Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 13 2017

have you ever thought you monetize

account instagram how much money you can

win with it

Today I want to tell you about a tool

that will help you get an idea

about the money you can generate

with your account Instagram depending

the number of followers and English

wayne you generate


Hello my name is Juan Merodio and

Welcome or new video

If this is your first time if you want to learn

all the tricks on digital marketing

and how to be an entrepreneur success

Started by subscribing to my

channel not miss any of the

vídeos que publicó diario es fácil

generar ingresos con tu cuenta de


te diría que sí y que no es decir cada

día se ve más cuentas en esta gran que

aparentemente son influencers porque

tienen un gran número de seguidores

pero la realidad es que cuando las

analizas la realidad no es del todo


hay gran parte de los seguidores que han

sido comprados con estrategias digamos

de una manera poco lícitas

es importante que si quieres que tu

cuenta de instagram tenga valor y se

influyente en determinado sector

enfóquese en crear una comunidad del

real valor en torno a ese micro nicho y

no crecerá únicamente el número de

seguidores sin ningún tipo de sentido

cuando generas una comunidad con un

nicho muy definido tu cuenta de

instagram empieza a cobrar un valor

importante para llegar a dicho mercado y

para ello es importante que genera es

una biografía en tu perfil que esté

alineada con tu objetivo y además

generar contenidos con una alta

frecuencia y que esos contenidos sean de

muy alta calidad y diferenciadores

además no olvides usar hashtag

relevantes para el sector en el cual

quiera es posicionar sus contenidos y

establecer un canal de comunicación con

tus seguidores es decir que instagram

sea mucho más que una simple

herramienta para publicar fotos

una vez que tienes esto ya creado hay

distintas maneras en las que puedes

generar ingresos con tu cuenta de

instagram y las principales formas son

las siguientes los patrocinados

esta es una de las mejores formas de

generar ingresos ya que puedes llegar a

un acuerdo con determinada marca que te

paga una cantidad concreta de dinero por

publicar un contenido relacionado con

dicha marca

el cuándo puedes cobrar por un post

patrocinado depende como bien decía no

del volumen de seguidores y del

engagement que generes con ellos pero te

voy a dar algunas métricas que puedes

valorar y que te servirán al menos de

referencia para cuentas que tienen

alrededor de 100.000 seguidores se puede

cobrar en 36

108 800 euros por post si tienes

alrededor de 500 mil seguidores pues

rondaría los 3.000 euros por cada

actualización y de ahí en adelante

aunque como te digo

estas cifras son muy aproximadas y

pueden variar dependiendo del engagement

del sector al que te diriges y otros

muchos factores marketing de afiliación

otra de las vías que puedes usar es

promocionar productos de otras empresas

y generar ingresos en función de las

ventas que se produzca aunque el

principal problema de esta estrategia es

que necesitarás al menos tener 10.000

seguidores para poder tener activa la

opción de poner un enlace en su

publicación y poder derivar tráfico ya

que si tienes por debajo de 10.000

seguidores pues por el momento no lo

permiten por lo tanto es una estrategia

que no la podría llevar a cabo hasta

ese momento promocionar tu propio


si tienes un proyecto o una empresa

puedes utilizar tu propia cuenta de

instagram para promocionar sus productos

y servicios y con ello obviamente

generar ingresos

estas podríamos decir que son las tres

principales vías por las que puedes

empezar a generar ingresos con instagram

pero para que puedas tener también una

estimación un poco más exacta de

cuánto puedes generar con tu cuenta de

instagram al menos en cuanto a post

patrocinados quiero comentarte una

herramienta que te dará esta


analizando tu cuenta en base a las doce

últimas publicaciones que has hecho te

dejo el enlace de la herramienta en la

descripción del video es muy importante

que mantengas muy controlado los costes

para mí el tema uno de los grandes

errores que se cometen muchas veces al

emprender es el tema de de los core de

la parte financiera del negocio no los

que nos dedicamos a marcar tiempos como

que lo financiero no nos gusta tanto lo

dejamos de lado pero para mí es una

parte fundamental porque en función de

cómo juegues con eso incluso cómo

juegues con los pagos ingresos en tiempo

te permite tener un cash flow mayor para

jugar con ello y hacer más dinero del


otra cosa que te recomendaría yo soy un

obsesivo de la medición y los datos

entonces lo que hemos hecho en la

agencia es medir cuál de los servicios

nos deja mejor rentabilidad

me explico decir al final vemos qué

ingresos generamos y cuánto tiempo nos

consume que importe cobramos y con eso

el margen de

oficio por hora de cada servicio de tal

manera que nos dimos cuenta imagínate

que cuando ofrecemos el seo nosotros por

seo al final de de margen de beneficio

nos queda 40 dólares ahora mientras

cuando hacemos marketing de contenidos

son 10 es decir cuatro veces menos que

hacemos con eso vale vamos a fomentar el

pse o porque nos deja mayor margen de

beneficio antes tienes unas líneas que

te compensa más que otras pero soy yo

creo que tienes al final que atacar el

marketing desde dos puntos de vista uno

para vender hoy porque tú necesitas

tener clientes hoy para mantenerte pero

otro para vender los próximos tres

años y eso es una parte de la

inversión que a día de hoy no te va a

ser rentable pero que te puede ser en

dos o tres años no yo básicamente mis

acciones las vividas y hay una parte de

la inversión que que hago acciones hoy

que el experto que en tres años me

genera el negocio una vez es una

función a otras no

esto es parte de la prueba y el error

como bien sabes no pero creo que es

importante si te quieres mantener

constante en el tiempo en jugar con esta

dualidad de marketing para hoy marketing

para tres años se dividiría esas

métricas cómo estás haciendo en

cuantitativas y cualitativas donde

realmente a ellos que suba el engagement

que les da igual les van absolutamente

iguales lo habitual aunque tiene valor

pero ellos no lo ven

entonces yo relacionaría eso al final

con lo que ellos les va a interesar que

es los links decir que son pocos nits y

está escapando liza tres dólares o 3

dólares y pico que son pocos ni

incrementa la inversión y la inversión

publicitaria situada incrementarás vas

a ganar más lips

así de sencillo decir cuando alguien me

oyes que sólo generó 30 pero invierto

100 invirtamos 500 que la mejor genera

por cien lips

al final hay una relación directa entre

todo esto no hay no hay otra cosa

te ha gustado el video dale me gusta y

quiero hacerte partícipe de él por lo

que deja de los comentarios con el

hashtag seguidores en instagram

si consideras que está grave es una

buena herramienta para influenciadores

de distintos sectores entre todos los

comentarios recibidos del mes sortear en

mi curso online estrategia de marketing

digital por lo que cuanto más

comentarios de hessen mis videos a lo

largo del mes más oportunidades

tendrás de ganarlo por lo que no

esperes más y deja ahora mismo tu



si llueve



For more infomation >> Cuánto DINERO PUEDES GANAR con tu cuenta de INSTAGRAM - Duration: 7:12.


Cemetery - The spirit of South Africa - VPRO Metropolis - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Cemetery - The spirit of South Africa - VPRO Metropolis - Duration: 4:21.


Amaia | 7 Galas De La Reina De Operación Triunfo 2017 - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Amaia | 7 Galas De La Reina De Operación Triunfo 2017 - Duration: 1:45.



For more infomation >> TAGS PARA VIDEOS DE YOUTUBE - Duration: 6:33.


Regalos de oficina personalizados #2 Puerto con 4 usb estilo juvenil - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Regalos de oficina personalizados #2 Puerto con 4 usb estilo juvenil - Duration: 0:45.


Laeti­cia Hally­day sa nouvelle vie : elle veut vivre à Los Angeles -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Laeti­cia Hally­day sa nouvelle vie : elle veut vivre à Los Angeles -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:27.


Croatian Food Review - Trying Dishes with Truffles in Zagreb, Croatia - Duration: 14:27.


He's like get away.

Get away.

Anyways what are we doing right now?

We are going for lunch.

Hello there.


So yeah, our first restaurant meal here.

Let's make it happen in Zagreb.

So you were sold by a couple of items.

What were they?

Everything with truffles.


Everything with truffles.

Polenta with truffles.

Pasta with truffles.

Let's go in.

Well hello hello.

It is time for lunch here in Zagreb and we found a really cool restaurant like right

around the corner from our Airbnb.

This place I believe is called Fotic (Bistro Fotic) but I can't be sure because I can't

seem to pronounce anything correctly in Croatian.

Um, but anyways today we figured we would showcase some Croatian dishes and we're specifically

going to be focussing on anything and everything with truffles.

So I believe Sam you got risotto.


I got polenta.

And yeah truffles are going to be like the main thing.


And another thing to mention is that truffles are usually expensive anywhere else in the

world but like they grow here I don't know like mushrooms.

Well, I guess they are kind of a mushroom but anyways um yeah it is really popular so

you can find it in a lot of dishes and it is not that expensive so it should be a good


And of course the wine is the first thing to arrive.


Let's get into that.

That just seems to be a standard now for us in Europe.

We get our red wine.

We get our dry reds before the meal even comes and I believe this is the Plavac or Plavac

grape and this is the most common wine we've found here in Croatia and it is really good.

It is something that we've been drinking at home and yeah and at restaurants basically.

Gotta get that red.

That daily glass of red in.

What do you think?

Yeah, that is really nice.

It is really nice.

Very strong, very full bodied and um yeah it is just such an exciting way to start the


Wine is just part of our routine now so yeah.

We drink our wine.

Sam you are looking pretty Wolf-y over there.

Your head is turning into Mister Afro Puff.

Yeah, I'm in the Wolverine stage and I think I'm going to keep rocking this for a couple

more weeks.


For the rest of Croatia?

Enjoy it.

Enjoy it Audrey.


The bread has arrived.

We got a really nice bread bakset.



We got a nice bread basket that showed up.

So check that out.

Oh my gosh it is still warm.

This must be complimentary.

It is and it looks like homemade bread.

I'm going to take these little nuggets.

Can I call them that?

Bread nuggets.

Bread nuggets.

Bread I don't know what they call it.

Torn off bread slices.

And it comes with a set of garlic cheese.

A fresh garlic cheese and some coarse salt.

Oh my gosh.

You've gotta love that.

I love homemade bread.

I know.

I'll have it with cheese.

We already have a carb heavy meal but we always make the mistake if we're brought bread we

just can't resist.

We just absolutely cannot resist.

Is it good?

That is really great.

I could easily fill up on that.

And because we are trying to balance the carbs over here.


We ordered one little salad.

Trying to get some fresh veggies and greens in our system.

So yeah if you just take a look here this is just it is called the seasonal salad so

I guess it varies by what time of the year it is and we are very much into the fall.

Yeah, so we're getting tomatoes, we have a little bit of cabbage and onion, we have it

looks like some iceberg lettuce and then over here yeah it looks like arugula as well.

Yeah, some arugula.

So we got a little bit of everything going on.

It is just a very simple salad.

I think there is already dressing on top.

I'm not sure.

He's chewing.

That was a huge bite.

Yeah, it has just been lightly um not dusted lightly sprinkled with olive oil.

Yeah, it is just nice to get some fresh veggies.

It is just a very simple salad.

Very simple but it is nice to get some veggies into our system.

But really we're waiting for the truffles.

Oh yeah.

The star of the show hasn't arrived yet.

This is just uh this is just the beginning.

Oh my goodness guys, the food is here and it looks amazing.

So like I mentioned earlier I ended up getting the polenta which is really cool.

They kind of cooked it in like a circular fashion and then sliced it and in between

I have like this red cabbage and also he came to the table and he brought his little truffle

and he actually like sliced it onto my meal.

Yeah, it was amazing.

It is pretty phenomenal.

So excited for this.

So yeah, let's dig in.

And I'm going to dig in with some truffle.

Let's grab a little piece.

Oh my gosh.


Grab a bit.

Polenta and truffles.


Oh my gosh.


I just love truffles.

I've only had it a few times in my life.

I think probably just in Italy but it is so so good.


It is like black gold.

You tend to like the finer things in life.

Oh yes.

Oh man.

I want to just like shave off a little piece so I don't waste it.

Go in for more.

But seriously all you need is like a little piece and it has such a strong flavor.



And this is what we came for.

This is what we came for exactly.

This right here.

And this I should also try this right?


Let's see what this was all about.

Oh, and did I mention my dish has cheese.

Parmesan cheese all over it.

Oh yeah, we asked them to come over and put parmesan cheese on it too.

That is right.


That is really good.

I think maybe it is just been like grilled lightly.

So it is kind of crispy.

But yeah, this is such a wonderful wonderful meal.

So far so good huh?

It has truffle oil.

This has been grilled and then drizzled with truffle oil.

So I have like truffle oil and real truffles.

So can we say that is truffle-tastic?



That is pretty lame.


So good.

Sam is going in for my polenta before I even try mine I'm going to try yours.

So let's make sure I get some polenta.

Get in there.

But don't take too much truffles.


Oh my gosh I'm taking a lot of truffle.

Don't worry I've got to give my opinion so.

Oh man.


For taste testing purposes.


What do you think?

Yeah that is awesome.

Simply awesome.

And what is so cool about this is like the taste is obviously delicious but just the

presentation is beautiful.


It is a work of art on the plate.


This has just been a fantastic meal so far and service has been very good.


Um, just so attentive and the food has come reasonably fast and yeah and next up we're

going in for the risotto.



Okay Sam, so time to try your main.

The risotto.

So before I even try it I've just got to talk about the procedure of this whole thing.


So it was plated at the table.

Yeah, they came out with a pot.

Yeah, it was like a saucepan and then they served it right on the plate.

Yeah, and then they came and did the whole truffle grating business.


Like they did on yours.


And then he asked me if I would like to have cheese and I said yeah of course.

So he came back and grated cheese.

You had to ask him is that enough because you weren't saying stop.

Oh yeah, he was just going and going.

I was busy filming it.

So I wasn't paying attention.

So it is going to be very cheese heavy.

Um, anyways, let's try that.

So I'm going to make sure I get a piece of truffle.

I'm going to dig down deep so I get a bit of everything here.

And you got the risotto with prosciutto, pine nuts and truffles.

Yeah, it is kind of like a lot going on.

Alright, let's try that.

Can't wait to try yours.


Oh my gosh.


What do you think?


Well, I'm a huge risotto fan and this is right up there with being really high quality.

Like they've cooked it to perfection.

The risotto itself is just cooked perfectly and then on top of that you've got a creamy

sauce, you've got the meat, you've got all of the cheese.

You've got the truffles.

It is just like it is something wonderful taking place in your mouth.

I can smell that from over here.

Oh my gosh that is so good.

I'm at a loss for words I'm enjoying this so much.

It has been so good.

I will share this with you but not too much.

I'm actually getting the meat sweats over here.

I need to take off my jacket.

Alright, so it is time for me to try Sam's dish which smells so good from across the


Oh yeah, you're going to like this Audrey.

In we go.

And you've just added to your cooking repertoire.

You can now make pretty darn good risotto.

I sure can.


But not quite as good as this yet right?


Just kidding.

Maybe if I buy some truffles I could take it to the next level.

This is so good though with the prosciutto.

Isn't that next level risotto though?


Like oh my gosh.

I feel the need to like protect this dish.

Hey, that is mine.


It is so good.

We can share both plates that is fair.

It is just so like creamy.

I know.

And cheesy.


And hey have I had a truffle in your dish?


I'm taking a big piece because you like took a whole sliver of mine.

You know whenever I think of truffles I think of Meteora in Greece.

Do you remember that place that just specialized in only truffles.

We also had truffles there.

All they did was like truffles and mushrooms dishes.


This is amazing.

Both dishes are really good yeah but especially the risotto.


It is such a nice combination.

I actually feel really good about this meal because normally one of us orders something

better than the other but I think both are equally good and we can enjoy sharing both


Oh my gosh.

This place gets 5 stars in my books.


So everything was amazing but now it is time to choose our dessert and they actually have

a display case with all of the cakes back there.

Oh my gosh that display case is like I should call it the temptation case because there

is a lot of really good looking cakes.


And other desserts.

But anyways we're just going to share one slice because that was a lot of food and the

one that has caught our attention, for both of us, is called the Sevitina Torta which

has custard, chocolate, hazelnut and nutella.



That sounds pretty darn good.


Let's order that and let's both share it and enjoy it.

So in we go the cake has arrived.

Check out all of those layers.

Oh my.

And some whipped cream.

How is that?

So creamy.

So creamy.

So so creamy.

It looks like especially decadent.

That describes it so well.

Oh my gosh.

You are speechless.

That is how I know it is good.

And you've had this is your third bite.


That is another way I know it is good.

Yeah, at the same time it is so light and fluffy so it is like you can eat lots of it.


Alright, Sam.

Yeah so I'm going to take a bite.

There is only half of the cake left but that is alright.

I've got some whipped cream.

Why is only half of the cake left Sam?

I think someone went to town on it.

Oh my gosh.

Look at that.


This meal almost makes me want to move to Croatia.

Like permanently.

So you can eat this all of the time?


It is so good.

All of the different layers are so distinct and it is just like yeah it is one of those

roll around in your tongue kind of bites.

You just want to have it in your mouth as long as possible.

And it has just been a wonderful meal.

We are very full and we plan to do a lot of sightseeing but I feel like I need a siesta.

I feel like a rotund chicken that needs a siesta but anyways the food has just been

fantastic here.

Oh my gosh.


Time for price point.

Yeah, it sure is time for price point.

So that came to 236 Kuna which was 30 Euros in total.

And basically 15 per person and that was for two glasses of red wine, a salad to share,

two mains and a dessert to share.

So pretty good value and my gosh the food was excellent here.

We'd highly recommend this place so yeah I have a feeling we'll be back again.


For more infomation >> Croatian Food Review - Trying Dishes with Truffles in Zagreb, Croatia - Duration: 14:27.


Limpieza facial con punta de diamante I Dr. Gregorio Mendoza I Testimonio Liz Emiliano I LeClinic's - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Limpieza facial con punta de diamante I Dr. Gregorio Mendoza I Testimonio Liz Emiliano I LeClinic's - Duration: 1:00.


Quand Johnny Hallyday confiait vouloir mour.i.r à 85 ans pour ses deux filles. - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Quand Johnny Hallyday confiait vouloir mour.i.r à 85 ans pour ses deux filles. - Duration: 3:01.


4 mascarillas con canela para tener un cabello perfecto - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> 4 mascarillas con canela para tener un cabello perfecto - Duration: 9:06.


El alcalde morado de Zaragoza humilla al legionario asesinado con su tibieza - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> El alcalde morado de Zaragoza humilla al legionario asesinado con su tibieza - Duration: 3:40.



Welcome to the ice castle!

Anna is asleep

There is a puppy on the bed

Olaf the snowman

Beautiful dress

It is a morning in winter

Elsa is asleep

The bed is purple

Wake up Elsa!

Elsa yawns

The toddlers have a surprise for the princess

Happy birthday Elsa!

The gift is for the queen

She is surprised

A cute puppy

His name is Pluto

The dog is a Tsum Tsum

Elsa laughs

The dolls eat breakfast in bed

Anna eats eggs and croissant

She drinks coffee

Elsa eats toasts with Nutella

She drinks lemon tea

The breakfast is delicious!

Elsa is now in the bathroom

The doll will take a bath

Elsa wears a pink bathrobe

Elsa is in the bathtub

The bathtub is full of water beads!

The bath is a lot of fun

Elsa is ready

A blue dress for Elsa


It is a princess dress

Elsa wears a necklace

She likes jewelry a lot

The dress is stunning

Elsa wears makeup

The toddler helps

Elsa is ready for her birthday!

Let's go downstairs

Anna is in the kitchen

The princess is cooking

There is a piano in the room

The toddlers eat breakfast at the table

The little girls drink hot chocolate

The girls eat cookies and sandwiches

Anna bakes a cake

The oven

The birthday cake is ready!

Door bell

Someone is at the door!

Barbie and Kristoff are here!

Barbie says hello

The doll has a gift for Elsa

Happy birthday Elsa!

The guests are here for the birthday party

Elsa opens the gifts

Barbie gives the gift

A blue dress!

Elsa loves the dress

Elsa opens the gift

Beautiful clothes!

Elsa loves the outfit

A blue jacket

A dress with sparkles

It's a great birthday party!

The guests eat cake

The birthday cake is delicious

The little girls are very happy

Happy birthday!

The Disney castle is very big

We visit the princess castle

The princess dress

The vanity set

Olaf the snowman is dancing

The dolls have a lot of makeup

The princesses love to play dress up and makeover

The bathroom


The bathtub

The girls love water beads

We continue the house tour

We visit the princess bedroom

The blue dress is beautiful

Olaf the snowman is very happy

This is the makeup for princess Anna

She has a purple bag and silver shoes

Anna likes perfume

The puppy sleeps on the bed

Anna has a blue teddy bear

We visit the bedroom of Elsa

Elsa is the ice queen

The dog wears a pink crown

Very cute

There are stuffed animals on the shelf

Disney characters

Tsum Tsum

The owl is a Littlest Pet Shop

Elsa has a purple teddy bear

The wardrobe is full of bags and shoes

The doll loves fashion!

A blue handbag

The castle is beautiful

We visit the living room

The dog sleeps next to the piano


Starbucks latte

Tsum Tsum

Hi Olaf!

The toddlers eat breakfast

The cookies are in the shape of Hello Kitty cat

We visit the kitchen

The Shopkins are on the table

Cookies and sandwiches

We look inside the fridge

We finished the house tour!

I hope you enjoyed this video of the princess castle

Do you like the toys?

Do you play with dolls too?

I make videos with Barbie dolls and Disney princess dolls

My favorite princesses are princess Elsa and princess Anna

I like to make morning routine in the dollhouse

Don't forget to subscribe for more videos with Barbie dolls

I make videos for children

Thank you for watching!

Bella Toys



Después de esto tu VIDA no será la misma - TODO PUEDE CAMBIAR - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Después de esto tu VIDA no será la misma - TODO PUEDE CAMBIAR - Duration: 2:34.


Chronique | SLEEPLESS | FilmoTV - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Chronique | SLEEPLESS | FilmoTV - Duration: 0:49.


Jeni­fer et son année pour­rie : la chan­teuse espère rebon­dir en 2018 - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Jeni­fer et son année pour­rie : la chan­teuse espère rebon­dir en 2018 - Duration: 3:13.


Iglesias a Puigdemont: "Prometer lo que no se puede cumplir es estafar" - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Iglesias a Puigdemont: "Prometer lo que no se puede cumplir es estafar" - Duration: 5:37.


Chronique | FAUTEUILS D'ORCHESTRE | FilmoTV - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Chronique | FAUTEUILS D'ORCHESTRE | FilmoTV - Duration: 0:50.


Тюнинг ГАЗ м20 Победа ЧАСТЬ 2 - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Тюнинг ГАЗ м20 Победа ЧАСТЬ 2 - Duration: 3:14.


Diga Adiós al Dolor de Rodilla y Las Articulaciones desde Hoy, Con Este Remedio Delicioso. - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> Diga Adiós al Dolor de Rodilla y Las Articulaciones desde Hoy, Con Este Remedio Delicioso. - Duration: 4:09.


Star Wars: The Last Jedi Spoi...

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দেখুন কেমন আছে অভিনেতা দিলদারের পরিবার | ছেলে না থাকায় একি করছে ২মেয়ে | Dildar (actor) | Bangla News - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> দেখুন কেমন আছে অভিনেতা দিলদারের পরিবার | ছেলে না থাকায় একি করছে ২মেয়ে | Dildar (actor) | Bangla News - Duration: 3:14.


Croatian Food Review - Trying Dishes with Truffles in Zagreb, Croatia - Duration: 14:27.


He's like get away.

Get away.

Anyways what are we doing right now?

We are going for lunch.

Hello there.


So yeah, our first restaurant meal here.

Let's make it happen in Zagreb.

So you were sold by a couple of items.

What were they?

Everything with truffles.


Everything with truffles.

Polenta with truffles.

Pasta with truffles.

Let's go in.

Well hello hello.

It is time for lunch here in Zagreb and we found a really cool restaurant like right

around the corner from our Airbnb.

This place I believe is called Fotic (Bistro Fotic) but I can't be sure because I can't

seem to pronounce anything correctly in Croatian.

Um, but anyways today we figured we would showcase some Croatian dishes and we're specifically

going to be focussing on anything and everything with truffles.

So I believe Sam you got risotto.


I got polenta.

And yeah truffles are going to be like the main thing.


And another thing to mention is that truffles are usually expensive anywhere else in the

world but like they grow here I don't know like mushrooms.

Well, I guess they are kind of a mushroom but anyways um yeah it is really popular so

you can find it in a lot of dishes and it is not that expensive so it should be a good


And of course the wine is the first thing to arrive.


Let's get into that.

That just seems to be a standard now for us in Europe.

We get our red wine.

We get our dry reds before the meal even comes and I believe this is the Plavac or Plavac

grape and this is the most common wine we've found here in Croatia and it is really good.

It is something that we've been drinking at home and yeah and at restaurants basically.

Gotta get that red.

That daily glass of red in.

What do you think?

Yeah, that is really nice.

It is really nice.

Very strong, very full bodied and um yeah it is just such an exciting way to start the


Wine is just part of our routine now so yeah.

We drink our wine.

Sam you are looking pretty Wolf-y over there.

Your head is turning into Mister Afro Puff.

Yeah, I'm in the Wolverine stage and I think I'm going to keep rocking this for a couple

more weeks.


For the rest of Croatia?

Enjoy it.

Enjoy it Audrey.


The bread has arrived.

We got a really nice bread bakset.



We got a nice bread basket that showed up.

So check that out.

Oh my gosh it is still warm.

This must be complimentary.

It is and it looks like homemade bread.

I'm going to take these little nuggets.

Can I call them that?

Bread nuggets.

Bread nuggets.

Bread I don't know what they call it.

Torn off bread slices.

And it comes with a set of garlic cheese.

A fresh garlic cheese and some coarse salt.

Oh my gosh.

You've gotta love that.

I love homemade bread.

I know.

I'll have it with cheese.

We already have a carb heavy meal but we always make the mistake if we're brought bread we

just can't resist.

We just absolutely cannot resist.

Is it good?

That is really great.

I could easily fill up on that.

And because we are trying to balance the carbs over here.


We ordered one little salad.

Trying to get some fresh veggies and greens in our system.

So yeah if you just take a look here this is just it is called the seasonal salad so

I guess it varies by what time of the year it is and we are very much into the fall.

Yeah, so we're getting tomatoes, we have a little bit of cabbage and onion, we have it

looks like some iceberg lettuce and then over here yeah it looks like arugula as well.

Yeah, some arugula.

So we got a little bit of everything going on.

It is just a very simple salad.

I think there is already dressing on top.

I'm not sure.

He's chewing.

That was a huge bite.

Yeah, it has just been lightly um not dusted lightly sprinkled with olive oil.

Yeah, it is just nice to get some fresh veggies.

It is just a very simple salad.

Very simple but it is nice to get some veggies into our system.

But really we're waiting for the truffles.

Oh yeah.

The star of the show hasn't arrived yet.

This is just uh this is just the beginning.

Oh my goodness guys, the food is here and it looks amazing.

So like I mentioned earlier I ended up getting the polenta which is really cool.

They kind of cooked it in like a circular fashion and then sliced it and in between

I have like this red cabbage and also he came to the table and he brought his little truffle

and he actually like sliced it onto my meal.

Yeah, it was amazing.

It is pretty phenomenal.

So excited for this.

So yeah, let's dig in.

And I'm going to dig in with some truffle.

Let's grab a little piece.

Oh my gosh.


Grab a bit.

Polenta and truffles.


Oh my gosh.


I just love truffles.

I've only had it a few times in my life.

I think probably just in Italy but it is so so good.


It is like black gold.

You tend to like the finer things in life.

Oh yes.

Oh man.

I want to just like shave off a little piece so I don't waste it.

Go in for more.

But seriously all you need is like a little piece and it has such a strong flavor.



And this is what we came for.

This is what we came for exactly.

This right here.

And this I should also try this right?


Let's see what this was all about.

Oh, and did I mention my dish has cheese.

Parmesan cheese all over it.

Oh yeah, we asked them to come over and put parmesan cheese on it too.

That is right.


That is really good.

I think maybe it is just been like grilled lightly.

So it is kind of crispy.

But yeah, this is such a wonderful wonderful meal.

So far so good huh?

It has truffle oil.

This has been grilled and then drizzled with truffle oil.

So I have like truffle oil and real truffles.

So can we say that is truffle-tastic?



That is pretty lame.


So good.

Sam is going in for my polenta before I even try mine I'm going to try yours.

So let's make sure I get some polenta.

Get in there.

But don't take too much truffles.


Oh my gosh I'm taking a lot of truffle.

Don't worry I've got to give my opinion so.

Oh man.


For taste testing purposes.


What do you think?

Yeah that is awesome.

Simply awesome.

And what is so cool about this is like the taste is obviously delicious but just the

presentation is beautiful.


It is a work of art on the plate.


This has just been a fantastic meal so far and service has been very good.


Um, just so attentive and the food has come reasonably fast and yeah and next up we're

going in for the risotto.



Okay Sam, so time to try your main.

The risotto.

So before I even try it I've just got to talk about the procedure of this whole thing.


So it was plated at the table.

Yeah, they came out with a pot.

Yeah, it was like a saucepan and then they served it right on the plate.

Yeah, and then they came and did the whole truffle grating business.


Like they did on yours.


And then he asked me if I would like to have cheese and I said yeah of course.

So he came back and grated cheese.

You had to ask him is that enough because you weren't saying stop.

Oh yeah, he was just going and going.

I was busy filming it.

So I wasn't paying attention.

So it is going to be very cheese heavy.

Um, anyways, let's try that.

So I'm going to make sure I get a piece of truffle.

I'm going to dig down deep so I get a bit of everything here.

And you got the risotto with prosciutto, pine nuts and truffles.

Yeah, it is kind of like a lot going on.

Alright, let's try that.

Can't wait to try yours.


Oh my gosh.


What do you think?


Well, I'm a huge risotto fan and this is right up there with being really high quality.

Like they've cooked it to perfection.

The risotto itself is just cooked perfectly and then on top of that you've got a creamy

sauce, you've got the meat, you've got all of the cheese.

You've got the truffles.

It is just like it is something wonderful taking place in your mouth.

I can smell that from over here.

Oh my gosh that is so good.

I'm at a loss for words I'm enjoying this so much.

It has been so good.

I will share this with you but not too much.

I'm actually getting the meat sweats over here.

I need to take off my jacket.

Alright, so it is time for me to try Sam's dish which smells so good from across the


Oh yeah, you're going to like this Audrey.

In we go.

And you've just added to your cooking repertoire.

You can now make pretty darn good risotto.

I sure can.


But not quite as good as this yet right?


Just kidding.

Maybe if I buy some truffles I could take it to the next level.

This is so good though with the prosciutto.

Isn't that next level risotto though?


Like oh my gosh.

I feel the need to like protect this dish.

Hey, that is mine.


It is so good.

We can share both plates that is fair.

It is just so like creamy.

I know.

And cheesy.


And hey have I had a truffle in your dish?


I'm taking a big piece because you like took a whole sliver of mine.

You know whenever I think of truffles I think of Meteora in Greece.

Do you remember that place that just specialized in only truffles.

We also had truffles there.

All they did was like truffles and mushrooms dishes.


This is amazing.

Both dishes are really good yeah but especially the risotto.


It is such a nice combination.

I actually feel really good about this meal because normally one of us orders something

better than the other but I think both are equally good and we can enjoy sharing both


Oh my gosh.

This place gets 5 stars in my books.


So everything was amazing but now it is time to choose our dessert and they actually have

a display case with all of the cakes back there.

Oh my gosh that display case is like I should call it the temptation case because there

is a lot of really good looking cakes.


And other desserts.

But anyways we're just going to share one slice because that was a lot of food and the

one that has caught our attention, for both of us, is called the Sevitina Torta which

has custard, chocolate, hazelnut and nutella.



That sounds pretty darn good.


Let's order that and let's both share it and enjoy it.

So in we go the cake has arrived.

Check out all of those layers.

Oh my.

And some whipped cream.

How is that?

So creamy.

So creamy.

So so creamy.

It looks like especially decadent.

That describes it so well.

Oh my gosh.

You are speechless.

That is how I know it is good.

And you've had this is your third bite.


That is another way I know it is good.

Yeah, at the same time it is so light and fluffy so it is like you can eat lots of it.


Alright, Sam.

Yeah so I'm going to take a bite.

There is only half of the cake left but that is alright.

I've got some whipped cream.

Why is only half of the cake left Sam?

I think someone went to town on it.

Oh my gosh.

Look at that.


This meal almost makes me want to move to Croatia.

Like permanently.

So you can eat this all of the time?


It is so good.

All of the different layers are so distinct and it is just like yeah it is one of those

roll around in your tongue kind of bites.

You just want to have it in your mouth as long as possible.

And it has just been a wonderful meal.

We are very full and we plan to do a lot of sightseeing but I feel like I need a siesta.

I feel like a rotund chicken that needs a siesta but anyways the food has just been

fantastic here.

Oh my gosh.


Time for price point.

Yeah, it sure is time for price point.

So that came to 236 Kuna which was 30 Euros in total.

And basically 15 per person and that was for two glasses of red wine, a salad to share,

two mains and a dessert to share.

So pretty good value and my gosh the food was excellent here.

We'd highly recommend this place so yeah I have a feeling we'll be back again.


For more infomation >> Croatian Food Review - Trying Dishes with Truffles in Zagreb, Croatia - Duration: 14:27.


10 ERREURS Dans Les Films De STAR WARS Que Vous N'avez Jamais Remarquées 2 - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> 10 ERREURS Dans Les Films De STAR WARS Que Vous N'avez Jamais Remarquées 2 - Duration: 5:18.


Behind the Scenes: Selena Gomez's Upcoming Music Album - Duration: 2:16.

Selenators are excited to know: When will there be

more new music from their icon?


the Selena lovers we have all the details right here.

The pop sensation posted an Instagram photo

on Sunday of herself singing into a studio

mic with the caption, "Currently.

Until next year.

Here's where I'll be."

when asked about it in a radio interview sel responded.

There is an album.

"I can successfully say that my inspiration

for this next album is in full motion and

it will be very soon."

she further said "It's exciting to be in a place

where I love surprising people

and creating new areas of music I can explore.

Talking about Selena's surprise for her fans

it seems like she have already started shooting

her new album.

she posted videos and photos from her shoot

in LA on her Instagram account.

She looks pretty in her blonde bob posing for the camera.

Have a look at the videos from the shoot

For more infomation >> Behind the Scenes: Selena Gomez's Upcoming Music Album - Duration: 2:16.



Welcome to the ice castle!

Anna is asleep

There is a puppy on the bed

Olaf the snowman

Beautiful dress

It is a morning in winter

Elsa is asleep

The bed is purple

Wake up Elsa!

Elsa yawns

The toddlers have a surprise for the princess

Happy birthday Elsa!

The gift is for the queen

She is surprised

A cute puppy

His name is Pluto

The dog is a Tsum Tsum

Elsa laughs

The dolls eat breakfast in bed

Anna eats eggs and croissant

She drinks coffee

Elsa eats toasts with Nutella

She drinks lemon tea

The breakfast is delicious!

Elsa is now in the bathroom

The doll will take a bath

Elsa wears a pink bathrobe

Elsa is in the bathtub

The bathtub is full of water beads!

The bath is a lot of fun

Elsa is ready

A blue dress for Elsa


It is a princess dress

Elsa wears a necklace

She likes jewelry a lot

The dress is stunning

Elsa wears makeup

The toddler helps

Elsa is ready for her birthday!

Let's go downstairs

Anna is in the kitchen

The princess is cooking

There is a piano in the room

The toddlers eat breakfast at the table

The little girls drink hot chocolate

The girls eat cookies and sandwiches

Anna bakes a cake

The oven

The birthday cake is ready!

Door bell

Someone is at the door!

Barbie and Kristoff are here!

Barbie says hello

The doll has a gift for Elsa

Happy birthday Elsa!

The guests are here for the birthday party

Elsa opens the gifts

Barbie gives the gift

A blue dress!

Elsa loves the dress

Elsa opens the gift

Beautiful clothes!

Elsa loves the outfit

A blue jacket

A dress with sparkles

It's a great birthday party!

The guests eat cake

The birthday cake is delicious

The little girls are very happy

Happy birthday!

The Disney castle is very big

We visit the princess castle

The princess dress

The vanity set

Olaf the snowman is dancing

The dolls have a lot of makeup

The princesses love to play dress up and makeover

The bathroom


The bathtub

The girls love water beads

We continue the house tour

We visit the princess bedroom

The blue dress is beautiful

Olaf the snowman is very happy

This is the makeup for princess Anna

She has a purple bag and silver shoes

Anna likes perfume

The puppy sleeps on the bed

Anna has a blue teddy bear

We visit the bedroom of Elsa

Elsa is the ice queen

The dog wears a pink crown

Very cute

There are stuffed animals on the shelf

Disney characters

Tsum Tsum

The owl is a Littlest Pet Shop

Elsa has a purple teddy bear

The wardrobe is full of bags and shoes

The doll loves fashion!

A blue handbag

The castle is beautiful

We visit the living room

The dog sleeps next to the piano


Starbucks latte

Tsum Tsum

Hi Olaf!

The toddlers eat breakfast

The cookies are in the shape of Hello Kitty cat

We visit the kitchen

The Shopkins are on the table

Cookies and sandwiches

We look inside the fridge

We finished the house tour!

I hope you enjoyed this video of the princess castle

Do you like the toys?

Do you play with dolls too?

I make videos with Barbie dolls and Disney princess dolls

My favorite princesses are princess Elsa and princess Anna

I like to make morning routine in the dollhouse

Don't forget to subscribe for more videos with Barbie dolls

I make videos for children

Thank you for watching!

Bella Toys



¿Se pierde la salvación? | Preguntas y Respuestas | SUB - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> ¿Se pierde la salvación? | Preguntas y Respuestas | SUB - Duration: 4:53.


Homescapes Level 176 - How to complete Level 176 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:36.

Homescapes Level 176 - How to complete Level 176 on Homescapes

How to complete Level 176 on Homescapes

Homescapes Level 176

Homescapes how to complete level 176

Homescapes beat level 176

For more infomation >> Homescapes Level 176 - How to complete Level 176 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:36.



For more infomation >> BU ADAM SENİ BOMBALAR - ZULA VİDEO KLİP - Duration: 1:22.


4 mascarillas con canela para tener un cabello perfecto - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> 4 mascarillas con canela para tener un cabello perfecto - Duration: 9:06.


Amaia | 7 Galas De La Reina De Operación Triunfo 2017 - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Amaia | 7 Galas De La Reina De Operación Triunfo 2017 - Duration: 1:45.


„Igitt Achselhaare" - ihr neustes Instagram-Video schockt die Fans! | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> „Igitt Achselhaare" - ihr neustes Instagram-Video schockt die Fans! | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 3:24.


[PTSUB] 171213 - Anúncio "Golden Christmas" do KFC - LuHan - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> [PTSUB] 171213 - Anúncio "Golden Christmas" do KFC - LuHan - Duration: 0:19.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


2017 Book Releases I Wish I Got To This Year - Duration: 6:01.

Hi everyone. I'm rincey and i am one of the contributing editors over at book riot.

So it's obviously the end of the year and we're all reflecting on our

reading throughout the year. And today I wanted to talk about some 2017 releases

that I just was not able to get to this year. I'm generally not someone who has

like regrets in terms of my reading experience. Like usually the books that

are top priority I'm able to get to throughout the year because like I'm so

excited for them I make them a priority. I don't like follow strict TBR so I can

basically read whatever I want. But there are always going to be more new releases

than I can get to in a single year and especially since I also like to mix

things up and have some backlist in there and I have my own physical TBR and

all these different things, like there are always going to be a few that you

just can't get to this year. And obviously it's not like I can never read

them again. But these are just a couple of releases that came out this year that

I really wanted to get to but it just didn't happen.

So hopefully 2018. So the first book I'm going to talk about is akata warrior,

which is the sequel to akata witch, which I read back in like 2014, I want to

say or 2015. It had been a couple of years and it took at Nnedi Okorafor a

couple of years to publish the sequel to it. So I'm someone who follows O'Neal's

razor. If you listen to the book riot podcast you know about O'Neal's razor,

which is basically like you don't read series until the series is complete.

I didn't realize Akata Witch was going to be a series until I had

finished the first book and then I realized it was gonna be a series

because it doesn't like and 100% completely. And I was very upset about

that. And then it took Nnedi Okorafor like two to three years to release the

new one because she was writing other books and working on other projects.

Which like I don't blame her for but come on. I want the next book.

Akata Warrior finally came out this year and I was so excited when I saw that that was

finally happening because part of me also wondered if she was going to just

give up on this series completely. But she didn't. But I for some reason I just

never got around to it. So in case you aren't aware the first book in this

series is akata witch and you are following this character named Sonny who

lives in Nigeria and she finds out that she has magical abilities. And

she finds a couple of other kids in Nigeria who also have these magical

abilities. And it's about them learning about their abilities while also

realizing that there is this evil out there that is trying to kill all of them.

And so it's about like them sort of growing up as well as fighting this evil

character. It's basically like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. If you like

those types of series, then you will definitely like this one as well. And

it's also great because you know it's set in Nigeria so it's not just like the

Western world and Western magic. It also talks about the way that Nigerians would

see magic as well. So it's really, really fantastic. Highly recommend it. But yeah,

I want to read akata warrior. I just didn't get to it yet. Another one that I

was like so, so hyped about was to read my favorite thing is monsters. This is a

graphic novel that's been getting so much positive buzz. And the problem that

I ran into is that this book is like $40, which I don't-- I'm not saying it's

overpriced but for me it's hard to pay that much for a single book when I don't

know for sure whether or not I'm going to enjoy it. So I was like okay I'm gonna

get it from the library first and then if I enjoy it then I'll get, I'll buy it.

I got on the hold list. It took me like six months or three months. I don't know.

It was a long time. And then I finally got it. It had a two-week hold period on it

because it was a new release. I just didn't have time in that two-week period

to be able to read this book. And then I had to return it because there were

other holds on it. And now I'm back at the bottom of the hold list. Like this is

the worst. So anyways, I will get around to that one again when it gets to be my

turn again at the library. Hopefully at that point it'll have a longer than a

two-week period. But if not, then I definitely am just going to drop

whatever else I'm doing and read that freaking graphic novel. Next I have you

don't have to say you love me by Sherman Alexie. This is a memoir by Sherman

Alexie. I've been hearing such good things about this memoir and I wanted to

read it. But I sort of have this rule about not buying books or like getting

books from authors when I already have books of theirs that I haven't read yet.

He's released a number of books and I had the Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight

in heaven on my unread bookshelf and I finally read it this year. And I was like,

all right, I'm gonna get the memoir. And then I kept hearing about how great it

was on audiobook. And I was like, ah man, maybe I should get it on audiobook cause

Sherman Alexie narrates it himself and he's like a really fantastic reader.

I've like seen him speak in public before, like I've seen videos of him speaking in

public before. So I know he'd be really great as the narrator of this memoir.

But I am really bad at listening to audiobooks. So I don't even have an

audible account anymore because I would just like pile up the credits and never

listen to them or I would use the credits and just never listen to them. So then it

just came down to me needing to get it from the library. And again, long hold list.

So just not getting around to it anytime soon, that's for sure. I will read it

slash listen to it eventually. There might come a point where I just like

break and get a physical copy and read it for myself, which is fine. But I think

that memoirs especially when they're read by the author are really, really

powerful. And I've heard that this is a really fantastic book on audio so I kind

of want to give it a chance that way. So yeah, those are all of the books I wanted

to talk about in this video. There are a bunch of other like 2017 releases that

like I was interested in and I wanted to get to but these are the three that I

was, I'm kind of like a little bit sad about that I haven't gotten to yet.

So yeah, leave a comment down below letting me know if there are any 2017 releases

that you have been wanting to read but you just haven't gotten around to yet.

Or if you've read any of these and you would like to tell me a little bit about

your opinions on them, obviously without spoilers, you can definitely do that down

in the comment section as well. So yeah, that's all I have for this week and I

will see you guys next week. Bye.

For more infomation >> 2017 Book Releases I Wish I Got To This Year - Duration: 6:01.


[ENG C.C] 5 Things I Did in Tokyo | Tokyo Vlog with Etude House - Duration: 6:08.

I'm going to eat it all!!!

This looks amazing!

Do you think I'll be able to eat this in one go?

Lamon:You can, you can!


(It was really not for you can tell)

Lamon:Isn't it so good??!!

It melts as soon as you put it in!

Lamon:It tastes even better today! just have to come here...I swearrr

Promise you won't regret it!

My holy grail restaurant!!

GOing to pop the yolk

It's like a volcano!

It looks good, right guys?

Guys, Lamon just told me to buy these blushers

THey have the most extraordinary textures!

They have a cream formula but

when you apply it on your skin

it turns powdery!!

This must be some kind of witchcraft!!

THese blushers are so pretty! Guys I am so into blushers nowadays!

We're at the Department store shopping

it's very similar to Korea but it's the little details that are different

For example,

They seem to wear more hats in Japan (girls)

So the little details are different

but if you just look at it from afar, there's not much difference to South Korea

It's these little differences that makes it fun to look around!

Look at how much we bought!!

Hey loves, I'm currently at Etude House (harajuku)

Let's see which products are the most popular in Japan!

If you look inside, there's something studded in it

Oh, it's a scrub!!

So apparently, someone uploaded a video with this product on Twitter, and it went viral in Japan

Urgh I love this case with the pills on it!

So cute!!

It's like a strawberry color!

In korea, these redish pinkish colors are less popular

but now that I look at them like this, they're so pretty!

That coverage tho dayum

Any cushion has one of the best coverage (can't say the same thing about longevity though lol)

I also have this myself and I really like it!

It brightens up your complexion in a subtle way, which I love

OOOhh!!! Of course!

So both of the no.1 best seller product are red colors

and basically these give a better pigmentation and really brightens up your complexion

and that's why they're so popular in JApan!

Oh this one!

So this is the Soda Tint

and apparently, this one is very popular as well in Japan!

So pretty!

It is THE castle!!

We're finally here!!

lol everyone's so busy

Hey guys, so we're here at Disneyland but it's so much colder than we anticipated lol


It's so sweet (chocolate churros)

It's so pretty and magical

and it feels like I'm back to being an innocent child again

that guy doesn't give a shit lolll

we're here to go on a kid's ride (everything else was closed)

the snow white ride!

Was scarier than we had expected lol

we're off to japan now!

For more infomation >> [ENG C.C] 5 Things I Did in Tokyo | Tokyo Vlog with Etude House - Duration: 6:08.


Grande Fratello Vip, nuovo incontro tra i finalisti: Giulia De Lellis non c'è - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip, nuovo incontro tra i finalisti: Giulia De Lellis non c'è - Duration: 3:39.


Thiên Thần và Ác Quỹ 2017 - Tập 4 Vietsub I (Phim tình cảm học đường cực hay) - Duration: 45:05.

For more infomation >> Thiên Thần và Ác Quỹ 2017 - Tập 4 Vietsub I (Phim tình cảm học đường cực hay) - Duration: 45:05.


Honda Civic 1.8 i-Vtec Sport RIJKLAAR / 24 maanden garantie - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Honda Civic 1.8 i-Vtec Sport RIJKLAAR / 24 maanden garantie - Duration: 1:01.


"金 동상 건립 소식에 90년대 대아사 떠올라" - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> "金 동상 건립 소식에 90년대 대아사 떠올라" - Duration: 4:16.


Limpieza facial con punta de diamante I Dr. Gregorio Mendoza I Testimonio Liz Emiliano I LeClinic's - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Limpieza facial con punta de diamante I Dr. Gregorio Mendoza I Testimonio Liz Emiliano I LeClinic's - Duration: 1:00.


Kia Sorento 2.4I COMFORT | Airco | Cruise | Trekhaak 2300kg | Volledig onderhouden - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Kia Sorento 2.4I COMFORT | Airco | Cruise | Trekhaak 2300kg | Volledig onderhouden - Duration: 0:43.



For more infomation >> Hyundai i40 Wagon BWJ 2013 1.7 CRDI 136 PK I-VISION CLIMA/CRUISE/LMV/PRIV.GLASS/PANORAMADAK/AUTO HOL - Duration: 1:01.


Dacia Duster 1.6I Airco Lmv Pdc Trekh. Pri.Glass Lauréate 2wd Duurste Uitvoering, origineel NLse au - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Dacia Duster 1.6I Airco Lmv Pdc Trekh. Pri.Glass Lauréate 2wd Duurste Uitvoering, origineel NLse au - Duration: 0:59.


HERE I AM LORD Worship CFC Indonesia - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> HERE I AM LORD Worship CFC Indonesia - Duration: 6:00.


2-5-1 Jazz Improvisation - in a Single Hand Grip! - Duration: 27:32.


In this lesson we will learn how to play a thrilling Jazz solo over the 2-5-1 progression

in C Major using some very simple but awesome pentatonic techniques.

Let me demonstrate the sound we can make when we have learned these techniques.

In the right hand I use a very simple pentatonic technique.

We will learn that technique in this lesson.

When performing a solo I like when we can make something thrilling but with simple means

and simple tools.

The stuff we are playing may actually be quite complicated, but we should not think complicated

when performing.

It's all about finding the simple tools that unfolds the music.

In that way we can concentrate our mental energy on the feelings and the music itself.

So in this lesson we will find some simple tools for the 2-5-1 chord progression.

By the way, this is a NewJazz lesson and my name is Oliver Prehn.

Ok, above the keyboard we have the 2-5-1 chords in C Major.

Dm7 to G7 to Cmaj7.

The 2-5-1 chord progression is the most used chord progression when playing Jazz standards.

So learning techniques on how to improvise over this chord progression is almost inevitable.

Before moving on to the right hand improvisation we will quickly learn the left hand walking bass.

This walking bass is simple and it is nice to be able to make some easy grounding when

trying out improvisation stuff in the right hand, ok?

So we just have to check out this walking bass.

On every chord we play the keynote and the fifth and on the last beat of the chord we

play a leading note to the next chord, that's it.

So we play the bass like this:

key, fifth, key, leading...

This is a very easy walking bass that can be used in many cases when playing a jazz standard.

Maybe some will call it a cheating bass, but it sounds great, I think, and we just need a

simple steady bass line to make the grounding for our right hand improvisation.

I recommend that you practice this walking bass a lot.

It has to run all by itself.

It may not be distracted by anything.

So if you for example talk nonsense like I do right now, the left hand must keep on the

steady walk, right?

So practice this walk bass a lot and you will be ready to make improvisation stuff in the

right hand also.

Ok, now it's time to move on to the really exciting stuff.

We will learn how to make thrilling improvisation in the right hand using some simple tools.

Here we got the D minor pentatonic scale.

The pentatonic scale is very handy, because it contains 5 notes like the number of the

fingers on the hand.

So we have a note for each finger: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

So, we can have the entire pentatonic scale inside our hand.

This grip on the pentatonic scale we entitle the pentatonic hand grip.

It is with this pentatonic hand grip that we are going to make some thrilling improvisation.

The pentatonic hand grip can be placed anywhere on the keyboard.

For example here, or here, or here.

When placing the pentatonic hand grip we use our thumb as a pointer.

So this is a pentatonic hand grip on "d", because the thumb is on the note "d".

And this is a pentatonic hand grip on "a".

And here we have the hand grip on "e".

Now it's all about finding the correct positions for the thumb.

So let's place a green marker on the note "d"...


and "e"...

So what are these green markers for?

Do you already know?

The green markers simply tell us where to place the thumb of the pentatonic hand grip!

Ahhh, so we can place our hand grip with the thumb on this key.

And we can place the hand grip here.

And here.

Let's try to improvise when using the pentatonic hand grip with the thumb on the green markers.

Now we are just fooling around using the pentatonic hand grip at the different green positions.

All 3 positions can be used no matter what chord we play.

So this is a very easy way to perform a 2-5-1 solo, right?

And this works great.

But we are not done yet.

We can add a lot of stuff to this technique.

I will show you later in this lesson.

Ok, notice that the green markers are all related and spaced with a perfect fifth.

Perfect fifth.

And perfect fifth.

The keynote of the first chord in the 2-5-1 progression makes the starting point of this

fifth row of pentatonic hand grips.

So if we play 2-5-1 in C, then the first chord is Dm, and then we let the row start

from the "d" note.

This is a very easy way to locate the positions of the pentatonic hand grip, right?

We just take the keynote from the step 2 chord and start the row of pentatonic hand grips

from there.

We don't have to play the row of pentatonic hand grips in order like this.

We can mix around the positions.

For example we can also play the "e" position here.

So the row of pentatonic hand grips is mostly a mnemonic rule to locate the positions.

Ok, here is the big question.

What are we actually playing.

What are the scales in use.

Let's try to find out.

So we try to gather all the notes when playing the row of pentatonic hand grips.

Now look.

We actually play all the white keys, right?

Let's gather the white keys.

So what scale is this?

Well, when we have "d" in the bass we play the D Dorian scale.

When we have "g" in the bass we play the G Mixolydian.

And when we have "c" in the bass we play the C Ionian.

In another lesson from NewJazz we learn a lot more about these church modes.

I will paste a link to that lesson in the description below, if you need to dig deeper

into that subject.

The Dorian, Mixo and Ionian scale are often used when improvising over the 2-5-1 in Major.

The advantages of playing these scales with the pentatonic hand grip are that we avoid

just playing the scales stepwise up and down.

Instead we break up the scales in well defined pentatonic patterns.

And I just like the sound when we do that.

It's a method to gain the control of the scales.

Well, there are still a lot of things we can do to make our improvisation even more interesting

and thrilling, so stay tuned.

If we play the pentatonic hand grip on "d" we have this note "f" in our second finger.

This note goes fine when playing the Dm chord.

And it goes fine in the G7 chord.

But then we come to the Cmaj7 chord.

And the note may seem wrong.

Can you hear, it is a little harsh.

It's because the "f" note makes a clash against the Major third "e" note from

the C chord.

So what to do?

Well this "f" note is in some music theory books called an "avoid" note.

And we can of course just "avoid" playing the pentatonic hand grip on "d" when playing

the Cmaj7 chord, then we are sure not to play the "f" note, and we have no problems,


But if we suddenly forget and we accidentally hit the "f" note anyway.

No harm is done, we just resolve that "f" note to the "e" note like this.

So when we are at the C Major chord it is not necessarily so dangerous to hit the "f" note.

Don't be afraid.

If we do so we can just resolve that note like it was all on purpose.

I actually think this sounds great, both the tension.

And the resolution.

Don't you agree?

We can also do something completely different.

We can just move the entire row of pentatonic hand grips up with a fifth.

So let's add some new blue markers.



and "b"...

So here we have another row of pentatonic hand grips, still the grips are spaced with

a perfect fifth.

If we play the pentatonic hand grip at the blue markers we play the C Lydian scale, listen.

Wow, what a bright tonic sound, right?

The Lydian scale goes great together with the tonic Cmaj7 chord.

And the "f" note is now augmented to the "f sharp" note.

This "f sharp" note does not have this harsh clashing sound.

So this is simple.

When playing the C Major chord we can just avoid the pentatonic hand grip on "d"

and instead add the hand grip on the note "b".

Let's hear how this goes.

Notice, it's only when playing the Cmaj7 chord that we play the blue row.

When we perform the solo we do not have to think about the scales in use.

We just follow the markers on the keys and play the pentatonic hand grip on these markers,

that's it.

When not performing we can talk scale theory and make reflections and make things complicated,

that's totally alright - but now, when performing, we try to make things simple in our mind.

So we just follow the markers and enjoy our music...

Ok, playing arpeggio on the chords is a very common thing to do when improvising Jazz.

The thing is that we can easily do that by using our pentatonic hand grip.

If we just leave out the third finger.

We can actually play arpeggio all the way up the chords to the very last 13th extension.

And this sounds really cool.

So, on the Dm chord we can play arpeggio on this huge and nice Dm13 chord using

the hand grip on the green markers...

Look, we play the Dm13 chord in steps of thirds all the way up.

Again we do not think Dm13 when playing.

We just think at the hand grip, the green markers and that we have to leave out the

third finger.

And then this huge 13 chord appears all by itself.

On the next chord we play arpeggio on the huge and nice G13 chord.

And when we hit the Cmaj7 chord we can play arpeggio on the blue row, and this is my favorite:

The Lydian Cmaj7 13 (#11) chord.

And again these chords may seem complicated.

But when performing, we should not think about these advanced chords.

Instead we only think about the pentatonic hand grip and the markers, and the chord appears


That's very smart.

So music theory about the scales and the chord expansions is for reflection.

The hand grip is for performance, ok?

Advanced theory is reflection.

Simple tools as the hand grips are performance.

Well, now we are ready to go wild.

We will pep up the improvisation further, so that will be fun.

Now I will show you a super cool trick we can use when playing the G7 chord.

We simply lift the green pentatonic row up a tritone interval.

So let's put some silver markers on the lifted positions:

"a flat"...

"e flat"...

and "b flat"...

So how does this sound?

Well we got a lot of tension now on the G7 chord, right?

And when we hit the Cmaj7 chord we have a lot of consonant stable sound.

I think it is totally ok sometimes to smash up the dominant chord totally to increase

the tension.

Then the resolution will be so much better when hitting the tonic Cmaj7 chord.

This suspense and resolve technique also gives us a feeling of playing outside and inside

the main tonality.

A technique often used when improvising Jazz.

Ok, actually what we just did was that we played the Mixolydian scale on the

substitute dominant chord.

Let me show you.

Here we have the G7 chord if we transpose this chord with a tritone up or down, that's

the same, we got the Db7 chord.

The substitute dominant chord.

Now, what we simply do, is that we move the green row also with a tritone interval, and

we got the silver row, right?

So now we have moved both the chord and the markers a tritone interval, so the green row

is the G Mixo.

The silver row is the substitute dominant D flat Mixo.

If we want to, we can keep the "g" note in the bass. The bass player really doesn't

care that the improvisation is going far out to the substitute, she stays on the "g" note.

Let's start the improvisation and hear the sound again.

Notice that we use the same hand grip and we place the fingers in the same way no matter

on which marker we play the pentatonic hand grip.

This makes the improvisation really easy for us.

We just have to learn and master this single pentatonic hand grip.

Then we are ready to make great improvisation in all tonalities.

In another lesson from NewJazz we make a lot of exercises with this pentatonic hand grip

and we dig deeper into the row of pentatonic hand grips and the church modes.

I will paste a link to that lesson in the description below.

Ok, I hope you have enjoyed this lesson.

You are of course always welcome to write questions in the comments below.

I will try to answer as soon as possible.

Ok, thanks for now and many warm regards from your music teacher Oliver Prehn.

For more infomation >> 2-5-1 Jazz Improvisation - in a Single Hand Grip! - Duration: 27:32.


DIY How to make coffee bean Christmas ball (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #431 - Duration: 2:10.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make Christmas ball out of coffee beans.

I made it by request from my viewers.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

First put a styrofoam ball on a wooden skewer...

...and paint it by using brown paint.

Let it dry.

Now, apply a glue...

...and glue the coffee beans.

Try to glue them as close to each other as you can.

Cover entire ball.

Make a bow out of ribbon.

Cut a piece of ribbon...

...and attach it to the ball by using office pin.

Next, attach the bow by using a few office pins.

Decorate the Christmas ball by using snowflakes.

Finally, apply some glitter.

And it's done.

Coffee Christmas ball looks great. Especially with golden additions.

Also it smells simply amazing.

I invite you on my Facebook page and Instagram profile.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY How to make coffee bean Christmas ball (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #431 - Duration: 2:10.


Zurich, Switzerland City Tour!! - Duration: 2:40.

So I find myself just in front of the main train station of Zurich in Switzerland and starting from here

I'll walk into the city center, which is like this direction and I'll take you along!

Crazy stuff is happening

So I was just walking through the city center which is like down there

and now I find myself at the so called Bellevue square, which is here

On this side is the Zürichsee, It's a very big lake, it's amazing, we have a beautiful view here

And now what I will do I'll go kind of back to the train station

But now through a different area of the city called Niederdorf, which is like right there!

It's kind of starting to rain, and it's getting dark and I'm back at the train station

It's actually right there behind me

Thank you so much for watching. This was just a basic insight now into the city and in the future

I want to show you also the nightlife. How it looks like also at the Christmas market. There's so much more to see here!

Thank you for watching!

Zurich Zürich Switzerland City Tour 2017 2018

For more infomation >> Zurich, Switzerland City Tour!! - Duration: 2:40.


내 남자의 비밀 56회 ♥ The Secret of My Love Ep 56 - Duration: 32:13.

Subtitles Updating... Please like and subscribe to my channel Thanks for watching!

Like,share and Subscribe NOW!

For more infomation >> 내 남자의 비밀 56회 ♥ The Secret of My Love Ep 56 - Duration: 32:13.


10 ERREURS Dans Les Films De STAR WARS Que Vous N'avez Jamais Remarquées 2 - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> 10 ERREURS Dans Les Films De STAR WARS Que Vous N'avez Jamais Remarquées 2 - Duration: 5:18.


Get Out Of Debt? Your Two Options (how to pay off debt) - Duration: 9:18.

In today's video

You'll learn about the two options you have when it comes to paying off your debts so that you know which method will work best

For you and then towards the end of the video, I'll give you my thoughts on both methods

And then I'll also introduce you to a tool that might help you make a better decision the dogs down there

And he's breathing really hard, so I'm sorry if it's kind of like you really truly want to pay off your debts

but you were scared to start you're scared to start because

Which debts do you start to pay off first not because you don't want to pay them off

But because you have different debts with different creditors if you've got a target credit card over here

By the student loans over there another Amazon credit card over there and a car loan as well on top of that they all have

Different Fleur balances different minimum payments and different interest rates. That's a lot to juggle

Oh, yeah And on top of that you want to make sure that you're going to pay them off in the most efficient way possible

Or you want to make sure that you're going to have the motivation to pay them off throughout the whole process are you?

overwhelmed yet if you are then I don't blame you because that's a lot of decisions to make a lot of

Important decisions to make to the point where you might even get decision fatigue and not even shoes at all, so where do you start?

Let's take a deep breath because it's not as difficult as you may think the two most

popular strategies to paying off your debts are the debt snowball method and the debt avalanche method

Which is sometimes referred to as the debt stacking method both are great methods, but deciding?

Which one to choose is all going to depend on your particular

Situation so let's get into them both right the first option

We're going to talk about today is the debt snowball method and I've created a scenario for you to help you follow along

Visually it should be a lot easier, so what we need to do first what the debt snowball method directs you to do

Is to first list all of your debts?

From smallest current balance to largest so we've got the 5,000 up at the top, and then we've got the largest which is

12,500 at the bottom and

What the debt snowball method wants or tell us you to do

it doesn't ask you is it wants you to pay minimum payments on all of your debts cool the 1260 and

any extra money that you have to put towards your debts every month you're going to put it towards the

first student loan up here with the smallest current balance

So this method doesn't want you to pay attention to the minimum payment

it doesn't want you to pay attention to the interest rate when it comes to paying the extra money and

What this results in is you get your first debt?

Up here paid off a lot quicker because you were focusing all of your extra money towards that

$5,000 debt you're gonna get get it paid off

really quick as opposed to focusing on maybe the

$12,500 and

What this results in is a psychological win for yourself to kind of give you that kickstart to help keep you motivated?

Throughout the process now a couple things to note is that if you do choose the debt snowball method it

it will take you a little bit longer to finish not that much longer depending on your current situation, but

It could take you a little bit longer and then also keep in mind that you will be paying a little bit more in interest

depending on how much you have in and

Your interest rates and balances and things like that, but in general you will be paying more interest, but the point of this method is


Psychological boost and some people need that and they would prefer that over

Saving certain amounts of money, and that's perfectly okay now

Let's say that you have an extra two hundred dollars a month to put towards your debts

You would of course cover your minimum payments on everything else got it

But then what are you gonna put that two hundred dollars well based on the dead snowball method you would actually put that

$200 towards that the first debt that we have listed up here

The one with the smallest current balance so instead of two hundred and seventy five dollars you would actually

$75 you would actually be paying two hundred and seventy five dollars until that current balance was gone

So let's fast forward a little bit and say that that that five thousand dollar debt is gone

What are you going to do with that?

$275 we're gonna start pretending it pretending like it's a snowball so you're going to snowball that

$275 payment into the next debt with the low with the smallest

lowest current balance in this case

I know this current balance would be a little bit lower by that point in time, but that's okay not a big deal for

Simplicity purposes we're gonna keep it at the six thousand. Okay, so that payment wouldn't just be the

$225 minimum, it would actually be

Five hundred dollars because you're rolling that

$275 into the 225 and then user is going to continue

With that whole process the second option that you have is the avalanche method or the stacking method what this method?

tells you to do is to take all of your loans like this and they want you to rank your loans starting out with the

debt that has the highest interest rate and

unlike the debt snowball method what they want you to do to do this put all of the extra money that you have

To put towards your debts, put it towards the debt that hides the highest interest rate. That's the goal here


If I hit that microphone my bed that so they don't want you to pay attention

to the total balance they don't want you to pay attention to the minimum payment they want you to focus on the interest rate and

In this case it will it sometimes

It just depends on your certain situation sometimes it will take you a little bit longer to get that first debt paid off

Another thing to keep in mind is that?

With the Avalanche and stacking method you actually save more money and interest in the long run

compared to the snowball method

And then also you will become debt free

Sooner is how it usually plays out compared to the debt snowball

Method just like the snowball method you would want to take any extra money that you have going towards your debt

So we'll just say $200

And you'd want to pay that extra money

Towards that first debt that we have listed up here of course all the minimum payments on everything else

But in this case you want to focus on that one, debt with the highest interest rate so in this case

She'd be put instead of

$225 you'd be putting

425 dollars towards this debt until it was paid off, and then you would take that 425 dollar payment, and you would stack it or

Avalanche it down to the next death

That has the highest interest rate the tool that I mentioned at the very beginning of the video is on a website called

Unburied us and I'll put the link in the description or somewhere on the screen here so that you can navigate to it

What's cool about it is you can put in your details of all of your loans?

So you add your loans loan name or a balance minimum payment in interest rate?

and then you can calculate the whole thing and it spits out this data, so I used this example from the

Stacking or avalanche and the snowball method that we talked about earlier in this video


What it does is it spits out all of this data for you?

Based on if you want to use the avalanche or the snowball you can toggle back and forth

Then it'll show you on a graph

How quickly you'll get your debts paid off the particular debts

And they'll tell you how soon you can get your debts paid off and the interest rate, and then you can also put some extra

into your monthly payment

And then it'll calculate that as well so you can see how soon you can become debt free so it's pretty cool

I enjoyed it go ahead to that website mess around with it. I'm not affiliated with them at all

I just think they

Created a very cool and fun tool

For you to help figure out when you're going when you're going to become debt free and I said going because you will

If you really work it you might be saying okay, Jared

Thanks for all the info

But which one should I choose there's really no wrong answer here because I've seen both methods work for both people for me personally

I'm a numbers guy, and I want to save some money

And I want to get done as soon as possible so I would recommend it using these stacking method

But if you need those small wins then definitely go with the debt snowball method. There's nothing wrong with that

Don't underestimate the power of those psychological wins that you might feel it doesn't always matter

Which method you choose because the outcome might be the exact same it all depends on the specifics of your particular debts

And how much you want to pay towards those debts every single month either way don't let this decision

Hold you up

Pick a method and move on because the main point of this whole thing is to get out of debt

And if you don't make a decision you'll never get out of debt

I'm curious what your thoughts on these methods are leave a comment down below

Let me know which one you like better


If you've tried one or the other let me know which one works best for you or which one

Didn't work very good for you

Thank you so much for taking some time out of your busy day to check out this video

I hope you found some value in it. I would greatly appreciate a like comment or subscribe

Because I love you more than petition spreadsheets, and I love spreadsheets because I'm a nerd alright. I'll talk to you next time videos


For more infomation >> Get Out Of Debt? Your Two Options (how to pay off debt) - Duration: 9:18.




Hi come in my house

Iem and I are in the car

She is refueling the car


It doesn't work

Oh yes it works

We're going to Epic Hard at Tilburg

And I'm so excited

It's gonna be so much fun

I'm going to tell you the line-up

She's not okay.

And Ceazar has to play too

So that's fun, I'm curious what the night will bring

and we're going to take you with us

My hair is purple

I love it

It's not annoying

Yesterday was

Epic Hard in Tilburg

and Rebellion was the mainact

And what do we think about last night?

It was a really great night, and the DJ's played good sets

We went to house at three when Rebelion was ready with their set

Because we were pretty tired

We wanted to go at the same time at 2.55am

and Rebelion had to play till 3

so that was perfect

We saw them

I did an interview with them

So nice!

They were very kind

Everybody was very nice

We first saw Ceazar, then Apexx

We spoke to him after his set

He must fly every week from Scotland to the Netherlands

I got so much respect for them

and then Rebelion had to play for an hour and a half

Oh no, before them Delete had a set

We saw him for a little while

because while he was playing we had the interview with Rebelion

and after them Malice had to play

We didn't see him because we went home then

It was really busy at Epic

Much busier than the last time we were there

There were also really big fans of Rebelion with t-shirts and things

Normally there coming more people that live near by Tilburg

Now there were people from the whole country

We had a great night

especially because it was Epic Hard again

Really nice to go. Highly recommended

They always have a great line-up

So this was the vlog of Epic Hard

Epic Hard Rebelion and friends

Tonight we're going to Snakepit

this video is coming online next Friday at 12pm

Don't forget to like and subscribe of course

And have a nice week!


For more infomation >> EPIC HARD WITH REBELION - AFTERVLOG #108 - Duration: 14:03.


[ENG SUB] [RECIPE] 🍳 how to make Marinated Egg Yolk (soy sauce) It's really easy! 이제이레시피/EJ recipe - Duration: 2:46.

Add sugar and cooking wine into a pot and heat it.

When the sugar is melted, add soy sauce and boil a little.

Cool down the mixture until the soy sauce gets cold.

Put soy sauce into a container and add egg yolks.

Flip the egg yolks once in every 3~6 hours, be careful to not break the egg yolks!

Marinated egg yolk is done.

You can have it with warm rice, furikake, and sesame oil~

You can add some dried laver too!!!!!

You can have it with butter too!

It's really simple and it's a great way to eat egg yolks!

I'll make marinated egg yolk again when I make macarons!

I'll see you in my next video! Bye :)

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] [RECIPE] 🍳 how to make Marinated Egg Yolk (soy sauce) It's really easy! 이제이레시피/EJ recipe - Duration: 2:46.


The Cold. - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> The Cold. - Duration: 6:46.


Smart Holiday Light Display

For more infomation >> Smart Holiday Light Display


Plantation | 4 elementos para entender a economia colonial - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Plantation | 4 elementos para entender a economia colonial - Duration: 1:50.


Mamma Bruschetta deixa o Fofocalizando e é substituída por Chris Flores - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Mamma Bruschetta deixa o Fofocalizando e é substituída por Chris Flores - Duration: 3:14.


O beijo nojento [PT-EN-ES] - Duration: 6:55.

I will tell a story for you to come children.

Hello everyone, YouTube here is your friend powermafia and then people like mine


I am with some pats here to leave the coolest and most beautiful scenario and try

improve more and more for you, you that make the channel you are mine

YouTube viewers all this is it here is for you.

Today I will tell you about kiss kiss is a good thing very good everyone likes


But when I was a child I saw that child was a kind of brother especially

of old people.

Folks it seems that old does not seem to see a beautiful child that already goes.

That mouth of an old man all screwed and full of mustache ugly business a half mouth


And drool and drool you're connected you want Old man you know look I look.

You think I'm not going to Analytics to see the average channel and the average 40 years

forward and 30 40 50 60 of the channel so you know what I'm talking about.

The people come with that kiss so that baba.... let me kiss my grandchild.

We used to be a bit disgusting when we were kids I'm disgusting.

But my father took me to meet my aunt's sister. And where does that live in that aunt?

It lives inside logically.

And getting there I came across a person and my father's girl my father is half Moreno era

A brunette woman. And it is that kind of woman and has mustache appears man mustache a thing

disgusting people.

Look you are watching my video you mustache woman please please pass a wax

In this is a product that pulls or even a tweezers.

It does not work. Nothing, no man wants to kiss his mouth like this, 'cause you're going to want to kiss a kid?

Do not give old.

I hit the eye I already saw that huge mustache and that frilly mouth I already got half to

After my father, my father already came to present the aunt I went with the hand and said: - hi aunt.

I did not want to kiss, do not go outside I huh.

My father he kind of forced.

It's a lack of vocation, boy, give a kiss to the aunt.

Then I went to give the kiss but it was already, you is connected when you are with your mouth

Bad you are connected that you go to the lips like this.

With a little kiss.


When you feel like kissing you will like this, and when you do not feel like

the lip comes in

That's what happened with the kiss without a kiss.

Then she had to kiss I did not want her kiss but neither did the cock, it ends soon

with that and that was what happened I took that kiss printed. Aarrggg what hate

I just such a person. I can not hide what I feel.

I wanted to be a covert guy but I'm not.

I am angry you will know that I am angry I am happy you will know that

I am happy and so I am my reaction she gave a kiss here I cleaned.

She was embarrassed my father was also unsightly but there is no way I'm not

a master in human relations and she comes with that whole fucked mouth all drooling want

kissing someone to us child in a skin silky a beautiful skin and that cheek

Rosada and she comes with that whole mouth fucked in wanting to kiss people.

Will shave this mustache will splinter my father did not like anything aunt too, I was

on mine until the visit ended and that was what happened.

there is no way anymore.

I do not know how to disguise people will make the mustache Go a hug Total but and all stay with

God ahahahahahahaha damn asshole mouth kkkkkk

Speechnotes :)

For more infomation >> O beijo nojento [PT-EN-ES] - Duration: 6:55.


Ryder Plays Balls in Bath Room Learn Colours Kids Nursery Rhymes Kids Songs Children Baby Videos - Duration: 2:34.

Ryder Plays Balls in Bath Room Learn Colours Kids Nursery Rhymes Kids Songs Children Baby Videos

For more infomation >> Ryder Plays Balls in Bath Room Learn Colours Kids Nursery Rhymes Kids Songs Children Baby Videos - Duration: 2:34.


RH NOSSA | Existe resposta certa nas entrevistas de emprego? - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> RH NOSSA | Existe resposta certa nas entrevistas de emprego? - Duration: 3:33.


Peugeot 2008 1.2 PureTech 110pk Blue Lion|NAVIGATIE|AIRCO|CRUISE CONTROL|SOS - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 2008 1.2 PureTech 110pk Blue Lion|NAVIGATIE|AIRCO|CRUISE CONTROL|SOS - Duration: 0:57.


Croatian Food Review - Trying Dishes with Truffles in Zagreb, Croatia - Duration: 14:27.


He's like get away.

Get away.

Anyways what are we doing right now?

We are going for lunch.

Hello there.


So yeah, our first restaurant meal here.

Let's make it happen in Zagreb.

So you were sold by a couple of items.

What were they?

Everything with truffles.


Everything with truffles.

Polenta with truffles.

Pasta with truffles.

Let's go in.

Well hello hello.

It is time for lunch here in Zagreb and we found a really cool restaurant like right

around the corner from our Airbnb.

This place I believe is called Fotic (Bistro Fotic) but I can't be sure because I can't

seem to pronounce anything correctly in Croatian.

Um, but anyways today we figured we would showcase some Croatian dishes and we're specifically

going to be focussing on anything and everything with truffles.

So I believe Sam you got risotto.


I got polenta.

And yeah truffles are going to be like the main thing.


And another thing to mention is that truffles are usually expensive anywhere else in the

world but like they grow here I don't know like mushrooms.

Well, I guess they are kind of a mushroom but anyways um yeah it is really popular so

you can find it in a lot of dishes and it is not that expensive so it should be a good


And of course the wine is the first thing to arrive.


Let's get into that.

That just seems to be a standard now for us in Europe.

We get our red wine.

We get our dry reds before the meal even comes and I believe this is the Plavac or Plavac

grape and this is the most common wine we've found here in Croatia and it is really good.

It is something that we've been drinking at home and yeah and at restaurants basically.

Gotta get that red.

That daily glass of red in.

What do you think?

Yeah, that is really nice.

It is really nice.

Very strong, very full bodied and um yeah it is just such an exciting way to start the


Wine is just part of our routine now so yeah.

We drink our wine.

Sam you are looking pretty Wolf-y over there.

Your head is turning into Mister Afro Puff.

Yeah, I'm in the Wolverine stage and I think I'm going to keep rocking this for a couple

more weeks.


For the rest of Croatia?

Enjoy it.

Enjoy it Audrey.


The bread has arrived.

We got a really nice bread bakset.



We got a nice bread basket that showed up.

So check that out.

Oh my gosh it is still warm.

This must be complimentary.

It is and it looks like homemade bread.

I'm going to take these little nuggets.

Can I call them that?

Bread nuggets.

Bread nuggets.

Bread I don't know what they call it.

Torn off bread slices.

And it comes with a set of garlic cheese.

A fresh garlic cheese and some coarse salt.

Oh my gosh.

You've gotta love that.

I love homemade bread.

I know.

I'll have it with cheese.

We already have a carb heavy meal but we always make the mistake if we're brought bread we

just can't resist.

We just absolutely cannot resist.

Is it good?

That is really great.

I could easily fill up on that.

And because we are trying to balance the carbs over here.


We ordered one little salad.

Trying to get some fresh veggies and greens in our system.

So yeah if you just take a look here this is just it is called the seasonal salad so

I guess it varies by what time of the year it is and we are very much into the fall.

Yeah, so we're getting tomatoes, we have a little bit of cabbage and onion, we have it

looks like some iceberg lettuce and then over here yeah it looks like arugula as well.

Yeah, some arugula.

So we got a little bit of everything going on.

It is just a very simple salad.

I think there is already dressing on top.

I'm not sure.

He's chewing.

That was a huge bite.

Yeah, it has just been lightly um not dusted lightly sprinkled with olive oil.

Yeah, it is just nice to get some fresh veggies.

It is just a very simple salad.

Very simple but it is nice to get some veggies into our system.

But really we're waiting for the truffles.

Oh yeah.

The star of the show hasn't arrived yet.

This is just uh this is just the beginning.

Oh my goodness guys, the food is here and it looks amazing.

So like I mentioned earlier I ended up getting the polenta which is really cool.

They kind of cooked it in like a circular fashion and then sliced it and in between

I have like this red cabbage and also he came to the table and he brought his little truffle

and he actually like sliced it onto my meal.

Yeah, it was amazing.

It is pretty phenomenal.

So excited for this.

So yeah, let's dig in.

And I'm going to dig in with some truffle.

Let's grab a little piece.

Oh my gosh.


Grab a bit.

Polenta and truffles.


Oh my gosh.


I just love truffles.

I've only had it a few times in my life.

I think probably just in Italy but it is so so good.


It is like black gold.

You tend to like the finer things in life.

Oh yes.

Oh man.

I want to just like shave off a little piece so I don't waste it.

Go in for more.

But seriously all you need is like a little piece and it has such a strong flavor.



And this is what we came for.

This is what we came for exactly.

This right here.

And this I should also try this right?


Let's see what this was all about.

Oh, and did I mention my dish has cheese.

Parmesan cheese all over it.

Oh yeah, we asked them to come over and put parmesan cheese on it too.

That is right.


That is really good.

I think maybe it is just been like grilled lightly.

So it is kind of crispy.

But yeah, this is such a wonderful wonderful meal.

So far so good huh?

It has truffle oil.

This has been grilled and then drizzled with truffle oil.

So I have like truffle oil and real truffles.

So can we say that is truffle-tastic?



That is pretty lame.


So good.

Sam is going in for my polenta before I even try mine I'm going to try yours.

So let's make sure I get some polenta.

Get in there.

But don't take too much truffles.


Oh my gosh I'm taking a lot of truffle.

Don't worry I've got to give my opinion so.

Oh man.


For taste testing purposes.


What do you think?

Yeah that is awesome.

Simply awesome.

And what is so cool about this is like the taste is obviously delicious but just the

presentation is beautiful.


It is a work of art on the plate.


This has just been a fantastic meal so far and service has been very good.


Um, just so attentive and the food has come reasonably fast and yeah and next up we're

going in for the risotto.



Okay Sam, so time to try your main.

The risotto.

So before I even try it I've just got to talk about the procedure of this whole thing.


So it was plated at the table.

Yeah, they came out with a pot.

Yeah, it was like a saucepan and then they served it right on the plate.

Yeah, and then they came and did the whole truffle grating business.


Like they did on yours.


And then he asked me if I would like to have cheese and I said yeah of course.

So he came back and grated cheese.

You had to ask him is that enough because you weren't saying stop.

Oh yeah, he was just going and going.

I was busy filming it.

So I wasn't paying attention.

So it is going to be very cheese heavy.

Um, anyways, let's try that.

So I'm going to make sure I get a piece of truffle.

I'm going to dig down deep so I get a bit of everything here.

And you got the risotto with prosciutto, pine nuts and truffles.

Yeah, it is kind of like a lot going on.

Alright, let's try that.

Can't wait to try yours.


Oh my gosh.


What do you think?


Well, I'm a huge risotto fan and this is right up there with being really high quality.

Like they've cooked it to perfection.

The risotto itself is just cooked perfectly and then on top of that you've got a creamy

sauce, you've got the meat, you've got all of the cheese.

You've got the truffles.

It is just like it is something wonderful taking place in your mouth.

I can smell that from over here.

Oh my gosh that is so good.

I'm at a loss for words I'm enjoying this so much.

It has been so good.

I will share this with you but not too much.

I'm actually getting the meat sweats over here.

I need to take off my jacket.

Alright, so it is time for me to try Sam's dish which smells so good from across the


Oh yeah, you're going to like this Audrey.

In we go.

And you've just added to your cooking repertoire.

You can now make pretty darn good risotto.

I sure can.


But not quite as good as this yet right?


Just kidding.

Maybe if I buy some truffles I could take it to the next level.

This is so good though with the prosciutto.

Isn't that next level risotto though?


Like oh my gosh.

I feel the need to like protect this dish.

Hey, that is mine.


It is so good.

We can share both plates that is fair.

It is just so like creamy.

I know.

And cheesy.


And hey have I had a truffle in your dish?


I'm taking a big piece because you like took a whole sliver of mine.

You know whenever I think of truffles I think of Meteora in Greece.

Do you remember that place that just specialized in only truffles.

We also had truffles there.

All they did was like truffles and mushrooms dishes.


This is amazing.

Both dishes are really good yeah but especially the risotto.


It is such a nice combination.

I actually feel really good about this meal because normally one of us orders something

better than the other but I think both are equally good and we can enjoy sharing both


Oh my gosh.

This place gets 5 stars in my books.


So everything was amazing but now it is time to choose our dessert and they actually have

a display case with all of the cakes back there.

Oh my gosh that display case is like I should call it the temptation case because there

is a lot of really good looking cakes.


And other desserts.

But anyways we're just going to share one slice because that was a lot of food and the

one that has caught our attention, for both of us, is called the Sevitina Torta which

has custard, chocolate, hazelnut and nutella.



That sounds pretty darn good.


Let's order that and let's both share it and enjoy it.

So in we go the cake has arrived.

Check out all of those layers.

Oh my.

And some whipped cream.

How is that?

So creamy.

So creamy.

So so creamy.

It looks like especially decadent.

That describes it so well.

Oh my gosh.

You are speechless.

That is how I know it is good.

And you've had this is your third bite.


That is another way I know it is good.

Yeah, at the same time it is so light and fluffy so it is like you can eat lots of it.


Alright, Sam.

Yeah so I'm going to take a bite.

There is only half of the cake left but that is alright.

I've got some whipped cream.

Why is only half of the cake left Sam?

I think someone went to town on it.

Oh my gosh.

Look at that.


This meal almost makes me want to move to Croatia.

Like permanently.

So you can eat this all of the time?


It is so good.

All of the different layers are so distinct and it is just like yeah it is one of those

roll around in your tongue kind of bites.

You just want to have it in your mouth as long as possible.

And it has just been a wonderful meal.

We are very full and we plan to do a lot of sightseeing but I feel like I need a siesta.

I feel like a rotund chicken that needs a siesta but anyways the food has just been

fantastic here.

Oh my gosh.


Time for price point.

Yeah, it sure is time for price point.

So that came to 236 Kuna which was 30 Euros in total.

And basically 15 per person and that was for two glasses of red wine, a salad to share,

two mains and a dessert to share.

So pretty good value and my gosh the food was excellent here.

We'd highly recommend this place so yeah I have a feeling we'll be back again.


For more infomation >> Croatian Food Review - Trying Dishes with Truffles in Zagreb, Croatia - Duration: 14:27.


Cemetery - The spirit of South Africa - VPRO Metropolis - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Cemetery - The spirit of South Africa - VPRO Metropolis - Duration: 4:21.



Welcome to the ice castle!

Anna is asleep

There is a puppy on the bed

Olaf the snowman

Beautiful dress

It is a morning in winter

Elsa is asleep

The bed is purple

Wake up Elsa!

Elsa yawns

The toddlers have a surprise for the princess

Happy birthday Elsa!

The gift is for the queen

She is surprised

A cute puppy

His name is Pluto

The dog is a Tsum Tsum

Elsa laughs

The dolls eat breakfast in bed

Anna eats eggs and croissant

She drinks coffee

Elsa eats toasts with Nutella

She drinks lemon tea

The breakfast is delicious!

Elsa is now in the bathroom

The doll will take a bath

Elsa wears a pink bathrobe

Elsa is in the bathtub

The bathtub is full of water beads!

The bath is a lot of fun

Elsa is ready

A blue dress for Elsa


It is a princess dress

Elsa wears a necklace

She likes jewelry a lot

The dress is stunning

Elsa wears makeup

The toddler helps

Elsa is ready for her birthday!

Let's go downstairs

Anna is in the kitchen

The princess is cooking

There is a piano in the room

The toddlers eat breakfast at the table

The little girls drink hot chocolate

The girls eat cookies and sandwiches

Anna bakes a cake

The oven

The birthday cake is ready!

Door bell

Someone is at the door!

Barbie and Kristoff are here!

Barbie says hello

The doll has a gift for Elsa

Happy birthday Elsa!

The guests are here for the birthday party

Elsa opens the gifts

Barbie gives the gift

A blue dress!

Elsa loves the dress

Elsa opens the gift

Beautiful clothes!

Elsa loves the outfit

A blue jacket

A dress with sparkles

It's a great birthday party!

The guests eat cake

The birthday cake is delicious

The little girls are very happy

Happy birthday!

The Disney castle is very big

We visit the princess castle

The princess dress

The vanity set

Olaf the snowman is dancing

The dolls have a lot of makeup

The princesses love to play dress up and makeover

The bathroom


The bathtub

The girls love water beads

We continue the house tour

We visit the princess bedroom

The blue dress is beautiful

Olaf the snowman is very happy

This is the makeup for princess Anna

She has a purple bag and silver shoes

Anna likes perfume

The puppy sleeps on the bed

Anna has a blue teddy bear

We visit the bedroom of Elsa

Elsa is the ice queen

The dog wears a pink crown

Very cute

There are stuffed animals on the shelf

Disney characters

Tsum Tsum

The owl is a Littlest Pet Shop

Elsa has a purple teddy bear

The wardrobe is full of bags and shoes

The doll loves fashion!

A blue handbag

The castle is beautiful

We visit the living room

The dog sleeps next to the piano


Starbucks latte

Tsum Tsum

Hi Olaf!

The toddlers eat breakfast

The cookies are in the shape of Hello Kitty cat

We visit the kitchen

The Shopkins are on the table

Cookies and sandwiches

We look inside the fridge

We finished the house tour!

I hope you enjoyed this video of the princess castle

Do you like the toys?

Do you play with dolls too?

I make videos with Barbie dolls and Disney princess dolls

My favorite princesses are princess Elsa and princess Anna

I like to make morning routine in the dollhouse

Don't forget to subscribe for more videos with Barbie dolls

I make videos for children

Thank you for watching!

Bella Toys

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