Monday, November 27, 2017

Youtube daily report w Nov 27 2017

Hello, just2good here,

the YouTuber2go for LEGO.

Recently, I decided to start a Patreon page -

which is a site where you can pledge an amount to support me per month,

which is linked in the decAnd based on what you pay,

you will get special JUST2GOOD rewards.

But why am I making this now?

Well, with YouTube recently

getting ridiculous with their ad payments and regulations,

where sometimes my videos get listed

as unsuitable for advertisers randomly despite making family friendly LEGO vidoes,

something is becoming evident.

YouTube is not a reliable source of revenue

to keep up with my consistent increase in quality.

While I want to improve, my ad revenue is dropping,

even though my video views are consistent with last year's.

I'm always looking into purchase new equipment,

like a non-USB Mic, and of course,

it's costly to keep up with modern sets to review,

but it will be harder and harder to do so if I'm getting less payouts for them.

Anyways, for a brief insight on the rewards for each amount you pledge to,

one dollar pledgers -

those who pay one dollar per month -

will be able to gain access to an exclusive channel on the just2good Discord server.

That's another thing - I recently started a just2good DISCORD server!

ANYONE can join it,

you don't have to be a Patreon supporter -

but those who are have access to an exclusive channel there.

Two dollar pledgers will be able

to gain access to an audio version of the just2podcast a couple days early,

as well as weekly update posts which layout the review and other videos for the week.

Five dollar pledgers will be able to vote on upcoming LEGO video ideas,

and I may even upload a video early for those in this tier.

Twenty dollar pledgers will be able to join a call with me

and other people pledging this much once per month,

where you can ask whatever you like,

as well as insights into upcoming major videos,

like Top 10s.

Keep in mind with every amount,

you get the rewards for all the lowers amounts.

Then, those who do 40 dollars a month

can request for me to write a monthly blog post based on anything,

as long as it's nothing inappopriate.

Then, if you're bold enough to do 80 dollars a month,

you'll be able to request a monthly video for me to make based on anything,

as long as it isn't a face reveal or anything inapporpriate.

So, go check out my Patreon page,

and join in the Discord -

which I'm trying my best to keep PG-rated...

ANYONE is welcome.

Thanks for all the support throughout the years,

and I'll see you guys later.

Peace out.


For more infomation >> Important just2good Update Video! - Duration: 2:00.



Maybe just walking back to my channel and before I can start in this video

I would like to please ask everyone to go and subscribe to my vlog channel

Which is at the top of the description below biggest vlog miss is coming up everyone and as you can tell I am super

excited for Christmas this year and

So is Santa over here, but it's down in the description as I said, and I'm gonna be participating in vlogmas everyday

I don't know if it's twelve days or twenty five days like you go from the first is December until the 24th of December

I'm just gonna do it every damn day of the month and also I'm gonna be having a new schedule come out for all of

My channels, it's gonna be three main videos a week, then my whole vlog channel is gonna

Go every day of the week and then an ASMR video and then viewers voice and all that kinda stuff is going to be so


Amazing to be putting out that much content

But I'm super excited for it so with that said let's get into the story time so by the title of this video you guys

You know it's gonna be about the time that I sued my ex and his entire family

Literally entire fucking family for my little baby Hermes who was my Yorkie

And I was really like hot and heavy with this guy like we met and it was like instant attraction

instant love

It was fucking insane when I say it was like love at first sight probably

because I

Had never fallen so hard for someone so quick and we basically were inseparable we were together all of the time I would be always

At his house staying there. He live with his parents at the time. It was fine

He was younger who's going to college and all that kind of stuff didn't care and the mom got to talking to me about how?

She used to have a Yorkie

And how she really missed her cuz she passed away from

I think the dog had some form of cancer or something and just ended up passing away

So I would take my Yorkie over there all the time that would be like oh

I'm going to New York for a few days

Do you want to hold on to her for me because I know how much you miss yours and I'm literally gonna be back in

Two days you can watch her because I'm probably gonna be coming back over here anyways

And I will get my dog then - what. She said was completely

Fine well that happened a bunch of times my dog was not there 24/7 my dog was not there every day of the damn year

She was back and forth to my house and all that kind of stuff some there's a ticket to New York sometimes

I would leave her in Florida at 3rd place at my mom's place and everything was fine

Well this one fucking time that I went to New York

I was in New York for two days doing a shoot getting ready to fly back to Florida

A few days after cuz I was gonna stay and like see my agent and spend a lot of time going to meetings and all

That kind of stuff and my ex and I just like there was a blow-up

We broke up, and I mess his mom and I said you know I'm gonna be coming back to Florida

I want to come get my dog, and I need to get my other stuff. That's there as well is that okay, Baba?

She messaged me fucking back you guys

She messaged me back and said something along the lines of what actually your dog has been here more than this required amount of days

And I guess there's like something like if your dog is there for six months or whatever

Then something actually belongs to the person whose house

That's in

Which is not the case because this is not like my dog was just there by herself for the six months and definitely was not

There without my supervision for the six months so therefore you don't get to have my fucking dog

That law does not work

And I want to say this his father was one of the police officers that he was a hire a police officer in the town

They lived in in Florida, so they had fucking

Fucking eyes and ears on me at all fucking time when it came to this fucking matter. I just want to point that out I

Was on the phone with her and I said well, I'm coming to get my dog. You don't give me my dog

I am going to go to the police, and I'm going to sue your ass

And I will get my fucking dog back at the end of the day

I will get my fucking dog back don't even sit there and try to pretend like you're gonna be able to keep my dog for

The rest of her life because it's not gonna fucking happen she hung up on me

Didn't answer any of my fucking calls or anything so I fly back early to fucking, Florida

Get in my car with my friend and go over to their house and say I want my dog to it

We don't have your dog

where's your dog your dogs not here totally playing stupid like your dogs like here, but I was like you have a glass door the

Door to your house is fucking glass and I can see my dog

Looking at me and fucking barking

Give me my fucking dog didn't wanna give my dog went to the police police officers came back to the house with me

And they're like we don't have this dog even the cop is like man. We can see his dog right there

You're not allowed to enter the house and get the dogs not my house, but it is my dog so therefore

They're like you know just file with the paperwork at the police

and then you're going to basically have to go to court and get this dog back because this is bullshit like the sister and the

Ex were yelling at me on like their deck and all that like screaming obscenities and all that kind of stuff, and I'm like

This is fucking so dumb. You know I'm just gonna fucking honestly go to court about this because

Why am I wasting my time and breath on you fucking people cuz you're obviously fucking idiots

And this is obviously just being held against me because I broke up with your fucking son

Why are you so involved in our fucking relationship that you're trying to steal my dog

Bitch why I'm literally always happy to go back and forth from Orlando to where these fucking people lived

To where these fucking people lived and go to the police file new information and it got really fucking nasty

Bitch because if you think that I'm gonna allow you to slander my fucking name Oh Paige

Let me slander your name about how you stole shit from around that fucking town, and oh yes. Oh yes

Walked my ass into all those businesses and said oh by the way

This is the address of where your shit is you guys might want to go fucking get it?

And I reported it to the police, but do you wanna know? What do you wanna know? What since the fucking father?

Was part of that police force the fucking detective that took all the information?

Told him when the police were gonna go to his house to look for this stuff. Everything was fucking removed from the house

That was stolen including my fucking dog. They were trying to make it look like I was fucking lying well guess what bitch

That's when it got even fucking worst

That's when it got even fucking worse because I became really good friends with

The officer that I was fuckin working with and she was like why don't you just put like a flier up around town, so?

That's what I did. I went to fucking slate

What is one of that place called fucking home now Home Depot Office Depot with my friend Kim and we made these god-awful?

fucking flyers

And I just want to say this in the town that they lived in it's kind of live a really cute like downtown like old

school looking downtown and there is

no chance that if you live there that people aren't going to know who you are and

definitely know like what house you live in a lot of kind stuff these motherfuckers had a

pepto-bismol pink house on top of a fucking Hill in the downtown there was only one fucking

pepto-bismol fucking house on the top of a hill in downtown so I was like I can't put their address of

What it is because then they're gonna say?

I'm harassing them, so I found a picture of a fucking Pete cow sitting on top of a hill was it their house no

But I put it on this fucking thing and I said don't laugh scene at this place

With the house, please call me if you've seen anything and in this downtown

It's like little small businesses everywhere, and so I went with the flyer handed them out

And I'm out to fucking everyone like oh here you go. You've seen my dog

Please let me know please let me know please God. Just let me know

I really miss my dog and put them on every fucking tree in this downtown. I did not escape a fucking trip

This isn't like oh you're walking over

Here's wine and then maybe see one down the road know every fucking tree even on the posts around their house

There was a fucking flier of my dog is fucking missing. They even drove past me while I was fucking doing it. This is obnoxious

Greenish yellow like yard sale sign almost drove past me didn't fucking stop or fucking say anything finally here

We go after I paid to take these bitches to fucking court and this was a fucking first

I almost got mugged when I paid give these people a great ago, and this girl comes over to like the gas pump

And it's like yo somebody wants to talk to you over here, and I said, okay

I'll be right there got right in my car and sped the fuck off bitch. Do you think I'm stupid?

I'm gonna go be someone's pilot. Oh you wanted to talk to me. Hi

No, bitch, we go to court in the courtroom. I showed up with my entire fucking family mom father grandmother grandpa uncle

My friend Kim was saying there next to me

And we have to sit across the table this judge was a fucking dick wait

Just a dick like because and you know I understand why he was being a dick with

You know we're there because you stole my dog you stole my fucking dog

It's not like we're there because somebody beat someone which by the way in the midst of this

In the midst of this whole fucking thing

I'm out at a club with my friend Kim


He is there with his sister and some friends the sister walks up and punches me in the fucking face

And then they left the club because I like I'll bet you're gonna punch me the baseline pressing charges now

You're not helping your case because you stole my fucking dog quick so pressed charges against her whatever

We also have to go to court. I'm sitting there, and I shit you guys not I

Shit you guys not

The mother pulls out the flyer my friend Kim's fingernails went in to my leg because she knew that I was about to be like

Like sir what you have to say about this and I said

They stole my dog

What do you want me to say yes?

I put fires my dog is missing because these people fucking stole it like the judge was just an asshole and again

I get it because we're there because someone stole a dog

It's like we're not there because something horrible is happening in his world. Give me my dog

You know you're wrong by the way their defense was

We didn't steal his dog. We were looking after the dog for him

They never once said that they stole my dog. They bought the paperwork for the dog whose name is Hermes

The dog's name is now Duchess cupcake

Duchess cupcake

that they put a

microchip in and also

Took to the vet many times

So you're not stealing my dog, but my dog's name is no longer or mez it's now Duchess cupcake

And you put a microchip in my dog

But you're not stealing my dog does that make any fucking sense to anyone because that doesn't make sense to me

And then the judge is finally like well. You know sir


did take your dog to the vet a lot so you're gonna have to reimburse her for all of that and at that point I

Wasn't even gonna argue it. I just said okay. Thank you. I will pay her to take my dog to the vet

That was very nice of you to take my dog to the vet. Even though you got her microchipped

Even though you got her microchip like you fucking dumb bitch wait, but you didn't steal my dog

So now I have to leave the courtroom after winning. They drive by like flicking me off

I have my mom in my BMW with the roof down

I have to go to the ugly pink house on top of the fucking hill and wait outside for them after getting money out of

The bank Bubba, I think I had to pay them like

300 something dollars it wasn't like an astronomical amount so it's not even a fucking problem

They have this son walk out of the house, which by the way they moved

They moved because which is coming in another fucking story time cuz that one's just as fucking crazy as this one

Actually probably a little more crazy

Yeah, I think about it

But so they moved because you know what their excuse was they were scared of what I was going to do to them

No, you moved because you're embarrassed as I told everyone in the fucking town

You fucking robbed me and stole my fucking dog and put fucking flyers out

That's why you moved your pepto-bismol fucking house the Sun brings the dog out to me kind of like

Drops her on me, and I hand about like I literally

He's holding the dog at MERS he's like are you ever give me the money

Are you gonna doing my dog like this is gonna be a fair fucking trade

I'm not gonna hand you money, so you can fucking run away with the dog

meanwhile she's wearing a fucking tutu a

fucking tutu you guys

And I was like just give me the dog and I gave him the money got my dog back who was very happy was licking

Me all over. I snatched that outfit off

I said you can keep this motherfuckers and fucking sped away

And had my fucking dog when I tell you my dog was so happy to be home with me

She was sleeping on top of my head like all the time and these people are posting online

Get your own fucking dog suck it snatch they did get their own Yorkie, which looked like it

Just got run over by a car. It was fucking ugly as fuck. I've never seen a Yorkie as cute as my Yorkie

That's there people ask me all the time like why don't you want to get another Yorkie?

Why haven't you gone to the store and bought another one because I love your keys?

I've just never seen one as cute as her when I got her

she was the size of my hand and fit perfectly in my palm like so I just haven't I don't know if I could because

I loved that dog so much like she was pretty fucking bad out

That's the story about the time my ex and his family decided to steal my dog

And if anybody ever steals your dog take them to fucking court, and hope they didn't fucking microchip that bitch and call her Duchess cupcake

Judges fucking cupcake, so I hope you guys enjoyed this video

I have more story times coming and they are going to get us get crazier and crazier

Cuz I've had a pretty crazy fucking life

Just go throw that out there, but I love you guys all my links are down below

Please subscribe to my vlog Channel, and I will see you guys in my next video. Bye

For more infomation >> SUING MY EX BOYFRIEND & HIS ENTIRE FAMILY - Duration: 11:57.


N Ã O__T E N H O__N A D A__A__D E C L A R A R - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> N Ã O__T E N H O__N A D A__A__D E C L A R A R - Duration: 1:00.


Laboratório de Audionarração - SESC Consolação - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Laboratório de Audionarração - SESC Consolação - Duration: 2:41.


Os surdos e o tema da redação do Enem - Duration: 12:13.

For more infomation >> Os surdos e o tema da redação do Enem - Duration: 12:13.


Galvão Bueno pede DEMISSÃO? Motivo ABALA o BRASIL - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Galvão Bueno pede DEMISSÃO? Motivo ABALA o BRASIL - Duration: 1:09.


J de Junte os Semelhantes #ORGANIZACAODEAaZ - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> J de Junte os Semelhantes #ORGANIZACAODEAaZ - Duration: 1:14.


KRua - C.N.S.C - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> KRua - C.N.S.C - Duration: 3:12.


Raí Faustino & Young Kings - nihil.mp3 (REMIX) - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Raí Faustino & Young Kings - nihil.mp3 (REMIX) - Duration: 3:47.


Laboratório de Audionarração - SESC Consolação - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Laboratório de Audionarração - SESC Consolação - Duration: 2:41.


Andy Scotch - Pesadelos - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Andy Scotch - Pesadelos - Duration: 3:38.


Músicos para Evento Corporativo | Odeon (Ernesto Nazareth) - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Músicos para Evento Corporativo | Odeon (Ernesto Nazareth) - Duration: 1:29.


No evento de ANIME pela PRIMEIRA vez @ Anime Friends | My 1st ANIME EVENT | 人生初のアニメイベントに行ってみた - Duration: 31:03.

Hey guys, genki?

This is Vivian from vivian uru channel! Welcome ^^

Guess where I'm going to take you with me today?

So yes, my first impression of the event!

The venue is huuuge!

However, I'm have a hard time finding the stages and attractions x3

I want to check the Ribbon Contest which is a Lolita contest,,

but I can't find the stage (T_T)

Let's see if I can find the stage in time!

Who have suffered from cyber bullying?

Everything you do,, like when you are going to tease someone or a friend,,

you need to do it with lots of responsibility,,

as things get to another level / dimension on internet..

when you face these life problems,

I suggest you to dance, laugh, laugh at yourselves,

don't let those things bring you down!

I'm going to call a guest to sing the song Rebirth with us!

Come on here, Edu Falaschi!

Help us! Please help us!

Edu, please stay a little more!

Do you guys want to Edu sing another song?

Now what? Let's sing that song!

Thank you!

Totoro! I found you! <3

Go there, go there!

It's much more soft than I was expecting! xD

Lots of lil stores,, let's see if I can find some souvenirs here!

Guys! I will try to punch a thing to test my strength now!

Let's see if I'm strong ot not! x]

Can I go?


Look! You did better than some kids lol!

Let me try!

Deadpool was impressed lol!

Holy cow!

There's one who is a bit gangling.

It's time to see Ajikan, guys! <3


Oh okay!

Got it lol! I've heard "radical" at first lol!

I thought,, what the ..... is that?! x]

Hmm, there's also this phrase!

Lindo = Handsome

What is it?

Difficult.. Portuguese is so difficult!


I can only hear ch!nkø {men's priate part}

Never mind, I'm sorry!

There's many more here, wait a sec

What? Wait a sec!

There's many phrases, like this one! Wait, wait, wait!

So what the heck is that?

I don't understand at all!

What are you saying?

V: Kakkoii = translation of Lindo/Handsome TM: I can only hear ch!nkø

I'm so sorry,, Sorry to the people who knows Japanese!

Aah! I think this phrase is great!

They are digging it,, surprisingly

For more infomation >> No evento de ANIME pela PRIMEIRA vez @ Anime Friends | My 1st ANIME EVENT | 人生初のアニメイベントに行ってみた - Duration: 31:03.


A cultura Pop Coreana [KPOP DOCUMENTARY] [CC ENG] - Duration: 10:24.


Beautiful faces, difficult choreographies and unusual number of members in a group

These are usually the first thing people notice when they get in touch with korean pop music for the first time

What sounds strange at first, slowly grow on people with it's catchy beat and and it's high quality production of

its MVs (high standard as if was Hollywood)

Kpop became well known thanks to PSY, who released his greatest hit "Gangnam Style" back in 2012

Since then, other kpop songs were embraced by other cultures,

especially in Brazil, which has more fans after Korea itself

Did Kpop really start with PSY's hit?



Differently from what people think, kpop (that we know now) started back in the 90s

, when a trio of rappers "Seo taiji and Boys" merged the korean music culture with the western one with english lyrics

The tendecy of the music genre just kept growing through the years

once the companies noticed how kpop brought more profit to them.


Don't get fooled by it's perfection in front of the cameras. Trainee period is actually the toughest one.

A lot of trainees give up on their dreams because they can't handle the pressure of the music industry.

Food restriction to lose weight, some companies make the trainees practice more than 14 hours per day,

not to mention how they barely got time to their family.

Women weight less than 50kg to fit in the korean standard

while men are out of shape if they weight more than 75kg.

Although they go through all theses steps to debut, most idols don't let that bad side take over their images.

Even suffering from the pressure, they always show their best image for their fans

who usually know nothing what their fav are facing

They have so much charisma, that most of them won the international fan's hearts, especially in

Brazil which the number of kpop fans keep growing.


With small appearences in japanese events like Shinobi,

KPOP slowly got big enough to have its own events in the cities

The biggest one is KDT (Kpop dance tournament) that is so well known between fans

that they are able to invite idols to be the judges of the tournament.


In Curitiba, the place where almost all the kpop fans know is Museu Oscar Niemeyer (MON)

where they can practice with their cover groups the latest hits of kpop



More than a genre of music, it became a lifestyle

It's a big movement that is growing

The dance itself. I love dancing so it's a hobby that makes me feel free

A completely different culture that I fell in love.

It's actually great to see these different culture shock

Kpop appeared when I was going through a rough time,

so it's basically what it's keeping me "sane", it's something that makes me feel happy

It's the fun itself. I love the songs, follow the idols on reality shows to get to know that person better

Since forever I have been in involved with music and asian culture.

So when kpop appeared I was 'dragged' into it after listening the songs

I danced ballet already, so I kinda ended up merging my love for dancing with kpop

At first it was just a different kind of music that I could listen whenever I was bored

but ever since I started dancing it, it completely changed my life once

it actually made me feel happier. Kpop actually makes me stop thinking about my problems.


I know kpop since I was a kid. Even though my father is brazilian, my mom always showed me songs and doramas.It became a everyday-thing.

I don't really know the exact year that it all started liking kpop

but I can say it's been 8 years since I started dancing it.

Basically I was influenced by my family

I met someone who was already in the kpop world so they influenced me and I got into kpop

Influence as well, friends that already danced kpop

Probably someone showed me, I don't really remember

Influence as well but I didn't really pay attention at first, after some time I went by myself to find out more about it

Long time ago a friend of mine showed me an F(X) mv and I fell in love.

I noticed there were a lot of choreographies and I was into dancing already (around 4 years ago).

After that I tried to find somewhere that I could practice and they told me Museu Oscar Niemeyer

I was used coming here already but I stayed on the sides talking to friends

With that I ended up falling in love with kpop


Most of them, we (Atomic Dance Group) perfomanced on Shinobi Spirit.

I don't miss any Shinobi event as well because there is always that small kpop appearence there

Most likely the ones with competitions.

My group (CRONOS) ranked 1st place in the last three events.

Of course there are events that are just for people to gather and perfomance without prizes

they are actually pretty amazing. You can relax more, and it's great for people who are starting dancing


Meet people, it's great to go somewhere and find people that has the same taste as you

you can feel home and welcomed by these events

I go especially to evaluate people's dancing.


Yeah, like, judge. The fact I've never been in any dance competition before, this is the first time.

See people who started from somewhere, makes me think better about dancing.

Like, the person did this movement like that, I can do it that way

Watch them dance and judge them (mentally).

So whenever I go to an event, I always look forward the dancing and how can I use that to improve my dancing skill


Curitiba,São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are the strongest cities with kpop

It keeps growing the influence!

Today you can see it's almost empty but it's because of ENEM (Exam entrance test Brazil uses for some colleges).

There are days that is so crowded that you can't even talk to your friend because you won't be able to listen them

It's reeeeally strong, Curitiba it's actually the strongest city with kpop influence that I ever met.

You can find more kpop covers in Brazil than in Korea


With the biggest amount of fans, companies that arranges concerts are getting more and more interested on bringing idols here to Brazil.

Not to mention how stores are opening to sell kpop albums and official goods to deliver faster to the fans.

Even though the market of kpop is segmented,

it actually has a great growing profit potencial inside the country.

Fans are not only listening to kpop, but getting emotionally involved by it.

This means kpop came to stay, not planning to get out from brazilian territory so easily.

For more infomation >> A cultura Pop Coreana [KPOP DOCUMENTARY] [CC ENG] - Duration: 10:24.


QUINTE DE TOUX : COMMENT ARRÊTER DE TOUSSER-remede naturel - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> QUINTE DE TOUX : COMMENT ARRÊTER DE TOUSSER-remede naturel - Duration: 3:53.


5 segnali che indicano che non si è pronti ad avere figli - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> 5 segnali che indicano che non si è pronti ad avere figli - Duration: 6:13.


Quer suavizar as estrias do seu corpo? Confira estes 5 remédios caseiros - Duration: 10:52.

For more infomation >> Quer suavizar as estrias do seu corpo? Confira estes 5 remédios caseiros - Duration: 10:52.


Barbie Kinder Surprise Eggs! Kids Toys Opening and Lots of Learning Fun! Fuzzy Kiwi TV - Duration: 7:14.

Fuzzy Kiwi TV

Kinder Surprise Barbie


Let's see what's inside

Let's count




Let's see what's inside this one


Oh wow

She's pretty

Look at all the Barbies

Oh wow so pretty!

Look at her beautiful pink dress

Let's see

What's in this one?


Look at this one

She's so cool!

And it comes with stickers

Look at this!


She's so cool!

Here's her handbag

She's all set

She's very pretty

Last one

Let's see what's inside

Here we go!



She's so beautiful

Look at the stickers she comes with

There you have it

That's all!

Bye bye!

Please subscribe if you like this video

And give us a thumbs up!

See you on the next video!

For more infomation >> Barbie Kinder Surprise Eggs! Kids Toys Opening and Lots of Learning Fun! Fuzzy Kiwi TV - Duration: 7:14.


Image Accessibility with Alternative Text - Duration: 3:22.

So in this video we're going talk about the importance of adding alternative text to images

for accessibility.

So when you upload an image using the "E" button, you will notice that there is a section

for alternative text and so within that you're going to want to make sure that you are providing

a caption that is giving screen readers enough information to correctly identify what is

in the image and the context of the image.

So I'm going briefly talk about the different types of images and the kind of text that

you should write in relation to those.

But please do reference the documents that we'll provide on this page as well.

So complex images are images like this shown on the screen it's a graph.

We recommend whenever possible not adding images like this just because it's very difficult.

Everything displayed in the graph has to be correctly annotated in the alternative text.

So you'll see here it says "bar chart showing monthly and total visitors for the first quarter

2014 for sites 1-3" So you have to provide a very in-depth alternative text option for

these kind of images.

The next image is an image map.

These are increasingly difficult as well because any text displayed in this type of image has

to be in the alternative text as well.

So whenever possible please just use text and leave out images with these sort of text

on them and information chains.

The next type of image is an informative image.

So this one is showing a process of something.

So you'll notice alternative text is written very descriptively, "Push the cap down and

turn it counter clockwise from right to left."

Functional image is like this printer sign you'll see and right here it just says "Print

this page" it's very descriptive and succinct.

Images of text that's if you have text on your image, if you have a poster that you're

uploading for an event—all of the information on that poster has to also be in the alt text

and on the page as just plain text.

So remember that if you're adding a poster with different dates and descriptions of events,

instead of uploading that poster that's going to be hung on the wall, just consider making

a page with the text directly on the page and then accompanying images that don't have

text on them.

And that makes it easier for screen readers to understand.

Another important and helpful resource for adding alternative text and properly adding

alternative text is you can reference with WC3 decision tree.

It kind of talks about—you look at your image and decide if it's decorate, if it's

a functional one, if it's has image of text and then what you do from there.

But as always, you can email with any questions and thank you.

For more infomation >> Image Accessibility with Alternative Text - Duration: 3:22.


www.mikrokazı - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> www.mikrokazı - Duration: 1:07.


www.mikrokazı - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> www.mikrokazı - Duration: 2:51.


www.mikrokazı - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> www.mikrokazı - Duration: 2:14.


www.mikrokazı - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> www.mikrokazı - Duration: 0:57.


www.mikrokazı - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> www.mikrokazı - Duration: 1:17.


Desert Camo Backpack | Ho...

For more infomation >> Desert Camo Backpack | Ho...


Important just2good Update Video! - Duration: 2:00.

Hello, just2good here,

the YouTuber2go for LEGO.

Recently, I decided to start a Patreon page -

which is a site where you can pledge an amount to support me per month,

which is linked in the decAnd based on what you pay,

you will get special JUST2GOOD rewards.

But why am I making this now?

Well, with YouTube recently

getting ridiculous with their ad payments and regulations,

where sometimes my videos get listed

as unsuitable for advertisers randomly despite making family friendly LEGO vidoes,

something is becoming evident.

YouTube is not a reliable source of revenue

to keep up with my consistent increase in quality.

While I want to improve, my ad revenue is dropping,

even though my video views are consistent with last year's.

I'm always looking into purchase new equipment,

like a non-USB Mic, and of course,

it's costly to keep up with modern sets to review,

but it will be harder and harder to do so if I'm getting less payouts for them.

Anyways, for a brief insight on the rewards for each amount you pledge to,

one dollar pledgers -

those who pay one dollar per month -

will be able to gain access to an exclusive channel on the just2good Discord server.

That's another thing - I recently started a just2good DISCORD server!

ANYONE can join it,

you don't have to be a Patreon supporter -

but those who are have access to an exclusive channel there.

Two dollar pledgers will be able

to gain access to an audio version of the just2podcast a couple days early,

as well as weekly update posts which layout the review and other videos for the week.

Five dollar pledgers will be able to vote on upcoming LEGO video ideas,

and I may even upload a video early for those in this tier.

Twenty dollar pledgers will be able to join a call with me

and other people pledging this much once per month,

where you can ask whatever you like,

as well as insights into upcoming major videos,

like Top 10s.

Keep in mind with every amount,

you get the rewards for all the lowers amounts.

Then, those who do 40 dollars a month

can request for me to write a monthly blog post based on anything,

as long as it's nothing inappopriate.

Then, if you're bold enough to do 80 dollars a month,

you'll be able to request a monthly video for me to make based on anything,

as long as it isn't a face reveal or anything inapporpriate.

So, go check out my Patreon page,

and join in the Discord -

which I'm trying my best to keep PG-rated...

ANYONE is welcome.

Thanks for all the support throughout the years,

and I'll see you guys later.

Peace out.


For more infomation >> Important just2good Update Video! - Duration: 2:00.



Maybe just walking back to my channel and before I can start in this video

I would like to please ask everyone to go and subscribe to my vlog channel

Which is at the top of the description below biggest vlog miss is coming up everyone and as you can tell I am super

excited for Christmas this year and

So is Santa over here, but it's down in the description as I said, and I'm gonna be participating in vlogmas everyday

I don't know if it's twelve days or twenty five days like you go from the first is December until the 24th of December

I'm just gonna do it every damn day of the month and also I'm gonna be having a new schedule come out for all of

My channels, it's gonna be three main videos a week, then my whole vlog channel is gonna

Go every day of the week and then an ASMR video and then viewers voice and all that kinda stuff is going to be so


Amazing to be putting out that much content

But I'm super excited for it so with that said let's get into the story time so by the title of this video you guys

You know it's gonna be about the time that I sued my ex and his entire family

Literally entire fucking family for my little baby Hermes who was my Yorkie

And I was really like hot and heavy with this guy like we met and it was like instant attraction

instant love

It was fucking insane when I say it was like love at first sight probably

because I

Had never fallen so hard for someone so quick and we basically were inseparable we were together all of the time I would be always

At his house staying there. He live with his parents at the time. It was fine

He was younger who's going to college and all that kind of stuff didn't care and the mom got to talking to me about how?

She used to have a Yorkie

And how she really missed her cuz she passed away from

I think the dog had some form of cancer or something and just ended up passing away

So I would take my Yorkie over there all the time that would be like oh

I'm going to New York for a few days

Do you want to hold on to her for me because I know how much you miss yours and I'm literally gonna be back in

Two days you can watch her because I'm probably gonna be coming back over here anyways

And I will get my dog then - what. She said was completely

Fine well that happened a bunch of times my dog was not there 24/7 my dog was not there every day of the damn year

She was back and forth to my house and all that kind of stuff some there's a ticket to New York sometimes

I would leave her in Florida at 3rd place at my mom's place and everything was fine

Well this one fucking time that I went to New York

I was in New York for two days doing a shoot getting ready to fly back to Florida

A few days after cuz I was gonna stay and like see my agent and spend a lot of time going to meetings and all

That kind of stuff and my ex and I just like there was a blow-up

We broke up, and I mess his mom and I said you know I'm gonna be coming back to Florida

I want to come get my dog, and I need to get my other stuff. That's there as well is that okay, Baba?

She messaged me fucking back you guys

She messaged me back and said something along the lines of what actually your dog has been here more than this required amount of days

And I guess there's like something like if your dog is there for six months or whatever

Then something actually belongs to the person whose house

That's in

Which is not the case because this is not like my dog was just there by herself for the six months and definitely was not

There without my supervision for the six months so therefore you don't get to have my fucking dog

That law does not work

And I want to say this his father was one of the police officers that he was a hire a police officer in the town

They lived in in Florida, so they had fucking

Fucking eyes and ears on me at all fucking time when it came to this fucking matter. I just want to point that out I

Was on the phone with her and I said well, I'm coming to get my dog. You don't give me my dog

I am going to go to the police, and I'm going to sue your ass

And I will get my fucking dog back at the end of the day

I will get my fucking dog back don't even sit there and try to pretend like you're gonna be able to keep my dog for

The rest of her life because it's not gonna fucking happen she hung up on me

Didn't answer any of my fucking calls or anything so I fly back early to fucking, Florida

Get in my car with my friend and go over to their house and say I want my dog to it

We don't have your dog

where's your dog your dogs not here totally playing stupid like your dogs like here, but I was like you have a glass door the

Door to your house is fucking glass and I can see my dog

Looking at me and fucking barking

Give me my fucking dog didn't wanna give my dog went to the police police officers came back to the house with me

And they're like we don't have this dog even the cop is like man. We can see his dog right there

You're not allowed to enter the house and get the dogs not my house, but it is my dog so therefore

They're like you know just file with the paperwork at the police

and then you're going to basically have to go to court and get this dog back because this is bullshit like the sister and the

Ex were yelling at me on like their deck and all that like screaming obscenities and all that kind of stuff, and I'm like

This is fucking so dumb. You know I'm just gonna fucking honestly go to court about this because

Why am I wasting my time and breath on you fucking people cuz you're obviously fucking idiots

And this is obviously just being held against me because I broke up with your fucking son

Why are you so involved in our fucking relationship that you're trying to steal my dog

Bitch why I'm literally always happy to go back and forth from Orlando to where these fucking people lived

To where these fucking people lived and go to the police file new information and it got really fucking nasty

Bitch because if you think that I'm gonna allow you to slander my fucking name Oh Paige

Let me slander your name about how you stole shit from around that fucking town, and oh yes. Oh yes

Walked my ass into all those businesses and said oh by the way

This is the address of where your shit is you guys might want to go fucking get it?

And I reported it to the police, but do you wanna know? What do you wanna know? What since the fucking father?

Was part of that police force the fucking detective that took all the information?

Told him when the police were gonna go to his house to look for this stuff. Everything was fucking removed from the house

That was stolen including my fucking dog. They were trying to make it look like I was fucking lying well guess what bitch

That's when it got even fucking worst

That's when it got even fucking worse because I became really good friends with

The officer that I was fuckin working with and she was like why don't you just put like a flier up around town, so?

That's what I did. I went to fucking slate

What is one of that place called fucking home now Home Depot Office Depot with my friend Kim and we made these god-awful?

fucking flyers

And I just want to say this in the town that they lived in it's kind of live a really cute like downtown like old

school looking downtown and there is

no chance that if you live there that people aren't going to know who you are and

definitely know like what house you live in a lot of kind stuff these motherfuckers had a

pepto-bismol pink house on top of a fucking Hill in the downtown there was only one fucking

pepto-bismol fucking house on the top of a hill in downtown so I was like I can't put their address of

What it is because then they're gonna say?

I'm harassing them, so I found a picture of a fucking Pete cow sitting on top of a hill was it their house no

But I put it on this fucking thing and I said don't laugh scene at this place

With the house, please call me if you've seen anything and in this downtown

It's like little small businesses everywhere, and so I went with the flyer handed them out

And I'm out to fucking everyone like oh here you go. You've seen my dog

Please let me know please let me know please God. Just let me know

I really miss my dog and put them on every fucking tree in this downtown. I did not escape a fucking trip

This isn't like oh you're walking over

Here's wine and then maybe see one down the road know every fucking tree even on the posts around their house

There was a fucking flier of my dog is fucking missing. They even drove past me while I was fucking doing it. This is obnoxious

Greenish yellow like yard sale sign almost drove past me didn't fucking stop or fucking say anything finally here

We go after I paid to take these bitches to fucking court and this was a fucking first

I almost got mugged when I paid give these people a great ago, and this girl comes over to like the gas pump

And it's like yo somebody wants to talk to you over here, and I said, okay

I'll be right there got right in my car and sped the fuck off bitch. Do you think I'm stupid?

I'm gonna go be someone's pilot. Oh you wanted to talk to me. Hi

No, bitch, we go to court in the courtroom. I showed up with my entire fucking family mom father grandmother grandpa uncle

My friend Kim was saying there next to me

And we have to sit across the table this judge was a fucking dick wait

Just a dick like because and you know I understand why he was being a dick with

You know we're there because you stole my dog you stole my fucking dog

It's not like we're there because somebody beat someone which by the way in the midst of this

In the midst of this whole fucking thing

I'm out at a club with my friend Kim


He is there with his sister and some friends the sister walks up and punches me in the fucking face

And then they left the club because I like I'll bet you're gonna punch me the baseline pressing charges now

You're not helping your case because you stole my fucking dog quick so pressed charges against her whatever

We also have to go to court. I'm sitting there, and I shit you guys not I

Shit you guys not

The mother pulls out the flyer my friend Kim's fingernails went in to my leg because she knew that I was about to be like

Like sir what you have to say about this and I said

They stole my dog

What do you want me to say yes?

I put fires my dog is missing because these people fucking stole it like the judge was just an asshole and again

I get it because we're there because someone stole a dog

It's like we're not there because something horrible is happening in his world. Give me my dog

You know you're wrong by the way their defense was

We didn't steal his dog. We were looking after the dog for him

They never once said that they stole my dog. They bought the paperwork for the dog whose name is Hermes

The dog's name is now Duchess cupcake

Duchess cupcake

that they put a

microchip in and also

Took to the vet many times

So you're not stealing my dog, but my dog's name is no longer or mez it's now Duchess cupcake

And you put a microchip in my dog

But you're not stealing my dog does that make any fucking sense to anyone because that doesn't make sense to me

And then the judge is finally like well. You know sir


did take your dog to the vet a lot so you're gonna have to reimburse her for all of that and at that point I

Wasn't even gonna argue it. I just said okay. Thank you. I will pay her to take my dog to the vet

That was very nice of you to take my dog to the vet. Even though you got her microchipped

Even though you got her microchip like you fucking dumb bitch wait, but you didn't steal my dog

So now I have to leave the courtroom after winning. They drive by like flicking me off

I have my mom in my BMW with the roof down

I have to go to the ugly pink house on top of the fucking hill and wait outside for them after getting money out of

The bank Bubba, I think I had to pay them like

300 something dollars it wasn't like an astronomical amount so it's not even a fucking problem

They have this son walk out of the house, which by the way they moved

They moved because which is coming in another fucking story time cuz that one's just as fucking crazy as this one

Actually probably a little more crazy

Yeah, I think about it

But so they moved because you know what their excuse was they were scared of what I was going to do to them

No, you moved because you're embarrassed as I told everyone in the fucking town

You fucking robbed me and stole my fucking dog and put fucking flyers out

That's why you moved your pepto-bismol fucking house the Sun brings the dog out to me kind of like

Drops her on me, and I hand about like I literally

He's holding the dog at MERS he's like are you ever give me the money

Are you gonna doing my dog like this is gonna be a fair fucking trade

I'm not gonna hand you money, so you can fucking run away with the dog

meanwhile she's wearing a fucking tutu a

fucking tutu you guys

And I was like just give me the dog and I gave him the money got my dog back who was very happy was licking

Me all over. I snatched that outfit off

I said you can keep this motherfuckers and fucking sped away

And had my fucking dog when I tell you my dog was so happy to be home with me

She was sleeping on top of my head like all the time and these people are posting online

Get your own fucking dog suck it snatch they did get their own Yorkie, which looked like it

Just got run over by a car. It was fucking ugly as fuck. I've never seen a Yorkie as cute as my Yorkie

That's there people ask me all the time like why don't you want to get another Yorkie?

Why haven't you gone to the store and bought another one because I love your keys?

I've just never seen one as cute as her when I got her

she was the size of my hand and fit perfectly in my palm like so I just haven't I don't know if I could because

I loved that dog so much like she was pretty fucking bad out

That's the story about the time my ex and his family decided to steal my dog

And if anybody ever steals your dog take them to fucking court, and hope they didn't fucking microchip that bitch and call her Duchess cupcake

Judges fucking cupcake, so I hope you guys enjoyed this video

I have more story times coming and they are going to get us get crazier and crazier

Cuz I've had a pretty crazy fucking life

Just go throw that out there, but I love you guys all my links are down below

Please subscribe to my vlog Channel, and I will see you guys in my next video. Bye

For more infomation >> SUING MY EX BOYFRIEND & HIS ENTIRE FAMILY - Duration: 11:57.


N Ã O__T E N H O__N A D A__A__D E C L A R A R - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> N Ã O__T E N H O__N A D A__A__D E C L A R A R - Duration: 1:00.


Laboratório de Audionarração - SESC Consolação - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Laboratório de Audionarração - SESC Consolação - Duration: 2:41.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online



Maybe just walking back to my channel and before I can start in this video

I would like to please ask everyone to go and subscribe to my vlog channel

Which is at the top of the description below biggest vlog miss is coming up everyone and as you can tell I am super

excited for Christmas this year and

So is Santa over here, but it's down in the description as I said, and I'm gonna be participating in vlogmas everyday

I don't know if it's twelve days or twenty five days like you go from the first is December until the 24th of December

I'm just gonna do it every damn day of the month and also I'm gonna be having a new schedule come out for all of

My channels, it's gonna be three main videos a week, then my whole vlog channel is gonna

Go every day of the week and then an ASMR video and then viewers voice and all that kinda stuff is going to be so


Amazing to be putting out that much content

But I'm super excited for it so with that said let's get into the story time so by the title of this video you guys

You know it's gonna be about the time that I sued my ex and his entire family

Literally entire fucking family for my little baby Hermes who was my Yorkie

And I was really like hot and heavy with this guy like we met and it was like instant attraction

instant love

It was fucking insane when I say it was like love at first sight probably

because I

Had never fallen so hard for someone so quick and we basically were inseparable we were together all of the time I would be always

At his house staying there. He live with his parents at the time. It was fine

He was younger who's going to college and all that kind of stuff didn't care and the mom got to talking to me about how?

She used to have a Yorkie

And how she really missed her cuz she passed away from

I think the dog had some form of cancer or something and just ended up passing away

So I would take my Yorkie over there all the time that would be like oh

I'm going to New York for a few days

Do you want to hold on to her for me because I know how much you miss yours and I'm literally gonna be back in

Two days you can watch her because I'm probably gonna be coming back over here anyways

And I will get my dog then - what. She said was completely

Fine well that happened a bunch of times my dog was not there 24/7 my dog was not there every day of the damn year

She was back and forth to my house and all that kind of stuff some there's a ticket to New York sometimes

I would leave her in Florida at 3rd place at my mom's place and everything was fine

Well this one fucking time that I went to New York

I was in New York for two days doing a shoot getting ready to fly back to Florida

A few days after cuz I was gonna stay and like see my agent and spend a lot of time going to meetings and all

That kind of stuff and my ex and I just like there was a blow-up

We broke up, and I mess his mom and I said you know I'm gonna be coming back to Florida

I want to come get my dog, and I need to get my other stuff. That's there as well is that okay, Baba?

She messaged me fucking back you guys

She messaged me back and said something along the lines of what actually your dog has been here more than this required amount of days

And I guess there's like something like if your dog is there for six months or whatever

Then something actually belongs to the person whose house

That's in

Which is not the case because this is not like my dog was just there by herself for the six months and definitely was not

There without my supervision for the six months so therefore you don't get to have my fucking dog

That law does not work

And I want to say this his father was one of the police officers that he was a hire a police officer in the town

They lived in in Florida, so they had fucking

Fucking eyes and ears on me at all fucking time when it came to this fucking matter. I just want to point that out I

Was on the phone with her and I said well, I'm coming to get my dog. You don't give me my dog

I am going to go to the police, and I'm going to sue your ass

And I will get my fucking dog back at the end of the day

I will get my fucking dog back don't even sit there and try to pretend like you're gonna be able to keep my dog for

The rest of her life because it's not gonna fucking happen she hung up on me

Didn't answer any of my fucking calls or anything so I fly back early to fucking, Florida

Get in my car with my friend and go over to their house and say I want my dog to it

We don't have your dog

where's your dog your dogs not here totally playing stupid like your dogs like here, but I was like you have a glass door the

Door to your house is fucking glass and I can see my dog

Looking at me and fucking barking

Give me my fucking dog didn't wanna give my dog went to the police police officers came back to the house with me

And they're like we don't have this dog even the cop is like man. We can see his dog right there

You're not allowed to enter the house and get the dogs not my house, but it is my dog so therefore

They're like you know just file with the paperwork at the police

and then you're going to basically have to go to court and get this dog back because this is bullshit like the sister and the

Ex were yelling at me on like their deck and all that like screaming obscenities and all that kind of stuff, and I'm like

This is fucking so dumb. You know I'm just gonna fucking honestly go to court about this because

Why am I wasting my time and breath on you fucking people cuz you're obviously fucking idiots

And this is obviously just being held against me because I broke up with your fucking son

Why are you so involved in our fucking relationship that you're trying to steal my dog

Bitch why I'm literally always happy to go back and forth from Orlando to where these fucking people lived

To where these fucking people lived and go to the police file new information and it got really fucking nasty

Bitch because if you think that I'm gonna allow you to slander my fucking name Oh Paige

Let me slander your name about how you stole shit from around that fucking town, and oh yes. Oh yes

Walked my ass into all those businesses and said oh by the way

This is the address of where your shit is you guys might want to go fucking get it?

And I reported it to the police, but do you wanna know? What do you wanna know? What since the fucking father?

Was part of that police force the fucking detective that took all the information?

Told him when the police were gonna go to his house to look for this stuff. Everything was fucking removed from the house

That was stolen including my fucking dog. They were trying to make it look like I was fucking lying well guess what bitch

That's when it got even fucking worst

That's when it got even fucking worse because I became really good friends with

The officer that I was fuckin working with and she was like why don't you just put like a flier up around town, so?

That's what I did. I went to fucking slate

What is one of that place called fucking home now Home Depot Office Depot with my friend Kim and we made these god-awful?

fucking flyers

And I just want to say this in the town that they lived in it's kind of live a really cute like downtown like old

school looking downtown and there is

no chance that if you live there that people aren't going to know who you are and

definitely know like what house you live in a lot of kind stuff these motherfuckers had a

pepto-bismol pink house on top of a fucking Hill in the downtown there was only one fucking

pepto-bismol fucking house on the top of a hill in downtown so I was like I can't put their address of

What it is because then they're gonna say?

I'm harassing them, so I found a picture of a fucking Pete cow sitting on top of a hill was it their house no

But I put it on this fucking thing and I said don't laugh scene at this place

With the house, please call me if you've seen anything and in this downtown

It's like little small businesses everywhere, and so I went with the flyer handed them out

And I'm out to fucking everyone like oh here you go. You've seen my dog

Please let me know please let me know please God. Just let me know

I really miss my dog and put them on every fucking tree in this downtown. I did not escape a fucking trip

This isn't like oh you're walking over

Here's wine and then maybe see one down the road know every fucking tree even on the posts around their house

There was a fucking flier of my dog is fucking missing. They even drove past me while I was fucking doing it. This is obnoxious

Greenish yellow like yard sale sign almost drove past me didn't fucking stop or fucking say anything finally here

We go after I paid to take these bitches to fucking court and this was a fucking first

I almost got mugged when I paid give these people a great ago, and this girl comes over to like the gas pump

And it's like yo somebody wants to talk to you over here, and I said, okay

I'll be right there got right in my car and sped the fuck off bitch. Do you think I'm stupid?

I'm gonna go be someone's pilot. Oh you wanted to talk to me. Hi

No, bitch, we go to court in the courtroom. I showed up with my entire fucking family mom father grandmother grandpa uncle

My friend Kim was saying there next to me

And we have to sit across the table this judge was a fucking dick wait

Just a dick like because and you know I understand why he was being a dick with

You know we're there because you stole my dog you stole my fucking dog

It's not like we're there because somebody beat someone which by the way in the midst of this

In the midst of this whole fucking thing

I'm out at a club with my friend Kim


He is there with his sister and some friends the sister walks up and punches me in the fucking face

And then they left the club because I like I'll bet you're gonna punch me the baseline pressing charges now

You're not helping your case because you stole my fucking dog quick so pressed charges against her whatever

We also have to go to court. I'm sitting there, and I shit you guys not I

Shit you guys not

The mother pulls out the flyer my friend Kim's fingernails went in to my leg because she knew that I was about to be like

Like sir what you have to say about this and I said

They stole my dog

What do you want me to say yes?

I put fires my dog is missing because these people fucking stole it like the judge was just an asshole and again

I get it because we're there because someone stole a dog

It's like we're not there because something horrible is happening in his world. Give me my dog

You know you're wrong by the way their defense was

We didn't steal his dog. We were looking after the dog for him

They never once said that they stole my dog. They bought the paperwork for the dog whose name is Hermes

The dog's name is now Duchess cupcake

Duchess cupcake

that they put a

microchip in and also

Took to the vet many times

So you're not stealing my dog, but my dog's name is no longer or mez it's now Duchess cupcake

And you put a microchip in my dog

But you're not stealing my dog does that make any fucking sense to anyone because that doesn't make sense to me

And then the judge is finally like well. You know sir


did take your dog to the vet a lot so you're gonna have to reimburse her for all of that and at that point I

Wasn't even gonna argue it. I just said okay. Thank you. I will pay her to take my dog to the vet

That was very nice of you to take my dog to the vet. Even though you got her microchipped

Even though you got her microchip like you fucking dumb bitch wait, but you didn't steal my dog

So now I have to leave the courtroom after winning. They drive by like flicking me off

I have my mom in my BMW with the roof down

I have to go to the ugly pink house on top of the fucking hill and wait outside for them after getting money out of

The bank Bubba, I think I had to pay them like

300 something dollars it wasn't like an astronomical amount so it's not even a fucking problem

They have this son walk out of the house, which by the way they moved

They moved because which is coming in another fucking story time cuz that one's just as fucking crazy as this one

Actually probably a little more crazy

Yeah, I think about it

But so they moved because you know what their excuse was they were scared of what I was going to do to them

No, you moved because you're embarrassed as I told everyone in the fucking town

You fucking robbed me and stole my fucking dog and put fucking flyers out

That's why you moved your pepto-bismol fucking house the Sun brings the dog out to me kind of like

Drops her on me, and I hand about like I literally

He's holding the dog at MERS he's like are you ever give me the money

Are you gonna doing my dog like this is gonna be a fair fucking trade

I'm not gonna hand you money, so you can fucking run away with the dog

meanwhile she's wearing a fucking tutu a

fucking tutu you guys

And I was like just give me the dog and I gave him the money got my dog back who was very happy was licking

Me all over. I snatched that outfit off

I said you can keep this motherfuckers and fucking sped away

And had my fucking dog when I tell you my dog was so happy to be home with me

She was sleeping on top of my head like all the time and these people are posting online

Get your own fucking dog suck it snatch they did get their own Yorkie, which looked like it

Just got run over by a car. It was fucking ugly as fuck. I've never seen a Yorkie as cute as my Yorkie

That's there people ask me all the time like why don't you want to get another Yorkie?

Why haven't you gone to the store and bought another one because I love your keys?

I've just never seen one as cute as her when I got her

she was the size of my hand and fit perfectly in my palm like so I just haven't I don't know if I could because

I loved that dog so much like she was pretty fucking bad out

That's the story about the time my ex and his family decided to steal my dog

And if anybody ever steals your dog take them to fucking court, and hope they didn't fucking microchip that bitch and call her Duchess cupcake

Judges fucking cupcake, so I hope you guys enjoyed this video

I have more story times coming and they are going to get us get crazier and crazier

Cuz I've had a pretty crazy fucking life

Just go throw that out there, but I love you guys all my links are down below

Please subscribe to my vlog Channel, and I will see you guys in my next video. Bye

For more infomation >> SUING MY EX BOYFRIEND & HIS ENTIRE FAMILY - Duration: 11:57.


blackbear ‒ cybersex (Full Album Mix) ✨ blackbear Mix - Duration: 50:31.

blackbear ‒ cybersex (Full Album Mix)

blackbear cybersex

cybersex full album

blackbear cybersex full album

blackbear cybersex album mix

For more infomation >> blackbear ‒ cybersex (Full Album Mix) ✨ blackbear Mix - Duration: 50:31.


Racial/Ethnic Prejudice & Discrimination: Crash Course Sociology #35 - Duration: 11:40.

I think you'll all agree with me that racism is a...loaded topic.

What is or isn't racist – or who is or isn't racist – is one of the most hotly debated issues in American society.

Is racism about what you believe?

Or is it about how you behave toward other races?

What is prejudice? And why does it exist?

Sociology can't make racism go away.

And it can't make it any less disturbing.

It probably can't even make the issue of race and racism less loaded than it already is.

But it can help us understand racism, and understanding is an important start.

[Theme Music]

As always, let's start by defining our terms.

For one thing, what's the difference between racism, discrimination and prejudice?

Prejudice is a rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people.

So, what exactly do I mean by unfair?

Well, a prejudice assumes that something you think to be true for a whole group applies to every individual member of that group, too, with little or no evidence.

Prejudice often takes the form of stereotypes, or exaggerated and simplified descriptions that are applied to every person in a category.

Negative stereotypes are often directed at people who are different from yourself,

which means that people who are a minority in a population are more likely to be negatively stereotyped.

For example, two common stereotypes of people who use government assistance are that they're

A) African-American -and- B) gaming the system.

But both of these ideas are demonstrably false.

The majority of people on welfare are White, and people who use social services like welfare are also likely to need the extra help.

But these stereotypes lead people to claim that Black Americans, particularly single mothers, are lazy or untrustworthy.

This example is a specific type of prejudice: racial prejudice.

Racism includes beliefs, thoughts, and actions based on the idea that one race is innately superior to another race.

Some take this definition further and argue that racism is inherently tied up in structures of power,

meaning that racism specifically refers to the belief that a race with less societal power is inferior to other races.

And, of course, racism can be explicit or implicit.

Explicit bias refers to the attitudes or beliefs we have about a group that we're consciously aware of.

But implicit biases are a little bit more insidious.

These are the unconscious biases that we have about other groups.

While we might easily recognize an explicit act of racism, like calling someone a racial slur,

we often don't consciously recognize how implicit biases affect how we interact with each other.

For example, a 2007 study by University of Colorado social psychologist Joshua Correll and colleagues

found that people's implicit bias comes into play when making judgments about how likely it is that a person is holding a gun.

Participants in the study played a videogame in which the goal was to shoot people who had a gun, but not shoot unarmed people.

Participants were more likely to mistakenly shoot an unarmed Black man than an unarmed White man.

This was true whether the participants in the study were White or Black, and it didn't change, regardless of what explicit biases the subjects said they had.

What did seem to matter was if the subjects said he or she was aware of stereotypes about Black men and gun violence –

even if the subjects adamantly disagreed with those stereotypes.

That said, it does seem like training can make a difference.

The sample for this study contained both a sample of adult community members from Denver and a sample of police officers.

The study found that police officers – who are trained to recognize when someone has a gun or not –

were less susceptible to racial bias in who they shot than a community member was.

Also, we should note that like many studies in psychology, this is a small sample design:

about 130 members of the community and 230 police officers participated in the study.

So, prejudice is about what people believe.

But discrimination is a matter of action.

Discrimination is simply described as any unequal treatment of different groups of people.

Most of us think about discrimination in terms of specific actions, like calling someone a racial slur, or refusing to do business with a certain type of person.

But racism can be bigger than one individual.

Let's go to the Thought Bubble to talk about institutional racism.

Institutional prejudice and discrimination are the biases that are built into the operation of society's institutions, like schools, banking systems, and the labor force.

The concept of institutional racism was highlighted by civil rights activists Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton in the 1960s,

who argued that institutional racism is harder to identify and therefore less often condemned by society.

Carmichael and Hamilton compared society's response to the suffering caused by white terrorists bombing black churches,

to the lack of attention given to thousands of black children who suffered for different reasons

– like from the lack of access to quality housing, food, healthcare, or schooling.

Bombing black churches is an overt act of racism, motivated by racial hatred, so it's easy to understand as racism.

By contrast, elevated rates of sickness and death – which stem from structural disadvantages – aren't the fault of any one individual's racial animus.

But it still results in discrimination on the basis of race.

And it's much more likely to go unnoticed, because there's no single person to blame.

Together, prejudice and discrimination form a vicious cycle that entrench social disadvantages.

The cycle starts with prejudice taking hold in a society, often as a strategy for consolidating economic or social power for a certain group.

This prejudice then motivates discrimination against the minority group, both at an individual and institutional level, which forces the group into a lower position in society.

Then, this social disadvantage means that the minority group is seen as less successful and therefore inferior to the majority group,

seemingly justifying the original prejudice – and the cycle continues.

Thanks Thought Bubble.

So that's what racism is.

Now, why does it exist?

One theory of prejudice is known as scapegoat theory, also known as frustration-aggression theory.

Scapegoat theory frames prejudice as a defense mechanism on the part of frustrated people

who blame another, more disadvantaged group for the troubles that they face, even when those troubles stem from structural changes.

Economic anxiety is seen as a common trigger for scapegoating –

fear of losing jobs leads to blaming immigrants for taking jobs, rather than looking at how globalization and automation have changed the economy.

A second theory was proposed in the 1950s by German sociologist Theodor Adorno and his colleagues,

who were trying to understand how fascism and anti-semitism took hold in Germany before and during World War II.

The authoritarian personality theory sees prejudice as the outgrowth of a certain personality profile –

one that's associated with authoritarianism, or the desire for order, tradition, and strong leaders who will maintain the status quo.

People with authoritarian personalities tend to see society as hierarchical, with people who are naturally superior having the right to power over others.

So according to this theory, racial prejudice is heightened when an authoritarian personality feels there's some moral or physical threat to their way of life.

Both this theory and the scapegoat theory see prejudice as a reaction that certain types of people have –

people who are frustrated or people who have a certain personality type.

A third theory of prejudice takes a different tack.

Culture theory claims some prejudice can be found in everyone, because people are products of the culture they live in – and we live in a prejudiced culture.

This is what some people mean when they say "everyone's a little bit racist."

That, or, they just like quoting Avenue Q.

We learn racial prejudice and stereotypes through a kind of cultural osmosis.

For example, history textbooks tend to be written from a Euro-caucasian perspective and focus mainly on the contributions of White people, rather than other cultures.

And this relates to yet another approach, which measures prejudice in terms of social distance.

In the 1920s, American sociologist Emory Bogardus developed the social distance scale,

which measures how closely people are willing to interact with people from different races and ethnicities.

Social distance is a kind of proxy for how much of an 'other' you see members of another race.

Just like how geographic distance makes you more likely to generalize about a group of people who are different from yourself,

social distance increases the likelihood that you might hold stereotypical or prejudiced views about another racial group.

And the final theory of prejudice is one we've talked about before: conflict theory.

Race-Conflict Theory focuses on how social inequality develops as the result of power conflicts between different racial and ethnic groups.

Under this theory, prejudice is a tool for maintaining the power of the majority.

For example, the argument that Whites are a superior race was used as a justification for slavery and the racial discrimination that continued long after slavery ended.

So, people may think about and treat each other differently, based on their race or ethnicity, in many different ways.

But the ways in which racial groups interact within a society are often described by sociologists in terms of four broad patterns:

pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide.

Pluralism is a state in which all races and ethnicities are distinct, but have equal social standing.

This isn't a society that's color blind per se – because people still have different racial heritages that are recognized in society.

But in terms of how social and economic resources are distributed, the color of one's skin plays no role.

So, is the US pluralistic?

Ehh… not exactly.

The United States is pluralistic by the letter of the law.

But in a practical sense, there's still a lot of racial and ethnic stratification, and despite having equal legal standing, all races do not have equal social standing.

Now, in contrast to pluralism, in which different races remain distinct,

assimilation describes the process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture.

By adopting the modes of dress, values, religion, language, and lifestyles of the majority culture, minorities are sometimes able to avoid prejudice or discrimination.

But assimilation is much easier for some groups than others.

And it's easier if you look and sound like the group that you're trying to assimilate to.

A third pattern of racial interaction is to just…not interact.

Segregation is the physical and social separation of categories of people.

Racial segregation has a long history in the United States,

with racial minorities historically being segregated into lower quality neighborhoods, occupations, and schools.

Much of the segregation under the law – also known as De Jure Segregation –

has since been prohibited through court cases and laws such as Brown v. Board of Education.

But De Facto segregation, or segregation due to traditions and norms, still remains.

People live in neighborhoods, attend schools, and work mostly with people like themselves.

This self-segregation has led to high levels of racial stratification.

About one-quarter of black students attend public schools that have more than 90% students of color –

and those schools tend to have less resources available to them.

De jure school segregation may be over, but de facto segregation has all but insured that the public school system remains separate and unequal for many Americans.

Sometimes, however, racial prejudice has consequences beyond segregation and inequality.

Racism can lead to genocide, or the the systematic killing of one group of people by another.

Whether we're talking about the attacks on indigenous populations by colonizers starting in the 1600s,

the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Empire during World War I, the Holocaust during World War II,

or modern examples in Rwanda and Darfur, genocide represents some of the worst of humanity.

And it is usually motivated by racism.

We can't talk about race without talking about how people have used racist attitudes as an excuse for violence and subjugation.

But hopefully, what we've talked about today will give you some context for thinking about how race plays out on a societal scale.

Today, we discussed prejudice, stereotypes, racism, and five theories for why prejudice exists.

We talked about discrimination and the legacies of institutional racism.

And we ended with an overview of four types of racial interaction: pluralism, assimilation, segregation, and genocide.

Crash Course Sociology is filmed in the Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney Studio in Missoula, MT, and it's made with the help of all of these nice people.

Our animation team is Thought Cafe and Crash Course is made with Adobe Creative Cloud.

If you'd like to keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever, you can support the series at Patreon, a crowdfunding platform that allows you to support the content you love.

Thank you to all of our patrons for making Crash Course possible with their continued support.

For more infomation >> Racial/Ethnic Prejudice & Discrimination: Crash Course Sociology #35 - Duration: 11:40.


Ray Conniff ft. Charly McClain - Oh lonesome me (HD) (CC) - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Ray Conniff ft. Charly McClain - Oh lonesome me (HD) (CC) - Duration: 2:42.


Rolling In The Deep ( Adele Cover) Video ( Metal Version ) - Duration: 3:48.

There's a fire starting in my heart,

Reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me out the dark.

Finally, I can see you crystal clear,

Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare,

See how I'll leave with every piece of you,

Don't underestimate the things that I will do.

There's a fire starting in my heart,

Reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark.

The scars of your love remind me of us,

They keep me thinking that we almost had it all.

The scars of your love, they leave me breathless,

I can't help feeling,

We could have had it all,

Rolling in the deep,

You had my heart inside your hand,

And you played it to the beat.

Baby, I have no story to be told,

But I've heard one on you and I'm gonna make your head burn,

Think of me in the depths of your despair,

Making a home down there as mine sure won't be shared,

The scars of your love remind me of us,

They keep me thinking that we almost had it all.

The scars of your love, they leave me breathless,

I can't help feeling,

We could have had it all,

Rolling in the deep.

You had my heart inside your hand,

And you played it to the beat.

Could have had it all,

Rolling in the deep,

You had my heart inside of your hands,

But you played it with a beating.

Throw your soul through every open door,

Count your blessings to find what you look for.

Turn my sorrow into treasured gold,

You'll pay me back in kind and reap just what you've sown.

We could have had it all,

We could have had it all.

We could have had it all.

We could have had it all.

Rolling in the deep.

You had my heart inside of your hand,

But you played it with a beating.

For more infomation >> Rolling In The Deep ( Adele Cover) Video ( Metal Version ) - Duration: 3:48.


Christmas Present Shopping Challenge! | Black Friday 2017! - Duration: 10:13.

test test test test test test hey guys it's Marissa Rachel and Shawna and today's video

is going to be the Christmas present shopping challenge Christmas

presents it's a challenge we're inventing it so basically we try to buy

each other Christmas presents 2017 we cover whose is gonna be I think mines

gonna be I think I'm gonna do a pretty pretty stand-up job I have

something Christmas present shopping challenge that is so like it's gonna make you cry it's gonna and

make sure you give this video a thumbs up first 10,000 people to give it a

thumbs up are gonna get what they want for christmas everything they want for Christmas present shopping challenge

Chris everything they want for Christmas he christmas gift Thank You Chester and make sure to

subscribe if you're not already and try on the notification belt to join also if

you're wondering Christmas present shopping challenge where we got our gorgeous panda fam goodies from the

Chester merch is still available only a few more days only a couple more days

and then it's going away forever go get a hoodie christmas gift oh my so many of you guys

have been getting christmas gift the hoodies and loving them so yeah go get a hoodie blue we got

black we got all kinds of colors and this one is the bestseller yeah black

hoodie has been christmas gift the bestseller so go get a hoodie or go get a shirt I'll leave

the link in the description box so you guys can get christmas 2017 Panda fan March before it

goes away forever and ever and ever on to the video christmas 2017

okay so the first thing christmas 2017 that I got you is something from a movie that we saw

together earlier this year it okay close your eyes okay christmas shopping challenge I didn't wrap anything in

the Beast and this doll actually went viral because christmas shopping challenge her face is so and it

looks nothing like Emma Watson it doesn't it oh my christmas shopping challenge it does look like

Justin Bieber christmas shopping challenge there were like news articles about this

doll being so that it looked like Justin Bieber not Emma Watson christmas shopping challenge not that

Justin Bieber's but like for What I got for christmas Emma Watson I know when it's supposed to be

Emma Watson I expect What I got for christmas it to look like Emma Watson just oh my gosh Justin

Bieber and like oh I'm gonna draw yeah oh my and Emma watch What I got for christmas it's pretty

like they did not do her Justin no way did not I like her dress at least this what i got for christmas 2017

is pretty pretty yeah I don't know how I'm gonna talk this I'm sorry that what i got for christmas 2017

they did this to you girl I would sue your eyes are closed what i got for christmas 2017

yeah okay open its Bay and it looks like a and you put quarters what i got for christmas 2016

in it oh my it makes your me too six sound drop some look and hear me what i got for christmas 2016

too that's what it says oh my it's what i got for christmas 2016

hilarious sound so if you ever need to save your change you can do it in a what i got for christmas 2016

bank this is pretty actually black friday

this is than what I got you would like I know it is something that I would black friday

like this is gonna be saving your coins hey at least it's black friday

practical I mean I guess you can get it out used to like shakers but look at you black friday 2017

ready for my next gift black friday 2017

okay this next gift is gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme black friday 2017

Oh what is it I'm guessing it's like a hair clip okay oh my

I had a feeling christmas challenge

that this might be like a good / gift I think it would be for most christmas challenge

people but Marissa loves pickles I do I'm like I love it christmas challenge

I'm trying to see the in it but okay it's gonna have to like I'm gonna christmas sweater challenge

have to see how it because if it's really really artificially christmas sweater challenge

then imma it but if it smells like legit pickles and I'll love it cuz for christmas sweater challenge

gummy candy challenge if any of you guys watched that video Christmas haul

I the gummy pickle it was I pickles I don't like pickles and Christmas haul

also this for me when I saw this I was like this is so I actually she loved it Christmas haul

do you guys drink pickle juice because I do I drink it with a straw Christmas haul

oh that's legit I drink the whole thing do you make like milkshakes I don't make what I got for christmas haul

milkshakes but I like the juice I like my juice oh I love this best present what I got for christmas haul

ever the next time yeah okay it is pretty what I got for christmas haul

gorgeous not gonna lie pretty gorgeous and open it's a beautiful silk shirt diy christmas gifts

just kidding okay this looks like a pink shirt oh my it's a diy christmas gifts

oh this is like so it's so cool the hair all over it it's beautiful I diy christmas gifts

would be so to wear that out in public this is pretty Christmas diy

Marissa and he might be in the lead I didn't I'm in the leave you guys Christmas diy

looks present I got you a piece of clothing too Christmas diy

oh my Sookie this is so cute I know I know my other christmas gift guide

people would find Sully and this was like listed I was like an Christmas christmas gift guide

sweater but it's so I want to actually wear this I will actually wear christmas gift guide

this and like an but oh it is so freakin cute they're so different christmas wishlist

that one looks like tigey will you read my I totally wear this this is christmas wishlist

adorable oh I need to get invited to some Christmas parties now okay christmas wishlist

and open it's a oh my mom I actually always wanted a chia pet when I was shopping challenge

little well darn I but not a bog rah-rahs in the mom likes ya Bob shopping challenge

Ross is like some painter and he has like an afro and I guess that's why bro shopping challenge

hair his Andrews his afro this is pretty well I think it's adorable 2017

I always wanted like the ties chia-pet like the Mooney Tunes ones I want it's 2017

like an animal chia pet like where yeah like it grows into like a fluffy cat 2017

yeah they have like elephant ones and like cat ones but yeah I like Chia Pets

this one is pretty though okay last gift close your eyes they're close this xmas

is something I think you'll get a lot of use out of a book what is it it's a xmas

coffee mug it's a coffee mug that's shaped like a so you're it xmas

looks like you're drinking water

oh that is so I would not drink coffee out of this I

would drink like chocolate I would drink with tea I would drink ground too I gifts

would drink anything that wasn't brown I would drink like strawberry lemonade

further south group it does actually look like a legit though so I'm gifts

giving you that but it's it's something so only I could love it like

you know maybe dad was like maybe dad would like it yeah I think it was

though oh my gosh this is so funny I actually think that this is pretty this gifts

is a pretty strong contender okay out of everything you guys wait do you

have any more presents for me no okay I have no more for you we had like a

little spending limit but yeah okay so whoo look at the I think that

the Emma Watson doll was really I think that the what i got for christmas 2017

was also like I yeah I take credit for the shirt and I think that the

the Bank was pretty yeah pretty laughs yeah glue I mean and the toilet

seat coffee mug I feel like there's just there's so many options you guys what do

you think was the definitely not the pickle Obama this was brilliant

whoever invented this is a genius comment down below if you guys would

like actually like like to get any of these actually mom I mean Marissa can't

be the I her out there I know are there any pickle people out

there where are you so thanks for watching our Glee Christmas present

shopping challenge and comment down below what you want for Christmas

because Chester is gonna be working overtime to make sure that you guys get

whatever you want for christmas only the kind of fans only the panda fan and make

sure to give this video a thumbs up first 10,000 gonna get everything they

want for christmas oh and don't forget panda fam goodies

and shirts on sale now only a few more days to get yourself some Chester

merge before it goes away forever and subscribe if you're not already turn on

notice to be panda fan and we love you guys

mwah big kiss and bye

For more infomation >> Christmas Present Shopping Challenge! | Black Friday 2017! - Duration: 10:13.


Menno de Jong | Trance - Creatures Of The Night - Duration: 5:01.

We are awakened by the darkness,

Roam the surface of the earth

We are the children of the restless,

The broken and the cursed

We are, we are..

We are awakened by the darkness,

Chasing shadows through the street

We are the spirits of the reckless,

We won't admit defeat

We are..

The rising moon, is coming soon,

We are immune!

We are the creatures of the night,

Patiently waiting for the light,

To subside,

It's where we thrive!

We are the creatures of the night,

Nothing can keep us from the fight,

'Cause tonight,

It's you and I!

We are the creatures of the night,

Patiently waiting for the light,

To subside,

It's where we thrive!

We are the creatures of the night,

Nothing can keep us from the fight,

'Cause tonight,

It's you and I!

We are awakened by the darkness,

Chasing shadows through the street

We are the spirits of the reckless,

We won't admit defeat

We are..

The rising moon, is coming soon,

We are immune!

We are the creatures of the night,

Patiently waiting for the light,

To subside,

It's where we thrive!

We are the creatures of the night,

Nothing can keep us from the fight,

'Cause tonight,

It's you and I!

We are the creatures of the night,

Patiently waiting for the light,

To subside,

It's where we thrive!

We are the creatures of the night,

Nothing can keep us from the fight,

'Cause tonight,

It's you and I!

For more infomation >> Menno de Jong | Trance - Creatures Of The Night - Duration: 5:01.


Cost of Towing a Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> Cost of Towing a Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:44.


Highlander Vs. Pilot: Which 2017 3-Row SUV Should You Buy? — - Duration: 5:44.

like the Red Sox and Yankees Coke and Pepsi and McDonald's and Burger King the

Toyota Highlander and Honda Pilot are the fiercest of competitors we spent a

week testing these SUVs and we're gonna tell you which one you should spend your

money on the pilot and Highlander we tested were surprisingly similar they

each earn the same top safety scores from the Insurance Institute for Highway

Safety they both had the same fuel economy at 22 miles per gallon combined

and the price was just a hundred and fifty dollars different car that comes

expert reviewers and guests in markets shopper drove the Highlander and pilot

on identical driving loops and assigned scores and categories including seating

comfort and all three rows cargo room visibility acceleration ride quality and

much more the Honda Pilot won our three row SUV comparison in 2016 and is

relatively unchanged since its previous win the Highlander didn't participate in

that test because the updated 2017 wasn't available at the time the 2017

pilot now includes apple carplay and android auto smart phone connectivity

standard on all trim levels except the base LX what we like about the Honda

Pilot is that visibility remains a strong point and our judges love to this

old-school safety feature of tall windows and little triangle windows in

each front door where most other SUVs have blind spot our test SUV also

included new school safety equipment with Honda sensing a package set

standard on this touring trim and includes forward collision warning with

automatic emergency braking adaptive cruise control and lane departure

warning it's not a package that standard across the board however the pilots

interior is a nice place to be with less wind and road noise of a Highlander and

this touring trim level also has a standard rear entertainment system to

keep kids entertained with a massive video screen and a number of video and

power inputs for a variety of devices where you really start to see the

difference between pilot and Highlander is what unique

access to that third row with one touch of a button the second row slides

forward and tilts to accommodate passage to the third row and once you're back

there it is a much more comfortable experience than the Highlander

what we don't like is how the pilot drove in this configuration the optional

9 speed automatic transmission in our test SUV exhibited hesitation while

trying to pass as it took a long time to kick down gears when he needed more

power the 9 speed comes on higher trim levels of the pilot including the Turing

but the lower trim levels have the transmission that we want the six-speed

Automatic the touchscreen and multimedia system also drew criticism from our

judges for having purely touch sensitive controls and not buttons dials or knobs

it's still fare better than the Highlander however because of its

inclusion of apple carplay and android auto that alleviate some of the

touchscreen interaction with voice controls the 2017 Toyota Highlander was

mildly updated for 2017 with a new engine an 8-speed automatic transmission

this is the first time we've tested this updated version against the redesign

honda pilot what we like about the highlander is the dashboard device trim

which is a crowd favorite Toyota made it into a shelf that can fit phones and has

a cord management system to keep charging cables neat unlike the pilot

the Highlander has its forward collision warning with automatic emergency braking

standard and that's on all trim levels while both of our test su of these had

the safety features it's optional on the pilot but every Highlander gets this

technology which also includes adaptive cruise control to Lane keep assist what

we don't like is that the Highlander is clearly the smaller SUV in this test

which showed up in cargo space behind the third row and second and third row

seating comfort judges complain you sit almost on the floor in the back of the

Highlander with your knees up and Headroom is severely limit

the captain's chairs didn't offer much support and the opening to get into the

third row is very small behind the third row there's just not enough cargo judges

noted it's hard to see how the small cargo area behind the third row would

ever be enough space for a family like the pilot the touchscreen and multimedia

system drew criticism from a review team mostly from not including the popular

smartphone connectivity of apple carplay and android auto it would be less of an

issue of the system worked good but the highlander screen is a low resolution

and the operation isn't very intuitive out of 14 judged categories including

safety features and child seat fitment the pilot won eleven of those categories

the highlander takes a few wins to know especially in front seat comfort and

powertrain performance where the highlanders 8-speed automatic

transmission was much more predictable than the pilots 9-speed they tied in

safety features but the pilot had the biggest spread in interior quality

second and third row comfort and cargo storage and for those reasons if you're

shopping between the highlander and the pilot we're going to lean toward

recommending the pilot


For more infomation >> Highlander Vs. Pilot: Which 2017 3-Row SUV Should You Buy? — - Duration: 5:44.


A cultura Pop Coreana [KPOP DOCUMENTARY] [CC ENG] - Duration: 10:24.


Beautiful faces, difficult choreographies and unusual number of members in a group

These are usually the first thing people notice when they get in touch with korean pop music for the first time

What sounds strange at first, slowly grow on people with it's catchy beat and and it's high quality production of

its MVs (high standard as if was Hollywood)

Kpop became well known thanks to PSY, who released his greatest hit "Gangnam Style" back in 2012

Since then, other kpop songs were embraced by other cultures,

especially in Brazil, which has more fans after Korea itself

Did Kpop really start with PSY's hit?



Differently from what people think, kpop (that we know now) started back in the 90s

, when a trio of rappers "Seo taiji and Boys" merged the korean music culture with the western one with english lyrics

The tendecy of the music genre just kept growing through the years

once the companies noticed how kpop brought more profit to them.


Don't get fooled by it's perfection in front of the cameras. Trainee period is actually the toughest one.

A lot of trainees give up on their dreams because they can't handle the pressure of the music industry.

Food restriction to lose weight, some companies make the trainees practice more than 14 hours per day,

not to mention how they barely got time to their family.

Women weight less than 50kg to fit in the korean standard

while men are out of shape if they weight more than 75kg.

Although they go through all theses steps to debut, most idols don't let that bad side take over their images.

Even suffering from the pressure, they always show their best image for their fans

who usually know nothing what their fav are facing

They have so much charisma, that most of them won the international fan's hearts, especially in

Brazil which the number of kpop fans keep growing.


With small appearences in japanese events like Shinobi,

KPOP slowly got big enough to have its own events in the cities

The biggest one is KDT (Kpop dance tournament) that is so well known between fans

that they are able to invite idols to be the judges of the tournament.


In Curitiba, the place where almost all the kpop fans know is Museu Oscar Niemeyer (MON)

where they can practice with their cover groups the latest hits of kpop



More than a genre of music, it became a lifestyle

It's a big movement that is growing

The dance itself. I love dancing so it's a hobby that makes me feel free

A completely different culture that I fell in love.

It's actually great to see these different culture shock

Kpop appeared when I was going through a rough time,

so it's basically what it's keeping me "sane", it's something that makes me feel happy

It's the fun itself. I love the songs, follow the idols on reality shows to get to know that person better

Since forever I have been in involved with music and asian culture.

So when kpop appeared I was 'dragged' into it after listening the songs

I danced ballet already, so I kinda ended up merging my love for dancing with kpop

At first it was just a different kind of music that I could listen whenever I was bored

but ever since I started dancing it, it completely changed my life once

it actually made me feel happier. Kpop actually makes me stop thinking about my problems.


I know kpop since I was a kid. Even though my father is brazilian, my mom always showed me songs and doramas.It became a everyday-thing.

I don't really know the exact year that it all started liking kpop

but I can say it's been 8 years since I started dancing it.

Basically I was influenced by my family

I met someone who was already in the kpop world so they influenced me and I got into kpop

Influence as well, friends that already danced kpop

Probably someone showed me, I don't really remember

Influence as well but I didn't really pay attention at first, after some time I went by myself to find out more about it

Long time ago a friend of mine showed me an F(X) mv and I fell in love.

I noticed there were a lot of choreographies and I was into dancing already (around 4 years ago).

After that I tried to find somewhere that I could practice and they told me Museu Oscar Niemeyer

I was used coming here already but I stayed on the sides talking to friends

With that I ended up falling in love with kpop


Most of them, we (Atomic Dance Group) perfomanced on Shinobi Spirit.

I don't miss any Shinobi event as well because there is always that small kpop appearence there

Most likely the ones with competitions.

My group (CRONOS) ranked 1st place in the last three events.

Of course there are events that are just for people to gather and perfomance without prizes

they are actually pretty amazing. You can relax more, and it's great for people who are starting dancing


Meet people, it's great to go somewhere and find people that has the same taste as you

you can feel home and welcomed by these events

I go especially to evaluate people's dancing.


Yeah, like, judge. The fact I've never been in any dance competition before, this is the first time.

See people who started from somewhere, makes me think better about dancing.

Like, the person did this movement like that, I can do it that way

Watch them dance and judge them (mentally).

So whenever I go to an event, I always look forward the dancing and how can I use that to improve my dancing skill


Curitiba,São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are the strongest cities with kpop

It keeps growing the influence!

Today you can see it's almost empty but it's because of ENEM (Exam entrance test Brazil uses for some colleges).

There are days that is so crowded that you can't even talk to your friend because you won't be able to listen them

It's reeeeally strong, Curitiba it's actually the strongest city with kpop influence that I ever met.

You can find more kpop covers in Brazil than in Korea


With the biggest amount of fans, companies that arranges concerts are getting more and more interested on bringing idols here to Brazil.

Not to mention how stores are opening to sell kpop albums and official goods to deliver faster to the fans.

Even though the market of kpop is segmented,

it actually has a great growing profit potencial inside the country.

Fans are not only listening to kpop, but getting emotionally involved by it.

This means kpop came to stay, not planning to get out from brazilian territory so easily.

For more infomation >> A cultura Pop Coreana [KPOP DOCUMENTARY] [CC ENG] - Duration: 10:24.


Woman Falls Off Building After Taking A Dangerous Selfie - Duration: 1:56.

A London woman has died after she fell out her window while she was taking a selfie.

I'm going to tell you her story, here on IO.

Welcome back to inform overload, I'm charlotte dobre.

Toni is described as her friends and family as the girl who was always smiling, and was

the most fun to be around.

She was a new Zealand woman who was living in London as part of an overseas teaching


Toni was very active on social media, and would document her travels on instagram.

On November 12th, Toni Kelli fell out of an upstairs window of her London home.

At the time, She was taking a photo of herself.

She suffered a serious brain injury and was taken to the hospital and put on life support.

She died two days later on November 14th.

Her family was devastated, but nonetheless they want to donate her organs to help save


Her family set up a go fund me page to help fund the costs to bring her body home from

the hospital and to pay for any extra expenses related to her death.

So far 529 donors have given 38 thousand dollars to the family.

It's a shame that a woman who was so happy and artistic ended up dying because of social


Most of us have taken a selfie before, but we never think that a selfie could be life

threatening, until we hear these types of stories.

According to the BBC, the number of people who die every year from selfie related deaths

is on the rise.

15 people died in 2014, 39 in 2015, and 73 died in the first 8 months of 2016.

The most likely cause of death was falling from a great heights.

It's a bit of a selfie trend to take photos on cliffs and on the top of a building.

Selfie related deaths next to train tracks are also common, especially in india.

In fact, most of the worlds selfie related deaths occur in india, around 60 percent or


With the case of Toni however, the death was a complete accident, and it could happen to

almost any of us.

So how do you prevent a selfie death?

Well, don't climb to the top of a building or crane, for starters, but also avoid taking

selfies where you should be alert.

If you are going to take a selfie in a dangerous area, make sure you are with someone who can

keep watch.

That is all or this video, stay safe kids and thanks for watching IO.

For more infomation >> Woman Falls Off Building After Taking A Dangerous Selfie - Duration: 1:56.


Important just2good Update Video! - Duration: 2:00.

Hello, just2good here,

the YouTuber2go for LEGO.

Recently, I decided to start a Patreon page -

which is a site where you can pledge an amount to support me per month,

which is linked in the decAnd based on what you pay,

you will get special JUST2GOOD rewards.

But why am I making this now?

Well, with YouTube recently

getting ridiculous with their ad payments and regulations,

where sometimes my videos get listed

as unsuitable for advertisers randomly despite making family friendly LEGO vidoes,

something is becoming evident.

YouTube is not a reliable source of revenue

to keep up with my consistent increase in quality.

While I want to improve, my ad revenue is dropping,

even though my video views are consistent with last year's.

I'm always looking into purchase new equipment,

like a non-USB Mic, and of course,

it's costly to keep up with modern sets to review,

but it will be harder and harder to do so if I'm getting less payouts for them.

Anyways, for a brief insight on the rewards for each amount you pledge to,

one dollar pledgers -

those who pay one dollar per month -

will be able to gain access to an exclusive channel on the just2good Discord server.

That's another thing - I recently started a just2good DISCORD server!

ANYONE can join it,

you don't have to be a Patreon supporter -

but those who are have access to an exclusive channel there.

Two dollar pledgers will be able

to gain access to an audio version of the just2podcast a couple days early,

as well as weekly update posts which layout the review and other videos for the week.

Five dollar pledgers will be able to vote on upcoming LEGO video ideas,

and I may even upload a video early for those in this tier.

Twenty dollar pledgers will be able to join a call with me

and other people pledging this much once per month,

where you can ask whatever you like,

as well as insights into upcoming major videos,

like Top 10s.

Keep in mind with every amount,

you get the rewards for all the lowers amounts.

Then, those who do 40 dollars a month

can request for me to write a monthly blog post based on anything,

as long as it's nothing inappopriate.

Then, if you're bold enough to do 80 dollars a month,

you'll be able to request a monthly video for me to make based on anything,

as long as it isn't a face reveal or anything inapporpriate.

So, go check out my Patreon page,

and join in the Discord -

which I'm trying my best to keep PG-rated...

ANYONE is welcome.

Thanks for all the support throughout the years,

and I'll see you guys later.

Peace out.


For more infomation >> Important just2good Update Video! - Duration: 2:00.


Research Shows That People With RH Negative Blood Type Are Not From Planet Earth - Duration: 3:41.


Modern medicine has categorized human blood in four types: A, B, AB and O blood type.

The main difference in blood types is related to the presence of protein in each individual type, however,

RH negative blood type makes for an interesting exception, as this type does not have proteins.

Popular in internet media culture, there are several theories about the reason behind such protein deficiency and one

theory suggests origins from another world.

In other words, people with such a blood type, which constitute about 15% of the human population might be from a

different planet.

Theories like this go far and beyond in their explanations but one thing is for certain:

people with this blood type have some unique characteristics.

First off, there is the matter of blood donations and this blood type can help any other blood type.

They are compatible throughout the blood scale, with everybody.

However, unfortunately for them, they are very limited in their compatibility for receiving blood,

as only their own type can help.

Geographically, even though they represent a solid percentage of the human population,

they are mostly situated in the north of Europe.

The initial question of origins, however, still remains unanswered.

Scientists from the fields of genetics, biology and archaeology have inspected history 35,000 back and people with this

blood type seem to be related to a narrow group of tribes and territories in Europe.

There are common physical characteristics to be considered, like a generally lower than average body temperature,

red hair, above average sensitivity to high temperatures and green or blue eyes.

Also, there are claims of possessing more physical and emotional awareness.

Alien origins theories are further fueled by the circumstances surrounding the pregnancies of RH negative women.

Namely, these women have a hard time delivering an RH positive child as their body naturally tries to kill the child.

Only through timely medical intervention can such a birth take place and ensure the safety of the baby.

This is a very strange situation from a medical point of view, given that nature has created all the necessary

conditions for the partial development and birth of a human child.

With this now we know of an exempt of this natural rule, with a body trying to end a life it was built to create.

The fact of the matter remains that at this point we know only what science has examined and researched,

which fortunately or unfortunately leaves a significant gap in knowledge for the alien conspiracy theories to find

their place in online discussion forums and blogs.

For more infomation >> Research Shows That People With RH Negative Blood Type Are Not From Planet Earth - Duration: 3:41.


Is Your Cardiologist KILLING You - Duration: 1:49.

Is Your Cardiologist KILLING You

You�re about to hear some mind-blowing information that mainstream cardiologists either don�t

know or won�t tell you.

We recently sat down to interview Dr. Jack Wolfson, D.O., author of The Paleo Cardiologist

and founder of The Drs Wolfson clinic in Arizona.

Dr. Wolfson is without a doubt the coolest cardiologist on the planet.

Not only does he know he stuff, he and his wife created a jaw-dropping end-of-the-world

survival trailer video featuring his young son breastfeeding during the apocalypse.

No joke.

See the trailer, below� (yeah, it�s pretty much the best video trailer ever).

It�s called the �Fighting Healthy Documentary Series,� by the way, and features his wife,

Dr. Heather Wolfson.

We invited Dr. Wolfson to our Austin studio for a face-to-face interview, and he didn�t


We�ve got three video interviews ready to publish with Dr. Wolfson, and the first one,

shown below, asks the question, �Is your cardiologist KILLING you?�

Watch this amazing interview and you�ll learn why your cardiologist may be giving

you truly bad information that could compromise your heath and even contribute to your death.

This is a must-see interview for anyone who wants to protect their heart health and improve

their longevity.

Here�s the full interview.

Share everywhere:

For more infomation >> Is Your Cardiologist KILLING You - Duration: 1:49.


The Facts About Dinosaurs & Feathers - Duration: 10:01.

Today, we are used to seeing feathered dinosaurs flying around and roosting in trees.

But few discoveries have so completely transformed our picture of the extinct dinosaurs than

the revelation that they had feathers, too.

Or at least, some of them did.

Over the past 20 years, dinosaurs of all types and sizes have been found with some sort of

fluff or even full-on plumage.

But these fuzzy discoveries have raised a whole batch of new questions.

Like, exactly what kinds of dinosaurs had feathers?

And how do we know for sure?

And, considering that the likes of T. rex and Psittacosaurus couldn't fly

then what were their feathers even for?

Well, find a perch and get comfortable, because I'm here to tell you everything we know

about dinosaurs and feathers.

It took us a long time to make the connection between dinosaurs and feathers -- and birds

in general.

In fact, the first fossil to give us an inkling that dinosaurs had feathers was actually one

of the earliest specimens ever found.

It was Archaeopteryx, discovered in 1861, from the Solnhofen limestone in Germany, which

dates back to the Jurassic Period.

Archaeopteryx means "first wing", and even the 1800s, experts could immediately

identify it as an ancient bird.

After all, at the time, birds were the only animals we knew that had feathers, and this

thing definitely had them.

But Archaeopteryx had some other features, too -- ones that were kinda strange for a

bird, like a long, bony tail; fingers with claws; and tiny teeth -- things that you usually

see in reptiles.

Those clues suggested that birds must have sprung from the reptilian branch of the tree

of life.

But no one could agree on what that actually meant.

It took decades of study and debate before paleontologists started to see that little

Archaeopteryx looked an awful lot like a dinosaur.

And it wasn't until 1996 -- 135 years after Archaeopteryx was first found -- that a lucky

break confirmed what they had begun to suspect.

A beautifully preserved, articulated skeleton of a chicken-sized dinosaur was found in China.

And along the neck, back, and tail of this little dino was a line of fuzz.

Paleontologists named this revolutionary discovery Sinosauropteryx

It confirmed that at least some non-avian dinosaurs had feathers, and that the history

of feathers went back way farther than anyone knew.

As it turned out, Sinosauropteryx would be just the first of many finds that would show

us that dinosaurs were fluffier, fuzzier, and more ornate than we had ever expected.

The fossil record has turned out to be so generous!

In fact, the growing menagerie of feathered dinosaurs has offered experts a pretty good

outline of how feathers evolved.

Dinofluff - which experts technically call protofeathers - probably goes all the way

back to the Triassic.

But since dinosaurs in different times and places had a variety of protofeather types,

paleontologists are able to piece together how feathers went from basic filament structures,

to ones that allowed flight.

For example, Yutyrannus, a tyrannosaur from China, had little wisps

that grew from follicles in its skin.

It also represents the largest dinosaur currently known with evidence of dinofuzz.

But from those simple bits of fluff, protofeathers became more complex over time.

Dinos like the small tyrannosaur Dilong and the tiny carnivore Juravenator

had protofeathers with a central stalk that branched off near the top.

And once protofeathers started branching, they were able to take on all kinds of new


The central part of the feather became a hardened structure called a rachis, with

lots of little barbs and barbules, creating the vanes of the feather.

Dinosaurs that are closely related to birds - like Microraptor and Archaeopteryx - had

feathers like these.

And interestingly, the closer you get to the origin of birds in the dinosaur family tree,

the greater the variety of feathers you find on different parts of their bodies.

So, to get a sense of how common feathers were among the non-avian dinos, let's take

a tour of that family tree.

We'll start with this big group of two-legged saurischian dinos: the theropods.

They include everything from the crested carnivore Dilophosaurus to the

parrot-like omnivore Oviraptor.

Zoom in and you'll find a smaller group of theropods called the coelurosaurs

Every single lineage in this group has some kind of evidence of a feathery body covering,

whether it was fuzz or full-on feathers.

And this is the group that includes birds, along with a whole variety of other theropods,

like the Therizinosaurs with those enormous hand claws, and none other

than T. rex.

But that's not all.

All the way over on the other side of the dinosaur family tree, there's another, broader

group called the ornithischians.

They're nowhere close to birds, in evolutionary terms, but they have feather-like body coverings,


Take Psittacosaurus, a small horned dinosaur that used to run around


It's been found with preserved quill-like filaments growing from its tail.

Likewise, fossils of a Jurassic dinosaur from Russia, called Kulindadromeus,

show that it was nearly covered with feather-like structures, despite the fact that it, too,

was far from birds.

Now, the fact that feathers and feather-like structures show up in these very different

groups of dinosaurs can mean one of two things.

Either protofeathers evolved more than once throughout dinosaurs' history …

...or they actually go all the way back to the last common ancestor of all dinosaurs,

and were retained in some groups but lost in others.

So, we have some pretty good data about the presence of feathers within certain groups

of dinosaurs.

And we can use that to make informed guesses about which particular species had feathers.

For dinosaurs like Microraptor, there's direct evidence of feathers right there in

the rock.

No question about it.

But then there are dinosaurs that we don't have direct evidence of feathers for, but

we think they probably had them.

This is called phylogenetic bracketing -- using the presence of traits across related species

to make an educated guess where those traits might occur.

For example, most mammal fossils aren't found with hair, but we expect that they did

have hair, because we know their relatives do.

The same goes for the likes of T. rex.

Even though there's no direct evidence of feathers on T. rex, there's a good chance

the tyrant king was at least a little fluffy, because other tyrannosaurs have been found

with protofeathers.

Ditto for Triceratops.

Because its little relative Psittacosaurus had bristles, perhaps

larger horned dinosaurs did, too.

And then there are dinosaurs that may or may not have had any protofeathers at all.

Will we be shocked by the discovery of an Apatosaurus or Ankylosaurus with protofeathers


It's possible.

But there's no direct evidence of that just yet, and no one has found any fluff on any

members of those dinosaur groups.

So, this brings us to another question: Why? Why did dinosaurs develop feathers in the first


Well, feathers are a great example of an exaptation.

That's a trait that evolved for one reason, but later became modified to do something


For instance, remember Sinosauropteryx?

It lived on the ground and couldn't fly.

But its simple coat of fluff still had advantages.

For one thing, feathers are great for insulation.

Think of that the next time you put on a down jacket.

And they're also really handy for display.

The tail of Sinosauropteryx was banded rust red and white, which probably

helped it signal to other members of its species.

And other dinosaur displays were even more ornate!

The fossilized remains of a small, strange dinosaur called Epidexipteryx

show it had long, ribbon-like tail feathers - structures that may have been well-suited

for doing the dinosaur version of a fan dance.

But even as protofeathers started to get more complex, and came to look more like the structures

on the wings of birds, they still had plenty of uses for life on the ground.

For example, an amazing skeleton of the dinosaur Citipati was found in Mongolia,

with its arms in a brooding position over a nest.

Based on what we know about its relatives, this dinosaur must have been feathered and

may have used its feather-covered arms to protect its nest.

Feathered arms are also good for more active pursuits.

Studies of living birds, like chukar partridges, have shown that birds can get a better grip

on inclined surfaces, like tree trunks and rocks, when they flap their wings as they


Smaller feathered theropods with long feathers on their arms, may have used this technique,

possibly to evade larger non-climbing predators.

And finally, feathers might have made some dinosaurs even better hunters.

Ground-dwelling dinosaurs with long arm feathers like Deinonychus probably weren't eviscerating

their prey with those terrible foot claws.

Instead, they may have acted like modern day raptors - pinning down small prey and flapping

their wings to help stabilize their grip.

So, feathers had all sorts of uses.

That's what made them the ultimate dinosaur accessory.

And it's what allowed some dinosaurs to eventually take to the air.

What evolved on the ground opened ways for the terrible lizards to take flight, a tradition

they have mostly kept to this day.

But our knowledge of the when, why and how of dinosaur feathers is still pretty new.

Remember, it took nearly a century after the discovery of Archaeopteryx for paleontologists

to finally see the relationship between birds and dinosaurs.

And it took another three decades before fossils like Sinosauropteryx started changing our

view of how feathery some dinosaurs really were.

Each new find will continue to enhance our vision of the non-avian dinosaurs.

But for now, the next time that you see a winged dinosaur flying around, feasting at

your bird feeder, or standing on the head of some statue, take a moment to appreciate

the hundreds of millions of years of evolution that made that sight possible.

Thanks for joining me for this extra-feathery episode of PBS Eons!

Now, what do you want to know about the story of life on Earth?

Let us know in the comments.

And don't forget to go to and subscribe!

And you're not done exploring yet are you?!

Check out some of our sister channels from PBS Digital Studios!

If you're interested in great beginnings like we are, then check out the new channel,

Origin of Everything, which explores history of objects and ideas from everyday life -- from

where the hashtag came from to why 18 year olds are considered adults.

For more infomation >> The Facts About Dinosaurs & Feathers - Duration: 10:01.


The Texas Rig | KastKing | Bass Fishing - Duration: 7:30.

Hey, guys, David the Fishin' Pastor here for KastKing and and today we're

talking about the Texas rig.

The Texas rig is by far one of the most widely used rigs in all of bass fishing and it's

definitely one of my favorites.

So today I wanna teach you about how to rig up and properly fish the Texas rig.

Okay, so let's start off by talking about the gear that I use to throw a Texas rig on

and the different components that make up a Texas rig.

When I'm throwing a Texas rig, I like to use fast reels and rods with a little bit more

power behind them.

So today I'm using my KastKing Speed Demon Baitcast Reel.

This is a 9.3:1 gear ratio reel.

It's a very high-speed reel.

And for the rod, I'm using my KastKing Royale Legend rod.

This is a 7 foot 3, fast action, heavy rod so it has that backbone, it has that power

but it also has that tip so that I can feel those bites.

So here's some of those items that you need for a Texas rig.

Number one, bullet weights.

Now, either in lead or in tungsten but you want bullet weights because they have a flat

bottom that can sit flush on top of the bait.

Number two, you'll want some bobber stops or punch stops.

Now, these are kind of debated on whether or not you need them or what situations you

need them in but it's always a good thing to have for Texas rigs.

Now, you'll also need some hooks.

Now, there's different styles of hooks, there's the more straight shanked hooks, and then

there's the extra wide gap hooks.

And I use both depending on the situation.

Now, if I'm casting my Texas rig out more into open water, I usually use the wide gap


I really like how it sits flush on those baits.

And then if I'm flipping into cover I'm gonna use more of a flipping style hook which even

has a grip in there so that the bait doesn't slide down the hook as easily.

The other thing that will determine what kind of hook I use is the type of bait that I'm


So let me talk about some baits real quick.

So when it comes to the Texas rig you can throw such a wide variety of baits.

One of my favorites are the creature baits or the hog style baits.

Here, like this one.

And I'm generally throwing this on an extra wide gap hook.

With these I can cast them out, I can flip into cover, whatever I need.

Now, if I'm doing some more heavy flipping and I'm using those flipping style hooks,

those straight shank, then I actually like the beaver style baits.

I feel like if these actually go into cover a little bit better if you're throwing into

thick vegetation, things like that, I'm generally gonna throw this style bait but, again, the

possibilities are endless.

You can throw a stick bait or Senko style bait, you can throw ribbon tail worms, honestly,

you can throw such a wide variety of baits, and the great thing is that with a Texas rig,

you're throwing a weedless presentation so you're able to get in and out of cover a lot

easier than with other presentations.

First, you're gonna start off with your bobber stop or your punch stop and you wanna add

that onto there.

Now, if you're casting your Texas rig out more this isn't as necessary as if you're

flipping but you could always have it and slide it up the line, and when you do need

it you could just slide it back down rather than having to cut and retie and add one afterwards.

So the next thing you wanna do is slide your weight onto the line.

Now, again, you can use lead or tungsten and I know a lot of people are moving over to

tungsten because they're more eco-friendly but when it comes to fishing they're smaller

weights and they're more dense.

Now, if you're flipping into heavy cover and using a 1 ounce led weight you have the big

possibility of blowing that fish's mouth wide open as opposed to using a tungsten weight.

Now, the next thing you wanna do is tie on your hook.

Now, I'm using the extra wide gap for this example but, again, you can use whatever hook

you'd like.

And my knot of choice is the Palomar knot.

It's just the one I feel more comfortable with.

I feel like it's a very strong, sturdy knot.

But if I'm flipping into some really heavy cover and I'm using a punch rig, for example,

I'm gonna use something like a Snell knot for a little bit more power.

Okay, so now that we've talked about the equipment and the rigging let's talk about actually

fishing the Texas rig.

Now, you can either cast it out, if you'd like, or you can flip it short distances into


Let me show you how to cast it out and retrieve it properly.

So you're gonna start off just by casting it out like any other bait.

And what you want is to let it fall on a semi-slack line.

If your line is too tight, what's gonna happen is, it's gonna hit that water and just pendulum

all the way back to you and miss that whole area.

But if your line is too loose and a fish decides to come and bite it as it's falling, you're

not gonna feel that bite, so a semi-slack line is best.

So once your bait hits bottom, and you feel it hit bottom, what you wanna do is just reel

down a little bit, just to kinda tighten up your line.

But you don't wanna use your reel to bring in that bait.

What you wanna do is use your rod and just bring you rod back like this.

And then what you wanna do is just reel down the flat, bring it back and reel down the


You can actually feel a lot of the bottom like that and it's a great way to kinda know

the conditions that you're fishing.

But, also, you're crawling it kinda like a crawfish and that's what you're kinda trying

to imitate there.

Now, you can be a little bit more aggressive if you want, if the fish are a little bit

more aggressive.

You can hop it, you can even swim it a little bit but really when it comes to Texas rig

fishing you just wanna kind of drag it, and then just reel down the slack, drag it up.

And so what happens is when you feel that bite, you feel that kind of tick, or you feel

the fish just coming, just to destroy that bait, you wanna reel down and then set that

hook and that's gonna drive the hook up into the fish's mouth.

Now, when it comes to flipping the bait, it's a short distance cast and it's gonna be pretty

much the same thing.

So you wanna get your bait out there, whether you're flipping or pitching, and you wanna,

again, let it fall on some semi-slack line.

Now, because you're throwing to a specific target, you can actually leave it there a

little bit longer, and what I do is, I let it get in there and I shake it a little bit,

and then I'll move it up a little bit, reel down the slack, shake it a little bit, and

then move it up.

And if I feel any kind of resistance, if I feel a rock, if I feel a branch, anything

like that, then I'm just gonna stop and just shake it a little bit.

And that gives a little bit of movement in the water, if there's a fish there, it tends

to drive them crazy.

All right, there you go.

Hopefully you learned something new about the Texas rig or at least got a good refresher

about it.

Remember to subscribe to the channel, and if you're interested in any of the gear in

this video, it'll be linked in the description below.

Remember to pray, fish, repeat.

God bless, I'll see you in my next video.

For more infomation >> The Texas Rig | KastKing | Bass Fishing - Duration: 7:30.


EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 The Dark Circle World Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 3:25.

EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 The Dark Circle World Walkthrough 2017

For more infomation >> EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 The Dark Circle World Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 3:25.


EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 Diamond Armory Escape Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 3:29.

EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 Diamond Armory Escape Walkthrough 2017

For more infomation >> EnaGames Ena - The Circle 2 Diamond Armory Escape Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 3:29.


The Five 11/27/17 5PM | November 27, 2017 - Duration: 32:54.

For more infomation >> The Five 11/27/17 5PM | November 27, 2017 - Duration: 32:54.


I Am Going To Guess Your Card!!! - Duration: 3:33.

whats going on everyone and today i'm going to show you a really cool magic trick with

this brand new deck of cards that I just got this is the bicycle U.S. presidents playing

cards really cool deck of cards I want to show you back every single card has that on

it but let's get into how they look alright so as you can see right there there is a U.S.

flag but I just wanted to show you guys the deck because how cool of a deck it is and

i'm also going to show you this amazing card trick very cool it's mind reading practically

so first we have the advertising card just like that right there here we have a U.S.

president's card so it says U.S. presidents it will be hard not to reflect on are it will

be it will be hard not to reflect on are great nation's history and the accomplishments of

our past leaders while playing with these cards sorry i'm not the best reader and when

I looked away I just forgot what I was supposed to say anyways these jokers right here are

bomb they are beast there like look at them it's says it has uncle same on it check that

out that is amazing its awesome that why I like these cards so much and also it has like

all the presidents so far except Donald Trump tons of them got as you can see see all of

them just get a good look some of them aren't even presidents so like presidents wives and

stuff like that but just tons of them on there we got everything Dwight Eisenhower Ethan

Edith Roosevelt or something like that it must of been Theodore Roosevelt's wife or

something like that but anyways today what I want to do is I am going to pick any random

card right here out of the deck i'm going to shuffle it up first and check this out

make sure it's 100% shuffled up no way that I can ever know where any card is so i'm going

to pick a card from the middle of the deck but since I do not have a spectator I am just

going to go down just like that and stop so we're going to go like this 1,2,3 stop right

there is that good it's good right there alright so we're going to put it like that and I don't

know what the card is so i'm going to look away as you look at the card got the card

look at the card memorize the card I want you to lock that card in your mind there's

no way that I could know what that card is we're going to put that card right back right

back there put it right back in the middle and actually we do not need the cards anymore

because right now I want you to think of your card I want you to think of the president

on that card it might of been a girl on the president it might of been the girl it might

of been a girl on your card I want you to think was it a president or was it a president's

wife was it a president it was a president it was a president he was pretty famous something

something bad happened to him I think it might of been something something bad happened to

him I think it might of been somewhere around 1963 i'm not sure a shooting a Dallas Texas

Dallas Texas shooting 1963 somewhere i'm not exactly sure when he was killed Mr.John F.

Kennedy was your card John F. Kennedy the 2 of hearts if it was hit that like button

anyways thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed this please share this

video to your friends or family members on your Facebook or twitter feed or anywhere

where you guys can share videos lets get to 100,000 subscribers I really hope that can

happen make that Sutton The Magicians Christmas present anyways we'll see you next time

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