Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 14 2017

when I travel my outfit choice is part of my packing routine and if you travel

like I do you know that choosing your outfit that you wear on the airplane

through the airport takes time and thought I want to dress comfortably I

want to feel confident in my outfit and I definitely do not want to worry while

I'm walking through the airport or while I'm on the airplane about what I'm

wearing I want to be in vacation mode in every sense of the word however there

are eight things you should not wear in an airport and let me know in the

comments below if you think I have proven why you should not wear each

piece my name is Laurie and I create YouTube videos about ideas that pop into

my head thank you for taking the time to watch my videos we just got back from

Chicago and this idea popped into my head about what you should not wear on

an airplane when I learned from experience by wearing some of my nicer

boots that I don't wear throughout the day running errands so I'm not used to

wearing them for long periods of time we left on the morning of the snowstorm in

Houston Texas where we woke up at 3:30 to an inch and a half of snow and had to

drive through pouring snow to get to the airport walk through the airport walk on

the airplane and then getting up out of the airport in Chicago I had a blister

already on my tote and we used an uber driver and I had to ask him I said will

it weird you out if I put a bandaid on in your car I am a complete stranger in

this guy's car I was so embarrassed but I had to go to the event right as soon

as we got into Chicago so I couldn't change my shoes well I could have but

the suitcase was on the trunk anyway that's my number one tip is to not wear

shoes that you don't wear very often because of the chance of getting a

blister or two I took some video right when I got back from Chicago while it

was fresh in my mind so you will see me in another part of my house my studio

giving you examples of what I think you should not wear on air

where when we're talking about shoes do not take shoes that don't have a zipper

or that you can't take off easily to get through security I had to take off my

boots that I was wearing to the event and here's what it looks like here's my

boot there is no zipper it's cut it's supposed to be over the knee but I'm

taller so it doesn't go over the knee but I have to take them off like this

okay there's no zipper there's no way to get them off standing a lot in security

is not when I want to sit down on the floor or lean against something and

slide those shoes off I want easy access easy removal to take off my shoes so

pick wisely when you're choosing what shoes to wear in the airport wearing

white pants is so up there I have I learned that very easily because you can

get so many stains on your jeans not because of your own fault if you have on

white pants which are so trendy looks so cool in the winter and in the summer you

can sit on something in the boarding area in the bus the parking lot bus in

the train via terminals you can sit in a seat in the airplane and spill coffee on

yourself I do not recommend wearing them you don't have your cleaning supplies in

you might have to wait five days or however long your trip is to really

truly clean it out one tip my mom figured out when we were in Maine is

that if you boil some water like in your coffee pot if you boil some water and

pour it over your white shirt she had a white shirt it will take out a lot of

the stain with white jeans I learned from experience this happened to me I

was wearing the cutest little white jeans and I pulled my suitcase out of

the overhead bin and because it was so heavy

i clunked it down onto my leg and the wheel of the suitcase

rubbed up against my white pants and it was so much of a smudge that I couldn't

like wipe it off or smudge it out so it's a beyond your control but that's

just something else to think about when wearing white jeans I also think you

should stay away from cream beautiful creamy sweaters and white tops because

of the same reason stains that are not caused by yourself that you have no

control over the turbulence it can come out of nowhere and the littlest bumps

can knock some of the sloshing coffee onto your white shirt or white pants or

white sweater okay another thing that I think in the summer

is so fun to wear is a maxi skirt however when you are walking through the

airport and through the airplane lavatory your maxi skirt is going to

drag against the floor at the lavatory on the airplane and let's think of it

like this as my friend Jim said he's a pilot and he said if you do not feel

comfortable wearing a maxi dress into a like rock concert porta potty or

port-a-john into that bathroom then do not wear it in the airport in the

airplane lavatory okay let's say you are walking to your seat and you sit down

look how much it is dragging on the floor and in the lavatories on the

airplane you know all there is bodily fluids on the floor and people go

barefooted also as a woman you've got to pull that skirt up and you're not

worried about what's on the seat of the airplane toilet you're worried about all

the other stuff that's around it because remember the toilet seat is the same

height as the ledge around it and that's your skirt you've got to be really

careful about that skirt touching the ledge and getting all those bodily

fluids on it with a maxi skirt I have loved this idea from my friend an age

you can tie it up into a knot and that also helps but it is a skirt that is

long and flowy so it is going to drag even if you sit down or squat to go to

the restroom the same thing with the maxi dress it will drag the floor when

you're walking beside the seat your skirt may swipe past somebody's seat

that has I don't know some kind smudge on it so be careful with that

because skirts and dresses they're flouncy and they brush things that you

don't want him to brush on an airplane okay I was so excited when I found this

Cape and I wanted to wear it on the airplane because it's long enough to

wear with leggings or with capri leggings now today I have on my black

pants and my black boots that award but here's what happens when you wear a cape

that has sleeves is you put on your backpack it restricts your arms like I'm

trying to walk forward having the backpack on or a purse with

the weight of the purse right there it messes up the whole look that you're

going for it for your airplane outfit when I travel I want to be like fluid I

don't want any restrictions on my movements I don't want to feel not cute

in my travel outfit so I am against wearing a cape that has like sleeves in

it armhole sleeves and I also have this other one okay I have this cape it's a

shawl there are no sleeve holes okay so it's just the point in the front and the

point in the back but look how long it goes down in the back so when you sit

down or a squat to go to the restroom that back part you've got to really make

sure it does not touch any of the wet stuff that's around the seat not on the

seat but around the seat of the toilet I know it sounds so gross but it is a

reality now I'm gonna put on my backpack and it's hard putting on a backpack with

thick sweaters but that's okay so this does not restrict my arms as much

because there are no sleeve holes hanging pulling up this part of the

material but it messes up the whole look of my outfit so this would not be my

choice for an airplane travel outfit I can wear this any time of the year

anywhere else not on an airplane I just think it's too

much to worry about or fool with and I want to be in vacation mode not thinking

at all I also shy away from wearing a plaid nut

plaid a button-up shirt when I travel on an airplane for my outfit I would love I

love the length and the draping of some button-down shirts but you have this

where when you're spreading or stretching or if you have a poorly made

shirt that's a button now it is easily going to show your skin when you sit

down and spread the fabric unless you have fabric tape this is the best way to

do it you just tear it with the length that you need and then place it down

take off the top layer of plastic you lift it up and take off that last piece

of plastic take it down and then put your shirt right back over it and you

cannot tell like when you sit that is my pet peeve of oxford shirts when you sit

down they inevitably open up or poke up right where you don't want them to and

another way to solve the problem with but no shirts ok gaping open is to sew a

thin little strip like your third button-down or however high you want it

to go to sew straight down all the way to the bottom and that way it won't gap

open at all whatsoever make sure you sew it on the very edge so

that when you wash your shirt and dry it you don't have to iron every little

section like you would normally with a button-down shirt that could fold back

when you wash it and dry it like that there's a condition called thrombosis

and it is where you have a blood clot that forms from very very restrictive

clothing in a certain area especially around your calves and then

can create other blood clots and then the main blood clot enlarges and has

serious risks involved to your health so boots that are way too tight and I've

come close sometimes because my jeans were thick that I wore inside my boots

that's just something to think about thanks again for popping over to my

Laurie pop channel I hope it has helped

For more infomation >> What NOT to Wear on an Airplane - Duration: 10:54.


Fun Shapes and Colors

For more infomation >> Fun Shapes and Colors


Five Element Ninjas (1982) Review&Brew - Duration: 8:31.

So today we feel like reviewing Five Element Ninja

And we're also gonna do Chai High by Avery Brewing Co.


I lost

I'm unworthy

that's nonsense

losing is not unusual

[man slices throat with axe]

[man stares into void]

[man falls backwards with aid of friends]


Basic premise of this film is there two groups. Two rival factions who hate each other

and they send worries after each other and they fight in a room and most

of them die but the bad guys they bring in a samurai from Japan and that's not

kosher in this day and age. Samurai guy he's defeated by our good guy the main

character samurai guy he kills himself because samurais honor all that bullshit

but not before he gives a letter to the good guys saying:

and the guys like "I don't suck!", so he sends his best warriors out

there. They go and they get defeated by the elemental ninjas of gold, wood, water,

fire, and earth. The good guy meanwhile gets captured by the bad guys

He escapes though it's totally cool

he meets up with his old ninja master and says

"I've been captured by these ninjas but I escaped but I made more knowledge"

The ninja master's like Ok no problem dude I can help you out

that's totally fine here trading with these four guys I'll put blindfolds on

you which are really jockstraps they kind of smell, but it's okay.

and he trains them he trains it real good

and then they go and they defeat the five

elemental ninjas a gold, wood, water fire, and earth

goodbye hero

So where do we start talking about this movie? There's

a lot of very epic scenes

I want to start with the sound effects because I

totally feel like there was just some guy in a room and like he's watching the

fight scenes. You got kick sound

kick sound





It's funny because like every

time somebody slightly swings a sword it doesn't have to hit another sword

You hear that Sound FX. There's that door

Yea that door!

This one freakin' door

every time it opens it's like


and the door always slams even when it doesn't close

the dubbing, haha, was something else

I was...careless last time...I was catching

this ring...from the Japanese...and my palm was bruised...I didn't mind it...but I've

been poisoned by it

this movie had a lot going on

especially with the characters what's your insight

Well there were

definitely a lot of characters in this movie and a lot of characters that we

are introduced to by name

There's gotta be like 20 different names that we're supposed to remember. Right at the

beginning about half of them are killed off. One that sticks in my mind is the

earth ninjas and it's a pretty cool concept they hide under the ground and

they can pop up whatever they want to sometimes they disappear randomly and

their clothes are left behind?

One of our heroes one of our characters that I

can't remember his name shows up to fight them and he is greeted with a

spear up the pant leg so he gets a few of them shoved up there now and again

and eventually something comes dangling out as he's fighting it's bloody it's

long it's gross and we're not quite sure what it is. I think it's supposed to be

his intestines but he's fighting and at one point he steps forward and trips on

his own bloody guts, falls into a spear, and dies

it was disgusting it was it was so graphic and cringe-worthy

It was not at all hilarious

it was terrible

it was terrible

but also amazing. It was one of my favorite scenes I think

but back to the characters

so some of the main characters that stick out for me

are the lady ninja. She plays this kind of double spy not quite sure whose side

she's on. She works for the bad ninjas and she helps the good guy but then she

betrays him was background blah blah blah and then the good guy just killed

her which is pretty great because you never see that in a movie

well can we talk about that she was kind of supposed to be a love interest

after fact that she kills the main character's brother

it's my turn to be good I

saved you from them

Chen was kind to you but you killed him

Didn't you kill?

Didn't YOU kill

Didn't you kill my brother?

How come you don't like me at all?


lots of blood

tearing someone apart Hellraiser style

and the final boss battle is amazing

So our protagonist has

his metal claws stuck into his chest and he's straining and he's pushing himself

away and the other guys on his team are like ripping the guy from the other

half and like the bad guy he's just rips in half

and then you see his beating

heart in the straw and it's like whoa what happened here?

as our hero falls

backwards with a pair of pants stuffed with something? Blood spilling out of it

this this movie goes over the top in all the right ways and it's a you gotta

watch it it's fantastic

I agree with you

so we just finished watching

Five Element Ninjas and it was a fantastic movie why don't you give this a little

re-run of the elements

we got water, we got fire, we have earth, wood,

and gold

So let's see if Chia-hi by Avery brewing holds up to the

gold standard

it's a little joke it's funny, laugh

has a lot of chia aroma

that has a great aroma it's got a little bit of herbal

flavor not quite as spiced as I would think of as it like a chai tea

Five Element Ninja's a great movie. should definitely check it out. Super funny movie

watch it

thanks for watching Review&Brew and we'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Five Element Ninjas (1982) Review&Brew - Duration: 8:31.


How to prevent high cholesterol | Tomato juice to prevent high cholesterol - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> How to prevent high cholesterol | Tomato juice to prevent high cholesterol - Duration: 2:21.


Wheels on the Bus

For more infomation >> Wheels on the Bus


Liga de la Justicia - Ahora me ocupo yo (I'll take it from here) - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Liga de la Justicia - Ahora me ocupo yo (I'll take it from here) - Duration: 1:31.


【Yumeiro Theory】魔法 (Mahou) -piano arrange-【UTAUカバー】 - Duration: 3:48.

The song I clumsily sing day by day

The dream I saw some time ago

I pass through the long, deep nights

to meet up with you.

Just like that, "See you again", right here we said.

Into the days of nothingness,

feelings have already gone astray

and slip into the forgotten past.

And yet my feet float

To where your voice calls

Shall we laugh together and then vanish?

That would be much better.

On the hill, there you are

waiting for me.

No matter how many times and to whom I conveyed this,

it couldn't be heard.

"Goodbye", I waved my hand

to the days of emptiness

Tomorrow disappeared right there

Do you remember?

And yet my heart bounces

To where your voice calls.

It would be better if there didn't exist "above" or "under"

Let us melt into each other

We hide our wrists

Until we get to the end of the hill

Undoubtedly, we will laugh together and then vanish

All of us.

For more infomation >> 【Yumeiro Theory】魔法 (Mahou) -piano arrange-【UTAUカバー】 - Duration: 3:48.


Die BESTE Soundbar! - Teufel Cinebar One (+) Unboxing und TEST I Techcheck - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Die BESTE Soundbar! - Teufel Cinebar One (+) Unboxing und TEST I Techcheck - Duration: 5:44.


北, 중국 사람들 스파이로 몰아 체포 - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> 北, 중국 사람들 스파이로 몰아 체포 - Duration: 4:25.


Poi Spinning Combo Choreography: 2017 Routine - Duration: 16:19.

Hey gang!

Drex here from with a combo for the month of December...sort of.

See, this whole year I had an evil plan.

All those combo tutorials starting in March?

They all fit together like puzzle pieces.

They're all choreographed to the same song and they come together to produce one full

poi routine to one of my favorite songs.

In this video, you're going to learn how all these pieces fit together and be able

to perform the full routine yourself.

Before we dive in, I just want to take a moment to give a shout out to the friends of the


Big thanks to Dark Monk, Emazing Lights, Flowtoys, Spinballs, and Ultra Poi for helping to make

the videos on this channel possible.

You can visit them all on the web by following the links down in the description of this


So, let's start off with two pieces: the song we're spinning to and the order in

which all the pieces fit together.

All of the combos I've done this year are actually set to the same song: "Leave an

Open Door" by Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers.

I've blocked out this song into 12 different sections based upon where I hear the dynamics

of the song changing.

What exactly is blocking?

I just did a video on this Tuesday.

Click on the link in the description or cards if you're watching on YouTube to learn what

this is and how to do it.

So the blocking and choreographic pieces break down as such: From the start of the song till

17 seconds in is the intro.

This is covered in my March combo.

The first verse lasts from 18 seconds to 33 seconds and is the Intermediate combo from


The long combo from May takes up both the first chorus as well as the second verse from

34 seconds to 59 seconds.

The first combo from November is performed during the second chorus between one minute

and a minute and 15 seconds.

The second November combo is between a minute 16 and a minute 32, which I'm referring

to as the song's first bridge.

We actually return to the March combo for the third chorus between a minute 33 and a

minute 49.

There's a build up to the second bridge between a minute 50 and two minutes and six

seconds--this is the beginner combo from July.

Next we have the second bridge from two minutes and 7 seconds to two minutes and 22 seconds

that features the Intermediate Combo from August.

Our third bridge happens at two minutes and 23 seconds and lasts until two minutes and

40 seconds and it uses the Advanced combo from October.

Our last two sections are the solo between two minutes and 41 seconds up till two minutes

and 58 seconds which features our beginner combo from September.

We finish it off with a part that's both the fourth chorus as well as the outro starting

at two minutes and 59 seconds.

This is a variation on the March combo that we're going to add a little bit to in this


So...that's a lot.

I've got a chart made up that you can download at the link in the description or you can

just follow along as I describe it.

I've also included a link to a playlist of all the combos used for this full routine

in the description as well as cards on YouTube.

Let's talk about the cues to be listening for to be able to put all these pieces together.

The March combo is already set to this music so I'm not going to go over the cues again.

Here it is for review.

For the April combo, do the first stall on "I" and the second stall on "light"

in that first line.

The second pair of stalls are on "all around," which is why they're double time.

Stall up with the right hand on "silouette."

Pirouette through the lyric "open door."

There's no cue for the snake or isolation, but do the first stall out is on "ain't"

and the second one happens immediately after "caught it yet."

Do the Yuta stall on "behind you" before doing the pendulum stalls.

Here's what that whole combo should look like.

[Music] I can see the light all around your silhouette

Leave an open door behind you My heart went running after you

But I ain't caught it yet Leave an open door behind you

Moving onto the May combo, the pendulum behind the head happens on the one beat under the

first lead guitar lick and the little together same spin happens on the four.

Do the Yuta stall on the lyric "open door."

There's no cue for the pendulum stall, but make sure to stall out your right hand on

4 beat of that measure.

Wrap the poi around your hands and float them up to start the stack at the beginning of

the line "sing about the dawn."

Make the first stall happen on "dawn."

You'll get to the two poi stalling together on "night."

The windmill comes on "open" and the pirouette on "behind you."

The timing is a little tricky on the together same antispin flower, but more or less you're

looking to start it on "dark" and try to hit a flower petal on each syllable.

Right hand stalls out on "see" and left hand stalls out on "light."

The stalls out to the side happen on the word "open."

The two hands stall out on "behind" and the right hand poi stalls over to the left

on the next beat.

Here's all that set to the music.

[Music] Leave an open door

Sing about the dawn In the middle of the night

Leave an open door behind you Stumble through the dark

So that we might see the light Leave an open door behind you

Now we move on to the first November combo.

Do the tuck turn on the guitar lick and stall the poi on each of the next two beats as your

level drops.

The stall up happens on the next guitar lick.

There's no cue for the jump but the corkscrew happens on "open."

Do the pas de bourree on "leave an open door" and each of the next four stalls on

the next four beats.

Do the shrink and expand back out with enough time to be spread out when the next lyric

hits, starting the second combo from November.

Here's all that to the music.

[Music] Leave an open door Leave an open door

Leave an open door behind you Leave an open door behind you

You're trying to hit each and every petal of the flowers and Zan's Diamond using a

double time feel with the song.

Think one-and-two-and-three-and-four-and as you're doing it.

This is going to be very tricky and will probably require a lot of practice.

There's no cue for the jump or corkscrew, but as you're straightening up, your stalls

out should land on the long, drawn out "on" lyric.

Take the last two steps and then shuffle back to center stage as fast as you can.

Here's that set to the music.

[Music] Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

Here we repeat the phrase from March with the exact same musical cues: the windmills

happen on the high lead guitar lick and the crosser happens on the low lead guitar lick.

It should look like this.

[Music] Leave an open door Leave an open door

Leave an open door behind you

This next quietly building part is the beginner combo from July.

Think that you're going to switch focus on every one of the major lyric cues.

Weave right on "destitution" then left on "persecution."

Windmill on "absolution" and back to the left on "retribution."

Pulse weave right on "revolution" with a pulse on every other syllable.

Think "REvoLUtion" for the emphasis.

Pulse weave left on "restitution" again doing the pulses as "REStiTUtion" and

then pulse weave up on "ABsoLUtion" and spiral wrapping on "evolution."

Here's that set to the music.

[Music] Destitution...








Getting into the August Combo, stall out on "mother" and do turns on "father,"

"sister," and "brother."

Stall out on "hope."

Do the stall chaser to the right on the first syllable of "another."

There's no real cue for the stall chaser back to the left, but the bottom petal of

the opposites antispin flower comes on "lower."

The top of the corkscrew comes on "we hold" and the pirouette on "inside of their cage."

You're going to have to zip into stalling the corkscrew out to the sides and starting

the opposites antispin flower at the top of the October combo right at the beginning of

"carry on."

Here's that previous section to the music.

[Music] Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, We never run out of hope when we love one


When they raise the price of bread When they lower the wage

Together we hold our key inside of their cage!

As we enter the October combo, we switch again to a double-time feel: one-and-two-and-three-and-four-and.

That's really all there is to it in this section.

Just get all the pieces in as fast as you can and hold onto the isolation when you get


Here's this full section with music.

[Music] Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

That first bent guitar note of the solo is the cue to do the inspin throw that starts

off the September combo.

Again there's not much in the way of cues here as you do the archer weave, waistwraps,

and spiral wraps.

But you do want to do the final stall out on the last beat of the solo before all the

instruments drop out.

Here's what that will look like.

For the outro, we're going to start off with the phrase from March and all the cues

are exactly the same.

The outro is twice as long, though, so we're going to add a little to this phrase.

On the first beat after the phrase ends, stall the left hand poi back over next to the right

hand and stall the right hand out, opening to the audience on the second beat.

Do an opposites antispin flower with each petal on a beat--down, across, up, stalling

out and going into a 4-beat corkscrew.

Do a full turn on the word "behind" and come to rest facing stage right.

Your right hand wrapped in front of you and your left hand behind.

Slowly look up toward the audience.

And that's the full routine!

Here's that last bit with the music.

[Music] Leave an open door Leave an open door

Leave an open door behind you Leave an open door behind you

Leave an open door behind you Leave an open door behind you


We've got all the individual pieces now, so here's the full routine with the music.

[Music] I can see the light all around your silhouette

Leave an open door behind you My heart went running after you

But I ain't caught it yet Leave an open door behind you

Leave an open door

Sing about the dawn In the middle of the night

Leave an open door behind you Stumble through the dark

So that we might see the light Leave an open door behind you

Leave an open door Leave an open door

Leave an open door behind you Leave an open door behind you

Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

Leave an open door Leave an open door

Leave an open door behind you









Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, We never run out of hope when we love one


When they raise the price of bread When they lower the wage

Together we hold our key inside of their cage!

Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

Carry on...

Leave an open door Leave an open door

Leave an open door behind you Leave an open door behind you

Leave an open door behind you Leave an open door behind you

Great work!

This full piece is a lot to learn but I'll wager you'll pick up a lot of interesting

ideas for transitions along the way.

Hopefully this is something you feel proud to have learned and are excited to perform

at some point.

It took a very long time to write and I'm sure it'll take a little bit of time to

learn as well.

Thank you for sticking with it and learning all these pieces!

You can show me your version of this pattern by shooting video and posting it to Instagram

with the hashtag #drexfactorpoi.

Thanks so much for watching.

If you got anything out of this video, please hit that like and subscribe button to help

my channel grow!

Special thanks to all my awesome supporters on Patreon--you guys are the ones that make

these videos possible.

If you're not a current backer and would like to sign up to support the work that I

do, please go to

Thanks again and peace!

For more infomation >> Poi Spinning Combo Choreography: 2017 Routine - Duration: 16:19.


설리가 직접 공개한 쿠바 '설리투어' 일정 (ft.호세 마르티 생가) - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> 설리가 직접 공개한 쿠바 '설리투어' 일정 (ft.호세 마르티 생가) - Duration: 6:08.


Bloopies! #CydneyBCC - Duration: 7:24.

yes, it's the first double pant's opportunity of the season

bottom layer the comfy layer top layer the warm layer oh hey

say what you mean out loud, squeaky singing yes yes that's deodorant on my shirt

I know as this goes on I just get uglier

okay I think we landed here

let me try one more thing

yeah, she's gettin you! she's gettin you!

Good morning crazy baby butt! good morning! did you sleep good? What you guys doin?

what are you and daddy doing?

yeah? haha

jump! jump!


jump! jump!

go baby

uh oh! baby get daddy's nose get daddy's nose baby

jump-jump-jump go baby

you get daddy's nose baby


cute girl! this is what morning's in our house

looks like go baby baby go get daddy's nose

oh! gotta be soft!

your finger use your finger! nose! on daddy's nose

you got the camera out

yeah I know she's shy

I want this to be my vlog today cause see so tute!- you are the tutest!

tutest crazy kid

oh no! you're nakee

can mommy have a kiss? can mommy have a kiss?

you wanna film okay you film. you can film.

there you go film good look at daddy point the camera at daddy

there you go! yeah! good job you got it look! like this move it around you move it around see

daddy mommy daddy you got it! mommy mom! yes?

oh ! oh no! are you ok?

come here! you want me to kiss it better

no? are you just going to lay down? you're ok! you are ok baby! you just didn't gage the distance between the camera and

from your face Oh whoo why you got a cookie sheet in here crazy

give daddy a kiss I love you daddy, I'm sorry

Oh daddy

baby can I have some kisses? can you give mom a kiss?

oh! where's the baby? There she is!

oh! where's the baby? There she is!

oh! where's the baby? There she is!

Where's daddy?

get him baby! where's daddy?

There he is!

where's daddy?

there he is!

guess who needs a butt change?


For more infomation >> Bloopies! #CydneyBCC - Duration: 7:24.


윤송이♥김택진 엔씨소프트 - Duration: 16:28.

For more infomation >> 윤송이♥김택진 엔씨소프트 - Duration: 16:28.


Joe Biden Comforts Meghan McCain in Heartfelt Exchange on 'The View' - Duration: 3:33.

Joe Biden Comforts Meghan McCain in Heartfelt Exchange on 'The View'

For more infomation >> Joe Biden Comforts Meghan McCain in Heartfelt Exchange on 'The View' - Duration: 3:33.


What NOT to Wear on an Airplane - Duration: 10:54.

when I travel my outfit choice is part of my packing routine and if you travel

like I do you know that choosing your outfit that you wear on the airplane

through the airport takes time and thought I want to dress comfortably I

want to feel confident in my outfit and I definitely do not want to worry while

I'm walking through the airport or while I'm on the airplane about what I'm

wearing I want to be in vacation mode in every sense of the word however there

are eight things you should not wear in an airport and let me know in the

comments below if you think I have proven why you should not wear each

piece my name is Laurie and I create YouTube videos about ideas that pop into

my head thank you for taking the time to watch my videos we just got back from

Chicago and this idea popped into my head about what you should not wear on

an airplane when I learned from experience by wearing some of my nicer

boots that I don't wear throughout the day running errands so I'm not used to

wearing them for long periods of time we left on the morning of the snowstorm in

Houston Texas where we woke up at 3:30 to an inch and a half of snow and had to

drive through pouring snow to get to the airport walk through the airport walk on

the airplane and then getting up out of the airport in Chicago I had a blister

already on my tote and we used an uber driver and I had to ask him I said will

it weird you out if I put a bandaid on in your car I am a complete stranger in

this guy's car I was so embarrassed but I had to go to the event right as soon

as we got into Chicago so I couldn't change my shoes well I could have but

the suitcase was on the trunk anyway that's my number one tip is to not wear

shoes that you don't wear very often because of the chance of getting a

blister or two I took some video right when I got back from Chicago while it

was fresh in my mind so you will see me in another part of my house my studio

giving you examples of what I think you should not wear on air

where when we're talking about shoes do not take shoes that don't have a zipper

or that you can't take off easily to get through security I had to take off my

boots that I was wearing to the event and here's what it looks like here's my

boot there is no zipper it's cut it's supposed to be over the knee but I'm

taller so it doesn't go over the knee but I have to take them off like this

okay there's no zipper there's no way to get them off standing a lot in security

is not when I want to sit down on the floor or lean against something and

slide those shoes off I want easy access easy removal to take off my shoes so

pick wisely when you're choosing what shoes to wear in the airport wearing

white pants is so up there I have I learned that very easily because you can

get so many stains on your jeans not because of your own fault if you have on

white pants which are so trendy looks so cool in the winter and in the summer you

can sit on something in the boarding area in the bus the parking lot bus in

the train via terminals you can sit in a seat in the airplane and spill coffee on

yourself I do not recommend wearing them you don't have your cleaning supplies in

you might have to wait five days or however long your trip is to really

truly clean it out one tip my mom figured out when we were in Maine is

that if you boil some water like in your coffee pot if you boil some water and

pour it over your white shirt she had a white shirt it will take out a lot of

the stain with white jeans I learned from experience this happened to me I

was wearing the cutest little white jeans and I pulled my suitcase out of

the overhead bin and because it was so heavy

i clunked it down onto my leg and the wheel of the suitcase

rubbed up against my white pants and it was so much of a smudge that I couldn't

like wipe it off or smudge it out so it's a beyond your control but that's

just something else to think about when wearing white jeans I also think you

should stay away from cream beautiful creamy sweaters and white tops because

of the same reason stains that are not caused by yourself that you have no

control over the turbulence it can come out of nowhere and the littlest bumps

can knock some of the sloshing coffee onto your white shirt or white pants or

white sweater okay another thing that I think in the summer

is so fun to wear is a maxi skirt however when you are walking through the

airport and through the airplane lavatory your maxi skirt is going to

drag against the floor at the lavatory on the airplane and let's think of it

like this as my friend Jim said he's a pilot and he said if you do not feel

comfortable wearing a maxi dress into a like rock concert porta potty or

port-a-john into that bathroom then do not wear it in the airport in the

airplane lavatory okay let's say you are walking to your seat and you sit down

look how much it is dragging on the floor and in the lavatories on the

airplane you know all there is bodily fluids on the floor and people go

barefooted also as a woman you've got to pull that skirt up and you're not

worried about what's on the seat of the airplane toilet you're worried about all

the other stuff that's around it because remember the toilet seat is the same

height as the ledge around it and that's your skirt you've got to be really

careful about that skirt touching the ledge and getting all those bodily

fluids on it with a maxi skirt I have loved this idea from my friend an age

you can tie it up into a knot and that also helps but it is a skirt that is

long and flowy so it is going to drag even if you sit down or squat to go to

the restroom the same thing with the maxi dress it will drag the floor when

you're walking beside the seat your skirt may swipe past somebody's seat

that has I don't know some kind smudge on it so be careful with that

because skirts and dresses they're flouncy and they brush things that you

don't want him to brush on an airplane okay I was so excited when I found this

Cape and I wanted to wear it on the airplane because it's long enough to

wear with leggings or with capri leggings now today I have on my black

pants and my black boots that award but here's what happens when you wear a cape

that has sleeves is you put on your backpack it restricts your arms like I'm

trying to walk forward having the backpack on or a purse with

the weight of the purse right there it messes up the whole look that you're

going for it for your airplane outfit when I travel I want to be like fluid I

don't want any restrictions on my movements I don't want to feel not cute

in my travel outfit so I am against wearing a cape that has like sleeves in

it armhole sleeves and I also have this other one okay I have this cape it's a

shawl there are no sleeve holes okay so it's just the point in the front and the

point in the back but look how long it goes down in the back so when you sit

down or a squat to go to the restroom that back part you've got to really make

sure it does not touch any of the wet stuff that's around the seat not on the

seat but around the seat of the toilet I know it sounds so gross but it is a

reality now I'm gonna put on my backpack and it's hard putting on a backpack with

thick sweaters but that's okay so this does not restrict my arms as much

because there are no sleeve holes hanging pulling up this part of the

material but it messes up the whole look of my outfit so this would not be my

choice for an airplane travel outfit I can wear this any time of the year

anywhere else not on an airplane I just think it's too

much to worry about or fool with and I want to be in vacation mode not thinking

at all I also shy away from wearing a plaid nut

plaid a button-up shirt when I travel on an airplane for my outfit I would love I

love the length and the draping of some button-down shirts but you have this

where when you're spreading or stretching or if you have a poorly made

shirt that's a button now it is easily going to show your skin when you sit

down and spread the fabric unless you have fabric tape this is the best way to

do it you just tear it with the length that you need and then place it down

take off the top layer of plastic you lift it up and take off that last piece

of plastic take it down and then put your shirt right back over it and you

cannot tell like when you sit that is my pet peeve of oxford shirts when you sit

down they inevitably open up or poke up right where you don't want them to and

another way to solve the problem with but no shirts ok gaping open is to sew a

thin little strip like your third button-down or however high you want it

to go to sew straight down all the way to the bottom and that way it won't gap

open at all whatsoever make sure you sew it on the very edge so

that when you wash your shirt and dry it you don't have to iron every little

section like you would normally with a button-down shirt that could fold back

when you wash it and dry it like that there's a condition called thrombosis

and it is where you have a blood clot that forms from very very restrictive

clothing in a certain area especially around your calves and then

can create other blood clots and then the main blood clot enlarges and has

serious risks involved to your health so boots that are way too tight and I've

come close sometimes because my jeans were thick that I wore inside my boots

that's just something to think about thanks again for popping over to my

Laurie pop channel I hope it has helped

For more infomation >> What NOT to Wear on an Airplane - Duration: 10:54.


White Chocolate Peppermint Cookies - Duration: 2:40.

Cookies... I like cookies - you like cookies? - Yes. Okay, otravez.

Hi everyone this is Veronica from and I'm getting ready for Christmas

and an easy dessert that I can

show you how to make its some white chocolate candy cane peppermint cookies.

These are very easy to make and I'm sure everybody is gonna love them.

So on a mixing bowl we're gonna put sugar and I'm using brown sugar and white sugar.

I'm gonna put both of them in here .I'm gonna use some butter and now I'm gonna

cream these two together. In the meantime I'm gonna be crushing the candy canes,

and she's gonna help me right? - yes, I am. Okay let's do it

okay so now that I have creamed the butter and the sugars I'm gonna start

adding in the eggs. Now I'm gonna add the vanilla and the meantime I'm gonna

prepare my flour and all I have to do is put the flour a pinch of salt and the

baking soda. Now I'm gonna start adding the flour and once again we're gonna mix

all this together. So now we have our dough ready I'm gonna add the chocolate

and the little pieces of peppermint that we smashed. This is one of my favorite

combination, the white chocolate with a peppermint candy....I just love it.

I'm gonna put the cookies on a cookie sheet and this needs to be on greased

and we're gonna put them as a little balls and the size of the ball should be

a tablespoon and now we're gonna take him to the oven so I like cookies

already so I hope you liked this video and the recipe and a view to make the

cookies please let me know what you think about them and just leave it on

the comments if you haven't done it please give it a thumbs up share with

your friends and subscribe for more videos like this every week I please do

me a favor click on the little bell so you can get their notifications every

time that I upload new videos check out the information on the description box

below so you can find more tutorials and more recipes on my blog thank you and I

will see you next time bye

For more infomation >> White Chocolate Peppermint Cookies - Duration: 2:40.


Trump announces Americans will see tax cuts by February, if plan passes on schedule - Duration: 3:25.

Trump announces Americans will see tax cuts by February, if plan passes on schedule

For more infomation >> Trump announces Americans will see tax cuts by February, if plan passes on schedule - Duration: 3:25.


대화가 필요한 개냥 이소연, 연하 남편과 두 달 반만에 전격 결혼 결심한 이유? - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> 대화가 필요한 개냥 이소연, 연하 남편과 두 달 반만에 전격 결혼 결심한 이유? - Duration: 5:27.


Joe Biden consoles daughter of ailing John McCain on 'The View' - Duration: 3:29.

Joe Biden consoles daughter of ailing John McCain on 'The View'

For more infomation >> Joe Biden consoles daughter of ailing John McCain on 'The View' - Duration: 3:29.


Day 9 of Kegels: How to do kegels while doing push-ups at a playground - Duration: 0:56.

It's the ninth day of kegels and I am in the OC in California.

It's a beautiful sunny day

and I'm here for my son's soccer tournament.

They are warming up and I have found a playground

where I am going to work in my

pelvic floor exercise for the day.

And I'm actually going to do some push-ups

using the bar here.

So, the philosophy when you're adding kegels into movement is,

you inhale during the easy part

and you exhale just before you're going to exert the force.

So in the case of a push-up,

my inhale is as I'm going down,

and then I'm going to exhale,

engage my pelvic floor, and then push up.

So I get myself into position here.

I'm going to inhale down.

I'm going to exhale... push myself back up.

So I've worked my pelvic floor and my arms for the day.

I'll see you tomorrow. Bye.

For more infomation >> Day 9 of Kegels: How to do kegels while doing push-ups at a playground - Duration: 0:56.


Work Out When You Dont Feel Like It - You Will Progress! - Duration: 1:05.

Hi friends,

Sometimes you don't feel like working out, you may be feeling tired.

Today was one of those days for me.

I was supposed to be going for a morning run today but I was feeling very tired when I woke up.

I was sleep deprived.

Still, I threw myself outside.

Normally, I was supposed to do a fast interval run but I just focused on my running form instead.

And this provided me a positive outcome.

I got to the paces that I would reach with a much higher heart rate in an normal day, fairly easily this time.

In days like this when you feel down, instead of skipping training,

go to the gym, go out for a run; try to get better at something you haven't worked on before.

When you do this, you will not only save the day but also will improve, in a different direction.

Don't forget, the worst workout is still better than the one you missed.

When you didn't skip your training, you will not only get better but also will feel much better.

Have a great workout.

See you later.

For more infomation >> Work Out When You Dont Feel Like It - You Will Progress! - Duration: 1:05.


Jólabókaflóð | Vlogmas - Duration: 5:21.

What better time to do this than on the first day of the Holiday Adventure-a-thon?

Hello, I'm Rogan and welcome to Vlogmas day 13! Let me preface the video with this:

I LOVE Iceland and really want to visit/live there for MANY reasons, chief of all being this tradition.

You might be wondering what the gibberish is in the title. If you haven't already guessed, it's Icelandic!

[fingerspelling in Icelandic] and Jólabókaflóð is how you would sign it in Icelandic, I believe.

I tried reaching out to some Icelanders but didn't get a reply before making this video,

so I'm hoping I'm right or at least close!

Roughly translated to English, it means Christmas Book Flood. Isn't that great?

For the rest of this video, I'll be taking a lot from a NPR article, which I'll link below.

Small disclaimer, this article is from 2012, so there may be some outdated information.

I'll also link another more recent article.

In the United States, popular holiday gifts come and go from year to year.

But in Iceland, the best Christmas gift is a book — and it has been that way for decades.

Iceland publishes more books per capita than any other country in the world,

with five titles published for every 1,000 Icelanders.

But what's really unusual is the timing:

Historically, a majority of books in Iceland are sold from late September to early November.

"The culture of giving books as presents is very deeply rooted in how families perceive Christmas as a holiday,"

says Kristjan B. Jonasson, president of the Iceland Publishers Association.

"Normally, we give the presents on the night of the 24th and people spend the night reading.

In many ways, it's the backbone of the publishing sector here in Iceland."

Today, Icelandic isn't spoken by many more people than the roughly 335,000 who live in the small country.

But in 2009, book loans at the Reykjavík City Library totaled 1.2 million — in a city of only 200,000 people.

There's a popular TV show in Iceland, Kiljan, which is devoted entirely to books. (I need this in my life!)

And in 2011, Reykjavík was designated a UNESCO City of Literature.

In the US and UK, most book sales come from a small number of people buying a lot of books (hi, it me).

Everyone else buys maybe one book a year, if that. But in Iceland, most people buy several books a year.

"There is some kind of a myth that people like to tell here, that every Icelander dreams about writing a book,"

Jonasson says. "And sort of 50 percent of those who dream of it actually do it.

Before they die they try one way or another to write a book."

In addition, many self-publish, it's very common in Iceland.

The Book Flood tradition dates to World War II, when strict currency restrictions limited the amount

of imported giftware in Iceland.

"The restrictions on imported paper were more lenient than on other products, so the book emerged as

the Christmas present of choice. And Icelanders have honored the tradition ever since,"

Hildur Knutsdottir writes.

The Flood begins with the release of Bókatíðindi,

a catalog of new publications from the Iceland Publishers Association distributed free to

every Icelandic home. But this catalog isn't like a phone catalog that everybody ignores.

People actually pay attention to books.

Bryndís Loftsdottir, project manager for Icelandic books at the book chain Penninn-Eymundsson,

says that until about 20 years ago, paperbacks were rare because Icelanders didn't see books

as something to be read and bought cheaply.

The success of translated Scandinavian crime fiction has made paperbacks more common today,

Loftsdottir says. But the industry and Icelanders have been slow to move to e-books.

Part of the reason is a consequence of dealing with a language that's not widely spoken. But it's also cultural.

"The book in Iceland is such an enormous gift, you give a physical book.

You don't give e-books here," Loftsdottir says.


It's getting dark. That's all I have for you about Jólabókaflóð today!

What about you? Would you want to live in Iceland? Let me know!

If you want to support my content financially, I have Patreon and ko-fi. Subscribe to this channel.

Follow me on all my socials - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Thanks for watching, see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Jólabókaflóð | Vlogmas - Duration: 5:21.


[N톡] '효리네2' PD "아이유 후임? 염두에 둔 알바생 있다" - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> [N톡] '효리네2' PD "아이유 후임? 염두에 둔 알바생 있다" - Duration: 3:42.


Minecraft Christmas Skit: Part 2 - Duration: 6:58.


Augh, I didn't sleep very well...

Really need to do something about these lights...

I need to take them down, because it's affecting me sleep.

And that's not good!

Ah man...


Let's see...

Uh, what should I do today?

Hey guys...


You know what...

I think I'm gonna make a video.

I haven't made a video in ages, so I think I'll take the time now...

For more infomation >> Minecraft Christmas Skit: Part 2 - Duration: 6:58.


Jimmy Kimmel Interviews Rose Parade Hosts Cord & Tish - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Kimmel Interviews Rose Parade Hosts Cord & Tish - Duration: 7:53.


YouTube TV - Coming Soon

For more infomation >> YouTube TV - Coming Soon


FCA venderá RAM 1500 em meados de 2017 - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> FCA venderá RAM 1500 em meados de 2017 - Duration: 2:56.


BOMBSHELL News About NY Senator And Muslim… THIS IS SICKENING - Duration: 2:48.


You may have seen Kristen Gillibrand�s name in news headlines lately as she�s jousting

with President Trump on Twitter.

She�s consistently made a fool of herself with lame Tweets, acting as though she�s

the spokesperson for all women, and living up to the �nevertheless she persisted�

nonsense drivel spoonfed by Elizabeth Warren and eaten by feminists.

None of this is newsworthy anymore after what reports just revealed about Gillibrand, the

New York Democrat Senator, and her Muslim athlete friend accused of molesting a young


Gillibrand enjoyed calling out Al Franken for sexually related accusations (with picture

evidence) and suggesting that he resign.

She�s attacked President Trump for the accusations he�s been wrapped in, although there�s

no evidence.

A new report involving Bill O�Reilly suggests that one woman was allegedly offered $200,000

to accuse Trump of sexually related crimes, and there are claims that someone caught it

on tape.

However, Gillibrand has one more person to call out and the public is wondering what

will happen next.

The person she needs to call out now is a Muslim man who was previously denied entry

into America, but later gained entry to America thanks to Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer.

That same man, 24-year-old Indian snowshoe racer Tanveer Hussain, was accused of molesting

an innocent 12-year-old girl.

That�s right, folks.

Gillibrand more or less vouched for an alleged pedophile child molester who was legitimately

accused by a real victim � not accused by a made up victim possibly paid off to make

false accusations.

100% Fed Up reports:

�An Indian athlete who overcame a visa denial with the help of U.S. lawmakers and a local

mayor to attend the World Snowshoe Championship in New York has been arrested on charges of

the abuse of a minor.

It was a long journey for Indian snowshoe champion Hussain and his coach to the World

Snowshoe Championships in Saranac Lake, New York last weekend.

The US embassy in New Delhi rejected Tanveer Hussain�s application for a visa so he could

compete in the World Snowshoe Championship last month, Fox News reported.

Local officials then appealed for help to Schumer and Gillibrand, and their offices

reached out to the New Delhi embassy, which let Hussain successfully reapply for a visa.

Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer, an outspoken opponent of President Trump�s position on

stricter immigration policies for immigrants and visa holders coming into the United States,

bragged about getting around Trump�s temporary travel restrictions to bring convicted pedophile

Tanveer Hussain to New York on his Facebook page�

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