Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 19 2017

At some point, you've probably heard of someone who supposedly "died of old age."

Usually, that just means they died of complications related to getting older, or from something

a younger person might have survived, like pneumonia.

Because, even though age can contribute to someone's death, it almost definitely won't

be the direct cause.

The cells in our bodies do have a set lifespan -- or a point at which they quit dividing

-- but you'll never find that written on a death certificate.

It's called cellular senescence, and scientists think it's mostly because of little structures

on the end of your chromosomes called telomeres.

Telomeres are stretches of repeating nucleotides, the compounds that make up DNA.

And they act as caps to protect the genetic material in your chromosomes during cellular reproduction.

Each time a cell divides, those telomeres get a little shorter, thanks to the mechanics

of how chromosomes are copied.

And when they get short enough, senescence sets in, and the cell can't duplicate itself anymore.

But other factors also contribute to cell aging.

One is oxidative stress, or damage done to your DNA by highly reactive molecules that

contain oxygen.

Another is glycation, which is when sugar molecules bind to key parts of your cells

and prevent them from functioning.

Unfortunately, all of these things are pretty much inevitable over time.

You can take some actions to combat them -- like, you might've heard how antioxidants in certain

foods can fight the effects of oxidation -- but you can't stop them completely.

Scientists aren't sure how old you'd have to be before your cells just couldn't duplicate

anymore, but that's because age-related diseases and injuries will catch up with someone

long before they can die directly of cellular senescence.

As someone gets older and damage from all these sources pile up, their cells are more

likely to have problems working correctly and fixing themselves when something goes wrong.

That means their immune system gets weaker, and they become more susceptible to all kinds

of injuries and diseases, like heart and blood pressure problems, and Alzheimer's.

When these diseases appear, they can affect someone's ability to get around and take

care of themselves, and can also cause problems in their organ systems.

And those will be the direct causes of death, even though age may be a contributing factor.

Thanks to Patreon patron Tommy Boyer for asking, and thanks to all of our patrons who voted

on our poll to help us choose this question to be answered.

If you'd like to submit your questions and help SciShow keep existing, go to patron.com/scishow.

For more infomation >> Can You Really Die of Old Age? - Duration: 2:21.


How a Blind Gamer Plays Nintendo Switch - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> How a Blind Gamer Plays Nintendo Switch - Duration: 7:50.


Will GOP be able to sway Dems to avoid government shutdown? - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Will GOP be able to sway Dems to avoid government shutdown? - Duration: 5:19.


Where Do Icicles Come From? - Duration: 4:28.


We just had the first big snowstorm of the year the other day!

Squeaks and I had so much fun playing in it.

[Squeaks squeaks]

Yeah, that was when we went sledding!

We also like to build new things together when it snows, like snowballs, snowmen, or

even igloos!

All of that snow is so much fun, and it can completely change the world around us.

The ground is covered in a thick, white blanket, and ponds start to freeze over.

And there's another thing that changes.

There are spikes of ice hanging down from the roof of the Fort!

These long cones of ice are called icicles, which is a pretty good name for them, since

they kind of look like ice turned into a popsicle!

Icicles form down from different places where there's snow.

You might see them growing off of roofs, gutters, and even tree branches.

It looks like ice is dripping right off of those trees, doesn't it?

But how do icicles get there in the first place?

Well, just like a snowman, icicles are made out of the snow.

But unlike a snowman, people don't make the icicles — they form naturally.

For icicles to form, there have to be two things: snow, and warm sunlight.

See, the snow and the ice in these icicles are made out of the same thing: frozen water.

When liquid water gets really cold, like during the winter where we live, it freezes into


Usually, we get our frozen water coming down from the sky as snow.

It might seem very different from the hard ice in an ice cube, but the only difference

is how the frozen water is shaped.

Each snowflake is made up of tiny pieces of ice arranged into a snowflake shape, whereas

in an ice cube the little pieces of ice are all packed together.

So snow and ice are really made of the same stuff.

After the snow falls, it sits on the ground, on top of branches, and on roofs, and as long

as it's below a certain temperature, that snow will stay frozen.

We call this temperature the freezing point.

It's about 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

[Squeaks squeaks]

Exactly, that's what people mean when they say it's freezing outside.

They mean it feels really cold — maybe cold enough to freeze water into ice or snow.

But even on a freezing cold day, the sun can still come out.

And the sunlight is warm!

As the warm sunlight hits the snow, the temperature of the snow starts to slowly go above the

freezing point again.

What do you think might happen to the snow, Squeaks?

[Squeaks squeaks]

That's right, it will start to melt into water.


It melts very slowly, and it doesn't all melt at once.

The heat from the sunlight melts the top layer of snow into water, then the next, and the


But if it's only above freezing for a short time, something special can happen — like

what happened to the snow on our roof.

As the top layer of snow on the roof melted, it rolled down the roof as liquid water, and

some of it started to drip off of the roof.

But it didn't /stay/ melted for very long!

By the time the water got to the edge of the roof, the cold air around it cooled it back

down below the freezing point.

The water stopped in its tracks and froze back into ice, but it wasn't shaped like

a snowflake anymore.

This time, the ice was all packed together like in a hard ice cube.

That tiny little frozen drop at the edge of the roof became the beginning of an icicle!

[Squeaks squeaks]

That's true, the icicles on our roof are much bigger than one drop of ice!

Even though icicles start out small, they can grow.

It can take a very long time for an icicle to get big, but eventually, they can get /huge/!

As the sun keeps melting the snow, and the cold air keeps re-freezing the water as it

drips down, the icicle will start to get longer, and thicker.

More ice will get added, then more, and more, until you have some enormous icicles!

Sometimes that takes weeks, but other times, it can happen in just a few days.

It all depends on having the snow, the warm sun to melt it, and the cold air to freeze

it back into ice.

and if all these things work together just right, your roof can end up perfectly decorated

for the winter.

Have you ever seen icicles forming?

What kinds of amazing things do you think you could build out of frozen snow or ice?

Have a grown-up help you leave a comment below, or send us an email at kids@scishow.com.

We'll see you next time, here at the fort!


For more infomation >> Where Do Icicles Come From? - Duration: 4:28.


Święcenia lektorskie - Duration: 11:45.

For more infomation >> Święcenia lektorskie - Duration: 11:45.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Ridge e Gina Lollobrigida a cena: la foto della serata - Duration: 5:29.

For more infomation >> Ridge e Gina Lollobrigida a cena: la foto della serata - Duration: 5:29.


Brasilia: 10 curiosidades de um Volkswagen popular | Carros do Passado | Best Cars - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Brasilia: 10 curiosidades de um Volkswagen popular | Carros do Passado | Best Cars - Duration: 3:38.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018 - Duration: 0:29.

Hello! My name is Lino Simões

and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

for you and for yours.

Until forever!!!

For more infomation >> Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018 - Duration: 0:29.


Anitta lança seu novo sucesso 'Vai malandra' e recebe elogios - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Anitta lança seu novo sucesso 'Vai malandra' e recebe elogios - Duration: 2:38.


3 Dicas para ser IMUNE à Zoeira, Agressividade Passiva e Criticismo quando queremos MUDAR - Duration: 9:57.

For more infomation >> 3 Dicas para ser IMUNE à Zoeira, Agressividade Passiva e Criticismo quando queremos MUDAR - Duration: 9:57.


6 Eficientes Remédios Naturais para Acabar com as Hemorroidas! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> 6 Eficientes Remédios Naturais para Acabar com as Hemorroidas! | Naturalmente Saudável - Duration: 4:44.


O QUE É O NATAL? (Mensagem Espiritual Cigano Juan Dominguez 08.12.17) - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> O QUE É O NATAL? (Mensagem Espiritual Cigano Juan Dominguez 08.12.17) - Duration: 7:07.


Kate Middleton senza pancione nella cartolina di Natale con George e Charlotte - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton senza pancione nella cartolina di Natale con George e Charlotte - Duration: 2:01.


Honnan tudhatom, hogy Ő-e az Igazi? - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> Honnan tudhatom, hogy Ő-e az Igazi? - Duration: 7:17.


Mercedes-Benz GLE-Klasse 500 E 4MATIC Panodak Surround view H/K 334PK! FULL! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLE-Klasse 500 E 4MATIC Panodak Surround view H/K 334PK! FULL! - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI FEEL ( Airco - Bluetooth - Elektr. Ram.) - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI FEEL ( Airco - Bluetooth - Elektr. Ram.) - Duration: 0:55.


Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI SELECTION ( Airco - Bluetooth - Elektr. Ram) - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 E-VTI SELECTION ( Airco - Bluetooth - Elektr. Ram) - Duration: 1:02.


Ease Gases and Stomach Bloating in Less Than 15 Minutes with This Natural Remedy - Duration: 1:59.

Everyone is prone to suffer from indigestion, heartburn or flatulence at any time.

Indigestion is a digestive disorder that can cause abdominal pain, bloating and discomfort


It is usually caused by eating too many foods heavy, greasy, drink alcohol or eat

food acids.

It can also occur when the air gets stuck in the digestive tract.

You should always try to find out what is causing your indigestion and, if the applicant,

consult a good doctor.

In natural medicine, there are several remedies homemade, which are great for people who

They suffer from poor digestion.

One of these drugs, as well as being very effective, is super easy to do, because all

you need are two ingredients: lemon and sodium bicarbonate.

After taking this natural remedy, you You will have more gas and your stomach does not

will be more swollen.

See how easy it is:

Squeeze a large lemon or two lemons average size in a glass beaker.

Then gradually add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to the lemon juice.

Add water to complete a half cup and then stir well.

Drink whenever you feel bad digestion.

This remedy is natural, delicious and very good for your health.

For more infomation >> Ease Gases and Stomach Bloating in Less Than 15 Minutes with This Natural Remedy - Duration: 1:59.


Barbara d'Urso difende Pomeriggio 5 e Domenica Live: lo sfogo - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Barbara d'Urso difende Pomeriggio 5 e Domenica Live: lo sfogo - Duration: 4:53.


Andrea Preti, gli auguri di compleanno a Claudia Gerini per i 46 anni: 'Non servono tante parole - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Andrea Preti, gli auguri di compleanno a Claudia Gerini per i 46 anni: 'Non servono tante parole - Duration: 2:59.


8 consigli per condurre una dieta sana - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> 8 consigli per condurre una dieta sana - Duration: 6:19.


Paolo Ruffini: 'Diana Del Bufalo mi ha tradito. Questa estate era scappata con uno e poi è tornata. - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Paolo Ruffini: 'Diana Del Bufalo mi ha tradito. Questa estate era scappata con uno e poi è tornata. - Duration: 2:56.


A TURMINHA DO SULCA VISITA: E.E.B Dr Tullo Cavallazzi - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> A TURMINHA DO SULCA VISITA: E.E.B Dr Tullo Cavallazzi - Duration: 4:41.


Kia Bongo III Box Van turned into a Sleek Compact Motorhome - Duration: 7:15.

Hi, It's Lucy with Campingcarjoa.

Today, we're with Aria Mobile.

We're taking a look at the Caro 550

A walk through box van conversion.

First let's talk a look at the exterior.

Walk over this way

You have an exterior storage locker.

You can see by my arm how deep the storage is.

And next to the is the retractable AC extension cord.

If you look above

You can see the awning light

You can see that this is a very wide awning.

the light is pretty bright

So you can enjoy the evenings with plenty of light.

At the back of the Caro 550

There is a rear camera above

and also one below.

Next to me is a ladder.

So you can access the roof.

Perfect if you're like me an like climbing up there.

No let's step inside and take a look around.

Open the door and secure it.

Push to lock it in place.

Let's go in.

At the entrance

You can raise a blind

that's built into the door.

And here

You have a bug screen.

The Caro 550

is a converted mobile office

using a walk through box van.

The walk through vans

have doors that open from the back.

They're made for commercial use.

But they got rid of the back doors

And have a door on the side.

So it no longer resembles a walk through box van.

This model is a concept test version.

They'll start building the final version in 2018.

But this will be the basic layout of the final version.

Normally, access to the cab is blocked by a wall and door.

They've removed that and added this bunk area.

Let's lift it.

It lifts out of the way.

Helps when coming from the cab area

It also give more head room when moving about.

If you need extra storage space

You can lower it and you have a ton of space.

This area that I'm sitting at now

can be converted into a large bed by lowering the table.

Caro 550

Has two large windows on either side

and a smaller one in back.

This window can open by pushing out.

Now the bug screen is down.

And you can raise up a blind.

Push a button to separate the two.

Once separated

they can be put away to have an open window.

Above me you can see the cabnets.

Let's open them.

You have three here.

And three on the other side.

If you look above

You have an air conditioner, skylight, and a Maxxfan.

For the wood finish

If you click the 'i' you can see the Vela 620 video.

This camper will have the same solid wood finish.

What you see here is just for the concept version.

You should definitely take a look at that video.

You have a spice rack right here.

Below you can see the shoes tucked away.

You have three shelves to store your shoes.

Here you have the remote for the Maxxfan.

Right above the door is the control panel.

12v outlet, vent, outdoor lights, refrigerator

and you also have a battery display.

Now we're at the kitchenette.

You have a microwave, cupboard, and a sink right here.

You can turn the tap.

If your prep area is too small.

You have an extension.

So you can prepare here and there.

Below you have more storage space.

And next to that is the refrigerator.

Now let's look at the bathroom.

Don't be alarmed that there isn't a door.

It's still in the concept stage and hasn't been installed.

As you enter you have a towel closet.

A lovely sink in a wooden counter.

And the sink tap is also the shower head.

Just pull it out when you need it.

Standing here, my height is 175cm.

You can see how much room is left.

If you're a bit taller than me it might be a tight fit.


I said this is the bathroom.

You might ask where is the toilet.

It's hidden.

I'm doing to show you magic.

Open this.

and you can pull out the portable toilet.

So you can pull it out when you need it.

And put it away when you don't.

Give it a push.

Close it back up.

And now you have much more room.

Don't you think it's a smart idea?

If this is your first time watching us.

All the specs for the motorhome

can be found in the bio below.

The price and specs are all there.

Just tap on 'show more' down below this video.

If you liked this video

or you like this camper

Show us some love by clicking on 'Like'.

Time for me to check out some other campers.

Bye for now!

For more infomation >> Kia Bongo III Box Van turned into a Sleek Compact Motorhome - Duration: 7:15.


BMW 3 Serie 320i High Executive - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 320i High Executive - Duration: 0:56.


This Guy Makes How Much?

For more infomation >> This Guy Makes How Much?


Volvo XC60 bjr 2015 2.4 D5 AWD 169kW/230pk Aut6 R-DESIGN Polestar Intellisafe Pro CLIMA + ADAPT.CRUI - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 bjr 2015 2.4 D5 AWD 169kW/230pk Aut6 R-DESIGN Polestar Intellisafe Pro CLIMA + ADAPT.CRUI - Duration: 0:54.


Can You Really Die of Old Age? - Duration: 2:21.

At some point, you've probably heard of someone who supposedly "died of old age."

Usually, that just means they died of complications related to getting older, or from something

a younger person might have survived, like pneumonia.

Because, even though age can contribute to someone's death, it almost definitely won't

be the direct cause.

The cells in our bodies do have a set lifespan -- or a point at which they quit dividing

-- but you'll never find that written on a death certificate.

It's called cellular senescence, and scientists think it's mostly because of little structures

on the end of your chromosomes called telomeres.

Telomeres are stretches of repeating nucleotides, the compounds that make up DNA.

And they act as caps to protect the genetic material in your chromosomes during cellular reproduction.

Each time a cell divides, those telomeres get a little shorter, thanks to the mechanics

of how chromosomes are copied.

And when they get short enough, senescence sets in, and the cell can't duplicate itself anymore.

But other factors also contribute to cell aging.

One is oxidative stress, or damage done to your DNA by highly reactive molecules that

contain oxygen.

Another is glycation, which is when sugar molecules bind to key parts of your cells

and prevent them from functioning.

Unfortunately, all of these things are pretty much inevitable over time.

You can take some actions to combat them -- like, you might've heard how antioxidants in certain

foods can fight the effects of oxidation -- but you can't stop them completely.

Scientists aren't sure how old you'd have to be before your cells just couldn't duplicate

anymore, but that's because age-related diseases and injuries will catch up with someone

long before they can die directly of cellular senescence.

As someone gets older and damage from all these sources pile up, their cells are more

likely to have problems working correctly and fixing themselves when something goes wrong.

That means their immune system gets weaker, and they become more susceptible to all kinds

of injuries and diseases, like heart and blood pressure problems, and Alzheimer's.

When these diseases appear, they can affect someone's ability to get around and take

care of themselves, and can also cause problems in their organ systems.

And those will be the direct causes of death, even though age may be a contributing factor.

Thanks to Patreon patron Tommy Boyer for asking, and thanks to all of our patrons who voted

on our poll to help us choose this question to be answered.

If you'd like to submit your questions and help SciShow keep existing, go to patron.com/scishow.

For more infomation >> Can You Really Die of Old Age? - Duration: 2:21.


How a Blind Gamer Plays Nintendo Switch - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> How a Blind Gamer Plays Nintendo Switch - Duration: 7:50.


Will GOP be able to sway Dems to avoid government shutdown? - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Will GOP be able to sway Dems to avoid government shutdown? - Duration: 5:19.


Where Do Icicles Come From? - Duration: 4:28.


We just had the first big snowstorm of the year the other day!

Squeaks and I had so much fun playing in it.

[Squeaks squeaks]

Yeah, that was when we went sledding!

We also like to build new things together when it snows, like snowballs, snowmen, or

even igloos!

All of that snow is so much fun, and it can completely change the world around us.

The ground is covered in a thick, white blanket, and ponds start to freeze over.

And there's another thing that changes.

There are spikes of ice hanging down from the roof of the Fort!

These long cones of ice are called icicles, which is a pretty good name for them, since

they kind of look like ice turned into a popsicle!

Icicles form down from different places where there's snow.

You might see them growing off of roofs, gutters, and even tree branches.

It looks like ice is dripping right off of those trees, doesn't it?

But how do icicles get there in the first place?

Well, just like a snowman, icicles are made out of the snow.

But unlike a snowman, people don't make the icicles — they form naturally.

For icicles to form, there have to be two things: snow, and warm sunlight.

See, the snow and the ice in these icicles are made out of the same thing: frozen water.

When liquid water gets really cold, like during the winter where we live, it freezes into


Usually, we get our frozen water coming down from the sky as snow.

It might seem very different from the hard ice in an ice cube, but the only difference

is how the frozen water is shaped.

Each snowflake is made up of tiny pieces of ice arranged into a snowflake shape, whereas

in an ice cube the little pieces of ice are all packed together.

So snow and ice are really made of the same stuff.

After the snow falls, it sits on the ground, on top of branches, and on roofs, and as long

as it's below a certain temperature, that snow will stay frozen.

We call this temperature the freezing point.

It's about 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

[Squeaks squeaks]

Exactly, that's what people mean when they say it's freezing outside.

They mean it feels really cold — maybe cold enough to freeze water into ice or snow.

But even on a freezing cold day, the sun can still come out.

And the sunlight is warm!

As the warm sunlight hits the snow, the temperature of the snow starts to slowly go above the

freezing point again.

What do you think might happen to the snow, Squeaks?

[Squeaks squeaks]

That's right, it will start to melt into water.


It melts very slowly, and it doesn't all melt at once.

The heat from the sunlight melts the top layer of snow into water, then the next, and the


But if it's only above freezing for a short time, something special can happen — like

what happened to the snow on our roof.

As the top layer of snow on the roof melted, it rolled down the roof as liquid water, and

some of it started to drip off of the roof.

But it didn't /stay/ melted for very long!

By the time the water got to the edge of the roof, the cold air around it cooled it back

down below the freezing point.

The water stopped in its tracks and froze back into ice, but it wasn't shaped like

a snowflake anymore.

This time, the ice was all packed together like in a hard ice cube.

That tiny little frozen drop at the edge of the roof became the beginning of an icicle!

[Squeaks squeaks]

That's true, the icicles on our roof are much bigger than one drop of ice!

Even though icicles start out small, they can grow.

It can take a very long time for an icicle to get big, but eventually, they can get /huge/!

As the sun keeps melting the snow, and the cold air keeps re-freezing the water as it

drips down, the icicle will start to get longer, and thicker.

More ice will get added, then more, and more, until you have some enormous icicles!

Sometimes that takes weeks, but other times, it can happen in just a few days.

It all depends on having the snow, the warm sun to melt it, and the cold air to freeze

it back into ice.

and if all these things work together just right, your roof can end up perfectly decorated

for the winter.

Have you ever seen icicles forming?

What kinds of amazing things do you think you could build out of frozen snow or ice?

Have a grown-up help you leave a comment below, or send us an email at kids@scishow.com.

We'll see you next time, here at the fort!


For more infomation >> Where Do Icicles Come From? - Duration: 4:28.


Święcenia lektorskie - Duration: 11:45.

For more infomation >> Święcenia lektorskie - Duration: 11:45.


This Guy Makes How Much?

For more infomation >> This Guy Makes How Much?


Cuphead - "Git Gud Edition" (First Playthrough w/ DPadGamer) - Duration: 2:06:24.

For more infomation >> Cuphead - "Git Gud Edition" (First Playthrough w/ DPadGamer) - Duration: 2:06:24.


Can You Really Die of Old Age? - Duration: 2:21.

At some point, you've probably heard of someone who supposedly "died of old age."

Usually, that just means they died of complications related to getting older, or from something

a younger person might have survived, like pneumonia.

Because, even though age can contribute to someone's death, it almost definitely won't

be the direct cause.

The cells in our bodies do have a set lifespan -- or a point at which they quit dividing

-- but you'll never find that written on a death certificate.

It's called cellular senescence, and scientists think it's mostly because of little structures

on the end of your chromosomes called telomeres.

Telomeres are stretches of repeating nucleotides, the compounds that make up DNA.

And they act as caps to protect the genetic material in your chromosomes during cellular reproduction.

Each time a cell divides, those telomeres get a little shorter, thanks to the mechanics

of how chromosomes are copied.

And when they get short enough, senescence sets in, and the cell can't duplicate itself anymore.

But other factors also contribute to cell aging.

One is oxidative stress, or damage done to your DNA by highly reactive molecules that

contain oxygen.

Another is glycation, which is when sugar molecules bind to key parts of your cells

and prevent them from functioning.

Unfortunately, all of these things are pretty much inevitable over time.

You can take some actions to combat them -- like, you might've heard how antioxidants in certain

foods can fight the effects of oxidation -- but you can't stop them completely.

Scientists aren't sure how old you'd have to be before your cells just couldn't duplicate

anymore, but that's because age-related diseases and injuries will catch up with someone

long before they can die directly of cellular senescence.

As someone gets older and damage from all these sources pile up, their cells are more

likely to have problems working correctly and fixing themselves when something goes wrong.

That means their immune system gets weaker, and they become more susceptible to all kinds

of injuries and diseases, like heart and blood pressure problems, and Alzheimer's.

When these diseases appear, they can affect someone's ability to get around and take

care of themselves, and can also cause problems in their organ systems.

And those will be the direct causes of death, even though age may be a contributing factor.

Thanks to Patreon patron Tommy Boyer for asking, and thanks to all of our patrons who voted

on our poll to help us choose this question to be answered.

If you'd like to submit your questions and help SciShow keep existing, go to patron.com/scishow.

For more infomation >> Can You Really Die of Old Age? - Duration: 2:21.


Awkward Megyn Kelly Interviews That Will Make You Cringe - Duration: 4:40.

Megyn Kelly didn't have the 2017 she likely thought she would.

After leaving Fox News to headline her own morning talk show for NBC, Megyn Kelly Today,

the former anchor has been repeatedly slammed by audiences and critics for her many awkward


Here's a look at some awkward Megyn Kelly interviews that will make you cringe.

The cast of Will and Grace

When Megyn Kelly Today launched in September 2017, Kelly immediately announced that she

was "done with politics."

But politics wasn't quite done with her, as a seemingly innocent interview with the cast

of Will and Grace on her very first day went wildly awry when she brought a fan of the

show onto the stage.

"Is it true that you became a lawyer, and that you became gay, because of Will?"

The fan wisely sidestepped the question about becoming gay, but Kelly doubled down on the

ill advised joke with her sendoff.

"I don't know about the lawyer thing, but I think that Will & Grace thing and the gay

thing are going to work out great."

The backlash directed at that segment prompted Will & Grace star Debra Messing to declare

that she was "dismayed" by Kelly's comments and "regrets" going on the show.

Jane Fonda

Just two days after the Will and Grace debacle, actress Jane Fonda appeared on the show alongside

Robert Redford to discuss their movie Our Souls at Night.

But things didn't quite go as planned when Kelly instead ambushed Fonda with a question

about plastic surgery.

"Why did you say, I read that you said you felt you're not proud to admit that you had

work done.

Why not?"

"We really wanna talk about that right now?"

Kelly fumbled to recover, saying that people admire Fonda's looks, to which Fonda credited

her "good attitude [and] good posture" before insisting on returning to the subject matter

at hand, which was the film.

Fonda later revealed that she was displeased by the question because it wasn't the right

time or place to address that issue.

The Menendez Brothers

When the TV series Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders came out in September,

2017, Kelly piggybacked on the hype by airing an interview with Lyle Menendez, who along

with his brother Erik was convicted for the 1989 murder of their parents.

Critics had a field day, slamming Kelly for offering up softball questions in an interview

that was short on substance and long on fluff.

One detective who'd been part of the original case blasted Kelly's segment for pandering

to Menendez, saying, "I thought the whole thing was self-serving to Lyle."

Suzanne Somers

In November 2017, actress-turned-author Suzanne Somers appeared on the show alongside her

husband, Alan Hamel to promote her lifestyle book, Two's Company.

While joking about how active their love life is, Somers said, "Sometimes I'm not awake

for it, though."

Viewers and critics were appalled at what some viewed as the promotion of non-consensual

relations, but Kelly just played along, even as Hamel and Somers began discussing the international

legality of intercourse with a sleeping spouse.

"Alan's like, 'Those are some of the best times.'"

"That's fine with me."

"Yeah, right… does it matter?"

Somers eventually apologized for taking things too far, but the damage was definitely done.

Carli Lloyd

In yet another blooper entry from Megyn Kelly's no-good-very-bad first month on Megyn Kelly

Today, she interviewed soccer star Carli Lloyd to talk about her initiative to get girls

involved in sports.

While the interview itself was innocuous enough, at least one member of Kelly's crew forgot

his cues and let a four-letter word slip right onto the live telecast.

"But I think, uh, what's been most fascinating is, that..."


NBC has since edited out the error from its digital version of the sit-down.

But, hey, it could've been worse.

She could've been interviewing Mike Huckabee, like she did back in her Fox News days.

"Joining me now, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee who's the host of F---abee,

of HUCKabee."

Russell Brand

There's no doubt that Russell Brand has made an entire career out of being extreme, and

he certainly brought his trademark over-the-top enthusiasm to the set of Megyn Kelly Today

in October 2017.

At the time of his appearance, Kelly's show had just been through a widely maligned first

week, so he attempted to comfort her with a series of saccharine compliments that were

secondhand embarrassing.

"And I love you in the daytime, well done, coming into the glorious light!

It's beautiful here!"

"It's like you've escaped.

You're like an escaped Stormtrooper who's took his helmet off to reveal a great beauty!"

That's… just weird.

But it was also just the start, as he later waxed poetic after she read a passage from

his book Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions.

"God, you should have done the audio book, that was amazing!"

"Is that…"

"Such incredible gravitas!

Now that I meet you as an actual human being, I feel appalled that anyone would ever be

rude to you.

You're glorious!"

So don't worry, Megyn.

Because no matter how bad your ratings get, it looks like you've earned at least one fan

for life.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Awkward Megyn Kelly Interviews That Will Make You Cringe - Duration: 4:40.


Where Do Icicles Come From? - Duration: 4:28.


We just had the first big snowstorm of the year the other day!

Squeaks and I had so much fun playing in it.

[Squeaks squeaks]

Yeah, that was when we went sledding!

We also like to build new things together when it snows, like snowballs, snowmen, or

even igloos!

All of that snow is so much fun, and it can completely change the world around us.

The ground is covered in a thick, white blanket, and ponds start to freeze over.

And there's another thing that changes.

There are spikes of ice hanging down from the roof of the Fort!

These long cones of ice are called icicles, which is a pretty good name for them, since

they kind of look like ice turned into a popsicle!

Icicles form down from different places where there's snow.

You might see them growing off of roofs, gutters, and even tree branches.

It looks like ice is dripping right off of those trees, doesn't it?

But how do icicles get there in the first place?

Well, just like a snowman, icicles are made out of the snow.

But unlike a snowman, people don't make the icicles — they form naturally.

For icicles to form, there have to be two things: snow, and warm sunlight.

See, the snow and the ice in these icicles are made out of the same thing: frozen water.

When liquid water gets really cold, like during the winter where we live, it freezes into


Usually, we get our frozen water coming down from the sky as snow.

It might seem very different from the hard ice in an ice cube, but the only difference

is how the frozen water is shaped.

Each snowflake is made up of tiny pieces of ice arranged into a snowflake shape, whereas

in an ice cube the little pieces of ice are all packed together.

So snow and ice are really made of the same stuff.

After the snow falls, it sits on the ground, on top of branches, and on roofs, and as long

as it's below a certain temperature, that snow will stay frozen.

We call this temperature the freezing point.

It's about 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

[Squeaks squeaks]

Exactly, that's what people mean when they say it's freezing outside.

They mean it feels really cold — maybe cold enough to freeze water into ice or snow.

But even on a freezing cold day, the sun can still come out.

And the sunlight is warm!

As the warm sunlight hits the snow, the temperature of the snow starts to slowly go above the

freezing point again.

What do you think might happen to the snow, Squeaks?

[Squeaks squeaks]

That's right, it will start to melt into water.


It melts very slowly, and it doesn't all melt at once.

The heat from the sunlight melts the top layer of snow into water, then the next, and the


But if it's only above freezing for a short time, something special can happen — like

what happened to the snow on our roof.

As the top layer of snow on the roof melted, it rolled down the roof as liquid water, and

some of it started to drip off of the roof.

But it didn't /stay/ melted for very long!

By the time the water got to the edge of the roof, the cold air around it cooled it back

down below the freezing point.

The water stopped in its tracks and froze back into ice, but it wasn't shaped like

a snowflake anymore.

This time, the ice was all packed together like in a hard ice cube.

That tiny little frozen drop at the edge of the roof became the beginning of an icicle!

[Squeaks squeaks]

That's true, the icicles on our roof are much bigger than one drop of ice!

Even though icicles start out small, they can grow.

It can take a very long time for an icicle to get big, but eventually, they can get /huge/!

As the sun keeps melting the snow, and the cold air keeps re-freezing the water as it

drips down, the icicle will start to get longer, and thicker.

More ice will get added, then more, and more, until you have some enormous icicles!

Sometimes that takes weeks, but other times, it can happen in just a few days.

It all depends on having the snow, the warm sun to melt it, and the cold air to freeze

it back into ice.

and if all these things work together just right, your roof can end up perfectly decorated

for the winter.

Have you ever seen icicles forming?

What kinds of amazing things do you think you could build out of frozen snow or ice?

Have a grown-up help you leave a comment below, or send us an email at kids@scishow.com.

We'll see you next time, here at the fort!


For more infomation >> Where Do Icicles Come From? - Duration: 4:28.


How To Get Skinny Fast For A Kid! - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> How To Get Skinny Fast For A Kid! - Duration: 5:45.


A Surprise for Christmas - Duration: 3:12.


[ 12 Days of Christmas plays]

Hey, honey!

How was your day?

Ugh, I am so tired.

Everything hurts.

I just-- ugh.

Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart.

Sounds like you could use some cheering up.

I just want to put my feet up

and veg out for the rest of the--



[water dripping]

All: Oh...

What just happened?

My water just broke.

Oh, thank goodness.

I was worried you got too surprised.

Andy, I'm in labor.

Oh, it's too soon!

You still have two weeks!

Oh, you're right.

Well, why don't we just put all this water back in me

and we'll be fine!

I'm sorry, I knew you were super bummed

about not being able to travel to see family this Christmas,

so I wanted to bring your parents here

and surprise yo.

So sweet of you.

Could have told us before Thanksgiving

when plane tickets were cheaper.

Okay, hello, I'm having a baby right now.

Ah, I get to be here when my baby has her baby!

I'm feeling very uncomfortable.

My feet are wet.

Should we call an ambulance?

No, my hospital bag is over here.

Happy birthday!

[all scream]

[more water dripping]

At this rate she'll flood the place.

I'm sorry, honey, I invited Grandpa Charlie too.

I just wanted you to have a good Christmas.

So you told him to jump out and shiv me?

Shiv you--

Grandpa, why do you have a knife?

Get back here, commie!


I just need a drink of water

Why didn't you warn me they were going to be here?

Then it wouldn't have been a surprise.





Whose idea was it to have party poppers?

Why am I all wet?

I am so sorry.

I promise those are the last ones.


Take me to the hospital.


Yes, yes, yes!

Everybody get in the car.

No, I don't want them!

Everybody stay here,

we will call you when the baby is born.



We're missionaries!

[door slams]

Missionary: Okay...

I did not plan that one.

I think I'm having the baby here.

I will call an ambulance.

Ask them how to get amniotic fluids out of shirts.

Well, seems as good a time as any

to see the new Star Wars movie.

Alan, our first grandbaby

is being born right before our eyes.

Okay, sweetheart, let's get you to the couch.

Happy birthday!

[all scream]


Where are you getting those knives?

Uh, this isn't working either.

Maybe try baking soda?

It's the miracle of life, Alan!


Both Parents: I can see the head!

Just one more good push, honey!

I can't, I'm so tired!

Happy birthday!

[all scream]

[baby crying]

[pleasant music begins]

[all ooh-ing over baby]

She's perfect.

I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas present.


Yeah, I burned the shirt.

Oh, would you look at that.

A little Christmas miracle.

Happy birthday!

[all scream]

So I've been thinking.

I have this really cool trick

and I want to get it into a sketch.

[hands slapping]

Can we get it into one?

I'd really like it.

You know what would be a cool trick of yours,

is to like, comment, and subscribe.

See how I did that?

[fingers snapping]

That's another one I did!


What about--

[mouth popping]

Got to write these in.

For more infomation >> A Surprise for Christmas - Duration: 3:12.


[ENG SUB] Stray Kids EP9 - Minho and Felix Came Back! - Duration: 3:23.

?: Hello~

(who are these people who came into the recording studio?)

(who are these people who came into the recording studio?)

(one week ago)

(Minho and Felix are finally back with the members)


FL: its been a while

(The members are very happy to see Minho and Felix)

(Chan is quietly watching from the side)


BC: I still have a sorry heart about what happened

BC: I couldn't just mindlessly go up to them

BC: but instead, on the final mission,

BC: I'll keep watching over and taking care of them,

BC: so that we can all debut together at the end

BC: after that happens,

BC: I hope that they will be able to forgive me

(the 9 of them doing a high-five together after a long time)

All: Stray Kids! Hwaiting!

FL: since I've relied another chance, I thought that I had to show my all

MH: we have grown this much

MH: I want to show everything that I can do

(with Minho and Felix here now, they are complete as 9 and will start recording their new song)


BC: we're squished, but why does it feel nice?

BC: its nice even though we're squished

(even though theres not enough space, they are happily squished together)

1T: theres really a lot of you~

CB: this is how we are complete

1T: Felix, are you ready?

FL: yep!

1T: will you be able to do well?

1T: Minho, are you ready?

(I'm ready)

1T: okay, so do you want to start recording right away then?

1T: okay, then we'll start with Felix

(t/n I already subbed this part of the video on another video on my channel, so I won't sub it again)

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Stray Kids EP9 - Minho and Felix Came Back! - Duration: 3:23.


WATCH OUT For Meat That Causes Cancer - Nutrition Warning - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> WATCH OUT For Meat That Causes Cancer - Nutrition Warning - Duration: 2:14.


Do You Think You "Eat Healthy"? - Dr. Darrell Wolfe "Doc of Detox" || A Global Quest Video Clips - Duration: 5:53.

Dr. Wolfe: We have been educated into ignorance.

Take a look at it and when people talk about, "I eat healthy."

They don't even know what eating healthy is.

If you walk into a grocery store, 90 percent of the groceries in the grocery store are

toxic and they'll cause cancer.

Ninety percent.

You know what?

If it's not from a farmer, it's not worth eating.

Ty Bollinger: Real food doesn't have labels.

Dr. Wolfe: That's right.

I heard somebody say that recently and it really resonated.

Because most of the stuff that you're talking about, this 90 percent of

the foods that cause cancer that are in the stores—I've heard

that statistic from others and it's because of the fact that the foods that are in the

middle aisles, they are all processed.

They all contain cancer-causing agents, chemicals, additives, GMOs, whatever.

So you really want to shop around the outer edges of the store when shopping.

You know what it really comes down to?

Ty Bollinger: What's that?

Dr. Wolfe: We are just so programmed.

You know what?

We are so dummied down.

And I mean, we are all dummied down.

I mean, you've got basically three percent of the population is in control of 97 percent

of the money.

The same families that have been controlling the planet for almost 200 years now,

they've got it down to a fine art.

They own the media and they download us, continually, download us

all this stuff.

I mean, who else would play in to all this stuff and make themselves so toxic.

And grow tumors, and bathe in chlorinated water, drink chlorinated

water, eat processed foods, and just keep piling garbage

into in, unless you have lobotomy.

Ty Bollinger: It is programming, isn't it?

Dr. Wolfe: Is it ever.

Everything is about programming.

That's why the only way we are going to break this

program is if you spend 15 minutes in the morning and 15minutes at night actually working

on yourself and become self-centered.

You have to become self-centered.

And you have to know one thing, everybody lies.

And all the corporations, they don't just lie, they will take your life.

They do not care.

You have to understand that there are very few families that own and control all these


Did you ever hear of the queen bee?

There's only one queen bee in the hive and all the rest of them

are workers and they will all be put to death to save the queen bee.

Now, if you lived in a family and you've got four generations of this family

to five generations in this family, and you were born and

raised and you don't even know, you couldn't even count how much money you had, and you

have the power to manipulate countries, you wouldn't

know even better, would you?

So, these families, they manipulate us and they maneuver us and they get us to eat what

they want and it's just a big game.

Ty Bollinger: They get us to eat what they won't eat, right?

When you talk about the big corporations, one of the big

corporations that manufactures or that produces the GMO foods is Monsanto.

They don't even serve their own GMO foods in their cafeteria but

they get us to eat them.

So, this brainwashing is taking place.

Let's go back.

You mentioned that for the last couple of hundred years, the country has been

controlled by these families.

Let's go back a hundred years to really—when we looked at the rates of

cancer, maybe one in 80 people in 1900 had cancer.

And now, the statistics are almost one in two

people alive today will face cancer.

Why this huge increase over the last century in cancer?

Dr. Wolfe: Well, because we have given our control away.

We don't have our own garden.

You don't have your own garden.

You don't have own control.

Today—for one thing, if I can say this, let's really take it

where it was, okay?

Why don't we go back to Nixon.

He was the president that was going to end all

cancers, the War on Cancer.

You know what?

What they wanted to do is they wanted to galvanize us.

How can we get everybody in fear, in panic, and get them motivated into

our big thing which is cancer.

The big money maker.

If you can give somebody cancer then you are going

to jack up your sales.

And remember something, you know what?

When it really comes push to shove, you would save your family before you save me.

Well, they'll save their family before they'll save all the other families.

So now, Nixon is going to end the War on Cancer.

He was either lied to or he was a big crook, "I'll never tell a lie."

But what happened was, now we are going to end the War on Cancer

so we're going to get everybody involved.

We're going to get them to run for it.

We're going to get them to jump for it.

We're going to get them to pray for it.

We're going to get them to beg for it.

So now you can't go anywhere without giving money.

I can't buy groceries without somebody wanting money from me.

And now they know they can't get it from other places.

So now it's about the children.

Or it's breast cancer because they're sexy.

Meanwhile, we got lung cancer more.

So, why is cancer so big?

Well, you are what you think about.

My little girl, she got a pimple and she's said, "Daddy, is this a tumor?"

That's programming.

But it's not just that.

At the same time they've got us panicking in fear, we're drinking out

of plastic bottles, our foods are loaded with chemicals, GMOs.

It doesn't end, does it?

For more infomation >> Do You Think You "Eat Healthy"? - Dr. Darrell Wolfe "Doc of Detox" || A Global Quest Video Clips - Duration: 5:53.


7 Surprising Things Only Introverts Would Understand - Duration: 5:55.

7 Surprising Things Only Introverts Would Understand

There are so many articles and information about introverts on the web.

The great thing about it is that it helps a lot of people realize their own introverted


Many introverts are beginning to understand why situations commonly perceived as problems

by many are, well, simply non-problems for them.

In this video, I'm going to show you 7 positives only introverts would understand.

Before we start, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't miss

any interesting update in the future guys.


They love cancelled parties.

Introverts love cancelled parties.

Okay, maybe love is too strong a word.

But an introvert really wouldn't mind if a big party he was invited to suddenly got

cancelled or postponed.

Partying with a big group of people for a long period of time zaps an introvert's


To expend less energy, introverts enjoy one-on-one conversations instead of group activities.

You may know someone who's dubbed as a "kill joy" because he wants to leave a party early.

Stop the name-calling and consider that maybe that person is just tired and needs to recharge

by spending some time by himself.

He could be an introvert.


They're cool with shutting up.

Society has a funny perception of silence.

It's as if something is terribly wrong if someone just wants to sit quietly by himself.

Remember that there is such a thing as companionable silence.

It's when two people are so relaxed and comfortable with each other that no words

need to be spoken.

And there's solitude too, which is the creative's refuge.

Introverts like silence and solitude because it's during quiet times that many people,

not just introverts, produce billion-dollar ideas, relax their minds, and recharge their

bodies to face another day.


They get high (with energy) on being alone.

No invites on a Friday night?

No problem!

While most people would be horrified and perhaps acutely depressed at the thought of spending

the weekend minus social activities, your typical introvert is already getting started

on his reading or movie list.

That, or he's already out hiking, hanging out at a bookshop, gardening, or writing weird

poetry at the cafe.

But remember that being alone doesn't equate to loneliness.

The thing is, introverts need "alone time" for them to conserve their energy.

This doesn't mean that they're alone all the time.

Balance is key as Marti Olsen Laney explains in her book, The Introvert Advantage: How

to Thrive in an Extrovert World, "Introverts need to balance their alone time with outside

time, or they can lose other perspectives and connections."


They're comfortable with eating alone.

Dining alone has such a bad reputation, doesn't it?

Heaven forbid you eat a meal without a living human body next to you!

For most introverts, solo dining is a relaxing experience and a good opportunity to truly

enjoy a meal in peace.

Bear in mind that introverts have a low threshold for stimulation and are easily distracted.

It's a good thing people are starting to realize the value of dining in peace, like

this restaurant.


They just like to watch.

As funny as that may sound, they do.

Introverts are observant by nature.

They're the quiet ones who prefer to sit at the sidelines and observe those around


And no, they're not judging people when they do this.

This also doesn't mean that introverts are wallflowers.

They can talk your ear off if the topic is something they're passionate or know a lot


They simply don't feel the need nor have the energy to be social butterflies.

As Susan Cain puts it, "We're not anti-social; we're just differently social."


They have few friends.

More than anyone else, introverts are masters at prioritizing quality over quantity, especially

when it comes to friends.

They form fewer but deeper relationships with people.

Amazingly though, many introverts thrive in the online world.

Perhaps because online communication and networking gives them more time to think and reflect

about how to express their responses as compared to real-world conversations.


They take it slow.

Most of the time, taking things slow is seen as a weakness and the ability to "think

on your feet" is favored over the ability to reflect.

But introverts prefer to do things little by little and think carefully before making

big decisions.

The innate gifts of slowing down and tuning into their inner world and reflecting on experiences

and situations allow them to better understand other people and empathize.

Introverts are good at unsettling extroverts without even trying.

They can appear mysterious and don't show much reaction or facial expression.

So take the time to get to know someone and learn what makes them tick.

Do this especially when your personality leans toward extroversion.

Pretty soon these positives may hold true for you as well.

Well, that's the 7 positives only introverts would understand.

No matter if you are an introvert or extrovert, or somewhere between them, let us know if

there are any other qualities you think an extroverted introvert person possess!

So, really cool information isn't it?

Please do share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 7 Surprising Things Only Introverts Would Understand - Duration: 5:55.


Peugeot 308 SW 1.6 VTI EXECUTIVE 120 PK, NAVI,AIRCO ECC,CRUISE C,LM VELGEN - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 SW 1.6 VTI EXECUTIVE 120 PK, NAVI,AIRCO ECC,CRUISE C,LM VELGEN - Duration: 0:54.


Looking for non conductive services that cross the road. - Duration: 7:58.

Morning guys. How are you? I hope you all having a lovely day

We're just on the way to a job. We've been out to this job last week

and we located so the council are replacing the kerb and channel out along there and we've already been out

and we've already located the water services that cross the road and the gas services that cross the road.

But there are a couple of them that don't have trace wires, the gas pipes that don't have trace wires and a couple of plastic water pipes

that we can't locate. So what we can do is, we've got them to

get traffic control to come out so we're just on the way now, hopefully traffic control will be set up by the time we get there.

And what we're going to do we're going to run the radar over the road

and we're going to push the radar along the road and see if we can find where these underground services are that

can't be detected with a cable locator. So is what we're up to today.

I'm try and set the camera up at a few different angles and get a few, get some footage for you so you can see how it all goes.

That's assuming the traffic control's all set up and are good to go when we get there, and yeah, that's what we're up to. Alright guys,

I'll talk to you shortly. Bye.

Alright guys, so we're still waiting for traffic control to set up

but let me just show you an example of what's to go is. So,

this house over here, they've got a gas pipe yellow is gas okay and across the road whoops shadow, let me get out of the shadow.

We have the gas pipe, yellow gas,

going under it's about 800 deep right there,

700 deep right there. This is what they're re placing. We're replacing the kerb and channel the whole way down. You can see

you can kind of see it,

see how the road how it has sunk down a lot of kerb lifted up so they are fixing the lot up.

And over here is where the gas pipe is, 800ml deep, but when you come up this way

have a look up here so that was the house there

their gas, this house over here though their gas meter is over there

but we cannot find where it comes out. The gas guys have come out and they reckon it comes around here somewhere

but there's no trace wire so I don't know how they found it. They might just be looking off the plan

so what we're going to do we're going to run the ground penetrating radar

along here, along this side of the road through here

because the gas main is on this side of the road so all we're trying to find is the gas service so we're going to run the

gas, we're going to run the GPR

along here and see if we can find where it crosses the road.

So, that's it. That is what we're up to today.

So the water main is on that side

of the road, gas main is on this side of the road water main is on that side of the road

This guy here his water meter is in the bushes here.

It's a bit hard to see but his water meter is in there, trus me,

we fuond it the other day. Actually, you can just see that the tap

there, so that's the tap right over there. So the water service should be going across the road

over to the water main on that isde of the road

But it's plastic so it can't be found underground so we're going to run the radar through here and hopefully we find find it around here.

So, not 100% certain that we'll definitely find it.

Depends what the soil conditions are like

but hey, right now they don't know where it is at all

so this is the next best option from to try and locate it rather than just digging down

randomly anywhere trying to expose it. So we're going run the radar over it.

Okay, so as you would have seen

had limited success.

Oh look, we found, found stuff that we didn't find before which is good,

so we did have, so I can call it successful day. There were some services

we could not find it all. So let's come for a quick walk and I'll show you.

So, this one here, said there's a water meter over there,

can you see, let me go across the road. So their water meter, so although you see it's metal there,

it's copper at the top part underground it gets turns to plastic and then

over here we could not find or locate it but with the ground penetrating radar we've been able to find if it's in this vicinity.

You'll see these dots, he's got one dot there and then another dot there

so it's not in exact alignment and we've got a straight line

but still got the good vicinity so we know before if we dig down here

we'll be able to see where it is and same on the other side. Come for a walk down this way

and I'll show you another one. So we've got the water, so this house here

even though there's a water main on that side of the road, this house here the water goes around

we've worked out that it goes around goes over to here and then crosses the road here and

you've got to love it when this happens. I've only been here for 5 minutes trying to locate where this pipe was, probably more than 5 minutes trying to locate

where this pipe was,

after we found it. we then see this.

A "W" which tells us

that's where the water service crosses the road. Which is good, it reassures us that we've found at the right spot.

So it's a bit of a bend through there but at least it tells them,

I mean, look where the house is

and no idea where the water service could be crossing so at least this tells them where it where it is. Keep coming down,

I'll show you some of the bad ones that we couldn't find.

So water, because the pipe is filled with water,

it's easy to see with the penetrating radar compared to gas because the gas pipe is filled with air

it's a lot harder to see the

density of the of the pipe is a lot less

so it's not as easy to see. This trace wire and other stuff that you can see it, if it's a bigger pipe

you can see it, so here's a good example of one we could not find.

So, we know to get meter is up

over there, can you just see it next to the house. Probably just can't see it. So we know the gas meter

is definitely there but we cannot locate where it crosses the road.

According to gas plans

the gas guys have been out and they reckon it should cross the road around through here

but we've not been able to, there's no trace wire on the pipe

and we've not being able locate it. We've gone with the ground penetrating radar, found something about there

and something about there but not really good.

I'm not confident enough to say it's definitely gas in that one area. So

we're going to have to come out with the NDD truck or get the client to dig down by hand and have a dig

around this vicinity where the gas guys say it is, see if we can find the pipe there.

Over here, we found the gas. So, the gas pipe here does have a tracer you see on it. The trace is good, good, good,

good, good, good and then stops about there, 1.4 deep. We can't find it on the other side. It must be a cut

either broken or something's gone wrong tracer, we can't get it.

But we have found something else here, I don't know what it is, but there's something else through this vicinity here.

I don't think it's a gas pipe. It might be, you never know. But there is something else there.

Same here, not really the best. There's a water meter over there.

We know it should be coming over to the water main over here but again, can't really find it.

So yeah, so that's the outcome for today I

say, still we've found the stuff that they didn't know so that's good. Let me show you another one.

So found one there so we know that's something.

So yeah, so that's the outcome. Found a couple things that they didn't know

There's other stuff that we haven't been able to find.

But still, yeah, I want to call it a successful day.

Alright guys, hope you're all having a great day and we'll talk to you next job. Bye.

For more infomation >> Looking for non conductive services that cross the road. - Duration: 7:58.



(Metapod)Map Marking the Great King's Inheritance (X)I got a gem!

(Vivi)That's what we were looking for (X) Hey you can jump on this

(Metapod)Hahaha; the name ended up giving the stream was "Noobs who Jump A lot"

(Metapod)Because we're always jumping on stuff (Vivi)Can you jump from one to the other?

(Metapod)No, I was trying.

I don't thinkI can.

(X) Guys, move! (Vivi)I can do it.

(Metapod)I can't.

How do you do it?!

It's too far for me...

(Vivi)It's called being awesome.

(X)No, it's called being...

(Vivi)Gentlemanly fantastic.

(X)Being a dummy.

(Metapod)You're a scoundrel.

(X)You're a rat bastard.

(Metapod)I can't do it!

(X)I can't either.


(Metapod)Why do you have like special jump power?

(X)Maybe it's his class.

(Metapod)Yeah, I can't do it.

(Metapod)Why would it make you jump like an extra four pixels?

(X)Oh!I did it!

I did it!


(Vivi)X can do it.

(Metapod)Oh my gosh...

(X)Do it!

Do it!

(Viv and X simultaneously) Peer pressure!

(Metapod)How'd you do it?!

(Metapod)Which direction did you do it?

(Metapod) OH I DID IT!


(Vivi)Now jump back.

(Metapod)No!Now see if you can get four in a row.

(Vivi)I can do it.

(Metapod) No--do it.

Can you really do it?


(Metapod)Four in a row, though?



(Metapod)Oh my gosh...

(X)Now it's my turn you guys.





(Metapod):It's funny because it shows you falling onto the ground and then popping back

up on top of it when you do it.

(Metapod)Like on my screen.

(X)OK, I did it twice.

(Metapod)I can't even do it two times in a row; let's just go.

For more infomation >> LEMONHEAD NOOBS WHO JUMP ALOT - Duration: 2:16.


Day 13 Getaway Canning Stock Route, 4x4 Australia 2017 - Duration: 9:07.

Hello and welcome to day 13 of the Getaway Canning Stock Route.

This is a trip for members of the Getaway 4WD Club.

Today we're traveling from well 15 to well 10.

We're in Birriliburu country.

So... let's go!

Here's a visual for you showing Billiluna where we started the track

and Wiluna where we'll finish.

Last night, with a lot of support & advice from onlookers

Graham fixed my spare and this morning ...still good.

Wow! Another wreck left on the side of the track to rust.

I've lost count now of the number

On the side, another victim of the Canning Stock Route.

It's a well-made trailer.

We're not quite sure what's caused the problem.

But... she's been abandoned.

Ok, onto well 14.

Just passed a motorbike rider.

He's got a couple of friends with him back along the track.

We've been signaling ahead on channel 40. No reponse.

He just arrived out of nowhere and

his mates are coming along when? I don't know.

Turns out there's 4 motorbikes and a support vehicle.

They're doing a trial run in readiness for the big assault

on the CSR next year.

Wow! Be wonderful if you guys got CBs

and if you used them and responded to call-outs.

Need to keep it safe out there guys. For all of us.

(Jeremy) Here we have the remains of well 14.

Just a hole in the ground there.

Bit of troughing through the bush.

Obviously still water around... the trees are growing.

This is what Eric (Gard) is concerned about.

All this foliage, it's a tinderbox.

One lightning strike and poof! No more well 14.

We can help. Look at the video I did with Eric Gard and

help out if you can.

You can see the troughs here going through.

Just signing the visitors book at well 14.

And here it is.

And it's in memory of Kevin Albert Weckart

from South Australia. He died suddenly of a heart attack

fulfilling his dream of crossing the Canning Stock Route

loved, respected and missed by all.

Well done Kevin.

Meanwhile we pushed on to well 13.

Listen to Murray coming in!

Thank goodness we fixed that manifold.

It is amazing what a bit of fencing wire can fix

Well here we are at well 13.

Looks like it hasn't been restored.

Obviously. So still quite a lot of the infrastructure

Troughs look good.

See where the white ants have had a nibble

That's our beloved trip leader, the driver of Chief

as in Chieftain Tank.

Now, there's a little mystery surrounding this well.

No! Not another murder. You don't have to worry.

When canning returned to restore the wells in 1930

he found sheep prints all around the area

so he was really befuddled about that.

Now I wonder if Mr. Snell had something to do with that.

I might ask Mr. Phil Bianchi later.

Our roving reporter EriKa doesn't have much to report on this one

Here's Sir Bob, ready to jump in.

This is ahh..which one is this?

Well 12. Lady Lesley.

It's quite deep isn't it? Yeah

Yeah there's some water here

Gotta watch Lucy doesn't fall in. Yes.

Lady Lesley's gonna have a shower.

You just got to give it a bit more wire, haven't you...

No. That;s enough.

That;s good. How's it looking? Yep.

The area, is just gorgeous.

You can camp here and it's nice but there's no wood

but it is um...

there's lovely desert Oaks around and there are galahs

apparently at times and some beautiful colored Sparrowhawks

so keep your eye out

when you're here you might see something

We've just stopped at Lake Aerodrome

and Snell found this. He was charged with finding

a place to land a plane out here and this is it. Phew.

It's called Goodwin Soak or Panju Gandarri.

The water is very brackish

We asked Graham what it tastes like and he

said I can smell it from here. I'm not tasting it.

There you go well 11.

At this site a young Aboriginal was chained up

and he escaped with the chains still around his neck

Apparently they caught the young fella 40 miles away

but, instead of taking him back...

They took the chains off him and left him with his old people

Isn't it a nice change to have a happy ending

in terms of Aboriginal non-Aboriginal interaction out there.

I like it anyway.

Well we've ...What do you think?

Give us... 21 KPH...for the...

Ok, I'm just gonna read out some rats and stats

directly from Mr. Bobby. Sir Bob we call him.

The highest we've done on the trip is 24 kmph,

the lowest was 17 kmph

the difficulties out here is the length

and the state of the track.

From Bobby's point of view, he felt like the driving

was pretty comfortable

and I have to say it's not the worst I've done

so um...and also

he said, Bobby said he has only been in a low wheel drive twice.

That's for those of you that love the old stats.

Ok, that's good to know. Thankyou Bob. You're welcome.

Pulled up at McConkey Hill. This guy died

McConkey he was only 52 and the named the hill after him.

So onwards and upwards. On to the next well.


Here we are at well 10.

And it's a fair way down to water.


There's water. Yeh. It plopped away.

Now how clean is it Lesley? Clean?

I'm clean. Yeh but not on this well you didn't

No I didn't. No.

I wouldn't be dragging water out of this one.

What do you reckon? No. Probably not. Too much of an effort.

Our fearless leaders have arrived in the chieftain tank.

What's the story then? Nothing on this one. You can see we're coming to the end of the trip.

Oh not another well


We camped at well 10. Beautiful spot.

So another exciting day on the track.

Thankyou for joining us

If you like the video please give me a thumbs up

Put your comments down below

share with your friends and subscribe here if you can

That's it. I hope to see you out there. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> Day 13 Getaway Canning Stock Route, 4x4 Australia 2017 - Duration: 9:07.


Dr Zakir Naik | Thanks To |Indian Interpol | For Cancelling Red Corner Notice! [2017] - Duration: 1:31.

AK Computer Network

Have done this video

Al hamdulillah

Praise be to Allah you

Might have heard

about the news of the Interpol

Canceling the red corner notification

I've read about it

but I would have been much more lived if my own Indian government and

indeed agencies

They gave me justice and cleared me of all the false charges

I'm sure inshallah it'll happen soon

for truth

Has a fantastic way of coming out?

It came out internationally and inshallah it will come out in India soon

Allah says in the Quran in surah Saad Chapman 17 was the 81 local jail hat was activated in

nanobot Lokhande saga went through terror against falsehood

False of purchase for falsehood is by its nature


For more infomation >> Dr Zakir Naik | Thanks To |Indian Interpol | For Cancelling Red Corner Notice! [2017] - Duration: 1:31.


5 Best Android Apps You Won't Find in the Play Store | NO ROOT - Duration: 4:52.

hi guys welcome to this new video today I'm going to share with you five best

apps you won't find in the Play Store

crunch roll premium is a great app to watch enemies on your Android devices it

has a beautiful tabbed interface that the app is easy to use

finding new enemies is easy for the user this app has over 800 anime in its

roster many of which are popular shows that are still currently airing in Japan

like one piece Dragon Ball super it also has a lot of the more niche anime shows

crunch roll as your destination to stream over 25000 episodes and 15000

hours of the latest and greatest anime series with this app you can watch new

episodes immediately after they are released in Japan you have an unlimited

access to all the episodes in hd-quality and you can watch it from all the kinds

of devices crunch roll is the perfect app for those you want to keep in touch

with the latest news of the anime world right from Japan this app is at YouTube

mod which is the dark theme if you watch YouTube through the Android app a lot

and you tend to watch videos when it's later and in darker rooms then the dark

colored user interface will definitely be useful and easier on your eyes as an

added bonus the app also allows you to listen to the

audio of the videos in the background with the screen off for those occasions

in which don't want to see the video but you only want to listen to the audio or

for example when you want to listen to music and do not want your battery to be

consumed in seconds oh gee instead plus is the Android app for those who aren't

Stu Gramm addicted as og inch 2 plus gives you access to the long press and

zoom in on pics also it allows you the feature of downloading videos and

pictures on Instagram this modified version is supported on any Android

operated device using the app you can add to Instagram accounts and yes you

can use them simultaneously oh gee instead plus could better alternative to

use this platform a lot of good pictures videos and Instagram feed and sometimes

we wish to download them on our device for privacy concern the Instagram app

doesn't let you download it but you can download at any video or photo from

Instagram with this app well that's a crucial feature for the most user as now

you can download anything from Instagram without having to download the Instagram

photo or video downloader

there are a huge number of applications on Android platform and some of the best

ones are paid it would have been so good if there was an application that would

have given us access to these paid apps by allowing us to download them for free

2d helper is an app which is the best among all the free paid apps installers

available in the market this app makes it easy to download all of your favorite

apps without the need of routing your Android device if you are using to to

app you don't need to spend a single penny for premium app downloads to to

app allows you to download and install favorite apps without any expenses to to

app is an exceptional alternative to the regular Google Play Store this is

because the official store does not have all the apps you would like to install

with tutor app you can get everything from cracked apps to paid premium apps

it has it all one of the most popular apps in Android to download videos and

music from YouTube and not only from YouTube but from any other platform like

Facebook Instagram and others the app is named TubeMate and this would be the

third version of this incredible application this app is really easy to

use you just have to look for any video in the search bar of the app and press

button arrow located on the bottom there are many features that make it as one of

the popular video downloader for Android

For more infomation >> 5 Best Android Apps You Won't Find in the Play Store | NO ROOT - Duration: 4:52.



Hello everybody, welcome back to my channel

My name is Jessica and today's tutorial is on this

natural everyday makeup for winter

It doesn't snow here in Florida

so I used shimmery shades to replicate the sparkle of snow

If you want to see how I created this light makeup look

just keep watching

The most important step in makeup is always skincare

but this becomes especially true during winter

I partnered up with BioClarity to show you a simple 3-step skincare routine

that will keep your makeup from flaking off through the chillier months

First, I'm using the cleanser

What I found interesting about BioClarity is

it claims to be suitable for all skin types

I know my skin definitely gets a lot drier during the wintertime

so I'm hoping this is true so I can stick to the same skincare routine year-round

Next, I'm using the Acne Treatment Gel

My skin has been trying adjust to this sudden cold front in Florida

so I am breaking out a bit

This gel can be used as spot treatment

but I decided to apply it to my entire face

because it claims to prevent future breakouts as well

The third step is called Restore

which has BioClarity's exclusive plant-based ingredient called Floralux

It's formulated with chlorophyll to reduce redness and pore size

while also soothing the skin

This is separate from the 3-step skincare routine

but now I'm using BioClarity Hydrate

This is a light oil-free moisturizer designed for even the most sensitive skin

so it's perfect for that time when your skin is trying to transition to the new season

BioClarity is about $30 a month

with free shipping

But they did offer 50% off your first month

if you use the code "JESSICAVU"

Now that skincare is complete

I'm going to move on to my eyebrows

My winter makeup is very light and natural

so I'm going to make the brows a bit lighter and less arched

To make them look a bit more natural

I'm creating hair-like strokes with a brow powder

Using a product like this with a pointed applicator

allows you to create precise brow hairs

without having to sacrifice the soft effect of a powder

To clean up the brows, I'm using a concealer pencil

Using a brow gel, I'm going to set my brows

Before I finish up with the eyes, I'm going to prime my face

Whenever you're using an oil-based primer

I recommend you do it before doing your eye makeup

so your skin has time to fully absorb it

Moving back to the eyes

I'm first priming my eyelids

Next, I'm setting them with translucent powder

For eyeshadow today

we're only going to be using 2 shades

I'm first applying this sparkly peach shade all over my eyelid

To get that snow effect and make my eyes really sparkle

I'm using a ColourPop Super Shock Shadow

I'm going to focus that on the inner portion of my eyelid

and then spread it outwards all over the lid

Because today's makeup point is light and natural

I'm going to skip foundation and move on to concealer

This next tip actually came from one of you

When you have a blemish that your concealer can't seem to cover

you can try using an eyeshadow primer near your skin tone instead

or an eyeshadow primer underneath your concealer to keep it from creasing

I'm lightly setting everything with translucent powder

Using the Kevyn Aucoin Sculpting Powder

I'm going to contour my face

Now I'm baking the sides of my nose

For blush, I'm using a pastel pink on the apples of my cheeks

On the outer edges of my cheeks

I'm using a slightly darker peach blush

Doing this with your blush will help you get that rosy effect

without making your face appear too flat

Because today's makeup is more on the natural side

I'm going to use a subtle highlighter

I'm going to place that on the high points of my face

and then also on my lower lashline

For lip liner, I'm using a nude lip pencil

with a pink undertone

When I line the top lip

I like to bring the cupid's bow a bit higher and closer together

I don't overline the sides of my lips

I follow my natural lip line and then right before I get to the corner

I pull it inwards and then at the corner I drag it out

This creates that cute upturned lips effect

Next, I'm using a concealer pencil to make the lips a lighter shade

Because my lips get very dry during winter

I usually skip out on the lipstick and opt for a tinted lip balm instead

And this is the completed look

Thank you so much for watching

I hope you found this video helpful

If you did, remember to like, comment, and subscribe

And if you liked ✧・゚: ME :・゚✧

remember to follow me on all of my social media

which will be linked in the description box down below

Happy Holidays

I hope you all are able to spend time with the ones you love this season

and I will see you in my next video

For more infomation >> SOFT EVERYDAY WINTER MAKEUP + SKINCARE | Jessica Vu - Duration: 6:29.


Adını Sen Koy / You Name It Trailer - Episodes 243-245 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:49.


How could I not believe her? How?

You do not need to do anything special to look beautiful.

These hands not only cook delicious food but make everything they touch more beautiful.

Is that so?

I am following Müge. She has kidnapped Asya. We are about to cross the city border.

Asya has been kidnapped by her teacher. Stop, Nihat! Stop!

- Not only is Asya's life in danger, but also Zehra's. - Please, let my daughter be unharmed.

Dad, I missed you so much. I missed my mom very much, too.

I miss you, too, baby!

Asya! Zehra! Where are you?

Müge! Müge, stop!

She is coming with me. This is the end of the road.


For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy / You Name It Trailer - Episodes 243-245 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:49.


ATN News 20 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News - Duration: 23:52.

ATN News 20 December 2017 Bangla latest News Today Bangla Breaking News BD News

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