Hello, hello.
Welcome back to another Thursday night training.
This is a good one.
And I have got a special announcement for you at the end, so make sure you watch all
the way 'til the end and you're not going to want to miss what I'm sharing tonight
because tonight I am talking to you about the five steps that will practically guarantee
that you start making more money and getting more clients right now.
So we are getting close to the end of the year and a lot of people kind of go into cruise
mode or panic mode.
If you're looking back at the year and thinking oh, oh my gosh, this was not such a great
year, I didn't get as many clients as I wanted to, or any clients, I didn't make
money in my business or not as much as I wanted to, or I just want to have a blow out year,
well these five steps are for you, because you know what?
The year is not over yet.
It is not too late to create a big cash influx in your business, in your life right now.
And the thing is, if you start right now with these five steps I'm going to share with
you, then you are going to set yourself up for a bang, hot blowout beginning to your
2018 year or any year on which you are watching this video replay, as it turns out.
So, don't go on cruise control.
Don't, you know, give up yet because the year is not over and I've got some steps
and also a special announcement that will help you implement these steps before the
year is out and just have an amazing end to your year.
So, oh and actually, you know what, I'm just going to tell you about it right now,
what that amazing opportunity is.
You probably, you may probably already know that I have, like embarked on a big give-a-thon
at the end of the year.
And really, the reason I'm doing this is in alignment with just wanting to give back
more for, be able to make a bigger impact, help more people, and frankly, it's kind
of a big experiment and I'm just curious to see how it's all going to turn out.
So, I really feel like, you know, ugh, the things that are going on in the world in general,
there is such a need for people who are heart-centered, who are out there doing good in the world,
who are the light workers in the world to really step up, claim their leadership role,
step in to being more visible so that the people who really want and need the help,
whatever it is that they're providing or the service or the product that makes your
life better, that, those people can find you.
So, I am creating a lot, or several, anyway, strategies and things to help you do exactly
that between now and the end of the year, and the first thing that is coming up which
is all about these five steps to practically guaranteeing you're going to get more clients
and money right now is the make 10k in 10 days free online challenge that starts on
Monday, December 4th and runs for 10 days.
You can join anytime, but I encourage you to join right now so that you don't miss
the beginning of the challenge, right?
Because it's going to be harder for you to catch up if you join late.
But you are welcome to do that and I've actually got an option where you'll be able
to access all of the training, you know, after the challenge is over so you can keep it forever
and implement the steps.
So, it is free if you are interested in making 10k or thousands of dollars, whatever it is
that's within your realm of believability that you can do, and I encourage you to stretch
that a little bit, then just comment with 10k.
I will put that up here on the screen.
Let's see, I have that here, comment with, there it goes.
Comment with 10k if you haven't already signed up and you will get the link after
this broadcast is over to how to sign up for a make 10k in 10 days free online challenge
and all the details so you'll be able to see what's included before you sign up,
and there are thousands of dollars of prizes up for grabs as if making 10k in 10 days wouldn't
be good enough in itself.
I'm like why not make it better.
So, I've thrown in some awesome prizes.
So, make sure you comment 10k if you are interested in doing that.
So, now let's dive into the steps.
Oh and real quick before we dive into the steps, if you happen to be seeing this training
broadcast on my Facebook profile page or inside the successful women entrepreneur's group
which is my group, then you have to be on the business page stream in order for me to
see your comments and questions.
I know it's a little crazy how Facebook is like that, but just click over to my business
page real quick right now, the link will be in the post, wherever you're watching so
that you can comment and I can answer your questions and see them.
Alright, so let's dive in.
Step number one.
Step number one.
To make sure that you get more clients and make more money right now is to get really,
really, really clear on what it is that you want.
So, here's the thing.
Let me close that down real quick.
Here's the thing is people often don't get what they want because they don't know
what they want and I'm talking about really knowing, being very, very clear on what you
want to create in your personal life, what you want to create in your business, because
from, you know, not even going into the energetic part of it and the manifestation principles
at play here.
But from a very practical business standpoint, if you don't know what kind of business
you want to create for yourself, if you're not really clear on who you're serving and
how you want to serve them, then first of all, your messaging, and your ability to connect
with clients is kinda be like wishy-washy, waffly, like your clarity, your lack of clarity,
but you're also probably going to end up building a business that isn't what you
intended, right?
And I've made this mistake and that's why I can speak about this mistake when you're
not clear about the kind of business you want to create, then you may end up with something
different, and I realized this for myself this summer when I was kind of on this track
to burn out, really, in my business.
And it was kind of, kind of a complete meltdown, that was my moment of clarity, and you know,
in hindsight, it was a real blessing because it was really an opportunity for me to reevaluate
how I'm doing my business, how I'm showing up, who I'm, not even who I'm serving,
but a little bit of who I'm serving and how I'm doing that.
And you know, where it was out of alignment with what I want for my personal life and
like for my family.
So, you need to be really, really clear on what it is you want to create so that you
can do that better.
So, get really clear on, and I'm looking at my notes here, the kind of business you
want to create, who you're serving and how you want to serve them because the how of
how you want to serve them has everything to do with what you're going to do in your
business to bring in more clients and create more money.
So, if you're not clear of how you want to serve them, then that's going to be much
harder for you to do, like to figure out the methodology, you're going to create a different
way of serving them.
You're going to go, oh god, that's not what I wanted.
That's not supporting the kind of lifestyle I want to have.
So that's step number one.
If you have any questions about any of these steps, please pop them in the comments and
actually I want to ask you right now, what is it that you want to create?
You can, for your business, or for your life?
What is something you want to create right now?
Or you can comment on what your bigger vision is for your business and your life.
I want to hear some of that from you all here watching live or on the replay.
And I know there's a little bit of a delay so go ahead and put in your comments right
now and I will come back and answer any questions that you have or respond to those comments.
So, oh, and if you don't know who I am, I'll introduce myself real quick, I am Christine
Parma and I help heart-centered entrepreneurs to create wildly successful businesses they
love and lives they love even more and the lives they love even more is a really, really,
really important part of it because like I was just saying, if your business doesn't
support the kind of lifestyle you want to have, then you're going to end up resenting
your business or feeling burned out or maybe having a complete total meltdown like I did,
and that's not really what we're going for here, that's not the reason you started
your business, right?
So, I help you take aligned action and to align your business with really what you really
want and your soul's purpose and how you want to serve and contribute in the world.
So, you can find out more about me at Christineparma.com.
Alright, so, let's jump in to step number two.
And this is so critical.
It's communicating your value.
Okay, so what do I mean by communicating your value?
So, communicating your value kind of has a few different parts.
Number one is knowing your value and that kind of ties into do you believe that you
have something valuable to offer?
Or that whatever it is that you're offering is valuable?
If you feel wishy-washy about this.
If you're not sure that what you are offering or is a value to people, then it's not going
to work, honey, I mean really.
You can have the best marketing copy in the world, but if you don't believe in yourself
enough, this is where confidence and mindset comes in, for you to help people and that
you actually get people amazing results, then it's going to be really, really hard for
you to get clients or make money in your business.
That's why I integrate mindset work and spiritual principles into the work that I
do with my clients, because you could be doing all the right business things, and if you
don't have this piece right, it's not going to work.
Or it's going to be really, really hard for you.
So, Jenna says, going back to step one, and then I'll come back to step two, that one
thing that is, one thing she's strong is she knows her program is amazing and once
people are in the door by getting them in the door is her tough spot.
Getting them in the door is a tough spot.
And I'm going to talk to, I'm going to talk about that in step 3, the next step.
So, mindset.
Jenna says mindset is important too.
So, let me wrap.
Here talking about clearly communicating your value.
And actually, Jenna, this has everything to do with getting people in the door.
So, kind of part one of clearly communicating your value is knowing your value, being confident
in that, absolutely.
And this is a place where a lot of people struggle.
You know especially, I see this a lot in direct marketing because people are maybe not as,
they believe that the product works, they know it works because they use it themselves
and they love it, and they have that piece, but they don't have the confidence piece
in telling people about it and sharing about it because they feel like, and I'm not talking
every direct marketer, but I see this, and this shows up in other niches of course, but
they feel like they're intruding or bothering people by sharing their product or their direct
marketing opportunity.
Which is the same as, you know, people bump up against this belief of you're bothering
people by sharing about the work that you do and the healing that you can help them
get or the results you can help them get.
You are not bothering the people who really need your help when you do it in the right
So, that's the mindset piece.
Second part of step two is your messaging.
Your messaging has to be, you know, really spot on with what your ideal clients want
and need, you know, and the problem solution that they're desiring.
And if you're not clear on that, you're not going to be clear on the value that you
really deliver.
You're going to be only clear on one small piece of it and not the part of the value
that really matters to your dream clients which is what gets them to say yes to buy
your product or enroll with you and that kind of segues into the third part of step two
which is your offer.
Your offer has to clearly communicate the problem that you solve, the dream solution
you offer, that goes back to knowing what it is that your ideal clients want, and I
see this so much in the work that I do with people on creating their offers, which is
offers in are like all of my programs because it is so critical.
It's such a critical piece.
When you are having trouble, you know, getting people to sign up with you or buy your product,
it's almost always a problem with your offer.
And if it's not a problem with your offer, it's a problem with visibility and marketing
or a combination of the two.
And mindset.
Let's put three pieces in there.
But you look at the offer first because the offer is how you are telling people about
the products or the problems that you solve for people and the results that you get.
So your offer has to be, it has to be spot on.
So, my question to you is, do you know what your dream clients are really struggling with?
Or the problem that they deeply want solved and the solution that's like their dream
Jenna says any key points on what exactly an offer should include?
Oh yes, I've done some other strategies or livestream trainings or offer-creation
and actually when you're inside the make 10k in 10 days challenge, of course I'm
talking about offer-creation because it is so critical.
It's like when you don't get your offer right, then you're not going to be able
to make 10k in days or a thousand dollars in ten days.
So, yes, I'm talking about offers.
Jenna, I think you're already signed up, so you're good to go.
Problem-solution and an offer, there's a specific structure.
Jenna says great, awesome.
There's a specific structure about, you know, how to create your offer and really
how to be clear in communicating that that I'll be going over in the free online challenge,
make 10k in 10 days.
If you're not in, comment with 10, the number ten, k, and I'll get the sign up link over
to you.
So, there's one more thing I wanted to talk about in your messaging.
Oh, yes, so in your messaging, so here's, okay here's a tip, Jenna, and everybody
else who's watching.
Your offer, and this is what I see so many times in working with my clients, my private
clients on the offers, is they are offering and solving, their offer is centered around
the problem they think their clients have.
Not what their dream clients think their problem is.
There is a huge difference in that.
And this is where one of the places where people really get it wrong.
And same goes for the solution part and in the languaging that you use to communicate
When that is off, when you are saying you solve a problem that your dream clients don't
think they have or they don't really resonate with or they're not willing to pay to get
solved, your offer's dead on arrival.
You're not going to get past, you're not even going to sell it for cheap, because people
don't, they're going to go meh, don't really need that, doesn't really help me,
it's not for me.
So, and then if you're trying, or you're going to get to that where people are like,
yeah I'll do it for super cheap, but not for more money.
So, offers, so, so, important.
Sign up for the free challenge, you're going to get a lot of help for your offers for free.
So, step number three, I want to go to now, and of course, if you have questions or comments,
pop in with those.
Number three.
I summed it up.
And one word here, visibility, but really, the longer step or the words for step three
is get in front of loads of your dream clients, which is all about visibility and marketing.
And here, people get tripped up on visibility all the time because they are afraid to be
That comes back a lot to mindset and confidence.
Or they don't, they're overwhelmed by all of the options around how to be visible,
how to market yourself, and they kind of do some of this, some of that, do that, they
get a little bit of everything which leads to very few results, or they get completely
overwhelmed by all of the steps that people are saying you need to do, running Facebook
ads, and all these different things that, you know, just puts them in a state of paralysis,
and so they don't do anything or they're trying to learn it all for like a year before
they actually get out there and start helping people and telling people about their work.
Both of which are big mistakes.
So, you know, visibility is really a, I'll sum it up this way, an effective marketing
and visibility strategy is something that excites you to do, maybe you're a little,
you have a little, excited jitters about doing it or a little bit of fear because you haven't
done it before like livestreaming.
You know, something like that if you're doing it for the first time, but it's not
like kind of fear, or I hate doing this, or I'm going to make myself do it kind of thing.
You know, effective marketing visibility strategy is something you're excited about doing
so that you'll actually do it and you'll do it consistently, execute it consistently,
and is simple enough for you to be consistent in and do repeatedly with success.
That is how I think of a highly effective marketing and visibility strategy.
And it just so happens that inside the make 10k in 10 days challenge, I'm going to be
showing you one of those strategies that you can implement immediately.
A simple strategy that's done well is far more powerful than a complicated marketing
strategy that you don't do because it's too complicated or you don't do well because
it's too complicated and time consuming and overwhelming.
And people, a lot of people who are in my audience, in my world are moms, they have,
you know other jobs, where they're trying to make things work quickly, they don't
have much time and they want simple, and this is exactly the conclusion I came to in my
business after the big meltdown, and it has been so much better to just do it simple,
Simple and effective.
So, visibility, you know, basically comes down to those things and there are so many
different options for how to market yourself and get visible and you need to pick the ones
that you can do that are simple, that are effective, of course, pick from the effective
ones, and that you're excited about doing.
And when you do that, you are going to book loads of more clients and make a whole lot
more money because you're actually staying visible consistently, you know.
And in a way that connects with your dream clients.
So, step number four.
Let me see who, okay.
See if there are any questions.
Okay, step number four.
This is so important.
Without this, nothing else happens.
It's to take consistent aligned action.
Now, this may seem like a simple kind of like duh Christine kind of step, but you'd be
amazed at how many people don't take consistent aligned action and this actually ties in with
the step I just talked about, about marketing and visibility.
If you have made your marketing and visibility strategy so complicated that you cannot, and
overwhelming, that you cannot consistently execute on it, or take action it, or you,
you are not going to be able to get clients and, consistently, and create the kind of
money that you desire, this also has to do with so much to do with, creating a step by
step repeatable process around you know a lot of things you do in your business, but
in this context specifically around your marketing and visibility strategy or whatever your client-getting
strategy is going to be, so that you're not wasting your brain power and time on trying
to figure out what do I do next?
What do I do on Monday?
What do I do on Tuesday?
What do I do on Wednesday?
What do I do when I sit down on my desk?
You know, kind of like scratching around trying to figure out what I'm going to do now that
is a huge time-waster, huge energy-waster.
So, when you create processes and a plan for what you're going to be doing for the consistent
marketing and visibility and getting clients and making money, then things are a lot more,
a lot easier to do and take that action consistently and for it to be effective.
Taking consistent aligned action also has to do with kind of this is where I'm going
to go a little woo, is tapping into your intuition and your higher self, your inner knowing,
your inner wisdom, whatever you want to call it on what that next right step is for you,
you know.
And things may come up you know, ways for you to get clients or make money or market
your business in ways that you never imagined.
And one thing I firmly, firmly believe because I have seen it play out in my life so many
times is that what we imagine as possible and the way to get what we want is like in
this little box.
And if you think about it, it just makes logical sense.
You can't perceive opportunities to create more money in your life, get more clients,
grow your business, whatever it is, have more happiness, whatever it is you want that is
outside your realm of knowing, your perspective.
Until you kind of open it up on an energetic level.
And ask for the way to be shown and you will be amazed at what comes up.
But here is also where the people who tend to or want to kind of just manifest it from
an energetic level go wrong.
Because yes you have to bring the energy to create or it's a lot easier to create what
you want when you are bringing the energy to it but you have to bring that energy from
the ethers and the realm into the physical plane through aligned action.
And if you're in business for yourself, you can think about getting clients all you
want and making money in your business all you want, but if you're not taking practical
steps to make that happen in a way that is aligned with what you want to create, it's
not going to happen.
It's just not going to happen, you know.
Truth there.
So, question to you is, what is, and this is all, a different question that I was thinking.
And this is how a way to know sometimes, when you really tap into it, what is a way to know,
and when you tap into your intuition, to know what really is the right next step for you,
it's the thing, and the thing that will grow your business the most, and get you clients
and help you make money is the thing you've been resisting, the thing that scares you
a little bit.
Calling somebody up.
Starting to do Facebook livestreams.
Posting on social media about your business opportunity or product.
These things that make you go huuh.
You have a feeling that you need to do it, you know that you need to do it, and you're
scared to do it.
That is the next right aligned action for you, to build your business and get more clients
and make more money.
Almost a hundred percent of the time.
So, if you are thinking from that place, what has been on my mind to do, what has been showing
up in my world over and over, people keep talking about it, or I see people posting
about it, and I kind of have this feeling I need to do it, but I'm a little scared,
what is that thing for you?
What's that aligned action?
Post it in the comments below.
When you declare it, you kind of clear out the fear around it a lot.
So, declare it.
I'll give you a perfect example, livestreams.
If you've watched my livestreams, you've heard me talk about this before.
I've put off doing livestreams for a whole year.
For all of 2016, I was going to start on Periscope.
This was actually before Facebook Live tookover.
And I put it off and put it off and put it off because I was afraid that I wouldn't
have enough to talk about, that I wouldn't know what to say, that I would be kind of
fumbling and bumbling, and I put it off for a whole year and in January of this year,
2017, I was just like, screw it!
Screw it!
I don't care anymore!
I am so done with myself and like putting myself out there and I kind of threw down
the gauntlet on myself and created and held a challenge in nine days.
Created it, marketed it, started it within a nine day period kind of as my shove out
of my nest for myself in order to become more visible.
And I had a couple hundred people in that challenge, which I've never done it before.
I was just kind of acting on divine intuition and being kind of sick of myself for procrastinating
about doing it and it was amazing.
So, what is your next aligned action that you know you need to be taking?
Just comment below.
Oh and if you're liking this livestream, if you're getting value from this livestream
please share it.
I would be so grateful if you did.
I want to reach as many people as possible and help as many people as possible.
Make money in their businesses because the world is not served when you are struggling
in your business, when it's something that you love doing because I truly, truly believe
that we are all meant to serve certain people in our lives and heal, help heal the world
and help people, and if you're struggling and not able to stay in business, then you
can't make that impact that you're meant to make.
That really big impact.
So, I would so appreciate it if you would share this video or any other videos that
I do.
Or anything else I do that you love and resonate with and want people to know about.
So, nah!
Number five.
That's where we are.
Step number five.
We are on magnify your results.
So, if you have done steps one through four, you're in a pretty good place.
Now's the time to magnify your results by with the right mindset, being in the right
environment, surrounding yourself in a supportive community and with people who are like-minded
and support you and the work that you're doing, you know not only from an energetic
standpoint but from in a collective conscious standpoint, but from a practical standpoint.
People who you can reach out to when you are launching your, you know, signature program
or creating a free challenge and say hey would you mind sharing this with your audience,
you know, would you help.
You have cheerleaders in your corner because frankly being an online entrepreneur can be
kind of lonely.
I mean you can see me sitting in my home office here by myself and a lot of you are doing
the same thing and some of you are surrounded by, you know, family members, maybe a spouse
or other family members who don't get what you do, they don't get why you want to do
it, why you're bothering to create your business, I've even had clients who, her
husband said, nobody's going to pay to work with you.
Nobody's ever going to pay you to work with you and do that thing.
Oh my god.
You know, I mean, if you don't have support at home, you need to find it.
And you know, my online Facebook group Successful Women Entrepreneurs is one way to do that.
Free and paid programs, I have been a part of.
Oh my gosh.
They've been such a source of support, accountability, encouragement.
Just I've met the most awesome people in them.
Find your community to help you magnify the results that you want to get, whether it's
getting more clients, making more money, having a bigger impact, or just simply creating more
joy and happiness in your life and living in alignment with your soul's purpose.
Whatever it is for you, find your community.
Also, from a very practical standpoint, when you do this, when you join together with a
community or you gather together.
This is why programs, when done right, are so effective.
Especially live programs.
Whether it's a live event or a live group program or a retreat or VIP day or something.
Because when you have gone, when people are gathered together for a common purpose, you
know, whether it's like, in the make 10k in 10 days.
It's for you to create thousands of dollars in your business, in your pocket in 10 days.
You know, and then going forward too, because it's a repeatable process.
When you are gathered together in common purpose, even though it's kind of for yourself, there
is an energetic magnification that goes on.
You know, not just from a, you know, cheerleading, feel good part, but also really talking about
universal energy.
You know, in the, you know, bible and spiritual texts, there are all kinds of quotes and confirmations
that you know where two or more are gathered in the divine god's name, however you want
to call that source that is more than what we are, that your power to create is magnified.
And I one hundred percent believe it.
And from a practical standpoint, you also magnify your results by revising them, reviewing
them, revising them, getting better at them, creating systems and processes also around
those, say marketing and visibility strategies or business processes that you're doing.
You get more time and leverage efforts, and you end up getting more clients and making
more money.
So, what do you think?
What do you think about what your next step is about for getting more clients and making
more money in your business right now?
What hit for you during this livestream?
I would love it if you share it in the comments.
I'm hoping you got at least one aha or moment of clarity out of this livestream because
really, it isn't more complicated than this.
Yes, there are other practical business strategies which I'll be teaching you one or two inside
the make 10k in 10 days challenge.
They're either mindset or spiritual principles, which you're also going to get a taste of
in the make 10k in 10 days challenge but it's not more complicated than this to make more
money and get more clients right now.
Starting right now.
So, if I can support you in any way, I would be thrilled to do that, I am more than happy
to do that.
I've really, I've decided on several things I'm going to be doing between now and the
end of the year that are free, a hundred percent free and it's kind of like part of this give-a-thon
that I've decided to do and it's part of a, a little bit part of an energetic experiment
and just wanting to give back to the community that has supported me and encouraged me all
year long and you know beyond that even, I am so grateful and thankful for that, and
I'm really in a pretty blessed place in my life.
So, when I, you know, got this intuition to do this, it was super exciting to me, and
when you're excited about something, I really believe that's a sure sign that you should
be doing it.
So, and then it's just about figuring out how you want to do it.
So, please join the make 10k in 10 days challenge if it resonates for you, again just comment
with 10k in the comments below this video if you're not yet signed up, I will make
sure you get the link and the details on how to do that, you can also win thousands of
dollars in prizes when you take part in the make 10k in days challenge.
So, thank you.
Thank you for being on this livestream.
Thank you for commenting.
Thank you for being a part of my world.
And for supporting me and my mission to put more money in the hands of empowered women,
especially, and people in general who are out there doing really good work in the world,
you know, in my own way.
Doing it in my own way and how I support you in doing that and I'm very, very grateful
for it.
So, that is all for tonight.
I wish you so much abundance and so many blessings in your life, more than your heart can ever
hold, until I see you in the next livestream or inside the successful women entrepreneurs
group or inside the challenge that starts on Monday.
Many, many blessings.
Take care.
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