
No, if you, insist i'll leave it out
Just this once wow velvet you must be special not many folks get to be friends with an exorcist she's not my friend
The, way you two bicker i find that hard to believe
Oh, yeah, do you have, any prickled war oh i'm sorry, to say that i'm out at the moment. And that's fine i'll
Handsome up myself in the tranquil woods just like old times
Actually there haven't been, any prickle bores there lately you should try the morgana woods instead okay i'll, do that thanks for the tip
You, don't like spinach right eleanor, well you know i just
All right it's true but keep that between us. Ok velvet really seemed to be enjoying herself at the shop
And she can really pick out a nice balance of foods
While making every gold count she seems so cheerful
And carefree that's the real velvet i'm sure of it yes an
Ordinary dutiful loving sister i wish she could have stayed that way
She could, have lived a happy life
Surrounded, by her friends
Just plain velvet crow
Sister to lord artorius, uh and maybe not lord artorius but
Just plain arthur a happy ordinary life for an ordinary girl with. A kind family and supportive friends, oh?
Ready to the morgana woods to hunt, some prickle boars, yeah sure
It's guardian, was was angry on?
Um yeah, sorta
We're looking for prickle, bors keep your eyes on the thickets
This, fight is over?
Not even worth, my time
This, is hunting, we keep this up and who knows how
Many, will bring home
Not even worth, my time
They, were nothing
Okay, this should be enough
Huh, what's wrong?
Nothing i just feel a little, sorry for them is all i hear you these prickle boars might have a hope in family
People can, be so heartless
Yeah, i had forgotten this feeling, well what can
You, do at the end of the day, we have to eat just as much as they, do
Yes, what can, you do in this situation
Fluffy's waiting for us, we should run on home now la fille
Shopping hunting laughing with friends
That was how, her life used to be wasn't it yes it reminds me of my, own past huh
But wasn't your village
i'm sorry
it's not your fault the happy times i shared with, my family i
Still treasure those memories and even after the attack i've still been able to find happiness
Eating a good, meal
making, new friends and
yes falling in love
You, made me say pan foo there's nothing to be ashamed of most deadly girl's happiest memories are of her first love
after all
Don't you think there, was someone special out there velvet had feelings for a
First love
Do you really think so that's enough of that talk bien phu you sound like an old man
but still i would like to meet the guy velvet first fell for i wouldn't i
See you're a guy
Bird the news, about. Your brother i'm happy for you, so what's your plan now
You, guys are snooping around the village
Yeah, we wanted to check out that shrine too but, we got stopped?
Apparently the abbeys designated it off-limits if there's a theory in around it's probably there i'm going to draw it out
This is a trap things may turn violent
Either way this place is about to get a lot, less tranquil the
Same as everywhere, else i've been
You can, quit here if you, like, but i'm going to keep on fighting the abbey
and if i try to stop you you'll insist i presume
velvet no
I'll give you one day once you've made up your mind come meet me at the cape
I'm with him now tomorrow shakes out depends on what you decide velvet
your aunt
As you can, see i'm a demon
Three years, ago i was the one who attacked. This village i don't, want to hear it
demon or no demon you're, still you
okay, so you're, scary i'll get used to it i
Promise i'll keep it a secret
Let's just live here in the village like, we used to okay?
You, have me and everyone else
That was rather good velvet? Yeah lafayette gets a gold star for being such a. Good taste tester to
Tomorrow i'll fix you up a nice do
Hey, is this
It's the original copy of the book on you know, me not and all the pages are here valve a fee
Can i borrow your compass real, quick i'll give it right back
please, uh
all right
He really wanted a compass more than anything else
Just like you he loved to stare out at the sea wondering, what's on the other side
He wanted to go adventuring someday, oh?
I didn't know that i bet once he wakes up you two will be really good friends
So this is what your life used to be like before everything happened. Huh, huh, what's gotten into you
Hmm, maybe i made the pudding a little too sweet
Velvet how, do you know, what it tastes like, ah
I think i'll get myself, some shut-eye
But what are you going to do about tomorrow
Ma gullu, are there arts that let the caster manipulate dreams
dreams, why
There is yes an art that requires a certain, type of mullick
It envelops you in a fog and reads your regrets then traps you in a happy dream
An art that reads your regrets and shows you happiness
I'm going to the cape now, what on earth's gotten into you though
Belvin don't go stay here stay with me
This, is filles compass
I'm sorry, mafia
No, don't wait benefit, wait, don't don't leave me here
Fog is this what la, gala, was talking, about we're going to the cape, shrine it's time to drag out the variance
belvin there you are
Though, that you have to stop your friends they, keep saying they're, going to the cape
And they just won't listen the abbeys forbidden anyone from going inside
you'll all be punished if anyone breaks the rules i
Hate to say it nico but i think i'm a terrible person
I'd really thought i could have, my old life back
Again and i could forget everything else i tried to act like i was doing it for la. Fée but it was all for myself
but i can't forget i shouldn't forget
luffy, is dead he, was murdered without even knowing, why i
Will never forgive that never
So get out of my, way if you, don't i'll devour you, again
of it why
There, we go the truth at last
This, way the shrines through, these woods hey mind telling
Me what the hell's going on it's a trap trap trap trap our enemies spun an illusion based on velvets dreams
That's a nasty little art but velvet saw. Through it all she did
But even if it's all a dream such brutality on her part
Velvets always been our brutal poodle but to shake off the dream by herself
Now that's something the boundary between dreams and reality is demarcated solely, by one's own heart?
What i'm saying she's wow he's now he cool, beans come on we got a. Hurry
It was all a dream hell, even if it wasn't i won't turn back
I had no problems here
I'll cut, down anyone in my, way
Scout ships
Sorry, pups, you're coming with, me
It's okay, i killed their, owner i deserve all their hate and then some
But not now
once i get my revenge you can, tear me apart if you like i
Promise until then i'll need your help
Guess the art finally evaporated
the, book it disappeared, what book i
Found a copy of the ancient. Book with, every page still intact it was in velvets house
Artorius is book
The real, one might still be there, we should go back to build its house to search for it
That was one hell of an illusion i have to admire the skill that
Went into its construction the caster probably has a tethered moloch with. A unique power on the same level as my reapers curse
And i can think of one person, who, would lay, such a wicked trap still, we may have a, new
Clue to the nature of innominate you've found an omen arts
Book, right lafayette yeah in velvets house then, let's hurry to velvets house
Filled up to the ball
- that was tougher than i would have liked
This, fight is over?
There's nobody here this is reality
It's empty no surprise there
Artorius is too thorough to overlook something like
That if only i'd showed it to you as soon as i found it don't beat yourself up over it
We wouldn't have been able to read it without grimoire anyhow. It was just a dream
all of it
This, was your room wasn't it you can knit i was trying to learn nico said she teach me how as a thank-you for giving
Her my, quiche recipe
We wanted to finish a set of scarves for the winter velvet forget about it i don't need to knit anymore
Check out all these complicated looking, books a
hand-drawn map nice
It's incomplete but seems quite detailed it's
Beautiful, my, brother drew it every day, even when his fever got too strong for him to read a
Book, he'd stare at that map for hours laughy, said he he wanted to travel the world
Yes it was his dream i never understood what made him?
Want to do something so dangerous but i'm living his dream now
It's ironic isn't it
Those are the graves of my sister and her son he died before he was even born
They're in rough shape, we should lay, some flowers don't bother there's no point a
keen insight
Eating, one would be cruel enough but plucking an innocent flower just to offer it as decoration for some memorial
That's not even a sacrifice just a cruelty devoid of all purpose
milk york
as obtuse as ever i
Take it you're the one behind the dream fog i must say you did
Well to break through such resolve if you weren't a fairy, and i'd be tempted to take you under my wing
did you come here to flatter me
Indeed although i was already in the neighborhood to retrieve this, book i'll be taking that
This, book, was compiled, by, my, dear friend who's
Also, artorias mentor and predecessor as head of the exorcists it contains the hopes and dreams left
By a noble soul, who gave his life
For the world that grieved him it is not full of tainted demon to touch like, we need your permission
Look, who obeyed me for once is that?
You, dennis be patient you'll know. Everything before long
What, we seek is the realization of a perfect order as tranquil and beautiful as a wild flower in bloom a
perfect order
Let's go, there's nothing left for us here
Oh, look it's the book of you know, me not what's it doing there?
wait that's one of arthur's
Actually it's a copy, that luffy sent made
Rafi made a copy of the book
He transcribed it all, by hand and then, he sold it just to buy me back home
There was something here for us after all
If that's the complete manuscript, we might be able to unravel. Ii know, me not secrets we'll have to show it to grimoire
Pulling one over on the old man are you never a dull moment with lady calamity around
Alright time to drop off the pups and get grimoire to translate this, book we're. Going back to titania
Stop fooling around fooling around
Scoutship settings sick
At horned monster he, was with melchior there was something different, about him, he, wasn't a mohawk though right
I'm pretty sure he's a demon
But, why, would the abbey be working with a demon he could be etherion maybe i mean there, was medicine coma
Wanna know i don't think so the abbey keeps their therians behind barriers and bound to earth pulse points
Ethereum can't send malevolence to anomie not all walking freely, that's correct and besides orthrus
Was already here in any case now, we know melchior has a mean-looking bodyguard in addition to his illusions that'll take
Quite a lot to stop him ah
That's a fact?
did you think you could escape me
Eleanore there's something i have to, ask, what is it did you leak our plans to the abbey?
Helen or hasn't done anything like that then how
do you, explain melchior and his illusions already waiting for us when we got to a ball i
Promised you that i would work together with. You until i found the truth for myself
I'm not up to any, tricks it's far too late for that now
Exactly what a guilty, party, would say if anyone's suspicious here i'd say it's you maggie lou, no tricks i don't even know
What a trick is?
enough if eleanor was leaking information
Then titania, would surely be under attack. By, now, right i'm sure the abbey would love to have those therians, back, but the enemy
Was in that village waiting in ambush
The abbey isn't foolish
They figured out, by now that we're rounding up the therians
they'll, have left traps for us with, each remaining, one
It's the obvious, move all right if that's how. You see it i'll stand down
So you trust me then, no i'm saying that anything the abbey tries i'll be ready for it oh?
Such a brave determined soul
eleanor does the abbi possess an art that can control demons not that i've ever heard of
Besides if they could control, demons there'd be no need to resurrect. You know not what there
Can't argue with that
But melchior was obviously in control of that demon how, did he manage that you can't tether
Them like a moloch and now, kira, wasn't using oaths or mana to compel him no
This, was something more like mind control mind control let's say you know
Your targets innermost desires you simply, conjure the right illusion show. Them what would push their buttons in just the right way ah
If you can create an illusion of something someone really wants you can, control them
Exactly you can force a powerful burden upon your target. Psyche until their spirit breaks that is
What happens when they break
Depends on the target they might become an empty shell they might go wild with desire a meet eenie spiny crow
You, sure know a lot about this now that you put it that way, why, would i know so much about it
But if someone is controlling, me making, me say, these very words how
Horrifying, i believe i'll take your words with a grain of salt
You're, not hurt are you no
come on really
listen eleanor really
Isn't spying on us i was with her almost every minute and what i wasn't velvet was watching her?
And she's a woman, who keeps her promises she wouldn't lie to
Law he said?
We understand law. He said it's a lenore if she were lying to herself to somehow
keep spying on us the guilt, would fill her with malevolence i
You're, right the fact that i haven't turned into a dragon proves that thank you
Both of you i didn't think you were giving them information
Intentionally but there are illusionists like, milk you're out there that, means, we can't rule out someone recording
Your thoughts in secret i don't think, we need to worry, about that either not with. You and lafayette always mirror
Now that that's settled it's time for you all to testify to my innocence that could be difficult what
Well okay, why, don't you start off by telling us all about the time you sold us out to theresa back in hell of these
Damn you're a very vindictive man do you know. That you're just figuring that out so
Well there's your proof at least you wouldn't, make much of a spy
My, sister's making pickle board meatballs for dinner tonight hey, what did i tell you about bothering travelers
Sorry, about that he's totally obsessed with food, that's all right
Prickle, boar meatballs huh
sounds delicious
They're, really, super tasty, but this says that they used to taste even better, why
Is that we used to get deliveries of fresh delicious prickle?
Boar meat from the nearby village of a ball but in the advent. Three years ago
Demons attacked the village and now it's gone it's such a tragedy if they only could have held out for just one more day
I'm sure lord artorias would have, saved them
Our town decided to make a new, holiday marking the day, that lord artorius, became the shepherd
Three years, ago, when the moloch eema peered on the advent
Taliesin, was the first town, that lord our torre is saved, we hold great pride at being the city
Where humanity first struck back, against the demons that explains, why, you'd celebrate his ascension
But wasn't a ball closer to his heart you may be right, about that not being able to save a ball was a terrible
Agony, for lord artorius, even, though, he killed the demons that destroyed the village
He couldn't bring back the lives that had been lost if lord artorias had gone to a ball first
Our city might have been destroyed instead, we won't forget the tragedy that befell a ball
That's the other purpose of this holiday?
remembrance that's right
Lives lost can, never be brought back
Wow the weather's just, swell, is something i've said, every day, for three months now
Huh, but, wasn't there just a heavy fog nope never seen
A wisp of fog in this village it's been, sunny so long i think i might dry, up that, means that fog
Was just another of milky ors illusions seems that, way?
Excuse me my partner and i here would like to put on a comedy show, if it's possible ah
Not often you run into someone with a real fire in their eyes
All right show, me what you got with pleasure helen, or i'm impressed i didn't know
you Had this sort of initiative you just have to do what you have to do all right besides if we pull this off
it could be your chance to get closer to module ooh did you say modulo i
Haven't seen her recently but she seems to be making a, name for herself in logrus
Yeah, her dances are really beautiful do you know her i do
Her and her teacher volta, now i'm not saying modulo isn't great but
Volta was utterly sublime i worry?
About him pushing modulo so much to be honest he's never been one to accept compromise in his art
Huh, i didn't know that, we don't have time to stop, and feel bad for our rivals did you
Memorize the script of course i did and i won't tolerate any slip-ups from you either
Hearing, that just makes me more motivated, well let's get going we've got a show, to put on
Whoa, back it up
Again, if we're supposed to be regulars here then, why, does everyone look, like they've never heard of bien phu
And what's with this magic, azam stuff, is that some kind of spell
Gosh it's really been getting cold here lately are you just going to ignore my questions
Aren't you too cold to worry, about things like, that does this feel summery to you i can be cold
And ask you questions at the same time
Actually it's rather cold
See i said it was cold in fact i've been so cold lately i even set fire to my, clothes isn't that going too far
In fact that wasn't enough so i set the house on fire to your house, why, would you do that
Oh, don't worry it doesn't bother me at all and who said it was my house so when i said on fire was yours?
That's a crime you know
That's not in the script barson is a serious crime
Well yes but in the script the punchline, was supposed to be but when i saw, how
Much it would cost to replace them i got the chills yeah but i got into the moment and thought i could
Have lived something better you're advocating something morally abhorrent
Change it back the big deal you're getting worked up over a. Joke crime is not a
Joke, even speaking as a normal citizen i can't condone speech
That promotes such a, horrific ly antisocial act oh, no you've got me all, mad i give up for good
it's bad
My deepest apologies for putting on an act about something so terrible today sir, well the whole thing
Was meant to be about morals anyway so?
How, did we do?
Can i just, ask, you one question are you for real yes i am i should have known
Is one of them off limit class for islands that folks call
serpent isle place has been overrun with snakes since forever i
hate that things
Sounds like hell to me but i've heard there's a woman, who actually lives there whatever for why, would anyone
Want to live in a place like that i know
it's mighty strange
Place supposedly is crawling with demons too the last time i was in the area i checked it out kept my distance of course
he, was my spyglass and
Was she there hi
she was
Except she looked like a snake herself i mean she was human up top, but her face was a?
Weird color and a lower half, was all?
slithering and wiggly, yeah
Creeped, me out a snake, woman. Huh, even worse look, like you couldn't swing a cat without hitting a snake
Just the thought of it keeps me awake at night you should have
A, stiff drink, and get some sleep before you, pass out on deck i'll tell benwick to give you an extra ration wow
Thanks a lot first mate i appreciate it
Yeah, i oughta, pester him for some of that aged reserve he keeps hitting, away
Scoutship, setting sick
Welcome back yeah we're bringing these, two back to titania
Dogs look lizards, no problem walking hunks of armor i can, deal with but dogs, my ship you're not a dog
person i was
Bit by one when i was a kid then you've got nothing to worry about
If they're, biting anyone on this ship
It'll be me are you okay velvet. Oh sure you're just dogs no i mean in general
Fine they can come, aboard i'll take us back to titania
We have to take good care of orthey and russ that's on you they, won't let me near ah
Yeah, well what do you expect?
You, only, killed their master don't worry i'll take responsibility you mustn't they're
Quite vicious you know i just asked him that they, wanted to be friends
I'm sure you said something to irritate them like i'll make you my minions you had it coming
she knows
But you have therians to find love he said, you will be able to look after them all the time i suppose
What should i do?
You could, ask, kama, wada and medusa kama
Wanna said she once had a dog even if they get a little rowdy, but this will be around to keep them safe
That's a good idea?
I'll go, ask them
Thanks, we can't be killing off their ants?
They remind, me of nikko
velvet you
Want a pet dog, wealthy you should go to the abbey then, why, the abbey
Because the place is full of the shepherds lap dogs
Yeah, i get it
I devoured them again, no don't
So you said your little brother made this copy he could read the ancient, tongue that's amazing
Lafi, was different from most other kids she read, books a lot, because his, body, was so weak?
He study all the time so that he could be ready to travel the world one day
Which, was kind of funny considering hugh to hide in my bed whenever he had a nightmare
But i don't care, that he got scared i just wanted him to live
and that's why i
film it
I'll devour as much as it takes he will have fan chance
Done the art is attuned to you
Thank, you this time i'll make sure to finish, what i set out to do?
I've got to say i didn't think you had it in you oscar
I don't believe i asked for your opinion, lord artorias
Go, back outside
Theresa will see me when we're done
Are the rumors, true are you, using that experimental art on oscar?
It is true
Was under the impression it was still incomplete sir
Yep still a potentially fatal weakness for its channel
We've taken the theory as far as it will go the next step is to learn its control and actual practice
Don't tell me you intend to test it against that barian
Please let me do it i should be the one not him you are not strong enough
Then at least let, me back him up so you can, take the enemy out before oscar uses the art a
Noble plan but i'm afraid it did mess everything up
So it was my idea to volunteer sister
I failed at titania and allow the farion to be stolen from palamidi i need to atone for my mistakes
then let me come with you i
Have different orders for you to
resell than ours
You are hereby relieved of your duties as an exorcist and are to return your mark
Relieved of duty, why
For our plans to be realized, we require an especially strong mark
We've analyzed your marks dormant abilities and ease of considerable power on the same level as the young moloch
Who betrayed us or the enemy
simply put
You just don't got what it takes to handle it
how could you
When this is all over i'd love to have some of your homemade cooking, again. A sister
I could, go for that key she used to make
How can, you talk of that right now
lord artorias i
Know what you're going to ask?
Yes oscar when you fulfill your mission i will, make teresa an exorcist, again
Are you doing this
Don't worry about, me i'd go to the ends of the earth and back for a plate of your delicious quiche
No, oscar don't go oscar?
What should i do if i don't do something he'll?
Huh, what's this?
Receptive to that art
and to you
Where am i take it easy velvet you've been out for three days
Then that's three, days wasted
What's the situation?
Well let's see?
For one thing grimoire has been deciphering that ancient. Book
She says that this new, copy is complete all the pages, we were missing are there
As for the dogs come alana's taking a real shine to them all right then no
We just need to find that last theory in it velvet no i said take it easy
hold on have you not had anything to eat um
well i just thought
Since you hadn't either are you serious, why, would you do a full, thing like, that you'll die if you don't eat
actually i
They, will die if he doesn't eat molly keen don't actually depend on food for sustenance if they do eat it's only as a quirky
All right if you're, sure if you, feel, like, going hungry it's. Your, life, but there's, no sense in doing it on my account, oh?
Good to see you're feeling, better again as you probably noticed, we made it back to titania already
sorry to keep you all waiting on me
Get everyone together, we meet now?
well that could have gone better i
Wanted to better understand the hardships velvets suffering through it seems unfair for her to bear all of it alone
well she's
how could i put it a
very straightforward kind of person but nothing gets under her skin like a clumsy display of sympathy
What should i do about her then?
For now just get something in your tummy any, good warrior knows. You eat when you have the chance
Even maliki, and have more strength on a full stomach than an empty one don't they
It's true food will fill an empty stomach but, what is there to fill an empty heart i wonder
time for some grub lafayette, what are you hungry for
Hmm i'll have some stuff - giant squid or prison crab dumplings horsies nipple it's
Your first meal in three days right
Better stick with something mild or you'll be sorry, how
About a risotto or a vegetable rice soup that could be nice i could
Go, for some borscht or shark fin and egg. Soup, for dessert i'll have a sweet bean and jelly fruit cup
A giant parfait and a triple berry cake
Zipit maggie lou, oh, well i'm getting full just thinking, about it i think i'd like
Some rice porridge with. A pickled plum, and baby sardines on top ooh?
An austere choice and an apple in that case you should, have, some apple, boo
Apple, boo what on earth, is that?
It's just grated apples but, when my, brother, wasn't feeling, well i often fed it to him i think i'd like
to, try, some if you insist he'll, make, some for you at least it's something i can, make without needing to taste it okay i
Insist okay if you're already, making, some i'd like sip it maggie lou
Haven't seen many a bee patrol ships around here of late i noticed that too
Do you, think something happened the blood wings said the abbeys been quiet everywhere
Apparently, some bad demons and a. Cursed pirate crew
Have been giving, them trouble
And they can't spare the men to patrol the other seas that's i fried's pirates for you
Always gathering information and keeping on their guard a. Cursed, pirate crew
Isn't that us if the info sound we've really made a name for ourselves
Abbey ships run, and hide when they see us coming reason, dictates that we avoid? Oh bliss fights, oh?
Shepherd artorias you're, my hero
Haha, if only our enemies were truly that dumb
Sadly, the world isn't that forgiving, we can't drop our guard?
Hi i've contacted, some fisherman friends of mine they'll let us know if they notice anything
Fishy, we've got the first mates curse to deal with, we can, never be too careful
Yeah, with that reapers curse hanging over us, we don't have room to relax
Well at least they're, not too bothered by it
Hey, get this i was out fishing the other day
When before i knew it i had wound up near a class-four island once i realized what
Was happening i tried to turn the ship around but then it got dark all around, me was it a sudden
Storm i wish it was this great monstrous bird
Damn thing had wings big enough to cover up the whole blasted sky that
Sounds like a bit of a stretch to me you
Think i'm lying and then check it out for yourself you just might not make it back alive a huge bird
Share, like, subscribe the channel and don´t miss the next video because i´m already cutting it :DDDDDDDDDD
Ama il tuo Sé a morte (Love Your Self to Death) - Duration: 14:54.-------------------------------------------
Kinh Phật Cho Người Tại Gia. 42 KINH ẨN DỤ VỀ BẢY HẠNG NGƯỜI DƯỚI NƯỚC - Duration: 8:00.-------------------------------------------
Dragón Ball Súper, Goku y sus amigos, Bills dios de la destrucción, misterios de Osiris y medusa. - Duration: 15:00.-------------------------------------------
Glowing disco ball with your hands on New Year's Eve - Duration: 3:12.Hello.
Very soon there will be a New Year holiday.
And this time of gifts and fruits.
What do you say to that orange?
Hey man is more careful.
Yes, the new year is the best holiday!
In this video today I want to show how to make a very cool glowing ball for the holiday.
So, let's begin!
You need plastic cups, a stapler and a Christmas tree garland.
The size of the ball will depend on the number of plastic cups.
We will use 100 cups.
First, using a stapler, we make two hemispheres.
In each of 50 cups.
The first row consists of 20 glasses.
And 30 more glasses to complete the hemisphere.
And now it's time to place the garland in the hemispheres.
In each glass you need to insert a garland of a garland.
For this, holes must be made at the bottom.
Be careful and observe safety precautions.
Just in case, I'll do it with gloves.
We work only under the supervision of adults.
Or ask adults to make such holes.
Once everything is ready, you need to connect the two hemispheres with a stapler.
And the last step. Turn on the garland and start the holiday.
It turned out a very bright and beautiful disco ball.
That's all for today. All for now and see you in the new video!
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