Sunday, December 3, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 3 2017

Barbara, grazie per l'invito, sono contento di essere qui

perchè il tutto è stato veramente ben organizzato ed ho apprezzato l'esperienza in generale

Grazie mille, grazie per aver accettato.

A questo punto, questa è una ICO che arriva da una società che ha già costruito il suo nome

che è già ben conosciuta, è in qualche modo qualcosa di diverso rispetto a quello che siamo abituati a vedere nel campo delle crypto.

La mia domanda è: ora avete deciso di entrare nelle crypto ed utilizzare un token

è abbastanza ovvio il perchè,

ma come mai avete scelto di crearne uno nuovo? Invece di utilizzarne

uno esistente, forse non Bitcoin perchè ne conosciamo le difficoltà, ma magari un altro.

E' davvero una buona domanda.

Prima di tutto noi vogliamo creare la Cryptocurrency per gli influencers e per il mercato degli influencers.

E' anche legato alla volatilità.

Per questo abbiamo preferito avere il nostro token, che possa riflettere la crescita della nostra azienda

E la crescita nel mercato degli influencers in generale.

Per esempio, comparando i quadrimestri di quest'anno con quelli del precedente.

La crescita è stata quasi del 300%

e il valore del mercato degli influencers

è previsto essere tra i 5 e i 10 milioni per il 2020

Quindi vogliamo che questa particolare cryptocurrecy, IndaHash, possa rifletterlo.

Quindi per collegare l'immagine dell'azienda

a qualcosa creato in questo settore (crypto), che cresce sempre di più.

Sì, ed anche per essere La Cryptocurrency per gli influencers e per il mercato degli influencers, allo stesso tempo.

Per essere identificati anche lì con quel nome

e non essere associati a qualcosaltro di già esistente. Ha senso.

L´altra domanda è..Non so se puoi rispondere, ma..

molti spettatori si chiedono quando verrà listata su qualche exchange,

se già avete contatti con qualche grande exchange e come sarà pianificato il post ICO.

La nostra roadmap è Dicembre-Gennaio, quindi alla fine di Gennaio vogliamo essere listati (su Exchanges).

Non posso rilasciare più dettagli.

Quindi ci sono già dei piani o dei contratti fatti?

Non posso rilasciare niente, ma vogliamo essere listati per la fine di Gennaio.

Ok, è questa è ancora più difficile da rispondere..

Ora il prezzo di acquisto per la prima settimana della ICO è

per 1 Ether avremo 3840 IndaHash tokens (IDH)

Questo è calcolato per essere il 20% in più rispetto a quello che si avrebbe nelle fasi finali della ICO.

Quindi, come sempre è un bonus e un vantaggio arrivare nelle fasi iniziali.

Esatto, perchè la prima settimana c'è il 20% di bonus. La seconda il 10% e nell'ultima nessuno.

Quindi, avete qualche attesa sui numeri o qualche cifra che prevedete di raggiungere?

Questa è un azienda ed un progetto a lungo termine,

la vedo così perchè questa è un'azienda consolidata e non una di quelle ICO

che pompano parecchio solo all'inizio,

ma è qui per starci (a lungo).

Quindi la domanda è se avete un'idea dei numeri che volete raggiungere, ad esempio tra un anno.

Sicuramente abbiamo dei piani. Vogliamo continuare a crescere. In realtà non posso dire di più..

ma abbiamo una roadmap nel nostro whitepaper. Vogliamo aprirci a nuovi mercati.

posizionare nuovi uffici in altre zone.

vogliamo introdurre le funzionalità di pagamento,

vogliamo implementare IndaHash coin per la fine del primo trimestre del prossimo anno.

Quindi entro Marzo 2018.

Vogliamo anche dare la possibilità agli influencers di creare i loro tokens per ripagare i followers.

Abbiamo tanti piani, direi che è abbastanza intenso.

E penso che la differenza principale è che abbiamo un business che già funziona, una app che funiona,

abbiamo un team, che hai incontrato oggi per la gran parte.

Quindi ci sono tante cose su cui noi abbiamo già lavorato.

Non è solo un white paper, ma c'è un business già funzionante a cui vogliamo fornire un token.

E riguardo all'Italia?

Abbiamo una campagna in Italia.

non lo sapevo.

Sì, sì, abbiamo due campagne (pubblicitarie) già attive in Italia.

Quindi è già nei piani di espandersi, ma questo è anche dimostrato dal fatto che io sono qui!

Queste erano le domande che volevo farti.

Giusto un paio e non di più perchè ho già avuto modo di visionare l'azienda e tutto il resto.

Sembra tutto ben consolidato e mi è piaciuto ciò che ho avuto modo di vedere.

"Grazie mille!"

For more infomation >> Interview with Barbara Soltysinska - IndaHash - Duration: 6:01.


Meet the Press with Chuck Todd - Sunday Dec 03, 2017 | Flynn Flips - Duration: 44:58.

For more infomation >> Meet the Press with Chuck Todd - Sunday Dec 03, 2017 | Flynn Flips - Duration: 44:58.


Wonder Woman trailer EXCEPT there's no Wonder Woman - Duration: 1:17.

In a world where men are fighting other men. DC Comics presents WW2: The Movie.

For more infomation >> Wonder Woman trailer EXCEPT there's no Wonder Woman - Duration: 1:17.


Meet the female candidates ...

For more infomation >> Meet the female candidates ...


GFVip: le rivelazioni di Ignazio su Cecilia e Francesco Monte a 'Verissimo' - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> GFVip: le rivelazioni di Ignazio su Cecilia e Francesco Monte a 'Verissimo' - Duration: 3:56.


Collaborazione con Pezzali e Tiziano Ferro? L'annuncio di Gabbani - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Collaborazione con Pezzali e Tiziano Ferro? L'annuncio di Gabbani - Duration: 2:05.


Acqua di carciofo e limone per eliminare gli eccessi di acido urico dal corpo - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> Acqua di carciofo e limone per eliminare gli eccessi di acido urico dal corpo - Duration: 6:43.


Romina Carrisi Power al Costanzo Show il dolore per la sorella Ylenia e la separazione dei genitori - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Romina Carrisi Power al Costanzo Show il dolore per la sorella Ylenia e la separazione dei genitori - Duration: 3:31.





Os 6 melhores alimentos para perder peso - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Os 6 melhores alimentos para perder peso - Duration: 6:02.


a Verissimo Moser, Malgioglio, Flaherty, inoltre polemica Boldi per i film di Natale - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> a Verissimo Moser, Malgioglio, Flaherty, inoltre polemica Boldi per i film di Natale - Duration: 2:55.


femMina Vagante. Intervista al cast - CriminalMente D (S03 - P03) - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> femMina Vagante. Intervista al cast - CriminalMente D (S03 - P03) - Duration: 10:53.


Interview with Barbara Soltysinska - IndaHash - Duration: 6:01.

Barbara, grazie per l'invito, sono contento di essere qui

perchè il tutto è stato veramente ben organizzato ed ho apprezzato l'esperienza in generale

Grazie mille, grazie per aver accettato.

A questo punto, questa è una ICO che arriva da una società che ha già costruito il suo nome

che è già ben conosciuta, è in qualche modo qualcosa di diverso rispetto a quello che siamo abituati a vedere nel campo delle crypto.

La mia domanda è: ora avete deciso di entrare nelle crypto ed utilizzare un token

è abbastanza ovvio il perchè,

ma come mai avete scelto di crearne uno nuovo? Invece di utilizzarne

uno esistente, forse non Bitcoin perchè ne conosciamo le difficoltà, ma magari un altro.

E' davvero una buona domanda.

Prima di tutto noi vogliamo creare la Cryptocurrency per gli influencers e per il mercato degli influencers.

E' anche legato alla volatilità.

Per questo abbiamo preferito avere il nostro token, che possa riflettere la crescita della nostra azienda

E la crescita nel mercato degli influencers in generale.

Per esempio, comparando i quadrimestri di quest'anno con quelli del precedente.

La crescita è stata quasi del 300%

e il valore del mercato degli influencers

è previsto essere tra i 5 e i 10 milioni per il 2020

Quindi vogliamo che questa particolare cryptocurrecy, IndaHash, possa rifletterlo.

Quindi per collegare l'immagine dell'azienda

a qualcosa creato in questo settore (crypto), che cresce sempre di più.

Sì, ed anche per essere La Cryptocurrency per gli influencers e per il mercato degli influencers, allo stesso tempo.

Per essere identificati anche lì con quel nome

e non essere associati a qualcosaltro di già esistente. Ha senso.

L´altra domanda è..Non so se puoi rispondere, ma..

molti spettatori si chiedono quando verrà listata su qualche exchange,

se già avete contatti con qualche grande exchange e come sarà pianificato il post ICO.

La nostra roadmap è Dicembre-Gennaio, quindi alla fine di Gennaio vogliamo essere listati (su Exchanges).

Non posso rilasciare più dettagli.

Quindi ci sono già dei piani o dei contratti fatti?

Non posso rilasciare niente, ma vogliamo essere listati per la fine di Gennaio.

Ok, è questa è ancora più difficile da rispondere..

Ora il prezzo di acquisto per la prima settimana della ICO è

per 1 Ether avremo 3840 IndaHash tokens (IDH)

Questo è calcolato per essere il 20% in più rispetto a quello che si avrebbe nelle fasi finali della ICO.

Quindi, come sempre è un bonus e un vantaggio arrivare nelle fasi iniziali.

Esatto, perchè la prima settimana c'è il 20% di bonus. La seconda il 10% e nell'ultima nessuno.

Quindi, avete qualche attesa sui numeri o qualche cifra che prevedete di raggiungere?

Questa è un azienda ed un progetto a lungo termine,

la vedo così perchè questa è un'azienda consolidata e non una di quelle ICO

che pompano parecchio solo all'inizio,

ma è qui per starci (a lungo).

Quindi la domanda è se avete un'idea dei numeri che volete raggiungere, ad esempio tra un anno.

Sicuramente abbiamo dei piani. Vogliamo continuare a crescere. In realtà non posso dire di più..

ma abbiamo una roadmap nel nostro whitepaper. Vogliamo aprirci a nuovi mercati.

posizionare nuovi uffici in altre zone.

vogliamo introdurre le funzionalità di pagamento,

vogliamo implementare IndaHash coin per la fine del primo trimestre del prossimo anno.

Quindi entro Marzo 2018.

Vogliamo anche dare la possibilità agli influencers di creare i loro tokens per ripagare i followers.

Abbiamo tanti piani, direi che è abbastanza intenso.

E penso che la differenza principale è che abbiamo un business che già funziona, una app che funiona,

abbiamo un team, che hai incontrato oggi per la gran parte.

Quindi ci sono tante cose su cui noi abbiamo già lavorato.

Non è solo un white paper, ma c'è un business già funzionante a cui vogliamo fornire un token.

E riguardo all'Italia?

Abbiamo una campagna in Italia.

non lo sapevo.

Sì, sì, abbiamo due campagne (pubblicitarie) già attive in Italia.

Quindi è già nei piani di espandersi, ma questo è anche dimostrato dal fatto che io sono qui!

Queste erano le domande che volevo farti.

Giusto un paio e non di più perchè ho già avuto modo di visionare l'azienda e tutto il resto.

Sembra tutto ben consolidato e mi è piaciuto ciò che ho avuto modo di vedere.

"Grazie mille!"

For more infomation >> Interview with Barbara Soltysinska - IndaHash - Duration: 6:01.


DIY CHRISTMAS TREES IN MINUTES!!! | mini-DIY |#ChristmasTime| COOKIES IN THE SKY - Duration: 4:42.

Hello, hello, my Name is Nina from Cookies in the Sky blog...

today, because Christmas is around the corner...

I want to show you how to make these little Christmas trees...

they are and look super cute, they have the perfect size to decorate your bedroom,

your office or any space that you want and the most incredible thing...

is that you can make them really quickly, you don't need a lot of time.

So, let's see how to make them...

To make these trees we will need a cardboard or a thick paper, with them we will make a cone

You have to start in half, also take care that the cone looks a little width in the bottom part

Is important to leave a hole in the top of the cone,

now we will put tape or masking tape to avoid the cone undo

also in the inner part

When we have finished the previous step we will cut the base of the cone to get a flat surface

while you are cutting you can do trials until get the tree stands straight

We will need christmas garland to get shaped like a tree

You can use one like this very simple and obviously the color depends of you

if you don't want to put more ornaments you can use this kind of garland with its own decoration

I decided to use both garlands so I will join the ends to accommodate them correctly

We will use both to give it a special touch and spare the ornaments

When you have decided the color or kind of garland that you will use

we will glue it in the cone that we made before, you have to put a lot of silicon in the cone

ensure that the garland cover the cone and all looks equal and very cute

as you can see it is not necessary to put another ornaments

if you want to put ornaments or christmas spheres to your tree, I advise you...

when you are gluing the garland you leave some spaces to each other

this spaces will allow you hang the ornaments

I used this kind of hooks that I made with some clips to hang the christmas spheres

In this step you can ask for help to an adult to make them or only you can glue them

I advise you use the hooks because with them you can use the ornaments again

I am using a big sequins like these to make the tree's star

If you use the sequins you have to sand the surface to get the glue hold perfectly

If you want to spare this step you can use cardboard

We will put glue in the whole surface and we will cover all with glitter

We will need two stars for each tree, when both have been covered with glitter we will wait they get dry

We will need a wooden stick like this to get the star stay up without glue.

glue the stick in one of the faces of the sequin with glitter then glue above, the other sequin,

it will look like a sandwich

leave it get dry.

Now the special moment, did you remember the hole in the top of the tree?

well in it is where we will put the star and we are done!! woo-hoo!!

We have an incredible and super cute christmas tree made by us

It looks incredible doesn't it?

This star is another model and it was made with cardboard

You know all depends of you, really I can't believe that the result was so amazing

OK, this is all of my part, I hope you like and love the trees and this tutorial

Make it because they are a perfect decoration for these days, they looks so cute...

and the best is that they are super easy to make.

don't forget give it like, to subscribe to the channel and share this video with all the world...

I would greatly appreciate it

For more ideas, tips about this tutorial and much more pretty things, remember to visit my blog...

that as always is in the information box.

See you soon, bye...

For more infomation >> DIY CHRISTMAS TREES IN MINUTES!!! | mini-DIY |#ChristmasTime| COOKIES IN THE SKY - Duration: 4:42.


Soleil Sorgé: effusioni al concerto con Marco Cartasegna, l'incontro con Luca s'avvicina| STARS NEWS - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Soleil Sorgé: effusioni al concerto con Marco Cartasegna, l'incontro con Luca s'avvicina| STARS NEWS - Duration: 4:05.


Invito alla presentazione del libro "Salvati la pelle" - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Invito alla presentazione del libro "Salvati la pelle" - Duration: 1:19.


The 5 Minute MIND EXERCISE That Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE! (Your Brain Will Not Be The Same) - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> The 5 Minute MIND EXERCISE That Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE! (Your Brain Will Not Be The Same) - Duration: 8:27.


Candice em entrevista durante o Pink Carpet da Viewing Party da Victoria's Secret | PT - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Candice em entrevista durante o Pink Carpet da Viewing Party da Victoria's Secret | PT - Duration: 1:53.


Isola dei Famosi 2018: prime anticipazioni - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Isola dei Famosi 2018: prime anticipazioni - Duration: 3:58.


HOW to get free google play gift card codes free google play 2017 2018 google play gift card code - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> HOW to get free google play gift card codes free google play 2017 2018 google play gift card code - Duration: 3:23.


DEAMN - Hypnotized - Duration: 3:19.

DEAMN - Hypnotized

For more infomation >> DEAMN - Hypnotized - Duration: 3:19.


Amici 17, l'eliminazione inaspettata di Elliott scatena le polemiche - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Amici 17, l'eliminazione inaspettata di Elliott scatena le polemiche - Duration: 1:24.


Maria De Filippi: messaggio per Nadia Toffa a Tu si que vales| STARS NEWS - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Maria De Filippi: messaggio per Nadia Toffa a Tu si que vales| STARS NEWS - Duration: 3:15.


Nadia Toffa in gravissime condizioni:ecco tutte le ultime notizie di oggi | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Nadia Toffa in gravissime condizioni:ecco tutte le ultime notizie di oggi | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:36.


The History of Coffee, as told ...

For more infomation >> The History of Coffee, as told ...


Interview with Barbara Soltysinska - IndaHash - Duration: 6:01.

Barbara, grazie per l'invito, sono contento di essere qui

perchè il tutto è stato veramente ben organizzato ed ho apprezzato l'esperienza in generale

Grazie mille, grazie per aver accettato.

A questo punto, questa è una ICO che arriva da una società che ha già costruito il suo nome

che è già ben conosciuta, è in qualche modo qualcosa di diverso rispetto a quello che siamo abituati a vedere nel campo delle crypto.

La mia domanda è: ora avete deciso di entrare nelle crypto ed utilizzare un token

è abbastanza ovvio il perchè,

ma come mai avete scelto di crearne uno nuovo? Invece di utilizzarne

uno esistente, forse non Bitcoin perchè ne conosciamo le difficoltà, ma magari un altro.

E' davvero una buona domanda.

Prima di tutto noi vogliamo creare la Cryptocurrency per gli influencers e per il mercato degli influencers.

E' anche legato alla volatilità.

Per questo abbiamo preferito avere il nostro token, che possa riflettere la crescita della nostra azienda

E la crescita nel mercato degli influencers in generale.

Per esempio, comparando i quadrimestri di quest'anno con quelli del precedente.

La crescita è stata quasi del 300%

e il valore del mercato degli influencers

è previsto essere tra i 5 e i 10 milioni per il 2020

Quindi vogliamo che questa particolare cryptocurrecy, IndaHash, possa rifletterlo.

Quindi per collegare l'immagine dell'azienda

a qualcosa creato in questo settore (crypto), che cresce sempre di più.

Sì, ed anche per essere La Cryptocurrency per gli influencers e per il mercato degli influencers, allo stesso tempo.

Per essere identificati anche lì con quel nome

e non essere associati a qualcosaltro di già esistente. Ha senso.

L´altra domanda è..Non so se puoi rispondere, ma..

molti spettatori si chiedono quando verrà listata su qualche exchange,

se già avete contatti con qualche grande exchange e come sarà pianificato il post ICO.

La nostra roadmap è Dicembre-Gennaio, quindi alla fine di Gennaio vogliamo essere listati (su Exchanges).

Non posso rilasciare più dettagli.

Quindi ci sono già dei piani o dei contratti fatti?

Non posso rilasciare niente, ma vogliamo essere listati per la fine di Gennaio.

Ok, è questa è ancora più difficile da rispondere..

Ora il prezzo di acquisto per la prima settimana della ICO è

per 1 Ether avremo 3840 IndaHash tokens (IDH)

Questo è calcolato per essere il 20% in più rispetto a quello che si avrebbe nelle fasi finali della ICO.

Quindi, come sempre è un bonus e un vantaggio arrivare nelle fasi iniziali.

Esatto, perchè la prima settimana c'è il 20% di bonus. La seconda il 10% e nell'ultima nessuno.

Quindi, avete qualche attesa sui numeri o qualche cifra che prevedete di raggiungere?

Questa è un azienda ed un progetto a lungo termine,

la vedo così perchè questa è un'azienda consolidata e non una di quelle ICO

che pompano parecchio solo all'inizio,

ma è qui per starci (a lungo).

Quindi la domanda è se avete un'idea dei numeri che volete raggiungere, ad esempio tra un anno.

Sicuramente abbiamo dei piani. Vogliamo continuare a crescere. In realtà non posso dire di più..

ma abbiamo una roadmap nel nostro whitepaper. Vogliamo aprirci a nuovi mercati.

posizionare nuovi uffici in altre zone.

vogliamo introdurre le funzionalità di pagamento,

vogliamo implementare IndaHash coin per la fine del primo trimestre del prossimo anno.

Quindi entro Marzo 2018.

Vogliamo anche dare la possibilità agli influencers di creare i loro tokens per ripagare i followers.

Abbiamo tanti piani, direi che è abbastanza intenso.

E penso che la differenza principale è che abbiamo un business che già funziona, una app che funiona,

abbiamo un team, che hai incontrato oggi per la gran parte.

Quindi ci sono tante cose su cui noi abbiamo già lavorato.

Non è solo un white paper, ma c'è un business già funzionante a cui vogliamo fornire un token.

E riguardo all'Italia?

Abbiamo una campagna in Italia.

non lo sapevo.

Sì, sì, abbiamo due campagne (pubblicitarie) già attive in Italia.

Quindi è già nei piani di espandersi, ma questo è anche dimostrato dal fatto che io sono qui!

Queste erano le domande che volevo farti.

Giusto un paio e non di più perchè ho già avuto modo di visionare l'azienda e tutto il resto.

Sembra tutto ben consolidato e mi è piaciuto ciò che ho avuto modo di vedere.

"Grazie mille!"

For more infomation >> Interview with Barbara Soltysinska - IndaHash - Duration: 6:01.


Meet the Press with Chuck Todd - Sunday Dec 03, 2017 | Flynn Flips - Duration: 44:58.

For more infomation >> Meet the Press with Chuck Todd - Sunday Dec 03, 2017 | Flynn Flips - Duration: 44:58.


Wonder Woman trailer EXCEPT there's no Wonder Woman - Duration: 1:17.

In a world where men are fighting other men. DC Comics presents WW2: The Movie.

For more infomation >> Wonder Woman trailer EXCEPT there's no Wonder Woman - Duration: 1:17.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Animals Compilation 2017 | Funny Animals Fails Vines 2017 - Duration: 10:10.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> Try Not To Laugh Watching Funny Animals Compilation 2017 | Funny Animals Fails Vines 2017 - Duration: 10:10.


INNA - Don't Mind (Lyrics / Letra) - Duration: 3:13.

INNA - Don't Mind

For more infomation >> INNA - Don't Mind (Lyrics / Letra) - Duration: 3:13.


Marco Rubio Makes It Clear: Republicans Will Cut Social Security And Medicare After Tax Cuts Pass - Duration: 3:43.

Republican Florida Senator Marco Rubio gave an interview with Politico this week, where

he explained, without mincing words whatsoever, that once the Republicans are finished with

their disgusting tax cut package for millionaires and billionaires, they're going to help offset

those costs by cutting Social Security and Medicare in the United States.

Now, if you're unfamiliar with those programs, Social Security is the program that you pay

into throughout your entire life, so that you can get a little bit of money back when

you retire.

Maybe it's enough so you don't have to work.

In most cases, it's enough to where a part-time job and your Social Security money will be

able to get you through during your golden years.

You'll never be able to fully retire, but at least you'll have a little bit coming to


Medicare is the program for senior citizens that provides partial health insurance for

some things, doesn't cover everything.

Most of them have to go buy a supplemental plan, but at least it helps them out to an


And Marco Rubio says that, because these Republican tax cuts are going to, you know, add trillions

to the deficit, those nasty little Social Security and Medicare payments are going to

be drastically reduced, because we've gotta get more money to the rich in the United States.

Marco Rubio wants to send your grandparents, or possibly even yourself, he wants to ship

you down the river, because he wants to give more money to his wealthy donors.

Grandma and Grandpa, in this instance, are going to be screwed.

They're never going to be able to retire.

They're going to keep working until the day they die, just because they won't be able

to afford health insurance.

And they won't be able to retire, because Social Security will be cut down to nothing.

And more importantly, Rubio's absolutely lying.

During this Politico interview, Rubio told us that the main drivers of the debt and the

deficit are Social Security and Medicare, because the way those programs are structured

is just screwing everything up.

There are no facts in this country that support Rubio's claim, there.


There is nothing wrong with Social Security.

There is nothing wrong with Medicare.

The only problem with those two programs is that they don't go far enough.

Marco Rubio is a liar.

Marco Rubio is a human sack of crap.

How about that?

How about we just stop mincing words?

How about we stop being polite?

How about we just call these morons what they are, because that's the point that I am at,


I am absolutely sick and tired of seeing these disgusting, worthless wastes of oxygen, people

like Marco Rubio, going forward, lying to the public, lying with a straight face, lying

with impunity, screwing over everyone so that they can give their wealthy donors more money.

That is what this is about.

That is what Republicans want to do, and that is the only thing they know how to do.

So Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Dad, brothers and sisters, you're gonna get screwed under the

Republican rule that currently takes hold in Washington, D.C.

But the wealthy elite, if you're already a millionaire, already a billionaire and have

nothing to worry about, they want to actually just hand you more cash each year, because

they're hopeful some of that cash is going to find its way back into their campaigns.

These people are absolutely disgusting.

For more infomation >> Marco Rubio Makes It Clear: Republicans Will Cut Social Security And Medicare After Tax Cuts Pass - Duration: 3:43.





It has not been a good couple of weeks for liberal Democrats.

Besides all of the liberal politicians exposed in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal,

some Democrats have been announcing their retirement from politics, unable to work in

the age of Trump.

Now, another major Democrat has announced he�s retiring, which is leading many conservatives

to believe that we could have a strong Republican majority in the House of Representatives quite


Longtime Michigan Representative Sander Levin, who�s been elected a whopping 18 terms,

will not be seeking re-election After 36 years in Washington, influencing trade laws and

tax laws against American interests, this Democrat will now be retiring.

Daily Mail reports:


(AP) � The Latest on Michigan Rep. Sander Levin�s decision to not seek re-election

after 18 terms (all times local): 11:45 a.m.

Detroit-area Rep. Sander Levin says he won�t run for an 19th term in Congress next year

and will teach at the University of Michigan.

The 86-year-old Democrat said Saturday he will retire after 36 years in Washington.

Levin has served on the House Ways and Means Committee for almost three decades.

The powerful panel sets tax and trade laws.

The Detroit Free Press posted Levin�s statement online after The Associated Press reported

that he won�t run again.

Levin, known as Sandy, says he�s grateful to have served residents all over the Detroit

area, especially with districts being redrawn every decade.

He says he�ll continue �sharing the values� that he learned from his family.

Levin is the brother of Carl Levin, who was a Michigan U.S. senator until 2015.

___ 10:09 a.m.

Democratic Rep. Sander Levin of Michigan, who has served in Congress for nearly 35 years,

won�t seek re-election to a 19th term.

Three Democrats told The Associated Press Levin plans to make the retirement announcement

Sunday at his annual holiday party.

The Democrats spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity to discuss private talks.

The 86-year-old Levin has sat on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee for almost

30 years.

He was the top Democrat on the panel from 2010 through 2016 and was chairman during

passage of the federal health care law.

Levin has represented varying parts of suburban Detroit since the early 1980s.

He�s been involved with tax, health care, trade and manufacturing issues over his career.

His brother Carl was a longtime U.S. senator.



President Trump Makes Huge Announcement About Obama During Foreign Trip - Duration: 2:50.

President Trump Makes Huge Announcement About Obama During Foreign Trip

During his trip abroad in Asia this week, President Donald Trump branded the �Russian

election meddling� rhetoric a �Democratic hit job,� saying, that both Barack Obama

and Hillary Clinton just �didn�t have the chemistry� to build good relations with

Vladimir Putin, because �there is a talent to that.�

Reuters reported that Trump said this to reporters aboard Air Force One on Saturday after three

brief encounters between the Russian and US presidents on the grounds of the Asia-Pacific

Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Vietnam. Trump said that Putin appears to be �very

insulted� by the allegations of Russian involvement in the 2016 US presidential election

which �is not a good thing for our country.�

�Every time he [Putin] sees me, he says I didn�t do that, and I really believe that

when he tells me that, he means it,� Trump said, adding that a number of former intelligence

community chiefs acted merely as �political hacks,� fueling the �Russian meddling�


�You hear it�s 17 agencies. Well, it�s three. � They�re political hacks,� the

American president said. �Everybody knows there was no collusion. I mean, you speak

to these people� I saw Dianne Feinstein the other day and I respect her. She was on

television the other day saying there�s no collusion. The Democrats � the Republicans

come out screaming it, but the Democrats come out, and they say, �No, there�s no collusion.�

There is no collusion. There�s nothing.�

Trump said that the persisting hysteria around Moscow�s alleged involvement in the US election

is a �Democratic hit job,� preventing the two countries from engaging in any meaningful

cooperation. He also cited the joint US-Russia statement on Syria, delivered by the two presidents

during the summit, as an example of such fruitful cooperation, which could be possible without

the overblown scandal around the alleged �Russian meddling.�

�When we can save many, many, many lives by making a deal with Russia having to do

with Syria, and then ultimately getting Syria solved, and getting Ukraine solved, and doing

other things, having a good relationship with Russia is a great, great thing,� Trump said.

�And this artificial Democratic hit job gets in the way. It gets in the way. And that�s

a shame. Because people will die because of it, and it�s a pure hit job, and it�s

artificially induced. And that�s shame.�

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

For more infomation >> President Trump Makes Huge Announcement About Obama During Foreign Trip - Duration: 2:50.


Steven Universe Review: S5E9 - Sadie Killer - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Steven Universe Review: S5E9 - Sadie Killer - Duration: 3:06.


Antop HD 50Mile Picture Frame Antenna +30Mile Antenna - Duration: 11:44.

For more infomation >> Antop HD 50Mile Picture Frame Antenna +30Mile Antenna - Duration: 11:44.


4 Life Hacks that Will Ruin Your Life - Duration: 3:31.

- [Narrator] Looking for some useful life-hacks?

Well, you're in the wrong place, because right now

we're gonna talk about some of the popular life-hack advice

that are not only useless, but possibly harmful.

More like life-wacks, am I right?


Oh no, it's the day before your wedding,

school picture day, or murder trial,

and you have a huge zit on your forehead.

Don't panic.

Just stick a big glob of toothpaste on that sucker

and in the morning you'll be as flat as Kansas.

Weirdly enough, toothpaste is meant for your teeth,

not your skin.

Dermatologists say toothpaste can cause irritation,

redness, and lasting marks.

Sadly, there's no foolproof zit-busting remedy.

Be gentle with your skin.

Harsh scrubbing and over-treating can make things worse.

Using an over-the-counter acne spot treatment

with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid

and washing your face with a gentle cleanser

is your best bet.

And if you have painful, persistent acne,

visit a dermatologist.

They didn't earn a degree poking at pustules for nothing.

- So you're at the beach when a jellyfish

gives you a big stinging welt.

You may be pissed off,

but this hack says you should be pissed on.

According to the hack,

urine neutralizes the jellyfish sting.

Turns out, 14-year-old boys are not medical experts.

Peeing on a jellyfish sting will not be soothing.

Your welt will hurt just as much,

except now you're covered in pee.

Jellyfish stings consist of a neurotoxic venom

that is not deactivated by urine.

Also, don't scrape at the wound.

This causes a greater release of venom.

Poor some vinegar on the sting instead.

It's not as gross as urine,

and it will actually have an effect.

Vinegar blocks nematosis,

the venom secreting capsules a jellyfish deploys

with its tentacles.

So if you're full of piss and vinegar

and ready to fight some jellyfish,

maybe skip the piss part.

You're in your bathroom when you hear a loud plop.

It's not the sound of your bowels properly functioning,

but your phone dropping into the toilet.

Now that your phone is soaked hopefully with just water,

what do you do?

A common life-hack suggests you drop it

in a bowl of dry rice.

The rice, like a bunch of tiny sponges,

will soak the toilet water right out of your phone.

It's unlikely the rice is actually doing anything.

Phone recycling company and tech blog

conducted an informal experiment,

water logging a bunch of phones and sticking them in rice.

The rice was found to be one of the worst remedies.

It even lost to kitty litter.

The rice remedy only appears to work

because it prevents people

from turning on their phones after getting it soaked.

Waiting for the moisture in your phone to evaporate

before powering it on prevents the delicate parts

from short circuiting.

The best way to resuscitate a drowned phone

is to immediately turn it off,

dry it as much as possible,

and leave it under a lamp or fan to encourage evaporation.

Resist the urge to turn it back on for at least 24 hours.

If you get anxious while waiting,

distract yourself by playing on your ph...

oh, wait, crap.

Ear candling is a technique of lighting a hollow candle

and placing the unlit end in the ear.

Practitioners claim this causes a pressure vacuum

that sucks up all the toxins in the ear canal.

It's hailed as a cure for swimmer's ear, tinnitus,

ear pain, dizziness, and more.

Medical experts and the FDA warn that ear candling

has no health benefit and can be dangerous.

Burning hot wax and the delicate inner workings of the ear

apparently do not mix.

Also, the gunk practitioners find inside the candle

is not ear wax or toxins,

but has instead been found

to be residue from the candle itself.

For the most part,

you should avoid sticking anything in your ear,

even cotton swabs.

If you want to clean your ears,

you can use some gentle baby oil or ear wax removal drops.

So the next time someone tells you

to stick a burning candle in your ear,

say, sorry, I can't hear you.

I ruined my eardrums with hot wax

after listening to dumb advice.

For more infomation >> 4 Life Hacks that Will Ruin Your Life - Duration: 3:31.


How to Make Amazing Casino Slot Machine from Cardboard - Duration: 7:29.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> How to Make Amazing Casino Slot Machine from Cardboard - Duration: 7:29.


Nutrition - Guide To a Healthy Diet - With 2 SUPER HEALTHY RECIPES - Duration: 16:50.

Hi everyone, Welcome to Lazy Dancer tips, I'm Alessia. Today we are in a

different place, yes it's not home but we are in the kitchen of the Lodge.Space

where I usually teach classes, so come and check it out! But today I've got

here Mirko which happened to be a chef and studying

to become a nutritionist. I know lots of you asked me about the diet of a

ballerina, so this video, let's say, it's inspired by all those questions but

rather than talking about the diet of a ballerina I want to talk about the

nutrition of an athlete or whoever once to have a healthier body. So let's start

with that!

so here you go, this is Mirko! Hello Mirko

very nice to see you! This is our chef and as I've mentioned before you're

studying to become a nutritionist! ! Yes. Fantastic! I'm gonna ask you one first

question! Rather than asking what should I eat, is : what shouldn't we eat and why.

Starting from white sugar so food that creates toxicity in the body, so once again white sugar, white

flour, white bread, and looking at replacing those with healthier

alternatives like whole grain flour, whole grain breads of course, and then

for example instead of eating normal white sugar we can look at molasses to make

deserts and pure maple syrup. Always look at the quality of those ingredients

it's really important, it's what makes the difference when you obviously look at vitamins

mineral intake, so always look at the quality of those products.

These bad sugars and flours what do they do to the body? if

you'd have, let say, way too much cake or lots of pasta or anything, what do

they do body wise? Well we all know insulin in the blood, so when that goes up

obviously there is a response of the body to just bring it back down, so

our energy is not at the same level during the day so what we want to

look at is to avoid processed sugar flour to keep the energy and balance throughout the day

If we wanted to detox our body what are the, well obviously we just said

sugars and white flowers and all of those ingredients that you mentioned so

how do you think we should detox? If I want to start on a clean slate I

want to get rid of all that stuff, what would be the nicest intake? what

foods would you recommend for the body?

Overall just look at eating better foods with more fibre, proteins, better quality carbohydrates

Maybe as soon as you wake up in the morning instead of having breakfast

right away you can just wait maybe an extra hour or two and focus on water. So

lots of water, that very very very important! I drink about two litres of

water and I weight 75 kilos so you would balance that. You balance that yeah.

So of course you know I think we've all been into a situation where, well I'm

talking about my experience, and I found most of the time that I was affected by

what others around me were doing, especially when I was really young and

you know, if someone was eating very little, I would always think that I was

doing something wrong and I wouldn't actually get the intake I needed for the

day, to the point of feeling absolutely drained during a rehearsal and almost

fainted. To that point I knew I absolutely knew that I was doing

something completely wrong. That's the time when I started changing my diet

having my good sugars, all the veggies and carbs and proteins I needed. So never

tried to be affected by others always go with

what you need and how you're feeling especially we need to listen to our body

a lot so the key point : listen to your body and how it feels. If you feel

drained and tired obviously there is something going wrong especially if you

do exercise a lot if you're an athlete and you're not getting what you need

for the body to get going. always listen to your body do not be

affected by others. this what... Don't be affected me I'm not telling you

what to eat and what not but I always say feel good with yourself have

everything green and rainbow like! You say lots of

colours, and rainbow colours. In season! oh yes in season

Don't eat berries in winter, who knows where they've been

You do whatever you want, but...

He's the chef!

So Mirko I know you that you've got few

good recipes for us and again these are not only for athletes or dancers it's

for everyone that kind of wants to make a little change throughout the lifestyle

Yeah we're just looking at simple cooking principles that can be applied to

the cooking, substituting what we said white flours with... what I use for

example is buckwheat flour to give an example which is also gluten free

most people are intolerant to gluten and very small amount of people were very

very sensitive it's very dangerous. It's a good flour, very tasty and

we are gonna make some pancakes. SuperDuper pancakes! What else have you got

in there for us? And then we have a Veganyasa, which is

beautiful mix of colourful veggies with homemade pesto and some

tempeh. Yum! I tried that one!!

which for those who don't know Tempeh

is a fermented type of Tofu, so it comes from soy, very high protein

and the carbs coming from the vegetables, are important for pre

and post-workout! So I say let's get cooking! yey!

ok let's start

ok guys

some coconut oil to start with.

it's a saturated fat so when cooking

it does create less toxic compounds compared to normal

vegetable oils. So this is even better

than olive oil?

yeah, It's always best to cook with saturated fats

so coconut oil, ghee which is a clarified butter

oh, we got some time as well


Our sweet potato has been seasoned and cooked so i'm just going to warm it up.

what seasoning di you put in it?

pepper, salt and oil

Tempeh, we just put a lid on top, it's going to be faster

a couple of minutes it's basically just to give it a bit of

flavour? yes to caramelise the onions, cook the mushrooms, warm up the sweet potato and the Tempeh

so how good is

the sweet potato? What has the sweet potato got in it that is good for the body?

The sweet potato has got good carbs, which are essential for

pre and post workout, to restore our glycogen in the muscles

it very good after workout? and before a workout

you need carbs to produce energy of course

and don't forget Walter! Water is really important! Don't forget to breathe

properly oxygen is really important for energy production so really really keep water and oxygen up!

And also, obviously talking about foods, good Foods!

Homemade food, quality first and don't forget in season

So what's in there? So did you guys notice we are Italian? Nooo, now they've the proof!

So tell me more about the cheesy thingy...Cheesy thingy?

The cheesy thingy that you said, the tofu it's not cheese

It's called Tempeh, it's a fermented version of Tofu.

and when we ferment food usually we raise the amount

of vitamins and minerals contained in the food and also we create that bacteria that is

best when we digest. So good for your belly! Happy belly!

So this is a very very simple dish to make anyone can do it at home it's very

quick and I can't wait to try it! If you guys are looking to eating these

before a workout you might want to keep your carbohydrates and protein in equal

amounts and we usually look at roughly 0.25 grams per pound of body weight for

either protein and carbs so in this case that it's just a little protein and a

lot of carbs the onions, the bread and stuff so you might want to uptake a little bit your

tempeh and maybe less of the veggies that will help you to prepare, build muscle and eventually not feeling exhausted after your workout

we're gonna start with the pancakes now aren't we? pancakes but different

pancakes, what are we gonna do? so this is my mix, we use buckwheat flour which is

gluten free, as we said before, chia seeds some desiccated coconut, vegan milk and apple pure.

it's completely gluten free?

Completely gluten free, I don't put any sugar in the mix so

in case obviously someone doesn't want any sugar

we give the option . Some coconut oil as usual for cooking, saturated fats.

So, it's got chia seeds in there, right? what is the good thing about chia seeds?

a lot of things

Really nutrient, concentrated seeds, a lot of magnesium, helps to relax the muscles

oh it's good for the cramps, I was about to say, if you'll get any cramps then

it's really good for muscles and relaxing! yes,

it also plays a big role in calcium absorption, which on the other hand, helps to contract muscles.

calcium is good for the bones as well

the moment of the flipping, which I never do write for some reasons.

look at that! beautiful!

we used to serve those with some berries a couple

of months ago in summer now we just switch to pears and apples which are obviously in season

Do you put your pear on top as it is, or do you...? the pear is actually.. good question!

It does look different , doesn't it ? yeah it doesn't really look like a pear...

it's poached in red wine

you get the red wine as well! and you never told me! before it was teaching

class! I had to pear with a red wine

chopping the pear

pure maple syrup

and this is?

that is a vegan custard.

how do you make it?

It's made out of milk

starch. Milk you mean? Dairy-free milk I'm sorry I suppose i took that for granted

but yeah that's all I use in my kitchen, dairy free menus

Vegan Friendly!

This is coconut yogurt

Toasted hazelnuts.

what do you put in the custard? so the custard once again is

made out of coconut milk, turmeric which gives the yellow colour, a bit of starch, vanilla essence some orange or lemon zest.

whichever you like best

so there you go guys this

is only couple of options for you to change your diet, eat healthy, get all of

the intakes that the body needs for it to function and to feel good

as we said before get rid of all the bad sugars or the bed flours and

replace it I guess the most important thing is not to cut or to eliminate but

is to replace with things they are much better for the body so you can have

sweets but rather than having white sugar you can have your agave maybe so

that's an option so try to find all the different options that can be good for

your body. Don't forget to follow Mirko

on Instagram and to get all the

different recipes that he's got hidden from us !

yes thanks for reminding!

you're very welcome!

If there is any advice that you need for cooking

just follow me and feel free to inbox and i'll be more

than happy to help you

and also don't forget to write comments and tell us if you liked it if

this was helpful for you or if you need any more or you need to know any more

than this and we'll be more than happy to do it. And if there is something else that you want to

want us to cook just let us know we'd be more than happy to! More things to do

more things to cook! I think I'm gonna go and eat now because

I'm hungry! Bye guys, Ciao see you next time!

For more infomation >> Nutrition - Guide To a Healthy Diet - With 2 SUPER HEALTHY RECIPES - Duration: 16:50.


◆ Wang so x Hae Soo For Reevivian (Sub on) - Duration: 1:49.

I always watched over you from afar

Because you seemed like my love

I thought you felt the same way

Although you were looking somewhere else

Like the dust

Like the wind

I can't catch you

I can't see you

Remember love you

I love you

I believed it was love

I called it destiny

Remember I love you

I love you

I am living

in your eyes

I only answer to you

Hold onto me when I'm swaying

My love

My love

For more infomation >> ◆ Wang so x Hae Soo For Reevivian (Sub on) - Duration: 1:49.


Top 5 Personajes de Cómics Basados en Plantas 🌳 || RPNety - Duration: 11:03.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Personajes de Cómics Basados en Plantas 🌳 || RPNety - Duration: 11:03.


DIY Wreaths - Duration: 5:15.

Hi there, it's me Grammy Vulture. You can call me Leah. Today I'm gonna try to

bring a little bit of the holiday spirit to you. Am I trying to get crafty?

I am huh. You're so cute but you're always in my business. Say hello say hello to the

camera. Come on, say hello.

He's speechless. Oh! Did you hear sumthing? (* laughing) Today I'm gonna try to bring a little bit

of joy to you. I'm going to try to make a wreath out of some recycled cardboard.

cardboard.. and some felt that I have on hand. felt.. scissors sharp scissors my

circular template some holiday ribbon I picked these two up at the dollar store

and my glue gun. Lets see. I think I think that it. I'm ready to get started are you

ready? For my project...


Okay I just have a tack, a push-pull tack and wires. Look at that simple,

adorable. I like this one hung this way, it holds it closer to the wall I think

and this one simple adorable. I think if you use school glue the kids would have

fun making this. Remember this is just a couple of dollars in ribbon and some old

cardboard. Okay? Then the hook I put one of those wires but you don't have to

you can hang it directly from the felt actually like that little wire better on

this one. I like that it holds it closer to the wall. This is my Christmas

tree this year because I'm going to Louisiana. My decorations. Anyway this is

a really quick craft project and it was really fun to do too. It would be

really fun for kids to do you know with supervision of course. Anyway, thanks for

hanging out with for me If you make these simple wreaths,

let me know, or let me know what you're making for little projects to decorate

your house. I would appreciate any comments down below, let me know you're

here. Give me a thumbs up on my video please it helps out with our channel.

Thank you sunshine. Gotta Go See You Later Love You Bye (*kiss and hug noises)

For more infomation >> DIY Wreaths - Duration: 5:15.


8 Regular Words You Must Stop Using to Sound More Responsible and Reliable Person - Duration: 10:44.

8 Regular Words You Must Stop Using to Sound More Responsible and Reliable Person

Communication is one of the most effective tools to get ahead in life and also climb up many social and professional

ladders in life.

Communication is as tricky as it is useful.

There are a lot of things that we tend to overlook and take part in flawed techniques of communication that can affect

a lot of opportunities in our lives.

Our choice of words and sentence construction has a big effect on how people perceive you and what opinion they form of


There are a lot of commonly used words that, for instance, can make you sound unreliable.

Following is a list of words that you should avoid using, in order to come off as a more responsible and reliable




Most common verbs include "might", "maybe", "would" and "should".

All of these are regularly used in normal conversation but they make you sound uninterested and unreliable.

Using these words makes you come off as someone who is not sure about what they are saying or if they even know what

they are talking about.

If you avoid this particular set of words, you automatically sound more reliable and confident.



Everyone would agree when I say that this is the most annoying text response to have ever existed.

And lets not even talk about just "k".

It is noncommittal and makes you sound grossly uninterested.

If you say "ok" to someone, the person is bound to think that you are completely unsure about whatever it is that you

are saying and cannot be considered to be a responsible individual.

It almost feels like you are being forced to communicate.




Communication is one of the most effective tools to get ahead in life and also climb up many social and professional

ladders in life.

Communication is as tricky as it is useful.

There are a lot of things that we tend to overlook and take part in flawed techniques of communication that can affect

a lot of opportunities in our lives.

Our choice of words and sentence construction has a big effect on how people perceive you and what opinion they form of


There are a lot of commonly used words that, for instance, can make you sound unreliable.

Following is a list of words that you should avoid using, in order to come off as a more responsible and reliable




Most common verbs include "might", "maybe", "would" and "should".

All of these are regularly used in normal conversation but they make you sound uninterested and unreliable.

Using these words makes you come off as someone who is not sure about what they are saying or if they even know what

they are talking about.

If you avoid this particular set of words, you automatically sound more reliable and confident.



Everyone would agree when I say that this is the most annoying text response to have ever existed.

And lets not even talk about just "k".

It is noncommittal and makes you sound grossly uninterested.

If you say "ok" to someone, the person is bound to think that you are completely unsure about whatever it is that you

are saying and cannot be considered to be a responsible individual.

It almost feels like you are being forced to communicate.

You will also like: Only People With a High IQ Will Be Able To Read These Erased Words!

Can You?



Using the word "awesome" at the end of a fun anecdote or something momentary is a pretty acceptable and a well put

together response, but if you say "awesome" after something important has been said to you or you are passing some

information, you come off as unnecessarily casual.

The word is originally meant to show excitement and enthusiasm, but if you use it too much,

the novelty wears off and the word becomes insincere.

Try not to overuse it.



This rates pretty high on the annoying table too.

When you say "um" on a regular basis, it makes you sound as clueless as you could possibly sound.

It makes the listener feel like you are taking more time to think than you actually are and you would be surprised at

how overused this word is.

Try cutting down on using this word in order to sound wiser and more reliable.



Stop immediately!!

This is one of the most pointless words to have existed in the history of communication.

The word kills the maturity and technicality of even the most erudite sentences and makes you sound extremely childish.

It can be replaced very easily with a variety of words that will make you sound as if you have things under control and

can construct sentences better.

If you pay close attention to what you are saying, you'll realize that you don't need this word at all.



You need to realize that actually this word is pretty unnecessary.

It is generally a demand in a sentence.

What it does to sentences is almost always the exact opposite of what it means – kills the credibility.

When you use such a redundant word in a sentence, it feels like you are overcompensating and that you actually do not

mean anything.



Most of the times, we use the word that is specifically meant for apologies, for entirely different things.

We say sorry when we are embarrassed, or if we cannot hear someone and so on.

Saying sorry when someone is apologizing is absolutely acceptable, but using the word too much makes you sound insecure.



If you use this word too much, it just gives off the vibe that you are not determined and are complacent.

Using this word just makes you sound like you have no confidence in yourself.

It is such an optimistic word yet it gives the complete opposite effect.

For more infomation >> 8 Regular Words You Must Stop Using to Sound More Responsible and Reliable Person - Duration: 10:44.


🆒 Comment gérer la PEUR des SILENCES (Sandra Painbéni d'Oser Parler En Public) - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> 🆒 Comment gérer la PEUR des SILENCES (Sandra Painbéni d'Oser Parler En Public) - Duration: 5:20.


Does a toothbrush REALLY need to be connected to an app? Is this the best Christmas gadget? - Duration: 4:29.

let me ask you do you use one of these

or perhaps one of these my guess is not

but yet around the house there is one

piece of equipment that we use on a

daily basis, in fact twice a day, that you

probably haven't given a second thought to

and it hasn't been upgraded since it was

invented. I'm talking about the good old

toothbrush. Yes you might have upgraded

that to one of those vibrating heads

toothbrush but is that really taking

advantage of all the new technologies we

have I don't think so and Philips

doesn't think so so let me show you what

they've come up with that is really

basically life-changing so this is the

Philips Sonicare 9300 Diamond Clean

Smart yes it's a bit of a mouthful to

say but it's smart and what I mean by

smart is not just that it has a vibrating head

and not that it is just rechargeable but

it's actually got an accompanying app

and that app makes all the difference

between knowing what's going on inside

your mouth when you're cleaning and what

isn't and then that's the cool

technology that I want to show you now

so firstly it starts with the case so in

this case is a cool hard-shelled carry

case and also comes with these

additional heads and the purpose of the

heads is that each one of them does a

different job so one is for gum cleaning

ones for teeth whitening and one is for

good old just plaque removal I suppose

So how cool is this? this is in fact the

charging station you simply drop it

inside your cup and it uses wireless

charging to charge the toothbrush when

you're not using it now that's pretty


Now as you grab your toothbrush you'll

see that it automatically knows what

mode it needs to be in. In this

particular option it got clean whitener

gum health and then a deep clean now

based on the head that you put on it

automatically will select the right mode

that it needs to be in and of course

swapping the heads is as simple as

taking the old one off and putting the

new one basically on. Let's get to the

good bit now as you switch on your

toothbrush it will make a Bluetooth

connection to the app and you can see it

tells you exactly which area of the

mouth to focus on which area the mouth

to start with and you can set it left

and right top and bottom wherever you

prefer to start and you can see it tells

you to do the outside section then do

the inside section so if you put it on

the inside it will show you that if you

put on the outside it will tell you that

as you saw on the screen if you're using

too much motion it will tell you that as

well to slow down and actually get that

correct amount of pressure as well so if

you put too much pressure it will tell

you to reduce pressure

what happens when you ignore a region of

the mouth? what does it actually do? so in

this particular case I ignored one

section and it colors it in this ugly

yellow color which forces you to go back

and make sure you touch up that

particular section as well


right now that you're done it's an asks

you a couple of questions like did you

floss this time? did you use mouthwash?

and did you clean your tongue and all

these go towards working out your

overall well-being of your mouth now as

everything is logged you can actually go

back and see where you are putting too much

pressure so you know that in future to

use much less pressure around that area

if you're scrubbing too hard and to make

sure that you've covered your entire

mouth every time you can also have a log

running total of morning and night to

make sure that you are brushing twice a

day and all of this is just holding you

accountable to make sure you're doing

the right things so what I like

about the Sonicare product is that it

actually changes your behavior because

of the app because the point system

because it lets you see your daily usage

it actually allows you to change the way

that you brush your teeth so you have

healthier gums better teeth staying away

from the dentist for even longer and all

that with the help of technology so

that's great! you know what else will be

great? if you smash that head in the middle

of your screen which allows you to

subscribe welcome to the fam and I'll

see you guys in the next episode of

Talking Tech with the Techie Guy whatch

some other videos I'll see you soon

For more infomation >> Does a toothbrush REALLY need to be connected to an app? Is this the best Christmas gadget? - Duration: 4:29.


Getting A Professional Bike Fit | Everything You Need To Know - Duration: 7:47.

- When you buy a bike from a shop,

you should get a basic fit to make sure

you've got the right size frame,

that you're comfortable,

and it's safe to ride.

Once you've started to get familiar with your bike,

it's time to look into your position

in a little more detail.

And this is where a professional bike fit

can come in handy.

(upbeat music)

With a time trial bike,

it's often a compromise between comfort,

power production, and aerodynamics.

So, if you've invested in a new time trial bike,

you want to make the most of those aerodynamic features

and working on your position is vital.

Several small tweaks can end up making

a significant difference.

There are many tools and software

than can be used by bike fitters,

but they still require an expert eye

that can interpret them,

but also listen to your individual needs.

Now, I need to find a position

that will suit me for a long distance triathlon.

(upbeat music)

I'm delighted to say

that I've got ex pro cyclist and Ironman triathlete,

Magnus Backstedt, who's agreed very kindly

to help me out on this bike fit.

So, thanks Magnus.

- No problem.

- Where are we gonna get started?

- Well, normally we would start with setting

your cleat position up on your shoes.

But because you're in a mid-level race season,

and you've got some events coming up,

I would refrain from touching them too much right now,

so I rather you come back and see me at some point

when you've got a down time.

'Cause as soon as we start messing around with your cleats

you're always running that risk of having your knees

going a little bit tender, and so on,

and we don't wanna be jeopardising any events

that you've got coming up.

So, first of all,

I'll just get you onto the bike

and then we're gonna marker you up

so that the cameras can read what you're doing.

(upbeat music)

- Well, as you can see, and now Magnus,

you've covered me in all these dots.

What happens next?

- So, we've now made the cameras able to see you

and see every motion that you make

when you're riding your bike,

so, the next thing now is that

we've gotta get you riding your bike

for about a minute or so

for your body to settle down on the bike,

find you a comfortable position,

and then when I see that you're sitting still

on the bike in the position that you normally do

when you're putting out a bit of power,

then I'll record about 30-40 seconds of image

on the computer.

And then we'll go back in and analyse that,

see what's what, make any changes,

and then we'll repeat that until

we've found the position that we're happy with.

(upbeat music)

- Okay, so you've had a quick look.

And I know you've made some quite drastic observations.

What'd you notice, Magnus?

- Well, I've noticed that you're struggling

to open up your hip flexor on the left hand side,

which means that you're tilting over

every time you're peddling.

Most of the time, that's something that comes from

too much travelling, previous injury,

falling off your bike, even running injuries

sometimes can limit that one.

But, the biggest thing that we all struggle with,

is that we sit down at an office desk,

we sit down at home, we sit down in a car,

I don't know if you've been travelling,

aeroplanes tends to be really really nasty

on your hip flexors.

So, the first thing you can do when you're

as soon as you've travelled somewhere,

if you're having an event coming up

in the next couple of weeks,

just make sure that you stretch out

those hip flexors 'cause they make such a big difference.

Not only to your bike ride, but also to your run.

And those are the two key elements really

in any triathlon that you're doing.

So, we're gonna have a look at that.

Also adjust your position a little bit

on the saddle as well,

just to allow you to open up those hip flexors

a little bit further.

So, that's gonna be the next thing.

- [Host] Great

(upbeat music)

- Most people that come to see you,

what's the main thing they're looking to sort,

or what brings them to you?

- Well, it comes various different problems.

It's neck problems, shoulders, lower back,

knees, anything really.

As soon as you're not feeling comfortable sitting,

you know, there's something going on

every time you're riding your bike.

It's more likely that the bike's setup

isn't quite right and specific for you.

And that's what makes the difference,

but what we do as well if obviously

guiding and advice you on what to

potentially look for, so if there's any

physical imbalances that might need to be sorted,

and obviously we keep on going back to hip flexors

with people working and sitting in cars,

and so on.

So it's more like the general package,

so, I'd say having a bike fit at least once a year

is probably a good thing to do to

make sure your body changes, you crash,

you have anything that can happen to it.

As we get older, we get less flexible.

So all these things kind of come into play

when you're doing a bike fit.

(upbeat music)

- So, Magnus, I know you're keen to adjust my position

on my tribars here, what is it that needs moving?

- Well, number one, we need to move around your hands

and your wrists, basically.

Holding your wrists out like this,

and like you are currently,

opens up the whole frontal area,

so you're creating a massive amount of drag

coming into through in your stomach and pelvic area.

There was actually quite a famous

Tour de France rider who lost the Tour de France,

based on holding his wrists rolled out

like you are right now.

So the key thing is if we move

your handle bars in a little bit tighter,

alright, like that.

And then rotate your wrists in,

which naturally happens at this point,

it also rotates your shoulder in,

which releases a lot of the strain on your shoulders

which you mentioned earlier that you had.

- [Host] Yeah, feels comfortable, yeah.

- And, as you can see from the front here, as well,

the hands covering the majority of the frontal area

of your body means that you're slipperier in the wind.

(upbeat music)

- And I was, I guess pleasantly surprised,

that all the things we changed were quite minimal.

Like, a few mills from what you're telling me,

but it ends up making a big difference over all.

- Yeah, and that's what we specialise in here,

is making sure that you're getting the

level of detail and understanding

the different and how the body react

in different ways with,

so just because you feel like you're sitting

right in one way, just changing it

one or two millimetres may actually balance you out

a little bit more, like the case was with you.

We actually found that you levelled out

in terms of how you sat on the saddle

by moving the saddle three millimetres.

So, yeah.

- [Host] It's tiny, isn't it?

- Yeah, it's tiny tiny details,

and everything kind of works with each other.

So the moment we drop the handlebars,

we need to adjust the saddle and so on, and so on.

So, it's getting the whole package

and that's what we love doing here.

(upbeat music)

- That was a bike fit specific

for a triathlon time trial bike.

And the thing that really struck me

was how such tiny changes end up making

quite a big difference to my overall performance.

And I'm desperate to head out onto the road

and check it out, so,

massive thanks to Magnus for his time today.

If you like this video, give us the thumbs up.

And remember, you can subscribe to GTN

by clicking on the globe.

And if you want to watch a video

on how to descend on a time trial bike,

just click over here.

And to see some triathlon tech from our trip

to Rotterdam, click down here.

For more infomation >> Getting A Professional Bike Fit | Everything You Need To Know - Duration: 7:47.


SPROUT 24′ Tiny House On Wheels Ready For Full-time Tiny Living - Duration: 3:17.


For more infomation >> SPROUT 24′ Tiny House On Wheels Ready For Full-time Tiny Living - Duration: 3:17.


Mystic Messenger [Comic Dub] - Car Ride - Duration: 0:46.

We're at McDonald's, what do you want?

The day you take your last breath, realizing that everyone and everything you ever loved has ceased to exist.

Yeah, you see.. I only got like.. six dollars.

Chicken nuggets.

You think I'll scare the shit out of them if I ask for Szechuan sauce?

For more infomation >> Mystic Messenger [Comic Dub] - Car Ride - Duration: 0:46.


Catskill Barn Home Built in 1820 And Restored in Hancock, NY | Amazing Small House Design - Duration: 1:50.

Catskill Barn Home Built in 1820 And Restored in Hancock, NY

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