Sunday, December 17, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 18 2017

BREAKING: FBI Releases SECRET EMAILS Showing FALL OUT After Clinton-Lynch Meeting.

The FBI released a series of previously unseen emails Friday afternoon, outlining the FBI's

initial response to media reports that Loretta Lynch secretly met with former President Bill

Clinton on an airport tarmac just days before Hillary was cleared of any wrong-doing by

James Comey.

The documents, dated from July 1 – July 3, 2016, show the agency's response after

a local news affiliate "leaked" the infamous tarmac meeting to the national press; with

Obama officials scrambling to get a grasp on the story.

One email, addressed to Andrew McCabe and also then-FBI Director James Comey, shows

the internal fall out after early press reports of the meeting.

"I want to flag a story that is gaining some traction tonight […] about a local

Phoenix news report about a casual, unscheduled meeting between former president Bill Clinton

and the AG," said one correspondence.

"Our [talking points] on this are below."

Another email shows officials speculating whether a "layman" or member of local

law enforcement reported the infamous meeting, suggesting the FBI ask police to sign "non-disclosure

agreements" before taking part in federal security details.

The documents continue to show a pattern of corruption and raise new questions over the

Clinton-Lynch meeting, as well as why former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was let-off-the-hook

by James Comey regarding her illegal use of a private email server.

Town Hall Reported:

A series of emails show one FBI official, whose name and email are redacted, fuming

over leaks to the media about the meeting and what happened on the tarmac.

The official received an email from a "layman" alleging a local Phoenix police officer who

may have talked to a reporter "sounds like a security threat."

Officials went back and forth about finding out if the officer was SWAT or simply worked

the motorcade and that "at a minimum" he should never work another detail again.

One asked if local law enforcement assisting the FBI on motorcades should sign non-disclosure

agreements in the future.

Another official called an Observer article about the meeting, with details about how

President Clinton got to Lynch's private plane, "infuriating."

Talking points about how to handle the fallout are referenced, but fully redacted.

Another email shows correspondence between senior leadership at the FBI, including former

FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, about the developments in the

media fallout after the meeting.

There are also emails from FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok.

Lynch maintains she only discussed grandchildren and golf with President Clinton during their

30-minute long meeting.

What do you think about this?

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Top Stories Today

For more infomation >> BREAKING: FBI Releases SECRET EMAILS Showing FALL OUT After Clinton-Lynch Meeting. - Duration: 2:56.


Korea's three mobile carrier firms unveil new safety drones - Duration: 2:07.

South Korea's three mobile carrier companies have each come up with safety drones that

can contribute in saving lives in numerous accidents.

The new drones provide information that previous technology was unable to fetch...and can squeeze

into deeper and more dangerous zones where rescue workers can't physically reach.

Cho Sung-min reports.

Korean mobile carrier LG U Plus has unveiled a new safety drone.

It runs on a new quasi-autonomous system... connected to the company's cloud-based telecommunication


This enables the vehicle to fly to a designated location without a person directly controlling

it in real time.

While on its way, the drone can send live visual feeds and other data directly to the

smart control tower... thanks to an embedded modem.

(korean) "One of the many specialties of the smart

drone control service is that it allows us to fly and operate drones out of visible range."

With its new features, the drone is expected to provide help in sectors such as logistics,

transportation and public safety.

Telecom giant KT also has a new safety drone, which would be useful in areas including marine

safety, and combating illegal fishing.

An unmanned vehicle dubbed the 'Skyship' is designed to serve above the coastlines

and the ocean.

The drone carries basic first aid kits that can be delivered to rescuees from mid air...

and also has LTE and 5G network modules, which enable it to shoot back real-time data to

marine rescue bases as far away as 200 kilometers from land.

SK Telecom, meanwhile, has signed a partnership with fire headquarters in Gangwon-do Province

in November... as its new safety drones are a good fit for rescue operations in mountainous


The drone industry is projected to be worth more than 12 billion dollars by 2023.

With advanced telecommunication network systems making a substantial impact in rescue work,...

even more enhanced technologies involving robots and A.I. will be commercialized in

the years to come.

Cho Sung-min, arirang news.

For more infomation >> Korea's three mobile carrier firms unveil new safety drones - Duration: 2:07.


Horse Gram Soup Recipe | Ulava Charu | Kulthi Soup | Kollu Soup | Punjabi Style - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Horse Gram Soup Recipe | Ulava Charu | Kulthi Soup | Kollu Soup | Punjabi Style - Duration: 4:32.


Yoga Poses For Flexibility - 2018 | Some Yoga Poses to Lose Weight & Flexibility Quickly And Easily - Duration: 3:39.

Yoga Poses For Flexibility - 2018 | Some Yoga Poses to Lose Weight & Flexibility Quickly And Easily

Yoga Poses For Flexibility - 2018 | Some Yoga Poses to Lose Weight & Flexibility Quickly And Easily

Yoga Poses For Flexibility - 2018 | Some Yoga Poses to Lose Weight & Flexibility Quickly And Easily

For more infomation >> Yoga Poses For Flexibility - 2018 | Some Yoga Poses to Lose Weight & Flexibility Quickly And Easily - Duration: 3:39.


Rajasthan Tourism

For more infomation >> Rajasthan Tourism


I'm Making a Comic! - Duration: 8:43.

Hi, this is Aki J and I wanted to talk about

something that I've been working on for about a year.

I'm working on a comic. It's called Time Quest

and I wanna show you guys some of the drawings

of my characters and stuff that are gonna be in my comic

So, here are the main characters, Sierra and Cristine.

It's a Time Travel comic series.

I don't know if you can see it. It's kinda...shiny in this room.

Here it is over here. So these are the two main characters

So, here's Cristine she's...I don't know if you can read this

over here but she's basically the smart one

She plays clarinet, she's part of the high school marching band

So yeah...and then here's Sierra. She's the crazy one.

She's always on her phone,

She likes to watch videos, anime...stuff like that

So she's pretty much the opposite of Cristine

and they're not really friends.

Cristine doesn't even like Sierra but they both kind of end up time traveling with eachother.

Now, time travel to the 90s and you have Melissa Cortez

Who's basically obsessed with acting and stuff like that

and she's part of the drama club.

and then you have Renee Thomson who is basically

the shy basketball player

This from the year 1994 and when they go to the 90s they go to Baltimore, Maryland.

Okay, time travel to the 80s. The main people

that my (main) characters meet...

This is Kristen Anderson, she's...uh, basically the socially

awkward artist. She's kind of like me to be honest XD

Here's Mallery Basmajian, she's the rocker, I guess.

She's part of a rock band called The Red Blazers, like the jacket.

But anyway, yeah.

Next up is Genevieve Wilson.

Her story is interesting, she's the athlete basically.

She's part of the track team

and what the story is...that

For more infomation >> I'm Making a Comic! - Duration: 8:43.


Nightcore - Everybody Needs A Soul - Duration: 4:22.

Everybody needs inspiration

Everybody needs a soul

A beautiful melody

When the night's so long

Everybody needs inspiration

Everybody needs a soul

'Cause there is no guarantee

That this life is easy

Yeah, when my world is falling apart

When there's no light to break up the dark

That's when I

I... I look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore

And I can't find my way home anymore

That's when I

I... I look at you

When I look at you

[You appear just like a dream to me]

[Just like kaleidoscope colors that...]

[You appear just like a dream to me]

[Just like kaleidoscope colors that...]

[You appear just like a dream to me]

[Just like kaleidoscope colors that...]

[You appear just like a dream to me]

[Just like kaleidoscope colors that...]

Everybody needs inspiration

Everybody needs a soul

A beautiful melody

When the night's so long

Everybody needs inspiration

Everybody needs a soul

'Cause there is no guarantee

That this life is easy

Yeah, when my world is falling apart

When there's no light to break up the dark

That's when I

I... I look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore

And I can't find my way home anymore

That's when I

I... I look at you

When I look at you

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Everybody Needs A Soul - Duration: 4:22.


Fake Action Movie Trailer - Duration: 2:01.

Oh no!

I'm gonna be late for work!

Coming Fall 2019: One man is late for work.

I need to be there by 8:00!

Oh my God!

But little does he know, that he is being followed.

Who is that?

Why are they following me?

Greetings Bitch!

This movie has been acclaimed no less than perfect.

I can't be late to work!

What happens to him?

Find out in the Fall of 2019!

For more infomation >> Fake Action Movie Trailer - Duration: 2:01.


How to Stop Caring What Other People Think of You Motivation - Duration: 6:48.

Wouldn't it be amazing if you never cared what anyone thought of you ever?

No, you'd be a psychopath!

Those are the only type people in this world that don't care what people think of them.

You want to care what people think of you.

But I imagine you care a little bit too much, and I've struggled with that.

Today we're going to be discussing four ways on how to stop caring as much what people

think of you so that you can pursue your goals, pursue your dreams and live your authentic


Let's discuss the first way now.

Number one, have 3 AM insurance.

When you're insured, you have peace of mind.

But when you don't, you're in trouble.

Weks ago I did not fill out my health insurance renewal form properly and I found out that

I was going to go weeks without insurance.

I'm relatively healthy.

I don't think about going to the hospital or getting injured.

But when I was uninsured, you better believe I was terrified, living in a bubble, had so

much caution.

And I feel maybe that's why you're not going after your dream; you don't have insurance

- 3 AM insurance.

What I mean by this?

When it's three morning and you need somebody, you pick up the phone, how many people would

answer your call?

That's the insurance you need my friend.

you see the masses, when you try to do something and people make fun of you or they criticize

you, when you're insured, when you know you have a select number of people in your life

who love you no matter what, it gives you peace of mind.

I think that when I started motivational speaking.

I thought people would think I was lame or a loser.

And the times I've spoken in front of hundreds of people, that's what I would tell myself

before going.

Everyone could laugh at me.

I can make an idiot of myself.

But I have peace of mind because I'm insured because I have my mom, I have my dad and my

best buddy Ben, I have God in my life.

All these things that you tell yourself to know that you're insured when it's not working

out when you're failing.

And there's people in your Life who are there for you.

That's all you need.

Stop caring so much what all these people think and focus on that 3 AM crew who will

be there for you no matter what.

Number two, have Buble moments.

I think what causes so much stress in your life is when your authentic self is not in

line with what people expect from you.

That's where Michael Buble comes in.

you see I'm a huge fan, I think he has a voice of an angel but I haven't been always comfortable

admitting it.

Years ago I would go to the gym and I'd want to listen to his music but I wouldn't play

it because I was terrified of the other young guys teasing me for listening to music that

was not masculine.

But I wasn't feeling so great about my life, I was a little down and I kept hearing about

people on their deathbed saying that one of their regrets is not living their authentic


So I decided this was a small step for me, admitting I was a Buble fan.

I went on Facebook and I made a post, 'I think Michael Buble is amazing.

You can't listen to his music and be depressed at the same time.'

I made many posts over the years, somewhat inspiring quotes, original ideas and I'm here

to tell you I've never gotten more likes than that Buble post.

That's when I realized you need to Buble moments in your life.

Your authentic self is not going to be in line with the status quo, with the norm and

you have to be ok with that.

But take baby steps.

Maybe admitting your favorite music or whatever it is that's not in line with how you think

you should be.

There's three benefits here; one, you'll realize that people will probably like you

more for it.

Two, people won't care as much as you think they do.

And three, you'll give people the courage to have a Buble moments of their own.

So remember when you're not being your authentic self, there's tremendous strain.

To get over that you have to have Buble moments.

Number three, be Clark Kent.

When you're not getting the validation you seek, you try to be a superhero don't you?

I know I've struggled with this and I still struggle with it somewhat.

For years, my ritual before going on a date was going to the gym, working out my arms

really good, my chest, my whole body.

I'd wear an extremely tight shirt so that the guns were poppin'.

Such an idiot.

And I see it clearly now.

But because I didn't believe the girl would like me for who I was, I thought I had to

pump myself up.

I even did this with previous YouTube videos.

If you see, I'm in a dapper suit.

I thought the only way people would listen to me is if I was suited up.

And maybe you feel this way have to be a super hero.

That is the only way people will like you, if you have something great; a skill, a talent

that you can offer.

No one would ever want to be friends with Clarke Kent.

A friend pointed out to me that this is my problem and this is your problem; trying too

hard to be a superhero.

People don't need a superhero.

What would be really super if you could just be yourself and do what your heart calls you

to do.

And this past couple months I've gone on dates wearing a V-neck, no suits, no gym workout

and they've been working well.

I've made You Tube videos just being myself, sharing ideas that are original and true to

who I am and it's been going well.

So my point being, you don't need to be a superhero.

Have the courage to be Clark Kent.

And the fourth that and find a way on how to stop caring as much what people think of

you redefine success.

I don't know what your definition is but recently I've changed it to 'do the right thing'.

And I test this out time and time again by what I call the mama test.

Whatever you're doing, day or night, week in - week out, if your mom was watching would

she approve with what you're doing.

And if the answer is yes, then proceed.

I've come to realize that sometimes you do the right thing.

You could be a person of integrity.

You can be nice and it doesn't work out where you get that external validation.

You get that external success that you're seeking.

But oftentimes success is a long game.

And if you do the right thing day in day out, you'll sleep soundly at night.

I've made this mistake with caring too much what people thought of me.

All I cared about was money.

so I went to school, racked up a ton a student loan debt, over six figures of debt, got a

great job but I wanted to teach.

But I thought that people would never respect someone who makes so little money.

I redefined success and in my heart it's to be a teacher.

And maybe in your heart whatever your dream is, that is the right thing for you.

My friend, I hope these four tips help you.

And if you're looking for more, subscribe to my channel today by hitting that icon there.

This is Michael Unks from Every Day Elevation Rising Higher Every Day.

Hope you enjoy this video and I'll see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> How to Stop Caring What Other People Think of You Motivation - Duration: 6:48.


Winter Sports Boom in Korea - Duration: 4:10.

The PyeongChang 2018 Olympics are less than 100 days away.

On the brink of this grand, global sports festival, the public's interest in winter

sports is also rising.

Now we zoom in on the passion and anticipation of the upcoming winter Olympics displayed

on the ice.

This is an indoor ice link in Gyeonggi-do Province.

Since its opening in 2003, this link has been a great spot for locals to spend their leisure


On one side of the rink, some young skaters are practicing marching in place wearing protective

gear and skates.

This class is run by the Korea Skating Union to support and encourage the sports activities

of adolescents.

In the class, the students get to learn the basics of skating for two hours daily for

four weeks.

Their passion is burning as the Olympics are approaching.

(Korean) "We're running short courses on some 20

ice rinks across the country, and the public's interest is increasing with the Olympics approaching."

The students are skating on the ice...

Though they are just beginners, they seem to be fully mesmerized by skating.

(Korean) "As a beginner, I suffered from foot pain

and had a hard time learning how to walk in skates.

Nevertheless, learning something with new people is fun."

(Korean) "It's hard to keep my balance on ice, but

it's really fun, not to mention beautiful.

That's why I love skating."

The number of winter sports clubs is increasing at the same time.

As of the end of 2017, there were a total of 743 winter sports club registered in the

Korean Sport and Olympic Committee with nearly 30,000 members.

A considerable number of the members join the clubs in anticipation for the PyeongChang

2018 Olympics.

All the figure skating clubs have seen a drastic increase in membership from 5 years ago, thanks

to the Korean figure skating queen Kim Yuna.

Hwang Il-hae and Kim Mi-yang ( & ) fell into ice dancing after turning 40.

Some 40 members of the gathering borrow an ice rink to practice three times a month.

(Korean) "I began ice dancing because it offered a

much more amusing way of enjoying skating with music and dance."

(Korean) "It's very refreshing to sweat in the cold.

It's a seasonal trait of winter."

Every year, an average of 50,000 people visit ski slopes, and there are as many as 480 skiing

clubs across the country.

The challenge is winter is short, and most ski slopes are located in the countryside,

making it hard for people to enjoy skiing frequently.

Some places incorporate virtual reality into skiing to attract skiers.

Standing on the simulator in ski boots, the speed and thrill of skiing can be experienced.

(Korean) "I'm skiing indoors today, but it doesn't

feel much different from ordinary, outdoor skiing and is a very good exercise.

It's great."

This place also displays the immense interest in the upcoming Olympics.

Here visitors can ride the Olympic courses, including the downhill, the slalom, and the

giant slalom.

Allowing people to ski all season, these sites are creating a new way of spending leisure


(Korean) "Many aspiring athletes come to ski here,

and ski club members also come to this place after work on weekdays to quench their thirst

for skiing and snowboarding."

Short winter and lack of facilities have long been a major challenge for Korean winter sports.

With all the efforts made for the PyeongChang 2018 Olympics, it looks like winter sports

in Korea will undergo major change... for the better of course.

For more infomation >> Winter Sports Boom in Korea - Duration: 4:10.


Increíbles beneficios del jugo de cúrcuma - Duration: 10:35.

For more infomation >> Increíbles beneficios del jugo de cúrcuma - Duration: 10:35.


Australian police arrest man accused of brokering N. Korean missiles - Duration: 1:52.

Police in Australia have arrested a man suspected of acting as an economic agent for North Korea.

They say there's evidence the suspect has been in contact with "high ranking officials"

in the North.

Park Soyun reports.

Local authorities identified the suspect as a 59-year-old naturalized Australian man originally

from South Korea.

They say Choi Chan-han was a low-level hospital worker who had been living alone in Sydney.

He's been charged with brokering sales of missiles, missile components and expertise

from North Korea,... as well as discussing the supply of weapons of mass destruction.

Choi is said to have been working for the North Korean government since at least 2008.

Police also say Choi attempted to transfer coal from North Korea to non-government entities

in Vietnam and Indonesia.

A high-ranking police official said he had never seen such a case in Australia.

He said that, if successful,... the various trades could have amounted to tens of millions

of dollars.

(English) "We think he is acting as an economic agent

on behalf of North Korea.

There is nothing to suggest he's doing anything but that, he's doing it out of a patriotic


I think it does go to show that the sanctions are biting, the fact that we've got people

involved in these types of activities means that I think the sanctions are actually having

some effect."

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull also responded to the arrest.

(English) "North Korea is a dangerous, reckless, criminal

regime threatening the peace of the regime...

It is vitally important that all nations work relentlessly to enforce those sanctions because

the more economic pressure that can be brought on North Korea the sooner will that regime

will be brought to its senses."

Choi could face up to ten years behind bars if convicted and has been denied bail.

Park Soyun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Australian police arrest man accused of brokering N. Korean missiles - Duration: 1:52.


Kirby Vs Sans (Not really) - Duration: 0:36.

Oh shoot its Keebee

Oh poop its Deviant Art

Shitz gettin tense bois

Microsoft Word is gettin ready



Fuck you adobe premeire fangirls


For more infomation >> Kirby Vs Sans (Not really) - Duration: 0:36.


Vous souffrez d'une mauvaise circulation ? - Duration: 9:25.

For more infomation >> Vous souffrez d'une mauvaise circulation ? - Duration: 9:25.


Fantasy Night Forest (base)〔天lillis イラストメイキング〕Background Painting Speedpaint - Duration: 11:20.

♪ Diver by Sonorode

♪ Letzte Prinzessin by yuzuki

♪酔花 feat. ELAN XII

Link in description below (or the card above), for the video which this background was made for!

For more infomation >> Fantasy Night Forest (base)〔天lillis イラストメイキング〕Background Painting Speedpaint - Duration: 11:20.


몬스타엑스, 18일 시즌송 발표…"솔로들 모여라!" - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 몬스타엑스, 18일 시즌송 발표…"솔로들 모여라!" - Duration: 2:15.


역대 흥행 2위 '국제시장' 표절 논란…손배소송 제기 - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> 역대 흥행 2위 '국제시장' 표절 논란…손배소송 제기 - Duration: 5:27.


Pewdiepie中文cc字幕 - 虛擬實境=肥宅的未來 - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Pewdiepie中文cc字幕 - 虛擬實境=肥宅的未來 - Duration: 10:03.


【東方風神録】 Cinderella Avatar「幽閉サテライト」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 4:06.

Cinderella Avatar is a skilled tactician,

casually offering you glass shoes

ネイティブフェイス (Shinderera Abataa) English translated by Touhou Wiki

Deceiving you with the ideal female image,

a lovely devilishness needing only feigned innocence

Be drunk on a polished tour de force

Nobody needed a girl covered in ashes

Cinderella Avatar is a magical product

In fairytales there are always adults with no motivation

Cinderella Avatar, being made selfish

Come out to greet me while my lips are still wet

Princess, servant, play the part you like,

as long as you can hide your true, cowardly self

Your charm is a sin, making me sly

this much, don't you notice?

Cinderella Avatar is a magical product

In fairytales there are always adults with no motivation

Cinderella Avatar, being made selfish

Come out to greet me while my lips are still wet

Cinderella Avatar is a skilled tactician,

casually offering you glass shoes

Cinderella Avatar is a magical product

In fairytales there are always adults with no motivation

Cinderella Avatar, being made selfish

Come out to greet me while my lips are still wet

In fairytales there's no motivation

Cinderella Avatar...

Come out to greet me while my lips are still wet

Give me a stimulating love instead of fairytales

For more infomation >> 【東方風神録】 Cinderella Avatar「幽閉サテライト」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 4:06.


연예인은 정치인이 접대용으로 내놓는 꽃병 속 꽃이 아니다 - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> 연예인은 정치인이 접대용으로 내놓는 꽃병 속 꽃이 아니다 - Duration: 6:15.


최근 연예계 대표 '성공한 덕후' 인증한 류준열.jpg - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> 최근 연예계 대표 '성공한 덕후' 인증한 류준열.jpg - Duration: 2:00.


BREAKING NEWS From ALABAMA… Roy Moore Just Made URGENT Announcement - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS From ALABAMA… Roy Moore Just Made URGENT Announcement - Duration: 4:39.



Yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today I'm really

has another class setup video so guys before I even start this class setup

video I just want to say I was gonna do a class setup on the stand the new gun

added to the game but man that gun is trashed trying to get a game play with

it for about three hours now and it's just the straight gameplays I've always

been like one off on my streets or something like that has been trashed so

I decided not to do that but instead I'm doing one on the Thompson today so to

get straight into it I wasn't even really going for a like a good gameplay

this isn't really that good it's okay but I did get all my streaks so that's

why I made a video on this class setup cuz I wasn't really trying and I still

did pretty good but I yet just straight off what I was using in this game was my

division was a mountain gun was obviously the Thompson or the m-19

whatever you want to call it and I had on grip extended mag and advanced

rifling actually got this class setup from a French a shout-out to him but

yeah this class setup is really really good in my opinion the only thing you

guys really need to worry about is the actual gun and the attachments because

you could use this on really any division and do good with it that's

mainly why I like this class so much because the gun is all-around good and

the attachments just make you so much better anyway since I'm using mountain

and I wanted three attachments I have on primed mainly for the attachments it got

really really nerfed for the toughness but uh yeah I was using primed on it and

then for my secondary I have the machine pistol with the extended mag and then I

believe I have a grenade I don't know if or got but yeah I changed this class up

later like sometimes I will put airborne on it I do recommend you guys to put on

airborne because that's just meant for smg's but you guys can really put

anything on it another smart thing you guys could do is put on infantry which

already gives you three attachments and then for your little perk slot you can

put like hustle or anything else that you guys want to put on there but yeah I

don't know this is just one of my favorite class setup again you guys

could take off extended mag and then just have on you know a grip in advanced

rifling and that way it would be a good class as well again this is my best

class setup tell me what y'all have one on your Thompson in the comments down

below tell me your favorite attachments and just your class setup in general

this is what I like to use best so you guys can either like copy this class and

use it for yourself or you can't do that and then change it up to how you like it

honestly guys in my the Thompson is a really really good gun

and multiplayer I think his second best from the ppsh I

don't know the stun gun it's just really really garbage I don't know today I was

using it I thought I was in really bad lobbies or it was just straight-up

garbage so yeah I guess that'll be guys comment down below if you guys want me

to do another class setup video if you guys want to see me do it on another

weapon to comment down below about me you guys want me to do it on butter yeah

I guess that'll be it also guys before I finish off the video there's gonna be a

pull at the top right corner you know that little eye where you know shows

like you know the little rectangle coming out yeah so click on that that's

a pole and just vote on what you guys want to vote so I want to know if you

guys want to see more Call of Duty or more fortnight just yeah go ahead and

vote there tell me what you guys want to see more based on the voting I'll put up

more either for night or call duty right now both of those games are in a

position where there's really not new updates and it's just chillin and

playing a game and I really do enjoy call duty and fortnight I just want to

know what you guys like to watch more so I can make more videos for you guys

right guys make sure you vote and uh yeah I guess I'll be guys hopefully guys

you're better than the last bitch touched me there so less a worked on

like fast-track choking on their rape a choking no niggas are all iced mochas up

we don't see no bar face you know where my block it

I hate when niggas try to have her like in the bitch the line up

I got famous but niggas filled our

For more infomation >> COD WW2 BEST THOMPSON NUKE CLASS SETUP - WW2 THOMPSON BEST CLASS - Duration: 3:50.


문재인 시진핑과 홍준표 아베, 누가 누구에게 알현이라 하는가? - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> 문재인 시진핑과 홍준표 아베, 누가 누구에게 알현이라 하는가? - Duration: 7:02.


[CNCTV] 최귀화, 형사이자 악인 '반전'..'런닝맨'에서 인생 연기 - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> [CNCTV] 최귀화, 형사이자 악인 '반전'..'런닝맨'에서 인생 연기 - Duration: 6:07.


MEL-O-TOONS (Series Collection) - Daniel Boone (1960) - Duration: 4:42.

Mel-O-Toons presents

Daniel Boone

♪ Come listen to my story and listen to it well. ♪

♪ I'll tell you of a great man who served his country well. ♪

♪ His name was Daniel Boone and he wore a coonskin hat. ♪

♪ And his clothes were made of buckskin, now what do you think of that? ♪

♪ Dan was born in Pennsylvania in 1734, ♪

♪ in colony days before the Revolutionary War. ♪

♪ He was famous as a hunter while he was still a boy. ♪

♪ And the hours he spent in the forest, they were his greatest joy. ♪

Did you hear that?

That was Daniel Boone with his long rifle out hunting a bear.


He got him!

Daniel Boone shot that bear.

That was when Daniel was only fifteen years old.

Yes, Daniel Boone was the greatest hunter and explorer this country ever had.

Now, sometimes Dan hunted bears,

and sometimes wild cats,

and other times, the timber wolf.

Daniel Boone loved to explore, too.

And he was one of the first pioneers to see the Blue Ridge Mountains

and the Bluegrass region of Kentucky.

♪ Oh Daniel knew the forest. He knew the forest well. ♪

♪ The mountains and the rivers and where the animals dwell. ♪

♪ He was handy with a rifle and with a hunting knife. ♪

♪ And he loved the open spaces, the cleanest kind of life. ♪

Of course there were other dangers in the forest in those days, besides wild animals.

There were Indians!

And one day when Daniel was exploring a cut in the mountains

where Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee meet, an area known as Cumberland Gap,

he knew there were Indians ahead, unfriendly Indians.

Quickly, Daniel turned around and silently he cut back on his own trail,

but the Indians were behind him, too.

Dan was surrounded.

Dan fought like a wild cat, but the odds were just too great.

He was captured and taken to the Indians' camp.

The Indians knew Daniel's reputation and they tied him to a tree post to prevent his escape.

That night, when the Indians were asleep, Dan found a sharp piece of bark

right back to where his hands were tied.

Slowly and painfully, he rubbed the leather cord against the bark

until at last, he was free.

Then, as quiet as a cat, he escaped.

The Indians followed, but Daniel covered ground so fast

that he left their swiftest runners behind.

He covered one hundred and sixty miles on foot, in four days,

and he met his friend settlers from back east, at Cumberland Gap.

During the Revolutionary War, Dan was a Major in the American army.

And his great knowledge of forestry and wood lore came in handy

when he fought the British and the Indians on the British side.

But he was friendly to many Indians because,

♪ Daniel was a fair man, to red men and to white. ♪

♪ And he never used his rifle unless he had to fight. ♪

♪ He didn't like big cities. He kept on moving west. ♪

♪ And he helped to build our country and tame the wilderness. ♪

When the Revolutionary War was over, Dan kept heading west

until he made his final home in Missouri.

There he would sit under a tree during the day,

and settlers and Indians came to him with their problems,

for he was a man of great justice and simple democracy.

His tree became famous as "Boone's Judgment Tree".

Often Dan sat under it and remembered his old battles and adventures.

And he would fondly dream of his hunting days,

when he hunted the big bear,

and the savage wild cat,

and the wild timber wolf.

♪ And now you've heard my story. There is no more to tell. ♪

♪ The story of Daniel Boone, who served his country well. ♪

♪ His clothes were made of buckskin and he wore a coonskin hat. ♪

♪ A democratic pioneer, I hope you'll remember that. ♪

Subtitle by Studio Channel

For more infomation >> MEL-O-TOONS (Series Collection) - Daniel Boone (1960) - Duration: 4:42.


Pet Shop Boys - Jack The Lad (Subtítulos) - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Pet Shop Boys - Jack The Lad (Subtítulos) - Duration: 4:29.


Elimina Los Parásitos Intestinales Con Ajo Y Semillas De Calabaza - Remedios Para Las Lombrices - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Elimina Los Parásitos Intestinales Con Ajo Y Semillas De Calabaza - Remedios Para Las Lombrices - Duration: 5:24.


A GAROTA DE FOGO (Magical Girl - FRANÇA, ESPANHA 2014) LEGENDAS: PT-BR/ENG - Duration: 2:06:55.

First of all, I would like to welcome you to the class.

If Lorca hadn't been born and hadn't written a single verse...

two plus two would still be four.

If Napoleon had invaded Spain 200 years ago and we were here talking in French...

...two plus two, of course, would still be four.

I want you to understand that the only absolute truth,

the only thing that will remain the same, is that two plus two equals four.

Barbara, would you come here please?

- What do you have there? - Nothing.

Come on, Barbara, it's all right. What do you have there?

- It's only a note. - What have you said, Marcos?

That it's only a note.

So you have a note.

Marcos, go to the principal's office...

...and explain to her why you interrupt me when I'm talking to your classmates.

Come on Barbara.

You should show me that note and put an end to this nonsense

Read it out loud, so your classmates can learn what's so important.

- Do you want me to read it? - Yes, I want you to read it.

- Are you sure? - I'm sure. Read it please.

I pity the pig-face.

Silence! Silence!

Is that what you think of me?

I've asked you a question, Barbara. Is that what you think of me?


Give me that note.

Give me that note, Barbara!

Give me that note!

- I can't. - Why can't you?

Because I don't have it.


So... two kilos, not in bad condition... I can give you five euros.

But "The Hive" is there. You can't pay me the same than for the DIY manual.

That's the idea of buying books by weight.

Yeah, but it's "The Hive", isn't it? Cela, he's a Nobel Prize winner.

It's the nature of the store, books by weight, whatever they are.

I can't do criticism with every book. If you agree, I'll give you the money.

Ok, I'll keep "The Hive".



Alicia, my dear!

How are you, honey?

My arm hurts. They have bitten me, didn't they?

No, they haven't. You have drip feed. We're in the hospital.

Is the bull gone?

Which bull, my dear?

There was a black bull, very big.

There's no bull, honey. You dreamed it.

- Hello Luis. - Hello.

- Hello Alicia. - Thanks.

You're welcome, precious. How do you feel?

A bit dizzy.

That's normal. Rest a little bit.

- Luis, could you come with me, please? - Sure.




Tell me honey.

- Hello. - Hello.

- Are you all right? - Of course.

- How about you? - Awesome.



Tell me, honey.

Can I sleep over at Makoto's on Saturday?

Makoto? Do you have a Japanese friend?

No, it's Vanesa's nickname.

Why do you call her Makoto?

Because it's her nick.

Makoto is Vanesa's nickname.

You must finish your therapsides work.

I only have to write it out neatly.

Yes, but you have to do it, Alicia.

Can't you do it?

Part of the work is to write it out neatly. It's not the same if I do it.

Don't be brazen.

If I finish it before Saturday I can go, can't I?

I don't want you to rush it only to go to Vanesa's.

If I don't rush it and finish before Saturday, I could go, couldn't I?

They are all going.

- Who are all? - Makoto, Sakura and me.

- Sakura? - Paloma.

- Oh, so it's Paloma and you going. - And Makoto.

Vanesa doesn't count. She's at home. What are you going to do?

Watch anime and eat ramen.

Are her parents going to be there? I have to talk to them.

- OK. - OK.

- Can I ask you something? - Of course, honey.

Can I smoke a cigarette?


I want to know how it feels. I never smoked before.

You have to take it to your mouth.

You have to swallow the smoke with conviction.

If you doubt, you'll cough.

If you could choose a magical power, what would it be?

I don't know...

Come on, what would you choose?

To be invisible.

If you could choose two?

To be intangible, so nobody could touch me.

But that would be like not existing, wouldn't be?

A bit, yes.

- Do you know which one I would pick? - Which one?

To be able to become whoever I wanted.

I had thought of becoming the king and give a speech like...

"Dear Spaniards, I feel proud that you kill the rest of Spaniards."

- Alicia, don't swear. - I haven't.

I don't like you to speak improperly.

Can I ask you another thing?

Of course, my dear.

I'd like to have a gin-tonic.

I think there's gin left.

I don't know about tonic.

- What's your nickname? - Yukiko.

Yukiko. It's beautiful.

"Book of desires"

"Wish 1: to become whoever I want"

"Wish 2: Magical Girl Yukiko's dress designed by Meiko Saori for singer Megumi"


"Wish 3: to turn 13"

I'm leaving darling. See you in the afternoon.

- Wait. - What's up?

- Just wait. - What's up?

The lady will tell me whenever she wants.

See you later, honey.

- Dad - Tell me.

You forget your cell phone.

One day I'll lose my head. See you later, precious.

<i>Today, in the letters' section we have a very special letter.</i>

<i>And I say it's a very special letter because it's written by a 12-year-old girl.</i>

<i>Because she dedicates it to her father, and because she has leukemia.</i>

<i>She's Alicia, and her letter goes like this...</i>

Good morning.

- Hello. - Hello... Luis! Long time no see!

How are you, doll?

Ramon was here this morning and we were precisely talking about you.

I haven't seen him for ages.

His bar was closed, did you know that?

I don't know where this is going.

I didn't know. What a bummer!

If someone had told me this three years ago, even one year ago, I wouldn't have believed it.

It goes like this, little by little, and in the end you get used to it.

How about you?

Staying afloat, which is no small feat.

And you?

- What are you having? - A beer.

What can you do? Even if you get rid of the politicians, nothing will change.

- Olives or chips? - Olives.

The problem in this country is that the banker is as corrupt as the worker.

That's the problem.

- Here you go. - I guess so.

- How is your girl doing? - Not too well, to be honest.

Is she having surgery again or will she go back to chemo?

Yes, she will have chemo but...

No shit! I'm so sorry, Luis.

Is there anything I can do for you?

I know Marisol, thanks a lot.

Indeed I'd like to talk to you in private.

Yes, sure.

I'd like to buy Alicia something she wants, but you know my situation.

How much money would it take?


I can work for free here as long as you want.

Damn Luis, that's a lot of money. I'm up to the limit.

Of course.

I can't lend you so much money because, for starters, I don't have it.

I know. I shouldn't have left you in a predicament.

I don't know what to do.

You could look for a job where you can get paid in advance.

But things are difficult.

No. Thanks.

What do you want to buy to Alicia that is so expensive?

- It's a dress from a cartoon. - Like a disguise?

No, it's a dress by a famous designer. That's why it's so pricey. There's only one.

The only thing Alicia wants is you to be close to her.

What matters is to be together. The dress, the money, that's trivial.


I'm out of job but I'm waiting for the result of some interviews.

The ad said that no collateral was needed.

Right, but I want to know if it's possible.

I don't have collateral, but I can pay the interest.

I know it's not a good time, but I need the money. It's important to me.

Don't be sorry.

<i>Today, in the letters' section we have a very special letter.</i>

<i>And I say it's a very special letter because it's written by a 12-year-old girl.</i>

<i>Because she dedicates it to her father, and because she has leukemia.</i>

<i>She's Alicia, and her letter goes like this...</i>

<i>"I'm writing this letter to you from the hospital room</i>

<i>I like coming here a lot.</i>

<i>At the beginning I was afraid and I hated it, but now I love it.</i>

<i>I know it's weird. Nobody likes hospitals.</i>

<i>I like the smell of the corridors, I like the food, I like the Band-Aids and the needles.</i>

<i>Do you know why? Because I know whenever I wake up here you are by my side."</i>


Barbara! Close your eyes.

Don't open them until I say so.


- Why this? - Just because.

Thank you.

Will you put it on me?


- Today I want to be alone with you. - But we're meeting Javier and Laura.

- So we tell them we're sick. - They're about to arrive, Bar.

So we don't open the door.

We make up an excuse.

Don't you mind looking bad to them?

You're a fickle and fool girl.

Oh yeah, you're a fickle and fool girl.

- And what else are you? - Pretty.

- What time is it? - I don't know.

It's 12:15.

I can't go on like this. I can't watch over you as if you were a little girl.

Look at me when I'm talking to you. Thanks.

Do I have to watch over you as if you were a little girl?

- No. - No? I think yes.

- No. - Yes.

If I ever find out you're lying to me, I swear I'll leave and never come back.

- Do you take the pill every day? - Yes.

Take it.

Open your mouth.

- Barbara, this is for your own good. - Yes, I know.

I'm sorry.

Sorry, I'm a fool. I don't want you to worry about me.

I just want you to be more responsible with your medication.

Sorry for getting angry.

It's ok. You get angry because you love me.

<i>"The wolf has five cubs</i> white and black behind the groom."

"Five she raised, five she took care of, And all five of them she nursed."

You've made up the "white and black" line, haven't you?

No, that's the way my mother sang it.

- "White and black"? - Yes.

It was "The wolf has five cubs, five cubs behind the groom."

Not "white and black".

Javi, it's a nursery rhyme.

I also knew the "white and black" version.

- You too? - Yes.

So I'm the only one who doesn't know this version. Come on!

Barbara, are you all right?

Yes. I had a little headache, but I'm fine.

- Do you want an aspirin? - No really, I'm fine.

Do you want to hold her?

I'm a bit afraid.

- She's not going to bite you. - Right... I don't know how.

Look. Come. Let's go.

Like this. Be careful.

What's up?

Nothing, I was remembering something.

- What's up? - No really, nothing.

Tell us so we can laugh.

I can't stop thinking of your face if I threw the baby out of the window.


It was a joke.

Take it.

- This is not the usual pill. - That's right, it's not the usual pill.

- What is it? - It's a sleeping pill.

A sleeping pill.

- Why do you give it to me? - I want you to sleep.

I was going to take a nap anyway.

I want you to have a deep sleep.

- Rinse and swallow the water. - What?

Rinse carefully and swallow the water, please.

Open your mouth.

Thank you.

- What's going on? - Nothing happens, my love.

Trust me.

<i>"The moon kisses your pure tears"</i>

<i>"Like a promise of good fortune"</i>

<i>"People call you Fire Girl"</i>

<i>"And they are letting you die of thirst"</i>

<i>"Oh Fire Girl, oh Fire Girl"</i>

<i>"Inside my soul I have a fountain"</i>

<i>"So your guilt bends to drink"</i>

<i>"Affection is blind"</i>

<i>"I'm a good and sympathetic man"</i>

<i>"Come on, come with me, Fire Girl"</i>



If you don't answer, I'm hanging up.

- Goodbye. - I'm Barbara.



Please wait!

I'm sorry.

There's a bathroom in the corridor.

You can have a shower. Leave your clothes at the door and I'll wash them.

A damp cloth will remove it.

It's no problem, I have a dryer.


The clean towels are the blue ones.

I've put on this.

It's ok.

Do you want a beer, water or something?

No, thanks.

Are you alright?

Yes. I'm usually clumsy. I'm used to it.

You have an amazing home, it's beautiful.


What do you do?

Nothing. I watch the TV. My husband supports me.

What have you watched on TV lately?

I watched a report on two neighbors who were angry at each other because...

one blamed the other of pouring pee on her each time she'll go in and out of the house.

So the lady would wear a raincoat and a bin bag each time she'll go by.

She was very funny.

Why did you find it so funny?

Why not?

I don't know. I don't like those shows that exploit others' miseries.

It seems they'd tell us not to complain because, deep down, we're not as bad.

We're not as bad.

Not as bad? I guess it's easy to say so living here.

What do you do?

I used to be a teacher. Now I'm unemployed.

- What did you teach? - Literature.

Literature? I always failed literature.

You didn't like reading.

I preferred doing other things too much.

And your husband, what does he do?

He's a psychiatrist.

- He must be good. - Yes.

- Can I ask you were he is? - No.

Listen... can you hug me?

- What? - No, forgive me. Forget it.

No. Of course, yes.

Let's go.

What are you doing?


What do you mean nothing? What are you doing?

I told you I'm married. You're at my husband's home.

I'm sorry.

- I find it astonishing. - Me too.

What do you find astonishing?

Will the washer go much longer?

Eh? No, it's a short cycle. So what do you find astonishing?

I can wait in the living room.

I'm sorry.

I'm a bit tense.

Why did you come down to me?

Do you find me disgusting?

Do you know why I watch those TV shows?

Because I like to see people more miserable than me.

Do you find me disgusting now?


My name is Barbara.

I am Pedro.

- Hello. - Hello.

What's happened to you?

I was doing chores to free my mind, and the mirror fell over me.

Are you alright?

Look Bar, I've been thinking and I've made a decision.

I'm going to trust you.

It's what I can offer, my blind faith.

But if I learn about one more lie, it's over.

I need you, but you need me a lot more.

Did you spit the pill yesterday?

- Yes. - Why?


Yes, but she can't now.

For real.


It's for you.


<i>Hello Barbara. I'm Pedro.</i>

<i>I guess the man answering was your husband.</i>

<i>I've told him I'm from your phone company, so try to pretend.</i>

<i>I couldn't find out your cell phone number.</i>

<i>You'll tell me later, so it'll be easier to get in touch.</i>

<i>I also looked for your credit cards, but you don't have any.</i>

<i>That would've made everything easier.</i>

<i>Look, I'm very sorry about this.</i>

<i>I need 7,000 euros within a week or I'll tell your husband everything.</i>

<i>I left the cell phone recorder on. Everything is recorded.</i>

<i>Tell me you understand.</i>


<i>Ok. Now give me your cell phone number.</i>


<i>I'll call you from a cell phone so you have it.</i>

<i>Now I'm calling from a public number.</i>

<i>When the money is ready, call me and I'll tell you how to deliver it.</i>


<i>When you give me the money I won't bother you again.</i>

<i>I'm sorry.</i>

Me too.

I'm not interested. I rarely use the cell phone. Thanks a lot.



Your face looks familiar. Are you an actress?

- No. - I am.

Ok. Do you know if Ada is at home?

Do you know my name?

- No. - Sonica.

Fine. I'm Barbara Asuncion. Is Ada at home?

- I'm asking if Ada is at home? - Yes.


Hello Barbara.

Here's to reunions.

To reunions.

How are you doing?


I'm glad.

I'm sorry how I left, Ada. I didn't know how to do it.

You only had to say goodbye.

- It's not so easy. - Yes, it is.

Do you know what offended me the most?

It wasn't you disappearing without a word, that only worried me.

It was offensive to feel that you were scared of me.

Because I have never done anything for you to feel scared.

That's not the way I am, and you know it.

I didn't want to offend you.

It's happened other times. I'm used to it.

Anyway, I'm happy to see you doing well.

- How about you? - Better than ever.

Business is a bit down, but I got married four months ago and I'm very happy.

Congratulations. Who is the lucky one?


Juana? I like that girl.

Well... what can I do for you?

I don't want to bother you.

I'm very sympathetic. You've just seen it.

I need money.

- You don't need money. - Pardon?

You don't need money. Your husband has plenty.

I had to make sure you were fine.

It's a personal business. I have to work it out on my own.

Good girl. How much money we're talking about?


If you give it to me now, I can pay you back with a 15% rate in five or six months.

You know what I do and you've come to me. If you want 7,000 you know what to do.

If you're not willing, we'll finish the drinks and kiss goodbye,

this time like civilized people.

- There would be conditions. - Which conditions?

No penetration... whatsoever.

That makes things harder.

Besides, I need the money this week.

It's a very short time. You will have to work a lot.

No, that's the third condition. A single day, a single job, in the morning.

It's the only time my husband's not at home.

He could get suspicious if I go out more.

It's very difficult. A lot.

7,000 euros with no penetration, one day, one job...

It's the only way.

How many hours do you have?

From 8 to 15.

Do you know who Oliver Zoco is?

- What to you think? - I don't know him personally.

But you know what he does, don't you?

- What do you think? - Nothing.

I can convince him to arrange something for this week, in the morning.

- But you have to go. - I'm going.

If it goes along, I'll text you the night before...

...with the place and hour they'll pick you up.

- I'll give you my number. - I already have it.

I like your new scar.

I'm going to the bathroom.

"Hidden number: Humilladero Square. 11:00"

- Excuse me. - Yes?

If you ever need a ride, this is my card.

- It will be a pleasure. - Thanks.

- Welcome Barbara. - Thank you.

I'm Adela, Oliver's assistant. Thank you for coming.

Thanks to you.

Come with me please.

You can wait in this room.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Thank you Adela.

You're welcome.

First of all, I would like to thank you for coming to our house.

Thanks to you.

Ada's told me wonders, but I have to confess that...

...despite not having met you, I'd heard of you a long time ago.

I'm glad to have you with us.


- Do you like bullfights? - No, not much to be honest.

Neither do I.

But it's funny that Spain is the country where bullfighting is most popular.

Do you know why Spain is in perennial clash?

Because we don't know whether we're a rational or an emotional country.

The Nordic countries, for example, are cerebral countries.

Still, Arabs or Latinos have accepted their passionate side with no complex or guilt.

They all know which side dominates.

We Spaniards are in a balance hanging right in the middle.

That's the way we are.

Like bullfights. And what are bullfights?

The depiction of the struggle between instinct and technique.

Between emotion and reason.

We have to accept our instincts and learn to handle them... if they were a bull, so they don't destroy us.

This is exactly what we offer our clients.

Could you remove your clothes, please?

You're very beautiful.



Open it, please.

I want you to memorize that word.


Excuse my insistence, but according to my experience with other women...'s likely you'll forget it when you enter the room.

And it's very, very important that you remember that word.

Once inside, that's the word halting all, whenever you want it to stop.

Remember. Everything will stop only when you pronounce that word.

There's no other way. I want you to understand this.

I get it.

The longer you take to say it, the more money you will make.

Do you understand the process?


Return the card to Adela.

Are you ready?

Then step into the next room, please.

<i>I'm Barbara. I got the money.</i>

<i>It's 14 bills, 500 euros each.</i>

<i>- Yes. - Good.</i>

<i>I want you to go to the library in Puerta de Toledo...</i>

<i>...and leave the money inside the Spanish Constitution book.</i>

<i>You want me to leave 7,000 euros in a public library?</i>

<i>Nobody is taking that book.</i>

<i>As you want.</i>

<i>Put the money in an envelope and leave it in the gap at the book spine...</i>

<i>...not between the pages. Do you understand?</i>


<i>I have your husband's number. If I sense anything funny, I'll call him.</i>



Alicia, supper's ready.

Cream of vegetables?

- Don't you feel like it? - Well...

This is different, it has a special ingredient.

It tastes like always.

You have to keep on eating to feel the difference.

I don't know.

Did you get the grade on your therapy work?

Not yet, I think next week.

If you feel bad you don't have to go to school.

No, I'm fine.


Tell me.

I want to tell you something.

What is this?

The special ingredient.

"Look inside the microwave."

"Look under the salad."

"Look behind the sofa."

Do you want to try it?


- Anything wrong? - What?

- Looking for something? - No.

- Is everything ok, darling? - Yes, I love the dress.

- Are you sure? - I'm very happy.


What are you having?

A beer.

- No, better a liqueur coffee. - Very well.

I'm having another.

What do you want?

I need more money.

<i>- No.</i> - How come no?

<i>I can't, I don't have any more.</i>

Yes you can, your husband is loaded.

I don't have any money, understand?

I didn't ask my husband for the money I gave you. I can't ask him.

<i>You said you weren't bothering me again, and I fulfilled my part of the deal.</i>

It's not so easy.

You're a son of a bitch.

<i>I'm a son of a bitch. It's you cheating your husband.</i>

I told you I didn't find you disgusting, and it's true. I feel pity for you.

<i>You'll have your money. How much?</i>

20,000. For the day after tomorrow.

That day I'll go to the library, and I want it at the same spot.

Do you understand?


- Barbara. - Hello.

- What time is it? - Noon.

I just went to bed.

I need to ask you for something.

It's urgent.

- How urgent? - Very.

I'll hear you on one condition.

- Which one? - Buy churros.

- Do you want some? - No.

Did I say porras or churros?

- What? - Did I say porras or churros?

- Churros. - Really?


- I think I told you porras. - You told me churros, Ada.

- I didn't expect to see you again. - I didn't expect to come back.

What are you doing here then?

I need more money.


How much more?


- With the same conditions? - No.

- Then maybe. - I need it for the day after tomorrow.

That's utterly impossible. I'm very sorry.

I'm willing to go through the black lizard door.

What are you talking about?

The door with a black lizard drawing at Oliver's.

I don't know what door you're talking about.

You know it, Ada.

Is there a napkin?

What have you heard about that door?

- Likely the same things as you. - I don't think so. Not really.

- Go home, Barbara. - No.

Go home.

Call me later and we can arrange three or four jobs for next week.

I beg you.

I'm begging you too.

I don't want to get mad.

I'm going. If you don't arrange it, I'm going alone.

The only difference is you'll lose your share.

I don't care. I don't want to have anything to do with this.

- Is it final? - Yes.


Barbara, don't do it. I beg you.


Hello, I'm Barbara, the girl you took to Oliver Zoco's house the other day.

<i>- Hello Barbara, how do you do?</i> - I'm fine.

<i>Do you want me to take you anywhere?</i>

No. Actually I wanted to ask you some other thing.

<i>Really? Tell me.</i>

I'd like to ask you about the black lizard door at Oliver's.

<i>What do you want to know?</i>

I wanted to know...

I want to go through that door tomorrow.


<i>The driver will be at your front door tomorrow at 11:00.</i>

Thanks for arranging this.

Good morning.

Good morning.

- How are you? - Fine.

Well, this is our last session.

I'd like to thank you. It's been very easy to work with you.

And I wish you the best from now on.

Thank you very much.

I'd like you to evaluate your progress...

...and to tell me in which areas you think you've improved...

...and what you should keep working on outside.

To be honest, I still have a lot to improve.

It takes time. Indeed I have something for you.

- And this? - A present.

You shouldn't have...

- Thank you. - You're welcome.

Damian, you're a good man. Don't forget it.


I want to ask you something.

Sure, tell me.

I don't know how difficult it will be.

We'll see. What is it?

I don't want to go out tomorrow.

What do you mean?

I don't want to go out of jail. I want to stay here.

I don't know for how long, but I know I'm not ready.

Would you like to explain it to me?

I thought of hitting a guard or an inmate.

But I don't want to waste all this time we've worked together.

That's why I'm asking you personally.

And to avoid hurting others.

I don't get it. Why don't you want to go out?

Because I'm afraid.

What are you afraid of?

Of meeting Barbara again.


It's 6.20.

Thank you.

How do you say "thank you" in Chinese?

And this.

Excuse me, are you alright?

Are you alright?


She was in the stairs near the landing...

...and I've brought her home so I could help her.

I don't know if it was the right thing to do.

She's conscious but in bad shape. Really bad.

Yes, send it as soon as possible.


The ambulance will come right away.


Thank you.

You look very old.

Can you hand me my bag, please?

I need a favor.

What do you want?

Could you return this book to the library in Puerta de Toledo?

The Constitution.

Could you return it?

I don't think you should worry about this right now.


The ambulance will arrive soon, you'll see.

It's very important, Damian.

Tomorrow I will do it.

Damian, help me.

What else do you want me to do?

Give me your hand.

If we need anything else, we'll contact you.


- Thanks a lot, good night. - Good night.


<i>- Is it Damian?</i> - Yes, I am. Who is this?

<i>Sorry to bother you. I'm Alfredo, Barbara's husband.</i>

<i>The woman you helped last night.</i>

Ah, good morning.

<i>I got your number from the hospital.</i>

I've already talked to the police. See, I found your wife in the landing...

<i>No, don't worry.</i> I've called to thank you.

Thank you very much.

<i>Well, I did as anybody else would have.</i>

- Thank you very much. <i>- You are welcome.</i>

How's your wife?

<i>She just started talking.</i>

- Did she tell you what happened to her? - No.

And the doctors?

Doctors say...

They don't know anything.

The first thing she said is that she wanted to talk to you.

She wants to thank you.


She has to start talking. I need you to talk to her.

About anything. I'd be very grateful.

It will only be for a few minutes. - Ok, don't worry.


We're at the San Gabriel Hospital. Room 239.

I'm here.

Ok, see you.

<i>See you.</i>

- Damian, isn't it? - Yes.

- I'm Alfredo. Thanks for coming. - You're welcome.

I'm going to the cafe. Do you want anything?

No, thank you.

I'll be back soon, my love.

I told you before but thank you very much.

Don't mention it.

Sit down.

I'm fine here.

Sit down, please.

- Have you met my husband? - He didn't know me.

- I've never talked to him about you. - Better.

- Did you return the book? - Yes.

You're still very tender.

You've always seen me that way.

Because it's true.

You're very tender and a good man.

You're my guardian angel.

You were on my doorstep. I would've helped anybody.

It was the only place I could go to.

How did you know where I live?

Barbara, I have to go. I really hope you get well soon.

Don't go.

What do you want?

I need something else.

What else do you want, Barbara?

I want to tell you what happened.

No, tell your husband or the police.

I only trust you.

I'm sorry for what happened but, please, let me go.

I beg you.

Ok, go.

I'm sorry.

It's ok.

Thank you.

I want to tell you.

- You must tell the police. - I can't.

- Why can't you? - Because, I'm afraid.

What are you afraid of, Barbara?

Swear to me you won't tell anybody.

What has happened to you?

A man.

A man has done that to you.

Has a man done that to you, Barbara?

Why? How could he?

Did he rape you?


I didn't know him, only by sight, at the library.

He started harassing me.

I don't know, I think he followed me...

Enough, please. Drop it.

How does he look like?

I'll be damned! Pitagoras!

- How are you? - What's up?

What are you doing here?

- I've come to see you. - Really?

When were you released?

- It'll be one year next month. - One year, my god.

Come in, please.

How good to see you, really.

You know what? Last year I got the school degree,

and now I can help my brother-in-law with his stuff. I'm good at numbers.

It's true, you were good.

- Do you mind? - No.

A lot of memories are coming back to me,

and I have a feeling like ten years or more have gone by.

And ever since I went out I'm clean, you know?

I don't take anything but joints and sometimes a bit of MDMA.

But in short, nothing, clean.

What about Rat and Cao?

I left them there working on their degrees like you.

You've always been a great teacher.

I always tell my sister and brother-in-law how much you helped me in prison.

- Thanks a lot. - You're welcome.

No, thanks.

We couldn't convince my father at first, but now he smokes 15 a day,

relying on marijuana for pain relief.

- You know, he has prostate cancer. - I'm sorry.


...remember what you told me when you passed your first exam in prison?


You told me to look for you if I needed anything after getting released.

Now I need something.

<i>"The moon kisses your pure tears"</i>

<i>"Like a promise of good fortune"</i>

<i>"People call you Fire Girl"</i>

<i>"And they are letting you die of thirst"</i>

<i>"Oh Fire Girl, oh Fire Girl"</i>

<i>"Inside my soul I have a fountain"</i>

<i>"So your guilt bends to drink"</i>

<i>"Oh Fire Girl, oh Fire Girl"</i>

<i>"Woman that cries and suffers"</i>

<i>"I offer you salvation"</i>

<i>"I offer you salvation"</i>

<i>"Affection is blind"</i>

<i>"I'm a good and sympathetic man"</i>

<i>"Come on, come with me, Fire Girl"</i>

See you later.


- What are you having? - A liqueur coffee.

Right away.


Good evening.

- What would you like? - Rioja, if you have.

- I have the house Rioja. - That's fine.

- Thanks. - To you.

I'm out for a smoke.

- Excuse me, do you have a light? - Yes, of course.

- Thank you. - You're welcome.

- Do you know who's playing? - Pardon?

- I asked if you knew who's playing. - No, not really.

- You don't like football. - Not much.

A mortal sin in this country.

- What about you? - I like to watch it.

I like to watch the NT games, but I don't follow any club.

I like sports, but not the business

Few things are not businesses anymore.

I remember when I used to teach, a few years ago,

that I coached the school's futsal team.

It was nothing, but they had a good time, which was the point.

Nowadays they only want to be famous and have a top model for a girlfriend.

To become an athlete comes last.

- Did you used to teach? - Yes.

- What field? - Mathematics.

I was literature teacher.

- So you're a teacher as well. - Was, now I'm unemployed.

The state of Education is terrible. Terrible.

I'm going in.

Thank you.

Do you mind if I sit there?

- Sure, go ahead. - Thanks.

- Damian, please to meet you. - Luis.

- Are you from the neighborhood? - No, I've come to visit a friend.

- Do you live here? - Yes, all my life.

- It's a nice quarter, isn't it? - Yes it is.


How long it's been since you worked as a teacher?

Like... half a year. It happened suddenly due to cutbacks.

My God, I don't know where we're going.

Education, which is the cornerstone of a critical society...

Well, which politician is interested in a critical society nowadays?

I'm telling you, no one.

I think the education degree should be tougher.

It's a too responsible and risky job.

Too risky.

I myself haven't enjoyed an easy life, you know?

I've been in jail.

I've lived for ten years with murderers, pedophiles, rapists...

But I assure you that the only time I've felt real terror was in class...

...facing a 12-year-old girl.

I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, because you know that girl too.

Her name is Barbara.

Don't do anything stupid. I have a gun in my pocket.

Barbara has fully updated me.

You're going to do whatever I tell you, just like that.


Very polite.

As I've told you, I've been in prison once.

It was precisely for helping Barbara, indeed.

A long time ago. That's another story. Kipling?

When she told me what you'd done to her, I thought of many things to do with you.

In every one of them you ended up dead and me back in prison.

And I'm not fit for that anymore.

So then, I thought of something.

Look, I'm taking the gun out of my pocket and put it on the table.

What I want you to do is to take the gun and kill me.

Are we clear? I want you to kill me in front of those two people.

If you warn the waiter, the police comes and I step out alive through that door...

...I guarantee you and your family, if you have it, will die sooner or later.

Ten years in prison are enough to meet people...

...who wouldn't charge me that much to do me this favor.

Barbara doesn't want the rape to be known.

But that doesn't keep you from spending a few years in prison for murder.

Rape? I didn't rape that woman.

How dare you to deny it!

I don't understand anything.

You raped and ruined her, and I'm going to ruin your life, that's all.

No, that's not true. She slept with me because she wanted to.

- What are you saying? - She slept with me because she wanted to.

- I blackmailed her, but I never hurt her. - You blackmailed her?

We slept together and I recorded it.

I threatened her to show her husband the record in order to ask her for money.

But I haven't raped her.

Did you record it? How?

I recorded the sound on my cell phone. It's all there.

- Does her husband know? - No. At least not by me.

- Barbara slept with you! - Yes.

Barbara cheated her husband to sleep with you!



Don't move!

Turn around.

Turn around!


Luis, your father...

...your father has asked me... bring him his cell phone to the bar.

Is it that one?

Well, that's it.


Turn around.

Turn around, don't look at me.

Don't look at me!

Don't look at me!



Where's your husband?

He's gone home.

I've settled everything.

You're my guardian angel.

That man won't bother you again.

Or blackmail you.

Don't you give it to me?

I can't.

Why can't you?

Because I don't have it.

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