Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 13 2017

In our spiritual journey we have got to Piazza Navona,

because it's a place that is always crowded,

there are always thousands of tourists.

And this place might remind us about a very important phrase from Pope Francis' Misericordia et misera,

in which he says that it is very easy to be lonely in a crowd.

And that, although surrounded by people who are accusing, judging and criticising us,

we remain in complete silence, plunged in loneliness, sadness and despair.

And that such crowds are sometimes a huge trap for the soul.

That a man can easily get lost in a crowd.

On the one hand yes,

but on the other, look,

the woman caught in adultery was in a similar situation and in her life it all ended up differently.

There came a moment of confession, mentioned in the previous episode.

Jesus asks "No one has condemned you?" and she replies "No, Lord",

she confesses her sins.

But in order for it to take place,

for her to confess her sins,

to get back her inner joy,

happiness, peace, which Francis talks about,

two things were necessary:

the conscience of the sin and the humility that brought her to make her confession.

First of all, there had to be no one around,

it had to be that a woman met Jesus,

face to face.

Then she admits "I am a sinner"

and it's him who provokes in her a beautiful thought: "No one has condemned me".

And suddenly it turns out that loneliness can be holy,

if it is lived in a way that brings me closer to Christ.

I had an experience at Przystanek Jezus, at Woodstock (Polish music festival),

when I went there for the first time,

I met a girl who's life was deeply scarred, turned upside down.

When she was eleven,

her mum committed suicide and wrote in a note that she was doing it because she had bad children.

So, as you can imagine, that girl had a soul so wounded,

such a broken life history,

she went through addiction, work on the streets,

she really was like that woman from the Gospel that we've been talking about.

I spoke to her for two hours,

in the middle of a big field, in the scorching heat,

then I confessed her for another hour,

I had just enough time to give her absolution and,

because of the heat and dehydration, I simply passed out.

Just like a schoolgirl!

And when I woke up,

laying on the ground, on my back,

I saw that girl, who a moment before had receive an absolution,

the grace of being close to Christ,

immediately becoming Christ herself,

because she took off a scarf from her head, put it into water and started to wipe my face.

And I thought to myself...

- Lucky me!

Yes, in the first place,

because the holiness did manifest in her.

n that moment she was like Veronica, in other words, the real image of Christ.

As she had received mercy,

suddenly this poor, unhappy girl, with life full of misery,

could be like Christ.

And at that moment all the crowds at Woodstock, the thousands of people,

the noise of the concerts were not there.

There we were, only the two of us,

with Christ in our midst,

and it was a very deep, intimate experience of how God's mercy operates.

I found myself in a different situation that I would like to recall in this context,

but related a little bit more to the other woman, mentioned by us, the sinner...

The prostitute who pours perfume over Jesus' feet

And wipes them with her hair.

She was incredibly humble

and conscious of her sin.

But such humility, needed for the confession,

I saw it in a parish priest, quite elderly, my fellow brother Dehonian, in Stockport , near Manchester.

An old school English gentleman,

who lived amongst a 600 strong group of English Catholics in Stockport

nd I was preaching the Word of God there during Paschal Triduum and on Holy Thursday,

during the Mass of the Lord's Supper, we got to the moment of washing of the feet.

And suddenly a man approaches the priest,

helps him to take off the chasuble,

hands him a bowl and a towel

and the priest walks through the church and I am looking for those twelve men, with their washed and perfumed feet,

that the priest would sprinkle with water and wipe with the towel,

as by the ritual, enough to comply with tradition.

I couldn't see them though, and that elderly priest, probably in his eighties,

falls on his knees in front of the first parishioner,

removes his shoes, his socks and starts washing his feet.

Then still on his knees moves to another person.

And I thought to myself "God, let no one have the idea to bring me a bowl and a towel as I won't be able to do it!"

And surely, before I'd even thought it through,

a big Englishman was standing in front of me with a bowl and a towel

and said "Give me your chasuble and go to wash feet!"

And I answered "But I won't be able to manage".

"Why is that?" "I've just arrived!",

"So what?" "But I don't know you!"

"Yes, but today you are Christ, you must go and wash feet".

And he took the chasuble off me, gave me the bowl

and I walked through the church diagonally thinking that maybe the parish priest would finish and come back

but he did not.

On his knees,

that little old man was moving from one person to another and washing their feet.

The most difficult thing for me was to do it to the first person but

ever since I've been thinking of how much of this kind of resistance,

that I found in me on that occasion, is there inside us,

how much vanity, arrogance that make us unable to make that confession, to bend our knees.

And the key to that confession are the consciousness of sin and the humility.

Without those we won't be able to experience the embrace by God's mercy.

Pope Francis writes really beautifully that the same noisy crowd was there on Golgotha,

when Christ was dying in complete silence,

when He got to that moment of an intimate encounter with the Father.

And that the most characteristic thing about Jesus has been that at his death Jesus exclaimed "Forgive them!"

"Them who??"

"Well, us, you and me".

It was at us that He was looking from the cross,

when he was saying to the Father "Forgive them!"

It was then that Mercy got fulfilled.

You know,

I found myself in a similar situation to yours.

One day I took a small group of Polish people to Mother Teresa's cell, here in Rome,

to a tiny room she usually stayed in,

and one of the sisters asked me for confession.

Just like today, I was wearing sandals

and in that little room, that sister was confessing,

bent over, and she was crying a lot.

And her tears were falling from her face on my feet.

I felt those tears, drop by drop, bathing my feet.

And then I understood what it meant to be Christ,

sacramentally, who grants His mercy

and what impact must have had on Christ that woman,

who came to Him in the middle of the dinner

and said "I want to wash your feet with my tears".


For more infomation >> Advent 2017: Misericordia et misera - part 5, Fr. M. Legan & Fr. M. Olszewski (subtitles EN, IT, RU) - Duration: 9:07.


Denuncian que en estados del sur de México se venden niñas como si fueran esclavas - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Denuncian que en estados del sur de México se venden niñas como si fueran esclavas - Duration: 1:55.


Bossari, Laura Freddi furiosa: la showgirl pronta a prendere provvedimenti| STARS NEWS - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Bossari, Laura Freddi furiosa: la showgirl pronta a prendere provvedimenti| STARS NEWS - Duration: 4:14.


Desenhos animados para crianças - Lion Guard Adventure - Jogos Infantis - Duration: 25:39.

For more infomation >> Desenhos animados para crianças - Lion Guard Adventure - Jogos Infantis - Duration: 25:39.


与凯特王妃共舞,让嗯哼为它打call,这只帕丁顿熊成功迷倒全世界 - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> 与凯特王妃共舞,让嗯哼为它打call,这只帕丁顿熊成功迷倒全世界 - Duration: 9:13.


Jogos de Carros Para Crianças - Carros de Brinquedo - Monster Truck Stunt Driver - Duration: 16:29.

For more infomation >> Jogos de Carros Para Crianças - Carros de Brinquedo - Monster Truck Stunt Driver - Duration: 16:29.


Jonathan Gillibrand, Kirsten's Husband: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | CaCao TV - Duration: 9:15.

Jonathan Gillibrand, Kirsten's Husband: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

President Donald Trump is in another feud, and this time it's with the woman who some see as the possible Democratic candidate for president in 2020. Kirsten Gillibrand on Twitter on Tuesday morning, saying that she would "do anything" for a campaign contribution.

"Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Charles E.

Schumer and someone who would come to my office 'begging' for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them), is now in the ring fighting against Trump," he wrote on the social media platform.

"Very disloyal to Bill & Crooked-USED!". Trump's tweet came after sexual misconduct allegations against him re-surfaced.

Gillibrand has criticized the president in regard to the allegations against him, and said at a Tuesday news conference unrelated to the issue that his tweet was "a sexist smear attempting to silence my voice." She also condemned his tweet with from her own Twitter account.

"You cannot silence me or the millions of women who have gotten off the sidelines to speak out about the unfitness and shame you have brought to the Oval Office," she wrote.

Gillibrand, 51, is married to Jonathan Gillibrand. He's a British venture capitalist, and has been married to her since 2001. Here's what you need to know:.

Kirsten & Jonathan Met on a Blind Date & Have Been Married Since 2001.

Kirsten spoke to New York Family Magazine in 2013 and told the story of how she met Jonathan. She said that they met in New York City while he was earning his master's degree in business from Columbia University.

At the time, she was working at a law firm, and they were set up by friends on a blind date. "We hit it off right away," she told the magazine.

Kirsten and Jonathan got married in 2001 in a Catholic ceremony in a Manhattan church. She told the magazine during her Q&A that Jonathan "has been a really supportive husband," adding that he's one of her firmest believers.

"He's always said, 'As long as you're making a difference, as long as you're helping people, this is something we're going to do. And the day that you're not is the day we're not going to do it!" she said.

The Couple Have 2 Sons Together & Offer Different Parenting Styles. After two years of marriage — in 2003 — Kirsten gave birth to their first child, a son named Theodore. Their second son, Henry, was born in 2008.

During her second pregnancy, she worked until the day she gave birth to Henry, and she received a standing ovation from her colleagues inside the U.S. House of Representatives the following day.

She described Theodore as being an introvert, enjoying computers and building things. In the magazine article, she said that she could see him being an engineer when he grows up, adding that he also loves various sports.

Henry, on the other hand, is the extrovert of the two and "loves to go to parties, go out to dinner, meet people," she said. "They both have a great sense of beauty and design.

They're both sensitive boys, very sensitive of other people, but very different in personality. Henry is much more like me and Theo is much more like Jonathan.".

Kirsten described her and Jonathan of being "the yin and the yang. " She said that she's the encouraging parent and loves going out and doing things with her sons, while Jonathan is focused the most on their academics and reading.

"We balance each other well in letting our children develop as young people who will hopefully be strong adults with strong character and good integrity," she said during the interview.

Jonathan Worked for a Venture Capital Firm. Jonathan is a British venture capitalist and worked as a financial consultant for his own firm, Venture Capital Partners.

A 2009 report by The Daily Gazette said that Jonathan, while working for real estate investment firm Redbrick Partners, logged 187 transactions in 2008 that involved $2.1 million and $8 million changing hands.

"He made trades nearly every day from mid-January to mid-April, a month before their second child was born, and also conducted frequent transactions from late August through the end of November," the article said.

Jonathan then worked as a finance manager for GBS Holdings LLC. and earned $89,077, according to a 2015 joint tax filing.

The Gillibrands Sold Their Home for Nearly $1.5 Million & Moved to Brunswick in 2011. FacebookSen. Kirsten Gillibrand, her husband Jonathan, and their two sons, Henry and Theodore.

The family lives in Brunswick, New York but spend a majority of their time in Washington D.C. The couple sold their home in Greenport, New York in 2010 to the managing editor of TIME Magazine, Richard Stengel, and his wife, Mary.

The home was purchased by the Gillibrands in 2003 and is situated on 13 acres of land along the Hudson River. The home sold for $1.3 million, and the Gillibrands moved closer to where Kirsten grew up in Brunswick.

They purchased a home in 2011 near Kirsten's high school. A report by The Times Unionsaid that they pai $335,000 for the home, which is near Troy Country Club.

While they still spend a lot of their time in D.C., the home in Brunswick is now their primary residence.

"The Senator just wanted to be closer to her family," Kirsten's spokeswoman Bethany Lesser said to the publication. "The home is within minutes of her family.".

The home had been on the market since June 24, 2010 and has five bedrooms, three bathrooms and a tennis court.

The Couple Received a Gift of Nearly $500K From Jonathan's Family.

Jonathan's father-in-law worked as the non-executive chairman of AMEC, a British Engineering Firm. Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, he was the lead contractor at Ground Zero in New York. Before that, he worked as the vice chairman of British Aerospace.

According to a May 2016 article by the Democrat and Chronicle, Jonathan and Kirsten received a joint cash gift of $457,200 from his family in 2015, a tax return said.

The monetary gift wasn't subjected to federal income tax and was larger than their joint adjusted income ($325,228) that year.

"It's just information," she told Newsday of her decision to disclose the monetary gift. "I think it's good, I think you should report your taxes. I think transparency and accountability (are) helpful to the democratic process.".

The sizable gift was speculated as being part of estate planning by Jonathan's family.

For more infomation >> Jonathan Gillibrand, Kirsten's Husband: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | CaCao TV - Duration: 9:15.


Jonathan Gillibrand, Kirsten's Husband: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | SML News - Duration: 10:58.

Jonathan Gillibrand, Kirsten's Husband: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

President Donald Trump is in another feud, and this time it's with the woman who some see as the possible Democratic candidate for president in 2020.

Trump attacked Sen.

Kirsten Gillibrand on Twitter on Tuesday morning, saying that she would "do anything" for a campaign contribution.

"Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Charles E.

Schumer and someone who would come to my office 'begging' for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them), is now in the ring fighting against Trump," he wrote on the social media platform.

"Very disloyal to Bill & Crooked-USED!".

Trump's tweet came after sexual misconduct allegations against him re-surfaced.

Gillibrand has criticized the president in regard to the allegations against him, and said at a Tuesday news conference unrelated to the issue that his tweet was "a sexist smear attempting to silence my voice." She also condemned his tweet with from her own Twitter account.

"You cannot silence me or the millions of women who have gotten off the sidelines to speak out about the unfitness and shame you have brought to the Oval Office," she wrote.

Gillibrand, 51, is married to Jonathan Gillibrand.

He's a British venture capitalist, and has been married to her since 2001.

Here's what you need to know:.

Kirsten & Jonathan Met on a Blind Date & Have Been Married Since 2001.

Kirsten spoke to New York Family Magazine in 2013 and told the story of how she met Jonathan.

She said that they met in New York City while he was earning his master's degree in business from Columbia University.

At the time, she was working at a law firm, and they were set up by friends on a blind date.

"We hit it off right away," she told the magazine.

Kirsten and Jonathan got married in 2001 in a Catholic ceremony in a Manhattan church.

She told the magazine during her Q&A that Jonathan "has been a really supportive husband," adding that he's one of her firmest believers.

"He's always said, 'As long as you're making a difference, as long as you're helping people, this is something we're going to do.

And the day that you're not is the day we're not going to do it!" she said.

The Couple Have 2 Sons Together & Offer Different Parenting Styles.

After two years of marriage — in 2003 — Kirsten gave birth to their first child, a son named Theodore.

Their second son, Henry, was born in 2008.

During her second pregnancy, she worked until the day she gave birth to Henry, and she received a standing ovation from her colleagues inside the U.S.

House of Representatives the following day.


She described Theodore as being an introvert, enjoying computers and building things.

In the magazine article, she said that she could see him being an engineer when he grows up, adding that he also loves various sports.

Henry, on the other hand, is the extrovert of the two and "loves to go to parties, go out to dinner, meet people," she said.

"They both have a great sense of beauty and design.

They're both sensitive boys, very sensitive of other people, but very different in personality.

Henry is much more like me and Theo is much more like Jonathan.".

Kirsten described her and Jonathan of being "the yin and the yang.

" She said that she's the encouraging parent and loves going out and doing things with her sons, while Jonathan is focused the most on their academics and reading.

"We balance each other well in letting our children develop as young people who will hopefully be strong adults with strong character and good integrity," she said during the interview.

Jonathan Worked for a Venture Capital Firm.

Jonathan is a British venture capitalist and worked as a financial consultant for his own firm, Venture Capital Partners.

A 2009 report by The Daily Gazette said that Jonathan, while working for real estate investment firm Redbrick Partners, logged 187 transactions in 2008 that involved $2.1 million and $8 million changing hands.

"He made trades nearly every day from mid-January to mid-April, a month before their second child was born, and also conducted frequent transactions from late August through the end of November," the article said.

Jonathan then worked as a finance manager for GBS Holdings LLC.

and earned $89,077, according to a 2015 joint tax filing.

The Gillibrands Sold Their Home for Nearly $1.5 Million & Moved to Brunswick in 2011.


Kirsten Gillibrand, her husband Jonathan, and their two sons, Henry and Theodore.

The family lives in Brunswick, New York but spend a majority of their time in Washington D.C.

The couple sold their home in Greenport, New York in 2010 to the managing editor of TIME Magazine, Richard Stengel, and his wife, Mary.

The home was purchased by the Gillibrands in 2003 and is situated on 13 acres of land along the Hudson River.

The home sold for $1.3 million, and the Gillibrands moved closer to where Kirsten grew up in Brunswick.

They purchased a home in 2011 near Kirsten's high school.

A report by The Times Unionsaid that they pai $335,000 for the home, which is near Troy Country Club.

While they still spend a lot of their time in D.C., the home in Brunswick is now their primary residence.

"The Senator just wanted to be closer to her family," Kirsten's spokeswoman Bethany Lesser said to the publication.

"The home is within minutes of her family.".

The home had been on the market since June 24, 2010 and has five bedrooms, three bathrooms and a tennis court.

The Couple Received a Gift of Nearly $500K From Jonathan's Family.

Jonathan's father-in-law worked as the non-executive chairman of AMEC, a British Engineering Firm.

Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, he was the lead contractor at Ground Zero in New York.

Before that, he worked as the vice chairman of British Aerospace.

According to a May 2016 article by the Democrat and Chronicle, Jonathan and Kirsten received a joint cash gift of $457,200 from his family in 2015, a tax return said.

The monetary gift wasn't subjected to federal income tax and was larger than their joint adjusted income ($325,228) that year.

"It's just information," she told Newsday of her decision to disclose the monetary gift.

"I think it's good, I think you should report your taxes.

I think transparency and accountability (are) helpful to the democratic process.".

The sizable gift was speculated as being part of estate planning by Jonathan's family.

For more infomation >> Jonathan Gillibrand, Kirsten's Husband: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | SML News - Duration: 10:58.


Pocoyo em Português | Passeio em um bom dia | NOVOS EPISÓDIOS - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Pocoyo em Português | Passeio em um bom dia | NOVOS EPISÓDIOS - Duration: 6:16.


Adını Sen Koy / You Name It Trailer - Episodes 238-240 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:45.

I am putting an annotation regarding making of that deal.

I cannot do it , I am sorry.

I am not pleading. Do what I say.

Go away from here, now!

Ömer, be careful!

Run, run. Quick!

I did not do anything wrong.

I haven't betrayed you.

All I wanted was to protect you.

We will either escape here together or we will die together.

I cannot live in this world without you.

The bullet is in the chamber.

I am giving you two minutes, Kervancıoğlu.

Your wife is here.

Your wife who is risking death for you.

Will you be risking death for your wife?

Kill me first.

I cannot bear seeing him die.

Great love. What great love.

Ömer! Ömer, NO!

For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy / You Name It Trailer - Episodes 238-240 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:45.


小娴惊爆离婚跟"不孕"无关!他爆料"藏桃花7个月"何守正当场愣住! - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> 小娴惊爆离婚跟"不孕"无关!他爆料"藏桃花7个月"何守正当场愣住! - Duration: 4:06.


YouTube TV - Coming Soon

For more infomation >> YouTube TV - Coming Soon


12/9/17 10:48 PM (R PA-307, Moscow, PA 18444, USA) - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> 12/9/17 10:48 PM (R PA-307, Moscow, PA 18444, USA) - Duration: 0:49.


12/9/17 10:26 PM (R PA-307, Moscow, PA 18444, USA) - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> 12/9/17 10:26 PM (R PA-307, Moscow, PA 18444, USA) - Duration: 0:38.


12/9/17 10:50 PM (R PA-307, Moscow, PA 18444, USA) - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> 12/9/17 10:50 PM (R PA-307, Moscow, PA 18444, USA) - Duration: 0:32.


12/9/17 10:50 PM (R PA-307, Moscow, PA 18444, USA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> 12/9/17 10:50 PM (R PA-307, Moscow, PA 18444, USA) - Duration: 0:30.


12/9/17 10:51 PM (R PA-307, Moscow, PA 18444, USA) - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> 12/9/17 10:51 PM (R PA-307, Moscow, PA 18444, USA) - Duration: 0:34.


MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔PUBG Yo Yo Yo - Test Server Fun Night - Duo's, Squads - Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 7:50:14.

For more infomation >> MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔PUBG Yo Yo Yo - Test Server Fun Night - Duo's, Squads - Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 7:50:14.


Порядки в Беларуси губят жизни детей а также умирают в армии и от рук милиции - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> Порядки в Беларуси губят жизни детей а также умирают в армии и от рук милиции - Duration: 10:07.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Renault Grand Espace 2.0T Dynamique (GLAZEN DAK!!/NAV./Climate/Cruise/PDC/18''LMV) - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Renault Grand Espace 2.0T Dynamique (GLAZEN DAK!!/NAV./Climate/Cruise/PDC/18''LMV) - Duration: 0:56.


Characters on the Naughty List | Top 5 Wednesday [CC] - Duration: 7:26.

Hello, it's Reija

and Hedda

And it's time for another Top 5 Wednesday.

This week's topic is, characters on your naughty list

and it can be about villains or just characters you don't like.

And I'm going to go one step beyond and do a list about villains I don't like.

All of these villains on this list have certain characteristics in common.

They're very problematic characters and maybe the biggest sin of all

is that they're very uncompelling and boring to me.

But yes, this is characters on my naughty list, ergo villains I don't like.

First up on my list is Malkar Gennadion from the Doctrine of Labyrinths- series by Sarah Monette

and I will say that Malkar's presence in the first two books is probably the weakest link of this series

because he is a very boring villain.

I mean, he doesn't have a character outside of him being an awful person.

He is a rapist, he is a blood wizard and he is just a genuinely awful, despicable human being

that doesn't really get developed outside of being an awful, despicable human being.

And to me that is such a cop-out, like that is not a great villain and he is a character that

I detest so much

which is maybe a good thing, because then you root for the heroes to actually like win against him

but yeah, he is just an irredeemable character.

Next character I want to mention is Akasha from the Vampire Chronicles

and especially the Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice.

And here is another character that doesn't really get any kind of development

outside of being an antagonist and being possessed by an evil spirit.

Akasha was a queen in ancient Egypt and we don't really know much about her beyond that

until she became possessed by an evil spirit that yearns blood and that's basically her character.

She is the first vampire and

that's it.

She doesn't really get any sort of development

and even though Queen of the Damned is probably my favorite Vampire Chronicles book,

it isn't because of Akasha.

It is because of Akasha's involvement with all the other characters in that book.

And she is on my naughty list, because her biggest sin is being an uncompelling and boring character.

So coal to her!

Third character on my list is Callum Harker from This Savage Song,

Kate Harker's father who is crime boss and a mob lord and an antagonist.

...And that's it.

That's his character, he's an ambitious asshole who's done awful things

to achieve his ends and he has a bunch of monsters in his beck and call.

Once he loved a woman

so, I guess that makes him sympathetic.


I think the most compelling thing about Callum Harker's character is that he wasn't pro having kids.


That's not explored in any great detail, like

he is just your run off the mill antagonist.

He isn't the most mustache twirliest antagonist on this list

but come on!

You could have done better Victoria Scwab.

And speaking of mustache twirliest villains

I must mention Gregor 'The Mountain' Clegane from A song of Ice and Fire because holy hell!

That character is so utterly irredeemable.

He is like a walking bag of scum.


all the things

you could imagine a person doing that are wrong

he does.

He is a rapist, he is a murderer, he is apparently also kind of pedophilic

because he doesn't really care who he rapes.

And he is a pillaging monster, like this character has no character outside of that.

He is just a hammer that Tywin Lannister uses,

oh there you go.

But yeah, that character is definitely on my naughty list.

Santa can come and put him in a bag, stuff it with coal and

throw it over a bridge, thank you.

And the final character on my list

is Wednesday from American Gods.

And yes, I'm counting Wednesday as a villain,

because come on, he is Odin.

Odin is not exactly a good guy in the Norse mythology and neither is he in this book.

And here is another despicable proto- human being.

Statutory rape? yeah.

Scamming people off their money? yeah.

Fooling everyone close to him? yeah.

He's just an asshole.

An irrideemable asshole.

I actually don't really understand

why Shadow has such hots for Wednesday in the first place

because Wednesday doesn't really do anything

to merit sympathy in that entire book.

Like he doesn't!

I don't get it!

But yeah,

those are all the characters I would put on my naughty list.

If you have some more characters that you would put on your naughty list

or you agree with any of my choices,

please leave a comment down below and let's have a discussion.

And if you liked this video, please consider giving it a thumbs up

and subscribe to my channel if you want to see more

and I will see you in the next video.

Bye bye!

For more infomation >> Characters on the Naughty List | Top 5 Wednesday [CC] - Duration: 7:26.


[ENG SUB] Stray Kids EP9 - Miracle Like Opportunity! 9 Members, Go Go Leggo Leggo! - Duration: 4:57.

(who is Park Jinyoung waiting for?)

(and who are there mysterious 2 people?)

(its the eliminated Felix and Minho) (t/n y'all already know how many emotions I got)

(what is the reason Park Jinyoung called Minho and Felix?)

JYP: since you've been eliminated,

JYP: I heard that you've been practicing everyday in order to get better

(t/n at this very second we had a short blackout where I live, how damned dramatically fitting)

JYP: it was very hard after you were eliminated wasnt it?

FL: yes...

(t/n my heart.... I missed Minho's face so much fk)

JYP: the reason I called you here is

JYP: I've actually been thinking about this a lot

JYP: that you two should go out again

JYP: like, when the 9 of you are together,

JYP: has a different feeling to it all together

(t/n boi if you were gonna bring them back why did you eliminated them in the first place and break thousands of hearts gOD I HATE KOREAN PR STRATEGIES SO MUCH)

JYP: you guys can prepare something now

JYP: because of the time you have been practicing together


(t/n god it actually breaks my heart bc they seem so.... hopeless..... and out of energy.....)

JYP: I want to give you another chance to show me what you can do

JYP: before I give the final evaluation,

JYP: I will watch the 9 of you do a performance

JYP: and ill decide the final results after that

(Park Jinyoung gives Minho and Felix one more chance)

JYP: if you look at it, I'm giving you two one more chance

JYP: and if you look at it, it might happen where another upsetting and merciless thing happens

JYP: its a happening to take caution to

JYP: but it won't end up to be a pity after giving you two another chance right?

(given another chance like a miracle)

JYP: they have this feeling like they are one (when they are all together)

JYP: that feeling wasn't coming out (lately)

JYP: like, now it seems to be tidy and they've made up for the space that was lost,

JYP: but the charm that was there at the showcase (isn't there anymore),

JYP: theres this kind of chemistry when the 9 of them come out together

JYP: I thought I had to see it one last time (before I make the final results)

JYP: so Felix and Minho,

(back to when they were talking about the live broadcast mission)

JYP: I've called them over


(Minho and Felix who have come back into the practice room)

BC: you know about it all didn't you?

(t/n this is the part where I actually started to tear up in the bus)

(finally the Stray Kids have become 9 again)

(t/n and this part. when felix smiled, is when my tears started to actually fall down my face, in public. rip my fuciing emotions)

SM: right when I locked eyes with them, it was like, 'they're here'

BC: I'm really happy, my insides felt at ease, Im just really happy

JS: thank you, PD-nim, thank you so much as well

JS: that moment was just so amazing

CB: it was so nice to see them again, but I also felt a little bit betrayed

CB: like 'why weren't we told about this before?' (t/n I feel ya changbinnie)

(like a dream, the 9 of the Stray Kids are here again)

JYP: lets do it like this; you two, you all, and me as well

JYP: I think it was a good evaluation

JYP: it would be good if your hearts weren't left lingering

JYP: so it would be good if you tried your hardest and prepared a performance together

JYP: however!

JYP: so that I will be able to do a precise evaluation,

JYP: you should prepare a performance with just the 7 of you,

JYP: and prepare a performance with the 9 of you as well

JYP: after seeing both of the performances,

JYP: I will decide the final members

JYP: in the last mission, preparing an exciting stage with the 9 of you

JYP: will be a very valuable thing to do


JYP: I want you to prepare well and end up with a good evaluation

Skiz: okay!

JYP: do well

Skiz: thank you

(t/n as always, jisung is the first to come out, this precious lovely bean)

(the members are extremely happy to see Minho and Felix)

FL: its been a while

(the members who are extremely welcoming to have Minho and Felix back)

(t/n he's like a total proud dad watching his family come back together I'm actually emo rn)

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Stray Kids EP9 - Miracle Like Opportunity! 9 Members, Go Go Leggo Leggo! - Duration: 4:57.


WATCH: Roy Moore Spokesman Learns Bibles Aren't Mandatory | CaCao TV - Duration: 6:08.

WATCH: Roy Moore Spokesman Learns Bibles Aren't Mandatory

CNNs Jake Tapper (left) and Roy Moores Ted Crockett (right), after Crockett was informed that swearing on a Christian Bible is not mandatory for elected officials (CNN/Twitter).

As votes continue coming in during Alabama's special senatorial election, CNN's Jake Tapper interviewed Ted Crockett, Roy Moore's spokesman.

Among other things, Crockett admitted that Moore "probably" still thinks homosexual conduct should be illegal, and also tried offering a justification for Moore's previous statements that Muslims should not be allowed a serve in Congress (a justification based on a bad misunderstanding of United States law, which Tapper quickly rectified).

The full ten-minute interview is above, but @TheLeadCNN also tweeted video snippets of certain key highlights.

Here is Crockett arguing that Moore was right to say Muslims cannot hold elected office because they cannot ethically swear on a Christian Bible, which (according to Crockett) is mandatory for all elected office-holders.

Crockett was literally struck speechless after Crockett told him that people can be sworn in on any text they choose:.

TAPPER: Judge Moore has also said that he doesn't think a Muslim member of Congress should be allowed to be in Congress.

Why? Under what — under what provision of the Constitution do you… CROCKETT: Because you have to swear on the Bible.

You, when you are, before, I had to do it and I'm an elected official, three terms, and I had to swear on a Bible.

You have to swear on a Bible to be an elected official in the United States of America. He alleges a Muslim cannot do that, ethically, swearing on a Bible.

TAPPER: You don't actually have to swear on a Christian Bible. You can swear on anything, really. I don't know if you knew that. You can swear on a Jewish Bible.

You can swear on a– CROCKETT: Oh, no. I swore on the Bible, I've done it three times, Jake.

TAPPER: I'm sure you have, I'm sure you picked a Bible, but the law is not that you have to swear on a Christian Bible. That is not the law.

CROCKETT: [Three or four seconds of open-mouthed silence] TAPPER: You–you don't know that? CROCKETT: [Silence] TAPPER: All right.

Ted Crockett, with the Moore– CROCKETT: I don't know, I know that Donald Trump did it when we made him president– TAPPER: Because he's Christian and he picked it. That's what he wanted to swear in on.

(In 2007, then-newly elected Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota swore his oath of office on an antique Koran which once belonged to Thomas Jefferson.

The next tweet shows Crockett saying "probably" when Tapper asked if Roy Moore still thinks homosexual conduct should be illegal, and citing "two or three thousand years of history" as justification. "It's just a sin, okay? ….

You seem to want to take the whole, 2,000 or 3,000 years of our history and y'all want to throw it out the window as if you're going to make your own rules, your own man-made rules and do whatever you want in sin, and that's part of the problem we've got in Washington, D.C.

We've got too many people winging up there. They're fooling with women they shouldn't be fooling with, they ought to love their wives. Roy Moore loves his wife.".

Homosexual behavior actually was illegal in certain U.S. states until the Supreme Court's 2003 Lawrence v.

Texas decision, which struck down a state law banning consensual adult sodomy. In 2005, Roy Moore was interviewed by C-SPAN anchor Bill Press, and Press asked Moore if he still thought homosexual conduct should be legal despite the ruling in Lawrence v.


Moore said, "What I think is that it was illegal under the law, that the Supreme Court usurped the role of the legislature and ruled something about our moral law that is improper, and that's what we're finding the Supreme Court and the federal district courts are doing daily.

They've usurped the moral prerogative, now, if you want–".

Press cut in to say, "I don't understand your answer. I think it's a yes or no. Do you think that homosexual–homosexuality, or homosexual conduct should be illegal today? That's a yes or no question.".

"Homosexual conduct should be illegal, yes," Moore replied.

For more infomation >> WATCH: Roy Moore Spokesman Learns Bibles Aren't Mandatory | CaCao TV - Duration: 6:08.


WATCH: Roy Moore Spokesman Learns Bibles Aren't Mandatory | SML News - Duration: 7:44.

WATCH: Roy Moore Spokesman Learns Bibles Aren't Mandatory

CNNs Jake Tapper (left) and Roy Moores Ted Crockett (right), after Crockett was informed that swearing on a Christian Bible is not mandatory for elected officials (CNN/Twitter).

As votes continue coming in during Alabama's special senatorial election, CNN's Jake Tapper interviewed Ted Crockett, Roy Moore's spokesman.

Among other things, Crockett admitted that Moore "probably" still thinks homosexual conduct should be illegal, and also tried offering a justification for Moore's previous statements that Muslims should not be allowed a serve in Congress (a justification based on a bad misunderstanding of United States law, which Tapper quickly rectified).

The full ten-minute interview is above, but @TheLeadCNN also tweeted video snippets of certain key highlights.

Here is Crockett arguing that Moore was right to say Muslims cannot hold elected office because they cannot ethically swear on a Christian Bible, which (according to Crockett) is mandatory for all elected office-holders.

Crockett was literally struck speechless after Crockett told him that people can be sworn in on any text they choose:.


TAPPER: Judge Moore has also said that he doesn't think a Muslim member of Congress should be allowed to be in Congress.

Why? Under what — under what provision of the Constitution do you… CROCKETT: Because you have to swear on the Bible.

You, when you are, before, I had to do it and I'm an elected official, three terms, and I had to swear on a Bible.

You have to swear on a Bible to be an elected official in the United States of America.

He alleges a Muslim cannot do that, ethically, swearing on a Bible.

TAPPER: You don't actually have to swear on a Christian Bible.

You can swear on anything, really.

I don't know if you knew that.

You can swear on a Jewish Bible.

You can swear on a– CROCKETT: Oh, no.

I swore on the Bible, I've done it three times, Jake.

TAPPER: I'm sure you have, I'm sure you picked a Bible, but the law is not that you have to swear on a Christian Bible.

That is not the law.

CROCKETT: [Three or four seconds of open-mouthed silence] TAPPER: You–you don't know that? CROCKETT: [Silence] TAPPER: All right.

Ted Crockett, with the Moore– CROCKETT: I don't know, I know that Donald Trump did it when we made him president– TAPPER: Because he's Christian and he picked it.

That's what he wanted to swear in on.

(In 2007, then-newly elected Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota swore his oath of office on an antique Koran which once belonged to Thomas Jefferson.

The next tweet shows Crockett saying "probably" when Tapper asked if Roy Moore still thinks homosexual conduct should be illegal, and citing "two or three thousand years of history" as justification.

"It's just a sin, okay? ….

You seem to want to take the whole, 2,000 or 3,000 years of our history and y'all want to throw it out the window as if you're going to make your own rules, your own man-made rules and do whatever you want in sin, and that's part of the problem we've got in Washington, D.C.

today, Jake.

We've got too many people winging up there.

They're fooling with women they shouldn't be fooling with, they ought to love their wives.

Roy Moore loves his wife.".


Homosexual behavior actually was illegal in certain U.S.

states until the Supreme Court's 2003 Lawrence v.

Texas decision, which struck down a state law banning consensual adult sodomy.

In 2005, Roy Moore was interviewed by C-SPAN anchor Bill Press, and Press asked Moore if he still thought homosexual conduct should be legal despite the ruling in Lawrence v.


Moore said, "What I think is that it was illegal under the law, that the Supreme Court usurped the role of the legislature and ruled something about our moral law that is improper, and that's what we're finding the Supreme Court and the federal district courts are doing daily.

They've usurped the moral prerogative, now, if you want–".

Press cut in to say, "I don't understand your answer.

I think it's a yes or no.

Do you think that homosexual–homosexuality, or homosexual conduct should be illegal today? That's a yes or no question.".

"Homosexual conduct should be illegal, yes," Moore replied.

For more infomation >> WATCH: Roy Moore Spokesman Learns Bibles Aren't Mandatory | SML News - Duration: 7:44.


Blowing Balloons | Schoolies | Fun Videos For Toddlers | Cartoons For Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:05:32.

Schoolies - Blowing Balloons Song

For more infomation >> Blowing Balloons | Schoolies | Fun Videos For Toddlers | Cartoons For Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:05:32.


Comment calculer la longueur d'un vecteur 2D ? - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Comment calculer la longueur d'un vecteur 2D ? - Duration: 2:56.


Jonathan Gillibrand, Kirsten's Husband: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | CaCao TV - Duration: 9:15.

Jonathan Gillibrand, Kirsten's Husband: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

President Donald Trump is in another feud, and this time it's with the woman who some see as the possible Democratic candidate for president in 2020. Kirsten Gillibrand on Twitter on Tuesday morning, saying that she would "do anything" for a campaign contribution.

"Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Charles E.

Schumer and someone who would come to my office 'begging' for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them), is now in the ring fighting against Trump," he wrote on the social media platform.

"Very disloyal to Bill & Crooked-USED!". Trump's tweet came after sexual misconduct allegations against him re-surfaced.

Gillibrand has criticized the president in regard to the allegations against him, and said at a Tuesday news conference unrelated to the issue that his tweet was "a sexist smear attempting to silence my voice." She also condemned his tweet with from her own Twitter account.

"You cannot silence me or the millions of women who have gotten off the sidelines to speak out about the unfitness and shame you have brought to the Oval Office," she wrote.

Gillibrand, 51, is married to Jonathan Gillibrand. He's a British venture capitalist, and has been married to her since 2001. Here's what you need to know:.

Kirsten & Jonathan Met on a Blind Date & Have Been Married Since 2001.

Kirsten spoke to New York Family Magazine in 2013 and told the story of how she met Jonathan. She said that they met in New York City while he was earning his master's degree in business from Columbia University.

At the time, she was working at a law firm, and they were set up by friends on a blind date. "We hit it off right away," she told the magazine.

Kirsten and Jonathan got married in 2001 in a Catholic ceremony in a Manhattan church. She told the magazine during her Q&A that Jonathan "has been a really supportive husband," adding that he's one of her firmest believers.

"He's always said, 'As long as you're making a difference, as long as you're helping people, this is something we're going to do. And the day that you're not is the day we're not going to do it!" she said.

The Couple Have 2 Sons Together & Offer Different Parenting Styles. After two years of marriage — in 2003 — Kirsten gave birth to their first child, a son named Theodore. Their second son, Henry, was born in 2008.

During her second pregnancy, she worked until the day she gave birth to Henry, and she received a standing ovation from her colleagues inside the U.S. House of Representatives the following day.

She described Theodore as being an introvert, enjoying computers and building things. In the magazine article, she said that she could see him being an engineer when he grows up, adding that he also loves various sports.

Henry, on the other hand, is the extrovert of the two and "loves to go to parties, go out to dinner, meet people," she said. "They both have a great sense of beauty and design.

They're both sensitive boys, very sensitive of other people, but very different in personality. Henry is much more like me and Theo is much more like Jonathan.".

Kirsten described her and Jonathan of being "the yin and the yang. " She said that she's the encouraging parent and loves going out and doing things with her sons, while Jonathan is focused the most on their academics and reading.

"We balance each other well in letting our children develop as young people who will hopefully be strong adults with strong character and good integrity," she said during the interview.

Jonathan Worked for a Venture Capital Firm. Jonathan is a British venture capitalist and worked as a financial consultant for his own firm, Venture Capital Partners.

A 2009 report by The Daily Gazette said that Jonathan, while working for real estate investment firm Redbrick Partners, logged 187 transactions in 2008 that involved $2.1 million and $8 million changing hands.

"He made trades nearly every day from mid-January to mid-April, a month before their second child was born, and also conducted frequent transactions from late August through the end of November," the article said.

Jonathan then worked as a finance manager for GBS Holdings LLC. and earned $89,077, according to a 2015 joint tax filing.

The Gillibrands Sold Their Home for Nearly $1.5 Million & Moved to Brunswick in 2011. FacebookSen. Kirsten Gillibrand, her husband Jonathan, and their two sons, Henry and Theodore.

The family lives in Brunswick, New York but spend a majority of their time in Washington D.C. The couple sold their home in Greenport, New York in 2010 to the managing editor of TIME Magazine, Richard Stengel, and his wife, Mary.

The home was purchased by the Gillibrands in 2003 and is situated on 13 acres of land along the Hudson River. The home sold for $1.3 million, and the Gillibrands moved closer to where Kirsten grew up in Brunswick.

They purchased a home in 2011 near Kirsten's high school. A report by The Times Unionsaid that they pai $335,000 for the home, which is near Troy Country Club.

While they still spend a lot of their time in D.C., the home in Brunswick is now their primary residence.

"The Senator just wanted to be closer to her family," Kirsten's spokeswoman Bethany Lesser said to the publication. "The home is within minutes of her family.".

The home had been on the market since June 24, 2010 and has five bedrooms, three bathrooms and a tennis court.

The Couple Received a Gift of Nearly $500K From Jonathan's Family.

Jonathan's father-in-law worked as the non-executive chairman of AMEC, a British Engineering Firm. Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, he was the lead contractor at Ground Zero in New York. Before that, he worked as the vice chairman of British Aerospace.

According to a May 2016 article by the Democrat and Chronicle, Jonathan and Kirsten received a joint cash gift of $457,200 from his family in 2015, a tax return said.

The monetary gift wasn't subjected to federal income tax and was larger than their joint adjusted income ($325,228) that year.

"It's just information," she told Newsday of her decision to disclose the monetary gift. "I think it's good, I think you should report your taxes. I think transparency and accountability (are) helpful to the democratic process.".

The sizable gift was speculated as being part of estate planning by Jonathan's family.

For more infomation >> Jonathan Gillibrand, Kirsten's Husband: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | CaCao TV - Duration: 9:15.


Watch Matthew's Crazy Pool Shots! | Mexico Little Big Shots - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Watch Matthew's Crazy Pool Shots! | Mexico Little Big Shots - Duration: 3:33.


MrFr33zy™ - 🏆🐔PUBG Yo Yo Yo - Test Server Fun Night - Duo's, Squads - Yo Yo Yo🐔🏆 - Duration: 7:50:14.

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Pep Guardiola not bothered Jose Mourinho was offended by Manchester City celebrations - Duration: 1:47.

Pep Guardiola not bothered Jose Mourinho was offended by Manchester City celebrations

After the former Barcelona and Bayern Munich manager had masterminded a 2-1 win at Old Trafford against City's local rivals, the two sides clashed in an ugly dressing room brawl.

The incident was instigated by Mourinho, who took exception to the manner of the celebrations among Manchester City players and he has insisted that no Manchester United player is to blame.

Mourinho went on the offensive after the clash, claiming that City's behaviour showed a lack of class before storming out of a press conference ahead of United's clash with Bournemouth.

But Guardiola refused to apologise if it was just the former Real Madrid and Chelsea boss who was upset and was adamant that his players should be allowed to enjoy the win.

'If we offended United – not just one player, not Jose – Manchester United, then I apologise,' he said.

'We have to enjoy those moments. If the people cannot understand that then I'm sorry. We won a derby.

'If we were not correct than I apologise to all of Manchester United. Our intentions was not that.

It was to celebrate inside the locker room.'.

For more infomation >> Pep Guardiola not bothered Jose Mourinho was offended by Manchester City celebrations - Duration: 1:47.


Best of Dec 2017 Cute Funny Kids #2 | Baby let's go - family fun kids video 2018 - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Best of Dec 2017 Cute Funny Kids #2 | Baby let's go - family fun kids video 2018 - Duration: 2:14.


Best of Dec 2017 Cute Funny Kids | Baby let's go - family fun kids video 2018 - Duration: 1:45.

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Rearrange an array in maximum minimum form | Set 1 | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 2:21.

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Adını Sen Koy / You Name It Trailer - Episodes 238-240 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:45.

I am putting an annotation regarding making of that deal.

I cannot do it , I am sorry.

I am not pleading. Do what I say.

Go away from here, now!

Ömer, be careful!

Run, run. Quick!

I did not do anything wrong.

I haven't betrayed you.

All I wanted was to protect you.

We will either escape here together or we will die together.

I cannot live in this world without you.

The bullet is in the chamber.

I am giving you two minutes, Kervancıoğlu.

Your wife is here.

Your wife who is risking death for you.

Will you be risking death for your wife?

Kill me first.

I cannot bear seeing him die.

Great love. What great love.

Ömer! Ömer, NO!

For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy / You Name It Trailer - Episodes 238-240 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:45.


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