Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 28 2017

in terms of Jurassic Park and check out our awesome dinosaur zoo

to t-rexes particular eggs we gotta wait till they leave so we get the big

indominus rex mommy

New 17 Jurassic World Lego Dinosaur Toys (Knockoff) - Indominus Rex Vs T-Rex, Raptor, Unboxing

okay before they come back I gotta get to dance

coming hurry

never gonna get to show that I help somebody help he's got me

okay so we have to get these eggs together quickly before the mom and dad

dinosaur come back and realize we have taken their eggs Wow

let's get started

okay so we got our awesome dinosaur zoo all set up we're gonna go ahead and take

a look at the Dino sets we built and set them up in the zoo cool

so the first going to be half so the first time we have is this awesome

velociraptor with some type of leaf growing out of his back so let's go

ahead and set that guy up over here and then we have this dragon Velociraptor

breathing choir cool set this guy off over here and then we have the brand

Dominus rag with red tea been eating something go ahead and we're gonna set

him up here outside the Animal Planet then we have yellow indominus rex oh

cool go ahead and set this guy up right next to the dragon

meow Lego t-rex

and this guy we're gonna set up over here

in front of this Animal Planet PD and then from the Lego Dino sets we

have this awesome green t-rex which we're gonna set up in the back over

there and then one more big one we have what we built is this awesome huge

Triceratops so we're gonna go ahead and set this guy up over here by the volcano

and then let's see the other little guys we built we built this red one here cool

so this guy's gonna be here on the island

you built this green they'll officers here ah

these guys got weird stuff that came with this so I just detached it they're

back this is true I bought these from a company in China

and I have no idea why they had debt added the different stuff but I mean it

looks kind of cool red and blue lights and of each spider and talked with this

baby and um this Rex then we have this little green t-rex here this got to

new lights against to chase down the bad guys that he's eating some type of

chicken bone or maybe an arm of a dinosaur or something and then we have

this awesome white brown Triceratops with the blue and red light so he is

working for the police he's gonna join the t-rex on the island and then we have

this brown t-rex with blue light in the back and he is he mom he was eating

something I guess now he's just roaring because we

took his food away and then we have a few more we have this awesome brown and

white Triceratops we built with the red and blue light so we're gonna go ahead

and set this guy up here back here in the plants we got a few more so we got

this awesome Dilophosaurus with the red light and he has a holder here holding a

bone I have no idea absolutely no idea why they would put

that in there and then we have this green Pteranodon with clear Stan and

black lego beets for the base and go ahead and put that guy back in the tree

over there and then we have one more Pteranodon here with the dark gray and

red colors to do so we're gonna go ahead and place him back here on the volcano

like he's coming out of the plane Wow okay that was totally awesome I had

so much fun building these dinosaur LEGO sets for you and thanks for helping me

guys you guys were great help give yourselves a big hand and if you enjoyed

this video please go ahead and click like and also subscribe to see more fun

videos I do have over a thousand videos the majority are dinosaur King Kong

Godzilla and Power Rangers also keep watching to see more fun videos and

check out the cool playlist I got at the end of this video you guys are totally

awesome and I will see you tomorrow click the subscribe button below for a

waffle fun video also click the Bell button to be notified every time I make

a new video click the boxes below for a lot more fun

videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New 17 Jurassic World Lego Dinosaur Toys (Knockoff) - Indominus Rex Vs T-Rex, Raptor, Unboxing - Duration: 15:25.


Karol G, Bad Bunny - Ahora ...

For more infomation >> Karol G, Bad Bunny - Ahora ...


✨ Musica YOGA Purificatrice Rilassante Per Aumentare L' AURA E Riposare La Mente - Duration: 2:07:24.

For more infomation >> ✨ Musica YOGA Purificatrice Rilassante Per Aumentare L' AURA E Riposare La Mente - Duration: 2:07:24.


Anticipazioni Uomini e donne, Gemma umiliata da Maria De Filippi: 'Adesso basta' - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e donne, Gemma umiliata da Maria De Filippi: 'Adesso basta' - Duration: 3:37.


Grande Fratello Vip 2, ecco alcune anticipazioni e il ritorno di Cecilia - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip 2, ecco alcune anticipazioni e il ritorno di Cecilia - Duration: 3:53.


ridge e steffy diffidano ancora di coco - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> ridge e steffy diffidano ancora di coco - Duration: 0:29.


Enigma e mistério (Atys Freitas e Reinaldo Mesquita) - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Enigma e mistério (Atys Freitas e Reinaldo Mesquita) - Duration: 2:54.


Giulia De Lellis e la sorpresa di Andrea: il pubblico deluso da un particolare - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Giulia De Lellis e la sorpresa di Andrea: il pubblico deluso da un particolare - Duration: 3:47.


Tudo que você quer saber sobre Criptomoedas - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> Tudo que você quer saber sobre Criptomoedas - Duration: 8:24.


JOGUEI CONTRA UM CHEATER??? - Duration: 12:06.

What's up guys?

Before watching the video

I'm gonna give you a nice tip of a website

that improves your skins with a certain risk

it's very easy to use this website

you enter, log in with your steam account

click on the deposit part

and you deposit the item you want to upgrade

so in that case I'll try to turn this P250 into a M4A1-S Golden Coil

let's see if we can do this

click right on upgrade skin

nice, we did it


See ya

The school is nice

The good thing about school is that we are always shooting enemies,

but the end is always the same

- we lose the match -

Can you go to the school, Boltz?

- of course -

because it's not the usual for you

- Is someone falling here? Yes it is -

Yes - yes, there's one there -

I'm with lag, a lot

- Ok, he took a pistol in front of me -

- One of them is here -

Oh my, he went down there

What? This guy doesn't die, man, what the f

- where? -

- I killed, I killed another one -

- Oh my God, Boltz, you're such a killer on that game -

Damn man, you're killing everybody

- Thanks -

Anytime, bro

You're playing very well

- Thanks -

Anytime, relax

- Thanks -

- Let's go to the apartments there? -

- I wanted to find a Rifle -

Please, jump the window, you loser

Yeah, man

I have to click with both hands to do it - who's there? -

I'm going without you, guys

- Wait -

No, I wasn't born to wait

One of them down at 100 - There he is -

- Nice -

He's dead, I need healing

- I think there are more of them here -

Yes, there is on the building in the S direction

- I'm coming - - Running -

- He's down -

- I don't know, man -

- You just give it a shot -

- Oh my - - Here, they're here -

- Did you kill him? - He's dead

I need a cap

~The 50% cap holds more than a 100% one ~

Really? Maybe

- Oh the left, right there, on the left -

- I'm out the car - - I'm out -

Oh my, you're all tilted

- You ran over me, baby -


Look, they're are over there

- I'll heal her -

- 3 of them - - Don't die, please -

- Fer - - Nice bomb man -

- One of them is already dead -

- What the hell was that? -

He's on the tree, over there

- I'm here now, I was healing her -

- Be careful with the car -

I'm out of ammo, this is my last bullet -

- There are to behind the tree -

1 HP

- I put them down, they're 10 HP -

- I'm healing myself -

- Where's the other? -

In the car

In the car

- He's down, over here -

- The last one, he's down, there's one left -

- I put them all down -

On the left, he's down

Oh my, I saw him, but I thought he was crawling

- Everyone is dead -

He was crouching and I thought he was crawling and I didn't shoot him

son of a

- Your car ran over me -

- what was that? -

- There's one car coming -

I need to heal myself, I'm f*ed

I'll shoot

- I'm dead, I'm dead, I'll die

- They got out the car -

- Did they? -

- There's one down but he can shoot - - Behind the car -

I'm healing myself here

- I can't see where they are shooting from - - I killed one -

On the W direction - Both are dead -

They throw a grenade oh themselves

There are no items on this part

Let's get out of here or not?

- Where? - - Another car on the 75 -

They passed honking, what a loser -

- what are we gonna do? -

I would get a car here and we should follow these guys

what the hell? What happened to the car? It's bugged

I swear to God

- It's stucked -


Okay, now it's normal

- To much height -

You're too heavy on the passengers seat

The car is not even taking the right pressure

The car is shaking

Do you guys want to drive?

If someone wants to drive the car, I'm out

I don't have anywhere to go, I'm searching enemies only

I think there's someone here

There's one here right over there

- Okay -

- I saw him there -

It wasn't a guy - It was a tree -

I thought it was someone, too

So what are we gonna do, guys?

Do you have an idea or what?

- If you don't kill us first -

Well, that could happen

There's a big chance of it

I'm changing the direction to the abysm and pray to God

- Look - Look the airdrop

- There's a car - - Look the car over there -


- They are the same guys from before

Let's follow them


let's g, you suckers

- the car is not working properly -

The car is driving alone

I'll pass them really fast, I don't care

Be ready, guys

- I''ll be quiet here -

- There's one behind the stone -

We'll stop here

- There are some of them on the left, Fer -

- Be careful -

- You're close - - Where? -

- Got shot - - Behind the tree -

- I put him down, on the left -

No idea where's the other one -

I'll go over them, too, I don't care - He's down over there -

- Behind the stone - - Close to the stone, I killed him -

- Both are dead - - They're all dead -

- I shot well -

* I should've rushed *

- Where are they?- - On the 105 way -

- Can't see anyone -

- You already killed him -

One inconcious, on the 120 way

They're behind the stone, but I can't say what number they are

- I'm seeing them -

- You one them is down -

- I kill the one who was down, I killed - - On our back -

- Another one is down - - what's happening? -

- I put four down -

- I'm on the right side, shoot them that I'm coming -

I'm going over there, come over here if you want, baby - I killed one -

- There are two on your side-

- They are going to the house -

They are on the fence on the 120 way

- They are on the house -

Oh my, I was shot, a nice shot

I'll have to run here

- They are shooting a lot over there -

I think they are..

Is he being shot by you?

He's shooting the others, right?

- He's shooting me, a shot came right now -

Oh, right

There's one over here

- I killed one at 73 -

Knock down

He got knothing this pieace of s

He was f*ed

Run, don't stop running

- I'll die, please someone heal me -

I was shot, I'm f*ed too

and I tired to run

- When the match ends up in the city is a bulls* -

- The enemies just hide and wait - Yes man, that's disgusting

No if you don't have, it's ok - Over there at 345 way on the building -

- In front of us -

- He's dead -

- Damn man - Damn

We'll have to walk over there - We'll have to walk -

- Where are my fellow? - Let's go

Let's go


- Let's go over him, here - Where?

Okay, I saw him, go

I killed him, he's dead

- Nice, instakill, he's probably friend of that guy -

- We're safe here -

- You can come here -

Ok, I'll go there in a few seconds - I think you're safe where you are too, right? -

Here? Yeah, it's ok here, too. - Yeah, you're good -

- In the building over there, in the middle window that's broken -

- There's one on the left running, rushing on our left -

I'm seeing

I'll throw a grenade, relax

- I'll throw one, too -

- Oh my, I did it wrong - - Oh my -

He's right on our left, on B

He's down, I'm healing myself

- There's one over there - This one is dead

Oh my, get out of there, come over here

come over here

Oh man

That was funny

Let's go left, come here

to the right, actually

- that building over there -

I'm in the corn plantation

- I'm sure they're here, that's the only place they can be - - Watch out -

- Oh man, one more, behind the car on the left -

- Behind the car -

he's the only one

F* this thing

Nice - Nice one -


- How many did you kill? - 9 only


- And you, how many did you kill? -

- I killed 8 - Nice, very good

You know that we're going right over the school, everybody will fall there

That's complicated

They're all going over here

I'll go on their back and kill them

- I fell over here - I'll kill 3 guys at once

Get out newbie

son of a *, he ran

- There's a guy here, right over here - - I'm searching -

- Over there -

Oh no, man

He shot me with a 12 gauge

damn it

I died - Did you kill him? -

Showtime came to my house, he stayed here a while

and he stayed in my room

Then, whay happened? I left a new headset on the box

that I was going to use when I come back

I was going to Brazil, take a vacation and would come back using my headset

that was new on the box, that I left in my room

When I arrived there, I started to search for my headset and I couldn't find

I said, damn man

It was on the most obvious place of the room

It was on my nightstand

I said what the hell I didn't leave it here, but ok

I took the headset and went to the living room

I opened the box, and it was only the headset there

no mic, no sound card

I said he stole the sound card and the mic

and I've got only the headset without nothing else

So I was thinking, I asked myself "Damn, I didn't take this box"

I didn't care so much

where is he?

- here on the stairs, help -

- I was with a cap level 3 -

- I wanted a kit -

What the hell?

They're all dead, their squad are dead

So that's it, Showtime stole my headset equip, he opened the box that was new

took the sound card and took the mic went home and didn't say anything

I arrived home to use, where was it?

no headset for me

So I started to think "Man, what happened?"

Then I thought "I'll send a message to Showtime"

he was in my room, maybe he knows what happened

maybe my house was stolen by some thiefs and I didn't know

I asked him "Showtime, did you see a sound card and a mic on my room from my headset"

and he was like

"it's here"

I said "how? how did they get there?"

I needed, you know man?

my team is starving, you know?

And I said "alright, then, ok you son of a b*"

he stole my headset accessories

Now it's locked, everybody can try to come to my room that it's locked now, they can't come in

What's that? My character can't get out of here - Do you have some painkiller? -

Yes, I do

I'll drop for you - Come here -

I'll drop a painkiller, ops, I dropped 2

I dropped one, so I won't I'll take it all back

Showtime didn't play, man

No one played

Showtime played and stole, man, that's what he does

Even Showtime don't come to my room anymore

If you come here again, Showtime, I'm letting you know, you'll have to share bedrooms

- I went there again already, man -

You went there again? So that's why some painting on the wall are missing

I was thinking, but I thought I took 'em out

but if you came here again


- You'll fall -

Oh my, what a lag

He'll appear and I'll give just one shoot

what the f*?

Take that, on your head

- there are a lot of bodies here, man -

yeah, man

lootie men

nothing here - nothing here -

another one is here

vest level 2. just kidding

- oh my -

I'll run over them

- Oh my God - - what did you do? -

- What did you do Fer? -

- Behind us, kill 'em -

- Congrats, Fer -

- Very good, well played -

My fault? I run over 2 and everybody got out the car when our car was moving

you got out the car while our car was moving

So you hit in the car

- we died, we didn't got out the car -

- we died inside the car, man -

- you hit the car -

- I didn't shoot anyone -

- Neither, did I -

Congrats, you played what you know, man

You have to understand that I'm not used to that low quality of playstyle, my bad

- you played really bad, Fer -

and here's the thing, man

every time you play what you can

the result is already known

that's it

I got out the car and it seems like I'm holding 3 cats as puppies

what the hell

you crawl like babies, man

Didn't you learn how to walk yet?

- there's a guy using cheat here -

- oh no -

- cheater? - - where? -

- Yes, he's running as a retarded up there -

Let's kill him - right over here? -

- yes -

where is he? I'm coming

No, let's kill him

Is that you on the 12 way, GuNike?

I was shot as hell on my back

on my back, I died, goodbye

I played what I know

FengKuengDeTuFei, that's his nickname

Go, Boltz, you can do it

- He's a cheater, man - - Right up there -

Nice bro

- Look that he's shooting everybody, giving only HS, look that -

- He's a cheater - Oh my God, I saw it

Report him, let him kill you and report him

- look on my screen - F* this, man

Report him

Die and report him - what an idiot -

- son of a b* -

He's cheating on PUBG, man, are you kidding me?

- did you see that, man? -

Oh my God, man

I can't understand, cheating to kill you

that's the worst, man

you didn't need that, my friend

if you're the cheater here against us, you don't need that

against our squad you don't need that

you didn't see, but the guy that killed you was running fast

mine, he was invisible

you needed to see that

man, he started to shoot, punch and he didn't appear on my screen


this is crazy

did you see that guy, Showtime?

I was in front of him, I gave 3 HS on him and his cap got out his head 4 times, man

he has a lot of cap on his head

he's cheating, man, he lives forever

Man, I'll giveaway a knife to my chat here, and f* you all

- oh my god -

- I'm on the chat - No, it's just for my subs -

Are you my sub?

No, you're not my sub

Only subs will win

- I am -

Showtime, gave me sub

you suck, Showtime

You know what I'll do, Showtime? I won't giveaway anything

And you'll have to pay the sub


Thank you all that watched the stream

Thanks to watch until the end

If you liked, make some noise

if you didn't, f* you

See you, bye

For more infomation >> JOGUEI CONTRA UM CHEATER??? - Duration: 12:06.


More Fighting Game Ninjas - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> More Fighting Game Ninjas - Duration: 11:58.


✨ Musica Per Allontanare Le Preoccupazioni ✨ALPHA FREQUENZA 432 HZ - Musica Rilassante Benefica - Duration: 2:07:24.

For more infomation >> ✨ Musica Per Allontanare Le Preoccupazioni ✨ALPHA FREQUENZA 432 HZ - Musica Rilassante Benefica - Duration: 2:07:24.



Hi, how is everyone?

Today I'm starting the video outdoors because we're going to a bar that has arcade games.

And I'll bring you guys with me. Let's go!

I got a drink and some tokens to play. I think it'll be a lot of fun.

Let's play street fighter! I'm probably going to win.

Let's play Mario Kart now! It's one of the most popular games. Let's see who is going to win.

We got more tokens. It's very nice playing here. I'm losing a lot but it's all good.

It was very nice dancing, of course I won. I'm clearly better!

Now we're going to play Time Crisis, Let's see if I'm good.

We're waiting to play because this one is very popular too.

I hope you're enjoying this so far. If you are like this video so I can make more like this.

Let's play the classic game Mortal Kombat! It's been a long time since I've played it. I hope I'll win.

I'm the winner!!! I got Mileena and I figured out how to use her special power.

Of course we had to play the classic and original PacMan. Let's do this!

It's so nice playing here, I'm enjoying it a lot. I could spend all my money here.

You can't come to an arcade and not play Pinball.

I used to play it a lot in my computer when I had nothing to do.

I'm rusty, It's so hard do win today but I'm having fun. I'm not drunk!

Guess what I'm going to play now?!

Tetris!!! I'll change the camera so you can see.

Who has never played Tetris before?

I'm on this side of course, because I'm winning.

It's really worth it to come here, it's not expensive. It's located in Smithfield very close to town.

It's only 50 cents per token, and you can also buy drink and food here. It's very nice!

We just left the place, I enjoyed it a lot. We got drinks, we played a lot, even though I didn't win that much.

I have to come back. But now I'm going home.

On the way back home we stopped at Boojum to get a burrito.

We're in the store in town, but they are in other places too.

I got a chicken burrito bowl, soon I'll show you. Let's eat because it's my dinner!

We just left Boojum, we ate a lot and now we're getting the luas home for real this time.

We're just coming home and look what we found on the ground, a doll's arm. That's so funny.

We finally arrived home

What a day! We had loads of fun at Token.

We didn't stay for to long because we decided to go at the last minute.

We got excited and bought lots of tokens, because we wanted to play all the games.

We're definitely coming back.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed coming around with me today.

If you enjoyed it like this video and subscribe to my channel.

Follow me on Instagram and I'll see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> JOGANDO ARCADE GAMES ¦ PLAYING ARCADE GAMES - Duration: 12:00.


Giacomo Puccini -Tosca - E lucevan le stelle - Arte TV - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Giacomo Puccini -Tosca - E lucevan le stelle - Arte TV - Duration: 5:03.


AUTARQUIAS DO HUMOR 128 PARTE 1 - Duration: 51:54.

For more infomation >> AUTARQUIAS DO HUMOR 128 PARTE 1 - Duration: 51:54.


Guided Meditation & Breathing Affirmation Technique for DETACHMENT & RAPID MANIFESTATION! - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Guided Meditation & Breathing Affirmation Technique for DETACHMENT & RAPID MANIFESTATION! - Duration: 10:01.


Socialite Day McCarthy ataca filha de Bruno Gagliasso - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Socialite Day McCarthy ataca filha de Bruno Gagliasso - Duration: 0:55.


Pop Goes the Weasel and MORE!! Learn Colors with Baby Joy Joy - Duration: 1:00:52.

What's inside the Jack in the Box?

What will it be?!

Turn the crank and turn it again!



Goes the weasel!

It's a white weasel with a white wig.

What's inside the Jack in the Box?

What will it be?!

Turn the crank and turn it again!


Goes the pig!

It's a pink pig in a pink airplane.

Goes the roster!

It's a red roster in a red race car.

What's inside the Jack in the Box?

What will it be?!

Turn the crank and turn it again!


Goes the Bunny!

It's a blue bunny in a blue boat.






Goes the monkeys!

It's brown monkeys on a brown bed!


Goes the horse!

It's a black horse playing a black banjo!

What's inside the Jack in th e Box?

What will it be?!

Turn the crank and turn it again!


Go the ducks!

It's five yellow ducks in a yellow submarine!


Colorful fireworks!

We found a white weasel with a white wig!


A pink pig in a pink airplane!


A red roster in a red racing car!


A blue bunny in a blue boat!


Brown monkeys on a brown bed!


A black horse playing a black banjo!


Five yellow ducks in a yellow submarine!


And colorful fireworks!

For more infomation >> Pop Goes the Weasel and MORE!! Learn Colors with Baby Joy Joy - Duration: 1:00:52.


My dog keeps marking inside. - Duration: 6:31.

in this video I'm going to talk about dogs who are peeing and marking

excessively indoors and outdoors also share five reasons why your dog is doing

that behavior and how to help them to get rid of that behavior all that and

more coming up hello doc lover my name is Saro I'm a dog trainer also coached

our owners welcome if this is your first time here and you want to become an

educated dog lover and have a well-behaved well-balanced healthy dog

consider subscribing to my channel and hit the bell icon as well so you will be

notified as soon as I post my next video so you have a dog or a puppy who is

peeing and marking excessively indoors and outdoors I'm going to share with you

five reasons why your dog is behaving that way meanwhile let's watch these two

Qantas and Levi marking their way all the way in the park as they walk in the

park and here's a game for you count how many times each one of them marks so

number one reason why dogs pee and mark excessively indoors and outdoors is

because they are lacking just the basic potty training behavior maybe they

haven't had the proper exposure and the experience of being potty trained so

this is causing them to make those mistakes all you have to do is just

potty train them and house trade them and if you want to learn how to potty

train or house train your dog or puppy within 48 hours I'm gonna link the video

that I show you and explain all the details right here number two reason why

dogs mark and peel excessively indoors and outdoors is because of anxiety there

could be that some new changes have happened it might be for example you are

pregnant and you're expecting a baby a new family member has moved in or a new

family member has moved out or it could be that you just got a new puppy or a

new pet new member to your family number three reason is

competition you may have another dog or you just got another dog or you already

have another dog and they're competing also sometimes what happens new things

that comes to your dog's life those can cause your dog to compete I've also

noticed that new appliances like refrigerators or couches can cause your

dog to become competitive those also causes your dog to be anxious or

stressed number four reason is because they're lacking confidence most

confident dogs they will pee just once and they're done with it the dogs are

not confident they will pee and mark all over the place all the time just to

prove a point they're just kind of doing this just to show off - to pretend that

they're tough-guy it's not much of a domination marking it's more of a

pretend of being tough I strongly believe that domination has been breaded

out of dogs and number five reason and one of the most important reasons

why a dog marks or pees constantly indoors and outdoors is because they're

communicating with you they're telling you how they feel about some of the

changes that have occurred basically they're just telling you how they feel

see like dogs they can have a sit-down with us and have a chat with us and tell

us how they feel so instead of that what they do they act they do things they're

telling us what they feel and how they feel and all we have to do is just

listen to them unfortunately that's how they're communicating dogs obviously

communicate differently than humans so unfortunately that's what you get but

instead of punishing them or getting angry about it I want you to listen to

them and start helping them to get over this stress that they're going through

so how do you help a dog or how do you solve this problem pretty simple to take

care of this situation all your dog is telling you is that it's stressed so all

you have to do is help them to de-stress how do you de-stress a dog all you

have to do is you just have to start controlling your dog more than

before one of the basic things that you can do is start controlling your dog by

limiting its freedom if you start putting the leash on your dog and

keeping your dog under control either attached to you or near you or in a

crate your dog is going to start getting more relaxed the other thing that you

can do is start training your dog training helps dogs to gain confidence

and when you help a dog to gain confidence they start being less stressed

because now they know exactly what to do and how to do things one of the other

benefits of training your dog is that your dog is able to communicate to you

and when a dog starts communicating to you differently without using its animal

instincts it will be less stressful for you too if a dog goes through proper

training and it gains confidence it will stop expressing itself so after it

stopped stressing itself things won't bother him or her as much as before and

if they do it will have a proper way of dealing with them and instead of marking

or peeing excessively and communicating to you it will just deal with them so all

you have to do is just limit their freedom and train them that's all have

any questions leave those questions in the comments area and I'll address them

as soon as possible or I'll make a video about them if you like this video give

it a thumbs up share and comment by the way did you count how many times Qantas

and Levi's marked? and if you want to become an educated dog lover and know

exactly what to do and how to deal with your dog's behavioral issues consider

subscribing to my channel and hit the bell icon as well so you will be

notified as soon as I post my next video until next time have fun with your dog.

For more infomation >> My dog keeps marking inside. - Duration: 6:31.


10 webs para editar videos online gratis | #RedesSociales Nilton Navarro - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> 10 webs para editar videos online gratis | #RedesSociales Nilton Navarro - Duration: 2:17.


Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:51.


RHUME : BOIRE DE L'ALCOOL EST-IL UN BON REMÈDE ?-remede naturel - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> RHUME : BOIRE DE L'ALCOOL EST-IL UN BON REMÈDE ?-remede naturel - Duration: 3:00.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


Renault Captur 0.9 TCE DYNAMIQUE , R-LINK,ECC,PDC,TEL,ENZ - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 0.9 TCE DYNAMIQUE , R-LINK,ECC,PDC,TEL,ENZ - Duration: 1:02.


Volvo V60 1.6 T3 R-Design | Navigatie | Leer | Camera | Cruise control - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volvo V60 1.6 T3 R-Design | Navigatie | Leer | Camera | Cruise control - Duration: 0:59.


Volkswagen Passat Highline Business R II 2.0TDI/150pk · Pano dak · Adaptive cruise control · 19"L - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Highline Business R II 2.0TDI/150pk · Pano dak · Adaptive cruise control · 19"L - Duration: 0:51.



For more infomation >> Volvo C30 2.0 R-DESIGN 17INCH/SPOILER/CLIMATE CONTROL/CRUISE CONTROL - Duration: 0:54.


The Skyward Community - Duration: 2:16.

In the famed words of Aristotle,

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

Technology is just one more example of a field in which this saying

has been proven accurate time and time again.

The Skyward Community is your new link to the full network of Skyward Qmlativ users

from around the world.

Want to learn how other people are using Skyward

to tackle a specific challenge?

Could you benefit from participation in a group specific to your state reporting needs?

Looking to connect with other people who perform the same tasks as you in Skyward?

Those are the types of experiences you can expect in the Community.

Some of the Community's highlights include:

A discussions area,

where you'll share best practices, bounce ideas off peers,

and work together to find the best way to use Skyward to tackle the next big objective

for your school or district.

Blogs are where you'll find updates on the products and services you use every day,

announcements specific to the Community or the Skyward family,

and insights on what's happening in the world of K12.

Interested in more targeted information, specific to your responsibilities?

Join one of the many Groups to become a part of a mini-Community of Skyward users

with common interests and roles.

The Community is ultimately about people.

The experience you get at user group conferences, internal professional development days, and

training sessions

shouldn't end when you walk out the door.

Make connections, find the go-to subject matter experts in all things Skyward,

and raise your own profile and that of your district.

For every action you take in the Community,

you will earn points toward a higher rank.

Profile badges, rewards, and recognition are yours for the taking

simply by contributing your knowledge to the greater good.

The ultimate goal is for you to get as much out of this new platform as you put into it.

So, what are you waiting for?

Dive in!

Learn, contribute, and help us all become better together.

Welcome to a better experience.

For more infomation >> The Skyward Community - Duration: 2:16.


JUEGO DE TABLERO CLASH ROYALE | DIRECTO | gamespain - Duration: 1:48:03.

For more infomation >> JUEGO DE TABLERO CLASH ROYALE | DIRECTO | gamespain - Duration: 1:48:03.


New 17 Jurassic World Lego Dinosaur Toys (Knockoff) - Indominus Rex Vs T-Rex, Raptor, Unboxing - Duration: 15:25.

in terms of Jurassic Park and check out our awesome dinosaur zoo

to t-rexes particular eggs we gotta wait till they leave so we get the big

indominus rex mommy

New 17 Jurassic World Lego Dinosaur Toys (Knockoff) - Indominus Rex Vs T-Rex, Raptor, Unboxing

okay before they come back I gotta get to dance

coming hurry

never gonna get to show that I help somebody help he's got me

okay so we have to get these eggs together quickly before the mom and dad

dinosaur come back and realize we have taken their eggs Wow

let's get started

okay so we got our awesome dinosaur zoo all set up we're gonna go ahead and take

a look at the Dino sets we built and set them up in the zoo cool

so the first going to be half so the first time we have is this awesome

velociraptor with some type of leaf growing out of his back so let's go

ahead and set that guy up over here and then we have this dragon Velociraptor

breathing choir cool set this guy off over here and then we have the brand

Dominus rag with red tea been eating something go ahead and we're gonna set

him up here outside the Animal Planet then we have yellow indominus rex oh

cool go ahead and set this guy up right next to the dragon

meow Lego t-rex

and this guy we're gonna set up over here

in front of this Animal Planet PD and then from the Lego Dino sets we

have this awesome green t-rex which we're gonna set up in the back over

there and then one more big one we have what we built is this awesome huge

Triceratops so we're gonna go ahead and set this guy up over here by the volcano

and then let's see the other little guys we built we built this red one here cool

so this guy's gonna be here on the island

you built this green they'll officers here ah

these guys got weird stuff that came with this so I just detached it they're

back this is true I bought these from a company in China

and I have no idea why they had debt added the different stuff but I mean it

looks kind of cool red and blue lights and of each spider and talked with this

baby and um this Rex then we have this little green t-rex here this got to

new lights against to chase down the bad guys that he's eating some type of

chicken bone or maybe an arm of a dinosaur or something and then we have

this awesome white brown Triceratops with the blue and red light so he is

working for the police he's gonna join the t-rex on the island and then we have

this brown t-rex with blue light in the back and he is he mom he was eating

something I guess now he's just roaring because we

took his food away and then we have a few more we have this awesome brown and

white Triceratops we built with the red and blue light so we're gonna go ahead

and set this guy up here back here in the plants we got a few more so we got

this awesome Dilophosaurus with the red light and he has a holder here holding a

bone I have no idea absolutely no idea why they would put

that in there and then we have this green Pteranodon with clear Stan and

black lego beets for the base and go ahead and put that guy back in the tree

over there and then we have one more Pteranodon here with the dark gray and

red colors to do so we're gonna go ahead and place him back here on the volcano

like he's coming out of the plane Wow okay that was totally awesome I had

so much fun building these dinosaur LEGO sets for you and thanks for helping me

guys you guys were great help give yourselves a big hand and if you enjoyed

this video please go ahead and click like and also subscribe to see more fun

videos I do have over a thousand videos the majority are dinosaur King Kong

Godzilla and Power Rangers also keep watching to see more fun videos and

check out the cool playlist I got at the end of this video you guys are totally

awesome and I will see you tomorrow click the subscribe button below for a

waffle fun video also click the Bell button to be notified every time I make

a new video click the boxes below for a lot more fun

videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New 17 Jurassic World Lego Dinosaur Toys (Knockoff) - Indominus Rex Vs T-Rex, Raptor, Unboxing - Duration: 15:25.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


HIV Testing: Test Today. Don't Delay. - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> HIV Testing: Test Today. Don't Delay. - Duration: 1:05.


AT&T donates $100K to Iowa Jobs for Graduates - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> AT&T donates $100K to Iowa Jobs for Graduates - Duration: 0:32.


Volvo V70 XC 2.5 T AWD Luxury Leder Stoelverwarming Climate Control Radio/CD-Speler etc. - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 XC 2.5 T AWD Luxury Leder Stoelverwarming Climate Control Radio/CD-Speler etc. - Duration: 0:58.


Renault Espace 2.0T DYNAMIQUE 7 persoons - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Espace 2.0T DYNAMIQUE 7 persoons - Duration: 0:54.


Celebrity New : Little Mix don't stay in their own homes - Duration: 3:34.

Little Mix don't stay in their own homes

The 26-year-old singer and her bandmates - Leigh-Anne Pinnock, Jade Thirlwall, and Perrie Edwards - have been able to buy new houses thanks to their pop success but have barely spent a night in their own homes and sometimes find their punishing schedule too much.

Leigh-Anne said: This year weve all bought houses, and none of us have slept in them.

Jesy added: I got back from Europe and had to pack to go again.

I was looking at all of my suitcases on my floor and burst out crying.

I was like: I cant do this. Literally I nearly had a breakdown like, I need help.

This is too much.

I just want to be home. .

But the Shout Out to my Ex hitmakers know it would be hard on their careers if they took any time out.

Jesy told the Observer magazine: In the pop industry, its hard to pause.

With pop music if you go missing for more than a year, theyve forgotten about you..

The quartet - who shot to fame when they won The X Factor in 2011 - believe the key to their strong bond is knowing they are better as a unit.

Jade said: None of us wants to be the frontrunner.

Jesy added: [The trick is] knowing when to leave each other alone.

The main thing though, is that weve learned we are stronger together..

But even though they have one another for support, the Wings group can still find their life lonely.

For more infomation >> Celebrity New : Little Mix don't stay in their own homes - Duration: 3:34.


Our Mission: Remove Barriers for Kids & Youth - Duration: 1:51.

Jesus. We believe that Jesus is Lord and He loves us. This is good news everyone

needs to hear. And for us everyone includes kids and youth. Because we're

pretty sure that when Jesus told His disciples to make more disciples he

meant the kids too. So that's our mission. We want to equip and develop disciples

of all ages to share the irreligious message of Jesus. But we need your help.

We are creating curriculum to help kids and youth learn about God's story and

their role in that story. And we want to give it away for free free. Is that right? Free?

Oh you guys? We're giving it away for free? we don't want any barriers to get in the way of kids

and youth growing as disciples of Jesus and we realize that cost can be a huge

variant there are countless churches that are not able to buy curriculum for

their students and that's a problem money shouldn't be a barrier when it

comes to learning about Jesus that's why our curriculum is available online for

free it may be a crappy business model but it sure makes for a great Kingdom

model and that's where you come in you are part of this mission your donations

make it possible for tens of thousands of kids and youth to grow as disciples

of Jesus you have the resources to complete this mission but without your

donations none of this can happen it's that simple we trust god to work through

you to make all of this possible together we can help kids and youth

around the world hear the message of Jesus

a message that will change the world

For more infomation >> Our Mission: Remove Barriers for Kids & Youth - Duration: 1:51.


11 Psychological Flirting Tricks to Make Flirting Dramatically Easier - Duration: 5:48.

Gentlemen, this is Mantelligence.

Today, we're showing you 11 powerful flirting tricks that will make flirting with a beautiful

women dramatically easier.

And to be sure that you don't quickly make her mad or turn her off,

We're also letting you know 1 big flirting mistake, that guys do wrong all the time.

So.... to help you flirt with beautiful women, here are 11 highly-effective flirting tricks

+ 1 HUGE flirting mistake that you NEED to avoid.


Point Your Feet Towards Her While you're flirting, there are actually

two conversations happening: One with words and one with body language.

And in order for flirting to really work, The conversations need to both be saying that

you want to be there with her.

So if you want to really show a girl that you think she's fun and interesting:

Make sure your feet (along with your body) are pointed towards her, and not anyone else.


Meet Her Glance...Then Look Away Before you approach a girl, you obviously

don't want to come off as nervous/intimidated, and one of the fastest ways to make a girl

think that you are, is to quickly look away, after making eye contact.

But luckily, there's an easy fix and the results to this simple trick, are amazing:

Before you let your eyes dart off, acknowledge her gaze for just a second...

then look somewhere else.

It may sound too good to be true, but there may be nothing that you can more

readily do to put a girl at ease than that.


Don't turn her off with your posture When you're flirting, would you rather seem

tired and shy?

Or open and full of energy?

Well, most girls like flirting with a guy who shows some signs of life...

And one of the simplest ways to do that, is to exercise good posture.

So if you want a way to immediately exude confidence,

Do what your parents always told you, and just try standing or sitting up straight.


Leverage common ground Whether it's a mutual friend, where you

grew up, or where you went to school: Finding something in common about your lives

is an instant conversation starter.

While having a more personal and unique thing in common is better,

if you're not that lucky, don't worry: any other interest you both love (or hate)

can just as easily get the conversation going.


Don't Take Yourself (or Dating) Too Seriously If you want to make sure flirting is the fun

experience it's meant to be, The secret is to not take yourself too seriously.

Because even if it might not feel like it, there's a great chance that the girl you're

flirting with is just as nervous as you are.

So to keep things from getting too awkward and to show her that she can relax,

don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.


Touch Her Lightly...

In These Key Areas First of all, unwanted touching is probably

the fastest way to ruin things with a girl.

But... if you respect her boundaries, physical contact can actually put her at ease.

So, how can you touch a woman in a way that shows you're not a creep?

Well, until she makes it clear that's what she's looking for, our advice is to just

keep it friendly: A light touch on the arm or shoulder shows

her that you're clearly interested.


Play off of the signals she's sending you At any given time, a woman you're flirting

with will be sending you all kinds of signals.

Use these to your advantage.

For example: If she breaks the 'touch barrier', by

touching your arm, hand, or leg, then it's more likely that she wants you

to do the same.


Flirt with Your Hobbies and Skills Even though most women don't want their

guys to be a big show-off, that doesn't mean they don't like seeing

their man do what he does best.

So whether it's cooking, fixing motorcycles, or playing volleyball,

Confidently showcasing your talents, by bringing her into that part of your world,

Is one of those all important ways to let your actions do the flirting for you.


Show Her You Think of Her As More Than Just a Friend

It might surprise you to learn that unless it's pretty obvious,

women don't always know if a guy is actually into them.

So if you're actually flirting, you may want to make it clear that you see

her as more than just a friend.

And it doesn't take much.

Something as quick as opening the car door for her,

or remembering something she said a while back, are easy ways to drop a hint.


Tease Her Playfully About What Makes Her Special One of the best ways to take a conversation

from friendly to flirty, is to introduce a little bit of playful teasing

into the mix.

Just one thing to remember: The key to playful teasing is to keep it from

crossing the line into the friendzone.

And the best way to do that?

Gently poke fun at her about the special quirks that make her who she is.


Dress Well and Don't Smell Finally, if you want to get off on the right

foot with a girl you're flirting with, The easiest thing you can do is avoid looking

like a total slacker.

Now, most women understand that you can't always look (or smell) your best,

but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try as much as possible.

So remember, the key to successful flirting is starting the day off with a shower and

a fresh set of clothes.

The number 1 thing you definitely don't want to get caught doing

...is "negging" a girl you want to like you.

And guys, that doesn't mean "just don't get caught doing it."

What it really means, is that negging is such a transparent and

sleezy tactic, that there's virtually no chance that it'll

go anywhere meaningful.

So unless you want to immediately risk losing any shot you have with a girl.

Take the high road, be confident and don't try to bring her down with negging.

Those are the 11 powerful flirting tricks and 1 that will almost always fail.

If you enjoyed this video, be sure to let us know, and give it a thumbs up

and don't forget to click and subscribe.

And while you're here, why not check out these other powerful videos?

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 11 Psychological Flirting Tricks to Make Flirting Dramatically Easier - Duration: 5:48.


SUPRISING FORNITE VICTORY! (didn't know i was top 2) // Fortnite: Battle Royale Solo Victory - Duration: 19:23.

For more infomation >> SUPRISING FORNITE VICTORY! (didn't know i was top 2) // Fortnite: Battle Royale Solo Victory - Duration: 19:23.


Ryan Riback - Do You Care (Lyrics / Lyric Video) ft. Iselin - Duration: 3:23.

Am I worrying too much now

Do you care, Do you care

I say it loud, I couldn't love you all night

Whenever you are near

Whenever you are

Am I worrying too much now

Do you care, Do you care

Am I worrying too much now

Do you care, Do you care

Am I worrying too much now

Do you care, Do you care

I gotta wait till I find out, oh

Whenever you are here

Whenever you are

I say it loud, I couldn't love you all night

Whenever you are near

Whenever you are

Oh, it's all you

Then I call you, And I hang up

I'm trying so hard not to call you

And in my darkest hour

I can never find the words to say

Wish I could cool it down but I

You got me feeling high

Am I worrying too much now

Am I worrying too much now

Do you care, Do you care

Am I worrying too much now

Do you care, Do you care

I gotta wait till I find out, oh

Whenever you are here

Whenever you are

I say it loud, I couldn't love you all night

Whenever you are near

Whenever you are

you're with me until I go to bed

Still all I think about and

And in the morning light

running everything round in my head

You got me up all night and I'm

You got me feeling high

For more infomation >> Ryan Riback - Do You Care (Lyrics / Lyric Video) ft. Iselin - Duration: 3:23.


3 Ways to TRANSFORM Your Life By Changing Your Story - Duration: 11:57.

and this video will show you three powerful ways to transform your story

and how when you do transform your story everything in your life will change and

you can make it change for the better

welcome back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their

consciousness now in this video we're going to be focused on how our story is

running our life experience how when we get to the core of what our story is and

we decide to change it we then get a new reflection in our life now understand

that when it comes to the law of attraction everything we experience

happens in the form of patterns even the thoughts we have we think on average 60

to 70 thousand thoughts a day over 90% of them are the same thoughts from the

day before everything is on autopilot most of the

things that we experience over 95% of it is ran by our subconscious mind which

means it's on autopilot versus our conscious mind which only equates for

about 5% of it and if we want to change our life we must really change the story

that we continuously tell ourselves now within that story is an identity is a

way that we view ourselves is a self-image and let me share with you the

power of changing our self-image let me share with you the power of changing our

story and how that affects every other area of our life well as I've said I've

talked about the self-image a lot our self-image is what is called a

cybernetic mechanism which simply means that however we view ourselves our

identity we will do absolutely everything we can to remain consistent

to whatever that is so if we make and we view ourselves as only capable of making

$50,000 a year even though we might think about $100,000 a year even though

we might imagine the car in the house that we want it won't happen unless we

change the way that we view ourselves because of that cybernetic mechanism

that subconsciously running our life so in order to do that we must get to the

core of the way we see ourselves and let go of the story we tell ourselves we

have a story about everything we have a story about the kind of relationships

that we attract we have a story about the kind of things we attract in general

we have a story around money we have a story around our

with our family we have a story about everything and when we change our story

and when we change the way we see our self that is when everything changes and

that's why in this video I'm going to share with you three powerful ways in

order to do that now the first way is simply has to do with awareness

most people are on autopilot they're brushing their teeth the same way every

day they're doing the same things every day therefore they're triggering the

same thoughts and they're having the same experience the first step to this

process is simply becoming aware of what we are thinking of and becoming aware of

what our story is so let me ask you the question what is your story around money

what are the most predominant memories you have of money was it your parents

telling you that money doesn't grow on trees was it your parents telling you

that you probably have to just go to college and you probably have to do

everything that they laid out for you in a blueprint you can't really do what

you're passionate about what is your blueprint about money maybe

you have a very good story about money maybe your parents were like we want you

just to be passionate about whatever you do and you were grown-up you growing up

you just have positive beliefs about money whatever it is just be aware of

what that story is by asking yourself the question when you ask yourself the

question you start to go within and you start to realize what that is now

realize we cannot change what we do not own so this means that if it's on

autopilot it will continue to run our life our body our life loves homeostasis

it loves to keep things consistent to the way it is think about it in the form

of going to the gym our body's like to stay in that homeostasis but in order to

grow we must push through that homeostasis we must experience a little

bit of that uncomfortableness and then as the body goes to rejuvenate itself

and to bring it back into homeostasis we can continue to raise the bar we get

uncomfortable we break down the muscles and then the next day it starts to

rebuild itself and we do it over and over again

now we must experience growth by first off becoming aware of what our story is

and asking ourselves the question what would I have to believe is true what is

my story around this and then simply deciding to change it to deciding to get

on comfortable to push through those

autopilot experiences so that we're really able to have a deeper experience

with it now I've explained this story before when it comes to me and being

nervous around you know feeling rejected from people and it came from stem from

one experience one memory of when I was like 12 years old

and I was at a Parks and Rec place and I asked a girl that was 18 years old when

I was 12 years old to dance with me and she said no when she brought some other

like 12 year old over to me that I didn't want to dance with and I felt

rejected in that moment and I realized I was carrying that story with me

everywhere I went when it was like I was 18 to 19 to 20 years old and I was

talking to girls I would feel very nervous and I would always have this

memory running in my mind of that rejection and what I realized I had to

do later on is I had to let go of that story I had to first off be aware that

that experience that story that reference experience was only one

experience it was only one part of my life and therefore I could start to see

it for what it was just an experience not who I am not a part of my identity

the moment I let that go was the moment I started to feel totally different and

I started to also get much better results I was much more confident when I

went up to you know girls I was attracted to and that's simply because I

let go of that story so that's the key to you I just use that an example

because I think it's maybe something you can relate to and maybe a different way

maybe it's with money maybe it's with relationships and someone telling you

you're not worthy or something that's one experience it doesn't have to be

true ask yourself that question is this true or was this just one skewed sample

experience now the second way that we can change our story is very powerful

and what it is is it involves looking to memories that have happened

before that reaffirm the opposite of whatever your belief is to whatever your

self-image is so for example let's use that same example of the self-image of

me not feeling worthy because I got rejected when I was 12 years old instead

what I could do is I could look into my memory banks and find experiences of

when things worked out well with when I felt worthy of when I maybe went up to

someone it was a very positive experience which those experiences did

exist the thing was is because I was so focused on that

prior experience and I thought that was a part of who I am and I had my identity

attached to it that continued to run itself out but instead what I did is I

started to look to my past and see hey there are plenty of times that I was in

uncomfortable situations and things went really well there were plenty of times

that I put myself out there and things happened very well so I started to focus

on those memories and that started to gain momentum in the present moment and

I started to feel more confident about the situation so realize that the

memories we focus on aren't hypnotizing us in a way towards believing that that

is Who I am that this is something that always happens that this is my story

when instead of what you could do is find memories that show the opposite to

you so let me ask you this question what memories do you have about money where

things worked out really well what memories do you have about relationships

where you were in a positive relationship or you got the kind of

feedback that you wanted or you were single and just felt 100% whole and

complete already look at those experiences look at those memories

through your memory bank think about them and start to feel from that point

of view understand that we don't necessarily want to create the present

moment or the future from the past but if it means rewiring the story we tell

ourselves find evidence of the opposite of any negative belief you have so the

first part find the negative belief you have find the negative reference

experience you have find the negative memory you have look at it be aware of

it be grateful it's there because it's showing you know you no longer want it

the next part of it is simply decide you're going to look for the evidence of

the opposite of it by looking through your memory banks and finding it if you

ask the question you will start to find the answers for it so doing that makes

it so much easier because then you're going to start to gain those positive

experiences and you're going to start to rewire the neural networks of your brain

to look for those positive emotions and those positive experiences now the third

powerful way in order to really change your story has to do with simply making

your shoulds musts now this is something that you might hear from Tony Robbins

this is something that's strong in the personal development industry but if you

want to make change in your life and you want to change your story change the

story in the sense that right now in the present moment

you are aware of what your story is and you're going to decide that from this

point going forward you are going to be the cause and not the effect you are

going to decide where your destiny goes by choosing where you put your energy

imagine you're watching a movie right now and you know that you're watching a

movie and you know that part in a movie where the character that maybe was

underperforming or maybe the character was like not a hero but all of a sudden

it's about to decide that he or she is the hero he or she is about to decide

that they're gonna take the power into their own hand to do what they want to

do it's almost the crux of every movie that's at the moment in your life right

now where you are and you can decide right now that you're gonna make your

shoots musts we always get what we tolerate in our life this is something

Tony Robbins talks about we always get what we tolerate and if we always say oh

I should do this I should do that we're never gonna actually get around to it

but the moment we decide that I'm going to do this I have had enough maybe we

start to associate so much pain with the way we were being before that's when we

start to really get the positive results in our life so that's what I encourage

you to do to write down your should what should you be doing and to turn those

into musts and every day decide you're going to do some part of that and as you

do that you're gonna change your story look at your story look at your life in

the form of a movie look at your timeline and decide that in this moment

right now that after watching this video what you're gonna do is decide that this

is the part of your life where you take your power back this is the power part

of your life where you become aware of the story you're telling yourself and

you decide to put your focus in the direction that you want it and with that

powerful narrative know that you will start to get amazing results from that

choice everything in our life is a result of a choice that we've made I

implore you to choose that you are worth it

you are worth it to make your shoulds a must that if you do it I promise you you

will be grateful that you did and you won't look back except for it to be

grateful for where you are that could be grateful that you let go of those

shoulds and that's all you really have to do so remember all you have to do is

first off become aware of what your story is become aware what it is become

aware of any of the memories you have any of the reference experiences that no

longer serve you and decide you're going to make

change then what you can do is look to the memories you have in the past that

reaffirm the opposite of what you're focused on that as you do that you are

rewiring the neural networks of your brain you're starting to see yourself in

a completely new way and then thirdly all you have to do is turn your shoulds

and the must decide that this is the part of your own movie where you take

your power back and you put the focus in the direction that you want so with that

being said I hope you guys enjoy this video feel free to like this video if

you liked it subscribe if you haven't already also hit that little

notification gear so that you're able to see the daily videos that I do also I

put up a free PDF in the description box of my top 5 law of attraction books that

transform my life two of those books are literally less than 50 pages you read

them in like two hours they absolutely transform my life and I

hope that they do the same for you so other than that see you guys on the next

fit please much love namaste

For more infomation >> 3 Ways to TRANSFORM Your Life By Changing Your Story - Duration: 11:57.


Ask A Girl: Who Pays For The Date? - Duration: 0:57.

Whoever asked the person out should be the one paying for the date.

If you ask somebody out on a date, you are kind of saying, "like, I am inviting you out

for an evening" and then once you like have dated a few times, then it can be like, "hey,

let's take care of each other or split things so that we can go out more."

The person who reaches for the check.

Sometimes people do that, they fake it, ya know?

They try to see if the other person will reach for it first.

Ya know?

Unless you're modern and ya decide upfront, "oh, let's split it" but who does that?

Splitsies is so unromantic.


Like... it's not romantic.

Also, you don't have to take her to the most expensive dinner in the world.

Like, get a Groupon.

It's fine.

For more infomation >> Ask A Girl: Who Pays For The Date? - Duration: 0:57.


Disney Princess Pocahontas with Dreadlocks - Pocahontas - Duration: 2:58.

so in the movie Pocahontas hair was quite simple with that said I wanted to

keep that same vibe of course I could have done something even more fancy but

I imagine being out in the woods and just I guess being carefree like

Pocahontas was so I just decided to accessorize my hair with some loc jewelry and

that colorful string that you see in my hair, which I did add later. The idea

just came up in my head and I said okay let me do this....too! so this is a really

quick and easy demo. I start from the top crisscross under and crisscross over

as I go down my loc. Then once you reach the end you secure it with a knot

and snip off the excess string. That's it! If you want to see how I do

different string looks there is a video on my channel that I do have.

I will actually link this at the end of the video. So stay tuned for that.

Thank you so much for watching my take on Pocahontas. If you did enjoy the video

don't forget to give it a thumbs up and check out my other princess looks. As

always nuff love :)

For more infomation >> Disney Princess Pocahontas with Dreadlocks - Pocahontas - Duration: 2:58.


Gunki TV - Belly Boat Perch Fishing in Sweden - Fish Spotting (French Subtitles) - Duration: 16:15.

For more infomation >> Gunki TV - Belly Boat Perch Fishing in Sweden - Fish Spotting (French Subtitles) - Duration: 16:15.


James O'Keefe BUSTED Trying To Set Up Fake Sting Against Washington Post - Duration: 4:06.

On Monday evening, a bombshell report came out in the Washington Post where they actually

uncovered a sting operation set up by James O'Keefe and his Project Veritas that was meant

to undermine all of the people who have accused Alabama Senate candidate, Roy Moore, of sexual


Here's what happened.

The Washington Post received an email from a woman who said that when she was a teenager

she had sex with Roy Moore.

They had a secret forbidden love and then she got pregnant.

Roy Moore told her to have an abortion, took her to Mississippi himself to have that abortion,

and then he just kind of left her by the wayside, moved on with his life.

This was shortly after he won his first judgeship.

But, unfortunately, this woman was not who she claimed to be.

She was not a former teenage lover of Roy Moore.

She was in fact somebody working with Project Veritas, James O'Keefe's organization, that

has been known to doctor footage of interviews and conversations in order to make the left

look bad, and that is exactly what they were trying to do.

The woman who claimed that she had sex with Roy Moore set up an interview with a Washington

Post reporter in a restaurant on multiple occasions.

They're pretty sure it was being filmed.

In fact, Veritas has actually released film of it, so they know they were being filmed,

but the Washington Post decided to film it as well because they just didn't think something

felt right about this.

You know why the Washington Post had a bad feeling about it?

Because they actually did their job.

They looked this woman up online and they found a trail that led directly back to Project

Veritas including a GoFundMe account set up by this woman who said she wanted to relocate

to New York to go work with the conservative media to take down the lying left.

But that's all just a small part of this story.

What's important here, the big take-away, is that James O'Keefe, this little sack of

crap running around thinking he's some kind of journalist or documentarian when really

he's just a waste of human skin, he set up the Washington Post or attempted to ... They

busted him on it, wanted to set them up with a phony person just so that they can get the

Washington Post on tape admitting that they were trying to take down Roy Moore, and, more

importantly, to undermine every single woman that has come forth and said that Roy Moore

sexually assaulted or sexually harassed them when they were teenagers.

That's what this is about, undermining the victims of sexual crimes here.

That is okay with James O'Keefe.

He has no problem with that.

That's okay with the Republican Party because the tape that Project Veritas has even released

of this is making the rounds in conservative media, and those idiots actually believe it.

We have to do better than this.

A guy like James O'Keefe should be behind bars.

I'm not just saying that because of this incident.

I'm saying it because of all the crimes he's committed over the years, doctoring footage,

creating the entire Planned Parenthood phony controversy based on nothing.

Same thing with Acorn.

This man is a danger to the United States and does not belong in the United States.

We need to find another country to ship him to, so he can go live out the rest of his

years perhaps living in a country that doesn't have the kinds of freedoms and benefits that

the United States have because that's what this man deserves.

He is a cancer on this country, and this Washington Post sting that he set up proves that beyond

a reasonable doubt.

He would rather stick up for a pedophile than admit that there is at least one bad Republican

in this country.

That is a kind of tribalism that has to be stamped out in

the United States.

For more infomation >> James O'Keefe BUSTED Trying To Set Up Fake Sting Against Washington Post - Duration: 4:06.


Driver Doesn't Notice Bobcat Caught In Grille For 50 Miles - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Driver Doesn't Notice Bobcat Caught In Grille For 50 Miles - Duration: 0:23.



For more infomation >> 100 BEST LIFE HACKS AND DIYs TO MAKE YOU LIFE EASIER! - Duration: 1:43:24.


Cookie Monster Drop and Roll Playskool Friends Sesame Street Toy - Duration: 5:02.

Today on Surprise and Play

Cookie Monster Drop and Roll

You feed him a ball and then it rolls down here

He's very cool!

I can't wait to try it!

Oh me love cookie!

I love cookies

Cookie Monster is too full!

Surprise and Play!

Hi everybody!

This is my brother Cookie and I'm Chocolate Chip

Are you guys ready for a surprise?


Close your eyes

Open your eyes


who is it?

It's Cookies Monster!

Cookie Monster

It's Cookie Monster Drop and Roll!

Me want a cookie

Cookie Monster!



and there's some balls

Cookie Monster

and then we put it in his mouth

and then it comes over here

you feed him a ball and then it rolls down here

and then it comes over here

and he talks

look you're brother is so smiley

cookie monster drop and roll

should we open it?


me want a cookie

sometimes me want a snack

with chocolate nuts or raisins

I like Sesame Street toys

and even my brother cookie likes it

wow! Oh!

what happened?

a ball


he he he

what colors do we have?

uh teal


we have other pieces that we forgot to put on

let's try the green one

I'll show you


these batteries go over here

and you put the legs

and then you put the batteries ... and the tracks

the tracks

and then you feed cookie monster


it's working mama

it's working?


it is working

he's very cool!

I can't wait!

I can't wait to try it out!


sometimes me want a cookie

want a cookie of this ball

I can't wait to try it!

I can't wait to try it

yeah let's try it out


it's working!

don't forget to smile!



smile emojis in the comments

the yellow one and the teal one

there they go

num num num num

let's press the button


num num num num num

come back here

oh num num num


mmmm num num num num

num num num

let's feed him



there it goes

oh me love cookies!

I love cookies!

sometimes me want a cookie

sometimes me want a snack

with chocolate nuts or raisins

me want cookie

cookie monster, I feed you

let's press the button


what happened?

oh no it's blocked

Cookie Monster is too full

oh there they go


Cookie Monster yey!

it works

oh please oh please oh please

me want cookie

num num num

he's hungry

let's feed him

feed him cookie

feed him cookie

put the purple

put it

put it in his mouth


I love Sesame Street toys

I love Cookie Monster

you love Cookie Monster ... good job!

Sometimes me want a cookie

Sometimes me want a snack

with chocolate nuts or raisins

no nothing wrong with that

oh boy oh boy oh boy!

me so hungry!


num num num


thanks for watching

click subscribe

thumbs up

iheart you


see you next time

and we're gonna have fun

Surprise and Play!

awe he's so cute


For more infomation >> Cookie Monster Drop and Roll Playskool Friends Sesame Street Toy - Duration: 5:02.


Absolutely Stunning and Inexpensive The Z87 Tiny House in Poland - Duration: 3:32.

Absolutely Stunning and Inexpensive The Z87 Tiny House in Poland

For more infomation >> Absolutely Stunning and Inexpensive The Z87 Tiny House in Poland - Duration: 3:32.


Elif Episode 612 - Opening Scene | Season 4 Episode 52 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 3:13.

This model you see is one of our best selling models.

We designed this model anticipating needs of a modern, urban women.

Elegance was our priority, so they can attract attention, but also comfort.

Where did this girl come from? Apparently she's not a model.

Did you say something?

Huh? No.

The thin leather bands on the front side...

...wrap the ankle fully,

...and this helps ergonomically and aesthetically.

In the same time,

we equipped the shoes with hidden pads in the heel and in the toe area,

...because we are taking orthopaedic considerations very seriously.

Mr. Kerem will tell you about these specially produced materials.

Mr. Kerem?

Could you tell our guests about the pads used on the substructure, Mr. Kerem?

Oh... S- surely! Sure!

This model is designed based on worldwide trends.

For the women, aiming to stand out of the crowd, and to be attractive.

The design is very chic!

Are there any color alternatives for this model?

Sure! Dark blue, gold and silver.

Three choices.

Very well!

I don't know if you had any more models you'd like to show to us,

...but I don't think it will be necessary.

From now on, there are only a few details left to discuss.

As you wish.

Miss Birce, you may leave.

And I also would like to thank you.

For more infomation >> Elif Episode 612 - Opening Scene | Season 4 Episode 52 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 3:13.


Kellyanne Conway Clearly Broke The Law, But Will She Be Prosecuted? - Duration: 4:03.

Last week during an appearance on Fox & Friends on Fox News, White House Counselor, Kellyanne

Conway, clearly violated the law.

Specifically, the law that she broke was the Hatch Act that forbids members of the White

House, members of the current administration, from going out in their official capacity,

and engaging in political activity, specifically endorsing or attacking certain candidates.

Here's what happened with Kellyanne Conway.

She goes on Fox & Friends last week to talk about the tax reform package being proposed

by Republicans.

During her response about tax cuts, she decides to go off the rails and starts attacking Doug

Jones, the Democratic Senate candidate in the State of Alabama.

She did this while being identified as a White House counselor, she did it while being interviewed

in front of the White House, so in all regards, she was acting as an official representative

of the Donald Trump administration, and therefore, engaging in those kinds of political attacks

against Doug Jones in favor of Roy Moore, she had violated the Hatch Act, which is a

prosecutorial offense.

Now, will she be prosecuted, is the question?

The Office of Special Counsel within the White House is certainly, probably not going to

prosecute her, but this just goes to show you how many laws people within this administration

seem to break on a near constant basis, that nobody pays attention to.

During the Bush administration, Karl Rove, clearly violated the Hatch Act using White

House computers to send out campaign emails, again, clear violation.

He was never prosecuted, nothing ever happened with that, so we have no reason to think that

anything different will happen to Kellyanne Conway.

But we also know that Donald Trump is out there endorsing specific products, like Fox

News over CNN.

His family is out there plugging their goods on national TV, while acting as representatives

of the White House, which also is against the law.

Kellyanne Conway is also guilty of doing that, from the time when she came on Fox & Friends

and said, "Go buy Ivanka's stuff."

That's illegal.

You know, I think if a lot of people paid a little bit more attention to some of the

things going in this White House, you would begin to see how many times these morons sitting

in the Oval Office continuously break the law.


Because they don't know it.

That's what happens when you put in a complete numbskull in the White House, who has no political

experience, no legal experience, and no knowledge of the US government whatsoever.

Not saying that gives him a free pass, but I'm saying, Yeah, we can expect these kinds

of things when you put an idiot in the White House, and that's exactly what we're seeing


That does not give them a free pass, that does not mean that these things should not

be investigated and potentially prosecuted.

I for one think that every minor infraction that takes place should be investigated, and

if it turns out that Kellyanne Conway is guilty of violating the Hatch Act, which all of the

evidence says yes, she is, she needs to be removed from office and put in front of a

criminal trial.

We have laws in place in this country for a reason, and if those at the top aren't going

to follow them, how in the hell do they expect those of us on the bottom to follow them as


You gotta lead by example, and that's something that this White House, this administration,

and Kellyanne Conway herself, simply don't understand.

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