Saturday, December 16, 2017

Youtube daily report w Dec 17 2017

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If Success and Failure were Two Islands then my Habits are the ship to them

So Good Habits will lead to Success

Whereas Bad Habits will lead towards failure

In My Previous Video on how to quit any of your bad habit

i have told you about how to leave any bad habit

And how you can make any Good Habit

But Nobody exatly know what good habits to make

To make them successful

So today in this video i will tell you 4 habits from

7 habits of higly effective people by Stephen R. Covey

On which author guarantees you of a big transformation

And i will tell about the remaning 3 habits in the next video

But for now let's began

Habit Number 1 - Be Proactive

We can divide people around us into 2 categories

First Reactive

And second Proactive

Reactive are those people those blame others for their own problem

I am not happy because of lack of money

I am Short temper because my Grandparents were too


For more infomation >> 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE IN HINDI/ HOW TO BECOME EFFECTIVE BY fanBook हिंदी - Duration: 8:35.


Make your own moves.

For more infomation >> Make your own moves.


포르쉐 미션 E, 출시 임박해 마지막 담금질 중 포착 - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> 포르쉐 미션 E, 출시 임박해 마지막 담금질 중 포착 - Duration: 3:04.


Chris Martin e Dakota Johnson sono una coppia|Hot News 24h - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Chris Martin e Dakota Johnson sono una coppia|Hot News 24h - Duration: 2:57.


Firenze non dimentica il suo Marasco: show e pagina Facebook - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Firenze non dimentica il suo Marasco: show e pagina Facebook - Duration: 3:17.


Uomini e Donne, Teresanna e il compagno: matrimonio e secondo figlio - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Teresanna e il compagno: matrimonio e secondo figlio - Duration: 3:12.


Sen. Cory Booker Threatened - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Sen. Cory Booker Threatened - Duration: 0:21.


7 possibili ragioni per cui non si perde peso | K.N.B.T - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> 7 possibili ragioni per cui non si perde peso | K.N.B.T - Duration: 6:42.


胡一天被封为新"国民校草",有没有问过李易峰的意见? - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> 胡一天被封为新"国民校草",有没有问过李易峰的意见? - Duration: 10:21.


Sprouts Masala Dosa | अंकुरित दाल के चीले | Sprout Moong Chila With Paneer Stuffing - Duration: 3:47.

Hello friends, welcome back to my channel Nish Shreya

Today we are going to make Sprouts Masala Dosa

It is tasty and very healthy as we are using sprouted moong in the recipe

Sprouted moong - 2 cups

How to sprout (Overnight soak whole moong in water, remove water and tie moong in cloth for 1-2 days)

Note - Check method in description box

Ginger pieces - 2 to 3

Put ginger, sprouts in grinder jar

Green chili -1

Onion - 1

Grind them all with addition of 2 -3 teaspoons of water

Chickpea flour - 1/2 cup, Rice flour - 1/2 cup

Semolina flour - 1/4 cup

Mix well till it becomes light & fluffy

Gradually add water (1/2 cup - 3/4 cup) to get dosa consistency

Salt - 1 tsp,

Garam masala - 1 tsp

Red chili powder - 1/4 tsp

Coriander powder - 1 tsp

Oil - 2 tsp

Dosa batter is ready

For Stuffing- Heat 2 tsp oil

Green chili -1

Onion - 1

Saute for 2 minutes

Red pepper - 2

Grated carrot - 1

Sweet corn - 1/2 cup

Salt - 1 tsp

Garam masala - 1 tsp

Red chili powder (optional)

Cilantro/ coriander leaves

Dry mango powder - 1 tsp

Turn off the flame while vegetables are still crunchy

Paneer/ cottage cheese - 1 cup grated

Stuffing for masala dosa is ready

Batter should be pouring consistency

Put few drops of oil on hot tawa and clean with wet kitchen towel

Pour 2 big spoons of batter on tawa

keep flame low

Spread in circular motion

Once cooked from bottom, apply butter on top

Flip dosa and cook other side too

Flip again

Put stuffing and fold both sides

Dosa is ready to serve

Similarly make more dosa's with batter

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Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Sprouts Masala Dosa | अंकुरित दाल के चीले | Sprout Moong Chila With Paneer Stuffing - Duration: 3:47.


Selvaggia lancia una sfida a tinte gay a Francesco Totti - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Selvaggia lancia una sfida a tinte gay a Francesco Totti - Duration: 1:24.


"Annamaria è innamorata di me": Raffaele smaschera la dama del Trono ... - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> "Annamaria è innamorata di me": Raffaele smaschera la dama del Trono ... - Duration: 3:52.


Paolo Ruffini: dai dettagli sulle sue parti intime, alle corna di Diana Del Bufalo - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Paolo Ruffini: dai dettagli sulle sue parti intime, alle corna di Diana Del Bufalo - Duration: 2:02.


17 de dezembro de 2017 - 2 minutos com ELE - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> 17 de dezembro de 2017 - 2 minutos com ELE - Duration: 2:01.


Batida natural de laranja, cenoura e cúrcuma para a artrite - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> Batida natural de laranja, cenoura e cúrcuma para a artrite - Duration: 9:42.


Top 15 Shocking Details About The Four On The Floor Murders #Part 2 - [Facts Wrack] - Duration: 8:25.

1. Eddie Nash & Gregory Diles. Eddie Nash and Gregory Diles were both arrested and charged

in 1988 for the Four on the Floor Murders. They were tried twice between 1990 and 1991.

The first trial was met by a hung jury 11-1, but Nash later confessed to bribing the holdout

juror. The second trial in 91' ended with an acquittal, but this was not the end of

Nash's legal woes in relation to the murders. Gregory Diles died in 1995 and unfortunately

he was not around to be charged again with Nash in 2000. Authorities were not ready to

let the murders go unpunished and dragged Nash from his home in his pajamas for what

they thought was drugs, but was later found to be a mothball. He was tried again for the

murders after being arrested in 2000 for charges that included racketeering, money laundering,

and tampering of the witness from 1990. At the time he was 78. He pled guilty for some

of the charges including conspiracy of the Four on the Floor Murders, in return for a

lesser sentence. He was ordered to 36 months, but was released early for health reasons.

Nash never admitted to ordering the deaths of the Wonderland Gang. He only admitted to

sending his men to retrieve the goods stolen from him, yet also claimed that it "could

have led to violence, which might have resulted in death".

2. The Acquittal of John Holmes. John Holmes spilled most of the shocking details to detectives

when he was first picked up for the murders. He was protected by law enforcement and kept

at a hotel along with his wife, Sharon Holmes and his girlfriend, Dawn Schiller. He refused

to give up the names of the people that committed the murders and refused to testify. They turned

the trio loose without protection. Sharon and Dawn dyed his hair and he spray-painted

his van. Holmes and Dawn went on the run, but she later turned him in when began using

drugs and beat her, again. Detectives felt Holmes knowingly lead Nash's men back to

Wonderland Avenue, despite knowing that Diles and the others intended to kill the gang members.

They tried him for the murders based on his bloody handprint, but he was acquitted of

the charges. He did do some time as a result of stolen property charges and for contempt

of court after refusing to testify. He only served 8 months, but died of complications

from AIDS in 1988. His new wife, Laurie Holmes made sure all of his parts were intact before

he was cremated, just as he requested 3. The Victims. The video shows Barbara Richardson

first, who's head was covered and soaking in a puddle of blood. Barbara was still wrapped

in a blanket on the floor just beside the couch. It appears as if she had just rolled

off the couch during the attack. Ron Launius, who was still on the bed covered up was also

covered in blood and unrecognizable. Susan Launius was removed and rushed to the hospital

before the video footage began, but the video shows the bloodstained wall where she was

found in the room with Ron. Billy Deverell and Joy Miller were found in another room.

Joy was on the bed, but the room was ransacked so badly that her body was covered with the

debris. Billy was against the wall also soaked in his own blood. The cause of death was blunt

force trauma. The victim's faces were beaten so badly that fingerprints were used to determine

identity 4. The Crime Scene. Upon entering the home

at Wonderland Avenue, the veteran officers of the LAPD were so shocked that they began

calling them The Four on the Floor Murders. The crime wasn't called the Wonderland Murders

until after the media got ahold of the news. The officers were quick to compare the scene

with the Tate/LA Bianca from a few years back. They began videotaping as they walked through

the town home doing their investigation. The town home was ransacked. Many of the beds

and floors were covered with books, papers, drawers, clothes and even tools. The lights

and televisions were left on giving the scene an eerie look. There was drug paraphernalia

all through the house on nightstands and tables. There was blood splatter soaked into the beds,

carpet and walls. All of the bodies were left either in the beds or on the floors where

they died. The video footage was later used in court and can now be seen on YouTube, but

it is very graphic 5. Neighbors Ignored Screams. Neighbors claimed

to hear noises, but this was normal for that particular address on Wonderland Avenue. The

Wonderland Gang was well-known for their eccentric partying. Rock music was always playing loudly

around the clock. One neighbor recalled hearing screams around 4am, but turned up the volume

on the TV to drown out the sounds. Another neighbor awoke hearing a male voice screaming

"Please don't kill me!" and went back to sleep. The autopsy reports claimed that

a mover heard sounds, went to investigate, saw the door ajar, and left. In the afternoon

more movers came to the neighbor's house and three people leaving the scene mentioned

bodies. It was finally noticed that something might be wrong and the police were called

around 4pm. This was a shocking 12 hours from the time the initial cries for help were heard.

It turned out that the moans were coming from a badly battered and bludgeoned Susan Launius,

who was barely clinging onto her life 6. The Four on the Floor Murders. The shocking

murders were said to have been carried out as retaliation for the robbery, but only 3

of the conspirators were killed. Holmes rang the buzzer and was allowed entry along with

Diles and at least one more of Nash's thugs. Everyone in the town home had been beaten

unrecognizable just before dawn on July 1, 1981. The other two victims were only considered

to be guests at the town home on Wonderland Avenue. Susan Launius, who was Ron Launius

estranged wife had come to visit him and Barbara Richardson who got left behind by Lind when

he went to the hotel. The police who arrived at the crime scene described it as being,

"bloodier and more gruesome than the Tate/LaBianca" murders carried out by the Manson Family.

Susan Launius was the only surviving victim, while her husband Ron Launius, Billy Deverell,

Joy Miller and Barbara Richards, were all found dead at the scene

7. A Forced Participant. Holmes may have been smart enough to leave Wonderland Avenue, but

what he did afterwards was really shocking and rather dumb. Not only did he stick around

town, but he was also picked up by Diles, while wearing a ring stolen from Nash in the

robbery. Holmes was beaten once they got him in front of Nash. The beating was witnessed

by Scott Thorson, who later testified about the Holmes beating in order to connect Nash

to the Four on the Floor Murders. Nash also took Holmes' address book and threatened

the lives of his family and friends in the event that Holmes refused to lead his men

to the Wonderland Gang. Holmes was allegedly forced to participate and/or watch the murders.

Investigators found John Holmes' bloody handprint on the headboard above Ron Launius'

body after the murders 8. World's Dumbest Criminals. No offense

meant to the people who lost their lives back then, but they should have expected some retaliation.

They knew that Nash wasn't likely to call the cops and report his stash of cash, drugs

and guns missing, but why would they stay at the town home on Wonderland Avenue? It

was less than 2 miles from the Nash residence, plus Holmes (who they ripped off on the take)

knew exactly where it was. Only two of the people involved with the robbery were clever

enough to leave the town home behind. Tracy McCourt was one of the smart ones, although

he was also shorted on the take. That didn't stop him from leaving as soon as he got his

cut. Holmes left after an argument about his cut. Lind got lucky on the night of the murders

and ended up at a hotel with a male prost*tute named Shilo Watts, who he stayed with on the

night of the murders. McCourt later testified that the entire group was supposed to move

after the robberies and that he didn't understand why the others stayed

9. The Robbery. Launius, Lind, Deverell and McCourt, headed to the Nash residence before

Holmes made it back from his last trip to check the unlocked door. Holmes did not stick

around for the robbery itself, but as the gang's car passed he rolled down his window

and said "It's time! Get 'em, boys!" and smiled as he raised his fist, according

to Mike Sager, who did an article for Rolling Stone in 1989. Once the group gained entry

they acted as if they were the police, and ran into Gregory Diles, who was Nash's 300

lb bodyguard as he was bringing a tray to Nash in his room. Caught off-guard the gang

was able to handcuff Diles, but a gun went off in the process. The bullet grazed Diles'

back and Eddie Nash, who was in fear of his life, asked to pray for his children. Nash's

wish was not granted, but he wasn't killed despite being robbed, scared and humiliated.

The gang made it out with a shocking take of over $300,000 between the stolen cash,

drugs, jewelry and weapons 10. The Gullible Kingpin. Ok, so lets just

say Holmes was really close to Nash, which is how the story goes. John Holmes was also

in over his head with debt owed to Nash. It was obvious that Holmes was strung out pretty

bad to everybody that knew him. Holmes had even acted as a go between by selling Nash

some of the weapons stolen by the Wonderland Gang. Nash was also described as being very

paranoid around this time as he had been on a 10-day bender himself. Holmes claimed that

he even had second thoughts while he was spending the $400 with Nash and mentioned the gang,

but that Nash was so out of it that he didn't understand anything. It would seem as though

Nash's paranoia would have picked up on the gang being mentioned and the fact that

Holmes came by 2 to 3 times in the same day. Another mystery is that the unlocked door

was never checked by Diles or Nash. It's shocking that Eddie Nash was really that gullible,

or was he? 11. A Half-Baked Plan. The Wonderland Gang

thought Holmes had a plan. Why they would believe that robbing the biggest Hollywood

kingpin of that era is shocking. David Lind later testified that he was never told who

they were robbing, although he was there when the plan was originally discussed by the seven

people allegedly involved. The group included John Holmes, Ron Launius, David Lind, Tracy

McCourt, Billy Deverell, Joy Miller and Lind's girlfriend Barbara Richardson. Holmes drew

a floor plan of the Nash house and was given $400 to spend with Eddie while setting up

a way for the gang to enter the residence. He was gone for hours and had spent all of

the money up on drugs, but had left the sliding glass door ajar for the gang. When Holmes

finally returned to the Wonderland town home everyone was too loaded to go. This again

shows just how much of the insane plan was fueled by the group's habit. The group made

two false runs before they actually followed through with the robbery (Shown here in Wonderland)

12. Connections. The connections and string of events that led to the Four on the Floor

Murders is probably what is most shocking aside from the actual crime scene. John Holmes

was at the center of both plots. Holmes most likely wouldn't have known the Wonderland

gang or Eddie Nash had his 13 inch pen*s never been discovered. However, since his package

was discovered he went heavy into the drug scene. Holmes needed money to support his

habits once his career began to fail and he became a delivery boy alternating between

both Wonderland and Nash. He also had forced his girlfriend into working the streets to

get him money. He was indebted to Eddie Nash, who had bailed him out following an arrest.

He was also in deep debt with the Wonderland Gang. Holmes' plan to get back in good with

the gang and get his hands on some easy cash was to set up Eddie Nash (Shown here in Wonderland)

13. John "Johnny Wadd" Holmes. John Holmes was actually born John Cutis Estes in 1944.

His dad was never around so his mother changed his last name to Holmes when he was a child.

He joined the army at 16 and married Sharon Gebenini when he returned in 1964. The couple

had a simple life with ordinary jobs. That is, until Holmes' pen*s was discovered in

the bathroom by an underground adult magazine photographer. This eventually led to his shocking

connections between the Wonderland Gang and Eddie Nash. John Holmes' career had really

taken off in the adult film industry by 1971 with his role as Detective Johnny Wadd. Sharon

stayed with him out of love, but was no longer interested in having a intimate relationship

with Holmes. In 1976 he met 15-year-old Dawn Schiller, who became his girlfriend. Holmes

was already edging toward his drug habit by then. His connections to Eddie Nash and the

Wonderland Gang followed shortly after 14. Adel "Eddie Nash" Nasrallah. Adel

Nasrallah, who is best known as Eddie Nash, immigrated to the U.S. from Palestine in 1950.

He started off by running a hotdog stand and ended up running several nightclubs and restaurants

in Los Angles making him one of the wealthiest and most powerful drug kingpins of Hollywood.

Eddie Nash was also a habitual drug user. He wasn't the kind of person that you would

want to mess with. Eddie often called Holmes his brother around guests and loved showing

off his friendship with the well-known adult film star. Eddie Nash was also known for his

hospitality and would usually give friends anything, but Holmes had worn out his welcome.

This however, did not mean that Eddie was willing to let someone set him up as Holmes

did. It was really shocking that a gang of people actually thought they were slick enough

to not only rob Nash, but humiliate him in his home as well

15. The Wonderland Gang. The shocking thing about the Wonderland Gang was that the group

actually conspired and carried out a robbery at the home of known kingpin Eddie Nash, just

a couple of days before The Four on the Floor Murders. Ronnie "Ron" Launius (the leader),

Tracy McCourt, William "Billy" Deverell, and his girlfriend Joy Miller (who was the

leaseholder of the town home) were the original four members of the gang. The Wonderland Gang

was well-known in Los Angles for trafficking drugs, mostly cocaine throughout the 70s and

into the early 80s. All of the members were also addicts and had lengthy arrest records.

The gang had also added robberies to their long list of crimes in order to fuel their

need for more money and drugs. David Lind knew Ron Launius from prison and had joined

up with the gang to help with the robberies and burglaries. Joy Miller and Billy Deverell

were the only two members who lived at the residence on Wonderland Avenue. The other

gang members were frequent house guests, as well as John Holmes (shown here played by

Val Kilmer in Wonderland.)

For more infomation >> Top 15 Shocking Details About The Four On The Floor Murders #Part 2 - [Facts Wrack] - Duration: 8:25.


"I Will Survive" Bill's Parody V...

For more infomation >> "I Will Survive" Bill's Parody V...


Мышцы или потенция, Пестики и тычинки против бодибилдинга - Duration: 12:22.

For more infomation >> Мышцы или потенция, Пестики и тычинки против бодибилдинга - Duration: 12:22.


#TheOpenHouse - it never ends... - Duration: 4:58:46.

For more infomation >> #TheOpenHouse - it never ends... - Duration: 4:58:46.






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If Success and Failure were Two Islands then my Habits are the ship to them

So Good Habits will lead to Success

Whereas Bad Habits will lead towards failure

In My Previous Video on how to quit any of your bad habit

i have told you about how to leave any bad habit

And how you can make any Good Habit

But Nobody exatly know what good habits to make

To make them successful

So today in this video i will tell you 4 habits from

7 habits of higly effective people by Stephen R. Covey

On which author guarantees you of a big transformation

And i will tell about the remaning 3 habits in the next video

But for now let's began

Habit Number 1 - Be Proactive

We can divide people around us into 2 categories

First Reactive

And second Proactive

Reactive are those people those blame others for their own problem

I am not happy because of lack of money

I am Short temper because my Grandparents were too


For more infomation >> 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE IN HINDI/ HOW TO BECOME EFFECTIVE BY fanBook हिंदी - Duration: 8:35.


YouTube TV - Coming Soon

For more infomation >> YouTube TV - Coming Soon


Why Are We Being Educated? | J. Krishnamurti - Duration: 6:57.

Hello everyone my name is Andrew, and welcome to the video.

So I've officially moved into my new apartment.

Backgrounds pretty simple, but I'm liking it.

I don't have much stuff in here because initially when I was moving everything in here, I had

a lot of stuff.

So I was like just going to get rid of most of it.

So yeah, this past week has been like a roller-coaster, just apartment hunting, ordering utilities,

signing papers, working, moving all that stuff, but everything is starting to slow down now.

So yeah today I want to talk about why are we being educated?

Because a couple years back when I first started reading krishnamurti, I heard him use this

question several times, but I've always just answered it and moved on.

But fast forward until now, when I listened to this question yesterday in a video, I started

to take a closer look at it.

And just looking at what all entails in the question.

And there's something tremendously interesting about this question because growing up we've

been told and it's been pounded in our skulls that we have to go to school to learn a variety

of subjects.

And then as we go on to college and university kind of narrowing into a particular subject

in order to earn a degree and therefore earn a living and continue that cycle of earning

a higher degree to earn more money.

And is that what education is merely all about?

Now education is so important, it is that necessary, essential preparation for a new

human being entering into this world.

It prepares us for our immersion into the whole relationship of humanity and is relationship

limited down to just being career-minded, focused, job driven, or is education total,

whole, complete?

I want to find out why don't we talk about our anxieties?

Our fears?

Why don't we talk about what love is?

Because aren't those just as essential as earning a livelihood, mastering particular

technological subjects, because as we can see, because we stress the importance of that

part of the brain that is subject-minded.

Because we've used that tremendously we've seen the fruits of it.

We have sanitation, surgery, healthcare, beautiful architecture, communication, verbal, beautiful

languages and cultures that we can enjoy and use for convenience.

However is that it? because we are also struggling on ourselves, on the psychological aspect

of ourselves.

Who are we?

What am I meant to do?

Am I meant for anything?

Am I meant to do anything?

We go through so much suffering and pain and we don't know how to deal with this and yet

education today is not addressing any of this.

We're totally neglecting this part of the brain that requires, that is an understanding

of the whole psyche, how it moves, you know, the way it operates.

We neglect all this, instead we just go right into using this psychological tool, which

is thinking, thought, memory.

We just use it.

We don't take the time to see all the implications, the complexities of it.

Because both are essential and are important so why, why isn't education today, not an

intertwining, a cooperation of these two?

Of the part of the brain that is full on technology minded and you know the other part of the

brain that is more understanding this, more you know, holistic, total.

So this is what has been on my mind for the past couple days.

That's all I want to talk about in this video, thank you for watching and listening.

And I will see you all in the next one.

Bye bye.

For more infomation >> Why Are We Being Educated? | J. Krishnamurti - Duration: 6:57.


Liverpool midfielder Marko Grujic wanted by Brighton & Aston Villa in Jan ● News Now transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 1:52.

Serbian midfielder is a man in demand in the transfer window.

Liverpool midfielder Marko Grujic is wanted by Brighton and Aston Villa as the race to

secure his services in January hots up.

Reds boss Jurgen Klopp is considering sending the 21-year-old out on loan when the transfer

window opens and there has been plenty of interest in the Serbia international.

Galatasaray are keen to take him to Turkey but Liverpool are adamant that he won't

be going abroad.

The Reds believe Grujic would benefit more from staying in English football.

Brighton and Villa are among a host of Premier League and Championship clubs to have registered

their interest in Grujic.

Klopp has yet to make a definite decision on whether to loan Grujic out as injuries

could yet deplete his midfield options over the festive period.

However, if Grujic remains on the fringes of the squad then he will depart on a temporary

basis in order to boost his development.

Klopp would rather he plays regular first-team football elsewhere than spending the rest

of the season playing for Liverpool Under-23s.

Grujic, who cost the Reds £5.1million from Red Star Belgrade in January 2016, has made

just one start and five substitute appearances for Liverpool so far this season.

For more infomation >> Liverpool midfielder Marko Grujic wanted by Brighton & Aston Villa in Jan ● News Now transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 1:52.


The Story of Woodcutter and his fox wife engsub ep.12 - Duration: 41:58.

episode 12

Brother disciple! ! Are you all right ?

The demon's very strong ! Let's go !

I'm going to brew tea

Who is it ?

Master !

How did you two are so terrible plight ?

Disciple incapable !

That Jiu Mei of the grind teahouse is so powerful ! We...

Is not let you don't do anything ?

We didn't do it and didn't see anyone !

But we only exert the spell outside the grind teahouse

Where to know they exert the black magic

You go down


Brother disciple go ! Go !

A bowl of internal A bowl of outer sticking

This combination apporach

Mother's eyes must be cured !

I will try it first

What do you think ?

You say brother Liu Hai how he didn' t come today

May go up the mountain picking the herbs

Then on the way back he should come and take a look !

Is he get sick ?

It shouldn't be !

Two days before he is good , isn't he ?


Jiu Mei came !

Yes ! Auntie . I come to take a look you and brother Liu Hai

I am fine

But Hai er

Early in the morning he didn't come out of the room !

Don't know ! What's the matter ?

Is it ? Then I go to take a look at him

Brother Liu Hai

Brother Liu Hai ! What are you doing ?

Brother Liu Hai ...You don't talk again

I myself come in !

Brother Liu Hai ! What's wrong with you ? Brother Liu Hai

Why are you hiding in the quilt ?

Hurry up come out ! Suffocate how to do ?

You don't mind me !

You don't come out again...I'm going to tickle !

Come out ! Come out !

You come out ! Brother Liu Hai

What's the matter with you ?

You also laugh ! This is I give a testing the medicine for my mother

Now It's itchy and painful !

I tried a lot of methods are useless

Loss your own understand medical skill ?

You look like this if the pateint saw

Who dare to come to find you see the doctor ?

Okay ! Okay ! I will help you to think of the way !

Jiu Mei ! What's the way you have ?

You don't mind ! Stay at home !

I go to pick the herbs ... Cover with your quilt !


Jiu Mei ! What are you smashing ?

Brother Liu Hai got sick... I give him some medicine

Give the people cure but can't cure himself !

What medicine do you give him ?

This one is Herba violae !

It can heat-clearing and detoxifying

Brother Liu hai 's illness has to use this medicine

Auntie... You can rest assured !

That would bother you !

Look at what you said !

Compare with you and brother Liu Hai 's care for me before

This is not aint too much ! You're quite welcome !

How do you feel ?

Cool Cool ! Much more comfortable !

I didn't think this Lilac was really effective !

Wait for another Hai er get better

I let Hai er go to the mountain pick more strains !

It's good deal with the next time you need it !

It's good ! But to find such a large strain

It's not easy !

Hai er ! You are attached it for so long

It gets better !

Mother ! More attached for a while , it's okay !

Jiu Mei I didn't expect you also understand medical skill

We grew up in the mountain

In the mountain has a lot of herbs can cure

These are all the sisters taught me

Is it ?

It's hard to lie to you

All of us who live in the mountain are all the doctors

Jiu Mei ! Have you ever heard of a centennial Cassia ?

Centennial Cassia !

This is rare !

But I heard my sister said

It absorbs the aura of heaven and earth

It can be adaptable to change...Finding it's not easy !

You look ! Is it be like this ?

It's so big

Not so big ! It's smaller than that !

But the leaves seem larger than this !

When it is hidden under the leaves

You can't see it !

Right ! They are like to grow in

the luxuriaint places , it's easy to hide !

That's right !

Mother... Now your eyes have a cure !

Good Good Good !

Great !

It should be in the mountain behind the waterfall

Almost here !

Brother Er Hei

Brother Er Hei ! Brother Er Hei !

What happened ? Brother Liu Hai

Du Juan... Tell you the good news

I found the Cassia !

Really ?

Right ! It's like on the book said !

The Cassia with the size of an apple

It must be the centennial Cassia !

Where is it ? Give me to take a look !

I didn't pick it !

That Cassia, it seems like have a foot !

Can run can jump and will be invisible !

I simply can't catch it !

Brother Er Hei

Brother Er Hei ! Brothe Er Hei !

Liu Hai ... I have heard it all !

How can a grass have foot ?

I said it is true !

I'm just here to find your help

There you are...Maybe you can catch it !

You... It is dazzled !

I should go to the wine cellar for help

Brother Er Hei... I said it is true !

This time I must pick the Cassia

I must cure my mother's eyes

I don't want to let her disappointed !

Brother Er Hei... You accompany with brother Liu Hai go to take a look !

Anyway , I 'm at home to send wine !


Don't but ! Let's go !

I 'll take the weapon ! Don't take !

Be careful !

It's the best to find Cassia

Later auntie can see me !

Hurry up !

Owner...Welcome you next time !

Ok Ok Ok ! Good bye !

Arrived !

Brother Er Hei ...It's here

Liu Hai... Where is the Cassia you talking about ?

It's here !

I found it right here in the morning

I want to catch it but missed it

This...This doesn't have !

You get dizzy seeing !

Impossible !

Brother Er Hei ... It must have seen both of us coming

It had to hide away !

How about this ? You go back first

I'll find again

I think you read more books !

You get dizzy seeing !

Go back !

Then I go back first

Liu Hai ...You come back early !

Your mother wait for you

Don't worry ! Go back first !

Brother Er Hei ! What about brother Liu Hai ?

Jiu Mei ! What are you doing here?

I'm picking mushrooms

I saw you guys into the forest... It's very curious

So I come to take a look !

This Liu Hai picks herbs in the mountain

What a centennial Cassia is an big as an apple ?

I think there is a problem with his brain !

Centennial Cassia !

Right !

I go to take a look

Jiu Mei ! Be careful on the mountain way is not good !

You scared me to death !

Jiu Mei ! How did you come ?

I just saw brother Er Hei

He said you come to find Cassia

Right !

I've seen it clearly here in the morning

But now it's gone !

I've already told you

It will be adaptable !

If it's so easy

It's been picked by a people for a long time

But I must find it !

I promised my mother

Will find the Cassia ! Help to cure her eyes

Brother Liu Hai ... The Cassia has the spirit

It knew we go to find

It will not appear !

Then what to do ?

Everything has to be in luck !

Such a good treasure !

Take care of it ! Master

San er open the door ! Master

Okay ! Okay !

Such a good thing ! My treasure !

Master ! Please

San er

I haven't seen these treasures for a long time

Treasure ! I think of them so much

San er ! Do you know what is it call ?

Don't know !

It called Yellow corals !

Yellow carals ! It's pretty !

Pretty ! Pretty ! Also have this one !

Treasure ! My treasure !

Treasure...I haven't seen you for a long time !

Miss you ! I will often come to you

Also have Deer head statue

There are so many treasures ! Pure gold

This is my tortoise gold !


San er

Your eyes stared at here for me !

No one is allowed to come in !

I came late ... Please General pardon !

General pardon !

General ! Next , please ! Next , please !



General Wei , please !

Do you know why this general, here it is ?

I ... I really don't know !

Do you know...Physician Liu Zhenbin is what former ?

This... I don't know Liu Zhenbin

He is a military dignitaries !

Then I didn't know why he was ?

Liu Zhenbin is illustrious General with the name of Zhenyuan !

That one is not an ordinary rebel commander

But it's the astrological therapist under the General Shanyuan

This Liu Shenbin ... Why did he retire at this position ?

This's also such a big , the Governor

personally explain the matter ! Now say and you listen

Remember...There's no words leakage !

I absolutely not dare ! Absolutely not dare !

You know there is a treasure in your county

Greatly increased super natural power... Get ascended the heaven !

Greatly increased super natural power !


Is refers to the legendary of Gold calabash ?

This golden calabash legend...Really is true !

Now the Governor has been informed that

That lieutenant DuWie came to find Liu Zhenbin

In order to make him a big deal

This Liu Zhenbin is also in order to get the golden calabash !

The Governor has repeatedly explained

The golden calabash don't fall into the hand of Liu Zhenbin !

Milord !That golden calabash in the end in whose hand ?

I 'll send men immediately take it back !

You're such a fool !


If I know where ... Also want you to find it !

I'm a fool ! I'm a fool !

Milord ... You don't be angry ! You don't be angry !

Milord ! I'm figured it out the clue lead to it


This Liu Zhenbin has a nephew is Liu Hai

Liu Hai has a pond in his yard called the calabash pond

Calabash pond

Say the detail

Milord ... That Liu Hai

He is a woodcutter in Deshan mountain

At home there is a blind old mother

I also satisfied a stuffy

This orphan and widow guarding that pond all day long !

No wonder these days Liu Zhenbin

hang around the door of their house all day

I supposed to be the calabash pond inside

Have what the treasure to make money ? Result ...

So it seems that the golden calabash

It is possible to be in Liu Hai's pond

Definitely in his house inside it !

Since it is so ... Liu Zhenbin

He should have already known the whereabouts of golden calabash

Why didn't he get it in hand ?

Perhaps this is God's will !

God holds this calabash pond

leave it to the Governor !

This affair is not so simple

Or I catch that kid Liu Hai come...

Interrogate severely ! I don't believe he doesn't say

Not recklessly !

This affair has to take long-term discussing

Milord Wei still wise !

Brother Liu Hai... You're not happy !

It's not I'm unhappy

I just thought of my mother for so many years

painstakingly hard to raise me up !

I'm really sorry for her

Over the years my only hope

is to help her cure the eyes

Able to make her happy

Joyful to get on with living

But right now there is no Cassia

Non of it no way to achieve !

Brother Liu Hai don't be discouraged !

You look

Brother Liu Hai ! The Cassia

The Cassia... I'm sincerely beg you

help me cure my mother's eyes

I absolutely don't mean to hurt you !

I beg you

Can you help me to cure my mother's eyes ?

I know you are filial

But there are eighty-one more days

I can make a real immortality

If there is no fruit now

That would ruin everything

Do you really willing to help me ?

Yes ! Then you have to wait for me

eighty - one days again

Ok ! I'll wait for you eighty-one days

Thank you ! The Cassia

Great ! It's really great !

Brother Liu Hai ... It was your filial piety

The Cassia can touch !

This time my mother's eyes finally I can save !

Mother ! I come back

Hai er came back

Mother ! I will tell you a good news

Finally I found it !

The Cassia that has the apple size

This time your eyes can cure

My silly child ... This stuff is legendary !

You also take it seriously !

My mother's eyes are blind for so many years

Maybe in the let mother see

Mother can't adapt it !

Mother ... I'll telling you the truth

The Cassia said with me

said that wait for eighty - one days

It will come to cure your eyes

Later you can see everything !

All right ! All right ! I know you distressed mother

After cutting the wood ...Just come back early !

Don't go to the deep mountain ! Mother's worried

Mother ... You don't have to worry about me ! I'm all right


It's wonderful ! Jiu Mei

Jiu Mei ... You've learned it in a few days

It's really good to sing !

The mood is good ! What have the exultation matter ?

No !

No ! What's the matter ?

There's something to hide from me !

Like this I will give you a estimate ! What do you think ?

Calculate !

I calculate it out...Today , right now, just now!

There will be a handsome guy to find you

I don't know he will come or not !

I calculate it out

He will definitely come ! Say come is come !

How is it ? Not seen for a few days

Just forget this brother Jin Chan !

Only remember brother Liu Hai !

Smelly Toad ! What are you doing ?

You don't hasten to serve tea to welcome the new neighbour

New neighbour

Yeah ! New neighbour

I go out to play ! I go to the river to play stones !

Drink this cup and get out !

Dont' haunt me here !

Okay ! Okay ! Get on with what are you doing !

I finish this bowl ... I wil go back first !

Afternoon come again !

My meaning is

Let you not come back again later !

Jiu Mei... How do you more and more unsympathetic ?

Seldom to see you

Don't want to hear me say anything to you ?

You like to say ... Then you say

Maybe in your heart is thinking about let me come over

Your skin face how so thick !

In my heart hope you never come again

Go immediately ! Right now !

Ok Ok Ok ! Don't say !

Anyway , no matter what

I've already bought the house in nearby

I will stroke this good house for a few days

No one can drive me !


There's a bit of a skew on the side

Like this !

Right Right Right ! Not bad !

Young master

All move in

Move in ! Hurry up move !


More careful !



You take a look at here... This must be clear !

For a while re-checked it again

Excuse me ! Is here

a famous wine distillery of Du family ?

Dare not ! Just a little shop

Young master want to buy some wine

I'm Jin Chan heard a lot about Du family reputation

Today come to visit

I'd like to reserve ten jars old wine . Don't know whether to do so !

Father...Our home cellar doesn't have ten jars wine

The new opening have to wait until tomorrow

Really not by chance

Ten jars that you want to wait until tomorrow

Juat as well it's ok ! Also not urgent in the moment

It's better that I pay money for wine first

Take wine again tomorrow

No need ! No need !

The customer didn't get the wine...Don't receive the money !

Young master only need to pay a little money pledge

Don't have to be complicated...Pay the money first !

Tomorrow I must take the wine


Owner Du ...Please do it

I'll take my leave first

Ok Ok ! Young master walk slowly

Take leave

This young master Jin is not generally

He turned out to be the legendary young master Jin Chan

Father ! I heard about the relationship between him and Jiu Mei

Also quite good !

Girl don't talk nonsense about the people

Jiu Mei... Your tea money

Thank you ! Lu Bo walk slowly

The door closed ! The door closed ! Do not open !

You go quickly ! Go quickly !

Wait Wait Wait !

I have to do something in it ... It's nothing with you !

Everybody ! Everybody !

What happened ?

Today Jin Chan invite you to eat to drink more

Count on my account Jin Chan

Brother Jin Chan ! Come to drink one

Come here ! Come here ! Come here ! Come

You guys eat ! You guys eat !

You don't look at me like this !

What kind of trick do you want to play ?

There is no ! I'm hungry

Help me a little bit what do you like to eat

Everything all come !

A smelly toad ! Do you have so much money to treat the customers ?

I... Young master Jin Chan

Want to get what thing ... I will get that thing !

Including... Do you understand ?

No way !

Father... It should be this place

I'm going to knock on the door

Young master Jin ! Young master Jin are you at home?

Are you home ? Young master Jin

Young master Jin... We are here to give you wine

You ordered

Young master Jin

How dare to use old father Du and Miss Du Juan

personally come to send ?

I will take it by myself

Nothing matters

We also take the opportunity ... Not in trouble !

Then thanks for the two of you

Now that you've come to my humble house

Can you join us to sit ?

Also good ! Just right we will help you

send the wine to the house

Don't have to ! Don't have to !

By the time I'll arrange someone to take wine

You two please come with me


Thank you

To tell you the truth...I am a like drinking

Some knowledge of wine

Du family distillery has in the city and even the whole country

Being one isn't second to none

Really admirable !

Real don't deserve it ! Hand pass family craft

Deserve it ! Deserve it ! Our family's wine

Even the God also want to drink !

Yeah ! Have the honor to be able to drink Du family 's wine

It's really a great fortune

But there is a sentence

I don't know when speak inappropriately

Young master Jin... Say what you want to say !

I and father are listening

In order to Owner Du and Miss Du have the winemaking skills

Should not be bent on a small shop

Du family distillery has long been a reputation

Why didn't consider expanding size ?

If only because the shop is too small ... it can't be popularized !

Is not it a pity ?

We are a small trading ... It's contented !

Old father Du is contented

We are seeking a wine thirst


If you open a large distillery

It really need a little money

If owner Du don't mind my words

I can lend it to you

Thank you young master Jin . Our Du family distillery

For the time being no intention to expand

If so desired can come to me any time

Father... We should go

Young master Jin... Take leave !


Jiu Mei

This time what are you doing ?

You look ! This a little gold toad

Do you know why it's so small ?

It's so small ... because it's for your convenience

Think of me and take a look at it


Why do I want to see you at all time ?

Nothing to find me the matter... Bring the trouble !

Is it too small ? No problem !

Another day ... I will make a large gold toad

and put it at your door

Today ... A bowl of grind tea

Kinda scared me !

You give me a scared !

Little Liu ! Such a long time...

you see ! Out what the content is not ?

What content ?

Why you look not to come out ?

Jie Mei and young master Jin reletionship is not normal

Have what is not normal ?

This Young master Jin and Jiu Mei

The two of them have known each other for a long time

It's so close relationship

I feel like Jiu Mei

seems to not like young master Jin

You don't understand our woman

No No No ! You don't understand the woman

On the face is more nuisance

In the heart is more like

I'm an experienced person I understand this

You don't understand ! You're inexperienced

Really ?

You take a look ... More and more sticky !

Younger brother... Don't be silly stand here !

Hurry to start ... Will the day lily was cold (it's too late )

Jiu Mei

Brother Liu Hai ! You are here

Brother Liu Hai ! You are here

Today I cut firewood on the mountian so come late

Do not delay your business ?

No No ! Your timing is just right

I would like to invite you to drink a bowl of grind tea . Go

For more infomation >> The Story of Woodcutter and his fox wife engsub ep.12 - Duration: 41:58.


【MMD || Undertale || Chara ♦ Sans || Vietsub CC + Eng subtitle】She wants me dead - Duration: 1:00.

Woke up this morning with a gun into my head..

Somebody help me.. she wants me dead

woke up this morning with the devil in my bed

In the air,every where, in my maze and my head

She wants me dead-dead-dead-dead

She wants me dead-dead-dead


She wants me dead-dead-dead-dead

She wants me dead-dead-dead

She wants me dead-dead-dead-dead


She wants me dead


She wants me dead


she wants me dead


She wants me dead

For more infomation >> 【MMD || Undertale || Chara ♦ Sans || Vietsub CC + Eng subtitle】She wants me dead - Duration: 1:00.


L298N Robot! Learn how to drive DC motors with L298N and Arduino - Duration: 6:19.

Hello Youtube, this is Chen TheDesignMaker!

Welcome to my channel of designing and making cool stuff, so if it's your first time here,

please subscribe for future awesome videos!

Today we are gonna learn how to use L298N and arduino to drive some motors and make

this weird looking robot.

The L298N is a motor driver that can PWM control 2 DC motors or 1 stepper motor.

It is widely used for robotic projects such as the one I'm working on right now, so

don't forget the check it out.

The module is very affordable and link is in the description below.

So without further due, Let's get started (Engine start sound)

Take a close look at this module, The biggest part with the heatsink on is the actual L298N

Chip, the front terminal blocks are for the input and output of the power.

The +12v is for driving the motor and the +5v is for the logics.

Think it as a faucet with a two directional valve, the +12v terminal are the water running

through the pipe, and the +5v is like the force controls the valve.

Two sets of terminal blocks on both sides are for the 2 DC motors with very straightforward


And at last there are 6 pins at front are used to control the motors.

How does this module control the motors?

The 2 pins with jumpers on both ends are motor enable pins, leave the jumper on or connect

to HIGH voltage level means full throttle.

Get the jumper pins removed or connect to LOW logic level, the motor will be parked.

If PWM is feed into these pins, you get yourself a speed control.

The rest of the 4 pins are like the gear shifter switching between Driving and Reversing.

Refer to this chart to see how they work.

Let's look at some examples, if we are driving these 6v motors, Power is needed for both

the driving and logic, here I connected 4 AA batteries into the +12v and GND terminals,

and also a jumper to connect the 12 the 5V.

A really quick way to test your module is using one of these male to female cable, since

we have Motor A connected, just connect the IN1 and 5v, you'll see the motor start running,

move the pin to IN2, it starts to reverse.

If you are driving bigger 12v motors like this one, you can connect the motor the same

way, with a simpler power connection.

Just plug in your power source to the 12V and ground, here I'm using a stripped 12v

power supply.

The onboard 78M05 voltage regulator can step down anything between 7 to 12 v to 5 so that

it not only provides the logic needed from the L298N, but also made the +5v terminal

an output.

We can use the same technic to test the motor.You can use the +5 terminal to power arduino as


For any motor needs more than 12v up to 24, it is recommended to remove this jumper pin

to disable the onboard 78M05.

To control the motors with arduino, we'll just connect the 6 controlling pins to arduino

digital pins, make sure the ENA and ENB are connected to PWM pins for speed control later.

Here we're connecting the 6 pins to arduino digital pin 5 to 10.

Now we got everything connected.

The 2 motors go into the motor terminals, thanks to the support from this awesome helping


4AA batteries connect to the +12 and GND, also a jumper pin to bridge +12 and +5.

Arduino is connected as well.

One last thing, since I'm powering the Ardunio from USB with computer, it need to share ground

with the batteries, just simply connect the GND on arduino and GND terminal on the module.

let's start the arduino programing: starting from most straightforward code: The first

step is to define all the pin numbers.

During the setup, we define all the pin to OUTPUT modes, then assign them default values

so they stay stopped.

In the loop, we can just analogwrite a PWM value from 0 to 255 to control the speed.

The bigger the value, the faster the motor runs.

And we also digitalwrite IN1 and 2 to control the motor directions.

Don't forget to add a delay in the end.

But, if you are going to control the motor a lot with different direction or speed such

as driving a path.

This would be too much work, you'll have to repeat this paragraph over and over again.

It's not efficient at all.

Here's a simpler version, I defined a MOTOR CLASS here that holds all the pin information.

It has a DRIVE method that takes one speed variable to drive the motor.

If it's from 0 to 255, the motor will drive forward.

If it's from 0 to -255 will drive backwards.

Once we have the 2 motors instances defined before the setup, we can control the speed

and direction with one line of code just using the DRIVE function.

You can make your own functions by combining multiple motors too.

The full code can be found in the description.

Hope this tutorial is helpful for your next project, let me know if you have any questions

and what you're gonna build with this!

Thanks for watching and if you like my video, don't forget to like and subscribe!

See you next time!

For more infomation >> L298N Robot! Learn how to drive DC motors with L298N and Arduino - Duration: 6:19.


Remedies for constipation | The 8 best remedies for constipation - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Remedies for constipation | The 8 best remedies for constipation - Duration: 5:28.


Sunday Shave Of The Day #OVS, The Haddon Brand Straight Razor Shave, Totally Proraso RED, #SOTD - Duration: 26:02.

Welcome to the Sunday Shave Of The Day! Hey Eric here with Adventures In Wet

Shaving and welcome back it's good to see you if this is your first time here

you're interested in learning on a Straight Razor shave go ahead and hit

that Subscribe button then click on the Bell next to it to be notified when I

upload videos that way you won't miss a thing

in tonight's shave I am using "The Haddon Brand" this is a beautiful razor now of

the 1890 and the 1919 yeah it is made by WR Humphreys and

Company Sheffield England it is just beautiful you that's a full

hollow or bellied hollow excellent excellent quite a nice shaver and for our soap

tonight we are doing Proraso RED so this is gonna be a Totally Proraso RED

Sunday Sandalwood Shave Of The Day oh yeah

now before we use the soap though I did put on the Proraso RED pre-shave as

you can see and I did that before I started filming that way it had time to

work now I also had the puck booming in the bowl and we're gonna put that on as

well because that's just what I do

nice get that beard all nice and hydrated and it would be good yeah yeah

for a brush tonight we are using my Omega 10098 excellent excellent brush

all right let's get that loaded up all right I can do it hopefully you're

having a good weekend yep being able to have some downtime

connect with family and friends enjoy yourself relax a little bit yeah

that would be awesome oh yeah yeah and you know hopefully the

world's treat me good yep and you're in good health very important

gotta be in good health yep so how are your shaves you've been having some good

shaves I hope so I have been watching the comments and there are some good

shaves happening oh yeah so that's good the more the better

yep far as I'm concerned it's all about especially this time of year it's all

about being able to relax unplug and just enjoy yourself

now Tip Of The Day is you gotta hydrate that beard so I just got out of the

shower and what I do is I actually have a shave butter that does not lather at

least not for me and I put that on before I get in the shower and then when

I get into the shower I will go ahead and lather up my face with my soap and

leave that on and I will rinse that off until I'm done with my shower

so my beard really has a chance to soak all of that in and soak it up in soften it

and your prep is everything so Tip Of The Day right there that's why I'm

always you know shaving right out of the shower

it really helps soften up that beer if you can't do that for whatever reason

you're gonna need to wash your face really good with a nice soap that is

moisturizing yeah and then that will take care of it as well it's just better

in the shower though

all right there we go

no it's nice

there we go that'll get it that'll do her yep all right now this is past one

which is going to primarily be with the grain now keep in mind I do a Straight

Razor Edge Friday Specials the first and third Friday of every month and I answer

your questions comments and suggestions that you make or upcoming Straight Razor

Edge Friday Specials so go ahead and let me know in the comments if you have a

question a suggestion or just a comment that I can use all right so here we go

let's do this

here we go

yeah nice yep marvelous what a wonderful set I really

enjoy this

yeah a nice simple totally paresseux red sandalwood shape of the day oh yeah nice


yeah good stuff

here we go pass one complete yeah and it felt good

really it's a marvelous razor and it's so cool you can shave with the razor

made you know in 1919 and it still works that is so cool

and who was the original owner thought were they like what was their life like

you know that's just cool when you think about you know what was their station in

life what did they give for a living mm-hmm all right now I do these straight

razor shaves every Wednesday and Sunday so stop on by and check it out right we

have a great time and it's just marvelous I have such a good community

of subscribers and viewers that you know you can go ahead and check out the

comments and find out there are so many good people out there so I have

definitely got some of the best subscribers and viewers on YouTube and

it's you guys I really appreciate you and all you do for me so thank you so


you are important to me so go ahead and if you have a question

or a comment go ahead and just put it down okay and there are no bad questions

I'll just tell you that right now there is nothing that is a bad question

I have got some of the best questions in the comments below and you could be the

next one all right so if you got something on your mind let me know

alright this is past two which is primarily going to be against the grain

on my cheeks like this against the grain here and on the sides of my neck that

will be across the grain yep let's do it

all right looking good now we're switch hands get this other


super smooth nice


get this other side

right that Parral red is drying up on me a

little bit you must not having quite right

that's all right there are no rules you can just go ahead and real either that

will yeah you can okay there's that that going

that appear first

here we go nurse


nice - still complete yeah good good yeah just get that rinsed off

yeah all those cheeks are brilliant yeah they are yep there we go alright

next up the half pass and you click right up here to see the half past

reveal all right it will be in detail and it may be helpful so give it a shot

check it out

we're the lumo water this time

it's gonna go pretty quick anyway

that's that's looking pretty good

okay now half so this is primarily going to be against the grain on my jawline in

my neck

yeah nice this is a sweet chamber really is


all right there you go another shape in the books

yeah and that was a good one backed up really really good did now

let's get that rinsed off I think we nailed this one

I do oh yeah oh that's nice it is very nice right now alum


and I dry that off there we go yeah here we go

Proraso RED all right this is it okay simple shave and this is a Totally

Totally Proraso RED Sandalwood Sunday Shave Of The Day and you were here you watched it

excellent excellent in beautiful beautiful beautiful shave

nice and smooth sweet all right you click right up here from this card

to see the Best How To Shave video for beginners all right thank you so much

really appreciate you stopping by for this shape click right over here to see

my latest video click down here on the video especially picked out for you

click over here on me subscribe like comment share this video with your

friends have a great shave and a good day and I will see you next time on

adventures in wet shaving

For more infomation >> Sunday Shave Of The Day #OVS, The Haddon Brand Straight Razor Shave, Totally Proraso RED, #SOTD - Duration: 26:02.


Daisy Ridley's Audition for 'Star Wars' Will Legit Blow Your Mind - Duration: 4:15.

Daisy Ridley's Audition for 'Star Wars' Will Legit Blow Your Mind

As you know because youve definitely already seen The Last Jedi , Daisy Ridley stars as Rey, the badass scavenger from Jakku with massive Jedi skills.

Well, footage of the actress auditioning for the iconic role has surfaced, and its.

well, its moving and powerful and perfect.

Daisy was obviously born to play Rey.

In the audition scene (which was for 2015s The Force Awakens), Rey fights off the very evil (and kinda sexy?!) Kylo Ren as he tries to read her mind.

So sad, too bad for KR, because the force is crazy strong in Rey (and in Daisy!).

In a clip on Buzzfeed, director J.J.

Abrams talks about casting the role of Rey.

What we were looking for was someone new, he says.

This character needed to be vulnerable and tough, sweet and terrified.

And to find someone that no one knew who could do all these things took a lot of looking..

He continued: Daisy Ridley just blew my mind.

Shes reaching this depth of struggle, and tears are streaming down her face.

I thought, This is unbelievable..

And it is! Rey for president!.

For more infomation >> Daisy Ridley's Audition for 'Star Wars' Will Legit Blow Your Mind - Duration: 4:15.


17 de dezembro de 2017 - 2 minutos com ELE - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> 17 de dezembro de 2017 - 2 minutos com ELE - Duration: 2:01.


The Emerald Cut Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> The Emerald Cut Tiny House | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:22.


Days after shortage, Warren Family Mission gives out thousands of toys - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Days after shortage, Warren Family Mission gives out thousands of toys - Duration: 0:51.


Reality stars flogging X-rated snaps to fans for cash – find out who - Duration: 3:21.

Reality stars flogging X-rated snaps to fans for cash – find out who

From A-listers teaming up with luxurious fashion brands to Z-listers flogging teeth whitening around the clock – social media is full of promotion pushing stars cashing in.

But the latest craze may have gone too far.

British reality stars have started posting X-rated images online, charging fans to see them in the process.

Onlyfans allows celebs to earn money by charging followers to access the platform at a fixed rate.

"" The average account costs $15 (£11) for a months subscription.

On top of that celebs can also offer paid private message – charging even more money for followers to see private randy snaps.

However, while only paying customers can see the snaps anyone can see the captions.

A quick check of Chloe Khan will leave you needing a shower.

One of her images simply states: Rough plz, while a second crudely adds: Like if shaven is your fave, before a cat emoji.

MTV star Sean Pratt is also in on the act.

One of his latest posts reads: Grab it like you want it and beg for it, before a horny devil and aubergine emoji.

Another says: This is how much I like to tease you.

UNCENSORED picture couldve done with more hands to help cover.

Wasnt easy. Love Islands Katie Salmon flashes her privates online too.

One graphic snap is captioned: Dont rush, take time, taste them. Big Brother star Bex Shiner also exposes herself in the name of entertainment.


They fell out, her X-rated pay per view image reads.

For more infomation >> Reality stars flogging X-rated snaps to fans for cash – find out who - Duration: 3:21.


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For more infomation >> (Update) Hack Last Day on Earth: Survival 1.6.10 - Unlimited Money, Weapon, Level 92, Free Craft - Duration: 2:10.


The Greg Gutfeld Show 12/16/17 10PM | December 16, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 23:14.

For more infomation >> The Greg Gutfeld Show 12/16/17 10PM | December 16, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 23:14.


Nokia 9 Smartphone Unboxing & Overview with Camera Samples - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Nokia 9 Smartphone Unboxing & Overview with Camera Samples - Duration: 1:23.


Rose McGowan Slams Actresses Choosing To Wear Black During The Golden Globes - Duration: 2:58.

Rose McGowan Slams Actresses Choosing To Wear Black During The Golden Globes

Rose McGowan isn't pleased with the idea that many of her fellow actresses in Hollywood are planning to wear black to the Golden Globes ceremony as a symbol to protest the sexual misconduct in Hollywood.

Today, Saturday, December 16th, the 44-year-old actress said their "silent protest" is a part of the problem.

Additionally, in her tweet, she called out the legendary actress, Meryl Streep, who worked with Harvey Weinstein many times over the course of her career.

She said women such as Meryl Streep, who happily worked for what she called, "The Pig Monster," are wearing black and they're not helping.

Furthermore, McGowan derisively stated that all of the women who go to the awards should wear Marchesa, the company owned by Harvey's wife, Georgina Chapman.

However, it isn't for sure that Meryl will wear black during the ceremony.

The publication, Extra, asked Streep if she would be participating and she said she didn't know, and they would have to "tune in.".

According to reports, Streep was one of the women to take the lead in speaking out against the producer.

She said, while working with Harvey was "exasperating" at times, he was highly competent at his job.

However, the extent of his behavior was not known by all.

Either way, his behavior was inexcusable, and the abuse of power was abhorrent.

Streep praises the courage of the women who chose to speak out and let their stories be heard.

Rose McGowan, on the other hand, is taking a more militant hard-line approach to activism, who insinuates that the awards ceremonies should be boycotted altogether.

Other women to speak out vehemently against the producer are Asia Argento, who claims the producer raped her when she was just starting out in Hollywood.

For more infomation >> Rose McGowan Slams Actresses Choosing To Wear Black During The Golden Globes - Duration: 2:58.



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If Success and Failure were Two Islands then my Habits are the ship to them

So Good Habits will lead to Success

Whereas Bad Habits will lead towards failure

In My Previous Video on how to quit any of your bad habit

i have told you about how to leave any bad habit

And how you can make any Good Habit

But Nobody exatly know what good habits to make

To make them successful

So today in this video i will tell you 4 habits from

7 habits of higly effective people by Stephen R. Covey

On which author guarantees you of a big transformation

And i will tell about the remaning 3 habits in the next video

But for now let's began

Habit Number 1 - Be Proactive

We can divide people around us into 2 categories

First Reactive

And second Proactive

Reactive are those people those blame others for their own problem

I am not happy because of lack of money

I am Short temper because my Grandparents were too


For more infomation >> 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE IN HINDI/ HOW TO BECOME EFFECTIVE BY fanBook हिंदी - Duration: 8:35.


9 Home Remedies to Get Rid Dark Circles Under the Eyes - Duration: 6:59.

9 Home Remedies to Get Rid Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Dark circles under the eyes is a problem that's familiar to almost everyone.

There are dozens of reasons why they appear, but there are also a lot of ways to get rid

of this nuisance.

A consultation with a specialist, healthy eating and sleep, using natural face masks

and compresses, and other solutions to suit all tastes.

We found for you 9 simple remedies which will help your eyes to look bright and sparkling.


Herbal ice cubes Ice has a great effect on the skin: it makes

it more elastic, smoothes wrinkles, and reduces swelling.

If you freeze a brew made with medicinal herbs, this remedy will be even more effective.

You'll need: sage leaves

cornflowers and chamomile flowers parsley (fresh or dried)

How to make it: Take a teaspoon of each herb for every 200ml

(6.76oz) of water.

Pour in boiling water, and leave for about 2 hours.

Сool, then pour into ice molds and put in a freezer.

How to use it: Every morning rub the areas around the eyes

with an ice cube for 30 seconds.

Repeat the process for 2 weeks, and you'll notice how healthy your eyes look.


Massage and exercises These methods will help you not only get rid

of dark circles under the eyes, but they'll also have a good effect on your vision.

Start with a massage:

Using your fingertips massage the area under the eyes with light movements for 2-3 minutes.

Move from the temples to the nasal bridge along the lower lid.

To avoid excessive pressure on the eyeball, don't massage the upper lid.

After the massage it's a good idea to apply eye cream.

Make sure your movements don't stretch the skin.

Now you can start the exercises: Close your eyes.

Use index fingers to fix the skin on the outer corners of the eyes to avoid wrinkles.

Tightly close your eyes for 6 seconds, then relax your eyelids.

Repeat at least 10 times.


Tomato juice Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant

that strengthens capillary walls.

How to use it:

Apply tomato juice over the problem areas, and leave for 10 minutes.

Wash your face with cool water.

Apply every day for 2 weeks, and you'll see the results.


Milk and bread mask Milk tones up, moisturizes, and whitens the


Bread contains yeast, rich in vitamin B, which soothes the skin and neutralizes rashes.

How to make it:

Make a paste of white bread and milk.

How to use it:

Apply the mask, but make sure the layer isn't too thick.

Leave for 10-15 minutes, then remove it.

If you make this mask regularly, the dark circles under your eyes will soon disappear.


Tea compress Tea is rich with caffeine, tannins, and antioxidants,

which make it a great remedy for dark circles and swelling.

How to use it:

Make a cup of green or black tea, wait for it to cool, then soak cotton pads in the cup

and apply to the eyes.

You can also use tea bags.

Leave the compress on for 10-15 minutes.

Apply it every day for a week, and you'll notice a significant improvement.


Cucumber compress Cucumber contains a large amount of antioxidants

and has a whitening effect.

How to make it:

Slice cucumber into thick rounds and put in the fridge for 30 minutes.

How to use it:

Take cucumber circles from the fridge and apply to the eyes.

Make sure that they cover all the problem areas.

Leave for 10-15 minutes, then wash your face with cool water.

Repeat the process every day for a week.


Potato juice Potatoes contain natural whitening components

and vitamin C.

How to make it:

Grate raw potato and squeeze juice.

How to use it:

Moisten cotton pads in the potato juice, apply to the eyes and leave for 10 minutes.

Then wash your face.

You can finish the process by massaging your eyes with a drop of olive or peach oil.

Use this remedy every day for 2 weeks.


Sweet almond oil Almond oil makes the skin around the eyes

tight and, if used regularly, helps to get rid of swelling and circles under the eyes.

How to use it:

Apply 2-3 drops of oil with light massaging movements every night before you go to sleep,

and you'll see the results in a week.


Rose water Rose water moisturizes and nourishes the skin,

helps to get rid of swelling, redness and itching, and has a whitening and rejuvenating


You can easily buy it in a store or pharmacy, but if for some reason you can't find it,

you can make your own rose water at home.

You'll need:

fresh petals from 1 rose 1 glass of hot water

How to make it:

Rinse the rose petals, and put them in a small saucepan.

Pour in a glass of hot water and let everything cool.

Then drain everything into a sanitized container.

It's better to keep homemade rose water in a fridge, but for no more than a week.

How to use it:

Moisten two cotton pads with rose water.

Apply them to the area under the eyes, and leave for 15 minutes.

Repeat the process every morning and evening until you're satisfied with

the result.

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