HOW TO MAKE Natural Viagra At Home With Only 3 Ingredients!
Ford Ka nog activeren 1.2 Airco Rcd El.r CentrVergr. Cool&Sound 1 part.eigenaar - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
New S.H. Monsterarts Spit Fire Godzilla 2014 Godzilla Vs King Kong Stop-Motion Unboxing - Duration: 18:49.keep watching to see me compare the two s stage monster art Godzilla's to the
five mechagodzilla's and give you my opinion which i think which one of them
is the best Wow keep on watching okay okay today this is my second sh monster
arts this is the Spitfire version so it comes in this plain paper this plain
brown box you open it up and that's where you get the box with check this
New S.H. Monsterarts Spit Fire Godzilla 2014 Godzilla Vs King Kong Stop-Motion Unboxing
as cool as the figure so here says SH Monstars Godzilla 2014 Spitfire version
s ace monster arts is a new standard figure series that incorporates the
Bandai action figure art under the theme pursuing character expression through
monster action so this is tamashii
japanese writing there it's legendary here's a good look at artwork on one
side and then you got the back the back of words actually showing the figure
here all the writings in Japanese I mean I don't I'm not really sure water said
something you're interested in reading there is close up but anyways super
great detail especially when you get the Spitfire that skin they had the stand
that actually stood up there really cool spikes on the back of this guns in lot I
did just do one of the Godzilla the 2000 millennium collectors are edition like
special color so if you want to check that out I here's some more details I
believe that once again like I said all Japanese
writing and then here is a nice picture of the entire bigger here has a look at
the top of the package the bottom of the package also has a blog writing and
different information so really cool box in packaging but let's open it up and
see what now I have not opened this up yet guys if this box is empty I will be
very upset say that okay so here is Godzilla and you stand and everything
and it looks like they give you a set of instructions instructions
and of course it's all Japanese I have no idea what it says so it looks I can
kick Godzilla's stand on the back here that says Godzilla and when you open up
you've got Godzilla and all the extra parts cool I'm gonna go ahead and unpack
okay so there he is set up and guys if you are looking for the ultimate black
double versions of Godzilla definitely these monster are ones art because one
thing about them they do not care about hurting you these spikes here are as
sharp as pins I mean if you stepped on this guy at night it does not yield this
guy right I mean it you don't want to give these to your kids because they
might poke their eye out well anyways the detail on these guys are awesome
I'll show you the other one once we finish taking a look at this one but
trust me you will love these if you're looking for ultimate Godzilla detail
this is check out how cool that looks because with the spin here right there
it looks almost invisible so this guy is breathing a Spitfire and it looks like
he's actually doing it another really cool thing is this hand here pops off it
comes with another hand here where he is holding some beast and he tore this
creatures head right off and pop that in there in place of his
other hand and have them carrying of creatures head around how cool is that
okay so first of all the flame the flame is independent so it could stand there
when you put it on this stand it will hold it with the Godzilla and you could
move to stand around so you could get the flame like all over the place like
here or straight up or bent all the way down like that so and the stand is a
really cool iPhone plastic Godzilla on it okay but anyways let's go ahead and
take a look at the bigger we are going to start here at the end like I said
these figures are totally awesome so you've got movement here the mouth does
open and close all the way and it does even move back and forth to check that
out I've never seen one figure before where the jaw will move back and forth
up and down this one's teeth are not as big I like to teeth it have in the
millennium version the teeth to have in the millennium version are super long
and jagged I mean they will literally hold right so then movement there
he's got moving here here on the arm several different spots that move
you've got 360-degree movement on the entire arm you've got movement here at
the elbow and then right below the elbow you've got movement and you've got
movement on the arm here so 360 degree movement in one to four different spots
so that is really cool there and then looking at this guy's chest you've got
movement right over here you've got movement on the waist there it's tight
so I don't want to go 360 degrees around blah from what it feels like you could
probably take this dive around 360 so have them
in the back like I said that jaw exhaustion on move sideways and up
really cool little yellow eyes also and then I here is a look at like his pelvic
area leg movement wise 360-degree on the leg there
you've got actual kneecap here where the bottom in the top move back and forth so
you have a yeah actually poppers in and out which is
really cool
you've got movement over here and then
clock right there the movement will allow you to turn the foot 360 degrees
and then you've got sharp pointed claws on the bottom of this foot there well I
do like the claws on the melenik millennium edition more than the claws
here because they're long and jagged like I said that one too will actually
lacerate your hands so here is the creature that he grabbed I'm not really
sure who this is because it does not identify it on the package unless it's
written in Japanese so he definitely ripped off we definitely ripped off some
creatures in here arm like a trophy and like I said earlier one thing I really
like about these figures they don't care about hurting you I mean these figures
are ultimate display purposes every one of these spikes I mean you can barely
bend this I mean this is almost as hard as a nail with points that are as sharp
as nails so if you see like I said if you stepped on this gun just poking in
here I mean that hurts a lot this guy at night you're going to the
then on his tail movement why's the tail here right there another cool thing is
it does move right here wait
good get movement their tail you've got movement here you can see
there's a ball joint inside there and then the tail parts they do move back
and forth I mean even where it's not you don't have churning movement there they
move back and forth to give it a more realistic look and then you've got
movement here 360 degree and then once again the pieces move back and forth and
then you've got movement down here
and that's about it well like all these Pete all these pieces here all these
pieces here are individual pieces put together so I mean it is the coolest
thing I mean when you move this tail that looks like real life you weigh the
you know moves like it's so many different directions even down here
super sharp spikes you don't even want to step on these guys yeah so here we
are continuing on the other side really nice detail everywhere no screw holes I
mean nothing to do track for this guy feeding on figure you would draw on
yourself the bottom of him once again let's go
ahead and put the flame and with the stand there and walk very
authentic I believe this guy could stand up quite
a bit more than that so you can get the flames like shooting
straight out here ah these flames two guys they're almost razor sharp
I mean Deus this is not a toy for kids let's just say that I mean this if your
kids left this on the floor in some serious pain okay so there you have the
flames shooting out there almost like the planes going down like this because
with this clear piece in the background if you're looking at it like that I mean
that looks like he's shooting a flame out of this
okay and so here is the other one this is the one out saying the millennial
Edition version guys this one is in my opinion he is so much cooler you check
it out this guy his head it is kind of boring
this guy they check him everywhere I'm teeth are sharp as big and then check
out the nails on his hand I mean they look like actual halls on a bird and
they feel like it too I mean they feel so authentic and then also the toenails
actually look and feel like a real Birds toenails so I mean the detail on this
one the Millennium version in my opinion is a lot cooler I think this one a lot
of what you're paying for is the flame in the fact well the fact that there's a
flame and
Securi ain't but ah if you have a choice between the two hit this millennium
additional and we even check out his eyes that one wild wicked looking
Godzilla check out if you want to see the full review and unboxing of that go
to my Godzilla playlist at the end of this video and check it out that is in
2000 millennium edition ah special color version that is also an SH which okay in
my opinion these sh monster arts are probably the coolest ones if you want to
see I do have some of the neck along
okay guys that was awesome like I said the sh monster are Godzilla's in here
are the coolest most ppl woken Godzilla's you gonna get which like I
said they don't care about hurting you I mean they care about detail so I do love
the neck I want but the sh monster arts are way cooler and their packaging
awesome guys I'd love to do more of these godzilla videos in the sh monster
art ones i would love to do all of them but uh I need your opinion so if you are
watching make sure you go ahead and watch the other ones drop me comments
and subscribe to my channel I do have a lot of videos I have over a thousand
videos the majority are Godzilla King Kong drastic world Jurassic Park
on videos you guys are totally awesome and I will see you click the subscribe
button below for a lot more fun videos also click the bell button to be
notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below for a lot more fun
videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the subscribe button
How to Earn $2 to $3 every day bangla prament Proof - Duration: 5:47.
Make your own moves.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne, Soleil Sorgè Vs Onestini: 'nei programmi parla di me' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:39.-------------------------------------------
Grande Fratello Vip, nuovo incontro tra Luca e Ivana: hanno dormito insieme? - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
Ignazio Moser e Cecilia, Capodanno all'estero: scelta già la meta - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
Grande Fratello Vip, Luca e Ivana si baciano in diretta: sono fidanzati? - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
Renault Mégane Mégane Scénic 1.6e RT - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Un elenco di sitcom degli anni 80 e 90 - Duration: 9:01.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Mattino 5: Ivana Mràzovà e il rumor sul flirt con Onestini: la reazione dell'ex | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
William Bonner surpreende e fala sobre separação com Fátima Bernardes: "acho triste" - Duration: 5:10.-------------------------------------------
Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi | اب تو دیکھ چکے کہ دین کے ساتھ انہوں کیا کیا | New HD BaYan - Duration: 4:38.Please Don't ForGet To SubsCriBe Our ChaNNel For LaTest Videos
Claudia Manto, la ballerina di Amici 17: età, carriera e vita privata - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
The best hi-tech gadgets for Chritmas! - Duration: 6:47.-------------------------------------------
IELTS Build Vocabulary PROLIFERATION - Duration: 10:20.Welcome, I'm Cleona Patterson at This video is part of my
MC3 Write IELTS Task 2 Essays Vocabulary is worth 25%, so we need to
build it every day, word by word, phrase by phrase. Let's read an article.
It's called '9 Sneaky Symptoms of High Blood Sugar.'
sneaky? Do you know the verb SNEAK? I can sneak up behind someone very quietly and surprise them.
sneaky is the adjective. ... sneaky symptoms.' Imagine these
symptoms, these signs or indicators that you have a health problem, sneak up on
someone. They don't notice them, they don't see them until often it's too late.
9 Sneaky Symptoms of High Blood Sugar. I'm going to put the link in the
description below the video, so you can go and read the full article. If you're
like me, I have a mum who has Type 2 diabetes so these kinds of articles are
particularly interesting for me because I could inherit this disease.
As you read the article you will find out lots of information that's
important for you, your friends or family, for their health. We're doing
two things: we're learning about our health and we're building our English skills.
We're building our English vocabulary. Let's read the first paragraph.
Diabetes is called a 'silent killer' because it doesn't happen overnight.
Look at this sentence. 'silent killer' Do you see the quotation marks?
Well, they're not quotation, quotation is two little marks, this has one little
mark on each side, 'silent killer'. This is a name that we give to diabetes, we refer
to it and that's why we put the two little marks... is called mmm... is that
active or passive? is called = its passive. Because everyone calls it this.
That's one of the reasons why we use the passive, it's a general way of referring
to something ... is called a 'silent killer'. (Why?) because it doesn't happen overnight.
Look at the word overnight. You know the word 'over', you know the word 'night'.
Put them together overnight. 2nd sentence: It is a silent insidious disease that
can gradually creep up on you so subtly that you may not notice it is happening.
Okay, hmm... Let's look at the word INSIDIOUS. Look at the verb CREEP mmm...
SUBTLY uh-huh! Look at this combination of words
insidious / creep / subtly. What do you think insidious means? Try to guess from the context.
insidious. Listen carefully to my pronunciation and repeat the word,
If I open up the dictionary, I see INSIDIOUS is an adjective.
It means: "Proceeding in a gradual subtle way but with harmful effects.'
For example, 'Sexual harassment is a serious and insidious problem.'
Imagine something is moving slowly, gradually, subtle. If we go back to the
sentence we see that the writer used subtle, yeah, in the sentence but with
very harmful effects. If something's 'harmful', it's doing damage.
Let's read the sentence again. 'It is a silent insidious disease that can
gradually creep up (creep up mmm on you, because creep, it has to creep up on someone)
... so subtly (ahhh! when we looked at the word insidious in the dictionary,
it said 'subtle' and I now we have 'subtly' because this is the adverb describing the verb.
An adverb always describes a verb (or adjective) and the verb is CREEP.
... that you may not notice
(may? This is a modal verb. It's a possibility, you may not, you might not,
you could not. In this example, 'may' is the most appropriate modal verb.)
'You may not notice it is happening. With the increasing proliferation of sugar and
sweeteners added to foods, it's especially hard to avoid added sugars
PROLIFERATION. What do you think that word means? Look at the context.
Look at the sentence. What goes before the word? What goes after the word?
PROLIFERATION. I go to the dictionary PROLIFERATION. It's a noun.
It means = Rapid increase in the number or amount of something.
For example, "A continuing threat of nuclear proliferation.' Let's go back to a sentence and see how it's used in context.
With the increasing proliferation ... (the amount or the
number is increasing very, very quickly, rapidly.) ... with the increasing
proliferation of sugar and sweeteners added to foods, it's especially hard to
avoid added sugars. Many foods that you would never consider as sweet
(You see again, they use the two little marks ' ' because this is how many people describe the food.)
... 'sweet' have a surprising amount of sugar added. Even something as
seemingly minor as ingesting just one soda or fruit juice and they can
increase the odds of developing diabetes up to 80 %.' Hmm... Do you have a soft
drink every day? It's got lots of sugar! I've got a friend who had half a litre of
orange juice every morning and she wondered why she was carrying a lot of weight.
She didn't realise that the bought carton of orange juice had so much sugar.
She thought she was doing something very healthy! Okay. In this paragraph there are
lots of modal verbs. When you use modals, it opens something up to possibility, to discussion.
Look at the words, what did we learn,
insidious / subtle / proliferation. Add them to your vocabulary list. This article is
talking about health. In the IELTS Task 2 essay, you may be writing about health.
You may be writing about other topics. Think about how you could use (apply) these
words to talk about other topics. Write them in your vocabulary book.
Write the examples. Go back and read all of the article. When you're reading, notice how
sentences are written, how are they constructed. Look at the vocabulary.
Look at the grammar and then notice how one sentence flows, or is connected to the
next sentence until you have a paragraph.
Cleona at MC3 Write IELTS Task 2 Essays
Check out my website See you in the next video, bye bye!
Barbara D'Urso, frecciatina ai Rodriguez? L'appoggio ad Ivana Mrazova | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:13.-------------------------------------------
Plants vs zombies animated Chapter 11 ☀️Animation 2017☀️PARODY - Duration: 3:12.Chapter 10
are going to attack vegezombis
capture the sunflower !!!
we are ready
let's wait for the zombies
enter the sunflower house, the zombies are coming
something is approaching
they are more plants !!!
They came to help us
They are not plants !!!
they are zombies fused with plants !!!
attack the sunflower!
Sunflower care !!!
Do not approach the zombies!
Run to the sunflower house !!
thanks for saving me
I go home
run sunflower !!!
watch out!!!
I have to destroy the plants
watch out!!!
we are losing
I need to create a plant that destroys the vegezombis
If the sunflower is captured, I will win
and I will conquer the world !!!
to be continue
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DeTudoMenes #1°: A MINA QUE VOCÊ GOSTA(parte 1) - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
16. 12. 2017 - Duration: 9:25.-------------------------------------------
GF vip: Giulia De Lellis ha rifiutato l'invito di Barbara D'Urso? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
Secret tricks !, How to chat in WhatsApp without saving phone numbers - Duration: 2:21.hi,friends
Meet me again on this simple channel
this time I will share the trick how to send chat or message WhatsApp without saving phone number
By using this trick, you can send a chat or message to someone...
without saving the person's phone number on your Android
let alone the person's number is not important for you to save
if you want to know how, watch to finish this video
Before I continue, for those who have not subscribed to this channel please subscribe by clicking the subscribe button
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As a support for me to create the next tutorial
okay i continue
there are 2 ways to send chat or WhatsApp message without saving phone number
the first way, using the Open in WhatsApp app
this application you can install in the play store
once installed, open the Open in WhatsApp app
enter your country phone code, and the phone number of someone you want to send a message to
then click open
the second way, through the group in WhatsApp
go to one of the WhatsApp groups
click and hold the phone number you want to send the message
click chat with that number
Like that tricks from me this time, hopefully can be useful
If you like this video do not forget to click likes
leave comments and share to your social media
Thank you for watching and see you again
Nadia Toffa, torna alla quotidianità dopo il malore - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
300lbs Of Guwop-------------------------------------------
HOW TO MAKE Natural ,Vi,a,g,r,a At Home With Only 3 Ingredients! - Duration: 4:49.HOW TO MAKE Natural Viagra At Home With Only 3 Ingredients!
Ford Ka nog activeren 1.2 Airco Rcd El.r CentrVergr. Cool&Sound 1 part.eigenaar - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
New S.H. Monsterarts Spit Fire Godzilla 2014 Godzilla Vs King Kong Stop-Motion Unboxing - Duration: 18:49.keep watching to see me compare the two s stage monster art Godzilla's to the
five mechagodzilla's and give you my opinion which i think which one of them
is the best Wow keep on watching okay okay today this is my second sh monster
arts this is the Spitfire version so it comes in this plain paper this plain
brown box you open it up and that's where you get the box with check this
New S.H. Monsterarts Spit Fire Godzilla 2014 Godzilla Vs King Kong Stop-Motion Unboxing
as cool as the figure so here says SH Monstars Godzilla 2014 Spitfire version
s ace monster arts is a new standard figure series that incorporates the
Bandai action figure art under the theme pursuing character expression through
monster action so this is tamashii
japanese writing there it's legendary here's a good look at artwork on one
side and then you got the back the back of words actually showing the figure
here all the writings in Japanese I mean I don't I'm not really sure water said
something you're interested in reading there is close up but anyways super
great detail especially when you get the Spitfire that skin they had the stand
that actually stood up there really cool spikes on the back of this guns in lot I
did just do one of the Godzilla the 2000 millennium collectors are edition like
special color so if you want to check that out I here's some more details I
believe that once again like I said all Japanese
writing and then here is a nice picture of the entire bigger here has a look at
the top of the package the bottom of the package also has a blog writing and
different information so really cool box in packaging but let's open it up and
see what now I have not opened this up yet guys if this box is empty I will be
very upset say that okay so here is Godzilla and you stand and everything
and it looks like they give you a set of instructions instructions
and of course it's all Japanese I have no idea what it says so it looks I can
kick Godzilla's stand on the back here that says Godzilla and when you open up
you've got Godzilla and all the extra parts cool I'm gonna go ahead and unpack
okay so there he is set up and guys if you are looking for the ultimate black
double versions of Godzilla definitely these monster are ones art because one
thing about them they do not care about hurting you these spikes here are as
sharp as pins I mean if you stepped on this guy at night it does not yield this
guy right I mean it you don't want to give these to your kids because they
might poke their eye out well anyways the detail on these guys are awesome
I'll show you the other one once we finish taking a look at this one but
trust me you will love these if you're looking for ultimate Godzilla detail
this is check out how cool that looks because with the spin here right there
it looks almost invisible so this guy is breathing a Spitfire and it looks like
he's actually doing it another really cool thing is this hand here pops off it
comes with another hand here where he is holding some beast and he tore this
creatures head right off and pop that in there in place of his
other hand and have them carrying of creatures head around how cool is that
okay so first of all the flame the flame is independent so it could stand there
when you put it on this stand it will hold it with the Godzilla and you could
move to stand around so you could get the flame like all over the place like
here or straight up or bent all the way down like that so and the stand is a
really cool iPhone plastic Godzilla on it okay but anyways let's go ahead and
take a look at the bigger we are going to start here at the end like I said
these figures are totally awesome so you've got movement here the mouth does
open and close all the way and it does even move back and forth to check that
out I've never seen one figure before where the jaw will move back and forth
up and down this one's teeth are not as big I like to teeth it have in the
millennium version the teeth to have in the millennium version are super long
and jagged I mean they will literally hold right so then movement there
he's got moving here here on the arm several different spots that move
you've got 360-degree movement on the entire arm you've got movement here at
the elbow and then right below the elbow you've got movement and you've got
movement on the arm here so 360 degree movement in one to four different spots
so that is really cool there and then looking at this guy's chest you've got
movement right over here you've got movement on the waist there it's tight
so I don't want to go 360 degrees around blah from what it feels like you could
probably take this dive around 360 so have them
in the back like I said that jaw exhaustion on move sideways and up
really cool little yellow eyes also and then I here is a look at like his pelvic
area leg movement wise 360-degree on the leg there
you've got actual kneecap here where the bottom in the top move back and forth so
you have a yeah actually poppers in and out which is
really cool
you've got movement over here and then
clock right there the movement will allow you to turn the foot 360 degrees
and then you've got sharp pointed claws on the bottom of this foot there well I
do like the claws on the melenik millennium edition more than the claws
here because they're long and jagged like I said that one too will actually
lacerate your hands so here is the creature that he grabbed I'm not really
sure who this is because it does not identify it on the package unless it's
written in Japanese so he definitely ripped off we definitely ripped off some
creatures in here arm like a trophy and like I said earlier one thing I really
like about these figures they don't care about hurting you I mean these figures
are ultimate display purposes every one of these spikes I mean you can barely
bend this I mean this is almost as hard as a nail with points that are as sharp
as nails so if you see like I said if you stepped on this gun just poking in
here I mean that hurts a lot this guy at night you're going to the
then on his tail movement why's the tail here right there another cool thing is
it does move right here wait
good get movement their tail you've got movement here you can see
there's a ball joint inside there and then the tail parts they do move back
and forth I mean even where it's not you don't have churning movement there they
move back and forth to give it a more realistic look and then you've got
movement here 360 degree and then once again the pieces move back and forth and
then you've got movement down here
and that's about it well like all these Pete all these pieces here all these
pieces here are individual pieces put together so I mean it is the coolest
thing I mean when you move this tail that looks like real life you weigh the
you know moves like it's so many different directions even down here
super sharp spikes you don't even want to step on these guys yeah so here we
are continuing on the other side really nice detail everywhere no screw holes I
mean nothing to do track for this guy feeding on figure you would draw on
yourself the bottom of him once again let's go
ahead and put the flame and with the stand there and walk very
authentic I believe this guy could stand up quite
a bit more than that so you can get the flames like shooting
straight out here ah these flames two guys they're almost razor sharp
I mean Deus this is not a toy for kids let's just say that I mean this if your
kids left this on the floor in some serious pain okay so there you have the
flames shooting out there almost like the planes going down like this because
with this clear piece in the background if you're looking at it like that I mean
that looks like he's shooting a flame out of this
okay and so here is the other one this is the one out saying the millennial
Edition version guys this one is in my opinion he is so much cooler you check
it out this guy his head it is kind of boring
this guy they check him everywhere I'm teeth are sharp as big and then check
out the nails on his hand I mean they look like actual halls on a bird and
they feel like it too I mean they feel so authentic and then also the toenails
actually look and feel like a real Birds toenails so I mean the detail on this
one the Millennium version in my opinion is a lot cooler I think this one a lot
of what you're paying for is the flame in the fact well the fact that there's a
flame and
Securi ain't but ah if you have a choice between the two hit this millennium
additional and we even check out his eyes that one wild wicked looking
Godzilla check out if you want to see the full review and unboxing of that go
to my Godzilla playlist at the end of this video and check it out that is in
2000 millennium edition ah special color version that is also an SH which okay in
my opinion these sh monster arts are probably the coolest ones if you want to
see I do have some of the neck along
okay guys that was awesome like I said the sh monster are Godzilla's in here
are the coolest most ppl woken Godzilla's you gonna get which like I
said they don't care about hurting you I mean they care about detail so I do love
the neck I want but the sh monster arts are way cooler and their packaging
awesome guys I'd love to do more of these godzilla videos in the sh monster
art ones i would love to do all of them but uh I need your opinion so if you are
watching make sure you go ahead and watch the other ones drop me comments
and subscribe to my channel I do have a lot of videos I have over a thousand
videos the majority are Godzilla King Kong drastic world Jurassic Park
on videos you guys are totally awesome and I will see you click the subscribe
button below for a lot more fun videos also click the bell button to be
notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below for a lot more fun
videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the subscribe button
How to Earn $2 to $3 every day bangla prament Proof - Duration: 5:47.
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
Laeticia Hallyday, que va-t-elle devenir depuis la mort de son mari ? - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
Opel Astra ONLINE EDITION 1.4T 150PK | NAVIGATIE | PARK ASSIST | CLIMATE - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Opel Grandland X ONLINE EDITION 1.2T 130PK | NAVIGATIE | CLIMATE - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
「Nightcore」→ 2017 Sing Off (Switching Vocals) - Havana, New Rules, Despacito, Location and MORE - Duration: 3:49.Nightcore - 2017 Mashup (subtitles in video)
THE COMMANDER 4: Saving Ace! SHK Nerf Action Movie - Duration: 7:06.I can't wait to eat the biggest cupcake in the world!
Hi Miles!
I want that cupcake.
But this is my cupcake.
Hey that's mine!
Ha ha ha!
It's mine!
Not so fast!
The Commandos are here to stop you!
No Commander wait!
She might have a trap!
Uh oh!
Oh bananas!
She's throwing....
Let's shrink you down to size
No Commander!
Just gotta finish this up and there!
All done!
Now all I gotta do is plug this into the mainframe and
(timer buzzing)
Oh! My fifth plate of nachos is done!
I love nachos!
Give me that thumb drive back!
I need that thumb drive!
Come here you!
I'm going to beat the cheese out of you!
Almost got it
Got it! Thank goodness I'm done with spiders.
That big boss shrunk me!
Put me down!
Oh blasted!
No! Leave me!
I need to save Ace!
Jones! Put a tracker on Ace!
Okay, I'm on it
Come on, come on, send it!
Yes! It worked!
I need that tracker on Ace Jones!
It looks like she's
She's pulling a King Kong.
New Donk City? I'm on it!
She's climbing the giant tower in the middle of the city! If you can get there in time you can...
Where are they?
Commander I'm up here!
There he is!
Now how do I get up there?
Hmmm, maybe I don't have to go up there.
Let me go big boss!
And go!
Blasted, I need something bigger!
That works.
Take this!
Yes! Bullseye!
Sorry you got turned into King Kong buddy.
Don't call me buddy! Just get me back to my regular self.
Jones can you do it?
No problem.
In other news, I think we have a new pet.
She likes cheese.
Miles, it wasn't nice to take my cupcake!
I'm sorry.
It's okay, we can share it!
Actually, this is kind of gross. You can have it.
Hey! Do you want to play with Ace?
Yeah! Let's go!
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JSOL ft. CARA - XMAS YÊU THƯƠNG | Official M/V - Duration: 3:06.-------------------------------------------
Canada's Ambassador to the United States isn't Drake? | 22 Minutes - Duration: 3:22.I've come to Washington, DC to meet with Canada's Ambassador to the United States.
I'm a little disappointed because I always thought Canada's ambassador to the
United States was Drake.
It's not, it's David McNaughton.
How you doing sir?
I'm well, thanks.
Well thank you for having us here in these chairs in your backyard.
Yeah it's uh, you know pretty humble surroundings and you know lousy
view, but I cope.
I know you're down here a lot and you probably miss home a
little bit.
I do.
All right I brought you a little care package here - this is
everything you're gonna need: ketchup chips.
Timbits, Smarties and a couple of brews.
So this is everything you need to get you through.
Well not quite.
Where's the London Dock?
I don't have that, but I do the next best thing, you're
probably missing your health care, I brought you a flu shot.
Now living in the States we worry maybe, that you know
you're down here so much with the Americans you might lose a little bit of
your Canadian identity, so I have a short little quiz for you.
Would you rather M&Ms or Smarties?
Mac and cheese or Kraft Dinner?
Kraft Dinner.
Coca-cola or Canada Dry?
Canada Dry.
Budweiser or Canadian?
A Bloody Mary or a Caesar?
And the United States is Canada's closest neighbour - how do you spell neighbour?
My man.
Well, could we have a little look through, at the People's Embassy here?
Sure, sure, absolutely!
Alright, so this is sort of Canadian soil in America?
Yeah it's already popular for parties - how popular you think this place
is gonna be when pot becomes legal in Canada?
You're gonna be lineups outside to get in, I'm just saying you could have
a very good side business.
And then this room is the Niagra Room.
Now here's the question - is this the American side or
the Canadian side?
That's the Canadian side.
There you have it!
I was expecting some ambassador answer of like oh it's a glass half-full
half-empty it depends on how you look at it - but that's the Canadian side.
The Canadian side is always better looking than the
other side so...
You're gonna start a war, careful!
This is the, the gallery where we have displays frequently - this one is a
one that Bryan Adams put together.
So as you see all these are the wonderful
tastefully done ones and then we do have one that isn't very tastefully done at
all and it - - Oh wow, that is beautiful and -
So I don't I don't know who that person is but it - Well I think he signifies Canada
he is as white as the Arctic, he's a very handsome man and look at this - who this
guy is blocking him, however...
President Trump has uh, a problem with the softwood lumber dispute - but I see what you're
You're getting our softwood in, one tree at a time.
Our country I think is in very good hands with our ambassador.
Ambassador thank you so much.
Well, thanks for having us.
Yeah, it's great to have you here.
Video Games You'll Never Get To Play - Duration: 6:37.The video game industry churns out a lot of product each year.
Most of it gets released, but some titles never make it to store shelves.
A lot of high-profile, eagerly anticipated games don't get finished.
The following ones, by most accounts, were ready to go until they were pulled at the
last minute.
Silent Hills
Planned as the ninth installment in the Silent Hill series, Silent Hills was developed by
Hideo Kojima for PlayStation 4 in collaboration with Guillermo del Toro.
American actor Norman Reedus of The Walking Dead was brought on board as a voice actor
and to serve as the model for the game's main protagonist.
In 2014, a demo of the game was released on the PlayStation Network, which was reportedly
downloaded over a million times.
It looked promising, and genuinely spooky …
Despite its popularity, the Silent Hills project ultimately failed—through no real fault
of its own.
Kojima and Konami had a very public breakup in early 2015, with Kojima leaving the company
following the completion of Metal Gear Solid 5.
Ultimately, this proved to be the end of the Silent Hills project, with Konami confirming
its cancellation later that spring.
Final Fantasy Fortress
In 2008, development began on an action role-playing game named Fortress that was envisioned as
a spinoff of Final Fantasy XII.
Set a few years after the events of Revenant Wings, the plot revolved around a magical
fortress intended to defend the realm from a mythical sea king.
Development studio Grin worked on this game for several months, but reportedly didn't
receive positive feedback from publisher Square Enix, or, allegedly, any payment for their
development of the game.
Grin ultimately shut down in 2009 and filed for bankruptcy, and the project was suspended
for good by 2011.
Star Wars: Battlefront 3
In 2006, Free Radical Design announced it would develop a third entry in the extremely
popular Star Wars: Battlefront series, and LucasArts soon confirmed it.
But after two years of development, Free Radical unexpectedly announced it had lost the rights
to Battlefront 3, even though the game was almost completely finished.
So what happened?
This was around the same time George Lucas sold the entire Star Wars operation to Disney,
and LucasArts pulled the plug because the company didn't want to pour any more money
into it.
After the buyout, Disney closed the games division of LucasArts and absorbed it into
its own gaming sectors.
Star Wars 1313
This was another game in development at LucasArts when Disney bought the company.
Announced in 2012, Star Wars 1313's gameplay had even been broadcast on SpikeTV, and the
story was supposed to have revolved around a young Boba Fett.
However, Disney canceled the game outright.
The trademark for Star Wars 1313 has officially lapsed, and Boba Fett's solo story has pretty
much crashed and burned.
StarCraft: Ghost
Now existing only in the form of a novel, StarCraft: Ghost was to bring the StarCraft
franchise into third-person shooter territory.
Announced in 2002, the game was delayed repeatedly, with Blizzard saying it was investigating
newer consoles.
The game would have starred Nova, one of the characters from the StarCraft series, who
would have used a variety of tools to sneak around levels and eliminate threats.
Blizzard released gameplay screens and cinematics, but officially announced the game's cancellation
in 2014.
Now the game is more of a ghost than ever.
On the bright side, at least we won't have to build any more pylons.
Mega Man Universe
Like Super Mario Maker, Mega Man Universe was supposed to allow users to create new
levels from a library of pre-existing game elements and characters and share them online.
If you thought the original Mega Man games were difficult, imagine playing levels created
by the sadistic sociopaths who were forever damaged by the robot dragon guarding Dr. Wily's
castle in Mega Man 2.
Mega Man Universe was actually so close to being completed that advance copies were sent
to critics for review.
But after some negative feedback, Capcom delayed the release, and the temporary delay turned
into an indefinite one.
Prey 2
We're still mourning Prey 2, a game that was being developed by Human Head Studios and
was to be published by Bethesda before being canceled.
The game, announced in March 2011, was supposed to star U.S. Marshal Killian Samuels and follow
his adventures as a bounty hunter on a world called Exodus.
Bethesda still wants to do something with the franchise, but we won't be seeing the
fruits of Human Head Studios' labor.
Project Titan
File this under another one of Blizzard Entertainment's canceled games.
Project Titan was supposed to be a huge MMORPG in which players would take on mundane jobs
during the day, and then be called to action to fight for one of three warring factions
at night.
The game was ultimately canceled, but it's been reported that a few of the assets made
it into Overwatch, Blizzard's first-person shooter.
In fact, there are enough similarities between both games that one could consider Titan to
be sort of an Overwatch prototype.
Announced by Electronic Arts in 2005, LMNO was notable for the involvement of Steven
Spielberg, whose goal was to design an interactive movie capable of making the player feel stuff
other than the desire to headshot opponents.
A team-up RPG with a superpowered alien lady NPC, LMNO saw its team laid off in 2008 under
undisclosed circumstances, though developers have hinted that Mirror's Edge, also in development
at EA, was just a bit too similar and LMNO lost the battle between the two.
At least we still have Steven Spielberg's Boom Blox.
Conceptualized by film director Guillermo del Toro, inSANE was to be a survival horror
video game, and the first installment in what was to be a trilogy of inSANE games was scheduled
to be released in 2013.
inSANE was announced in 2010, and del Toro was initially very enthusiastic about the
games, saying,
"With this new series of video games, I want to take players to a place they have never
seen before, where every single action makes them question their own senses of morality
and reality."
After financial issues and the departure of THQ's vice president of core games Danny Bilson,
THQ announced the cancellation of the game in 2012.
Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun
Another cancelled Square Enix project, Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun was meant to be a spiritual
successor of 1999's Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, although with few links to past Legacy of
Kain canon, it was essentially meant to be a reboot of the series.
The game was to feature an open-world adventuring format, as well as a violent combat system,
dungeons, boss encounters, and puzzles.
In 2009, Climax Studios was brought on board to start production on Legacy.
Rumors of the game's development started to swirl in 2011, when a survey was circulated
to determine fans' preference for the name of a proposed new Legacy of Kain game.
For unknown reasons, Square Enix cancelled the title in 2012, after much of the concept
artwork and pre-production work was done.
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Government COVER UPS Hidden From The Public! - Duration: 13:32.From hiding alien aircraft to sleeping with the enemy and performing unauthorized experiments
on people, here are 12 government cover ups hidden from the public.
HAARP, or High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, was an ionospheric research facility
in Alaska.
The ionosphere is a portion of the upper atmosphere.
The Air Force, the Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency funded the facility.
Why were all these people interested in the ionosphere?
Because it plays a role in transmitting radio signals.
Despite this very reasonable purpose, conspiracy theories have circulated around the facility
for years.
It is a believed to be a center of study to control the weather.
It was eventually closed by the Air Force.
Many consider it to be one of the most widely contested government cover-ups in history.
People have accused HAARP of causing storms, floods, droughts and earthquakes.
In 2010, Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez infamously accused HAARP of being responsible for the
Haiti earthquake.
Others have called it a secret military weapon or think that it's been used to trigger
major power outages.
With the facility now closed, however, it's doubtful that we'll ever learn the truth.
If it really is closed...
The Majestic Twelve
UFO's anyone?
Under the code name the Majestic Twelve, a supposed secret committee of 12 scientists,
military leaders, and government officials recovered and investigated downed alien aircraft.
Rumor is they were part of the Roswell New Mexico cover-up and was initially formed by
President Truman in 1947.
The existence of the Majestic Twelve came to light in the mid-1980s when a Ufologist
received an envelope containing pictures of eight pages of documents.
The documents appeared to be a briefing describing "Operation Majestic Twelve".
The government has repeatedly denied the existence of the Majestic Twelve.
The FBI has also repeatedly debunked the documents, even going as far as to write "BOGUS"
over the files and show them, without redaction, on their website.
And now for number 10!
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The Siege at Waco
For 51 days, federal agents laid siege on the Branch Davidian compound outside Waco,
It ended with the compound going up in flames and with 80 people dead.
Founded in 1959, the Branch Davidians were an offshoot of the Davidian Seventh-Day Adventist
The Branch Davidians lived a simple life while preparing for the imminent Second Coming of
However, in the mid-1980s, a man named David Koresh took over and turned the group in a
different direction.
He took several "spiritual wives", some as young as 11 years old.
Koresh's retail gun business and allegations of child abuse attracted the attention of
the authorities.
The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, or ATF, obtained an arrest warrant for Koresh
and a search warrant for the compound.
When 70 ATF agents raided the complex, gunfire erupted and the standoff began.
It didn't end until the fire broke out.
Twenty-five children died.
The official story was that the Branch Davidians had locked themselves up in a building and
had set themselves on fire, rather than turn themselves in.
The U.S government denied and tried to cover up responsibility for the fire that destroyed
the compound.
However, in 1999, it was revealed that tear gas used in the raid was flammable.
There continues to be denial that U.S. agents shot at the compound.
When the Cold War was at its peak, the government considered ideas and tactics that would have
fit better in a sci-fi novel.
One such idea spawned a program known by many names, most popularly MK-Ultra.
The purpose of MK-Ultra was for the CIA to test the viability of mind control to create
sleeper agents who would then infiltrate Russia.
Like The Americans, but backwards.
This project was also hoping to discover a truth serum that could then be used on spies.
Scientists used methamphetamine, barbiturates, LSD, and hypnosis to break down a subject
and then rebuild them with very specific qualities.
In many cases, this was done without the subject's knowledge or consent.
MKUltra was undertaken in more than 80 different institutions.
One famous project that fell under the purview of MK-Ultra was Operation Midnight Climax,
which took place in San Francisco from 1955 to 1965.
The CIA ran brothels where clients were slipped LSD in their cocktails and CIA agents watched
through two-way mirrors.
Eventually, the project was scrapped, but not before CIA Director Richard Helms ordered
all Project MK-Ultra documents to be destroyed, making it extremely difficult for researchers
to gain a complete understanding of the more than 150 funded research sub-projects sponsored
by MKUltra and related CIA programs.
Project MKUltra was first brought to public attention in 1975 by the Church Committee
of the U.S. Congress, and a Gerald Ford commission to investigate CIA activities within the United
In 1977, a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered a cache of 20,000 documents relating
to project MKUltra.
Named after the building where much of the scandal took place, Watergate is probably
the most well-known US government scandal.
President Nixon sent a group of men called "the plumbers" to break into the DNC headquarters
at the Watergate complex.
Their goal was to repair wiretaps placed on phones earlier, as well as steal documents.
The five men were caught, leading to reporters from the Washington Post to investigate.
President Nixon tried to cover up the scandal, and actually succeeded until an informant
known only as "Deep Throat" provided information connecting the burglary to the White House.
This provoked a series of Senate hearings that culminated in Nixon's resignation in
Franklin Child Prostitution Ring
This is one of those things where no one is sure of the truth.
From the late 1980s to 1990s, members of the Republican Party, from low-level Nebraska
FCU manager Lawrence King to President George H.W. Bush, were accused of being involved
in what is now called the Franklin Child Prostitution Ring.
Allegedly, Lawrence King transported children of all ages across the country.
The children were taken to secret parties to be molested, beaten, and even murdered.
However, in 1990, the Omaha Grand Jury called the whole thing a "carefully crafted hoax".
The Grand Jury suggested Michael Casey, a former executive dismissed by a home for troubled
boys, fueled the rumors because of personal grudges.
An alleged victim, Alisha Owens, was indicted on eight counts of perjury.
Lawrence King, however, did get prison time: four and a half years for embezzling funds.
Conspiracy theories persist, however, and many wonder if the ring had really existed
but was covered up by the Bush administration.
The My Lai Massacre
In 1968, during the Vietnam War, 500 unarmed civilians were massacred in what is now called
the My Lai Massacre.
A platoon of American soldiers were told the Viet Cong were hiding among the villagers.
Officials ordered them to view every person in My Lai as a Viet Cong or a sympathizer.
Essentially, they were sent to destroy the village, not to find the real enemy.
The soldiers executed hundreds, including women and children, in a ditch.
The Viet Cong were not among the dead.
The massacre ended when Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson, an Army helicopter pilot, landed
his aircraft between the soldiers and surviving villagers.
The massacre was initially reported as a routine battle until a letter was sent from Warrant
Officer Thompson and the efforts of an investigative reporter blew the story wide open.
CIA Torture Debacle
In 2014, after five years of preparation, the government released the Senate Report
on the CIA Detention Interrogation Program.
Despite trying to cover it up, it was finally revealed what a lot of people had long suspected:
the CIA tortured people, and they weren't very good at it.
Their so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" were more brutal and used more
widely than the agency led the public, the Congress, and the White House to believe.
Many of their techniques were illegal.
Detainees were subject to techniques such as sleep deprivation and "rectal feeding"
to the point where many hallucinated, had mental breakdowns, and attempted suicide or
There was also little to no oversight.
The techniques also did not produce much in the way of meaningful results.
Not sure what they wanted to cover up more, the illegal torture, or the fact that it didn't
even work.
Armenian Genocide
From 1915 to 1923, the Ottoman Empire committed what is now known as the Armenian Genocide.
Survivors of the genocide formed the majority of today's Armenian Diaspora communities.
The genocide was characterized by massacres, deportations, and forced death marches.
The total number of deaths reached 1.5 million.
Present-day Turkey continues to deny the Armenian Genocide.
A few Turkish intellectuals, such as Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk, do speak openly
about the need to recognize the atrocities.
Several nations, including Russia, Canada, Vatican City, and Poland, also recognize the
However, the United States, while condemning the deaths, has consistently stopped short
of using the term "genocide" and has been very careful with their wording when referring
to this event.
In April 2017, a Turkish historian discovered a telegram in the Jerusalem archives.
According to reports, the telegram is from a high-level Turkish official.
It requests details from the field about the deportations and killings of Armenians in
the eastern Turkish region of Anatolia, proving that the genocide really did happen, whether
governments want to admit it or not.
Bohemian Grove
Bohemian Grove is a deeply guarded secret and certainly one of the strangest.
On the face of it, Bohemian Grove is a campsite in Northern California anyone can visit at
any time, except in mid-July.
In mid-July, the camp hosts a two-week "secret" encampment of the world's leaders.
Although now it's not so secret that it happens, but no one knows what they do there.
Theories of what really occurs during these two weeks runs from orgies and cannibalism
to Satanic rituals.
At one point, the Franklin Child Prostitution Ring was linked to the Grove.
Various people have tried numerous times to discover what really happens at the encampment.
One person claimed to have infiltrated the camp a few decades ago, where he saw a bizarre
opening ritual where a figure named CARE was ceremoniously burned.
This ritual was confirmed in 2000 when a filmmaker was able to secretly film the ceremony, other
than that who knows what really goes on there!
The Profumo Affair
The Profumo Affair was a massive scandal that rocked Great Britain in the early 1960s.
It brought an end to the Conservative Party government of then-Prime Minister Harold Macmillan.
In 1961, British Secretary of State for War John Profumo began having an affair with a
19-year-old dancer named Christine Keeler.
Keeler was also involved with a Russian military attaché named Eugene Ivanov.
Profumo lied to Parliament about the affair in March 1963 but the evidence mounted.
Ten weeks later, Profumo resigned, admitting to the affair and his lies.
Despite charges of attempted espionage, neither British nor American intelligence were able
to discover if Ivanov attempted to entrap Profumo or use Keeler as an access agent.
Ivanov left Great Britain and Keeler was convicted of perjury and conspiracy.
The man who introduced Profumo to Keeler committed suicide.
And Profumo became a philanthropist, because why not?
The Teapot Dome Scandal
Politics in the 1920s were dirty and corrupt on a staggering level.
At the time, the President of the United States was Warren G. Harding, described as charming,
but stupid.
He even admitted privately to his friends that the presidency was beyond his abilities.
This is the same President who lost the White House china set in a card game.
He also had a very poor choice in friends.
Harding's choice for Secretary of the Interior was Albert Fall.
Fall, unbeknownst to Harding and the public, allowed oil companies to drill into the Teapot
Dome oil reserve in Wyoming and the Elk Hills oil reserve in California.
In exchange, they gave him several hundred thousand dollars in bribes.
His underhanded scheme was revealed in a 1922 expose published by the Wall Street Journal.
The expose also detailed how the oil was sold without competitive bidding.
Robert La Follette, a senator from Wisconsin, arranged for the Senate Committee on Public
Lands to investigate Fall's actions.
Albert Fall wasn't the only person in the hot seat.
President Harding's attorney-general, Harry Daugherty, had failed to investigate the corruption
and the people started pointing the finger at him.
Daugherty asked then-FBI director William J. Burns for help.
In a move reminiscent of Watergate, Burns sent one of his agents to ransack La Follette's
The mission was to find anything that could be used to blackmail the senator.
However, this move only served to convince La Follette that he was on to something.
The investigation continued and exposed Fall's deals with the oil companies.
Albert Fall became the first U.S. cabinet secretary in history to go to prison.
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Trump's Anti-Gay Ghost-Hunting Judge Defeated - Duration: 3:22.Bermuda may roll back marriage equality, and that could have a widespread international
Two anti-gay Trump nominees won't get to be judges after all, and can now return to ghost-hunting.
A court has ruled that trans military enlistment must start in a few weeks, and the Department
of Justice is scrambling to stop it.
And Roy Moore lost his election -- so why isn't he likely to go away anytime soon?
We'll have all that on Weekly Debrief: LGBT news that affects you plus actions you can
Marriage equality is just inches away from being repealed in Bermuda.
The British territory legalized marriage last May, but this week legislators voted to roll
it back and replace it with domestic partnerships.
It's not a done deal yet: Governor John Rankin still needs to sign the bill -- so now there's
intense pressure for him to issue a veto.
This rollback is worrisome because it could provide a roadmap for other countries.
If Bermuda is about to roll back the clock on equality, we could see similar strategies
employed all over the world.
And in a strange twist, the American states of Indiana and North Carolina might actually
help protect equality in Bermuda.
When those two states passed harsh anti-LGBT bills, they suffered economic losses due to
a drop in business and tourism.
Now, in lobbying Governor Rankin, organizers in Bermuda have pointed specifically to those
states as proof that discriminatory laws pose economic harm.
It's a reminder that protests and boycotts for equality can have an international impact.
There were some unusual judicial victories in the United States this week: two of Trump's
worst judicial nominees will no longer be considered for lifetime appointments.
Trump had nominated Jeff Mateer, who called trans kids evidence of Satan and boasted about
discriminating against LGBT people.
After heavy criticism, his nomination will not proceed.
Joining him is Brett Talley, who opposes marriage equality and never even tried a case.
Despite being rated as unqualified to be a judge by legal experts, Talley is, in his
spare time, a ghost hunter, so now he'll have more time to pursue that interest.
This week a judge in my hometown of Seattle ruled that trans soldiers should be allowed
to enlist starting on January 1.
There are multiple lawsuits around trans enlistment, and they're far from a final resolution, but
this ruling allows new soldiers to enlist while proceedings continue.
Trump's Justice Department criticized the ruling and said that they would continue to
try to find ways to block enlistment from starting in January.
And by a margin of two percentage points, the multiply-disgraced ex-judge Roy Moore
lost his Senate race.
Doug Jones will be headed to Congress in just a few weeks -- there's some disagreement about
how soon he'll be allowed to sit.
Moore has so far refused to concede, but the vote isn't close enough for an automatic recount
so he's pretty much out of options.
But his retirement won't be quiet: at least one of the women accusing him of sexual misconduct
plan to file a lawsuit.
Doug Jones was able to win in Alabama thanks in part to a strong network of volunteers.
It's a preview of what might be possible in next year's midterm elections, but for more
wins like that, more volunteers are needed.
For this week's action item, head over to -- that's a group with a proven
track record of success when it comes to electing LGBTs and allies.
Click on Take Action to find out how you can help make Congress queerer, wherever you live.
As always, let me know your thoughts -- @mattbaume on Twitter.
And if there are any stories that need covering, give me a heads up in the YouTube comments.
Keep sharing these videos and I'll debrief you next week.
9 Famous Indian Television Actresses And Their Unseen Hidden Tattos - Duration: 2:31.9 Famous Indian Television Actresses And Their Unseen Hidden Tattos
Celebs Who Can't Stand Jay Z - Duration: 4:36.Hip-hop feuds are nothing new, but no one has had quite as many fights as Jay-Z.
With a reported net worth of $810 million in 2017, Jay's successful career spans over
four decades and features plenty of rap beef.
Here are some celebrities who haven't exactly seen eye to eye with the Brooklyn rapper over
the years.
Solange Knowles
In what remains one of the most explosive celebrity fights on record, Jay-Z was physically
attacked by his wife's sister, Solange Knowles, who, according to TMZ, "was wildly kicking
and swinging at him inside an elevator" following the 2014 Met Gala after party in NYC.
A few days later, the trio issued a joint statement to the Associated Press, saying,
"Jay and Solange each assume their share of responsibility for what has occurred.
They both acknowledge their role in this private matter that has played out in the public.
They both have apologized to each other and we have moved forward as a united family."
Despite collaborating in 2009, the rap mogul and Canadian star have had a tumultuous relationship,
to say the least.
When Drake's Thank Me Later dropped in 2010, the pair left fans puzzled.
They collaborated on the song "Light Up," but just a few tracks later, Drake was dissing
his idol on "Thank Me Now," rapping,
"That's around the time that your idols become your rivals."
Fast forward to 2014 when Drake told Rolling Stone,
"It's like Hov can't drop bars these days without at least four art references!
I think the whole rap/art world thing is getting kind of corny."
Before they ever collaborated, Jay and Nas spent an entire decade feuding in what was
a battle for the ages.
After taking several jabs at one another, Jay seemingly went too far when he declared
he had a fling with Carmen Bryan, the mother of Nas' daughter, during a 2001 freestyle
dubbed "Supa Ugly" — and Jay's mom reportedly told her son to apologize.
He did, reportedly saying,
"I want to apologize to Carmen and any females I may have offended."
In 2005, the pair officially buried the hatchet.
That year, Jay staged a concert he called "I Declare War" and used it to do the opposite,
declaring peace with Nas, signing him to Def Jam and performing with him on stage.
Robert De Niro
Oscar-winning actor Robert De Niro and Jay-Z may not seem like the most obvious pair to
run in the same circles, but the two did cross paths at Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday party
in 2012 — and their encounter didn't go over too well.
"You talkin' to me?"
According to Page Six at the time, when Jay went to say hello to the Hollywood legend,
De Niro called him out for being disrespectful and not returning any of his calls, despite
previously agreeing to record a song for De Niro's Tribeca Film Festival.
An insider claimed,
"Bob wasn't in any mood to make polite conversation.
He told Jay that if somebody calls you six times, you call them back.
It doesn't matter who you are, that is just rude."
Kanye West
Another one of Jay's biggest adversaries is former friend and collaborator Kanye West,
who seemed at first to be on Team Jay.
Until, that is, he went on an unexpected rant during a 2016 concert in San Jose, slamming
Jay for not reaching out after Kim Kardashian's Paris robbery ordeal.
He then turned on Beyonce, saying,
"Beyoncé, I was hurt because I heard that you said you wouldn't perform unless you won
Video of the Year over me [at the VMAs]…
We are all equal.
But sometimes we be playing the politics too much and forget who we are just to win."
In an August 2017 interview, Jay revealed the strain their relationship is now under.
"But you brought my family into it, now it's a problem with me.
That's a real, real problem."
Fat Joe
In the late '90s, there was plenty of speculation about a feud brewing between Jay and Fat Joe,
CEO of Terror Squad Entertainment — including accounts of Jay getting hit in the head with
a champagne bottle at a nightclub.
"There was bad blood between Terror Squad and Roc-A-Fella for a long time and next thing
I know, I saw Nas with JAY-Z."
"I felt, you know abandoned, I felt… like, wow."
It all seems to be water under the bridge now, however, as Fat Joe signed a management
deal with Jay's Roc Nation in January 2017.
On an episode of Tropical TV back in 2009, Birdman made an appearance to hype up his
music and crew, including Lil' Wayne.
When the interviewer asked his thoughts on Jay-Z being voted the No. 1 MC by MTV, he
didn't mince words.
"I don't think he's the No. 1 MC.
Wayne's the best, he do the most and he makes the most money."
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Redmi 5A Durability Test (BEND & Display Scratch Tested) #DeshKaSmartphone Stays BENT🙀? - Duration: 3:58.Whtizup guyz!
In this Durability video letz checkout the Bend Test and Display Scratch Test of India's
#DeshKaSmartphone, the Xiaomi Redmi 5A, after a quick unboxing!
--inTro-- On opening the box, first you will find the
Xiaomi Redmi 5A itself, it is lightweight same as the Redmi 4A and in no way feels cheap,
some regular paperwork, a micro-USB Cable, SIM Ejaculator pin and a 5V 1A Power Brick!
The 5" small form-factor will definitely help in single-hand usage, ideal for smaller hands!
Starting with the test, there is no mention of Gorilla Glass obviously to cut cost of
production due to the extremely budget price by Xiaomi!
So, lets see if this unnamed glass protection is as good as Gorilla Glass and survives the
abuse from the Keys, Coins, SIM ejector pin and the box cutter!
Though there were a few times when even Gorilla Glass 3 developed faint permanent scratches
due to rough jagged edges on the coins!
Well, this time I guess the glass got lucky as none of the items left any sort of permanent
marks or scratches, so good job Xiaomi!
But do use a tempered glass to protect it from bad destructive drops & scratches over
Now moving onto the BEND Test, let's hope the Redmi 5A is as strong as the Redmi 4A
which had retained its shape even though it did bend a bit!
degree of Bend is much higher compared to that of the Redmi 4A which felt a bit stronger!
All phones tested on the channel have come back to shape on its own!
So, I didn't like the fact that the Redmi 5A actually stayed Bent after releasing the
And it got back to shape only after Bending from the display side!
Fortunately nothing broke on the inside and everything still functions properly!
I guess its safe to say that the Structural Integrity of the Redmi 4A is better than the
5A, so its advisable to use a hard case!
Stay tuned for more tech coverage on stuff like the Splash Test & the Huawei Honor 7x!
Make sure to press LIKE, the free Subscribe button & the Bell icon!
ThanX 4 watchin', Keep The Peace & catch U neXt time!
Bipolar Disorder and Romanticizing Things - Duration: 2:17.Hey guys! It's Hannah.
I am going to be talking about romanticizing things and living with bipolar 2 disorder.
You know, having unrealistic ideas about people and different situations.
Idealizing things.
This is something that I'm starting to realize I kind of - not struggle with in my life - but that I definitely do.
aka, Please comment and share your experience down below so I don't feel alone.
The problem with it is, it causes you to be disappointed a majority of the time
because you have this grand idea about something, let's say relationships,
and then it ends up not being that.
You make something out of nothing.
And I know that, being that I live with bipolar 2 disorder, it causes me to question myself.
Question my ideas.
You know, "Am I thinking way too much about situations?"
"How is this going to hurt me in the long term?"
But I think romanticizing situations and people is both a good thing and a bad thing.
I think, for me, it makes me more vulnerable and emotionally attached to things
that I shouldn't necessarily be attached to or attached to people.
But in a good way, at least in my personal life, it does help me with writing.
It helps me express myself.
I mean, my mind, I sometimes look at it as an ongoing story.
That's how I've always been.
I just always find meaning in people and situations, regardless if it exists or not.
So, again, of course, with bipolar disorder, it's all about looking to control it.
And this is something that I am trying to balance out right now.
So please share your thoughts with me below.
And I'll see you next week.
Simplify Your Life In This Chic Glassell Park Bungalow (480 Sq. Ft.) | Perfect Small House Design - Duration: 3:01.Simplify Your Life In This Chic Glassell Park Bungalow (480 Sq. Ft.)
Dino Volcano Adventure Toys For Kids - Fun Learning Dinosaur Names Tyrannosaurus Spinosaurus - Duration: 5:35.Welcome To RaceToyTime
Hi guys, RaceToyTime here.
Today, I'm going to show you some Ania Dinosaurs
And we have here a Stegosaurus
Let's open up the box
And here it is
Next, we have here a Pteranodon
Then, next a T-rex
Okay, next. Let's open this up
Here's a Spinosaurus
Here's some rocks
And here's the Brachiosaurus
And here's the Triceratops
Here's some prehistoric trees
And a nest
And then lastly, Let's open up the volcano adventure playset
Here's the volcano and the boulder
Here's the Ankylosaurus
Now, we're gonna set up the bridge.
And also here's the explorer
Okay, well, I hope you guys enjoyed that video.
And if you do
Don't forget to subscribe
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To watch more fun videos here at RaceToyTime channel.
Thank you for watching. Stay Tuned
Best Big Room House EDM Mix 🔥 | EAR #121 - Duration: 55:25.Best Big Room House EDM Mix 2017 | EAR #121
Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi | اب تو دیکھ چکے کہ دین کے ساتھ انہوں کیا کیا | New HD BaYan - Duration: 4:38.Please Don't ForGet To SubsCriBe Our ChaNNel For LaTest Videos
The best hi-tech gadgets for Chritmas! - Duration: 6:47.-------------------------------------------
Inside Meghan Markle's Gorgeous Home - Duration: 1:31.Meghan Markle is living the fairytale dream of countless young girls and women alike with
the announcement of her engagement to Prince Harry.
But it isn't just her association with the Royal Family that has all eyes on her — Markle
is a star in her own right.
From credits in movies like Remember Me and Horrible Bosses to her long-standing role
as Rachel Zane on Suits, Markle has been in the limelight for years.
Now that she's leaving her acting career to focus more on her philanthropy, and will soon
be living in Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace with her soon-to-be-hubby, the question
remains whether she'll bring her fabulous style to her new home in the UK.
Prior to her engagement, Markle rented a stylish three-bedroom home in Toronto (reportedly
now on the market for over a million dollars), which we can turn to for some clues about
how her new home might look.
Instagram photos Markle shared of her Toronto digs point to clean, neutral colors as a possible
palette for her new cottage.
Other likely additions to her new abode include lots of plants and flowers, wooden furniture
and accent pieces, and plenty of books.
Oh, and there will definitely be some puppy beds.
After all, Markle's dog Guy has already joined her in the UK.
Markle's other dog, Bogart, is currently staying with close friends in Canada.
Rumor has it that Bogart is too old to fly and may never join Markle across the pond,
but only time will tell.
We can't wait to see what Markle and Harry do with their gorgeous Nottingham Cottage
(or what stunning gown she'll surely be wearing on her wedding day).
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