Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 19 2017

What's up guys it's me Jeremy!

So this is gonna be the first Scrapped Abilities episode we've made in a while, and based

on feedback from you guys we're actually gonna spend a little less time on each ability

so we can cover even more abilities than usual, so hopefully you guys like the change.

And if you enjoy the video leave a like on it, or let us know in the comments below.

And be sure to subscribe for more videos!

The first scrapped ability for today is an old version of Kayn's Ultimate called Army

of Me.

At this point, Riot wanted Kayn to have a seperate Ultimate for each transformation.

This was one of the first ideas for his Slayer Ultimate, and it allowed you to target an

enemy champion to create clones of yourself.

The first clone would appear near the primary target, and then more clones would spawn near

enemy champions in a cone behind the main target, so you could potentially spawn a whole

bunch of clones if you lined it up just right.

The clones would all attack their targets, dealing 30% of Kayn's damage, and healing

him for 100% of that damage.

It seems like champion designer Daniel Z Klein already knew at this point that the Ultimate

needed more work, but it's an interesting concept that kinda builds into Kayn's backstory

as one of Zed's shadow clan members.

Another scrapped Ultimate was an early Rek'Sai concept shared by Riot Beat Punchbeef.

Originally, Riot had the idea that through her Ultimate, Rek'Sai's team would be

able to use the same tunnel with her, working kinda like a team-wide Thresh lantern.

Although it was cool in theory, there were a few problems.

To start with, you'd use the Ultimate to get into the middle of the fight, which is

rarely where your squishy teammates want to be.

Another problem was that Rek'Sai's gameplay at the time was really all about flanking

into fights, and those routes didn't allow your team to follow you in since you'd be

coming from a different part of the map.

In a Rek'Sai Q&A, Riot Beat Punchbeef actually noted that it could be a really cool ability

for a tank or support in the future as a team-wide map mobility skill.

That makes it super likely that it's the source of Tahm Kench's Ultimate Abyssal

Voyage, since it's essentially the same ability but without a lot of the drawbacks

that it had for Rek'Sai.

Our next two abilities are actually two iterations of Vel'koz kit.

Apparently he was a really tricky champion to nail down, and the only thing that really

stuck around was his Ultimate.

The first scrapped iteration of Vel's kit had these auto attacks that would tether between

him and his target, slowly increasing in damage and lasting until the target moved out of


Riot Subninja mentioned that he once played this version of Vel against a Vladimir in

a playtest, attacked him once, then they both ran towards Vlad's tower where he died from

the tether.

That version was instantly scrapped for obvious reasons.

Apparently he also had an ability on his E called 'Boring Dash' around this time

too, which as you might have guessed was just a really short range boring dash.

For the second iteration of his kit, Vel'Koz could create a void portal that he'd shoot

his abilities through to amp up the damage, kinda like Jayce's Acceleration Gate.

His W at the time created another void portal, but this one would shoot little laser beams

that could also be affected by the Void Gate.

Apparently it wasn't amazing, but it did create tons of super lasers that would fly

all over the place which is pretty funny to imagine in game.

Our next scrapped ability came from Riot Ezreal answering a question about Amumu.

Ezreal had the idea of turning Amumu's Bandage Toss into League's own version of Spiderman's

web swinging.

As well as using Bandage Toss to catch up to enemies, this version of Amumu's Q would

let him hit terrain at a reduced cooldown, so he could use it to kinda swing around the

map and quickly move from A to B. It was removed for unconfirmed reasons, but it probably had

something to do with the fact that Amumu kinda needs to be a bit slower to balance the rest

of his kit out a bit.

Although it would have been pretty funny to see a hyper-mobile Amumu, the ability was

later recreated for Nautilus as Dredge Line, although it's not quite spammable enough

to make you feel quite like Spiderman.

Rumble was a champion created on an insane timeline, to the point where Riot FeralPony

had to create and scrap abilities in less than a day each.

A few examples of these abilities were a chainsaw melee ability, a grenade launcher for some

ranged AoE damage, mini-rockets and a tether for his E's taser.

After eventually coming up with Rumble's E and deciding to turn it into a double shot,

FeralPony had it set to work as a slow for the first shot, then a root if you landed

the second.

Riot Ezreal got pretty mad about it because the counterplay sucked, after all it's kinda

hard to avoid the root if you are already slowed.

As a result of the sleep deprivation that FeralPony was suffering from while trying

to get Rumble finished in time, he had the idea to change the first harpoon to a root,

and the second would apply a slow.

As you can probably guess, this didn't fix the problem and Ezreal was furious!

Our next ability is from Illaoi.

The most notable part of her gameplay is definitely the tentacles, which first showed up on her

Q, Tentacle Smash.

This ability pretty much remained the same the whole time.

As development moved forward and Riot started to figure out who Illaoi really was and what

her god meant to her, they had the idea of giving Illaoi an Ultimate that showed her

enemies the truth of the world around them.

What that actually manifested as was a change to the whole map, revealing more of these

tentacles snaking over all the walls and structures.

It apparently looked awesome, but the tentacles didn't really do anything in game.

Although this version of Illaoi's ult was scrapped, it did give way to her independant

tentacles that spawn and attack for themselves, which in turn paved the way for Riot to finish

Illaoi's development by basing more of her kit on these new independant tentacles.

We've talked a tiny bit about this next scrapped ability before, but we've got a

bit more information now.

According to Riot Ezreal, Ahri's original Ultimate had unlimited range.

She'd basically trade mana for the ability to move insane distances, but passing through

an enemy did crazy damage, basically turning her into a living Ezreal Ultimate.

This Ultimate

was eventually scrapped because it had weird interactions on Dominion, which Riot Ezreal

said was his biggest regret for the character.

Later on, Ahri gained a three-part dash similar to her live Ultimate, but it worked on an

ammo system like Akali's.

That meant she'd always have access to her mobility, but in-game Ahri players would always

hold on to one charge in case they got ganked.

That made her too hard to lock down and really annoying to play against, so the ammo system

was scrapped.

Next up is a Stealth variation from Evelynn's rework.

Riot Stashu mentioned that one of the biggest problems with permastealth is that you obviously

can't track the jungler's location, so early versions of Evelynn's stealth had

some way of giving information to her enemies.

One iteration of this was a cloud that covered a quarter of the map, moving on a predetermined

path through the game that everyone could see on their minimaps.

If Evelynn was moving inside that cloud, she'd be invisible, but if she wasn't in the cloud,

she's lose the invisibility.

Despite being a good solution, it felt really annoying for the Evelynn player since they

essentially had to follow the cloud around, and it didn't have a very satisfying payoff

because people would be constantly made aware of when they could be ganked.

A player named Monado suggested a new Ultimate ability for Aatrox on the League boards—the

idea was that he could link with teammates and provide them with lifesteal, as a way

to kinda tie in with his theme of a demon commander that turns around losing battles.

Riot August mentioned he tried something kinda similar during development, a version of his

W that granted health to both Aatrox and a nearby low health ally on the third hit.

It worked pretty well for Aatrox because he could basically support an ally by dealing

damage, but it felt really shitty for enemies to play against.

It's less of a scrapped ability and more of a tweaked ability, but according to Riot

Daemon, Maokai's Twisted Advance once moved at half the current speed and gave Maokai

a massive armor buff when he hit someone.

On the plus side, it would mean players had a better chance to avoid being locked down

in a bad position by Maokai, but the huge armor buff would definitely have been frustrating

to deal with since you'd have few choices but to fight him once rooted, and he'd have

too much armor for you to deal with.

Our last ability for today is actually Yorick's original Ultimate, shared through a pretty

interesting story from Riot Daemon.

The Ult functioned like a combination of Amumu's Curse of the Sad Mummy, and the Karthus wall.

That likely means it was probably a wall that would entangle enemies that passed through

it, making it pretty hard to deal with since it could be casted from a distance.

It was actually changed only 4 days before Yorick was due to be released, with the designer

combining a zombie mode and clone functionality; both very difficult systems to make work properly

and without any bugs.

Riot probably spent those 4 days doing some intense troubleshooting to get it ready, and

even then it didn't release without issues.

For more infomation >> 12 NEW CHAMPION ABILITIES That Didn't Make It Into League of Legends! - Duration: 12:45.


The Hardest Things About Living on Mars - Duration: 6:42.

SciShow Space is supported by Brilliant.org


Lately, there's been a lot of talk about building a colony on Mars.

There's still a lot to do before we get to that point, like,

we should probably figure out how to get people there.

But even if we did set up a human habitat,

we'd still have some huge challenges to overcome.

Because traveling to, and living on, the Red Planet

would be more dangerous than basically anything we've ever tried.

Here are three of the biggest challenges the Mars colonists would, or will, have to face.

The danger starts long before reaching the Martian surface.

Depending on exactly when and how our astronauts launch,

it will take the crew somewhere around seven months to get to Mars.

And as soon as they leave the protection of Earth's magnetic field,

they'll be exposed to the intense radiation environment of space.

This radiation is mostly made of tiny subatomic particles like protons and neutrons.

Many stream out of the Sun as part of the solar wind, while others,

called cosmic rays, come from all over the galaxy.

And sometimes, these particles can strike a bit of DNA

as they pass through the human body.

Each hit can randomly change a little of someone's genetic code, and that can lead to mutations

in new cells that ultimately cause problems like cancer or heart disease.

Thankfully, because we're protected by the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere,

we aren't exposed to most of these particles.

But things aren't the same in space.

Although astronauts take precautions, spending six months on the International Space Station

results in absorbing about three times as much radiation as the U.S. annual legal

limit, and a trip to Mars would be over twice as much as on the ISS.

And, if there happened to be an explosive solar flare during the trip,

the crew could receive a lethal dose of radiation in just a few hours.

Since Mars lacks a global magnetic field and doesn't have much of an atmosphere,

things don't get a lot better once the astronauts land, either.

Over about 500 Earth days, they would receive about as much radiation as on the trip there,

and that would really add up over a lifetime.

To protect our first interplanetary settlers, scientists have a couple of ideas

that would make MacGyver proud.

First, it turns out that water is very effective at absorbing radiation,

because it's rich in hydrogen, which is just the right size to block these subatomic particles.

And water is something the astronauts will already be bringing with them.

So one option is to line their spaceships and habitats with tanks of it.

Another option is tunneling underground to escape the radiation, or setting up shop in

giant, empty lava tubes left over from when Mars was volcanically active.

Of course, astronauts don't need to worry about radiation if they starve to death first,

and growing food on Mars won't be a picnic.

Well, actually, growing food might not be too terrible.

Laboratory experiments suggest that it is possible to grow plants in the powdery Martian

soil, and Mars' atmosphere is full of yummy carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.

What might be more tricky is not dying from the food you grow.

See, Mars' surface is full of perchlorates,

a class of salts considered industrial waste here on Earth.

Perchlorates overwhelm the body's thyroid gland by blocking its ability to absorb iodine,

which is normally used to produce a hormone that regulates your metabolism.

In the U.S., it's regulated in things like groundwater at the state level.

Massachusetts, for example, sets the legal limit at two parts per billion by mass.

Meanwhile, on Mars, perchlorates are found at a rate of

around 6 million parts per billion.

Which is just a tad higher.

Just like we can clean up soil here at home, it's possible to do the same thing on Mars,

like by introducing microbes that eat perchlorate as an energy source.

Which, of course, would run the risk of contaminating Mars with even more Earth life.

And that's a whole different problem.

So, either way, I'm gonna let you take the first bite.

To power all that soil cleanup, plus basically everything else,

settlers will need a reliable source of electricity.

The obvious answer is to just throw up a bunch of solar panels and call it a day,

but that could be a big mistake.

See, every year, Mars suffers from dust storms the size of Earth's continents,

and, on average, those cover the globe about twice a decade.

The thin Martian atmosphere means these windstorms wouldn't blow over the solar panels,

but all that dust flying around blocks an enormous amount of sunlight.

When the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity got trapped in the last global dust storm in 2007,

they were reduced to operating just a few minutes each day.

That's okay if you're a robot, but not so good if you need to do things like,

I don't know, breathe or see at night.

To get around this, the first Martian colonists will need to bring a different kind of power source,

like something based on plutonium,

because plutonium doesn't care if the Sun is out.

So, it's not that there aren't solutions to these problems.

We could clean up the soil, build radiation-proof habitats,

and figure out a reliable power supply.

The thing is, there are a lot of problems, and finding the answer to each of them

in a way that doesn't break the bank will be a real challenge.

But, hey.


On Mars.

If we can get that far, we'll figure out the rest.

Now, even though solar energy may not be the perfect fit for a Mars colony,

it would still be useful.

And if you want to dive deeper into the quandary of powering a planet with solar,

our sponsor Brilliant has a cool lesson about just that.

Brilliant takes you through puzzles and quizzes as a good refresher on

how much solar energy we really have to work with here on Earth,

and how much we'd need to collect to power current human consumption.

Let's see if we can figure it out.

So one of the things I personally love about a Brilliant quiz

is that it starts off with some really basic information,

and then dives into some really interesting details before the quiz even starts.

So for example in the Solar Power quiz, it talks about how, of course,

all plants and animals are kind of connected with the sun, as far as their power goes, if you will,

but also how things like windmills depend on the sun,

as the wind fundamentally results from uneven heating of the Earth's surface.

Which I think is cool!

So then when you start the actual quiz, what's great is that it gives you all the information

that you really need to find the answer, and if you need to cheat you can just view the

solution, then go back and figure out how you would have gotten there in the first place.

And the first 200 people that sign up at brilliant.org/scishowspace

will not only be supporting our show, but will get 20% off an annual subscription.


For more infomation >> The Hardest Things About Living on Mars - Duration: 6:42.


Who's That Alien? - Duration: 0:10.

I'll give you a hint: he would be the last Pokemon you'd want

For more infomation >> Who's That Alien? - Duration: 0:10.


Toyota Corolla - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla - Duration: 0:42.


Jeff Sessions Is Growing 'Pissed' at Trump, His Allies Say And He Doesn't Plan to Quit - Duration: 4:02.

Jeff Sessions Is Growing �Pissed� at Trump, His Allies Say.

And He Doesn�t Plan to Quit.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has no plans to leave office, as friends say he�s grown

angry with President Donald Trump following a series of attacks meant to marginalize his

power and, potentially, encourage his resignation.

�Sessions is totally pissed off about it,� said a Sessions ally familiar with his thinking.

�It�s beyond insane.

It�s cruel and it�s insane and it�s stupid.�

Sessions� allies say the president�s criticism of the attorney general is counterproductive.

Perhaps more than any other member of Trump�s Cabinet, Sessions has been an uncompromising

advocate for Trump�s agenda.

The attorney general has worked methodically to dismantle Obama�s legacy at the Justice

Department: reconsidering the department�s efforts to make troubled police departments

change their practices, changing the DOJ�s stance on voter-ID lawsuits, and rolling back

former Attorney General Eric Holder�s sentencing guidelines that were aimed at reduced incarceration

and balancing out drug-crime-related punishments.

Every pick for a U.S. Attorney�s office that Sessions has made has underscored the

administration�s focus on border security.

He�s visited the border twice to emphasize a desire to prosecute undocumented immigrants.

He�s passionately defended Trump�s so-called travel ban and threatened to withhold funding

from �sanctuary� cities.

In the process, he�s become Public Enemy No. 1 for progressives, which makes his targeting

by Trump so baffling to those close to him.

�He�s not going anywhere,� said another Sessions ally.

�He is not going to resign.

What he is accomplishing is way too important to the country.�

Rather than quit, Sessions insiders predict the attorney general will call Trump�s bluff.

And unlike other members of Trump�s Cabinet, he has political wiggle room to do so.

Trump�s base of support�immigration restrictionists, rank-and-file law-enforcement officials, and

states� rights conservatives�were Sessions� fans before they flocked to the president.

They may very well scoff at the idea that the administration would be better off without

its AG.

Sessions also enjoys continued support in the Senate, where he served for a decade.

On Tuesday morning, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) pushed back on Trump�s attacks and called

the president�s encouragement that Sessions prosecute Hillary Clinton over her email use

�highly inappropriate.�Much of Trump�s senior staff in the White House doesn�t

expect Sessions to leave any time soon either.

The attorney general has several hardcore fans within the top ranks, including senior

adviser for policy Stephen Miller and chief strategist Steve Bannon, the latter of whom

has previously dubbed Session his �mentor.�

�[Sessions] isn�t going anywhere� we�ve all lived through enough of these episodes

where people end up getting on the president�s bad side, but guess what?

They�re still around,� one White House official noted.

The official added that they have every bit of confidence that Sessions can manage to

�ride out the storm.�

Sessions allies insist that the president�s criticisms should be directed at Deputy Attorney

General Rod Rosenstein.

The Justice Department regulation on recusals is extremely clear: Sessions had no choice

but to recuse himself from investigations related to the 2016 presidential election.

And that includes any investigations into Clinton�s email server.

Given that he had to recuse, the responsibility for making Bob Mueller special counsel for

the Russia probe lies with Rosenstein.

But the president has yet to even tweet Rosenstein�s name, though Trump hinted at him last month

in one missive.

Sessions� allies also point out that if the president wanted to get rid of Mueller,

he could just get rid of Rosenstein.

The fact that he hasn�t done so and is, instead, fixated on his attorney general,

is treated as evidence that he�s behaving irrationally.

As Trump continues to torment Sessions, some of the AG�s allies have begun advocating

steps to re-establish his position inside the administration.

In particular, leading conservative voices have begun encouraging Sessions to undo his

recusal, arguing that Mueller�s probe has extended beyond activities that happened during

the campaign.

�I think he ought to really think about revisiting the reason for recusal,� said

Cleta Mitchell, a longtime Washington conservative superlawyer.

�I love Attorney General Sessions,� she added.

�I think he�s fabulous.�

And on Tuesday afternoon, President Trump held a news conference in the White House

Rose Garden, and again took another shot at his attorney general.

�I want the attorney general to be much tougher on the leaks from intelligence agencies,�

Trump said, flanked by senior staff including Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and Gary Cohn.

�These are intelligence agencies�we cannot have that happen.� The president reiterated

that as �I�ve told you before, I am very disappointed with the attorney general, but

we will see what happens.�

For more infomation >> Jeff Sessions Is Growing 'Pissed' at Trump, His Allies Say And He Doesn't Plan to Quit - Duration: 4:02.


Make your own moves.

For more infomation >> Make your own moves.


Malagoli Pickups Comparison (Custom 57/62, Custom Dallas e Lennytone) - Part 1 - Duration: 8:46.

Howdy, guys, welcome to my channel. This is the first of a comparison series I wish to relase. Today I have the great company of T-Rex model guitars, by Wood Guitars,.

These guitars are equipped with three different pickup kits by Malagoli. White one is equipped with the Lennytone kit, the red one has the Custom Dallas and the green one has the Custom 57/62.

These kits have a huge range of sounds for Strat-like guitars and will be put to the test today. Despite the different colors, the guitars all have the same woods, hardware and frets, making their sounds virtually identical.

The only difference is the pickup kit and you'll be able to hear the smallest details and differences in sound of these pickups once their put side to side. The amp today is my faithful Mini50, by Sollo Amps,

on the clean channel switched to 50W with the volume around noon – amp is cooking!! That makes for a loud slightly compressed clean that will really showcase the sound of these pickups. I don't want to stick to the guitars' specs but these are brazilian walnut bodies, incienso necks and pau-ferro fretboards.

I know people are gonna complain about these not being your typical Strat woods, but keep in mind this is about comparing the pickups. The video is gonna be a bit repetitive, because I play every single riff in all positions and in all three guitars to really showcase their differences.

First example is a Bruno Mars song played wih a pick and, to change things a bit and show some arpeggiated chord played with my fingers, I play a John Mayer song, all in the clean channel.

Part 2 soon...

For more infomation >> Malagoli Pickups Comparison (Custom 57/62, Custom Dallas e Lennytone) - Part 1 - Duration: 8:46.


Esse lago esconde algo tão mortal que é difícil de acreditar. - Duration: 9:16.

For more infomation >> Esse lago esconde algo tão mortal que é difícil de acreditar. - Duration: 9:16.


some thoughts about e-mountain bikes (activate subtitles) - Duration: 4:24.

sponged all that stuff

well lets ride e-bike - lacking a bike

today riding the Conway eWME

not the first time.. but first time I'm filming it

the e mountain bikes are getting more and more

cause by now.. it feels more or less like my normal enduro

just a bit heavier.. and when the batterie is empty it's a pain in the ass

seems that this is a thing right now

I mean it's fun - you're way faster uphill . you can even jump little gaps

but I'm torn while thinking about it

especially on crowded trails with hikers.. I mean an ebiker is doing the same trail 3 times while a natural powered biker is riding it once

that's a fact

this could lead to problems

by now it's working quite well - we coexist with other people here in the palatinate forest

would be better if there are bike only trails - courses where you build fun uphills and stuff - but that's not even existing for normal bikers in our region

the good trails are all illegal

I just hope there won't be any trail prohibitions

that would really suck

And it's possible that there will be even crashes when you ride with 20km/h uphill and someone comes with the same amount of speed or more downhill

I think I would use an ebike.. especially as a photographer it's a real nice tool when you don't focus on shredding trails-

also my girlfriend got a hip surgery few weeks back so it would be a nice recovery tool. maybe I'll lend one for her to do some tours

as an active rider I feel that it's holding me back - reminds me of riding my old 22kg downhill rig

my light is moving.. forgot that O-ring mount.. so Tom gave me a air chamber seal of a shock.. it's probably oily and moves around a lot



now it's dirty

I'll give it back later.. won't do a review.. I get sponsored by them - nobody would think I'm neutral

you don't have to always swim with the current.. I don't have any grudges against ebikes just some concerns on the impact they will have.. but it's fun - can't argue that

had fun? - yeah was fun..but it was.... wet...

wet and slippery huh?

have to get my light.. - do you want a coffee now?? - yeah ok

top secret.. - nah not the coffee machine

ebike shut off.. ebike SHUTOFF!

not as modern as my gopro.. - can it do that? - yeah at least the other one

For more infomation >> some thoughts about e-mountain bikes (activate subtitles) - Duration: 4:24.


Uomini e donne | Puntata 19 dicembre 2017 | Anticipazioni | Diretta ore 14.45 - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne | Puntata 19 dicembre 2017 | Anticipazioni | Diretta ore 14.45 - Duration: 2:51.


Há censura à arte no Brasil? - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Há censura à arte no Brasil? - Duration: 2:28.


Gossip Uomini e donne, Graziella lascia la trasmissione: il messaggio shock - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Gossip Uomini e donne, Graziella lascia la trasmissione: il messaggio shock - Duration: 3:44.


Uomini e donne, al trono classico è Lorenzo show - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, al trono classico è Lorenzo show - Duration: 4:09.


Raffaello Tonon, cosa si è rifatto e quanto ha speso - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Raffaello Tonon, cosa si è rifatto e quanto ha speso - Duration: 1:24.


Audi Q7 3.0 TDI 374pk e-tron Quattro Tiptronic - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Audi Q7 3.0 TDI 374pk e-tron Quattro Tiptronic - Duration: 0:57.


João Ninguém Brasileiro - Lamentos e Protestos - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> João Ninguém Brasileiro - Lamentos e Protestos - Duration: 3:02.


12/13/17 3:32 PM (1000-1098 E Mountain Blvd, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711, USA) - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 12/13/17 3:32 PM (1000-1098 E Mountain Blvd, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711, USA) - Duration: 0:29.


12/13/17 1:22 PM (212 E 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644, USA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> 12/13/17 1:22 PM (212 E 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644, USA) - Duration: 0:30.


12/13/17 3:31 PM (1190 E Mountain Blvd, Bear Creek Village, PA 18702, USA) - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 12/13/17 3:31 PM (1190 E Mountain Blvd, Bear Creek Village, PA 18702, USA) - Duration: 0:29.


12/13/17 3:32 PM (1000 E Mountain Blvd, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711, USA) - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> 12/13/17 3:32 PM (1000 E Mountain Blvd, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711, USA) - Duration: 0:20.


12/13/17 3:19 PM (215 E 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644, USA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> 12/13/17 3:19 PM (215 E 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644, USA) - Duration: 0:30.


12/13/17 1:23 PM (28 E 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644, USA) - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 12/13/17 1:23 PM (28 E 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644, USA) - Duration: 0:29.


12/13/17 3:19 PM (235 E 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644, USA) - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> 12/13/17 3:19 PM (235 E 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644, USA) - Duration: 0:29.


12/13/17 1:23 PM (200-206 E 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644, USA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> 12/13/17 1:23 PM (200-206 E 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644, USA) - Duration: 0:30.


12/14/17 12:36 PM (212 E 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644, USA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> 12/14/17 12:36 PM (212 E 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644, USA) - Duration: 0:30.


12/13/17 1:22 PM (237-281 E 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644, USA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> 12/13/17 1:22 PM (237-281 E 8th St, Wyoming, PA 18644, USA) - Duration: 0:30.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


Renault Kangoo Express 1.5 DCI 90 EXPRESS COMFORT S&S (R-Link/airco) - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Renault Kangoo Express 1.5 DCI 90 EXPRESS COMFORT S&S (R-Link/airco) - Duration: 0:43.


Volvo V60 bjr 2014 2.0 D4 133kW/181pk Aut8 R-DESIGN BNS CLIMA + CRUISE + NAVI SENSUS + SPORTSTOELEN - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 bjr 2014 2.0 D4 133kW/181pk Aut8 R-DESIGN BNS CLIMA + CRUISE + NAVI SENSUS + SPORTSTOELEN - Duration: 0:54.


Tax bill includes Americans left out of economic recovery: Rep. Curbelo - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Tax bill includes Americans left out of economic recovery: Rep. Curbelo - Duration: 3:51.


12 NEW CHAMPION ABILITIES That Didn't Make It Into League of Legends! - Duration: 12:45.

What's up guys it's me Jeremy!

So this is gonna be the first Scrapped Abilities episode we've made in a while, and based

on feedback from you guys we're actually gonna spend a little less time on each ability

so we can cover even more abilities than usual, so hopefully you guys like the change.

And if you enjoy the video leave a like on it, or let us know in the comments below.

And be sure to subscribe for more videos!

The first scrapped ability for today is an old version of Kayn's Ultimate called Army

of Me.

At this point, Riot wanted Kayn to have a seperate Ultimate for each transformation.

This was one of the first ideas for his Slayer Ultimate, and it allowed you to target an

enemy champion to create clones of yourself.

The first clone would appear near the primary target, and then more clones would spawn near

enemy champions in a cone behind the main target, so you could potentially spawn a whole

bunch of clones if you lined it up just right.

The clones would all attack their targets, dealing 30% of Kayn's damage, and healing

him for 100% of that damage.

It seems like champion designer Daniel Z Klein already knew at this point that the Ultimate

needed more work, but it's an interesting concept that kinda builds into Kayn's backstory

as one of Zed's shadow clan members.

Another scrapped Ultimate was an early Rek'Sai concept shared by Riot Beat Punchbeef.

Originally, Riot had the idea that through her Ultimate, Rek'Sai's team would be

able to use the same tunnel with her, working kinda like a team-wide Thresh lantern.

Although it was cool in theory, there were a few problems.

To start with, you'd use the Ultimate to get into the middle of the fight, which is

rarely where your squishy teammates want to be.

Another problem was that Rek'Sai's gameplay at the time was really all about flanking

into fights, and those routes didn't allow your team to follow you in since you'd be

coming from a different part of the map.

In a Rek'Sai Q&A, Riot Beat Punchbeef actually noted that it could be a really cool ability

for a tank or support in the future as a team-wide map mobility skill.

That makes it super likely that it's the source of Tahm Kench's Ultimate Abyssal

Voyage, since it's essentially the same ability but without a lot of the drawbacks

that it had for Rek'Sai.

Our next two abilities are actually two iterations of Vel'koz kit.

Apparently he was a really tricky champion to nail down, and the only thing that really

stuck around was his Ultimate.

The first scrapped iteration of Vel's kit had these auto attacks that would tether between

him and his target, slowly increasing in damage and lasting until the target moved out of


Riot Subninja mentioned that he once played this version of Vel against a Vladimir in

a playtest, attacked him once, then they both ran towards Vlad's tower where he died from

the tether.

That version was instantly scrapped for obvious reasons.

Apparently he also had an ability on his E called 'Boring Dash' around this time

too, which as you might have guessed was just a really short range boring dash.

For the second iteration of his kit, Vel'Koz could create a void portal that he'd shoot

his abilities through to amp up the damage, kinda like Jayce's Acceleration Gate.

His W at the time created another void portal, but this one would shoot little laser beams

that could also be affected by the Void Gate.

Apparently it wasn't amazing, but it did create tons of super lasers that would fly

all over the place which is pretty funny to imagine in game.

Our next scrapped ability came from Riot Ezreal answering a question about Amumu.

Ezreal had the idea of turning Amumu's Bandage Toss into League's own version of Spiderman's

web swinging.

As well as using Bandage Toss to catch up to enemies, this version of Amumu's Q would

let him hit terrain at a reduced cooldown, so he could use it to kinda swing around the

map and quickly move from A to B. It was removed for unconfirmed reasons, but it probably had

something to do with the fact that Amumu kinda needs to be a bit slower to balance the rest

of his kit out a bit.

Although it would have been pretty funny to see a hyper-mobile Amumu, the ability was

later recreated for Nautilus as Dredge Line, although it's not quite spammable enough

to make you feel quite like Spiderman.

Rumble was a champion created on an insane timeline, to the point where Riot FeralPony

had to create and scrap abilities in less than a day each.

A few examples of these abilities were a chainsaw melee ability, a grenade launcher for some

ranged AoE damage, mini-rockets and a tether for his E's taser.

After eventually coming up with Rumble's E and deciding to turn it into a double shot,

FeralPony had it set to work as a slow for the first shot, then a root if you landed

the second.

Riot Ezreal got pretty mad about it because the counterplay sucked, after all it's kinda

hard to avoid the root if you are already slowed.

As a result of the sleep deprivation that FeralPony was suffering from while trying

to get Rumble finished in time, he had the idea to change the first harpoon to a root,

and the second would apply a slow.

As you can probably guess, this didn't fix the problem and Ezreal was furious!

Our next ability is from Illaoi.

The most notable part of her gameplay is definitely the tentacles, which first showed up on her

Q, Tentacle Smash.

This ability pretty much remained the same the whole time.

As development moved forward and Riot started to figure out who Illaoi really was and what

her god meant to her, they had the idea of giving Illaoi an Ultimate that showed her

enemies the truth of the world around them.

What that actually manifested as was a change to the whole map, revealing more of these

tentacles snaking over all the walls and structures.

It apparently looked awesome, but the tentacles didn't really do anything in game.

Although this version of Illaoi's ult was scrapped, it did give way to her independant

tentacles that spawn and attack for themselves, which in turn paved the way for Riot to finish

Illaoi's development by basing more of her kit on these new independant tentacles.

We've talked a tiny bit about this next scrapped ability before, but we've got a

bit more information now.

According to Riot Ezreal, Ahri's original Ultimate had unlimited range.

She'd basically trade mana for the ability to move insane distances, but passing through

an enemy did crazy damage, basically turning her into a living Ezreal Ultimate.

This Ultimate

was eventually scrapped because it had weird interactions on Dominion, which Riot Ezreal

said was his biggest regret for the character.

Later on, Ahri gained a three-part dash similar to her live Ultimate, but it worked on an

ammo system like Akali's.

That meant she'd always have access to her mobility, but in-game Ahri players would always

hold on to one charge in case they got ganked.

That made her too hard to lock down and really annoying to play against, so the ammo system

was scrapped.

Next up is a Stealth variation from Evelynn's rework.

Riot Stashu mentioned that one of the biggest problems with permastealth is that you obviously

can't track the jungler's location, so early versions of Evelynn's stealth had

some way of giving information to her enemies.

One iteration of this was a cloud that covered a quarter of the map, moving on a predetermined

path through the game that everyone could see on their minimaps.

If Evelynn was moving inside that cloud, she'd be invisible, but if she wasn't in the cloud,

she's lose the invisibility.

Despite being a good solution, it felt really annoying for the Evelynn player since they

essentially had to follow the cloud around, and it didn't have a very satisfying payoff

because people would be constantly made aware of when they could be ganked.

A player named Monado suggested a new Ultimate ability for Aatrox on the League boards—the

idea was that he could link with teammates and provide them with lifesteal, as a way

to kinda tie in with his theme of a demon commander that turns around losing battles.

Riot August mentioned he tried something kinda similar during development, a version of his

W that granted health to both Aatrox and a nearby low health ally on the third hit.

It worked pretty well for Aatrox because he could basically support an ally by dealing

damage, but it felt really shitty for enemies to play against.

It's less of a scrapped ability and more of a tweaked ability, but according to Riot

Daemon, Maokai's Twisted Advance once moved at half the current speed and gave Maokai

a massive armor buff when he hit someone.

On the plus side, it would mean players had a better chance to avoid being locked down

in a bad position by Maokai, but the huge armor buff would definitely have been frustrating

to deal with since you'd have few choices but to fight him once rooted, and he'd have

too much armor for you to deal with.

Our last ability for today is actually Yorick's original Ultimate, shared through a pretty

interesting story from Riot Daemon.

The Ult functioned like a combination of Amumu's Curse of the Sad Mummy, and the Karthus wall.

That likely means it was probably a wall that would entangle enemies that passed through

it, making it pretty hard to deal with since it could be casted from a distance.

It was actually changed only 4 days before Yorick was due to be released, with the designer

combining a zombie mode and clone functionality; both very difficult systems to make work properly

and without any bugs.

Riot probably spent those 4 days doing some intense troubleshooting to get it ready, and

even then it didn't release without issues.

For more infomation >> 12 NEW CHAMPION ABILITIES That Didn't Make It Into League of Legends! - Duration: 12:45.


The Hardest Things About Living on Mars - Duration: 6:42.

SciShow Space is supported by Brilliant.org


Lately, there's been a lot of talk about building a colony on Mars.

There's still a lot to do before we get to that point, like,

we should probably figure out how to get people there.

But even if we did set up a human habitat,

we'd still have some huge challenges to overcome.

Because traveling to, and living on, the Red Planet

would be more dangerous than basically anything we've ever tried.

Here are three of the biggest challenges the Mars colonists would, or will, have to face.

The danger starts long before reaching the Martian surface.

Depending on exactly when and how our astronauts launch,

it will take the crew somewhere around seven months to get to Mars.

And as soon as they leave the protection of Earth's magnetic field,

they'll be exposed to the intense radiation environment of space.

This radiation is mostly made of tiny subatomic particles like protons and neutrons.

Many stream out of the Sun as part of the solar wind, while others,

called cosmic rays, come from all over the galaxy.

And sometimes, these particles can strike a bit of DNA

as they pass through the human body.

Each hit can randomly change a little of someone's genetic code, and that can lead to mutations

in new cells that ultimately cause problems like cancer or heart disease.

Thankfully, because we're protected by the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere,

we aren't exposed to most of these particles.

But things aren't the same in space.

Although astronauts take precautions, spending six months on the International Space Station

results in absorbing about three times as much radiation as the U.S. annual legal

limit, and a trip to Mars would be over twice as much as on the ISS.

And, if there happened to be an explosive solar flare during the trip,

the crew could receive a lethal dose of radiation in just a few hours.

Since Mars lacks a global magnetic field and doesn't have much of an atmosphere,

things don't get a lot better once the astronauts land, either.

Over about 500 Earth days, they would receive about as much radiation as on the trip there,

and that would really add up over a lifetime.

To protect our first interplanetary settlers, scientists have a couple of ideas

that would make MacGyver proud.

First, it turns out that water is very effective at absorbing radiation,

because it's rich in hydrogen, which is just the right size to block these subatomic particles.

And water is something the astronauts will already be bringing with them.

So one option is to line their spaceships and habitats with tanks of it.

Another option is tunneling underground to escape the radiation, or setting up shop in

giant, empty lava tubes left over from when Mars was volcanically active.

Of course, astronauts don't need to worry about radiation if they starve to death first,

and growing food on Mars won't be a picnic.

Well, actually, growing food might not be too terrible.

Laboratory experiments suggest that it is possible to grow plants in the powdery Martian

soil, and Mars' atmosphere is full of yummy carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.

What might be more tricky is not dying from the food you grow.

See, Mars' surface is full of perchlorates,

a class of salts considered industrial waste here on Earth.

Perchlorates overwhelm the body's thyroid gland by blocking its ability to absorb iodine,

which is normally used to produce a hormone that regulates your metabolism.

In the U.S., it's regulated in things like groundwater at the state level.

Massachusetts, for example, sets the legal limit at two parts per billion by mass.

Meanwhile, on Mars, perchlorates are found at a rate of

around 6 million parts per billion.

Which is just a tad higher.

Just like we can clean up soil here at home, it's possible to do the same thing on Mars,

like by introducing microbes that eat perchlorate as an energy source.

Which, of course, would run the risk of contaminating Mars with even more Earth life.

And that's a whole different problem.

So, either way, I'm gonna let you take the first bite.

To power all that soil cleanup, plus basically everything else,

settlers will need a reliable source of electricity.

The obvious answer is to just throw up a bunch of solar panels and call it a day,

but that could be a big mistake.

See, every year, Mars suffers from dust storms the size of Earth's continents,

and, on average, those cover the globe about twice a decade.

The thin Martian atmosphere means these windstorms wouldn't blow over the solar panels,

but all that dust flying around blocks an enormous amount of sunlight.

When the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity got trapped in the last global dust storm in 2007,

they were reduced to operating just a few minutes each day.

That's okay if you're a robot, but not so good if you need to do things like,

I don't know, breathe or see at night.

To get around this, the first Martian colonists will need to bring a different kind of power source,

like something based on plutonium,

because plutonium doesn't care if the Sun is out.

So, it's not that there aren't solutions to these problems.

We could clean up the soil, build radiation-proof habitats,

and figure out a reliable power supply.

The thing is, there are a lot of problems, and finding the answer to each of them

in a way that doesn't break the bank will be a real challenge.

But, hey.


On Mars.

If we can get that far, we'll figure out the rest.

Now, even though solar energy may not be the perfect fit for a Mars colony,

it would still be useful.

And if you want to dive deeper into the quandary of powering a planet with solar,

our sponsor Brilliant has a cool lesson about just that.

Brilliant takes you through puzzles and quizzes as a good refresher on

how much solar energy we really have to work with here on Earth,

and how much we'd need to collect to power current human consumption.

Let's see if we can figure it out.

So one of the things I personally love about a Brilliant quiz

is that it starts off with some really basic information,

and then dives into some really interesting details before the quiz even starts.

So for example in the Solar Power quiz, it talks about how, of course,

all plants and animals are kind of connected with the sun, as far as their power goes, if you will,

but also how things like windmills depend on the sun,

as the wind fundamentally results from uneven heating of the Earth's surface.

Which I think is cool!

So then when you start the actual quiz, what's great is that it gives you all the information

that you really need to find the answer, and if you need to cheat you can just view the

solution, then go back and figure out how you would have gotten there in the first place.

And the first 200 people that sign up at brilliant.org/scishowspace

will not only be supporting our show, but will get 20% off an annual subscription.


For more infomation >> The Hardest Things About Living on Mars - Duration: 6:42.


Who's That Alien? - Duration: 0:10.

I'll give you a hint: he would be the last Pokemon you'd want

For more infomation >> Who's That Alien? - Duration: 0:10.


Toyota Corolla - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla - Duration: 0:42.


Jeff Sessions Is Growing 'Pissed' at Trump, His Allies Say And He Doesn't Plan to Quit - Duration: 4:02.

Jeff Sessions Is Growing �Pissed� at Trump, His Allies Say.

And He Doesn�t Plan to Quit.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has no plans to leave office, as friends say he�s grown

angry with President Donald Trump following a series of attacks meant to marginalize his

power and, potentially, encourage his resignation.

�Sessions is totally pissed off about it,� said a Sessions ally familiar with his thinking.

�It�s beyond insane.

It�s cruel and it�s insane and it�s stupid.�

Sessions� allies say the president�s criticism of the attorney general is counterproductive.

Perhaps more than any other member of Trump�s Cabinet, Sessions has been an uncompromising

advocate for Trump�s agenda.

The attorney general has worked methodically to dismantle Obama�s legacy at the Justice

Department: reconsidering the department�s efforts to make troubled police departments

change their practices, changing the DOJ�s stance on voter-ID lawsuits, and rolling back

former Attorney General Eric Holder�s sentencing guidelines that were aimed at reduced incarceration

and balancing out drug-crime-related punishments.

Every pick for a U.S. Attorney�s office that Sessions has made has underscored the

administration�s focus on border security.

He�s visited the border twice to emphasize a desire to prosecute undocumented immigrants.

He�s passionately defended Trump�s so-called travel ban and threatened to withhold funding

from �sanctuary� cities.

In the process, he�s become Public Enemy No. 1 for progressives, which makes his targeting

by Trump so baffling to those close to him.

�He�s not going anywhere,� said another Sessions ally.

�He is not going to resign.

What he is accomplishing is way too important to the country.�

Rather than quit, Sessions insiders predict the attorney general will call Trump�s bluff.

And unlike other members of Trump�s Cabinet, he has political wiggle room to do so.

Trump�s base of support�immigration restrictionists, rank-and-file law-enforcement officials, and

states� rights conservatives�were Sessions� fans before they flocked to the president.

They may very well scoff at the idea that the administration would be better off without

its AG.

Sessions also enjoys continued support in the Senate, where he served for a decade.

On Tuesday morning, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) pushed back on Trump�s attacks and called

the president�s encouragement that Sessions prosecute Hillary Clinton over her email use

�highly inappropriate.�Much of Trump�s senior staff in the White House doesn�t

expect Sessions to leave any time soon either.

The attorney general has several hardcore fans within the top ranks, including senior

adviser for policy Stephen Miller and chief strategist Steve Bannon, the latter of whom

has previously dubbed Session his �mentor.�

�[Sessions] isn�t going anywhere� we�ve all lived through enough of these episodes

where people end up getting on the president�s bad side, but guess what?

They�re still around,� one White House official noted.

The official added that they have every bit of confidence that Sessions can manage to

�ride out the storm.�

Sessions allies insist that the president�s criticisms should be directed at Deputy Attorney

General Rod Rosenstein.

The Justice Department regulation on recusals is extremely clear: Sessions had no choice

but to recuse himself from investigations related to the 2016 presidential election.

And that includes any investigations into Clinton�s email server.

Given that he had to recuse, the responsibility for making Bob Mueller special counsel for

the Russia probe lies with Rosenstein.

But the president has yet to even tweet Rosenstein�s name, though Trump hinted at him last month

in one missive.

Sessions� allies also point out that if the president wanted to get rid of Mueller,

he could just get rid of Rosenstein.

The fact that he hasn�t done so and is, instead, fixated on his attorney general,

is treated as evidence that he�s behaving irrationally.

As Trump continues to torment Sessions, some of the AG�s allies have begun advocating

steps to re-establish his position inside the administration.

In particular, leading conservative voices have begun encouraging Sessions to undo his

recusal, arguing that Mueller�s probe has extended beyond activities that happened during

the campaign.

�I think he ought to really think about revisiting the reason for recusal,� said

Cleta Mitchell, a longtime Washington conservative superlawyer.

�I love Attorney General Sessions,� she added.

�I think he�s fabulous.�

And on Tuesday afternoon, President Trump held a news conference in the White House

Rose Garden, and again took another shot at his attorney general.

�I want the attorney general to be much tougher on the leaks from intelligence agencies,�

Trump said, flanked by senior staff including Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and Gary Cohn.

�These are intelligence agencies�we cannot have that happen.� The president reiterated

that as �I�ve told you before, I am very disappointed with the attorney general, but

we will see what happens.�

For more infomation >> Jeff Sessions Is Growing 'Pissed' at Trump, His Allies Say And He Doesn't Plan to Quit - Duration: 4:02.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Volkswagen T-Roc Demo 1.0 TSI 115pk Style Rijklaar! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-Roc Demo 1.0 TSI 115pk Style Rijklaar! - Duration: 0:59.


12 NEW CHAMPION ABILITIES That Didn't Make It Into League of Legends! - Duration: 12:45.

What's up guys it's me Jeremy!

So this is gonna be the first Scrapped Abilities episode we've made in a while, and based

on feedback from you guys we're actually gonna spend a little less time on each ability

so we can cover even more abilities than usual, so hopefully you guys like the change.

And if you enjoy the video leave a like on it, or let us know in the comments below.

And be sure to subscribe for more videos!

The first scrapped ability for today is an old version of Kayn's Ultimate called Army

of Me.

At this point, Riot wanted Kayn to have a seperate Ultimate for each transformation.

This was one of the first ideas for his Slayer Ultimate, and it allowed you to target an

enemy champion to create clones of yourself.

The first clone would appear near the primary target, and then more clones would spawn near

enemy champions in a cone behind the main target, so you could potentially spawn a whole

bunch of clones if you lined it up just right.

The clones would all attack their targets, dealing 30% of Kayn's damage, and healing

him for 100% of that damage.

It seems like champion designer Daniel Z Klein already knew at this point that the Ultimate

needed more work, but it's an interesting concept that kinda builds into Kayn's backstory

as one of Zed's shadow clan members.

Another scrapped Ultimate was an early Rek'Sai concept shared by Riot Beat Punchbeef.

Originally, Riot had the idea that through her Ultimate, Rek'Sai's team would be

able to use the same tunnel with her, working kinda like a team-wide Thresh lantern.

Although it was cool in theory, there were a few problems.

To start with, you'd use the Ultimate to get into the middle of the fight, which is

rarely where your squishy teammates want to be.

Another problem was that Rek'Sai's gameplay at the time was really all about flanking

into fights, and those routes didn't allow your team to follow you in since you'd be

coming from a different part of the map.

In a Rek'Sai Q&A, Riot Beat Punchbeef actually noted that it could be a really cool ability

for a tank or support in the future as a team-wide map mobility skill.

That makes it super likely that it's the source of Tahm Kench's Ultimate Abyssal

Voyage, since it's essentially the same ability but without a lot of the drawbacks

that it had for Rek'Sai.

Our next two abilities are actually two iterations of Vel'koz kit.

Apparently he was a really tricky champion to nail down, and the only thing that really

stuck around was his Ultimate.

The first scrapped iteration of Vel's kit had these auto attacks that would tether between

him and his target, slowly increasing in damage and lasting until the target moved out of


Riot Subninja mentioned that he once played this version of Vel against a Vladimir in

a playtest, attacked him once, then they both ran towards Vlad's tower where he died from

the tether.

That version was instantly scrapped for obvious reasons.

Apparently he also had an ability on his E called 'Boring Dash' around this time

too, which as you might have guessed was just a really short range boring dash.

For the second iteration of his kit, Vel'Koz could create a void portal that he'd shoot

his abilities through to amp up the damage, kinda like Jayce's Acceleration Gate.

His W at the time created another void portal, but this one would shoot little laser beams

that could also be affected by the Void Gate.

Apparently it wasn't amazing, but it did create tons of super lasers that would fly

all over the place which is pretty funny to imagine in game.

Our next scrapped ability came from Riot Ezreal answering a question about Amumu.

Ezreal had the idea of turning Amumu's Bandage Toss into League's own version of Spiderman's

web swinging.

As well as using Bandage Toss to catch up to enemies, this version of Amumu's Q would

let him hit terrain at a reduced cooldown, so he could use it to kinda swing around the

map and quickly move from A to B. It was removed for unconfirmed reasons, but it probably had

something to do with the fact that Amumu kinda needs to be a bit slower to balance the rest

of his kit out a bit.

Although it would have been pretty funny to see a hyper-mobile Amumu, the ability was

later recreated for Nautilus as Dredge Line, although it's not quite spammable enough

to make you feel quite like Spiderman.

Rumble was a champion created on an insane timeline, to the point where Riot FeralPony

had to create and scrap abilities in less than a day each.

A few examples of these abilities were a chainsaw melee ability, a grenade launcher for some

ranged AoE damage, mini-rockets and a tether for his E's taser.

After eventually coming up with Rumble's E and deciding to turn it into a double shot,

FeralPony had it set to work as a slow for the first shot, then a root if you landed

the second.

Riot Ezreal got pretty mad about it because the counterplay sucked, after all it's kinda

hard to avoid the root if you are already slowed.

As a result of the sleep deprivation that FeralPony was suffering from while trying

to get Rumble finished in time, he had the idea to change the first harpoon to a root,

and the second would apply a slow.

As you can probably guess, this didn't fix the problem and Ezreal was furious!

Our next ability is from Illaoi.

The most notable part of her gameplay is definitely the tentacles, which first showed up on her

Q, Tentacle Smash.

This ability pretty much remained the same the whole time.

As development moved forward and Riot started to figure out who Illaoi really was and what

her god meant to her, they had the idea of giving Illaoi an Ultimate that showed her

enemies the truth of the world around them.

What that actually manifested as was a change to the whole map, revealing more of these

tentacles snaking over all the walls and structures.

It apparently looked awesome, but the tentacles didn't really do anything in game.

Although this version of Illaoi's ult was scrapped, it did give way to her independant

tentacles that spawn and attack for themselves, which in turn paved the way for Riot to finish

Illaoi's development by basing more of her kit on these new independant tentacles.

We've talked a tiny bit about this next scrapped ability before, but we've got a

bit more information now.

According to Riot Ezreal, Ahri's original Ultimate had unlimited range.

She'd basically trade mana for the ability to move insane distances, but passing through

an enemy did crazy damage, basically turning her into a living Ezreal Ultimate.

This Ultimate

was eventually scrapped because it had weird interactions on Dominion, which Riot Ezreal

said was his biggest regret for the character.

Later on, Ahri gained a three-part dash similar to her live Ultimate, but it worked on an

ammo system like Akali's.

That meant she'd always have access to her mobility, but in-game Ahri players would always

hold on to one charge in case they got ganked.

That made her too hard to lock down and really annoying to play against, so the ammo system

was scrapped.

Next up is a Stealth variation from Evelynn's rework.

Riot Stashu mentioned that one of the biggest problems with permastealth is that you obviously

can't track the jungler's location, so early versions of Evelynn's stealth had

some way of giving information to her enemies.

One iteration of this was a cloud that covered a quarter of the map, moving on a predetermined

path through the game that everyone could see on their minimaps.

If Evelynn was moving inside that cloud, she'd be invisible, but if she wasn't in the cloud,

she's lose the invisibility.

Despite being a good solution, it felt really annoying for the Evelynn player since they

essentially had to follow the cloud around, and it didn't have a very satisfying payoff

because people would be constantly made aware of when they could be ganked.

A player named Monado suggested a new Ultimate ability for Aatrox on the League boards—the

idea was that he could link with teammates and provide them with lifesteal, as a way

to kinda tie in with his theme of a demon commander that turns around losing battles.

Riot August mentioned he tried something kinda similar during development, a version of his

W that granted health to both Aatrox and a nearby low health ally on the third hit.

It worked pretty well for Aatrox because he could basically support an ally by dealing

damage, but it felt really shitty for enemies to play against.

It's less of a scrapped ability and more of a tweaked ability, but according to Riot

Daemon, Maokai's Twisted Advance once moved at half the current speed and gave Maokai

a massive armor buff when he hit someone.

On the plus side, it would mean players had a better chance to avoid being locked down

in a bad position by Maokai, but the huge armor buff would definitely have been frustrating

to deal with since you'd have few choices but to fight him once rooted, and he'd have

too much armor for you to deal with.

Our last ability for today is actually Yorick's original Ultimate, shared through a pretty

interesting story from Riot Daemon.

The Ult functioned like a combination of Amumu's Curse of the Sad Mummy, and the Karthus wall.

That likely means it was probably a wall that would entangle enemies that passed through

it, making it pretty hard to deal with since it could be casted from a distance.

It was actually changed only 4 days before Yorick was due to be released, with the designer

combining a zombie mode and clone functionality; both very difficult systems to make work properly

and without any bugs.

Riot probably spent those 4 days doing some intense troubleshooting to get it ready, and

even then it didn't release without issues.

For more infomation >> 12 NEW CHAMPION ABILITIES That Didn't Make It Into League of Legends! - Duration: 12:45.


Lionel Messi passing master || Legendary Assist Passes || Most Insane passing - Duration: 8:34.

Lionel Messi passing master || Legendary Assist Passes || Most Insane passing

For more infomation >> Lionel Messi passing master || Legendary Assist Passes || Most Insane passing - Duration: 8:34.


Was Benedict Arnold Really a Traitor? - Duration: 3:56.

Lets talk about Treason (for no good reason) and a man that you probably think is the biggest

**** ******* piece of **** in history.

Benedict Arnold?


The name literally means traitor, right?

But he actually was very pivotal in winning the American Revolution, and even British

generals called him "the most enterprising and dangerous of all the American generals."

But he was still an *******?


Like Washington, Arnold actually learned how to fight in the French and Indian war.

By 1775, he was leading Connecticut's militia.

He captured one of the most important British forts, Fort Ticonderoga (it was so important,

they even named pencils after it).

He then went on to Montreal, almost made Canada the 14th state (Ooo President Trudeau...)

built America's first navy out of scraps to hold back the British, the best navy in

the world.

And we're just getting started.

In 1777, America won the battles of Saratoga, which was a major turning point, bringing

the French into the fight.

Although General Gates was officially in charge, it was really his second in command (guess

who that was?) who is really credited for the win by blatantly disobeying orders.

What an *******.

In the process, Arnold's leg was shot twice, the bullet removed a third of it.

After some British colonial-era let's call them "doctors," had to do "surgery"

had to rebuild his let's call it a "leg," it was two inches shorter than the other and

in constant agonizing pain for the rest of his life.

He had to use a cane!

So how was he rewarded?

Thank to his STAR personality, Arnold hadn't been properly promoted for his actions and

sacrifice, also didn't help that Gates taking much of the credit.

(Gates and Lee were also ********).

And although Arnold started well-off when the war started, when he went off to fight,

the British burned and stole all of his stuff in Connecticut.

Meanwhile, America wasn't exactly paying anyone (you can blame Thomas Mifflin, that

*******'s grudge against Washington).

Arnold started an illegal side business to support himself, causing him to be court martailed

and removed from the field So, he was sent to command West Point.

Before it was an academy, it was also a fort protecting the Hudson River.

So in 1780, 38 year old Arnold starts talking to the British after marrying 18 year old

loyalist British spy Peggy Shippen, who links him up to her former boyfriend John Andre

(hubba hubba, right ladies?).

Andre convinces Arnold to hand over West Point and his once good friend George Washington.

Long story short, Arnold's plon was a massive failure.

Andre is caught on his way back to New York City with the plans for West Point.

Washington is alerted on his way to visit his friend at Westpoint.

Turning to his Lafayette, he says "who can we trust now?"

Arnold flees and joins the British, who also hate him for being a Traitor.

Benjamin Franklin famously said, "Judas sold only one man, Arnold three million."

Benedict Arnold would live the rest of his life continuing his trend of poor decisions.

He moves to Canada to become a trader - not a traitor, he was already one of those.

And Canada's major customer big country to the south, hated his guts.

Today, the only monument to one of the greatest generals in American history, this brilliant

solider is at Saratoga National Parl.

And what is the monument in the shape of?

A leg.

We didn't say this was going to be a happy ending….

I just have one more thing, I've been watching the show Turn a lot.

At least some one's watching it, right?

Well I just have a problem with it.

Don't say it!


Don't say it.

I just think it's historically inaccurate.


For more infomation >> Was Benedict Arnold Really a Traitor? - Duration: 3:56.


Top 5 Things You Should Never Do On An Airplane - Duration: 3:16.

Travelling can be stressful but its something we have to do if we want to go on amazing


Theres already a long list of things you shouldn't do while flighing- but im going to tell you

some of the unspoken rules that you probably don't know about.

Hey guys im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know whats your favourite thing about travelling by airplane.

Let me know down in the comments.

Also if you havnt yet subscribed to our channel then please do so.

And don't forget to give this video a big thumbs up.

Alright heres our list of the top 5 things you should never do in an airplane.

Coming in at our number 5 spot--Sleeping through take off or landing… well crap I pretty

much do this everytime im on a plane.

When the planes taking off or landing the air pressure changes faster than the air inside

your ear.

Now as you know this can be uncomfortable because your ears pop.

And a way people usually avoid this happening is by chewing gum- or inhale and then exhale

gently as you hold your mouth and nose shut.

This actually helps to equalize the pressure.

You can also try sucking on a candy.

Something always do is yawn it never fails.

Little tip from me to you.

But it turns out if you accidently sleep through the pressure change you have the potential

to become dizzy- get an ear infection- have slight hearing loss-eardrum damage or nose


In at number 4--Eating food off the tray table- yeah these things arnt as clean as they look.

The Today show actually took it upon themselves to investigate the cleanliness of aircrafts

and had their teams take swabs from different sections on a pane.

And guess where they found the highest level of bacteria?

You guessed it- it was on the tray tables.

The ground crew is supposed to wipe down trays in between flights but apparently A lot of

detail doesn't go into it.

So just to protect yourself its probably best on your next flight if you go over your area

with an antibacterial wipe..you know just to be safe.

At number 3-- Headphones- yeah if you forgot your headphones you should just deal with


Not only are headphones on an airplane expensive but they are also pretty dirty.

The headphones youre given on the plane are not new.

Yes they come in a little plastic bag - but between flights the headphones just get cleaned

and repacked.

Its pretty hard to clean those headphones properly.

So yeah its just better to use your own.

Coming in at our number 2 spot--Sitting- something you should really avoid doing is sitting throughout

an entire flight.

Now I don't know about you guys but one of the reasons I enjoy flying is because it

forces you to just sit there and relax.

It gives you a few hours where you can just watch movies- or nap- just some time to chill.

However as attempting as sitting and watching movies for a few hours on a plane may be its

not advisable to remain seated the entire flight.

Turns out sitting in a small airplane seat can make blood circulation from your legs

to your heart more difficult.

So to minimize the risk of blood pooling in your legs and causing deep vein thrombosis

take a little stroll up and down the aisle.

Its advised you walk around or at least stretch your legs once an hour.

And in at number 1--Lay off the alcohol- yeah this is more of an obvious one.

Yeah sure maybe one drink might help you to have a more relaxing flight- but drinking

in the air can actually make you feel more intoxicated as theres less oxygen than if

you were on the ground.

So yeah that one drink might hit you a little harder then youd expect.

Yeah the last thing you want to do is turn into this person

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 things you should never do on a


Thank you so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Things You Should Never Do On An Airplane - Duration: 3:16.


How to Get Started as a BA Even if You Have No Experience - Duration: 8:57.

I'm Laura Brandenburg with Bridging the Gap.

Today, I'm going to talk about what I like to call the "chicken and egg" problem

in business analysis, which is, almost all roles require business analyst experience,

but how do you get that experience if you aren't a business analyst?

It can feel like the chicken and the egg.

What comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Who knows?

What comes first, the business analyst, or the business analyst experience?

It's frustrating for those of you who are looking to get started in the profession,

and just don't know how to break through that egg.

Let's talk about it.

Here's the thing.

When you start to ask people in the profession how they got started into business analysis,

a lot of times those who didn't go to school for business analysis, those who have been

around for a while, before we had programs for business analysis that trained us how

to do this, they would just tell you, "Well, I kind of just fell into the role.

Like one day I was on a project and it was kind of cool, and they needed a subject matter

expert, and then I learned about this thing called requirements, and I started doing more

interviewing and elicitation.

I discovered business analysis.

It's this name for the career I've been doing all along."

That's my story, too.

I was a QA engineer before I was a business analyst.

I got stopped in the hallway by a senior business analyst who said, "Hey, there's a new

position opening up on our team.

Would you like to apply?"

For so long, I had internalized in my head is like, how do I become a business analyst?

I was just walking around in the hallway.

But then people, when I started Bridging the Gap nine years ago, started to email me and

say, "Well, Laura, how do I get started?"

And telling them you just walk around and hope that somebody offered them a business

analyst job wasn't a good answer.

So, we needed a new answer, and then I started doing the interviews and I felt like a lot

of people had this same answer I had.

It just kind of happened.

And, so, I knew that people who were trying to make this happen for themselves, they needed

a better answer.

The reality is that you can orchestrate your "fall" into business analysis.

You do it by, essentially, following the path that I took, and follow the path that thousands

of others have taken into business analysis by just starting to do the work, even if nobody's

asking you to do it.

One opportunity tends to lead to another.

You just start doing the work in your current role.

Now, this is something we can talk about for hours.

We have hours and hours of training programs, teaching new people how to do business analysis,

or people who are either newly in a BA role, or who are not even in the BA role yet, how

to do business analysis.

But I want to give you some quick tips in this video so that you have some takeaways

and you can go try and experiment with this for yourself.

One obvious way to look at it is to look for business processes that you can analyze.

Business process is just a step-by-step set of activities that happens in a pretty consistent


You do work again and again in your business, like servicing a customer, or setting up a

new account, things that happen pretty similarly time to time, and analyzing that as a process

and writing down what that process is.

A very easy way to get started.

Other ways are to look at the software that you use as a business user.

What are the requirements of that software?

How does it work?

Create a use case or a set of user stories describing the functionality of that software.

Or if there's a change that you want to that software, create a wireframe and annotate,

"Hey, I want this here instead of here," or maybe information's on two different

screens and you want it together on one screen.

Create a wireframe mockup of what that would look like and share that with a developer

and see if they can maybe help you create that kind of screen or create that for you.

Just simple ways to get started.

Analyze the data.

Data seems more technical, and it can be, but it could be as simple as creating a glossary

or a high-level model describing the terminology in your organization so when everybody says

account, or customer, or order, those words tend are deceptively simple in that everybody

thinks that they're saying the same thing, but they're saying something different.

Can you be the person that creates the glossary or clarifies definitions when we're talking

about those things in a meeting.

Again, you're starting to do business analysis work.

So, business process, software requirements.

We talked about use cases, wireframes, and data models.

A third area to look at is communication.

Being a business analyst, a huge part of that role is being a good communicator.

What you want to do, you can practice communication in any role.

You could take notes in a meeting so you're practicing hearing what people have to say.

You can practice asking questions and getting feedback.

"Hey, what I'm hearing is this.

Did I get that right?"

Or, instead of spending a lot of time researching the answer, go and ask somebody the answer.

If you're on the technology side, go ask a business user for input.

Present them with a wireframe and ask for their input and feedback before you actually

build what you're building.

You'll be doing a little bit of business analysis if you do that.

Documentation reviews, or any kind of documentation, how can you review that documentation so it's

more clear, more complete, more concise?

Again, a large part of the business analysis effort is creating some sort of documentation

that's usable and clearly understood by the whole team.

Those are just some quick ideas to get started.

What you'll find, the cool part of just like starting to do business analysis is that

your work, especially if you've been frustrated or bored or feeling like you're kind of

at a dead end in your career, the work automatically starts to become more fulfilling.

There is salary and other benefits that come with being a formally sanctioned business

analyst with the job title and with that level of responsibility assigned to you.

But you can get some of the benefits just of having more challenging fulfilling work

of making your organization better just by getting started applying those techniques

in the role you're in today.

What we see, I call it the "virtual cycle of business analysis."

You take just one of these steps and you take that step forward, and that opportunity leads

to another opportunity, leads to another opportunity.

The first couple of steps, you're going to have to do some of the heavy lifting and

make them happen.

And put more effort in consistent driving forward to get it started.

But what starts to happen when you do that is opportunities start to come to you.

People see that you're contributing to meetings in new ways and asking the tough questions,

or you're taking notes, and everybody needs somebody to take notes.

Maybe you get invited to more interesting meetings and problem-solving discussions.

In that meeting, you can volunteer to create a document or to do something extra that would

help move that problem or that discussion forward.

It's just like one thing leads to another and all you have to do is take the first step.

That's my call to action to you.

Leave a comment below with what step are you going to take.

What one slice of business analysis will you use in your work this week, and how are you

going to make that happen?

Leave a comment below.

I'd love to hear about it.

If you're one of our veterans, we have lots of people with lots of experience that still

listen into our videos.

Go ahead and just let somebody know something unusual that you did as a business analyst.

Or maybe the very first thing you did even before you were a business analyst, and share

your story.

It can inspire a lot of other people as well.

Again, I'm Laura Brandenburg from Bridging the Gap.

We help professionals like you get started in business analyst careers.

It's all about just taking that first step and letting the virtuous cycle start to create

momentum for you in your career.

This is how you do it.

This is how you get started as a business analyst with no experience, and you break

the egg by creating the experience, and creating the success for yourself.

Again, Laura Brandenburg.

Thanks for watching.

Talk soon, everyone.

For more infomation >> How to Get Started as a BA Even if You Have No Experience - Duration: 8:57.


Cover Your Nation With Prayer - Duration: 7:18.

Cover Your Nation With Prayer December 19, 2017

Lord Jesus, please strike the hearts of the people with compunction, so that we are, by

our offerings and prayers, empowering the good government to make vital changes and

to protect our president and nation, so all will even increase and persevere in these

efforts, in safety.


Lord do you have anything to say…

"Yes, I have much to say."

Jesus began.

"Your people are praying, and for that reason they will prosper—and I do not mean in terms

of money.

I mean a life free of worry.

The kind of worry that overtakes a people when an unrighteous man rules.

"Let the unrighteous be done away with.

Let them see the spectacle of justice being carried out.

Let them hope in Me for a time of faith and good works.

I have sent my angels forth and they are overturning the coffers of the wicked, they are bringing

to nothing the plots of evil men, and in fact, instituting what is righteous and good in

the land.

"But more prayer is needed; this is not a time to back down.

"Many dark people and many dark places have not yet been touched by Justice, and I wish

for ALL of them to be brought down and replaced with men and women after My own heart.

I want to see justice meted out and propositions to save the weak and the needy, the elderly

and the wounded, the young and the mothers implemented.

A society filled with justice, where corruption is not the norm, where corruption is not tolerated

or explained away.

"This is My Heart, Clare, and this is why you are praying.

Each night, I put on your heart the very thing before Me that needs the most prayer.

Prayers for the wicked pharmaceutical companies, prayers for the end to pollution and the aluminum

in the environment, and climate control.

These were for tonight.

All of these things are wicked, wicked things—yet not all can be resolved before I come to establish

justice on the Earth."

Lord, I am a bit confused about this time of peace You are wanting to bring about upon

the Earth, and how the Tribulation will start?

"Clare, evil men will still exist, but it will take quite a bit of time to restructure

their wicked network.

What is most important is a praying people covering your government and the governments

of the world with prayer.

"When prosperity becomes so distracting that prayer takes a back seat, that's when you

should begin to sit up and take notice.

The distraction of abundance will again bring this nation down, because it is human nature

to grow lax in prosperity.

"This is something your president must learn.

The turning point is always at the very top of a culture; the zenith comes, then the descent.

"Clare, My heart is for the Muslim people.

Everything these wicked rulers have done to set culture against culture, faith against

faith has only backfired in their faces, because now they are ready to consider Christianity.

They have played chess and lost and now I will call all men to Myself and the millions

of souls that would have been lost—as Satan plays for keeps—will be brought home to

My loving arms.

"Oh, how wonderful the days when the lost receive Me into their hearts and all of Heaven


"So, you see, you are not only praying for peace in your nation, but around the world—that

each country would wake up and boot out the unrighteous governing forces and tend to the

poor and vulnerable among them.

"And especially for the Muslim people to be given new hope.

England is a tragedy and its only hope is revival.

This I have set My heart on, yet there is much disorder and opposition there.

As I have shown you before, the mosques are hotbeds of evil."

Here He is referring to a vision I had about seven years ago.

He took me into a mosque and we stood for some time at the entrance.

Soon, I saw cobras—black cobras—pouring out from behind the public speaking area.

They flowed like water across the polished marble floors, out the doors, down the steps

and into the street.

In the back was a very long, narrow room with men seated on the floor cross-legged against

the walls, and across from one another.

At the end of this long room was a throne, presumably for the Mahdi.

And it was vacant.

Ben Laden was there, waiting with others for the one who was to sit on that throne.

In the meantime, cobras came from the mouths of the men and slithered up the walls and

out the windows into the city.

I also saw it from high above the Earth, where darkness was spewing forth from those buildings

in London.

Jesus continued, "Yes, much harm has been done deliberately to the people of this nation.

Betrayal after betrayal to destroy the culture and set race against race, allowing the Muslim

faith to proliferate both in numbers of people and influence, to the point that their unjust

laws are taking over the nation.

"It is an incredible travesty, but many of the people have turned from Me and brought

this upon themselves.

When they come back to their senses and back to Me, change will be possible.

But until then, evil will proliferate and spread out from there.

"My heart is for all men to recognize their need for Me and abandon the ways of violence,

that I might bring them into My Kingdom of Love and Justice.

Without love, justice is only an illusion.

These are evil days, yet filled with hope.

"Continue, My beloved Heartdwellers.

Continue to pray.

And if you do not sense a burden during your communion preparations, ask for one and I

will give it."

For more infomation >> Cover Your Nation With Prayer - Duration: 7:18.


124 Year Old Book PREDICTS Donald Trump Presidency - Duration: 2:42.

124 Yr Old Book PREDICTS Donald Trump Presidency Rise & Fall

Hey guys, welcome back to IO, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

Check it out, I'm wearing a sweater!

No pit stains today!

Go me.

Anyway, there's a weird story about Trump and I'm here to talk about it.

So, thanks to the wonderful folks down at reddit, we've learned about a book from

the 19th century that seems to have predicted the Donald Trump presidency.

Novelist Ingersoll Lockwood wrote three books, each with strange parallels to Trump.

The first two books tell the story of Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian von Troomp, otherwise known

as Little Baron Trump.

They tell of his adventures with his dog Bulgar, and the similarities are pretty weird.

Little Baron Trump is a wealthy young man living in castle Trump, kinda like the wealthy

old man living in Trump Tower.

Little Baron leaves the lavish lifestyle to take on an adventure, just like Donald left

his life of luxury to become president.

Which is still pretty luxurious, but also way more stressful.

Not to mention that Baron is literally the name of Trump's son and it's so weird

that I wonder if he was actually named after the character.

But the third book, 1900, or The Last President, takes this crazy coincidence to a new level.

And it was written in 1896.

The book starts with none other than New York City, where the citizens are freaking out

after an outside candidate that many hated won the election.

So right off the back, it's in his town, and it's basically exactly how America reacted

to his election.

The candidate supposedly represented the everyday joe, just like Trump claims to, even though

he doesn't but I'm not getting INTO that right now…

AND there's even a quote about how the mob would attack a Fifth Avenue Hotel, which is

where Trump Tower stands.

It's weird.

Now this has led some people to take it way too far, with many claiming that the book

was a prophecy of what was to come.

Others think that the Trump family has a time machine that has allowed them to be so successful.

Personally, I think this is just one case of the truth being stranger than fiction.

To be fair, I'm a major cynic, but if Trump had a time machine, I think even he would

realize he should go back and stop that whole "grab her by the you-know-what" thing.

Incredibly, this isn't the first time Trump's presidency has been predicted.

The most notable is probably the Simpsons.

One episode from 2000 entitled "Bart to the Future" had the newly-elected president

Lisa say "As you know, we've inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump."

Not bad.

Plus, and this is the one I've been telling everyone about even though nobody cares, the

comic strip Doonesbury predicted a Trump presidency 29 years before he came into office!

Gary Trudeau is completely savage with the Donald, and eventually has him become president.

Definitely check out Doonesbury if you have before, it's great.

That's it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did please thumbs up this video down below, and if you want

more, smack that subscribe button!

And let me know what you think about this!Does the Trump family have a secret, or is this

just a weird coincidence?

Let me know in the comment section down below!

Make sure to get your shopping done soon for whatever holiday you might have coming up!

Don't be like me and wait until the day before!

Have a good one, later taters!

For more infomation >> 124 Year Old Book PREDICTS Donald Trump Presidency - Duration: 2:42.


Trump v. Obama deportation numbers - Duration: 1:13.

There have been about 177,000 fewer deportations in Trump's first year as of the presidency

than there were in Obama's first year.

Trump campaigned on tough immigration.

His most iconic promise was to "Build that wall.

Build that wall."

In February then DHS secretary John Kelly, took action, he released two memos that called

for more border patrol officers and ICE agents.

This caused some panic.

There were a lot of stories being published about ICE roundups and immigration raids.

So in April, I submitted a FOIA request to see what the deportation numbers really looked like.

Deportation numbers didn't start to drop until Obama's second term in office.

Those lower numbers have held steady if not continued to decline under Trump.

One big thing to watch is DACA.

Monthly deportations didn't start to decline until after Obama signed the executive order.

In September, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the end of DACA.

But he gave Congress 6 months to figure out what to do about the DREAMers.

Trump's highest deportation month had half the deportations of Obama's highest month.

DACA could change everything.

If signing DACA led to a decrease in deportations,

removing it might lead to an uptick.

For more infomation >> Trump v. Obama deportation numbers - Duration: 1:13.


Lean into the resistance - Duration: 2:04.

Hey there! Today I'm going to talk about...resistance!

And resistance can be, I talk about it because, resistance can be one of our

greatest teachers. It shows us where we can grow the most amount. So if I'm strongly resisting,

let's say getting up early in the morning, even though

I know that it makes me feel so much better, and helps me get such a better start of my day.

It's actually keeping me from being

able to have that wonderful day, from being able to do things that I really love to do from a

more peaceful state of mind instead of, "Oh my gosh. I woke up late. Let me just pull together

whatever I can,

and I might be a little extra grumpy because I didn't get to do whatever I wanted to do first thing in the morning.

So resistance can be

this huge

tool to help us see exactly where we need to grow the most or

What will bring us the most satisfaction so I think about it in our yoga classes one of my teacher says,

one of my teacher says,

To to do those poses that we resist the most

Because that is what's needed. So you know, for instance if I know that I have really weak,

a certain part of my body and that

pose makes me have to deal with that and face that weakness

Then working through it and kind of coming at it, and maybe I can come out it at a baby step

You know that's really going to be the most sustainable way is

to just kind of chip away and have these many kind of habits around it, or you know, maybe I

Just do a little bit every day, and that's going to be something. So for me I also

know I feel amazing when I wake up early in the morning so if I can wake up you know half an hour earlier and

Then you know oh wow that wasn't that bad

You know most of the time a lot of the stuff that we resist is not that bad.

It's just that we just need to do it.

And then we feel so much better and all of that so that's my little reminder for the day. I hope you enjoy Thanks

For more infomation >> Lean into the resistance - Duration: 2:04.



For more infomation >> PROOF THAT THE USA GOVERNMENT STILL INVESTIGATES UFO'S 2017 - Duration: 2:18.


Did Chris Brown Use Ariana Grande On The Cover Of His Christmas Album? Fans Freak Over Wild Pic - Duration: 2:03.

Did Chris Brown Use Ariana Grande On The Cover Of His Christmas Album?

Fans Freak Over Wild Pic, Chris Brown released '12 Days of Christmas: CUFFING SEASON',

and fans believe an illustrated version of Ariana Grande is on the cover.

See the intense reactions here!

Chris Brown's new deluxe album, 12 Days of Christmas: CUFFING SEASON, has a festive

holiday-themed cover, including an illustrated version of a brown-haired girl kneeling with

a Santa hat on, and many fans seem to think it's none other than Ariana Grande!

After the release of the album on Dec. 15., followers have been taking to social media

to compare the girl on the album with a professional photo of Ariana making the same pose.

Many people are freaking out over the amazing similarities and are even calling the photo

"creepy" while wondering if Chris had permission to use Ariana's image.

One follower tried to make sense of the image by asking if there's a song featuring Ariana

on the album (there's not) while another asked if there was a secret meaning behind


We have to admit, we're just as confused at the eerily similar pic, but there's yet

to be any comment by Chris or Ariana.

Check out pics of Chris over the years here!

It may not be a far stretch to think Ariana's image has made it onto Chris' new album

considering the two have collaborated in the past.

Their song, "Don't Be Gone Too Long," was released in 2014 but they haven't released

anything together since then.

The single was supposed to be released sooner than that but it faced a lot of setbacks and

delays due to Chris' legal troubles concerning a probation violation.

Chris pleaded guilty to domestic violence charges after an altercation with his then-girlfriend

Rihanna back in 2009.

Chris is putting his troubled past behind him now and although his new album's cover

has become controversial, the singer's been successfully promoting it.

He even recently surprised a Georgia middle school with a performance and $50, 000 donation

around the album's release.

We'll definitely be on the lookout to see if Chris or Ariana comments on the interesting

photo observation soon!

Visit https://abancommercials.com

For more infomation >> Did Chris Brown Use Ariana Grande On The Cover Of His Christmas Album? Fans Freak Over Wild Pic - Duration: 2:03.


5 Things Most Introverts Always Have The Hardest Time - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> 5 Things Most Introverts Always Have The Hardest Time - Duration: 4:24.


Christmas decorations - Duration: 14:48.

Hi everyone!

It's almost Christmas, so for this week's video I thought I would show you some of my

Christmas decorations, like this tree right here.

I didn't decorate the entire house, just certain areas.

But I thought it would be fun to show you some of those things.

Because I love seeing other people's decorations.

So I hope you enjoy!


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It used to be one step, now it's three steps.

I'm sorry, it's not my fault.

It's YouTube that does that.

So yeah, please don't forget to do that.

I've heard a few people tell me that they thought I wasn't on YouTube anymore, because

they hadn't seen my videos in ages because they didn't get notified.

And that's such a shame, because they wanted to see my videos and I'm constantly making


So, yeah.

So, just a tip! [laughs] Okay.

Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you soon.


For more infomation >> Christmas decorations - Duration: 14:48.


Trump Finally ENDED It! This Has NEVER Been Done Before – Let The Looting Begin! - Duration: 5:26.

Trump Finally ENDED It!

This Has NEVER Been Done Before – Let The Looting Begin!

Navigating the minefield that is political correctness is enough to send even the most

conscious diplomat to the psychiatric ward.

Between micro-aggressions, cultural appropriation and gender confusion one can't even be safe

when relegating their comments to the weather.

The reason for all the confusion (and subsequent offense) is that the rules about what is ok

to say or do are made up and retroactively enforced on a person's speech.

And to make matters worse, the rules are made up by the hearer.

Without literally being able to hear the other person's thoughts, it's completely impossible

to ensure that one won't offend someone.

Language is a very powerful thing, and everyone who is anyone knows that.

It shapes the opinions of a generation to hear the way we refer to things, and that

opinion influences future law.

Because of that, terms like "fetus" have replaced baby, to lessen the blow of abortion,

and "transgender" has replaced a number of terms that used to be used to refer to

someone with gender dysmorphia.

These have caused the entire population to accept things that we should have stopped

and taken a much closer look at.

Because of the power that these terms have over our perception of the world, President

Trump stepped in and demanded that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) stop confusing the

nation with these terms, along with a few others.

This has crippled the aggressive liberal agenda that works overtime to control what the nation

thinks and infuriated more than a few people.

The Washington Post reported on these changes, and was none too happy to tell us that these

rumors are indeed true:

"The Trump administration is prohibiting officials at the nation's top public health

agency from using a list of seven words or phrases — including 'fetus' and 'transgender'

— in official documents being prepared for next year's budget.

Policy analysts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta were told

of the list of forbidden terms at a meeting Thursday with senior CDC officials who oversee

the budget, according to an analyst who took part in the 90-minute briefing.

The forbidden terms are 'vulnerable,' 'entitlement,' 'diversity,' 'transgender,'

'fetus,' 'evidence-based' and 'science-based.'

The question of how to address such issues as sexual orientation, gender identity, and

abortion rights — all of which received significant visibility under the Obama administration

— has surfaced repeatedly in federal agencies since President Trump took office.

Several key departments — including HHS, as well as Justice, Education, and Housing

and Urban Development — have changed some federal policies and how they collect government

information about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.

At the CDC, the meeting about the banned terms was led by Alison Kelly, a career civil servant

who is a senior leader in the agency's Office of Financial Services, according to the CDC

analyst, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to speak


Kelly did not say why the words are being banned, according to the analyst, and told

the group that she was merely relaying the information.

Other CDC officials confirmed the existence of a list of forbidden words.

It's likely that other parts of HHS are operating under the same guidelines regarding

the use of these words, the analyst said."

While the pity party for those who will be "left behind" is no doubt being cued up

as we speak, the fact of the matter is that President Trump is attempting to take this

politically charged language out of a government agency that is supposed to be looking out

for the physical health of every human, regardless of the choices they make in their life (and

yes, that includes the choice to transition away from the gender you were born with).

As you can imagine, this didn't go over well with anyone that the WaPo cared to interview:

The reaction of people in the meeting was 'incredulous,' the analyst said.

'It was very much, 'Are you serious?

Are you kidding?''

'In my experience, we've never had any pushback from an ideological standpoint,'

the analyst said.

News of the ban on certain words hasn't yet spread to the broader group of scientists

at the CDC, but it's likely to provoke a backlash, the analyst said.

'Our subject matter experts will not lay down quietly — this hasn't trickled down

to them yet.'

Kelly told the analysts that 'certain words' in the CDC's budget drafts were being sent

back to the agency for correction.

Three words that had been flagged in these drafts were "vulnerable," "entitlement"

and "diversity."

Kelly told the group the ban on the other words had been conveyed verbally.

This attack on the very foundation of the politically correct movement is one that nobody

saw coming.

President Trump saw fit to take away the tools that liberals working within the government

are using to further the left's agenda, and it's well within his rights to do so.

Lest we go down the path of this obscuring "free speech" please go back in your mind

and recall all the times you've heard of a person being fired for making a racial slur

or insulting some protected class.

If language (at work) can be constricted by the left, it can be constricted by the right

as well.

They might not like it, but what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> Trump Finally ENDED It! This Has NEVER Been Done Before – Let The Looting Begin! - Duration: 5:26.


Why Does Santa Wear Red? - Duration: 7:27.

Why Does Santa Wear Red? He used to wear blue suits, and purple suits, and weird yellow

Stockings. And what does Coca-Cola Have to do with any of this?

To understand why Santa seems to only have one red suit in his closet like a proper fairy

tale, we're going to have start a long time ago in a faraway land.

So we'll start with our first question: when did the story of Saint Nick originate?

Well it seems like the original St. Nicholas traces back to a monk with the same name.

Estimated to be born around 280 AD in Patara, in modern day Turkey. He was known in his

time for his generosity and pious life. It's said he gave away his inheritance and spent

his life helping the poor and sick.

He was known to be a protector of children and sailors and his feast day is December

6th, the anniversary of his death, which became known as a day when it was fortuitous to make

large purchases or to get married. His popularity remained high throughout Europe and by the

Renaissance he was one of the most popular saints. He was especially popular in Holland.

But even though Saint Nicholas' feast day was celebrated around the holiday season,

that doesn't explain how this popular saint became linked to the Christmas holiday. So

that brings us to our next question:

How did St Nick become Santa Claus and become linked to Christmas?

In Dec 1773 and 1774, a newspaper reported that groups of Dutch families celebrated St.

Nicholas' feast day in New York. And Santa Claus came from the jolly guy's Dutch nickname

Sinter Klaas, (short for Sint Nicolaas).

And in 1809 Washington Irving (known for writing "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of

Sleepy Hollow") referred to St. Nick as the patron saint of NY in his "The History

of New York." And Episcopal minister Clement Clarke Moore popularized the image of St.

Nick at Christmas time with his 1822 poem "An Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas."

which spawned the famous line "twas the night before Christmas."

And showing Santa as linked to the holiday became more popular as the practice of gift

giving on Christmas gained steam in the US in the 19th century, especially gifts for

young kids. By 1820 stores were advertising Christmas shopping to encourage people to

buy more gifts and products during the holiday season. Soon that spiralled into whole sections

for Christmas ads in newspapers, many of which featured Santa Claus.

From 1863-1866 artist Thomas Nast drew popular cartoons of a Christmas Santa in Harper's

Weekly. And in the 1890s the Salvation Army had hoards of Santas on the streets of New

York collecting donations.

But Santa had a variety of get ups over the years. He was shown sporting everything from

a three cornered blue hat, to yellow stockings, a broad brimmed hat, Flemish trunk hose, a

red waistcoat, or a red robe. And Santa was known for both his wardrobe and appearance

changes, with some images showing him as alternately tall, fat, slim, jolly, or stern.

So that leads us to our next question: when did Santa start wearing his (now considered

classic) red suit?

Well although many of us may think it's cemented in tradition, it actually is part

tradition and part advertising.

As I mentioned before, depictions of Santa and his attire have varied. And there are

images showing him wearing red robes. But Coca-Cola drove this image home. They began

running ads that featured a jolly Santa in a big red coat and white fur trim as early

as the 1920s.

In 1931 they commissioned illustrator Haddon Sundblom to make December ads that featured

a jolly, red suited, Santa Claus drinking Coke "to remind people that they could drink

Coke all year round (not just on summery afternoons)."

Sondblom drew his inspiration from the jolly toy giver in Clement Clarke Moore's "An

Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas." But even though the rumor is that Coke chose the

red color specifically to match it's logo, the company still states that they simply

stuck with a color that Santa was already seen in before.

So even though they didn't invent the image of Santa at Christmas or originate the idea

of his red suit, Coke's clever ad campaigns to make people drink soda during the winter,

did help cement the image of one Santa (the fat, white bearded, jolly variety), virtually

eliminating all of the alternative versions that came before him in American pop culture.

It seems like the power of advertising packs a serious wallop. But that leads us to our

final question: why did this style of advertising have the ability to alter a time honored tradition?

Like Santa, ads have been around for centuries. But one of the distinguishing markers of older

advertising is that ads generally advertised new inventions or types of products by giving

the public information on these new goods and how to buy them. For example, 17th century

ads featured coffee but they weren't aimed at having consumers buy a particular brand.

Instead they sought to introduce the idea of drinking coffee at all, a featured ads

that linked coffee to high society.

By the 19th century after the Civil War, US businesses were invested in economic recovery

and advertising in newspapers took on an important role. In the 1860s and 70s the first modern

advertising agencies in the US sprung up, N. W. Ayer in Philadelphia and J. Walter Thompson

in New York.

They started out by offering to take ads to newspapers on behalf of different businesses

before evolving into writing the ads themselves. Also at the tail end of the 19th century,

we started to see the emergence of brands, which were encouraged by the spread of pre-packaged

products. Rather than going to stores with their own containers, customers began buying

items that were already pre-wrapped and identified with a particular brand.

And by the time the 20th century rolled around ads focused on getting consumers not only

to buy new goods, but also to buy already existing products based on specific brands

were the norm. And Santa drinking a coca cola is a perfect example of how modern brand focused

advertising evolved.

So instead of listing all the features and benefits of drinking cola in general, 20th

century ads were geared towards using print, billboards, radio spots, & slogans to encourage

us to get products from one company over another and they started using powerful imagery, design,

and jingles to get us to remember which brand to buy from.

So how does it all add up?

Santa in a red suit existed before the Coca Cola ad campaigns. But there were many variations

on this tradition that didn't include soda or jolly fat Santas, because there were other

images of skinny Santas, stern Santas, even kind of scary Santas, and they wore all sorts

of apparel and different colored suits.

But the common factor here is that traditions are sometimes part ritual, part celebration,

and part cultural representations. And it seems that some of the most successful ad

campaigns of all time work best when they take an already existent behavior (red suits

for Santa) and make them seem like the only standard or tradition. Before you know it,

a pitch for soda became a synonymous part of our traditional celebrations.

So what do you think? Have any other resources to share on the origins of Santa's sartorial

choices? Drop them here along with a picture of your best holiday ugly sweater and we'll

see you in the new year!

This week we were overwhelmed by all of your awesome comments and insights about women

in computer science. Our first shout out goes to Bobc on Youtube, who shared a great story

about their time spent in the Navy and the lectures hosted by Admiral Grace Hopper. Go

check out their amazing story on youtube.com/pbsorginofeverything !!!

Janet Daugherty on Facebook shared her own story of being a women in early programming

beginning in the 1960s. Check it out and thanks for sharing Janet!

Tony Vasile on Youtube recommends that anyone looking for great women role models in tech

look up Limor Fried, founder of Adafruit. Thanks for the recommendation Tony!

So the final comment comes from Ms. Glunz' seventh grade English Language Arts class!

They wrote me a really touching note about what they've learned from watching our video

about women in computer science. These are some of my favorite comments to answer because

I love hearing from students and teachers who are driven and dedicated to learning.

You guys really made my week! Stay curious and thanks so much for your message (and I'll

try to slow down in the future, sometimes I get pretty excited about history!) We'll

see you in the new year!

Keep commenting, sharing, and subscribing and we'll see you next week!

For more infomation >> Why Does Santa Wear Red? - Duration: 7:27.


Setting Boundaries The World's Collective Medicine - Duration: 8:53.

Setting Boundaries The World�s Collective Medicine

By Susan Hassen

As an energy healer, I have worked extensively with clients who have come to me with blocks

around setting boundaries and trusting the boundaries they set. Many of the clients I

work with are very sensitive to energy and easily absorb the energy of people around

them, so I refer to them as �empaths.� While difficulty setting boundaries is not

unique to empaths, it is empaths who often have the hardest time setting boundaries and

speaking up when a boundary has been crossed. Sometimes an empath can be so overtaken with

another�s energy that they are unaware of how much of their will, power, and energy

they have given away � so there are many lessons we can learn from their experiences.

When we don�t check in with ourselves, we don�t know a boundary has been violated

till after the fact. Often, we fail to set small boundaries that lead up to offensive

violations that call us to set major boundaries at times where we�re not used to using our

voices. This can make us feel helpless and completely void of our personal power. We

can take back our power as soon as we realize that we are always in control of ourselves,

and by setting boundaries, we can assure that we honor what feels right in our bodies.

The key to knowing when a boundary is violated is by listening to your emotions. Listen to

the feelings that come forward and the physical reaction you get in your gut. When you listen

to your emotions and practice feeling them, you will be able to better tell when a boundary

has been violated.

Betraying a personal boundary happens when you ignore the emotions that are trying to

guide you, and you find yourself saying that you knew better, that you felt uneasy about

a decision, or you knew it wasn�t coming from you. One can often feel anger, shame,

or embarrassment after this happens. It is important to understand that the experience

of betraying a personal boundary, or having a boundary crossed by another, is an experience

in growth and learning that every soul needs and wants to have. This is part of the journey,

and it is nothing to feel bad about or judge yourself over. We are given an infinite amount

of chances to act from our inner wisdom.

When we don�t act from our inner wisdom we feel the heaviness and compression in our

body. Self-betrayal is an indicator that we lack the courage that is required for self-love.

When we have self-love we can trust what we are feeling and let it guide us even if it

displeases or loses the approval of others. Self-trust is an important initiation into

self-love that our souls are here to learn, these two states are intrinsically linked

and boundaries are one of the ways through which we learn.

Only you know what your authenticity feels like and when you�re not living from it.

The more we feel our emotions the more we are able to identify what they are communicating

to us.

For example, growth doesn�t always feel comfortable, in fact it rarely feels comfortable,

so not every uncomfortable emotion we experience is a sign that our boundaries are being violated

when it could be an indication of expansion occurring in that moment. That�s another

reason why it�s important to be able to determine between the need for a boundary

to be put in place or whether we are breaking through uncomfortable barriers and expanding

our perception. Only honest self-inquiry will be the way to tell for sure.

What you honor on the inside is what will show up on the outside. When you respect yourself,

you show other people how you would like to be treated, and you also mirror back to them

how to respect and love themselves. It�s a domino effect that the world needs. If we

want to live on a planet that respects and honors life, we have to set the example by

how we treat ourselves and how we allow others to treat us.

I invite you to change the way you think about setting boundaries. If you�re afraid of

confrontation or engaging in a toxic dynamic, then your boundary can be set through the

energy you withdraw from a situation or pattern. Now if you are in a violent or abusive situation,

this is something that requires you to take action by seeking protection or moving to

a place of safety or distance. Standing up for yourself is an essential boundary and

you will know when you need to do so. Allow yourself to be creative when setting boundaries

by addressing the issue from a new perspective; one that you haven�t tried before or seems

too simple to work.

For example, a boundary we may not always think of is silence. Silence is a powerful

boundary. Not giving your energy to situations and people that drain you communicates that

you are no longer taking part in someone else�s inner turmoil. In this age of fast communication

via texting, email, and social media it is easy to get pressured into forced interactions.

We can remedy this by not responding and making them wait in order to communicate a need for

space and reflection. We cannot let others arm-wrestle us into interactions we don�t

want to give our energy to. Silence can communicate: I am not going to leave myself to entertain

your chaos.

We can set boundaries through our actions via what we don�t say, but most of the time

we need to vocalize our boundaries. What we voice into reality is very important, especially

when confronting people who think you don�t have a voice or who don�t want you to have

a voice. We reclaim power through our voice anytime we have been silenced or afraid to

use it. We reclaim lost aspects and parts of our soul who weren�t allowed a voice.

We speak for our ancestors who weren�t able to say the things we are able to say today.

We heal past lives and clear karma just by speaking up for ourselves and occupying our


Change is another boundary that can be seen by our actions. People expect us to act a

certain way; perhaps in the way they�ve been programmed to act and what they expect

out of you. When you change the way you act or go about doing something, or make a major

life change, it sets a boundary of personal freedom. It says that you have taken control

of your life and you are not going to bend to the expectations that have been put on

you since birth. Doing things your way, even if you are doing it alone, is not only a boundary,

but also a declaration of freewill.

Decision-making is also a boundary. If you feel pulled between two choices that you need

to make, making a decision sets off a course of action for what you choose to create and

what you stand for. Believing and trusting your actions helps establish a boundary, while

standing by your decisions is the boundary. Moreover, if you are in a situation where

you are dependent on another person�s choice, taking the initiative and making a decision

sets an important boundary in establishing your voice, preferences, and your confidence

in steering the course of events in your life.

Being yourself is the ultimate boundary. It is the highest act of self-love and worthiness.

It is announcement to the world that it must negotiate itself around you because you are

not the one that will be compromised.

Confidence is a boundary. It is a state of harmony where you have made a decision, and

follow through with it using your actions and words.

Even seeking clarity on an issue (or seeking clarity prior to making a big decision) is

a boundary because you are questioning what is being presented to you and defining and

understanding it to meet your needs. You are the gatekeeper to what you let into your life,

and anything that helps you sift through the dirt is a boundary that will help you find

the gold in any situation or experience.

The important thing is to try to not over-intellectualize boundaries and what will happen next if we

make them or if we don�t. This all stems from a fear of punishment that will be suffered

for creating a boundary (which is a good indication you probably need to create that boundary).

Try not to get caught up in a storm of thoughts that cause you to distrust your actions. We

need to learn how to make decisions and set boundaries based on how we feel, and to do

that, we need to master trusting how we feel. When you are in control of boundaries, you

get to determine how far you need to expand them or when you no longer have to consciously

set them.

When you trust yourself, you allow your own energy field to be the boundary that people

respond to. When we are confident, grounded, and connected to our feelings, we allow our

energy to introduce ourselves, and we allow ourselves all the room we need to honor our

personal truth and the boundaries that reinforce our self-respect.

For more infomation >> Setting Boundaries The World's Collective Medicine - Duration: 8:53.


Merry Scotchmas - Gingerbread House 3 - Duration: 7:41.

Gingerbread houses are bullshit and we all know it.

Merry scotchmas everybody.

(pouring) Hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G and it is time for our annual tradition of making

a gingerbread house and drinking some damn scotch.

In an attempt to make this a little bit less bullshit, I've gotten a DIFFERENT type of

gingerbread house yet again.

This one interlocks like fucking puzzle pieces so this is supposed to be BETTER somehow then

the shit I did before.

And anything's gotta be better than last year when I'm trying to break pieces apart when

I only had one hand.

Let's make a damn gingerbread house.

(crashing) I don't need THAT.

What happened to there being like a piping bag and a tip?

How am I supposed to decorate with this?

If I can't use a self-containing kit to do it, and I have to grab something else anyway,

I'm grabbing this guy and all of my tips and we're gonna do it GOOD this year.

This is gonna be amazing.

And you're gonna say 'holy fucking crap, Amanda the G, you made the best gingerbread house

from a goddamn box kit I've ever fucking seen despite the fact that the candies you have

to decorate with are stupid!'

We have tootsie rolls, flavored tootsie rolls, GUM?!

Who the hell puts gum on a gingerbread house?

These flower things, and dots.


It's, it's, it's, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a- ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME


(evil voice) you made your house not flat, I HATE YOU TOOTSIE ROLL PEOPLE!

Assembly equipment required - base?!


This is a piece of cardboard.

It's the bottom of the pizza I had last night.

I fished it out of the trash.

(crashing)(plastic crinkling)(crashing) Have an ADULT cut one of the corners to desired

size opening.

Well...there ain't no adults in this house.

Well that bottom's not flat.

You know, the whole reason you get a kit is so that it'll be flat because if you made

this yourself from the beginning and you bake it, it's never flat.

And it's a huge pain in the ass.

So you buy a kit so that it'll be flat, so that it'll be less of a fucking pain in the

ass, and you know what happens?

They're like FUCK YOU.

I can see you through the hole in the bottom.

If you're gonna make a puzzle, your puzzle needs to fucking fit.

When I was in second grade, what did I wanna be when I grew up?

What did I want to be?

I wanted to be one of two things - either an artist, which my brother told me that I

sucked at doing art so I gave that dream up, and the other thing that I wanted to do was

be a puzzle maker because for some reason I thought that being a puzzle maker meant

that you got to do puzzles all day long to make the jigsaws that then cut the puzzle


So from somebody who loves jigsaw puzzles and loves putting them together and everything,


(singing) don't fall off, you don't wanna see my heart breakin', just stay on, I don't

want you seein' me cry, just shut your eyes, I'm trying to make this song work for these


I can't have patterns because I can't have nice


So here's another tip for anyone who makes fucking gingerbread house kit, a tip that

no one fucking asked for, EVEN NUMBERS OF ALL THE DAMN COLORS that way people who are

OBSESSED WITH PATTERNS can make it appropriately.

Hopefully I have enough fucking candies.

If they didn't give me enough candies, I'm gonna be mad.

(high-pitched) they didn't give me enough pieces and I'm really mad!

They gave me (plastic rustling) one less piece than I needed!

I hate you people.

I hate you people with a fiery mother fucking passion.

You don't understand how mad I am right now.

I'm so mad, I'm in my high voice.

They ruined it.

So if you think that this is not the best fucking gingerbread house you've ever seen

from a kit, it's because the company ruined it.

Before I put any more candies on, I'm gonna fucking make icicles because ffffffffffucking

why the hell not?

Icicles make it look better.

If you put icicles from the fucking roof, then ya'll think I did a good job.

You wanna know what's not working?

The fucking icicles because of the frosting.

This is what I did.

It kind of sucks, but I'm going with it.

I don't wanna use any of this other candy, it all sucks.

Who the hell wants to have a fucking gumball on their goddamn gingerbread house?!

(crashing) This is why you can't use, like, a teeny tiny box of dots.

You know why?

I got four red ones, one orange, and one green.

Who the fuuuuuuck- (raspy evil voice) I hate you all, I hate you with a fiery passion,

my precious needs to make patterns!


AGAIN because this KIT doesn't have everything it fucking needs.

And a kit should have everything it needs.

That's why it's a kit!


So here's what we have.

I made a little pathway with a couple of flattened tootsie rolls.

The rest of them are fucking over there.

I didn't use any of the gum because fuck the gum.

I didn't use any of the other colored tootsie rolls because it didn't fucking work.

It's got a pretty walkway, it's got some red...BUSHES??

I guess?

I used a little star tip to make that look pretty for the wreath.

I'm guessing that's a wreath, I don't fucking know.

You got some flowery things on the top, some stuff, basically the same on back, flowery

things on the other side, missing one because fuck this kit, put a little stars around the

top of the roof to make it look better, and you know what?

I think it's gorgeous, I think I'm fucking drunk, and I think this kit sucks balls, and


I set out to make this the best gingerbread house from a kit ever.

Let me know if I accomplished that goal or not.

No matter what, this is the gingerbread house for this year, and that's the end of this


And if you liked it, click the like button and subscribe to my channel, I make a new

video every Tuesday and Friday.

Thank you guys so much for watching.


And I heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight, merry scotchmas to all and to all a

good scotch.

For more infomation >> Merry Scotchmas - Gingerbread House 3 - Duration: 7:41.


Effective Planning - business SUCCESS with Doug Barra - Episode #7 - Duration: 10:15.

hello on today's episode of business success with Doug Barra I'm going to

talk to you about the how of planning I've spoken before about the reasons for

planning and some of the basics of planning but I really want to talk about

how do you go about creating an effective plan that's going to actually

have you build something great so let's start with talking about how do we

create the beginning of the plan well to create the beginning of the plan

we really have to look at dreams and when we look at dreams we want to be

looking at what is it that we want what is it that we've always desired what is

it that is that goal that's out there and it's it's not even really a goal

it's more of a wish a desire something that we're planning on creating

something we're planning on doing but it's not necessarily a goal because to

be a goal we have to know how we're going to do it or at least know that it

can be done see dreams are maybe 10 years out and we don't necessarily know

exactly how we're going to do them but we're clear that they're things that we

want so we're going to work towards them now I'm going to then take my dreams

and I'm gonna pull those down into goals

and a goal is something that's never more than three years out okay so here

we're looking at things that are a bit more precise we're three years out maybe

one year out maybe 90 days out they're more precise we have a much better feel

for how we're going to get there and we're going to be more clear on what

it's going to take to get there then we're gonna take those goals and

we're gonna pull them down into a plan a

plan is 90 days okay so a plan is 90 days it is a precise amount of time to

get something done and we use 90 days because inside of 90 days you are more

likely to be able to stay focused to be able to accomplish something and to

actually get the plan done so we want to make sure that we're looking at all of

those things at the time when we're creating our plan and I've said many

times that a goal inside of a plan is not necessarily something you know how

to do because remember that is just eight to do but it's something that

we're clear we're going to do we're clear we can do but we're not quite sure

how we're going to get there finally the last piece of this

is action actions are on the court what you're going to do on a day-by-day

week-by-week to actually accomplish that goal and if you're don't have all of

this then your planning is not going to be as effective as you would like it to

be and you can get a feel for how effective your planning is give yourself

a score one to ten how clear are your dreams how much do you dream how how

much weight do you give to those dreams a score of one to ten how clear are your

goals are they really just things you know you're gonna do have you really

taken the time to make those goals effective how well do you plan do you

actually take your goals and map them into a 90-day goal milestones and how

I'm going to get this done and then action how good are you on actions if

you did that and you multiplied those out

you'd get a score ten dive ten times ten times ten would be the maximum score

that you could get this gives you the basis of understanding how to create an

effective planet once you've gone through that and you understand all of

that you want to then actually use the Merlin process so that you can then take

a goal and break it up into the milestones and the actions that you're

going to take to make those happen now what is the Merlin principle the Merlin

principle says that I am going to stand in the future fulfilled stand in having

this future complete and I am going to then look back it'll look back in time

and see where was it what was it that hat that happened that made it a done

deal that I was going to be here right so I'm not sitting here at the bottom of

the mountain looking up going how am I going to get to the top I'm standing at

the top of the mountain looking down saying this is how I got here this is

the Merlin principle it's called the Merlin principle because Merlin the

magician always said that he lived his life backwards so I want you to live

your life backwards I want you to stand in the end of the period with the goal

complete so if we put that on a timeline

this is the end and we're going to start with the end in mind and we're going to

look we're gonna stand here and we're gonna look back and we're gonna look

back to some milestone and identify that milestone that made it a done deal that

we were going to get here then you're going to step into this milestone and

again look back towards another milestone

and say what occurred that had it be a done deal

that I got here and we're going to repeat this as many times as we need to

to create enough milestones that we can accomplish the goal then we take each

milestone and we work forward inside of the milestone you can also do this

Merlin principle backwards but when we're looking at a 90-day goal if this

were 90 days and I was looking back and in that case probably two milestones is

plenty all right if I'm looking at a year goal that I would probably want

three milestones so that I have by the way just to remind everybody this is now

alright if I'm looking at a year I might do it based on quarters that way I have

my 90 days 90 days is equal to one quarter so I could do this for looking

at my year goal breaking it up into 90-day milestones then take that 90 day

milestone split it out and do maybe three I have months all right it doesn't

have to be based on time it can be based purely on an event that occurred

something that happened that when that happened it was clearly a done deal that

I was going to get here and that is how you create very effective plans I look

forward to seeing you in my next video

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