Sunday, November 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 27 2017

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Long live. . Sarkar!

Long Live.. Subhash Nagre!

With regard to Samta nagar redevelopment issue"

"and the problems being faced by the locals.

Sarkar Subhash Nagre has become very angry.

Tell those who point fingers at mind their own business

It will he useful to you all.

Don't teach me.

I live by my own rules.

I am not a scapegoat.

<i>Fox someone m sacrifice me.</i>

I want to live by my own rules.

My own rules.

Long live. . Sarkar!

Long live. . Sarkar!

<i>A" this bu"! is mus.</i>

Land is where we are born.

Where we live .

Where we will die.

The journey of Your life takes place on this land.

We pave Your path of life on this land"

With Your own will.

With out hard work.

We don't take anyone's favor.

This is Your wealth.

Long Live.. Subhash Nagre!

People comment on my attile.

That I dless like a sage.

They say I wear holy heads around my wrist.

I shouldn't be speaking my language.


Don't forget that if I have the holy heads on one hand"

"then I also have a spear in the other.

Long live. . Sarkar!

Long Live.. Subhash Nagre!

If you are doing good to us you will he welcomed

If you don't then, then I'll welcome you in my own manner.

Long live. . Sarkar!

Some people don't like It when I am angry.

They do not like it.

Because this isn't my angel.

This is your angel.

Long live. . Sarkar!

Long live. . Sarkar!

It has happened so in the past that whenever a system fails gives rise to a massive and angry power of opposition.

I anljust the face of you: anger,

That's all. Nothing else.

Long live. . Sarkar!

Long live. . Sarkar!

When I do that, they defame me.

They call rue a tyrant

They call rue a dictator.

If you Lhlow a stone in the muck, it is hound to make a splash.

Long live. . Sarkar!

Your identity is Your powel.

It is Your strength.

You have to strengthen it further

This is your heritage.

Your wealth

Always keep it independent.

Long Live.. Subhash Nagre!

Long Live.. Subhash Nagre!

Hele.. on this stage"

...There isn't just one Subhash Nagre.

All those who understand my thoughts are Subhash Nagre.

All of you are Subhash Nagre.

'WYhethel ol not I anl here tomorrow"

Whether I am alive or not

It makes no difference.

Because you are the power

You are the will.

You are the government.

Long live. . Sarkar!

Long live. . Sarkar!

Long live. . Sarkar!

Long Live.. Subhash Nagre!

<i>Kai Hind.</i>

Long live. . Sarkar!

Long live. . Sarkar!

Long Live.. Subhash Nagre!

Long Live.. Subhash Nagre!

Long Live.. Subhash Nagre!

His name is Gandhi, Sarkar.

I believe that the project he is approaching you.

He very good fol Maharashtra, especially Mumbai.

Who is this Gandhi?

As per my knowledge, he is backed by influential businessmen.

He has done big projects with others.

I have heard that he has lots of money from the cement lobby.

He has the support of many politicians as well.

He has connections

But there has to be a special reason as he is approaching us.

I have heard that you do what you feel is right.

I too am somewhat like that.

I have also heard that you don't waste time.

You are.

I like that.

There is a place in Lavish East.

We are planning a project of 20,000 cmle.

But for that we will have to move 15,000 people from there.

It is not that we don't have no other option except you.

But you will make the job easier.

Being Sarkar you have a strong hold on them.

If you agree then. .

...There can he some arlangement between us.

What is the need to make an arlangement '.7

If you want to move them...

...then make another place for them.

That will reduce out profits.

I am a businessman.

And I have no intention of being a leader.

If that is what I wanted to do then why would I approach you'?

Offer something that benefits both of us.

I agreed to meet you at Gokuls request.

"Because I too believe that this is a good project for everyone.

But. .

There has to be a litnit to the price to pay for anything however good it it in cash or self respect.

. .01 even pain.


It will pain if you evict them from there.

And you must pay fol the pain you inflict.

Now that I have heard your intentions and of those who are hacking you" is time you heard my reply.

I won't do it.

As I said... aren't the only one who can do this for us.

And I won't let anyone else do it.


I thought we can come to a n arlangement which benefits both of us.

If you want mole then perhaps I can talk to my partneL.



I have given you my reply-.

I had heard wrong about you that are understanding

But I heard right about you.

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."


I said Leave.

Love you.

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

Sit, I just lefl his place.


People say that Sarkar is a thought.

But I have a way of killing thoughts too.

Call Deshpande.

I, Deshpande, ash.

This chief minister" "That is his name'?


I ask the chief minister...

...the government officiaJs ...


"these cops, who work for Sarkar.


Who Sarkar?

I know everything about this Sarkar.

He pretends to be a messiah of the pool..

"And behind everyone's hack he nms his illicit business.

He ties holy beads around his wrist.

"But behind the hack he does monkey business.

Sarkar has only one mantra.

Pretend to be a saint.

"And keep gathering other people's wealth.

He comes out of his balcony and waves his land like

...i.n flout of his hired men

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."

And they keep shouting Sarkar, Sarkar.

Come on

He does what he feels is right.

Ifhe does what he feels is right then are we all 011..

I feel like musing.

We need to get rid ofhim.

This is democracy .

Democracy .

People should he ruling but he has made them slaves.

We cannot allow this.

His hands are supporting a lot of thieves.

...we need to first get rid of that hand.

Then we will rip him apart.

Long live" Govind Deshpande.

Long live" Govind Deshpande.

Sarkar, we will have to deal with this Deshpande

He is talking too much.

Mole important than what he is talking"

It's important to find out who is making him talk.

Amrita had called.

Chickoo wants to come here.

AmriL. Amrita doesn't want him to come hele.

But Chickoo wants to

He wants to come" - I understand.

I understand.

I understand. He want to come.

Greetings Sarkar.

Sarkar You might he my glandfiLheL.

"But you always were and will be only Sarkar for rue.

You know moLhel doesn't like me coming hele.

But I have decided"

...if I am meant to he, I am meant to he with you.

That is if you permit

Gokul. .

<i>That's Rama...</i>

My right hand men

My most important men.

I know why uncle Slumkat...

...had to kill father

MoLhel told me a few details...

wand others told the lest.

I have heard a lot of about you.

After hearing everything...

...I feel..

"That whatever you did was right.

I am happy that you didn't believe in what Your enemies said.

Let the past he.

Every corner of that house had a lot of memories of Shankal.

So We lefl that house.

And came hele.

Tell me, what's happening in your life?

It has been so long and I have never seen you smile.

Perhaps I don't have a reason to smile.

I'm not a good enough reason?

Your plesence has given me a lot in life.

You have been with Sarkar since one month.

How do you feel There?

A little good...

wand a little had.

Does anyone There know that...

...y0u love a gill"

...whose father was killed by Sarkar'?

<i><font color="#4600ff"> E</font><font color="#6800ff">n</font><font color="#8b00ff">c</font></i><i><font color="#ff0000">o</font><font color="#ff2000">d</font><font color="#4600ff">e</font><font color="#0000ff">d</font><font color="#2300ff"> B</font><font color="#4600ff">y </font><font color="#4600ff"> K</font><font color="#6800ff">a</font><font color="#8b00ff">t</font></i><i><font color="#ff0000">y</font><font color="#ff2000">a</font><font color="#ff4000">y</font><font color="#ff5f00">a</font><font color="#ff7f00">n</font><font color="#ff5f00"> @ </font><font color="#ff0000">S</font><font color="#ff2000">w</font><font color="#ff4000">o</font><font color="#ff5f00">r</font><font color="#ff7f00">l</font><font color="#ff9f00">d</font><font color="#ffbf00">4</font><font color="#4600ff">y</font><font color="#ff0000">o</font><font color="#ffdf00">u</font><font color="#ffff00">.</font><font color="#bfff00">B</font><font color="#80ff00">l</font><font color="#40ff00">o</font><font color="#00ff00">g</font><font color="#00ff40">s</font><font color="#00ff80">p</font><font color="#00ffbf">o</font><font color="#00ffff">t</font><font color="#00bfff">.</font><font color="#0080ff">I</font><font color="#0040ff">n</font>

And I too haven't mentioned to anyone.

How is Sarkar?

He isn't as had as some people considel him to he.

But his men, There is something .

Especially with Gokul.

I don't like him.

And what is your opinion about Deshpande?

Your good days will soon he hele pelhaps.

'I want you: son to be the chief minister of Maharashtra.'

1V1 other. .

Sit, you won't understand"

. .what kind of politics he played and ruined my career.

I just need to break Sarkar.

And I can mange fol hammers like Gandhi to break him.

Yes, I know.

I have proposed you: name for Radhika Mills.

The union leader is over smart.

He wants to keep sweets in both hands

You need to he careful.

The problem with sweets is that they are very sweet.

I didn't get you.

If you and I, we both understand then"

"what's the meaning of understanding '.7

Sarkar, he is Gorak, union leader.

He has come hele to discuss the Radhika Mills issue.

Sarkar, they filed 500 workers.

They are on streets.

These rich guys should he taught a lesson.

It is not a slime fol the rich to he rich.

And those workers...

"Alley have been influenced.

And I know who influenced them.




This shows that they have bought you.





Till you don't know how to deal with the whole matleL. outsider should know what you are thinking.

You: uncle Shankal...

...would never do what you just did.

I anl not Shankal.

My name is Shivaji.

And I cannot tolerate anyone insulting you in front of rue.


"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

Mahatma Gandhi had said LhaL.

...if someone slaps you on one cheek offer hitn you: other cheek.

But this Gandhi says...

...y0u should rip apart the face of the one who slapped you.

I too anl a follower of Gandhi, sit.

But I like Gandhi in the photo printed on the currency note.

Because no matter what the circumstances are"

"that Gandhi always has a smile on his face.

And this Gandhi will show you a way to reach...

mthat Gandhi.

Sit wants to talk to you.

True happiness doesn't lie in sacrifice" lies in the womb of power.

We have to attain that powel.

Ifone has to he a goon in politics then I'll he one, sit.

But I will keep attacking till it's over.

Cheers. Good.

Cheers, sit.

Can I ask you something?

Why do you trust Gandhi, so much?

I am asking something.

Don't ask, darling.


Sarkar, we have the news LhaL. - Ramam.

"Gorak met Gandhi for the Radhika Mills issue.

I have even heard that Gandhi is supporting Deshpande as well.

I believe we should end this matter at the earliest.

This is what Gandhi will want as well.


We should make a deal with Gorak.

If we are successful, the workers will he with us.

And once we are done...

...we will get rid ofhim.

"Advice bribe punish divide"

"Advice bribe punish divide"

"Sarkar, Sarkar..."

"Sarkar, Sarkar..."

"Advice bribe punish divide"

"Advice bribe punish divide"

Sarkar, goondas hit them when they tried to stop the eviction.

I am S1118 Gandhi is behind it.

But the goons belonged to Shetty.

Shetty, I am only hitting you because this is your first time.

Next time, I will kill you.

What? Shivaji hit Shetty's men?

With whose permission?

Such things require a lot of planning.

Wait, I'll call hack.

Sarkar, Shivaji. - I asked him to.

I feel worried thinking about the atmosphele in your house.


I feel as if everyone there suspects each other.

Like someone is spying on us as well.

If someone comes between us, I'll handle it.

So, what you are saying about Gokul is the Your011..

"Then it could he a problem in the futule.

It could he.

But every problem has a solution

"That I said is final.

There will be no more discussions on this.

"Thy were you being so hyper that day if this is what you meant'?

Just because we are tolerating you, don't try to act over smart.

Don't waste Your time and tell us your price.

I want l0 cmles.

You decide what you want to do with the workers.

Stay within your limits, Golak.

Don't try to blackmail us.

Listen to rue. - "That I said is final.

I am talking to him. - What will you tell him?

What will you tell him?

I know him quite well.

You don't even know him.

Come on.

You too don't know me.

Let him take 5 cmles. We will handle the lest.

We will lose hitn if he refuses.

I am telling you, he'll lat <i>as</i> soon <i>as</i> he gels the 5 cloles.

Don't think that I am an idiot, Gokul.

Stay within your limits.

I'm Sarkafs grandson, don't forget that.

Sarkar, do you remember Shleelaln'?

The builder from Pune'?

The one we got done

Sarkar, there is a gill, A1111, Shleelanls daughter.

You should talk to Shivaji.

A1111 and I are in Ielationship since long"

...she didn't even know that I anl you: grandson.

"Then, why, what are irrelevant.

The truth is that you are with someone against.

You were against her father and not her.

"That is her fault?

Her father made a mistake and he was punished.

The topic ends.

In the position I am in, I have to take every step carefully.

If we allow an enemy to come inside"

"then the enemy can find out what is inside.

Anyway. .

If you trust her then I trust you.

I am S1118 it's Gokul who told Sarkar about us.

Sarkar feels that you are with me to seek your finthefs revenge.

A man like Sarkar is scared of a woman?

Not scared.


We call it caution.

<i>Gokul suspects everything.</i>

It <i>is possible that</i> even <i>Sarkar suspects everything.</i>

The history of Your family is such.

Everyone was betrayed.

So they are always cautious.

I'll have to leave.

See you later. Bye.

Shivaji doesn't suspect me.

We just need to he careful of Gokul.

An event of Mahatma Gandhi's statue inaugulation ceremony.

All renowned people of the city are invited.

I have heard that Deshpande will also he There.

PIopagatol of non-violence.

Mahatma Gandhi.

Should I refuse .

"Ymfle great. <i>"</i>

"Sarkar. Sarkar."

"You'Ie a thought. You're the truth. You're your enemy's doom."

"You'Ie great, Salk aal.

"Sarkar. Sarkar."

Subhash Nagre also known as Sarkar, a well-loved and well-Iespected person"

...i.n Maharashtra is hele with us.

I also welcome the budding leader MI. Govind Despande.

Now I would ask MI. Despande to say a few wolds.

My voice is enough.

GandJJi-ji used to say that in politics youl aim should he pious.

But I, Despande, say that, in politics".

"The medium to leach youl aim should also he pious.

And that is the path I want the state and national politics to take.

But I am surprised"

"that here are a few such people...

...w]10 have Lhlown GandJJi-jfs principles down the well.

And using negotiation, bribery, penalty and deceit.

"They are looting the fruits of politics.

What are they doing hele, GandJJi-ji?

What are they doing hele?

If you have stepped into politics...

...then people should love you and not fear you.

But hele even the government is scared of you.

We will have to say goodbye... remote control politics.

He was the one who worshipped righteousness, non-violence and truth.

And There are those who rule with lie and deceit.

They have Lhlown politics into a gutlel.

And I say if you worship Gandhi.

"Then it's about time you stop worshiping Goons!

Thank you.

Get the mike.

Govind. .

I have a childhood memory.

I had heard from my father that GandJJi-ji was murdered".

But today, even After 70 years, he is still with 11s..


That's because anyone can kill anyone...

...hut one cannot kill mac's thoughts.

And it's because of that thinking that today"

"we see a leader like even you as a possibility.

A possibility.

I listen to your worries about the...

...current political scenario very carefully.

And you will get the account for what the work done in futule.

No matter how I have played"

...the control has always been with the people.

I am only saying LhaL.

"You are being hasty.


You shouldn't he hasty in politics.

Come on, sit.

I think I have waited fol too long.

A good leader writes his own scripts.

He doesn't speak what others ask him to say.


You are saying this?

You have only given parrots as this state's leaders.

Parrots who repeat what you teach them.

I would suggest you to work for the society.

Yes, S1118.

And not for other people's benefits.

Si.t! Si.t! Si.t!

I don't need your advise.


<i><font color="#4600ff"> E</font><font color="#6800ff">n</font><font color="#8b00ff">c</font></i><i><font color="#ff0000">o</font><font color="#ff2000">d</font><font color="#4600ff">e</font><font color="#0000ff">d</font><font color="#2300ff"> B</font><font color="#4600ff">y </font><font color="#4600ff"> K</font><font color="#6800ff">a</font><font color="#8b00ff">t</font></i><i><font color="#ff0000">y</font><font color="#ff2000">a</font><font color="#ff4000">y</font><font color="#ff5f00">a</font><font color="#ff7f00">n</font><font color="#ff5f00"> @ </font><font color="#ff0000">S</font><font color="#ff2000">w</font><font color="#ff4000">o</font><font color="#ff5f00">r</font><font color="#ff7f00">l</font><font color="#ff9f00">d</font><font color="#ffbf00">4</font><font color="#4600ff">y</font><font color="#ff0000">o</font><font color="#ffdf00">u</font><font color="#ffff00">.</font><font color="#bfff00">B</font><font color="#80ff00">l</font><font color="#40ff00">o</font><font color="#00ff00">g</font><font color="#00ff40">s</font><font color="#00ff80">p</font><font color="#00ffbf">o</font><font color="#00ffff">t</font><font color="#00bfff">.</font><font color="#0080ff">I</font><font color="#0040ff">n</font> Deshpande is acting over smart.

How date he talk like this in flout of Sarkar!

I would've buried him alive if the media wasn't There.

Shivaji is right, Sarkar.

Today he was rude on the face.

Who knows what he will do next?

Sarkar, we shouldn't think a lot about this.

We should kill Deshpande.

We are not murderers.

<i>We cannot just kill anyone who speaks against us.</i>


Thoughts and views are a democratic right.

In a democracy, everyone has a right to think, as they like.

We should respect that right.

Deshpande thinks he is right.

But in the end, right

...what is right for the society and people.

Nothing should happen to Deshpande.

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

A1111, the brutal manner in which Sarkar killed you: fatheL.

...I can understand how eager you must be to kill Sarkar.

It is also true that if we don't ruin Sarkar...

...then he will ruin us.

Don't thin]: of rue to be like you: father Shleelaln.

You will have to anyhow enter Sarkafs house.

And you will have to kill hitn from being near hitn.

Sarkar doesn't want rue to go out alone.

Anything can happen anytime.

Okay then, you don't go out. I'll come home to meet you.

And pelhaps, I'll get a chance to meet Sarkar as well.

I'll come to meet you.

Anyway, everyone is worried.

And I don't want it now

At the right time"

...l']I introduce you to Sarkar.


Nagre is simply amazing.

He looks like a saint but he is a mastermind of politics.

Your path won't he clear until we get rid ofhim.

There is no blood behind any project.

<i>Huh. .</i>

This man cannot lose as long has he has public support.

<i>Afiex the death of both his sons...</i>

...he has become even more dangerous.

He has become crazy and stubborn.

That's why"

...I am worried fol you.

1V1 other. .

Nothing will happen to me.

He won't date to mess with me.

Because if anything happens to me..

"The first person to he suspected will he Nagre.

He will protect me.

But the problem is that his grandson Shivaji is hele..

"And that has rekindled the file within Sarkar.

Shivaji is young .

I feat that he will use Shivaji against me as a political weapon.

I won't let that happen.

I am hearing something else.

Not everything is fine in Sarkafs household.

A powel game is taking place There.

From the time Shivaji has come, Gokul is feeling insecure"

"that now Shivaji will be Sarkafs heir.

And Gokul. Gokul dlealns of becoming Sarkar.

Gandhi, when we stand at the shole..

"An approaching wave sulely excites us.

But when the same wave goes hack. takes a little sand off from under you: feet.

U know that u won't dlown.

But when the sand moves off from under you: feet, nlotheL.

"You do feel you will dlown

And the name of this wave is powel, Gandhi.

It excites you when it comes to you"

"but when it scares you when it is about to leave you.

And the one who can play with this wave is called a politician.


wave called Gokul is now going hack into the sea.

We just need to suddenly approach from behind and..

"Just have to push.

Approach from behind and"

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."


We all have guns, but we just want to talk to you.

We had to kill him because...

...MI. Gandhi doesn't want anyone else to know about this meeting.

We have decided to kill Sarkar.

"Then, where and how, Is yet to be decided.

I have no problem in telling you about it.

You know LhaL.

"Sarkar is an enemy because he is stopping Your project.

<i>"Sanka: has a million Ems"</i>

"then he also has a few bundled enemies as well.

Those who wish to kill him.

I anljust one of those few hundreds.

I also know that you don't get along with Shivaji.

After Sarkar passes away, Shivaji will become Sarkar.

You and you: mute partner Ralnan will be under hitn.

As His servants.

That is if he leis you stay.

So, my advice is that before Sarkar passes away"

"you should join me.

Because After that Iwon'! he needing you.

If you support me now then After Sarkar.

We will make you the next Sarkar.

That's because we don't have any problem with that position.

We have a problem with the person"

"who is in that position at this moment.


"Advice bribe punish divide"

"Sarkar, Sarkar..."

"Sarkar, Sarkar..."

"Advice bribe punish divide"

"Advice bribe punish divide"

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."



"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

Sarkar, the preparations have been made for the immersion.

I have spoken to the priest.

He said we need to leave in the afternoon.

But I thin]: you should not go there this time.

It will he quite crowded.

It could be dangerous

Gokul, if I live in fear, then I won't be Sarkar.

What has to happen will happen.

Leave the lest to Bappa.

II Om- . II

"I meditate on Ganesha

"..who has the brilliance of a million suns.

"Oh Lord, please make all my worksu"

"..flee of obstacles, always."

"Oh Lord, who provides joy, takes away sadness and removes all obstacles in life."

"Who spreads love everywhele as his blessing."

"V7110 has lovely yellow-orange fragrance paste all over his body."

"V7110 has a necklace of pearls around his neck."

the God, hail the God."

the God, hail the God, hail the auspicious idol."

"All out wishes are fulfilled just by looking at the idol."

the God, hail the God."

the God, hail the God, hail the auspicious idol."

"All out wishes are fulfilled just by looking at the idol."

the God, hail the God."

"Offering you seat studded with jewels fol you son of Gauri."

"Smearing you with sandalwood paste and led paste on the head."

"Diamond studded crown suites you right."

"Whose anklels tingle in his feet."

the God, hail the God."

the God, hail the God, hail the auspicious idol."

"All out wishes are fulfilled just by looking at the idol."

the God, hail the God."

the God, hail the God, hail the auspicious idol."

"All out wishes are fulfilled just by looking at the idol."

the God, hail the God."

"Hail the God Ganesh."

"Huge bellied, who wears yellow prayer cloths."

"V7110 has straight trunk and is ego crusher and son of Lord Shiva."

"I anl waiting for you in my home just like the devotee of Lord Rama."

"Please help us and protect us during bad times, my Salutations to lold."

the God, hail the God."

the God, hail the God, hail the auspicious idol."

"All out wishes are fulfilled just by looking at the idol."

the God, hail the God."

the God, hail the God, hail the auspicious idol."

"All out wishes are fulfilled just by looking at the idol."

the God, hail the God."

"I how low to you, I worship your holy feet."

"I fill my eyes with your sight."

"I embrace you with love and worship you with pleasure."

"Saint Nanldev says, I worship you with all my heart."

"You, and none else, are my mother and father."

"You, and none else, are my brother and friend."

"You, and none else, are my knowledge and money."

"Oh Lold, you are everything fol me."

"I dedicate to Lord Narayana whatever endeavors I perfornx"

"With my body, speech, mind, limbs, intellect ol mindu"

"Performed eiLhel intentionally ol unintentionally."

"All different names of Lord Vishnu."

"I recite them all."

"Hail Lord Rama! Hail Lord Rama! Praise to Thee!"

"Hail Lord Krishna! Hail Lord Krishna! Praise to Thee!"

"Hail Lord Rama! Hail Lord Rama! Praise to Thee!"

"Hail Lord Krishna! Hail Lord Krishna! Praise to Thee!"

"Hail Lord Rama! Hail Lord Rama! Praise to Thee!"

"Hail Lord Krishna! Hail Lord Krishna! Praise to Thee!"

"Hail Lord Rama! Hail Lord Rama! Praise to Thee!"

"Hail Lord Krishna! Hail Lord Krishna! Praise to Thee!"

After Slumkafs death, I felt as if everything had lost its meaning.

I got coulage After I saw yours.

And now, once again, someone tried to kill you.

This is politics, Pushpa.

It's politics.

I thin]: before I do anything.

I think.

For the people, for my family.

For millions of families.

Politics is like a <i>chess</i> game

A quicksand.

That's why I have kept myself away from it.

But the way I am leading my ]ife..

"The number of my enemies will increase.

The enemies will get bigger.

I have no complains against you.

But I thought that now that Shivaji is hele, everything will he fine.

Everything will he good.

I think someone has cast an evil eye on Your family.

I won't be able to tolerate another shock.


No one has cast any evil eye.

You haven't lost anything.


I have been attacked six times.

Six times

Different times, different places.

And every time There has been an attach.

"My responsibilities have increased.

I won't Ietleat.


I won't.

Nothing will happen to me.


And I won't let anything happen to you as well.

I won't let anything happen to you as well.

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."

Long live. . Sarkar!

Long live. . Sarkar!

Long Live.. Subhash Nagre!

"Govinda, Govinda."

" Govinda. "

Darling, I don't like gills who have a heart.

I like you...

...because you have everything except a heart.

I had a wife. She only had a heart.

Everything I said, she took it to her heart.

She used to say, "Don't do this, don't do that."

But unfortunately, she passed away.


Her heart stopped beating.

Well, it's a different story that I was the one who stopped it.

Darling, politics is a very had thing.

Sit, with regard to Deshpandek muJdeleL.

There are a lot of rumors and speculations in the city.

But most of the people think that Subhash Nagre is behind it.

This is good fol Deshpandes enemies <i>as</i> well <i>as</i> fol us.

I will keep giving you updates.

No matlel what anyone says, Deshpande has made a difiicult task quite easy.


Darling, come hele.

Come hele, come hele.


You have started asking too many questions.

Just like some questions don't have answers.

"Some answers also don't have questions.

This is a political muldel.

Subhash Nagre got my son killed.

In the past 40 years, anyone who Iajsed his voice against

"has met with the same fate.

The state government is Subhash Nagre's servant.

I am a moLhel.

All I will say is that Subhash Nagre is Iesponsihle fol this.

He will have to pay fol this.

'Govind Despande's mother Rukkubai has accused..'

'. .Subhash Nagre for her son's murder.'

'Everyone knows that Govind Despande. .'

'used to call Subhash Nagre a remote control..'

'..who runs the whole state.'

'Despande had declared to ruin Nagre that's why..'

' the moment speculations are rife on Subhash Nagre"

Wh0evel is behind - 'We have heard that some time ago..'

'Both Subhash Nagre and Govind Despande came face to face..'

This won't stop hele.

This is just the beginning.

There's a lot that's going to happen.

'Only time will tell who is behind what.'

'With cameraman Vishesh, this is Nlahesh Shetty from News24.

You two go to Naik and find out who can be behind this.


I know you won't believe it...

...hut I want to tell you who is behind this.


I have confirmed information.

Gokul is behind it.

What are you saying!

This is being done to give you a had name.

Can't you see it?

Not just LhaL.

"He is making his own group outside, without your knowledge.

I know"

"you don't believe me.

I can understand.

Gokul has been loyal to you all these years.

And perhaps, you haven't trusted anyone as much other than uncle Shankal.

But Sarkar, you don't need to believe in what I say.

Because I can prove what I anl saying.

I can prove that you: Gokul.

This is the truth about him.

After Sarkar...

I'll make you the next Sarkar.

That's because I don't have any problem with that position.

I have a problem with the person"

"who is holding that position at this moment.


It is true, Sarkar.

What you saw is the truth.

But it is only the half-truth.

I didn't go to meet Gandhi.

They had folced me to meet him.

I spoke to Ralnan about it.

And we decided that we wouldn't tell you.

You wouldn't believe me even if I had told you..

"That someone close to you has joined hands with them to get rid of you.

Sarkar, this Gandhi, Golak, they are just puppets.

They are just pawns in this game.

The real player



Sarkar, it's Shivaji.


I know that you don't believe in me.

He is you: flesh and blood and I anl an outsider.

An outsider

But remember he made a deal with Gorak.

"That happened? He turned traitor.

I had told you.

And ask Ramam.

We have confirmed information that he is behind Despande's muldel.

It <i>was</i> done <i>following his instructions.</i>


I lefl everything fol you.

I served you without taking one penny from you.

I took information from the other group to protect you.

<i><font color="#4600ff"> E</font><font color="#6800ff">n</font><font color="#8b00ff">c</font></i><i><font color="#ff0000">o</font><font color="#ff2000">d</font><font color="#4600ff">e</font><font color="#0000ff">d</font><font color="#2300ff"> B</font><font color="#4600ff">y </font><font color="#4600ff"> K</font><font color="#6800ff">a</font><font color="#8b00ff">t</font></i><i><font color="#ff0000">y</font><font color="#ff2000">a</font><font color="#ff4000">y</font><font color="#ff5f00">a</font><font color="#ff7f00">n</font><font color="#ff5f00"> @ </font><font color="#ff0000">S</font><font color="#ff2000">w</font><font color="#ff4000">o</font><font color="#ff5f00">r</font><font color="#ff7f00">l</font><font color="#ff9f00">d</font><font color="#ffbf00">4</font><font color="#4600ff">y</font><font color="#ff0000">o</font><font color="#ffdf00">u</font><font color="#ffff00">.</font><font color="#bfff00">B</font><font color="#80ff00">l</font><font color="#40ff00">o</font><font color="#00ff00">g</font><font color="#00ff40">s</font><font color="#00ff80">p</font><font color="#00ffbf">o</font><font color="#00ffff">t</font><font color="#00bfff">.</font><font color="#0080ff">I</font><font color="#0040ff">n</font> You are suspecting me?

Because he is you: flesh and blood and I anl an outsider?

He is not your flesh and blood.

He isn't.

He is hele only to break you.

He has come to seek Ievenge fol his finthefs muldel.

And that gill" his friend, A1111"

Shleelanls daughter. .

Sarkar, once upon a time Shleelaln was Gandhi's partner.

I never opposed any decision of yours.

I.. I agreed to everything.

I lost both my sons.

Don't kill Shivaji.

What will people say? What kind of a family is this?

You don't kill him.

Spare his life.

I know your truth.

I know it.

I always paid a price for my principles.

But I had never thought I'd face such a day.

I always listen to my conscience.

And today, it told me that to trust you"

"was the biggest mistake of my life.

The way you think is 100 times worse than your father, Vishnu.

I never want to see you: face again.

I don't want to heat anything about you eiLhel.

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."

Who are you?

Don't he scared.

If I wanted to kill you, I would've killed you long hack.

I know you are one of gangstel Bhosle's men.

I have an offer for you.

This news is hot in the market.

That matlel between Sarkar and Shivaji is quite serious.

That's why Gokul and Ralnan didn't show up.

Their men are also worried.

It is a good opportunity"

...fol us to kill Sarkar.

But before that we need to confirm this news"

...w]1ethel the fight between the two is true ol not.

It is true.

My name is Shivaji.

Shivaji Nagre.

I am S1118 you've heard my name.

How did you find out about this place?

Bhonsle in this date and age, there is no such thing as a secret.

Come to the point.


The money you refused to pay Billm.

...I paid him double.

Feal and greed can make anyone turn traitor,

<i>Ovel smartness as well, Shivaji.</i>


I don't have much time.

Your enemy is the same as mine.


Sit down

Now listen"

Sarkar always says that you gain strength.

"By coming together and not by going against.

I know that in this day and age you are the best in the underworld.

Your powers should unite.

In a mission to end Sarkafs reign and business".

...I have come hele to do partnership with you.

I have a condition.

I knew this would he your condition.

Billu was no longer useful to rue.

<i>Now let's get down to Your business.</i>

Shivaji isn't the first man to vow to kill me.

I have stopped counting.

So many have come and gone.

A1111, everything in my life has suddenly changed.

Now nothing is same as before.

And nothing will he same in the futule as well.

I won't stop until I am not done with Sarkar.

A1111, all my strength and I are with you in this.


He is joining hands with all those whom you didn't even want to talk to.

Golak, Gandhi, everyone has joined hands with him.

No matlel how many mice get togeLheL.

"Forget a tiger they cannot even hurt a cat.

Sarkar always says that you gain strength.

"By coming together and not by going against.

We don't have much time lefl now.

I know that you want to know why I hate Sarkar so much.

Only I know the reason behind that.

And I don't need to tell all of you.

What we need to do is ruin Sarkar.

Who is with him and who is against him?

Who is happy and who isn't?

And who isn't happy"

ready to join hands with us.

I have spoken to everyone.

Perhaps Sarkar doesn't know that no matter how powerful a lion

"even a group of dogs can bring him down.

And I am" the king of the lions.

<i>Sanka, he says mm now he is the Yum king of Mumbai.</i>

Wearing a lion's skin doesn't make a dog a lion.

We thought he was Vihhushzm"

"but Shivaji has come to you like Hanuxnan to set Sarkafs Lanka of file.


Now leave everything else and begin the game"

. .of making Shivaji more powerful than Sarkar.


Do you understand?

Yeah, I like it.

Show it to her.

<i>How's this one'?</i>

Darling, all those women who I gave a ling to are dead now.

If you want to do this against Sarkafs wishes then I cannot help you.

<i>CM six».</i>

Sarkar isn't a saint.

We both know that.

<i>Let's hulk Business.</i>

Name your price.

Not everything is fol sale.

But there's a lot that can be bought.

And not necessarily with money.

Sarkar too believes that apart from money"

"negotiation bribery, penalty and deceit also holds great value.

We can give you so much that you won't need Sarkar anymore.

What are you thinking, CM sit?

If you thin]: that Sarkafs men will stall the work".

"Then leave that to me. I'll handle them.

Look son, I don't support those who go against their family.

Stop lecturing me.

Now these are my family.

You can take your time to think about it.

But take a quick decision.

'There are a lot of controversies over the Dhalavi Project.'

'Chief Minister Nlohan Naik still be]_ieves..'

'..that people living in Dhalavi have no interest in this project.'

'Along with cameraman Vishesh, this is Nlahesh Shetty from News24.'

Sarkar, Shivaji paid me a visit.

No one in this government will go against hitn.

Everyone is scared.

If Sarkar continues to work like

"then There will he no place lefl fol me in Mahatashtnfs politics.

Now I will have to do something.

"Such that it shakes the foundation of the whole government.


Once we get rid of Sarkar, I promise you" will he just you and me.

Pu get going now.

What happened?

You wanted to kill Sarkar because he killed your father Shleelaln.

And now, the joke is that the tables have turned in such a way"

"that you: lover is going to kill Sarkar.

So, in this situation why don't you change you: fake love into real love".

"And become Mrs. Sarkar?


Gandhi, go ahead with what we had decided.

Yes, go ahead.

Whenevel. .

A lot.

Needs to go.


No matlel how a fish moves, it doesn't make any sound"

Do you know why?

It's because of the water.

You've become a quick learner.

Can I ask something?

The conversation you just had with Gandhi.

"Go ahead. Whenevel.

A lot. Needs to go."


What is going to happen?


According to the sources, the blast has had a huge affect.

And it's hard to predict the number of casualties in this incident.

The police believe this can be a terrorist attack as well.

The Chief Minister has issued orders for an investigation.

This is Sikha Pandey, with Cameraman Sushjl Mane, News 24.

There was a loud noise.

Very loud.

I Ian outside and it was had.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

People were on file and were running around.

Everyone was running around.

There were dead bodies everywhere.

I couldn't find Ganpat.

They brought hitn home in a bag.

They brought my Ganpat in a bag.

You are Sarkar, right?

Why didn't you stop them?

You are Sarkar, right?

Why didn't you stop them?

Why didn't you stop them?

They killed him.

They killed my Ganpat.

They killed him.

Along with her child, 66 people have died, Sarkar.

15 of them were chjldlen.

I couldn't look into that mother's eyes.

I couldn't.

Everyone There..

Everyone was staring at me.

At me.


She was questioning me.

How did this happen?

Why did this happen?

They wele all questioning me, how did this happen?

It happened.



I always did what I felt was right.


I did what I felt was right.

But Pushpa always paid a greater price for this principle than I ever did.

She lost both her sons.

She ended 40 years of togetherness in just one moment.

She lefl me.

But what hulls me the most that...

...she was unhappy when she died.

Because of Shivaji.


And I..

I could not do anything about it.

I couldn't do anything.

I could not do anything about her unhappiness.

'Chief minister Aayudesh Naik has..'

'. .approved the Dhalavi East project. .'

'..against Sarkar Subhash Nagre wishes.'

'There were a lot of issues with this project.'

'Now there is no doubt that in futuxeu'

' will get more problematic.'

'Along with cameraman Vishesh, this is Nlahesh Shetty from News24.'

Today you have done something which only Sarkar could do.

So from today. .

"You are Your Sarkar.


I know that you have promised mother that you won't kill Shivaji.

But let me Iemiud you that you aren't just a husband ol a glandfathel.

You are Sarkar.

And all those 66 people who died were you: chjldlen, Sarkar.

And there is no doubt that Shivaji is behind that Dhalavi blast.

This is your fault, Sarkar.

Forgive me.

But it is your fault.

You lefl him loose.

Now he is entering Your territory and planning to kill you.

There's no time to thin]: anymore.

It is time to kill him.

I beg to you, I need you: order to kill hitn.

A1111, I don't care what happens now.

There are a few things which we cannot control.

I feel as if all this will end pretty soon.

What do you think?

We should get out of hele.

A1111, bend down.

Who is it, you"?


He wants to kill me.

Sarkar wants to kill my A1111.

This is injustice.

Sarkafs justice.

And he talks about principles.

He killed his own son in his own house.

A1111, not just you: father, he killed my father as well.

And that dog, Gokul.

Sarkar thinks that he is his son.

I will get inside the house and kill both of them.

First Gokul...

wand then Sarkar.

He might have started this game"

He has..

But I am the one who's going to end it.

Shivaji, there is no doubt that Gokul and Ralnan are behind the attacks on you.

Always remember that a king's strength lies with his colnlnandel-in-chief.

If you kill the colnlnandel-in-chief, the king will die automatically.

Yeah, cheers. Yeah, yeah.

Did you understand what you need to do?

And wait

Darling, hi.

She has started asking a lot of questions these days

Kill her.

"There is Nag esh'?

Find out where Nagesh is.

Listen carefully.

We made the first attempt to kill Shivaji and we failed.

The second attempt should not fail.

Most importantly, he must have become alert After the first attempt.

So whatever we do, we have to be very careful.

I have heard that he is meeting Gandhi and that girl quite frequently.

Keep an eye on both of them.

"There do they go'? "That do they do'?

Make fOIII teams.

Track all of them.

At the right place and at the right time"

35 years!

It has been 35 years.

"Since Ikilled someone with my own hands.

35 years!

But now"

...I will kill Shivaji with these very hands.

With these very hands.

It is now time to kill Shivaji.


Even if we get Sarkar killed and give Shivaji his 11110118..

"Shivaji cannot become Sarkar.

No one can take Sarkafs position.

Sarkar is Sarkar because of40 years...

...of love and respect.

This isn't a huleaucmt ol a politician's position"

"that replacement won't make a diffelence.

People are right.

Sarkar isn't a man, he is a school of thought.

But it is also true that this school of thought belongs to that man.

We should be concerned only with out work.

And out work cannot be done without Sarkar.

We will support him in his had times"

"we will win over his confidence"

"and then we will use him.

As soon as out work is done..

"We will kill Sarkar.

But who killed Gokul?

What do you think?

You guys?

May he"

OI may he not.

Gokul made a lot of enemies while working for Sarkar.

Any one could have killed him.

But we just need to convince Sarkar.

Another thing . .

Even if we kill Sarkar and make you sit on his 11110118..

"You cannot he Sarkar.

To he Sarkar, you need 40 years of love and Iespect.

And to gain that you will have to stay close to him.

You'll have to go there and convince hitn that you didn't kill Gokul.

Why you could not have killed him?

I'll tell you.

I will tell you.

He is you: grandfather.

You'll have to learn from you: grandfather.

Hello, Sarkar.

I know you won't believe me.

I didn't kill Gokul.

I want to come to you alone and prove it.

Please permit me to come home.

Please Send Ralnan to pick rue up.



Go and"

"get Shivaji hele.

I will make arrangements to kill hitn over here.

Sarkar, There is a man called Sit.

He is quite important.

He wants to meet you.

Yes, Raman. I'm coming downstairs.

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Sarkar, Sarkar..."


Principled people...

...have few friends ...

wand many enemies.

<i>K do Business.</i>

And that's why I also have to do politics.

The people I respect, I take good care of them and I expect.

"Them to take care of me as well.


The Dharavfs project, it will take the direction you wanted.

An auspicious beginning

It's just the beginning.

OLhel plojecls...

well will be done under you: guidance.

I stay abroad

"but I am well informed of what's happening hele.

I also heard about you: grandson.

Some from the media and some from CM Naik.

If you want, I can help you kill your grandson.

No matter how big a monster Shivaji

"he shouldn't have killed Gokul who was like a son to you.

Shivaji didn't get Gokul killed, I did.

Everything that has happened so fax was planned by me.

<i><font color="#4600ff"> E</font><font color="#6800ff">n</font><font color="#8b00ff">c</font></i><i><font color="#ff0000">o</font><font color="#ff2000">d</font><font color="#4600ff">e</font><font color="#0000ff">d</font><font color="#2300ff"> B</font><font color="#4600ff">y </font><font color="#4600ff"> K</font><font color="#6800ff">a</font><font color="#8b00ff">t</font></i><i><font color="#ff0000">y</font><font color="#ff2000">a</font><font color="#ff4000">y</font><font color="#ff5f00">a</font><font color="#ff7f00">n</font><font color="#ff5f00"> @ </font><font color="#ff0000">S</font><font color="#ff2000">w</font><font color="#ff4000">o</font><font color="#ff5f00">r</font><font color="#ff7f00">l</font><font color="#ff9f00">d</font><font color="#ffbf00">4</font><font color="#4600ff">y</font><font color="#ff0000">o</font><font color="#ffdf00">u</font><font color="#ffff00">.</font><font color="#bfff00">B</font><font color="#80ff00">l</font><font color="#40ff00">o</font><font color="#00ff00">g</font><font color="#00ff40">s</font><font color="#00ff80">p</font><font color="#00ffbf">o</font><font color="#00ffff">t</font><font color="#00bfff">.</font><font color="#0080ff">I</font><font color="#0040ff">n</font> I told Shivaji.

"That if we are togeLheL.

If we stay togeLheL.

"Then it will take quite long to recognize the enemy.

But if.. Sugar?

If we make them believe"

"that we are against each othen.

"Then all those who are Your enemies.

Come out in the open.

Like you came out

MI. Gandhi.

Your joke came true.


Which joke?

Shivaji introduced me to Sarkar.

And Sarkar proved that...

he didn't kill my father, you did.

You lured Gokul into temptation.

You offered hitn Sarkafs position.

He folgot his years of loyalty and set out to betray me.

He got insecure

"from the time Shivaji came hele..

"That his position in this house is in danger.

Greed and fear...

...can make anyone turn traitor.

He spoke to CM Naik and got the Dhalavi project cleared.

After LhaL.

After LhaL.

I studied your purpose, what's your intention, everything.

After kicking Shivaji ouL.

...I kept lying to Gokul and Raman.

Only Shivaji, Pushpa and I knew the truth.

Only the thlee of us.

After looking at Gokul's dead body"

...I expressed a lot of grief

I shed a few tears.

I vowed to kill Shivaji.

A (llama.

Everything was a (llama.

It was done to convince you that I really want to kill Shivaji.

Your biggest spy...

...i.n this house, was this guy

Gandhi is dead too.

So is Golak...

Bhosle. .

Shetty. .

All dead.


Sarkar, you had vowed to kill me.

Which in reality, was for hitn.

I have a request

Give me this opportunity.

"Advice bribe punish divide"

"Advice bribe punish divide"


".110! as had as people think it is.

You just have to play it right, you filSL.

"Need to understand the internal politics of a group

In English it's called palace politics.

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Govinda, Govinda."

"It echoes in every direction."

"Everyone looks at you with hopeful eyes."

"Your name is the greatest."

"You are called Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinsda..."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Krishnay vasudevay hatage parmamame"

"Ganateaite shilashay govinday namonamaha"

"File nms 1111011811 Ymn veins".

"You wele Iajsed by the sea."

"Your name is the greatest."

"You are called Govinda."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Govinda, Govinda, Govinda..."

"Advice bribe punish divide"

"Advice bribe punish divide"

"Sarkar, Sarkar..."

<i><font color="#4600ff"> E</font><font color="#6800ff">n</font><font color="#8b00ff">c</font></i><i><font color="#ff0000">o</font><font color="#ff2000">d</font><font color="#4600ff">e</font><font color="#0000ff">d</font><font color="#2300ff"> B</font><font color="#4600ff">y </font><font color="#4600ff"> K</font><font color="#6800ff">a</font><font color="#8b00ff">t</font></i><i><font color="#ff0000">y</font><font color="#ff2000">a</font><font color="#ff4000">y</font><font color="#ff5f00">a</font><font color="#ff7f00">n</font><font color="#ff5f00"> @ </font><font color="#ff0000">S</font><font color="#ff2000">w</font><font color="#ff4000">o</font><font color="#ff5f00">r</font><font color="#ff7f00">l</font><font color="#ff9f00">d</font><font color="#ffbf00">4</font><font color="#4600ff">y</font><font color="#ff0000">o</font><font color="#ffdf00">u</font><font color="#ffff00">.</font><font color="#bfff00">B</font><font color="#80ff00">l</font><font color="#40ff00">o</font><font color="#00ff00">g</font><font color="#00ff40">s</font><font color="#00ff80">p</font><font color="#00ffbf">o</font><font color="#00ffff">t</font><font color="#00bfff">.</font><font color="#0080ff">I</font><font color="#0040ff">n</font> "Advice bribe punish divide"

"Advice bribe punish divide"

"Advice bribe punish divide"

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For more infomation >> Sarkar 3 New Released Full Hindi Movie 2017 | Amitabh Bacchan Latest Hindi Movie 2017 - Duration: 1:44:28.


#MBNeAVISMi - 16: Tipi di Ricostruzione dopo Mastectomia Conservativa - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> #MBNeAVISMi - 16: Tipi di Ricostruzione dopo Mastectomia Conservativa - Duration: 2:31.


ملخص مباراة برشلونة و فالينسيا 1-1 التي لم يحتسب فيها هدف صحيح لميسي (شاشة كاملة) - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> ملخص مباراة برشلونة و فالينسيا 1-1 التي لم يحتسب فيها هدف صحيح لميسي (شاشة كاملة) - Duration: 1:53.


CJay "Ball Out"

For more infomation >> CJay "Ball Out"


Best Nintendo 64 Ever! (The Ultimate N64 Console!) - Duration: 3:41.

Hello and welcome to a special Cygnus Destroyer video!

As longtime followers of the channel might be aware, I've been on a quest to get the

best possible picture quality from all of my retro systems, and thanks to one of my

viewers who turned out to be a really talented modder, I'm now one major step closer to

completing that goal.

My friends, it's a great honor to introduce to you the beautiful & amazing new addition

to my console collection...the LJN64.

Created by Jarred of Retro Revolutions, the LJN64 is much more than your average fifth

generation Nintendo system.

It features a custom 3D printed shell with a two tone paint job highlighted by my favorite

color, a bright Blue LED power light & my LJN Defender 8-bit avatar displayed in all

its glory up front, but the true power of this awesome machine is contained within.

As I mentioned earlier, I've been on a journey to optimize my consoles in order to improve

the quality of the footage recorded for my reviews, and anyone familiar with the N64

most likely knows that Nintendo was the clear loser to Sony & Sega in regards to video options.

In stark contrast to the Playstation & Saturn, which both natively output a sharp RGB signal,

the N64 only offered composite & S-Video.

While the former looked great on the now obsolete tube TVs, it didn't hold up at all in the

jump towards the modern 1080p & 4K flat screens.

The S-Video cable, on the other hand, produced a noticeable boost to the picture quality,

especially when paired with a Framemeister upscaling unit, but I wasn't 100% satisfied

with the results.

I'd heard of the Ultra HDMI modification and how it pushed the boundaries of the N64

from a visual perspective, but the heavy price tag made me quite reluctant to invest in it.

As fate would have it, my hesitancy paid off, since Jarred not only wired the LJN64 to output

RGB, but he upped the ante by including the Tim Worthington de-blur switch.

The already impressive RGB image is raised to a whole new level with a simple slide of

my thumb and Banjo-Kazooie, Ocarina of Time & the rest of the fifth generation Nintendo

classics are now replicated in breathtaking HD that rivals even the fanciest emulators.

Combine that with the accompanying controller & its enhanced Gamecube replacement analog

stick, and we have the recipe for the ultimate N64 experience, bar none.

Needless to say, the LJN64 is a dream come true and I can't thank Jarred enough for

generously doing this for me free of charge, so the least that I can do to pay him back

is to ask all of you watching this right now to check out his video of the making of this

magnificent beast & subscribe to his channel if you like what you see.

I'll put a link in the description and there should be a card on the screen right now or

in the little circle in the upper right-hand corner, so you can click on those & be fascinated

by his awe-inspiring skills.

Anyway, now that I've shared my fantastic new present with you guys, I've got an appearance

in the IUPG court to prepare for.

Be sure to come back for that, but until then, this is Matt a.k.a. Cygnus Destroyer, signing out!

For more infomation >> Best Nintendo 64 Ever! (The Ultimate N64 Console!) - Duration: 3:41.


I 3 segreti per una produttività estrema 🖖 202 - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> I 3 segreti per una produttività estrema 🖖 202 - Duration: 3:41.


Colors Learn Cockroach Finger Family Song - Duration: 3:02.


For more infomation >> Colors Learn Cockroach Finger Family Song - Duration: 3:02.



Hi everyone welcome back to the sex Beauty channel if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet

Please hit that subscribe button down below, and if you've been watching me for a while. Thank you so much for tuning in

Today's video is super exciting. It's about the new

Breanna products

She just launched it is by fenty beauty and it is the stunner lip paint in the color

Uncensored it's the signature right there Rihanna always wears. Oh my goodness

I'm so excited to show you guys what this looks like I've already worn it today

And I'm just I just took it off

And I'm just showing you guys how it applies how it wears

And everything else so keep on watching this video if you want to see how this looks

Okay, so it comes in the packaging looks like this. I went to Sephora twice in two trips

My first trip, I bought this because I didn't want to forget about it it just launched about two days ago and

The packaging is super pretty it looks like this

it's black and it has her autograph on the front, and it says fenty beauty by Rihanna and

On the side it says one stroke intensity 12 hour Matte

wear, unrivaled precision. Now the wand is very interesting. I'm gonna show you guys

So you open it up it costs

$24 and

You get this

Everyone commented on a packaging that looks like nail polish. They didn't think it was a lip product, but it is mrs.

Fenty beauty on the side, it's like that


Then when you open it up

You have this wand the wand looks like this

And it's very unique because most if you guys have lipsticks and

Different lip colors and lip paints and all of that the one is usually like a dolpha applicator. It doesn't usually look like this

But this is very unique and the way it applies

It's it's beautiful, so I'm gonna apply it now for you guys, so I'm just dipping it in once

Getting a little bit of the excess off

I'm not gonna wear a lip liner. Just to show you guys how this would look

If you want to wear a lip liner I would suggest you do so

Now when it comes to the edges, I'm just going to turn it around so that the applicator is on this side

And I'm gonna outline

Now this is how it looks this is just one stroke notice

I didn't get back in from when I first stepped in for my first coat all of that

Was just one swipe

So it's amazing I've never seen a liquid lipstick

And I have plenty of liquid lipsticks that do that so I love the fact that the applicator does that


The packaging is beautiful. I mean we all know Rihanna made it of course, and I also love that

This is gonna dry down matte not if you want to wear it with like a lip gloss over it and look stunning

I'm not really into the Metra, and I'm kind of more of I know that gloss girl

But this is it's just beautiful

there is a little bit of transfer when you're like eating or drinking, but nothing too much and

The longevity of it, it's just amazing it

I wore it pretty much the whole day today from morning till I got home not too long ago

And it just looks amazing so let me zoom you guys in just to show you what it looks like


You guys back out I

Mean for $24 your I mean no one's gonna do red lips everyday, because

It is intense, and if you want to wear it with a lip liner

I do recommend you wear it with a lip liner

I didn't wear it for the purpose of this video because I'm not going anywhere now

So I just want to show you guys what its gonna look like on your lips. It looks the feel of it is amazing

It's not drawing like a lot of liquid

Lipsticks usually are but I should note that prior to this I did put on a lip balm

And then I just rubbed my lips together so it can soak up the product

And then I just took a piece of tissue and just dab the excess off

So if you do have really really dry lips which I do

Maybe you should do that prior to wearing this product, and you will be good to go. It's very comfortable

I'm pretty sure it does where I had it on for pretty much the whole day today. It does wear all day long and for

$24 you just you can't go wrong so if you guys aren't thinking about checking it out

I would highly highly highly highly recommend you buy this product. It is beautiful the color payoff is

Amazing, and I hope that she comes out with

More shades, maybe like a hot pink like this

Oh, I would die and would die I do maybe a nude. Oh my goodness

I would just a nude or a

Hot pink I like special occasions but like a like everyday nude on my goodness

I would wear it every day, so thank you so much for watching

I hope you guys enjoyed this review of the fenty beauty lip paint in the shade

Uncensored way looks and make sure you subscribe if you haven't subscribed already and check out my pictures

I'm gonna put up a post more pictures with the

Liquid lip paint on my social media so on instagram it's l.baldeo

Oh check out the description bar below. I have all of my social medias linked there and

Let me know do you guys wear a red lipstick a lot? Do you like the red lips?

This is something a product you're gonna skip on or if there's something that you would go to Sephora to buy

I should know also. I got the second to last one in Sephora, so I'm pretty sure every Sephora

It's sold out about this is the second to last one. I grabbed it up

For more infomation >> FENTY BEAUTY STUNNA LIP PAINT - DEMO & REVIEW - Duration: 8:01.


This Is What Happens When You Try To Be Over Smart! - Duration: 1:18.

Sit back and watch my martial arts skills

are you guys ready for this? camera man stand back a little

oh! (lights out)

(laughs) what is going on?

is that for real? (have you tried turning all the lights on?)

what? (I only touched the light

turn the lights off, something's wrong with the electric system

hang on! hang on! (I only touched the lights)

mate I think the whole electric system went down!

I think the power shut down


I think the lights are out upstairs as well!

where is the main switch? I will turn it on.

This is the aftermath of martial arts.

I have a little bruise on my hand

isn't it? look at this (All: Yeah)

Felt like I got electrocuted, this light is off because of my hand

all the other lights are on, because I touched this one the main power went down

we have turned the main power on

so that was my martial arts skills

cameraman! stand back a little

oi! shoo

For more infomation >> This Is What Happens When You Try To Be Over Smart! - Duration: 1:18.


Kitara Arcane (please read description) - Duration: 2:01.

skip to 0:47

skip to 1:27

For more infomation >> Kitara Arcane (please read description) - Duration: 2:01.


toString, repeat and padStart in JavaScript. Codingame: Chuck Norris - Solved - Duration: 4:41.

Programming shouldn't be boring.

Let's solve a Codingame's puzzle today.

[Music playing]


Let's play and solve a puzzle titled "Chuck Norris" by Codingame.

I'm Anatol and you are watching the Good Parts of the FrontEnd development.

[Music playing]

The story tells: Binary is good!

But unary is much better!

Test your encoding skills in this easy puzzle where you will be asked to transform a string

into a "unary" string.

This puzzle teaches you how to convert characters into their digital values and also digits

into binary values.

And how to deal with Bit mask, Bit shifts and ASCII table.

To win this game I must encode a string into a series of zeros.

The input message consists of ASCII characters (7-bit).

The encoded output message consists of blocks of 0, separated by a space.

Ok, let's solve this problem using the Functional programming approach.

The functional programming is a programming paradigm, that treats computation as the evaluation

of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data.

Considering all above, I need to convert an input string to a binary format.

For that I use toString method on a basement 2.

Every block should fill all the 7 bits of information, it can be done using padStart


After that, continuous sequences of ones and zeros in the string should be separated with

white spaces, using match method, as you can see in the following example.

This method returns an array of digits.

Then I need to print the same quantity of "zero"-s for each block.

I'll do that using repeat method.

Let's dive into the code.

[Music playing]

Start the program with "print" command.

Read an input string and split it into an array

For each character define its ASCII char code and convert it to a binary format

Join them into one string and split this string again into an array using the pattern mentioned

above Then decode the string as following: "1" >> "0"

(one becomes zero); "0" >> "00" (zero becomes double zero)

Join the array into a string and print the result

Let's run the test cases.

All tests are green!

That's pretty easy, isn't it?

Next time let's have a look at Defibrillators and mathematical operations in JavaScript.

[Music playing]

My code is available on GitHub Documentation is available in the Internet

Follow the links if you're eager to get more.

[Music playing]

If you like this video give it "thumbs up", share it with your friends, subscribe to the

channel and watch other episodes.

[Music playing]

This is all for this week.

Thanks for watching and dive deeper.

For more infomation >> toString, repeat and padStart in JavaScript. Codingame: Chuck Norris - Solved - Duration: 4:41.



Yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today I have a

brand new Call of Duty well not Call of Duty actually it's actually a Fortnite video for

you guys I'm so used to saying call of duty by anyways guys today um I was

playing a lot of world war two and after you play a lot a lot of it you get bored

and I was like you know what I just want to record a different type of videos

today just to switch it up a little see if you guys like this or not if you guys

enjoy watching it then obviously leave a like and comment down below that's the

main part I want you have to comment and tell me if you I do like it but

basically it's gonna be a four night video it's just me and some of my

friends just playing Fortnite so if you guys enjoy it comment down below and

you want to see some more this and leave a like it show support and uh yeah I'll

do my best been raised guys hopefully you guys did a video again support if

you want to see more so yeah but how was your 94 people already it starts like

that yo yeah I can watch you man we went to these houses I don't know why and I

got here let's go I was just run out even know if we

were chosen or not there's another show pushing you and I can't carry it whoa

just drink it drink I already got one it's like a blue hey okra

hey let's go to these houses down here - real quick before the storm comes in

- also got your trip ocean liner

and I gotta make you to say you know if y'all did get we just tell me we gotta

go you got a dit no like the stars I got

excellent it's alright I got another RPG wants it I'm gonna come get it come get


dance I had a grenade launcher - you

already got RPG but see i'ma drop this make it if I grab this that's what you

forgive me make a odana make it make it that's a problem some date cause I make

it nicer better than man just ya know

that's what I'm saying bow well I don't know if I can carry these

but i'ma have to drop something I guess you got extra spots for bandages there's

something yeah I'd have some in this little cabinet I see there's two others

you three I'll go meet em let's go meet him up

here like a meter I could any my gosh oh no more

oh my god meet him right here watch it watch this watch this definitely come

and an RPG wonder to go get ready

they all died did they didn't die one of them went down

if you shoot we'll walk you down there game over no more down there

what char they ran yeah yeah they just did huh

dokkan dokkan eats we're worthy you're right here close the right here

did you Stern look right here mm-hmm our choo-choo-choo

I know more of them now you steam your in know that I fall down there where it

will ship watch all that the bridge see wait to get our pink clothes yeah that

closed on I don't see what the circles and even go build some we're sorry we're

only doing either of my kids so no I want to use them seventy year lower I

was at y'all just wish elements yeah that was me all right

you sure hold down the bill right up on top of is over here okay Zelda if you

want you guys come on come on yeah trying to bill you fool

they're getting

mmm I'm back I'm back I hope you like can you edit this shit oh yeah there you

go Oh what the hell sorry what the hell are we make you right now somebody's

pushing us right on there is somebody right now my god there's oh hold that

feel good I was up can't we just block me I can't

somebody has RPG we're done it should bounce right off for me to do that

yeah yeah bounced right off for the stairs eh where they at though he's

right here he's right here awesome hey butter slapping us - from the look

these are Bush I got it good stuff no sir we need you to watch

out for these guys behind us both nailed it

that's too scared to but I like scream my head but these other guys are gonna

cyclists man yes no sickness what is that noise

hey guys we Freddie see me I kept them you did the one over here Southwest look

at the guy is a dusty fuck oh why there's still one do alive over there

it's two people over there she was in my way hey watch over here please commander

come at us that is s okay shit damn but let me get a kill Oh what his t he's

teammate who see me was crawling up to us but I don't have a sniper but I can't

do nothing right now that was close oh it's right there where he's right

there he's right there

I got both yeah I got both of them they both dish score hell yeah

yeah let me get that purple let me get that purple go cyber hey color let me

have some of the markets too

yeah meat only got two hey over here hey there's only like five people

what do you ever in it there's still those people southeast washer from lift

the left there holding a flanking us make the last two people I say be better

coconuts I'm weak I got one I'm out of ammo with

that junk that a jump at it

I'll get them all good shit let's go first game homeboy I've been in the

heels fucking superstars feeling like a pop star drinking any bad bitches

jumping in the pool inang I don't know bro get in front of bat pulling on a

treasure not just screaming out no

For more infomation >> FORTNITE BATTLE ROYALE MY BEST WIN - Duration: 12:20.


L'OREAL PURE CLAY MASK | FIRST IMPRESSION | Indonesia | ElizaVania - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> L'OREAL PURE CLAY MASK | FIRST IMPRESSION | Indonesia | ElizaVania - Duration: 4:59.


La Planta Que Está Revolucionando Las Noticias Porque Mueren Las Células Cancerígenas.. - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> La Planta Que Está Revolucionando Las Noticias Porque Mueren Las Células Cancerígenas.. - Duration: 6:45.


Comment calmer la rhinite allergique avec 5 remèdes d'origine naturelle - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Comment calmer la rhinite allergique avec 5 remèdes d'origine naturelle - Duration: 10:01.


TOP 5 이상한 일본의 발명품들 - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> TOP 5 이상한 일본의 발명품들 - Duration: 5:40.


안면기형 태국청년 훈남 변신?…한국 성형수술의 기적(영상) - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> 안면기형 태국청년 훈남 변신?…한국 성형수술의 기적(영상) - Duration: 6:35.


IAMWILDCAT 中文字幕 【Wildcat之憤怒表】 - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> IAMWILDCAT 中文字幕 【Wildcat之憤怒表】 - Duration: 4:21.


Nelle Mani Del Caso - Duration: 10:38.

For more infomation >> Nelle Mani Del Caso - Duration: 10:38.


Playing some FUT Champions! Can we get to Gold 3? | FIFA 18 - Duration: 2:34:55.

For more infomation >> Playing some FUT Champions! Can we get to Gold 3? | FIFA 18 - Duration: 2:34:55.


THIS RUINED MY LIFE - SUPERHOT #3 - Duration: 7:01.

no! My one chance to shine is ruined by my stupid actions. G'day guys it's me

AussieAidan and today welcome back to SUPERHOT. so let's just get into the

recent mission.

"leave this body"

boom! so this aspect of things seems easy enough

just, Oh what the f**k! guess we can like transform to bodies now! Son of a bi**h got me from behind.

but yeah, that's a pretty good aspect. so now we can

teleport I think well basically but today I'm in full focus mode

S**t!! But, you know what I mean I will like hammer through these missions. But so far, so...


s**t okay I'm so stupid I'm just like trying to do something cool

Ahh, Get wreck!!

bulls**t, I swear to god! okay this time I won't be stupid.

"What do you mean this time?". okay I just need to calm down, I'm being too stupid.

ah now you won't kill me I think I'm being so stupid I just need to calm down

take it slow just like a silk that's all I need to do I'm paying you super super

tank in here I see it all you get up and go pull it my s**t

hang on boom too easy I finally get it up tear up the Aidan stone oh it's know

what sounds like towaway okay this seems like an easy issue mission probably

won't be though cuz I'm a s**t again as what I just said this time as a gun and

we can do dis waist-level

what people is getting they keep cluttered maybe it's not bulls**t

okay Ashley just stop I'm f**ked now

okay I need to like turn up my static guys ready make sense

bye you don't mean I'm vertical die soon and I'm scared s**tless yay

who is laughing now what is it drill don't see way for this orange guide to

appear in nowhere it's Arabic no but one chance a shine is ruined by my stupid

actions hang on be dead hey Bob - easy now like I'm this down

I'm gonna vote him whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh Lola

okay well okay maybe I don't want to listen I'm dead ticket

it's half day okay cool beans that's looking pretty good

because I was actually so smooth oh my god almost like I said I'm aside I just

need a breather diam salve a bi**h ah

okay Kiwi he's cooland son of bi**h it was stupid because I was selecting a

body but didn't Betty do anything okay I'm like in serious concentration right

now because I don't want to die yes I did it all that he's poised me I'm

sweating like balls over here and I'm very triggered what's this it's a gun

the brain so it's a complex assessing of to think of less coal okay tomato trash

boom that's just a distraction

awesomer Becky coming from behind QQ bastard son of a bi**h

I swear to God like I shot him but clearly I'm stupid and didn't work I am

is going polyglot die in two seconds

that actually worked it actually work and it did boom

Oh with um with already blessed two days I think oh f**k okay I'm good idea on

this one cuz I'm about playing this one for guess I get hot which is ready now

okay this time I'll do dis this thing doesn't work anyways

boom boom doesn't work but today I'll be like this size to a s I'm sorry for

using MEMS boy I did it I did it I did it okay

thank you guys so much it's working if you like to double your tailoring like

button and throw the comments and everyone salute the room from the gaming


For more infomation >> THIS RUINED MY LIFE - SUPERHOT #3 - Duration: 7:01.


'FA대어' 김소현, 로엔과 손잡는다..아이유와 한솥밥 - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> 'FA대어' 김소현, 로엔과 손잡는다..아이유와 한솥밥 - Duration: 2:37.


Climatic Islands Trailer - Duration: 2:01.

I finally discovered those fascinating

Climatic Islands!

To the airport


As soon as I reach the main lab

I will do the re-search!

Then, I'll go on an expedition

To that strange place!

I wonder what this lever does...

i'm here sooner than i expected

Climatic Islands | Download now!

For more infomation >> Climatic Islands Trailer - Duration: 2:01.


Former President George Bush Just Broke A Shocking Record That No President Has Ever Accomplished - Duration: 6:05.

President George H.W. Bush has officially reached a new milestone in US presidential

history. He became the longest-living United States president on Saturday reaching 93 years

old and 166 days, Gabe Fleisher who is a writer for a daily political newsletter coined "Wake

Up To Politics" was the first to note this fact on Twitter.

Former President George W. Bush was born on June 12, 1924. This means he has managed to

beat the previous record held by former President Gerald R. Ford, who passed away in 2006 at

the age of 93 years and 165 days old. Behind him is Ronald Reagan who passed on in 2004

at 93 years and 120 days old. Jimmy Carter, who is still alive and kicking is the second-oldest

living president. Carter was born on Oct. 1, 1924 and is 111 days younger than HW. Bush.

Bush originally served as Reagan's vice president during the 1980s and then went on

to ride Reagan's coattails to win the presidency and become the 41st president of the United

States. He was 64 years old when he entered office in 1989.

Although Bush isn't jumping out of airplanes for his birthday anymore, he celebrated his

93rd birthday on the coast of Maine and has remained active over the past few years, boating

with his family and friends. Sadly this year he has faced multiple health complications,

twice being admitted to the hospital for pneumonia and chronic bronchitis.

Via Undercover Politics:

Heather Lind, the former star of AMC's political drama series "Turn: Washington Spies,"

has accused former President George H. W. Bush of sexual assault in an Instagram post

that has since been deleted.

The actress posted that the former President touched her rear end while taking a photo

at a March 2014 press event celebrating the television series. Lind said she believed

the action classifies as sexual assault and felt that Bush viewed it as a failed attempt

at humor. She also wrote that a security guard who witnessed the incident blamed her for

the action for standing too close to the President and that former First Lady Barbara Bush knew

what had occurred but just rolled her eyes in dismissal.

She later went on to add that she was deeply disturbed by a photo she saw of Former President

Barack Hussein Obama shaking hands with George H. W. Bush in a gathering of ex-presidents

while they were organizing aid to states and territories damaged by recent hurricanes.

She lost faith in her messiah, poor thing.

Via Press Herald:

George H.W. Bush apologizes after actress Heather Lind says he groped her

A spokesman for Bush doesn't explicitly deny the allegation, but says 'he most sincerely

apologizes if his attempt at humor offended Ms. Lind.'

Former president George H.W. Bush apologized after actress Heather Lind said he groped

her as they posed for a picture at an event a few years ago – and that his wife, Barbara

Bush, saw it happen.

In a brief response to the allegations, which Lind detailed in a recent Instagram post that

she has since deleted, a spokesman for the 93-year-old former president did not explicitly

deny Lind's account but said in a statement: "President Bush would never – under any

circumstance – intentionally cause anyone distress, and he most sincerely apologizes

if his attempt at humor offended Ms. Lind."

Bush's spokesman released a fuller statement Wednesday evening that acknowledged Bush touched


Heather Lind: "His security guard told me I shouldn't have stood next to him for the

photo." Reuters/Mark Blinch

"At age 93, President Bush has been confined to a wheelchair for roughly five years, so

his arm falls on the lower waist of people with whom he takes pictures. To try to put

people at ease, the president routinely tells the same joke – and on occasion, he has

patted women's rears in what he intended to be a good-natured manner. Some have seen

it as innocent; others clearly view it as inappropriate. To anyone he has offended,

President Bush apologizes most sincerely." Lind said the incident happened when she met

Bush four years ago during a promotion of a historical television show she was working


Lind played Anna Strong in AMC's Revolutionary War-era drama, "Turn: Washington Spies,"

which premiered in 2014. She said Bush "sexually assaulted" her as she stood next to him

during a photo op.

"He touched me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side. He

told me a dirty joke. And then, all the while being photographed, he touched me again,"

Lind wrote on Instagram.

Ok honey, time for a wake-up call honey. Former President George HW Bush is 94 years old.

The man has never been accused of any inappropriate actions until you came along. At 94 years

old people aren't at their best, the man can't even walk and has been wheelchair

ridden for years now. His mental abilities and the ability to decern right from wrong

are not at their best at his advanced age. Maybe if you removed your head from your rear

end once in a while you would actually know this and you would just have taken his actions

as coming from someone who sadly just isn't operating on all 8 cylinders anymore.

I am sure the people you had to deal with while making it in Hollywood weren't 93

years old and in a wheelchair. In fact, they very well knew what they were doing, and so

did you when you did your nude scene in Boardwalk Empire back in 2011.

Although he has suffered from declining health lately, this hasn't stopped him from going

after the ladies. In all 10 woman have come out accusing the former president of touching

their rear ends from his wheelchair, President Bush has since apologized for this actions.

But no matter what side of the political aisle you reside on, you can't help but marvel

at the man's virility considering his advanced age.

For more infomation >> Former President George Bush Just Broke A Shocking Record That No President Has Ever Accomplished - Duration: 6:05.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Paco Jémez sobre su futuro: "No es el momento de pensar en eso" - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Paco Jémez sobre su futuro: "No es el momento de pensar en eso" - Duration: 1:10.


Compromisso - Duration: 6:36.

Hello, Danilo, Danilo, I just arrived, where are you?

Okay, okay, but are you going to be late?

What? No, it has to be now I've set this up since last week

Danilo, what does it matter now? ... yes it was Cris that told me about here, it was her

oh, don't tell her that I told you

We already talked about this and you agreed for the same reasons that I did

What? Busy my ass! You better find a way to come here now…

I'm already at the doorstep and this is not the time Danilo ...


Are you going to leave me here alone? I can't believe...

I can't believe...

My fault!? Now you're going to say it's my fault???

Do You believe it's fair to say this to me now, do you believe this changes anything?

The way you talk It seems that I planned all this

I cannot calm down Danilo! How do you want me to stay calm?

You're acting worse than your friends

You know very well whom I'm talking about.


I can't believe that You told her ...

We agreed not to say anything to your mother…

I don't give a fuck for what your mother thinks Danilo

You're not my fucking one nightstand it's a fucking 3-year-old relationship



Hello Danilo!

Hi Claudia, how are you? I'm fine

No, I did not forget it, but I had a personal appointment today

I had to leave the office

No, no, it's all right

I already talude to the expedition staff. And probably ...


No problem dear, I understand

But look, it's all set probably on Monday

If you have any questions You can call and talk to Fabiana Gomes

at the office so she can give you more details

Doctor, yes I did schedule this since last week

no, no it's only a routine visit

Look, I'm need to hang up they are calling my name here

But anything... Yes, is the same extension

It's ok don't worry. Bye.

So you are this kind of guy

I can not believe you're doing this to me Danilo

I can't believe you'll leave me alone... after everything

Who will find you here in the middle of nowhere

Why do you think I end up this far?

And by chance did you thought about me in any moment

Are you aware that I can not leave this place alive today

I see, I can see how worried you are

So much that you are right here, at my side

I can't believe...

Do you know what you are? You're a coward

Coward selfish asshole Who only cares about you

Run, go to your mom's lap

I knew it

I already knew it

Danilo, do me a favor

Go fuck your self

For more infomation >> Compromisso - Duration: 6:36.


Tows17 - Say what? - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Tows17 - Say what? - Duration: 5:15.


bangla gojol all, bangla islamic song, gojol 104 - Duration: 6:46.

bangla gojol all, bangla islamic song, gojol 104

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