From an aggressive pizza order to a granny looking for a date, the Planet Dolan crew
re-enacts some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the weirdest phone calls
people have ever received.
I'm Hellbent/Melissa, and today I'll be your narrator.
Number 10 was Submitted by nicolai_PRC Grgak Grgak went to a party with his best friend.
His friend isn't usually a heavy drinker so after a few, he was completely smashed.
Grgak didn't drink at all and drove him home.
The next morning Grgak got a phone call from him.
Panicked and crying he said, "Help man.
There's a cookie cutter stuck up my ass!"
Supposedly, while he was drunk, he shoved a star-shaped cookie cutter up his ass thinking
it would make his shit look like a star.
Number 9 was Submitted by Tony_TM Zaraganba Zaraganba was really excited to get his new
phone and his new number... until he started getting calls for Papa John's Pizza.
One time a guy called and said he wanted a carryout large cheese pizza as soon as Zaraganba
said hello.
When Zaraganba said he was not Papa John's, the guy got mad and started to cuss him out
for being rude to a "paying customer."
Zaraganba said again that he had the wrong number, and hung up.
That led to dozens of calls and voice mails about reporting him to the police and getting
him fired.
Eventually, Zaraganba picked up again and said, "what do you want from me?"
He said he wanted an apology and a free pizza with store credit and bread sticks.
Zaraganba told him again it was the wrong number.
The man protested again and recited the phone number he was trying to call – it was one
digit off from Zaraganba's.
Zaraganba said as much and told him to check his caller ID.
After a long pause, the man hung up and never called again.
Number 8 was Submitted by ChrisWDow JamesShark One night, JamesShark was on the couch eating
dinner and watching The Simpsons with his dad.
It was business as usual until the phone rang.
The Caller ID said 911.
JamesShark had no idea why 911 would be calling HIM, so he picked up.
The voice on the other end said, "Hi, did somebody from this number just call 911?"
When JamesShark said no, they asked, "Are you the only one there?"
JamesShark said his dad was there with him.
"Ok, have a nice day," they said, and then hung up.
Nobody ever showed up at their house to check up on the place or anything.
JamesShark could have been a murderer answering and giving BS answers to her questions.
Number 7 was Submitted by BaconPancakes10 Tolop
When Tolop was 13, he got a phone call when he was home alone.
The stranger on the phone said he sold security systems.
He asked if his parents were home, and if his house had a security system.
Tolop said no to both questions, and the man said "OK," and hung up.
Tolop immediately realized that he just told a stranger that his house was defenceless.
So he immediately checked the locks on all the doors and windows, grabbed a kitchen knife,
and locked himself in his bedroom.
None of Tolop's neighbors were home, and there was a strange van parked down the road with
someone in it.
Tolop kept watching, but nobody entered or exited the van.
Eventually, the van just drove away.
Number 6 was Submitted by Sugarygirlforfun Doopie
The weirdest phone call Doopie ever got was in her freshman year of high school.
She thought she had turned off her phone, but it rang in class.
The teacher said, "well, answer it.
Right here.
Right now."
So Doopie stood up, and answered her phone.
And a man on the other end just said, "Wanna have sex?"
Doopie screamed and dropped the phone on her desk.
Her teacher asked what happened.
Doopie screamed, "There is a crazy man on the other side of that fucking phone!"
She explained what happened to her teacher, and she never got another call from that number
Number 5 was Submitted by Pingutheamazing Dolan
Someone once called Dolan at 3 in the morning to ask if he was still selling the pigs?
Dolan didn't live on a farm or anywhere that required him to own or sell pigs.
He politely told the man he had the wrong number.
The man then actually asked if he was speaking to Dolan.
Completely confused, Dolan said yes.
The man then went into details about him not being able to get a hold of Dolan because
he got arrested again and just been released.
But apparently, he was still willing to take the pigs if Dolan was still selling them.
Dolan never found out who it was or if it was some kind of prank.
Number 4 was Submitted by AwesomeMarioBros455 Robo
Robo got a call from a number she didn't know one day.
She picked it up and heard what sounded like an old man say, "Who is this?"
Robo said, "YOU called ME," to which the man replied, "Guinevere?
Is that you?
I thought you were dead, but you must've come back for me, right?
I still have the knife I killed you with, good times, gooooood times!"
Robo put the phone down and screamed "OH HEEELLL NOOO!"
Robo hung up, deleted the number, and turned her phone completely off.
Two months later, the same old man called again, with the same message.
But that time, the woman was named "Rachel."
That's when Robo decided to get a new phone and change the number.
Number 3 was Submitted by ArguzTheBeast Spinalpalm SpinalPalm was playing World of Warcraft one
day when his phone started ringing.
On the phone was an old lady who said that she was 53 years old, had 2 kids and 3 grandkids,
and wanted to meet him.
SpinalPalm was confused and told her that she had the wrong number.
But she knew SpinalPalm's name and said she wanted to have a relationship.
He got even more confused and hung up the call assuming it was a prank.
The old lady called 27 more times that day.
Two days later, SpinalPalm's little brother told him that he put SpinalPalm's name and
phone number on a dating page and set the age he was looking for to 65+.
Number 2 was Submitted by fangirlian Andie One time Andie was in her room watching Netflix,
when she received a phone call.
She hesitated to pick it up because it was an unknown number but she did.
She instantly regretted it when an old-sounding lady said, "Hello deary, could you run to
the closet and bring me some toilet paper?"
Andie was completely confused and asked, "excuse me?"
The old lady sounded annoyed and said, "I said get me some goddamn toilet paper child!
And hurry.. it's runny.."
Andie was shocked and quickly hung up and ran to her bathroom to make sure the lady
wasn't in there.
Number 1 – What's the weirdest phone call I
ever got?
For more infomation >> WEIRDEST PHONE CALLS WE EVER GOT #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:56.-------------------------------------------
Renault Clio Estate 1.2 TCe Intens 120 PK 6-bak | Parkeerassistent en Camera | Half Leder | R-Link n - Duration: 1:01.
TOP 10 SUPERHERO/VILLAIN REFERENCES In League of Legends - Duration: 4:50.
Greetings you evil hamsters, it's Remus here and like I said before, there are a lot of
references in League of Legends, we checked Game of Thrones and Creepy easter eggs in
previous videos, and in this one, we are taking a look at 10 super heroes and villains references
in no particular order.
There's also another RP giveaway, so leave a like, subscribe, turn on the christmas bell
notifications and leave a comment below, and let's begin!
At number 10 we have Cryocore Brand that is a pretty clear reference to Mr. Freeze from
Batman, the costume looks quite similar and the fire turning blue, let's say it's frost
Also another Brand skin is similar to Ghost Rider, Vandal Brand, with the emphasis on
the flame on his head and the jacket with spikes, I think it's a good chance this is
a callout to him.
Next there is Sivir, with her skin Spectacular Sivir in particular, that is really resembling
Wonder Woman, from the general look to the hair and the armor as well as the colors used
on the armor, this is a quite obvious reference and I really like this one, plus this is not
the only Sivir skin that's a reference, the warrior princess one is a reference to Xena.
Then we have a very nice one at number 8, Zyra is definitly inspired from Poison Ivy,
the body, the red hair, the colors and the power to use plants, those 2 are definitly
similar, and Riot seems to enjoy DC quite a lot.
Another quite obvious and straight forward reference is the Toxic Mundo skin, referencing
Both of them are huge powerfull guys, a bit dumb, and were doctors before they got transformed,
too bad Mundo can't come back to his human form, or maybe he's too mad at feeders all
the time.
Next at number 6 we have another DC reference, this time Augmented Singed, that is a reference
to Bane from Batman.
Even the color of the toxin on his back is green like the Titan one, and both are connected
to their veins using cables to make them stronger, but ruin their health and skin.
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Singed to Taric!
At number 5, a more subtle but still noticeable reference would be Deadly Kennen's skin to
Deadpool, using very similar colors and patters, and since if he dies he gets respawned at
base after a few seconds we can say Kennen is also immortal.
A few X-men references are also present in the game, and the most obvious one is Twisted
Fate, that is definitly inspired from Gambit.
Both of them using magic to manipulate cards into doing what they want, they look and feel
very alike.
Number 3 is taken by the Joker and our friend Shaco, 2 evil and criminal clowns with creepy
smiles, weapons and traps like the jack in the box, it's quite safe to say they are resembling
each other.
And if we have the Joker, we also have Harley Quinn, in the form of Jinx, both quite crazy
insane and insane crazy, looking pretty similar apart from 2 things being bigger or smaller
and using plenty of weapons for the enjoyment of destruction.
Too bad we don't have a Bruce Swain in the game or any clear Batman reference.
And finally on this list, another X-men reference, Janna, and in particular Tempest Janna and
Both manipulating the weather and using it as a weapon and they look a bit similar, especially
in the tempest splash art.
And that's it for the big ones, I think those are all the bigger and clearer references,
there might be more inspirations like Renekton and Killer Croc, but he's more likely an adaptation
of the Egyptian God Sobek, like Nasus is a reference to Anubis and Azir to Ra.
You could also say that Fiddlesticks is similar to Scarecrow from DC, or that Sion could be
Solomon Grundy, but those might be a bit too far stretched.
Like I said there's a ton of other references, like Graves immitating Hugh Jackman in the
pool party skin, Veigar Greybeard and Ryze Whitebeard being Gandalf, Swamp Master Kennen
is Yoda, 2 Shen skins immitating Skorpion and Sub Zero and Stinger Akali Kill-Bill,
but I think those are all the big super hero and villain easter eggs.
If you think of another one that could be a reference that I didn't include, post it
in the comments, also let me know if you want another references video, since you guys liked
the last one, and what should we cover in the next one!
Until next time, thanks for watching, and I will see you soon, bye bye.
Meet the female candidates ...
Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active - Duration: 0:50.
Polina Edmunds Spins Between University and Figure Skating at the Olympics | Day Jobs - Duration: 8:21.
I am all about confidence, hard work.
Being an athlete, it is about knowing the rewards.
Knowing that I have the talent and a gift
and I can share it and show people what I can do.
My name is Polina Edmunds, I am a full-time student
and I've represented Team USA for figure skating
at the Olympic Games.
Skating is very, very hard, it is very tedious,
I have to do the same routine five days a week, all year,
basically since I was a very young girl.
It is really hard and it's very taxing.
Your sarcasm is unappreciated.
She was four years old when I first met her,
she was a young little skater at the rink here in San Jose
and her mum had asked me to work with her daughter
and to give her daughter skating lessons.
And when I first saw her,
you could tell right away she had potential
and she had a strong commitment from herself and her family.
One, sharp, up.
My earliest memories of Polina
is back when she was a cute little thing,
she had this nose on, skating to an artistic tune, Pinocchio.
She was amazing.
My mum grew up in Russia
and she had always loved figure skating
and wanted to be a figure skater.
So she went to college
and learnt from the top coaches in Russia.
And when she met my dad and moved to the States with him
she continued to teach skating.
Apparently the story is that
I took my older brother's skates at home
and put them on my feet, at 19 months she decided,
OK, I guess it is time to put you on the ice.
To be a very good skater, you need to have
very good abilities to learn.
I would say very first things and you have champion mind.
Good, nice.
I performed pretty strong in Sochi.
I would say it was definitely two of my best performances.
It was a different experience for me
because there was so much media
and there was so many cameras everywhere.
So, it was very, very fun for me
to be in that situation because I was like,
oh, here I am just like the other skaters
that I have always watched on TV, now I am on TV.
Now all my friends and my school and my rink
and everyone in San Jose and the States is watching me,
everyone in the world is watching me.
I skated very strong in the short,
I skated very strong in the long as well,
I made one mistake but aside from that
I did my best and I definitely have no regrets.
I am currently studying as a student
at Santa Clara University here in San Jose.
I am a communications major.
So, I am studying communications
and basically how people interact with each other.
Maybe we can start with Polina.
- Share your example. - So I went to...
Polina is a great student,
it's wonderful having her in the class.
I very much appreciate the fact
that despite having a busy schedule
and these commitments, she keeps up with her work,
she has not missed any classes
or been late with any assignments.
She seems to be doing the reading.
She is really balancing these two worlds very well
and bringing them into conversation with each other.
That is an excellent point...
This is a class called acting for non-majors.
And it is for people interested in theatre,
who may have some experience or may have had none.
Polina is focused, she is diligent,
she is committed, she has a willingness to play.
It is a feat to be able to pull that off
and she is doing really well.
My social life is definitely important to me,
especially now that I am in college.
I am making lifelong friendships now.
Just being around different people, it is very nice
and it's probably one of my favourite parts of school.
We were talking in a group. It's on my Insta Story.
Polina is always on her phone to keep up on her social media,
and I think she really focuses on giving her followers
like a full view of her life, not just the ice skating.
If we go to the beach, she will post a picture.
What shall we caption the photo of us?
She makes time for her friends, figure skating and sorority.
I share it on my Facebook and my Twitter.
You'd never think she is an Olympic figure skater
because she always makes time to be a good friend,
which I think is very cool.
I have a very packed schedule
because I have to fit my studies in with my skating.
There is a lot that goes into my day,
but there's always been a lot in my days since I was young.
Skating is... It's a huge part of my life,
but I don't want it to overtake my life
and be so absorbed in skating that it's all I think about.
Ballet has been very important to my skating
because I transfer that lyrical
and those gentle arms into my skating.
That is basically what makes me look like a dancer on the ice.
Ice skating and ballet go in hand and hand.
For Polina, what I usually work with her
is the epaulement that ballet is amazing with.
She does a fantastic job in our classes
and I love to see her put it towards her skating
Eyes focus, yes!
My mom is there to be the eyes that I don't have, essentially.
I can't see myself skating, I feel myself skating.
She is brutally honest with how I look and what I am doing.
It is still difficult training with my mom,
just because of the mother-daughter relationship
that we have, it is always hard if your parent is your coach,
but at the same time it is just the greatest blessing.
There is definitely no way I would be where I am
if my mom wasn't my coach.
I think it is very hard to be mother and be coach
at the same time, but like mother I am really amazed,
and like coach I am amazed at what we did this year
and sometimes I am not believing she is my daughter.
The Olympics... I am going to be focused
and putting my all out there.
It is just going to be very hectic and high pressure,
but this is what I've been training for, for four years.
Even though it can be kind of frightening,
it is so much more exciting.
And I am just so ready to get to go through it all again.
Do You Feel Cramps in the Legs? See How To Stop Them Naturally - Duration: 4:28.
The leg cramps happen because of a quick and painful contraction of a muscle
leg, being most common in the calf.
At night, his legs seem to have a mind own?
You try to close your eyes and rest after a long day, but the legs begin to
tremble involuntarily?
These night cramps are also common and They can cause pain in the feet, calves and thighs.
But after all, what causes leg cramps?
Basically the cramp in the legs is a result four simple factors: Lack of exercise,
Dehydration, magnesium deficiency and circulatory problems.
Here are some ways to avoid cramp in the legs:
Stretching Exercises Perform some exercises can stimulate
blood flow, which will transport oxygen and vital nutrients to your muscles
Here is an easy exercise: Stand facing a wall;
Place one leg against the other at an angle of 60; Keep your feet on the ground, including
the heel; Press the front leg forward and
keep the leg stretched back, this will lengthen the leg that is not being pressed;
Hold this position for 2 seconds; Turn back the starting position and stand for 10
seconds; Repeat 6-8 times on each leg.
This exercise allows you to make a good stretch.
Whether an emergency exercise to cramp in the legs?
First, sit down and stretch your legs front.
Place toe of the leg that is not with cramp on the toe of the leg
that is with cramp.
Stretch the leg cramp're leaving it as straight as possible and close to the ground.
Take a deep breath and relax to the cramp pass.
electrolyte imbalance If you are not drinking enough water,
you may have an electrolyte imbalance. Learn an easy recipe of electrolyte drink
and reset its net.
Ingredients: 50 ml of water
6 teaspoons sugar ¼ to ½ teaspoon sea salt tea;
Juice of one lemon;
Combine all ingredients in a blender, add ice and enjoy.
Magnesium deficiency Magnesium works wonders to ease
leg cramps. To add magnesium to your diet, eat lots of dark green leaves,
bananas, pumpkin seeds, yogurt and chocolate bitter. Another way to supplement magnesium
your body is creating its own oil to massage your legs at night.
Ingredients ½ cup magnesium chloride flakes;
½ cup of distilled water.
Boil water and add the magnesium flakes. Stir continuously until well blended.
Remove from heat and let cool. Store in a sealed container with applicator
spray. Apply 5 to 10 sprays in each
leg one hour before bedtime.
Bonus tip: Take your daily dose of vitamin D.
If you have a healthy life, is taking plenty of water and has no deficiency
magnesium, but still have cramping in the legs, then you may be deficient in
D vitamin.
Vitamin D is to help the body function absorb calcium. The best source of vitamin
D is sun exposure. If you do not has access to the sun or do not like, too
it is possible to reset the fruit eating vitamin D to the sea.
You can also just take a supplement. If the cramp in the legs persists, then
contact a doctor to see more possibilities.
MEGA SENA 1993 Results - Duration: 1:44.
Resumo RiseUp! 2017 - Duration: 2:54.
REPORT: Hillary Clinton Offered Plea Deal By DOJ. - Duration: 3:58.
REPORT: Hillary Clinton Offered Plea Deal By DOJ.
You won't see THIS on CNN.
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling
of classified material on her private email system while she was secretary of state, and
is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges
of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"
Newsmax reports :
The discussion of a plea bargain took place late last month and was offered by a high-ranking
Justice Department official to the Clinton lawyer.
During the exploratory talks with the prosecutor, the Clinton attorney was told that despite
former FBI Director James Comey's decision last July not to prosecute Hillary, the Justice
Department has reexamined the email case and believes there are ample grounds for prosecuting
Hillary on a number of counts.
Under the Justice Department's plea offer, Hillary would be required to sign a document
admitting that she committed a prosecutable crime.
In return, the DOJ would agree not to bring charges against Hillary in connection with
the email probe.
Also as part of the agreement, the Justice Department would not proceed with an investigation
of Hillary's pay to play deals with foreign governments and businessmen who contributed
to the Clinton Foundation or who paid Bill Clinton exorbitant speaking fees.
The Clinton attorney cautioned that normally a plea is offered by a prosecutor only upon
arraignment, and Hillary has not yet been charged with any crime.
Watch the Video Confidential By Ed Klein :
what do you think about this?
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Top Stories Today.
The Buddhist Priest Aiming for Kayak Olympic Gold | Day Jobs - Duration: 9:03.
When I'm on the water, in my canoe, I feel secure.
I feel I can be truly myself.
My name is Kazuki Yazawa.
My name as a monk is Kyoei Yazawa.
I've competed in canoe slalom three times at the Olympics,
Beijing, London and Rio.
I have been practising canoeing since I was a child.
The fun part is paddling in strong currents -
it feels like riding nature's rollercoaster.
I started after watching my
father canoeing on the river.
My father told me,
"There is a big event which is called the Olympics
"and only selected athletes from around the world
"can take part."
Reaching the Olympics became my goal.
I worked hard to qualify for Beijing.
There was a gentleman,
who had been the chairman of Nagano Canoe Association,
who did a lot to help me.
He thought about how he could provide an environment...
..for me to focus on my Olympic training for London,
such as finding sponsors.
Then, I thought I want to be like him,
someone who can help people.
He was a monk at the Zenkoji monastery.
So, I thought, I also want to be a monk there too.
In the summer, the earliest we get up is 4.30
for a service that starts at 5.30.
We prepare so we'll be ready for the morning prayers.
We have breakfast just after 8.00.
Then until 15:00,
if anybody wishes to hold a service,
I will recite prayers for them.
Canoe slalom is a sport which involves
going through gates in very strong currents.
How the boat moves in relation to my movement
is very important.
The current changes the boat's movement.
So, I always have to be planning ahead.
I sense those things through my body
or see them with my eyes.
There is no canoe slalom facility in Nagano.
So I train on a flat surface like a lake.
When a member of the public comes to the monastery,
we write them a blessing.
Balance is an important part of calligraphy.
I'm focusing on how to write the characters
so they are more evenly balanced.
It is the same as canoeing,
in that if you do it over and over,
it gradually becomes a part of you.
So it's all down to the effort you put into it.
I do some administrative work
for the temple until 15.00.
After that I have time for myself.
It's then that I practise canoeing,
go to the gym or go for a run.
I then eat dinner, often with friends...
..and then go to bed around 23.00.
My child lives in Tokyo and we asked them to send us tickets
to see Mr Yazawa when they are on sale.
I will do my best, so please come and support me.
We are looking forward to it.
I hope we will be fit enough to be there.
- You're in the Tokyo Olympics? - You've got to want it!
- Shall I go? - Sure, go ahead.
Well, if he doesn't qualify, then you'll go.
What's the difference between slalom and the other one?
- Slalom and sprint? - Yes.
The location and boat are both different.
- Different location? - Yes.
- The one on the Sai-River? - Sprint.
- The one not on the Sai-River? - Slalom.
I see.
- You've lost me there. - Me too.
The event where you only go straight, is sprint.
- When you go like this? - Slalom.
It's a very expensive sport for me.
One canoe can cost between
350,000 and 400,000 Japanese Yen.
If you include the helmet and paddle,
it can cost nearly 500,000 Yen.
Plus, you have to buy the wetsuit.
I don't have a sponsor to give me a free canoe,
a paddle or a suit.
Tomorrow will be my final day at the Daikanjin temple.
I have a strong desire to win an Olympic medal in Tokyo.
When I thought about how I can make this possible,
I realised that life at Daikanjin
would make this very difficult.
I'm moving to Aomori,
so I'm loading my belongings in my van.
I've have found life here really fulfilling.
Obviously I'm going to miss it.
I'm crying, I'm crying.
Don't go.
- I don't want you to go. - Stop it.
Seriously, don't go.
I'll come back.
I have to think about
what I'm going to do when I stop being an athlete.
The village of Nishimeye in the Aomori Prefecture
have offered me a job
with the council.
This will allow me to focus on my sport
and give me peace of mind
that I can make a living when I finish competing.
The Karate World Champion Firefighter Aiming at Tokyo 2020 | Day Jobs - Duration: 10:43.
When you're young you don't fully understand
but, when you're older
you realise the effort that is required.
Then you embrace everything
and you feel proud when you represent your country.
My name is Paula Rodriguez. I come from Madrid, Spain.
I am a military firefighter.
Karate will make its Olympic debut in Tokyo 2020.
As European Champion, it is my goal to be there.
I started karate when I was ten years old.
My friends were doing it, so I joined them.
Before karate, I tried other sports,
but I wasn't good enough in any of them.
I remember karate was becoming more professional
when I was 17 years old.
Before that, for me it was a hobby,
but the moment I entered the national team,
I realised things were becoming more serious.
Here is my very first medal from a European Championship.
I was the European Champion in 2003.
I was my first time in the national team.
The next two years were also very good;
I won medals in the European and World Championships.
I am very proud of everything I can see here.
Karate is becoming an Olympic sport.
It is a dream come true for any karateka.
When the Spanish team came second
in the World Championships,
I was already over the moon.
So, when you know you could win an Olympic medal,
you feel like the happiest girl ever.
I think that sports helps my job and vice versa.
They balance each other perfectly.
My colleagues help me a lot,
so I never miss a training session or competition.
I didn't dream of becoming a firefighter.
My best friend works here,
he is also my karate instructor.
Seeing him working and doing things here inspired me.
So, I tried and I have been here for ten years
and I have never looked back.
We worked 24 hours straight on one day
and we have the following four days off.
This facilitates my sport and training commitments.
The first thing I do is check the trucks.
I make sure the equipment is stowed correctly
and is in a good condition.
If there is any anomaly or something is out of place,
I have to log it for the Duty Chief to rectify.
I am the Duty Chief today
and Tejedor will be my deputy,
heading the fire and rescue team.
I will be using truck number one, the dragon.
Sandra on number two for refuelling.
Paula, you will be assistant fire and rescue chief officer
and Alberto is on communications today,
so if you need anything, he will sort it out.
Teamwork is essential.
If an emergency comes up,
your life depends on your colleagues.
I have been stationed here for ten years.
Some of the firefighters were here before me,
so I have known them for a long time.
Others started later, so I don't know them as well,
but, in the end, they are like my second family.
Since we can spend 24 hours a day here,
we end up getting on very well.
What do you think about Paula?
Paula? Paula is a great person.
She's a good worker, well behaved.
I agree, I'm happy with her.
Obviously if we don't say that,
she'll give us a couple of karate kicks.
Does she help you out as a colleague?
She does, here, Paula, wash these.
Hey, hey, no more.
I've known Paula since she first started here.
She's an excellent work colleague.
She makes a huge sacrifice
combining this job with her karate training
at the highest level.
She is always available when we need her.
She is exceptional at her job.
There are never any problems.
She is up for anything and prepared
for any eventuality.
The biggest problem is you can't make a living
out of karate at the moment.
It's hard because I have to split my time between
work and training.
In other countries, they practise karate full time.
They wake up, they train, then eat and so on.
They just train Monday to Sunday.
For me, it's unfeasible to do that,
I have to work harder,
but when you love what you do then it's not that bad.
Hi, how are you? Long time no see.
My family and friends have helped me
by being on my side.
In order to have good times,
you need to go through some tough ones
and they have always been there for me.
They always respect that I have to dedicate most of my time
to training and competition.
This year, there has been a lot of travelling.
It has been hard and long.
You haven't stopped, you've always been on the move.
I know, it has been good.
The first year we did really well.
They built the new team and a month and a half later
we were in the European Championships.
Yes, that was incredible.
That was beginner's luck.
Now that we are training more the results have been OK,
but not as good as the beginning.
Because when you start from scratch
it is easier to make improvements.
I always have positive things on my mind;
you always have to focus in what you do well.
There are good days where everything runs smoothly
and it's easier to think more positively,
but there are also times when
it is more difficult to get going
and on those days you focus on the objectives
and the feeling of winning a medal.
Kata is like imaginary fight against imaginary opponents.
You are hitting the air.
You have to try to break down kata into small parts
and keep repeating until you make improvements.
Every Kata practitioner has their own identity.
Paula has to develop the characteristics
that she conveys.
Her power, her way of feeling karate.
Part of being a good competitor is athletic capability,
which is what the judges look for in Olympic karate.
Physical conditional is increasingly important.
Our new team coach has recently given us more gym routines.
So, we train at the gym as much as we do on the tatami mat.
The referees focus on different things.
When I compete in a team,
the first thing they focus on is synchronisation
between the three athletes.
Their movements have to be identical.
So, that three people appear to be one.
They give points for speed and strength.
Karate is a martial art; you learn to defend yourself
and attack back.
So the action must be fast, explosive and strong.
Karate is a martial art founded on discipline.
It has made me the person I am today,
both personally and professionally.
Discipline helps you with everything.
It helps with work, while training and fighting
without losing your focus.
Going to the Olympics is not something
I have thought about just yet.
I want to take it slowly, step by step
always training, fighting and trying to get a place,
but even if they are challenging,
dreams are worth fighting for.
So, we will try and get there,
if we win a medal then that will be perfect.
cat vaccination - g1a - comics - Duration: 0:46.
Frederico in: vaccination day
doctor, this vaccine
it improves your immunity
it means I will live longer?
I will eat wet food for a longer time?
so give it soon... before I regret!
FEDERAL 5237 Results - Duration: 1:16.
Des remèdes naturels contre l'asthme-remede naturel - Duration: 4:58.
Shark Island Board Games ㅣ RabbitPlay - Duration: 7:38.
Shark Island Board Games ㅣ RabbitPlay
Funny eating show, noodle, toy ,kids, PORORO, Cook, family fun.RIWORLD - Duration: 5:42.
Oh my stomach
It is so so good
Please give some noodle~
Just onec
No~ Teas-ya
I can eat when you are sleeping
Oh there is just one cup noodle
What am I supposed to do?
Don't eat!
RIWON will disappoint to you
Quickly!! before she get up
I made my decision
I am going to eat right now
So delicious~
What is this smell?
Ah~ my PORORO noodle~
How could you eat all my PORORO noodle?
It is just only one left
Sorry RIWON~
I was so hungry~
I found it!
So, cook this noodle right now
Now, I am start to eat all PORORO noodle
Can I eat this noodle together?
Of course you can
So delicious
I am full daddy
we eat too much noodle
Oh! my stomach
Luan Santana fala se é gay e entrevista impressiona - Duration: 2:29.
O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Sophia tem mistério escondido de morte e prostituição - Duration: 2:50.
'Bons jornalistas não acreditam em Deus', diz Bial, e Tralli rebate: 'Eu creio' - Duration: 2:36.
ESPECIAIS - Flávia se irrita com críticas de Matheus: "Dá um tempo, garoto" - Duration: 3:36.
ESPECIAIS - Ticiane revela presente luxuoso de Ana Hickman a madrinhas de casamento - Duration: 1:49.
Marina Silva é declarada oficialmente pré-candidata a presidente pela Rede - Duration: 2:34.
The History of Coffee, as told ...
WEIRDEST PHONE CALLS WE EVER GOT #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:56.
From an aggressive pizza order to a granny looking for a date, the Planet Dolan crew
re-enacts some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the weirdest phone calls
people have ever received.
I'm Hellbent/Melissa, and today I'll be your narrator.
Number 10 was Submitted by nicolai_PRC Grgak Grgak went to a party with his best friend.
His friend isn't usually a heavy drinker so after a few, he was completely smashed.
Grgak didn't drink at all and drove him home.
The next morning Grgak got a phone call from him.
Panicked and crying he said, "Help man.
There's a cookie cutter stuck up my ass!"
Supposedly, while he was drunk, he shoved a star-shaped cookie cutter up his ass thinking
it would make his shit look like a star.
Number 9 was Submitted by Tony_TM Zaraganba Zaraganba was really excited to get his new
phone and his new number... until he started getting calls for Papa John's Pizza.
One time a guy called and said he wanted a carryout large cheese pizza as soon as Zaraganba
said hello.
When Zaraganba said he was not Papa John's, the guy got mad and started to cuss him out
for being rude to a "paying customer."
Zaraganba said again that he had the wrong number, and hung up.
That led to dozens of calls and voice mails about reporting him to the police and getting
him fired.
Eventually, Zaraganba picked up again and said, "what do you want from me?"
He said he wanted an apology and a free pizza with store credit and bread sticks.
Zaraganba told him again it was the wrong number.
The man protested again and recited the phone number he was trying to call – it was one
digit off from Zaraganba's.
Zaraganba said as much and told him to check his caller ID.
After a long pause, the man hung up and never called again.
Number 8 was Submitted by ChrisWDow JamesShark One night, JamesShark was on the couch eating
dinner and watching The Simpsons with his dad.
It was business as usual until the phone rang.
The Caller ID said 911.
JamesShark had no idea why 911 would be calling HIM, so he picked up.
The voice on the other end said, "Hi, did somebody from this number just call 911?"
When JamesShark said no, they asked, "Are you the only one there?"
JamesShark said his dad was there with him.
"Ok, have a nice day," they said, and then hung up.
Nobody ever showed up at their house to check up on the place or anything.
JamesShark could have been a murderer answering and giving BS answers to her questions.
Number 7 was Submitted by BaconPancakes10 Tolop
When Tolop was 13, he got a phone call when he was home alone.
The stranger on the phone said he sold security systems.
He asked if his parents were home, and if his house had a security system.
Tolop said no to both questions, and the man said "OK," and hung up.
Tolop immediately realized that he just told a stranger that his house was defenceless.
So he immediately checked the locks on all the doors and windows, grabbed a kitchen knife,
and locked himself in his bedroom.
None of Tolop's neighbors were home, and there was a strange van parked down the road with
someone in it.
Tolop kept watching, but nobody entered or exited the van.
Eventually, the van just drove away.
Number 6 was Submitted by Sugarygirlforfun Doopie
The weirdest phone call Doopie ever got was in her freshman year of high school.
She thought she had turned off her phone, but it rang in class.
The teacher said, "well, answer it.
Right here.
Right now."
So Doopie stood up, and answered her phone.
And a man on the other end just said, "Wanna have sex?"
Doopie screamed and dropped the phone on her desk.
Her teacher asked what happened.
Doopie screamed, "There is a crazy man on the other side of that fucking phone!"
She explained what happened to her teacher, and she never got another call from that number
Number 5 was Submitted by Pingutheamazing Dolan
Someone once called Dolan at 3 in the morning to ask if he was still selling the pigs?
Dolan didn't live on a farm or anywhere that required him to own or sell pigs.
He politely told the man he had the wrong number.
The man then actually asked if he was speaking to Dolan.
Completely confused, Dolan said yes.
The man then went into details about him not being able to get a hold of Dolan because
he got arrested again and just been released.
But apparently, he was still willing to take the pigs if Dolan was still selling them.
Dolan never found out who it was or if it was some kind of prank.
Number 4 was Submitted by AwesomeMarioBros455 Robo
Robo got a call from a number she didn't know one day.
She picked it up and heard what sounded like an old man say, "Who is this?"
Robo said, "YOU called ME," to which the man replied, "Guinevere?
Is that you?
I thought you were dead, but you must've come back for me, right?
I still have the knife I killed you with, good times, gooooood times!"
Robo put the phone down and screamed "OH HEEELLL NOOO!"
Robo hung up, deleted the number, and turned her phone completely off.
Two months later, the same old man called again, with the same message.
But that time, the woman was named "Rachel."
That's when Robo decided to get a new phone and change the number.
Number 3 was Submitted by ArguzTheBeast Spinalpalm SpinalPalm was playing World of Warcraft one
day when his phone started ringing.
On the phone was an old lady who said that she was 53 years old, had 2 kids and 3 grandkids,
and wanted to meet him.
SpinalPalm was confused and told her that she had the wrong number.
But she knew SpinalPalm's name and said she wanted to have a relationship.
He got even more confused and hung up the call assuming it was a prank.
The old lady called 27 more times that day.
Two days later, SpinalPalm's little brother told him that he put SpinalPalm's name and
phone number on a dating page and set the age he was looking for to 65+.
Number 2 was Submitted by fangirlian Andie One time Andie was in her room watching Netflix,
when she received a phone call.
She hesitated to pick it up because it was an unknown number but she did.
She instantly regretted it when an old-sounding lady said, "Hello deary, could you run to
the closet and bring me some toilet paper?"
Andie was completely confused and asked, "excuse me?"
The old lady sounded annoyed and said, "I said get me some goddamn toilet paper child!
And hurry.. it's runny.."
Andie was shocked and quickly hung up and ran to her bathroom to make sure the lady
wasn't in there.
Number 1 – What's the weirdest phone call I
ever got?
Renault Clio Estate 1.2 TCe Intens 120 PK 6-bak | Parkeerassistent en Camera | Half Leder | R-Link n - Duration: 1:01.
TOP 10 SUPERHERO/VILLAIN REFERENCES In League of Legends - Duration: 4:50.
Greetings you evil hamsters, it's Remus here and like I said before, there are a lot of
references in League of Legends, we checked Game of Thrones and Creepy easter eggs in
previous videos, and in this one, we are taking a look at 10 super heroes and villains references
in no particular order.
There's also another RP giveaway, so leave a like, subscribe, turn on the christmas bell
notifications and leave a comment below, and let's begin!
At number 10 we have Cryocore Brand that is a pretty clear reference to Mr. Freeze from
Batman, the costume looks quite similar and the fire turning blue, let's say it's frost
Also another Brand skin is similar to Ghost Rider, Vandal Brand, with the emphasis on
the flame on his head and the jacket with spikes, I think it's a good chance this is
a callout to him.
Next there is Sivir, with her skin Spectacular Sivir in particular, that is really resembling
Wonder Woman, from the general look to the hair and the armor as well as the colors used
on the armor, this is a quite obvious reference and I really like this one, plus this is not
the only Sivir skin that's a reference, the warrior princess one is a reference to Xena.
Then we have a very nice one at number 8, Zyra is definitly inspired from Poison Ivy,
the body, the red hair, the colors and the power to use plants, those 2 are definitly
similar, and Riot seems to enjoy DC quite a lot.
Another quite obvious and straight forward reference is the Toxic Mundo skin, referencing
Both of them are huge powerfull guys, a bit dumb, and were doctors before they got transformed,
too bad Mundo can't come back to his human form, or maybe he's too mad at feeders all
the time.
Next at number 6 we have another DC reference, this time Augmented Singed, that is a reference
to Bane from Batman.
Even the color of the toxin on his back is green like the Titan one, and both are connected
to their veins using cables to make them stronger, but ruin their health and skin.
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At number 5, a more subtle but still noticeable reference would be Deadly Kennen's skin to
Deadpool, using very similar colors and patters, and since if he dies he gets respawned at
base after a few seconds we can say Kennen is also immortal.
A few X-men references are also present in the game, and the most obvious one is Twisted
Fate, that is definitly inspired from Gambit.
Both of them using magic to manipulate cards into doing what they want, they look and feel
very alike.
Number 3 is taken by the Joker and our friend Shaco, 2 evil and criminal clowns with creepy
smiles, weapons and traps like the jack in the box, it's quite safe to say they are resembling
each other.
And if we have the Joker, we also have Harley Quinn, in the form of Jinx, both quite crazy
insane and insane crazy, looking pretty similar apart from 2 things being bigger or smaller
and using plenty of weapons for the enjoyment of destruction.
Too bad we don't have a Bruce Swain in the game or any clear Batman reference.
And finally on this list, another X-men reference, Janna, and in particular Tempest Janna and
Both manipulating the weather and using it as a weapon and they look a bit similar, especially
in the tempest splash art.
And that's it for the big ones, I think those are all the bigger and clearer references,
there might be more inspirations like Renekton and Killer Croc, but he's more likely an adaptation
of the Egyptian God Sobek, like Nasus is a reference to Anubis and Azir to Ra.
You could also say that Fiddlesticks is similar to Scarecrow from DC, or that Sion could be
Solomon Grundy, but those might be a bit too far stretched.
Like I said there's a ton of other references, like Graves immitating Hugh Jackman in the
pool party skin, Veigar Greybeard and Ryze Whitebeard being Gandalf, Swamp Master Kennen
is Yoda, 2 Shen skins immitating Skorpion and Sub Zero and Stinger Akali Kill-Bill,
but I think those are all the big super hero and villain easter eggs.
If you think of another one that could be a reference that I didn't include, post it
in the comments, also let me know if you want another references video, since you guys liked
the last one, and what should we cover in the next one!
Until next time, thanks for watching, and I will see you soon, bye bye.
How I Make Money Online
Super Full Moon In Gemini, December 3, 2017 – Illuminating The T - Duration: 4:39.
Super Full Moon In Gemini, December 3, 2017 � Illuminating The Truth
by Tanaaz
December is a big month in astrology as there are a lot of changes and shifts taking place.
These changes and shifts are really going to help shower us with a new energy and a
new outlook for the year ahead.
The last Full Moon for 2017, falls in the air sign of Gemini on December 3, the same
day that Mercury goes retrograde.
This Full Moon is also a Super Moon, which means its energy is going to be amplified.
Even though December�s Full Moon is an extremely powerful Super Moon, the presence of Mercury
retrograde is going to be holding the energy back and slowing down how it is delivered
to us.
During this time, we may feel like we are taking two steps forward and one step back.
We may also feel a bit stuck or stagnant.
It is important to honor this energy however, for it seems that this Full Moon may be helping
to bring things to the surface.
If there are things that you need to hear or even secrets that need to be revealed,
this Full Moon is definitely going to be shining a light so you can see the truth.
This Full Moon is all about illuminating the truth, especially when it comes to how you
communicate, and your true motives and intentions.
If you or someone you know has been holding back the truth or doing things for the wrong
reasons, this Full Moon may force things to rise up to the surface.
The truth is going to be revealed, so be patient and allow things to unfold under the presence
of this energy.
Whatever truths serve your highest good are going to come to the light, so be open and
know that the truth can really set you free.
You may find this energy playing out the most when it comes to your relationships.
This includes romantic relationships but also the relationships you have with your coworkers,
friends, and family.
If there is a truth that needs to come to the surface, this Full Moon is definitely
going to be a trigger.
Seeing as Mercury is retrograde, it is going to be really important to think before speaking.
When you speak from a truthful place you will have nothing to worry about, but if you speak
from a place of ego or defensiveness, things may be trickier to work through.
Just trust whatever unfolds and know that if a truth is revealed or if some new information
does come to the surface, it is only for your highest good.
In fact, there is a lot of positive energy surrounding this Full Moon and it seems that
it really is going to be helping us to step into our fullest potential.
2017 has carried the theme of new beginnings, and it seems that this Full Moon is really
the end point to that energy.
The process between the old and the new has definitely been challenging and may have resulted
in huge life changes, but this energy is slowly going to be fading.
As the culmination point to all of this energy, really use the Full Moon as an opportunity
to celebrate just how far you have come and to congratulate yourself for this new beginning.
The new beginning delivered to you may or may not have been what you wanted, but no
matter what has been sent your way, try to find the gratitude in it all and trust the
bigger picture.
Everything that is sent your way is a lesson and even though it can sometimes feel unfair
or painful, we all have to remember that we are forever beings on a temporary journey.
Our lives are just a temporary moment in time and we are here to learn, grow and live the
best we can during the moments we have been given.
Use the energy of this Full Moon to celebrate yourself and your life, no matter what new
beginning has come your way.
The Gemini Super Full Moon is all about connecting with the truth and that includes the truth
of who you really are.
You are a timeless, spaceless, ageless being that lives inside a temporary vessel that
is here for a journey of learning how to love yourself more, love the planet more and love
one another more.
On-Screen Chemistry That Made Our Skin Crawl - Duration: 4:46.
Chemistry: either you have it or you don't.
And when chemistry between actors is sorely lacking, it's painfully obvious and a chore
for viewers to endure.
After all, chemistry is the heat, steam, and tension that makes an on-screen romance feel
Here are some high-profile pairings that simply failed to click.
Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp
On paper, you'd expect Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp's chemistry to be off the charts.
But their heat was nil in their 2010 flop The Tourist.
"What awaits me?"
"Trouble, certainly."
"Oh yeah."
It just goes to show: even if your stars are insanely attractive, your film won't generate
any on-screen fireworks if it's stuck with a crappy script.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan
Gatsby and Daisy's fictional love story in The Great Gatsby is one for the ages.
In the most recent film adaptation, the characters are played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey
Mulligan, two beautiful people...who fail to ignite any sparks whatsoever.
The film has amazing visuals, but the romance at the heart of the film just sputters.
Each actor is insanely talented, but they're passion-free when paired.
Taylor Schilling and Laura Prepon
Some might consider such a statement blasphemous, but Taylor Schilling and Laura Prepon lack
serious chemistry as Piper and Alex in the jailhouse series Orange is the New Black.
Their conversations are so snarky and there's enough baggage between them that they could
fill an airport.
There doesn't feel like any real lust or longing between these two, and their relationship
feels largely like a matter of circumstance and convenience.
"I had a chance to make a life!"
"Okay, you need to shut up."
Sarah Jessica Parker and Mikhail Baryshnikov
While most Sex and the City devotees of the series think Carrie Bradshaw's best chemistry
is with her eventual husband Mr. Big, their romance eventually feels more about the witty
repartee than generating any real sparks.
But before she gets her man, Carrie dates Aleksandr, played by dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov,
and even moves to Paris with him.
It was shocking at the time, mostly because their chemistry is ice cold.
Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise
Because she usually embodies the fun party girl in her other roles, maybe it's the fact
that Diaz plays a psycho ex-girlfriend in Vanilla Sky that's so unsettling about her
performance here.
Or maybe it's that she and Tom Cruise were thrown together as a plot device that led
to them having no heat, despite the fact that they were two of the biggest A-listers on
the planet when they starred in this film.
Whatever the reason for their utter lack of sizzle, it's pretty fitting that this boring
couple starred in a movie with the word "vanilla" in the title.
Jennifer Aniston and Matt LeBlanc
When Jennifer Aniston's Rachel was paired with Matt LeBlanc's Joey on Friends, it was
a sacrilege.
Viewers knew Rachel belonged with with David Schwimmer's Ross, but the writers, following
convention, had to find creative ways to keep them apart so that they could eventually have
the big reunion.
But Rachel and Joey as romantic partners was a total snoozefest.
"I've been thinking about, y'know, 'us.'
Okay, dial it up a little."
Aniston and LeBlanc had absolutely no heat and their characters had nothing in common.
They were better as, well, friends.
This small screen romance was scorch-less.
Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl
Sure, the success of Knocked Up hinges on the premise that a buttoned up, ladder-climbing
professional woman gets, y'know, knocked up by a sloppy slacker after a drunken one-night
But Rogen and Heigl still exhibit nothing in the way of charisma together.
They're totally "blah" as a couple.
Heigl went on to famously diss the film's concept in her Vanity Fair cover story.
Her attitude may have even been prevalent while on-set, which could've led to a lack
of chemistry.
Good thing the comedy was more than enough to keep the good times rolling.
Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman
Forget Jar Jar, or the midichlorians—the worst part of the Star Wars prequels was this
pair of duds.
Christensen and Portman had chemistry colder than the vacuum of space in as Anakin and
Theirs has been universally regarded as a sizzle-free pairing.
Both felt a bit miscast, which likely led to the failure to click on the big screen.
Winona Ryder and Richard Gere
You might not remember the romantic tearjerker Autumn in New York, in which Ryder and Gere
play a May-December couple, because it flopped pretty hard.
There's no two ways about it: the couple's chemistry is completely lackluster and they're
simply unbelievable as a pairing.
And the storyline itself, about a young, terminally ill girl making a middle-aged, onetime hunk
appreciate his life even more, is so tired.
It's all fizzle, no sizzle.
"Alright, didn't anyone ever tell you it was bad manners to stare at a girl while she's
eating like a pig?"
Thanks for watching!
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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!
[SFM/FNAF] Heaven Help Us - Duration: 3:04.
Or kill us all
Hear the sound.
The angels come
Down your voice
I hear you've been bleeding
Make your choice
They say you've been pleading
Someone save us
Heaven help us now
Come crashing down
We'll hear the sound
As you're falling down
I'm at this old hotel
But can't tell if I've been breathing or sleeping
or screaming or waiting for the man to call
And maybe all of the above
'Cause mostly I've been sprawled on these cathedral steps
While spitting out the blood and screaming
Someone save us!
Heaven help us now
Come crashing down
We'll hear the sound
As you're falling down
And will you pray for me?
Or make a saint of me?
And will you lay for me?
Or make saint?
'Cause I'll give you all the nails you need
Cover me in gasoline
Wipe away those tears of blood again
And the punchline to the joke is asking
Someone save us
Heaven help us now
Come crashing down
We'll hear the sound
As you fall
And would you pray for me? (You don't know a thing about my sins)
(How the misery begins) Or make a saint of me?
(You don't know) (So I'm burning, I'm burning)
And will you lay for me? (You don't know a thing about my sins)
(How the misery begins) Or make a saint?
(You don't know) ('Cause I'm burning, I'm burning)
('Cause I'm burning, I'm burning) 'Cause I'll give you all the nails you need
Cover me in gasoline again
Does Religion Destroy Spirituality - Duration: 6:16.
Does Religion Destroy Spirituality
By consciousreminder
The Qooest for spiritual truth is as old as human race itself.
The very first men and women searched for God and wondered what happens when we die.
These questions desperately begged for answers and inevitably brought the creation of the
first religions.
Since the beginning of civilization though, people can�t help but wonder.
Does Religion Destroy Spirituality or are they close friends and allies?
Does Religion Destroy Spirituality?
This question though is not easy to answer, because we base our opinions only to what
we currently know and not to what has truly happened.
However, in this article we will try to examine some valid points which make us believe that�s
After all, it�s not a secret that Witches don�t like to follow a certain religion
rather than create their own spiritual path.
On the other hand, we do believe that Religion has played a very important role in giving
shape to human spirituality.
Although, this was not always for better�
So, why Witches believe that Religion Destroys Spirituality?
1.Religion Claims is the Only Truth
Although this does not apply to all religions of the World, it surely applies to many.
To strongly believe that you follow the True Path to enlightenment is not a problem.
On the other hand, to believe that all others are mistaken or worse� doomed, is certainly
not a good thing.
Spirituality sets you free as it prompts you to use any available path.
�All Roads lead to Rome� as long as you follow certain virtues and laws like �harm
Religion thought does not agree.
You have to follow all its rules and follow certain leaders in order to achieve �enlightenment�.
Remember that the Great Library of Alexandria was first destroyed by Christian and then
Muslim fanatics, just because the Wisdom which was kept in its bookshelves did not match
with their sacred texts.
These narrow minded people caused the greatest loss of spiritual, magical and scientific
So if I ask you again �Does Religion Destroy Spirituality� you will probably say yes,
but let�s continue.
Religion is the Keeper of Mystical Knowledge
Especially Religions � that currently exist � have the tendency to be super cautious
regarding the free distribution of the magical and mystical knowledge they�ve acquired
thought centuries.
Because they probably want to keep all the magic for themselves.
Why did they begun the Witch Hunting in the first place?
Let�s take Catholicism for example.
Why on Earth would the Pope acquire and keep one of the darkest and most dangerous grimoires
on Earth?
The secrets they hide in Pope�s Secret Library are unimaginable.
Even from the time of Crusades, followers of the Pope acquired hidden and secret knowledge
along with magical artifacts only to destroy or deliver them to the �Holy See� himself.
Religion goes Hand-in-Hand with Authorities
Almost every Religion behaves as a governing �tool� of the masses, also known as Theocracy.
Throughout history, religions played a crucial role in establishing authority over vast empires.
At some point, religions were �custom� made or modified to deal with current issues.
It�s no secret that these institutions take advantage of people�s fear of the unknown.
They we led as sheep to slaughter only because their spiritual leaders said so.
People are eager to blindly follow orders for the promise of a better afterlife.
This is how religious wars, begun harvesting innumerable lives of innocent people.
Killing in the name of God.
How ironic�
Religion Justifies Discrimination
Although most religions preach the love of God(s) over all human race, they simultaneously
tend to divide societies into God�s favorite groups and to some who are not so favorite.
As if an all-wise Father or Mother would discriminate their own children.
Many social groups have been targeted by religions in history.
It makes no sense.
Any God or Goddess is pure Love.
The absence of Love equals hatred.
Therefore, Hatred is Evil.
Hence either Religions have mistaken their deities messages or the deities themselves
are not so good as we think they are.
Spirituality teaches acceptance and love without measure or boundaries.
Love is the essence of any path and the most fundamental truth.
It�s the particles Gods and Goddesses consist of.
Religion Asks you to Follow � Spirituality asks you to See for yourself
Many religions practice several spiritual ways in order to help an individual evolve
in their path.
However, most usually they are strict and forbid them to try any other practice.
For example, Yoga is forbidden in Christianity although it teaches the unity with the Divine
Does Religion Destroy Spirituality in this way?
Religions tend to be dogmatical.
They ask you to follow the Rules and believe without seeing or sensing.
Only if you follow the rules blindly you will be rewarded.
Spirituality on the other hand removes your blindfold and asks you to see for yourself.
Seeing is believing?
Not always but at least with spirituality you are not condemned to hell if you try to
perceive the Greatness of Creation.
So let me ask you.
What Do you believe?
Does Religion Destroy Spirituality?
Wendy + J-hope ||Wenhope|| I killed her. - Duration: 1:32.
REPORT: Hillary Clinton Offered Plea Deal By DOJ. - Duration: 3:58.
REPORT: Hillary Clinton Offered Plea Deal By DOJ.
You won't see THIS on CNN.
"The Justice Department has reopened the investigation of Hillary Clinton's mishandling
of classified material on her private email system while she was secretary of state, and
is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree to plead guilty to charges
of breaking the law, according to a Clinton attorney,"
Newsmax reports :
The discussion of a plea bargain took place late last month and was offered by a high-ranking
Justice Department official to the Clinton lawyer.
During the exploratory talks with the prosecutor, the Clinton attorney was told that despite
former FBI Director James Comey's decision last July not to prosecute Hillary, the Justice
Department has reexamined the email case and believes there are ample grounds for prosecuting
Hillary on a number of counts.
Under the Justice Department's plea offer, Hillary would be required to sign a document
admitting that she committed a prosecutable crime.
In return, the DOJ would agree not to bring charges against Hillary in connection with
the email probe.
Also as part of the agreement, the Justice Department would not proceed with an investigation
of Hillary's pay to play deals with foreign governments and businessmen who contributed
to the Clinton Foundation or who paid Bill Clinton exorbitant speaking fees.
The Clinton attorney cautioned that normally a plea is offered by a prosecutor only upon
arraignment, and Hillary has not yet been charged with any crime.
Watch the Video Confidential By Ed Klein :
what do you think about this?
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Top Stories Today.
Southern Kids Try Coke and Peanuts | Southern Living - Duration: 1:58.
(jazzy music)
What are we supposed to do?
What do we do with these?
Lot's of people like
to drink peanuts inside their Coca-Cola.
Will you try putting
the peanuts in the Coca-Cola?
It doesn't work.
(plastic crinkling)
You do it too.
(bottle tapping)
Go down. Get out.
Describe the taste?
It's like sweet Coke.
I wanna do yours for you.
Kinda weird.
Not bad.
Tastes very good.
I mean, yeah, it's good.
I could drink this.
(plastic crinkling)
Ew (laughing).
It doesn't blend well.
It tastes like throw up.
It's just a waste of peanuts.
What does it taste like?
It tasted like lemon.
Good or bad?
Would you want to have it again?
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Ex Obama DOJ official | Trump just Admitted to Obstruction of Justice | Breaking News Today
[Intro] Declutter With Me! // no. 1 - Duration: 10:22.
Half this footage is gonna get deleted
I can never tell if I'm in focus
I think its okay. Cause, it'll make my skin look nice.
But I just finished recording and realized that my audio wasn't recording. So you guys get to hear the crappy audio that's straight out of the camera
So I guess this is my first video. So I guess this will kind of be like a decluttering video.
Since it's been a while. And you can tell its kind of a mess here.
and kind of a self introduction.
so, hi I go by Ivy here on YouTube
This is a mess
Ohmygosh I can't do this
But today I'm just going to declutter
It's a mess right now, since its been a while since its like, been a while since I've cleaned this.
and I'm sorry if the light keeps changing
I'm in like in a really weird spot since I'm
MY EYES! {3 Colors Challenge!} MSP - Duration: 11:20.
You can exit out of the video now, I forgot to edit this part out ;-;
[Unboxing] iPhone 8 Plus Gold 開箱中字 - Duration: 4:50.
hey guys so i got my iphone today from the apple store right here in this bag so I'm
just gonna do a simple unboxing video very fast just to show you my iphone eight plus
here is my razor I actually don't need this design by apple from california
omg so it's been a long time since i've touch an iPhone like ages ago it's smaller than I thought
heres the cable charging thing and the earpods I'm so excited about the earpods the one I'm
using right now is from Samsung and I heard the earpods from apple is pretty nice
I've always wanted to get one but it's quite expensive the lighting cable charging thing my previous
phone is a Samsung phone and the one before that is also a Samsung phone from Galaxy
I mean a Galaxy phone from Samsung I'm not really sure I'm gonna get used to this I've used
iPhone4 before but I thought the Galaxy is more convenient so I didn't never thought about
buying an iPhone until this day right now so I have my case and screen protector but it hasn't
arrived yet so I'm gonna have to be careful and it's quite heavy here is my Note4 here
is my iPhone it's probably the glass part that is heavy okay I'm gonna unsealed this
here it goes ok now its the screen oh my gosh the back is so clean now I'm gonna turn this
on is it supposed to be like that I press the home button and it's like... flat you
don't feel the button when you press it it's like I mean...
You know what I mean?
It feels flat you don't feel like pressing on anything omgsh I mean I heard my brother's
iPhone the home button got really messed up it stopped working so I guess they upgraded
that part I mean I bought an iPad previously I bought an Ipad not long ago iPad pro and
the button doesn't feel anything like this one before getting the iPhone8 I was actually
choosing between the 7 and 8 after thinking about it why would you get an older phone
when there is a new genearation so I got the 8 and there is a wireless charging I charge
my phone beside the bed and everytime I wanna to look at my phone I would have to roll over
and because the the charging thing is so shortand its really annoying it says I have to download
this app call move to ios on my android device and I have the battery out that's kinda annyoying
to download this app ok I'll just start as a new phone why is the keyboard kinda small
it's not small they just don't have the number at the top I was actually gonna order my iPhone
online but then I'll have to wait for five days and that's just not gonna work for me
I'm not gonna wait for five days oh my gosh so the music is actually pretty loud and the
bass on this thing awesome! before this video ends I really wanna thank my friends and my
dad thank you guys for supporting me through these couples of the month and thank you guys
for all the emotional support.
UPDATE VIDEO 2 (w/English subtitles, CHECK THE DESCRIPTION) - Duration: 3:06.
Oh, hello and welcome back to my videos MrBluestar here (said w/incredible Hihg speed)
No videos in a long time i mean.
And i promised to explain and make a update video in last video with (English) subtitles.
And well, eh..
Mostly School.
As a first reason.
Have taken all my time.
Late with classes.. stress..
Rhythm is tumbled.
Could've not done videos and had too much rush with things.
And i really promised for this year lots of videos on the update video one i made at the beginning of the year. The first video i made this year.
And haven´t done much videos after that WOT´s mostly. Because those are easy make and fast when i have some time.
But real gameplay videos have been none (this year) and..
..maybe i can do those more rest of the year!
And that´s where i am going.
Yeah.. What else i got in mind..?
So many games (have come this year) but not much ones i wanted to record for youtube.
Because.. well.. some kinds of (just was not the ones i wanted to record, god where were these words?)
But this i will say: i will do PROBABLY still this year Outlast 2..
("Full gameplay w/Livestream" just to clarify Finglish for my English knowing ppl)
As parts or full, depends how long the game is.
I´ll do it on..
Twitch or.. eh Youtube, yeah Youtube (not really Twitch it is)
Don´t know when..
I´ll see when i got time and how i can do it.
At least now it´s a good time because.. (bcs winter)
it´s dark and clock is like..
2PM and it´s already this dark.
It´s grim weather but still.
And there´s been so many movies and series had to keep so.. (blackout)
Had to keep much.. Eh what is that word? (KEEP TRACK ON THEM, MORON)
Hard.. (D ahahahaha funny thinking u of that)
(oh now u said it, u slowpoke)
Eh, you get it (WHAT U JUST GIVE UP? Oh well i said it anyway, jesus..)
But yeah..
Now i´ve been thinking what to play next, YOU CAN SUGGEST OF COURSE!
And and.. yeah..
This year´s just been going somehow.. (weirdly fast imo)
thanks for watching the video and we will see in the next video, bye!
(ENG: Did the video on hurry, so that´s why such a sloppy made update video)
I should put more efforts on these update videos.
ENG: (Oh yeah, that too.. :D)
VIDEO HD Original"Bin Bhatar Ke Hamra Nind Aawat Naikhe -Chandan Chanchal New Songs - Duration: 4:29.
New Bnagla Waz | Bisesh Parthona | Dinajpur | Sheikh Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf | 2017 [Full HD] - Duration: 1:27:12.
AK Computer Network
Have done this video
The ReStore Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:15.
wurm - Duration: 18:13.
Funny eating show, noodle, toy ,kids, PORORO, Cook, family fun.RIWORLD - Duration: 5:42.
Oh my stomach
It is so so good
Please give some noodle~
Just onec
No~ Teas-ya
I can eat when you are sleeping
Oh there is just one cup noodle
What am I supposed to do?
Don't eat!
RIWON will disappoint to you
Quickly!! before she get up
I made my decision
I am going to eat right now
So delicious~
What is this smell?
Ah~ my PORORO noodle~
How could you eat all my PORORO noodle?
It is just only one left
Sorry RIWON~
I was so hungry~
I found it!
So, cook this noodle right now
Now, I am start to eat all PORORO noodle
Can I eat this noodle together?
Of course you can
So delicious
I am full daddy
we eat too much noodle
Oh! my stomach
TVB最堅強媽咪,曾遭戀人背叛,婚後悉心照顧患罕有基因病的女兒,如今女兒用助行架走路,感動了自己也感動了全世界 - Duration: 4:41.
VAVA Voom 21 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker Review | Best Bluetooth Speaker Under $100 - Duration: 20:47.
Hey, welcome back. Today, we're going to be taking an in-depth look at the "Red Dot Design" award-winning
VAVA Voom 21 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker, coming up!
Heyyyy, Sean here with Trini Tech TV, On this channel, we do Tech Reviews | Unboxings
| Gadgets | Tutorials and Much More videos just like this one, so if you're new here,
consider subscribing.
At any point during the video, you can check out the show notes and links, in the description
"Feel free to check out my unboxing video of this very same Bluetooth speaker, the link
will be in the description below."
Now, let's get down to business!
If you've been looking for a great Bluetooth speaker, in the sub one hundred dollar category,
you've come to the right place.
Welcome to my review of the VAVA Voom 21 Wireless Bluetooth Speaker,
I purchased this Bluetooth speaker on March 28, 2017.
So, I've had it for a few months now, I wanted to use it for an extended period before
making a review video.
I came across many other really good Bluetooth speakers with great reviews, but there was
always something which ended up being a deal breaker for me.
They were either too expensive, had bad battery life, had very little bass "I really like bass :-)",
had poor sound quality, had poor connectivity, had poor aesthetics etc.
As you may notice, I am very picky when it comes to the things that I decide to purchase.
I have over 25 years of combined experience in the car audio and pro audio fields.
I'm also a huge lover of many genres of music, my collection includes everything from
Soca, Calypso, Reggae, Rockers, Dub, Dance Hall, Hip Hop, Rap, Gospel, Pop, Slow Rock,
Metal, Blues, RnB, Soul, Dance, Techno, Trance, and Classical, just to name a few,
so you see, I needed a Bluetooth speaker with a wide frequency and dynamic range,
not to mention some sweet bass.
The Design While researching a multitude of Bluetooth
speakers from multiple brands over the months, one of the main things that really caught
my eye was the unique design of the VAVA Voom 21.
In a sea of boxy designs, this really stood out to me.
The design of the VAVA Voom 21 is simply brilliant, the end to end steel mesh grille design on
the back and front looks really modern and clean.
All of the buttons are located at the top of the device.
At the left are the power button and 3 LED notification lights.
These lights indicate how much power is left in the unit's battery.
Near the center is a Bluetooth indicator LED, a Bluetooth button, a hands-free button, and
an equalizer button.
At the right, we have the NFC contact area which is indicated by the NFC logo, the play/pause button,
and the volume down and up buttons, all of which offer a really nice tactile feel
and audible click when depressed.
The bottom of the Bluetooth speaker contains some identifying information on the rubber
pad which covers the entire bottom of the unit.
There are also integrated rubber feet to keep it from sliding around.
This is one very capable little Bluetooth speaker.
The last time that I checked on, the VAVA Voom 21 had over eleven hundred reviews
with a 4.5 star rating which is really impressive.
You can check it out for yourself via the link in the description.
The Sound The sound signature is simply amazing.
There are two 40 mm speakers that are mounted at a slight outward angle in order to maximize
channel separation, and produce a wide stereo sound.
There is also a dedicated 70 mm Subwoofer, which for me is a must-have.
Having a dedicated subwoofer is a great advantage as it handles all of the bass duties
which takes that burden away from the satellites whose job is to deliver the mid-bass and high frequencies.
the benefits of which is overall better power handling and audio clarity.
There are also two 65mm Passive Radiators at the back of the unit,
"a passive radiator speaker is a simple device that increases the low-frequency response (Bass) of a speaker system.
When used properly, a passive radiator can give a speaker system the comparable performance characteristics of a much larger system"
I hope that I'm not getting too technical,
but I want you to fully understand just how unique this little device really is.
At this point, I was fairly confident that this was the Bluetooth speaker that I was
looking for all along from an audio standpoint.
The Technology The VAVA Voom 21 sounds great, but this little
device has a few more tricks up its sleeves.
There's a lot of technology packed under the hood of the VAVA Voom 21, it comes equipped
with Bluetooth Version 4.0 in addition to EDR, "EDR stands for Enhanced Data Rates,
and is an optional part of the Bluetooth wireless networking standard that is used in mobile
phones and other electronic devices".
Bluetooth with EDR allows more data to be transferred more quickly from one device to the other.
The Bluetooth Profiles "A2DP, AVRCP, HSP, HFP and AAC" are all supported.
The maximum stated Operating Range is "Up to 33ft / 10m" but I've personally been
able to get over 46ft without line of sight.
I was really impressed with this, especially considering that there was no noticeable degradation of the audio.
Pair up with two devices at once You can pair the VAVA Voom 21 with up to two
devices at the same time.
Although only one of them can play music at any time, you can easily switch devices without
going through the pairing process again.
To switch between the two devices, simply pause the music on one device and start playing
on the other.
I have personally tested this feature, and it works pretty well, I paired a Samsung Galaxy
J7 as a multimedia device while I pairing a Samsung Galaxy Note 5 for making and answering
calls, which brings me to the built-in microphone.
Take calls directly from the speaker There's a built-in microphone with Noise
Cancellation for Hands-free calling,
I had my wife help me test this feature, and she said that the voice quality was great;
she could not tell the difference between me talking though the microphone on the Bluetooth speaker
or the microphone on the cell phone itself.
Besides Bluetooth 4.0, the device also comes with built-in NFC and an included 3.5mm audio cable for further connectivity options.
What Is NFC?
Near Field Communication (NFC) is a standards-based short-range wireless connectivity technology
that makes life easier and more convenient for consumers around the world by making it
simpler to make transactions, exchange digital content, and connect electronic devices with a touch.
NFC is compatible with hundreds of millions of contactless cards and readers already deployed worldwide.
Simply put, NFC allows you to connect by simply touching two devices to each other.
1. Ensure that NFC is enabled on your mobile phone.
2. Locate and gently touch the NFC zone on your mobile phone against the NFC zone on the VAVA
Voom and "there you go", you're connected.
To learn more about the vast possibilities of NFC; there will be a link to an educational
video in the description below.
The VAVA Voom 21 also comes with "aptX" technology on-board.
What is aptX?
The aptX codec has been the secret weapon of the music industry, public broadcasters
and film studios for many years because of its ability to deliver CD-like quality.
Bluetooth® is limited by a maximum available bandwidth so it's not always suitable for delivering high-quality audio.
aptX has revolutionized the Bluetooth® Stereo listening experience by significantly reducing
the bit rate without affecting the audio quality or introducing latency issues.
Some of the key features of aptX are:
• Outstanding Bluetooth® Stereo audio quality that faithfully reproduces the full audio bandwidth.
• Low audio coding delay that minimizes latency and audio/video synchronization issues.
• Backward compatibility that keeps the music flowing when aptX is unavailable.
To learn more about the aptX codec; there will be a link to an educational video in
the description below.
Equalizer Settings: The VAVA Voom is automatically set to standard
sound every time it is turned on.
Press the equalizer button to cycle through its three equalizer modes:
Standard, Party and Surround
• Standard: Has a more balanced sound.
• Party: Has more emphasis on bass and high volume.
• Surround: Sounds as though the audio is coming from every direction.
I rarely use the equalizer, as I've found that "Standard mode" really is well balanced
for most genres of music that I listen to, it even sounds great for dialogue, podcasts, audio books etc.
3.5mm AUX Connection: If Bluetooth is not available, you can connect
to other music devices via the included 3.5mm AUX cable.
Note: When connected in AUX mode, Bluetooth connection is temporarily disabled.
Also, the built-in microphone on the VAVA Voom will not work with an AUX connection.
Battery Level: There are 3 LED notification lights just to
the left of the power button.
• 3 LEDs = 67 – 100% battery • 2 LEDs = 33 – 67% battery
• 1 LED = 1 – 33% battery
Note: When the battery level is low, the VAVA Voom 21 will start beeping "which is a very convenient feature".
Battery Life:
The VAVA Voom boasts a 10-hour battery life, with its 6700mAh lithium-ion battery, which
I can personally vouch for (when used at low to medium volume levels).
Note: Music with thumping bass, when played at high volume levels will generally see shorter battery life.
Built-in Power Bank: The VAVA also has a built-in power bank which
can be used to recharge your mobile device via its full-sized USB port (USB Output 5V/1A).
This is great if you're ever stuck in an emergency situation or a power outage.
No Distortion at high Volume Levels: This is a great feature that's usually found
on really high-end sound systems.
Even at 100% volume level, the VAVA sounds pretty clean.
The only time that I noticed any distortion, was when the source was outputting a distorted signal.
Charging: There are two ways to charge the VAVA Voom 21:
1. Via power adapter and the 15V DC charging port (Recommended).
Option two:
2. Using a micro-USB cable and USB charging adapter.
(Please make sure the charging current is at least 1A).
Charging Time is approximately 3 hrs via the (15V DC Power) / 8 hrs (Micro USB).
Product Dimensions and Weight The VAVA Voom 21's dimensions are approximately
3.9 x 2.1 x 9.2 in / 10 x 4.5 x 24 cm, and it weighs in at about 1.76 lbs / 850 grams.
This is one solidly built piece of kit.
It feels fairly heavy, but not too heavy (if you know what I mean).
What's in the box?
• VAVA Voom Bluetooth Speaker • Micro-USB Cable
• 3.5mm Audio Cable • 15V DC Power Adapter
• Documentation
Conclusion I know that it's been a pretty long review,
but I really wanted to give you as much good information as I can.
I wanted to answer any questions that you may have had about the VAVA Voom 21.
Now it's time to wrap it up with the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
The Good The design: This is one really good-looking
Bluetooth speaker with a timeless design.
Build quality: It's solidly built with no rattles whatsoever, even at high volume levels.
Sound quality: The sound is well balanced at the default setting, and is well-suited
for most genres of music.
Equalizer: Just having this feature is welcome, as most Bluetooth speakers don't offer this.
NFC integration: This is a really nice feature not seen on many Bluetooth speakers.
aptX technology: This is a must-have for me when purchasing a new Bluetooth audio device.
Hands-free calling: This is a huge bonus that works really well.
3.5mm AUX input: A welcome feature for use with non-Bluetooth devices.
Built-In power bank: Great added feature seldom seen on others.
Able to Pair two devices at once: This is another seldom seen feature on most Bluetooth speakers.
Battery life: The 10hr runtime is really good; you can even exceed this if listening to something
less demanding on the battery like a podcast or some other spoken-word, at moderate volume.
The bad Speaker movement: Sometimes the speaker tends
to move about a bit while playing tunes with heavy thumping bass at high volume levels.
I'm being really nit-picky now.
The Ugly There is nothing to see here!
Bonus Tip!
If you would like to hear your VAVA Voom 21 in all of its glory, with even more bass emphasis,
simply place the unit in a corner of the room.
This will greatly amplify the sound waves.
Personally speaking, I think that VAVA did a great job.
I'm very impressed, and very pleased with my purchase.
I've had no issues whatsoever
Keep a lookout right here on this channel
for more videos just like this one, coming soon.
Also, check out our website at "Trini Tech TV dot com" for an in-depth written review
of everything that you see on this channel.
Once you see an item on this channel, there will definitely be an in-depth written review on the website
because I usually do the website review first and then the videos follow
so definitely check the website for a lot more information
Don't forget to check the Description for links to everything that I speak about and a lot more additional info as well.
ramble ramble :-)
Question What do you think about my very first product review video on this channel?
I'm not accustomed to being in front of a camera, I'm very new to this
ramble ramble :-)
Let me know the comment section below.
Thanks for watching, I really hope that you enjoyed your time here, and hope that the video was informative,
and helped you in making a decision on a Bluetooth speaker
Consider Subscribing to see more videos just like this, and don't forget to click the
little bell icon, in order to be notified every time we upload a new video.
So until next time, you take care, and I'll see you in the next video.
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