Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 13 2017



You think I'm scared of you?

I'm the second Shark, and don't you forget it.

I get a bad feeling about fools who think they're superheroes.

Yeah, but he's not.

To me, you're the only superhero.

Thank you, thank you.

I am your candidate.

Hey, buddy!

You look like you've seen a ghost.

I'm going to dedicate myself to my career, to my business.

I am your business, Amarito.


You trying to compete with me, Amaro?

The market is enormous,

and so long as the gringos keep using,

there's room for everybody.

And to top it off, you're asking for my help

to get rid of the Aceros!

Whoever finds them first can kill them first.

It's only fair.

You hear this guy?

Talking about fair when he just stabbed me in the back.

You win some, you lose some, Colombian.

And other times we have to eat ---- and ask for seconds.

Isn't that what you told me last time?

That's right. That time you held a gun to me.

It's all good though.

Even though I don't forget, I don't hold grudges.

Alright then.

I'm leaving you Roscas as a gift.

Maybe you'll get some use out of him.

He wasn't a gift.

I gave you $100,000 for him.

Guess I got the better end of that deal.

And since you bought him, no refunds allowed.

Let's go before we wear out our welcome.

What's the problem, Amaro?

You disappoint me.

I'd heard you were the biggest son of a bitch in the area.

What do you want?

Why do you keep running your mouth?

Cut it out because you're pissing me off.

Let me make one thing clear.

You're in Mexico because I let you be here.

Usually I make people beg to work here,

and I spared you that.

But this is the last time.

Go tell everyone you dealt with Amaro Rodriguez

and lived to tell the tale.

But tell it right.

Tell everyone I've got the spiciest chile pepper

and that even Teca Martinez knew it.

He's dead now, and I piss all over his grave.

But I've got plenty more piss for other graves.

Let's see who pisses on whose grave.

Hold your horses, gringo. I'll be right back.

Just getting a glass of water.


What's wrong?

Chayo, what's wrong?

I'm going to lose the baby, Vicenta.

I won't be able to give Salvador a child,

and it's all my fault!

Calm down.

You scared me, Jose Angel.

What's with the clothes? You look good.

Amaro promoted me.

He wants me to handle his accounting.


Now they'll stop bothering you about the dress.

You don't look very happy.

I was at the bank and ran into Salvador,

the person who...

Yes, the one who did this to you.

What did he say? What did you say?


I ran out of there.

Salvador thinks I'm dead,

and it's best things remain like that.

What's wrong?

Who did this to you?

It was Lumbre.

No, it's not worth it, Jose Angel.

He couldn't do anything to me. Nicolas showed up and saved me.

I'm worried about Nicolas.

He saved me by threatening to shoot Lumbre,

and I could see the hate in his eyes.

These men have ripped out his soul.

Let's see who pisses on whose grave.

Calm down.

I'm not in the mood to donate blood.

Forgive me, but I don't think I understood.

Are you breaking up our partnership?

That's what I said.

Partnerships are like marriages.

They don't last forever.

Did all of you hear what I heard?

Yeah, he's going to piss on your grave.

---- you, Roscas!

Biting the hand that feeds you again!

Don't forget you've been marked by the Tijuana Cartel.

Put that gun down

before I rearrange this ----------'s face.

Let him shoot.

Then nobody would have a boss.

Enough of this.

My decision is final.

I've got a counteroffer for you.

Our partnership can only be broken in one of two instances.

The first is when I say so.

And second, when either of us kicks the bucket.

And no offense, but you've got a few years head start on me.

I think you're going first.

What the hell are you doing here?

Who sent you?

Tsk-tsk. Why are you being so aggressive?

Nobody sent me to see you. I came on my own.

You treat me like a dumb blonde, but I've got a brain.

Listen up, Tuti.

You and I are not friends.

Last time I saw you, Manolito ended up dead

because of something you pulled.

What's the matter with you?

You think I'd let you sweet-talk me?

Actually, yes.

I brought you these two cuties.

Hello. I'm Lily.

Tuti told me a lot about you. You sure are cute.

I'm Yanisei, and your speech was so convincing

that when you become mayor,

you have to let me make you my rice and beans

that'll knock your socks off.

Cutie, the important thing is I moved to Tamaulipas.

Oh yeah?

You're in Tamaulipas too?

I sure am,

and I told myself I had to do the impossible

for Rooster to win the election.

And since this is an annual meeting of talented women,

we need some feminine representation

in this campaign.

Where is Mrs. Quintanilla?

Don't even think about getting onstage, Deborah.

Your only talent is screwing up.

I got this.

Listen to you.

Ladies, please.

The last thing we want is a scene here.

Josefina, let Deborah go up.

As you can see, this is a jovial environment,

and I think she'd fit in better with these people.

Listen, Triple R, the only way this one is getting onstage

is if I die because I'm Rooster's wife.

Your wish is my command.

You still got two wives? You're a real idiot.

Having one sucks. Imagine having two.

That just proves you need Tuti in your life.

There there.

Crying won't get you anywhere.

You're getting yourself worked up,

and that doesn't do the baby any good.

The baby's not moving, Vicenta.

What are you talking about?

Did it move before?


I'm going to call the doctor to ask about the baby.

No, don't.

You going to stay and live in the bathroom or what?

I saw him today.


Pepito. I saw Pepito.


Did you go to the cemetery or something?

Pepito's dead.

I know.

It was a horrible nightmare,

and I know he's got something to do with this

because he doesn't want Salvador and me

to have a baby.

That's why he's trying to kill it.

That son of a bitch is coming after me even in death.

That's enough, Chayo.

Look at me.

Get that out of your head

because it's not Pepito who'll hurt you but you yourself.

You're really not going to eat?

No. No, thanks. I have to work.

Indio Amaro wants me to do his accounting, so I need to go.

And you have to do it.

Have you forgotten how he treats you?

He gives you some work and you think you're one of them.

Carmen, I'm worse than them. Get it through your head.

No, you're not worse than them.

You studied accounting. You worked hard.

They were born criminals.

Then I'm a criminal who knows accounting.

It'd take this life and the next for you to understand

all the terrible things I did.

What I'm doing now is skimming money from Indio Amaro

so that you, the kid, and me can escape from here.

Then I can't tell you anything.

Nicolas has to be saved from here

before he gets a taste for blood.

Carmen, please make me some tacos.

I'm working late.

Nico, you want something else?

I've got chilaquiles and quesadillas.

No, I'm fine.

Just like I saved your lives, I can end them too.

If you betray me or my dad, Indio Amaro.

In this family, it's all about loyalty,

not love. Love doesn't exist.

You hear that, ------- Pepita?

Eat that, bitch.

You heard him.

Nicolas is a monster.

There's no coming back from that.

There is if you weren't born that way.

Because for those who were, they're heartless as kids.

Nicolas has a long way to go before he hits rock bottom.

And this is just the beginning, Carmen.

All his gains in the polls can evaporate

if you keep fighting, ladies.

Then tell this one to know her place:

sitting and applauding.

Ma'am, you think because you're the widow of Felipe Murillo,

a second rate politician,

that you know all the ins and outs of politics?

No, ma'am.

Your ex-husband was corrupt, and everyone here knows it.

Tell me something.

Is that the image you want

supporting your husband in this campaign?

At least I have something decent to offer,

unlike her.

The only thing she knows is how to spread her legs.

The voters do not know that, ma'am.

What's important isn't my moving here.

It's that I want to help you win the election

in spite of all the crap you and your family put me through.

I haven't forgotten how you tortured me

and put me through all those tests when I was pregnant.

I also haven't forgotten how you chopped off my man's head.

You're guilty of a lot.

Isn't it too much for you to bear?

Listen, Tuti. You need to relax.

Thanks for the girls,

but you've got to understand something.

You and I have history.

It's best we go our separate ways.

Stop it, Rooster.

You and I don't have history.

But if you like, we can write years of it in just one ----.

She's not being literal.

We can write it by all ------- at the same time!


She's here!

What are you doing here?


Just a moment.

Calm down because I came here with the best of intentions.

I'm here because I want Rooster to win, right?

I want to help out.

Help out?

Every time you show up, you bring trouble.

You sure are ungrateful.

You must have Alzheimer's.

Have you forgotten it was me

who found you in the street like a dog

with that belly full of holes

because Indio Amaro was going to kill you?

Did you forget that, sweetie?

You're here thanks to me.

You survived because of Tuti, so you should be thanking me.

You're always going on

about having the spiciest chile pepper,

about being the big boss.

Know how I feel about that kind of mental masturbation?

They disgust me. Disgust me!

But like you said, I can only talk to you

because you've got the biggest chile pepper,

so I'm going to explain.

I'm going to speak your language.

Here goes.

I'm from Valle del Cauca, Colombia, buddy.

I was raised amongst whores and coke.

The business is in my blood.

But unlike you, I'm still young.

I've got a future.

And you've got one foot in the grave!

I don't give a damn if you're Indian, from Tijuana,

or a so-called badass.

All that matters is that when I kill you

and split you in four,

you'll be buried in a common grave.

Know whose name they'll be talking about?

Mine, ------------.


You're going to eat your words, after you eat mine.

Not even death will save you.

I've outlived them all.

People who were in the business who couldn't hack it.

Quintanilla, Sara Acero, Teca Martinez, his son,

your countrywoman Briseida Montero,

and a ----load of other dead.

Plus, my kid and my wife Rosa, who I killed myself.

One grave is empty, and it's waiting for me.

But it's going to stay empty because I'm immortal,

you son of a bitch!

The devil never dies!



Who ------ up your hand?

Sara Acero.

And because of it, she and her whole family suffered.


You going to put back the two fingers I'm missing?


You're the one who's going to give me something.

I'm going to remove the ones you have left.




For more infomation >> Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 27 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:49.


Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 10 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 11:57.


Of course I went through your phone!

I've got reason to!

You think I'm stupid?

Don't you dare yell at my sister!

-Mind your own business. -I am.

You just yelled at my sister in front of me in my own house.

And FYI, the ------- flowers were for me.

Do I get a scene as well? Yell at me.

-Calm down. -I won't!

I still don't get why you haven't dumped this jerk.

What's wrong? What's with the yelling?


Just out of curiosity.

Will you teach the master class?

It's not that easy.

I have to be prepared and I need time for that.

Right now, my son's the priority.

You can't fool me.

You won't do it because Juanjo will be there

and your husband will get jealous.

Mind your own business, will you?

I won't.

What the hell is wrong with you?

What happened to the strong, rebellious Aurora

I looked up to?

You swore you'd never be a submissive housewife like Mom.

What do you know about being married?

Leave me alone.


Abandon your career.

Dedicate yourself to giving birth to baby after baby

and being the perfect wife in the perfect house

so you can make your master happy.

A mural of a Mexican landscape. Can you imagine?

All that was missing

was a painting of Montezuma drinking wine with Tin-Tan.

That's why I want you to take the reins of the project.

You'd have to talk to my father-in-law.


What's up? Why the long face?

It's nothing, Dad. I'm getting some coffee.


I don't speak English. I'm sorry.


Yes. Yes, of course.

Tomorrow in my office. Okay.

Dimas, please don't answer the phone again.

You'll make us look like a bunch of --------.

Whatever you say, sir.

Come on, Juanjo. Let's go.

Goyo himself says you never leave this horrid place.

-It's not that bad. -Pretty please.

I really don't want to go out.

What's up with you?

You used to love going out and having a good time.

You were the life of the party.

-No? -Nope.

What if I say we're two very lonely damsels

in need of a gentleman to protect us?

I still wouldn't go. No one would believe that.

You're no damsel in distress. You can take care of yourself.

You don't need a knight in shining armor

-to take your arm. -But I do.

Come on. Let's go.

-Will you? -Fine, but only for a bit.

Just let me change.

Dad, Roberto's so conceited.

He's an idiot, but shush.

You don't want anyone hearing you.

I wish they would.

That way they'd know he's a fake.

Dad, can you believe he made fun of the work I did

with the designer from the store?

I know, sweetie, but he's a professional.

He went to school. He knows things we don't.

That doesn't make him better than us.

He'd better not catch me on a bad day.

Otherwise, I'll give him a piece of my mind.

You're just like your mother.

Sweetie, please be patient and stay calm.

I don't want problems with the Castañedas.

Well, I have to go or I'll be late.

I have to take care of that old lady.

Does she have a name?

Yes, Miss Daisy.

I need to drive her around.

-Miss Daisy? -Yeah.

Take care, sweetie.

-You were incredible. -Thanks.

I loved it.

So much so that I'm thinking of taking a class with Doris.


It's a great way to exercise.

-Great. -Do you two know each other?

We do.

My family doesn't know I'm working here,

so I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention it.

Don't forget both your family and the Castañedas hate me.

Why would I say anything?

Alright, girls. I have to go.

I'm wanted elsewhere. See you.


Cheers to that.

Yeah, man. The new girl's name is Serena.

Can you believe it?

She's really hot, but she acts all serious.

Last night I spent a lot of money taking her out to dinner.

The bitch made me buy her a really expensive wine.

She said it was good. She's a wannabe sommelier.

But you know something?

Tonight I'm making sure she pays me back.

Believe that.

You want to do a line?

Let's go.

Shall we take a selfie? Let's do it.


Come here, curls. We won't bite.

Doesn't mean I don't want to.

One, two... Cheese!



Careful with that guy. He's trouble.

I don't want your opinion.

-Raul, what are you doing here? -Take it off, Serena.

Look, you're no sommelier and no Mother Teresa.

Please get back.

You're nothing but a ------- stripper.

Get your hands off me!

I showed you a good time yesterday.

Now's your turn to reciprocate and you know what I want.

No! Let me go!

Don't be ridiculous.

Get back. Raul, don't!

Don't, please! Don't touch me!

Let me go! Get back!

Leave me alone! Get off me!

Are you alright?

Tough her again and I break every bone in your body!

Understood? Now, get out!

Are you okay?

Are you alright?

Can you believe the bastard was nice to me?

He let me choose the wine and the food,

but only because he wanted something in return.

-He tried to rape me. -What?

If Juanjo hadn't burst in and kicked his ass,

he'd have hurt me.

I can't believe it.

What about Juanjo?

I don't know what happened afterward.

I just know I want nothing to do with that pig Raul.

Look at this picture. My professor sent it.

We took it last night.

Who's she?

The one on my left?

Kimberly. She's friends with Doris.

She's chummy with Juanjo too apparently.


Doris gave me your address.

I didn't know where to find you.

Yes, I live here. What do you want?

I want to thank you for what you did last night.

I know I haven't been nice to you lately...

"Haven't been nice"?

That's an understatement.

You've been making me feel like crap,

which hurts.

Regardless of you being Emilio's girlfriend,

you were my best friend.

And you seem to be forgetting

that you smoked and drank too that night.

Fine, Juanjo. That's why I came.

To apologize.

You don't get it, do you?

I don't want your apology.

I just want you to understand that you hurt me.

It really hurt because you were my family, my best friend.

Emilio, Aurora, you and I were best friends

and this is how you repay me?

And last night...

I only did it because I care about you.

And because I worry about you.

And also for Emilio.

I'm on my break. Please leave.

I have other things to do.

Are you still upset about that silly little thing I did?

Silly little thing?

You think going through my cell because you don't trust me

is a silly little thing?

I don't know. It wasn't a big deal to me.

I just saw it and felt curious.

But you wouldn't be upset if you had nothing to hide.

What are you trying to say?

Hey, Mike. How's it going?

I was just about to call you. I'm doing it.

Of course I'll teach the class.

It's a great opportunity so count me in.

For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 10 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 11:57.


Luce una piel limpia y suave con este exfoliante de aceite de coco y sal - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> Luce una piel limpia y suave con este exfoliante de aceite de coco y sal - Duration: 7:19.


Christmas' Miracles | Episode 12 | Telemundo English - Duration: 15:00.


Coming through!

If Dad dies, it'll be all my fault.

He'll be fine, sweetie. Don't worry.

I'll never forgive myself for this.

Everything's going to be alright.

Everything's going to be alright.

Mom, that punch smells great!

Why didn't you wake me up earlier?

So you could rest a bit more.

We've got a long day ahead of us, with lots of work to do.

Is the apple salad ready? It needs a few more minutes.

We're selling out tonight, just watch.

I'm worried about your father. It's late.

It's been like this since he took that extra shift.

We're in for a scare.

Don't even say that, Mom.

"Black bike."

Uriel! Wake up!

Today's the 15th of December!

Leave me alone.

It's time to put up the nativity scene!

I'm sleepy!

-Wake up! -Leave me alone!

We're going to need more romerito.

This isn't enough.

What's with you?

I just remembered today's the deadline

to apply for scholarships at the conservatory.

Can you forget about that already?

Have you any idea how much a harp would cost?

I know, Mom. I know.

That's why I didn't sign up for it.

Thank you, sweetie. I do what I can.

You know we work hard here.

We barely see your father anymore.

If you just mention that harp, he'll want to work 24/7!

Don't worry, Mom. I won't.

Mom! It's the 15th!

Let's put up the nativity!

Tonight, sweetie. We'll set it up tonight.

Your sister and I have work to do.

I promise we'll set it up tonight.

That's probably Leo.

But I wanted to leave Baby Jesus my letter.

Hello, Miss Lorena!

Don't ask any questions.

Get dressed. We're leaving.

But my mom is still cooking.

Forget that.

Come take the admissions test at the conservatory!

Don't you want to be a harpist?

But I never signed up to take the test.

Well, I did... and I paid the fee.

Come on!

But I haven't prepared...

Babe, you've been practicing since you were five!

What harp will I use, though?

The one you used to learn.

Come on! Hurry!

If you work for me and you need the day off,

you should at least ask in advance.

I just wanted it to be a surprise.

I've known you since you were a child.

That doesn't mean you can make decisions in this household.

Much less when it comes to music.

You know that's a delicate subject for us.

But Lupe...

No. Don't interrupt.

What if she passes the test?

Should we sell the truck or my husband's taxi?

No, sweetie.

I know you love hearing her play too.

Of course I do.

Why do you think I fell for Ramon?

I was smitten after hearing him play in the orchestra.

Things don't work that way, sweetie.

Lupe, your daughter's dream is to become a harpist.

Right, that's her dream,

but the reality is, we have a food truck to run,

so get to work!

Oh, sweetie.

We'll sell tons of Christmas specialties.

-Like never before. -Yeah!

Will you forgive me?

Oh, don't be toady.

Get back!

Hey there, son!

Will you help me set up the nativity?

Now? What'd your mother say?


-We'll do it tonight. -We have to put it up now!

Now? Why?

Leo's taking Lorena to take her admissions test!

What about it?

I want to ask Baby Jesus to help my sister pass.


Well, let's do it!

Come on!

I know how much it costs,

but someone's helping me finance it.

I still need to talk to them, though.

I'll call you later, okay?


Mom, don't give me that look.

I'm taking a test, not going to war.

I'm not worried about that.

I'm worried about the harp we won't be able to buy.

They have instruments at the school, Lupe.

Yes, but still.

That requires hours of study. How will she practice at home?

Well, at least wish me luck.

Yes, sweetie. Good luck.

God bless you, cutie. Give it your all.

Let's go.

Thanks, Mrs. Lupe!

-Guess what? -What, sweetie?

Leo signed me up for my test and paid the fee!

Really? Congratulations, sweetie!

-I can give you a ride. -No, Leo's taking me.

You should rest.

Mom said you could set up the nativity tonight.

Let Dad get some rest.

It's fine, champ. We'll finish up later.

Oh, goody!

This kitchen smells like Christmas!

No, no, no... Back away!

Did you hear about what Leo did?

It was sweet of him, don't you think?

He's Lorena's boyfriend,

but that doesn't mean he can make these decisions.

So... considering how much food there is here,

I doubt you got any sleep last night.

Did you know, Ramon?

Know what?

I think cod would've been easier.

So you did know.

Lorena and I were the only clueless idiots here.

So many secrets going around in this house!

Hey... have you noticed anything strange about Leo lately?

-About Leo? -Yeah!

No, why?

It's probably nothing.

Have breakfast and get some rest.

You must be exhausted.

"Black bike."

"Let my sister be accepted at the conserbationatory."

"Let my sister be accepted at the conserbationatory."

But I wouldn't mind getting a black bike too.

I abandoned my dreams so my daLorena Gonzalez.have to.

Did you bring your instrument?

Yes, it's the harp.

Wait outside, please.

Wish me luck, beautiful.

You wrote conservatory wrong. It isn't a "conserbationatory."


Baby Jesus gets me.

Besides, she'll get in.

You should've asked for a harp.

Why don't you ask for one?

Nah, that's kids stuff.

Mom always tells us to ask for a wish.

Ask for one!

Lorena... Gonzalez?

Go ahead.

Sorry, can I start over?


Wait, honey! The kids can help!

I'll carry this over to the truck since Leo isn't around.

That's hot, sweetie. Take the apple salad instead.

Uriel, please help your brother!

Aren't you going to ask Baby Jesus for a present?

No, man!

Can't I ask for something for you?


Well done, Lorena Gonzalez.

You can go now.

The results will be posted this afternoon.

This afternoon?

If you can't make it,

they'll be posted on the website tomorrow.

Thank you.

Where's Lorena?

I lent her my car and took the metro.

I need to step out this afternoon.


I can't believe it! It's the second time I come by!

-Hello, there! -Hello!

Is that mole I smell or does my nose deceive me?

It's mole, alright.

I've also got apple salad and punch,

in addition to our usual menu.

Sounds delicious!

How's the chef doing?

He's alright. He made the mole, by the way,

so if you don't like it, take it out on him.

Nonsense, Lupita! Leo's a gifted cook!

What'll you be having?

I'll have a quesadilla and some punch.

I'll be back for the salad and mole later.

Sure thing. Corn or flour tortilla?

Corn, of course!

Where's Lorena? Taking her test?

Hold up.

Besides me and Lorena,

is there anyone in LA who didn't know about the test?

I need help bringing in my harp!

Were you accepted?

I don't know yet.

They'll be posting results tonight.

I'm sure you were!

How'd it go?

She's finding out tonight.

Tomorrow, actually. I need to help Mom tonight.

Did they say anything about your ancient harp?

It isn't ancient, cutie...

but I want to study classical music.

Do you know how many strings our harp has?


Well, I need one with 47 strings and seven pedals.

A classical harp meant for concerts.

Can't we just attach more strings to your harp?

Sure. Pedals, too.

Don't worry, cutie.

I've gotta go now. Mom needs me.

Are Mrs. Luisa's quesadillas ready?

-Leo! I'm talking to you! -Coming!

Hey, Mrs. Luisa!

Here are your romeritos. Your quesadillas are coming.



We're running out of food. It's selling like crazy!

-All set? -Yeah.


I don't know what you're up to, it's none of my business,

but I can't stand liars. What are you doing?


You sure? I can't stand being lied to,

and I can't go around pretending I didn't hear

what you said at my house.

What'll you have?


Yes, yes.

They'll have it for us once we have the money.

We agreed on the price already.


Head to the bank before it closes.


What is it?


What's going on?


I don't know what you're up to, but you're on your own in this.

Don't drag my daughter into it.

I'm drawing the line.

-But... -No, I told you already.

You're on your own. Leave my daughter out of it.

For more infomation >> Christmas' Miracles | Episode 12 | Telemundo English - Duration: 15:00.


El Deluxe pierde audiencia con Belén Esteban (otra vez) y Jorge Javier - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> El Deluxe pierde audiencia con Belén Esteban (otra vez) y Jorge Javier - Duration: 5:00.


Watch Matthew's Crazy Pool Shots! | Mexico Little Big Shots - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Watch Matthew's Crazy Pool Shots! | Mexico Little Big Shots - Duration: 3:33.


Letizia Ortiz I de España la reina conquistadora La Casa Real 2017 - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Letizia Ortiz I de España la reina conquistadora La Casa Real 2017 - Duration: 5:00.


Dainese Plaza 2 D-Dry. análisis de los guantes en - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Dainese Plaza 2 D-Dry. análisis de los guantes en - Duration: 3:30.


Descubre el mundo de Schlüter-Systems - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Descubre el mundo de Schlüter-Systems - Duration: 3:41.


CASH 5 NJ winning numbers Dec 12 2017 - Duration: 1:45.

CASH 5 NJ 346 winning numbers Dec 12

For more infomation >> CASH 5 NJ winning numbers Dec 12 2017 - Duration: 1:45.


Denuncian que en estados del sur de México se venden niñas como si fueran esclavas - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Denuncian que en estados del sur de México se venden niñas como si fueran esclavas - Duration: 1:55.


TAKE 5 results Dec 12 2017 - Duration: 1:45.

TAKE 5 246 results Dec 12

For more infomation >> TAKE 5 results Dec 12 2017 - Duration: 1:45.


9 Things You Should Know About Sophia | World's First Robotic Citizen - Duration: 3:57.

9 Things You Should Know About Sophia | World's First Robotic Citizen

9 Things You Should Know About Sophia | World's First Robotic Citizen

9 Things You Should Know About Sophia | World's First Robotic Citizen

9 Things You Should Know About Sophia | World's First Robotic Citizen

9 Things You Should Know About Sophia | World's First Robotic Citizen

For more infomation >> 9 Things You Should Know About Sophia | World's First Robotic Citizen - Duration: 3:57.


Cómo combatir naturalmente los piojos - Duration: 9:36.

For more infomation >> Cómo combatir naturalmente los piojos - Duration: 9:36.


김수지 아나운서, '손석희 앵커와 대학 동문?' 새삼 눈길 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 김수지 아나운서, '손석희 앵커와 대학 동문?' 새삼 눈길 - Duration: 3:01.


4 masques pour détendre les yeux et éliminer les cernes - Duration: 9:16.

For more infomation >> 4 masques pour détendre les yeux et éliminer les cernes - Duration: 9:16.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


Zašto je mlijeko loše || Industrija Mliječnih Proizvoda U 5 Minuta!!! - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Zašto je mlijeko loše || Industrija Mliječnih Proizvoda U 5 Minuta!!! - Duration: 5:44.


Johny Johny Yes Papa | Junior Squad | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Videos For Toddlers by Kids T v - Duration: 1:11.

Johny what are you up too..

Johny Johny!

Yes, Papa..

Eating sugar?

No, papa

Telling lies?

No, Papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!

Johny what are you up too..

Johny Johny!

Yes, Papa

Eating sugar?

No, papa

Telling lies?

No, Papa

Open your mouth!

Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Yes Papa | Junior Squad | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Videos For Toddlers by Kids T v - Duration: 1:11.


Phim Kiếm Hiệp - Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ ( Thuyết Minh ) - Tập 3 - Duration: 51:20.

For more infomation >> Phim Kiếm Hiệp - Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ ( Thuyết Minh ) - Tập 3 - Duration: 51:20.


Sercotel AB Arganda in Arganda del Rey, Spain (Europe). The best of Sercotel AB Arganda - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Sercotel AB Arganda in Arganda del Rey, Spain (Europe). The best of Sercotel AB Arganda - Duration: 5:12.


Нужно ли практиковать? | Юрий Башта - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> Нужно ли практиковать? | Юрий Башта - Duration: 8:39.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


Letizia Ortiz I de España la reina conquistadora La Casa Real 2017 - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Letizia Ortiz I de España la reina conquistadora La Casa Real 2017 - Duration: 5:00.


Toyota RAV4 2.0 VVT-i 4WD Linea Sol 5-drs. LEDER/NAVI/CRUISE/TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota RAV4 2.0 VVT-i 4WD Linea Sol 5-drs. LEDER/NAVI/CRUISE/TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:59.


Vad är sharpekvot? Så här räknar du ut din Sharpekvot - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Vad är sharpekvot? Så här räknar du ut din Sharpekvot - Duration: 1:35.


Xidnaf Update Dec 2017 - Duration: 1:44.

I did my best.

I tried as hard as I could for a year, but I am not cut out for self-employment.

I hope that one day I will be, that I'll come back to Youtube with the self-control

and time management skills and motivation necessary to make this a career.

But at this stage in my life, with the brain I have to work with right now, it's just

not happening.

My uploading schedule has been worse and more inconsistent than CGPGrey's despite the

fact that I've measured and each video only takes about forty hours of work.

Uploading three times per month should be easy, but apparently it is not for me, and

as a result I've mostly just been mooching off my parents for a year.

So, I'm gonna delete my patreon, put my videos aside and try to find a job.

After how my life's been going since high school I would very much like to pay my own

bills and feel like an adult for once.

Have I mentioned that I've never had an actual job before?

Not that youtube isn't a real job, but like, I don't think it counts if you never actually

show up for work.

Thinking that I could be self employed when I've never had a normal job was maybe a

bit overly optimistic in hindsight.

Also, whenever I hear about crappy minimum wage retail jobs from people who've had

them, the usual sentiments seem to be one: it sucks, and two: everyone should have to

have one at some point in their life.


Imma go do my time I guess.

Assuming anyone will higher me.

I'm hoping after a while I'll have the motivation and discipline to either make youtube

work as a job or to finally get through college.

On a related note, I'm thinking I'm gonna make more videos on this channel in whatever

spare time I have.

I have a lot of ideas for videos that have nothing to do with linguistics, and since

I'm not gonna be doing youtube as a job I might as well make some of those just for


I also might change up my style a bit.

I dunno.

We'll see.

And one more thing, thank all of you so much for supporting this project.

I was and still am shocked by how quickly you met my goals on Patreon and I love that

so many people like my videos so much.

I'm sorry this didn't work out the way I thought it would and I hope you guys will

like whatever I manage to make going forward.

See you soon.

For more infomation >> Xidnaf Update Dec 2017 - Duration: 1:44.


What is Net Neutrality? - Duration: 6:15.

Hi friends if you've been on the political side of the internet lately you've probably seen posts about net neutrality and

Maybe you've thought oh, this doesn't apply to me. I like to stay out of politics, but net neutrality shouldn't be a political issue

because it affects every single Internet user.

A change in net neutrality is a change in the way the internet works, and it's important

right now

Net neutrality is the concept that all content on the Internet should be treated equally

In February of 2015 the FCC passed title II of the Communications Act of 1934

also called the Telecommunications Act. This Act was put into place to regulate communications.

As technology progressed, amendments and additions were made and one of these is title II.

Title II protects you and me, small Internet users, because it regulates ISPs or Internet service

providers like Verizon,

AT&T, and Comcast.

Title II has three parts. I'll be reading them off here

1: no blocking.

A provider cannot block lawful content,

services, or applications.

2: no throttling

ISPs can't slow down

specific applications or services. More specifically,

Providers can't single out traffic based on

Who sends it, where it's going,

what the content happens to be, or whether that content competes with the providers business. And

3: no paid prioritization. A provider cannot accept fees for favored treatment. Without

neutrality regulations, big business wins.

Say Bing wants more users. They could pay your internet provider Verizon some money

so it will slow Google down on your computer. That way you're more likely to use Bing.

And this is horrible for small businesses and small creators

who don't have the money to give to Internet service providers

so they'll have the advantage or even so they'll be put on an even playing field.

But neutrality is more than just speed. It's the basic principle that providers

can't mess with our right to freely communicate online. Without

ISP regulation,

service providers can slow down or block sites that they don't personally agree with.

ISPs could charge extra fees to those companies that could afford to have preferential treatment,

but all other sites would be relegated to a slower level of service.

Maybe your ISP has

connections to one political party and therefore you only get news sites which agree with that political party. But I,

who live somewhere else, have a different internet service provider who agrees with a different political party.

So I only get news providers that agree with that political party. And this discrepancy,

this bias, is detrimental to all of us as citizens.

By now I bet some of you guys are thinking,

"We get it. Net neutrality is good. We have it.

So why are we talking about it now?"

Well in January of 2017,

Donald Trump appointed a new FCC chairman. His name is Ajit Pai

and he's been a commissioner on the FCC since 2012.

He's known for being anti-regulation

And he also was a lawyer for Verizon. chairman Pai wants to roll back

Title II regulation. He wants to abolish the no blocking, no throttling, no paid prioritization.

He wants to replace this with

voluntary regulation. Let's be honest, no ISPs are going to voluntarily

regulate their services if they don't have to. It brings in less money for them

and it puts them at a disadvantage to the other companies that can control what we see and how much we pay.

On December 14th, the FCC will be voting on Pai's motion to roll back regulations put forward in 2015.

The vote is expected to pass by a 3-2

margin on party lines so that means we have to fight. A group of 28 senators are demanding the FCC

abandon the net neutrality vote or at least postpone it

because citizens are relentlessly calling them telling them that they support title to legislation.

So what can we do?

We can go to the

FCC's website and leave a comment. Because it's so difficult to find where to leave a comment on the FCC site,

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver has bought the URL

If you put that into your internet browser it brings you right to the place where you can leave a comment.

Then all you need to do is click Express,

fill in your name, your address, and your comment telling them to preserve net neutrality and that you support

title II legislation. Then call your representative.

You can text RESIST to 50409 to find out how, or you can go to

There you can send your representative a message,

and then you can call them. They even give you a script of what to say.

It's so easy! I did all of these things earlier today. And lastly, please share this video.

We need to make this issue break the internet. Show people why this is important and show people why they should care

This vote may pass the FCC, but team Internet is not going down without a fight

So call your representative, send them a message,

Write a comment on the FCC website, and share all of this on social media.

This matters.

I don't care what side of the aisle you're on. This affects all Internet users

This will protect your right to have political discourse on Reddit

It will protect your right to order pizza online from whichever restaurant you choose

And it will protect your right to watch this video and comment down below on what I got wrong

Please make your voice heard, and

Have a great day

For more infomation >> What is Net Neutrality? - Duration: 6:15.


Paranova Live 2017 - Duration: 43:04.

For more infomation >> Paranova Live 2017 - Duration: 43:04.


Who is Yamoshi? *PROOF Hes Not the First Super Saiyan God - Duration: 4:43.

so you've likely heard of Yamoshi by now but there's a lot of misinformation

about him floating around the internet in this video I will quickly go through

everything we currently know about this new very very important character in the

Dragon Ball lore we first heard about you Moshi when series creator Akira

Toriyama was interviewed on November 30th 2017 in that interview a caret

Toriyama was asked was the legendary Super Saiyan Frieza feared the Super

Saiyan God that appeared in battle of gods a carrot Auriemma responded with

these exact words at him in a certain sense they are the same people that is

to say very long ago before planet Vegeta was the Saiyans planet there was

a man named Yamoshi he had a righteous heart despite being a Saiyan he and his

five comrades started a rebellion but he was cornered by combatants and became a

Super Saiyan for the first time though his transformation and fearsome fighting

style shocked the other sands outnumbered your Moshe eventually wore

himself out and was defeated but this was only the beginning of his legend

afterwards the emotion Irit wandered in a continuous surge of six righteous

hearted Saiyans seeking a new Savior Super Saiyan God

please note that in this interview Akira Toriyama never says that yo mo she

achieved Super Saiyan God himself he only achieved Super Saiyan

but somehow yo Moshe spirit had the knowledge of how to become a Super

Saiyan God he understood that you needed six righteous hearted saying he could

have acquired this knowledge after becoming a spirit but what is more

likely is that this formula for a Super Saiyan God was something that him and

his five comrades worked on in hopes of reshaping the Saiyan race it's likely

that your Moshe was interrupted before they could complete this ritual and this

is what drove your Moshe to become the very first Super Saiyan how

ever super saiyan alone was not enough your Moshi knew if he had the power of a

god if he had the power of a Super Saiyan God it would have been enough to

accomplish his goals and this is why his spirit began wandering in search of

finding the six sands that could finish his work that could finish what he

started and create the first Super Saiyan God now at the beginning of this

video I mentioned that there was a lot of misinformation out there about your

Moshi one of the biggest is that he is now introduced as the first Super Saiyan

God even the fan-made Dragon Ball wiki has enlisted as such and this is sad

because it completely undermines one of the main purposes of your Moshe spirit

wandering in the first place and that is to create the first Super Saiyan God now

I think this confusion was created in the way Akira Toriyama answered the

question of whether the legendary Super Saiyan and the Super Saiyan God that

appeared to beerus were the same person i want you guys to

note that if that was the case a character yama could have just said yes

they were and then continued with the story of yo Moshe but he didn't he said

and I quote in a certain sense they are the same person this is because your

most she appeared to beerus not as a Super Saiyan God he appeared to be

rest's the knowledge of a Super Saiyan God he did the same thing with the

eldena Mikan this is why that knowledge was written down into the Mikan book of

legends all you moshe did was show beerus that it's possible for a Super

Saiyan God to exist this is why beerus is always so uncertain when asked about

that dream he never claims to have met or spoke with the Super Saiyan God only

to witness its possibility yummo she wanted beerus to go looking for goku he

wanted to connect goku and beerus and i'll tell you why that is in another

video anyway thank you guys for checking out this video please share with anyone

who is still a little bit confused or misinformed about who you Moshe actually

is remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this video follow this channel on

Facebook Instagram and Twitter links are in the description hashtag Dooku in the

comments to show your support or if you want me to check out something I'll be

talking to you guys again in another video real soon thank you for all your

support bye

For more infomation >> Who is Yamoshi? *PROOF Hes Not the First Super Saiyan God - Duration: 4:43.


Torching A Opened Lava Lamp - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Torching A Opened Lava Lamp - Duration: 3:51.






For more infomation >> NATURAL GREEN TEA MASK HOW TO MAKE THE RIGHT - Duration: 3:18.


Sankta Lucia - Natten går tunga fjät - BarnmusikTV - Duration: 20:49.

For more infomation >> Sankta Lucia - Natten går tunga fjät - BarnmusikTV - Duration: 20:49.


Live Inspired. Vlog Episode #152: Be the One! - Duration: 4:19.

Well Good Morning, my friends!

Welcome to Live Inspired with John O'Leary.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Margaret Mead.

And she wrote Never doubt that a group of small committed citizens can change the world.

Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

It was that message that I shared just a couple weeks ago to a small school right here in

my own backyard.

It's called Our Lady of Guadalupe.

A bunch of kids, awesome kids, various backgrounds, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful spirits, incredible

opportunity for me to remind them that this truth is alive and well, not only through

Margaret Mead's writings, through my experiences, but in their own lives.

So, what I did with these incredible kids is I shared various stories from my own background

on how one person can make a difference for me.

I told the story of coming back to school and how one kid by one kid by one kid welcomed

me back and made me feel whole.

I told the story in high school.

How one person stood up to the bully, and although one person (a negative person) was

making fun of my hands, that one kid in that class stood up, did the right thing, and in

doing so, changed my world.

I told the story of how in college one guy invited me to be his roommate and then eventually

invited me to join his fraternity, and how this shaped the arc of where I went not only

to college, where I lived, who I met, the profession that I took on, but the life that

would come afterward.

One person can indeed change the world.

So I shared these stories, and then invited them to be that change.

To be that role model

To influence others the way I had been influenced myself.

Then I left it there.

Wondering, I wonder if it resonated.

I wonder if it really sunk in.

Well coming back in town after several trips over the last couple weeks, and I find at

my desk, card after card, hand-drawn pictures of these children reminding me that yes indeed

the message resonated.

That yes indeed, it was heard.

And maybe, my favorite commitment from dozens of letters from these remarkable kids that

are at Our Lady of Guadalupe was a girl who said, "Mister!"

Spelled by the way, M-I-S-T-E-R

"Mister, you reminded me that my life matters."

And my friends, with all the negative news in the marketplace today.

Not only in schools, but in hospitals, politically, environmentally, with the economies, with

organizations downsizing again, in our own backyard, in our own relationships, in our

own marriages, with our own kids

Mr. and Mrs., I think it's important that we are reminded again that our lives matter.

And that they matter profoundly.

That the best of our days remain in front of us.

But we occasionally need a small group of committed citizens to change the world.

This week in our community at Live Inspired, I had the opportunity to speak with Becky


Becky is the Chairman, the CEO and the President of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri.

She's the finest executive I've ever met, and I'm lucky to call her a friend.

And after you listen to our Podcast, you too, will be lucky to consider her a friend.

To realize the value of your own life and the ability it has to directly and dramatically

impact the lives of those around you.

So if you want to learn more about Becky, if you want to learn more about Big Brothers

Big Sisters, or your simply want to learn more about making a difference for someone

in your community, check it out at

Go to the Podcast section and be blown away by her story, and by your own.

So for this time, my friends, and until next time,

this is John O'Leary.

Mister! this is your day to be reminded that the best is yet to come.

And that your life matters!

For more infomation >> Live Inspired. Vlog Episode #152: Be the One! - Duration: 4:19.


Some late at night Evolve Stage 2 multiplayer gameplay - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> Some late at night Evolve Stage 2 multiplayer gameplay - Duration: 11:00.



For more infomation >> BO JESTEŚ TY - KRZYSZTOF KRAWCZYK zespół (teksty/lyrics) KONIN MOSIR RONDO KS GÓRNIK PAK KWB SA - Duration: 3:43.


¡Alerta! Jugo De Remolacha Mata Células Cancerígenas En 42 Días - Duration: 7:58.

For more infomation >> ¡Alerta! Jugo De Remolacha Mata Células Cancerígenas En 42 Días - Duration: 7:58.


한번 술자리에서 5잔 이상 마시면 '과음' - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> 한번 술자리에서 5잔 이상 마시면 '과음' - Duration: 3:27.


Venditore Vincente Sales Wars - Opinioni degli studenti di Metodo Merenda - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Venditore Vincente Sales Wars - Opinioni degli studenti di Metodo Merenda - Duration: 3:31.


배현진 하차 김수지 아나운서 임시 진행 - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> 배현진 하차 김수지 아나운서 임시 진행 - Duration: 6:37.


중국집 린찐, 최양락, 팽현숙, 이성미, 이봉원과의 얽힌 사연 등 궁금증 5 - Duration: 8:33.

For more infomation >> 중국집 린찐, 최양락, 팽현숙, 이성미, 이봉원과의 얽힌 사연 등 궁금증 5 - Duration: 8:33.


이선균 아내 전혜진 부인 숨겨진이야기 - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> 이선균 아내 전혜진 부인 숨겨진이야기 - Duration: 5:15.


엔씨소프트 김택진 윤송이 결혼이야기, 김택진 아내(부인) 윤송이 김택진 자산 - Duration: 9:55.

For more infomation >> 엔씨소프트 김택진 윤송이 결혼이야기, 김택진 아내(부인) 윤송이 김택진 자산 - Duration: 9:55.


Best jumpshot in NBA2k18 p...

For more infomation >> Best jumpshot in NBA2k18 p...


¿Explotación Laboral O Sexual? 💰 😭 🙏 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:48.

For more infomation >> ¿Explotación Laboral O Sexual? 💰 😭 🙏 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:48.


9 Things You Should Know About Sophia | World's First Robotic Citizen - Duration: 3:57.

9 Things You Should Know About Sophia | World's First Robotic Citizen

9 Things You Should Know About Sophia | World's First Robotic Citizen

9 Things You Should Know About Sophia | World's First Robotic Citizen

9 Things You Should Know About Sophia | World's First Robotic Citizen

9 Things You Should Know About Sophia | World's First Robotic Citizen

For more infomation >> 9 Things You Should Know About Sophia | World's First Robotic Citizen - Duration: 3:57.


Denuncian que en estados del sur de México se venden niñas como si fueran esclavas - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Denuncian que en estados del sur de México se venden niñas como si fueran esclavas - Duration: 1:55.


Live Inspired. Vlog Episode #152: Be the One! - Duration: 4:19.

Well Good Morning, my friends!

Welcome to Live Inspired with John O'Leary.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Margaret Mead.

And she wrote Never doubt that a group of small committed citizens can change the world.

Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

It was that message that I shared just a couple weeks ago to a small school right here in

my own backyard.

It's called Our Lady of Guadalupe.

A bunch of kids, awesome kids, various backgrounds, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful spirits, incredible

opportunity for me to remind them that this truth is alive and well, not only through

Margaret Mead's writings, through my experiences, but in their own lives.

So, what I did with these incredible kids is I shared various stories from my own background

on how one person can make a difference for me.

I told the story of coming back to school and how one kid by one kid by one kid welcomed

me back and made me feel whole.

I told the story in high school.

How one person stood up to the bully, and although one person (a negative person) was

making fun of my hands, that one kid in that class stood up, did the right thing, and in

doing so, changed my world.

I told the story of how in college one guy invited me to be his roommate and then eventually

invited me to join his fraternity, and how this shaped the arc of where I went not only

to college, where I lived, who I met, the profession that I took on, but the life that

would come afterward.

One person can indeed change the world.

So I shared these stories, and then invited them to be that change.

To be that role model

To influence others the way I had been influenced myself.

Then I left it there.

Wondering, I wonder if it resonated.

I wonder if it really sunk in.

Well coming back in town after several trips over the last couple weeks, and I find at

my desk, card after card, hand-drawn pictures of these children reminding me that yes indeed

the message resonated.

That yes indeed, it was heard.

And maybe, my favorite commitment from dozens of letters from these remarkable kids that

are at Our Lady of Guadalupe was a girl who said, "Mister!"

Spelled by the way, M-I-S-T-E-R

"Mister, you reminded me that my life matters."

And my friends, with all the negative news in the marketplace today.

Not only in schools, but in hospitals, politically, environmentally, with the economies, with

organizations downsizing again, in our own backyard, in our own relationships, in our

own marriages, with our own kids

Mr. and Mrs., I think it's important that we are reminded again that our lives matter.

And that they matter profoundly.

That the best of our days remain in front of us.

But we occasionally need a small group of committed citizens to change the world.

This week in our community at Live Inspired, I had the opportunity to speak with Becky


Becky is the Chairman, the CEO and the President of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri.

She's the finest executive I've ever met, and I'm lucky to call her a friend.

And after you listen to our Podcast, you too, will be lucky to consider her a friend.

To realize the value of your own life and the ability it has to directly and dramatically

impact the lives of those around you.

So if you want to learn more about Becky, if you want to learn more about Big Brothers

Big Sisters, or your simply want to learn more about making a difference for someone

in your community, check it out at

Go to the Podcast section and be blown away by her story, and by your own.

So for this time, my friends, and until next time,

this is John O'Leary.

Mister! this is your day to be reminded that the best is yet to come.

And that your life matters!

For more infomation >> Live Inspired. Vlog Episode #152: Be the One! - Duration: 4:19.


Balakrishna Non Stop Dialogues By Funny Talking Tom Telugu Mitrudu | Fun Bhajana - Duration: 1:43.

Latest Telugu Balakrishna Talking Tom videos

Watch More video stay Tuned

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