Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 19 2017

Germany and Poland are presently enjoying peace, but it wasn't always that way.

Separated by a 290 mile border (467 km) – once said to be the most policed border on the

planet – the two nations have at various times been the worst of enemies.

The Treaty of Versailles handed former German territories to Poland after the First World

War, which rankled Germany to the extreme.

This was one of the reasons for the invasion of Poland in 1939.

16 days later, the Soviets invaded Poland from the other side of the country.

You could say this was the start of some difficult times for the Polish.

Poland now enjoys better economic relations with Germany than it does with Russia, but

how would they fair if pitted against each other militarily?

That's what we'll find out, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Germany vs Poland.

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Let's first have a look at some country stats and non-military information.

Poland's live population as of November 2nd 2017 is about 38 million (38,148,286).

That population lives in a land area of approx 121 thousand sq miles (120,726 sq. miles)

(312,679 km2).

The country's longest border is with the Czech Republic, but Poland also borders Germany,

Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania and the Baltic Sea.

Poland has enjoyed healthy economic growth for a number of years, and its nearly 510

billion dollar GDP ($509.960 billion) is the biggest of former Eastern Bloc members in

the EU, as well as the 6th largest economy in the EU.

Germany's live population as of the same date is about 82 million (82,175,159).

They live on a land mass of about 138 thousand sq miles (137,903 sq. miles) (357,168 km2).

Germany shares its border with Poland – as we know – but also with the Czech Republic,

France, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, the North

Sea and the Baltic Sea.

Both countries are literally surrounded nations.

One thing that stands out between these countries is that Germany is an economic powerhouse

with the largest economy in Europe and the fourth largest GDP in the world.

The GDP for 2016 was $3.47 trillion.

Germany is rich in natural resources, but also a leader in many industries.

So, just as we begin, it looks as though Germany has the upper hand, but it's not the military

behemoth it once was.

It's thought that in 1940, Germany had 3.5 million soldiers and a mind-blowing cache

of land artillery.

It was to some extent the most feared military power in the world.

Following its loss, the country wasn't allowed to pursue military prowess again for a while,

although now it does have a fairly strong presence in terms of defense.

It's still often ranked as a top ten member of the world's best militaries, but we'll

let you decide that.

Germany has a defense budget of 41.1 billion dollars, which is 1.2 percent of its GDP.

Its active frontline personnel number 180,000 with another 30,000 being active reserve personnel.

Poland's defense budget for 2017 is 9.6 billion dollars, which is 2.1 percent of its


One thing we must add here in light of our hypothetical aggression, is that in 2017 Poland

told Germany it must pay $1 trillion in World War II reparations.

Germany hasn't paid it yet, but if it did, before they went head-to-head, well, a cool

trillion would go a long way to bolstering the Polish armed forces.

Right now Poland is ranked as a top 20 military power.

The country has 110,000 active military personnel and another 75,000 acting as reserves.

You can imagine, given the geography of these two nations, that a lot of the action would

take place on land.

They do, after all, border each other.

Germany has 543 tanks, 5,869 armored fighting vehicles, 154 self-propelled guns, 0 towed

artillery and 50 multiple-launch rocket systems.

Germany is a renowned tank builder, and its Leopard 2A7 of which it has about 20, is ranked

as one of the best tanks ever created.

It also has around 232 Leopard II main battle tanks of differing variations – some old

and some new.

Poland has more tanks, however, at 1,065.

The country also owns 2,608 armored fighting vehicles, 443 self-propelled artillery, 72

towed artillery and 240 multiple launch rocket systems.

According to National Interest, Poland takes its military very seriously, and just in case

anyone should decide to enter its borders, Poland will "build a new territorial defense

force of 53 thousand volunteers by 2019."

In terms of its rather large ground force, a lot of Poland's machines are leftovers

from the troubles in the early and mid-20th century.

Poland's best tank is said to be its homemade PL-01, a super futuristic machine that looks

as though it was made for Batman.

This machine, though, is much lighter than a regular main battle tank.

Nonetheless, it's a machine that impressed the world when it was first shown.

Poland does have a lot of older heavy tanks, including 128 ageing Leopard IIs donated by


In the air, Germany again seems like the more modern outfit.

In total, Germany has 698 aircraft.

This combines 92 fighters, 169 fixed wing attack aircraft, 345 transport aircraft, 47

trainer aircraft, 375 helicopters, and 47 attack helicopters.

Germany puts a lot of emphasis on its air force and is currently working alongside the

USA to develop it.

As for machines, its piece de resistance is the Eurofighter Typhoon, of which is has 128.

It also owns some U.S.-built McDonnell-Douglas F-4F Phantom IIs.

Poland has in total 465 aircraft, of which 99 are fighter aircraft, 99 attack aircraft,

229 transport aircraft, 98 trainer aircraft, 211 helicopters with 29 attack helicopters.

In terms of its fighters and multirole aircraft, you could say the fleet is ageing, but you

could also say that they were at least some of the best planes of the past.

That includes 31 MIG-29s (actually donated by Germany), 36 F-16s and 32 Russian-made

Sukhoi Su-22s.

We'd have to go with Germany again here given its large fleet of Eurofighter Typhoons.

As for the navies of these two nations, they certainly wouldn't get near a top five list,

and to be frank, wouldn't even get on a top ten list.

In this match-up, both countries would likely not be settling the dispute in the seas.

Germany's navy force consists of 0 aircraft carriers, 0 destroyers 10 frigates, 5 corvettes,

6 submarines, 13 mine warfare, 11 replenishment ships and 20 miscellaneous auxiliary vessels.

When we talk about German naval strength these days, we are indubitably talking about the


Poland can't really boast about its naval strength, either.

Its fleet consists of 0 aircraft carriers, 0 destroyers, 2 frigates, 2 corvettes, 5 submarines,

3 patrol craft and 25 mine warfare vessels.

Poland doesn't seem very interested in its navy.

Reuters reported in 2017 that Poland was about to push $55 billion into its military in the

next 15 years, but guess what, not much of that will go to strengthening the navy.

As for nuclear weapons, Poland doesn't have any, although during the Cold War, the Soviets

did stockpile some of them there.

Germany doesn't have any either, although under the NATO nuclear weapons sharing program,

it does train to let them go if need be.

If these two nations were to get into a wrangle, it would be one on land and in the air, but

then as both are close allies of most developed democratic nations, it would depend a lot

on who was seen as the aggressor as to whom would be befriended.

It's extremely unlikely there will be any friction, unless of course a people's revolution

takes place in either country promoting an alternative to capitalism or democracy.

In that case they would likely be the enemy of almost everyone.

So, how do you feel about this hypothetical match-up?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called China vs the United States?!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Germany vs Poland - Who Would Win - Military Comparison - Duration: 7:03.


Dr Jerry Hendrix - rozmowa | Jerry Hendrix, Ph. D. - interview - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Dr Jerry Hendrix - rozmowa | Jerry Hendrix, Ph. D. - interview - Duration: 3:37.


Yuck! How birds share knowledge of disgusting foods—and help insects evolve - Duration: 0:59.

This bird is not going to like

the snack it just picked up.

It shows its disgust

by wiping its beak on the branch.

Another bird watching the scene on TV

gets the message.

When faced with a choice between two snacks,

the observing bird looks for one with a different marking

avoiding the foul-tasting packet.

So with their signals of disgust

birds spread the news about unpalatable bugs,

which in turn pressures insects to evolve marks

that signal they taste bad.

For more infomation >> Yuck! How birds share knowledge of disgusting foods—and help insects evolve - Duration: 0:59.


ربح عملة LTC عن طريق موقع coinut - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> ربح عملة LTC عن طريق موقع coinut - Duration: 4:31.


Byrne Speaks in Support of Tax Cuts - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Byrne Speaks in Support of Tax Cuts - Duration: 2:26.


Why Video Games Get Asian English Releases - Duration: 8:14.

Ever wondered why games released in the Asian region get English subtitles or why a game

may be released in Asia but not the West?

To help explain these things, the Hong Kong-based online retailer Play-Asia recently posted

a lengthy blog post going into various ins and outs of localising games in Asia.

But first though, what exactly is meant by the Asian region?

In the video game industry, "Asia" normally refers to various countries in South East


These include: Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines,

as well as others, and is a very big and influential market for publishers.

However, the South East Asia region is also one of the most linguistically diverse regions

in the world.

There are many different languages as each country's main language of choice.

This naturally puts publishers in a difficult position when it comes to localisation.

Localising games in each individual county's native language would not only require a lot

of time and effort but would also be very expensive.

But, there is a solution to get around this!

Despite these regions being extremely linguistically diverse, proficiency in English is generally

very high and English is used as their common language in things like business.

This means publishers are able to release their games in English and still be able to

reach most of their audience, whilst saving a lot of money and other resources.

Play-Asia's post goes into this and explains how Asian English releases are on the rise,

due to this very reason.

There are other reasons though for this growing practise and one of these is the hidden international

potential they have with importers from Western countries.

For example, a common trend that we see is importers purchasing games from Asia that

do not get Western releases.

But, if the game's already been localised into English, why not just release it in countries

like the US as well?

Again, there are a number of different reasons for this.

One of these, like Play-Asia explains, is due to situations like Dead or Alive Xtreme

3 and publishers fearing loss of profits or bad PR over perceived cultural differences.

To quote: "Following the Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 controversy,

and the statement from Koei Tecmo regarding the West's political climate when it comes

to games, it has become quite obvious that fear of unknown reactions when releasing a

game is at the forefront of some publishers' priorities.

When a game is developed with a very specific audience in mind, as is the case of many Japanese

game developers and publishers, the content can garner undue negative feedback simply

because of misunderstandings when it comes to intent and acceptability.

This negative feedback can manifest as generally bad public relations or at worst a loss in

sales, adding to the potential risk of the market.

By making the title available in Asia with English language options all of this risk

is avoided, as popular western media generally doesn't concern itself with Asian releases.

The end result is a publisher providing English-speaking fans within Asia an opportunity to experience

the game, and those outside of Asia the opportunity to play albeit with international shipping


This reasoning for games not getting Western releases has started to become increasingly


For instance, the producer of 2016's VR title Summer Lesson issued a similar sentiment in

regards why a Western release would be unlikely, stating:

"When you think about the current game situation and the climate in different countries where

you have to have characters from every different race or nationality, someone else would say

'mine is not included,' which is the climate we currently see with games.

Since there are people who can't set aside the game and the actual problems in society,

I don't want open that can of worms."

Like Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, Summer Lesson then went on to not be released in the West

but to get a version released in Asia with full English subtitles.

Idea Factory International are another company who have spoken about this.

In an interview, the company president was asked if the Dead or Alive situation had also

affected them and influenced what titles they localise in the West.

To which, he replied: "Yes, sadly, it has stopped us from localizing

certain Compile Heart games.

We don't want to censor anymore because we know that's not true to the original

developed art."

There are a number of other reasons though, for why games may be released in Asia but

not the West.

Next, the blog post goes into Japanese publisher's lack of Western marketing.

Japanese games normally get the majority if not all of the marketing in their home country

and then may see disappointing sales outside of Japan.

Marketing towards their largest market may make sense but the post says it would be wrong

to then look at the numbers and conclude that there must be a lack of interest overseas.

If a game doesn't get proper marketing, it's going to be much harder to sell it.

It is also suggested that a part of the marketing issue could be cultural, with Japanese insular

society meaning businesses prefer to do business in Japanese.

However, it is also suggested that another reason for lack of releases is simply fans

vastly overestimating the amount of market research publishers have.

It's hard to truly gauge the amount of people interested in your products and so the best

thing you can always do is reach out to companies and tell them what games you want released.

Even if your message seems to fall on deaf ears, it's always in a company's best interest

to take note of all requests that get sent in.

This is comparable to what a NIS America employee said last year, about the chance of releasing

Criminal Girls 2 uncensored on Steam.

Here, the localisation member explained: "I will say again that I am trying to get

as much weight as I can behind an argument for making an unrated, uncensored Criminal

Girls 2 on Steam, but without surveys and sales numbers, there's little to go on.

I did some cursory research and discovered for example that there are no surveys/petitions

for CG2 coming to Steam uncensored.

Without something like that, all we really have to go on in terms of numbers are like...youtube


Which, y'know.

Come on."

Due to these statements, Censored Gaming then also went on to create a petition and gained

nearly 5000 signatures.

There are even more reasons though.

For example, sometimes legal and licensing issues can make bringing games to another

region challenging.

Licenses for voice acting, for instance, is a pretty common hurdle that localisers face,

which is a big reason why it's not always possible to release games in the West with

dual audio.

Dubbing in English is also very expensive.

There's much more info over on Play-Asia's blog, so make sure to check out the link in

the description if you're interested.

The post also goes into the reasons why Asian games are much more likely to get physical

releases than Western countries, which is also another big reason why people import

- so fans can get a hold of a disc version instead of a download.

Also, make sure to check out the link in the description to Play-Asia's Asian English store

page, where you will be find all Asian English titles that they currently stock.

There are 100s and 100s of different games and not only are new games are being added

all of the time but many of these you won't be able to find anywhere else.

Play-Asia also ends their post with this message: "We here at Play-Asia.com put a significant

amount of time behind championing the efficiency of releases in Asia to Japanese publishers

because it provides them with an efficient route to reach both the physically inclined

demographics in Asia, as well as the smaller international group of gamers who prefer physical

products all within a single region's release.

Video game localisation done right is, and continues to be, a big part of our strategy

to facilitate gamers all around the globe.

The good news is that Japanese games are a niche in the West, and many publishers can

recognise that they should look at their specific audiences habits rather than analysing the

dataset as a whole.

If consumers of Japanese media overwhelmingly vote with their wallets for physical localised

video game releases, then titles targeted towards this audience will follow suit."

Hopefully this video has helped explained a few things about Asian English games.

Are you interested in Asian English releases?

What game would you most like to see an Asian English release for?

What Asian English games have you purchased in the past?

As always, please share your thoughts in the comments below and, until next time, thank

you for watching.

For more infomation >> Why Video Games Get Asian English Releases - Duration: 8:14.


Muskox | The viking with a thick coat | (Animals of the World) |Christmas Month| - Duration: 9:16.

a large, thick and overlies the entire body coat can be enough to

endure the bitter cold of the tundra, many animals have them and so

usually a whitish color which helps them preserve heat and especially

for camouflaged to hide and not be identified by their prey, which

which is the reverse them as most have a dark coat that stands out from the

reflecting white snow and one of those animals that stand out for their fur and

a unique appearance is the muskox. he is a circumpolar species countries

Nordic Canada, Greenland, which would be its natural region, but have been introduced

in a small portion in Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Russia an animal to be highly

adapted to cold climates near tree lines in arctic tundra, places

they have a seasonal growth of very lush and abundant vegetation, but

with a very short period of only three to four months, which occur in the summer,

other months are characterized by snow, low rainfall and strong winds, but

this species is adapted to this finding a way to survive. This mammal has

almost similar to that of all cattle appearance, but it is only convergent,

because it is related to goats and sheep, but being the only exponent

of its kind called ovibos, which literally means sheep and oxen, alluding

his biological organization. It is a heavy cud, but its size is not

is very large, reaching a meter and a half to the cross, but his long reach of 1, 35 to

2 meters, with a weight of 275 kilograms can reach up to half a ton.

many physical characteristics are attributed to their habitat, they have short legs

with white hairs and strong and broad hooves, their bodies are barrel-shaped and its tail

not as long of 15 to 20 centimeters, and much of its exterior is covered by

fur, except labrios and between the nostrils, their fur can be divided

2 types, the first thing we see on the outside, which is called hair coat,

It is long and thick, that are continuously growing, which has a brownish color that protects

wind, insects and rain can reach the ground; while the second

type, which is below the first type is called Woolly qiviut, which grows

depending on the time, especially in autumn, which functions as a heat insulator

produce, because the weather can be between -34 degrees to -56 degrees Celsius

and storms can last for days and not where they seek refuge with bad weather,

but they remain in the open. males have a mane develop more

larger than the females, who sits on the shoulders and above all develop growth

Extra at the base of the horns on his forehead, this is very useful when breeding season

and perform clash of heads to determine hierarchies and attract females, but both

have horns joined in the center of the head, growing obliquely downwards,

then bend and reach the same level of the base, have a region

Rump where his hair is thinner that region is called saddle and present

a strong musky odor that can be detected at 100 meters by people but their smell

is not produced by the musk if the urine which vaporizes and has a pungent odor,

once thought they were for a near eyes facial glands to mark their

territory and detected each other. They are social animals communicating by bellowing

and growls, besides the smell and movements, where his group is modified as the season

the year, in summer you can see groups of 6 congeners, and live together in winter

in herds of 20 to 30 individuals, they can sometimes reach 100, but this is little

common and occurs when the perores blowing winds, which are placed together back

the wind, as well as helping to weigh climate, this helps them to protect themselves

predators and if it arrived to separate his real group or mother, sound

It is easier to detect for it located. walking is done very slowly, this

for any reason they can overheat when running so slow moving, but if you

require can reach speeds of 40 kilometers per hour, this makes present

very short migrations that actually occur within the same place with their peers.

have no territories, but in the summer they can mark their trails with their glands

to indicate belonged to feed to your liking, where in the summer forages all

type of grass that start gladly consuming most they can to

able to withstand and recover from the previous winter. in winter time consuming bark

willow tree like, stems, roots and moss that bring very few nutrients,

so the large number of deaths from starvation occur at this time of year.

their reproductive conformation is from the harem, mating season occurs in late

June to early July, the males begin to fight among themselves to dominate

young or weak, which collided their heads out of the herds, backing

20 meters, lowering his head and proceed to hit their horns with all their might

until one of the two surrender, where the winner attract 6 to 7 females, while

the loser bull leave the region who are expelled and become homeless

lonely, only they return the group to take refuge from a climate hazard

or a hunter. during pregnancy the females take control of the group

make decisions, pregnancy having a period of eight months, which normally stop

in April to May, giving birth to a single calf, twin births are rare and often

They do not survive, weighing about 9 to 11 kilograms at birth and are increasing average daily kilo,

with your eyes open and learn to walk a few hours after birth, where

their mothers feed them their udders that are covered with hair and protect them from

cold, even with its layer of fat infants, which a few are also fed

weeks of vegetation, feeding on the mother for 10 months or more depending on what

snowfall along, following them all the time and taking shelter under them

between the legs to survive the first winter of their lives and communicating with

their mothers bleating, becoming fully independent at 24 weeks and entering

sexual maturity of 2 to 4 years, where they will play once each year or

2 years, depending on food availability. their average life span in the wild

It is 14 years this climate, food, impaired parenting and desgate of

his molars to eat very roughage; and predators, where they are hunted by

polar bears in the winter can dare to get the herds by hunger,

also it chased by wolves who take turns to tire them and kill them as they flee

occurring fleeing terror and its speed is no more to them, but they will defend themselves,

making a circle protecting the young, lowering his head and investing in full

force if they get close enough, so many inexperienced predators prefer

easier prey; state of captivity come to live more than 20 years, this is due

to humans it provides food in the hardest moments and provides you

protection, getting to see some semi domesticated. this species is under the range

less concern, although he was threatened by hunting, its population currently

has grown considerably, so much that has allowed to control hunting and

it permits where the places where he disappeared were introduced successfully,

this in Alaska and Europe. this factor has reached because bred in

captivity and those who do use the hair to make shelters that can be

more insulation than wool and which are sold at a very good price in the market,

especially the fur qiviut also used for research at the university

Alaska and meat used to feed many people especially in seasons

winter. An example of the correction of an error,

which has a unique coat that protects it in its hostile place that looks like a cow but

they are actually more like a goat, that is the muskox.

I hope the video has been to his liking, if so give me love and share it for

more people know this channel, I leave my social networks so that we are in contact,

besides that thereby I will make relevant announcements regarding the channel. If you are new

I invite you to subscribe and do not forget to leave a comment or a question that

you has arisen, thank you very much for watching this video, we're seeing us later.

For more infomation >> Muskox | The viking with a thick coat | (Animals of the World) |Christmas Month| - Duration: 9:16.


Jeff Sessions Is Growing 'Pissed' at Trump, His Allies Say And He Doesn't Plan to Quit - Duration: 4:02.

Jeff Sessions Is Growing �Pissed� at Trump, His Allies Say.

And He Doesn�t Plan to Quit.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has no plans to leave office, as friends say he�s grown

angry with President Donald Trump following a series of attacks meant to marginalize his

power and, potentially, encourage his resignation.

�Sessions is totally pissed off about it,� said a Sessions ally familiar with his thinking.

�It�s beyond insane.

It�s cruel and it�s insane and it�s stupid.�

Sessions� allies say the president�s criticism of the attorney general is counterproductive.

Perhaps more than any other member of Trump�s Cabinet, Sessions has been an uncompromising

advocate for Trump�s agenda.

The attorney general has worked methodically to dismantle Obama�s legacy at the Justice

Department: reconsidering the department�s efforts to make troubled police departments

change their practices, changing the DOJ�s stance on voter-ID lawsuits, and rolling back

former Attorney General Eric Holder�s sentencing guidelines that were aimed at reduced incarceration

and balancing out drug-crime-related punishments.

Every pick for a U.S. Attorney�s office that Sessions has made has underscored the

administration�s focus on border security.

He�s visited the border twice to emphasize a desire to prosecute undocumented immigrants.

He�s passionately defended Trump�s so-called travel ban and threatened to withhold funding

from �sanctuary� cities.

In the process, he�s become Public Enemy No. 1 for progressives, which makes his targeting

by Trump so baffling to those close to him.

�He�s not going anywhere,� said another Sessions ally.

�He is not going to resign.

What he is accomplishing is way too important to the country.�

Rather than quit, Sessions insiders predict the attorney general will call Trump�s bluff.

And unlike other members of Trump�s Cabinet, he has political wiggle room to do so.

Trump�s base of support�immigration restrictionists, rank-and-file law-enforcement officials, and

states� rights conservatives�were Sessions� fans before they flocked to the president.

They may very well scoff at the idea that the administration would be better off without

its AG.

Sessions also enjoys continued support in the Senate, where he served for a decade.

On Tuesday morning, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) pushed back on Trump�s attacks and called

the president�s encouragement that Sessions prosecute Hillary Clinton over her email use

�highly inappropriate.�Much of Trump�s senior staff in the White House doesn�t

expect Sessions to leave any time soon either.

The attorney general has several hardcore fans within the top ranks, including senior

adviser for policy Stephen Miller and chief strategist Steve Bannon, the latter of whom

has previously dubbed Session his �mentor.�

�[Sessions] isn�t going anywhere� we�ve all lived through enough of these episodes

where people end up getting on the president�s bad side, but guess what?

They�re still around,� one White House official noted.

The official added that they have every bit of confidence that Sessions can manage to

�ride out the storm.�

Sessions allies insist that the president�s criticisms should be directed at Deputy Attorney

General Rod Rosenstein.

The Justice Department regulation on recusals is extremely clear: Sessions had no choice

but to recuse himself from investigations related to the 2016 presidential election.

And that includes any investigations into Clinton�s email server.

Given that he had to recuse, the responsibility for making Bob Mueller special counsel for

the Russia probe lies with Rosenstein.

But the president has yet to even tweet Rosenstein�s name, though Trump hinted at him last month

in one missive.

Sessions� allies also point out that if the president wanted to get rid of Mueller,

he could just get rid of Rosenstein.

The fact that he hasn�t done so and is, instead, fixated on his attorney general,

is treated as evidence that he�s behaving irrationally.

As Trump continues to torment Sessions, some of the AG�s allies have begun advocating

steps to re-establish his position inside the administration.

In particular, leading conservative voices have begun encouraging Sessions to undo his

recusal, arguing that Mueller�s probe has extended beyond activities that happened during

the campaign.

�I think he ought to really think about revisiting the reason for recusal,� said

Cleta Mitchell, a longtime Washington conservative superlawyer.

�I love Attorney General Sessions,� she added.

�I think he�s fabulous.�

And on Tuesday afternoon, President Trump held a news conference in the White House

Rose Garden, and again took another shot at his attorney general.

�I want the attorney general to be much tougher on the leaks from intelligence agencies,�

Trump said, flanked by senior staff including Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and Gary Cohn.

�These are intelligence agencies�we cannot have that happen.� The president reiterated

that as �I�ve told you before, I am very disappointed with the attorney general, but

we will see what happens.�

For more infomation >> Jeff Sessions Is Growing 'Pissed' at Trump, His Allies Say And He Doesn't Plan to Quit - Duration: 4:02.


Make your own moves.

For more infomation >> Make your own moves.


Ce hamac en cadeau pour votre chat si vous êtes sélectionné(e) - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Ce hamac en cadeau pour votre chat si vous êtes sélectionné(e) - Duration: 2:23.


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For more infomation >> Retrospectiva da zoeira em 2017 com Jair e Vicentino - Duration: 7:16.


Gossip Uomini e donne: Luca insieme a Ivana, Soleil pazza di Marco | WIns Zuiden - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Gossip Uomini e donne: Luca insieme a Ivana, Soleil pazza di Marco | WIns Zuiden - Duration: 5:10.


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For more infomation >> Dicas de make e acessórios para festas de fim de ano - Duration: 1:16.


Uomini e Donne, Tina e Gianni spiazzano tutti e difendono Gemma | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Tina e Gianni spiazzano tutti e difendono Gemma | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.


Gossip Isola dei famosi: tutte le novità su 'Saranno Isolani', cast e inviato - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Gossip Isola dei famosi: tutte le novità su 'Saranno Isolani', cast e inviato - Duration: 5:42.


Uomini e Donne anticipazioni: Paolo vicino alla scelta - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne anticipazioni: Paolo vicino alla scelta - Duration: 3:03.


TUTORIAL LIGHTROOM E PHOTOSHOP: Digital Blending Maschere & Livelli (Part-2) - Duration: 16:09.

Hello everyone and welcome to my new Episode

My name is Massimiliano Coniglio

and I am an Italian travel photographer

in this Episode we will continue with the project a "frame in the frame"

and from lightroom we will jump in photoshop

we import the images from Lr to Ps

and I'll show you how to work with a digital blending technic

and also how to remove annoying elements in your images

stay with me

and let's continue with the second part of the "frame in the frame"

For more infomation >> TUTORIAL LIGHTROOM E PHOTOSHOP: Digital Blending Maschere & Livelli (Part-2) - Duration: 16:09.


Relaxing Music And Sea Sound With Seagulls, To Sleep Deeply - Duration: 4:02:39.

Relaxing Music And Sea Sound With Seagulls, To Sleep Deeply

For more infomation >> Relaxing Music And Sea Sound With Seagulls, To Sleep Deeply - Duration: 4:02:39.


GF VIP:Cecilia e Ignazio parteciperanno a Temptation Island? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> GF VIP:Cecilia e Ignazio parteciperanno a Temptation Island? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:36.


Cecilia Rodriguez umilia Monte e su Nacho: 'Mi piace perchè è superdotato' - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Cecilia Rodriguez umilia Monte e su Nacho: 'Mi piace perchè è superdotato' - Duration: 4:01.


Musica Rilassante Flauto Dei Nativi E Suono Dell'Acqua Per Meditazione Profonda - Duration: 4:01:35.

For more infomation >> Musica Rilassante Flauto Dei Nativi E Suono Dell'Acqua Per Meditazione Profonda - Duration: 4:01:35.


Relaxing Massage: Relaxing Music x Wellness Center and Beauty Farm, Relaxation Meditation - Duration: 2:07:24.

Relaxing Massage: Relaxing Music x Wellness Center and Beauty Farm, Relaxation Meditation

For more infomation >> Relaxing Massage: Relaxing Music x Wellness Center and Beauty Farm, Relaxation Meditation - Duration: 2:07:24.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 250 E Automaat - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 250 E Automaat - Duration: 0:52.



For more infomation >> Peugeot 508 SW 1.6 E-HDI BLUE LEASE EXECUTIVE PARELMOER/PANODAK/NAVI - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.6 e-HDi Business 7P 7 PERSOONS - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Citroën Grand C4 Picasso 1.6 e-HDi Business 7P 7 PERSOONS - Duration: 1:06.


Belen Rodriguez/ Calo d'immagine per colpa di Jeremias e Cecilia? Le Iene non le portano bene - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Belen Rodriguez/ Calo d'immagine per colpa di Jeremias e Cecilia? Le Iene non le portano bene - Duration: 3:27.


Enrique Iglesias e Anna Kournikova: la coppia ha avuto due gemelli| STARS NEWS - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Enrique Iglesias e Anna Kournikova: la coppia ha avuto due gemelli| STARS NEWS - Duration: 3:31.


Adel : Artist Stories S01E01 [TRAILER] - Duration: 0:31.

When we were young, we decided to become criminals.

You know? We told each other

"This is what we're gonna do."

What do you want to be when you grow up?

My name is Adel. I'm 24 years old.

And I am from Akalla.

Nowadays they call me a rapper.

They used to call me other things.

But today it's Adel the rapper.


For more infomation >> Adel : Artist Stories S01E01 [TRAILER] - Duration: 0:31.


Barbara D'Urso lascia Pomeriggio 5? La rivelazione shock da Mediaset - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso lascia Pomeriggio 5? La rivelazione shock da Mediaset - Duration: 3:25.


Rajasthan Tourism

For more infomation >> Rajasthan Tourism


Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI R-Line Edition 123PK Navigatie, Xenon, Park Ass., Pan.dak, Airco, 19"LM - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 TSI R-Line Edition 123PK Navigatie, Xenon, Park Ass., Pan.dak, Airco, 19"LM - Duration: 0:58.


Renault Captur 1.2 TCe Dynamique Clima | R-Link | Parkeercamera - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 1.2 TCe Dynamique Clima | R-Link | Parkeercamera - Duration: 0:58.


Renault Captur 90pk TCe Dynamique | R-LINK | Climate Controle | Camera | Cruise Controle | PDC | - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 90pk TCe Dynamique | R-LINK | Climate Controle | Camera | Cruise Controle | PDC | - Duration: 0:58.


Renault Kadjar 110pk dCi Bose | R-Link Navi | Clima | 19 Inch | Half Leder | Side Bars - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Renault Kadjar 110pk dCi Bose | R-Link Navi | Clima | 19 Inch | Half Leder | Side Bars - Duration: 1:00.


Germany vs Poland - Who Would Win - Military Comparison - Duration: 7:03.

Germany and Poland are presently enjoying peace, but it wasn't always that way.

Separated by a 290 mile border (467 km) – once said to be the most policed border on the

planet – the two nations have at various times been the worst of enemies.

The Treaty of Versailles handed former German territories to Poland after the First World

War, which rankled Germany to the extreme.

This was one of the reasons for the invasion of Poland in 1939.

16 days later, the Soviets invaded Poland from the other side of the country.

You could say this was the start of some difficult times for the Polish.

Poland now enjoys better economic relations with Germany than it does with Russia, but

how would they fair if pitted against each other militarily?

That's what we'll find out, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Germany vs Poland.

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our

Notification Squad.

Let's first have a look at some country stats and non-military information.

Poland's live population as of November 2nd 2017 is about 38 million (38,148,286).

That population lives in a land area of approx 121 thousand sq miles (120,726 sq. miles)

(312,679 km2).

The country's longest border is with the Czech Republic, but Poland also borders Germany,

Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania and the Baltic Sea.

Poland has enjoyed healthy economic growth for a number of years, and its nearly 510

billion dollar GDP ($509.960 billion) is the biggest of former Eastern Bloc members in

the EU, as well as the 6th largest economy in the EU.

Germany's live population as of the same date is about 82 million (82,175,159).

They live on a land mass of about 138 thousand sq miles (137,903 sq. miles) (357,168 km2).

Germany shares its border with Poland – as we know – but also with the Czech Republic,

France, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, the North

Sea and the Baltic Sea.

Both countries are literally surrounded nations.

One thing that stands out between these countries is that Germany is an economic powerhouse

with the largest economy in Europe and the fourth largest GDP in the world.

The GDP for 2016 was $3.47 trillion.

Germany is rich in natural resources, but also a leader in many industries.

So, just as we begin, it looks as though Germany has the upper hand, but it's not the military

behemoth it once was.

It's thought that in 1940, Germany had 3.5 million soldiers and a mind-blowing cache

of land artillery.

It was to some extent the most feared military power in the world.

Following its loss, the country wasn't allowed to pursue military prowess again for a while,

although now it does have a fairly strong presence in terms of defense.

It's still often ranked as a top ten member of the world's best militaries, but we'll

let you decide that.

Germany has a defense budget of 41.1 billion dollars, which is 1.2 percent of its GDP.

Its active frontline personnel number 180,000 with another 30,000 being active reserve personnel.

Poland's defense budget for 2017 is 9.6 billion dollars, which is 2.1 percent of its


One thing we must add here in light of our hypothetical aggression, is that in 2017 Poland

told Germany it must pay $1 trillion in World War II reparations.

Germany hasn't paid it yet, but if it did, before they went head-to-head, well, a cool

trillion would go a long way to bolstering the Polish armed forces.

Right now Poland is ranked as a top 20 military power.

The country has 110,000 active military personnel and another 75,000 acting as reserves.

You can imagine, given the geography of these two nations, that a lot of the action would

take place on land.

They do, after all, border each other.

Germany has 543 tanks, 5,869 armored fighting vehicles, 154 self-propelled guns, 0 towed

artillery and 50 multiple-launch rocket systems.

Germany is a renowned tank builder, and its Leopard 2A7 of which it has about 20, is ranked

as one of the best tanks ever created.

It also has around 232 Leopard II main battle tanks of differing variations – some old

and some new.

Poland has more tanks, however, at 1,065.

The country also owns 2,608 armored fighting vehicles, 443 self-propelled artillery, 72

towed artillery and 240 multiple launch rocket systems.

According to National Interest, Poland takes its military very seriously, and just in case

anyone should decide to enter its borders, Poland will "build a new territorial defense

force of 53 thousand volunteers by 2019."

In terms of its rather large ground force, a lot of Poland's machines are leftovers

from the troubles in the early and mid-20th century.

Poland's best tank is said to be its homemade PL-01, a super futuristic machine that looks

as though it was made for Batman.

This machine, though, is much lighter than a regular main battle tank.

Nonetheless, it's a machine that impressed the world when it was first shown.

Poland does have a lot of older heavy tanks, including 128 ageing Leopard IIs donated by


In the air, Germany again seems like the more modern outfit.

In total, Germany has 698 aircraft.

This combines 92 fighters, 169 fixed wing attack aircraft, 345 transport aircraft, 47

trainer aircraft, 375 helicopters, and 47 attack helicopters.

Germany puts a lot of emphasis on its air force and is currently working alongside the

USA to develop it.

As for machines, its piece de resistance is the Eurofighter Typhoon, of which is has 128.

It also owns some U.S.-built McDonnell-Douglas F-4F Phantom IIs.

Poland has in total 465 aircraft, of which 99 are fighter aircraft, 99 attack aircraft,

229 transport aircraft, 98 trainer aircraft, 211 helicopters with 29 attack helicopters.

In terms of its fighters and multirole aircraft, you could say the fleet is ageing, but you

could also say that they were at least some of the best planes of the past.

That includes 31 MIG-29s (actually donated by Germany), 36 F-16s and 32 Russian-made

Sukhoi Su-22s.

We'd have to go with Germany again here given its large fleet of Eurofighter Typhoons.

As for the navies of these two nations, they certainly wouldn't get near a top five list,

and to be frank, wouldn't even get on a top ten list.

In this match-up, both countries would likely not be settling the dispute in the seas.

Germany's navy force consists of 0 aircraft carriers, 0 destroyers 10 frigates, 5 corvettes,

6 submarines, 13 mine warfare, 11 replenishment ships and 20 miscellaneous auxiliary vessels.

When we talk about German naval strength these days, we are indubitably talking about the


Poland can't really boast about its naval strength, either.

Its fleet consists of 0 aircraft carriers, 0 destroyers, 2 frigates, 2 corvettes, 5 submarines,

3 patrol craft and 25 mine warfare vessels.

Poland doesn't seem very interested in its navy.

Reuters reported in 2017 that Poland was about to push $55 billion into its military in the

next 15 years, but guess what, not much of that will go to strengthening the navy.

As for nuclear weapons, Poland doesn't have any, although during the Cold War, the Soviets

did stockpile some of them there.

Germany doesn't have any either, although under the NATO nuclear weapons sharing program,

it does train to let them go if need be.

If these two nations were to get into a wrangle, it would be one on land and in the air, but

then as both are close allies of most developed democratic nations, it would depend a lot

on who was seen as the aggressor as to whom would be befriended.

It's extremely unlikely there will be any friction, unless of course a people's revolution

takes place in either country promoting an alternative to capitalism or democracy.

In that case they would likely be the enemy of almost everyone.

So, how do you feel about this hypothetical match-up?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called China vs the United States?!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Germany vs Poland - Who Would Win - Military Comparison - Duration: 7:03.


Dr Jerry Hendrix - rozmowa | Jerry Hendrix, Ph. D. - interview - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Dr Jerry Hendrix - rozmowa | Jerry Hendrix, Ph. D. - interview - Duration: 3:37.


Yuck! How birds share knowledge of disgusting foods—and help insects evolve - Duration: 0:59.

This bird is not going to like

the snack it just picked up.

It shows its disgust

by wiping its beak on the branch.

Another bird watching the scene on TV

gets the message.

When faced with a choice between two snacks,

the observing bird looks for one with a different marking

avoiding the foul-tasting packet.

So with their signals of disgust

birds spread the news about unpalatable bugs,

which in turn pressures insects to evolve marks

that signal they taste bad.

For more infomation >> Yuck! How birds share knowledge of disgusting foods—and help insects evolve - Duration: 0:59.


ربح عملة LTC عن طريق موقع coinut - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> ربح عملة LTC عن طريق موقع coinut - Duration: 4:31.


Byrne Speaks in Support of Tax Cuts - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Byrne Speaks in Support of Tax Cuts - Duration: 2:26.


Why Video Games Get Asian English Releases - Duration: 8:14.

Ever wondered why games released in the Asian region get English subtitles or why a game

may be released in Asia but not the West?

To help explain these things, the Hong Kong-based online retailer Play-Asia recently posted

a lengthy blog post going into various ins and outs of localising games in Asia.

But first though, what exactly is meant by the Asian region?

In the video game industry, "Asia" normally refers to various countries in South East


These include: Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines,

as well as others, and is a very big and influential market for publishers.

However, the South East Asia region is also one of the most linguistically diverse regions

in the world.

There are many different languages as each country's main language of choice.

This naturally puts publishers in a difficult position when it comes to localisation.

Localising games in each individual county's native language would not only require a lot

of time and effort but would also be very expensive.

But, there is a solution to get around this!

Despite these regions being extremely linguistically diverse, proficiency in English is generally

very high and English is used as their common language in things like business.

This means publishers are able to release their games in English and still be able to

reach most of their audience, whilst saving a lot of money and other resources.

Play-Asia's post goes into this and explains how Asian English releases are on the rise,

due to this very reason.

There are other reasons though for this growing practise and one of these is the hidden international

potential they have with importers from Western countries.

For example, a common trend that we see is importers purchasing games from Asia that

do not get Western releases.

But, if the game's already been localised into English, why not just release it in countries

like the US as well?

Again, there are a number of different reasons for this.

One of these, like Play-Asia explains, is due to situations like Dead or Alive Xtreme

3 and publishers fearing loss of profits or bad PR over perceived cultural differences.

To quote: "Following the Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 controversy,

and the statement from Koei Tecmo regarding the West's political climate when it comes

to games, it has become quite obvious that fear of unknown reactions when releasing a

game is at the forefront of some publishers' priorities.

When a game is developed with a very specific audience in mind, as is the case of many Japanese

game developers and publishers, the content can garner undue negative feedback simply

because of misunderstandings when it comes to intent and acceptability.

This negative feedback can manifest as generally bad public relations or at worst a loss in

sales, adding to the potential risk of the market.

By making the title available in Asia with English language options all of this risk

is avoided, as popular western media generally doesn't concern itself with Asian releases.

The end result is a publisher providing English-speaking fans within Asia an opportunity to experience

the game, and those outside of Asia the opportunity to play albeit with international shipping


This reasoning for games not getting Western releases has started to become increasingly


For instance, the producer of 2016's VR title Summer Lesson issued a similar sentiment in

regards why a Western release would be unlikely, stating:

"When you think about the current game situation and the climate in different countries where

you have to have characters from every different race or nationality, someone else would say

'mine is not included,' which is the climate we currently see with games.

Since there are people who can't set aside the game and the actual problems in society,

I don't want open that can of worms."

Like Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, Summer Lesson then went on to not be released in the West

but to get a version released in Asia with full English subtitles.

Idea Factory International are another company who have spoken about this.

In an interview, the company president was asked if the Dead or Alive situation had also

affected them and influenced what titles they localise in the West.

To which, he replied: "Yes, sadly, it has stopped us from localizing

certain Compile Heart games.

We don't want to censor anymore because we know that's not true to the original

developed art."

There are a number of other reasons though, for why games may be released in Asia but

not the West.

Next, the blog post goes into Japanese publisher's lack of Western marketing.

Japanese games normally get the majority if not all of the marketing in their home country

and then may see disappointing sales outside of Japan.

Marketing towards their largest market may make sense but the post says it would be wrong

to then look at the numbers and conclude that there must be a lack of interest overseas.

If a game doesn't get proper marketing, it's going to be much harder to sell it.

It is also suggested that a part of the marketing issue could be cultural, with Japanese insular

society meaning businesses prefer to do business in Japanese.

However, it is also suggested that another reason for lack of releases is simply fans

vastly overestimating the amount of market research publishers have.

It's hard to truly gauge the amount of people interested in your products and so the best

thing you can always do is reach out to companies and tell them what games you want released.

Even if your message seems to fall on deaf ears, it's always in a company's best interest

to take note of all requests that get sent in.

This is comparable to what a NIS America employee said last year, about the chance of releasing

Criminal Girls 2 uncensored on Steam.

Here, the localisation member explained: "I will say again that I am trying to get

as much weight as I can behind an argument for making an unrated, uncensored Criminal

Girls 2 on Steam, but without surveys and sales numbers, there's little to go on.

I did some cursory research and discovered for example that there are no surveys/petitions

for CG2 coming to Steam uncensored.

Without something like that, all we really have to go on in terms of numbers are like...youtube


Which, y'know.

Come on."

Due to these statements, Censored Gaming then also went on to create a petition and gained

nearly 5000 signatures.

There are even more reasons though.

For example, sometimes legal and licensing issues can make bringing games to another

region challenging.

Licenses for voice acting, for instance, is a pretty common hurdle that localisers face,

which is a big reason why it's not always possible to release games in the West with

dual audio.

Dubbing in English is also very expensive.

There's much more info over on Play-Asia's blog, so make sure to check out the link in

the description if you're interested.

The post also goes into the reasons why Asian games are much more likely to get physical

releases than Western countries, which is also another big reason why people import

- so fans can get a hold of a disc version instead of a download.

Also, make sure to check out the link in the description to Play-Asia's Asian English store

page, where you will be find all Asian English titles that they currently stock.

There are 100s and 100s of different games and not only are new games are being added

all of the time but many of these you won't be able to find anywhere else.

Play-Asia also ends their post with this message: "We here at Play-Asia.com put a significant

amount of time behind championing the efficiency of releases in Asia to Japanese publishers

because it provides them with an efficient route to reach both the physically inclined

demographics in Asia, as well as the smaller international group of gamers who prefer physical

products all within a single region's release.

Video game localisation done right is, and continues to be, a big part of our strategy

to facilitate gamers all around the globe.

The good news is that Japanese games are a niche in the West, and many publishers can

recognise that they should look at their specific audiences habits rather than analysing the

dataset as a whole.

If consumers of Japanese media overwhelmingly vote with their wallets for physical localised

video game releases, then titles targeted towards this audience will follow suit."

Hopefully this video has helped explained a few things about Asian English games.

Are you interested in Asian English releases?

What game would you most like to see an Asian English release for?

What Asian English games have you purchased in the past?

As always, please share your thoughts in the comments below and, until next time, thank

you for watching.

For more infomation >> Why Video Games Get Asian English Releases - Duration: 8:14.


Muskox | The viking with a thick coat | (Animals of the World) |Christmas Month| - Duration: 9:16.

a large, thick and overlies the entire body coat can be enough to

endure the bitter cold of the tundra, many animals have them and so

usually a whitish color which helps them preserve heat and especially

for camouflaged to hide and not be identified by their prey, which

which is the reverse them as most have a dark coat that stands out from the

reflecting white snow and one of those animals that stand out for their fur and

a unique appearance is the muskox. he is a circumpolar species countries

Nordic Canada, Greenland, which would be its natural region, but have been introduced

in a small portion in Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Russia an animal to be highly

adapted to cold climates near tree lines in arctic tundra, places

they have a seasonal growth of very lush and abundant vegetation, but

with a very short period of only three to four months, which occur in the summer,

other months are characterized by snow, low rainfall and strong winds, but

this species is adapted to this finding a way to survive. This mammal has

almost similar to that of all cattle appearance, but it is only convergent,

because it is related to goats and sheep, but being the only exponent

of its kind called ovibos, which literally means sheep and oxen, alluding

his biological organization. It is a heavy cud, but its size is not

is very large, reaching a meter and a half to the cross, but his long reach of 1, 35 to

2 meters, with a weight of 275 kilograms can reach up to half a ton.

many physical characteristics are attributed to their habitat, they have short legs

with white hairs and strong and broad hooves, their bodies are barrel-shaped and its tail

not as long of 15 to 20 centimeters, and much of its exterior is covered by

fur, except labrios and between the nostrils, their fur can be divided

2 types, the first thing we see on the outside, which is called hair coat,

It is long and thick, that are continuously growing, which has a brownish color that protects

wind, insects and rain can reach the ground; while the second

type, which is below the first type is called Woolly qiviut, which grows

depending on the time, especially in autumn, which functions as a heat insulator

produce, because the weather can be between -34 degrees to -56 degrees Celsius

and storms can last for days and not where they seek refuge with bad weather,

but they remain in the open. males have a mane develop more

larger than the females, who sits on the shoulders and above all develop growth

Extra at the base of the horns on his forehead, this is very useful when breeding season

and perform clash of heads to determine hierarchies and attract females, but both

have horns joined in the center of the head, growing obliquely downwards,

then bend and reach the same level of the base, have a region

Rump where his hair is thinner that region is called saddle and present

a strong musky odor that can be detected at 100 meters by people but their smell

is not produced by the musk if the urine which vaporizes and has a pungent odor,

once thought they were for a near eyes facial glands to mark their

territory and detected each other. They are social animals communicating by bellowing

and growls, besides the smell and movements, where his group is modified as the season

the year, in summer you can see groups of 6 congeners, and live together in winter

in herds of 20 to 30 individuals, they can sometimes reach 100, but this is little

common and occurs when the perores blowing winds, which are placed together back

the wind, as well as helping to weigh climate, this helps them to protect themselves

predators and if it arrived to separate his real group or mother, sound

It is easier to detect for it located. walking is done very slowly, this

for any reason they can overheat when running so slow moving, but if you

require can reach speeds of 40 kilometers per hour, this makes present

very short migrations that actually occur within the same place with their peers.

have no territories, but in the summer they can mark their trails with their glands

to indicate belonged to feed to your liking, where in the summer forages all

type of grass that start gladly consuming most they can to

able to withstand and recover from the previous winter. in winter time consuming bark

willow tree like, stems, roots and moss that bring very few nutrients,

so the large number of deaths from starvation occur at this time of year.

their reproductive conformation is from the harem, mating season occurs in late

June to early July, the males begin to fight among themselves to dominate

young or weak, which collided their heads out of the herds, backing

20 meters, lowering his head and proceed to hit their horns with all their might

until one of the two surrender, where the winner attract 6 to 7 females, while

the loser bull leave the region who are expelled and become homeless

lonely, only they return the group to take refuge from a climate hazard

or a hunter. during pregnancy the females take control of the group

make decisions, pregnancy having a period of eight months, which normally stop

in April to May, giving birth to a single calf, twin births are rare and often

They do not survive, weighing about 9 to 11 kilograms at birth and are increasing average daily kilo,

with your eyes open and learn to walk a few hours after birth, where

their mothers feed them their udders that are covered with hair and protect them from

cold, even with its layer of fat infants, which a few are also fed

weeks of vegetation, feeding on the mother for 10 months or more depending on what

snowfall along, following them all the time and taking shelter under them

between the legs to survive the first winter of their lives and communicating with

their mothers bleating, becoming fully independent at 24 weeks and entering

sexual maturity of 2 to 4 years, where they will play once each year or

2 years, depending on food availability. their average life span in the wild

It is 14 years this climate, food, impaired parenting and desgate of

his molars to eat very roughage; and predators, where they are hunted by

polar bears in the winter can dare to get the herds by hunger,

also it chased by wolves who take turns to tire them and kill them as they flee

occurring fleeing terror and its speed is no more to them, but they will defend themselves,

making a circle protecting the young, lowering his head and investing in full

force if they get close enough, so many inexperienced predators prefer

easier prey; state of captivity come to live more than 20 years, this is due

to humans it provides food in the hardest moments and provides you

protection, getting to see some semi domesticated. this species is under the range

less concern, although he was threatened by hunting, its population currently

has grown considerably, so much that has allowed to control hunting and

it permits where the places where he disappeared were introduced successfully,

this in Alaska and Europe. this factor has reached because bred in

captivity and those who do use the hair to make shelters that can be

more insulation than wool and which are sold at a very good price in the market,

especially the fur qiviut also used for research at the university

Alaska and meat used to feed many people especially in seasons

winter. An example of the correction of an error,

which has a unique coat that protects it in its hostile place that looks like a cow but

they are actually more like a goat, that is the muskox.

I hope the video has been to his liking, if so give me love and share it for

more people know this channel, I leave my social networks so that we are in contact,

besides that thereby I will make relevant announcements regarding the channel. If you are new

I invite you to subscribe and do not forget to leave a comment or a question that

you has arisen, thank you very much for watching this video, we're seeing us later.

For more infomation >> Muskox | The viking with a thick coat | (Animals of the World) |Christmas Month| - Duration: 9:16.


Jeff Sessions Is Growing 'Pissed' at Trump, His Allies Say And He Doesn't Plan to Quit - Duration: 4:02.

Jeff Sessions Is Growing �Pissed� at Trump, His Allies Say.

And He Doesn�t Plan to Quit.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has no plans to leave office, as friends say he�s grown

angry with President Donald Trump following a series of attacks meant to marginalize his

power and, potentially, encourage his resignation.

�Sessions is totally pissed off about it,� said a Sessions ally familiar with his thinking.

�It�s beyond insane.

It�s cruel and it�s insane and it�s stupid.�

Sessions� allies say the president�s criticism of the attorney general is counterproductive.

Perhaps more than any other member of Trump�s Cabinet, Sessions has been an uncompromising

advocate for Trump�s agenda.

The attorney general has worked methodically to dismantle Obama�s legacy at the Justice

Department: reconsidering the department�s efforts to make troubled police departments

change their practices, changing the DOJ�s stance on voter-ID lawsuits, and rolling back

former Attorney General Eric Holder�s sentencing guidelines that were aimed at reduced incarceration

and balancing out drug-crime-related punishments.

Every pick for a U.S. Attorney�s office that Sessions has made has underscored the

administration�s focus on border security.

He�s visited the border twice to emphasize a desire to prosecute undocumented immigrants.

He�s passionately defended Trump�s so-called travel ban and threatened to withhold funding

from �sanctuary� cities.

In the process, he�s become Public Enemy No. 1 for progressives, which makes his targeting

by Trump so baffling to those close to him.

�He�s not going anywhere,� said another Sessions ally.

�He is not going to resign.

What he is accomplishing is way too important to the country.�

Rather than quit, Sessions insiders predict the attorney general will call Trump�s bluff.

And unlike other members of Trump�s Cabinet, he has political wiggle room to do so.

Trump�s base of support�immigration restrictionists, rank-and-file law-enforcement officials, and

states� rights conservatives�were Sessions� fans before they flocked to the president.

They may very well scoff at the idea that the administration would be better off without

its AG.

Sessions also enjoys continued support in the Senate, where he served for a decade.

On Tuesday morning, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) pushed back on Trump�s attacks and called

the president�s encouragement that Sessions prosecute Hillary Clinton over her email use

�highly inappropriate.�Much of Trump�s senior staff in the White House doesn�t

expect Sessions to leave any time soon either.

The attorney general has several hardcore fans within the top ranks, including senior

adviser for policy Stephen Miller and chief strategist Steve Bannon, the latter of whom

has previously dubbed Session his �mentor.�

�[Sessions] isn�t going anywhere� we�ve all lived through enough of these episodes

where people end up getting on the president�s bad side, but guess what?

They�re still around,� one White House official noted.

The official added that they have every bit of confidence that Sessions can manage to

�ride out the storm.�

Sessions allies insist that the president�s criticisms should be directed at Deputy Attorney

General Rod Rosenstein.

The Justice Department regulation on recusals is extremely clear: Sessions had no choice

but to recuse himself from investigations related to the 2016 presidential election.

And that includes any investigations into Clinton�s email server.

Given that he had to recuse, the responsibility for making Bob Mueller special counsel for

the Russia probe lies with Rosenstein.

But the president has yet to even tweet Rosenstein�s name, though Trump hinted at him last month

in one missive.

Sessions� allies also point out that if the president wanted to get rid of Mueller,

he could just get rid of Rosenstein.

The fact that he hasn�t done so and is, instead, fixated on his attorney general,

is treated as evidence that he�s behaving irrationally.

As Trump continues to torment Sessions, some of the AG�s allies have begun advocating

steps to re-establish his position inside the administration.

In particular, leading conservative voices have begun encouraging Sessions to undo his

recusal, arguing that Mueller�s probe has extended beyond activities that happened during

the campaign.

�I think he ought to really think about revisiting the reason for recusal,� said

Cleta Mitchell, a longtime Washington conservative superlawyer.

�I love Attorney General Sessions,� she added.

�I think he�s fabulous.�

And on Tuesday afternoon, President Trump held a news conference in the White House

Rose Garden, and again took another shot at his attorney general.

�I want the attorney general to be much tougher on the leaks from intelligence agencies,�

Trump said, flanked by senior staff including Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and Gary Cohn.

�These are intelligence agencies�we cannot have that happen.� The president reiterated

that as �I�ve told you before, I am very disappointed with the attorney general, but

we will see what happens.�

For more infomation >> Jeff Sessions Is Growing 'Pissed' at Trump, His Allies Say And He Doesn't Plan to Quit - Duration: 4:02.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Saab 9-3 Cabrio 1.8t BioPower Vector | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Saab 9-3 Cabrio 1.8t BioPower Vector | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:38.


Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T Bose Personal Edition - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T Bose Personal Edition - Duration: 0:59.


Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T TEKNA (LED / Leather / Ext Pack) - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T TEKNA (LED / Leather / Ext Pack) - Duration: 0:42.


Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T Tekna (int. Pack Red / AVM / LED) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Nissan Micra 0.9 IG-T Tekna (int. Pack Red / AVM / LED) - Duration: 0:59.


Funny Videos 2017 Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Fails Compilation 2017 - Life Awesome - Duration: 10:05.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Funny Videos 2017 Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Fails Compilation 2017 - Life Awesome - Duration: 10:05.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 BMT move up! AIRCO/ DAB/ FABRIEKSGARANTIE T/M 6-3-2019 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 BMT move up! AIRCO/ DAB/ FABRIEKSGARANTIE T/M 6-3-2019 - Duration: 1:01.


Far Cry 5 - Rencontrez Steve Byers, la voix de Nick Rye - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Far Cry 5 - Rencontrez Steve Byers, la voix de Nick Rye - Duration: 1:10.


I'M THE B0MB - Duration: 2:00.


You said it was an historical documentary...

It's an old movie, it's the same thing

E: No it's boring

*you're* boring

Your parents abandoned you cause you're too annoying


I know!

Let's go?

Why are you whispering anyway, we're the only ones h-

E: He cut off my braid!!

Better than your head.

You: tutor. You defend: me.


You know what? you're gonna go see if there's something dangerous!

Excuse me?

L: And I should take you as a model?

E: Do you trust me?


Perfect. Run!


Wake him up!

L: What is it?

You look great as a maid

E: a classic called "Mind your own business"

It's a copy of "Mind your own ass"

Have you got a better idea?!

Well, no. There.

Nobody touches me!

E: Trust me alright!

You said that last time too...

You're extremely annoying.


Wait NO

If you lay one finger on her...

E: No, seriously, you didn't see him?

Oh you..? Oh! Damn...

Léonie, RUN

For more infomation >> I'M THE B0MB - Duration: 2:00.


eBird Promo - Duration: 2:58.

Every day, millions of people around the world enjoy watching birds and recording their sightings.

What if there were a way to take all of these observations - yours, ours, everyone's,

and put them all in one place?

If we could do this we would fundamentally transform not just birding,

but science and conservation.

From this idea emereged, eBird.

Put simply, Ebird is a way for anyone around the world to store their birding

observations, their photos, their sound recordings, and make them available to

educators, scientists, and birders. It's incredibly easy to use and it's

incredibly powerful. All you do is let us know where you went birding, when how far,

you traveled and what you saw. It's powerful because hundreds of thousands

of people all around the world are doing it and it's growing.

eBird already safeguards half a billion sightings...information that allows all of

us to understand the movements and needs of birds at global scales.

eBird maintains your lists for you and shares them with other birders from

around the world. By sharing, it's now possible for anyone anywhere to find

your target birds and the best birding hotspots any time of the year.

Before ebird there was no way to comprehensively understand population level movements of

many species. By combining your sightings with remote sensed habitat data from

NASA we're able to generate species distribution models that provide an

unparalleled view of where and when birds are in the landscape. Scientists

and students all over the world are now able to use eBird datasets for the

research at a variety of spatial scales. These observations help inform better

conservation strategies; opening the door to the future of bird conservation.

And this is just the beginning. With the help of millions of people who come to eBird

each year, we are creating a free open access system that is easy to use, fun,

and rewarding. Rewarding for birders, for scientists, for

conservationists, and ultimately the birds themselves. Go to eBird.org or

download bird mobile to get started all for free.

By joining eBird, you're joining a global team of people that share your passion for birds.

Be a part of it!

For more infomation >> eBird Promo - Duration: 2:58.


Paul Ryan Says Congress Will Stop Using Our Tax Dollars To Settle Harassment Claims - Duration: 2:53.

Recently on a Wisconsin radio program, house speaker Paul Ryan announced that he was going

to make sure that the house of representatives, the senate, that everybody in government stopped

using tax dollars to pay off sexual harassment victims that have accused members of congress

of sexual misconduct, which is a great step forward.

There's absolutely no reason that in the last few years 17 million dollars of tax payers'

money has been used as, basically, hush money to silence these women who have been harassed

by members of congress.

So Paul Ryan announced that he was coming forth, he was working with other members of

congress on a plan, some kind of package, that would prevent them in the future of being

able to use this money, our tax dollars, to pay off these victims.

It's a great start.

Here's another thing I think the members of congress should do.

Stop sexually harassing women.

That's another great place to start.

What if we just stop acting like pigs all of the time, and learn how to control yourself?

Now, Paul Ryan did admit that they're also working on making every member of congress

go through some kind of sexual harassment training so that they don't do it, or that

they stop doing it.

But here's the reality: I don't know that that's going to work.

I'm pretty sure that everybody knows that sexual harassment is wrong.

They just choose to do it anyway because they're acting on their animalistic impulses because

they can't control themselves.

The problem is not that they don't know it's wrong; the problem is that they don't care

that it is wrong.

And, yes, it is exceptionally dirty to be using our tax dollars to have to pay these

settlements and these claims that these women have filed against members of congress, but

the rest of us shouldn't be punished because of your behavior.

Those tax dollars need to go towards things like schools that are about to have their

funding slashed under the Republican budget.

Children's healthcare that's, again, about to be slashed under the Republican budget.

We absolutely should not be paying to settle the claims of members of congress for sexually

harassing women.

You make enough money up there in congress.

You should be able to pay those out of pocket if you lack the ability to control yourself

every time you get around women.

For more infomation >> Paul Ryan Says Congress Will Stop Using Our Tax Dollars To Settle Harassment Claims - Duration: 2:53.


[Tom Channel] Season Greetings! - Duration: 2:41.

Hello guys.

Today we're doing some different.

First of all, Christmas is coming soon!

Let's celebrate it with some questions to all of you.

I've prepared 10 questions for you to answer.

Let's see how much you know about my channel?

Hey don't close this video!

Didn't I mention there's some special prize for the winners?

Well if you answer them all correct, that means you are truly my mates!

Isn't this sense of superiority the best reward ever?

I'm a...out of words.

Anyway, let's jump straightly into the questions!

First question, what is today's date?

(By today I mean this video release date.)

Question number 2.

Can chomper kill Kitchen sink zombie?

Third Question.

What is the last word of the title of my first video in this channel?

Forth Question.

What is the reward of answering all question correctly?

Question number 5.

How old is this channel since my first video?

Question number 6.

Which game have I not made any video on?

A. Plants vs Zombies two.

B. Pin Out.

C. Super Mario Run.

D. Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga.


What happens if a Galacta-Cactus dies when both hero are at 1 health?

Eighth QUestion.

Given that this hot dog imp is deadly, frenzy and strike through.

How many times did he attack when there are potato mine and pear cub in front?


You may unlocked the dark side of the moon.

However, how to unlock darker side of the moon?

(yes this exists!)

Last question.

Which question do you think you answer them correctly?

So if you feel you're lucky, why don't you leave comments about the answer of this questions?

I'm very appreciate your efforts.

Anyways, I'll post the answer when Christmas comes.

Therefore, season greetings!


For more infomation >> [Tom Channel] Season Greetings! - Duration: 2:41.


Immunotherapy Clinical Trials: Sue Scott's Story of Survival - Duration: 4:59.

So I was diagnosed Halloween on Halloween of 2011 with a stage 1 B2 cervical cancer.

I went through the standard course of treatment. After I completed

treatment I had clean scans, so there was no tumor my tumor had shrunk and was not

detectable on the scan. Three months later

started having terrible pelvic abdominal pain, went to the doctor and found I

still did have cancer cells that were active. I said so what treatment is

available and he said there's no chemo there's no radiation there's no surgery

for you at this point he said, but if there is an immunotherapy trial, I'll

look and see, that would be your outside chance. I said what's immunotherapy

I've never heard of it. That was in July of 2012 he contacted Dr. Hinrichs at NIH

and found out that he had just started a clinical trial for HPV caused

cancers three months previous.

My main focus is clinical research, so all of my patients are on clinical trials.

I see the patients and take care of them on a

day-to-day basis just like other doctors. What's different is we're not

treating them with a standard medicine that's already been developed.

We are working with them to develop new medicines for the future, and

she enrolled on a new clinical trial that we had that was a cellular immunotherapy.

Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment where we use the patient's own

immune system to fight the cancer. The main type of immunotherapy that we're

focused on is called adoptive t-cell transfer. T-cells are the immune cells in

your body that are able to specifically attack tumor cells they're also the same

cells that protect you from viruses. We take T-cells from patients we actually

grow them up into large numbers in the laboratory and then give them back to

the patients to fight their cancers.

I felt like a partner of theirs, it wasn't like a patient being treated.

It was really more like you know here's what

we're gonna do explaining every step in the process, helping me to feel

comfortable and then also becoming like personally involved because Dr. Hinrichs

he can't leave his lab I guess for two days straight so a lot of Saturday's

he's in the lab you know working with his cells tweaking his cells whatever it

is he does in there and he would come by the hospital and

see all of his patients on Saturdays before he left so he'd go visit his

patient cells and then he would go visit his patients. So I thought that was

really you know just that they did treat me like a partner or not like a thing to

be studied. So I got into the trial was treated in March of 2013 and was to one

of the two patients in that trial out of 16 patients that they treated who had it

work and all my tumors disappeared within two months. I had dozens of

measurable tumors liver, bladder, kidney, pelvis, lymph nodes, all cancerous and

in two months all clean on the scan. So here I am.

It's been about five years now that she has been cancer-free.

So of course the treatment really benefited her, but it's also been very valuable for our research.

Many of the t-cells that we gave her were targeting a tumor antigen that we hadn't

previously been interested in. A tumor antigen is just a protein in the tumor

that the t-cells are able to target. We've been able to capture the gene

sequence for the genes that were letting her t-cells target this antigen

and we can transfer that gene sequence into anybody's cells and make it so that

anybody's cells can target that antigen. So this is the basis for a new treatment

that we're developing in the laboratory it was all possible because of Sue's

participation in the research.

That was really whole reason I wanted to do a clinical trial. There wasn't it much chance

of my treatment working for me. I ended up getting lucky and it did, but really it was more about

how can I help science, how can I help the next person who ends up here.

For me, hope was a really important thing, and that this trial actually did offer a

tiny glimmer of hope for me and to be able to hold on to that

and let that empower me and kind of carry me through that was important

there's so much that kind of sorry there's so much that kind of takes away

from your hope when you're sick and so just having a little glimmer of hope and

being able to hold on to that is really important.

I think it's important that we try to develop the medicine for the future the NIH Clinical Center is entirely

dedicated to research it has a fantastic research community of other researchers

with the ability for us to all work together to make advances that we

couldn't make if we were all separate.

For more infomation >> Immunotherapy Clinical Trials: Sue Scott's Story of Survival - Duration: 4:59.


How to Draw a Xmas Sphere With Texture - Narrated - Duration: 4:26.

Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial!

I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will draw a Christmas´

sphere with texture.

As you saw to begin I traced a circle with a protractor.

And now we go over it with a blue marker.


Like so.

Then we widen the line a bit.

And we fill in a shape which will be the darker area.

Then with a lighter blue, the rest.

The lighter area of course will be a sort of reflection,

and the rest will be in shade.

Now to begin giving the texture,

we make many dots with a blue marker.

With this also we soften the line between the dark and light blue.

We fill it in, a lot!

And we make more dots.

When I did the outline with the thick marker

I had some imperfections so I smooth it out a bit

with a smaller marker.

And to do the shading we make more dots,

but this time with a black marker.

I do them as if I were shading the sphere:

Close to the edge and on this darker reflection

toward the center.

Let´s look at it closer!

We have many blue dots already and let´s add

some black ones.

Like so.

And now with a white pastel pencil,

let´s add some reflections.

Pretty much in the same manner,

with dots.

Of course we do them mainly on the lighter area

but we will also add some on the darker one

because this texture sticks out a little bit

and we may get some reflections also from those areas.



Now to create more contrast

let´s add more black

again, on this central dark reflection, and also toward the edges.

Ok, good!


Now let´s do the part that holds the sphere.

We mark it with pencil…

like this…

It is a bit wider on the lower part than on the top one.

And it has a ring on top.

The lower part will be reflecting and so we can

do it white.

For the rest I use a light gray marker.

This is going to be like the base color and as it is a metallic part,

it will also need reflections.

We can do the dark ones with a black pencil.

Let´s add one here, close to the center,

and then, by both edges.

We also do the shadow

and the ring.


And we can reinforce the light reflections, with the white.

Please remember about the spirit of Christmas:

Be cheerful, be grateful, be loving, and give abundantly.

We give it the last details, the last touches and it´s ready!

If you enjoyed it, please give it a LIKE! share it to your friends

and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips.

Have a very Merry Christmas! and I will see you,

on Tuesday ;)

Subtitled by Grethel Trejo

For more infomation >> How to Draw a Xmas Sphere With Texture - Narrated - Duration: 4:26.


ZBOX UNBOXING December 2017 "Galaxy" Theme Mystery Box Review - Duration: 8:27.

ZBOX UNBOXING December 2017 "Galaxy" Theme Mystery Box Review - The ZBOX is a

monthly themed box, filled to the brim with memorabilia from

your favourite film, TV, and gaming franchises.

- Includes an exclusive designed t-shirt - 4 to 7 products in each box worth over �35

- Discounts on subscriptions for 3, 6, and 12 months Use code: ZBOX to receive your first

box for �10 - Free UK and European delivery - Prices start at only �16.99.

Please Subscribe and Support the channel!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC23U4jpP2BAw8uxaH4Zwh8g?sub_confirmation=1

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ZBOX UNBOXING December 2017 "Galaxy" Theme Mystery Box Review

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For more infomation >> ZBOX UNBOXING December 2017 "Galaxy" Theme Mystery Box Review - Duration: 8:27.


Is Christian Faith Blind Faith? - Duration: 2:29.

A common charge atheists level at Christians is that their faith is blind—that's to

say, their belief is without evidence.

For example, leading atheist Richard Dawkins writes in the 1997 January-February edition

of The Humanist, "Faith, being belief that isn't based on evidence, is the principal

vice of any religion."

How is a Christian to respond?

First, Christianity doesn't demand that someone believe without evidence.

For example, John writes in John 20:31: "[T]hese [Jesus' signs] are written that you may

believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God."

John sees his testimony of Jesus' miracles as sufficient evidence to merit rational belief

by those who couldn't see him perform the signs.

John makes it clear he doesn't intend nonbelievers

to become members of Christianity with blind faith.

He is offering his testimony, along with the testimony of the other apostles, as evidence

that reason would demand for rational belief.

To the nonbeliever who questions, "Why should I believe?", John is saying, "Because

we saw him risen from the dead, we talked to him, we touched him," etc.

This is a far cry from Christianity endorsing blind faith.

Now, if the objector dismisses testimony and says that the only evidence worthy of belief

is that which is personally verified, then we would have to reject the whole scientific

enterprise, since we can't personally verify

every scientific conclusion made prior to us.

But that's absurd.

So, the charge that Christian faith is blind faith is unfounded, and thus not a reason

to reject Christianity.

If you want to learn more about this topic and others like it, visit our website at catholic.com.

For Catholic Answers, I'm Karlo Broussard.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Is Christian Faith Blind Faith? - Duration: 2:29.


We Wish You A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year | Bottle Squad Rhymes | Videos by Kids Tv - Duration: 5:05.

Bottle Squad with a boom we are ready to zoom

Bottle Squad!

Bottle Squad ! Be strong,

Be brave,

Be smart,

Be kind

Solving problems we don�t mind!

We are the closest friends you�ll ever find.

Bottle Squad

Ba Ba Bottle Squad

We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas, And a Happy New Year! Good tidings we bring

To you and your friends We wish you a merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Christmas is fun and merry Christmas is fun and cheery

With all our friends and family, decorating the tree

Presents we share To show that we care

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

"Oh no! The star is missing!!!"

"WHAT?! WHY?!"

"I see a trail of glitter heading to our holiday store! Let's go!"

Ba ba boom we're ready to zoom

We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas, And a Happy New Year! Good tidings we bring

To you and your friends We wish you a merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Oh help us find the special star Oh help us find the special star

Oh help us find the special star, and bring us good cheer

We won't go until we find it We won't go until we find it

We won't go until we find it, we know it's around here

"Guys! Over here!"

"Woah! Santa's helper is here!"

"Hey, why did you take the Star"

"Well I'm sure he took it for some reason…"

"It's a very important tradition"

"What do you mean?"

"It is our elf duty to help prepare the mall for Santa's arrival… but when I grabbed the star… I accidently broke the part that goes on the tree


"He should be here any minute! And an Elf needs to put the star on top

Now I don't know how to fix the broken star."

"That's easy! Just one moment!"

"Ta-da! All better!"

Thank you! We need to get this to the tree, and fast!"

"I got you Mr. Elf! Don't worry!"

"Well, let's go back to the tree!"

"Quick! We need to get this star on before he gets here!"

"HO HO HO!!"


What a lovely tree, Bottle Squad! With an Elf decorated star on top, too? Oh! So wonderful!"


"You know our names?"

"Of course! I know the names of alllll the boys and girls! Even your little pets Barkie, Beans, Bozzie, and miss sassy Babbles! I even know Mr. Humpty Dumpty,

The Finger family, Mr. Red and his fellow friends, and everyone here. Oh! I almost forgot! It's not Christmas without presents! Merry Christmas

Thank you, Santa

We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas, And a Happy New Year!

Good tidings we bring To you and your friends

We wish you a merry Christmas and Happy, Happy New Year

"We power up and don't give up! That's our Ba-Ba-Promise to you!

Merry Christmas! From us, To you!"

For more infomation >> We Wish You A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year | Bottle Squad Rhymes | Videos by Kids Tv - Duration: 5:05.


The Kit Episode 2: Rich Homie Quan - Duration: 2:16.

Yo, what it do? It's your boy, Rich Homie Quan

and this is my Kit.

[music playing]

This watch right here so special to me only because it was my first watch.

I bought it when I first started rapping like I didn't have a lot of money

and I bought it from a pawn shop.

You know what I'm saying? I think it was like $ 3000,

I just kept upgrading it because it meant so much to me.

I try to keep it with me just to remind me of where I came from,

you know what I'm saying, why I started it.

I could have got another watch, one bigger, it was just that thought,

you know what I'm saying, I'll never forget you.

You were there with me when I had nothing.

My du-rag, that's BAE.

I call her BB, my black blessing.

As a guy with waves,

you gotta make sure them things is laid down, man.

You know, I'm using her everyday, every night, we got an understanding.

A night without that du-rag would be a nightmare.

I'm very irresponsible.

So inside my pouch,

I keep my license, my credit cards and my receipts.

I lose it like every two months

but I've had this one here for like two years.

She's been holding it down for me.

It's harder to trust in this game, so I keep my stuff on me

and I always know what's going on.

The hard drive would be the heart,

the pulse, you know, that keeps everything going.

It's all my work on there, even work that hasn't came out,

work that has came out.

That's just everything.

I never wanna be somewhere and I just lose my hard drive,

like that would be the worst, like that would be like kidnap.

The chain is very unique.

On the chain you have my granddaddy, like it's a medallion.

I wanted to get my granddad

because he was like the back bone to the family, you know what I'm saying.

He died.

On the back it says "RIP, Dad."

Even if I don't wear the chain everyday, it's still around me

like in my bag or something, I just try to keep him around me,

just to remind me of family and that's who I do it for.

Yo, it's your boy Rich Homie Quan and that's my Kit.

For more infomation >> The Kit Episode 2: Rich Homie Quan - Duration: 2:16.


Huge Townhouse Cafe, Coldest Cafe Ever… Korean Mag Interview, Sailor Moon Shop | DTV #68 - Duration: 11:56.

For more infomation >> Huge Townhouse Cafe, Coldest Cafe Ever… Korean Mag Interview, Sailor Moon Shop | DTV #68 - Duration: 11:56.


Rach was SHOCKED to Learn This About Broadway's New Evan Hansen, Noah Galvin - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Rach was SHOCKED to Learn This About Broadway's New Evan Hansen, Noah Galvin - Duration: 2:04.


Art Tips for Non-Artists: Stippling with Acrylic Paint - Duration: 0:30.

This is…


Brush Type: Medium Flat Brush

Just a little paint at time.

Use the brush tip for texture.

Short, vertical movements.

Hold the brush lightly.

No long brush strokes.

Imperfect = Perfect!

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