Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 20 2017

Conservative Actor Rob Lowe's House SWARMED After He Publicly Exposed HUGE Dem Leader!

Rob Lowe is one of the rare few actors left in Hollywood who has not been accused of sexual

misconduct of any kind and is also not afraid to speak his mind when it comes to conservative


This comes as a huge surprise to liberals in Tinsel Town who thought they had him on

his side, when he flipped the switch and supported President Donald Trump.

Since his party changed, he not only found the truth, he's coming out and exposing


In doing so, he's finding out he has more enemies in Hollywood than friends and he's

okay with that.

This hasn't stopped him from becoming one of the the "most influential" Hollywood

conservatives, which is what the celebrity swamp needs now more than ever.

However, not long after publicly blasting the Democrat party's biggest and most scandalous

leader, his has was swarmed.

Now the real secret is out.

Lowe was recently named one of "Newsmax's 50 "Most Influential" Hollywood Conservatives"

and has always shown a great deal of support for our heroes.

"A one-time supporter of the Democratic Party, the former 'West Wing' actor's

Twitter feed appears to lean more to the right as of late, calling out President Barack Obama

over Benghazi, voicing support for our heroes, and accusing CNN anchors of 'holding water

for Obama.'

He also supported Arnold Schwarzenegger's campaign in 2003," Newsmax reported.

The secret that he's a truly genuine person – a rarity in Hollywood – is out now after

the night of Sunday, December 17, 2017, that he and his family will never forget.

In the early hours of that evening, their Santa Barbara home was swarmed by multiple

rescue crews.

They weren't there to fight fires that had long had been put out.

So why were the people that he has always supported suddenly at his home?

According to E! Online:

Rob Lowe's Christmas season is filled with a whole new level of gratitude.

As the Thomas Fire continues to burn thousands of acres near Santa Barbara, Calif., one famous

resident is showing his appreciation for the brave firefighters who continue working on

the blaze.

In a new Instagram post, Rob revealed to his followers that he invited several firefighters

over to his house for a meal and quality time away from the elements.

"Thank you to all the crews from all over the country who stood tall and saved my town.

#respect #gratitude," he shared on Instagram with his son Matthew Lowe.

"Dinner for new friends at our house."

Southern California firefighters were served pasta, cheeseburgers, salad and more before

heading outdoors again to battle the blaze that has torched more than 270,000 acres.

The natural disaster also caused thousands of residents to evacuate including Ellen DeGeneres,

Oprah Winfrey and Katy Perry's family.

As for Rob and his crew, they found their home in danger Saturday when flames arrived

near their backyard.

In an Instagram shot, Rob shared just how close the flames got to his residence."Our

house aprox 7:30 am today.

Pray for Santa Barbara," he wrote to his followers.

"Helping earlier today.

You do what you can, but when it's time.. you GO."

And last Thursday, the actor had a close call when sharing fire updates on Twitter.

"Water drop helicopters overhead, so close they are shaking our house," he explained.

"These are brave, true heroes."

As of press time, Ventura County Fire Department says the Thomas Fire has reached a 45 percent

perimeter containment.

For those hoping to help, the United Way of Ventura County has partnered with the American

Red Cross of Ventura County and the Ventura County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services

to create a fund to help fire victims.

Donate online now.

It's truly refreshing to see actors going out of their way to help, rather than just

complain and criticize the president who also does a lot for victims of natural disasters.

If the liberals in Hollywood feel that there's too much divisiveness in our country under

Trump, then why don't they get out and do something about it?

The real issue is they would rather perpetuate hate and the problems in this country than

be put out of their way to think outside themselves.

Lowe is a shining example of the good that can be done with the fortuned earned in Tinsel

Town and his public platform.

At a time when all we hear about is sexual allegations slander of our president, it's

nice to get good news of what those who are truly deserving of attention are doing for


We are all grateful to the first responders for their bravery and for the thousands of

homes and lives that they have saved.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Conservative Actor Rob Lowe's House SWARMED After He Publicly Exposed HUGE Dem Leader! - Duration: 5:18.


We Beat OPEC!!! | NFTGA Chapter 15 - Duration: 6:34.

I promise, this 300th video will involve no attempts at rapping.

But I would like to jump back to one of this channel's neglected traditions and talk

about some good news.

Today I'd like to celebrate the world's victory over OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum

Exporting Countries.

Fear is really important in US media and politics.

Public Opinion has always been obsessed with bad guys that are coming to get us.

Some of these threats are manufactured fantasy, like today's Iran obsession, and some of

them are very real, like the threat to US leadership that China will pose in a few decades


When I was a kid, the two main threats were Communist domination by the Soviet Union,

and Capitalist domination by Japan.

Seriously that's something we were worried about in the 1980s.

Japan was scary.

When these threats ended, we didn't celebrate, because US economics and politics are way

too rooted in the fear that feeds the US Military Industrial Complex.

So we never celebrated the end of the Cold War, or the end of the much less serious threat

from Japan.

And that's also why we're not celebrating the world's victory over OPEC, and the new

era of petroleum security.

But we should celebrate it.

It's a big deal.

I last covered OPEC about a year ago, when they first agreed to restrict prices to deal

with the plummeting price of oil.

And I have to apologize.

I got the main story right, but I got a detail wrong.

I argued that there was no chance that OPEC would be able to stick to their quotas.

I was wrong about that.

This has a lot to do with Venezuela and Libya's production falling due to mismanagement and

war, and Saudi Arabia's legitimate panic about the price, but that doesn't change

the fact that I was wrong.

OPEC has done a better job of limiting supply than I expected.

Well Done OPEC.

But they failed anyway.

More than a few YouTube commenters have pointed out that prices are up from where they were

before the OPEC production cut in November 2016, and way over their low point in the

beginning of 2016.

Oil Traders, and the OPEC countries themselves like to brag about this.

But consider how much lower prices are from where they were in June of 2014, or past high


OPEC has done its best job ever sticking to quotas.

They've also managed to convince important non-OPEC countries like Russia and Kazakhstan

to limit production as well.

If they'd managed that as recently as 2008 we'd be talking about 300 dollar a barrel


But this extraordinary, unprecedented effort on OPEC's part has barely moved the needle.

And that small movement has encouraged US shale producers to pick up the slack.

The US rig count now stands at 747, up from 510 a year ago.

OPEC's heroic efforts to prop up the prices have mostly just functioned to give market

share to US producers.

OPEC's power has been broken.

This had one sad result this month.

The Trump Administration knew it could recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital with no real


OPEC first came to prominence in the 1970's when it chose to punish the US for its support

of Israel.

OPEC clearly no longer has that sort of power.

This particular result may be lamentable but the end of OPEC power is a good thing.

And not just because it means a freer hand for developed countries like the United States.

Every non-Petro state suffers in a world where an organization like OPEC has power, and that

includes a lot more developing countries than it does developed ones.

In the 1980s much of Latin America experienced a lost decade due to runaway debt.

OPEC's inflated oil prices had a lot to do with that.

A world free of OPEC is a world with one less obstacle to economic development, and that

is a very, very good thing.


300 videos!

It's been quite a ride, and I'm tremendously grateful to all of you for helping me get


To mark the occasion I'm going to take another step in my continuous battle for sustainability.

I am introducing a new tier of Patreon subscriber, to honor one very generous Patron, and also

to hopefully encourage others to follow suit.

Going forward, every Patreon supported video will acknowledge the members of this new Producer

tier, as well as a rotating cast of other patrons.

Thanks so much to Marc in particular and to all of you who view these videos.

I couldn't have made it to 300 without you.

Thanks for watching, please subscribe, and I'd be grateful if you checked out my crowd-funding

thing on Patreon.

For more infomation >> We Beat OPEC!!! | NFTGA Chapter 15 - Duration: 6:34.


BREAKING: Barack Obama Just Caught In Biggest Scandal Yet – Now Multiple People Are DEAD! - Duration: 6:41.

BREAKING: Obama Just Caught In Biggest Scandal Yet – Now Multiple People Are Dead!

Over the past 24 hours, Obama's disgusting plot with Muslim terrorists was discovered

that could go down as the biggest scandal in United States history.

We learned that in order to appease Iran, that Obama derailed efforts by the FBI and

DEA to prosecute a Hezbollah's drug-trafficking and money-laundering operations, out of fears

that that prosecuting them would disrupt his treasonous nuclear deal with Iran.

Now disturbing new information is coming out about what Hezbollah did with the drug money,

that cost the lives of countless American troops in Iraq.

In a stunning exposé by Politico, it was revealed that Obama used his executive powers

like the Department Of Justice to squash efforts to go after Hezbollah's crime ring, a terror

group founded by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

But disturbingly, things get even more demented, as concrete proof Obama's straight-out treason

is coming to light.

Now it's being revealed that thanks to Obama allowing their drug enterprise to continue,

that Hezbollah was able to develop new IED technology that was then used to kill our

military troops in Iraq.

According to Politico: .

"By putting themselves between the DEA and Hezbollah, the Obama administration helped

the militant group grow into a global security threat that is suspected of designing IEDs

used to kill American troops, the report said.

"They [Obama Administration] serially ripped apart this entire effort that was very well

supported and resourced, and it was done from the top down," an analyst on the law enforcement

effort told Politico.

The Trump Administration came out immediately blasting Obama for propping up this Iranian

drug enterprise, with with press secretary Sarah Sanders discussing a contrast between

'President Trump's success against ISIS vs. President Obama's appeasement of terrorists"

with a story that she tweeted out.

Republicans told the DailyMail that when it came to fighting Islamic terrorism, that Obama

was "the worst of the worst when it came to fighting terrorism in the ways that mattered


DEA agents went on to say that Obama single-highhandedly put roadblocks in place to prevent them from

arresting key terrorists linked to Hezbollah as the Iranian nuclear deal date approached,

where Obama scrapped the key government campaign dubbed "Project Cassandra," the ongoing

mission that had been put in place back in 2008 in shutting down the Iranian terror group.

"Obama's people threw down a number of roadblocks, effectively paving the way for

Hezbollah's illegal activities including cocaine smuggling into the US which agents

believe raked in $1 billion for the terror group," according to reports.

Politico reported:

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement

Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused

military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators

believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering

and other criminal activities.

Over the next eight years, agents working out of a top-secret DEA facility in Chantilly,

Virginia, used wiretaps, undercover operations and informants to map Hezbollah's illicit

networks, with the help of 30 U.S. and foreign security agencies.

They followed cocaine shipments, some from Latin America to West Africa and on to Europe

and the Middle East, and others through Venezuela and Mexico to the United States.

They tracked the river of dirty cash as it was laundered by, among other tactics, buying

American used cars and shipping them to Africa.

And with the help of some key cooperating witnesses, the agents traced the conspiracy,

they believed, to the innermost circle of Hezbollah and its state sponsors in Iran.

It's absolutely sick that the President of the United States would work with Iranian

terrorists, the very same people who chant "death to America" in the streets.

Not only was Obama determined to put Iran on a path to nuclear weapons, but by shutting

down the investigation into Hezbollah, that drug money was then used to develop new IED

technology that was later used to KILL American troops!

There's already calls being made for not only an investigation, but for Obama's immediate

arrest that's being led by Representative Robert Pittenger in Congress.

DMLnews.com reported:

Representative Robert Pittenger (R-N.C.) made the request to House Oversight Committee Chairman

Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) after Politico reported Sunday that Obama administration officials

roadblocked the task force effort to curtail the Lebanese militant group's criminal activities.

Politico reported that the red tape against Project Cassandra allowed Hezbollah to evolve

into a major global security threat.

The task force was in operation for nearly eight years.

Once the Iran deal was signed, the task force was dismantled and agents were assigned to

new projects.

During his program, "The Truth," Dennis Michael Lynch said on Monday: "Obama should

be in jail for this.

It's like the guy who drives the car while his buddy robs the bank.

Obama let Hezbollah execute the crimes — some them here in the US — while he drove towards

his Iran deal which is a complete disaster."

But it gets even more outrageous.

Aside from turning a blide eye to Hezbollah's drug-trafficking and money-laundering operations,

what has never been discussed by the media is how Obama "committed money laundering

when they transferred this $1.7 billion to Iran,"Veteran AF reported.

"Essentially, what President Obama authorized was for funds to be wired from the Federal

Reserve Bank in New York, converted to Swiss Francs, and the money was then moved to a

Swiss National Bank.

Once this was done the Federal Reserve Bank of New York withdrew the funds from the account

and then physically transferred the money to an official from the Iranian Central Bank

who was waiting on a tarmac in Iran."

Political commentator and syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer said in light of these

startling new details, that Barack Hussein Obama needs to be immediately arrested for

his crimes against America.

"If a company did this, a CEO would be in jail right now," he stated on a recent segment

on Fox News.

The definition of treason is aiding and abetting the enemy of the Untied States.

Obama needs to be brought up on charges and tried for the crimes that he committed against

this country.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Barack Obama Just Caught In Biggest Scandal Yet – Now Multiple People Are DEAD! - Duration: 6:41.


"Confesiones" Cómic Ladybug parte 3 (Andreisart) //Español + English Sub - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> "Confesiones" Cómic Ladybug parte 3 (Andreisart) //Español + English Sub - Duration: 1:10.


Darren Till: Rafael Dos Anjos Is An Easy Fight For Me; Aljamain Sterling Not Happy With Dana White - Duration: 2:51.

Darren Till jumped on the Obviously fight talk podcast and gave his thoughts on how

he would match up against RDA.

For the Full Clip the link is in my description box below:

Till: I just don't see if I fight him where does Dos Anjos beats me.

I don't think he's strong enough to take me down.

I don't think his takedowns are good enough for my defense takedown.

I just don't see where he beats me.

On striking I'm way too powerful and intelligent for him, you know.

Any throws I'll nullify.

That to me is an easy fight.

There's guys in the top 10 that I feel are harder fights than Dos Anjos just because

I think his style just matches so well to mine, you know what I mean?

Darren Till was also on the MMA Hour and said that he was disappointed that Perry didn't

win vs Ponzinibbio.

He wasn't impressed with either fighter and claimed both have a low fight IQ.

He said he doesn't care who he fights because he's only 24 and right now isn't the time

to pick and choose opponents because he believes "that's for when you're old".

So, he'll still take the Perry fight if it's offered to him.

He was asked if he thought next year he would be the welterweight champ he said, "cmon

son, none of them midgets are going to beat me in the welterweight division, you should

be questioning whether I'll be the light heavyweight champion not the middleweight

or welterweight champion."

It appeared that Wonderboy heard what he said and tweeted: "A lot of prospects doing a

whole lot of talking.

Let's remember who the top dawgs are!

Your time will come young guns, but in the meantime let's make this fight!


RDA responded with Thank you Wonderboy for recognizing me as a top dawg!

You had your two shots…let me have mine.

I'm sure this wasn't the response that wonderboy was fishing for.

However, RDA had already expressed that he had no interest

in fighting for an interim belt vs Wonderboy or Covington.

He specifically stated that he wants to fight for the title directly.

He understood Woodley was gonna go through surgery so he said he'd gladly take some

time off after having 3 consecutive fights in the last 6 months and then happily fight

for the belt.

Aljamain Sterling was also on the show and expressed his disappointment with the UFC's

lack of updates to fans and his family after his devastating KO loss to Marlon Moraes.

He said that everyone was trying to reach him but he was still incapacitated and could

not update them on his status.

He also disliked the fact that Dana White and Sean Selby didn't reach out to him asking

if he was ok after the loss.

He understands it's a business but feels it was a lack of common courtesy to not reach

out to an employee of the company and check on his well being.

Do you guys agree with Aljemains perspective on this?

Let me know down below.

For more infomation >> Darren Till: Rafael Dos Anjos Is An Easy Fight For Me; Aljamain Sterling Not Happy With Dana White - Duration: 2:51.


সরাসরি আজকের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ২০ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 15:54.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ২০ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 15:54.


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For more infomation >> URF Trở Lại - Xem Cao Thủ Quẩy Chế Độ URF Cực Vui | Phần 1 - Duration: 10:19.


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Uomini e donne, Graziella lascia la trasmissione: il messaggio shock | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, Graziella lascia la trasmissione: il messaggio shock | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.


Opel Zafira Tourer 1.4 Turbo 140pk Edition **7-zits, Navi, AGR stoelen** - Duration: 0:59.

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Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


I MADE IT TO THAILAND! Sustainable Resort in Ko Phi Phi | Zeavola - Duration: 5:17.

Thailand has been on my list for a long time, and I finally had the opportunity to visit.

After spending my 1-year anniversary in the Maldives with Karl and a week exploring Sri

Lanka with my mom, I finally hopped on a plane and flew from Sri Lanka to Thailand for a

solo journey, starting with a speed boat ride from Phuket to the Phi Phi Islands.

Ok guys we have arrived to the island, we just got off our boat and we're taking another

little boat to the island.

I checked into Zeavola Resort which won the World's Most Sustainable Boutique Hotel

back in 2014.

Thank you.

Guys I'm so excited to be here, Thailand has literally been like a dream of mine for awhile

now so I'm super excited to be here.

I actually found this hotel, this resort Zeavola through a website called Green Pearls.

So a lot of you guys know I've been on this quest for awhile now to be a more responsible,

more eco-friendly traveler.

And this website basically has a whole list of like sustainable eco-friendly hotels so

it makes my search a lot easier.

So that's how I found this place.

So super excited to be staying at like a fully vetted sustainable hotel for the next couple

of days on the Phi Phi Islands.

I am a very bad listener.

Like when they gave me the tour of my room, they told me to keep this closed to not let

mosquitoes in and as you can see I have not been following their advice so I probably

already let about 50 mosquitoes in and as you can see I'm messy A. That's just how i


It was really pretty when I first walked in though.

I think my dad had one of these when I was a kid.

It basically zaps mosquitoes.

Alright super cute.

Look at the little sink.

I love this.

It's nice.

And of course my favorite, the outdoor shower.

You guys know I love outdoor showers.

Yessss, yes outdoor shower for the win.

Super excited about this.

Alright there you have it, that's a tour of my little beach view villa?

I guess you could call it.

Yeah beach view villa.

Maybe I'm making that up.

It's really cute though.

I'm going to hop in that outdoor shower and freshen up because I've been on planes and

in airports for like the past day and as you can see I still didn't close this so I just

really hope I don't get bit up tonight.

After showering I spent the rest of the evening relaxing.

I got a massage and toured their jungle villa suite (pool villa) which is hands down where

I'd stay next time when I bring Karl with me.

It's super private and those rainforest views are awesome.

The next day was all about exploring.

I did the Maya Adventure Tour where I was able to really get a feel of the beauty of

the nearby lagoons and uninhabited islands.

Alright so we are disembarking.

We are officially in Maya Bay.

I've seen many pictures of this place and now I'm here.

Okay so just a quick tip, if you want to come here, make sure you get here super early,

because it get more crowded the later you get here.

So we actually got here around 8:30 which was a pretty good time.

I was actually able to take a picture without people in the background.

My hair is like bananas right now.

I don't know what's going on, but we're about to go snorkeling so I'm actually going to

switch to the goPro.

Although my time here was short, it was nice to know there are places in Thailand that

make sustainability a priority.

Some of Zeavola's sustainable practices include:

Heavily investing in energy conservation, sourcing and treating water from local wells

and rainwater which they then use to water their jungle garden, compost production, nature

conservation and daily cleanups,, coral reef protection initiatives, first aid assistance

for birds, extensive recycling, and supporting the local community.

So if you ever plan to visit the Phi Phi Islands in Thailand, be sure to support this green


If you liked this video, give it a thumbs up and for more sustainable travel and lifestyle

videos, hit that subscribe button.

For more infomation >> I MADE IT TO THAILAND! Sustainable Resort in Ko Phi Phi | Zeavola - Duration: 5:17.


"Confesiones" Cómic Ladybug parte 3 (Andreisart) //Español + English Sub - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> "Confesiones" Cómic Ladybug parte 3 (Andreisart) //Español + English Sub - Duration: 1:10.


'I still love him': Father speaks out following son's murder charges - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> 'I still love him': Father speaks out following son's murder charges - Duration: 1:25.


LEGO Star Wars Boba Fett buildable figure review! 75533 - Duration: 7:10.

hello everyone this is the lego starwars buildable Boba Fett figure you know over

time I have grown increasingly board of the buildable figures line from Lego

especially since they mostly just built the same from one to the next to the

next and they don't do a particularly good job usually with the humanoid

figures that have skin shown for their faces they do a pretty decent job four

figures that have full masks on and this one here just gets everything right does

have a mask which allows it to be more believable but it also has a bunch of

prints with these very nice prints used for the legs

notice those are distinct and different so two completely different part numbers

were provided for these I appreciate that for sure these armor add-on pieces

if you will are done in just a regular light gray and then the main body chest

piece is printed up very nicely it has a lot of very matte finished

you know printing on it they do get the couple of braids of wookie hair over

there on the side but they also get in some very shiny metallic areas which is

appropriate you can just see the the light shining off of those when it hits

it right depending upon how it hits it but that's that's pretty good I'm glad

that this is not glossy looks about as good as I could ask for they also got

print over here on the side for the shoulder just on this side not on the

other and the head looks great not only does this have very good printing on it

but this is an actual physical dent there's shape there and quite

significant shape at that they could have just done that with a single paint

or maybe two paint applications to get a little bit of depth or kind of a

suggestion of depth there but they didn't they went all out they did it

right they actually have a shape there also for the two kind of vents above his

visor there a little bit of building on the side to get the pull down

extra optic device there and then on the back he has his rocket pack with the

individual booster outlets that are able to angle forward and back jet and rocket

pack he has the single rocket they can actually be fired off from there that's

a flick fire missile that has a remote firing mechanism so you can just push

from here and it will flick the it'll hit the the stem of the missile there

and let's see if I get this to work right no well there we go yeah that was

a it was a pretty good shot I'll get that back in just a minute he

also has one of his wrist rockets here that's on display I don't think I've

seen this particular piece before in just plain black doesn't mean it hasn't

been made in black before but I just don't remember seeing it it's it was

enjoyable to to find that in in the kit well while building into put it on there

it's nice to actually attach the thing I think you don't need to add on the the

thin Technic lift arm there if you don't want to but it makes for a pretty decent

effect and of course he has the the partial Cape that's around there and

they actually include two of those in the set so I can show you what that

looks like just by itself and it goes over the shoulder and the neck so that's

why there are two holes here so in all this is a pretty good-looking figure and

of course it has all the usual articulation that any of these figures

do I'm not going to go through all of that because it's always just the same

but there is a good range of motion in in all of the joints here this side

pouch bit that's added on to either side can be moved around you can add a little

bit of suggestion of movement and action with that and the head is on a

ball-joint stupid the head isn't able to turn up just a little bit farther than

that while he's in his his flight mode so you could you know make him look like

he's looking forward just a little bit better it's it will come back a bit but

I would like just a little bit more range there it is blocked by the base of

the the jetpack kind of skeleton for that assembly there

but in all this is a pretty well-done figure it's I think more displayable

than most a lot of the design choices that were made here and production

choices that were made here I think are exceptional for the line you know just

relative to what they've done to date the weapon is supposed to represent

Boba's iconic ee3 and I'm not not entirely convinced that this was the

right choice for the site to I guess the the diameter of the bar there is fine

but not sure about the ends they just appear to to flare a little bit too much

you know I think they should be a little bit more more subtle but the rest of it

I mean they have to use this piece that they have the housing for a

spring-loaded shooter and offering it up in the gunmetal gray I think was the

right choice there what I like most about this weapon is the stock how they

built that up so when you see that makes a lot more sense although not as much

from this side as it does from this side but just kinda have to there we go just

allow that to be seen you know it's just that that Technic panel piece is a

really good shape take this out of his hand actually there you go so you see

what they were going for it's a good attempt I don't like this blue piece

there it seems completely unnecessary definitely looks better from this side

though than this but I think for the pieces that are available it's not bad

and I do appreciate the fact that it'll actually shoot they have the extra bolts

on the other side you don't need to have that attaching take that whole assembly

off if you want but yeah not not a strong point of the set still one of the

better-looking and more collectible buildable figures that they've done to

date in my opinion I just especially appreciates the main colors of the main

armor body add-on pieces and the prints especially so many unique prints and the

helmet is perfect they always do the best job with with heads of these when

there are helmeted figures and there's definitely no exception here

the dent is my favorite part I think strangely enough and I think what's

weakest is is the blaster though it's not bad you know the pack is is also not

bad doesn't look so good quite up-close but from a distance I think it's it's

pretty appropriate with the colors and the amounts of them but that's above

that for you hope you enjoyed the review I'll talk to you in soon


For more infomation >> LEGO Star Wars Boba Fett buildable figure review! 75533 - Duration: 7:10.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION Automaat | Trekhaak | Climate ctrl | Parkeerhulpcamera - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION Automaat | Trekhaak | Climate ctrl | Parkeerhulpcamera - Duration: 0:48.


Mazda 6 2.0i Executive Automaat Xenon Leer - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 2.0i Executive Automaat Xenon Leer - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol - Duration: 0:54.


Hyundai Matrix 1.6i Active Cool BJ 2006 !!!! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Matrix 1.6i Active Cool BJ 2006 !!!! - Duration: 1:00.


9 Benefici Per La Salute della Cannella Che Devi Conoscere - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> 9 Benefici Per La Salute della Cannella Che Devi Conoscere - Duration: 4:38.


Teton Tiny Home | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Teton Tiny Home | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:40.


The Top 37 Things You'll Regret When You're Old (Pay Attention To #15) - Duration: 10:12.

The Top 37 Things You'll Regret When You're Old (Pay Attention To #15)



Not traveling when you had the chance.

Traveling becomes infinitely harder the older you get, especially if you have a family and need to pay the way for

three-plus people instead of just yourself.


Not learning another language.

You'll kick yourself when you realize you took three years of language in high school and remember none of it.


Staying in a bad relationship.

No one who ever gets out of a bad relationship looks back without wishing they made the move sooner.


Forgoing sunscreen.

Wrinkles, moles, and skin cancer can largely be avoided if you protect yourself.

You can use Coconut oil!


Missing the chance to see your favorite musicians.

"Nah, dude, I'll catch Nirvana next time they come through town." Facepalm.


Being scared to do things.

Looking back you'll think, What was I so afraid of, comfort zone?


Failing to make physical fitness a priority.

Too many of us spend the physical peak of our lives on the couch.

When you hit 40, 50, 60, and beyond, you'll dream of what you could have done.


Letting yourself be defined by gender roles.

Few things are as sad as an old person saying, "Well, it just wasn't done back then."


Not quitting a terrible job.

Look, you gotta pay the bills.

But if you don't make a plan to improve your situation, you might wake up one day having spent 40 years in hell.


Not trying harder in school.

It's not just that your grades play a role in determining where you end up in life.

Eventually you'll realize how neat it was to get to spend all day learning, and wish you'd paid more attention.


Not realizing how beautiful you were.

Too many of us spend our youth unhappy with the way we look, but the reality is, that's when we're our most beautiful.


Being afraid to say "I love you."

When you're old, you won't care if your love wasn't returned — only that you made it known how you felt.


Not listening to your parents' advice.

You don't want to hear it when you're young, but the infuriating truth is that most of what your parents say about life

is true.


Spending your youth self-absorbed.

You'll be embarrassed about it, frankly.


Caring too much about what other people think.

In 20 years you won't give a darn about any of those people you once worried so much about.


Supporting others' dreams over your own.

Supporting others is a beautiful thing, but not when it means you never get to shine.


Not moving on fast enough.

Old people look back at the long periods spent picking themselves off the ground as nothing but wasted time.


Holding grudges, especially with those you love.

What's the point of re-living the anger over and over?


Not standing up for yourself.

Old people don't take sh*t from anyone.

Neither should you.


Not volunteering enough.

OK, so you probably won't regret not volunteering Hunger Games style,

but nearing the end of one's life without having helped to make the world a better place is a great source of sadness

for many.


Neglecting your teeth.

Neglecting your teeth.



Get regular checkups.

It will all seem so maddeningly easy when you have dentures.


Missing the chance to ask your grandparents questions before they die.

Most of us realize too late what an awesome resource grandparents are.

They can explain everything you'll ever wonder about where you came from, but only if you ask them in time.


Working too much.

No one looks back from their deathbed and wishes they spent more time at the office,

but they do wish they spent more time with family, friends, and hobbies.


Not learning how to cook one awesome meal.

Knowing one drool-worthy meal will make all those dinner parties and celebrations that much more special.


Not stopping enough to appreciate the moment.

Young people are constantly on the go, but stopping to take it all in now and again is a good thing.


Failing to finish what you start.

Failing to finish what you start.

"I had big dreams of becoming a nurse.

I even signed up for the classes, but then…"


Never mastering one awesome party trick.

You will go to hundreds, if not thousands, of parties in your life.

Wouldn't it be cool to be the life of them all?


Letting yourself be defined by cultural expectations.

Letting yourself be defined by cultural expectations.

Don't let them tell you, "We don't do that."


Refusing to let friendships run their course.

People grow apart.

Clinging to what was, instead of acknowledging that things have changed,

can be a source of ongoing agitation and sadness.


Not playing with your kids enough.

When you're old, you'll realize your kid went from wanting to play with you to wanting you out of their room in the

blink of an eye.


Never taking a big risk (especially in love).

Knowing that you took a leap of faith at least once — even if you fell flat on your face — will be a great comfort when

you're old.


Not taking the time to develop contacts and network.

Networking may seem like a bunch of crap when you're young, but later on it becomes clear that it's how so many jobs

are won.


Worrying too much.

As Tom Petty sang, "Most things I worry about never happen anyway."


Getting caught up in needless drama.

Who needs it?


Not spending enough time with loved ones.

Not spending enough time with loved ones.

Our time with our loved ones is finite.

Make it count.


Never performing in front of others.

This isn't a regret for everyone, but many elderly people wish they knew — just once — what it was like to stand in

front of a crowd and show off their talents.


Not being grateful sooner.

It can be hard to see in the beginning, but eventually it becomes clear that every moment on this earth — from the

mundane to the amazing — is a gift that we're all so incredibly lucky to share.

For more infomation >> The Top 37 Things You'll Regret When You're Old (Pay Attention To #15) - Duration: 10:12.


Non-Fiction November Wrap-Up - Duration: 15:09.

Hello everyone, and welcome back to my channel, I'm Lily. This is my first video

in quite a while and they've not been very productive recently and I just

wanted to apologize for that really. I've got lots of videos planned though so I

really am hoping on actually getting them filmed and edited and online, especially

now it's Christmas holidays for me so I've got a little more time. The last couple week's

have just been a bit . . . uh, really busy and stressful for all different reasons and I've

also had my mum living with me for a couple weeks which has been nice but very

very strange. I've not lived with my mum since I was about 18 and I'm 25 now by way so

yeah it's little bit odd and I'm surprisingly nervous about filming

around her while she's here because I don't know very self-conscious and I

don't want her listening to me, yeah. It's really weird. And also last week was-- was the

last week of term for my school and Ofsted turned up which was a bit of a

surprise, but also like yeah as you can imagine if you know anything about

Ofsted and what it's like to be staff in a school that's being inspected by

Ofsted. So yeah, but moving on, I did do Non-fiction November. And I did a uh--

And I did a Nin-fiction November TBR

It had like 12 books in that TBR which is ridiculous because I I-- said in that

video that I never actually mean to read all of those books - that's very ambitious

even for me, I think on average I read between 4 and 6 books a month, so I knew

picking twelve books-- it was more a case of choosing a selection that I could

then choose from. I ended up reading two of those books and two books that

weren't even on that list at all. So um, and I was quite pleased with what I did they

were all travel and natural history books.

The first one is 'Doubling Back: ten paths trodden in memory' by Linda Cracknell and

this one I picked up because at the beginning of the year, I read Linda Cracknell's

novel um . . . 'Call of the Undertow'? 'Call of the Undertow'! and I loved it and

I loved that detail she went into about the natural world and cartography and

the way she crafted her characters and the plot and her-- the way she dealt

with setting I just really really loved that I thought if anybody could write a

travel kind of memoir then she could. And they're about Linda Cracknell's, not walks

she's done for the first time, but walks she's rewalking either in the footsteps of

others or of herself and she's reflecting on how those things changed

and how she's changed and it really is quite reflective and deeply personal

book, I think. It felt a lot like reading a diary, but I just found

some of the stories the walks, they were repetitive and once we kind of left the

UK and familiar ground, familiar grounds that I could use my own experiences of walking

in those places myself, I found that the description was quite lacking. I couldn't really

picture anything, and it was a lot of repetitive detail that didn't really show

an image, if that makes sense? I just felt like-- I got quite bored

honestly. In the middle I was like ughhh when is it over? Um, and I started--

I cheated I'm sorry. I did carry on with my Harry Potter reread,

and so I was finishing off Harry Potter at the same time. So I dipped in and out

of Harry Potter while reading this one, just to get me through it.

So this one was a little bit disappointing. I did enjoy it. I think it

might be one I might return to but I'm not sure that these kind of walks really

work as a complete collection they just become too repetitive.

The next book that I read was 'Names for the Sea: Strangers in Iceland' by Sarah

Moss, and this one I've been looking forward to for so long because Iceland

and Nordic countries and Greenland and all those kind of places really really

fascinate me. I really like cool places! And I've heard a lot of really great

things about this book and it was really great to get into-- I think Sara Moss has

got a great writing style, she's . . . it was very conversational. She and her family

moved to Iceland for a year. I think it was 2011 I can't remember? 2009, I was close!

and it was just after Iceland had a financial crisis so it wasn't a great

the greatest time to be there and it was really fascinating to see their

struggles and their culture shock and how they were adjusting to life there

and how they ended up really really missing it when they left, and I really liked

this book but I did think it lacked a lot of the personal. It was almost the

polar opposite of 'Doubling Back' in some ways because this book gave a lot of

great detail about people like one of the things I felt was a big flaw in

'Doubling Back' was that the people she met along her travels, they didn't-- I couldn't

connect with them at all, I couldn't really visualise them at all, their stories were a bit uh . . .

damp, I guess. Whereas Sarah Moss, she really can tell other people's stories

very well. My main problem with that was while she could tell the stories well

she didn't really paint the people very well I don't think. Like there were so

many names in here and they all just blurred together.

Her husband was barely present which quite surprised me. We never got to see

any kind of conversations between Sarah and her husband about their move and what it felt like,

any stress, and her husband-- um, he doesn't have a job for quite a while so I could

imagine that'd be quite lonely and difficult for him having just his small

children to look after in a very strange place. So I think I wanted to see more of

them as a family and how it affected them as a unit but we didn't really get

that at the beginning anyway, I didn't really see them as a family, so that was

my kind of one disappointment really was that the personal stuff just didn't

really happen in this book but everything else is really great.

And then leads me to the next book which was William Fiennes' 'The

Snow Geese' and this is one of my predicted five-star reads, and it very almost

got it. I think I gave this 4 / 4.5 stars. William Fiennes' writing is always

beautiful, like the way he describes like the way he describes the landscape and

people animals and behavior and emotions just like it's flawless and just like

so effortless. I love his writing, I think with this book though you could tell it

was a diary. There was quite a few repeated phrases, I thought this was a

really great line until you repeated it. Um, this book is about William Fiennes,

just after he had-- he spent quite a long time in hospital when he was a young man

he had I think he was bowel trouble and things like that. He had to have

several operations and spent a long time in hospital and when he got home he was

so relieved but at the same time he just wanted to get out, so he decided-- and he

found an old childhood book of his that he really loved as a child called 'The Snow

Geese' and he did all this research on snow geese and their migrations and wanted to

follow snow geese on their migration north into Baffin Island. But in contrast to the

other books I read, this book was over personal I felt. We had a lot of the

deeply introspective stuff about William himself and how his journey was a

reflection of him trying to find home but also leaving home and this battle of

homesickness. And it's really beautiful journey and I love the people he meets

he's very good at describing their character and personalities but

presenting it without judgment which was one of the things I really struggle with

with Sarah Moss is that we get so much of her judging people that she's meeting.

He's so great writing about people and it wasn't like their stories like

Sarah Moss, she specifically talked about people in her books who had really

great and interesting stories about like the history of Iceland or really

interesting hobbies, like there was a lady in there who can talk to the hidden

people and things like that. Whereas William Fiennes, he meets all these really

crazy and interesting and fascinating people and he just presents them as they

were presented to him, with no judgment, and it's just wonderful to see like I

just loved it and the conversations were brilliant. But the one thing that kind of

let this one down for me I think was it didn't feel like it really had an ending.

I know it's a journey from one place to another place but

William, he goes home and that's kind of it . . . I think I wanted a bit more

reflection from when he was home about what his journey meant to him and how it

affected him and his new thoughts on homeswickness and things like that.

I think I just wanted a bit more

and I think it was the same actually with 'The Music Room' which was his first

memoir about growing up with his brother who had epilepsy, and that book

finishes just before this one starts but at no point during this book do we get

any mention of his brother and it just felt a little bit odd, like they just

didn't really connect but also both of them lacked that kind of solid ending

where-- it just felt like a cut rather than like it actually ended.

So all those books had like little

flaws that was like if I combined them all together they'd be great. Um, and then I

read this which basically did that and this is: 'Adventures of a Young

Naturalist' by David Attenborough 'The Zoo Quest Exqua-- *Expeditions' and this book is a

collection of David Attenborough's journals which were originally published

in the 1950s, just after he done each of his zoo quest expeditions, which if you

don't know much about David Attenborough, you really should. His programmes are

amazing. And this book is incredible. It combines all the things I loved about

each of the three previous books but without any of the flaws like this book

is completely flawless in my opinion apart from some like dated political

correctness issues and things like that which I'm glad we're not edited out

actually because I think that would leave a false impression of past. I was

really quite surprised because I thought that his books would be quite dense, full

of information and quite hard to get through. And especially this book's quite

a chunker, I was worried about starting it but it's a library book-- I saw in the

library and I picked up and I was like I want to read this, I just want to read it.

Um, but it's amazing. It-- he reminds me of like an actual real-life Newt Scamander

in some ways. He's got this wonderful wit and charm and he just effortlessly

describes his journeys and the people he meets and their stories and

personalities and the characters of the animal

and his feelings about like being miserable in a rainforest and your

hammock just collapsing into the mud, slowly through the night, and things like

that, and I just-- I just loved every minute of this book. It was so wonderful

and it felt a lot more like a story. It was just seamless and it was so

warming to read somehow. I really really recommend this, especially if you're

into Natural History and travel writing. He's just so fun and accessible and it's

like you can never be bored with this it's beautiful

and his writing is just so wonderful. So yeah this ended up being my favorite

book of the entire month and I gave this one 5 stars and I just I love David Attenborough,

he's like oh man-- please never die, please never die! So I only read those

four non-fiction books in November. It was a little less than I wanted to but I think

because David Attenborough's book is quite a big one and I'm quite keen to

carry on reading nonfiction throughout other months and especially my goal next

year -- I know it was my goal this year as well -- was to read more nonfiction, but

I didn't. For 2018 I would really love to read at least one non-fiction book a

month. Um, or maybe two months? I don't know. One non-fiction book a month would be really good.

the only other book that I read in November is one I actually started in

October-- this took me a month to read. This is why I don't read long books, but

Harry Potter is a special special case. So I've been doing my Harry Potter

reread and this book I really love this-- I love the kind of jump from the first three

to this one. We get suddenly a lot more detail and description and more time in

classes and with other characters and all the different developments and I

really love it. The only thing that's still annoying me is the whole Slytherin

hate and just like how all bad guys are just so obvious, and like not very

nuanced but but my exceptions my exception to this is a Barty Crouch jr.

and I have series about him so I'm planning on doing a like a video

completely dedicated to my Harry Potter reread at some point, where I'm going to

be discussing my thoughts on what it's like

to read Harry Potter for the first time as an adult because it's it's it's

really strange. I feel like I'm definitely empathizing a lot more

with the teachers and the parents and Molly Weasley oh my gosh Molly Weasley

is a saint. So I have a lot of thoughts and also like things that I just

forgotten more in the books, and I've also been watching each of the films

whenever I finish a book so the kind of contrast between actually what the film

did well and what the film didn't do well it's been quite interesting, because

I feel like I didn't really think about that when I was a kid. So um, I'm looking

forward to that and I'm currently now about 200 pages into the 'Order of the

Phoenix' This one is going a lot slower, so so I might well do like a two-part

video of this where I discuss the first four books together, and then I discuss

the later books in a separate video whenever I finished them because . . . that

might be some time away. But yeah November was a really good month for me

I think especially considering all the things that are going on. I watched quite

a few people's November wrap-ups, especially if they're doing nonfiction

November, but let me know if you have read any of these books in the past

or if you're looking forward to them. I know 'Names for the Sea' is quite well read on

Booktube, so I'd love to hear people's opinions on that what you thought

Yeah, so um hopefully I will be back a bit more. I am planning on filming at

least four videos today so that means I will have like a backlog to edit which

would be great so I'm hoping you'll see more from me in the next couple weeks

leading up to Christmas, so that's all for me today, I hope you're having a

great week before Christmas. Goodbye!

For more infomation >> Non-Fiction November Wrap-Up - Duration: 15:09.


Luke #20 - Friluftsmagasinets Julekalender 2017 - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Luke #20 - Friluftsmagasinets Julekalender 2017 - Duration: 0:16.


Jesse Lee Soffer 2 - A Jesse Holiday Party - Duration: 3:58.

I wonder What Christmas in Heaven is like

For more infomation >> Jesse Lee Soffer 2 - A Jesse Holiday Party - Duration: 3:58.


Roblox Gameplay 2 - Duration: 11:59.

Roblox Gameplay 2:Make a cake: Back For Seconds!

Answer The Question!




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Check out these!

For more infomation >> Roblox Gameplay 2 - Duration: 11:59.


Darren Till: Rafael Dos Anjos Is An Easy Fight For Me; Aljamain Sterling Not Happy With Dana White - Duration: 2:51.

Darren Till jumped on the Obviously fight talk podcast and gave his thoughts on how

he would match up against RDA.

For the Full Clip the link is in my description box below:

Till: I just don't see if I fight him where does Dos Anjos beats me.

I don't think he's strong enough to take me down.

I don't think his takedowns are good enough for my defense takedown.

I just don't see where he beats me.

On striking I'm way too powerful and intelligent for him, you know.

Any throws I'll nullify.

That to me is an easy fight.

There's guys in the top 10 that I feel are harder fights than Dos Anjos just because

I think his style just matches so well to mine, you know what I mean?

Darren Till was also on the MMA Hour and said that he was disappointed that Perry didn't

win vs Ponzinibbio.

He wasn't impressed with either fighter and claimed both have a low fight IQ.

He said he doesn't care who he fights because he's only 24 and right now isn't the time

to pick and choose opponents because he believes "that's for when you're old".

So, he'll still take the Perry fight if it's offered to him.

He was asked if he thought next year he would be the welterweight champ he said, "cmon

son, none of them midgets are going to beat me in the welterweight division, you should

be questioning whether I'll be the light heavyweight champion not the middleweight

or welterweight champion."

It appeared that Wonderboy heard what he said and tweeted: "A lot of prospects doing a

whole lot of talking.

Let's remember who the top dawgs are!

Your time will come young guns, but in the meantime let's make this fight!


RDA responded with Thank you Wonderboy for recognizing me as a top dawg!

You had your two shots…let me have mine.

I'm sure this wasn't the response that wonderboy was fishing for.

However, RDA had already expressed that he had no interest

in fighting for an interim belt vs Wonderboy or Covington.

He specifically stated that he wants to fight for the title directly.

He understood Woodley was gonna go through surgery so he said he'd gladly take some

time off after having 3 consecutive fights in the last 6 months and then happily fight

for the belt.

Aljamain Sterling was also on the show and expressed his disappointment with the UFC's

lack of updates to fans and his family after his devastating KO loss to Marlon Moraes.

He said that everyone was trying to reach him but he was still incapacitated and could

not update them on his status.

He also disliked the fact that Dana White and Sean Selby didn't reach out to him asking

if he was ok after the loss.

He understands it's a business but feels it was a lack of common courtesy to not reach

out to an employee of the company and check on his well being.

Do you guys agree with Aljemains perspective on this?

Let me know down below.

For more infomation >> Darren Till: Rafael Dos Anjos Is An Easy Fight For Me; Aljamain Sterling Not Happy With Dana White - Duration: 2:51.


PRESS ON NAILS China Glaze DEMO & WEAR TEST - Duration: 14:24.

Hey guys! Ashley Elizabeth here with AEHM artistry and I want to try something

a little different today. I want to try press-on nails! I did a little poll on my

Instagram stories and Twitter, and you guys said you wanted to see it

overwhelmingly yes! I don't even think I got any "no's". And well, I'm here to serve

you that tea and you can find out our press-on nails back or should they stay

in the past?! And is this a good holiday 5 minute manicure, that's a really quick when you

have a party to run to but you need something to the last few days! Well

keep on watching and we will find out!

*Intro Music*

So what I picked up for the press-on nails is the China Glaze and it's called the

Glam Finale! How dramatic. What it says, it says it comes with 28 pre-glued nails

and different sizes. So, I don't know if that means there'll be multiple sets, at

least two, or if they just have a bunch of different sizes so it fits. And in its

one-time use? But we'll find out today, together, won't we? This video is inspired

by somebody on instagram, and she's on YouTube too, and her name is @Cpresso.

I'll link her channel in the description box, I don't really remember. But she

keeps posting on her Instagram stories these press-on nails and they're

beautiful! They're from a brand called

Nail Bliss and you can find them at Sally's. So, I went there, the supply was a

little bit low, so maybe people are liking it? And I didn't see colors that I

liked. But there was a China Glaze display too and they were featuring a

bunch of different press-on nails. Which basically, I looked at the

directions of both and they were basically the same. And then I actually

went ahead and looked up on Ulta and I saw that the China Glaze press-ons

were available there too. So I was like, that's a little bit easier for people to

find if they like what they see here today. They can find them in Sally's

or Ulta or whatever. If you like the China Glaze.

I'll show you the package that I got.

Pretty glitzy, pretty glammy.

They don't have like a specific shade name on there but they do call them

short squoval. And they are like a white and gold pretty like little set.

So I wanted to do something a little bit different today. I've done it in a couple

of my videos but what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna pop a little screen

right up here showing you what I'm doing as I'm going. And show you exactly, you

know, what I'm reacting to and then what is going on on my hand.

And it also makes for a more speedy video, as well. So as you can see right

here I'm gonna take off the nail polish [already on] really quick with acetone. What it also

says to do, on the back, you clean & make sure you remove any kind of nail polish

that you have. And you can go ahead and shape your nail, so if you want to trim

up or file on or whatever. Then you make sure to clean your nails with polish remover.

So if you don't have nail polish on it recommends still using nail polish remover at

least to take off that kind of oil base, that we all naturally have.

It says to actually push the cuticles back with a cuticle pusher. I actually really like

these little orange wood sticks, right here, because they're disposable.

And I can actually clean under the nail, as well. So just a little side note there.

You get these orange wood sticks at Sally's also. Actually says to go ahead and buff

your nails. Sorry my buffer has gotten some nail polish incidents on it. So

don't judge too harshly! And just buff off the top shine, very gently. You don't

want anything too rough. Alright, nails are all prepped! Let's go

into this bad boy, shall we? Try to slide this package out nice, as to not spill


Ooo, thats so pretty. And so there's some on the backs, some for

display, and some on the back.

This creeps me out...these are totally creeping me out!

I don't know if I've ever done press-on nails before? I just can't remember...I'm sure I

have...no, I did! I did for my sister's wedding and I didn't cut them and they

were so long! Okay, this was like 15 years ago before

long nails were a thing. And they were, like...they were crazy...they were crazy.

I don't know if they were square or pointed, they're probably square. And they

were awful, but even then, even then I knew. I was like this isn't fabulous!

I should have cut them! Looking back in pictures, I'm like, talons! And I'm like, I

don't know, 13 years old or something. It was a little intense! Now it would totally be

in style! Back then I was like eww...

So select a nail that matches

natural nail size, place the nail at the base of the cuticle, and press down

firmly. That's it? I don't need to peel anything? Weird.

This is so....oh yeah, it's a little

sticky. You know, I don't like that I have all this powder here. So I'm gonna do a

quick swipe of the acetone just to be safe. That's what I do before I do my gel

nails and my gel nails, that I do myself, tend to last me a good two or three

weeks! So, it's kind of like the similar prepping. These are supposed to be

press-on gels, so let's just do a quick swipe! Just to take off the rest of the

residue. You're kind of like basically drying your nails out so it has something else

stick to. It's kind of nerve-wracking to sit here and pick. You pick the shape but

then you don't want to press down until you know. Yeah, it's super sticky. Yeah,

definitely not okay. I can't tell what order this goes in. I think these are a

little jumbled, you know. You're gonna think that. See it doesn't...exactly...good.

that's too big....no...so I want a smidge bit smaller....

Yeah. That's too small.

That might be good, but it's kind of weird. You can kind of like still see the

edges, right there. Okay so let's try pushing it back and press down firmly.

And I'll press down the base. Oh these are longer than I thought they were gonna be.

Huh...interesting. Whoa, I have some little mini talons today! I like the shape of

these though. A lot of the other ones were square, which I'm totally used to

wearing square that's fine, but I'm kind of curious to do a slight almond shape.

And and these are looking to be a little almond-y. Let's see that looks good

because they have a little bit of...space still...I just...that is gonna bug me. Like,

that's a dead giveaway, but for far away okay. Okay so, that was pretty easy. It

feels like it's gonna lift...no joke. They feel like they're gonna I'm gonna catch

it on something. I don't know. I should've went with the brand that I saw

the girl recommend. Oh, and they're all so, they're all different designs! Have to be

careful here with what I wanted to do. So, that's a size two...

Okay, so why don't I just go ahead and do the other hand...see they have little

sizes on it. Hold it up up, you can see it little sizes. It's literally press on. I don't know, I

just thought it was gonna be more complicated. And this is not, but I don't

see this lasting longer than a night. At least running around after my toddler.

Looks like a good size, so that was number four. I got tiny fingers too by the

way. So, it doesn't look like this is

more than one nail set. Cuz you know not all of them fit and there's all the

different sizes. Feels like I'm wearing pistachio shells on my fingers!

Great now its stuck on there! Yep gotta commit to it now, no turning back now!

There's like a little shelf I can see in the inside. So, that seems like the water

would get in there and everything. Wonder if you're supposed to trimmer nails all

the way down, if it would be better... Whatever moving on! That one's like...oh

not really...not really perfect fit cuz I can see my whole side. Hey that, if I can

get that one off...I'm committed and it's not a good commitment! No! Okay, this is a

little scary. Okay, I guess it's committed... I guess that's just gonna be on there.

Okay, just push that back down. Aww, those are baby ones, oh my goodness! So, it has

to be a four...we're coming into a bit of a conundrum now! Because...nope, we should

have measured them all and lined up all of them before applying them cuz now I used that

one. And that needs to go on that, and that needs to go on that. And I wanted to do

was over there but this doesn't even fit my nail. And it only came with a couple I

know that fits! What...Okay so this was a little... I should have mapped this out a little

bit better...yep, this is the first impressions video, for sure! Yeah okay, all

right. Look at how different they are. They...two different..so that's the same

that's the same, those are not the same, those are not the same. Okay, so my two

middles are not the same. Like how can I fix this? So, I might be stuck with that....

I did it...I took it off! I don't care I just, don't know what number that one was! It's

like a perfect fit probably...like this one...that's a little better.

Right? That's a little better. Anything's... yeah, because then that's matching. So the

only one that's different is the middle one. So, unless I want him try ripping

that off too...what the heck let's just try! I got the other one off, so maybe I

could get that off! I don't recommend peeling them off! What I

recommend doing is laying them all out and puts aside. Like try to gently like

rest them on your nails, without pressing, I just like committed! I was like oh

that's good and put it down! And then I didn't map it out because these are all

different colors you get. If they're all the same color, it's not gonna be that big of

a deal. But these are fancy. Oh okay, some stick. Okay, so now I need to find...we're

back in business! Okay figured it out! Alright so, now what

I'm gonna do, cuz I'm a nervous Nancy that they're all gonna come off! I'm

gonna stay here, I'm gonna press them for a second. Press them all around, push them

down, push them down, they've definitely stuck a lot stronger than I thought they

were going to be! That was...it's pretty hard taking them off!

Alright, there is the whole set right there! Okay, here we go let's see...so they

look pretty in camera. Like in camera I like...you wouldn't really be able to tell,

like especially far away. But in person, they're not terrible...okay there's a little

bit of space. But this is my first time, though. So I might be able to perfect

this a smidge bit, as I go. There is a little bit of space where I could have

put them closer to the cuticle. So you can see right here. Like right there. That

area I could definitely put closer to the cuticle next time, if there is a next

time! We'll have to see how these puppies do. My fears, my greatest fear, is that I'm

a snag something & its is just gonna rip off! And my whole nail's gonna come with it! So

I'm a little worried about that! Uh, so I will update you guys. You know where I

like to update you! I like to update you right down in the comments below! So you

don't have to search too hard. You can also find me on social media and I will

link everything down in the description box. You can find me really easily there.

And I always show you guys like on snapchat and Instagram stories like how

things are holding up. So I will definitely let you guys know how long

these stay on until they just start coming off by themselves.

Their a little rough...wah...I don't like the tips, they didn't..like...I guess I

could try sanding them down. Let me try cuz they look weird. Ugh! I hate

filling my nails! Even if I do it myself! Oh yeah, that's better!

Alright, especially these glitter nails. You're gonna want to do is take a file

and go around the edges cuz they're kind of pointy like from manufacturing.

They have a little points on them, at least where these China Glaze ones. But

I'm super freaked out about ripping my nail off!

*Nervous laughter*

Wish me luck!

Captain's Log...it has been five hours since I applied the nails...

and one fell off!

I was doing dishes after cooking dinner, and it was just a casualty later,

later on. So, I think that the water started to

dissolve it. About to hop in the shower and hopefully they don't all come off!

The good news is there was 28 of them, so I found one that matches the size that I need. So,

I'll just reapply that in the morning. And if I lose any other ones. So I would

recommend, if you do want to try these out, bring the whole set with you. So you

could just really quickly reapply it. Sp I will say, this is good if like you have

to go to an event and you are the type of person that wants to have their nails

done no matter what. You can pop these on really really quickly and go. If you're

really gentle with them. I would just say you know they're not gonna be like a

week-long manicure! At least not the way that I perform. So that's what I'm saying

so far. We'll see how long the rest lasts. If they all fall off before I upload I

will be right here letting you guys know that. If they lasted after an

upload, then you can go down in the comments and see how long they lasted me!

Just want to update you guys!

Alright you guys, hope you've had some fun

playing around with these press-on nails with me today! If you're gonna try them

out, let me know! If you are a connoisseur of press-on nails please give me a girl

some tips, and remember that this is my first time so be gentle...don't judge too

harshly! And I kind of just threw myself right in there and didn't really have

patience, I just popped them on. So I definitely learned a couple things in

the meantime. Like place them all out ahead of time. Don't commit until you

commit because you committed. And it hurts to rip it off! So, alright you guys...

hope you have a lovely day! Thank you so much, bye! XOXO

For more infomation >> PRESS ON NAILS China Glaze DEMO & WEAR TEST - Duration: 14:24.


[현장포토] "민낯 철통 사수"…BTS, 완전무장 출국 - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> [현장포토] "민낯 철통 사수"…BTS, 완전무장 출국 - Duration: 1:09.


Jingle All the Way 2 | Drunk Review - Duration: 4:37.

somebody buy me a softbox

so I don't have to get day-drunk to do these videos anymore

Cheers and welcome to another drunk review

today I watched jingle all the way 2, starring Larry the Cable Guy

whose character name is Larry

are you even trying?

this movie exists

I saw it at Walmart in the $3.50 movie section

and my immediate thought was

this looks like absolute garbage, I need to watch it

and it did not disappoint

it was released in 2014. 2014.

it has literally nothing to do with the original jingle all the way

aside from the very clichéd message of

capitalism is all well and good but really family is what matters

it was also a classic [sarcastically] classic

tale of dad versus stepdad and stepdad is of course, rich

and uses his power and money to buy things

but that's okay because actual dad could give her experiences

I will also say the hot toy craze thing that they borrowed from the first movie

doesn't work as well if it's 2014

in the 90s, yes it was very hard to find the hot toy

because it sold out pretty quickly

but in 2014, not so much. not so much

they even brought up the Internet

like literally mentioned "why don't you try the Internet?"

"well yeah, the soonest I could get it is December 26"

but you'd still get it like


sorry, it's Christmas, language

may also point out that this was released by WWE studios?

I'm not even kidding. I am not kidding.


but why does wwe do anything?

so yeah, same stupid premise as the first one

but set in a time where it was much less realistic

you know I actually kind of liked it the first movie when I was younger

because, you know, it's a fun movie for kids

but this just...this is garbage

like the character of Larry is exactly who you think a character

played by Larry the Cable Guy would be

the stepdad is played by, I shit you not, Arwin

from The Suite Life of Zack & Cody. like...

Bryan Stepanek, I think his name is, yeah


but I suppose if you come from doing children's shows

and I guess he is still doing children's shows

a movie with Larry the Cable Guy is kind of a step up

but it's still a movie with Larry the Cable Guy

also he doesn't play villainous very well

like he had a legitimate henchman do his bidding like...

that's just...that is Bond level nonsense

and it was definitely not believable at all coming from Bryan Stepanek

I mean...why?

also the daughters name is Noel. Noel

why do Christmas movies insist on having at least one character

with a christmas-related name?

it is just so overdone...why?

I mean I will end with this. I watched the majority of this movie at one-and-a-half speed

because it dragged

and it was dumb and it was lame

and I suppose if you like Larry the Cable Guy

a whole hell of a lot

then you might like this movie

but I'm gonna give it a hard no

Merry Christmas!

thanks for watching, don't forget to Like share and subscribe

and... Merry Christmas

I will see you next time

[finger snaps] bye

For more infomation >> Jingle All the Way 2 | Drunk Review - Duration: 4:37.


Hichki Cast Names - Duration: 0:48.

Hichki Cast Names

For more infomation >> Hichki Cast Names - Duration: 0:48.


Make your own moves.

For more infomation >> Make your own moves.


Silvio Santos bate o martelo e apresentador lendário do SBT é demitido - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Silvio Santos bate o martelo e apresentador lendário do SBT é demitido - Duration: 2:31.


Question 6 - Greg O'Connor to the Minister of Housing and Urban Development - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Question 6 - Greg O'Connor to the Minister of Housing and Urban Development - Duration: 2:21.


Proposed cell tower troubling for some mid-town residents - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Proposed cell tower troubling for some mid-town residents - Duration: 2:09.


Cómo reacciona nuestro cuerpo a estas situaciones extremas - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> Cómo reacciona nuestro cuerpo a estas situaciones extremas - Duration: 6:51.


LEGO Star Wars Boba Fett buildable figure review! 75533 - Duration: 7:10.

hello everyone this is the lego starwars buildable Boba Fett figure you know over

time I have grown increasingly board of the buildable figures line from Lego

especially since they mostly just built the same from one to the next to the

next and they don't do a particularly good job usually with the humanoid

figures that have skin shown for their faces they do a pretty decent job four

figures that have full masks on and this one here just gets everything right does

have a mask which allows it to be more believable but it also has a bunch of

prints with these very nice prints used for the legs

notice those are distinct and different so two completely different part numbers

were provided for these I appreciate that for sure these armor add-on pieces

if you will are done in just a regular light gray and then the main body chest

piece is printed up very nicely it has a lot of very matte finished

you know printing on it they do get the couple of braids of wookie hair over

there on the side but they also get in some very shiny metallic areas which is

appropriate you can just see the the light shining off of those when it hits

it right depending upon how it hits it but that's that's pretty good I'm glad

that this is not glossy looks about as good as I could ask for they also got

print over here on the side for the shoulder just on this side not on the

other and the head looks great not only does this have very good printing on it

but this is an actual physical dent there's shape there and quite

significant shape at that they could have just done that with a single paint

or maybe two paint applications to get a little bit of depth or kind of a

suggestion of depth there but they didn't they went all out they did it

right they actually have a shape there also for the two kind of vents above his

visor there a little bit of building on the side to get the pull down

extra optic device there and then on the back he has his rocket pack with the

individual booster outlets that are able to angle forward and back jet and rocket

pack he has the single rocket they can actually be fired off from there that's

a flick fire missile that has a remote firing mechanism so you can just push

from here and it will flick the it'll hit the the stem of the missile there

and let's see if I get this to work right no well there we go yeah that was

a it was a pretty good shot I'll get that back in just a minute he

also has one of his wrist rockets here that's on display I don't think I've

seen this particular piece before in just plain black doesn't mean it hasn't

been made in black before but I just don't remember seeing it it's it was

enjoyable to to find that in in the kit well while building into put it on there

it's nice to actually attach the thing I think you don't need to add on the the

thin Technic lift arm there if you don't want to but it makes for a pretty decent

effect and of course he has the the partial Cape that's around there and

they actually include two of those in the set so I can show you what that

looks like just by itself and it goes over the shoulder and the neck so that's

why there are two holes here so in all this is a pretty good-looking figure and

of course it has all the usual articulation that any of these figures

do I'm not going to go through all of that because it's always just the same

but there is a good range of motion in in all of the joints here this side

pouch bit that's added on to either side can be moved around you can add a little

bit of suggestion of movement and action with that and the head is on a

ball-joint stupid the head isn't able to turn up just a little bit farther than

that while he's in his his flight mode so you could you know make him look like

he's looking forward just a little bit better it's it will come back a bit but

I would like just a little bit more range there it is blocked by the base of

the the jetpack kind of skeleton for that assembly there

but in all this is a pretty well-done figure it's I think more displayable

than most a lot of the design choices that were made here and production

choices that were made here I think are exceptional for the line you know just

relative to what they've done to date the weapon is supposed to represent

Boba's iconic ee3 and I'm not not entirely convinced that this was the

right choice for the site to I guess the the diameter of the bar there is fine

but not sure about the ends they just appear to to flare a little bit too much

you know I think they should be a little bit more more subtle but the rest of it

I mean they have to use this piece that they have the housing for a

spring-loaded shooter and offering it up in the gunmetal gray I think was the

right choice there what I like most about this weapon is the stock how they

built that up so when you see that makes a lot more sense although not as much

from this side as it does from this side but just kinda have to there we go just

allow that to be seen you know it's just that that Technic panel piece is a

really good shape take this out of his hand actually there you go so you see

what they were going for it's a good attempt I don't like this blue piece

there it seems completely unnecessary definitely looks better from this side

though than this but I think for the pieces that are available it's not bad

and I do appreciate the fact that it'll actually shoot they have the extra bolts

on the other side you don't need to have that attaching take that whole assembly

off if you want but yeah not not a strong point of the set still one of the

better-looking and more collectible buildable figures that they've done to

date in my opinion I just especially appreciates the main colors of the main

armor body add-on pieces and the prints especially so many unique prints and the

helmet is perfect they always do the best job with with heads of these when

there are helmeted figures and there's definitely no exception here

the dent is my favorite part I think strangely enough and I think what's

weakest is is the blaster though it's not bad you know the pack is is also not

bad doesn't look so good quite up-close but from a distance I think it's it's

pretty appropriate with the colors and the amounts of them but that's above

that for you hope you enjoyed the review I'll talk to you in soon


For more infomation >> LEGO Star Wars Boba Fett buildable figure review! 75533 - Duration: 7:10.


Finally! Top 50 OFFLINE Strategy Games For Android 2018 | No Internet? No Problem! | [PART 1] - Duration: 3:06.

Hey Gamers, Welcome Back to IsItThatGame!

My name is Vikrant and I'm really excited to start my new gaming series...Top 50 Offline

Strategy Games For Android!

In this series, we'll see some of the the most popular games as well those underrated

gems which surely deserve more attention! so you ready guyz...Lets Get Started!

So the first game on our list is "Lara Croft Go".

A 496MB Game Developed by the reputed Square Enix Studios.

It is a beautiful turn based puzzle adveture game.

Where you encounter deadly but beautilly crafted enemies which you must outsmart or escape

with your strategic skills and Tactics!

Next Up on our list is "Alien Creeps Td".

A 95MB Tower defense game developed by outplay entertainment limited. 

This TD is designed with the alien invasion theme and it fits really good!

You get to play 50 devasting levels where you unlock powerful new towerd to fortify

your defense!

And now! we have something very sleek and minimal!

ICE The Minimal real time strategy game.

Its beautiful, Its addictive But Its surely not so simple!

Here you control your ant like army and capture the connected enemy bases!

This game was developed as a part of "Ludum Game Jam" (Tournament) In just 48Hours!

Now beware guyz!

Our next game is not for lighthearted people! "Plague Inc."

In this Popular 50MB game your Ultimate goal is to create a plague which is able to wipe

out every human being on the earth!

So here you use your evil skills for the epic...MEGA KILL!!!

And next up on our list is, "Hills Of glory 3D Europe" In this 60MB game You are teleported

to the epic Battle locations of World War 2 and you must defend your base against the

hordes of enemy forces with your cool military disposal! and dont forget to drop some bombs

on their heads when you want to!

Next up we have..."Defend your life"  A hilarious 40MB TD where you fight for your own life

in your own human body!

Crazy I Know!

You must protect your crucial body parts like heart, kidney, lungs,etc aginst the hordes

of dirty bacterias and viruses!

Sounds cool right!

Yes It Is!!

And finally! time for the final game of this video!

Plz hit the like button if you are enjoying this video and don't forget to subscribe as

the part 2 is coming out soon!

So lets take a look at this Mindbending Game!!!

"The Door Kickers" An epic 423MB strategy game which requires

lot of quick thinking and analysing abalities!

Here you coordinate your SWAT troops to reach the hostage room before the bad guyz get to

press that trigger,Which requires lot of planning!

And trust me there is nothing more satisfying than seeing your plan execute perfectly!

So guyz i hope you enjoyed Today's video, hit the like button if you did and dont forget

to Subscriber...Thanks for watching, see you in the next video... this is your friend Vikrant...Sighning


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