Thursday, December 14, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 15 2017



That's Sanchez's truck.

Had they kidnapped him, they would've asked for a ransom.

Homeland Security?

I need to file a complaint.

There are illegal aliens hanging around my house.


Don't move!

I've told you a thousand times, Azuceno.

We need more Mexicans to defend ourselves from other Mexicans.

Not even Indio's new, souped-up army can take them on.

You can't fool me. I know you too well.

We're the heads of this family. I deserve to know.

Who did you pay off, Chava?


The Petates?

The Petates, Chava?

What the hell were you thinking?

What am I supposed to tell you, sis?

Rooster went into debt getting me out of prison

and saving you from the president

after he kidnapped and tortured you.

We had to rent guns, hire men,

and pay off the First Lady to talk.

Who were we supposed to borrow that money from?

And you just had to ask the Petates!

That wasn't my idea.

It was Rooster's, and it spurred out of desperation.

Our family was screwed, Vicenta.

You should've seen Rooster. He was desperate!

Then Miguelito got sick and Deborah went to the States.

I'm not saying it was right,

but it's hard to think straight when you're that desperate.

Well, you definitely should've thought it over,

because now we're in deep ----.

Owing the Petates

is worse than owing the devil.

No wonder they attacked me at the warehouse!

That was different. We don't know why they did it.

I paid every last penny Rooster owed the Petates with interest.

Chava's telling the truth.

There's nothing pending between the Aceros and the Petates.

Perhaps, but the damage is already done.

These people never forgive or forget.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have attacked me.

They're probably following us.

You guys really ------ up this time.

Now I have to teach those Petates a lesson!

Mexico/US Border

------- ----.

Get out of the car with your hands up!

Don't worry. I'll take care of it.

What are you doing, Officer? Please, I'm an American citizen.

Come on.

Let's see some ID.

Do not move!

Officer, please. Let her go!

I don't have any drugs in my truck.

Come on!

I'm not talking to you!

Where's your ID, damn it?

Let her go, I said!

Do not move!

Run, sweetie!

Run, Juan Pablo!

Run, Aida!

Over here!

Not too far!


Heads up!

Watch out!

Get up, kid.


Don't try me!

You're nothing but a kid!

What, son? [Golpe]


You may be the favorite,

but that doesn't mean you're safe!

You owe me big time, kiddo!

Indio won't protect you forever!

Once you're back down where you belong,

I'll get you back, ------!

Enough, man.

What happened?

Come on. Let's go.

What's going on?

These guys won't stop picking on Nicolas.

They want to break him, Carmen.

That's how this world works.

I see bits of myself in Nicolas sometimes.

I was like him, or worse.

When I grew up, I thought I'd gotten over it,

only to realize I'd grown into a monster.

I'm sorry, sis. I can't let you do that.

It's far too dangerous.

-Please don't get involved. -Oh, I'm getting involved.

You, Rooster, and I are the family heirs

and we have to protect our family.

In case you don't think I have the ----- to face the Petates,

I'll remind you that I've killed

a number of ------- in my time, including Chucho Casares.

I want you to tell them

that Vicenta Acero is going to negotiate with them.

No one can find out about this. Not even Daniel.

-Got that, Bebote? -Yes.

I don't want Rooster coming, either.

I don't want him getting fired up and making matters worse.

Salvador, look at me. No more secrets.


Hey, Chava.

At this rate, we'll have to rent another warehouse

or pocket half this money.

Nah, Pancho.

We can't mix our business and personal lives anymore.

Besides, the women can't know we're back in the biz.

I promise, sis.

No more secrets.

Don't you dare shoot again.



Freeze or I'll shoot!

Stay there.

Take her.

Careful with my son.

Come on!

Get in the car.

Careful with my son!

I'm sorry, Aida.

I'm sorry!

I'm sorry...

Do not move!

You know who did this?

-How would I...? -Indio Amaro killed Sanchez.

How should I know? We're both in the dark.

Lies. You do know.

Sanchez must've found out something big.

That's why they killed him.

What'd he find out?

You'd better tell me, Indira.

What was it?

What'd he find out?

Forensics is on the way.

That isn't Sanchez.

How can you be so sure? He's disfigured.

Look at it!

Look at the skull, the belly, and the foot.

That can't be Sanchez. It must be someone younger.

Your son?

He's being feasted on by coyotes and vultures.

He's lying with all those other immigrants

you and Sanchez killed.

Then it must be Nicolas.

That's my son!


Daniel, it's my son!



It's Nicolas!


Your turn.

I can't believe it! I just got schooled by a kid!

From over here.

<i> Milk and cookies</i> <i> never hurt anyone.</i>

<i> I'm not a baby anymore.</i>

I still eat milk and cookies and I'm a grown woman!

You don't know me.

That isn't my fault.

You would've fought for custody if you really loved me.

<i> You want full custody</i> <i> of Nicolas?</i>

<i> Are you insane?</i>

That's absurd!

Think of your son, damn it!

I'm his mother! He needs me!

You call yourself a mother?

You're lucky I'm a cop...

What? Are you going to kill me?

No, of course not.

We're going to do this legally.

I'm going to hire lawyers to leave you out on the street!

I'm getting my son back.

Yeah, okay.

You wouldn't last a single day!


I'm going to die here. No one's ever going to find me.

If you tell anyone I was crying,

I'll tell Indio you're ------- her in secret.

Cool it, Nicolas.

My name is Shark II! Indio Amaro is my father!

If you don't like that, cover your ears, Pepita.

Don't give me that ----, brat.

I've been around.

You think I grew up playing with Legos?

You think you're the only victim here?

You don't know the first thing about suffering, Nicolas.

Once your mother dies in your own arms,

riddled with bullets in the middle of a narco crossfire.

then we'll ------- talk.

Until then, learn to value those who actually love you.

There aren't many of us.

I guess not all is lost.

Nicolas isn't made of stone.

Carmen, I've got a plan to kidnap Nicolas

and get money off of Indio.

You need to be careful, Jose Angel.

We need someone on the outside.

If not that Argentinian, then perhaps the Aceros.

You said they were your family...

although Salvador did betray you.

You don't know the whole story, Carmen.

Well, then tell me.

Why are you so secretive?

You know everything about me.

You know the narcos killed my family.

You know I've been fending off rapists ever since I was 12.

You're the only guy who hasn't tried.


I can't ask the Aceros for help.

I'm dead to them.

Let's leave it like that.

We need to get Nicolas out of here before he shoots someone

and fully transforms into Shark II.

Daniel, no!

Indira! Hey!

We don't know for sure if that's Nicolas!

Calm down.

You just said it was a smaller body.

If that's my son...!

It could be another young person.

We'll handle it, Indira. Go home.

If it's my son,

-where will you take him? -Indira, listen.

I assure you that isn't Nicolas.

Calm down or they'll kick us out.

I'm not calming down.

Hey! Freeze!

If he's my son, I'm staying here with him.

No one can separate us.

Oh, Aida.

Are you sure you can cross with that belly?

There's still time to turn back.

I can't turn back.

My son deserves a better future.

Left hand.


Right hand.

Right thumb.

Now face the camera.

Aida's screwed! Narcos are ruthless!

<i> If we don't leave now,</i> <i> they'll kill us all!</i>

Right this way, please.

Think of your baby, damn it!

I just want to go back to Mexico to bury my brother.

He was all I had left...

Don't come any closer!

Step back or I'll shoot, Daniel.

I'm your superior. Stay away.

No one's coming near my son!


Hey. It's fine.

Whatever you say.

No one's coming near him, okay?

Indira, listen to me. Put the gun down.

I want your son to show up, too.

We're going to find him!

Put the gun down.

You'll regret it otherwise.

Put it down.

Indira, did your son ever have his appendix removed?


There's scar on the belly. Look!

Then where's Nicolas? Where could he be buried?

I don't know, but we're going to find him.

We're going to find him. I promise.


For more infomation >> Señora Acero 4 | Capítulo 29 | Telemundo - Duration: 17:35.


Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 12 | Telemundo - Duration: 14:28.


What are you and Kimberly playing at?

We aren't playing.

We're working on a sensory workshop to host at the winery.

Of course.

-Come here. -What?

Close your eyes.

Hey, cutie.

<i> Where are you?</i>

At Doris' house.

<i> I was just there...</i> <i> waiting for you.</i>


I'm looking out the window and I don't see you.

<i> Who was that guy with you?</i>

What guy?

Don't act stupid.

I saw you talking outside Doris' apartment.

-Who is he? -Again with that?

You've been drilling me about that

ever since we left Doris' house.

I told you, he's Doris'... neighbor.

I've never seen him in my life.

Sure seemed like you have.

You were giggling and flirting. I know you.

You don't know me that well.

I giggle around everyone.

I've had it with this pointless interrogation!

I thought you wanted to see me. Didn't you?

Because otherwise, I'll just leave.

That's it. No hard feelings, right?

You can't just leave me here.

Were you able to finish?

What a day.

I spilled coffee all over the laptop

which made us lose all the data.

To make matters worse,

Mike had thrown away the backup we'd printed.

It was a disaster.

At the end of the day, though, we were able to make it work...

and it's all thanks to Paloma.

Can you believe that?

-You mean Paloma Castañeda? -Yes!

I thought you said she was an irresponsible, lying brat.

Well, I did think that, but she turned out to be a smart girl

who's very self-motivated and eager to please.

We worked together

and managed to get the yearbook ready for print.

You know I love you, right?

You should tell me more often.

Or better yet, show me.

Where were you? It's awfully late.

I was with Fernando. Remember him?

We met to discuss the Sonoma fumigation schedule.

He and his wife Margarita invited me for dinner.

Remember her?

She sends her regards, by the way.


Let's go to bed.

It's cold here and you still have a cold.

Come on.

Dad, where are you going? You haven't eaten anything.

Have some fruit, at least.

No, sweetie. I'm not very hungry.

I'm heading to the office to get a head start.

I don't want trouble with Roberto.

See you there. Enjoy your breakfast.

Thanks, Dad.

I know what's wrong with him.

Our godfather tossed him aside like some old rag.

After all these years he took the accounting away from him.

It isn't our godfather's fault.

Of course it is!

No, it's Roberto's fault.

He's been giving us a hard time

since he started at the winery.

If it weren't for Aurora,

Crisanto would've put him in his place already.

Lovely rose.

-Did Roberto give it to you? -Yes, he left it on the dresser.

It's the first thing I saw when I woke up.

He nearly woke up as early as Crisanto.

He had already bathed and dressed the baby, too.

Bottle and all.

He asked me to watch him so you could sleep in a bit.

Your husband is a darling, sweetie.

Yes, he's a great father.

But he's a great husband as well, sweetie.

Admit it!



Have you been crying?

No, of course not.

It's this darn cold that's making me congested.

Not like it's the first time I see one of these.

Doesn't that need a cable?

No, it's wireless.


Well, you guys finish installing this.

I'll get the hang of it.

I'll go tend to the Sonoma vineyard.

How's it coming along?

What are you doing?

Testing out my new computer.

I don't get why my password doesn't work.

Because it's my computer. I locked it.

-Omar, give us a moment. -Move.

I'm sorry.

It was on my desk, so I assumed...

Well, it's my desk

until your father decides to hand over my office.

Your computer arrives tomorrow. Omar will set it up for you.


Well, since I don't have a desk or a computer,

I guess I'll go home and study.


You're scheduled to work from nine to five.

You can't just leave.

Well, what should I do? Watch you work?

You were put in charge of the shop, right?

Well, go down to the shop

and check if the designer needs anything.

Perhaps he needs help with cleaning.


Is that what you expect me to do?

Are you too proud to take on the job?


I want my computer to be impenetrable.

I want full control of everything.

No one else can sign into the system.


Coz, I don't know how you do it.

Everything you make is delicious.

You're the only one

who got Grandma Rosa's knack for cooking.

I wish!

No one cooks like Grandma Rosa.

You're right.

Oh, wow!

-How's it going, Moncho? -Crisanto! Great to see you.

I thought you weren't coming for lunch.

Well, I changed my mind.

It's been a minute, Moncho. More like a year.

Even longer, I think.

We saw him at Emilio's funeral,

may he rest in peace.

I've been busy with work, thankfully.

I had a case nearby

and I figured I'd pass by and score some of Meche's cooking.

I got lucky.

I heard you took up private investigating

after leaving the police force.

How's that going?

Great, actually.

I have four agents now,

and we're moving to a bigger office.

I've worked some pretty big cases.

Where are you located?

-In Oakland. -Oh, really?

Yeah, hold on.

Here you go.

Let me know if you need anything!

This is great, coz.

I'm glad.

I'll have to come visit you more often!

Eat up before it gets cold!

Here's where we host parties and family dinners.

They're always a hit, right?

Yes, the sunsets are lovely here.

I love it! I love this spot!

We could put up a nice tent

and set tables with colorful napkins and flowers everywhere.

Not to mention delicious food.

We have a perfect, knowledgeable host right here

to talk about all the wines.

Tourists will love it!

They'll buy out the entire winery!

We could host Juanjo's sensory workshop prior to dinner.

What's all this about a sensory workshop?

It's a project Juanjo's developing

I'm not too sure. He's been too busy to explain,

but it's definitely cost-effective.

It's a great idea!

Why don't I call Juanjo and ask him to come explain it?

<i> How's my favorite sensations</i> <i> expert?</i>

I'm here with Natalia and Paco.

We want you to come to the winery

so you can tell us about the sensation workshop.

<i> Can you come?</i>

I'm sorry, Kimberly. I can't right now...

but I promise I'll make time to discuss it with you guys.


Don't talk to me.

I'm furious because of that idiot Roberto.

Ever since Crisanto named him director,

he's been treating my father and me like servants!

How does Aurora put up with that guy?

Can we please change the subject?

You hate Roberto too, don't you?

I've always hated him.


-What? -Are you...?

Are you still hurt over Aurora?

-Can you pass me my book bag? -Juanjo.

You haven't answered my question.

Yes, I'm still hurt over Aurora.

I always will be. I care a lot about her.

Can we start studying now?

-Honey! -Hey!

It's great to see you. To what do I owe this honor?

I thought I'd give my mom a break,

so I brought Emilito over.

I also wanted to give you this.

Thank you! My favorite.

But... why?

Well, I wanted to thank you for being so sweet to me lately.

Oh, honey.

I see we finally have new computers in the office!

Yes! We sure do!

You'd always dreamed of updating

and streamlining the winery.

I'm slowly trying to make that a reality.

I know.

I'm so proud of you.

I wanted to see if you'd come to MAWA headquarters with me.

Mike invited me to a wine release.

Will you join me?

Sure! I wouldn't miss it

-for the world. -You wouldn't?



Crisanto! I was surprised you called.

Thanks for coming.

Look, this isn't a family-related matter.

I'm here as a client.

I need you to follow someone. A woman.

Crisanto, are you cheating on Meche?

-She's my cousin, man! -I know.

Besides, Mercedes has nothing to do with this.

She's my wife, the mother of my children.

She's the only woman for me.

She's sacred.

This is different.

Look. I don't think...

Don't judge me, Ramon.

Once you see this woman, you'll understand.

To be honest... I'm not sure I want to get involved.

Ramon, I'm asking you because I have no other choice.

I'll pay just like any other client,

especially if you do your job right.

Will you help me or not?

For more infomation >> Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 12 | Telemundo - Duration: 14:28.


Milagros de Navidad | Capítulo 14 | Telemundo - Duration: 10:05.


Come on.

Hey, boss.

I brought you your plaything.


You can go now, Tuercas.

Happy Thanksgiving.

You'd better be good, 'cause Christmas is coming up.

I might just want you back.


Please don't do this to me.

I beg you.

You know I don't sleep around for money.

You can't force me to be with him.

You know what?

If you don't do as I say, I'll report you to Immigration!

We're right on the border, honey.

There are hundreds of cops out there

hunting down illegals like you.

I didn't choose to come illegally.

I was lied to.

I believed you... and fell in love with you.

Well them's the breaks, cutie.

In case you haven't realized, you aren't in good hands.

My mother will look for me. She'll call the police.

Like I care.

Just in case, though...

call up your mom and tell her you're alright.

So she's at ease.

Call her.

Elisa, sweetie! Is that you?

Yes, Mom. It's me.

I'm so glad you called.

Did you make it to the States alright?

I'm fine, Mom.

Everything's lovely here.

Manny has a lot of connections.

He's going to land me a job.

And as a model, too! That's just what you wanted.

-Is he treating you well? -Yes, Mom.

I'm going to send you some money for Christmas...

so you can buy some presents and pay for your medicine.

God bless you, sweetheart.

I'm exhausted and sales have been terrible.

I think I'll have to close down the shop.

Don't worry, Mom. You won't be needy.

I promise.

Hey, Mrs. Ximena...

Hello, Manny.

Can I ask you for a favor?

Take good care of my daughter.

Don't worry. She's living like royalty.

Okay? Bye-bye, now!


Go get the client.

She knows she has to be on her best behavior...

or you're going to teach her a lesson.

Oh, man. It's chilly here.

Just another Thanksgiving Day. Christmas is closer.

Another boring Thanksgiving. Told you.

You never know. We might have surprises.

Surprises? ou wanna bet?

-I'll bet you ten dollars. -Okay!

I'll take your breakfast and your lunch money.

Let's make it ten bucks, then.

Let's do it. Alright.

Well, well!

Look what we have here!

What's up, cutie?

Fresh meat!


you and I are going to get to know each other.

You're hotter than my grandma's hot sauce!

He always gets me the girls I like.

No! Please don't!

I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to...

Look at what you did to me, bitch!

You're going to pay for this!

I'll make you bleed, alright!

This should help. I'll go get help!

Wait till I tell Manny!

Oh, Saint Jude.

Here I am again, praying for my daughter.

You grant the impossible.

Help my daughter find a job in the United States.

Help her succeed...

and most importantly, protect her from that Manny guy.

I've got a bad feeling about him.


-Where do you think

-you're going? -My client wasn't feeling well.

He needs his blood pressure medicine.

You thought I'd buy that?



You're slacking, man. Why the hell's she out here?

I'm sorry, boss. I didn't...

Oh, you never know anything!

Get over here.

Stay here with her while I find out what happened.

You just got me in trouble!

You need to help me escape.

What for? What's in it for me?

Whatever you want.

I'll give you whatever you want, Tuercas.

That's good... 'cause I want you.

What happened?

What happened?

That idiot pushed me and now look at my head!

You're going to pay for this.

You're going to pay!

I can't go home like this!

How will I explain this to my wife?

Once she gets back with your pills,

we'll figure something out.

What pills?

You sent her out to the car for them.

Where are my keys? My car!

Manny, that bitch is trying to steal my car!

Stop her!

-We'll have a good time. -Tuercas!

Tuercas! Don't let her escape!

Damn bitch!

Stop her!

She's stealing my car!

Damn you, bitch.

I lost them! I've escaped!

What now?

The cops? What now?

Stay in the car.

-Keep your hands on the wheel. -Help me, please!

Lady, I need to see your ID and registration...

Please help me!

These men are trying to hurt me!

Your license, please.

I don't understand you,

but I had to steal this car!

They were going to kill me!

I don't speak Spanish, lady. I'm sorry.

She got any ID?


You're gonna have to come with us.

Help me...

For more infomation >> Milagros de Navidad | Capítulo 14 | Telemundo - Duration: 10:05.


El secreto de los embarazos de Khloé Kardashian y Kylie Jenner - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> El secreto de los embarazos de Khloé Kardashian y Kylie Jenner - Duration: 2:48.


¡Vámonos de pícnic! | Canciones infantiles | Canción original de LBB Junior - Duration: 2:07.

Going on a picnic, picnic, picnic, picnic!

Grab a basket and a blanket, some plates and cutlery

Don't forget to take some cups and tissues for when you're messy

Add sandwiches to the basket. Wow they look yummy!

Take some fruit, drinks and some cakes! For our tummy!

Going on a picnic, picnic, picnic, picnic! Going on a picnic, picnic, picnic, picnic!

Now we love to picnic when the weather is nice We can't imagine picnicing on the snow or ice

But if the weather is cold, or windy or raining Have a picnic inside; it's just as entertaining!

Grab a teddy or two and all sit on the floor An inside picnic is great. What are you waiting for?!

Going on a picnic, picnic, picnic, picnic! Going on a picnic, picnic, picnic, picnic!

For more infomation >> ¡Vámonos de pícnic! | Canciones infantiles | Canción original de LBB Junior - Duration: 2:07.


Funny Clown Bob | Construction vehicles Excavator Tractor & Farm Animals Pig Sheep Donkey Bull - Duration: 5:28.

Hi Kids,

Today Funny Clown Bob will present you a play with Construction vehicles Tractor and Excavator and Farm animals.

In this video for kids you will learn construction vehicles in funny play with clown Bob and farm animals sheep, donkey, sheep, bull and pig.

Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it

Click on the picture to see other funny videos

For more infomation >> Funny Clown Bob | Construction vehicles Excavator Tractor & Farm Animals Pig Sheep Donkey Bull - Duration: 5:28.


NJ PICK 6 lottery numbers Dec 14 2017 - Duration: 1:45.

NJ PICK 6 lottery 99 numbers Dec 14

For more infomation >> NJ PICK 6 lottery numbers Dec 14 2017 - Duration: 1:45.


CASH 5 NJ winning numbers Dec 14 2017 - Duration: 1:45.

CASH 5 NJ 348 winning numbers Dec 14

For more infomation >> CASH 5 NJ winning numbers Dec 14 2017 - Duration: 1:45.


Fantasy 5 winning numbers Dec 14 2017 - Duration: 1:45.

Fantasy 5 8804 winning numbers Dec 14

For more infomation >> Fantasy 5 winning numbers Dec 14 2017 - Duration: 1:45.


TAKE 5 results Dec 14 2017 - Duration: 1:45.

TAKE 5 248 results Dec 14

For more infomation >> TAKE 5 results Dec 14 2017 - Duration: 1:45.


El tren de las formas | Parte 2 | Canciones infantiles | LittleBabyBum - Duration: 1:53.

Shapes! Shapes! Shapes!













Shapes! Shapes! Shapes!

For more infomation >> El tren de las formas | Parte 2 | Canciones infantiles | LittleBabyBum - Duration: 1:53.


손연재 내 방 안내서보다는 백조클럽에서 극렬 안티 논란 잠재울 가능성 높은 이유? [ King News ] - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> 손연재 내 방 안내서보다는 백조클럽에서 극렬 안티 논란 잠재울 가능성 높은 이유? [ King News ] - Duration: 7:50.


John Stamos será padre por primera vez con 54 años - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> John Stamos será padre por primera vez con 54 años - Duration: 2:34.


Ha nacido una diva: así se las gasta la hija de la Campos en televisión - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Ha nacido una diva: así se las gasta la hija de la Campos en televisión - Duration: 3:20.


Wagon tracks/Caminos de carretas (1919, EE. UU.), Lambert Hillyer. - Duration: 1:08:49.

For more infomation >> Wagon tracks/Caminos de carretas (1919, EE. UU.), Lambert Hillyer. - Duration: 1:08:49.


A lot of morons idiots, jokes 🆕 video jokes PEREPIZDAT 2017 - Duration: 20:00.

I'm glad to see you on my website

Mila is very cute

Mila is very Cute

Video fun 2017 Funny Video

Oh and fabulous morons, idiots 🆕

Well, not morons, tell me later

they have no output

here they are morons, marvel

he had expected such fools that's amazing


a fuck less

jump, well, then I have nothing to add

Th do there? for birch sap

nail program with small pipe

something not go skiing

then just a gag. I went under the table

funny, cool - well done

reaction to altitude

in free flight at the asshole

strongly repulsed leg - About moron

on bonce forbid, dodges

the Chinese also have their dolpaepy and Funny

good flight


Well, not fuck fun?

Something went wrong

do not repeat it if the guys do not want to turn his neck. I beg you

All, then I will add

If you like to put the issue of huskies. I do for you.

remember or forget?

For more infomation >> A lot of morons idiots, jokes 🆕 video jokes PEREPIZDAT 2017 - Duration: 20:00.


Débuter dans l'immobilier avec ou sans travaux ? Guillaume Malgouyres (1/3) - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> Débuter dans l'immobilier avec ou sans travaux ? Guillaume Malgouyres (1/3) - Duration: 10:07.


La justicia belga cierra oficialmente el proceso contra Puigdemont y los exconsejeros - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> La justicia belga cierra oficialmente el proceso contra Puigdemont y los exconsejeros - Duration: 5:05.


Classic Holiday TV & Films

For more infomation >> Classic Holiday TV & Films


Мультики для малышей. Трактор Макс, грейдер и снег. Мультики про машинки, для детей. - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Мультики для малышей. Трактор Макс, грейдер и снег. Мультики про машинки, для детей. - Duration: 3:58.


विटामिन "सी" के फ़ायदे और इससे भरपूर आहार | VITAMIN "C" RICH FOOD & ITS BENEFITS BY PRITI NATH GURU | - Duration: 2:16.

Hello everyone my name is Priti Nath Guru

As I said in my last video, to absorb the Iron we need Vitamin C rich food only

So today we'll know about the food which is rich in Vitamin c

Bur before that I want to share some important points

Vitamin C strengthens our immune system

So this way Vitamin C protects us from the deficiencies related Immune System

It is also very good for our Skin, Gums.

To an extent it also works well & protect our eyes in eyes related diseases

Apart from that it also benefits us in Cardiovascular Diseases.

As per the recent researches, people who want to do weight reduction

People who do exercise along with taking Vitamin C rich food has likely to have 30% more chances

As compare to the people who are not taking Vitamin C rich food regularly

So let's know about the Vitamin C rich food

The best source of Vitamin C food is Citrus Fruits

Gooseberry, Orange, Sweet Lime, Lemon, Kiwi, Strawberry & Pineapple

All of these fruits are good source of Vitamin C

Apart from that in fruits we also have Papaya

If we talk about vegetables, then we have Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli & Brussels

All these vegetables are the good source of Vitamin C

Apart from that we've few vegetables leaves like:- Amarnath Leaves (Cholai Ka Saag)

Even Fenugreek Leaves (Methi) are also the good source of Vitamin C

Apart from that Drum Sticks are the good source of Vitamin C

If we'll include such food regularly in our eating habits

Not only we'll be cured with Vitamin C deficiency but also our Immune System will also become strong

Chances of weight reduction becomes high and we can also protect our self from Iron Deficiency.

I hope you'll like my video & if you've like my video then please do like and share my video.

Also subscribe my channel. Thank you..

For more infomation >> विटामिन "सी" के फ़ायदे और इससे भरपूर आहार | VITAMIN "C" RICH FOOD & ITS BENEFITS BY PRITI NATH GURU | - Duration: 2:16.


Как Нарисовать Няма Тосю для Детей.Учимся рисовать героев Cut the Rope.Простые Рисунки Своими Руками - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Как Нарисовать Няма Тосю для Детей.Учимся рисовать героев Cut the Rope.Простые Рисунки Своими Руками - Duration: 4:57.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...


Why do i play this game?

also follow me on twitch for more videos @ Quanwonton

Follow me on twitter for more info on my stream times and updates @ shane__co

For more infomation >> Why do i play this game?


탈북자유민들, 권력분열 심각성 감추려 김정은 원수칭호 보도 발표 했다 분석 - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 탈북자유민들, 권력분열 심각성 감추려 김정은 원수칭호 보도 발표 했다 분석 - Duration: 4:22.


Enrico Brignano e Flora Canto, pazzi della figlia Martina: i due amorevoli con la bimba nata - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Enrico Brignano e Flora Canto, pazzi della figlia Martina: i due amorevoli con la bimba nata - Duration: 2:48.


Opel Vectra 1.6i-16V CD - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Opel Vectra 1.6i-16V CD - Duration: 0:45.


리영호 해임은 북한 권력구도의 신호탄? - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> 리영호 해임은 북한 권력구도의 신호탄? - Duration: 5:52.


Melankolik Rap Beat I Sad Beat I Yokluğun Ölüm - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Melankolik Rap Beat I Sad Beat I Yokluğun Ölüm - Duration: 2:52.


Hyundai Santa Fe 2.0i-16V,trekhaak - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Santa Fe 2.0i-16V,trekhaak - Duration: 0:54.


Slimming World Changes Free-foods to Syns??? - Duration: 2:15.

what's up guys it's Matt from Macro Lean and in this video I'm going to be

talking about "Slimming World" and the recent changes it's made to its diet, to

its approach. Because in slimming world you have free foods that can be eaten at a

free will, with unlimited amounts.. supposedly. And recently this week

they've just changed some of the foods that were free foods and now have become syns/sins.

Syns are foods that have to be logged. You can only have a certain amount each day.

I made a video on the slimming world diet approach ethos, I'll link that in

the description box below. I get more into detail about the whole

of slimming world in that and today I don't wanna to go too far into the nuances of the

changes they've made, but the bottom line is if any plan, ethos or company changes a

part of their diet and their eating approach. This shows it is fundamentally flawed right from the

beginning. Because if it wasn't flawed then you wouldn't need to change

anything about it right? So I don't like the SW approach in the fact

they've tried to oversimplify counting calories, and I think counting calories,

tracking your food, finding out about macronutrients puts a lot of people off

because it sounds complicated, and it's really NOT! You wouldn't not check

your bank to see your ingoings and outgoings, to find

out how much you're spending and how much you're saving. And it's the same

with calories and macronutrients. And this is especially important when you

need to change your body composition, need to change your weight, your body fat

percentage because you wanna get fitter, leaner, stronger.. You need to see what's going on

with your ingoings and you need to see what's going on with your outgoings. So

the bottom line is slimming world, a huge company, corporation or whatever changing an

aspect of their diet of their eating approach shows a fundamental flaw in the

approach in general. If you need to lose body fat or get leaner, or you want to

shape up and tone up learn about calories, learn about macronutrients and

start tracking your food. Don't give your hopes or power away to a company or

corporation that doesn't empower you with a process that you can get results

and then maintain it there onwards.

For more infomation >> Slimming World Changes Free-foods to Syns??? - Duration: 2:15.


槟城走3天 Penang Food Hunt in 3 Days! || Denise Vlogs w/ Friends (Eng Sub|中文字幕) - Duration: 16:26.

Hey guys welcome back to my channel!

And I'm in Penang right now

with a bunch of humans

I had my breakfast at Penang Road I think

If I'm not wrong (which I am)

And it's like RM7 per bowl of chicken drumstick and noodles

It's herbal soup

And yeah after that

we might be going for lunch

at a nyonya restaurant

and yeah my friends are really really noisy right now but let's get to it

Our first stop

will be here

We are in the Ghost Museum~


What if it turns around suddenly?


Where's Shirlene?


I have no idea

So we just exited the ghost museum

and how was it guys?

It is scary

Good Good

She screamed a lot


Like its a museum but she screamed a lot

I'm a brave girl (As if it's true)

*fake coughs*

So for the next stop,we'll go to Wonderfood

So we decided to come here for coffee

because there's a lot of people at Wonderfood

So we were supposed to go have dinner at Gurney Drive

but since it's raining

I was afraid that Gurney Drive might be closed

so we are changing our dinner place to Sungai Pinang's Food Court

It's raining right now

and we are all really really tired

It's just the first day

but,we'll make it

So we are still waiting for our turn to do the henna tattoo

and something beautiful just happened

Very beautiful

so what happened was

She (XiangYi) was searching for her watch

and she (Cindii), the one having the watch

was also excited to return her the watch

so the both just like, "BAM"

and her (XiangYi) RM5 just gone like that

so remember kids,

don't do that

Sorry boss


Like this video if you love Malaysian food!

Hey guys,so it's almost 12am right now

and i'm in the house (relatives' house)

i'm not staying with my friends so yeah...

I will see you guys tomorrow morning!

Day 1 was really fun

although we didn't do much,but the food was nice

So,see you tomorrow

Hey guys!

It's Day 2 and we will start our journey after they finish tying their hair


*awkward laughs*



The duo durian set was good

S:He's so tall >///<

C:I wanna take a pic with those handsome guys

We decided to take away the egg tart

No it's not egg tart

It's yànwō tart

Bird's Nest~

XY:Bird's saliva

And it's really sunny right now

Decided to buy coconut drinks

Armenian Street

Look at'em bird's nest

C:So are you guys gonna talk

S:What's your thoughts of the tart

what's your insights?

what insights?

C:Not insights,but what have you gained? Sorry...

Tell us about it

The feeling,the taste

So delicious~

I thought you'd say smooth~

C: I thought you'd say juicy~

The egg textutre inside is runny

XY:You have to tell your fans (Do I even have them lol)

But actually I don't really like egg tarts like this

She likes this (Boba tea)

C:Leave some for me

The crust is is also very soft


No,the crust is not crispy/fluffy

And the egg cream is runny

Not that tight

The amount of bird's nest is like this


I think it's okay since it's big

S:Is coconut drink really that nice?

C: Stop recording,we're talking about shit


XY: Shit

C:We're discussing about shit

I don't know why

we're drinking coconut here

and they are talking about tarts

wait no,and they're talking bout shit

C:You never shitted?

*Walking Down Armenian Street*

S: Xiang Yi why are you so tall

XY: Because i'm tall

It's you who is too short


We're currently walking to the Clan Jetties

And it's just right in front there

It's so hot~

Not like me


Bless you




My problems again

Yay we're here!

Now we're heading to this Big Bowl Noodle restaurant


Ohgod,there's beef


Let's go~

*Walking In*

Uncle:But won't be as cold as 1st Avenue (We asked if there's air-cond)

S:It's so big,ordering one is enough

What you wanted two?

*Inside the restaurant*

S:My hand is so small,what should i hold?


*Denise Is Serving!*



What's with the sound effects y'all

D:Where are the bowls?

*The view here*

So we just finished our...


XY:What lunch?

S:Big Bowl Noodles

XY:Our brunch



We had breakfast

XY:We ate at 12pm


So you're going to have lunch now?

XY:No,that's why i said that was brunch

But you had breakfast in the morning!

S:No,we had brunch in the morning

what we ate just now is lunch

Yes(we are dumb)

So we ate two

Which is CHunch


What is chunch?



Look there's a dog here!

Hey doggie~

D:He's sleeping S:Don't call him!

S:Walk faster,i'm scared

C: sCAreD~ScAReD~ D: idiot~(kidding)

XY: He's sleeping and doesn't even care about you

C:Oops sorry (accidentally kicked Shirlene) S: Are you in a bad mood?!

C & D: YES!



So we wore black tops on a day like this

Absorbs heat!

We are too smart!


Yay Shirlene Yay!

We've reached

XY:Shirlene go eat shit

*That's so random LMAO*

We've reached the Phantamania

We've reach this place

Why is there so many ways?

XY:This is a mirror D:Oh,hi!


Worker:In the front!


D: No he's lying!

He's lying!

Worker:For real!Come here!

Worker:I'm right in front of you!


D:In front my ass


Worker:Walk straight

S: *hits the mirror*


Worker:I'm real,this way is real!

Worker: Here,here!


Worker: Walk straight,here,come on


S:Escalator down


S:Change your expressions


*Self Created Sound Effect*

C:Okay enough enough


Wah okay

How was it?

We all prefer Ghost Museum

C:There's nothing much here

Yeah, i agree

It's only for photo sessions here

C:It's not that worth it

But we got an offer

Because we went to Ghost Museum yesterday

But we gave it to other people

We gave two RM2 vouchers for Ice Cafe to someone else

XY:Aren't you supposed to speak English?

I'm mixing the languages,I said that right,I mix


S:So good!


How's it?

S:It's quite nice



There's bees(butterfly) and flowers that's why i sneezed

Oh it's destroyed...

S:Is this edible?

D:How can you eat a butterfly Shirlene...

C:Is this edible?

S:It's like Vietnamese popiah,like plastic but edible

D:Now let's ask XiangYi

Is it tasty?

XY:I don't receive interviews

I'm not allowed to ride the bycicle

because of my back

so i'm walking(back to hotel)

while they ride

We have arrived at

The Burmese Temple is at the other side

This is the leaning(reclining) Buddha inside

D:Let's go S: shuì fó

We are now walking to Gurney Drive

We are reaching! It's so near!


XY:Tell them the route!

Walk straight down to from the Temple

XY:There's two Temples and directions!

To the right from the Burmese Temple

XY:There's an Indian women selling stuffs


XinYi: What are you scared of?(Hokkien)


C:Hey,this Cantonese people is speaking Hokkien for the first time!

What people are you?

C:Penang Hokkien people(Mum from Penang)

That(XY) is Hokkien people

This (S) is Hokkien people

I'm a Teochew people,but also half Penangite


XY:We're going straight right?

S:Where are you going?

I'm going straight but you're pulling my bag!

C:Yeah she really likes to pull other's bag

We are F5!

Others is F4 we are F5

We are at Gurney Paragon

and we are heading to Brown Pocket cafe

which is just right there

to have a tea break

well it's already 6pm but yea,tea break

but not now

after dinner




Is it tasty?

Yes,the mango is nice

It's warm

It's warm?This is a good thing

Look at that,what the hell man!

So fast

Are those smokes or clouds?


Oh my god~~

There's Snow White down there(so random LOL)

So where are we going later

Gurney Drive

Look at the sky's difference


This is hell,that is heaven

S: Feels like it's going to rain

I'm a little bit out of breath

And my hair flying makes me feel so empty

The wind is so strong

Look at my fringe

Wait no,look at my ponytail

Its so strong,look at my hair

I can fly~

We are finally at Gurney Drive Hawker Centre~

The amount of people

Grilled Fish

Curry Mee

Chee Cheong Fan

Fried Koay Tiao

Asam Laksa


Bought oyster omelette

How much?


It's okay

We just had dinner

And we're in a 7E behind Gurney Drive Hawker Centre

Waiting for our grab






or Grab?

~Hi Cindii~


Okay bubye~~



Good Morning

Today is Day 3

And also our last day

Counted as last day...

But they are going back tomorrow


But there's no time tomorrow

So what are we having for breakfast?

Fried meehoon

You never eat before?

And Chee Cheong Fan~~

And I'm sick T~T

And they are having a sore throat

And my body is still healthy

We just finished having ice kacang

and we are now walking to KOMTAR tower

For Dinosaur

We'll see how much the entrance fee is

If it's expensive,no talk

No money,No talk *flips hair*


so yeah

It's actually just across the road

We'll walk into KOMTAR tower~


We're currently at Kang Beef House

going to have a beef steamboat

It is obviously going to rain later

and we are all really tired right now

and as for KOMTAR,we didn't do anything there

because the price was too expensive

and we just did a little bit of window shopping at 1st Avenue

she bought Tealive again

~Like if you also LOVE boba tea~



So this is the end of the video



We're tired as hell




Thanks for watching bye~

what are you going to say?

Hi guys

Hi guys,welcome back to my channel

S: Am i wrong? XY: I'm Denise

*laughs* >///< *embarrassed*


Wait,no no

Hi guys,welcome back to our channel we are

XY:No you start with Den

We are Den



For more infomation >> 槟城走3天 Penang Food Hunt in 3 Days! || Denise Vlogs w/ Friends (Eng Sub|中文字幕) - Duration: 16:26.


양동근 딸 조이 사고 셋째 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> 양동근 딸 조이 사고 셋째 - Duration: 2:21.


L'album di Tu Si Que Vales, il meglio dello show di Canale 5 - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> L'album di Tu Si Que Vales, il meglio dello show di Canale 5 - Duration: 3:06.


Two weeks and you're a master! - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Two weeks and you're a master! - Duration: 0:27.


ROCKSTAR - Post Malone vs Rockstar Games | Dan Bull: 0:18 - 0:30 - Duration: 0:13.

♪ I've been playing GTA since '98 ♪

♪ So I've been down with you lot right from the start ♪

♪ When running over Hare Krishnas ♪

♪ Was rewarded with the sound "Gouranga!" ♪

For more infomation >> ROCKSTAR - Post Malone vs Rockstar Games | Dan Bull: 0:18 - 0:30 - Duration: 0:13.


Alvik - subway and tram - Duration: 9:29.

The subway station and tram stop Alvik

Line 12 (the Nockeby line)

The station

The Tvärbanan (tram line)

Hope you liked the movie! Subscribe and you will know when there is a new movie

For more infomation >> Alvik - subway and tram - Duration: 9:29.


Elf Moisturizing Lipstick: Dollar Tree Gold - Duration: 5:02.

everybody welcome back to my channel so today's video is a topic true gold I do

one every single Friday make sure you subscribe to my channel hit that

notification Bella I blowed a video every single day of the week and I don't

want you to miss any so let's go ahead and get started so this week's Dollar

Tree Gold is on the elf moisturizing lipstick in wine tour and

another color was called flamingo but it was very much of a hot pink shade to me

it felt definitely more reminiscent of like summertime so I've never tried the

elf matte moisturizing lipstick so I have no idea if this is actually a

Dollar Tree gold or not but we shall see but I'm just gonna go ahead and open

this up I've gotten a few elf products there lately and you know so so far I

haven't been disappointed but yeah this isn't called wine tour so I'm in the

middle of filming a tutorial and so I would definitely wanted to try this

lipstick so I just kinda want to get my first impressions really really pretty

packaging there's a little bit of like a buttercream scent to it but it's not too

bad it's supposed to be moisturizing

it's not like super super opaque but we shall see okay

it was on really really nice

it does feel very moisturizing and it does that you can see that shine

it's really really pretty actually very very glossy it's really really pretty

though I do have to say it definitely looks different on the lips than it does

like swatched but it's really really pretty I think this is like the perfect

shade for winter time for the holidays coming up I really really like it very

very pretty like it a lot very very smooth it went on great it's not streaky

and it does feel very very moisturizing it does feel like the type of lipstick

that you should use a lip liner with because I definitely can see this if you

do have a lot of lines around your mouth I can definitely see this migrating up

into those lines and feathering and bleeding but College beautiful the

finish is gorgeous I think a lot of people including myself I'm kind of over

the matte liquid lipsticks I was never a huge fan to begin with and all the ones

that I did try were drugstore and I do think you know matte lipsticks you

probably did have to go a little bit higher end but so I'm totally done with

the super matte lipstick but these are gorgeous I absolutely love it honestly

if I probably should have gotten the Flamingo one but I am glad I at least

picked this one up if I do go back to the Dollar Tree soon

I'm definitely gonna see if they have some other shades because I love this

formula really really nice so the moisturizing lipstick really really

beautiful silky texture glides on lips with vibrant color and luminous shine

and wrist with Shay and vitamin A C and E tilt nourish and hydrate the lips

rich creamy formula helps selling moisture for a long-lasting wear and

comfort I could agree it's really really beautiful it does feel really really

moisturizing does it feel dried my lips are a little chapped but it glided over

those chapped areas just beautifully really really liked it you guys thank

you so much for watching this Dollar Tree Gold like I said I do one every

single Friday sometimes it's a gold sometimes it's a fall but this one the

elf moisturizing lipstick in wine room I'm sorry wine tour is definitely

definitely a gold I absolutely of it so yeah thank you so much for

watching if you did enjoy this video then please go ahead and give it a

thumbs up make sure that you share this video as well I know all of us are

looking for affordable great lip products and the Alpha moisturizing

lipstick is definitely one of them love the packaging looks very sleek very

high-end it doesn't feel super cheap I really like it make sure you guys follow

me on my other social media my Twitter and Facebook is that bunch of glam babe

at my Instagram that came at make up and I will see you guys tomorrow for another

video have a great one guys


For more infomation >> Elf Moisturizing Lipstick: Dollar Tree Gold - Duration: 5:02.


Voa News December 15, 2017 - Duration: 5:01.

From Washington, this is VOA news.

I'm Anne Ball reporting.

Standing in front of large pieces of debris, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki

Haley told a news conference at a military base in Washington D.C. that the U.S. has

"undeniable" evidence that Iran is illegally supplying weapons to rebels in Yemen as part

of a "pattern" of bad behavior in the region.

Haley said the pieces were from a short-range missile recently fired by Iranian-backed Houthi

rebels based in Yemen into Saudi Arabia that struck a civilian airport.

She said the activity is not just limited to Yemen.

"What we're also seeing is activity in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and we'll be able to show all

of those.

And there is more coming.

This is not it.

There is a lot more of uncomfortable evidence that the international community will look

at and realize how dangerous this is."

Iran's U.N. mission put out a statement immediately after Haley's comments, dismissing the allegations

as "unfounded, and at the same time, irresponsible".

An Islamic extremist suicide bomber killed 18 people at a police academy in the Somali

capital, Mogadishu, on Thursday.

Somalia's acting police commissioner, Mukhtar Husein Afrah, said police were preparing for

the 74th anniversary of Police Day and a suicide bomber came in and blew himself up.

Afrah said 18 police officers were killed and 15 were injured.

Somalia's al-Shabaab extremist rebels claimed quick responsibility.

This is VOA news.

Pakistan and Afghanistan have agreed for the first time to place "liaison officers" at

each other's military headquarters for better coordination, and Islamabad is awaiting a

formal response from Kabul to its proposal for opening a wide-ranging bilateral dialogue.

Prime ministers of the Visegrad Group held a meeting in Brussels on Thursday to tackle

Europe's migrant crisis.

Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis said something else needs to be done.

"We have to solve this problem by fighting against this migro-mafia, which is making

billions of euro of money and is bringing these unhappy people to Europe promising them

the better future which they will not have."

Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban said the group was prepared to participate financially

in the fight against illegal migration in North Africa and Libya, in particular.

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres warned against the danger of "sleepwalking" into


Doug Bernard has more.

Guterres said that Security Council resolutions on North Korea's nuclear and missile programs

must be fully implemented by Pyongyang and other countries and urged leaders to find

a peaceful solution.

"I think it is important for all parties to understand the urgency of finding a solution,

avoiding the kind of confrontation that could have tragic consequences for everybody."

Guterres made the comments to reporters after meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo

Abe in Tokyo just days after U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson offered to begin direct

talks with North Korea without pre-conditions.

The White House said Wednesday that no negotiations could be held with North Korea until it improves

its behavior.

The White House has declined to say whether President Donald Trump gave approval to Tillerson's


Doug Bernard, VOA news.

The U.S. on Thursday voted to dismantle the two-year-old "net neutrality" rules that guaranteed

equal access to the Internet.

The new policies reduce regulation of major Internet service providers and hand them sweeping

powers to decide what web content consumers can access.

The Republican-controlled Federal Communications Commission voted three to two to adopt the

"light touch" plan for regulating major telecommunications companies.

From Washington, I'm Anne Ball.

That's the latest world news from VOA.

For more infomation >> Voa News December 15, 2017 - Duration: 5:01.


Micke och Viktors Jul #3 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Micke och Viktors Jul #3 - Duration: 1:00.


Słaby nauczyciel opowiada, genialny inspiruje #C10 / Dawid Piątkowski - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Słaby nauczyciel opowiada, genialny inspiruje #C10 / Dawid Piątkowski - Duration: 6:00.



What's going on good people, this is Mike again with another video today. I want to discuss with you you EC United Emirates

It's the first arab lending platform, and they're very proud of it, so what we're gonna do we're gonna review this platform

We're gonna look at it, and I'm gonna give you the good the bad the ugly so stay tuned don't go nowhere

Let's start with the website looks clean. It's well designs got nice pictures of camels

What is united emirate corn is a?

Open-source peer-to-peer coin their investment opportunities it says that you can trade it lend it stake it and then of course

- you're not at Emory coin I co, Krause sale

I guess they're gonna sell seven million you EC's and the maximum coin

Supply is going to be 20 million. Here's their lending platform

It starts from a hundred goes all the way to a hundred thousand

And they're gonna pay you up to fifty two percent which is on the higher side

Of many other lending platforms looking at the roadmap right here. I noticed that they're launching the

United Emmerich poin lending and staking platform before they launch their black Explorer and before they do their

DDoS attack and before they even secure or upgrade and they're expecting they're going to be at forty five dollars

Which is somewhat unrealistic to be honest with you now. You know you talked to me about a couple months ago

Yeah, it's possible

but now with the influx of all these I CEOs these numbers seem very very high it's not realistic to

Open up at 45. I mean the war was a great platform that performed so well

Amongst any other and it opened up at $12, so they're at final target is

$200 and that's very optimistic target launch price and external exchange

$75 guys I don't believe that I honestly

They're gonna list their token on bit tracks. I told you before with tracks BitFenix tracking

They do not list landing

That was the case bit connect would have been on bit tracks and BitFenix and Kraken and all the major exchanges

It was at one point the top ten tokens on coin market cap and you're gonna

Tell me they couldn't secure bit tracks, but you can I call BS

I'm sorry moving on so let's look at their white paper real quick. This is their white paper

You know the white paper is full of information to be honest with you they describe everything about their platform

they go back and give you everything in detail they talk about they're staking their mining their affiliate program and

Of course they talked about their ICO, and how it's gonna break down now remember it starts at 70 cents

It goes all the way to do dollars and 50 cents

That's a somewhat expensive coin, so now that we looked at United emirate cone

Let me tell you what's wrong with it number one the white paper has been plagiarized

And I'm gonna show you where so if you look right here?

It says United emirate cone protects your transaction history and wallet contents from prying eyes

I'm just gonna read the first couple words it says right here

If you go to electro neum electro neum protects your transaction history and wallet contents from prying eyes while leaving publicly accessible

Transaction hashes. I mean if you go back to the white paper

It says while leaving publicly accessible transaction hashes, so it's exactly the same thing

It's been copied, but let's look at a different source so if you go to the section below

It says once you own United Americans. They behave like a physical gold coins

They possess value, and it ends and services if you go to Devore and you pull up their white paper

It says once you own divorce and ends in services

It's exactly the same thing they copied it from Devore you then scroll down a little bit

And it says here Bitcoin has proven that a peer-to-peer

Electronic cash and it goes one two and three and four they copied it from wind coin

It says Bitcoin has proven that appeared to be a electron cache

And if you notice right here one two three four and it ends in ones who go up back

To the whitepaper and you look at it and ends and ones right here

United emmerich only satisfies all these requirements and coin satisfies all these requirements, okay?

Furthermore if you scroll down a little bit more you see right here in the feature section it says blockchain encryption fast

transaction while encryption

Decentralized system if you go to bit connect you look right here

It says blockchain security fast transaction decentralized

And if you look right here the bit connect coin network is secured against attacks keep it

Decentralized go back to the coin united emirate coin network is secured against attacks

And it keeps it

decentralized fast

Transaction and that starts with send and receive and ends its system if you go back to bit connect

And you look up fast transactions that send and receive payments, and then it ends with payment system

Decentralized we use the centralized blockchain and with the user, and if you go back to decentralized right here

We use the your centralized blockchain and it ends with user so it's copied

100% and if I keep going and going and going guys

I mean I can show you where they copied sections and sections from different platforms

Just to build this long detailed well put together white paper

Let's look at their Alexa ranking real quick. So it shows that the most traffic. They're getting is from Nigeria

11% Brazil's second, Indonesia United States and then India, I can tell you that this platform

It's not Arabic it is Indian

There are my thoughts behind united emirate my first big red flag is

United Emirates coin is an open source peer-to-peer

Lending platform carefully developed by industry experts all based in UAE Qatar and Switzerland now if you don't know

United Arab Emirates

It ends with an S. There is not one emirate

there are plenty of emirates I

Actually called one of my friends who lives in Dubai and I asked him what's the definition of emirates? He told me it means small?

Kingdoms, so it's not one

It's plenty of kingdoms. You would think somebody that is from UAE and Qatar would know that

Furthermore, okay, let's say they don't want it to be

Multiple kingdoms they want it to be just one Kingdom this right here is not

The right way to write Arabic it is incorrect so in Arabic you write from right to left

But what they did is they put the letters from left to right and according to my friend?

They literally wrote it backwards, so you're telling me that this platform is 100%

Arabic yet you can't write Arabic, and if you notice right here keep your eye right here, I'm gonna

Show you how they change them after somebody brought it to the attention

Right here, so look at the difference. Okay. This is the wrong way to write Amira

This is the right way so

Based on all of these facts that I just gave you I'm not gonna be an investor in this platform, however

I am NOT your financial adviser. I don't tell you what to do. I'll just show you the facts

I review every platform the same way

I do all my due diligence the same exact way on every single platform if it passes certain red flags

Then I will invest in it personally if it doesn't I will just move on to the next best thing

Thank you guys so much for watching

I appreciate you if you're not a subscriber make sure you hit that subscribe button

Make sure you hit that Bell right next to that subscribe button now until next time stay safe

For more infomation >> UNITED EMIRATE COIN - UEC ICO - RED FLAGS INDENTIFIED !!! - Duration: 7:55.


Double Feature 4 - Duration: 6:24.

he picks up the lock on the door with tears and blood mixed and smeared across

every inch of his body nothing hopeless it's as five hundred

and twenty third futile attempt he hobbles backward and sits back down on

the floor and begins rocking back and forth again it's been hours maybe days

he seems to be starving how did it come to this no one's coming to help him no

one responds to his screams he rubs his torn-up elbows even under the bandages

made from his shirt he winces and clenches his teeth in excruciating pain

they will be infected soon and he has no way to stop this how did all the days of

his otherwise carefree life bring him to this he looks at the ceiling again he

has done this many times but he sees nothing up there no escape no hope no

God he clenches his teeth again while he rocks even more erratically trying

harder to ignore the pain hopeless the pool of blood beneath him begins

expanding outward he begins crying again is there anyone out there anyone at all

he tries to scream once more but his voice is beyond hoarse and weakened he

yields only a pitiful gasp before falling to his side he winces hard upon

landing the pain is endless and overwhelming he adjusts his aching

broken and bleeding foot is there anyone in the world that cares about him is

there anyone out there that will search for him will anyone come to find him and

save him from all this suffering I honestly don't know but I just can't

stop watching

the earth is flat I turned around to see a fat guy on a megaphone shouting at a

gathered crowd more than half of whom were snickering there's no proof that

the earth is round he continued yes sure there isn't left a

guy in the crowd throwing an empty beer can

laughter erupted as they started hurling insults at the man who in turn started

spewing whatever nonsense proof these idiots used to convince themselves the

earth is flat I walked away shaking my head at the stupidity coming out of the

fat guy's mouth it was fine as long as the flat earth truthers confined

themselves to the Internet but here they are now contaminating the streets with

their bullshit he needs proof that the earth is round

I'll give it to him I watched him as he left the pub around midnight he spent

most of his night drinking beer and ogling lustfully at women who were wise

enough to move away it was clear they were disgusted by him I followed him

through the streets of the city as he stumbled home clearly drunk the

outskirts of the city and the streets are all but deserted at this time of

night good I approached him quickly as we reach a particularly empty stretch of

road I held him by his shoulders as I whisper into his ear so you want proof

the earth is round let me give it to you my fingers dig under his collarbone as

my back arches and I spread my wings my eyes glow blue in the darkness as I look

up and take to the sky lifting the idiot with me I can feel him trembling in fear

and muttering unintelligible sentences the terror seems to have broken his

intoxication better for me I keep rising through the atmosphere higher and higher

and the Earth's curvature comes into focus

I hover there for a bit and look down at the man I can see he is out of breath

the air is too thin look you want to prove that the earth is round

this proof enough for you he looked up at me

fear edged into every feature of his tear covered face his eyes are red

whether from crying or due to the pressure building up behind his eyeballs

I do not know you're lucky though you're too disgusting for me to consume your

soul relief floods his face upon hearing these words which is soon replaced by

terror as I let go of him and he plummets down to earth I watch as he

falls, his screams growing fainter. another loser bights the dust, literally.

For more infomation >> Double Feature 4 - Duration: 6:24.


The X-Files Returns

For more infomation >> The X-Files Returns


Palmeiras 2 X 2 Santo André - 25/01/2003 - parte 6/6 - TORCIDA QUEBRA O PACAEMBU! Copa SP Futebol Jr - Duration: 27:03.

For more infomation >> Palmeiras 2 X 2 Santo André - 25/01/2003 - parte 6/6 - TORCIDA QUEBRA O PACAEMBU! Copa SP Futebol Jr - Duration: 27:03.


hyper aadi jabardasth latest Talking Tom Version By Telugu Mitrudu | Fun Bhajana - Duration: 2:27.

Jabardasth Latest Hyper Aadi skit

Hyper aadi Talking tom

For more infomation >> hyper aadi jabardasth latest Talking Tom Version By Telugu Mitrudu | Fun Bhajana - Duration: 2:27.


Rückenschmerzen? – 8 Dinge, die du vermeiden solltest 2 - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> Rückenschmerzen? – 8 Dinge, die du vermeiden solltest 2 - Duration: 6:52.


A lot of morons idiots, jokes 🆕 video jokes PEREPIZDAT 2017 - Duration: 20:00.

I'm glad to see you on my website

Mila is very cute

Mila is very Cute

Video fun 2017 Funny Video

Oh and fabulous morons, idiots 🆕

Well, not morons, tell me later

they have no output

here they are morons, marvel

he had expected such fools that's amazing


a fuck less

jump, well, then I have nothing to add

Th do there? for birch sap

nail program with small pipe

something not go skiing

then just a gag. I went under the table

funny, cool - well done

reaction to altitude

in free flight at the asshole

strongly repulsed leg - About moron

on bonce forbid, dodges

the Chinese also have their dolpaepy and Funny

good flight


Well, not fuck fun?

Something went wrong

do not repeat it if the guys do not want to turn his neck. I beg you

All, then I will add

If you like to put the issue of huskies. I do for you.

remember or forget?

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