Saturday, December 16, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 17 2017

Hey guys welcome back to my channel today as you can tell from the title of this video

I am doing it the copybook tag

I love fuck tags as you all know

But I was never able to do the coffee book tag because I didn't drink coffee

But junior year in high school has been pretty hard on me so far, and I've recently started drinking coffee

So I thought it would be appropriate to start off the fall season with a cozy coffee book tag

And in this video I will be doing the coffee book tag of course

But then at the end of the video

I will be reviewing a teeth whitening kit from carbon cocoa I've been using this kit for like a week or so now and I

Love it so much

I used to use teeth whitening strips, but they really made my teeth sensitive, and I didn't like them too much

So I'm really excited to share this product with you guys the kit actually has a tooth polish and a tooth paste and it uses

Activated charcoal, so unlike the activated charcoal from health stores. This is made of organic coconut activated charcoal

It's a really gentle and effective formula, and I'll tell y'all all about that in the review at the end

And I will do a little demo as well, so yes of the review and demo will be at the end of this video

But I definitely thought it would be really funny to do a copybook tag and a teeth whitening review because now that I'm drinking coffee

Your girl needs some serious teeth whitening so if you are a coffee lover like I know I am

You'll definitely want to stick around to the end of the video and also I will have a link in the description

where to buy the product so without further ado

Let's get into the book tag the first question is black name a series

That's tough to get into that has hardcore fans

I pre stack these books, and I did the first question on the bottom, so that's hard okay a series

That's tough to get into but has hardcore fans

I don't think anyone can argue with me about this, and it's City bones or the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

I've read City of Bones just the first book not the other

I really loved it. It's incredible. It's definitely hard to get into though. It's a thick book as you can tell and

It's its third person, which means it's also kind of harder for me personally to

Get into the headspace, but at the same time. I love this series, or I guess the first books

I haven't read any of the others but

The fans and this fandom are so hardcore

I love it, and I really want to be a bigger part of it

So hopefully I'll get around to reading the rest of them number two is peppermint mocha name a book that gets more popular

during the winter or a festive time of year and

You will be seeing on my channel very soon. I'm going to post some of the craziest most festive videos ever

I am one of the most festive people I know I love Christmas

I love Halloween I love Thanksgiving Valentine's Day everything well

Not Valentine's Day Halloween and Christmas are my two favorite holidays

So you really pumped for some really exciting festive videos?

I thought that definitely gets more popular in the holidays

So is Harry Potter not necessarily the first child is just what I grabbed but all the Harry Potter books

It's like the Harry Potter time of year

I've been thinking about rereading the last Harry Potter book the Deathly Hallows this Christmas

But I'm not sure because I have such a big TBR if I should spend time on or reading a book

But the vibes in the Harry Potter books are just so festive and like when it is snowing at Hogwarts

There's nothing more Christmasy or wintery than that number. Three is hot chocolate. What is your favorite children's book?

I don't think really long and hard about this because I

I can't really remember too many of the books

I read when I was younger, but I'd remember that my favorite for a long time was princess for hire

And that was more of a middle grade book. It's about a normal girl. I think she's a bigger some things

I remember she was sitting on a Shakespeare play and then some like a fairy godmother something comes to her and long story short she

Has this part-time job where where she like can magically become?


Doppelganger almost of a princess back in history and give them a weekend off a little vacation

And so she sucks them for all of these princesses

And there was like a little series there weren't even that many Beckstead

I remember Disney was like thinking of

Buying the rights to a movie or something I always won that to happen and it never happened

So I guess that was like my first

Fangirling experience when I was younger, but I loved loved those books honestly

I feel like if they made that into adult series

They would probably be one of my favorite series of all time

I feel a good totally boob right down my alley with the

Selection and the princess cry or that will make me a thing I think this is number four but it could be wrong

Double shot of espresso at name a book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish

I don't think there's a better answer than throne of glass the serious is insane you guys there's all these plot twists

And you never know it's coming if anyone could predict that well these folks would be thoroughly impressed cuz I never

Ever know where they're going. They're so so cool

They're so adventurous and exciting and Selena is like kick butt and Dorian's amazing, and he's a live of my life

And I haven't read I think the last one that came out or maybe it's the last two

But I have I look four of them or something and they are so so incredible number five

Starbucks named epic you see everywhere. I love this question because I am the biggest

Starbucks person and

Also going along with the basic theme of Starbucks

Or else they're gonna go with the basic thing about The Fault in Our Stars anything John Green is pretty

basic and pretty mainstream

but the fall night stars it takes the cake for definitely being one of the most well read books that I

Have heard about side of the reader community. I would be surprised if any of my friends hadn't read

The Fault my stars or at least seen the movie so

It's definitely everywhere the movie the books even less

Hours from the movie or at your um magazine so it's the biggest ofoma at starbucks in book form that I can think of

Number six is that hipster coffee shop give a book of by an indie author a shout out

Of course I have to go with overruled by Brittany joy

Because she sent me this book a couple weeks ago, and though I'm still working on X. I'm a slow reader

I am in love with it

I even say like I'm about halfway through it is so so good her writing is amazing and it's the best any book

I've ever read

I haven't read many indie books

but it definitely takes the cake and

I suggest think I'll check it out because it's halfway through it's so so good already

and I really can't wait to see how it ends then ever if you will definitely be up for this I

Don't want to give a timeframe because I don't know when I'll finish it because junior year, but it will definitely be

up at some point in the near future definitely this year, but

gonna look out

Number seven I think is oops I accidentally got decaf named it buck you were expecting more from

Bunnies during my school always has coffee

And I just started drinking it recently so I would always go drink advisory and go down to the cafeteria

and get myself a mug of coffee, and I had been doing this for like a couple days now and

Then I didn't have time doing advisory one day

yes, wait a class meeting so I went during lunch that day, and they only had decaf and

I don't know why I guess they were

Expecting that no one would actually want caffeinated coffee around 1:00 in the afternoon

But they clearly don't understand me, so I really needed that coffee, but a book I was expecting more from is

The girl on the train by Paula Hawkins it was a good book. Don't get me wrong in the movie was great too, but I

guess I was expecting more of an Agatha Christie kind of thing and I

Don't want to say it was predictable because I didn't predict the outcome

But I I did and like I had a list of like suspects, and it was one of them

I'm just more impressed with an author when I have a whole list of suspects and that person's eye anywhere on that list

It's just so much more exciting and intriguing and mind-blowing and my mind was just not blown with the end of this book it was

kind of mediocre, so yeah I

Definitely expected more from this book. It's still a good read though, so I suggest picking it up if you enjoy like adult mysteries

number nine or eight or ten

One of those is the perfect blend name a book or series it was both bitter and sweet

But ultimately satisfying, and I have chosen a wicked thing by

Rihanna and Thomas, and I haven't talked about this book on my channel

I don't think it's not a very well known book, but it is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty

and it's definitely like a darker retelling and so it's essentially over our wakes up and

Everyone she's ever known is dead because a hundred years have passed so I'm like it doesn t we're done

she doesn't wake up and her family's there she wakes up, and she's like who was a stranger just kissing me and

Why is everyone dead and all of our history has changed too? She doesn't know?

What's up with her country, and she's being forced to marry the Spirit stranger, and it's just very like

Jarring for her and so that was a really really cool twist on it, and I enjoyed it

It wasn't the best book I've ever read, but it was cool read, but more importantly if it covers gorgeous

So I had to keep it, but yeah, so she goes through a lot of there are hard things throughout

the book as you might expect and I

Didn't know if I liked where it was going. That's why I have a saying that it wasn't the best book

I've ever read because the beginning 3/4 of the book are kind of iffy

But the end really is so beautiful and very well done

I think there's another book in the series, so it definitely sets it up really nicely

but I think you can so finish it and read it with more of an open ending and

Really, enjoy it because I found the open ending satisfying which again is weird because I hate open endings

But the open ending in this book was actually very healthy satisfying

I give it a good a good solid like four stars, and then maybe it's number ten well

We'll go with number ten green tea name a book or syriza is quietly beautiful

I can't think of anything else, but Tiger Lily

it's the most breathtaking book that I have ever had I always think about it and

Every time anyone mentions its Peter Pan this book all of all the history. I learned from the characters

I really think it's like it's real

but that's what doesn't me intend it and and natural author of the actual Peter payment and it because

It just it feels so real like it feels like how could this not be

The intended backstory of the character is it's so beautifully into woven with

But we know about Peter Pan and Tiger Lily and Tinkerbell and Wendy from

the original book and from Disney and then

It I don't know it's hard to articulate. Why doubt this book, but I guess in short the writing style is

beautiful and

It's told in second person

so it's told in the you I believe I remember correctly it was told ins like a person so I

Believe it stole from Tinker Bell who is ruining everything?

so it seems like it's third person, but Tinker Bell's actually tell him the story and I

Believe that she's the worthy you so it should be a second person

But it could be wrong could just be Tinker Bell reiterating the story

But the ending is

heartbreaking and I think it's something that you should read when you're a teenager because it's about teenagers falling in love and it's

just so beautiful, just please pick it up I


It's the most beautiful book that I have ever read I am

Like pick it up. Please pick it up

Especially if you have a Disney and retellings or just pretty books pretty writing pick it up and the last question

Question number 11 is kaity

Name a book or series that makes you dream a far-off places

But this one I am going with rampant by diana peterfreund, and this book is about a girl who?

Slays evil unicorns, and that sounds like the stupidest book ever but I really really enjoyed this fun

It was a lot of fun to read I enjoyed it. It's about a girl named passages well again who?

It's her job to

Kill these terrible unicorns

and so she moves to the cloisters and Italy and

there's a family a bunch of other girls who also had this gift and said they killed these evil unicorns and save Rome and

It's so silly, but it makes me dream

I'm Italy in Europe because she is - he's amazing these hands

and looks of these paintings like these paintings have studied in my art history class and

Just describes the streets

and I've been to Italy before and the

Descriptions are very accurate and they put you in Europe II feel like you're in Italy so rampant definitely

Makes me dream of going to far-off places and going back to Italy and the last question is

Earl Grey name your favorite classic I had to think long and hard about this because I don't read too many classics

But Jane Eyre is definitely my favorite. I loved it

It's definitely slow

and it's definitely hard to reach all the vocab and the language it's just a

Lot of descriptions just a lot, but take that aside the story is really really incredible

You just have to look through the language

And get to what's behind it and James character

And what she wants and what she's standing up poor and her relationship with Rochester the language is

distracting for us because around the 21st century we don't talk like that, but if you

Can just ignore it and set that aside some way and just really get into what the book is about you

Love it so much. I don't know if there's any retellings, but I feel like I would love a retelling because

The only part, I don't like about the book is a it's so hard for me to read some chapters are easier than others

But as a whole I wouldn't I wouldn't have a long day at school, and I want to come home and read

10 chapters of Jane Eyre that's very mentally taxing

I'd rather go home and read the lux series about a mortal falling in love with a hot alien

You know what I mean, but I definitely love it. So it's on those books that you have to read slowly

But you really will enjoy so that is it for the book type portion of this video

I hope you enjoyed and now we're gonna get on to the teeth whitening

I received the ultimate carving hit by carbon cocoa and that's what I will be reviewing for you guys

I'll have the link so that you can check it out for yourself if you're

Interested and I will show you all the products that I received in this ultimate carbon kit first

and then I

will go through some info about the company and the product and then I will show you the demo so first off we had the

actual charcoal, which comes in this container and

I'm gonna open up. I'm gonna try not to Felix

That would not be good, but it's just all black and it's like a fine powder

then I have it the activated charcoal toothpaste, which is also black just like the charcoal that came in this little container and

I have a special toothbrush to use with these products, and I also got a really nice bag to keep all these goodies and

I am disorganized. They also have this and have to admit. I don't really know how to use it

I've been doing okay without it, so hopefully. I'm not doing anything wrong because I keep it been like my door without this

I don't know so first off

I'll talk about the activated charcoal tooth polish unlike the usual

activated charcoal from health stores this carbon cocoa product is made of finely milled organic coconut

Activated charcoal with a hint of the tonht clay and lemon myrtle and this special formula is proven to be very gentle

but also very effective and

Detoxifying the mouth and removing stains it has zero tastes and smell and I totally agree

it's definitely really great of removing stains and everything so I second all of this and then we have the activated charcoal toothpaste and

This is a toothpaste formula that doesn't have fluoride it also names our magical ingredient

Activated charcoal this toothpaste is black

But turns into white foam when brushing and it has a yummy minty taste it does and I love it

This toothpaste is designed to protect your teeth from further staining throughout the day, so you won't mess up your cells if you look coffee

it's the book tag and

Color drinks all these products are vegan friendly and cruelty free which is great because my sisters vegan so I will definitely

Offer her a try at all this stuff, and see how she likes it

I always try to look out for as many

Cruelty-free and vegan friendly things as possible because she's definitely made me see how important it is so whenever I can

The big thumbs up, so now I'm going to do a little demo first

I'm going to do the tooth polish

And then I'm going to do the toothpaste and so what you should know about the tooth polish is that?

you should use it before bedtime to give time for any residue to dislodge overnight and

Results are also usually seen between 7 and 14 days, so I've been doing it for about that long

And I'm starting to see results now

But it'll it'll take that long. I didn't see start seeing results like immediately. That's not the way it works

I have already bought my toothbrush, and I'm gonna dip it in the jar. Just very very lightly I

Remember I'm not gonna coat the brush a little goes a long way

So I'm gonna brush gently in circles for like two to three minutes

and then rinse and brush with toothpaste and so next I'm gonna demo the

Toothpaste and so what they suggest is that you use?

This toothpaste instead of your regular brand toothpaste after the 14-day treatment to maintain your results

so you use this for 14 days and it to keep your teeth looking how pearly white and pretty you're gonna use this toothpaste to

Maintain the results so I'm going to brush with this toothpaste after using the tooth polish at night and in place that my regular toothpaste

During the day, okay, so now I'm going to put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and brush from there

So it's really interesting about this toothpaste is if you can tell it turned to white it didn't stay black

Which is a really cool because you don't?

Want black teeth it's definitely very very minty even more so than my usual toothpaste

I serve my teeth even look whiter when I'm brushing them so then it's all for this demo nerve you have to sum it up

I love this product I

Love the results I've seen so far. I'm really excited to keep using the toothpaste and new polish and

See how much further I can get with my results and how much brighter making it

And how much more coffee I can join without my teeth turning yellow

So your coffee fanatic like me I would definitely check out this product

I love it, and it just feels super cool when I'm using it too. It's definitely like a cool trendy thing

That's also happening with this whole charcoal bit, so if you've had a long day

put on a charcoal face mask like I do and brush your teeth with charcoal and can give yourself a little charcoal spot a

So I hope you guys enjoyed this book tag and this review comment down below what your favorite type of coffee is

All the caffeine questions that I answered in this book tag

do you have a favorite honestly like mine would be hot chocolate because that will forever be my favorite but

The only coffee, I really like to drink this black coffee

Which is definitely weird because it's not what you usually start to drink when you are just starting get into coffee

But black coffee is currently my favorite but as a drink. I would say hot chocolate

Thank you guys so much for watching, and I'll see you guys next video


For more infomation >> COFFEE BOOK TAG | Carbon Coco Teeth Whitening Review - Duration: 19:55.



For more infomation >> MI PRIMER VÍDEO I SERGIO ARC - Duration: 0:53.


Days Like These Everyday Chemistry - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> Days Like These Everyday Chemistry - Duration: 3:24.


Seat Arona 1.0 TSI 115pk Xcellence Launch Edition - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Seat Arona 1.0 TSI 115pk Xcellence Launch Edition - Duration: 1:00.


Islam et terrorisme, par le cheik Mamdouh Al-harbi - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Islam et terrorisme, par le cheik Mamdouh Al-harbi - Duration: 5:13.


Will Smith Joins Instagram And Trolls Justin Timberlake For Infamous Superbowl Mishap - Duration: 3:25.

Will Smith Joins Instagram And Trolls Justin Timberlake For Infamous Superbowl Mishap

Will Smith has finally joined the wonderful world of Instagram just a week before his new movie "Bright" premieres on Netflix.

The movie star has already gotten into a hilarious Insta-fight with another celebrity friend.

The father of three uploaded a photo of himself when he was a few months old along with the caption: "Y'all ain't got no filters like this.

Justin Timberlake, who is a close friend of the A-lister, decided that he wanted to school him on what a "throwback Thursday" was.

Smith fired back and made a controversial joke while doing so.

He said in the video he uploaded: "Thanks a lot man for the post and the brief education about Instagram because this is my first day so I'm appreciating the hook-up.

Man I know what Throwback Thursday is, I ain't been in a hole!".

Will went on to say that he heard about Justin's 2018 Superbowl gig and he wanted to give him some advice on what to avoid.

That's when he flashed his nipple on camera.

It was a reference to the last time Timberlake performed at the Superbowl and accidentally made Janet Jackson have a nip-slip.

Fans thought the video was hilarious.

However, since it was announced that Justin would be the halftime entertainment it's received mixed reviews.

Some think that it's unfair that Janet Jackson was banned from performing at the sports event again while Justin received no punishment although the lewd moment was actually his fault.

The NFL has cleared those rumors up recently.

The spokesperson explained that there is no ban in place but was mum on whether or not Janet would be returning with Justin.

"There's no ban.

We are not going to comment on any speculation regarding potential guests.

There may be no guests.

Along with Pepsi, we're excited to have Justin Timberlake," the spokesperson explained to TMZ.

For more infomation >> Will Smith Joins Instagram And Trolls Justin Timberlake For Infamous Superbowl Mishap - Duration: 3:25.


Año nuevo - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Año nuevo - Duration: 2:06.


Recette simple et efficace pour accélérer votre métabolisme - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> Recette simple et efficace pour accélérer votre métabolisme - Duration: 6:15.


Rajasthan Tourism

For more infomation >> Rajasthan Tourism


Sy Bunthay - 3 Principles before go to sell #SuccessReveal - Duration: 7:57.

Sy Bunthay

3 principles before go to sell

For more infomation >> Sy Bunthay - 3 Principles before go to sell #SuccessReveal - Duration: 7:57.


BOMBSHELL Out Of San Francisco… Anti-Trump Judge Going To PRISON!!! - Duration: 5:32.

BOMBSHELL Out Of San Francisco…

Anti-Trump Judge Going To PRISON!!!

Another one bites the dust… this time in the 9th circus….err I mean 9th circuit.

A prominent judge in the US appeals court has now been accused inappropriate sexual

conduct or comments by a total of nine women.

The latest allegations against Judge Alex Kozinski of the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals

go back decades and include women who met him at events, according to the Washington


The 67-year-old judge based out of Pasadena, California was appointed to the bench by former

President Ronald Reagan in 1985 serving the 9th Circuit for 32 years.

Seven of those years were served as chief judge from 2007-2014.

A child of Romania immigrants that survived the Holocaust fleeing to America, Kozinski

is an essayist and judicial commentator in addition to sitting the bench on the 9th US

Circuit Court of Appeals with essays in publications such as Slate, The New Yorker, The New Republic,

and National Review.

He is known for his irreverent opinions and his clerks often win prestigious clerkships

at the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Post reported that six former clerks and externs on the appeals court had accused Kozinski

of subjecting them to inappropriate comments or exposing them to pornography, as well as

four women who say he touched or kissed them against their will.

Retired US Court of Federal Claims judge, Christine Miller has accused Kozinski of grabbing

her breasts during a car ride in 1986 after a legal community function in the Baltimore


According to Miller, Kozinski got grabby hands after she refused to go to a motel with him

and have sex.

Miller states –

"'He said if you won't sleep with me, I want to touch you, and then he reached over,

and — this was the most antiseptic — he grabbed each of my breasts and squeezed them."

Emily Murphy states Kozinski once tried to convince her and other clerks to work out

while naked after she mentioned that the court's gym appeared to regularly be used by employees.

Another accuser is Leah Litman, a law professor at Univerity of California, Irvine.

Litman claims the judge spoke of just having had sex, then pinching her side as well as

her leg while they were in a restaurant together the evening before they were to appear together

on a judicial panel at her school in July.

Yet a third lawyer not identified by name claims Kozinski approached her at a 2008 legal

event held in Los Angeles while she stood alone.

He then proceeded to kiss her on the mouth and give her a tight bear hug with no warning

or invitation.

According to the Post, the woman's husband did confirm the incident in question, however,

they said nothing due to Kozinski's powerful position and a belief that nothing would be

done because of it.

Another accuser by the name of Heidi Bond a former law clerk from 2006-2007, said the

judge showed her porn on multiple occasions, including pictures of naked college-aged students

at a party and a flipbook which a woman's naked body parts had to be matched up to the

corresponding bodies.

When asked why nothing was said at the time, she responded with "I mean, who would I


Who do you even tell?

Who do you go to?"

Kosinski vehemently denies the allegations, issuing a statement through his attorney indicating

he believed all of this was a misunderstanding based on his "unusual sense of humor"

and he deeply regretted that his 'unusual sense of humor caused offense or made anyone


"I have been a judge for 35 years and during that time have had over 500 employees in my


I treat all of my employees as family and work very closely with most of them.

I would never intentionally do anything to offend anyone and it is regrettable that a

handful have been offended by something I may have said or done."

Now as a result of these allegations the 9th Circuit has opened a misconduct inquiry.

In a letter to Chief Justice Roberts, 9th Circuit Chief Judge Sidney Thomas said it

is the practice of the appeals court to investigate published allegations of misconduct.

As a result, the circuit initiated a formal inquiry.

In an effort to ensure impartiality inasmuch as it can do so, Thomas asked the chief justice

to transfer the complaint to another circuit so judges that do not sit with Kozinski would

conduct the inquiry.

On Friday, Roberts did just that by letter routing the misconduct inquiring to the Judicial

Council of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York.

According to NPR –

Since the Post's report last week, two other former clerks on the 9th Circuit who did not

work for Kozinski, including Slate columnist Dahlia Lithwick, have published accounts of

their own encounters with the judge.

The Washington Post reported Friday night that nine more women say he "subjected them

to sexual comments or other conduct, including four who say he touched them inappropriately."

One of Kozinski's current clerks has resigned, a spokesman for the court told The Associated


This is not Kozinski's first time facing misconduct charges either.

In 2008, the Los Angeles Times reported on a publicly accessible website the judge maintained

full of sexually explicit photos and videos.

Like this current misconduct inquiry, this one was also transferred to another court

where Kozinski was subsequently admonished for exhibiting poor judgment in maintaining

material that could prove "an embarrassment to the federal judiciary."

This existence of this inquiry tends to lend credence to the women's claims of sexual

impropriety on the part of Kozinski.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL Out Of San Francisco… Anti-Trump Judge Going To PRISON!!! - Duration: 5:32.


My First watercolour painting + talking about net neutrality│♥Alexandra ♥ - Duration: 7:19.

Hey guys, I hope you are all doing great today, and in this video I am sharing with you the

first watercolour painting that I created.

Actually this is the second one, the first one was when I bought my Winsor & Newton watercolours

and I did the unboxing video.

I am painting on hot-pressed paper, which means it doesn't have any texture to it; but

I haven't decided whether I like hot-pressed paper or cold-pressed, I just need to see

what works for me and my paintings.

I wanted to talk about watercolours in this video, but today that I am editing is the

14th of December and it is the day that the FCC voted to repeal the net neutrality rules

and I spent these past two days reading and also researching about the subject, because

I was completely ignorant.

I didn't know it was happening, or what net neutrality is.

I just knew that it was given that I could go online and access whatever I wanted.

I live in Europe which means it does not directly affect me, but I feel that it affects communities

that I really care about and it kind of scares me.

I am not talking about YouTube or Artists, even though this is extremely important, but

it's just the tip of the iceberg.

I am talking about Activists who fought and still fight for freedom in order to change

the world and they also fight for equal opportunities and equality in general.

Right now the whole world is moving towards a ventured capitalistic era, and it's like

they are trying to turn the Internet into a luxury that only companies that pay a lot

of money can benefit from it.

And even though this happens with almost everything, the Internet was the only place that was for


The Internet has always been an open exchange of ideas and information without any corporate

influence, and now with the rules changing people in power will have control of what

we can access online.

When I watched the whole proposal, the chairman of the FCC was saying how he wants to stop

micromanaging the Internet, and wanted to give Internet Service Providers the upper


Which means that this drive will drive up the prices and jeopartize the democrasy.

This also means that the Internet Service Providers will be able to censor news or websites

that don't match their political agenda.

I don't want to get very deep into it, so I will have links in the description if you

would like to do some further reading.

I am very happy for the people how still fight for this and I am going to leave this here,

hoping that you will enjoy the rest of this watercolour painting.

So, that's it for this video, I hope you guys enjoyed the timelapse of the painting and

I will see you in my next one.

Byee :)

For more infomation >> My First watercolour painting + talking about net neutrality│♥Alexandra ♥ - Duration: 7:19.


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How I Stay Positive On Bad Days - Duration: 8:27.

what's up boss is so last week no no I got back from Boston it's been a

crazy week we had a Christmas party and I really wanted to share with y'all my

experience through the week but this week's been a little bit harder for

those of you that don't know or that have been following me at least you know

that one of my dogs had a lot of heart issues and some eye problems and her

health started to deteriorate she was actually on only seven or eight sadly

Sunday night after I came on live and gotten back and told everybody and what

was up I got a phone call that night letting me know that she had passed so

sadly enough she's gone but if you haven't seen the video that I

made to commemorate her I'll put that in the description below

she was my pride and joy and I do have two dogs but one of them is gone and I

want to tell my mom who has been amazing and I don't know how I could do it

without her she has helped me through so much so to my mother who I know will

watch this I want you to know how much I thank you for doing everything that

you've done up until this point because it's really helped me with my business

and to get things on track where I needed to go and I don't know what I

would have done without you mom and without her to all the rest you that

don't know her mum BOM is amazing and someone asked me what do you do with

your dogs when you leave out of town and my mom is the one that cares for them so

I know that it had to be much harder on her because she had to actually take

dutchy to the hospital and go through

everything with her and I'm sure it was much harder on her to actually see

everything versus for me to have to hear the news but I will say I

to thank all of my family and friends that have been there for me for all of

you that have given me the really positive comments I've tried to get back

on my feet this week to get videos going and it's been a little hard but I wanted

to at least show up give you an update it is vlogmas and this is where we are

so business goes on I've been trying to take some time for myself this week and

grieve and I know my videos have not been as consistent as I would like for

them to be but I'm getting everything set up just taking a breather kind of

like the end of this year my goal is to still post daily at least through the

end of the year I'm trying to get my thousand subscribers so if you haven't

subscribed already I'm literally pouring my heart out telling you about my life

my business this journey as an entrepreneur as you can see I mean I

lost a very dear person even though she's a dog I loved her and she was like

my sidekick she was always beside me and so loving and she brought me so much joy

and it was really hard for day-to-day to go on watching her suffer the way that

she did so it is bittersweet I'm glad she's not suffering she is up in heaven

and looking down eating all the treats that she could imagine give you an

update of where I'm at I want to be better more consistent in my posting

this is really important to me I've really wanted to share with you these

parts of my life in my business so that you can learn from it which I think I

already told you that but what else is going on so a tower we have the energy

my energy patch company that I have we are getting a new employee yay so I'm

gonna be training them on how to handle the social media and the marketing and

the email list I'm super excited to have somebody else to train on the team we've

gone without some people for a long time and it's

actually an old employee that we're bringing back on so hopefully he shows

up on Monday or Tuesday whenever he's supposed to come and we're gonna get

that started it will take off a lot of pressure I've built I've literally like

rebuilt the system for the company because we had to get our email funnel

set up we had to kind of break down social so I had scheduled everything out

through the end of the year to buy me some time to get somebody else in there

to train so I'm excited to have some help on the team

we've just been traveling a lot trying to enjoy Christmas obviously it's

bittersweet right now enjoying it as much as I can I'm starting to learn or

remember the value of your family your friends the people that really matter to

you because I've been a little bit of a roller coaster this year and I can't

wait hopefully wrap some of that up and share it with you over this next week

I'm gonna be releasing a series of videos that I had made and they're just

kind of something fun I thought I'd share with you because a lot of you keep

saying like how do I meet influencers how do I you know get my business off

the ground and so there's someone that I follow and that is very dear to me he's

like my dad and probably doesn't even know it but I really learned a lot from

him and I'm super excited to share this new series with you it's kind of like a

short film but I'm gonna release it over the next couple days because some of

them are a little bit longer than others and if I really still all in one day

it'd be like an hour and a half I figured it'd be something fun I've

logged a lot when I was in New York City hint hint and there are some things I'd

really like to share with you about who I met on my journey over this past year

there's been more than that but this was one that just was really dear to my

heart and really touched me so I'm excited to share that with you and those

are gonna be unfolding over this next week leading up to Christmas just a lot

I'm preparing my books I'm trying to find some time to write my book I'm

going to social media marketing world I'm trying to connect with everybody if

you going to social media marketing world holla at me

so that we can connect I'm trying to stay connected on their groups across

social platforms but honestly the best way to connect with me is in my email

Brandi at blog and Brandi calm leave a comment below this video I usually will

see my comments within the first 24 to 48 hours on any of my new videos

especially since I'm posting every day so if you comment on like old videos I

may not always see the comments I try to check the last couple ones when I get

back on each day so I apologize if I don't answer your questions or your

comments I really really try to make sure that I hit those for you and get

back to you and I'm gonna be going through all of my comments on my social

platforms the questions that I've asked the polls and really use that feedback

to help create the videos leading into next year I'm working on some really

exciting stuff for you and I'm super excited to share it with you but I know

everybody's trying to relax during the holiday so I figured we would do

something fun with this series over the next week without further ado I am

brandi of where you can find tons of free resources to

help you brand your business and I appreciate you joining me for vlogmas

don't forget to subscribe below for some good vibes and i'll see you in the next

video tomorrow


For more infomation >> How I Stay Positive On Bad Days - Duration: 8:27.


Man In The Wilderness - Styx (1977) Audio Fidelity 24k Gold FLAC 4K Video ~MetalGuruMessiah~ - Duration: 5:57.

Another year has passed me by

Still I look at myself and cry

What kind of man have I become?

All of the years I've spent in search of myself

And I'm still in the dark cause I

can't seem to find the light alone

Sometimes I feel

like a man in the wilderness

I'm a lonely soldier off to war

Sent away to die

never quite knowing why

Sometimes it makes no sense at all

(makes no sense at all)

Ten thousand people look my way

But they can't see the way that I feel

Nobody even cares to try

I spend my life and sell

my soul on the road

And I'm still in the dark

'Cause I

can't seem to find the light alone

Sometimes I feel

like a man in the wilderness

I'm a lonely sailor lost at sea

Drifting with the tide

Never quite knowing why

Sometimes it makes no sense at all

(I'm alive)

Looking for love I'm a man with emotion

(And my heart's on fire)

I'm dying of thirst in the middle of the ocean

I'm alive!

Sometimes I feel

like a man in the wilderness

I'm a lonely soldier off to war

Sent away to die

never quite knowing why

Sometimes it makes no sense

Sometimes it makes no sense

Sometimes it makes no sense at all

it makes no sense at all

at all

Can't find the meaning of it all

For more infomation >> Man In The Wilderness - Styx (1977) Audio Fidelity 24k Gold FLAC 4K Video ~MetalGuruMessiah~ - Duration: 5:57.


i dont have anything prepared - Duration: 38:50.

For more infomation >> i dont have anything prepared - Duration: 38:50.


I'm working on my ROAR - My Star (Written by Viv, 小恐龍) - Duration: 1:28.

This is my Life

I don't really care

What you're gonna say

Go away

Now she stands there

Light on the stage

"This is my fate"

She says

Standing on the stage

With passion, dream, and faith

People say

"Don't do it. Play safe."

"Flying to the star"

"You'll fall again and again"

"And lose everything"

"In the end"

This is my life

I don't really care

What you're gonna say

Go away

Now she stands there

Light on the stage

"This my fate"

She says

For more infomation >> I'm working on my ROAR - My Star (Written by Viv, 小恐龍) - Duration: 1:28.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION STYLE .CAMERA. 5-D. 1e EIG.100% OH - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I ASPIRATION STYLE .CAMERA. 5-D. 1e EIG.100% OH - Duration: 0:59.


Räddningstjänsternas julkalender lucka 17 "Brandsäkerhet i stallmiljö" - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Räddningstjänsternas julkalender lucka 17 "Brandsäkerhet i stallmiljö" - Duration: 1:06.


Sara z "Rolnika..." skomentowała związek Justyny i Zbyszka. Napisała szczerze, co o tym myśli - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Sara z "Rolnika..." skomentowała związek Justyny i Zbyszka. Napisała szczerze, co o tym myśli - Duration: 4:21.


[ENG SUB] [RECIPE] 🍋how to make Korean Citron Tea(Yuja tea:유자차) 이제이레시피/EJ recipe - Duration: 5:15.

Wash whole yuju without removing the skin.

Add generous amount of water to sink yuju and wash the skin part with baking soda.

Wash out the yuju with water and sink yuju into the water mixed with vinegar. Leave it for an hour.

Please wipe out all the water with kitchen towel after an hour.

When the yuju is completely dried, cut it into half.

Bring out all the seeds inside of yuju.

There are a lot of seeds inside.

Separate the fruit from the skin. It will go off easily as you can see.

Julienne the skin part.

Grind the fruit with a mixer.

Add sugar to the yuju skin and mix them.

Strain the fruit through a sieve and mix it with the skin.

Disinfect glass bottle with hot water and put the yuju into the container.

Leave it 2~3 days in room temperature. You can enjoy the jam when the sugar got completely melted.

2 scoops of yuju jam will make one cup of yuju tea, but you can add some more!

Yuju jam for this winter season is done!

This tea contains a lot of vitamin,

and you can enjoy this with sparkling water during the summer!!!!

I've always waanted to make yuju jam!

I'll see you in my nex video! Bye :)

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] [RECIPE] 🍋how to make Korean Citron Tea(Yuja tea:유자차) 이제이레시피/EJ recipe - Duration: 5:15.


Hyundai ix20 1.4I I-CATCHER Navigatie Achteruitrijcamera Leder Panodak Licht metaal Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4I I-CATCHER Navigatie Achteruitrijcamera Leder Panodak Licht metaal Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 0:59.


COFFEE BOOK TAG | Carbon Coco Teeth Whitening Review - Duration: 19:55.

Hey guys welcome back to my channel today as you can tell from the title of this video

I am doing it the copybook tag

I love fuck tags as you all know

But I was never able to do the coffee book tag because I didn't drink coffee

But junior year in high school has been pretty hard on me so far, and I've recently started drinking coffee

So I thought it would be appropriate to start off the fall season with a cozy coffee book tag

And in this video I will be doing the coffee book tag of course

But then at the end of the video

I will be reviewing a teeth whitening kit from carbon cocoa I've been using this kit for like a week or so now and I

Love it so much

I used to use teeth whitening strips, but they really made my teeth sensitive, and I didn't like them too much

So I'm really excited to share this product with you guys the kit actually has a tooth polish and a tooth paste and it uses

Activated charcoal, so unlike the activated charcoal from health stores. This is made of organic coconut activated charcoal

It's a really gentle and effective formula, and I'll tell y'all all about that in the review at the end

And I will do a little demo as well, so yes of the review and demo will be at the end of this video

But I definitely thought it would be really funny to do a copybook tag and a teeth whitening review because now that I'm drinking coffee

Your girl needs some serious teeth whitening so if you are a coffee lover like I know I am

You'll definitely want to stick around to the end of the video and also I will have a link in the description

where to buy the product so without further ado

Let's get into the book tag the first question is black name a series

That's tough to get into that has hardcore fans

I pre stack these books, and I did the first question on the bottom, so that's hard okay a series

That's tough to get into but has hardcore fans

I don't think anyone can argue with me about this, and it's City bones or the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

I've read City of Bones just the first book not the other

I really loved it. It's incredible. It's definitely hard to get into though. It's a thick book as you can tell and

It's its third person, which means it's also kind of harder for me personally to

Get into the headspace, but at the same time. I love this series, or I guess the first books

I haven't read any of the others but

The fans and this fandom are so hardcore

I love it, and I really want to be a bigger part of it

So hopefully I'll get around to reading the rest of them number two is peppermint mocha name a book that gets more popular

during the winter or a festive time of year and

You will be seeing on my channel very soon. I'm going to post some of the craziest most festive videos ever

I am one of the most festive people I know I love Christmas

I love Halloween I love Thanksgiving Valentine's Day everything well

Not Valentine's Day Halloween and Christmas are my two favorite holidays

So you really pumped for some really exciting festive videos?

I thought that definitely gets more popular in the holidays

So is Harry Potter not necessarily the first child is just what I grabbed but all the Harry Potter books

It's like the Harry Potter time of year

I've been thinking about rereading the last Harry Potter book the Deathly Hallows this Christmas

But I'm not sure because I have such a big TBR if I should spend time on or reading a book

But the vibes in the Harry Potter books are just so festive and like when it is snowing at Hogwarts

There's nothing more Christmasy or wintery than that number. Three is hot chocolate. What is your favorite children's book?

I don't think really long and hard about this because I

I can't really remember too many of the books

I read when I was younger, but I'd remember that my favorite for a long time was princess for hire

And that was more of a middle grade book. It's about a normal girl. I think she's a bigger some things

I remember she was sitting on a Shakespeare play and then some like a fairy godmother something comes to her and long story short she

Has this part-time job where where she like can magically become?


Doppelganger almost of a princess back in history and give them a weekend off a little vacation

And so she sucks them for all of these princesses

And there was like a little series there weren't even that many Beckstead

I remember Disney was like thinking of

Buying the rights to a movie or something I always won that to happen and it never happened

So I guess that was like my first

Fangirling experience when I was younger, but I loved loved those books honestly

I feel like if they made that into adult series

They would probably be one of my favorite series of all time

I feel a good totally boob right down my alley with the

Selection and the princess cry or that will make me a thing I think this is number four but it could be wrong

Double shot of espresso at name a book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish

I don't think there's a better answer than throne of glass the serious is insane you guys there's all these plot twists

And you never know it's coming if anyone could predict that well these folks would be thoroughly impressed cuz I never

Ever know where they're going. They're so so cool

They're so adventurous and exciting and Selena is like kick butt and Dorian's amazing, and he's a live of my life

And I haven't read I think the last one that came out or maybe it's the last two

But I have I look four of them or something and they are so so incredible number five

Starbucks named epic you see everywhere. I love this question because I am the biggest

Starbucks person and

Also going along with the basic theme of Starbucks

Or else they're gonna go with the basic thing about The Fault in Our Stars anything John Green is pretty

basic and pretty mainstream

but the fall night stars it takes the cake for definitely being one of the most well read books that I

Have heard about side of the reader community. I would be surprised if any of my friends hadn't read

The Fault my stars or at least seen the movie so

It's definitely everywhere the movie the books even less

Hours from the movie or at your um magazine so it's the biggest ofoma at starbucks in book form that I can think of

Number six is that hipster coffee shop give a book of by an indie author a shout out

Of course I have to go with overruled by Brittany joy

Because she sent me this book a couple weeks ago, and though I'm still working on X. I'm a slow reader

I am in love with it

I even say like I'm about halfway through it is so so good her writing is amazing and it's the best any book

I've ever read

I haven't read many indie books

but it definitely takes the cake and

I suggest think I'll check it out because it's halfway through it's so so good already

and I really can't wait to see how it ends then ever if you will definitely be up for this I

Don't want to give a timeframe because I don't know when I'll finish it because junior year, but it will definitely be

up at some point in the near future definitely this year, but

gonna look out

Number seven I think is oops I accidentally got decaf named it buck you were expecting more from

Bunnies during my school always has coffee

And I just started drinking it recently so I would always go drink advisory and go down to the cafeteria

and get myself a mug of coffee, and I had been doing this for like a couple days now and

Then I didn't have time doing advisory one day

yes, wait a class meeting so I went during lunch that day, and they only had decaf and

I don't know why I guess they were

Expecting that no one would actually want caffeinated coffee around 1:00 in the afternoon

But they clearly don't understand me, so I really needed that coffee, but a book I was expecting more from is

The girl on the train by Paula Hawkins it was a good book. Don't get me wrong in the movie was great too, but I

guess I was expecting more of an Agatha Christie kind of thing and I

Don't want to say it was predictable because I didn't predict the outcome

But I I did and like I had a list of like suspects, and it was one of them

I'm just more impressed with an author when I have a whole list of suspects and that person's eye anywhere on that list

It's just so much more exciting and intriguing and mind-blowing and my mind was just not blown with the end of this book it was

kind of mediocre, so yeah I

Definitely expected more from this book. It's still a good read though, so I suggest picking it up if you enjoy like adult mysteries

number nine or eight or ten

One of those is the perfect blend name a book or series it was both bitter and sweet

But ultimately satisfying, and I have chosen a wicked thing by

Rihanna and Thomas, and I haven't talked about this book on my channel

I don't think it's not a very well known book, but it is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty

and it's definitely like a darker retelling and so it's essentially over our wakes up and

Everyone she's ever known is dead because a hundred years have passed so I'm like it doesn t we're done

she doesn't wake up and her family's there she wakes up, and she's like who was a stranger just kissing me and

Why is everyone dead and all of our history has changed too? She doesn't know?

What's up with her country, and she's being forced to marry the Spirit stranger, and it's just very like

Jarring for her and so that was a really really cool twist on it, and I enjoyed it

It wasn't the best book I've ever read, but it was cool read, but more importantly if it covers gorgeous

So I had to keep it, but yeah, so she goes through a lot of there are hard things throughout

the book as you might expect and I

Didn't know if I liked where it was going. That's why I have a saying that it wasn't the best book

I've ever read because the beginning 3/4 of the book are kind of iffy

But the end really is so beautiful and very well done

I think there's another book in the series, so it definitely sets it up really nicely

but I think you can so finish it and read it with more of an open ending and

Really, enjoy it because I found the open ending satisfying which again is weird because I hate open endings

But the open ending in this book was actually very healthy satisfying

I give it a good a good solid like four stars, and then maybe it's number ten well

We'll go with number ten green tea name a book or syriza is quietly beautiful

I can't think of anything else, but Tiger Lily

it's the most breathtaking book that I have ever had I always think about it and

Every time anyone mentions its Peter Pan this book all of all the history. I learned from the characters

I really think it's like it's real

but that's what doesn't me intend it and and natural author of the actual Peter payment and it because

It just it feels so real like it feels like how could this not be

The intended backstory of the character is it's so beautifully into woven with

But we know about Peter Pan and Tiger Lily and Tinkerbell and Wendy from

the original book and from Disney and then

It I don't know it's hard to articulate. Why doubt this book, but I guess in short the writing style is

beautiful and

It's told in second person

so it's told in the you I believe I remember correctly it was told ins like a person so I

Believe it stole from Tinker Bell who is ruining everything?

so it seems like it's third person, but Tinker Bell's actually tell him the story and I

Believe that she's the worthy you so it should be a second person

But it could be wrong could just be Tinker Bell reiterating the story

But the ending is

heartbreaking and I think it's something that you should read when you're a teenager because it's about teenagers falling in love and it's

just so beautiful, just please pick it up I


It's the most beautiful book that I have ever read I am

Like pick it up. Please pick it up

Especially if you have a Disney and retellings or just pretty books pretty writing pick it up and the last question

Question number 11 is kaity

Name a book or series that makes you dream a far-off places

But this one I am going with rampant by diana peterfreund, and this book is about a girl who?

Slays evil unicorns, and that sounds like the stupidest book ever but I really really enjoyed this fun

It was a lot of fun to read I enjoyed it. It's about a girl named passages well again who?

It's her job to

Kill these terrible unicorns

and so she moves to the cloisters and Italy and

there's a family a bunch of other girls who also had this gift and said they killed these evil unicorns and save Rome and

It's so silly, but it makes me dream

I'm Italy in Europe because she is - he's amazing these hands

and looks of these paintings like these paintings have studied in my art history class and

Just describes the streets

and I've been to Italy before and the

Descriptions are very accurate and they put you in Europe II feel like you're in Italy so rampant definitely

Makes me dream of going to far-off places and going back to Italy and the last question is

Earl Grey name your favorite classic I had to think long and hard about this because I don't read too many classics

But Jane Eyre is definitely my favorite. I loved it

It's definitely slow

and it's definitely hard to reach all the vocab and the language it's just a

Lot of descriptions just a lot, but take that aside the story is really really incredible

You just have to look through the language

And get to what's behind it and James character

And what she wants and what she's standing up poor and her relationship with Rochester the language is

distracting for us because around the 21st century we don't talk like that, but if you

Can just ignore it and set that aside some way and just really get into what the book is about you

Love it so much. I don't know if there's any retellings, but I feel like I would love a retelling because

The only part, I don't like about the book is a it's so hard for me to read some chapters are easier than others

But as a whole I wouldn't I wouldn't have a long day at school, and I want to come home and read

10 chapters of Jane Eyre that's very mentally taxing

I'd rather go home and read the lux series about a mortal falling in love with a hot alien

You know what I mean, but I definitely love it. So it's on those books that you have to read slowly

But you really will enjoy so that is it for the book type portion of this video

I hope you enjoyed and now we're gonna get on to the teeth whitening

I received the ultimate carving hit by carbon cocoa and that's what I will be reviewing for you guys

I'll have the link so that you can check it out for yourself if you're

Interested and I will show you all the products that I received in this ultimate carbon kit first

and then I

will go through some info about the company and the product and then I will show you the demo so first off we had the

actual charcoal, which comes in this container and

I'm gonna open up. I'm gonna try not to Felix

That would not be good, but it's just all black and it's like a fine powder

then I have it the activated charcoal toothpaste, which is also black just like the charcoal that came in this little container and

I have a special toothbrush to use with these products, and I also got a really nice bag to keep all these goodies and

I am disorganized. They also have this and have to admit. I don't really know how to use it

I've been doing okay without it, so hopefully. I'm not doing anything wrong because I keep it been like my door without this

I don't know so first off

I'll talk about the activated charcoal tooth polish unlike the usual

activated charcoal from health stores this carbon cocoa product is made of finely milled organic coconut

Activated charcoal with a hint of the tonht clay and lemon myrtle and this special formula is proven to be very gentle

but also very effective and

Detoxifying the mouth and removing stains it has zero tastes and smell and I totally agree

it's definitely really great of removing stains and everything so I second all of this and then we have the activated charcoal toothpaste and

This is a toothpaste formula that doesn't have fluoride it also names our magical ingredient

Activated charcoal this toothpaste is black

But turns into white foam when brushing and it has a yummy minty taste it does and I love it

This toothpaste is designed to protect your teeth from further staining throughout the day, so you won't mess up your cells if you look coffee

it's the book tag and

Color drinks all these products are vegan friendly and cruelty free which is great because my sisters vegan so I will definitely

Offer her a try at all this stuff, and see how she likes it

I always try to look out for as many

Cruelty-free and vegan friendly things as possible because she's definitely made me see how important it is so whenever I can

The big thumbs up, so now I'm going to do a little demo first

I'm going to do the tooth polish

And then I'm going to do the toothpaste and so what you should know about the tooth polish is that?

you should use it before bedtime to give time for any residue to dislodge overnight and

Results are also usually seen between 7 and 14 days, so I've been doing it for about that long

And I'm starting to see results now

But it'll it'll take that long. I didn't see start seeing results like immediately. That's not the way it works

I have already bought my toothbrush, and I'm gonna dip it in the jar. Just very very lightly I

Remember I'm not gonna coat the brush a little goes a long way

So I'm gonna brush gently in circles for like two to three minutes

and then rinse and brush with toothpaste and so next I'm gonna demo the

Toothpaste and so what they suggest is that you use?

This toothpaste instead of your regular brand toothpaste after the 14-day treatment to maintain your results

so you use this for 14 days and it to keep your teeth looking how pearly white and pretty you're gonna use this toothpaste to

Maintain the results so I'm going to brush with this toothpaste after using the tooth polish at night and in place that my regular toothpaste

During the day, okay, so now I'm going to put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and brush from there

So it's really interesting about this toothpaste is if you can tell it turned to white it didn't stay black

Which is a really cool because you don't?

Want black teeth it's definitely very very minty even more so than my usual toothpaste

I serve my teeth even look whiter when I'm brushing them so then it's all for this demo nerve you have to sum it up

I love this product I

Love the results I've seen so far. I'm really excited to keep using the toothpaste and new polish and

See how much further I can get with my results and how much brighter making it

And how much more coffee I can join without my teeth turning yellow

So your coffee fanatic like me I would definitely check out this product

I love it, and it just feels super cool when I'm using it too. It's definitely like a cool trendy thing

That's also happening with this whole charcoal bit, so if you've had a long day

put on a charcoal face mask like I do and brush your teeth with charcoal and can give yourself a little charcoal spot a

So I hope you guys enjoyed this book tag and this review comment down below what your favorite type of coffee is

All the caffeine questions that I answered in this book tag

do you have a favorite honestly like mine would be hot chocolate because that will forever be my favorite but

The only coffee, I really like to drink this black coffee

Which is definitely weird because it's not what you usually start to drink when you are just starting get into coffee

But black coffee is currently my favorite but as a drink. I would say hot chocolate

Thank you guys so much for watching, and I'll see you guys next video


For more infomation >> COFFEE BOOK TAG | Carbon Coco Teeth Whitening Review - Duration: 19:55.


চুলায় ফেরিরো রচার কেক/Vanilla Flavour Ferrero Rocher Chocolate Cake/Ferrero Rocher Cake in Bangla - Duration: 8:30.

For more infomation >> চুলায় ফেরিরো রচার কেক/Vanilla Flavour Ferrero Rocher Chocolate Cake/Ferrero Rocher Cake in Bangla - Duration: 8:30.


5 Psychological Intraday Trading Mistakes || 5 Stock Market Intraday Trading Mistakes - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 5 Psychological Intraday Trading Mistakes || 5 Stock Market Intraday Trading Mistakes - Duration: 3:35.


ไม่มีใครรู้ (No One Knows) - ก้องภพอาทิตย์ | Sotus S The Series (+ENG SUB) - Duration: 4:51.

All the times we said we loved each other

Are only a promise

That we will love each other until...

Until heaven and earth are destroyed

It's just a sweet word that creates dreams

Continuously refueling the love

From today for how much longer?

How certain will it be?

No one knows when love will end

No one knows when love will fade away

But what I know is that I love you today

I want to make the time we have beautiful

No one knows how tomorrow will be

No one knows when love will change

It might be heartache or full of love

That depends on our hearts

And filling our hearts with each other


There's never been a reason that people love

They just devote their heart

It's a deep and wonderful word that induces us to dream

And send our dreams to each other

It's just a sweet word that creates dreams

Continuously refueling the love

From today for how much longer?

How certain will it be?

No one knows when love will end

No one knows when love will fade away

But what I know is that I love you today

I want to make the time we have beautiful

No one knows how tomorrow will be

No one knows when love will change

It might be heartache or full of love

That depends on our hearts

And filling our hearts with each other


Arthit: If you wanna see shooting star like this. Let's go to planetarium?

Arthit: Let's go.

Kongpob: Star in the sky that I wanna see.

Kongpob: But I wanna see the Sun more than. ** ("Sun" meaning to "Arthit" in Thai langues) **

Arthit: Enough!

Arthit: But you... no way to see shooting star.

Kongpob: Why?

Arthit: As long as you have the Sun. ** ("Sun" meaning to "Arthit" in Thai langues) **

It's just a sweet word that creates dreams

Continuously refueling the love

From today for how much longer?

How certain will it be?

No one knows when love will end

No one knows when love will fade away

But what I know is that I love you today

I want to make the time we have beautiful

No one knows how tomorrow will be

No one knows when love will change

It might be heartache or full of love

That depends on our hearts

And filling our hearts with each other


For more infomation >> ไม่มีใครรู้ (No One Knows) - ก้องภพอาทิตย์ | Sotus S The Series (+ENG SUB) - Duration: 4:51.


eng sub 'DRAMARAMA' monsta x COMEBACK WEEK cut 1 - Duration: 20:12.

[DRAMARAMA comeback week behind!]

WH: what was it?? *forgot the dance move

KH: oh? its done?

SN: i loosen it all the way

KH: it didnt move at all when it did it

KH: just do it till the end like this

KH: just slide in~ like this

JH: this time mcountdown is our first broadcast show

it's also where our first broadcast show

JH: now.. i..

JH: first time

wearing this choker

JH: if you can see this

JH: this earring

JH: i bought it myself~ my own logo

JH: i made my logo on this earring

JH: what do you think?

JH: can you see it?

JH: i thought of it alot..

JH: dont you think its pretty?

JH: today

JH: if you can see here


seventeen and us had comeback together

JH: makes me more happy

JH: this comeback

JH: we talk over the phone with seventeen

i talked to Hoshi

JH: "when's your broadcast show?"

JH: " in Mcount~ we'll go to Mcount"

"let's meet at Mcount~"

JH: i am going to meet Hoshi later

MX: please take care of us~

[Mcount 'DRAMARAMA' rehearsel]

[ Minhyuk greeting Monbebe that came to cheer]

MH: everyone~ since we really prepared alot..

MH: please cheer for us even more!

MBB: naee~~~

wh: bbang bbang

MH: wonho hyung wants to suggest one chant for you

mh: is it okay?

WH: can i suggest one chant?

wh: t the end we did this right?

WH: from there, 1 2 3, bbang!

IM: i think it will be like 'bbang, bbang, bbang'

mh: it's okayy~ you can make mistakes

IM: fightiiing!!

HW: becareful of the cold!

[MH do little heart]

JH: you should do the heart like this so they can see.

you think they saw it when you do it like that?

[members are sad since it was very short time]

mh: todayyy~

our first performance

MH: everyone that could make it here..

thank you so much <3

KH: thank you so so much~

KH: thanks ofr coming today, were very very thankful

KH: keep fighting~

mh: you guys havent eat yet right?

mh: me too

JH: you can go eat now~

MH: guys~ sorry it has been only this short! you guys waited long

jh: thankyouu

hw: bye~

hw: go back safely~

jh: see you~ you should go home quickly

mh: do you know this?

MH: chankyung bought me this <3

MH: he gave it as a birthday present

MH: i really want this i got it

MH: now i'm wearing it

[Shownu reading letters from Monbebe]

Hw: even my letter is a frog

sn: 'dramarama was aweawesome.'

'and also please stop being handsome,'

'heart attack'

['Now or Never' rehearsel is after NRGsunbaenim]

KH: aah~i almost forot this dance

KH:its this side right?

SN: it's this side??

KH: this side!

SN: aa~ is it?

JH: in this song..

JH: the rap,

JH: if i do it how it is supposed to

JH: it doesnt match with the atmosphere..

the atmosphere was alive,

JH: exciting

JH: but the rap was like mellow feeling

JH: there are those feelings

JH: rap too has some mellow feeling, like singing also

JH: the fans

JH: since they like it, i like it more.

JH: this now my 3rd piece! *bread*

JH: i'm not sure of monbebe,

JH: but monsta x's hidden talent is

JH: god of eating

JH: but i eat very slow

JH: my eating style

[DRAMARAMA first fansign]

MH: guys~ you know its been hard for me to sleep eventhough im very sleepy right?

MH: but then

MH: in yesterday's case..

MH: jooheon put me to sleep

MH: how romantic was that.

jh: yesterday at mcount,

JH: we did 'now or never'

JH: today we did 'from zero' how was it??

For more infomation >> eng sub 'DRAMARAMA' monsta x COMEBACK WEEK cut 1 - Duration: 20:12.


BREAKING: Rahm Emmanuel Calls In UN SOLDIERS To Fight Trump's FEDS…THIS IS WAR!!! - Duration: 5:23.

BREAKING: Rahm Emmanuel Calls In UN SOLDIERS To Fight Trump's FEDS…THIS IS WAR!!!

The city of Chicago known as a city with some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation,

yet home to the area with some of the highest homicide rates stemming from firearms, is

now asking for United Nations armed soldiers to patrol city streets.Mayor Rahm Emanuel

has declared the city of Chicago to be a "Trump Free Zone" and now he wants armed foreign

soldiers to 'police' Chicago all because he hates President Trump.

I want you to think this through slowly and carefully…FULLY ARMED SOLDIERS from half

the globe away with no loyalty to America or Americans with no concept of our laws or

our Constitution are being asked to POLICE Middle America all because Emanuel has refused

federal aid to stop the bloodshed in the very city he was elected to LEAD because he has

chosen to put the black VOTE over and above the black PEOPLE themselves.

Yet, President Trump's telling Chicago he would deploy the National Guard to patrol

on the streets of Chicago to tackle the city's violence problem attracted widespread ridicule

earlier this year.

So let's invite the United Nations instead????Chicago police have been unsuccessful thus far in

showing any demonstrable progress in reducing crime.

Homicides are slated to top 600 again this year.

Rather than allowing the city to arm themselves to fight back against the violence that is

slaughtering the good citizens of Chicago caught in the crossfire or holding those that

commit crimes justly accountable for their actions, Cook County Commissioner Richard

Boykin is proposing this preposterous plan to seek international help by appealing to

the United Nations to meet with minority communities.

He flew to New York on Thursday to discuss what he described as a "quiet genocide"

in Chicago's black community with the U.N.'s assistant secretary-general for peacebuilding

support, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco.

Boykin states –"The United Nations has a track record of protecting minority populations.

There was tribal warfare between the Tutsis and the Hutus in Africa, and they deployed

peacekeeping troops there to help save those populations and reduce the bloodshed.

We have to do something — black people in Chicago make up 30 percent of the population

but 80 percent of those who are killed by gun violence.

Look, this gun violence in Chicago is still out of control.

Quite frankly, we've got too many young people of color who are being killed by gun


And of course it's a genocide that's not being talked about nationwide or even here

in Chicago."

Boykin was exceedingly vague on exactly WHAT it is he proposes the United Nations forces

do once they arrive in Chicago, but proclaimed city and state leaders must make a total commitment

to eliminating poverty, proving job opportunities and improving schools.

Apparently, if soldiers are from a foreign land wearing the sky blue helmets of United

Nations peacekeepers it is all going to magically improve.When asked directly just exactly HOW

sending the National Guard is any different, Boykin responded with –

"The difference is, I'm not so sure that the National Guard is so used to peacekeeping

and a peacekeeping role: The U.N. is trained in this."

Meanwhile, Emanuel is attempting to claim success in Chicago on this front by citing

improvements in the school system, new companies hiring in Chicago, and the number of fatalities

in the particularly violent neighborhood of Englewood is down.

Emanuel states –

"There was a story the other day in the paper about people feeling different about

what's happening.

For all of us that know what Englewood has stood for before, it's different and it's

the residents saying it."

Emanuel is citing the statistics as they stand this week touting it as a success that there

have only been 624 homicides in Chicago thus far as compared to 734 as of this time last


This is a 15% reduction.

However, carjackings have been rampant throughout the city with surging numbers over 2016.

The Chicago Police Department states they are aggressively responding and making more

arrests, however, it is a very difficult issue as police say the vast majority of the carjackings

in question involve juvenile offenders.

Juveniles are treated very differently in the justice system.

Emanuel claims the city plans to add over a thousand new police officers to the city's

police force, as well as adding additional after-school programs serving an additional

115,000 kids, a summer jobs program to serve an additional 31,000, and another 7,500 to

be added to mentoring programs.

What Emanuel failed to mention is just how the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois

on a collision course with unsustainable debt expect to be able to fund these programs.

Emanuel states of his intentions to add these programs –

"The goal is to make sure that we're not only reducing gun violence, but then giving

our kids access to the type of mentoring and support so that they have a different choice

in life."

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Rahm Emmanuel Calls In UN SOLDIERS To Fight Trump's FEDS…THIS IS WAR!!! - Duration: 5:23.


suavemente.veg - Duration: 0:37.

softly, kiss me

I wanna feel your lips kissing me again


kiss me, kiss me


kiss me again (smooth)

I wanna feel your lips

kissing me again

im lazy

e e e e e x16532123

this is the best jin's fancam fight me

For more infomation >> suavemente.veg - Duration: 0:37.


The Napoleonic Era - History Documentary - Duration: 14:01.

is looking at battle paintings in an art gallery

it is a pastime for me now now that I am retired from the Army it is hard for me

to believe that it is years since I saw my last battle and with that battle the

fall of the Grand Empire of France yes I Fredrick Gautier served with Napoleon

from the early days of 1796 to the end of an era in 1815 those were the most

important years of my life and in these battle paintings I relive those years

the Napoleonic era take the painting over there for instance one of my

favorites it was 1796 the first time I saw General

Bonaparte Napoleon as the world came to know him we were an invading army in the

mountains of Italy but our invasion of Italy was going badly we the soldiers of

the French Republic were hungry ragged dispirited I was a young lieutenant then

like the other men my morale was low and then our new general appeared he was

young thin intense I can still remember his face the face of the young officer

who six months before had commanded the troops that put down an uprising against

the Republic his reward was command of the army of

Italy soldiers he said I will lead you to the most fertile plains in the world

and he did through the mountains down into the Po Valley and onto the plains

of Lombardy in a swift brilliant campaign he conquered northern Italy by

a 1797 Belgium and the Rhineland were under the control of France Holland and

Switzerland were added the following year in 1798 came the audacious invasion

of Egypt even though our victories were cut short by the sea power of Great

Britain Napoleon was making history he was a hero when he returned to France in

1799 I was the generals aide for a time in Paris I remember how the citizens

showed their enthusiasm for Napoleon whenever he appeared in these

demonstrations Napoleon clearly since the unpopularity of the government he

was right everywhere Frenchmen were grumbling about

corruption high taxes the people were ready for a change and the sudden change

came as Bonaparte achieved his coup d'etat he overthrew the governments of

the directory I remember the scene as the deputies took an oath to the new

counselors in reality the first council Napoleon had made himself master of our

French Republic I remember what he said as first consul

my policy is to govern in accordance with the wishes of the great majority

and govern he did with great energy and will the Luxembourg Palace in Paris

became the center of an efficient administration

as First Consul Napoleon restored public order collected taxes re-established the

credits of the government with equal energy Napoleon extended French power

the Austrians were crushed and peace imposed on England and Austria by 18 -

France had triumphed over all her folds meantime our new Bank of France help to

speed financial recovery changers came to the law-courts

to the confusing mass of laws and traditions going back to the old regime

and the laws of the revolution were reorganized into uniform workable codes

my uncle a lawyer often said that the code Napoleon was one of the greatest

achievements for France in my own village

I remember that many of my friends were pleased with the efficiency of the

government some were pleased because religious peace had been reestablished

between France and the papacy others were pleased because the Revolutionists

dream of a unified system of education for our young people was being realized

as I listened to my fellow citizens I could sense their admiration for the

government of Napoleon yes I began to realize that we were paying for our

efficient government by losing our own voices in our affairs in Paris the

Cathedral of Notre Dame was the scene of Napoleon's next triumph here on December

2nd 18 for Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of the French later he said I

shall fuse all the nations into one to achieve that end Napoleon would

eventually resort to aggression and oppression

I remember the emotional scene as his army officers swore allegiance to the

imperial standards that we would once more carry to battle yes those were the

years eighteen five eighteen six 18:7 when the Empire rose to its peak

through conquests tik 18:5 for instance I remember our bivouac in Austria before

we met the Austrian and Russian armies I can still see the long lines of our army

moving into the decisive battle of Austerlitz the fighting was bitter but

it ended with a great victory for France after our victory at Austerlitz

the Emperor Francis surrendered to Napoleon Frances surrendered his title

of Holy Roman Emperor after Austerlitz Napoleon continued to remake the map of

Europe lands were added to French control as the Holy Roman Empire was

dissolved the grand French Empire as napoleon called it included much of

europe the symbol of the french eagle would now be stamped on moorlands

prussia was next to challenge the french in 18:6 the armies met at our stats and

llena I remember the Emperor's leadership at llena the furious charges

the great masses of troops we completely defeated the Prussian armies Prussia was

allied to France the next year eighteen seven the Grand French Empire faced a

giant Challenger the vast empire of Russia at Isle au and later at Freedland

bloody battles were fought I remember a summer day at free clock when the

incessant hammering of our artillery smashed the Russian lines napoleon was

at the high point of his power as he met the defeated emperor alexander of russia

the two Emperor's planned to divide Europe between them after the Treaty of

Tilsit France would dominate Europe west of a line starting at the name

River and Russia Eastern Napoleon had now forged a huge empire at reviews and

celebrations the people cheered their empire and their army but at the same

time we were becoming aware that our Empire was facing serious trouble

I talked with an old friend an officer in our Navy who told me how much trouble

our old enemy England was causing us he explained that the English fleet was

destroying our sea trade English warships hung off our ports and we could

not drive them away to answer this threat the Emperor closed the continent

to England by a counter blockade called the Continental System Napoleon signed

decrees to enforce his Continental System he wanted to make the continents

independent of England and her colonies but instead we suffered financial crisis

many French businessmen failed even our small shopkeepers felt the pinch of the

economic blockade the popularity of the government fell as the supply of certain

imported goods such as tea and coffee became less and less and soon in the

lands we had conquered open opposition

this resistance to French oppression began in Spain which Napoleon had seized

in 18:8 Spanish nationalists helped by an expeditionary force from England

fought Napoleon resistance came to in Austria and Prussia in 1812 Napoleon

decided to make one more grand assault to crush his enemies Russia was to be

invaded I remember the scene as 600,000 of us

the grand army marched deeper and deeper into that vast land at first we seemed

to win then we had to retreat it became a disastrous route the beginning of the

end we fought stubbornly desperately but a

half-million of our men were left behind in the snow and ice of Russia the grand

empire began to disintegrate the nations of Europe United to begin the final war

of liberation at Leipzig the Battle of the Nations was formed which broke the

empires power from many directions the Allies invaded France itself even

civilians fought but France was overwhelmed by the Allied armies

Napoleon abdicated the Empire was ended in France and in Europe yes an era had

ended the Emperor made a brief attempt to return to power

but after Waterloo in 1815 his dictatorship ended forever end in - were

the 20 exciting years of the Napoleonic given

yes Napoleon's ruthless ambitions came to an end but many achievements of the

Napoleonic era remained to influence France France is still organized into

departments and districts as it was under the Napoleonic era many of

France's highways were once part of the network of military roads built under

the Empire the unified system of schools developed into the present system of

free education freedom of worship for all religions remains one of the basic

rights of Frenchmen in French courts the code Napoleon remains the basic law code

and much of the French national spirit today is a heritage from the days of

Napoleon in one sense Napoleon failed he did not establish the flag of France

over all of Europe his dream of French military and political control of a

unified European continent did not come true yet since Napoleon's day these

nations have taken steps to work together

perhaps the dream of a united Europe lives in a different and certainly more

noble form

For more infomation >> The Napoleonic Era - History Documentary - Duration: 14:01.


Voa News December 17, 2017 - Duration: 5:01.

From Washington, this is VOA news.

I'm Liz Parker reporting.

President Trump's first legislative victory may be close.

U.S. President Donald Trump continued to tout his party's major tax bill Saturday.

The president telling reporters "everybody's going to benefit" if it is signed into law.

"This is going to bring money in.

As an example, we think $4 trillion will come flowing back into the country.

That's money that's overseas that's stuck there for years and years."

Republican lawmakers finalized a version of this bill on Friday.

The compromise bill is $1.5 trillion.

If approved and signed into law, the tax legislation will be the first major legislative achievement

of President Trump's nearly 11-month presidency.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson of the United States is not mincing words about the Trump

administration's resolve when it comes to North Korea's growing nuclear capabilities.

"We have been clear that all options remain on the table in the defense of our nation.

But we do not seek, nor do we want, war with North Korea."

Tillerson spoke at a meeting on North Korea's proliferation convened by Japan, which holds

the rotating Security Council presidency this month.

In Washington, President Trump pointed to Russia to step up pressure against Pyongyang,

a day after his phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Argentina has dismissed the head of its navy following last month's disappearance of a

submarine with 44 crew members.

The move comes one month after the last contact with the submarine ARA San Juan.

The sub disappeared in the South Atlantic on November 15 with 44 sailors aboard.

This is VOA news.

A recent report has found tens of thousands of children were abused in Australian institutions

over past decades.

Most of the perpetrators were members of the clergy and school teachers, according to that


The report took the Royal Commission five years to complete and says children were preyed

upon as those in charge looked the other way.

Leonie Sheedy, one of the abused: "Children like me who were raised in Australia's orphanages,

children's homes and foster care - we certainly were not safe from the predators and the sadists

of this nation, and we deserve redress for all forms of abuse."

The government has yet to formally respond to the commission's report, but Australian

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the scale of abuse was a "national tragedy."

"I want to thank and honor the courage of the survivors and their families who've told,

often for the first time, the dreadful stories of abuse that they received from people who

actually owed them love and protection."

The Royal Commission has made more than 400 recommendations, including the requirement

that members of the clergy report abuse confided in them during confession.

The Catholic Church has rejected that request.

The archbishop of Melbourne said any priest who broke the seal of confession would be


The U.N. refugee agency reports aid agencies are bracing for another humanitarian emergency

in Yemen as people flee from intensified fighting in frontline areas on Yemen's west coast.

Fourteen hundred people have fled from Hudaydah and Taizz governorates in the past few days.

This follows the recent fighting in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a and neighboring areas.

Agency spokesman Babar Baloch says emergency relief kits for 2,000 families in Hudaydah

have been sent and more relief for thousands of other families is on the way.

But, he says Saudi Arabia's blockade of Yemen is harming emergency operations.

"The blockade of Yemen, which has yet to be fully eased, has also resulted in shortages

and subsequent price increases for fuel, water and essential commodities, including food

and vital medicines.

This has hit many displaced and local Yemenis as well as refugees."

A new commission out of Hollywood intends to advance equality in the workplace within

the U.S. entertainment industry.

This follows a wave of sexual misconduct accusations.

"It's time to end the culture of silence," a statement on the commission read on Friday.

I'm Liz Parker reporting from Washington.

That's the latest world news from VOA.

For more infomation >> Voa News December 17, 2017 - Duration: 5:01.


【MMD || Miku ♦ Teto || Vietsub CC + Eng subtitle】Gasoline Dollhouse - Duration: 1:07.

Are you insane like me?

Been in pain like me?

Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me?

Just to pour that motherfucker down the drain like me?

Would you use your water bill to cry the stain like me? (You don't hear me when I say)

"Mom! please wake up!"

"Dad with a slut!"

"And your son is smoking cannabis"

No one ever listens this wallpaper glistens..

Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen ( And now the people say )

"You can't wake up!"

"This is not a dream!"

"You're part of a machine"

"You're not a human being"

"With your face all made up"

"Living on a screen"

"Low on self esteem so you run on gasoline"

(Picture,picture smile for the picture!)

I think there's a flaw on my code (Pose with your brother won't you be a good sister?)

Everyone thinks that we're perfect

These voices won't leave me alone.. (Please don't let them look through the curtains)

For more infomation >> 【MMD || Miku ♦ Teto || Vietsub CC + Eng subtitle】Gasoline Dollhouse - Duration: 1:07.


MeepCity (BONUS Event) [700 Robux Giveaway] #3 [7,000+ Likes] {Event Over} - Duration: 5:27:07.

For more infomation >> MeepCity (BONUS Event) [700 Robux Giveaway] #3 [7,000+ Likes] {Event Over} - Duration: 5:27:07.


'O Outro Lado': Verdadeira face de Renato aparece e ele arma plano terrível - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> 'O Outro Lado': Verdadeira face de Renato aparece e ele arma plano terrível - Duration: 2:39.


Kya hua tera waada o kasam o eraada :: whatsapp status video - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Kya hua tera waada o kasam o eraada :: whatsapp status video - Duration: 0:40.


Tragédia! Morre Fofão da Augusta e motivo choca o Brasil - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Tragédia! Morre Fofão da Augusta e motivo choca o Brasil - Duration: 2:25.


Romário sofre grave acidente e médicos abalam o Brasil - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Romário sofre grave acidente e médicos abalam o Brasil - Duration: 2:27.


Cars 3 Jackson Storm, Red McQueen 2017, Cruz Ramirez Rusteze, Blue Fabulous McQueen Cars 2 - Duration: 10:06.

Cars 3 Jackson Storm, Red McQueen 2017, Cruz Ramirez Rusteze, Blue Fabulous McQueen Cars 2

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