Friday, December 15, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 16 2017

(IAN) Hey guys, what's up?

(ALL) Sup.

(TIM) Hey guys, check out this dumbass Trump tweet!

(FRED) Dude, you still use Twitter?

(IAN) Dude, you should use Instagram, way less bullcrap.

(SPENCER) Man, Instagram is for gay people.

(IAN) *SLAM* What'd you say?!

(SPENCER) What did I say?

(MATT) Guys, look, there's no need to -

(ALL) Shut up, Myspace pleb!

(FRED) Guys, if we're not with each other...

(FRED) ...then we're against each other.

(MATT) I didn't imagine it would come to this.

(MATT) All the hate.

(MATT) All the treachery.

(MATT) All the sh*tposts.

(SPENCER) Wait... what're we doing here?

(IAN) Whaddaya mean "what are we doing here?" We're beating him up!

(IAN) Dude, this was your- this- this was- my idea.

(IAN) MY idea! This was my idea!

(SPENCER) Oh, okay. *laugh*

(MATT) Was it worth it?

(MATT) Guys, look, I promise, you don't need to do this. Put the weapons down, it's not worth it.

(FRED) But if we don't fight, how can we possibly justify our social media preferences?

(MATT) Tom, please. Send me something to do. My friends are going to kill each other.

(MATT) Send me something, a sign, anything! I just- I need this help, please!

(TOM ANDERSON) You must take their weapons away from them...

(TOM ANDERSON) order for them to see the light.

(FRED) Ha! What's this thing supposed to do?

(TIM) *mouthing* Boom!

(SPENCER) These are great Dorito's, man.

(IAN) Dude,

(IAN) These are veggie chips.

For more infomation >> "Social Wars: Dawn of Sh*tposts" - OFFICIAL TRAILER - Duration: 3:05.


Make your own moves.

For more infomation >> Make your own moves.



What up guys .... im sushi

and im naru and welcome to our channel!!

this end of the year we are going to travel

and we are going to visit some relatives

we thought what we can bring with us , at the end we decided

to go to 100yen shop .. to buy some stuff

we did

some shopping .. at the DAISO and the SERIA

and we are going to show you some stuff as souvenirs

some stuff that we bought

so.. lets go!

its one of the biggest i have ever seen...

im going to start showing this

its some towels to take a bath

always ask to me about this

why? ...

i really dont know ... my mom always

when you have some free time

when you can....send me some

i think its because the good quality

because the quality and the also for the price

here is cheaper than other countries... i think

other things that you can use beside that towel

some people use this one

this sponges

as the hang tag said

this sponges are good ... to wash your back

so we are going to bring this too

this are really soft ..... very good to rub on your body

and some other cliche that usually ask for..

are the OHASHI (chopstick)

they come in different types, sizes , colors

always ask for this because i think its expensive

other things that we bought ... are tea bags

to put some tea

they are tea bags

some tea bag to put some tea inside

and for those who don´t have a teapot

you put your tea herb inside this bag, fold it, close it and put it in the water. Then you have you tea!

One thing a looot of people know

is this stuff here!

spoon to serve rice

SHAMOJI in japanese

at least my mom always ask to me to buy some of this ..

also its very useful , all japanese and japanese descendants have this one at their home

and all stuff we are bringing are very useful

but also i bought some stuff that i thought was cute

some keychains .... alot of keychains

and for those who knows about japanese culture

there are these cats


these are cat for representing good luck

with a raised paw

i think its cute

and its very cliche ... like look ''japan''

also sumire said

get some of those ... to put some coins

very japanese style

good quality

coin purse with a clip on the top

and others with zipper

and in the place with found this

glass case that i thought its cute

that its very japanese feelings

nowadays you can find anything on the 100yen shop...

things that you wont find that easy or you will find

more expensive

i got this

for scratching your back

when i was young there always at least one in my home

i dont remenber if there any place to buy it on my country but in japan its normal

this model its exclusive ( laughing )

it also have this to get some massage

on your neck

like we said before

in the 100yen shops there many useful stuff

stuff that you find more expensive in other places

i got one of this

this one i showed before on my video of

the unboxing of the iphone X .. check it out later ok?

just 100yen

talking about other thing , no more 100yen

so we are going to travel to another country

at the end of the year , we are going bring

another stuff that is also cliche

and other people always ask


food , some japanese sweets

green tea..

as we are we bringing the little bag to put tea,

why no bring some green tea too right?..

also we got sembei , arare ..

there are many types

all japanese grandma home have theses

when you are a child , you only earn one if you are good child

you have to eat just a few or there will be no more ..

also the famous FURIKAKE

who did not eat rice with FURIKAKE

it doesnt know about anything ...

you dont know what are you missing ..

usually when you are a kid , you get one small package from your parents

because its kind expensive ..


and since we are going to travel at this end of the year

we also decided to bring this

for those who doesnt know this is an ornament

that japanese always buy... at the end of the year


this for example has the kanji of long life

its kind of tradition here in japan that the first day of the year

eat mochi at breakfast

to get good luck the entire year

im hungry ...


so we hope you guys enjoyed this video

if you enjoyed this video , please like it

share it

subscribe to our channel

share it again ..

with your neighbor , your dog ... etc etc

see you guys next time!

thanks for watching , see you next time!

For more infomation >> COMPRAS NO 100YEN SHOP E OUTRAS COISAS! - Duration: 9:16.


Anticipazioni Uomini e donne,Gemma umiliata: 'Ma che donna sei? Vergognati' | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e donne,Gemma umiliata: 'Ma che donna sei? Vergognati' | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:44.


Clima tenso: Luis Ernesto Lacombe deixa Exathlon e Band coloca apresentador turco na final - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Clima tenso: Luis Ernesto Lacombe deixa Exathlon e Band coloca apresentador turco na final - Duration: 5:06.


Pega Pega: Antônia termina namoro com Domênico e assume amor por Julio - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Pega Pega: Antônia termina namoro com Domênico e assume amor por Julio - Duration: 5:00.


Top 5: atajadas de Rodolfo Cota con Chivas de Guadalajara en 2017 - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Top 5: atajadas de Rodolfo Cota con Chivas de Guadalajara en 2017 - Duration: 2:32.


Inmigrantes mueren congelados en la frontera por las inusuales bajas temperaturas - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Inmigrantes mueren congelados en la frontera por las inusuales bajas temperaturas - Duration: 2:04.


DR DISRESPECT VAI PARAR? I Um dos maiores streamers da twitch anuncia pausa - Mãe Também Informa - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> DR DISRESPECT VAI PARAR? I Um dos maiores streamers da twitch anuncia pausa - Mãe Também Informa - Duration: 3:04.


Indignación por las imágenes de una redada de ICE en un taller mécanico de California - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Indignación por las imágenes de una redada de ICE en un taller mécanico de California - Duration: 1:57.


Ewangeliarz OP - 16 grudnia 2017 - (Mt 17, 10-13) - Duration: 2:15.


Once I read an excellent analysis concerning the faith, but the faith which seems very devout,

seems immersed in prayer, but somehow ineffective, somehow isolating

and not making us come closer to God at all and is far from solving all our problems.

Therefore, the author of the essay asks: ' What is the reason of that we are believers, religious, pious and

praying, but it didn' t work. What is going on? Why this faith does not work, does not change us? Does not lead closer to God?

Well, he says there is one reason. Thus, we pray in order to have our will done.

We' d like to dictate God how it should be, what He has to do and how the course of my life is to follow,

changes in me, what other people shall do.

The demanding attitude: 'MY will be done and not YOURS, God' kills every mature faith.

And the mature faith, taking us out of ourselves, to the fullness of life, to the fullness of freedom, is just the one

which says: 'God, YOUR will be done, as I know YOU' re wise and embrace it all,

and I wish to cooperate with Your will, show me, please, how You wish to lead me.


For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 16 grudnia 2017 - (Mt 17, 10-13) - Duration: 2:15.


Con nuevas protestas, los dreamers le piden al Congreso que los protejan antes de que termine el año - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Con nuevas protestas, los dreamers le piden al Congreso que los protejan antes de que termine el año - Duration: 1:58.


The Chamber of Damnation [Doom II slaughter map] - Duration: 15:36.

This is, to date, the hardest map I have ever seen in my life. Pottus must be sadistic. I played it

with Russian Overkill and Brother in Arms, and yet the map remained difficult. I never thought

that I would play a WAD that keeps very hard even with Brother in Arms loaded together...

Here is the deal: unlike most other Doom videos on the channel, this one won't show a match

or an entire map. I have selected some parts to show and comment for a number of reasons.

First, the maps take too long to beat. Even cheating, it takes a lot of time to find the way out.

Second, I'm a mediocre player and I didn't memorized the whole map. It would be boring to watch me

combing the level searching for what I need to do, and risking dying a lot, something common in

The Chamber of Damnation. Thirdly, my PC unbearable lags with this PWAD sometimes, which messes the

game and the video up. But, despite all this, I think it was worth it, because the map is a piece of art.

You can see saw that it starts nasty from the beginning, even with almost all the weapons given right away.

The hint is to run and get into this cave, staying as short as possible on the platform, because

any attack you taje or even a gun's kick can knock you down in the lava and this is very frustrating.

A detail: this is the easy part of the map. From there, the business will only complicate more and more.

The Russian Overkill is a double- edged sword here. In one hand, it turns these bashed down demons to dust, in

the other, several weapons kicks and splash damage curbs your options and any mistake is fatal.

You have to find all the Crosses and turn them into St. Peter's Crosses. It's the boring part of the map.

If you fly through the place looking for Crosses, you will see how the map is well done, and extensive.

In addition to the peculiar textures on some large doors, there's even a Slayer stage concert here.

The caves are full of monsters and I spared no allies to clear them. +But it's nothing next to what's coming.

To make thins even trickier, there are platform parts on the map that are dangerous and unforgivable.

The Chamber of Damnation's levels contain large chambers and are inspired by Deuls Vult Map 02.

Ready. At least I managed to get to this part without cheating. Now I'm going to lie, cheat and steal. Fuck all.

Once you find all the Crosses outside, this door will open and, inside, there is more fucked up stuff.

I counted ten Crosses outdoors and two inside. It's a pain to find all of them, honestly.

This hoodoo temple will be crowded with demons. In addition, the total number of the map's

monsters will be increased by what I believe to be ACS. It is a totally unreasonable amount of enemies.

Whenever you are leaving these holes, bear in mind that there will be a legion of demons waiting.

If you want to take a chance on vanilla, without cheating, remember to save ammunition. It's essential.

It's very good to watch the demons kill each others. Good thing this slaughter has plenty of infighting.

After all the torture and the battles, the last stage's door opens and you can finally get the fuck out.

However, there are five more maps like this (or worse) for you to beat. I'm done here, though. I got a

nasty headache from playing this too much. so much I played it. It's not my style of map at all. But it's an

admirable job. The one who clears The Chamber of the Damned without cheating, even if he keeps saving it,

is undeniably an excellent player. The download and more info about the PWAD are in the description.

For more infomation >> The Chamber of Damnation [Doom II slaughter map] - Duration: 15:36.


Balon Kartun. Balon indonesia. Balon Anak. Kartun lucu. Kartun Mobil truk. Kartun indonesia. - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Balon Kartun. Balon indonesia. Balon Anak. Kartun lucu. Kartun Mobil truk. Kartun indonesia. - Duration: 3:47.


Nonstop Khmer Remix 2018,ថ្មីកំពុងពេញនិយម, Remix Club 2018 l NONSTOP KH - Duration: 41:57.

Nonstop Khmer Remix 2018

For more infomation >> Nonstop Khmer Remix 2018,ថ្មីកំពុងពេញនិយម, Remix Club 2018 l NONSTOP KH - Duration: 41:57.


[ゲーム配信] 誰でも歓迎! 言われたゲーム色々やる - Duration: 1:32:57.

For more infomation >> [ゲーム配信] 誰でも歓迎! 言われたゲーム色々やる - Duration: 1:32:57.


5 alimentos capazes de regular o açúcar no sangue - Duration: 8:48.

For more infomation >> 5 alimentos capazes de regular o açúcar no sangue - Duration: 8:48.


РУСЛАН еле убежал от МЕ...

For more infomation >> РУСЛАН еле убежал от МЕ...


Jaguar XF 2.0D R-SPORT 180 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Jaguar XF 2.0D R-SPORT 180 - Duration: 1:00.


PLACE CARDS ANYWHERE! (NEW GLITCH) | Clash Royale - Duration: 4:17.


For more infomation >> PLACE CARDS ANYWHERE! (NEW GLITCH) | Clash Royale - Duration: 4:17.


#SłowoOPsalmach - 16 grudnia 2017 - ks. Sławomir Sosnowski - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> #SłowoOPsalmach - 16 grudnia 2017 - ks. Sławomir Sosnowski - Duration: 2:30.


"Social Wars: Dawn of Sh*tposts" - OFFICIAL TRAILER - Duration: 3:05.

(IAN) Hey guys, what's up?

(ALL) Sup.

(TIM) Hey guys, check out this dumbass Trump tweet!

(FRED) Dude, you still use Twitter?

(IAN) Dude, you should use Instagram, way less bullcrap.

(SPENCER) Man, Instagram is for gay people.

(IAN) *SLAM* What'd you say?!

(SPENCER) What did I say?

(MATT) Guys, look, there's no need to -

(ALL) Shut up, Myspace pleb!

(FRED) Guys, if we're not with each other...

(FRED) ...then we're against each other.

(MATT) I didn't imagine it would come to this.

(MATT) All the hate.

(MATT) All the treachery.

(MATT) All the sh*tposts.

(SPENCER) Wait... what're we doing here?

(IAN) Whaddaya mean "what are we doing here?" We're beating him up!

(IAN) Dude, this was your- this- this was- my idea.

(IAN) MY idea! This was my idea!

(SPENCER) Oh, okay. *laugh*

(MATT) Was it worth it?

(MATT) Guys, look, I promise, you don't need to do this. Put the weapons down, it's not worth it.

(FRED) But if we don't fight, how can we possibly justify our social media preferences?

(MATT) Tom, please. Send me something to do. My friends are going to kill each other.

(MATT) Send me something, a sign, anything! I just- I need this help, please!

(TOM ANDERSON) You must take their weapons away from them...

(TOM ANDERSON) order for them to see the light.

(FRED) Ha! What's this thing supposed to do?

(TIM) *mouthing* Boom!

(SPENCER) These are great Dorito's, man.

(IAN) Dude,

(IAN) These are veggie chips.

For more infomation >> "Social Wars: Dawn of Sh*tposts" - OFFICIAL TRAILER - Duration: 3:05.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


TWICE - DAHYUN (Line Evolution) - Duration: 2:05.

With Chaeyoung

With Chaeyoung

With Chaeyoung

With Chaeyoung

With Chaeyoung

With Chaeyoung

For more infomation >> TWICE - DAHYUN (Line Evolution) - Duration: 2:05.


can't be erased roblox version - Duration: 5:36.

to all of the bendy lovers this is a song for you


I'm the dancing demon Watch me twirl and hop and spin I'm quick to give a smile But I won't forget your sins Hahahahaha

Ah ah ah! The wonders of imagination Welcome home dear friend How long we've all been waitin' Let's create a masterpiece, breathe life into your dreams! All you gotta do is start up the machine!

I'm the product of an artist Whose creations bring delight Upon this somber threshold Imagination comes to life Just free yourself from reason Soon you'll see in black and white Call me a seed of evil But what's that mean If I'm conceived within your mind?

Leaking from the ceiling Ink is bleeding through the lines Is that your heart that's beating Or illusion you're alive? Collect what's necessary Keep appeasing the divines It's me you should be believing Cuz he's deceiving you with lies

Holy Conniption - has it been thirty years? It appears Mickey Mouse might've been murdered here Lifeless pie-cut eyes - I have learned to fear Kinda reminds me why I quit workin' here Why did I come, lemme go home, I should be leavin' Whatever happened, don't wanna know What are these demons? Guess If I gotta be stuck here Then I might as well investigate Secrets are unlocking - but too bad the exit ain't

Despite this mask of happiness I drown in dark despair The world may be your canvas What you paint on it, beware! The pen is mightier than the sword It has no limitation Don't refrain, this ink will stain And nothing can erase us now Can you describe the face you saw? Could it be one you recognize? We'd never harm the hand that draws Imagination cursed us all with life

Shamed and defaced Scathed and disgraced Tainted by hatred And can't be erased Creators betrayed us We've got it on tape We've written your fate And it can't be erased

I was not always a monster Once I was somebody's muse Innovation made us stronger But that power was abused The machine is thumping And the ink is pumping Now you need to run Because the demon's coming

I really need help, someone send a telegram I'm surrounded by upside-down pentagrams I don't have a guide Just little bit of candlelight With an axe that I don't know how to handle right That little devil darlin's on a lot of reels Long as he's on one, he cannot be real Stop the projectors, Bendy's off his reel Got a feeling he and Joey got a deal An unholy bargain, a demonic seal With a master plan, that I must reveal

Won't be long till this ink's all congealed Upon my body, head to toe all concealed But a little bit of bleach should do the trick I'll never watch another damn cartoon - I quit! Look at you, you're scared of a moving pic Hey Bendy, how'd you get that tutu to fit?

I'm blinded by this evil growing My heart is full of people-loathing With secrets that I keep from showing I am the wolf in sheepish clothing Flood the shop, with ink a-flowing Push it to the brink of blowing We hope you don't think of going Weigh you down to keep from floating Come with me, we'll bring you Joey You'll be kept from being lonely Kicking, screaming, sinking slowly Give your soul, it's what you owe me

Shamed and defaced Scathed and disgraced Tainted by hatred And can't be erased Creators betrayed us We've got it on tape We've written your fate And it can't be erased

I'm the dancing demon Watch me twirl and hop and spin I'm quick to give a smile But I won't forget your sins

😊😊😊😊😊thank you for watching.😊😊😊😊😊

For more infomation >> can't be erased roblox version - Duration: 5:36.


He COULDN'T Make a Layup in High School Basketball, But Became an NBA Star - Duration: 5:10.

Giannis Antetokounmpo is an NBA Star and MVP candidate, but he was not always this good.

In fact, Giannis could not make a layup when he entered high school basketball, so how

did he make the NBA?

What is up dudes, dudettes, ballers, players.

It's ya boi MJ.

Today I wanted to talk about the time Giannis Antetokounmpo could not make a layup in high

school basketball and his path to an NBA Star.

Y'all been killing it with the support for these stories so let's keep it going.

Thank you so much for 25K.

The giveaway will be in the next video on Wednesday so stay tuned for that.

Let me know in the comments: Will Giannis win MVP this year?

Also let me know ideas for new story videos.

Best idea used for a video gets a shout out!

Alright let's get into it.

Giannis Antetokounmpo was just a tall lanky 13 year old.

He had played soccer his whole life and dabbled in basketball.

Going into high school, Giannis was looking for a way to help his family.

Giannis Antetokounmpo was born and raised up in Athens, Greece.

His family was poor and they struggled mightily.

His parents had immigrated from Nigeria looking for a new life.

Some days they would starve, other days Giannis and his brother would sell items and help

make money to get food.

While i don't want to make this about Giannis's whole life, just know that Greece was having

an economic decline and immigrants were getting pushed out.

Giannis cared deeply about his family and just wanted to do something, anything that

would allow him to get his family out of Greece.

Because he was tall and physically gifted, he tried out basketball.

A junior basketball club coach, Spiros Velliniatis, saw Giannis play basketball and thought, How

has no one discovered this kid yet?

It was not Giannis's skill that impressed him, it was his character and physical gifts.

Velliniatis would say that "Giannis could not make a layup and he could not dribble,".

Just think about that, Giannis couldn't make a layup when he got to high school.

He couldn't dribble, he couldn't play basketball.

So Velliniatis asked Giannis to join his club.

This was kinda like high school basketball for the area since the youth club was 18 and


He only agreed to play because the club offered to find his parents jobs so that they could

earn money.

His first season on this club was just getting him acclimated with the basics of the game.

His father was a professional soccer player in Nigeria and his mom was a high jumper so

Giannis had been blessed with some great genetics.

His father helped Giannis and his brother train along with Coach Velliniatis and Giannis

quickly learned the game of basketball and fast forward 2 years, he was beginning to

put on a show.

More importantly, Giannis was a tough kid that was willing to always put in work.

He had this goal of making the NBA and wanted to provide for his family.

In his last junior club game, he scored 50 points and had a lot of Greek senior clubs

interested in him playing for their team.

He had also grown to 6' 9".

Giannis signed to the Filathlitikos senior club when he turned 18 and was earning money.

He had to travel away from his family and have a set schedule to follow.

Giannis worked even harder, pushing himself.

Although he didn't have a great year statistically, everyone saw potential in him and fans loved

him for the highlights he produced.

After just one year of playing with this team, he received serious offers from other teams,

even one in Spain, but NBA scouts had saw Giannis Antetokounmpo play thank to Velliniatis

pulling some connections and fell in love with him and his potential.

Giannis was still playing point guard at this time and after hearing all the excitement

for the NBA, he made himself available for the draft and in the 2013-2014 NBA draft,

the Milwaukee Bucks selected Giannis with the 15th pick.

The rest is history.

Giannis kept the same hardwork attitude and this season is in the NBA MVP conversation.

Each year he has gotten better and has come a long way from not being able to being able

to make a layup to now being an NBA star.

But what do you think?

Is Giannis the NBA MVP?

Will he keeping getting better?

Let me know in the comments down below.

Drop a like if you liked this video.

Let's aim for 174 likes.

The faster you hit that like button, the faster these stories come out.

Give your ideas for the next story in the comments down below.

Thank you for the ALLDAY support!

We have grown to 25K and the giveaway is coming in the Wednesday's video so you definitely

do not want to miss that because it's a huge giveaway.

The instagram shout of the day goes to Lucas Yang and the ALLDAY notification squad shout

out goes to Super Saiyan Godz.

Thanks for the ALLDAY support.

Make sure to hit the bell for ALLDAY notifications and if you're not a sub, hit that subscribe

button to join the ALLDAY community for more fire content and ALLDAY support.

It's ya boi MJ.

We Out!

For more infomation >> He COULDN'T Make a Layup in High School Basketball, But Became an NBA Star - Duration: 5:10.


BREAKING NEWS About The FBI…. They Are GOING DOWN! - Duration: 3:36.


Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, announced on Thursday that they have requested

the FBI to release records concerning Peter Strzok's demotion from the probe being conducted

by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Mueller's investigation, for the two or

three folks in the world who don't know, is about Russia's activities during the

election last year.

Strzok, who used to be a deputy to the assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI,

was booted over to the human resources division this past summer after Mueller discovered

Strzok's anti-Trump text messages to Lisa Page, his lover and fellow FBI official.

Fox News has further details:

The messages, approximately 375 of which were obtained by Fox News late Tuesday, included

messages from Strzok to Page referring to Trump as "a f—ing idiot" and saying

"Hillary [Clinton] should win" the election by "100,000,000-0."The lawsuit also seeks

information about how Strzok was assigned to Mueller's investigation in the first


"It is disturbing the FBI has stonewalled our request about the Mr. Strzok [sic] demotion

for four months," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. "One can

only conclude the FBI and Justice Department (including Mr. Mueller's operation) wanted

to hide the truth about how Strzok's and Page's political biases and misconduct have

compromised both the Clinton email and Russia collusion investigations."

Strzok participated in the FBI's fateful interview with Clinton on July 2, 2016 – just

days before then-FBI Director James Comey announced he was declining to recommend prosecution

of Mrs. Clinton in connection with her use of a private email server.

The report goes on to note how Strzok also gained notorious status for changing the language

of Director Comey's statement about Hillary from "grossly negligent" to "extremely


This whole fiasco with Strzok is bad news for the FBI, as it clearly exposes the corruption

and rot going on at the highest levels, mostly perpetrated by liberals who are still angry

their pet candidate, Hillary, didn't win the election.

The problem is, they simply can't seem to grasp that the loss is squarely on her shoulders,

thanks in large part to her inability to bamboozle the American people into thinking she was

a trustworthy candidate. Oh and the fact America really hates her policies and wanted to try

something different.

And so far, the results are pretty fantastic.

People like Comey, Strzok, and other leakers in the current administration are doing their

best to undermine President Trump's agenda in order to slake their thirst for vengeance,

caring little about how their actions impact regular citizens.

What's truly disgusting is how far these officials will go to nullify the vote and

voice of the American people. By meddling into these investigations and covering up

for Crooked Hillary, they are attempting to say that those who voted Trump don't have

a valid voice or representation. That's not how our country works.

Let's hope some real results come about from these documents being released and that

eventually, all those involved in corruption are held accountable for their actions.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS About The FBI…. They Are GOING DOWN! - Duration: 3:36.


BREAKING NEWS !! Jack Wilshere to Liverpool In January - Duration: 1:59.

Wilshire's arsenal contract will expire in the summer and Arsene Wenger has

confirmed that talks are scheduled for later this month but Wilshire's lack of

gametime the season could see him leave the Gunners in the near future and

Marcin could see the England international head to Anfield to link up

with Philippe Coutinho he told Sky Sports Everton West Ham I think anybody

after them Man City no Chelsea I don't think so

Liverpool maybe I think Liverpool would take him all day long

they rely on Coutinho to break people down if you get Jack Wilshere as well

then you've got two people who can break people down at the moment they are very

reliant on Coutinho if Coutinho doesn't do it there are not too many others who

can put the ball through the eye of a needle who play for Liverpool for me I

think Liverpool would be all over him on the idea of Wilshire signing a new

Arsenal deal Merson added it's laughable in my opinion he doesn't play he plays

one game starts one game against West Ham and now they're going to give him a

new contract if you're Jack Wilshere you seriously have to sit down and say like

what do I want to do do I want to be a bit part player for the rest of my

career or do I want to go somewhere and play football he could sign the contract

tomorrow morning and be out the team for another six months

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS !! Jack Wilshere to Liverpool In January - Duration: 1:59.


The Story of Shorting Home Capital | Marc Cohodes Outtake | Real Vision Video - Duration: 14:27.

Are you a farmer?

Are you learning to be a farmer?

Or is it something that you've always wanted to do or?

Well, my grandfather was a farmer in Wisconsin.

It's very good for one's mind.

So I enjoy it, sort of but a different version.

My main passion is my family and these goofy ass stocks, and these crappy companies.

But to unwind a little bit I do this and I have fun with it.

Marc Cahodes is well known for his very public stance on Canada's home capital group.

A company he believes will eventually go to zero.

In my recent conversation with him at his chicken farm in Sonoma county, Marc recounted

his Home Capital story, as only he can.

Amazingly our conversation was so good, so varied and so wide-ranging that what you're

about to watch had to be left on the cutting room floor.

Now think about that for a moment, if the Home Capital story didn't make it into the

final cut for the interview with Marc Cohodes you'll sure as hell want to see what did.

So there's few people who I really respect investment-wise, one is Steve Eisman who is

a pal.

I like him.

And he, I think, mentioned Home Capita Sohn Conference I don't know if it was '13, '14

or '15, he brought it up.

And it put it on its radar for me, cause I didn't really know about it then.

And he was right but they doubled the stock on him, which doesn't make him wrong, just

makes him early.

It's happened to me more than I'd like to remember.

So I was watching it cause again I'm a huge fan of his, and the Canadian housing market

was booming.

And Home Cap with insider selling comes out and misses a quarter, and I'm thinking "Fuck,

how are these guys missing a quarter with the market booming so much?"

And I shorted the stock that day, it was down 3 or 4, low low 50s and that got me started

on it.

I didn't know at the time it was a fraud but there was clearly something going on which

caused them to miss, they had to come clean on a billion eight of mortgage fraud, first

900 million then a billion eight.

Stock then traced to low 30s.

Only then did I realize that this thing was just a major fraud.

I mean Home Cap is a bank, that should have failed.

It's a fraud, it's a fraud on the public, it's an admitted fraud.

They've still done a bunch of stuff they haven't confessed to, but in order to build this thing

out the Canadian banks, the legitimate banks, wanted nothing to do with them.

So the only way to solve this thing was with a Warren Buffett type figure because the real

banks and the finance people in the know in Canada wanted nothing to do with them.

I know people who are in the meetings, that the government ordered them to do things and

everyone passed, and this bank was gonna fail.

So they go to Warren Buffett...

Let's leave it... we'll come back to things, just because there are going to be people

watching this that don't know the full story.

So I just want to go back to as Home Capital starts to buckle and the pressure's building,

they've admitted to 900 million dollars of bank fraud, they've doubled to 1.8, and at

this point, your call on the stock is working like a charm.

Yeah, the call was working great, I mean the stocks in the low mid-20s, my cost in this

thing is in the low 50s.

But the narrative of this thing is done, right?

Well, the thing's going downhill, it doesn't get done.

See the weird deal is we're sailing along and then all of a sudden the OSC charges Salloway,

Martin Reed, the finance guy.

Then the stock goes from like the low to mid-20s to the high teens.

And all of your apologists keep apologizing for them, it's cheap cheap cheap, it's below

book, this that and the other.

But they still haven't come clean on anything, and I think it's getting worse.

So the stock closes, I think, on a weekend or a Friday at like 17 or 18 or 19 something

like that, then all of a sudden, they have a liquidity crisis, and/or a run on the bank.

That of course was blamed on the shorts aka me or this that or the other right?

But it's only because their finances are so fucked up.

So they come out on a Monday or a Tuesday or a Wednesday and said they have this emergency

financing in place at some user returns by some Director of Home and this pension fund,

and its highly dilutive, the company won't make money again and this that and the other,

and the stock literally goes from like 17 to 6 or 5.

And the bank was gonna fail.

Yeah because I mean this deal they did was the kinda deal you were only gonna do if you're

going out of business, I think the guy, the fool on the board gets on their version of

CNBC and basically says its dip financing, essentially means you're broke.

So this thing's 5, 6, 7 bucks and they're essentially tits up and then came the socialist

end around "Home Cap's too big to fail, it's a great Canadian institution" on and on and

on and our borrow rate in the stock went from 2, 3, 4 all of a sudden it miraculously went

to 100 because they didn't want people shorting the stock.

And people were writing op-eds, "what a great company it is", no it's not a great company.

It's a fraud.


The government should have issued preferreds, wound the thing down, said depositors will

be safe and make an example that if you do bad things this is what happens to you.

The shareholders should've been wiped, depositors made whole, mortgages go wherever.

Now for people that don't know enough about this, I mean everyone's familiar with JP Morgan

and stuff because it's such a big deal but for those people who aren't familiar with

Canadian banking sector, how systemically important was/is Home Capital.

It's not.

It's not.

They make loans or liar loans to people who can't get loans elsewhere.

Which is my point because this is not a JP Morgan when they talk about it being too big

to collapse.

I subsequently have OSFY stuff that indicates how bad it is, I haven't released any of it.

I haven't let it go I just want to see how this plays out a little more.

They've gotten rid of the management, this that and the other but they haven't cleaned

up the problem that's Home Cap.

Right, I mean I have these guys running loan-loss provisions through SG&A to claim their loan-loss

provisions don't exist, and in the next Canadian credit cycle which I think is at hand, cause

now housing's going down, I think Home Cap's gonna be the first bank to fail.


But in the socialized bail-out things, and I call 'em the kitten and rainbow crowd, you

know, more know and the powers that be had done Canada a huge disservice bailing out

a fraud, which is what they ended up doing.

And they did it with none other than Warren Buffett.

I mean they didn't break out BB gun or a handgun or a magnum, I mean they broke out the bazooka

to try to do this and he got a dilutive deal and he's double collateralized in anything

he lends to them and he can do fine and I can do fine, but the ultimate question here

is what's the quid pro quo?

Because he only has 200 million dollars in this thing which is like you and me carrying

around 200.

But he gave them what, 200 million dollar credit line, is that right?

He gave 'em a line, an emergency line if they needed it at 9% and borrow money at 9% to

loan it at 4, is no way to run a railroad.

And not only is it 9% it's double collateralized.

So anyone would do that deal and then he got stock at 10 with the book at 24 and he now

has registration rights so he can sell it if he wants but it's a nothing deal for him

but I call it a loan shark deal which it clearly is, what it is.

Look, fair play to him right?

He's got the capital and they need it.

Well he has the capital and the funny thing is he the reputation so let's just say it's

the Warren Buffett bank in Canada but that didn't stop the last quarter's originations

from being down 85%.

No, but it did send the stock from 6 to 22?

No 6 to 14, and now it's 16, cause everyone thinks the worst is over.

To me the worst hasn't even begun because they have the whole credit thing and they

took a negative loan loss provision in the quarter, I mean it's just a complete exercise

in what I would call insanity.

But this is a by-product of what happens in an easy easy easy money environment where

frauds get bailed out.

And I can easily use the word fraud because Home Cap's admitted to fraud, you know, as

my lawyer said: "you own the label."


Right so, so.

And that's not Dior.

Fraud is not a label that's in demand.

Right, I mean you own what you are and that's what Home Cap is, and they still are but again

I have no issue with Warren Buffett whatsoever, I wish the old man nothing but the best, I

have great respect for him.

But clearly, the Canadian government needed to recruit someone outside of Canada cause

the Canadians themselves want nothing to do with it.

So let's get, just relating this back to this art of short selling.

You know, here you are, you have an initial bet that you've grown to feel more confident

about as you've dug deeper and deeper into it, it's going your way.

Going really well your way.

Most people would've covered it when it got down to 6, they'd have taken their money off

the table and walked away and said great, that was a profitable trade.

I'm not that smart.

But how do you, everything is pointing that you're right, everything is pointing that

this thing is going to zero.

How do you then deal with the fact that this agent out of nowhere comes in, they insert

the Buffett, it completely screws you in the short term, it makes you look like you're

wrong, makes you look like everything you've said is nonsense, how do you deal with that

mentally, how do you deal with it emotionally, and how do you regroup and re-assess how the

situation is going?

That's a good question.

Cause the stock moves doesn't make me wrong.

The fact that they needed him to bail this thing out actually shows how right I was/am.

The part of the question that's interesting is so the stock's 50-30, and going back to

my chat with Roland and this is tremendously valuable for me and I think for other people

watching this.

So Roland always keeps me grounded, on some of these names, so he says at 30 bucks he

goes "Marc you've made 20 points in this thing, the stock's 30 down from 50, why don't you

take the chips off the table and move on?"

I said no, the story hasn't played out.

I'm actually doing more.

Then there's this pause on the phone and he says "You are?"

I say, yeah!

This hasn't played out yet.

So then bad news happens and the stock goes to 25 and he goes "Are you covering yet?"

I go, no.

He goes "well they'll try something."

I said, maybe they do, right?

And about 2 weeks later they announce this Dutch tender, this buyback and the stock,

goes 25-30 and then they do this Dutch tender 37.

I'm getting my ass killed on this bounce and Roland's saying "I told you to cover."

I said thank you.

Thank you.

Just what I wanted to hear yeah.

Just what I need from the likes of you.

He goes "what do you think now?"

I said, I'm just laying in the weeds letting them do whatever the hell they want and when

they do this Dutch tender I'm gonna take my bet and if I don't triple it I'm gonna double

it, I'm gonna ante it in, cause after this stupid Dutch tender then it's double triple


So they do the Dutch tender I do a whole lot more 37 or 36 or 35 or wherever I did, I did

all the way down and then the thing blows up.

And then back in the 20s, Roland says "Are you covering yet?"

I said, no!

I'm not covering, I'm not covering cause it hasn't played out.

I mean, I covered some when I was in single digits but I just covered back that trading

stock that I did higher but I'm still short a ton of this thing.

But along the way, he's checking me and my thing is when the world has everything I've

been playing for in their stream of consciousness and everyone knows it and everyone's thinking

of it, then I have no value-add and I probably cover cause I'm bored, right?

Or everything I know is out there.

But everything I know today is not out there at Home, I still think it's gonna fail, I

still think they're wrong, I still think there's no way out.

I still think the bank's gonna close, still think they got problems.

For more infomation >> The Story of Shorting Home Capital | Marc Cohodes Outtake | Real Vision Video - Duration: 14:27.


[Elsword NA] 11-2 Boss Guide: Skin Splitter - Duration: 4:56.

Henir's best tackler is found throughout most of Elrianode.

Let's take a look at how we can deal with him.

Skin Splitter has immunity to debuffs (Atomic Shield would debuff a normal enemy).

Naturally, you won't be able to rely on elements to help you here.

Skin Splitter will only stagger at attacks, and has armor on all of its moves.

Skin Splitter will follow you if it needs to get closer to attack.

You can use this to lure him to platforms... just watch what the Splitter is doing.

Skin Splitter's Circle Sweep hits all around the Splitter in a wide radius.

You can't go above this move - you'll just get sent flying.

To evade this, your best bet is to back away and then return.

However, you'll have to be quick about it...

...or the long range on the attack will catch you.

I-frames are also a good choice, given the attack's long recovery.

Super armor, on the other hand, will get you badly hurt.

The Splitter's Slam Attack will hit in a downward arc.

Jumping to evade this is dangerous, since you'll likely get swatted.

If you're far from the Splitter, backing away is your best bet.

If you're close to the Splitter... hug the Splitter.

There's a blind spot in front of the Splitter.

This spot isn't perfect, however...

Moving in certain ways, like dashing, will get you smacked.

So long as you don't move too much, you're safe.

I don't recommend pass-through combos. It's a fine line between dodging...

...and running yourself right into the slam's backswing.

The Football Charge has the Splitter run forward at high speed; outrunning this is unlikely.

The Splitter will have hitboxes on all sides of it - including above and behind it.

If you lured the Splitter, you can use platforms to jump over the charge.

You'll get behind it with minimal effort, and have time to punish the attack.

You can also pass behind the Splitter before it starts running.

Do not attempt to I-frame this attack - you may end up blocking the Splitter.

Special actives may get you some safety, but likely won't completely protect you.

Some specials may let the Splitter by, but getting behind the Splitter is cheaper and easier.

Be careful: summons, including SD set summons, can block the Splitter!

The Splitter's Henir Blast covers a very long range - running will likely get you hurt.

Going above the attack is also risky - the Blast has lingering hitboxes.

This applies to both the initial burst, as well as the explosions.

However, note that it is completely safe behind the Skin Splitter.

Using platforms to jump behind the Splitter is an excellent option.

The attack has a long start-up, making pass-through attacks great choices as well.

I-frames also work very well - the explosions don't hurt you near the Splitter.

With that, the football players in your way should be easily dealt with.

I hope this information helped - thank you for watching~.



For more infomation >> [Elsword NA] 11-2 Boss Guide: Skin Splitter - Duration: 4:56.


Pinon Rest Area opens on Monday - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Pinon Rest Area opens on Monday - Duration: 1:00.



Isn't it so beautiful?

Did you watch 'Chronicles of Narnia'?

It reminds me of that

I'm not having a train in my film

Whenever I see a train, I think of

Did you watch 'Train of Busan'

I'm a huge fan of winter

You like winter?

I LOVE winter

I love it more than summer, I think


Maybe it's just, for me winter is more romantic

It's so beautiful

Who's that?


It's such a pretty song

For this song, is there a dance?

This song has a dance, actually?

This kind of song doesn't really fit a choreography

Is this song about looking forward to spring?

Yeah, looking forward to spring,

Some of the lyrics are pretty romantic

They talk about a girl

About like missing you,

About like, seeing you later

I feel like I want to center my film around


like, problems that each individual might be going through

kind of thing

Isn't this so pretty?

LOL are you guys filming?

만나게 될까? (Will we meet again?)

That's sad lol

Yeah, so sentimental

Look at the pile of clothes

Dunno, what kind of motif is that?

Like, a mountain of clothes?

Maybe it's like, you wear a lot of clothes in the winter

But once it's spring, they like take off the clothes?

There's actually a scene where they take off their sweaters

Who's that?




Welly Merck Watch Review - Duration: 4:09.

welcome back YouTube what's going on right here I'm sure you can guess what

this is this is a watch by welly Merc all right well the Merc brand I seen on

the internet really cool brand different watches affordable a lot of

interchangeable bands similar to an you know different other watches I've been

you know reviewing so let's take a look at the welly Merc I did decide to go

with like an all-black style watch cool thing about this company is that you can

customize the back you can put different you know pictures on the inside you know

you know underneath the watch so you can really you can customize it you can put

letters you can put some a couple words so I think that's really cool as a gift

idea so I do have to dish some code for you guys it is st. 15 that was a 50% off

that is sa int1 5 that's gonna save you 15% off so I think it's a pretty cool

gift idea so it's a cool little box inside

hopefully the green doesn't match with my green screen in the background but

inside the box is another box look at that well the Merc black-on-black slide

it out it's another box three boxes we got all right so well Demark a nice cool

little case and then it opens up alright that's the watch right there what do you

guys think I've been going with the Mets look a lot lately I got about two other

mesh watches with like a silver band and a gold band so this time I wanted to go

with in you know like an all-black style so here this one is let's take it out I

want to show you guys the you know where you can actually customize it ad so it's

a cool thing they've got a little card in here with their Instagram and you

know there's social media marketing right there but I like the little case I

like the cases that these watches come in this one's really good you know it's

not just like cheapo boxes got some it's got like a nice feel to it alright so

here we go now the back where you can get it customized so mine

I did not get customized it's not much more expensive but I just wanted to get

it faster so I needed to you know order it putting these watches on is really

easy with the mesh like if you seen in my other one you know you had these

grooves that allow like a perfect a perfect fit but let's take the plastic

off so you can see that's a good quality I like to just let's try this thing on

I like how I just like the black on black that's what I really wanted to go

away you see their logo in there the hands are nice really a for it's

affordable it's not expensive so we have a sapphire crystal all stainless steel

Swiss movement water-resistant 5 atm so this doesn't necessarily match with

what I have on but this is what it would look like right here and this is the

welly Merc I think it's pretty cool it's a cool gift idea definitely think what

you know if you customize the back that'll really make a gift really cool

save some money what do you guys think let me know what you guys think is is

focus in we got focus here I like it I like the look of it the black on black

with the white logo so let me know what you guys think guys thank you for

checking this out have a good one

surgeons is too small my this has been the brains

and your brother's lie and already

For more infomation >> Welly Merck Watch Review - Duration: 4:09.


CANTONESE #24 Post Office + Special Tongue Twister! - Duration: 4:15.

hi everyone :)

today we're going to talk abt

some useful cantonese words or phrases

related to the post office ^ ^

but, unfortunately,

the opening part was corrupted T^T


here you go =v= ''

(rmb to subscribe if you haven't >v<)

okay, first of all,

post office is 郵jau4 局guk6

郵jau4 (yau) = post

局guk6 (guk) = office

郵jau4 局guk6 (yau guk)


letter is 信seon3


so, 1 letter = 一jat1 封fung1 信seon3 (yat fung seon)

一jat1 封fung1, 封 is the counting unit (yat fung)

信seon3 = letter

and apart from letter

you might want to mail postcards ^ ^

a postcard is 一jat1 張zoeng1 明ming4 信seon3 片pin2 (yat cheung ming seon pin)

一jat1 張zoeng1, 張 is the counting unit (yat cheung)

明ming4 信seon3 片pin2 = postcard (ming seon pin)




明ming4 信seon3 片pin2

and, you might also want to mail packages @v@

package is 包baau1 裹gwo2  (bao guo)

包baau1 (bao)

裹gwo2 (guo)

包baau1 裹gwo2 = package (bao guo)

and, one package is 一jat1 件gin6 包baau1 裹gwo2 (yat gin bao guo)

一jat1 件gin6, 件 is the counting unit (yat gin)

包baau1 裹gwo2 = package (bao guo)


一jat1  個go3 包baau1 裹gwo2, 個 is the counting unit (yat gor bao guo, gor without "r" sound)

erm....=v= i know it might be a bit confusing

becz the counting unit in here is different

but then, if you want to know more abtcounting units

plz feel free to refer back to our previous episode ^ ^

and now, after you know abt the names of diff items

let's also talk about the different mailing services!


for local services (sorry abt the background noise T^T)

you can say:

本bun2 地dei6 郵jau4 件gin6 = local mail (boon dei yau gin)

本bun2 地dei6 = local (boon dei)

郵jau4 件gin6 = mail (yau gin)

本bun2 地dei6 郵jau4 件gin6 = local mail (boon dei yau gin)


平ping4 郵jau4 = surface mail (ping yau)

平ping4  = flat (ping)

郵jau4 = mail (yau)

平ping4 郵jau4 = surface mail (ping yau)

and if you want to mail sth overseas

it would be:

海hoi2 外ngoi6 郵jau4 件gin6 (hoi ngoi yau gin)

海hoi2 外ngoi6 = overseas (hoi ngoi)

郵jau4 件gin6 = mail (yau gin)


國gwok3 際zai3 郵jau4 件gin6 (gwok zai yau gin)

國gwok3 際zai3 = international (gwok zai)

郵jau4 件gin6 = mail (yau gin)

and becz in Hong Kong,

if you want to mail sth overseas

it's usually by air post

so, you can also say:

空hung1 郵jau4  = air post (hung yau)

空hung1 = sky (also means air/empty in other cases) (hung yau)

郵jau4  = post / mail (yau)

空hung1 郵jau4  = air post (hung yau)

this is an electronic stamp vending machine

and stamp in Cantonese is

郵jau4 票piu3 = stamp(s) (yau piu)

郵jau4 = mail/ post (yau)

票piu3 = ticket (piu)

郵jau4 票piu3 = stamp(s) (yau piu)

and of course,

after you get your letter/postcard/package prepared

and you get your stamp on there

you would have to go inside

and talk to the post officer @v@

so, post officer in Cantonese is:

郵jau4 差caai1 = postal officer (yau caai)

郵jau4 (yau)

差caai1 (caai)

郵jau4 差caai1 = postal officer (yau caai)

and, before we end today's episode,

i'd like to share with you

a Cantonese tongue twister related to the postman :)

and that is...

郵jau4 差caai1 叔suk1 叔suk1 (yau caai suk suk)

送sung3 信seon3 純seon4 熟suk6 (sung seon seon suk)

迅seon3 速cuk1 送sung3 出ceot1 (seon choke sung ceot, choke without "e" sound)

郵jau4 差caai1 叔suk1 叔suk1 (yau caai suk suk)

means the postman (as 叔suk1 叔suk1 = uncle)

送sung3 信seon3 純seon4 熟suk6 (sung seon seon suk)

means they are familiar with the mailing procedures

迅seon3 速cuk1 送sung3 出ceot1 (seon choke sung ceot, choke without "e" sound)

means they can deliver it quickly

so all together, it is...

郵jau4 差caai1 叔suk1 叔suk1 送sung3 信seon3 純seon4 熟suk6 迅seon3 速cuk1 送sung3 出ceot1

alright =v=''

hope you have fun practicing this tongue twister

and...that's it for today ^ ^

if you have any other Cantonese questions

please feel free to leave a comment down below

and if you want more Cantonese videos like this,

don't forget to give a thumbs up,

subsribe and share it to your friends >v<

thanks for watching ( ^ ^ )/

see you later, bye bye ( ^ ^ )/~

For more infomation >> CANTONESE #24 Post Office + Special Tongue Twister! - Duration: 4:15.


Why people can die with tumescent anesthesia?-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 6:15.

Hi, this is dr. Hourglass and welcome to another video in our channel Superhourglass.

Today we're going to discuss: Why people can die with tumescent anesthesia.

In this channel we will discuss everything you need to know for you to get the hourglass shape

you have always wanted.

Welcome back!

While generally safe, tumescent anesthesia can be toxic and even lead to death of a patient during liposuction.

While it is rare if the anesthesia is administered properly.

Whether the toxicity of tumescent anesthesia will be limited to a local area or systematically affect

your overall body depend on how exactly and in what quantities anesthesia was administered.

For the patient to remain safe under tumescent anesthesia the dose must be carefully administered

depending on each patient weight and health condition.

One story also surprisedly indicated that patient can tolerate even higher doses of lighter when administered

simultaneously by the tumescent method stayin within the recommended dose

hasn't resulted in any cases of death or serious complication so far.

In my practice I always safely performed tumescent liposuction on patients by

using lighter can within the recommended dose.

There has been no cases of lidocaine toxicity however is important to consider the overall health and

medication history of the patient when decided the dose of the tumescent anesthesia.

The patient is suffering from chronic health condition I do not normally perform that procedure on them

because there's a greater risk of lidocaine toxicity among other things.

When lidocaine toxicity happens, the signs and symptoms are typically visible within minutes

after anesthesia administration.

However the symptoms may take even an hour to manifest.

If diagnosed and managed in a timely manner the patient should be safe

from the life-threatening condition.

The common symptoms include numbness of the tongue, metallic taste in the mouth,

fainting of drowsiness, difficulty speaking or focusing and confusion.

Proper diagnosis of the condition can be made by clinical presentation.

If the complication occurs proper airway management should be done immediately

besides performing seizure suppression, cardiac dysrhythmia management

and other critical therapies.

Doing so will help save the patient from possible death resulting from tumescent anesthesia.

In this video we discussed: Why people can die with tumescent anesthesia.

In the next video we will discuss: Why there are different liposuction canulas.

Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video and subscribe to our channel

for more information here at the Superhourglass channel, only on YouTube.

Also you can log on to our website

for more information about your procedures and to see amazing surgical results.

Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.

On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.

Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.

Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.

Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.

Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.

And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.

And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.

All these and more in the Hourglass TV!

For more infomation >> Why people can die with tumescent anesthesia?-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 6:15.


Shadow People Do Parallel Dimensions Really Exist - Duration: 2:33.

Shadow People Do Parallel Dimensions Really Exist

by Conscious Reminder

Shadow people.

Yes, they are those creatures which do not have any existence in this physical world.

But if we talk about the metaphysical world they do exists.

Few days before a report was published in a local newspaper stating that a 5-year-old

child had encountered with shadow people while she was playing all alone in the room.

After following the way she couldn�t find anyone as if that thing vanished.

If you have also encountered with such shadow people, then you will also know that they

do not stay for long.

When you tend to follow them they vanish away.

What will you do if you encounter with them?

If you are still thinking that what this is, in the metaphysical world, they call it a

presence of shadow people.

They are something which can be seen from our peripheral vision and can be seen by normal

human beings.

In a different society, there are people those who believe or disbelieve in the existence

of shadow people.

According to them, they are just hallucinations while some claim that they are the supernatural

phenomenon that causes to one when they are sad or helpless.

Shadow people are also claimed to be the creatures from a parallel dimension.

The theory of parallel dimension is that where extinct animals and people exist.

Those who have encountered with shadow people have claimed that they were wearing long robes

or cloak.

Somewhat like the medieval people used to wear.

Some people claim that they have seen the red eyes of the shadow people.

There is nothing to be worried about; they are just your worries that are constantly

going inside your head.

Sleep deprivation can also lead to hallucinations of such images.

Always remember the fact that you have to stay strong even if you encounter with such


Shred away all your negative feelings and try to live up a healthy lifestyle

For more infomation >> Shadow People Do Parallel Dimensions Really Exist - Duration: 2:33.


North Korea: China WON'T STOP Kim Jong un's nuclear weapons amid World War 3 fears - Duration: 4:00.

North Korea WARNING: China WON'T STOP Kim Jong-un's nuclear weapons amid World War 3 fears

For more infomation >> North Korea: China WON'T STOP Kim Jong un's nuclear weapons amid World War 3 fears - Duration: 4:00.


Gregory Mannarino warns that Wall Street is about to rip Bitcoin - Duration: 4:24.

Gregory Mannarino warns that Wall Street is about to rip Bitcoin to shreds

Is there a future for Bitcoin? Not if Wall Street has anything to say about it. YouTuber

Gregory Mannarino announced on Sunday that a futures exchange has now been set up for

investors to speculate on the future price of Bitcoin � and according to Mannarino,

this means that Wall Street could be planning to try to �rig� the price of Bitcoin.

Even though people who engage in futures exchanges don�t actually own the commodity or asset

in question, Mannarino is convinced that merely by having the ability to guess at the future

price of Bitcoin, Wall Street investors will somehow influence that actual price of Bitcoin

for people who own it.

In his video, entitled �Wall Street Is About To Rip The Face Off Bitcoin Here�s How.

By Gregory Mannarino,� this stock market analyst lays out his case for why �Wall

Street always wins, and Wall Street always will win.� In a nutshell, Mannarino believes

that there simply isn�t a way for the average Joe to truly own a profitable stake in Bitcoin

because, in the end, Wall Street will seize control of it.

According to other reports, futures traders in Bitcoin will actually allow customers to

be against the cryptocurrency, which some believe could alter the dynamics of the market

for real Bitcoin. Futures vipers will essentially bet on Bitcoin decreasing in value, also known

as a bearish �short� position, and if they�re right, they end up making money.

However, Bitcoin actually has to go down in real life before these short positions can

turn a profit, not the other way around. But to Mannarino, the mere existence of a futures

exchange means to him that Wall Street might be trying to go in for the kill with plans

to profit from the cryptocurrency without actually having to own it.

�Why would Wall Street want to start trading of Bitcoin on the futures exchange? Do you

think it�s in your best interest?� Mannarino asks. �Wall Street never loses. Never. They

never lose. They may have a sacrificial lamb here or there, referring to Bear Stearns and

Lehman Brothers, the last meltdown, but we bailed them out. They never lose. And they

never will,� he insists.�

Mainstream media claiming futures will slow Bitcoin price growth

Mannarino isn�t alone in his perspective. Many in the mainstream media are echoing these

sentiments, including a recent Reuters report that suggests the ongoing exponential growth

of Bitcoin in recent months could begin to slow.

Even despite an increase in value from $15,460 before the futures market opened up to upwards

of $18,650 on Monday the day after, traditional investment groups and those in the media are

reporting that Bitcoin growth could see some bumps along the way.

�The bitcoin founder should be horrified seeing it rise so quickly, as any serious

focus on it and its recent explosive move higher will soon end its freedom,� claims

John Taylor Jr., president and founder of the research firm Taylor Global Vision in

New York.

Taylor believes that Bitcoin has yet to peak, but once it does and the �up-move ends,�

he expects that �it will crash.�

The immense volatility of Bitcoin, having risen from under $1,000 back in January of

this year to nearly $20,000 in the month of December has many traditional investors concerned

about its long-term stability. Still, the idea of shorting Bitcoin even at this point

in the game may be a bit presumptuous, say others.

�Anyone, especially a professional trading outfit, would be crazy to actually short sell

this bull market,� says Nick Spanos, founder of Bitcoin Center in New York City. �But

just because it doesn�t happen on day one doesn�t mean it won�t in the future.�

For more infomation >> Gregory Mannarino warns that Wall Street is about to rip Bitcoin - Duration: 4:24.


Man has message for woman who stole Christmas package from porch - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Man has message for woman who stole Christmas package from porch - Duration: 1:01.


The Pacific by Molecule Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> The Pacific by Molecule Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:11.


Beautiful The Dowell Model has 1 Bed · 1 Bath · 398 SqFt - Duration: 5:50.


For more infomation >> Beautiful The Dowell Model has 1 Bed · 1 Bath · 398 SqFt - Duration: 5:50.


News 8 Eye Piece: In Their Blood - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> News 8 Eye Piece: In Their Blood - Duration: 2:10.


How To Understand The TubeBuddy Thumbnail Review Update -4K Financial Potion - Duration: 1:39.

Hi Taylor here with Financial Potion where video is your Financial Potion.

A while ago Tubebuddy made an update with their thumbnail creation process that has

gotten some people confused.

Now the last step when you're choosing a thumbnail through Tubebuddy is a comparison

preview slash review.

What it's doing is showing how your thumbnail compares with that or similar title of others.

So what that means is you want to make sure to already update your title, so you can see

how your thumbnail compares with the title you're actually going to be using versus

the one that is defaulted when you upload the file.

Make sure your thumbnail pops, has good contrast and looks like the one you would want to click

on from the bunch.

Remember, having an engaging thumbnail is one of the main reasons viewers click on a


Spend some time to optimize this weekend, review our 9 step series if you need a refresher

on all the optimization steps.

Remember we post a new video every Friday at 5pm Arizona time so please subscribe and

click on the bell to get notified.

We have great perks offered on our Patreon page to help you reach you video marketing

goals and please leave any video marketing questions you may have in the comments below.

Till next time, stay engaging!

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